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HTML Lab Project
To create a simple web page you will need to use a text
processor (Notepad) and HTML (hypertext markup language).
Do NOT use Word which can create some problems by
automatically formatting your work as a web page.
The tags (items enclosed in < >) from HTML create the special
effects that are seen on web pages when using a browser like
Internet Explorer.
Note: some tags require a starting and ending tag. For example:
<h1>This is my home page </h1>
Also if multiple tags are used to format a single item, ending
tags must be written in reverse order from the starting tags.
<h1><center> My First Home Page </center></h1>
tag1 tag2 endtag2 endtag1
After completing the steps in the tutorial, you should be able to:
1. Create a Home Page using HTML
2. Create headings
3. Place text and graphics in an HTML document
4. Use attributes such as font color with tags
5. Create links to other places or documents
Home Pages
The home page of a web site is the starting point that usually
describes the purpose of the web site and its categories. The
page typically includes hyperlinks which will take the viewer to
other web sites or other places within the same web site. In
planning a home page consider these items
· Title – this text will appear on the blue title bar of your web
· Headings – customarily the first heading is the same as the
title; it appears as the first line of your home page. Each
browser displays headings in a unique way, but they allow
several levels of headings from H1 to H6. Heading 1 would be
the largest, most noticeable, heading 6 the smallest. In the
examples that follow, the first line of each pair shows the
HTML tags; the second line is the effect produced.
<h1>H1 headings</h1>
H1 headings
<h2> H2 headings</h2>
H2 headings
<h3>H3 headings</h3>
H3 headings<h4> H4 headings</h4>
H4 Headings
<h5> H5 headings</h5>
H5 Headings
<h6>H6 headings</h6>
H6 Headings
Content - Text that explains your home page or special
features of the page.
Create a Sample HTML Page
Step 1.
A. Open Notepad (Click on Start, Programs, Accessories,
B. Enter the following text:
<title>Your Name Home Page</title>
<h1>Your Name Home Page </h1>
C. Choose File, Save As. For the file name, use
mysample_Lastname_Firstname.htm in Save As Type, choose
All Files, and save to your desktop, or other easy to find
(CAUTION: if you neglect to choose All Files, this will be
saved as a text file, ending in txt, and will not be available for
opening in your browser.
Step 2.
A. Start your browser (Internet Explorer). It is not necessary to
be online.
B. From the menu bar, choose File, Open.
C. Browse for the file you just saved on your desktop
D. Choose Open.
E. You should see only the title bar and a heading on your
newly created homepage.
Step 3.
A. From the menu bar, choose View, then Source.
B. A window should appear showing your Notepad file with the
HTML coded text. You can edit your text for the next steps in
this window. Just remember to save the Notepad file each time
you make changes.
C. Use the Refresh button in your browser to see the changes on
your web page.
Additional Headings
For your sample page, you’ll create headings for: My Favorites,
Headline News, Quote of the Day
Step 4.
A. On the line following </h1>, enter the following
<h2> My Favorites </h2>
<h2> Headline News </h2>
<h2> Quote of the Day </h2>
Step 5.
A. Choose File, Save.
B. On the browser file menu, choose Refresh.
You should see the three level-2 headings which you
added in Step 1.
To leave blank lines around a paragraph of text, use the tags
<p> </p>
To start a new line without adding blank lines, use <br> (Note:
no ending tag is needed for a line break)
To identify the body of your text enclose it in the tags <body>
Tags which may be used to enhance your text:
<b> </b> bold
<center> </center> centers text
<u> </u> underline
<marquee> </marquee> moves text across the screen
Step 6.
A. Add the tags shown below in your source file (shaded areas).
B. Add the <center> tags around your heading.
C. Add the content after the headings. (Edit your current lines
to match what is below.)
<title>Your Name Student Page</title>
<h1><center>Your Name Student Page </center></h1>
<h2> My Favorites </h2>
Food: pizza <br>
Sport: football <br>
Color: blue <br>
Movie: Fellowship of the Ring
<h2> Headline News </h2>
I have a new __________
<h2> Quote of the Day </h2>
Minds are like parachutes; they function only when open.
Step 7. Save the source file.
Step 8. Refresh the browser.
