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      Message from Kim Clausen, President
      DCF October Meeting: October 13, 2011
      Special Interest Group (SIG) Meetings
      Upcoming Teleclasses, Workshops and Events
      In the Spotlight - Paul Siefert
      Calling All Volunteers!
      Fr*ee Two-Day Coach Training Workshop for Volunteers
      Membership in the DCF
      DCF is on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter & YouTube!
      Resource Library
      General Meeting Information
      Contact Us

Message from Kim Clausen
President, Denver Coach Federation


I remember when I first heard about the Denver Coach Federation. I was thinking about becoming
a coach and visited the DCF to get recommendations on which coaching school to attend. I
remember specifically meeting Ann Strong, Mike Faber, and Reuel Hunt that night. That was more
than 5 years ago.

But admittedly, I remembered not "getting it" on that first visit. I didn't understand why a bunch of
people who were in the same profession would come together once a month to…do what?

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the light bulb to come on and for me to realize what an
incredible resource of friends, colleagues, business partners, referral partners, and community I
had right at my finger tips.

What a powerful perspective this was for me - to not view these other coaches as my competitors,
but as my allies, business partners and friends.

I have built a very successful business in a very short period of time, and it's in large part due to a
simple perspective, which is the Two C’s - Competition OR Collaboration. Do I want to view
the people who have so many commonalities with me and who share my same passions as my
competition or my collaborators?
Yes, this sounded good in theory, but wait a minute!
They are in the same business as me!
They serve the same client base as me!
They are trying to build their businesses too!
They might take my clients!

Here's the reality, and here's what shifted my perspective. There are a lot more people in the
world who need to be coached than I could ever coach individually. A full practice for me would be
20-40 people per year one-on-one, and perhaps 100-200 in groups. So what about the other
BILLIONS of people who need to be coached? Who's going to coach them? Surely not me.

Then it hit me. What if I join forces with others who can serve the people I can't? What if I work
with people who have businesses synergistic to mine, and we can put our resources together to
offer more?

By doing this, we can get the word out to more people. TOGETHER we can support each other in
the mutual growth of our businesses. By aligning instead of competing, we can get more people
coached, and we can ALL have successful coaching practices.

So instead of viewing other coaches as my competition and acting in isolation, I chose to
collaborate with many others, and it has sky rocketed my visibility and success.

What a blessing for us to have this opportunity in our very own backyard with the Denver Coach
Federation. There are many major cities around the country who do not have coaching chapters, or
their chapters are small and stagnant. I talk to many other coaches who yearn for the community
and connection that we are so privileged to have.

So next time you come to a DCF meeting, look around, soak it in, make an effort to get to know
your fellow coaches who are potential collaborative partners and appreciate the incredible gift we
have right in our own back yard.

Kim Clausen

DCF October Meeting: Oct 13th

Date: October 13, 2011

Time: 7:00PM to 9:00PM
(SIGs: 6:00-7:00 PM)

Location: PPA Event Center, 2105 Decautur St, Denver, CO 80211

Speaker: Micki McMillan, M.Ed., MCC

Topic: "The Power of Learning: A Gateway to Exceptional Coaching"

*Offering 1.5 CCEUs in the area of Core Competency

Professional coaches can get trapped in the black hole of “buying our client’s story” when we are
dancing between being compassionately supportive while challenging with appropriate skepticism.
We are paid to be the professional ignorant as well as the professional cynic, but sometimes we
miss the mark.

A way to avoid the trap of the black hole of coaching is to use the learning process as a means to
getting to what our clients really want for themselves. Learning is the capacity to do something in
the future that we cannot do now. The problem with learning in a knowing culture such as ours is
that to learn is to threaten our self-esteem.

In this highly interactive session, you will gain insights into the power of the learning gap – the
place between one’s current reality and desired result. In the gap, the coach can elicit new
possibilities and new ways of thinking that allow the client to learn with greater ease,
self-awareness, and greater understanding of the learning process.

The Learning Objectives include:

      Participants will be able to evaluate the learning process as it relates to their coaching
      practice, and determine the value of ‘learning to learn’ for their clients.
      Participants will be able to practice powerful questions to open up clients’ awareness of
      current reality and desired results.
      Participants will be able to experiment with this coaching conversation structure as a means
      of using learning as a foundation for coaching.

About Micki McMillan

Micki McMillan, coach and consultant, is CEO and founding partner for the Blue Mesa Group.

Once the highest-ranking woman in gas and electric operations, Micki McMillan has deep insight
into the specific challenges executives face in highly competitive cultures. As one of just over 600
Master Certified Coaches (MCC) in the world, Micki has spent over 15 years coaching individuals
and executive teams at organizations like The Coca-Cola Company, Merck and Co. Inc., Yale New
Haven Health, Western Union, Colorado State University, Entergy, Trinity Health, Centura Health
and Royal Dutch Shell. Inspired by her mentor and leadership-coaching pioneer Dr. Fred Kofman,
Micki has given back to her profession by mentoring other coaches and serving as affiliated faculty
at Naropa University, Seattle Pacific University and Colorado State University.

