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Definition= at 2 separate occasions(6
Systolic BP > or = 140
Diastolic BP > or = 90
Normal: SBP< 120, D BP< 80
Pre HTN: S BP- 120-139, D BP- 80-89
Stage-I : SBP- 140-159, D BP- 90-99
Stage II : SBP- > or= 160, D BP> or=100
Isolated SHTN: S BP>or=140, D BP<90
Isolated systolic hypertension
* is defined as systolic blood pressure
≥140 mm Hg with diastolic pressure <90 mm Hg.
*mainly affects people older than 55 years.
Secondary causes include
1.increased cardiac output (anemia,
thyrotoxicosis,arteriovenous fistula, Paget disease
of bone, and beriberi)
2. increased cardiac stroke volume (aortic
insufficiency and complete heart block).
• Exclude= recent physical exercise, use of tobacco
or caffeine, or a full urinary bladder.
•Office (white coat) hypertension: elevated BP in
the clinic environment.Diagnosis made by self-
measurement or average awake ambulatory level=
≥135/85 mm Hg.
• Pseudohypertension: inaccurately high cuff blood
pressure as a result of a stiff vascular tree in older
persons= an indication to IA BP measurment.
Risk factor for HTN
1.Nonreversible risk : older age, being African
American, and having a family history of
2. Reversible : prehypertension,
overweight,sedentary lifestyle, high-sodium–low-
potassium diet,excessive alcohol intake and
metabolic syndrome.
3.Genetic factor: Polygenic= two or greater
factors plus environmental factor, Monogenic- on
Metabolic syndrome
•is defined by the presence of at least three of the
•.abdominal obesity (waist circumference >40
inches in men or >35 inches in women) vs BMI.
• impaired fasting blood glucose(fasting glucose
≥110 mg/dL),
•blood pressure ≥130/85 mmHg,
• plasma triglycerides ≥150 mg/dL, or
•HDL cholesterol <40 mg/dL in men or
• <50 mg/dL in women.
• Individual risk from hypertension is related to its
level, duration, and the presence of other risk
factors for cardiovascular disease or target organ
• At any given level of blood pressure, African
Americans and men are at the greatest risk.
*The MCOD is coronary artery disease(CHD).
• Target organ damage increases the risk of
cardiovascular disease events even if blood
pressure is subsequently controlled.
Risk factors for CHD
*HTN, tobacco use, hyperlipidemia, diabetes
mellitus, obesity, sedentary lifestyle,metabolic
syndrome, male gender, postmenopausal state,
older age, family history of premature cardiovascular
disease,PAD,Stroke and CKD.
Summary of basic facts on HTN
*Treatment of reversible risk factors can prevent or
delay the development of hypertension and lower
the risk of cardiovascular disease.
• Treatment of metabolic syndrome can prevent
cardiovascular disease and the development of
• Diastolic blood pressure is the best predictor of
cardiovascular disease in young people.
• Systolic blood pressure is the dominant predictor of
risk of cardiovascular disease in older people.
Mechanism of HTN
TPR = D HTN = amount of blood return to the
heart due to arteriolar contraction at diastole=MCC
 Intra vascular volume elevation.
 Autonomic Nervous system over activity.
 Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System over
 Vascular factors:
*includes arterial stiffness, Increased vascular
smooth muscle tone and growth, Endothelial
damage( decreased NO & vasodilator peptide).
Hypertension during pregnancy:
*developing before the 20th week of gestation is
more likely to have a secondary form (caused by
renovascular disease, primary aldosteronism,
Cushing syndrome, or pheochromocytoma).
*Blood pressure ≥140 mm Hg systolic or ≥90 mm
Hg diastolic.
• Transient hypertension is a predictor of the future
development of essential hypertension.
• Consider secondary causes of hypertension in this
age group.
Mx of chronic HTN in pregnancy
*Lifestyle modifications can be used initially to
treat mild hypertension.
* Use drug therapy if
1.diastolic blood pressure is ≥100 mm Hg or
2.systolic blood pressure
* is ≥150 mm Hg in the second trimester or
• ≥160 mm Hg in the third trimester.
• Recommended initial drug therapy:
… Types of TOD
Atherosclerosis is the cause
 Heart
 Diastolic dysfunction=stiff ventricle=SOB
-Early sign, caused by LVH and ischemia and
ejection fraction is ok.
-Diagnosis- Echocardiography and cardiac
 Left ventricular hypertrophy
- Genetic and hemodynamic risk factors - Wall
thickness – LVOO / CHD.
-CP=range No Symptom to syncope, chest pain,
palpitation, exercise intolerance, stroke,
sudden cardiac death
- Diagnosis – ECG, Echo
Management of LVH
Antihypertensive drugs: Lasix, Beta blockers,
- decreases LV mass and prevent LVH and
- Decreases CVD risks
- Due to decreased BP but mechanism of
action on the mass unknown
Treatment of HTN
- Decreases: CHF by 50%, CHD by 12-16%, SCD
by 21%, LVH by 35%.
Central Nervous System
•Stroke: Ischemic and Hemorrhagic.
•Treatment of HTN decreases stroke by 35-50%
•Decreased Cognition and dementia
•Hypertensive Encephalopathy=pupil edema.
 Renal
• ARF =secondary to fibrinoid necrosis
• Chronic: Glomerulosclerosis and tubular ischemia
with atrophy
• HTN due to primary Vs CKD
- PU < 1 gm/d and no active Urine sediment in
cases of primary HTN
• Due to atherosclerosis: aneurysm, dissection,
rupture, stenosis
Primary HTN
Accounts for 85-95%, Familial, increases with age,
in twins concordance rate M=60%, W=35%.
Majority due to increased PVR but COP normal, in
the young due to increased COP and normal PVR
Peak age= 25-55
Low renin modulators accounts for 20% and are
diuretic responsive.
High renin non modulators accounts for 10-15%,
more in whites and ACEI /ARB responsive.
