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MDeC’s high growth companies
are all set to grab global
FINEXUS International
Sdn Bhd has long
enjoyed success in ASEAN.
Next up, the world!
eceos sdn bhd’s
jailani mustafa,
dreams big in
global expansion
The Next
The Next
issue 1 vol 1
his year, MDeC is celebrating its
years, MDeC has been successful
in attracting investments from
world-class and cutting-edge companies
from an extensive range of industries.
Since its inception, MSC Malaysia has
contributed over RM275.04 billion in
revenue to the Malaysian economy,
RM206.14 billion worth of investments
and has created more than 147,000
jobs. These include 436 companies in
the Creative Multimedia Cluster, over
110 Institutions of Higher Learning
and Incubators, 2,665 Information
Technology companies and more than
400 Shared Services & Outsourcing
MDeC’s mandate was expanded
by the Prime Minister in 2011 to strive
towards Malaysia’s vision of a fully
developed digital economy by 2020
through Digital Malaysia. MDeC was
conferred to develop a sustainable
digital economy built upon a vibrant ICT
industry with a transformational use of
digital solutions, together with a robust
and enabling ecosystem. The effort
has seen the Digital Economy agenda
contributing a significant growth to our
nation’s gross domestic product (GDP).
We are, of course, not resting on our
laurels. Another milestone is in the works
for MDeC and we are working hard to
realise it. Among many of the charters
that we need to focus on are strengthening
Malaysia’s position as a top shared
services and outsourcing hub, attracting
more ICT investments (both foreign and
local), ensuring a growing pool of talent
for the ICT sector, as well as promoting
the growth of a new generation of MSC-
status companies to achieve success and
high annual growth rate.
To ensure that we achieve all that
we have set out to do, we need
to bolster and build our existing
globalisation strategy,which has led
to the launch of MDeC Americas.
The primary functions of the Silicon Valley
office are to assist promising MSC-status
companies with market access, funding
opportunities, technology capabilities
and opportunities for mergers and
acquisitions. Our expansion will also act
as a launchpad for Malaysian companies
to target the global market.
There are many notable MSC
Malaysia-status companies. Today
we would like to draw attention to
two companies. They are Finexus
and eCEOs. Finexus specialises in
Banking Solutions and Outsourcing
services, with presence in 10 major
ASEAN cities, while eCEOs specialises
in Business Intelligence Solution &
PMO Outsourcing, with offices in
Kuala Lumpur and Jakarta. These two
companies have proven that going
global can take their businesses to
another level. They are great examples
of success that we all can look up to
and we do hope that more will follow in
their footsteps.
Read all about these two success
stories in this handout to find out what it
takes to bring your business to the global
s Malaysia heads towards becoming
a digital economy, the development
and emphasis on ICT has taken
precedence since the introduction
of MSC Malaysia by the Multimedia
Development Corporation (MDeC) two
decades ago. As announced by MDeC in
its 2014 Performance report, the initiative
has since generated RM38.52 billion(bn) in
revenue in 2014, with RM20.09bn in new
investments – 55% of it coming from direct
domestic investments (DDI).
“While foreign direct investments (FDIs)
are important, DDIs are equally crucial
for the Malaysian ICT sector. This is
especially vital as the agency spearheads
its globalisation initiative, where we are
bringing the bustle to Malaysia. We would
like to emulate our very own Silicon Valley
here,” says Norhizam Kadir, Vice President
of Infotech Division, MDeC.
“The initiative is part of a transformation
plan within MDeC to expand the MSC footprint
on a more global level. We have a portfolio
of successful Malaysian companies that have
made their mark on the global platform.”
Under this newly introduced initiative,
Norhizam shares that the agency hopes to
provide ICT players in the country with the
essentials and support to go global in the
highly competitive business environment.
The programme highlights four key pillars:
market access; technology disruption;
funding ecosystem; and building capabilities
and leadership.
“We want to help Malaysian
technopreneurs tap into the wide
range of opportunities outside of
the country; even in ASEAN itself,
there is a huge market opportunity. It is an
open field for ICT players. To do this, we
must identify technology disruptions and
ensure companies are future proof,” he says.
There are five focus areas, which MDeC
have deemed to be future proof, namely
Big Data Analytics; the Internet of Things
(IoT); Cloud Computing and Data Centres;
e-Commerce and Information Security.
Norhizam adds: “We are also continually
educating and reinforcing the importance of
research & development (R&D) in ensuring
their businesses are sustainable.”
This is further emphasised as MDeC
Americas Inc, an entity under MDeC, signs a
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with
Palo Alto Research Centre (PARC) to enable
MSC Malaysia companies to leverage
Silicon Valley’s innovation ecosystem for
the creation of new or enhanced Intellectual
Property (IP).
The partnership aims to facilitate the global
footprint expansion of Malaysian MSC-status
companies through shared R&D programmes,
as well as opening up opportunities to work
with PARC research scientists and officers.
On the funding front, the agency is providing
guidance on how to navigate various capital
injection platforms, including but not limited to
venture capitals and private equity investors.
He adds: “In fact, just recently, we took a total
of 21 high growth companies to Silicon Valley
for an immersive training for these companies to
connect and accelerate their busineses with the
valley’s ecosystems.”
Though MDeC’s globalisation initiative
is targeted towards high growth MSC
companies, the agency is doing equally
as much for the smaller growing local ICT
players looking to expand their footing in the
Malaysian and regional markets.
Of course, the path to holistically realising
the Digital Malaysia initiative is not without
its challenges. Norhizam reveals that a
conducive environment is just the beginning
in accelerating opportunities within
Malaysia. While the country is already on
track with its policies and initiatives, the
challenge of enhancing these players further
still remains.
“We have to date 3,600 MSC-status
companies from more than 40 countries
operating in Malaysia, with two-thirds being
local and mostly Small to Medium Enterprises
(SMEs). We have the quantity of companies
to partake in our globalisation initiative, but
we must also ask ourselves if we are providing
enough infrastructure within Malaysia for them
to reach that level,” he shares.
Moving forward, Norhizam and his team
is looking towards IT from a holistic point-of-
view, where it complements, enhances and
reinforces existing initiatives to grow the
ICT industry, as well as create and nurture a
competitive technology eco-system. This will
position Malaysia as a globally attractive ICT
hub and preferred location for ICT companies
to operate from resulting in increased domestic
Gross National Income (GNI), revenue, and
job creation.
“Infotech supports both the MSC and
Digital Malaysia’s desire to expand and
enrich the use of ICT services in moving
towards Vision 2020. We want to generate
catalytic reactions and create the right
environment for our companies to grow.
We want to keep growing and continue
to attract the right companies to invest in
Malaysia,” he concludes.
ome to many entrepreneurs, start-ups
and global technology companies in
the United States, and perhaps the
landmark for all things technology,
Silicon Valley in Northern California has
gained credence as the place to be for
industry players. It is unsurprising that
business hopefuls look up to success stories
emerging from the famed area as guidance
to how they too can succeed.
Aiming to provide some insights and
inspiration to Malaysian technology
companies, the Multimedia Development
Corporation (MDeC) – together with its
American counterpart MDeC Americas Inc. -
hosted its inaugural Silicon Valley Immersion
programme early November 2015.
“It is timely for us to take our MSC-
status companies to the next level through
globalisation. We are looking at companies
who have growth rates in excess of 15%
or revenue in excess of RM50 million (or
both). About 20% of our 3,600 MSC-status
companies are already in that category, and
this is really good because these are the
kind of companies who will want to scale
up – they are not start-ups - and are ready to
expand,” says Dato’ Dan E Khoo, President
of MDeC Americas.
“What we are doing in MDeC
Americas is to see how we can help
these companies expand their global
footprint in the United States…
starting out with Silicon Valley.”
A total of 21 high growth MSC companies
were selected by the agency to experience
the hustle and bustle of Silicon Valley, as well
as witness firsthand on what it takes to be a
global technology player.
“Silicon Valley is well-known globally
to be an innovative technology ecosystem
that is constantly evolving. (Through this
programme,) we want our companies to be
there to understand these changes and how
to take advantage of them, to better compete
with the rest of the world,” he adds.
The five-day programme started off with
delegates meeting with Accelerators, such as
RocketSpace, Galvanize and BootUp World,
to help them better understand what each of
these companies can offer.
“For companies who are ready to expand
into the Americas, we want to help them in
their landing into this market through three key
initiatives: Immerse, Connect and Accelerate.
Through four vertical areas, namely Market
access, IP Creation; Mergers & Acquisitions;
and Risk Capital; we want to help them so
that they can be ready to basically land and
hit the ground running,” Khoo shares.