Micki is the program director for the Transformational Coaching Program®, which is an approved
ACSTH (Approved Coach Specific Training Hours) program, and is pending approval for an ACTP
(Accredited Coach Training Program).

As a coach, consultant, leader, speaker and teacher, Micki is recognized and respected for her
clarity of purpose and "no-nonsense compassion." While her communication style is natural and
straightforward, Micki has an uncanny and masterful ability to open up clients’ eyes to their
deepest values and most penetrating desires, all while driving clients towards achievement and
immediate results.

PLEASE NOTE: Everyone must register for the monthly meeting including DCF members.

*Offering 1.5 CCEUs in the area of Core Competency

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER for the October 13, 2011 DCF Meeting.

Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

October 13, 2011
6:00PM - 7:00PM
Facilitated By: Judy Sabah, MCC, PMC

Our discussion may include, and is not limited to:

      understanding how coaching differs from related professions
learning what makes an exceptional coach
      determining if self-employment suits you
      choosing your niche and specialty
      investigating training programs, certification & mentor coaches
      getting started . . .

Judy Sabah, MCC, PMC

October 13, 2011
6:00PM - 7:00PM
Facilitated By: Dr. Barbara Flood

Mission – To ensure that new coaches build their business, improve their coaching skills, market
effectively and stay active and engaged in DCF. The SIG will help new coaches chart a course
toward professional and financial success. In addition, coaches who complete this six-month
curriculum should be prepared to mentor the next group of coaches entering the SIG.

Dr. Barbara Flood

October 18, 2011
7:00PM - 9:00PM
727 East 16th Avenue, Denver, CO 80210
Facilitated By: Gary Hawk

The next DCF Executive and Business Coaches SIG will be on Tuesday, October 18th from 7 to 9

(The Executive and Business Coaches SIG will now be meeting on the 3rd Tuesday of the month -
except December).

The Executive and Business Coaches SIG is an added benefit of your membership in DCF. We exist
solely to provide the time and space to discuss issues and explore topics specifically related to
executive coaching. While the monthly DCF meetings are a great place to network and learn – our
SIG is a place that focuses the time, energy and wisdom to the work of coaching executives and
leaders. If you are not a member of DCF, come by anyway. Maybe we can convince you that the
SIG alone is worth the minimal membership fee, not counting all the other benefits of DCF.

In the past 3 years of meeting on a separate evening from DCF, we have explored a lot of topics,
learned a bunch from each other and had some lively discussions. Our meeting in October promises
to deliver the same – and you will need to show up to experience it.

We will start the evening with a Featured Fifteen Minute presentation by Karen McGee, Strategic
Development Coach. She will speak about what the authors present in A General Theory of Love –
an insightful look at the science of human emotions. She will give her own take on it, and how our
connections with others are so important to our happiness and well-being. I’m confident we will all
have something to add to the discussion.

We meet at 727 East 16th Avenue, Denver, CO 80210 (16th Ave and Clarkson St).
Please Note: it is 16th Avenue, not street. Directions to the meeting room: Enter through the tan
door on the north side of the building. Look for Get Clarity signs. Our training room is downstairs.
NOTE: The only entry to our center is the north door; the main entrance to the building is always
locked. There are several parking spaces around the building and you can also park in the permit
only parking lot directly west of the building.

Come join us and let Gary Hawk know you are coming: or

Gary Hawk

Teleclasses, Workshops and Events

Check out our upcoming teleclasses and workshops!

October 14, 2011: (Teleclass)
*Offering 3 CCEUs in the area of Core Competency
In this interactive session, learn the foundations of learning and gain tools that will help you
structure a coaching conversation based on learning theory.
The Power of Learning: Sustaining Meaningful Change for our Clients - Micki McMillan

November 4-5, 2011: (Workshop)
*Offering the following CCEUs: 12.75 Business Development; 1.25 Core Competency
In just 2 very hands-on days, with intimate one-on-one attention from Michael, you will create
YOUR Custom Master Blueprint for building your business… a full-proof time management system
you can apply to your business RIGHT AWAY! So you know exactly what to do, when to do it, and
for how long to get clients and grow your business – No More Guessing!

Ticket prices increase October 15th for “Grow Your Business Grow Your Life LIVE!"
Register by Oct 14 and SAVE BIG:
Members - $319 (includes Salad/Sandwich Lunch + Snacks & Beverages);
Non-Members - $349 (includes Salad/Sandwich Lunch + Snacks & Beverages)

To register for the November workshop:
Grow Your Business Grow Your Life – LIVE - Michael Charest

Announcing a FREE Teleclasss with Business Building Expert Michael Charest

Hello DCF,

We are coming to Denver for an incredible Two DAY business building event AND sending you
a FREE teleclass gift (below)!

Take your business to a new level and join us at:
In Colorado November 4 & 5

We are going to inspire you to take action and teach you a specific, comprehensive, step-by-step
sales and marketing SYSTEM that is guaranteed to grow your business… Satisfaction 100%

Learn more and read over 200 testimonials at

And now, lets get you that FREE GIFT.

