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April 2017
Message from Dr. Lisa Hale
2017 President
It was my true privilege to represent you, and
ICF-Colorado at the ICF Global Leaders Forum
in Warsaw, Poland, this past week.
Many times over I was reminded of how
magnificent our own chapter Members and
Leadership Team are. I am so proud of you!
The week was an opportunity for chapter
leaders from 70 countries to convene,
brainstorm and collaborate: sharing ideas,
solutions and innovations in coaching. The
Global Leadership board also helped us understand just how
exponentially coaching is growing throughout the globe. The world is
hungry for what you offer and our organization is here to help you be
seen and known.
Tree Planting by ICF-Global and ICF-Poland with Flags from all
represented countries.
President's Message
Leading Successfully
in Uncertain Times
by Andy Scantland
My Credentialing
by Chris Coward
Share your Expertise!
Write an Article for
Invite from Jacquie
Fedo, ICF-CO
Call for Volunteers for
Fall Conference
2017 April Monthly
Upcoming Programs
Oyay! Oyay! Expiring
March and April 2016
ICF Global
Call for Speakers &
Invitation to Play!
Celebrate Earth Day -
April 22, 2017:
ICF-CO Co-Sponsor
Special Interest
Groups (SIGs)
General Meeting
These numbers show your professional ICF coaching association is
healthy and in high-growth:
ICF Membership grows -
30,000 members from 140 countries.
Credential milestone last year: 20,000 ICF Credential-holders.
Chapters were added: Arkansas-Oklahoma, Bahrain, Costa Rica,
Dominican Republic, Egypt, Jordan, North Florida, and Tunisia.
Currently have 131 chapters and charter chapters in more than 70
Compared to March, 2016: 125 chapters in 60 countries.
Regional Advisory Councils developed to -
Bridge between ICF Chapters and Global (ICF-CO met with the Western
RAC in Warsaw).
Create synergy in regions and offer guidance on how to best serve
members in local communities.
ICF Global Leaders Meet and Strategize -
First year in 2015 in Atlanta, GA: 170 leaders from 56 countries (ICF-CO
won a prestigious award at this, the first GLF).
This year in 2017 in Warsaw, Poland: 203 leaders from 70 countries.
Strategic Plan to Expand the Scope and Influence of ICF by -
Establishing a Thought Leadership Institute to capture what coaching is
today and inform our decisions for the future.
Expanding activities of the ICF Foundation (which ICF-NT will explore
joining this year).
Creating offerings for organizations and corporations building coaching
Our particular action items include plans to elevate the visibility of
ICF-Credentialed coaches in Colorado, amplify awareness of the profound
benefits of coaching – and to continue to serve members with exceptional
I encourage each of you to attend our November 10, 2017 annual
conference. In the meantime I’ll share the 2017 ICF Strategic Goals:
1. ICF Members represent excellence in professional coaching.
2. ICF has the strongest global brand.
3. ICF fosters the application of coaching for societal change.
4. ICF is the most relevant professional coaching organization.
5. ICF promotes professional coaching.
Check out ICF
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You Tube
Questions? Email us
Comments? Ideas
to Share?
And when you become an ICF credentialed coach, please remember to
introduce yourself as such: you get to say, "I am an International
Coach Federation credentialed coach," wherever you go.
Plans to expand the scope and influence of the organization also
include priorities within:
A Thought Leadership Institute
The ICF Foundation (go read about this…it’s stunning!)
Building coaching cultures within organizations and corporations
Exploring separation of Credentialing and Program Accreditation functions
Many years ago, I lived in Poland and visited Auschwitz where my own
grandmother was interred. Today, Poland honors the Polish Jews who
were likewise persecuted. One of Warsaw’s finest heroes, Mark Edelman,
said this: "Which will it be?---hate flourishing or love flourishing?
Edelman, Commander of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising who miraculously
lived until 2009, stated: "Hate is very easy. Love requires more effort and
Coaches, we have the opportunity to help Love Flourish.
In service to you,
Dr. Lisa Hale
Leading Successfully in Uncertain Times
By Andy Scantland, Executive Coach, MBA/ CPCC and
ICF Colorado Marketing Director
"It’s tough to know what the future holds for
our team - how do I lead my team when so
much is uncertain right now?"
Leadership - influencing people to follow you -
is tough enough when you know what to
expect. More and more often these days, it
seems the future is uncertain: we don’t know
what will happen in the marketplace, with our
competitors, with our customers, with external
factors like government regulation, the social
media environment, it goes on and on. Sometimes it seems the only
things we know for sure are what we don’t know.