Inserting images
To insert a graphic file, it should be one of two formats: either a
.gif or .jpg file.
Gif files may also be animated. These graphic files look more
like drawings or cartoons.
Jpg files are photographs, like the ones taken by digital
The simplest way to use graphics is to store them all in the same
folder as your Notepad source file.
I suggest you use and then select Images from the
Upper left links.
The tags for inserting an image are <img src=”filename” >.
Substitute the name (including the extension: either gif or
jpg) of the file you select for “filename”.
Step 9. Add the following text after the line ending with
<p> <center> <img src= “filename.gif”> </center> </p>
Step 10. Save your source file. Refresh the browser.
Colors can add (or detract) from your web page. Avoid
background colors like red or orange which are not easy on the
eyes. Also beware of blue backgrounds which can make link
text (also in blue by default) invisible.
Colors are referred to by code or by name, combining letters
and numbers as follows
Green #00FF00
Red #FF0000
Tan #DEB887
Turquoise #19CCDF
Magenta #FF00FF
Yellow #FFFF00
Blue #0000FF
To change the background color of your web page
<body bgcolor=colorcode >
To change color of all text on your page
<body text=colorcode >
Step 11. Add the following code after the heading,
<body bgcolor=#19ccdf text=#0000ff >
Add </body> before the last line </html>.
Step 12. Save your source file. View it with the browser.
Horizontal Rule
Horizontal lines are used to off set or segment text on your web
page. They can be either a default grey color or you can
specify a color.
Inserts a horizontal rule
<hr size=?>
Sets size (height) of rule
<hr width=?>
Sets width of rule, in percentage or absolute value
<hr noshade>
Creates a rule without a shadow
Code example:
Inserts a horizontal rule
<hr color=#000fff size=50>
Sets size (height) of rule
<hr color=#000fff width=25%>
Sets width of rule, in percentage or absolute value
<hr color=#000fff noshade>
Creates a rule without a shadow
<hr color=#000fff>
Sets the rule color
This is just a sample of possible colors. A good online
reference for color is
Hyperlinks allow the viewer to move to other places in your
document or on the web quickly.
To create a hyperlink (or link), enclose the URL of the web
page in <a href=”URL”> name of link </a>
(Note: include all characters of the URL, including
Step 13. Add the following after the text “Minds are like a ….”
Web sites: <a href="">LSC-University
Step 14. Save your source file. Refresh the browser.
You can add bulleted lists or numbered lists to your web page
with the following tags:
Or for bulleted lists use <ul> and </ul> at the start and end of
the list items.
Reference HTML Cheatsheet
Basic Tags
Creates an HTML document
Sets off the title and other information that isn't displayed on
the Web page itself
Sets off the visible portion of the document
Header Tags
Puts the name of the document in the title bar
Body Attributes
<body bgcolor=?>
Sets the background color, using name or hex value
<body text=?>
Sets the text color, using name or hex value
<body link=?>
Sets the color of links, using name or hex value
<body vlink=?>
Sets the color of followed links, using name or hex value
<body alink=?>
Sets the color of links on click
Text Tags
Creates the largest headline
Creates the smallest headline
Creates bold text
Emphasizes a word (with italic or bold)
Emphasizes a word (with italic or bold)
<font size=?></font>
Sets size of font, from 1 to 7)
<font color=?></font>
Sets font color, using name or hex value
<a href="URL"></a>
Creates a hyperlink
<a href="mailto:EMAIL"></a>
Creates a mailto link
<a name="NAME"></a>
Creates a target location within a document
<a href="#NAME"></a>
Links to that target location from elsewhere in the document
Creates a new paragraph
<p align=?>
Aligns a paragraph to the left, right, or center
Inserts a line break
Creates a numbered list
Precedes each list item, and adds a number
Creates a bulleted list
Graphical Elements
<img src="name">
Adds an image
<img src="name" align=?>
Aligns an image: left, right, center; bottom, top, middle
<img src="name" border=?>
Horizontal Rule
Sets size of border around an image
Inserts a horizontal rule
<hr size=?>
Sets size (height) of rule
<hr width=?>
Sets width of rule, in percentage or absolute value
<hr noshade>
Creates a rule without a shadow
Completed Code and sample page:
<title>Khavansky M.Johnson</title>
<h1><center>Khavansky M. JOhnson Home
Page</center></h1><hr><p><center><img src =
<h2>My Favorites</h2>
Food: Rice and peas<br>
Sport: Soccer(football),Basketball, CrossCountry, Tracks, and
Color: Green and Blue<br>
Movie: The last samaria<br>
<h2>Headline News</h2>I have a new rating on monoploy<br>
<h2>Quite of the Day</h2>"Just give the G's and we'll be
burning ahh"<br>
<body bgcolor=#0000ff</body>
Case Study Analysis Paper
Prepare a 1,400 to 1,750-word case study analysis paper based
on the “Case Study for Student Analysis,” located in Week Two
of the COMM/215
Below is a detailed description explaining how to prepare a case
study analysis paper.