You’ve built a modestly successful business. You’re paying the bills. You’re having
impact with your clients. You’re doing OK.

But is this what you signed up for? Is this all you want?

What happened to the travel? Vacations? Passive revenue? Making a bigger impact and leaving a

You want to earn $500,000 per year, not work so hard for $100k.

It’s Time for YOU to Thrive!

Join us in this FREE teleclass and learn:

      The Big LIE - There is something that “the gurus” aren’t sharing and it’s very important!
      How to double your business without spending another minute or dollar. (Seriously)
      Five critical success factors to achieving $500,000. (Do these and $500k is guaranteed.)
      How to “manipulate time” and get more done in an hour than you ever thought possible!

WHEN: October 20, 2011
TIME: Noon - 1:00pm Mountain time
WHERE: From the comfort of your home!
REGISTER: Click here to register

Michael Charest,
President, Business Growth Solutions

In the Spotlight: Paul Siefert

Denver Coach Federation is happy to announce that Paul Siefert has been chosen as our October
Volunteer of the Month. We sincerely appreciate Paul’s willingness to jump in and offer his
experiences, talents, vision, and commitment to DCF and the coaching community!

Paul moved to the Denver area in 2009 and started attending DCF events in 2010. He became a
valued, contributing member to our organization in March 2011.

His extensive background and experiences include a career as a former sales trainer for Fortune
500 companies, a member of the IBM/ROLM Executive Briefing Center, a Masters in Marriage
Family Child Counseling (MFCC), and a licensed Financial Advisor/Coach. He participated in Tony
Robbins “Advanced Skills Training for Coaches” and completed his training as a coach with
ICF-certified Express Coaching Inc. In his spare time, he has earned a Black Belt in Karate. He is
quite the busy guy, and yet he still has time to give back to DCF. What a great guy!

Click here to read more.

Calling All Volunteers!

We invite you to share your skills, talents, and experiences with DCF and play a bigger role in the
coaching community. How? Read on to see how easy it is to play full out.

We have opportunities for you to be of service in the following areas:

      Facilitator for one of our monthly Special Interest Groups (SIG) - Facilitating a SIG
      allows you to grow as a leader, meet lots of amazing coaches, and develop an exciting
      program that you can use in other areas of your coaching practice.
      DCF Blogger - Would you like to learn more about blogging in a safe environment and
      would enjoy sharing emerging trends with the coaching community? Then this has your
      name written all over it. :)
      Manage DCF Twitter - Are you a tweeting fanatic and have a few extra minutes each week
      to tweet out to coaches and the community about our DCF meetings, events, and programs?
      Manage DCF Facebook - Post our events, speakers, coaching tips, etc. It's a great way to
      Greeters - Remember how you felt when you came to your first DCF meeting? Help our
      new guests feel welcome and at home.
      Channel 9 News Health Fair - Help us be a part of this great program so that we can be
      of service to the community.
      PBS Phone Support - Set up a date/time for us to give back to this important community
      DCF Press Releases - Do you have experience writing and sending out press releases?
      We'd love your help in getting this started! - Find out when these events are and encourage our members to attend to
      help coach job seekers in finding their new dream job. It might even lead to new clients!
      Assist with DCF workshops - We enjoy providing valuable workshops for our DCF
      members and invite you to be a part of this dynamic, engaging program. We occasionally
      need help in identifying interesting workshops, getting info about the workshop in the montly
      newsletter, etc.
      Identify teleseminar opportunities for DCF members - Is there a topic you think the
      members would get value from or is there a speaker who you know of who would "WOW"
      our members? Jump in and be a part of this initiative!
      Follow up with DCF speakers - Assist them with accommodations, transporation, special
      needs, etc. - This will allow you to meet some "Movers and Shakers" in the world of
      Create a member survey asking for feedback on what areas/topics they're interested in to
      ensure we're meeting the needs of our members.
      Resource Management Support - Go through the existing DCF resources on file and
      determine what's current/beneficial to coaches and what's outdated.
      Resource of the Month - Highlight a resource from our library and write a brief summary
      of it for our monthly newsletter. What a great opportunity to learn a new coaching skill, and
      then share it with your peers.

Please contact Kim Canning at 303-349-9128 or to learn more about these
exciting opportunities or to get signed up today.
We value your creative ideas and are committed to being the #1 resource for coaches in Colorado.

Thank you for making a difference! We truly appreciate you and all that you share with us.

The DCF Board of Directors

Fr*ee Two-Day Coach Training Workshop for Volunteers

On October 10th and 11th, you may qualify to attend a free two-day coach training workshop for
volunteers, who in turn, will be teaching the same skills to women in prison.

Do you have a passion to make a difference? Would you love an opportunity to join a team of
trained coaches delivering coaching workshops in the Denver Women's Correctional Facility -
facilitating coaching skills workshops with women in prison?

- Teaching them the basic elements of coaching
- Teaching them to teach the same skills to other women in prison
- Creating a positive virus that can ripple out into the rest of the world

This project is designed to replicate in Colorado what we have created over the past year in
Oklahoma and is created on the shoulders of the other work we have done in prisons, churches,
schools, corporations, and other organizations over the past 10 years.

