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   1. HTML Intro

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language made of tags that web browsers
interpret in order to know what to display. HTML is not necessary in order to create a
fantastic webpage, but your knowledge of it will give you more options to customize and
control your library’s web presence.

   2. Planning out a site

Use this time to plan the library website. Remember that most students do not look
beyond the first page, so consider what essential elements you want to include: Links
(to other pages or content located elsewhere on the page), image(s), text, widgets
(Surveys, request forms, calendar, messages, presentations, news feeds, etc.)

Destiny Examples

Other New York City High Schools

Other Library sites

Free web creation sites:

   3. Tag structure

You create most HTML tags by enclosing words or abbreviations in brackets: <b>
Example</b>. The majority of tags include opening and closing ones that surround

Opening: <p> (paragraph)
Closing </p>

The closing tag must always include the slash: /

Other command tags stand alone such as a line break <br> or a horizontal line <hr>

Attributes and values

You can also add attributes to text to customize the text, image, link, etc. held between

<p align=”left”>My left-leaning text</p>

Attributes must always be enclosed between tags, must have the equal sign before it
and be
surrounded by quotes: =“center”

   4. Document structure (Start, save, view)

Open a document in Notepad, Wordpad or TextEdit (Mac)

Typical start formation”

<title>PS 10,000’s Library Site</title>




Save your document as .html.

   5. Viewing in browsers

Open any browser. Go to File=>Open=>Click on the .html file you have saved to
preview your work

In Destiny, click on Edit Page=>Introductory Page=>Edit Text to insert the html code

   6. Adding text


Note: Remember that web browsers do not read line breaks like Enter or Return, so the
<p> tags indicate new paragraphs. To align the text, add “left”, “center’, “right”
<p align=”center”>Blah Blah</p>

   •   Blank space (to indent or add emphasis) : &nbsp

   •   Line break: <br>

   •   To inset text (tab equivalent), use : <blockquote></blockquote> around the

   •   Wrapping text: <marquee></marquee>

   •   Add quotes to text; <q></q> In Mozilla

•   Creates typewriter text: <tt></tt>

Heading: This allows you to change the Font size, ranges 1-6, with 1 being the largest.

<h2>Point 1</h2>
<h3>Point 2</h3>

Preformatted text: If you have text from another document in which you want to keep
the spacing format, etc. type: <pre> </pre>

Note: Remember the metadata feature about information on the webpage you do not
want publicly seen. You may want to add notes to yourself about items you want to
insert/add later. To do so, type in <!- - Add an image here - ->

   7. Lists

Create a Numbered List

Type <ol> above the text you want to turn into a numbered list.
Type <li> in front of each item on the list
Type</li> after each list item
Type </ol> after the list text

<h3>NOVEL Databases in the Library</h3>

Note: By default, the list will start with one. If you want to start at a different number
add: <ol start="5" type="1">

Bulleted List

Type <ul> above the text you want to turn into a list.
Type <li> in front of each item on the list
Type</li> after each list item
Type </ul> after the list text

Note: If you want to set a bullet style, type in “circle” “disc” or “square”

<ul type=”square”>

Note: You can add a break to the list by adding a line break <br> and some text:

<br> and last but not least

You need to add text for the break to happen, the <br> tag is not enough


<br> and certainly not last!

Nested List

You can add a list within a list to create a list hierarchy. Add the tag <ol> for numbers or
the <ul> for unordered lists in the place where you want to insert the subtopic. Add the
new list text, including the <li> and </li> tags. Finally, close it out with the </ol> or </ul>
tag. See bolded example:

<li>Ask your librarian for the password</li>

Definition List

This creates a list in the form of a dictionary or glossary.

Type <dl> above the text you want to set as a definition list
Type <di> in front of each term
Type</di> after each term
Type <dd> in front of each definition
Type </dd> after each definition
Type </dl> after the definition list text

Note: Inserting Special characters (See attached sheet)

8. Formatting text

<b></b> Bold

<i></i> Italic

<u></u> Underline

<br> Line Break

If you want to change your font, type in <font face=”arial”> </font> around the text you
want to change.

