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January | February 2012
Feature title: On-farm feed management practices for three Indian
            major carp species - in Andhra Pradesh, India
            International Aquafeed is published five times a year by Perendale Publishers Ltd of the United Kingdom.
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            ©Copyright 2012 Perendale Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form
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The International magazine for the aquaculture feed industry
FEATURE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      FEATURE

On-farm feed management
practices for three Indian major carp species
                                                                 , India
                                              in And hra Pradesh
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        areas not
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    by dealers, but
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    by the trac-
                                                                                                                                                       production                                                    tor owners
                                                                                                                                                       contributed                                                  in the local
                                                                                                                                                       by fish other                                            areas. They deal
by R Ramakrishna Senior Scientist, Fisheries Research Station, SV Veterinary University Undi, Andhra Pradesh, India
                                                                                                                                                       than      carps                                        with the owners

                                                                                                                                                       was about 50                                         of the production

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   One ShOt At
             lobal aquaculture production         Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal and Pakistan            continued to expand beyond 1981 result-           percent,     and           prawns and carps          points and transport
             is estimated at 66.7 million         also. Both rohu and catla were introduced in       ing in the conversion of about 5000ha of          was 30 percent and 10 percent respectively           the manure up to a
             tonnes. Asian fed aquaculture        to nine non-native countries and mrigal in to      flood-prone fallow land and even agricultural     (Venkateswara Rao et al., 2003).                     distance of five to
             contributed for 54 percent of        seven such countries (Welcome, 1988).              fields. Most of the carp culture area in Andhra                                                        20km; each tractor
the total aquaculture production. The esti-           Until the 19th Century carp culture was        Pradesh is located in and around the Kolleru      Source water for fish culture                        can transport two
mated fish production from Asia contributed
88.5 percent of fish in terms of quantity and
71 percent in terms of value to total world
                                                  confined to backyard ponds in Eastern Indian
                                                  states west Bengal, Orissa and Bihar. The
                                                  source of seed for this type culture was
                                                                                                     Lake (Nandeesha and Gopal Rao, 1989).
                                                                                                          By 1985, fish culture expanded on a large
                                                                                                     scale to other irrigated areas in Krishna and
                                                                                                                                                           In West Godavari, Krishna and East
                                                                                                                                                       Godavari districts the fish farmers are allowed
                                                                                                                                                       to draw water only from the agricultural
                                                                                                                                                                                                            to three tonnes of
                                                                                                                                                                                                            cattle dung. Besides
                                                                                                                                                                                                            the          transport
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                AquAfeed PerfectiOn
fed aquaculture production (FAO, 2006).           natural seed from reverine resources. The          Godavari districts and on a smaller scale to      drains, for which they pay Rs. 500/- as a            charge, the owners
                                                  advent of successful induced breeding through      Nellore, Guntur, Prakasam and East Godavari       revenue charge. In Nellore district water for        obtain a commis-                    In the competitive aquafeed industry, you
    Global food fish production projected         hypophysation in 1957, carp seed production        districts. shows the estimated culture area of    fish culture is drawn from irrigation canals,        sion of Rs75 to 100                 only get one shot to put the perfect product in
by the year 2020 is 130 million tonnes, out       technology provided an impetus for a new era       Indian major carps in the Kolleru and surround-   drains. In this district sub soil water (drawn out   (Rs100=US$1.89)                     the bag. That’s why so many leading aquafeed
of which the production from aquaculture          of carp culture in the country.                    ing areas in the West Godavari and Krishna        mechanically for bore wells) is also a major         per each tonne cat-                 manufacturers in the industry count on Extru-Tech to
is expected to be 53.6 million tonnes. The            The demonstration of successful com-           districts during 1981 to 2010.                    sources for fish culture. The ponds or farms         tle dung delivered.                 engineer the perfect aquafeed production solution.