The material in the following links demonstrate the impact of our brief work in Oklahoma, following
nine years of similar work in many other parts of the country:

- Acknowledgment Letter from a prison staff member:
Acknowledgement Letter from Kathy Conrad 5-10-11

- Description of our Inner Freedom Program:
Description of CKI LOP Inner Freedom Work

- Ten year history and detailed description of our work:
Ten Year History & more of Coaching Kids

- Evidence based outcomes - Pre and Post EQ (Emotional Intelligence) Assessments:
LOP Assessments Summary

- Feedback from the ladies in the Oklahoma Prison:
LOP Feedback form April 26, 2011
LOP Feedback Form May 6, 2011

We are pleased to invite you to apply to attend our two-day free training in the Denver, CO metro
area on October 10th and 11th.

If you are interested in attending or interested in future opportunities, please contact Reuel Hunt at
303-734-0444 or, and we will send you a volunteer application to start the

Thank you,
Reuel Hunt

Membership in the Denver Coach Federation
Our New Member Reception in September was a great way of welcoming our new members for
2011 and was lots of fun. Thank you to all who were able to participate. Even though the reception
is in the past, we’d still like to welcome you to the Denver Coach Federation community in the
future. New members and guests are always welcome, and we encourage you to join now and
start taking advantage of the benefits of membership and belonging to our community of coaches.

As a member of DCF, you will be part of a wonderful community of individuals committed to
making a difference in the lives of their clients, connecting with other coaches, developing
themselves, and contributing to the profession of coaching. Our community includes brand new
coaches as well as very experienced and highly successful ones. We also welcome those who are
exploring coaching as a profession or have not yet started the process of becoming a coach.

There are many benefits to membership in DCF, starting with being able to attend the monthly
meetings at no additional cost. The educational presentations during the meetings are delivered by
highly successful coaches with special expertise and are but one of the resources available for
helping you develop your coaching skills and build your business. As a member, you also have the
opportunity to network with other coaches and participate in one of the Special Interest Groups
(SIGs). The SIGs are led by experienced coaches, giving you the opportunity to learn and engage
in lively discussion. Two of the three SIGs are held immediately prior to the meeting, and one is
held off-site on a different day. The SIGs currently available are: Exploring Coaching as a
Profession; Fundamentals of Starting a Coaching Practice; and Executive Coaching. In addition to
the SIGs and monthly educational programming, we also have other programs and events such as
workshops and tele-classes, with reduced rates for members.

It’s very easy to join by going to the DCF Website and filling out the form:

If you have questions about membership, please call me at 303-503-9681.

Thank You!
Karen McGee
DCF Membership Director

DCF is on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter & YouTube!

Check out the Denver Coach Federation on:

Become a Fan!


You Tube


If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at

Resource Library

The Denver Coach Federation has a fabulous Resource Library with over a hundred educational
tapes and books addressing such disciplines as leadership coaching, executive and corporate
coaching, career coaching, relationship coaching, life coaching, and spiritual coaching, as well as
practice development for coaches. Its purpose is to promote education, business development and
support for DCF members.

The Resource Library is perhaps best known for its great selection of audiotapes. Several years
worth of ICF Conference audiotapes include leadership and coaching topics by such high-profile
individuals as Laura Berman-Fortgang, Ken Blanchard, Jack Canfield, Wayne Dyer, Cheryl
Richardson, and Benjamin Zander, along with many other masterful coaches. A variety of other
resources include such great tapes as "High End Coaching" and "Personal Evolution" by Thomas
Leonard and Frederic Hudson's book, The Handbook of Coaching.

In addition to developing leadership and coaching skills, audiotape topics are specific to
self-promotion and networking, use of assessments, therapists as coaches, attraction principles,
team coaching, self- coaching, emotional intelligence, appreciative inquiry, speaking, and getting
published. Members may borrow up to four resources per month upon signing "The Agreement for
Resource Check-Out".

Brenda Cody, M.S., Resource Librarian

General Meeting Information

Regular Monthly Meetings
Members: No Charge
Non-Members / Guests: $25 per meeting fee

When: 2nd Thursday of every month
6:00PM - 9:00PM
SIGs start at 6:00PM, and the General Meeting starts at 7:15PM sharp.

Where: PPA Event Center, 2105 Decatur Street, Denver, Colorado 80211
Phone: 303-433-8247

The PPA Event Center is on the corner of 21st Avenue and Decatur Street

PPA Event Center website:

Map to PPA Event Center:
Questions? Comments? Ideas to Share?

We welcome your comments and ideas and are happy to answer questions.