Example: <p> <font face="Arial">This is the conclusion</p></font>

Note: It is best to use a common font name so that each web browser will recognize it.
As a precaution, you can list more than one font, so that if the first font is not read, the
second one will be:

<p> <font face="Arial, Helvetica”>This is the conclusion</p></font>

Font Size

You can change it with the following tag: <font size=”1”>Hello</font>

Size attribute   Font Size equivalent
1                7 points
2                10
3                12
4                14
5                18
6                24
7                36

Type <basefont size=”3”> if you want to set all the text for the page or change it all.

Note: If you type a plus + or minus – sign before a size number, <font size=”+3’></font>,
it will display that text at a size relative to the surrounding text (in the above example,
three times larger).

Text Color

You can change the text color by typing <font color=”#0000FF”>Library Book

You can add these tags in front of any bit of text whose color you want to change. (See
the chart for some color examples). You can also search online under html color tags
to see the listing of all the color possibilities.

Note: If you want to change or set the text color for the whole page, type the text color
within the body tag: <body text=”#8000000”>

Note: You can also type the name of a color: <font color=”red”> but the numbers can
help you be more specific or give you the name to type in.

Background Color

Within the body tag, type bgcolor=

Example: <body bgcolor=”#00FFFF”> (aqua)


By default, the html margins are 10 pixels. In the body tag, you can adjust the margins:

<body leftmargin=”60” rightmargin=”100” topmargin=”20” bottommargin=”20”
marginwidth=”30’ marginheight=”40”>

<hr> Horizontal Rule

Note: You can change the size by typing <hr size=”10”> or <hr width=”75%”> if you
don’t want it to cover the whole page. You can also add color by typing <hr

9. Inserting images

You can upload many different types of images to your website or webpage. They need
to be on the desktop of your computer. Different image types:

JPEG: Joint Photographic Experts Group allows for millions of colors, commonly used
with complex images such as photos—not good choice with artwork

GIF: Graphics Interchange Format, supports up to 256 colors, good for simple images
like logos. A single gif file can also store multiple images and display them as animation

PNG: Portable Network Graphics, rich color support and advanced compression
schemes so good choice for variety of image types

Image Sites                                     Fine Art:                                                 Art/

Note: For best results, make sure your image file does not exceed 60K; with GIFs and
PNGs, you can reduce the number of colors in the image to reduce the file size. You
may also want to use an image editor program (Photoshop, Google’s Picassa, etc.) to
compress the size for display purposes. This will allow you to maintain the quality as
opposed to reducing it using html code.

Type <img src=”photo.jpg”>The file name of your image or graphic.

To specify a size, type <img src=”photo.jpg” width=”750” height=”400’>

Note: Browsers can display images at 750 width and 400 height without requiring users
to scroll, so use those measurements as standards for display. Most monitors are set
as 800 pixels in width and 600 in height.

Alternate text: This allows you to label what the image is in case it cannot be displayed
by a browser: <img src=”photo.jpg” alt=”Happy cat”>

Image label: This will appear when the mouse pointer hovers over the image: <img
src=”photo.jpg” title=”happy cat’>

Copyright: <img src=”photo.jpg”> Add the <br> tag to put this symbol on the next line:

&copy; 2011 Leanne Ellis

Note: You do not need to add brackets <> to the above tagline.

Aligning an image

Add the command to <img src=”photo.jpg” align=”left” or right, middle, top, bottom

Note: to center it, you need to add <div> for <div align=”center”>Cat</div>

Wrap text between images

You can place two images side by side and wrap text between the two. Use <img> tags
to insert the two images above the text you want to wrap. Write the text out first. Then,

<img src=”photo.jpg” align=”left”>
<img src=”image.jpg” align=”right”>

Note: If there is a sentence of the paragraph text you do not want to wrap (like the last
one), type <br clear=”left” “right” “all”> where you want to end the text wrap.