Accelerators are a key component in
Silicon Valley’s innovative ecosystem, as they
provide support to early-stage high-growth
potential companies – from office space,
internet access, mentoring to networking,
accounting and legal services, besides being
an ideal place to discover new technologies,
talents, business models and products.
Additionally, participants were also
brought to meet a handful of mentors - a mix of
market experts, notable serial entrepreneurs
and venture capitalists - to discuss market
access strategies, funding opportunities and
business models.
This was a good opportunity for the 21
company representatives, as these mentors
are the best people to provide feedback.
In fact, many are established entrepreneurs
who were more than willing to share their
pains and gains in attaining success.
Aside from providing participants with a
wealth of knowledge on how to make their
businesses ready for the global market, the
immersion programme also featured a panel
discussion on how to do business in the US,
which included identifying opportunities,
understanding the process of incorporating
their business there and how to navigate the
tax and legal systems respectively.
For many of the participants, it was
an eye-opening experience – one that
doesn’t come very often. MDeC hopes
that through the programme, the selected
business owners can further advance their
leadership and entrepreneurial skills; be
connected to a network of venture capitalists,
market leaders and notable entrepreneurs;
giving participants international market
exposure and access; identifying investment
opportunities within US-based companies;
and kickstarting the process of establishing
presence in the US.
EC-Council 2015
Cloud SEA 2015
ASEAN Market Entry
Strategy Seminar
Pilot Program
GoRegionalStrategy by
eCommerce Focus AreaLevel Up Media Briefing
Group photo at Forbes event
MDeC Americas, which has been operational
since August 2015, aims to drive the global
expansion of Malaysia’s ICT industry and catalyse
the interconnection of Silicon Valley and MSC
Malaysia’s ecosystems to enhance our digital
transformation. Headed by Dato’ Dan E Khoo,
the office acts as a gateway for high-growth MSC
Malaysia companies to penetrate the American
and global market, as well as attracting Foreign
Direct Investments (FDIs) from US-based ICT multi-
national corporations into MSC Malaysia.
Specialised Marketing Mission
(SMM) on ICT to Bangkok, Thailand
World Economic Forum
(WEF) 2015
Highlights of 2015
Its region-wide success did not happen
overnight. Through hard work and
perseverance, Loh and his business
partners built the company’s repertoire
by accepting systems integration services
jobs for the first five years.
“We have come a long way. We
started with RM250,000 seed money but
within six months, we were only left with
RM150,000 – I was anxious at the time.
At that point, we did anything our clients
asked us to, as long as there was cash
flow into the company. From cabling and
writing ad-hoc program, to conducting
training, we did it all! Whatever to stay
We invested our hard earned-money
into the R&D of our banking solutions.
It paid-off! Today, we have a suite of
banking solutions,” Loh shares.
Since then, FINEXUS has become
one of the preferred banking solutions
provider in the region, while growing
its business portfolio with outsourcing
services at the same time. The affable
Loh reveals the company ventured and
established its presence in ASEAN
since 2007 and today, its annual
revenue exceeds RM30 million.
FINEXUS’ 16-years success story does
not stop here. Loh shares his dreams
of expanding to the United States and
Europe within the next five to seven years
– an ambition that he hopes would come
true with the guidance of the Multimedia
Development Corporation Sdn Bhd
“In line with our global expansion
plans, we are both honoured and
privileged to be chosen by MDeC
as a potential global company.
We had the opportunity to travel
to the famed Silicon Valley with 20
other Malaysian ICT companies in
November 2015. It was an amazing
experience, which brings us a step closer
to realising our goal - a business that has
not only expanded regionally, but globally
as well. I want to be known as a global
company born and bred in Malaysia.”
Additionally, through MDeC’s diverse
network, Loh hopes to learn and tap into
other successful entrepreneurs under the
government agency’s programmes. One
he banking/finance industry has
long been one of Malaysia’s
bigger economic contributors.
As we enter a highly competitive
environment, the performance of
financial services need to be improved
with the use of new technologies, to
achieve operational efficiencies from
the front to back office.
In a recent speech, Dato’ Muhammad
bin Ibrahim, Deputy Governor of Bank
Negara Malaysia (BNM), shares the
banking sector in Malaysia has come
a long way - growing both in strength
and stature - and has undergone some
fundamental changes brought on by the
Financial Sector Masterplan (FSMP).
Such changes include addressing
transformational technology, which will
further propel Malaysia’s banking sector
into one that is best-in-class - fitting of a
developed nation.
Having been involved with the banking
sector from the start of his career, Clement
Loh, Group Managing Director of
FINEXUS International Sdn Bhd, saw the
vast opportunities in improving banking
operational processes using technology.
“Even 20 years ago, the banking
industry has been one of the largest
consumers of technology. Back then,
everything was done manually - it was
tedious and unproductive. We saw
great potential to automate banking
operations,” says Loh.
The company has since grown leaps
and bounds since its inception in 2000,
starting from just two people to now
employing more than 250 talents across
ASEAN, mostly located in its hub in Kuala
Lumpur. It is currently servicing Central
Banks and many banking institutions
within the ASEAN region, including the
ones in Malaysia.
Our Success
of the advantages of becoming an MSC-
status company, FINEXUS continues to
benefit from the wealth of information and
incentives to increase its global footprint.
Despite its success as both a banking
solutions and outsourcing services
provider, FINEXUS is not resting on its
laurels. It is currently venturing into a new
business endeavour – one that addresses
the current financial services trends.
“We would like to be a FinTech
company as we are moving into the retail
market. Our current business model
mainly deals with Business-To-Business
(B2B) and Business-To-Government
(B2G). We are exploring the Business-To-
Consumer (B2C) landscape through the
introduction of our in-house contactless
Mobile Point-of-Sale (POS) for mobile
payments and SME business solutions in
the form of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)
business model,” he shares.
With all these plans in place, it
certainly sounds like FINEXUS is well on
its way to becoming a global contender
in the banking space by continually
innovating and investing in R&D.
“If we remain contented with what
we have achieved thus far, we will most
likely not sustain in the ever-changing
technology landscape. I am building a
business to last!” and that is a legacy
Loh hopes to achieve with FINEXUS.
Our Success
ith the world becoming increasingly
connected through technology, the
business landscape is evolving in
tandem with it. Businesses are facing
greater competition, where they can no longer
afford to just remain within the domestic market.
There is a plethora of opportunities available
globally that one should take into consideration
when expanding one’s business.
For eCEOs Sdn Bhd (eCEOs), the great
ambition of going global has been ingrained
within the mindset of its people and culture on
the get-go. Jailani Mustafa, CEO of eCEOs
says: “Although eCEOs started as a Malaysian
company, we knew we could not just rely on
Malaysia alone to grow our business.”
Jailani’s foresight in growing this premier
IT company came from his 15 years working
with Accenture, where a decade of his tenure at
the global consulting firm was spent outside of
the country. With over 20 years of experience
under his belt, he has helped a multitude of
large multinational clients to manage a number
of global projects.
“I had many opportunities to work with people
from various countries and cultures. I believe in
the concept of unity from diversity,” he adds.
Today, eCEOs is a rapidly growing, multi-
faceted IT company that currently operates in
Malaysia and Indonesia.
Jailani shares: “Since our inception in 2000,
we have swiftly risen through the ranks of Deloitte’s
Technology Fast 500 reaching #52 in 2013 after
being ranked #146 in 2012 – leaving a very
long runway for brisk growth.”global platform.
CEO OF eCEOs sdn bhd
From just offering project management products
and services, the company has expanded to offer
other services such as Business Intelligence; KPI
Management; Enterprise Content Management;
Change Management; and Supply Chain Consulting.
“Currently, our project management solutions
and services contribute 70% of our revenue.
In this space, we compete with multinational
consulting companies that provide PMO (project
management office) services as part of their
portfolio,” he shares of the highly competitive area
the company competes in.
eCEOs was also one of the 21 chosen high-
growth companies that participated in the recent
Silicon Valley immersion programme organised by
the Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC).
“It was an eye opener for me personally. Instead
of being the victim of disruptive business models,
we are in the process of developing a number of
products and services ourselves that we believe
will be the ones bringing the disrupt!
To achieve that, we must continue to innovate
ourselves,” says Jailani.
Having said that, he believes eCEOs is poised
to be the best-in-class for PMO services as
competitors are not on par with eCEOs’ standards
in the way they deliver their services.
“Our PMO services take it a step further as
we ‘walk the talk’ by delivering a digital project
management service. We have seized many
opportunities through the use of our cutting
edge solutions especially with our online project
management solution, ePMO,” he reveals.
It is no wonder eCEOs evinces an extensive list
of blue chip companies and established regional
clients under its belt. The exhaustive list includes
PETRONAS, Telekom Malaysia, TOTAL, the
World Bank and US-based Millennium Challenge
Corporation. Academic institutions such as
University Technology PETRONAS (UTP) and MIT
Global Scale Network are also its patrons.