Typically written in narrative form, a case sets forth, in a
factual manner, the events and organizational circumstances
surrounding a particular managerial situation. Placing the reader
at the scene of the action, the real events presented provide an
opportunity to help evaluate alternative courses of action.
Case analysis is used in academics to help you demonstrate your
ability to evaluate situations critically, to apply concepts you
have learned in a class, to solve problems, and to communicate
your findings and conclusions. The purpose of this exercise is to
introduce you to case studies and the analysis process, and to a
proper format for writing the case study analysis report.
Try not to worry about trying to find the "right answer" to a
case. Usually, there is no single right answer. Most cases are
intentionally ambiguous and can be viewed from many different
perspectives. Several feasible solutions are usually available to
any give case. The best solution is the one you can best support
with thoughtful analysis, logical arguments, and substantiating
evidence from your research or your own experience. Your goal
in analyzing a case is to provide an effective solution to the
situation outlined and to support that solution with solid and
persuasive evidence.
Analyzing a case study can take several forms, and you should
check with your instructor on the specific approach or point of
view that he or she recommends. For example, you might
analyze the case from the perspective that you are the central
character of the narrative and must provide a report of what you
would do in the situation. On the other hand, you might play the
role of an outside consultant hired to evaluate the situation for
which you provide a report.
Make sure you allow enough time for the various tasks you must
perform. These tasks are listed below and explained in more
detail in the following sections.
(Note: When writing a case analysis as an exercise in a writing
class, there will be no content-related course concepts (e.g.,
management or health care theories) that apply directly to the
case. The objective of the assignment will be to produce a well-
written analysis. You should check with your instructor to
determine the expectations of content and the amount of
research required.
Analyzing the Case
1. Read and study the case thoroughly.
2. Define the problem(s).
3. Select a focus for your analysis by identifying key issues and
their causes.
4. Identify and apply course concepts in order to identify
possible solutions.
5. Evaluate alternative solutions and choose the solution you
believe is best.
Writing the Case Analysis
6. Determine how you want to present your views and structure
your paper.
7. Produce a first draft of your case analysis.
8. Revise and edit the draft.
9. Format and proofread the final report.
Analyzing the Case
10. Read and study the case thoroughly.
Read the case once for familiarity with the overall situation,
background, and characters involved, noting issues that you
think may be important. Read the case again, and highlight all
relevant facts. Make sure you understand the situation and have
all the facts. Make notes about issues, symptoms of problems,
root problems, unresolved issues, and the roles of key players.
Watch for indications of issues beneath the surface.
11. Define the problem(s).
Identify the key problems or issues in the case. Case studies
often contain an overabundance of information about a
particular situation, not all of which may be relevant. Do not try
to analyze every fact and issue. Part of the skill of good case
analysis is in determining which facts are relevant.
12. Select a focus for your analysis by identifying the key
issues and their causes.
Determine how to focus your analysis. Narrow the problem(s)
you have identified to between two and five key issues. Do not
try to examine every possible aspect of the case. Identify the
most important issues that relate to the concepts you have been
studying in the course (if applicable).