Image Border

<img src=”photo.jpg” border=”10”>

Space around an image

<img src=”photo.jpg” align=”left” hspace or vspace=”25”> The number is in pixels as is
the border.

Background Border

You can turn an image into a background for your webpage by adding it to the body tag.
Keep in mind how the image will appear. You may need to adjust the text color, etc.

<body background=”kitties.jpg”>

Create an image banner

Use these tags to add a title banner with an image. Type this at the top before any
body text:

<img src=”photo.jpg” width=”468” height=”60”><br>

   10. Inserting links

Type: <a href=>Yahoo</a>

You must add the http:// to any link you add, plus make certain it is in quotes and have
the closing bracket after the address. To write a title for a link, type if after the address.

Inserting an image link

   1. Add the image you want to use as a link using the <img> tag.
   2. Type <a href=”?”> in front of the image code, replacing the URL of the page to
      which you want to link.
   3. Type </a> after the image code.

Example: <a href=><image src=”paris.jpg”></a>

Note: You can link to another page on your website by specifying the filename <a

If the page is in a subdirectory, specify that as well: <a href=”media/photos.html”>

Open a linked page in a new window

Click within the <a> tag for the link you want to edit and type target=”_blank”

Example: <a href= target=”_blank”>Yahoo</a>

Note: To make all links open in new windows, at the top of your page, click between the
<head> <base target=”_blank”></head>

Link to a same area on the same page or website

   1. Name an area. Click in front of the section of text to which you want to create a
      link and type <a name=”?”> Keep the names short and simple. Type </a> at the
      end of the section.
   2. In front of the text or image you want to turn into a link, type <a href=”#?”>
      replacing ? with the name of the section to which you want to link. Do not leave
      out the # sign!
   3. Type </a> after the link text


   1. <a name="kitty"><img src="furry-cat.jpg" width="320" height="300"></a>
   2. <a href="#kitty">Go to the kitty picture!</a>

Note: Follow the above steps to create a link at the top or bottom of the page. You can
also do this for another page on the site by naming the area to link to, and then add the
number of the link such as <a href=”page.html#section1”>

Note: You can also add links to non-html resources such as word document files,
spreadsheet, etc. Type in the text for the link and then add <a href=”?”> replacing
the ? with the full path and name of the file. Type </a>b at the end of the text.

Link to an email address


Change Link Color

In the body tag, type <body link=”FF0000” alink=”000000” vlink=”0000FF”>

Link=Unclicked link
Alink=Active link (color when link is being clicked
Vlink=Change of color, if desired, of previously clicked link

   11. Tables

Before you create a table—just as with the website—it is a good idea to sketch out the
format, layout, size and information to be included in it.

Basic Elements

<table></table> to start the tags

<tr></tr> Table Rows
<td></td> Tag data or cell content

Align=”right” “center” “left”

Type <table>

<tr> Start the first row of the table

<td> The First cell

<th> column label (Bold)

Note: If you want your first row to include bold column labels, you can use the <th> tag
instead of <td>

Table Border

In the table tag, add border=”?” to determine the size. Type bordercolor=”Red” to add
color. Remember you can type the name or color number.

Cell Padding and Spacing

You can use padding to add space between the border and the contents of a cell. You
can use spacing to increase the border size or distance between cells measured in


<table border="10" bordercolor="000000"cellpadding="20" cellspacing="40">
<th>What is this all about</th>
<td>This is the next one</td></tr>
<tr><td>This is another example</td>

Adjust cell width and height

Enter this in the first <td> tag, width and height. This affects all the cells in the table.