estimated production form carps, barbs and        posite culture of Indian- and Chinese major             The culture area of Indian major carps       of a fish farmer are registered by the state             Among           the
other cyprinids from India was 10.74 million      carps by the Central Inland Fisheries Research     reached a peak of 80,000ha. With the gradual      government on the insistence that the farmer         chemical fertilisers,               Is your aquafeed production system on target?
tonnes (Brugere and Ridler, 2004).                Institute in West Bengal state during the peri-    expansion of pangus culture, 10,000ha, of area    uses only drain water for the culture.               single super phos-                  Could you use a cost effective improvement
    India is a carp country from aquaculture      od 1963 through 1984 (Jhingran, 1991), and         originally belonged to the culture of Indian                                                           phate, di-ammonium
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                in performance and finished product quality?
point of view. There has been a phenomenal        massive demonstration of this culture tech-        major carps has been converted for mono           Organic manures and                                  phosphate and urea
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Contact one of the Aquafeed Consultants
expansion of commercial carp culture in con-      nology through Fish Farmers Development            or mixed culture of Pangasianodon hypoph-         inorganic fertilizers                                is the widely used
structed earthen ponds in certain Indian states   Agencies located through out the country           thalmus, Sauvage, (pangus), introduced in             Manures and fertilizers play a key role in       fertilisers, through                at Extru-Tech today at 785-284-2153.
such as Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, and Haryana.      inspired private farmers to take up seed pro-      to Andhra Pradesh in 1994 to 1995 from            the Indian major carp culture in producing           potash and complex
    In several other states (Orissa, Karnataka    duction and pond culture of major carps on a       Bangladesh via West Bengal State, India.          phytoplankton and zooplankton. The two               fertilisers are also
and Tamilnadu) commercial carp culture is         commercial scale.                                       Thus, the culture area of Indian major       most widely used organic manures poultry             used. These fertilis-
gaining momentum. Reservoirs and other                In Andhra Pradesh, pond culture of Indian      carps reduced to the presently estimated          manure followed by cattle manure are abun-           ers are commonly
freshwater bodies are also the important          major carps was initiated in the Kolleru Lake      70,000ha. Presently the total pangus area in      dantly available in the state and in the fish        used in the rice agri-
sources of Indian major carp production in        region in 1976, with the construction of 133       the state is estimated to be 20,000ha. The        culture areas also since Andhra Pradesh is           culture and other
India.                                            fish ponds by the State Government, covering       field observations indicate that the culture      basically an agrarian state, with rich population    crops grown in the
    The recent freshwater fish production         an area of 2040ha.                                 area of both Indian major carps and pangus is     of cattle, and stands number one in the coun-        same districts.
in India is 3.7 million tonnes of which about         Success achieved by a few private farmers      still expanding in West Godavari, Krishna, East   try in poultry farming. The poultry manure is a          Both the groups                                   Corporate Office
80 percent (2.96 million tonnes) is from the      during the initial years of culture encouraged     Godavari and Nellore districts.                   waste at poultry farms and is to be disposed         of farmers, of agri-                             P.O. Box 8 • 100 Airport Road
production of the three Indian major carps        people belonging to a cross section of the              The Kolleru Lake and surrounding areas       off. Poultry manure is supplied to farmers           culture and fish cul-                               Sabetha, KS 66534, USA
namely Labeo rohita Hamilton (rohu), Catla        society in Krishna and West Godavari districts     in the West Godavari and Krishna districts is     through dealers, who maintain contacts with          ture, purchase the                                    Phone: 785-284-2153
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Fax: 785-284-3143
catla Hamilton (catla), and Cirrhinus mrigala     to take up commercial fish culture in and          the present cradle of Indian major carps and      the owners of big poultry farms located across       chemical fertilisers
Hamilton (mrigal) from Asia. There produc-        around Kolleru Lake on a large scale.              pangus culture. In East Godavari and Nellore      the state.                                           from the state gov-
tion is: rohu, 1,332,000; catla, 1,331,000 and        Other factors, which contributed to the        districts estimated the culture area is 4000ha        The mode of transport is by 10 to17              ernment - author-
mrigal, 360,000 tonnes (2008a). About 90          rapid development of fish culture in this          each.                                             tonnes capacity lorries. The transport cost,         ized local dealers,
percent of the production of the three Indian     region, include, frequent inundation of agricul-                                                     which comes to Rs250 to 300 per tonne                or local agricultural
major carps is expected to be contributed         tural cropland due to floods, increased cost       Capture fisheries                                 (Rs100=US$1.89) is included in the price paid        cooperatives stores.
from India.                                       of labour, and low return from paddy crops.           Traditionally, Kolleru Lake has been a rich    by the farmer. The dealer gets a commission of           All these are
                                                      By the year 1981 several fish farms ranging    wild fisheries resource. Capture fisheries pro-   Rs200 to 300 per 10 tonnes of poultry manure         under the control
Widely cultivated                                 from 2 to 100ha were constructed in this           duction was 7000 tonnes in 1974. During the       delivered. Cattle dung is usually procured           and regulation of the
   Indian major carps are widely cultured in      region (Gopal Rao, 1987). Fish culture area        years of normal environmental conditions the      from the production points in the near by            district Agricultural