“Our work with these clients has lent credence
to the quality and ingenuity of our products and
services. We believe that eCEOs is a leader in the
most dynamic, sought after, and rapidly growing
segment of the information technology space,”
Jailani boasts.
He extends his gratitude to MDeC as eCEOs has
benefitted greatly from the various programmes
and initiatives by the agency. Moreover, the
agency has played a pivotal role in its success
during its expansion into new markets.
A challenge for eCEOs was when it encountered
a shortage of skilled talent for a specific domain,
which could only be solved by reaching out to
foreign talents.
“Even on this end, we have managed to solve
this problem through the help of MDeC. Through its
knowledge worker programme, it had enabled us to
train many foreign employees whom we later used to
establish our overseas market,” reveals Jailani. 	
It would not have been able expand into new
markets easily without the assistance of people based
in that locality, people who understand and operate
in that market, which is part of MDeC’s task.
“We would not have achieved what
we have to date without the MSC
initiative. MDeC has been the most value
adding government agency that we
have worked with. We continue to rely
on MDeC to help us become a global
technology company,” he concludes.
Device Acceptance
Technology Obsolescence and
Changing Market Preferences
Device Appeal & Cost
Customer Traction
Application &
Device Ecosystem
IPRs & R&D Capability
Value Drivers Key Risks
Viability of Business Model
& Funding Availability
Not Reaching Eventual
Profitability or Cash Flow
New Competitors and
Business Models
Technological &
Market Obsolescence
Scale & Funding
Customer Stickiness
& Growth
Potential Market
EBITDA Margin &
Working Capital
Value Drivers
Key Risks
2014 2020
Wearable Devices Shipments
in 2014-2020
million units
million units
Activity Trackers
Or Smart Bands
Smart Watches
globally by 2020 that’s approximately
Via Cr
5 6
US$112 billion
The ecommerce sector is
undergoing explosive
growth, attracting
worth of investments
globally in 2014
The increasing penetration of
smartphones, at 24% of the
global population in 2014, is
influencing the growth of
mobile payments.
Asia is
Emerging Social Media Platforms
Sites that allow instant broadcast of
short text, photographs and
multimedia posts to a large audience
or selected friends.
Several text messaging platforms come
with more privacy features such as
self-destructing messages, time-limited
pictures and anonymous posts.
Chatting & Dating
New-generation mobile dating (or
location-based) apps offering users an
ever-increasing range of options.
Location-based, Query, Entertainment
Find locations of interest based on
recommendations, post news to be
shared with those nearby or pose a
question to a pool of users.
is rais
IN 2014
Device Acceptance
Technology Obsolescence and
Changing Market Preferences
Device Appeal & Cost
Customer Traction
Application &
Device Ecosystem
IPRs & R&D Capability
Value Drivers Key Risks
Viability of Business Model
& Funding Availability
Not Reaching Eventual
Profitability or Cash Flow
New Competitors and
Business Models
Technological &
Market Obsolescence
Scale & Funding
Customer Stickiness
& Growth
Potential Market
EBITDA Margin &
Working Capital
Value Drivers
Key Risks
transactions per day
transactions per day
value of Bitcoin
value of Bitcoin
2014 2020
Wearable Devices Shipments
in 2014-2020
million units
million units
Activity Trackers
Or Smart Bands
Smart Watches
globally by 2020 that’s approximately
Funding Volume Raised
Via Crowdfunding
5 6 7
US$112 billion
The ecommerce sector is
undergoing explosive
growth, attracting
worth of investments
globally in 2014
The increasing penetration of
smartphones, at 24% of the
global population in 2014, is
influencing the growth of
mobile payments.
Based on 2014 statistics,
Asia is recording
exponential growth in the
crowdfunding market
contributing 21% to the
global funding volume.
Emerging Social Media Platforms
Sites that allow instant broadcast of
short text, photographs and
multimedia posts to a large audience
or selected friends.
Several text messaging platforms come
with more privacy features such as
self-destructing messages, time-limited
pictures and anonymous posts.
Chatting & Dating
New-generation mobile dating (or
location-based) apps offering users an
ever-increasing range of options.
Location-based, Query, Entertainment
Find locations of interest based on
recommendations, post news to be
shared with those nearby or pose a
question to a pool of users.
Globally, an estimated
is raised every hour
US$87,000 21%
United States
Global Funding Volum
IN 2014
Device Acceptance
Technology Obsolescence and
Changing Market Preferences
Device Appeal & Cost
Customer Traction
Application &
Device Ecosystem
IPRs & R&D Capability
Value Drivers Key Risks
Viability of Business Model
& Funding Availability
Not Reaching Eventual
Profitability or Cash Flow
New Competitors and
Business Models
Technological &
Market Obsolescence
Scale & Funding
Customer Stickiness
& Growth
Potential Market
EBITDA Margin &
Working Capital
Value Drivers
Key Risks
2014 2020
Wearable Devices Shipments
in 2014-2020
million units
million units
Activity Trackers
Or Smart Bands
Smart Watches
globally by 2020 that’s approximately
Via Cr
5 6
US$112 billion
The ecommerce sector is
undergoing explosive
growth, attracting
worth of investments
globally in 2014
The increasing penetration of
smartphones, at 24% of the
global population in 2014, is
influencing the growth of
mobile payments.
Asia is
Emerging Social Media Platforms
Sites that allow instant broadcast of
short text, photographs and
multimedia posts to a large audience
or selected friends.
Several text messaging platforms come
with more privacy features such as
self-destructing messages, time-limited
pictures and anonymous posts.
Chatting & Dating
New-generation mobile dating (or
location-based) apps offering users an
ever-increasing range of options.
Location-based, Query, Entertainment
Find locations of interest based on
recommendations, post news to be
shared with those nearby or pose a
question to a pool of users.
is rais
IN 2014
Device Acceptance
Technology Obsolescence and
Changing Market Preferences
Device Appeal & Cost
Customer Traction
Application &
Device Ecosystem
IPRs & R&D Capability
Value Drivers Key Risks
Viability of Business Model
& Funding Availability
Not Reaching Eventual
Profitability or Cash Flow
New Competitors and
Business Models
Technological &
Market Obsolescence
Scale & Funding
Customer Stickiness
& Growth
Potential Market
EBITDA Margin &
Working Capital
Value Drivers
Key Risks
2014 2020
Wearable Devices Shipments
in 2014-2020
million units
million units
Activity Trackers
Or Smart Bands
Smart Watches
globally by 2020 that’s approximately
US$112 billion
The ecommerce sector is
undergoing explosive
growth, attracting
worth of investments
globally in 2014
The increasing
global popula
influencing th
mobile payme
Emerging Social Media Platforms
Sites that allow instant broadcast of
short text, photographs and
multimedia posts to a large audience
or selected friends.
Several text messaging platforms come
with more privacy features such as
self-destructing messages, time-limited
pictures and anonymous posts.
Chatting & Dating
New-generation mobile dating (or
location-based) apps offering users an
ever-increasing range of options.
Location-based, Query, Entertainment
Find locations of interest based on
recommendations, post news to be
shared with those nearby or pose a
question to a pool of users.
IN 2014
APAC Cloud Services
Software-as-a-service is the largest cloud
segment with an estimated global market
size of around US$37.4 billion in 2014 as
per Frost & Sullivan. Growth rate in APAC
from 2014 to 2019 is projected at 29.5%.
Frost & Sullivan estimates the global
Data Centre & Cloud Services market
to be valued more than US$42 billion
in 2014, a growth of 17.0% over 2013.
Security spending set
to grow in the
banking & finance
transactions per day
transactions per day
value of Bitcoin
value of Bitcoin
The global Big Data market is experiencing exponential growth, to reach US$78
billion by 2020, growing at a CAGR of 18.7% for the period of 2014-2020.
Technological Obsolescence
Security Breach Event
Existing Installed Base
Technological Edge & Efficacy
Completeness of Solution
Value Drivers Key Risks
US$ 36.9
billionUS$ 16.3
ing Volume Raised
6 7
2015 2024
d on 2014 statistics,
is recording
nential growth in the
dfunding market
ributing 21% to the
al funding volume.
Valuation Metrics for Big Data Companies in Different Stages
Number of software
Active Users
Sustainable revenue model
and growth
Number of licences
Sustainable revenue model
and growth
EBITDA margin
Cash flow
Early Stage Growth Stage Late Stage
ally, an estimated
sed every hour
$87,000 21%
United States
Global Funding Volume
APAC Cloud Services
Software-as-a-service is the largest cloud
segment with an estimated global market
size of around US$37.4 billion in 2014 as
per Frost & Sullivan. Growth rate in APAC
from 2014 to 2019 is projected at 29.5%.