Once you have focused on one or two key issues, try to gain a
fuller understanding of their causes. Why do these problem(s)
exist? What caused them? What is the effect of the problem(s)
on the organization or the relationships among individuals in
the organization? Who is responsible for or affected by the
13. Identify and apply course concepts in order to identify
possible solutions. (See previous note regarding writing a case
analysis as an exercise in a writing class.) This section is
included so that you become familiar with the application of
case studies in context of applying content-related course
a. Identify and apply one or more concepts discussed in class,
covered in your readings, or learned from your own experience
that would apply to the case and provide some insight or
guidance in solving the problem(s).
b. Review your notes from class discussions and your texts and
other readings in the course, conduct outside research, and use
your own knowledge and experience to decide what concepts,
theories, or ideas could be relevant.
14. Evaluate alternative solutions and choose the solution you
believe best reflects the findings from your analysis.
Make certain you can support the solution you choose with solid
evidence from your case analysis. Weigh the pros and cons of
each alternative. Which solution is the most feasible? Make
certain you can defend that solution.
Now you are ready to proceed to the next step—determining
how to present your ideas and structure your paper.
Writing the Case Analysis
Written case analyses are short, structured reports. Usually, the
instructor will ask for between two and ten typed pages,
depending upon the complexity of the case. Some case studies
are assigned as individual efforts; others are group projects.
Still others may be a partial group effort, with the group
collaborating in the analysis and each individual student being
asked to prepare a separate written analysis.
Your task, in writing your case analysis, is to combine aspects
of the case and key issues with your perceptions and supported
opinions. You must then examine alternatives, choose the most
viable solution, and provide evidence to support your views.
You obtain this evidence from class discussions, your text
readings, outside research, and your personal experiences.
15. Determine how you want to present your views and structure
your paper.
Most case studies follow a prescribed format and structure and
can vary depending upon the course in which it is used, such as
those discussed next. Check with your instructor regarding his
or her preference as to the sections of the case study analysis
report. Case study analyses are written as reports with headings,
not as essays. The report should clearly identify the relevant
sections for the reader.
a. Title page
Use standard APA format to develop a title page.
b. Introduction
Determine a thesis. Summarize, in one sentence, the principal
outcome of your analysis. This is the thesis for your report and
should be clearly stated in the first few paragraphs. The
introduction identifies the central problem.
c. Background
Take the central problem, and place it in a context for the reader
providing background information about the case. Do not
reiterate or rehash the facts stated in the case. Rather, place the
case in a research context. The background section demonstrates
to the reader that you have conducted research, either
academically or in the field, regarding the types of problems
that the case study describes. Be sure that your written
presentation focuses your diagnosis of the problems on the most
important issues.
d. Key Problems
This is where you identify your thoughts about the problems
that exist. It is considered a very important part of the report.
Start with the “who-when-where-what-why-how” typical
questions (Gerson & Gerson, 2002). Ask yourself here as you
ponder the situation: “What are the problems at this company?”
There certainly is usually more than one problem. Identify the
ones you see as being instrumental to the success of the
company or its project.
e. Alternatives
Now that you have conducted research and placed the
problem(s) into a context, you will have informed choices about
the alternative solutions to the problem(s).
You are not expected to analyze all possible alternatives.
However, you should have considered several alternatives when
you formed your opinion about the case. Discuss these
alternatives and why you rejected them in determining your
solution to the case. Why are these viable alternatives? What
are the constraints (e.g. money, time, personnel, resources)
imposed and the reason that you do not recommend the
alternative at this time?
f. Proposed
Discuss your proposed solution providing support with solid
evidence. Generally, you should only provide one proposed
solution. Keep in mind that in the context of the case study, the
characters or company can only start on one solution at a time.
Which one do you propose and why? Justify why this solution is
the best option through a logical argument supported by
The proposed solution should be specific and realistic.
g. Recommendations
If appropriate, you may conclude your written analysis with a
discussion of the implications of the problems you identified on
the functioning of the organization or on the relationship among
individuals in the case. You may also want to make
recommendations for further action that might be taken to
resolve some of these issues. Be specific about what should be
done and who should do it. This section discusses specific
strategies that the individuals in the case can do to accomplish
the proposed solution.
Check with your instructor as to whether this section should be
included in your case analysis report.