Contact Information:

DCF Board Members

Kim Clausen, President

Marty Vondrell, President-Elect

Karen McGee, Membership Director

Marketing Director
Position Available

Carol Schultz, Education Director

Reuel Hunt, Treasurer

Kim Canning, Secretary

Barbara Flood, Past President

                          Copyright 2011 Denver Coach Federation

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Denver Coach Federation Newsletter October 2011

  • 1. OCTOBER 2011 IN THIS ISSUE: Message from Kim Clausen, President DCF October Meeting: October 13, 2011 Special Interest Group (SIG) Meetings Upcoming Teleclasses, Workshops and Events In the Spotlight - Paul Siefert Calling All Volunteers! Fr*ee Two-Day Coach Training Workshop for Volunteers Membership in the DCF DCF is on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter & YouTube! Resource Library General Meeting Information Contact Us Message from Kim Clausen President, Denver Coach Federation THE TWO C’s I remember when I first heard about the Denver Coach Federation. I was thinking about becoming a coach and visited the DCF to get recommendations on which coaching school to attend. I remember specifically meeting Ann Strong, Mike Faber, and Reuel Hunt that night. That was more than 5 years ago. But admittedly, I remembered not "getting it" on that first visit. I didn't understand why a bunch of people who were in the same profession would come together once a month to…do what? Fortunately, it didn't take long for the light bulb to come on and for me to realize what an incredible resource of friends, colleagues, business partners, referral partners, and community I had right at my finger tips. What a powerful perspective this was for me - to not view these other coaches as my competitors, but as my allies, business partners and friends. I have built a very successful business in a very short period of time, and it's in large part due to a simple perspective, which is the Two C’s - Competition OR Collaboration. Do I want to view the people who have so many commonalities with me and who share my same passions as my competition or my collaborators?
  • 2. Yes, this sounded good in theory, but wait a minute! They are in the same business as me! They serve the same client base as me! They are trying to build their businesses too! They might take my clients! Here's the reality, and here's what shifted my perspective. There are a lot more people in the world who need to be coached than I could ever coach individually. A full practice for me would be 20-40 people per year one-on-one, and perhaps 100-200 in groups. So what about the other BILLIONS of people who need to be coached? Who's going to coach them? Surely not me. Then it hit me. What if I join forces with others who can serve the people I can't? What if I work with people who have businesses synergistic to mine, and we can put our resources together to offer more? By doing this, we can get the word out to more people. TOGETHER we can support each other in the mutual growth of our businesses. By aligning instead of competing, we can get more people coached, and we can ALL have successful coaching practices. So instead of viewing other coaches as my competition and acting in isolation, I chose to collaborate with many others, and it has sky rocketed my visibility and success. What a blessing for us to have this opportunity in our very own backyard with the Denver Coach Federation. There are many major cities around the country who do not have coaching chapters, or their chapters are small and stagnant. I talk to many other coaches who yearn for the community and connection that we are so privileged to have. So next time you come to a DCF meeting, look around, soak it in, make an effort to get to know your fellow coaches who are potential collaborative partners and appreciate the incredible gift we have right in our own back yard. Blessings, Kim Clausen DCF October Meeting: Oct 13th Date: October 13, 2011 Time: 7:00PM to 9:00PM (SIGs: 6:00-7:00 PM) Location: PPA Event Center, 2105 Decautur St, Denver, CO 80211 Speaker: Micki McMillan, M.Ed., MCC Topic: "The Power of Learning: A Gateway to Exceptional Coaching" *Offering 1.5 CCEUs in the area of Core Competency Professional coaches can get trapped in the black hole of “buying our client’s story” when we are dancing between being compassionately supportive while challenging with appropriate skepticism. We are paid to be the professional ignorant as well as the professional cynic, but sometimes we miss the mark. A way to avoid the trap of the black hole of coaching is to use the learning process as a means to getting to what our clients really want for themselves. Learning is the capacity to do something in the future that we cannot do now. The problem with learning in a knowing culture such as ours is
  • 3. that to learn is to threaten our self-esteem. In this highly interactive session, you will gain insights into the power of the learning gap – the place between one’s current reality and desired result. In the gap, the coach can elicit new possibilities and new ways of thinking that allow the client to learn with greater ease, self-awareness, and greater understanding of the learning process. The Learning Objectives include: Participants will be able to evaluate the learning process as it relates to their coaching practice, and determine the value of ‘learning to learn’ for their clients. Participants will be able to practice powerful questions to open up clients’ awareness of current reality and desired results. Participants will be able to experiment with this coaching conversation structure as a means of using learning as a foundation for coaching. About Micki McMillan Micki McMillan, coach and consultant, is CEO and founding partner for the Blue Mesa Group. Once the highest-ranking woman in gas and electric operations, Micki McMillan has deep insight into the specific challenges executives face in highly competitive cultures. As one of just over 600 Master Certified Coaches (MCC) in the world, Micki has spent over 15 years