Frost & Sullivan estimates the global
Data Centre & Cloud Services market
to be valued more than US$42 billion
in 2014, a growth of 17.0% over 2013.
Security spending set
to grow in the
banking & finance
Viability of Business Model
& Funding Availability
Not Reaching Eventual
Profitability or Cash Flow
New Competitors and
Business Models
Technological &
Market Obsolescence
Scale & Funding
Customer Stickiness
& Growth
Potential Market
EBITDA Margin &
Working Capital
Value Drivers
Key Risks
transactions per day
transactions per day
value of Bitcoin
value of Bitcoin
The global Big Data market is experiencing exponential growth, to reach US$78
billion by 2020, growing at a CAGR of 18.7% for the period of 2014-2020.
Technological Obsolescence
Security Breach Event
Existing Installed Base
Technological Edge & Efficacy
Completeness of Solution
Value Drivers Key Risks
US$ 36.9
billionUS$ 16.3
Funding Volume Raised
Via Crowdfunding
5 6 7
2015 2024
rce sector is
n 2014
The increasing penetration of
smartphones, at 24% of the
global population in 2014, is
influencing the growth of
mobile payments.
Based on 2014 statistics,
Asia is recording
exponential growth in the
crowdfunding market
contributing 21% to the
global funding volume.
ial Media Platforms
Valuation Metrics for Big Data Companies in Different Stages
Number of software
Active Users
Sustainable revenue model
and growth
Number of licences
Sustainable revenue model
and growth
EBITDA margin
Cash flow
Early Stage Growth Stage Late Stage
es that allow instant broadcast of
ort text, photographs and
ultimedia posts to a large audience
selected friends.
veral text messaging platforms come
h more privacy features such as
f-destructing messages, time-limited
tures and anonymous posts.
atting & Dating
w-generation mobile dating (or
cation-based) apps offering users an
er-increasing range of options.
cation-based, Query, Entertainment
nd locations of interest based on
commendations, post news to be
ared with those nearby or pose a
estion to a pool of users.
Globally, an estimated
is raised every hour
US$87,000 21%
United States
Global Funding Volume
IN 2014
APAC Cloud Services
Software-as-a-service is the largest cloud
segment with an estimated global market
size of around US$37.4 billion in 2014 as
per Frost & Sullivan. Growth rate in APAC
from 2014 to 2019 is projected at 29.5%.
Frost & Sullivan estimates the global
Data Centre & Cloud Services market
to be valued more than US$42 billion
in 2014, a growth of 17.0% over 2013.
Security spending set
to grow in the
banking & finance
transactions per day
transactions per day
value of Bitcoin
value of Bitcoin
The global Big Data market is experiencing exponential growth, to reach US$78
billion by 2020, growing at a CAGR of 18.7% for the period of 2014-2020.
Technological Obsolescence
Security Breach Event
Existing Installed Base
Technological Edge & Efficacy
Completeness of Solution
Value Drivers Key Risks
US$ 36.9
billionUS$ 16.3
Funding Volume Raised
Via Crowdfunding
6 7
2015 2024
penetration of
at 24% of the
ion in 2014, is
growth of
Based on 2014 statistics,
Asia is recording
exponential growth in the
crowdfunding market
contributing 21% to the
global funding volume.
Valuation Metrics for Big Data Companies in Different Stages
Number of software
Active Users
Sustainable revenue model
and growth
Number of licences
Sustainable revenue model
and growth
EBITDA margin
Cash flow
Early Stage Growth Stage Late Stage
Globally, an estimated
is raised every hour
US$87,000 21%
United States
Global Funding Volume
APAC Cloud Services
Software-as-a-service is the largest cloud
segment with an estimated global market
size of around US$37.4 billion in 2014 as
per Frost & Sullivan. Growth rate in APAC
from 2014 to 2019 is projected at 29.5%.
Frost & Sullivan estimates the global
Data Centre & Cloud Services market
to be valued more than US$42 billion
in 2014, a growth of 17.0% over 2013.
Security spending set
to grow in the
banking & finance
transactions per day
transactions per day
value of Bitcoin
value of Bitcoin
The global Big Data market is experiencing exponential growth, to reach US$78
billion by 2020, growing at a CAGR of 18.7% for the period of 2014-2020.
Technological Obsolescence
Security Breach Event
Existing Installed Base
Technological Edge & Efficacy
Completeness of Solution
Value Drivers Key Risks
US$ 36.9
billionUS$ 16.3
ing Volume Raised
6 7
2015 2024
d on 2014 statistics,
is recording
nential growth in the
dfunding market
ributing 21% to the
al funding volume.
Valuation Metrics for Big Data Companies in Different Stages
Number of software
Active Users
Sustainable revenue model
and growth
Number of licences
Sustainable revenue model
and growth
EBITDA margin
Cash flow
Early Stage Growth Stage Late Stage
ally, an estimated
sed every hour
$87,000 21%
United States
Global Funding Volume
APAC Cloud Services
Software-as-a-service is the largest cloud
segment with an estimated global market
size of around US$37.4 billion in 2014 as
per Frost & Sullivan. Growth rate in APAC
from 2014 to 2019 is projected at 29.5%.
Frost & Sullivan estimates the global
Data Centre & Cloud Services market
to be valued more than US$42 billion
in 2014, a growth of 17.0% over 2013.
Security spending set
to grow in the
banking & finance
transactions per day
transactions per day
value of Bitcoin
value of Bitcoin
The global Big Data market is experiencing exponential growth, to reach US$78
billion by 2020, growing at a CAGR of 18.7% for the period of 2014-2020.
Technological Obsolescence
Security Breach Event
Existing Installed Base
Technological Edge & Efficacy
Completeness of Solution
Value Drivers Key Risks
US$ 36.9
billionUS$ 16.3
Funding Volume Raised
Via Crowdfunding
6 7
2015 2024
g penetration of
, at 24% of the
ation in 2014, is
he growth of
Based on 2014 statistics,
Asia is recording
exponential growth in the
crowdfunding market
contributing 21% to the
global funding volume.
Valuation Metrics for Big Data Companies in Different Stages
Number of software
Active Users
Sustainable revenue model
and growth
Number of licences
Sustainable revenue model
and growth
EBITDA margin
Cash flow
Early Stage Growth Stage Late Stage
Globally, an estimated
is raised every hour
US$87,000 21%
United States
Global Funding Volume
Ideas XChange

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Ideas XChange

  • 1. 1 iDEAS XChangeGLOBALisationYOUR GATEWAY TO MDeC’s high growth companies are all set to grab global opportunities FinexusFinexus FINEXUS International Sdn Bhd has long enjoyed success in ASEAN. Next up, the world! eCEOseCEOs eceos sdn bhd’s jailani mustafa, dreams big in global expansion The Next Global Invasion The Next Global Invasion issue 1 vol 1
  • 2. 2 SETTING UP A GLOBAL FOUNDATION CEO ADDRESS BY DATO’ YASMIN MAHMOOD | MDEC T his year, MDeC is celebrating its 20thanniversaryandthroughoutthe years, MDeC has been successful in attracting investments from world-class and cutting-edge companies from an extensive range of industries. Since its inception, MSC Malaysia has contributed over RM275.04 billion in revenue to the Malaysian economy, RM206.14 billion worth of investments and has created more than 147,000 jobs. These include 436 companies in the Creative Multimedia Cluster, over 110 Institutions of Higher Learning and Incubators, 2,665 Information Technology companies and more than 400 Shared Services & Outsourcing providers. MDeC’s mandate was expanded by the Prime Minister in 2011 to strive towards Malaysia’s vision of a fully developed digital economy by 2020 through Digital Malaysia. MDeC was conferred to develop a sustainable digital economy built upon a vibrant ICT industry with a transformational use of digital solutions, together with a robust and enabling ecosystem. The effort has seen the Digital Economy agenda contributing a significant growth to our nation’s gross domestic product (GDP). THE NEXT STRATEGIC LEAP We are, of course, not resting on our laurels. Another milestone is in the works for MDeC and we are working hard to realise it. Among many of the charters that we need to focus on are strengthening Malaysia’s position as a top shared services and outsourcing hub, attracting more ICT investments (both foreign and local), ensuring a growing pool of talent for the ICT sector, as well as promoting the growth of a new generation of MSC- status companies to achieve success and high annual growth rate. To ensure that we achieve all that we have set out to do, we need to bolster and build our existing globalisation strategy,which has led to the launch of MDeC Americas. The primary functions of the Silicon Valley office are to assist promising MSC-status companies with market access, funding opportunities, technology capabilities and opportunities for mergers and acquisitions. Our expansion will also act as a launchpad for Malaysian companies to target the global market. There are many notable MSC Malaysia-status companies. Today we would like to draw attention to two companies. They are Finexus and eCEOs. Finexus specialises in Banking Solutions and Outsourcing services, with presence in 10 major ASEAN cities, while eCEOs specialises in Business Intelligence Solution & PMO Outsourcing, with offices in Kuala Lumpur and Jakarta. These two companies have proven that going global can take their businesses to another level. They are great examples of success that we all can look up to and we do hope that more will follow in their footsteps. Read all about these two success stories in this handout to find out what it takes to bring your business to the global marketplace.