We want our teams to feel supported, engaged, creative and resourceful
at all times. But getting the best from people is hardest when people
don’t have certainty about what’s in front of them.
People respond to uncertainty in many ways but two reactions are almost
Click to Read Full Article
My Credentialing Journey
By Chris Coward, PCC and ICF Colorado Co-Membership
When I finished my coach training with
MentorCoach in 2006, after taking the
marathon approach, I didn’t think about getting
my ACC with the ICF, as I was unclear how it
would benefit me. I had left my day job in the
summer of 2007 and was working with
coaching clients and, of course, not tracking my
hours after my certification with MentorCoach.
My coaching mentor and I were involved in a start up wellness company
where we were envisioning creating our own coach training company that
was credentialed with the ICF. It became clear that I needed to get on
board or I wouldn’t be very credible. Because I had gotten certified with
MentorCoach, which is an ACTP program with the ICF (Accredited Coach
Training Program), there was very little to do but turn in my coaching log
and pay my fee to the ICF. I was surprised at how great it felt to get my
certificate (suitable for framing) and be part of a global organization of
coaches, considering how reluctant I was to get my ACC.
Click to Read Full Article
Share your Expertise! Write an Article for ICF-CO
ICF-CO seeks your article submissions. Our members are our greatest
source of coaching expertise. And, we want our members to learn from
each other. Do you have an idea that might change someone's
perspective? Or, a quick technique that applies to coaching your clients?
Or, a resource to grow your business or coaching practice? We want to
hear from you!
Here's how it works:
• Submit a 750 word or less article by
the 23rd of the month to be included in
the following month. (For example,
submit by March 23 for the April
newsletter). Include a catchy title, your
name, business name, website, email
address, and a headshot so we can
give you proper credit and promote
your business.
• Two articles will be featured each month.
• Submit article to
Invitation from Jacquie Fedo,
ICF Colorado President-Elect
We would like to get to know you! If you are
available to connect prior to the chapter
meeting at 4pm and/or are bringing someone
new, please contact me at
I’d love to meet up with you at the Tavern
Call for Volunteers for Fall Conference
The feedback we have received regarding our Fall Conferences has been
the valuable learning that has resulted from the presentations and
connections attendees have made.
Be a part of continuing to help make our Fall Conference a powerful
experience - we are looking for volunteers to assist with various tasks
leading up to and on the day of the conference.
If you are interested in participating on a committee or assisting with
specific tasks, please contact our Conference Chairs, Ruth and Jim
We kindly request you list a first and second choice regarding
committees of interest to you.
In addition to having people serve on these committees, we have
openings for a Leader for the Promotion Committee and a Leader
for the Speaker Committee.
• Speaker Recruitment
• Sponsor Recruitment
• Logistics
• Promotion/Marketing
Involvement time will depend on which committee and level of
participation desired. We anticipate 10 - 20 hours total up until the start
of the conference.
April 2017 Monthly Program
Mark your calendar and join us!
April 13, 2017
6-7pm - Special Interests Groups
7-9pm - Mini-Presentation and Main Speaker
"How Would You Feel if Someone Complained About You as a Coach?"
Main Speaker: Dr. Michael J. Marx, MBA, PCC, CPCC
Special Interest Groups (SIGs) will be conducted from 6:00 - 6:50pm
before the general meeting.
Lowry Conference Center | 1061 Akron Way, Building 697, Denver, CO
You get a notification from the ICF (International Coach Federation) staff
that someone has filed a complaint about you. The IRB (Independent
Review Board) has determined that the case has legitimacy, and you are
asked to respond to the allegations. How do you feel?
Michael will describe the steps involved in the ECR (Ethical Conduct
Review). This will be a discovery conversation on your ability to reflect
and to adjust. You will see how the ERC is more an educational process
intended to improve your coaching business and your relationships with
your clients, and less a punitive system of Do’s and Don’ts. This
presentation will be fun – promise.
Attendees will gain a more complete understanding of ICF ethics by
participating in the following activities:
• Exploring the ECR process.
• Examining their personal awareness of the ICF CoE (Code of Ethics).
• Determining their personal steps to establish a strong ethical basis for
their coaching business.
About Our Speaker:
Dr. Michael J. Marx, MBA, PCC, CPCC
Blazing New Trails
Michael J. Marx, MBA, EdD, PCC, CPCC is a
Professional Certified Coach specializing in
business coaching and corporate
consultation. A gifted teacher, Michael
holds an MBA from the University of
Louisiana at Monroe, and an EdD in Adult
Education from Regent University. His
passion is adult learning and he serves on the MBA faculty of Concordia
University Wisconsin where he teaches International Business and
International Finance. He also teaches the Ethics course as well as the
Coaching Skills Mastery course for the Professional Christian Coaching
A strong advocate for professionalism in coaching, Dr. Marx has served
on the International Coach Federation ‘Global Ethics & Standards’
committee and on the Ethics subcommittee for educating coaches on
ethical practices. He currently serves as the leader of the ICF ‘Global
Community of Practice on Ethics.’ He also serves on the ICF Independent
Review Board. Additionally, he is the president of Christian Coaches
Network International. He is the author of the recently published book
Ethics and Risk Management for Christian Coaches.