16. Produce a first draft of your case analysis.
17. Revise and edit the draft.
18. Format and proofread the final report.
Case study reports are written in a structured format, not as
essays. Case study reports usually contain an Executive
Summary that contains brief summaries of the Introduction,
Background, and Proposed

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HTML Lab ProjectTo create a simple web page you will need .docx

  • 1. HTML Lab Project To create a simple web page you will need to use a text processor (Notepad) and HTML (hypertext markup language). Do NOT use Word which can create some problems by automatically formatting your work as a web page. The tags (items enclosed in < >) from HTML create the special effects that are seen on web pages when using a browser like Internet Explorer. Note: some tags require a starting and ending tag. For example: <h1>This is my home page </h1> Also if multiple tags are used to format a single item, ending tags must be written in reverse order from the starting tags. Example: <h1><center> My First Home Page </center></h1> tag1 tag2 endtag2 endtag1 After completing the steps in the tutorial, you should be able to: 1. Create a Home Page using HTML 2. Create headings 3. Place text and graphics in an HTML document 4. Use attributes such as font color with tags
  • 2. 5. Create links to other places or documents Home Pages The home page of a web site is the starting point that usually describes the purpose of the web site and its categories. The page typically includes hyperlinks which will take the viewer to other web sites or other places within the same web site. In planning a home page consider these items · Title – this text will appear on the blue title bar of your web page · Headings – customarily the first heading is the same as the title; it appears as the first line of your home page. Each browser displays headings in a unique way, but they allow several levels of headings from H1 to H6. Heading 1 would be the largest, most noticeable, heading 6 the smallest. In the examples that follow, the first line of each pair shows the HTML tags; the second line is the effect produced. <h1>H1 headings</h1> H1 headings <h2> H2 headings</h2> H2 headings <h3>H3 headings</h3> H3 headings<h4> H4 headings</h4> H4 Headings <h5> H5 headings</h5> H5 Headings <h6>H6 headings</h6> H6 Headings Content - Text that explains your home page or special features of the page.
  • 3. Create a Sample HTML Page Step 1. A. Open Notepad (Click on Start, Programs, Accessories, Notepad). B. Enter the following text: <html> <head> <title>Your Name Home Page</title> </head> <h1>Your Name Home Page </h1> </html> C. Choose File, Save As. For the file name, use mysample_Lastname_Firstname.htm in Save As Type, choose All Files, and save to your desktop, or other easy to find location. (CAUTION: if you neglect to choose All Files, this will be saved as a text file, ending in txt, and will not be available for opening in your browser. Step 2. A. Start your browser (Internet Explorer). It is not necessary to be online.
  • 4. B. From the menu bar, choose File, Open. C. Browse for the file you just saved on your desktop (mysample_firstname_lastname.htm). D. Choose Open. E. You should see only the title bar and a heading on your newly created homepage. Step 3. A. From the menu bar, choose View, then Source. B. A window should appear showing your Notepad file with the HTML coded text. You can edit your text for the next steps in this window. Just remember to save the Notepad file each time you make changes. C. Use the Refresh button in your browser to see the changes on your web page. Additional Headings For your sample page, you’ll create headings for: My Favorites, Headline News, Quote of the Day Step 4. A. On the line following </h1>, enter the following <h2> My Favorites </h2> <h2> Headline News </h2> <h2> Quote of the Day </h2> Step 5.
  • 5. A. Choose File, Save. B. On the browser file menu, choose Refresh. You should see the three level-2 headings which you added in Step 1. Content To leave blank lines around a paragraph of text, use the tags <p> </p> To start a new line without adding blank lines, use <br> (Note: no ending tag is needed for a line break) To identify the body of your text enclose it in the tags <body> </body> Tags which may be used to enhance your text: <b> </b> bold <center> </center> centers text <u> </u> underline <marquee> </marquee> moves text across the screen Step 6. A. Add the tags shown below in your source file (shaded areas). B. Add the <center> tags around your heading.