  • 3. 3 STRIKING A BALANCE MDEC CONTINUES TO GROW THE MALAYSIAN ICT INDUSTRY, BOTH ON LOCAL AND GLOBAL PLATFORMS. PERSPECTIVE NORHIZAM KADIR VICE PRESIDENT OF INFOTECH DIVISION, MDEC. A s Malaysia heads towards becoming a digital economy, the development and emphasis on ICT has taken precedence since the introduction of MSC Malaysia by the Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) two decades ago. As announced by MDeC in its 2014 Performance report, the initiative has since generated RM38.52 billion(bn) in revenue in 2014, with RM20.09bn in new investments – 55% of it coming from direct domestic investments (DDI). “While foreign direct investments (FDIs) are important, DDIs are equally crucial for the Malaysian ICT sector. This is especially vital as the agency spearheads its globalisation initiative, where we are bringing the bustle to Malaysia. We would like to emulate our very own Silicon Valley here,” says Norhizam Kadir, Vice President of Infotech Division, MDeC. “The initiative is part of a transformation plan within MDeC to expand the MSC footprint on a more global level. We have a portfolio of successful Malaysian companies that have made their mark on the global platform.” GLOBAL PLATFORM Under this newly introduced initiative, Norhizam shares that the agency hopes to provide ICT players in the country with the essentials and support to go global in the highly competitive business environment. The programme highlights four key pillars: market access; technology disruption; funding ecosystem; and building capabilities and leadership. “We want to help Malaysian technopreneurs tap into the wide range of opportunities outside of the country; even in ASEAN itself, there is a huge market opportunity. It is an open field for ICT players. To do this, we must identify technology disruptions and ensure companies are future proof,” he says. There are five focus areas, which MDeC have deemed to be future proof, namely Big Data Analytics; the Internet of Things (IoT); Cloud Computing and Data Centres; e-Commerce and Information Security. Norhizam adds: “We are also continually educating and reinforcing the importance of research & development (R&D) in ensuring their businesses are sustainable.” This is further emphasised as MDeC Americas Inc, an entity under MDeC, signs a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Palo Alto Research Centre (PARC) to enable MSC Malaysia companies to leverage Silicon Valley’s innovation ecosystem for the creation of new or enhanced Intellectual Property (IP). The partnership aims to facilitate the global footprint expansion of Malaysian MSC-status companies through shared R&D programmes, as well as opening up opportunities to work with PARC research scientists and officers. On the funding front, the agency is providing guidance on how to navigate various capital injection platforms, including but not limited to venture capitals and private equity investors. He adds: “In fact, just recently, we took a total of 21 high growth companies to Silicon Valley for an immersive training for these companies to connect and accelerate their busineses with the valley’s ecosystems.” ENHANCING MALAYSIA Though MDeC’s globalisation initiative is targeted towards high growth MSC companies, the agency is doing equally as much for the smaller growing local ICT players looking to expand their footing in the Malaysian and regional markets. Of course, the path to holistically realising the Digital Malaysia initiative is not without its challenges. Norhizam reveals that a conducive environment is just the beginning in accelerating opportunities within Malaysia. While the country is already on track with its policies and initiatives, the challenge of enhancing these players further still remains. “We have to date 3,600 MSC-status companies from more than 40 countries operating in Malaysia, with two-thirds being local and mostly Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs). We have the quantity of companies to partake in our globalisation initiative, but we must also ask ourselves if we are providing enough infrastructure within Malaysia for them to reach that level,” he shares. Moving forward, Norhizam and his team is looking towards IT from a holistic point-of- view, where it complements, enhances and reinforces existing initiatives to grow the ICT industry, as well as create and nurture a competitive technology eco-system. This will position Malaysia as a globally attractive ICT hub and preferred location for ICT companies to operate from resulting in increased domestic Gross National Income (GNI), revenue, and job creation. “Infotech supports both the MSC and Digital Malaysia’s desire to expand and enrich the use of ICT services in moving towards Vision 2020. We want to generate catalytic reactions and create the right environment for our companies to grow. We want to keep growing and continue to attract the right companies to invest in Malaysia,” he concludes.
  • 4. 44 OFF TO SILICON VALLEY! H ome to many entrepreneurs, start-ups and global technology companies in the United States, and perhaps the landmark for all things technology, Silicon Valley in Northern California has gained credence as the place to be for industry players. It is unsurprising that business hopefuls look up to success stories emerging from the famed area as guidance to how they too can succeed. Aiming to provide some insights and inspiration to Malaysian technology companies, the Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) – together with its American counterpart MDeC Americas Inc. - hosted its inaugural Silicon Valley Immersion programme early November 2015. “It is timely for us to take our MSC- status companies to the next level through globalisation. We are looking at companies who have growth rates in excess of 15% or revenue in excess of RM50 million (or both). About 20% of our 3,600 MSC-status companies are already in that category, and this is really good because these are the kind of companies who will want to scale up – they are not start-ups - and are ready to expand,” says Dato’ Dan E Khoo, President of MDeC Americas. “What we are doing in MDeC Americas is to see how we can help these companies expand their global footprint in the United States… starting out with Silicon Valley.” A total of 21 high growth MSC companies were selected by the agency to experience the hustle and bustle of Silicon Valley, as well as witness firsthand on what it takes to be a global technology player. “Silicon Valley is well-known globally to be an innovative technology ecosystem that is constantly evolving. (Through this programme,) we want our companies to be there to understand these changes and how to take advantage of them, to better compete with the rest of the world,” he adds. The five-day programme started off with delegates meeting with Accelerators, such as RocketSpace, Galvanize and BootUp World, to help them better understand what each of these companies can offer. “For companies who are ready to expand into the Americas, we want to help them in their landing into this market through three key initiatives: Immerse, Connect and Accelerate. Through four vertical areas, namely Market access, IP Creation; Mergers & Acquisitions; and Risk Capital; we want to help them so that they can be ready to basically land and hit the ground running,” Khoo shares. Accelerators are a key component in Silicon Valley’s innovative ecosystem, as they provide support to early-stage high-growth potential companies – from office space, internet access, mentoring to networking, accounting and legal services, besides being an ideal place to discover new technologies, talents, business models and products. Additionally, participants were also brought to meet a handful of mentors - a mix of market experts, notable serial entrepreneurs and venture capitalists - to discuss market access strategies, funding opportunities and business models. This was a good opportunity for the 21 company representatives, as these mentors are the best people to provide feedback. In fact, many are established entrepreneurs who were more than willing to share their pains and gains in attaining success. Aside from providing participants with a wealth of knowledge on how to make their businesses ready for the global market, the immersion programme also featured a panel discussion on how to do business in the US, which included identifying opportunities, understanding the process of incorporating their business there and how to navigate the tax and legal systems respectively. For many of the participants, it was an eye-opening experience – one that doesn’t come very often. MDeC hopes that through the programme, the selected business owners can further advance their leadership and entrepreneurial skills; be connected to a network of venture capitalists, market leaders and notable entrepreneurs; giving participants international market exposure and access; identifying investment opportunities within US-based companies; and kickstarting the process of establishing presence in the US.