High aldosterone and low renin is common in
blacks and DM Pts, increased LVH, AS and PVR
with SCD and are spironolactone sensitive.
Associated with metabolic syndrome.
Secondary HTN
Accounts for 5-15% of HTN and major cause is
Renal paranchymal, next is renovascular HTN.
Indication of screening: age <25 and >55, poor
drug response; Hx, PE, Lab evidence of
underlying cause
Majority asymptomatic found accidentally
Target organ damage
Hypertensive Emergency
Sn Sm of underlying cause
Basic Lab tests
CBC, RFT, UA, FBS, Lipid profile, Electrolyte,
TSH, T3 & T4, ECG, CXR
Emergency(TOD) Vs Urgency( no TOD)
Imminent / overt target organ damage in
association with acute onset or worsening of HTN
Needs urgent lowering BP with in two hrs for
emergency ( S BP < 160, D BP b/n 100 and 110)
or decreasing MAP by 1/4th
RAAS is activated
I- Encephalopathy
If focal sign R/O stoke by CT
Drug : Nitroprusside, Nicardipine, Labetolol
Malignant HTN
Clinical syndrome associated with abrupt rise in
BP recognized by
Progressive retinopathy( arteriolar spasm,
hemorrhages, exudates, papilledema)
Deteriorating RF with PU
Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
Rate of rise more important than the absolute
level of BP
Pathophysiology: Fibrinoid necrosis in the
arterioles of kidney, brain and retina, increased
plasma renin activity (pressure natiuresis, RV
injury), tissue renin activity
If no Encephalopathy or other catastrophic
event lower BP over several minutes (over
hours) with PO short acting drugs with
frequent dosage
Captopril, Clonidine, Labetalol
oPresence of cerebral edema X-ized by non
localizing neurologic manifestations.
*Headache, nausea, vomiting, restlessness,
confusion, seizure, coma could occur
*CT- R/O ischemia or infarction
oPathophysiology: disrupted cerebral auto regulation
leading to vasodilatation of cerebral microvasculature
*Level of BP: in chronic HTN at DBP >120, could
occur at DBP <100.
*Rapidly lowering BP may precipitate ischemia(
brain, kidney, heart)
*Goal: to reduce BP to 160/100-110, with in minute
to 2hrs with initial fall of MAP not exceeding 25%
of the presenting value
*Drugs: IV Nitroprusside, Labetalol, Nicardipine
*After the target level of BP is achieved oral agents
should be started to bring DBP b/n 85-90 over two
to three months
*Prognosis: at continued risk for coronary, CV and
renal disease, survival improves with time (90% by
the 4th yr Vs 52 % in the 1st yr)
1.Ischemic =Acute reatment is indicated= if S BP
>220 and DBP >130 ,provided no other indication
to RX, if fibrinolytic agent is indicated BP should
be < 185 and 110.
*ACEI+HCT after 7-10 days.
2.ICH= indication is when MAP > 130 or SBP
>220 and DBP >130.
3.SAH =when MAP > 130
III- Acute CHF
Treat with ACEI plus loop diuretic plus Digoxin
plus Nitrates
IV- ACS=Treat with Labetolol, Esmolo, Nitrates,
Nicardipine, ACEI.
V- ARF=Treat with CCB, Lasix, Dopamine, Dialysis
VI- Aortic dissection.Goal =SBP<125 with in 30-60
Treat with Esmolol, Labetolol, Nitroprusside
*CCB & Duretic are CI to avoid tachycardia.
VII- Pre ecclampsia and Ecclampsia
Hydralazine, Labetolol, Nicardipine, Aldomate
VIII-Hypertensive Urgency: Goal to put SBP< 160,
DBP<110 over 24hrs to few days
Hypertensive Retinopathy:
systolic BP >= 140
diastolic >= 90
The strong correlation linking arterial
hypertension with heart disease, stroke, and
renal failure makes it a leading cause of
morbidity and mortality among adults in the
United States.
Clinical findings of the retina in
hypertensive retinopathy are as follows:
Retinal and macular edema ¤
Edema residues (hard exudates) ¤
Inner retinal ischemic spots (cotton- wool
spots) ¤
¤ - indicate a more serious stage.
Modified Scheie classification of
Hypertensive Retinopathy:
Grade 0 - No changes
Grade 1 – barely detectable arterial
Grade 2- Obvious arterial narrowing with
focal irregularities.
Grade 3 – Grade 2 plus retinal hemorrhage
and/or exudate.
Grade 4 - Grade 3 plus disc swelling.
Treatment of stable hypertensive patient
*Risk assessment and stratification: stage of
HTN, comorbid conditions, CVD risk factors,
beneficial effect on CV risks, age, availability
and cost of drugs
*Follow up: drug selection and acceptable
combination, base line clinical and Lab data
should be taken.
When to start and mode of treatment
Pre hypertension: those with risk factor for CVD
close follow up and risk reduction, treatment of
related disease conditions and life style
Sage I : With out risk factors follow up for 3-6
months and if persistent HTN ,start drug therapy.
Stage I with risk and above: drug therapy from
the outset
Isolated systolic HTN with risk factor other than
age start drug treatment, if with out risk follow up
and treat accordingly oGoal of Rx : BP < 140/80
Single Vs Combination drug treatment
Depending on organ related risk (CVD related risk
Patient related risk
Comorbid conditions
Stage of HTN>=II
BP=> 160|95, needs at least 2 drugs.
Degree of control of clinical conditions and BP
• Combination therapy with two drugs should be
considered for stage 2 hypertension or if initial
blood pressure is >20/10 mm
Hg above the goal.
Life style changes
*Cessation of smoking.
*salt restriction.
*reduction of saturated and total fat intake.
*High fiber diet, fruits and vegetable.
* supplemental Ca, Mg and K .
*Alcohol: Men < 2 drink/d, women<1drink/d.
*Aerobic exercise: 30min daily or every other day
*Tea and coffee: limited amount.