                                             14 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | January-February 2012                                                                                                        January-February 2012 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | 15
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ET-210B.indd 1                                            12/17/10 10:27 AM
that had been approved by m e t h o d s t h a t m a t c h p e r-
                                                                                             the EAS Board of Directors fectly the physiological needs

                                                                                                   AquaStar                                                    ®                        Fatten up your bottom line. Bühler high-performance animal and aqua feed production
                                                                                             during AE2011, and fittingly of the fish as for example the
              Aqua News                                                                      presented to Dr. Divanach mesocosm lar val rearing tech-
                                                                                             on his ‘home soil’, presented nique and self-feeders.                                      systems are used by leading companies around the world. These producers know they
                                                                                             the award. His HCMR col-               Most probably you have already
           Aquativ is growing ...                                                                  Fast growth in clean water!
                                                                                             l e a g u e a n d a s s o c i a t e understood to whom I am refer-                         can rely not just on the technology itself, but also on the support that accompanies it. A
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           ... in Vietnam                                                                    of AquaStar® Dr. Nikos line great honour and pleasure
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                    quativ, par t of Diana France to learn the fundamental                       • Probiotic strains to of the Institute of Aquaculture
                                                                                             the awardee...                        support gut health
                    Group and specialist of of our product and a few years                      “When the EAS president of to stabilize water for
                                                                                                 • Biodegrading strains the Hellenic Center
                    Functional Hydrolysates between Vietnam, France and                      asked me to speak about this Marine Research, Dr Pascal
                                                                                                     quality and pond bottom
          for the aqua feed industr y, Thailand to start and develop our                     person, I thought it was easy Divanach”.
          opened a representative office in sales network in the country.                    until I actually started thinking      Yves Harache added his own
          Ho Chi Minh City in November                “The opening of our produc-            what to say. Then I realized personal appreciation of Pascal’s
                                                                                                                                 • Im
                                                                                                                                       p and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Visit us at Victam Asia 2012 in Bangkok, Thailand,
          2011.                                     tion facility in Thailand with our       how difficult is to speak about work rove way in which is set
                                                                                                                                   he          d
             Nguyen Anh Ngoc, chief rep- partner TC Union Agrotech in                        a person that has done many p alth an gut
                                                                                                                                  the standard to larval rearing of
                                                                                                                                    erfo        d                                                          booth A071 (15 - 17 February 2012)
                                                                                             things and actually marked • Im              rma
                                                                                                                                  Mediterranean species. He there-
          resentative of the new develop- 2010 helped us to offer a very                                                            prov nce
          ment, is proud of this important good range of functionalbeing
                New EAS Honorary Life Member Pascal Divanach (left), hydro-
                                                                                                                                  fore ed it
                                                                                             Greek and I would dare to say qua foundw fitting to present
                                                                                                                                     lity        ater
                                                                                             European aquaculture. is the Co
          step.congratulated by EASpart of lysates for the fish and shrimpa aqua- feed market. On
                  Mr Ngoc has been 2010-2012 President Yves Harache, with                                                     • “Pascal the tenth” with a signed
                                                                                                                                  industry has been rewarding us
          the pioneer copy of “The History of Aquaculture”. As we planned, Nutr ipal© per son of qualitypatcopy ofofthe product perform-
                signed team since the begin-        feed industr y.                                                                      l
                                                                                                This r ange has been beyonda previous HLM award, Dr.                                    Bühler AG, Feed & Biomass, CH-9240 Uzwil, Switzerland, T +41 71 955 11 11, F +41 71 955 28 96
                                                                                                                               b t ogen
                                                                                             working inmaterials (Tuna acColinby ic book “The History
                                                                                                           the academia for ance Nash’s                                       ,
          ning of the Aquativ adventure in sales have been taken off very marine raw                                               eria considering our capability
          2007.                                     well in Vietnam where we supply soluble entireact, Tuna crwas/ of Aquaculture”. He reliable that
                                                                                             his extr career but ude to deliver consistent, added and
          the Institute of Aquaculture persons, including and Ravagnan is always liver powder) essen- a more formal commemora-
             “I’m ver y happy that we are both shrimp feed G. fish feed oil, Tuna speaking about com- fully traceable products.
          and opening this office BoardChi (Italy, since 1981), Dr. E. Monten mercial production.high nutri- tive plaque is being prepared for
          now member of the in Ho of manufacturers,” he said.                          tially used for its When he                  “This result has been achieved
          Directors of the Hellenic Center (Sweden, offers 1987 product produced thein the formulations Pascal. to our industrial standards
          Minh. I spent a significant time            Aquativ     since two †), Dr. tional value first million juvenile thanks Judging from the appre-
          forour research center (HCMR), Bernard i n t h e V i e t n a m e s e sea bass, omega 3, wild plankton ciation showed by the as well as
          in Marine Research based in r a n g e s Chevassus-au-Louis (protein, he used DHA).                                      such as GMP, HACCP audience,
          was presented with an Honorary (France, since 1989), Dr. Eric and since then many millions have Pascal Divanach was a deserving
                                                                                         The Actipal© range, its new gen- our strict supply chain control.
          Life Membershipahead
              Naturally of EAS.                                                        eration of Functional Hydrolysates and popular awardee. by the high
                                                    Edwards (UK, since 1991), Peter been produced.                                This industry is driven
                                                                                       designed to improve the feed standards imposed by the overseas
          Biomin_Anzeige_AquaStar_01.indd 1                                            performance and ultimately the markets like EU and US 31.10.11 11:17        and our
                                                                                       farming productivity.                      product full traceability has been
                                                                                         Performance is due to the high a major asset for our customers
                                                                                       concentration of low molec- exporting to these markets.
                                            Extruder OEE for the Production of Fish Feed makes us unique and very
                                                                                       ular weights compounds such as               “That
                                                                                       peptides, free amino acids and confident on the development
                                                                                       nucleotides generated by the of our sales in the South East
             Process technology, machinery, and                                        hydrolysis bioprocess.                     Asia region,” says Vincent Percier,
                                                                                         “This new office in addition with General Manager of Aquativ
             complete plants for the animal feed industry                              our factory in Thailand demon- Thailand.
                                                                                       strates our commitment to serve                                  se vis
                                                                                                                                                               it us
                                                                                                                                                   Plea              SIA
                                                                                                                                  More inforMation TAM A95
                                                                                       even more our Vietnamese cus-                               VIC nd C 0
              ■ New process lines and plants ■ Process equipment upgrades and replacements                                        Nguyen Anh Ngoc Sta
                                                                                       tomers and is aligned with our
              ■ Spare and wear parts ■ Service andGmbH & Co. KG, Dieselstrasse ■ Optimization and support                         Chief Representative
                                            AMANDUS KAHL maintenance programs 5-9, D-21465 Reinbek / Hamburg, Phone: +49 40 727 71 0, Fax: +49 40 727 71 100
                                                                                       company tagline ‘the closer- Email:
              ■ Leading technologies ■ Global presence ■ Local service
                                                                                       the-better’. We are proud the Website:

                                                             January-February 2012 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | 9

                                                                                                                                     Lifland, Iceland. A complete pro­
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                                                                                                                                     cessing line for animal feed pro-
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                                                                                                                                     feed production in Iceland. The
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                                                                                                                                     ducing in October 2010.