Michael is a sought-after subject matter expert. Noted for his humor and
fun approach, he often speaks and conducts workshops on ethics, trust
building, coaching relationships, evidenced-based coaching, and
one-to-one (dyadic) learning. His hobbies include skiing and dog
sledding. But his greatest joy comes from mentoring new coaches. Learn
more about Michael at
ICF-CO Mini-Presentation:
Presenters: Kami Guildner and Sarah J. Bohnenkamp
Topic: "10 Minutes of Magic That Will Grow Your Coaching Business"
Fast-paced pairs activity
where coaches will
immediately connect to
their client’s urgent
wants and needs and
assess how they’re being
leveraged in their
current marketing and
messaging to grow their
The ability to speak the language of what your
ideal client desires is critical to attracting them into your coaching
practice. Many coaches focus energy on speaking to the process of
coaching in their messaging instead of the outcomes or value their work
delivers. By asking coaches to reflect on their clients’ urgent wants and
needs, we will spotlight the importance of featuring the "what’s in it for
me" in all business marketing/messaging.
PLEASE NOTE: Everyone must register for the monthly meetings &
events including ICF Colorado members
ICF-CO Annual Activity Fee pre-paid:
ICF Colorado Members and Affiliates - Free
Pay As You Go or Non-Members - $35 per meeting
ATD-RMC Member Registration (enter code for discount): $30
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER for the April 13, 2017 Meeting
Upcoming Programs
May 8, 2017:
Drew Bird
"Build Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Assessments into Your Coaching
May 11, 2017:
Sandra Ford Walston, The Courage Expert
"Courage — An INside Job!"
To learn more and register, please visit
Oyay! Oyay! Expiring March and April 2016 ICF Global
We are sure that ICF Global has already reminded you, so no need to
name names ... As your directors of the ICF Colorado Membership
Committee, we are reaching out to remind you of the many benefits of
being an ICF Global member. In addition to paying a very reduced
Colorado Chapter activities fee, your ICF Global membership entitles you
• Connection with over 120 local chapters for networking, developing
leadership skills, and helping local chapters flourish.
• Opportunities for coaches to share best practices and creative new
ideas to enhance their coaching styles and skills.
• Training and support from highly skilled senior coach mentors.
• Earn CCEs through access to the virtual library of 100+ free webinars.
• Participation in ICF Global conferences and events with networking and
education tracks.
• Business development webinars led by subject matter experts to teach
you how to make your business all that it can and should be.
• Access to 2,500+ studies on the research portal.
• Bookstore offering the top 50 Body of Knowledge texts identified by the
• Ability to join the 20,000+ coaches worldwide who have pledged to
uphold the ICF standards.
• Access to ICF’s ethical review process for alleged unethical practices.
• Access to individual globally recognized credentialing programs.
• Access to the ICF Global logo for your website and social media pages.
• Listing on the Coach Finder site that connects credentialed coaches to
potential clients.
The benefits of an ICF Global membership far outweigh the relatively low
annual membership fee and allows you to be part of the largest global
community of coaches. In addition, by naming the ICF Colorado Chapter
as your home chapter, you benefit a large group of local coaches working
to empower the field and to share knowledge of coaching. In addition,
this helps the chapter through the small monetary contribution ICF Global
extends to the chapter for each member who identifies with the ICF
Colorado. If you have not yet renewed your membership, please do so as
quickly as possible. Your chapter thanks you.
Co-Membership Director:
Donna Read
Co-Membership Director:
Chris Coward, PCC
Call for Speakers and Invitation to Play!
Do you have an amazing program for ICF Colorado?
We now have the speaker submission form available on our website. This
includes both in-person presentations for our monthly meeting as well as
virtual programs or workshops delivered outside the meetings. So if you
have a powerful program for our members or know of someone who
does, please fill out one of these forms. Feel free to contact our Education
Directors: Carl Dierschow - or Suzanne
Mariner - Also contact them if you’re
thinking of starting a Special Interest Group (SIG).
Invitation to Play!
The ICF Colorado Education Committee has a few openings for people
who would like to lead a fun and creative brief (10-15 minutes)
community-connection activity at the beginning of our monthly meeting.