  • 6. C. Add the content after the headings. (Edit your current lines to match what is below.) <html> <head> <title>Your Name Student Page</title> </head> <h1><center>Your Name Student Page </center></h1> <h2> My Favorites </h2> Food: pizza <br> Sport: football <br> Color: blue <br> Movie: Fellowship of the Ring <h2> Headline News </h2> I have a new __________ <h2> Quote of the Day </h2> Minds are like parachutes; they function only when open. </html> Step 7. Save the source file. Step 8. Refresh the browser. Inserting images
  • 7. To insert a graphic file, it should be one of two formats: either a .gif or .jpg file. Gif files may also be animated. These graphic files look more like drawings or cartoons. Jpg files are photographs, like the ones taken by digital cameras. The simplest way to use graphics is to store them all in the same folder as your Notepad source file. I suggest you use and then select Images from the Upper left links. The tags for inserting an image are <img src=”filename” >. Substitute the name (including the extension: either gif or jpg) of the file you select for “filename”. Step 9. Add the following text after the line ending with </h1>. <p> <center> <img src= “filename.gif”> </center> </p> Step 10. Save your source file. Refresh the browser. Colors Colors can add (or detract) from your web page. Avoid background colors like red or orange which are not easy on the eyes. Also beware of blue backgrounds which can make link text (also in blue by default) invisible. Colors are referred to by code or by name, combining letters
  • 8. and numbers as follows Green #00FF00 Red #FF0000 Tan #DEB887 Turquoise #19CCDF Magenta #FF00FF Yellow #FFFF00 Blue #0000FF To change the background color of your web page <body bgcolor=colorcode > To change color of all text on your page <body text=colorcode > Step 11. Add the following code after the heading, <body bgcolor=#19ccdf text=#0000ff > Add </body> before the last line </html>. Step 12. Save your source file. View it with the browser. Horizontal Rule Horizontal lines are used to off set or segment text on your web page. They can be either a default grey color or you can
  • 9. specify a color. <hr> Inserts a horizontal rule <hr size=?> Sets size (height) of rule <hr width=?> Sets width of rule, in percentage or absolute value <hr noshade> Creates a rule without a shadow Code example: <hr> Inserts a horizontal rule <hr color=#000fff size=50> Sets size (height) of rule <hr color=#000fff width=25%> Sets width of rule, in percentage or absolute value <hr color=#000fff noshade> Creates a rule without a shadow
  • 10. <hr color=#000fff> Sets the rule color This is just a sample of possible colors. A good online reference for color is nks Hyperlinks allow the viewer to move to other places in your document or on the web quickly. To create a hyperlink (or link), enclose the URL of the web page in <a href=”URL”> name of link </a> (Note: include all characters of the URL, including http://) Step 13. Add the following after the text “Minds are like a ….” <br> Web sites: <a href="">LSC-University Park</a> Step 14. Save your source file. Refresh the browser. Lists You can add bulleted lists or numbered lists to your web page with the following tags: <ol>
  • 11. <li>January <li>February <li>March </ol> Or for bulleted lists use <ul> and </ul> at the start and end of the list items. Reference HTML Cheatsheet --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- Basic Tags <html></html> Creates an HTML document <head></head> Sets off the title and other information that isn't displayed on the Web page itself <body></body> Sets off the visible portion of the document Header Tags
  • 12. <title></title> Puts the name of the document in the title bar Body Attributes <body bgcolor=?> Sets the background color, using name or hex value <body text=?> Sets the text color, using name or hex value <body link=?> Sets the color of links, using name or hex value <body vlink=?> Sets the color of followed links, using name or hex value <body alink=?> Sets the color of links on click Text Tags <hl></hl> Creates the largest headline <h6></h6>
  • 13. Creates the smallest headline <b></b> Creates bold text <i></i> <em></em> Emphasizes a word (with italic or bold) <strong></strong> Emphasizes a word (with italic or bold) <font size=?></font> Sets size of font, from 1 to 7) <font color=?></font> Sets font color, using name or hex value Links <a href="URL"></a> Creates a hyperlink <a href="mailto:EMAIL"></a> Creates a mailto link <a name="NAME"></a>
  • 14. Creates a target location within a document <a href="#NAME"></a> Links to that target location from elsewhere in the document Formatting <p></p> Creates a new paragraph <p align=?> Aligns a paragraph to the left, right, or center <br> Inserts a line break Creates a numbered list <li></li> Precedes each list item, and adds a number <ul></ul> Creates a bulleted list Graphical Elements <img src="name">
  • 15. Adds an image <img src="name" align=?> Aligns an image: left, right, center; bottom, top, middle <img src="name" border=?> Horizontal Rule Sets size of border around an image <hr> Inserts a horizontal rule <hr size=?> Sets size (height) of rule <hr width=?> Sets width of rule, in percentage or absolute value <hr noshade> Creates a rule without a shadow Completed Code and sample page: <html> <head>
  • 16. <title>Khavansky M.Johnson</title> </head> <h1><center>Khavansky M. JOhnson Home Page</center></h1><hr><p><center><img src = peacock.gif></center></p> <h2>My Favorites</h2> Food: Rice and peas<br> Sport: Soccer(football),Basketball, CrossCountry, Tracks, and cricket<br> Color: Green and Blue<br> Movie: The last samaria<br> <h2>Headline News</h2>I have a new rating on monoploy<br> <h2>Quite of the Day</h2>"Just give the G's and we'll be burning ahh"<br> <body bgcolor=#0000ff</body> </html> 8 Case Study Analysis Paper Prepare a 1,400 to 1,750-word case study analysis paper based on the “Case Study for Student Analysis,” located in Week Two of the COMM/215 page.