  • 5. 5 THE OFFICIAL LAUNCHING OF MDEC AMERICAS EVENT EC-Council 2015 Cloud SEA 2015 ASEAN Market Entry Strategy Seminar MyGlobalExport Pilot Program GoRegionalStrategy by eCommerce Focus AreaLevel Up Media Briefing Group photo at Forbes event MDeC Americas, which has been operational since August 2015, aims to drive the global expansion of Malaysia’s ICT industry and catalyse the interconnection of Silicon Valley and MSC Malaysia’s ecosystems to enhance our digital transformation. Headed by Dato’ Dan E Khoo, the office acts as a gateway for high-growth MSC Malaysia companies to penetrate the American and global market, as well as attracting Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs) from US-based ICT multi- national corporations into MSC Malaysia. Specialised Marketing Mission (SMM) on ICT to Bangkok, Thailand World Economic Forum (WEF) 2015 Highlights of 2015
  • 6. 6 FINEXUS INTERNATIONAL SDN BHD HAS LONG ENJOYED SUCCESS IN ASEAN. NEXT UP, THE WORLD! THE WAVE OF EXPANSION TAKING ON ASEAN Its region-wide success did not happen overnight. Through hard work and perseverance, Loh and his business partners built the company’s repertoire by accepting systems integration services jobs for the first five years. “We have come a long way. We started with RM250,000 seed money but within six months, we were only left with RM150,000 – I was anxious at the time. At that point, we did anything our clients asked us to, as long as there was cash flow into the company. From cabling and writing ad-hoc program, to conducting training, we did it all! Whatever to stay afloat. We invested our hard earned-money into the R&D of our banking solutions. It paid-off! Today, we have a suite of banking solutions,” Loh shares. Since then, FINEXUS has become one of the preferred banking solutions provider in the region, while growing its business portfolio with outsourcing services at the same time. The affable Loh reveals the company ventured and established its presence in ASEAN since 2007 and today, its annual revenue exceeds RM30 million. GOING GLOBAL FINEXUS’ 16-years success story does not stop here. Loh shares his dreams of expanding to the United States and Europe within the next five to seven years – an ambition that he hopes would come true with the guidance of the Multimedia Development Corporation Sdn Bhd (MDeC). “In line with our global expansion plans, we are both honoured and privileged to be chosen by MDeC as a potential global company. We had the opportunity to travel to the famed Silicon Valley with 20 other Malaysian ICT companies in November 2015. It was an amazing experience, which brings us a step closer to realising our goal - a business that has not only expanded regionally, but globally as well. I want to be known as a global company born and bred in Malaysia.” Additionally, through MDeC’s diverse network, Loh hopes to learn and tap into other successful entrepreneurs under the government agency’s programmes. One T he banking/finance industry has long been one of Malaysia’s bigger economic contributors. As we enter a highly competitive environment, the performance of financial services need to be improved with the use of new technologies, to achieve operational efficiencies from the front to back office. In a recent speech, Dato’ Muhammad bin Ibrahim, Deputy Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM), shares the banking sector in Malaysia has come a long way - growing both in strength and stature - and has undergone some fundamental changes brought on by the Financial Sector Masterplan (FSMP). Such changes include addressing transformational technology, which will further propel Malaysia’s banking sector into one that is best-in-class - fitting of a developed nation. Having been involved with the banking sector from the start of his career, Clement Loh, Group Managing Director of FINEXUS International Sdn Bhd, saw the vast opportunities in improving banking operational processes using technology. “Even 20 years ago, the banking industry has been one of the largest consumers of technology. Back then, everything was done manually - it was tedious and unproductive. We saw great potential to automate banking operations,” says Loh. The company has since grown leaps and bounds since its inception in 2000, starting from just two people to now employing more than 250 talents across ASEAN, mostly located in its hub in Kuala Lumpur. It is currently servicing Central Banks and many banking institutions within the ASEAN region, including the ones in Malaysia.
  • 7. 7 Our Success FINEXUS of the advantages of becoming an MSC- status company, FINEXUS continues to benefit from the wealth of information and incentives to increase its global footprint. KEEPING UP WITH TRENDS Despite its success as both a banking solutions and outsourcing services provider, FINEXUS is not resting on its laurels. It is currently venturing into a new business endeavour – one that addresses the current financial services trends. “We would like to be a FinTech company as we are moving into the retail market. Our current business model mainly deals with Business-To-Business (B2B) and Business-To-Government (B2G). We are exploring the Business-To- Consumer (B2C) landscape through the introduction of our in-house contactless Mobile Point-of-Sale (POS) for mobile payments and SME business solutions in the form of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) business model,” he shares. With all these plans in place, it certainly sounds like FINEXUS is well on its way to becoming a global contender in the banking space by continually innovating and investing in R&D. “If we remain contented with what we have achieved thus far, we will most likely not sustain in the ever-changing technology landscape. I am building a business to last!” and that is a legacy Loh hopes to achieve with FINEXUS. CLEMENT LOH, GROUP MANAGING DIRECTOR OF FINEXUS INTERNATIONAL SDN BHD
  • 8. 8 Our Success W ith the world becoming increasingly connected through technology, the business landscape is evolving in tandem with it. Businesses are facing greater competition, where they can no longer afford to just remain within the domestic market. There is a plethora of opportunities available globally that one should take into consideration when expanding one’s business. For eCEOs Sdn Bhd (eCEOs), the great ambition of going global has been ingrained within the mindset of its people and culture on the get-go. Jailani Mustafa, CEO of eCEOs says: “Although eCEOs started as a Malaysian company, we knew we could not just rely on Malaysia alone to grow our business.” Jailani’s foresight in growing this premier IT company came from his 15 years working with Accenture, where a decade of his tenure at the global consulting firm was spent outside of the country. With over 20 years of experience under his belt, he has helped a multitude of large multinational clients to manage a number of global projects. “I had many opportunities to work with people from various countries and cultures. I believe in the concept of unity from diversity,” he adds. Today, eCEOs is a rapidly growing, multi- faceted IT company that currently operates in Malaysia and Indonesia. Jailani shares: “Since our inception in 2000, we have swiftly risen through the ranks of Deloitte’s Technology Fast 500 reaching #52 in 2013 after being ranked #146 in 2012 – leaving a very long runway for brisk growth.”global platform. JAILANI MUSTAFA, CEO OF eCEOs sdn bhd
  • 9. 9 eCEOs DREAMS BIG IN GLOBAL EXPANSION BESTINCLASS From just offering project management products and services, the company has expanded to offer other services such as Business Intelligence; KPI Management; Enterprise Content Management; Change Management; and Supply Chain Consulting. “Currently, our project management solutions and services contribute 70% of our revenue. In this space, we compete with multinational consulting companies that provide PMO (project management office) services as part of their portfolio,” he shares of the highly competitive area the company competes in. eCEOs was also one of the 21 chosen high- growth companies that participated in the recent Silicon Valley immersion programme organised by the Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC). “It was an eye opener for me personally. Instead of being the victim of disruptive business models, we are in the process of developing a number of products and services ourselves that we believe will be the ones bringing the disrupt! To achieve that, we must continue to innovate ourselves,” says Jailani. Having said that, he believes eCEOs is poised to be the best-in-class for PMO services as competitors are not on par with eCEOs’ standards in the way they deliver their services. “Our PMO services take it a step further as we ‘walk the talk’ by delivering a digital project management service. We have seized many opportunities through the use of our cutting edge solutions especially with our online project management solution, ePMO,” he reveals. It is no wonder eCEOs evinces an extensive list of blue chip companies and established regional clients under its belt. The exhaustive list includes PETRONAS, Telekom Malaysia, TOTAL, the ON THE GETGO World Bank and US-based Millennium Challenge Corporation. Academic institutions such as University Technology PETRONAS (UTP) and MIT Global Scale Network are also its patrons. “Our work with these clients has lent credence to the quality and ingenuity of our products and services. We believe that eCEOs is a leader in the most dynamic, sought after, and rapidly growing segment of the information technology space,” Jailani boasts. He extends his gratitude to MDeC as eCEOs has benefitted greatly from the various programmes and initiatives by the agency. Moreover, the agency has played a pivotal role in its success during its expansion into new markets. A challenge for eCEOs was when it encountered a shortage of skilled talent for a specific domain, which could only be solved by reaching out to foreign talents. “Even on this end, we have managed to solve this problem through the help of MDeC. Through its knowledge worker programme, it had enabled us to train many foreign employees whom we later used to establish our overseas market,” reveals Jailani. It would not have been able expand into new markets easily without the assistance of people based in that locality, people who understand and operate in that market, which is part of MDeC’s task. “We would not have achieved what we have to date without the MSC initiative. MDeC has been the most value adding government agency that we have worked with. We continue to rely on MDeC to help us become a global technology company,” he concludes.