If you are interested, please contact our Education Directors, Carl
Dierschow - or Suzanne Mariner -
Celebrate Earth Day - April 22, 2017:
ICF-CO Co-Sponsor
Come celebrate Earth Day, Saturday, April 22 from 10:00am - 2:00pm.
This is a FREE, family-friendly event in the
DTC area (Westlands Park - Center
Pavillion) and is open to the community.
Our theme is "Honoring Ourselves, Our
Community and Our Earth" with music,
art, dance/movement, quick presentations,
healthy activities for kids, teens and
We can build visibility and commuity, raise awareness for
coaching, and grow momentum for our 2017 Fall Conference and
align with awesome gatherings for Earth Day all around.
Who wants to play? Need helpers to plan, promote and present.
Mark your calendar and RSVP:
Contact Jim or Ruth Sharon at
Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
April 2017
April 13, 2017
6:00PM - 6:50PM
This is an active group of ICF-CO members
seeking to both give and receive mentoring in
building a successful coaching business.
Stephanie Wachman
April 13, 2017
6:00PM - 6:50PM
This SIG supports coaches who are navigating the process of ICF
Credentialing, with special focus on the key criteria that ICF uses – the
Core Competencies!
It has been exciting to see this group grow, and to see that there
continues to be a significant interest in pursuing additional levels of
credentials. Right now, the emphasis in on scheduling Barter Coaching for
those interested, and staying up on the current details of the
credentialing process. Some of us have started Barter Coaching, and it
has been very meaningful. Looking forward to seeing you at our next
SIG. If you have questions, please contact me at 303 974-0947 or e-mail
me at Thanks - Ralph Datema
The ICF Core Competencies side of the SIG will be examining the
competency "Planning and Goal Setting."
People interested in working toward a credential are encouraged to
attend. Please bring the following information:
1) The certification being sought
2) Time line
3) Focus this month
4) What you need from the group this month
Ralph Datema
Walt Hastings, PCC
Taskage™ SIG
April 13, 2017
6:00PM - 6:50PM
Michelle Sugerman coined the term Taskage™
to describe "baggage of the task" or the
negative associations coaching clients have
with an unfinished activity. Michelle presents a
coaching framework and qualitative assessment
tool for addressing your clients’ concerns and
co-creating an actionable plan. Move your
clients closer to their REAL goals more
efficiently, more effectively…PERIOD!
Michelle Sugerman | PMP, PCC
April 19, 2017
7:00PM - 9:00PM
Location: see information below
Hosted by: Judy Sabah
5+ Years of Coaching Experience? You’re Invited
to Check Us Out!
The Salon format is a safe place in the home of one of
the participants where experienced seasoned coaches
share their journey as coaches with other like coaches
in open, safe intimate dialogue, while boring deep into
shared seasoned coach's issues.
Location: Judy's home in Denver, CO
(address and phone sent to RSVP’s)
Please RSVP to for the salon.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Hosted by:
Judy Sabah
General Meeting Information
Regular Monthly Meetings
ICF Colorado Members and Affiliates (with ICF-CO Activity Fee paid): No Charge
Non-Members / Guests: $35 per meeting fee
When: 2nd Thursday of every month (unless otherwise noted)
6:00PM - 9:00PM
SIGs start at 6:00PM, and the General Meeting starts at 7:15PM sharp.