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                                                                                                         interest rate of 18 percent instead of from
                                                                                                         the private financiers elsewhere at higher rate
                                                                                                         of interest.

                                                                                                         National Fisheries
                                                                                                         Development Board
                                                                                                             The National Fisheries Development
                                                                                                         Board (NFDB) was established in July 2006,
                                                                                                         in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. NFDB is
                                                                                                         an autonomous organization under the
                                                                                                         administrative control of the Department of
                                                                                                         Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries,
                                                                                                         of (the Government of India). The overall
                                                                                                         objective of the board is to empower all
                                                                                                         Indian states and union territories through
                                                                                                         implementing various activities related to
                                                                                                         almost all spheres of fisheries and aqua-
                                                                                                         culture in the country and also through
                                                                                                         providing financial support mainly through
Officers. During the periods of shortage, the        the current crop loan. If a lessee has a valid      subsidies.
agricultural officers ensure that the chemical       agreement signed by the owner of a pond or              NFDB provides financial assistance to the
fertilisers are sold to agriculture farmers only.    farm, for a period of five consecutive years, the   eligible candidates for the establishment of
Fish farmers have to wait till the free avail-       lesser is also eligible to obtain crop loans from   feed mills of large scale (installed capacity
ability of the fertilisers restores or they have     the nationalized and local co-operative banks.      five tonnes/ha), medium scale (two tonnes/
to purchase them through rice agriculturists                                                             ha), and small scale (1.2 tonnes/ha) units.
usually at a little higher price.                    Co-operative banks                                  For the first two categories a loan up to 40
                                                         At the present the co-operative banks are       percent of the cost of machinery equipment
Electricity                                          granting a working capital to meet the cost         and building is sanctioned at an annual inter-
    Fish farmers are allowed to use electricity      of culture for one year or less than on year        est rate of five percent.
for fish culture management. The electricity         culture period (not for pond digging or other           For the small scale unit a subsidy of
is usually supplied for seven hours, but often       costs of construction). The scale of finance        20 percent of the total unit cost (which is
intermittently due to shortage of power supply.      for each ha water spread area is Rs275,000 to       Rs750,000 (Rs100=US$1.89) in this case
Farmers represent that they need a continuous        300,000 (Rs100=US$1.89) for the culture of          with a limit of Rs15,000 per unit) will be
supply of electricity or at least uninterrupted      Indian major carps and Rs550,000 for pangus         provided.
power supply during 9pm to 8am, during which         culture.                                                For freshwater fish culture NFDB sanc-
period the dissolved oxygen in the ponds                                                                 tions Rs300,000/ha for construction of a
often fall to critical levels and hence aeration     Private financiers                                  new fishpond for culturing existing species
of ponds with the help of engines becomes a               In the interior Kolleru Lake the villages      or new species, (for example pangus), with
necessary and often the most crucial remedial        from in to co-operative societies, not by reg-      20 percent subsidy, but with a ceiling of
measure to save the crop.                            istration, but by mutual understanding. Each        Rs60,000/ha. For special category of farmers
                                                     of these co-operative bodies, locally called        belonging to scheduled castes and schedule
Sources of finance                                   ‘Bantas’ comprise 40 to 50 members and col-         tribes the subsidy is 25 percent, with a ceil-
    The main sources of finance for fish farm-       lectively culture ponds of 15 to 20ha.              ing of Rs75,000 / ha.
ers in the state are the nationalised banks and           The executive committee of the ‘Banta’             For cost of inputs, including feed, NFDB
the district co-operative central banks with         used to obtain loan required for one-year           sanctions Rs50,000/ha (with 20 percent sub-
their branches in the fish culture areas, and        culture period from the private financers at 36     sidy) for one crop period for Indian major
private financiers.                                  percent annual interest rate. Private financers     carps, and all other existing species, (for
                                                     usually don’t insist for any collateral security,   example Chinese major carps which have
Nationalised banks                                   the loans are given mainly based on the repay-      been cultured in the state for many years).
    The nationalised banks have an almost            ment capacity and personal creditability of the         For pangus culture, the input cost pro-
uniform policy of granting loans to fish             farmer. All the members share the net profit        vided is Rs500,000/ha with 40 percent
farmers in the state. The banks sanction an          equally.                                            subsidy for an initial period of two years
amount of Rs100,000 (Rs100=US$1.89)                       One variation of Banta management in the       and there after 20 percent for all farmers,
for construction and Rs400,000/ha for crop           recent years is that the member’s lease out         and 25 percent for the special category
loan at 18 percent annual interest rate of           their ponds to a group of four to five villagers,   farmers mentioned. NFDB also provides
against mortogation of the documents of              who raise the capital required for culture and      financial assistance for renovation of aged
the land of the farmer. The loan sanctioned          the lease amount, is shared by the members.         aquaculture ponds, fish seed farms, estab-
for pond construction is called tern loan,                Of all the Indian major carp culture areas     lishment of fish hatcheries, prawn and
and this loan may be repaid with in three            in Andhra Pradesh the lease amount is the           shrimp hatcheries.
to seven years, as opted by the farmer.              highest in these Banta villages. As the Indian          Besides, NFDB provide grants to the
The crop loan is to be paid after harvest of         major carp culture established in the Kolleru       government fishery institutes, and the other
each crop.                                           area a rich class of farmers developed in these     eligible agencies for conducting training
    A farmer is eligible to obtain crop loan for     villages and presently, the Banta farmers bor-      programs, demonstrations for the benefit of
his next crop, even with in one year, if he repays   row money from these farmers at an annual           aquaculturists.                             ■