Example: <td height=”20” width=”30’>

Note: You can extend the cell or row to be different from the default height and width
you select. (This would be the equivalent of merging cells or expanding them in Excel)

Click inside the tag <td> or <th> to extend the column: colspan or row: rowspan

<table border="10" bordercolor="000000" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="10">
<td colspan="6">x</td>
<td>This is another example</td>
<td>This is another example</td>
<td>This is another example</td>

Creating Newspaper Like Column

You may want to organize your text into two or three columns. Within the <tr> </tr>tag,
type <td valign=”top” width=”33%”> You can also do the width in pixels, but percent is
probably easier.

Repeat the above tags for however many columns and size you want.

<table border="10" bordercolor="000000" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="10">
<td valign="top" width="50%">This is just some stuff that I am writing as an example.
What do you think of html so far?</td>
<td valign="top" width="50%">This is just some stuff that I am writing as an example.
What do you think of html so far?</td></tr>

Note: You may want to adjust the left-side column if you wanted to create a site
navigation box.

Adding a table caption

Below the <table> tag, but before the <tr> one, type in:

<caption>This table is about</caption>

Note: You can add align=”bottom” within the capture tag to locate it below the table.
The default will be above.

Adding a background color to cells and tables

In the <td> tag for the cell you want, type <bgcolor=”?”>

If you want the whole table instead, type in the <table> tag <bgcolor=”?”>

Inserting an image into a cell or table

After the <td> tag, type <img src=”?”>

<td> <img src="books.gif"></td>

If you want the image for the whole table, type bgcolor=”?” in the <table> tag


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  • 1. BASIC HTML TRAINING 1. HTML Intro HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language made of tags that web browsers interpret in order to know what to display. HTML is not necessary in order to create a fantastic webpage, but your knowledge of it will give you more options to customize and control your library’s web presence. 2. Planning out a site Use this time to plan the library website. Remember that most students do not look beyond the first page, so consider what essential elements you want to include: Links (to other pages or content located elsewhere on the page), image(s), text, widgets (Surveys, request forms, calendar, messages, presentations, news feeds, etc.) Destiny Examples Other New York City High Schools Other Library sites 1
  • 2. Free web creation sites: 3. Tag structure You create most HTML tags by enclosing words or abbreviations in brackets: <b> Example</b>. The majority of tags include opening and closing ones that surround text. Opening: <p> (paragraph) Closing </p> The closing tag must always include the slash: / Other command tags stand alone such as a line break <br> or a horizontal line <hr> Attributes and values You can also add attributes to text to customize the text, image, link, etc. held between them. <p align=”left”>My left-leaning text</p> Attributes must always be enclosed between tags, must have the equal sign before it and be surrounded by quotes: =“center” 4. Document structure (Start, save, view) Open a document in Notepad, Wordpad or TextEdit (Mac) 2
  • 3. Typical start formation” <html> <head> <title>PS 10,000’s Library Site</title> <body> Text </body> </html> Saving Save your document as .html. 5. Viewing in browsers Open any browser. Go to File=>Open=>Click on the .html file you have saved to preview your work In Destiny, click on Edit Page=>Introductory Page=>Edit Text to insert the html code 6. Adding text Paragraph=<p></p> Note: Remember that web browsers do not read line breaks like Enter or Return, so the <p> tags indicate new paragraphs. To align the text, add “left”, “center’, “right” <p align=”center”>Blah Blah</p> • Blank space (to indent or add emphasis) : &nbsp • Line break: <br> • To inset text (tab equivalent), use : <blockquote></blockquote> around the text. • Wrapping text: <marquee></marquee> • Add quotes to text; <q></q> In Mozilla 3