Where: The Lowry Conference Center
1061 Akron Way, Building 697, Denver, Colorado 80230
Phone: 303.595.1693
Map to Lowry Conference Center:
2017 ICF Colorado Leadership Team
Dr. Lisa Hale
Jacquie Fedo
President Elect
Chris Coward
Co-Membership Director
Donna Read
Co-Membership Director
Suzanne Mariner
Co-Education Director
Carl Dierschow
Co-Education Director
Andy Scantland
Marketing Director
Monica McNulty
Lora Polowczuk
Communications Director
Reuel Hunt
Walt Hastings
Credentialing Director
Jim & Ruth Sharon
Conference Chairs
Greg Aden
Past President
Copyright 2017 ICF Colorado
ICF Colorado Newsletter April 2017

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October 2018 ICF Colorado Newsletter
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April 2014 ICF Colorado NewsletterApril 2014 ICF Colorado Newsletter
April 2014 ICF Colorado Newsletter
July 2018 ICF Colorado Newsletter
July 2018 ICF Colorado Newsletter July 2018 ICF Colorado Newsletter
July 2018 ICF Colorado Newsletter
June 2011 Denver Coach Federation Newsletter
June 2011 Denver Coach Federation NewsletterJune 2011 Denver Coach Federation Newsletter
June 2011 Denver Coach Federation Newsletter
ICF Colorado Newsletter - July 2017
ICF Colorado Newsletter - July 2017 ICF Colorado Newsletter - July 2017
ICF Colorado Newsletter - July 2017
ICF Colorado Newsletter May 2015
ICF Colorado Newsletter May 2015ICF Colorado Newsletter May 2015
ICF Colorado Newsletter May 2015

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ICF Colorado Newsletter April 2017

  • 1. April 2017 Message from Dr. Lisa Hale 2017 President It was my true privilege to represent you, and ICF-Colorado at the ICF Global Leaders Forum in Warsaw, Poland, this past week. Many times over I was reminded of how magnificent our own chapter Members and Leadership Team are. I am so proud of you! The week was an opportunity for chapter leaders from 70 countries to convene, brainstorm and collaborate: sharing ideas, solutions and innovations in coaching. The Global Leadership board also helped us understand just how exponentially coaching is growing throughout the globe. The world is hungry for what you offer and our organization is here to help you be seen and known. Tree Planting by ICF-Global and ICF-Poland with Flags from all represented countries. IN THIS ISSUE: President's Message Leading Successfully in Uncertain Times by Andy Scantland My Credentialing Journey by Chris Coward Share your Expertise! Write an Article for ICF-CO Invite from Jacquie Fedo, ICF-CO President-Elect Call for Volunteers for Fall Conference 2017 April Monthly Program Upcoming Programs Oyay! Oyay! Expiring March and April 2016 ICF Global Memberships Call for Speakers & Invitation to Play! Celebrate Earth Day - April 22, 2017: ICF-CO Co-Sponsor Special Interest Groups (SIGs) General Meeting Information
  • 2. These numbers show your professional ICF coaching association is healthy and in high-growth: ICF Membership grows - 30,000 members from 140 countries. Credential milestone last year: 20,000 ICF Credential-holders. Chapters were added: Arkansas-Oklahoma, Bahrain, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Jordan, North Florida, and Tunisia. Currently have 131 chapters and charter chapters in more than 70 countries. Compared to March, 2016: 125 chapters in 60 countries. Regional Advisory Councils developed to - Bridge between ICF Chapters and Global (ICF-CO met with the Western RAC in Warsaw). Create synergy in regions and offer guidance on how to best serve members in local communities. ICF Global Leaders Meet and Strategize - First year in 2015 in Atlanta, GA: 170 leaders from 56 countries (ICF-CO won a prestigious award at this, the first GLF). This year in 2017 in Warsaw, Poland: 203 leaders from 70 countries. Strategic Plan to Expand the Scope and Influence of ICF by - Establishing a Thought Leadership Institute to capture what coaching is today and inform our decisions for the future. Expanding activities of the ICF Foundation (which ICF-NT will explore joining this year). Creating offerings for organizations and corporations building coaching cultures. Our particular action items include plans to elevate the visibility of ICF-Credentialed coaches in Colorado, amplify awareness of the profound benefits of coaching – and to continue to serve members with exceptional programming. I encourage each of you to attend our November 10, 2017 annual conference. In the meantime I’ll share the 2017 ICF Strategic Goals: 1. ICF Members represent excellence in professional coaching. 2. ICF has the strongest global brand. 3. ICF fosters the application of coaching for societal change. 4. ICF is the most relevant professional coaching organization. 5. ICF promotes professional coaching. Check out ICF CO: Facebook Like Us on Facebook Twitter You Tube LinkedIn Questions? Email us at Questions? Comments? Ideas to Share?