  • 17. Below is a detailed description explaining how to prepare a case study analysis paper. _____________________________________________________ ________________________ Typically written in narrative form, a case sets forth, in a factual manner, the events and organizational circumstances surrounding a particular managerial situation. Placing the reader at the scene of the action, the real events presented provide an opportunity to help evaluate alternative courses of action. Case analysis is used in academics to help you demonstrate your ability to evaluate situations critically, to apply concepts you have learned in a class, to solve problems, and to communicate your findings and conclusions. The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to case studies and the analysis process, and to a proper format for writing the case study analysis report. Try not to worry about trying to find the "right answer" to a case. Usually, there is no single right answer. Most cases are intentionally ambiguous and can be viewed from many different perspectives. Several feasible solutions are usually available to any give case. The best solution is the one you can best support with thoughtful analysis, logical arguments, and substantiating evidence from your research or your own experience. Your goal in analyzing a case is to provide an effective solution to the situation outlined and to support that solution with solid and persuasive evidence. Overview Analyzing a case study can take several forms, and you should check with your instructor on the specific approach or point of view that he or she recommends. For example, you might
  • 18. analyze the case from the perspective that you are the central character of the narrative and must provide a report of what you would do in the situation. On the other hand, you might play the role of an outside consultant hired to evaluate the situation for which you provide a report. Make sure you allow enough time for the various tasks you must perform. These tasks are listed below and explained in more detail in the following sections. (Note: When writing a case analysis as an exercise in a writing class, there will be no content-related course concepts (e.g., management or health care theories) that apply directly to the case. The objective of the assignment will be to produce a well- written analysis. You should check with your instructor to determine the expectations of content and the amount of research required. Analyzing the Case 1. Read and study the case thoroughly. 2. Define the problem(s). 3. Select a focus for your analysis by identifying key issues and their causes. 4. Identify and apply course concepts in order to identify possible solutions. 5. Evaluate alternative solutions and choose the solution you believe is best. Writing the Case Analysis 6. Determine how you want to present your views and structure your paper.
  • 19. 7. Produce a first draft of your case analysis. 8. Revise and edit the draft. 9. Format and proofread the final report. Analyzing the Case 10. Read and study the case thoroughly. Read the case once for familiarity with the overall situation, background, and characters involved, noting issues that you think may be important. Read the case again, and highlight all relevant facts. Make sure you understand the situation and have all the facts. Make notes about issues, symptoms of problems, root problems, unresolved issues, and the roles of key players. Watch for indications of issues beneath the surface. 11. Define the problem(s). Identify the key problems or issues in the case. Case studies often contain an overabundance of information about a particular situation, not all of which may be relevant. Do not try to analyze every fact and issue. Part of the skill of good case analysis is in determining which facts are relevant. 12. Select a focus for your analysis by identifying the key issues and their causes. Determine how to focus your analysis. Narrow the problem(s) you have identified to between two and five key issues. Do not try to examine every possible aspect of the case. Identify the most important issues that relate to the concepts you have been studying in the course (if applicable).