Specific clinical conditions and drug choices
DM: ACEI, beta blocker, Loop diuretic, ASA,
statin, CCB, Diltiazem (Verapamil ), glycemic
control. If no proteinuria =goal of BP < 130/80
-If PU BP < 125/75
CKD: ACEI, BB, Loop diuretics, CCB, statin,
Warfarin (if needed)
CHF and CHD: ACEI, BB, diuretic
Stroke: ACEI, BB, CCB, HCT, ASA, Statin.
Pregnancy: Aldomate, CCB, Labetolol
Post MI: BB, ACEI, statin, ASA
Blacks: diuretic plus BB/ACEI or CCB plus
PAD: ASA plus CCB plus surgery if needed(70%
had IHD=BB+CCB).
Elderly: thiazide, CCB, Labetolol
Refractory HTN
Persistent BP of > 140/90 using three
drugs and above with appropriate
combination, indication and good
Common in old age
DDx: Pseudo hypertension, poor
adherence, salt intake, obesity, excess
alcohol intake, 2ry HTN,
Screening and prevention of HTN
For non risk groups once every three
to five years and at any clinic visit.
For risk groups every six to twelve
months Bp measurement
In general when to start screening
and it’s benefit is not well established,
but at age>=3 years.
Secondary HTN
*Most pts are asymptomatic.
*Severe hypertension may lead to headache,
epistaxis,or blurred vision.
Clues to Specific Forms of Secondary
*Use of OCP& glucocorticoids.
*paroxysms of headache, sweating, or tachycardia
*history of renal disease or abdominal bruie (renal
Physical Examination
*Measure bp in both arms as well as a leg (to
evaluate for coarctation).
•Clues to secondary forms of hypertension
include cushingoid appearance, thyromegaly,
abdominal bruit (renal artery stenosis), delayed
femoral pulses (coarctation of aorta).
1.RAS: MR angiography, captopril renogram, renal
duplex ultrasound and measurement of renal vein
(2) Cushing’s syndrome: dexamethasone
suppression test.
(3) pheochromocytoma: 24-h urine collection for
catecholamines, metanephrines, and
vanillylmandelic acid or measurement of plasma
(4) primary hyperaldosteronism: depressed plasma
renin activity and hypersecretion of aldosterone,
both of which fail to change with volume expansion.
(5) renal parenchymal disease= RFT and CAST, PU
and kideny US=small or increased echopaterrn.
6.CBC=Myelo proliferative disorders.
Renal parenchymal disease:
•the most common secondary cause of
•CKD=elevated RFT&PU>+1.
•*AGN=RBC casts+elevated RFT
•*Chronic pyelonephritis=pus cell+elevated RFT
and WBC casts.
• Treatment include sodium restriction, diuretics
appropriate to level of renal function,and ACEIs.
• ACEIs slow the progression of proteinuric renal
• Renovascular disease
*MC=potentially curable secondary hypertension.
•*sudden onset of hypertension,refractory to usual
antihypertensive therapy.
•*Abdominal bruit often audible; mild hypokalemia
due to activation of the RAAS.
*• Unilateral disease is associated with renin-
dependent hypertension.
*whereas bilateral disease is associated with
volume-dependent hypertension.
*Drop of BP, decreased UO, elevated k+ and
creatinine after ACEI medication in BRAS.
• Fibromuscular disease(FMD)=10% of RAS
** especially women of child bearing age.
• Medial fibromuscular dysplasia is the most
common subtype and has a string-of-beads
appearance on angiography.
• Dissection and thrombosis of a renal artery are
complications most commonly seen with rare
*Renal artery occlusion is rare.
Atheromatous disease=90% of RAS.
• is the most common cause of renovascular
hypertension in middle-aged>55 years or older
• The disease is bilateral in 30% of cases and
progressive in 35%.
• It can cause renal artery occlusion unlike FMD.
Primary aldosteronism:
•Main subtypes:
1.unilateral aldosterone-producing adenoma and
2.bilateral adrenal hyperplasia.
Suspect primary aldosteronism in persons with
*spontaneous hypokalemia & TOD.
* Peripheral edema is rare.
*marked hypokalemia precipitated by usual doses of
*resistant hypertension.
* hypertension and an adrenal mass.
* hypokalemia despite use of ACEIs or ARBs.
*remember “rule of 10.”
• 90% are in one or both adrenal glands.
• Tumors may occur anywhere along the sympathetic
chain (paragangliomas).
• It is malignant in up to 10% of cases.
• An extra-adrenal tumor produces only
• An adrenal tumor can produce an excess of
epinephrine or norepinephrine (or both).
• Classic triad of symptoms= paroxysms of
headache, diaphoresis, and palpitations.
• Paroxysms can be induced by exercise, bending,
urination, defecation,induction of anesthesia,
smoking, or infusion of contrast media.
Coarctation of the aorta
•is usually just beyond the takeoff of the left
subclavian artery.
• It usually is detected in childhood but may not be
identified until adulthood.
•*mechanism =renal artery constriction causing fluid
retention and inappropriate renin secretion.
• Classic feature: increased blood pressure in the
upper extremities and low or unobtainable blood
pressure in the lower extremities.
• Symptoms: headache, cold feet, and exercise-
induced leg pain.
• Signs: murmurs in the front or back of the
chest, visible pulsations in the neck or chest wall
and weak-delayed femoral pulses.
• Transesophageal echocardiography or MRI is
used to make the diagnosis.
• Treatment is with balloon angioplasty or
Hypothyroidism =sv low.
*can cause diastolic hypertension due to high CAM
to have tissue perfussion
*CP= narrow PP, puffy face, dylipidemia and low
temp.Low tT&T4 with high TSH.
*can cause systolic hypertension,wide PP
*Dermopathy and exophthalmus.
*nephrolithiasis and increses tissue sensitivity to
CAM &vasospasm.
*Rx of hypercalcemia decreases BP.
*may be associated with 35% hypertension.
*CHD due to AS.
*Fluid overload and|or PVR.
Cushings syndrome
*B-hydroxy steroid hydrogenase excess.