  • 4. Creates typewriter text: <tt></tt> Heading: This allows you to change the Font size, ranges 1-6, with 1 being the largest. <h1>Title</h1> <h2>Point 1</h2> <h3>Point 2</h3> Preformatted text: If you have text from another document in which you want to keep the spacing format, etc. type: <pre> </pre> Note: Remember the metadata feature about information on the webpage you do not want publicly seen. You may want to add notes to yourself about items you want to insert/add later. To do so, type in <!- - Add an image here - -> 7. Lists Create a Numbered List Type <ol> above the text you want to turn into a numbered list. Type <li> in front of each item on the list Type</li> after each list item Type </ol> after the list text <h3>NOVEL Databases in the Library</h3> <ol> <li>Ebsco</li> <li>Gale</li> <li>Grolier</li> </ol> Note: By default, the list will start with one. If you want to start at a different number add: <ol start="5" type="1"> Bulleted List Type <ul> above the text you want to turn into a list. Type <li> in front of each item on the list Type</li> after each list item Type </ul> after the list text Note: If you want to set a bullet style, type in “circle” “disc” or “square” <ul type=”square”> 4
  • 5. Note: You can add a break to the list by adding a line break <br> and some text: <br> and last but not least You need to add text for the break to happen, the <br> tag is not enough Example: <ul> <li>First</li> <li>second</li> <br> and certainly not last! <li>Third</li> </ul> Nested List You can add a list within a list to create a list hierarchy. Add the tag <ol> for numbers or the <ul> for unordered lists in the place where you want to insert the subtopic. Add the new list text, including the <li> and </li> tags. Finally, close it out with the </ol> or </ul> tag. See bolded example: <ol> <li>Ebsco</li> <ul> <li>Ask your librarian for the password</li> </ul> <li>Gale</li> <li>Grolier</li> </ol> Definition List This creates a list in the form of a dictionary or glossary. Type <dl> above the text you want to set as a definition list Type <di> in front of each term Type</di> after each term Type <dd> in front of each definition Type </dd> after each definition Type </dl> after the definition list text Note: Inserting Special characters (See attached sheet) 5
  • 6. 8. Formatting text <b></b> Bold <i></i> Italic <u></u> Underline <br> Line Break If you want to change your font, type in <font face=”arial”> </font> around the text you want to change. Example: <p> <font face="Arial">This is the conclusion</p></font> Note: It is best to use a common font name so that each web browser will recognize it. As a precaution, you can list more than one font, so that if the first font is not read, the second one will be: <p> <font face="Arial, Helvetica”>This is the conclusion</p></font> Font Size You can change it with the following tag: <font size=”1”>Hello</font> Size attribute Font Size equivalent 1 7 points 2 10 3 12 4 14 5 18 6 24 7 36 Type <basefont size=”3”> if you want to set all the text for the page or change it all. 6
  • 7. Note: If you type a plus + or minus – sign before a size number, <font size=”+3’></font>, it will display that text at a size relative to the surrounding text (in the above example, three times larger). Text Color You can change the text color by typing <font color=”#0000FF”>Library Book Recommendations</font> You can add these tags in front of any bit of text whose color you want to change. (See the chart for some color examples). You can also search online under html color tags to see the listing of all the color possibilities. Note: If you want to change or set the text color for the whole page, type the text color within the body tag: <body text=”#8000000”> Note: You can also type the name of a color: <font color=”red”> but the numbers can help you be more specific or give you the name to type in. Background Color Within the body tag, type bgcolor= Example: <body bgcolor=”#00FFFF”> (aqua) Margins By default, the html margins are 10 pixels. In the body tag, you can adjust the margins: <body leftmargin=”60” rightmargin=”100” topmargin=”20” bottommargin=”20” marginwidth=”30’ marginheight=”40”> <hr> Horizontal Rule Note: You can change the size by typing <hr size=”10”> or <hr width=”75%”> if you don’t want it to cover the whole page. You can also add color by typing <hr color=”#FFFFFF”> 7