                                                16 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | January-February 2012
Content	from	the	magazine	is	available	to	view	free-of-charge,	both	as	a	full	online	magazine	on	our	
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This	digital	re-print	is	part	of	the	January	|	February	2012	edition	of	International	Aquafeed	magazine.		

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                               The effects of dissolved oxygen
                                on fish growth in aquaculture

                     On-farm feed management practices
                         – for three Indian major carp species in Andhra Pradesh, India
                                                                                             •	   Contact	the	International	Aquafeed	Team
                                     Oxygenation in aquaculture

                                 Developing a plant-based diet
                                                          - for Cobia Rachycentron canadum
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the international magazine for the aquaculture feed industry

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On-farm feed management practices for three Indian major carp species - in Andhra Pradesh, India

  • 1. January | February 2012 Feature title: On-farm feed management practices for three Indian major carp species - in Andhra Pradesh, India International Aquafeed is published five times a year by Perendale Publishers Ltd of the United Kingdom. All data is published in good faith, based on information received, and while every care is taken to prevent inaccuracies, the publishers accept no liability for any errors or omissions or for the consequences of action taken on the basis of information published. ©Copyright 2012 Perendale Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior permission of the copyright owner. Printed by Perendale Publishers Ltd. ISSN: 1464-0058 The International magazine for the aquaculture feed industry
  • 2. FEATURE FEATURE On-farm feed management practices for three Indian major carp species , India in And hra Pradesh areas not by dealers, but by the trac- production tor owners contributed in the local by fish other areas. They deal by R Ramakrishna Senior Scientist, Fisheries Research Station, SV Veterinary University Undi, Andhra Pradesh, India than carps with the owners G was about 50 of the production One ShOt At lobal aquaculture production Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal and Pakistan continued to expand beyond 1981 result- percent, and prawns and carps points and transport is estimated at 66.7 million also. Both rohu and catla were introduced in ing in the conversion of about 5000ha of was 30 percent and 10 percent respectively the manure up to a tonnes. Asian fed aquaculture to nine non-native countries and mrigal in to flood-prone fallow land and even agricultural (Venkateswara Rao et al., 2003). distance of five to contributed for 54 percent of seven such countries (Welcome, 1988). fields. Most of the carp culture area in Andhra 20km; each tractor the total aquaculture production. The esti- Until the 19th Century carp culture was Pradesh is located in and around the Kolleru Source water for fish culture can transport two mated fish production from Asia contributed 88.5 percent of fish in terms of quantity and 71 percent in terms of value to total world confined to backyard ponds in Eastern Indian states west Bengal, Orissa and Bihar. The source of seed for this type culture was Lake (Nandeesha and Gopal Rao, 1989). By 1985, fish culture expanded on a large scale to other irrigated areas in Krishna and In West Godavari, Krishna and East Godavari districts the fish farmers are allowed to draw water only from the agricultural to three tonnes of cattle dung. Besides the transport AquAfeed PerfectiOn fed aquaculture production (FAO, 2006). natural seed from reverine resources. The Godavari districts and on a smaller scale to drains, for which they pay Rs. 500/- as a charge, the owners advent of successful induced breeding through Nellore, Guntur, Prakasam and East Godavari revenue charge. In Nellore district water for obtain a commis- In the competitive aquafeed industry, you Global food fish production projected hypophysation in 1957, carp seed production districts. shows the estimated culture area of fish culture is drawn from irrigation canals, sion of Rs75 to 100 only get one shot to put the perfect product in by the year 2020 is 130 million tonnes, out technology provided an impetus for a new era Indian major carps in the Kolleru and surround- drains. In this district sub soil water (drawn out (Rs100=US$1.89) the bag. That’s why so many leading aquafeed of which the production from aquaculture of carp culture in the country. ing areas in the West Godavari and Krishna mechanically for bore wells) is also a major per each tonne cat- manufacturers in the industry count on Extru-Tech to is expected to be 53.6 million tonnes. The The demonstration of successful com- districts during 1981 to 2010. sources for fish culture. The ponds or farms tle dung delivered. engineer the perfect aquafeed production solution. estimated production form carps, barbs and posite culture of Indian- and Chinese major The culture area of Indian major carps of a fish farmer are registered by the state Among the other cyprinids from India was 10.74 million carps by the Central Inland Fisheries Research reached a peak of 80,000ha. With the gradual government on the insistence that the farmer chemical fertilisers, Is your aquafeed production system on target? tonnes (Brugere and Ridler, 2004). Institute in West Bengal state during the peri- expansion of pangus culture, 10,000ha, of area uses only drain water for the culture. single super phos- Could you use a cost effective improvement India is a carp country from aquaculture od 1963 through 1984 (Jhingran, 1991), and originally belonged to the culture of Indian phate, di-ammonium in performance and finished product quality? point of view. There has been a phenomenal massive