*lead to cortxol excess+_mineralocorticoid.
*lead to activation of RAAS.
*DM and low potassium.
*not due to fluid overload.
Obstructive sleep apnea
*upper body obesity.
*refractory to medication.
*headache+snorring history+day time sleepness.
*hypoxia lead to increased release of SANS
activity=Metanephrine releases.
Brain tumors in the posterior fossa and panic
*can cause labile hypertension, suggesting
Acute stress can increase blood pressure.
Drug induced HTN
• Oral contraceptives =age>35 years,by inducing
sodium retention, increasing renin substrate, and
facilitating the action of catecholamines.
*D|C of OCP recovery from HTN after 6 months.
• NSAIDS=by inducing sodium retention by blocking
the formation of renal vasodilating, natriuretic PG
and also interfere with the effectiveness of diuretics,
β-blockers, and ACEIs.
• TCA= inhibit the action of centrally acting agents
(methyldopa and clonidine).
Drug induced HTN
*SANS activation.
*salt retention effect.
*mitogenic effect lead to LVH and AS of
Drug Therapy of Essential Hypertension.
*Goal is to control hypertension with minimal side
effects using a single drug if possible.
*First-line agents include diuretics, beta blockers,
ACE inhibitors, angiotensin receptor antagonists,
and calcium antagonists.
. 1.Thiazides =preferred over loop diuretics because of
longer duration of action; however, the latter are more
potent when GFR 25 mL/min.
Major side effects include
hypokalemia, hyperglycemia&ca+2, and hyperuricemia,
which can be minimized by using low dosage (e.g.,
hydrochlorothiazide 12.5–25 mg qd).
Diuretics are particularly effective in elderly and black
pts. Prevention of hypokalemia is especially important in
pts on digitalis glycosides.
Beta Blockers
*decreases SCD, AMI& CKD.
*Particularly effective in young pts with
“hyperkinetic” circulation.
*Begin with low dosage (e.g., atenolol 25 mg qd).
*Relative contraindications: bronchospasm, CHF,
AV block, bradycardia, and “brittle” insulin-
dependent diabetes.
ACE Inhibitors
**decreases SCD, AMI,STROKE& CKD.
*Side effects are uncommon and include rash,
angioedema, proteinuria, or leukopenia, particularly
in pts with elevated serum creatinine.
*A nonproductive cough in up to 10% of
patients,1.2-3% angioedema requiring an
alternative regimen.
•renal function may deteriorate as a result of ACE
inhibitors in pts with bilateral renal artery stenosis.
=amlodipine, felodipine, isradipine, nicardipine,
nifedipine, nisoldipine,and nitrendipine.
2. Dihydropyridines
*diltiazem and verapamin.
*Only long-acting forms are approved for
use in hypertension.
*The short-acting forms should not be used.
*Indication= hypertension associated with chronic
kidney disease and estimated GFR <30 mL/min.
• Metabolic effects: hypokalemia, hyperuricemia,
fasting hyperglycemia,hypochloremic alkalosis, and
increased urinary calcium excretion (hypocalcemia).
• Adverse effects: reversible deafness and postural
Important indications for : primary aldosteronism
and states of secondary aldosteronism, especially
severe heart failure.
• The diuretic effect is antagonized by the
concomitant use of salicylates.
• Adverse effects: hyperkalemia, gynecomastia,
mastodynia, menorrhagia,and skin rash.
Eplerenone is a mineralocorticoid receptor
antagonist similar to spironolactone, and its
indications for use are generally the same as
for spironolactone. may be better tolerated than
spironolactone, primarily because of less risk of
gynecomastia in men.
* inhibits renal potassium wasting by blocking the
epithelial sodium channel in the distal tubule of the
• Do not use in combination with indomethacin or
during pregnancy.
Amiloride limits renal potassium wasting by the
same mechanism as triamterene and is used most
often in combination with thiazide diuretics. Its side
effects are hyperkalemia, gastrointestinal distress,
and skin rash.
Summary Of the potassium-sparing diuretics,
only spironolactone and eplerenone can cause
Drugs for HTN emergency
Dilates arterioles and veins
Dosage- 0.3micg/Kg/min, max 10micg/Kg/min
for 10min
Onset of action- 2-5min
S/E- cyanide poisoning
Relatively greater venodilation
Dosage 5micg/min titrated by 5micg/min Q 3-
S/E- reflex tachycardia
Dihydropiridine CCB given as IV form
Dosage- 5mg/hr, titrate by 2.5mg/hr Q 5-15 min,
max 15mg/hr
Combined alpha-1 & beta-1 blocker
Onset of action in seconds
Dosage- 2mg/min(infusion) or 20mg over 2min
then 40-80mg Q10min, max 300mg
Ultra short acting beta adrenergic blocker
Onset of action 1-5min, duration of action
Dosage 500micgm/Kg bolus which may be
repeated after 5min or 50-100micgm/Kg/min
and increased to 300micgm/Kg/min
A selective peripheral dopamine-1 receptor
agonist that induce systemic vasodilatation
Dosage- initial 0.1micgm/Kg/min, titrated at
15 min interval
Is an Iv preparation of active form of ACEI.