  • 10. 10 FinancialTechnologyandConsumerDigitalTechnolo TEN KEY TECHNOLOGY AREAS CREATING SIGNIFICANT VALUE FOR CONSUMER AND FIN CONSUMER 10CONNECTED DEVICES/PERSON Device Acceptance Technology Obsolescence and Changing Market Preferences Competition Device Appeal & Cost Customer Traction Application & Device Ecosystem IPRs & R&D Capability Value Drivers Key Risks Viability of Business Model & Funding Availability Not Reaching Eventual Profitability or Cash Flow Goals New Competitors and Business Models Technological & Market Obsolescence Scale & Funding Customer Stickiness & Growth Potential Market EBITDA Margin & Working Capital Value Drivers Key Risks WEARABLES SOCIAL NETWORK EPAYMENT ECOMMERCE INTERNET OF THINGS 20 20 2014 2020 Wearable Devices Shipments in 2014-2020 54% 61% million units million units Activity Trackers Or Smart Bands Smart Watches 210 38 1 2 4 3 billionconnected devices globally by 2020 that’s approximately Fundi Via Cr 5 6 $ US$112 billion The ecommerce sector is undergoing explosive growth, attracting worth of investments globally in 2014 The increasing penetration of smartphones, at 24% of the global population in 2014, is influencing the growth of mobile payments. Based Asia is expon crowd contr globa Emerging Social Media Platforms Microblogging Sites that allow instant broadcast of short text, photographs and multimedia posts to a large audience or selected friends. Texting Several text messaging platforms come with more privacy features such as self-destructing messages, time-limited pictures and anonymous posts. Chatting & Dating New-generation mobile dating (or location-based) apps offering users an ever-increasing range of options. Location-based, Query, Entertainment Find locations of interest based on recommendations, post news to be shared with those nearby or pose a question to a pool of users. Globa is rais US$ 24% IN 2014 FinancialTechnologyandConsumerDigitalTechnologyTrends TEN KEY TECHNOLOGY AREAS CREATING SIGNIFICANT VALUE FOR CONSUMER AND FINANCIAL SERVICES CONSUMER BLOCKCHAIN CROWDFUNDING10CONNECTED DEVICES/PERSON Device Acceptance Technology Obsolescence and Changing Market Preferences Competition Device Appeal & Cost Customer Traction Application & Device Ecosystem IPRs & R&D Capability Value Drivers Key Risks Viability of Business Model & Funding Availability Not Reaching Eventual Profitability or Cash Flow Goals New Competitors and Business Models Technological & Market Obsolescence Scale & Funding Customer Stickiness & Growth Potential Market EBITDA Margin & Working Capital Value Drivers Key Risks WEARABLES SOCIAL NETWORK EPAYMENT BIG DATA & PREDICTIVE ANALY ECOMMERCE INTERNET OF THINGS transactions per day 2015 2012 204,000 transactions per day 2,000 value of Bitcoin US$220 value of Bitcoin US$10 2014 2020 Wearable Devices Shipments in 2014-2020 54% 61% million units million units Activity Trackers Or Smart Bands Smart Watches 210 38 1 2 4 3 billionconnected devices globally by 2020 that’s approximately US$78 billion Funding Volume Raised Via Crowdfunding 5 6 7 8 9 CAGR 18.7% $ US$112 billion The ecommerce sector is undergoing explosive growth, attracting worth of investments globally in 2014 The increasing penetration of smartphones, at 24% of the global population in 2014, is influencing the growth of mobile payments. Based on 2014 statistics, Asia is recording exponential growth in the crowdfunding market contributing 21% to the global funding volume. Emerging Social Media Platforms Microblogging Sites that allow instant broadcast of short text, photographs and multimedia posts to a large audience or selected friends. Texting Several text messaging platforms come with more privacy features such as self-destructing messages, time-limited pictures and anonymous posts. Chatting & Dating New-generation mobile dating (or location-based) apps offering users an ever-increasing range of options. Location-based, Query, Entertainment Find locations of interest based on recommendations, post news to be shared with those nearby or pose a question to a pool of users. Globally, an estimated is raised every hour US$87,000 21% 21% 58% United States Europe Asia Global Funding Volum 24% IN 2014 FinancialTechnologyandConsumerDigitalTechnolo TEN KEY TECHNOLOGY AREAS CREATING SIGNIFICANT VALUE FOR CONSUMER AND FIN CONSUMER 10CONNECTED DEVICES/PERSON Device Acceptance Technology Obsolescence and Changing Market Preferences Competition Device Appeal & Cost Customer Traction Application & Device Ecosystem IPRs & R&D Capability Value Drivers Key Risks Viability of Business Model & Funding Availability Not Reaching Eventual Profitability or Cash Flow Goals New Competitors and Business Models Technological & Market Obsolescence Scale & Funding Customer Stickiness & Growth Potential Market EBITDA Margin & Working Capital Value Drivers Key Risks WEARABLES SOCIAL NETWORK EPAYMENT ECOMMERCE INTERNET OF THINGS 20 20 2014 2020 Wearable Devices Shipments in 2014-2020 54% 61% million units million units Activity Trackers Or Smart Bands Smart Watches 210 38 1 2 4 3 billionconnected devices globally by 2020 that’s approximately Fundi Via Cr 5 6 $ US$112 billion The ecommerce sector is undergoing explosive growth, attracting worth of investments globally in 2014 The increasing penetration of smartphones, at 24% of the global population in 2014, is influencing the growth of mobile payments. Based Asia is expon crowd contr globa Emerging Social Media Platforms Microblogging Sites that allow instant broadcast of short text, photographs and multimedia posts to a large audience or selected friends. Texting Several text messaging platforms come with more privacy features such as self-destructing messages, time-limited pictures and anonymous posts. Chatting & Dating New-generation mobile dating (or location-based) apps offering users an ever-increasing range of options. Location-based, Query, Entertainment Find locations of interest based on recommendations, post news to be shared with those nearby or pose a question to a pool of users. Globa is rais US$ 24% IN 2014 FinancialTechnologyandConsumerDigitalT TEN KEY TECHNOLOGY AREAS CREATING SIGNIFICANT VALUE FOR CONSU CONSUMER 10CONNECTED DEVICES/PERSON Device Acceptance Technology Obsolescence and Changing Market Preferences Competition Device Appeal & Cost Customer Traction Application & Device Ecosystem IPRs & R&D Capability Value Drivers Key Risks Viability of Business Model & Funding Availability Not Reaching Eventual Profitability or Cash Flow Goals New Competitors and Business Models Technological & Market Obsolescence Scale & Funding Customer Stickiness & Growth Potential Market EBITDA Margin & Working Capital Value Drivers Key Risks WEARABLES SOCIAL NETWORK EPAY ECOMMERCE INTERNET OF THINGS 2014 2020 Wearable Devices Shipments in 2014-2020 54% 61% million units million units Activity Trackers Or Smart Bands Smart Watches 210 38 1 2 4 3 billionconnected devices globally by 2020 that’s approximately 5 $ US$112 billion The ecommerce sector is undergoing explosive growth, attracting worth of investments globally in 2014 The increasing smartphones, global popula influencing th mobile payme Emerging Social Media Platforms Microblogging Sites that allow instant broadcast of short text, photographs and multimedia posts to a large audience or selected friends. Texting Several text messaging platforms come with more privacy features such as self-destructing messages, time-limited pictures and anonymous posts. Chatting & Dating New-generation mobile dating (or location-based) apps offering users an ever-increasing range of options. Location-based, Query, Entertainment Find locations of interest based on recommendations, post news to be shared with those nearby or pose a question to a pool of users. 24% IN 2014