coaching individuals and executive teams at organizations like The Coca-Cola Company, Merck and Co. Inc., Yale New Haven Health, Western Union, Colorado State University, Entergy, Trinity Health, Centura Health and Royal Dutch Shell. Inspired by her mentor and leadership-coaching pioneer Dr. Fred Kofman, Micki has given back to her profession by mentoring other coaches and serving as affiliated faculty at Naropa University, Seattle Pacific University and Colorado State University. Micki is the program director for the Transformational Coaching Program®, which is an approved ACSTH (Approved Coach Specific Training Hours) program, and is pending approval for an ACTP (Accredited Coach Training Program). As a coach, consultant, leader, speaker and teacher, Micki is recognized and respected for her clarity of purpose and "no-nonsense compassion." While her communication style is natural and straightforward, Micki has an uncanny and masterful ability to open up clients’ eyes to their deepest values and most penetrating desires, all while driving clients towards achievement and immediate results. PLEASE NOTE: Everyone must register for the monthly meeting including DCF members. *Offering 1.5 CCEUs in the area of Core Competency CLICK HERE TO REGISTER for the October 13, 2011 DCF Meeting. Special Interest Groups (SIGs) EXPLORING COACHING AS A PROFESSION SIG October 13, 2011 6:00PM - 7:00PM Facilitated By: Judy Sabah, MCC, PMC Our discussion may include, and is not limited to: understanding how coaching differs from related professions
  • 4. learning what makes an exceptional coach determining if self-employment suits you choosing your niche and specialty investigating training programs, certification & mentor coaches getting started . . . Facilitator: Judy Sabah, MCC, PMC 303-777-1765 FUNDAMENTALS OF STARTING YOUR COACHING PRACTICE SIG October 13, 2011 6:00PM - 7:00PM Facilitated By: Dr. Barbara Flood Mission – To ensure that new coaches build their business, improve their coaching skills, market effectively and stay active and engaged in DCF. The SIG will help new coaches chart a course toward professional and financial success. In addition, coaches who complete this six-month curriculum should be prepared to mentor the next group of coaches entering the SIG. Facilitator: Dr. Barbara Flood 303-906-1545 EXECUTIVE AND BUSINESS COACHES SIG October 18, 2011 7:00PM - 9:00PM 727 East 16th Avenue, Denver, CO 80210 Facilitated By: Gary Hawk The next DCF Executive and Business Coaches SIG will be on Tuesday, October 18th from 7 to 9 p.m. (The Executive and Business Coaches SIG will now be meeting on the 3rd Tuesday of the month - except December). The Executive and Business Coaches SIG is an added benefit of your membership in DCF. We exist solely to provide the time and space to discuss issues and explore topics specifically related to executive coaching. While the monthly DCF meetings are a great place to network and learn – our SIG is a place that focuses the time, energy and wisdom to the work of coaching executives and leaders. If you are not a member of DCF, come by anyway. Maybe we can convince you that the SIG alone is worth the minimal membership fee, not counting all the other benefits of DCF. In the past 3 years of meeting on a separate evening from DCF, we have explored a lot of topics, learned a bunch from each other and had some lively discussions. Our meeting in October promises to deliver the same – and you will need to show up to experience it. We will start the evening with a Featured Fifteen Minute presentation by Karen McGee, Strategic Development Coach. She will speak about what the authors present in A General Theory of Love – an insightful look at the science of human emotions. She will give her own take on it, and how our connections with others are so important to our happiness and well-being. I’m confident we will all have something to add to the discussion. We meet at 727 East 16th Avenue, Denver, CO 80210 (16th Ave and Clarkson St). Please Note: it is 16th Avenue, not street. Directions to the meeting room: Enter through the tan
  • 5. door on the north side of the building. Look for Get Clarity signs. Our training room is downstairs. NOTE: The only entry to our center is the north door; the main entrance to the building is always locked. There are several parking spaces around the building and you can also park in the permit only parking lot directly west of the building. Come join us and let Gary Hawk know you are coming: or 303-333-4757. Facilitator: Gary Hawk 303-333-4757 Teleclasses, Workshops and Events Check out our upcoming teleclasses and workshops! OCTOBER October 14, 2011: (Teleclass) *Offering 3 CCEUs in the area of Core Competency In this interactive session, learn the foundations of learning and gain tools that will help you structure a coaching conversation based on learning theory. The Power of Learning: Sustaining Meaningful Change for our Clients - Micki McMillan NOVEMBER November 4-5, 2011: (Workshop) *Offering the following CCEUs: 12.75 Business Development; 1.25 Core Competency In just 2 very hands-on days, with intimate one-on-one attention from Michael, you will create YOUR Custom Master Blueprint for building your business… a full-proof time management system you can apply to your business RIGHT AWAY! So you know exactly what to do, when to do it, and for how long to get clients and grow your business – No More Guessing! Ticket prices increase October 15th for “Grow Your Business Grow Your Life LIVE!" Register by Oct 14 and SAVE BIG: Members - $319 (includes Salad/Sandwich Lunch + Snacks & Beverages); Non-Members - $349 (includes Salad/Sandwich Lunch + Snacks & Beverages) To register for the November workshop: Grow Your Business Grow Your Life – LIVE - Michael Charest Announcing a FREE Teleclasss with Business Building Expert Michael Charest Hello DCF, We are coming to Denver for an incredible Two DAY business building event AND sending you a FREE teleclass gift (below)! Take your business to a new level and join us at: GROW YOUR BUSINESS, GROW YOUR LIFE LIVE! In Colorado November 4 & 5 We are going to inspire you to take action and teach you a specific, comprehensive, step-by-step sales and marketing SYSTEM that is guaranteed to grow your business… Satisfaction 100% guaranteed. Learn more and read over 200 testimonials at And now, lets get you that FREE GIFT.