Dosage- 0.625-1.25mg over 5min q 6-8hr,
max of 5mg/dose
Onset of action with in 15min, duration 12-
C/I in pregnancy, hypovolemia with high RA
Non selective alpha adrenergic blocker,
specially used for Pheochromocytoma
Dosage 5-15mg bolus
10-50mg at 30min interval, used in

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  • 2. INTRODUCTION Definition= at 2 separate occasions(6 hours). Systolic BP > or = 140 Diastolic BP > or = 90 Stages Normal: SBP< 120, D BP< 80 Pre HTN: S BP- 120-139, D BP- 80-89 Stage-I : SBP- 140-159, D BP- 90-99 Stage II : SBP- > or= 160, D BP> or=100 Isolated SHTN: S BP>or=140, D BP<90 2
  • 3. Isolated systolic hypertension * is defined as systolic blood pressure ≥140 mm Hg with diastolic pressure <90 mm Hg. *mainly affects people older than 55 years. Secondary causes include 1.increased cardiac output (anemia, thyrotoxicosis,arteriovenous fistula, Paget disease of bone, and beriberi) 2. increased cardiac stroke volume (aortic insufficiency and complete heart block). 3
  • 4. • Exclude= recent physical exercise, use of tobacco or caffeine, or a full urinary bladder. •Office (white coat) hypertension: elevated BP in the clinic environment.Diagnosis made by self- measurement or average awake ambulatory level= ≥135/85 mm Hg. • Pseudohypertension: inaccurately high cuff blood pressure as a result of a stiff vascular tree in older persons= an indication to IA BP measurment. 4
  • 5. Risk factor for HTN 1.Nonreversible risk : older age, being African American, and having a family history of hypertension. 2. Reversible : prehypertension, overweight,sedentary lifestyle, high-sodium–low- potassium diet,excessive alcohol intake and metabolic syndrome. 3.Genetic factor: Polygenic= two or greater factors plus environmental factor, Monogenic- on study 5
  • 6. Metabolic syndrome •is defined by the presence of at least three of the following: •.abdominal obesity (waist circumference >40 inches in men or >35 inches in women) vs BMI. • impaired fasting blood glucose(fasting glucose ≥110 mg/dL), •blood pressure ≥130/85 mmHg, • plasma triglycerides ≥150 mg/dL, or •HDL cholesterol <40 mg/dL in men or • <50 mg/dL in women. 6
  • 7. TOG • Individual risk from hypertension is related to its level, duration, and the presence of other risk factors for cardiovascular disease or target organ injury. • At any given level of blood pressure, African Americans and men are at the greatest risk. *The MCOD is coronary artery disease(CHD). • Target organ damage increases the risk of cardiovascular disease events even if blood pressure is subsequently controlled. 7
  • 8. Risk factors for CHD *HTN, tobacco use, hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, obesity, sedentary lifestyle,metabolic syndrome, male gender, postmenopausal state, older age, family history of premature cardiovascular disease,PAD,Stroke and CKD. 8
  • 9. Summary of basic facts on HTN *Treatment of reversible risk factors can prevent or delay the development of hypertension and lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. • Treatment of metabolic syndrome can prevent cardiovascular disease and the development of hypertension. • Diastolic blood pressure is the best predictor of cardiovascular disease in young people. • Systolic blood pressure is the dominant predictor of risk of cardiovascular disease in older people. 9
  • 10. … Mechanism of HTN COP = SV =SHTN TPR = D HTN = amount of blood return to the heart due to arteriolar contraction at diastole=MCC  Intra vascular volume elevation.  Autonomic Nervous system over activity.  Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System over activity  Vascular factors: *includes arterial stiffness, Increased vascular smooth muscle tone and growth, Endothelial damage( decreased NO & vasodilator peptide). 10
  • 11. Hypertension during pregnancy: *developing before the 20th week of gestation is more likely to have a secondary form (caused by renovascular disease, primary aldosteronism, Cushing syndrome, or pheochromocytoma). *Blood pressure ≥140 mm Hg systolic or ≥90 mm Hg diastolic. • Transient hypertension is a predictor of the future development of essential hypertension. • Consider secondary causes of hypertension in this age group. 11
  • 12. Mx of chronic HTN in pregnancy *Lifestyle modifications can be used initially to treat mild hypertension. * Use drug therapy if 1.diastolic blood pressure is ≥100 mm Hg or 2.systolic blood pressure * is ≥150 mm Hg in the second trimester or • ≥160 mm Hg in the third trimester. • Recommended initial drug therapy: methyldopa. 12
  • 13. … Types of TOD Atherosclerosis is the cause  Heart  Diastolic dysfunction=stiff ventricle=SOB -Early sign, caused by LVH and ischemia and ejection fraction is ok. -Diagnosis- Echocardiography and cardiac catheterization  Left ventricular hypertrophy - Genetic and hemodynamic risk factors - Wall thickness – LVOO / CHD. -CP=range No Symptom to syncope, chest pain, palpitation, exercise intolerance, stroke, sudden cardiac death - Diagnosis – ECG, Echo 13
  • 14. … Management of LVH Antihypertensive drugs: Lasix, Beta blockers, ACEI - decreases LV mass and prevent LVH and progression - Decreases CVD risks - Due to decreased BP but mechanism of action on the mass unknown Treatment of HTN - Decreases: CHF by 50%, CHD by 12-16%, SCD by 21%, LVH by 35%. 14
  • 15. Central Nervous System •Stroke: Ischemic and Hemorrhagic. •Treatment of HTN decreases stroke by 35-50% •Decreased Cognition and dementia •Hypertensive Encephalopathy=pupil edema. 15
  • 16. …  Renal • ARF =secondary to fibrinoid necrosis • Chronic: Glomerulosclerosis and tubular ischemia with atrophy • HTN due to primary Vs CKD - PU < 1 gm/d and no active Urine sediment in cases of primary HTN  PAD • Due to atherosclerosis: aneurysm, dissection, rupture, stenosis 16