  • 20. Once you have focused on one or two key issues, try to gain a fuller understanding of their causes. Why do these problem(s) exist? What caused them? What is the effect of the problem(s) on the organization or the relationships among individuals in the organization? Who is responsible for or affected by the problem(s)? 13. Identify and apply course concepts in order to identify possible solutions. (See previous note regarding writing a case analysis as an exercise in a writing class.) This section is included so that you become familiar with the application of case studies in context of applying content-related course concepts.) a. Identify and apply one or more concepts discussed in class, covered in your readings, or learned from your own experience that would apply to the case and provide some insight or guidance in solving the problem(s). b. Review your notes from class discussions and your texts and other readings in the course, conduct outside research, and use your own knowledge and experience to decide what concepts, theories, or ideas could be relevant. 14. Evaluate alternative solutions and choose the solution you believe best reflects the findings from your analysis. Make certain you can support the solution you choose with solid evidence from your case analysis. Weigh the pros and cons of each alternative. Which solution is the most feasible? Make certain you can defend that solution. Now you are ready to proceed to the next step—determining how to present your ideas and structure your paper. Writing the Case Analysis
  • 21. Written case analyses are short, structured reports. Usually, the instructor will ask for between two and ten typed pages, depending upon the complexity of the case. Some case studies are assigned as individual efforts; others are group projects. Still others may be a partial group effort, with the group collaborating in the analysis and each individual student being asked to prepare a separate written analysis. Your task, in writing your case analysis, is to combine aspects of the case and key issues with your perceptions and supported opinions. You must then examine alternatives, choose the most viable solution, and provide evidence to support your views. You obtain this evidence from class discussions, your text readings, outside research, and your personal experiences. 15. Determine how you want to present your views and structure your paper. Most case studies follow a prescribed format and structure and can vary depending upon the course in which it is used, such as those discussed next. Check with your instructor regarding his or her preference as to the sections of the case study analysis report. Case study analyses are written as reports with headings, not as essays. The report should clearly identify the relevant sections for the reader. a. Title page Use standard APA format to develop a title page. b. Introduction Determine a thesis. Summarize, in one sentence, the principal outcome of your analysis. This is the thesis for your report and should be clearly stated in the first few paragraphs. The introduction identifies the central problem.
  • 22. c. Background Take the central problem, and place it in a context for the reader providing background information about the case. Do not reiterate or rehash the facts stated in the case. Rather, place the case in a research context. The background section demonstrates to the reader that you have conducted research, either academically or in the field, regarding the types of problems that the case study describes. Be sure that your written presentation focuses your diagnosis of the problems on the most important issues. d. Key Problems This is where you identify your thoughts about the problems that exist. It is considered a very important part of the report. Start with the “who-when-where-what-why-how” typical questions (Gerson & Gerson, 2002). Ask yourself here as you ponder the situation: “What are the problems at this company?” There certainly is usually more than one problem. Identify the ones you see as being instrumental to the success of the company or its project. e. Alternatives Now that you have conducted research and placed the problem(s) into a context, you will have informed choices about the alternative solutions to the problem(s). You are not expected to analyze all possible alternatives. However, you should have considered several alternatives when you formed your opinion about the case. Discuss these alternatives and why you rejected them in determining your solution to the case. Why are these viable alternatives? What are the constraints (e.g. money, time, personnel, resources) imposed and the reason that you do not recommend the alternative at this time? f. Proposed
  • 23. Solution Discuss your proposed solution providing support with solid evidence. Generally, you should only provide one proposed solution. Keep in mind that in the context of the case study, the characters or company can only start on one solution at a time. Which one do you propose and why? Justify why this solution is the best option through a logical argument supported by research. The proposed solution should be specific and realistic. g. Recommendations If appropriate, you may conclude your written analysis with a discussion of the implications of the problems you identified on the functioning of the organization or on the relationship among individuals in the case. You may also want to make recommendations for further action that might be taken to resolve some of these issues. Be specific about what should be done and who should do it. This section discusses specific strategies that the individuals in the case can do to accomplish the proposed solution.
  • 24. Check with your instructor as to whether this section should be included in your case analysis report. 16. Produce a first draft of your case analysis. 17. Revise and edit the draft. 18. Format and proofread the final report. Case study reports are written in a structured format, not as essays. Case study reports usually contain an Executive Summary that contains brief summaries of the Introduction, Background, and Proposed