demonstration of this culture tech- major carps has been converted for mono Organic manures and phosphate and urea Contact one of the Aquafeed Consultants expansion of commercial carp culture in con- nology through Fish Farmers Development or mixed culture of Pangasianodon hypoph- inorganic fertilizers is the widely used structed earthen ponds in certain Indian states Agencies located through out the country thalmus, Sauvage, (pangus), introduced in Manures and fertilizers play a key role in fertilisers, through at Extru-Tech today at 785-284-2153. such as Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, and Haryana. inspired private farmers to take up seed pro- to Andhra Pradesh in 1994 to 1995 from the Indian major carp culture in producing potash and complex In several other states (Orissa, Karnataka duction and pond culture of major carps on a Bangladesh via West Bengal State, India. phytoplankton and zooplankton. The two fertilisers are also and Tamilnadu) commercial carp culture is commercial scale. Thus, the culture area of Indian major most widely used organic manures poultry used. These fertilis- gaining momentum. Reservoirs and other In Andhra Pradesh, pond culture of Indian carps reduced to the presently estimated manure followed by cattle manure are abun- ers are commonly freshwater bodies are also the important major carps was initiated in the Kolleru Lake 70,000ha. Presently the total pangus area in dantly available in the state and in the fish used in the rice agri- sources of Indian major carp production in region in 1976, with the construction of 133 the state is estimated to be 20,000ha. The culture areas also since Andhra Pradesh is culture and other ® India. fish ponds by the State Government, covering field observations indicate that the culture basically an agrarian state, with rich population crops grown in the The recent freshwater fish production an area of 2040ha. area of both Indian major carps and pangus is of cattle, and stands number one in the coun- same districts. in India is 3.7 million tonnes of which about Success achieved by a few private farmers still expanding in West Godavari, Krishna, East try in poultry farming. The poultry manure is a Both the groups Corporate Office 80 percent (2.96 million tonnes) is from the during the initial years of culture encouraged Godavari and Nellore districts. waste at poultry farms and is to be disposed of farmers, of agri- P.O. Box 8 • 100 Airport Road production of the three Indian major carps people belonging to a cross section of the The Kolleru Lake and surrounding areas off. Poultry manure is supplied to farmers culture and fish cul- Sabetha, KS 66534, USA namely Labeo rohita Hamilton (rohu), Catla society in Krishna and West Godavari districts in the West Godavari and Krishna districts is through dealers, who maintain contacts with ture, purchase the Phone: 785-284-2153 Fax: 785-284-3143 catla Hamilton (catla), and Cirrhinus mrigala to take up commercial fish culture in and the present cradle of Indian major carps and the owners of big poultry farms located across chemical fertilisers Hamilton (mrigal) from Asia. There produc- around Kolleru Lake on a large scale. pangus culture. In East Godavari and Nellore the state. from the state gov- tion is: rohu, 1,332,000; catla, 1,331,000 and Other factors, which contributed to the districts estimated the culture area is 4000ha The mode of transport is by 10 to17 ernment - author- mrigal, 360,000 tonnes (2008a). About 90 rapid development of fish culture in this each. tonnes capacity lorries. The transport cost, ized local dealers, percent of the production of the three Indian region, include, frequent inundation of agricul- which comes to Rs250 to 300 per tonne or local agricultural major carps is expected to be contributed tural cropland due to floods, increased cost Capture fisheries (Rs100=US$1.89) is included in the price paid cooperatives stores. from India. of labour, and low return from paddy crops. Traditionally, Kolleru Lake has been a rich by the farmer. The dealer gets a commission of All these are By the year 1981 several fish farms ranging wild fisheries resource. Capture fisheries pro- Rs200 to 300 per 10 tonnes of poultry manure under the control Widely cultivated from 2 to 100ha were constructed in this duction was 7000 tonnes in 1974. During the delivered. Cattle dung is usually procured and regulation of the Indian major carps are widely cultured in region (Gopal Rao, 1987). Fish culture area years of normal environmental conditions the from the production points in the near by district Agricultural 14 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | January-February 2012 January-February 2012 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | 15 ET-210B.indd 1 12/17/10 10:27 AM
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Ladies and Gentlemen, it is service combining local presence with global expertise both lowers feed mill operating ... in Vietnam of AquaStar® Dr. Nikos line great honour and pleasure Aquaculture, product my Papandroulakis, introduced to present you the Director costs and increases capacity utilization. To find out more, visit A quativ, par t of Diana France to learn the fundamental • Probiotic strains to of the Institute of Aquaculture the awardee... support gut health Group and specialist of of our product and a few years “When the EAS president of to stabilize water for • Biodegrading strains the Hellenic Center Functional Hydrolysates between Vietnam, France and asked me to speak about this Marine Research, Dr Pascal quality and pond bottom for the aqua feed industr y, Thailand to start and develop our person, I thought it was easy Divanach”. opened a representative office in sales network in the country. until I actually started thinking Yves Harache added his own Ho Chi Minh City in November “The opening of our produc- what to say. Then I realized personal appreciation of Pascal’s • Im p and the Visit us at Victam Asia 2012 in Bangkok, Thailand, 2011. tion facility in Thailand with our how difficult is to speak about work rove way in which is set he d Nguyen Anh Ngoc, chief