  • 17. … Primary HTN Accounts for 85-95%, Familial, increases with age, in twins concordance rate M=60%, W=35%. Majority due to increased PVR but COP normal, in the young due to increased COP and normal PVR Peak age= 25-55 Low renin modulators accounts for 20% and are diuretic responsive. High renin non modulators accounts for 10-15%, more in whites and ACEI /ARB responsive. High aldosterone and low renin is common in blacks and DM Pts, increased LVH, AS and PVR with SCD and are spironolactone sensitive. Associated with metabolic syndrome. 17
  • 18. … Secondary HTN Accounts for 5-15% of HTN and major cause is Renal paranchymal, next is renovascular HTN. Indication of screening: age <25 and >55, poor drug response; Hx, PE, Lab evidence of underlying cause Presentation Majority asymptomatic found accidentally Target organ damage Hypertensive Emergency Sn Sm of underlying cause Basic Lab tests CBC, RFT, UA, FBS, Lipid profile, Electrolyte, TSH, T3 & T4, ECG, CXR 18
  • 19. HYPERTENSIVE CRISIS Emergency(TOD) Vs Urgency( no TOD) Imminent / overt target organ damage in association with acute onset or worsening of HTN Needs urgent lowering BP with in two hrs for emergency ( S BP < 160, D BP b/n 100 and 110) or decreasing MAP by 1/4th RAAS is activated I- Encephalopathy If focal sign R/O stoke by CT Drug : Nitroprusside, Nicardipine, Labetolol II- 19
  • 20. Malignant HTN Clinical syndrome associated with abrupt rise in BP recognized by Progressive retinopathy( arteriolar spasm, hemorrhages, exudates, papilledema) Deteriorating RF with PU Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia Encephalopathy Rate of rise more important than the absolute level of BP Pathophysiology: Fibrinoid necrosis in the arterioles of kidney, brain and retina, increased plasma renin activity (pressure natiuresis, RV injury), tissue renin activity 20
  • 21. Management If no Encephalopathy or other catastrophic event lower BP over several minutes (over hours) with PO short acting drugs with frequent dosage Captopril, Clonidine, Labetalol 21
  • 22. HTN-Encephalopathy oPresence of cerebral edema X-ized by non localizing neurologic manifestations. *Headache, nausea, vomiting, restlessness, confusion, seizure, coma could occur *CT- R/O ischemia or infarction oPathophysiology: disrupted cerebral auto regulation leading to vasodilatation of cerebral microvasculature *Level of BP: in chronic HTN at DBP >120, could occur at DBP <100. 22
  • 23. Treatment *Rapidly lowering BP may precipitate ischemia( brain, kidney, heart) *Goal: to reduce BP to 160/100-110, with in minute to 2hrs with initial fall of MAP not exceeding 25% of the presenting value *Drugs: IV Nitroprusside, Labetalol, Nicardipine *After the target level of BP is achieved oral agents should be started to bring DBP b/n 85-90 over two to three months *Prognosis: at continued risk for coronary, CV and renal disease, survival improves with time (90% by the 4th yr Vs 52 % in the 1st yr) 23
  • 24. II.Stroke 1.Ischemic =Acute reatment is indicated= if S BP >220 and DBP >130 ,provided no other indication to RX, if fibrinolytic agent is indicated BP should be < 185 and 110. *ACEI+HCT after 7-10 days. 2.ICH= indication is when MAP > 130 or SBP >220 and DBP >130. 3.SAH =when MAP > 130 24
  • 25. … III- Acute CHF Treat with ACEI plus loop diuretic plus Digoxin plus Nitrates IV- ACS=Treat with Labetolol, Esmolo, Nitrates, Nicardipine, ACEI. V- ARF=Treat with CCB, Lasix, Dopamine, Dialysis VI- Aortic dissection.Goal =SBP<125 with in 30-60 minute. Treat with Esmolol, Labetolol, Nitroprusside *CCB & Duretic are CI to avoid tachycardia. VII- Pre ecclampsia and Ecclampsia Hydralazine, Labetolol, Nicardipine, Aldomate VIII-Hypertensive Urgency: Goal to put SBP< 160, DBP<110 over 24hrs to few days 25
  • 26. Hypertensive Retinopathy: Defn systolic BP >= 140 diastolic >= 90 The strong correlation linking arterial hypertension with heart disease, stroke, and renal failure makes it a leading cause of morbidity and mortality among adults in the United States. 26
  • 27. Clinical findings of the retina in hypertensive retinopathy are as follows: Hemorrhages Retinal and macular edema ¤ Edema residues (hard exudates) ¤ Inner retinal ischemic spots (cotton- wool spots) ¤ ¤ - indicate a more serious stage. 27
  • 28. Modified Scheie classification of Hypertensive Retinopathy: Grade 0 - No changes Grade 1 – barely detectable arterial narrowing Grade 2- Obvious arterial narrowing with focal irregularities. Grade 3 – Grade 2 plus retinal hemorrhage and/or exudate. Grade 4 - Grade 3 plus disc swelling. 28
  • 29. Treatment of stable hypertensive patient *Risk assessment and stratification: stage of HTN, comorbid conditions, CVD risk factors, beneficial effect on CV risks, age, availability and cost of drugs *Follow up: drug selection and acceptable combination, base line clinical and Lab data should be taken. 29
  • 30. When to start and mode of treatment Pre hypertension: those with risk factor for CVD close follow up and risk reduction, treatment of related disease conditions and life style modification Sage I : With out risk factors follow up for 3-6 months and if persistent HTN ,start drug therapy. Stage I with risk and above: drug therapy from the outset Isolated systolic HTN with risk factor other than age start drug treatment, if with out risk follow up and treat accordingly oGoal of Rx : BP < 140/80 30
  • 31. … Single Vs Combination drug treatment Depending on organ related risk (CVD related risk reduction) Patient related risk Comorbid conditions Stage of HTN>=II BP=> 160|95, needs at least 2 drugs. Degree of control of clinical conditions and BP level. 31
  • 32. • Combination therapy with two drugs should be considered for stage 2 hypertension or if initial blood pressure is >20/10 mm Hg above the goal. 32
  • 33. Life style changes *Cessation of smoking. *salt restriction. *reduction of saturated and total fat intake. *High fiber diet, fruits and vegetable. * supplemental Ca, Mg and K . *Alcohol: Men < 2 drink/d, women<1drink/d. *Aerobic exercise: 30min daily or every other day *Tea and coffee: limited amount. 33