  • 3. And when you become an ICF credentialed coach, please remember to introduce yourself as such: you get to say, "I am an International Coach Federation credentialed coach," wherever you go. Plans to expand the scope and influence of the organization also include priorities within: A Thought Leadership Institute The ICF Foundation (go read about this…it’s stunning!) Building coaching cultures within organizations and corporations Exploring separation of Credentialing and Program Accreditation functions Many years ago, I lived in Poland and visited Auschwitz where my own grandmother was interred. Today, Poland honors the Polish Jews who were likewise persecuted. One of Warsaw’s finest heroes, Mark Edelman, said this: "Which will it be?---hate flourishing or love flourishing? Edelman, Commander of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising who miraculously lived until 2009, stated: "Hate is very easy. Love requires more effort and sacrifice." Coaches, we have the opportunity to help Love Flourish. In service to you, Lisa Dr. Lisa Hale President 505-690-3354 Leading Successfully in Uncertain Times By Andy Scantland, Executive Coach, MBA/ CPCC and ICF Colorado Marketing Director "It’s tough to know what the future holds for our team - how do I lead my team when so much is uncertain right now?" Leadership - influencing people to follow you - is tough enough when you know what to expect. More and more often these days, it seems the future is uncertain: we don’t know what will happen in the marketplace, with our competitors, with our customers, with external factors like government regulation, the social media environment, it goes on and on. Sometimes it seems the only things we know for sure are what we don’t know. We want our teams to feel supported, engaged, creative and resourceful at all times. But getting the best from people is hardest when people
  • 4. don’t have certainty about what’s in front of them. People respond to uncertainty in many ways but two reactions are almost universal: Click to Read Full Article ===================================== My Credentialing Journey By Chris Coward, PCC and ICF Colorado Co-Membership Director When I finished my coach training with MentorCoach in 2006, after taking the marathon approach, I didn’t think about getting my ACC with the ICF, as I was unclear how it would benefit me. I had left my day job in the summer of 2007 and was working with coaching clients and, of course, not tracking my hours after my certification with MentorCoach. My coaching mentor and I were involved in a start up wellness company where we were envisioning creating our own coach training company that was credentialed with the ICF. It became clear that I needed to get on board or I wouldn’t be very credible. Because I had gotten certified with MentorCoach, which is an ACTP program with the ICF (Accredited Coach Training Program), there was very little to do but turn in my coaching log and pay my fee to the ICF. I was surprised at how great it felt to get my certificate (suitable for framing) and be part of a global organization of coaches, considering how reluctant I was to get my ACC. Click to Read Full Article Share your Expertise! Write an Article for ICF-CO ICF-CO seeks your article submissions. Our members are our greatest source of coaching expertise. And, we want our members to learn from each other. Do you have an idea that might change someone's perspective? Or, a quick technique that applies to coaching your clients? Or, a resource to grow your business or coaching practice? We want to hear from you! Here's how it works: • Submit a 750 word or less article by the 23rd of the month to be included in the following month. (For example, submit by March 23 for the April newsletter). Include a catchy title, your name, business name, website, email address, and a headshot so we can give you proper credit and promote your business. • Two articles will be featured each month. • Submit article to
  • 5. Invitation from Jacquie Fedo, ICF Colorado President-Elect We would like to get to know you! If you are available to connect prior to the chapter meeting at 4pm and/or are bringing someone new, please contact me at I’d love to meet up with you at the Tavern Lowry! Call for Volunteers for Fall Conference The feedback we have received regarding our Fall Conferences has been the valuable learning that has resulted from the presentations and connections attendees have made. Be a part of continuing to help make our Fall Conference a powerful experience - we are looking for volunteers to assist with various tasks leading up to and on the day of the conference. If you are interested in participating on a committee or assisting with specific tasks, please contact our Conference Chairs, Ruth and Jim Sharon: We kindly request you list a first and second choice regarding committees of interest to you. In addition to having people serve on these committees, we have openings for a Leader for the Promotion Committee and a Leader for the Speaker Committee. Committees • Speaker Recruitment • Sponsor Recruitment • Logistics • Promotion/Marketing Involvement time will depend on which committee and level of participation desired. We anticipate 10 - 20 hours total up until the start of the conference. April 2017 Monthly Program Mark your calendar and join us! April 13, 2017 6-7pm - Special Interests Groups