rep- partner TC Union Agrotech in a person that has done many p alth an gut the standard to larval rearing of erfo d booth A071 (15 - 17 February 2012) things and actually marked • Im rma Mediterranean species. He there- resentative of the new develop- 2010 helped us to offer a very prov nce ment, is proud of this important good range of functionalbeing New EAS Honorary Life Member Pascal Divanach (left), hydro- fore ed it Greek and I would dare to say qua foundw fitting to present lity ater European aquaculture. is the Co step.congratulated by EASpart of lysates for the fish and shrimpa aqua- feed market. On Mr Ngoc has been 2010-2012 President Yves Harache, with • “Pascal the tenth” with a signed industry has been rewarding us ntro the pioneer copy of “The History of Aquaculture”. As we planned, Nutr ipal© per son of qualitypatcopy ofofthe product perform- signed team since the begin- feed industr y. l This r ange has been beyonda previous HLM award, Dr. Bühler AG, Feed & Biomass, CH-9240 Uzwil, Switzerland, T +41 71 955 11 11, F +41 71 955 28 96 h b t ogen working inmaterials (Tuna acColinby ic book “The History the academia for ance Nash’s, ning of the Aquativ adventure in sales have been taken off very marine raw eria considering our capability 2007. well in Vietnam where we supply soluble entireact, Tuna crwas/ of Aquaculture”. He reliable that his extr career but ude to deliver consistent, added and the Institute of Aquaculture persons, including and Ravagnan is always liver powder) essen- a more formal commemora- “I’m ver y happy that we are both shrimp feed G. fish feed oil, Tuna speaking about com- fully traceable products. and opening this office BoardChi (Italy, since 1981), Dr. E. Monten mercial production.high nutri- tive plaque is being prepared for now member of the in Ho of manufacturers,” he said. tially used for its When he “This result has been achieved Directors of the Hellenic Center (Sweden, offers 1987 product produced thein the formulations Pascal. to our industrial standards Minh. I spent a significant time Aquativ since two †), Dr. tional value first million juvenile thanks Judging from the appre- forour research center (HCMR), Bernard i n t h e V i e t n a m e s e sea bass, omega 3, wild plankton ciation showed by the as well as in Marine Research based in r a n g e s Chevassus-au-Louis (protein, he used DHA). such as GMP, HACCP audience, was presented with an Honorary (France, since 1989), Dr. Eric and since then many millions have Pascal Divanach was a deserving The Actipal© range, its new gen- our strict supply chain control. Life Membershipahead Naturally of EAS. eration of Functional Hydrolysates and popular awardee. by the high Edwards (UK, since 1991), Peter been produced. This industry is driven designed to improve the feed standards imposed by the overseas Biomin_Anzeige_AquaStar_01.indd 1 performance and ultimately the markets like EU and US 31.10.11 11:17 and our farming productivity. product full traceability has been Performance is due to the high a major asset for our customers concentration of low molec- exporting to these markets. Extruder OEE for the Production of Fish Feed makes us unique and very ular weights compounds such as “That peptides, free amino acids and confident on the development nucleotides generated by the of our sales in the South East Process technology, machinery, and hydrolysis bioprocess. Asia region,” says Vincent Percier, “This new office in addition with General Manager of Aquativ complete plants for the animal feed industry our factory in Thailand demon- Thailand. strates our commitment to serve se vis it us at: Plea SIA More inforMation TAM A95 even more our Vietnamese cus- VIC nd C 0 ■ New process lines and plants ■ Process equipment upgrades and replacements Nguyen Anh Ngoc Sta tomers and is aligned with our ■ Spare and wear parts ■ Service andGmbH & Co. KG, Dieselstrasse ■ Optimization and support Chief Representative AMANDUS KAHL maintenance programs 5-9, D-21465 Reinbek / Hamburg, Phone: +49 40 727 71 0, Fax: +49 40 727 71 100 company tagline ‘the closer- Email:, ■ Leading technologies ■ Global presence ■ Local service the-better’. We are proud the Website: January-February 2012 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | 9 Lifland, Iceland. A complete pro­ IAF12.01.indd 9 10/01/2012 15:55 cessing line for animal feed pro- duction. With this greenfield plant (capacity 50,000 t/a), Lifland will cover nearly 60% of total animal feed production in Iceland. The turnkey feed plant started pro- ducing in October 2010. AQUAFEED INFORMATION FORwe make it work! Together, ADVERTISERS Top Quality Fish Feed With circulation of the printed magazine to key ADVERTISE industry decision makers and heavy promotion at ANDRITZ FEED & BIOFUEL key industry events, working alongside our online Europe, Asia, and South America: USA and Canada: distribution strategies - International Aquafeed is the ideal place to promote your products aimed at the A brand of NIREUS group global aquaculture industry. Innovations for a better world. January-February 2012 | InternatIonal AquAFeed Call the team today to hear how we can |7 help you achieve your marketing goals IAF12.01.indd 7 Tel. +30 210 66 24 280 10/01/2012 15:55