  • 34. … Specific clinical conditions and drug choices DM: ACEI, beta blocker, Loop diuretic, ASA, statin, CCB, Diltiazem (Verapamil ), glycemic control. If no proteinuria =goal of BP < 130/80 -If PU BP < 125/75 CKD: ACEI, BB, Loop diuretics, CCB, statin, Warfarin (if needed) CHF and CHD: ACEI, BB, diuretic Stroke: ACEI, BB, CCB, HCT, ASA, Statin. Pregnancy: Aldomate, CCB, Labetolol Post MI: BB, ACEI, statin, ASA Blacks: diuretic plus BB/ACEI or CCB plus BB/ACEI PAD: ASA plus CCB plus surgery if needed(70% had IHD=BB+CCB). Elderly: thiazide, CCB, Labetolol 34
  • 35. … Refractory HTN Persistent BP of > 140/90 using three drugs and above with appropriate combination, indication and good adherence Common in old age DDx: Pseudo hypertension, poor adherence, salt intake, obesity, excess alcohol intake, 2ry HTN, hyperaldosteronism 35
  • 36. … Screening and prevention of HTN For non risk groups once every three to five years and at any clinic visit. For risk groups every six to twelve months Bp measurement In general when to start screening and it’s benefit is not well established, but at age>=3 years. 36
  • 38. History *Most pts are asymptomatic. *Severe hypertension may lead to headache, epistaxis,or blurred vision. Clues to Specific Forms of Secondary Hypertension *Use of OCP& glucocorticoids. *paroxysms of headache, sweating, or tachycardia (pheochromocytoma); *history of renal disease or abdominal bruie (renal hypertension). 38
  • 39. Physical Examination *Measure bp in both arms as well as a leg (to evaluate for coarctation). •Clues to secondary forms of hypertension include cushingoid appearance, thyromegaly, abdominal bruit (renal artery stenosis), delayed femoral pulses (coarctation of aorta). 39
  • 40. 1.RAS: MR angiography, captopril renogram, renal duplex ultrasound and measurement of renal vein renin; (2) Cushing’s syndrome: dexamethasone suppression test. (3) pheochromocytoma: 24-h urine collection for catecholamines, metanephrines, and vanillylmandelic acid or measurement of plasma metanephrine; 40
  • 41. (4) primary hyperaldosteronism: depressed plasma renin activity and hypersecretion of aldosterone, both of which fail to change with volume expansion. (5) renal parenchymal disease= RFT and CAST, PU and kideny US=small or increased echopaterrn. 6.CBC=Myelo proliferative disorders. 41
  • 42. Renal parenchymal disease: •the most common secondary cause of hypertension. •CKD=elevated RFT&PU>+1. •*AGN=RBC casts+elevated RFT •*Chronic pyelonephritis=pus cell+elevated RFT and WBC casts. • Treatment include sodium restriction, diuretics appropriate to level of renal function,and ACEIs. • ACEIs slow the progression of proteinuric renal disease. 42
  • 43. • Renovascular disease *MC=potentially curable secondary hypertension. •cp= •*sudden onset of hypertension,refractory to usual antihypertensive therapy. •*Abdominal bruit often audible; mild hypokalemia due to activation of the RAAS. *• Unilateral disease is associated with renin- dependent hypertension. *whereas bilateral disease is associated with volume-dependent hypertension. *Drop of BP, decreased UO, elevated k+ and creatinine after ACEI medication in BRAS. 43
  • 44. • Fibromuscular disease(FMD)=10% of RAS ** especially women of child bearing age. • Medial fibromuscular dysplasia is the most common subtype and has a string-of-beads appearance on angiography. • Dissection and thrombosis of a renal artery are complications most commonly seen with rare subtypes.• *Renal artery occlusion is rare. 44
  • 45. Atheromatous disease=90% of RAS. • is the most common cause of renovascular hypertension in middle-aged>55 years or older persons. • The disease is bilateral in 30% of cases and progressive in 35%. • It can cause renal artery occlusion unlike FMD. 45
  • 46. Primary aldosteronism: •Main subtypes: 1.unilateral aldosterone-producing adenoma and 2.bilateral adrenal hyperplasia. Suspect primary aldosteronism in persons with *spontaneous hypokalemia & TOD. * Peripheral edema is rare. *marked hypokalemia precipitated by usual doses of diuretics. *resistant hypertension. * hypertension and an adrenal mass. * hypokalemia despite use of ACEIs or ARBs. 46
  • 47. Pheochromocytoma: *remember “rule of 10.” • 90% are in one or both adrenal glands. • Tumors may occur anywhere along the sympathetic chain (paragangliomas). • It is malignant in up to 10% of cases. • An extra-adrenal tumor produces only norepinephrine. • An adrenal tumor can produce an excess of epinephrine or norepinephrine (or both). 47
  • 48. • Classic triad of symptoms= paroxysms of headache, diaphoresis, and palpitations. • Paroxysms can be induced by exercise, bending, urination, defecation,induction of anesthesia, smoking, or infusion of contrast media. 48
  • 49. Coarctation of the aorta •is usually just beyond the takeoff of the left subclavian artery. • It usually is detected in childhood but may not be identified until adulthood. •*mechanism =renal artery constriction causing fluid retention and inappropriate renin secretion. • Classic feature: increased blood pressure in the upper extremities and low or unobtainable blood pressure in the lower extremities. 49
  • 50. • Symptoms: headache, cold feet, and exercise- induced leg pain. • Signs: murmurs in the front or back of the chest, visible pulsations in the neck or chest wall and weak-delayed femoral pulses. • Transesophageal echocardiography or MRI is used to make the diagnosis. • Treatment is with balloon angioplasty or surgery. 50
  • 51. Hypothyroidism =sv low. *can cause diastolic hypertension due to high CAM to have tissue perfussion *CP= narrow PP, puffy face, dylipidemia and low temp.Low tT&T4 with high TSH. Hyperthyroidism *can cause systolic hypertension,wide PP *Dermopathy and exophthalmus. Hyperparathyroidism= *nephrolithiasis and increses tissue sensitivity to CAM &vasospasm. *Rx of hypercalcemia decreases BP. 51