  • 6. 7-9pm - Mini-Presentation and Main Speaker "How Would You Feel if Someone Complained About You as a Coach?" Main Speaker: Dr. Michael J. Marx, MBA, PCC, CPCC Special Interest Groups (SIGs) will be conducted from 6:00 - 6:50pm before the general meeting. Location: Lowry Conference Center | 1061 Akron Way, Building 697, Denver, CO 80230 You get a notification from the ICF (International Coach Federation) staff that someone has filed a complaint about you. The IRB (Independent Review Board) has determined that the case has legitimacy, and you are asked to respond to the allegations. How do you feel? Michael will describe the steps involved in the ECR (Ethical Conduct Review). This will be a discovery conversation on your ability to reflect and to adjust. You will see how the ERC is more an educational process intended to improve your coaching business and your relationships with your clients, and less a punitive system of Do’s and Don’ts. This presentation will be fun – promise. Attendees will gain a more complete understanding of ICF ethics by participating in the following activities: • Exploring the ECR process. • Examining their personal awareness of the ICF CoE (Code of Ethics). • Determining their personal steps to establish a strong ethical basis for their coaching business. About Our Speaker: Dr. Michael J. Marx, MBA, PCC, CPCC Blazing New Trails Michael J. Marx, MBA, EdD, PCC, CPCC is a Professional Certified Coach specializing in business coaching and corporate consultation. A gifted teacher, Michael holds an MBA from the University of Louisiana at Monroe, and an EdD in Adult Education from Regent University. His passion is adult learning and he serves on the MBA faculty of Concordia University Wisconsin where he teaches International Business and International Finance. He also teaches the Ethics course as well as the Coaching Skills Mastery course for the Professional Christian Coaching Institute. A strong advocate for professionalism in coaching, Dr. Marx has served on the International Coach Federation ‘Global Ethics & Standards’ committee and on the Ethics subcommittee for educating coaches on ethical practices. He currently serves as the leader of the ICF ‘Global Community of Practice on Ethics.’ He also serves on the ICF Independent Review Board. Additionally, he is the president of Christian Coaches Network International. He is the author of the recently published book Ethics and Risk Management for Christian Coaches. Michael is a sought-after subject matter expert. Noted for his humor and fun approach, he often speaks and conducts workshops on ethics, trust
  • 7. building, coaching relationships, evidenced-based coaching, and one-to-one (dyadic) learning. His hobbies include skiing and dog sledding. But his greatest joy comes from mentoring new coaches. Learn more about Michael at ======================== ICF-CO Mini-Presentation: Presenters: Kami Guildner and Sarah J. Bohnenkamp Topic: "10 Minutes of Magic That Will Grow Your Coaching Business" Fast-paced pairs activity where coaches will immediately connect to their client’s urgent wants and needs and assess how they’re being leveraged in their current marketing and messaging to grow their pipeline. The ability to speak the language of what your ideal client desires is critical to attracting them into your coaching practice. Many coaches focus energy on speaking to the process of coaching in their messaging instead of the outcomes or value their work delivers. By asking coaches to reflect on their clients’ urgent wants and needs, we will spotlight the importance of featuring the "what’s in it for me" in all business marketing/messaging. ======================== PLEASE NOTE: Everyone must register for the monthly meetings & events including ICF Colorado members Cost: ICF-CO Annual Activity Fee pre-paid: ICF Colorado Members and Affiliates - Free Pay As You Go or Non-Members - $35 per meeting ATD-RMC Member Registration (enter code for discount): $30 CLICK HERE TO REGISTER for the April 13, 2017 Meeting Upcoming Programs May 8, 2017: Drew Bird "Build Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Assessments into Your Coaching Practice!" May 11, 2017: Sandra Ford Walston, The Courage Expert "Courage — An INside Job!" To learn more and register, please visit
  • 8. Oyay! Oyay! Expiring March and April 2016 ICF Global Memberships We are sure that ICF Global has already reminded you, so no need to name names ... As your directors of the ICF Colorado Membership Committee, we are reaching out to remind you of the many benefits of being an ICF Global member. In addition to paying a very reduced Colorado Chapter activities fee, your ICF Global membership entitles you to: Community • Connection with over 120 local chapters for networking, developing leadership skills, and helping local chapters flourish. • Opportunities for coaches to share best practices and creative new ideas to enhance their coaching styles and skills. • Training and support from highly skilled senior coach mentors. Education • Earn CCEs through access to the virtual library of 100+ free webinars. • Participation in ICF Global conferences and events with networking and education tracks. • Business development webinars led by subject matter experts to teach you how to make your business all that it can and should be. Research • Access to 2,500+ studies on the research portal. • Bookstore offering the top 50 Body of Knowledge texts identified by the membership. Standards • Ability to join the 20,000+ coaches worldwide who have pledged to uphold the ICF standards. • Access to ICF’s ethical review process for alleged unethical practices. Credibility • Access to individual globally recognized credentialing programs. • Access to the ICF Global logo for your website and social media pages. • Listing on the Coach Finder site that connects credentialed coaches to potential clients. The benefits of an ICF Global membership far outweigh the relatively low