  • 6. FREE TELECLASS: It’s Time to THRIVE! You’ve built a modestly successful business. You’re paying the bills. You’re having impact with your clients. You’re doing OK. But is this what you signed up for? Is this all you want? What happened to the travel? Vacations? Passive revenue? Making a bigger impact and leaving a legacy? You want to earn $500,000 per year, not work so hard for $100k. It’s Time for YOU to Thrive! Join us in this FREE teleclass and learn: The Big LIE - There is something that “the gurus” aren’t sharing and it’s very important! How to double your business without spending another minute or dollar. (Seriously) Five critical success factors to achieving $500,000. (Do these and $500k is guaranteed.) How to “manipulate time” and get more done in an hour than you ever thought possible! WHEN: October 20, 2011 TIME: Noon - 1:00pm Mountain time WHERE: From the comfort of your home! INVESTMENT: F*R*E*E REGISTER: Click here to register Sincerely, Michael Charest, President, Business Growth Solutions In the Spotlight: Paul Siefert Denver Coach Federation is happy to announce that Paul Siefert has been chosen as our October Volunteer of the Month. We sincerely appreciate Paul’s willingness to jump in and offer his experiences, talents, vision, and commitment to DCF and the coaching community! Paul moved to the Denver area in 2009 and started attending DCF events in 2010. He became a valued, contributing member to our organization in March 2011. His extensive background and experiences include a career as a former sales trainer for Fortune 500 companies, a member of the IBM/ROLM Executive Briefing Center, a Masters in Marriage Family Child Counseling (MFCC), and a licensed Financial Advisor/Coach. He participated in Tony Robbins “Advanced Skills Training for Coaches” and completed his training as a coach with ICF-certified Express Coaching Inc. In his spare time, he has earned a Black Belt in Karate. He is
  • 7. quite the busy guy, and yet he still has time to give back to DCF. What a great guy! Click here to read more. Calling All Volunteers! We invite you to share your skills, talents, and experiences with DCF and play a bigger role in the coaching community. How? Read on to see how easy it is to play full out. We have opportunities for you to be of service in the following areas: Facilitator for one of our monthly Special Interest Groups (SIG) - Facilitating a SIG allows you to grow as a leader, meet lots of amazing coaches, and develop an exciting program that you can use in other areas of your coaching practice. DCF Blogger - Would you like to learn more about blogging in a safe environment and would enjoy sharing emerging trends with the coaching community? Then this has your name written all over it. :) Manage DCF Twitter - Are you a tweeting fanatic and have a few extra minutes each week to tweet out to coaches and the community about our DCF meetings, events, and programs? Manage DCF Facebook - Post our events, speakers, coaching tips, etc. It's a great way to network. Greeters - Remember how you felt when you came to your first DCF meeting? Help our new guests feel welcome and at home. Channel 9 News Health Fair - Help us be a part of this great program so that we can be of service to the community. PBS Phone Support - Set up a date/time for us to give back to this important community program. DCF Press Releases - Do you have experience writing and sending out press releases? We'd love your help in getting this started! - Find out when these events are and encourage our members to attend to help coach job seekers in finding their new dream job. It might even lead to new clients! Assist with DCF workshops - We enjoy providing valuable workshops for our DCF members and invite you to be a part of this dynamic, engaging program. We occasionally need help in identifying interesting workshops, getting info about the workshop in the montly newsletter, etc. Identify teleseminar opportunities for DCF members - Is there a topic you think the members would get value from or is there a speaker who you know of who would "WOW" our members? Jump in and be a part of this initiative! Follow up with DCF speakers - Assist them with accommodations, transporation, special needs, etc. - This will allow you to meet some "Movers and Shakers" in the world of coaching! Create a member survey asking for feedback on what areas/topics they're interested in to ensure we're meeting the needs of our members. Resource Management Support - Go through the existing DCF resources on file and determine what's current/beneficial to coaches and what's outdated. Resource of the Month - Highlight a resource from our library and write a brief summary of it for our monthly newsletter. What a great opportunity to learn a new coaching skill, and then share it with your peers. Please contact Kim Canning at 303-349-9128 or to learn more about these exciting opportunities or to get signed up today.