  • 52. Acromegaly *may be associated with 35% hypertension. *CHD due to AS. *DM,LVH. *Fluid overload and|or PVR. Cushings syndrome *B-hydroxy steroid hydrogenase excess. *lead to cortxol excess+_mineralocorticoid. *lead to activation of RAAS. *DM and low potassium. *not due to fluid overload. 52
  • 53. Obstructive sleep apnea *upper body obesity. *refractory to medication. *headache+snorring history+day time sleepness. *hypoxia lead to increased release of SANS activity=Metanephrine releases. Brain tumors in the posterior fossa and panic syndrome *can cause labile hypertension, suggesting pheochromocytoma. Acute stress can increase blood pressure. 53
  • 54. Drug induced HTN • Oral contraceptives =age>35 years,by inducing sodium retention, increasing renin substrate, and facilitating the action of catecholamines. *D|C of OCP recovery from HTN after 6 months. * • NSAIDS=by inducing sodium retention by blocking the formation of renal vasodilating, natriuretic PG and also interfere with the effectiveness of diuretics, β-blockers, and ACEIs. • TCA= inhibit the action of centrally acting agents (methyldopa and clonidine). 54
  • 55. Drug induced HTN Insuline= *SANS activation. *salt retention effect. *mitogenic effect lead to LVH and AS of arterioles. 55
  • 56. Drug Therapy of Essential Hypertension. *Goal is to control hypertension with minimal side effects using a single drug if possible. *First-line agents include diuretics, beta blockers, ACE inhibitors, angiotensin receptor antagonists, and calcium antagonists. 56
  • 57. Diuretics . 1.Thiazides =preferred over loop diuretics because of longer duration of action; however, the latter are more potent when GFR 25 mL/min. Major side effects include hypokalemia, hyperglycemia&ca+2, and hyperuricemia, which can be minimized by using low dosage (e.g., hydrochlorothiazide 12.5–25 mg qd). Diuretics are particularly effective in elderly and black pts. Prevention of hypokalemia is especially important in pts on digitalis glycosides. 57
  • 58. Beta Blockers *decreases SCD, AMI& CKD. *Particularly effective in young pts with “hyperkinetic” circulation. *Begin with low dosage (e.g., atenolol 25 mg qd). *Relative contraindications: bronchospasm, CHF, AV block, bradycardia, and “brittle” insulin- dependent diabetes. 58
  • 59. ACE Inhibitors **decreases SCD, AMI,STROKE& CKD. *Side effects are uncommon and include rash, angioedema, proteinuria, or leukopenia, particularly in pts with elevated serum creatinine. *A nonproductive cough in up to 10% of patients,1.2-3% angioedema requiring an alternative regimen. •renal function may deteriorate as a result of ACE inhibitors in pts with bilateral renal artery stenosis. 59
  • 60. CCB. 1.Dihydropyridines =amlodipine, felodipine, isradipine, nicardipine, nifedipine, nisoldipine,and nitrendipine. 2. Dihydropyridines *diltiazem and verapamin. *Only long-acting forms are approved for use in hypertension. *The short-acting forms should not be used. 60
  • 61. furosemide: *Indication= hypertension associated with chronic kidney disease and estimated GFR <30 mL/min. • Metabolic effects: hypokalemia, hyperuricemia, fasting hyperglycemia,hypochloremic alkalosis, and increased urinary calcium excretion (hypocalcemia). • Adverse effects: reversible deafness and postural hypotension. 61
  • 62. spironolactone Important indications for : primary aldosteronism and states of secondary aldosteronism, especially severe heart failure. • The diuretic effect is antagonized by the concomitant use of salicylates. • Adverse effects: hyperkalemia, gynecomastia, mastodynia, menorrhagia,and skin rash. Eplerenone Eplerenone is a mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist similar to spironolactone, and its indications for use are generally the same as for spironolactone. may be better tolerated than spironolactone, primarily because of less risk of gynecomastia in men. 62
  • 63. Triamterene * inhibits renal potassium wasting by blocking the epithelial sodium channel in the distal tubule of the nephron. • Do not use in combination with indomethacin or during pregnancy. Amiloride Amiloride limits renal potassium wasting by the same mechanism as triamterene and is used most often in combination with thiazide diuretics. Its side effects are hyperkalemia, gastrointestinal distress, and skin rash. Summary Of the potassium-sparing diuretics, only spironolactone and eplerenone can cause gynecomastia 63
  • 64. Drugs for HTN emergency 64
  • 65. oNitroprusside Dilates arterioles and veins Dosage- 0.3micg/Kg/min, max 10micg/Kg/min for 10min Onset of action- 2-5min S/E- cyanide poisoning oNitroglycerine Relatively greater venodilation Dosage 5micg/min titrated by 5micg/min Q 3- 5min S/E- reflex tachycardia 65
  • 66. oNicardipine Dihydropiridine CCB given as IV form Dosage- 5mg/hr, titrate by 2.5mg/hr Q 5-15 min, max 15mg/hr oLabetalol Combined alpha-1 & beta-1 blocker Onset of action in seconds Dosage- 2mg/min(infusion) or 20mg over 2min then 40-80mg Q10min, max 300mg 66
  • 67. oEsmolol Ultra short acting beta adrenergic blocker Onset of action 1-5min, duration of action 15-30min Dosage 500micgm/Kg bolus which may be repeated after 5min or 50-100micgm/Kg/min and increased to 300micgm/Kg/min oFenoldopam A selective peripheral dopamine-1 receptor agonist that induce systemic vasodilatation Dosage- initial 0.1micgm/Kg/min, titrated at 15 min interval 67
  • 68. oEnalaprilat Is an Iv preparation of active form of ACEI. Dosage- 0.625-1.25mg over 5min q 6-8hr, max of 5mg/dose Onset of action with in 15min, duration 12- 24hr C/I in pregnancy, hypovolemia with high RA oPhentolamine Non selective alpha adrenergic blocker, specially used for Pheochromocytoma Dosage 5-15mg bolus oHydralazine 10-50mg at 30min interval, used in pregnancy 68