  • 9. annual membership fee and allows you to be part of the largest global community of coaches. In addition, by naming the ICF Colorado Chapter as your home chapter, you benefit a large group of local coaches working to empower the field and to share knowledge of coaching. In addition, this helps the chapter through the small monetary contribution ICF Global extends to the chapter for each member who identifies with the ICF Colorado. If you have not yet renewed your membership, please do so as quickly as possible. Your chapter thanks you. Co-Membership Director: Donna Read Co-Membership Director: Chris Coward, PCC Call for Speakers and Invitation to Play! Do you have an amazing program for ICF Colorado? We now have the speaker submission form available on our website. This includes both in-person presentations for our monthly meeting as well as virtual programs or workshops delivered outside the meetings. So if you have a powerful program for our members or know of someone who does, please fill out one of these forms. Feel free to contact our Education Directors: Carl Dierschow - or Suzanne Mariner - Also contact them if you’re thinking of starting a Special Interest Group (SIG). Invitation to Play! The ICF Colorado Education Committee has a few openings for people who would like to lead a fun and creative brief (10-15 minutes) community-connection activity at the beginning of our monthly meeting. If you are interested, please contact our Education Directors, Carl Dierschow - or Suzanne Mariner -
  • 10. Celebrate Earth Day - April 22, 2017: ICF-CO Co-Sponsor Come celebrate Earth Day, Saturday, April 22 from 10:00am - 2:00pm. This is a FREE, family-friendly event in the DTC area (Westlands Park - Center Pavillion) and is open to the community. Our theme is "Honoring Ourselves, Our Community and Our Earth" with music, art, dance/movement, quick presentations, healthy activities for kids, teens and adults. We can build visibility and commuity, raise awareness for coaching, and grow momentum for our 2017 Fall Conference and align with awesome gatherings for Earth Day all around. Who wants to play? Need helpers to plan, promote and present. Mark your calendar and RSVP: Contact Jim or Ruth Sharon at Special Interest Groups (SIGs) April 2017 BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Q&A SIG April 13, 2017 6:00PM - 6:50PM This is an active group of ICF-CO members seeking to both give and receive mentoring in building a successful coaching business. Facilitator: Stephanie Wachman CREDENTIALING & CORE COMPETENCIES SIG April 13, 2017 6:00PM - 6:50PM This SIG supports coaches who are navigating the process of ICF Credentialing, with special focus on the key criteria that ICF uses – the Core Competencies! It has been exciting to see this group grow, and to see that there continues to be a significant interest in pursuing additional levels of
  • 11. credentials. Right now, the emphasis in on scheduling Barter Coaching for those interested, and staying up on the current details of the credentialing process. Some of us have started Barter Coaching, and it has been very meaningful. Looking forward to seeing you at our next SIG. If you have questions, please contact me at 303 974-0947 or e-mail me at Thanks - Ralph Datema The ICF Core Competencies side of the SIG will be examining the competency "Planning and Goal Setting." People interested in working toward a credential are encouraged to attend. Please bring the following information: 1) The certification being sought 2) Time line 3) Focus this month 4) What you need from the group this month Facilitator: Ralph Datema Facilitator: Walt Hastings, PCC Taskage™ SIG April 13, 2017 6:00PM - 6:50PM Michelle Sugerman coined the term Taskage™ to describe "baggage of the task" or the negative associations coaching clients have with an unfinished activity. Michelle presents a coaching framework and qualitative assessment tool for addressing your clients’ concerns and co-creating an actionable plan. Move your clients closer to their REAL goals more
  • 12. efficiently, more effectively…PERIOD! Facilitator: Michelle Sugerman | PMP, PCC EXPERIENCED COACHES SALON April 19, 2017 7:00PM - 9:00PM Location: see information below Hosted by: Judy Sabah 5+ Years of Coaching Experience? You’re Invited to Check Us Out! The Salon format is a safe place in the home of one of the participants where experienced seasoned coaches share their journey as coaches with other like coaches in open, safe intimate dialogue, while boring deep into shared seasoned coach's issues. Location: Judy's home in Denver, CO (address and phone sent to RSVP’s) Please RSVP to for the salon. We look forward to seeing you there! Hosted by: Judy Sabah General Meeting Information Regular Monthly Meetings ICF Colorado Members and Affiliates (with ICF-CO Activity Fee paid): No Charge Non-Members / Guests: $35 per meeting fee When: 2nd Thursday of every month (unless otherwise noted) 6:00PM - 9:00PM SIGs start at 6:00PM, and the General Meeting starts at 7:15PM sharp. Where: The Lowry Conference Center 1061 Akron Way, Building 697, Denver, Colorado 80230 Phone: 303.595.1693 Map to Lowry Conference Center:
  • 13. 2017 ICF Colorado Leadership Team Dr. Lisa Hale President 505-690-3354 Jacquie Fedo President Elect 303.748.4161 Chris Coward Co-Membership Director 267-226-7935 Donna Read Co-Membership Director 571-217-1434 Suzanne Mariner Co-Education Director 303-910-9534 Carl Dierschow Co-Education Director 970-225-6889
  • 14. Andy Scantland Marketing Director 720-493-8888 Monica McNulty Secretary 720-840-7501 Lora Polowczuk Communications Director 301.221.0546 Reuel Hunt Treasurer 303-734-0444 Walt Hastings Credentialing Director 303-526-9490 Jim & Ruth Sharon Conference Chairs 303-796-7004 Greg Aden Past President 469-879-8211 Copyright 2017 ICF Colorado