  • 4. FEATURE interest rate of 18 percent instead of from the private financiers elsewhere at higher rate of interest. National Fisheries Development Board The National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB) was established in July 2006, in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. NFDB is an autonomous organization under the administrative control of the Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, of (the Government of India). The overall objective of the board is to empower all Indian states and union territories through implementing various activities related to almost all spheres of fisheries and aqua- culture in the country and also through providing financial support mainly through Officers. During the periods of shortage, the the current crop loan. If a lessee has a valid subsidies. agricultural officers ensure that the chemical agreement signed by the owner of a pond or NFDB provides financial assistance to the fertilisers are sold to agriculture farmers only. farm, for a period of five consecutive years, the eligible candidates for the establishment of Fish farmers have to wait till the free avail- lesser is also eligible to obtain crop loans from feed mills of large scale (installed capacity ability of the fertilisers restores or they have the nationalized and local co-operative banks. five tonnes/ha), medium scale (two tonnes/ to purchase them through rice agriculturists ha), and small scale (1.2 tonnes/ha) units. usually at a little higher price. Co-operative banks For the first two categories a loan up to 40 At the present the co-operative banks are percent of the cost of machinery equipment Electricity granting a working capital to meet the cost and building is sanctioned at an annual inter- Fish farmers are allowed to use electricity of culture for one year or less than on year est rate of five percent. for fish culture management. The electricity culture period (not for pond digging or other For the small scale unit a subsidy of is usually supplied for seven hours, but often costs of construction). The scale of finance 20 percent of the total unit cost (which is intermittently due to shortage of power supply. for each ha water spread area is Rs275,000 to Rs750,000 (Rs100=US$1.89) in this case Farmers represent that they need a continuous 300,000 (Rs100=US$1.89) for the culture of with a limit of Rs15,000 per unit) will be supply of electricity or at least uninterrupted Indian major carps and Rs550,000 for pangus provided. power supply during 9pm to 8am, during which culture. For freshwater fish culture NFDB sanc- period the dissolved oxygen in the ponds tions Rs300,000/ha for construction of a often fall to critical levels and hence aeration Private financiers new fishpond for culturing existing species of ponds with the help of engines becomes a In the interior Kolleru Lake the villages or new species, (for example pangus), with necessary and often the most crucial remedial from in to co-operative societies, not by reg- 20 percent subsidy, but with a ceiling of measure to save the crop. istration, but by mutual understanding. Each Rs60,000/ha. For special category of farmers of these co-operative bodies, locally called belonging to scheduled castes and schedule Sources of finance ‘Bantas’ comprise 40 to 50 members and col- tribes the subsidy is 25 percent, with a ceil- The main sources of finance for fish farm- lectively culture ponds of 15 to 20ha. ing of Rs75,000 / ha. ers in the state are the nationalised banks and The executive committee of the ‘Banta’ For cost of inputs, including feed, NFDB the district co-operative central banks with used to obtain loan required for one-year sanctions Rs50,000/ha (with 20 percent sub- their branches in the fish culture areas, and culture period from the private financers at 36 sidy) for one crop period for Indian major private financiers. percent annual interest rate. Private financers carps, and all other existing species, (for usually don’t insist for any collateral security, example Chinese major carps which have Nationalised banks the loans are given mainly based on the repay- been cultured in the state for many years). The nationalised banks have an almost ment capacity and personal creditability of the For pangus culture, the input cost pro- uniform policy of granting loans to fish farmer. All the members share the net profit vided is Rs500,000/ha with 40 percent farmers in the state. The banks sanction an equally. subsidy for an initial period of two years amount of Rs100,000 (Rs100=US$1.89) One variation of Banta management in the and there after 20 percent for all farmers, for construction and Rs400,000/ha for crop recent years is that the member’s lease out and 25 percent for the special category loan at 18 percent annual interest rate of their ponds to a group of four to five villagers, farmers mentioned. NFDB also provides against mortogation of the documents of who raise the capital required for culture and financial assistance for renovation of aged the land of the farmer. The loan sanctioned the lease amount, is shared by the members. aquaculture ponds, fish seed farms, estab- for pond construction is called tern loan, Of all the Indian major carp culture areas lishment of fish hatcheries, prawn and and this loan may be repaid with in three in Andhra Pradesh the lease amount is the shrimp hatcheries. to seven years, as opted by the farmer. highest in these Banta villages. As the Indian Besides, NFDB provide grants to the The crop loan is to be paid after harvest of major carp culture established in the Kolleru government fishery institutes, and the other each crop. area a rich class of farmers developed in these eligible agencies for conducting training A farmer is eligible to obtain crop loan for villages and presently, the Banta farmers bor- programs, demonstrations for the benefit of his next crop, even with in one year, if he repays row money from these farmers at an annual aquaculturists. ■ 16 | InternatIonal AquAFeed | January-February 2012
  • 5. Content from the magazine is available to view free-of-charge, both as a full online magazine on our website, and as an archive of individual features on the docstoc website. LINKS This digital re-print is part of the January | February 2012 edition of International Aquafeed magazine. Please click here to view our other publications on Vo l u m e 1 5 I s s u e 1 2 0 1 2 • See the full issue • Visit the International Aquafeed website The effects of dissolved oxygen on fish growth in aquaculture On-farm feed management practices – for three Indian major carp species in Andhra Pradesh, India • Contact the International Aquafeed Team Oxygenation in aquaculture Developing a plant-based diet - for Cobia Rachycentron canadum • Subscribe to International Aquafeed the international magazine for the aquaculture feed industry To purchase a paper copy of the magazine, or to subscribe to the paper edition please contact our Circulation and Subscriptions Manager on the link above. INFORMATION FOR ADVERTISERS - CLICK HERE