  • 11. 11 ogyTrends NANCIAL SERVICES FINANCIAL Source:Frost&Sullivan|Sometechnologiesmayhavebroaderapplicationsbutonlythefinancialorconsumeraspectsarecoveredintheresearchpaper. BLOCKCHAIN CROWDFUNDING 37.4US$ billion APAC Cloud Services Software-as-a-service is the largest cloud segment with an estimated global market size of around US$37.4 billion in 2014 as per Frost & Sullivan. Growth rate in APAC from 2014 to 2019 is projected at 29.5%. Frost & Sullivan estimates the global Data Centre & Cloud Services market to be valued more than US$42 billion in 2014, a growth of 17.0% over 2013. 42US$ billion = CYBER SECURITY Security spending set to grow in the banking & finance sector BIG DATA & PREDICTIVE ANALYSIS DATA CENTRE & CLOUD SERVICES transactions per day 015 012 2014 204,000 transactions per day 2,000 value of Bitcoin US$220 value of Bitcoin US$10 The global Big Data market is experiencing exponential growth, to reach US$78 billion by 2020, growing at a CAGR of 18.7% for the period of 2014-2020. Technological Obsolescence Competition Security Breach Event Existing Installed Base Technological Edge & Efficacy Completeness of Solution Value Drivers Key Risks US$ 36.9 billionUS$ 16.3 billion US$78 billion ing Volume Raised rowdfunding 6 7 8 9 10 CAGR 18.7% 2015 2024 d on 2014 statistics, is recording nential growth in the dfunding market ributing 21% to the al funding volume. 2014 2019 29.5% Valuation Metrics for Big Data Companies in Different Stages Number of software downloads Active Users Growth Sustainable revenue model and growth Number of licences Sustainable revenue model and growth EBITDA margin Cash flow Early Stage Growth Stage Late Stage ally, an estimated sed every hour $87,000 21% 21% 58% United States Europe Asia Global Funding Volume ConsumerDigitalTechnologyTrends IGNIFICANT VALUE FOR CONSUMER AND FINANCIAL SERVICES FINANCIAL Source:Frost&Sullivan|Sometechnologiesmayhavebroaderapplicationsbutonlythefinancialorconsumeraspectsarecoveredintheresearchpaper. BLOCKCHAIN CROWDFUNDING 37.4US$ billion APAC Cloud Services Software-as-a-service is the largest cloud segment with an estimated global market size of around US$37.4 billion in 2014 as per Frost & Sullivan. Growth rate in APAC from 2014 to 2019 is projected at 29.5%. Frost & Sullivan estimates the global Data Centre & Cloud Services market to be valued more than US$42 billion in 2014, a growth of 17.0% over 2013. 42US$ billion = CYBER SECURITY Security spending set to grow in the banking & finance sector Viability of Business Model & Funding Availability Not Reaching Eventual Profitability or Cash Flow Goals New Competitors and Business Models Technological & Market Obsolescence Scale & Funding Customer Stickiness & Growth Potential Market EBITDA Margin & Working Capital Value Drivers Key Risks AL NETWORK EPAYMENT BIG DATA & PREDICTIVE ANALYSIS DATA CENTRE & CLOUD SERVICES MMERCE transactions per day 2015 2012 2014 204,000 transactions per day 2,000 value of Bitcoin US$220 value of Bitcoin US$10 The global Big Data market is experiencing exponential growth, to reach US$78 billion by 2020, growing at a CAGR of 18.7% for the period of 2014-2020. Technological Obsolescence Competition Security Breach Event Existing Installed Base Technological Edge & Efficacy Completeness of Solution Value Drivers Key Risks US$ 36.9 billionUS$ 16.3 billion US$78 billion Funding Volume Raised Via Crowdfunding 5 6 7 8 9 10 CAGR 18.7% 2015 2024 $ billion rce sector is explosive ttracting vestments n 2014 The increasing penetration of smartphones, at 24% of the global population in 2014, is influencing the growth of mobile payments. Based on 2014 statistics, Asia is recording exponential growth in the crowdfunding market contributing 21% to the global funding volume. 2014 2019 29.5% ial Media Platforms Valuation Metrics for Big Data Companies in Different Stages Number of software downloads Active Users Growth Sustainable revenue model and growth Number of licences Sustainable revenue model and growth EBITDA margin Cash flow Early Stage Growth Stage Late Stage croblogging es that allow instant broadcast of ort text, photographs and ultimedia posts to a large audience selected friends. xting veral text messaging platforms come h more privacy features such as f-destructing messages, time-limited tures and anonymous posts. atting & Dating w-generation mobile dating (or cation-based) apps offering users an er-increasing range of options. cation-based, Query, Entertainment nd locations of interest based on commendations, post news to be ared with those nearby or pose a estion to a pool of users. Globally, an estimated is raised every hour US$87,000 21% 21% 58% United States Europe Asia Global Funding Volume 24% IN 2014 TechnologyTrends MER AND FINANCIAL SERVICES FINANCIAL Source:Frost&Sullivan|Sometechnologiesmayhavebroaderapplicationsbutonlythefinancialorconsumeraspectsarecoveredintheresearchpaper. BLOCKCHAIN CROWDFUNDING 37.4US$ billion APAC Cloud Services Software-as-a-service is the largest cloud segment with an estimated global market size of around US$37.4 billion in 2014 as per Frost & Sullivan. Growth rate in APAC from 2014 to 2019 is projected at 29.5%. Frost & Sullivan estimates the global Data Centre & Cloud Services market to be valued more than US$42 billion in 2014, a growth of 17.0% over 2013. 42US$ billion = CYBER SECURITY Security spending set to grow in the banking & finance sector MENT BIG DATA & PREDICTIVE ANALYSIS DATA CENTRE & CLOUD SERVICES transactions per day 2015 2012 2014 204,000 transactions per day 2,000 value of Bitcoin US$220 value of Bitcoin US$10 The global Big Data market is experiencing exponential growth, to reach US$78 billion by 2020, growing at a CAGR of 18.7% for the period of 2014-2020. Technological Obsolescence Competition Security Breach Event Existing Installed Base Technological Edge & Efficacy Completeness of Solution Value Drivers Key Risks US$ 36.9 billionUS$ 16.3 billion US$78 billion Funding Volume Raised Via Crowdfunding 6 7 8 9 10 CAGR 18.7% 2015 2024 $ penetration of at 24% of the ion in 2014, is growth of nts. Based on 2014 statistics, Asia is recording exponential growth in the crowdfunding market contributing 21% to the global funding volume. 2014 2019 29.5% Valuation Metrics for Big Data Companies in Different Stages Number of software downloads Active Users Growth Sustainable revenue model and growth Number of licences Sustainable revenue model and growth EBITDA margin Cash flow Early Stage Growth Stage Late Stage Globally, an estimated is raised every hour US$87,000 21% 21% 58% United States Europe Asia Global Funding Volume ogyTrends NANCIAL SERVICES FINANCIAL Source:Frost&Sullivan|Sometechnologiesmayhavebroaderapplicationsbutonlythefinancialorconsumeraspectsarecoveredintheresearchpaper. BLOCKCHAIN CROWDFUNDING 37.4US$ billion APAC Cloud Services Software-as-a-service is the largest cloud segment with an estimated global market size of around US$37.4 billion in 2014 as per Frost & Sullivan. Growth rate in APAC from 2014 to 2019 is projected at 29.5%. Frost & Sullivan estimates the global Data Centre & Cloud Services market to be valued more than US$42 billion in 2014, a growth of 17.0% over 2013. 42US$ billion = CYBER SECURITY Security spending set to grow in the banking & finance sector BIG DATA & PREDICTIVE ANALYSIS DATA CENTRE & CLOUD SERVICES transactions per day 015 012 2014 204,000 transactions per day 2,000 value of Bitcoin US$220 value of Bitcoin US$10 The global Big Data market is experiencing exponential growth, to reach US$78 billion by 2020, growing at a CAGR of 18.7% for the period of 2014-2020. Technological Obsolescence Competition Security Breach Event Existing Installed Base Technological Edge & Efficacy Completeness of Solution Value Drivers Key Risks US$ 36.9 billionUS$ 16.3 billion US$78 billion ing Volume Raised rowdfunding 6 7 8 9 10 CAGR 18.7% 2015 2024 d on 2014 statistics, is recording nential growth in the dfunding market ributing 21% to the al funding volume. 2014 2019 29.5% Valuation Metrics for Big Data Companies in Different Stages Number of software downloads Active Users Growth Sustainable revenue model and growth Number of licences Sustainable revenue model and growth EBITDA margin Cash flow Early Stage Growth Stage Late Stage ally, an estimated sed every hour $87,000 21% 21% 58% United States Europe Asia Global Funding Volume TechnologyTrends UMER AND FINANCIAL SERVICES FINANCIAL Source:Frost&Sullivan|Sometechnologiesmayhavebroaderapplicationsbutonlythefinancialorconsumeraspectsarecoveredintheresearchpaper. BLOCKCHAIN CROWDFUNDING 37.4US$ billion APAC Cloud Services Software-as-a-service is the largest cloud segment with an estimated global market size of around US$37.4 billion in 2014 as per Frost & Sullivan. Growth rate in APAC from 2014 to 2019 is projected at 29.5%. Frost & Sullivan estimates the global Data Centre & Cloud Services market to be valued more than US$42 billion in 2014, a growth of 17.0% over 2013. 42US$ billion = CYBER SECURITY Security spending set to grow in the banking & finance sector YMENT BIG DATA & PREDICTIVE ANALYSIS DATA CENTRE & CLOUD SERVICES transactions per day 2015 2012 2014 204,000 transactions per day 2,000 value of Bitcoin US$220 value of Bitcoin US$10 The global Big Data market is experiencing exponential growth, to reach US$78 billion by 2020, growing at a CAGR of 18.7% for the period of 2014-2020. Technological Obsolescence Competition Security Breach Event Existing Installed Base Technological Edge & Efficacy Completeness of Solution Value Drivers Key Risks US$ 36.9 billionUS$ 16.3 billion US$78 billion Funding Volume Raised Via Crowdfunding 6 7 8 9 10 CAGR 18.7% 2015 2024 $ g penetration of , at 24% of the ation in 2014, is he growth of ents. Based on 2014 statistics, Asia is recording exponential growth in the crowdfunding market contributing 21% to the global funding volume. 2014 2019 29.5% Valuation Metrics for Big Data Companies in Different Stages Number of software downloads Active Users Growth Sustainable revenue model and growth Number of licences Sustainable revenue model and growth EBITDA margin Cash flow Early Stage Growth Stage Late Stage Globally, an estimated is raised every hour US$87,000 21% 21% 58% United States Europe Asia Global Funding Volume