  • 8. We value your creative ideas and are committed to being the #1 resource for coaches in Colorado. Thank you for making a difference! We truly appreciate you and all that you share with us. The DCF Board of Directors Fr*ee Two-Day Coach Training Workshop for Volunteers On October 10th and 11th, you may qualify to attend a free two-day coach training workshop for volunteers, who in turn, will be teaching the same skills to women in prison. Do you have a passion to make a difference? Would you love an opportunity to join a team of trained coaches delivering coaching workshops in the Denver Women's Correctional Facility - facilitating coaching skills workshops with women in prison? - Teaching them the basic elements of coaching - Teaching them to teach the same skills to other women in prison - Creating a positive virus that can ripple out into the rest of the world This project is designed to replicate in Colorado what we have created over the past year in Oklahoma and is created on the shoulders of the other work we have done in prisons, churches, schools, corporations, and other organizations over the past 10 years. The material in the following links demonstrate the impact of our brief work in Oklahoma, following nine years of similar work in many other parts of the country: - Acknowledgment Letter from a prison staff member: Acknowledgement Letter from Kathy Conrad 5-10-11 - Description of our Inner Freedom Program: Description of CKI LOP Inner Freedom Work - Ten year history and detailed description of our work: Ten Year History & more of Coaching Kids - Evidence based outcomes - Pre and Post EQ (Emotional Intelligence) Assessments: LOP Assessments Summary - Feedback from the ladies in the Oklahoma Prison: LOP Feedback form April 26, 2011 LOP Feedback Form May 6, 2011 We are pleased to invite you to apply to attend our two-day free training in the Denver, CO metro area on October 10th and 11th. If you are interested in attending or interested in future opportunities, please contact Reuel Hunt at 303-734-0444 or, and we will send you a volunteer application to start the process. Thank you, Reuel Hunt Membership in the Denver Coach Federation
  • 9. Our New Member Reception in September was a great way of welcoming our new members for 2011 and was lots of fun. Thank you to all who were able to participate. Even though the reception is in the past, we’d still like to welcome you to the Denver Coach Federation community in the future. New members and guests are always welcome, and we encourage you to join now and start taking advantage of the benefits of membership and belonging to our community of coaches. As a member of DCF, you will be part of a wonderful community of individuals committed to making a difference in the lives of their clients, connecting with other coaches, developing themselves, and contributing to the profession of coaching. Our community includes brand new coaches as well as very experienced and highly successful ones. We also welcome those who are exploring coaching as a profession or have not yet started the process of becoming a coach. There are many benefits to membership in DCF, starting with being able to attend the monthly meetings at no additional cost. The educational presentations during the meetings are delivered by highly successful coaches with special expertise and are but one of the resources available for helping you develop your coaching skills and build your business. As a member, you also have the opportunity to network with other coaches and participate in one of the Special Interest Groups (SIGs). The SIGs are led by experienced coaches, giving you the opportunity to learn and engage in lively discussion. Two of the three SIGs are held immediately prior to the meeting, and one is held off-site on a different day. The SIGs currently available are: Exploring Coaching as a Profession; Fundamentals of Starting a Coaching Practice; and Executive Coaching. In addition to the SIGs and monthly educational programming, we also have other programs and events such as workshops and tele-classes, with reduced rates for members. It’s very easy to join by going to the DCF Website and filling out the form: If you have questions about membership, please call me at 303-503-9681. Thank You! Karen McGee DCF Membership Director DCF is on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter & YouTube! Check out the Denver Coach Federation on: Facebook Become a Fan! Twitter You Tube LinkedIn If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at Resource Library The Denver Coach Federation has a fabulous Resource Library with over a hundred educational tapes and books addressing such disciplines as leadership coaching, executive and corporate coaching, career coaching, relationship coaching, life coaching, and spiritual coaching, as well as practice development for coaches. Its purpose is to promote education, business development and support for DCF members. The Resource Library is perhaps best known for its great selection of audiotapes. Several years
  • 10. worth of ICF Conference audiotapes include leadership and coaching topics by such high-profile individuals as Laura Berman-Fortgang, Ken Blanchard, Jack Canfield, Wayne Dyer, Cheryl Richardson, and Benjamin Zander, along with many other masterful coaches. A variety of other resources include such great tapes as "High End Coaching" and "Personal Evolution" by Thomas Leonard and Frederic Hudson's book, The Handbook of Coaching. In addition to developing leadership and coaching skills, audiotape topics are specific to self-promotion and networking, use of assessments, therapists as coaches, attraction principles, team coaching, self- coaching, emotional intelligence, appreciative inquiry, speaking, and getting published. Members may borrow up to four resources per month upon signing "The Agreement for Resource Check-Out". Brenda Cody, M.S., Resource Librarian 720-989-8743 General Meeting Information Regular Monthly Meetings Members: No Charge Non-Members / Guests: $25 per meeting fee When: 2nd Thursday of every month 6:00PM - 9:00PM SIGs start at 6:00PM, and the General Meeting starts at 7:15PM sharp. Where: PPA Event Center, 2105 Decatur Street, Denver, Colorado 80211 Phone: 303-433-8247 The PPA Event Center is on the corner of 21st Avenue and Decatur Street PPA Event Center website: Map to PPA Event Center:
  • 11. Questions? Comments? Ideas to Share? We welcome your comments and ideas and are happy to answer questions. Contact Information: DCF Board Members Kim Clausen, President 303-465-0454 Marty Vondrell, President-Elect 720-389-4870 Karen McGee, Membership Director 303-503-9681 Marketing Director Position Available Carol Schultz, Education Director 303-805-7635 Reuel Hunt, Treasurer 303-734-0444 Kim Canning, Secretary 303-805-0704 Barbara Flood, Past President 303-906-1545 Copyright 2011 Denver Coach Federation