  • 8. 9. Inserting images You can upload many different types of images to your website or webpage. They need to be on the desktop of your computer. Different image types: JPEG: Joint Photographic Experts Group allows for millions of colors, commonly used with complex images such as photos—not good choice with artwork GIF: Graphics Interchange Format, supports up to 256 colors, good for simple images like logos. A single gif file can also store multiple images and display them as animation PNG: Portable Network Graphics, rich color support and advanced compression schemes so good choice for variety of image types Image Sites Fine Art: Art/ Note: For best results, make sure your image file does not exceed 60K; with GIFs and PNGs, you can reduce the number of colors in the image to reduce the file size. You may also want to use an image editor program (Photoshop, Google’s Picassa, etc.) to compress the size for display purposes. This will allow you to maintain the quality as opposed to reducing it using html code. Type <img src=”photo.jpg”>The file name of your image or graphic. To specify a size, type <img src=”photo.jpg” width=”750” height=”400’> Note: Browsers can display images at 750 width and 400 height without requiring users to scroll, so use those measurements as standards for display. Most monitors are set as 800 pixels in width and 600 in height. Alternate text: This allows you to label what the image is in case it cannot be displayed by a browser: <img src=”photo.jpg” alt=”Happy cat”> Image label: This will appear when the mouse pointer hovers over the image: <img src=”photo.jpg” title=”happy cat’> Copyright: <img src=”photo.jpg”> Add the <br> tag to put this symbol on the next line: 8
  • 9. &copy; 2011 Leanne Ellis Note: You do not need to add brackets <> to the above tagline. Aligning an image Add the command to <img src=”photo.jpg” align=”left” or right, middle, top, bottom (default)> Note: to center it, you need to add <div> for <div align=”center”>Cat</div> Wrap text between images You can place two images side by side and wrap text between the two. Use <img> tags to insert the two images above the text you want to wrap. Write the text out first. Then, add: <img src=”photo.jpg” align=”left”> <img src=”image.jpg” align=”right”> Note: If there is a sentence of the paragraph text you do not want to wrap (like the last one), type <br clear=”left” “right” “all”> where you want to end the text wrap. Image Border 9
  • 10. <img src=”photo.jpg” border=”10”> Space around an image <img src=”photo.jpg” align=”left” hspace or vspace=”25”> The number is in pixels as is the border. Background Border You can turn an image into a background for your webpage by adding it to the body tag. Keep in mind how the image will appear. You may need to adjust the text color, etc. <body background=”kitties.jpg”> Create an image banner Use these tags to add a title banner with an image. Type this at the top before any body text: <img src=”photo.jpg” width=”468” height=”60”><br> 10. Inserting links Type: <a href=>Yahoo</a> You must add the http:// to any link you add, plus make certain it is in quotes and have the closing bracket after the address. To write a title for a link, type if after the address. Inserting an image link 1. Add the image you want to use as a link using the <img> tag. 2. Type <a href=”?”> in front of the image code, replacing the URL of the page to which you want to link. 3. Type </a> after the image code. Example: <a href=><image src=”paris.jpg”></a> Note: You can link to another page on your website by specifying the filename <a href=”photos.html”> 10
  • 11. If the page is in a subdirectory, specify that as well: <a href=”media/photos.html”> Open a linked page in a new window Click within the <a> tag for the link you want to edit and type target=”_blank” Example: <a href= target=”_blank”>Yahoo</a> Note: To make all links open in new windows, at the top of your page, click between the <head> <base target=”_blank”></head> Link to a same area on the same page or website 1. Name an area. Click in front of the section of text to which you want to create a link and type <a name=”?”> Keep the names short and simple. Type </a> at the end of the section. 2. In front of the text or image you want to turn into a link, type <a href=”#?”> replacing ? with the name of the section to which you want to link. Do not leave out the # sign! 3. Type </a> after the link text Example 1. <a name="kitty"><img src="furry-cat.jpg" width="320" height="300"></a> 2. <a href="#kitty">Go to the kitty picture!</a> Note: Follow the above steps to create a link at the top or bottom of the page. You can also do this for another page on the site by naming the area to link to, and then add the number of the link such as <a href=”page.html#section1”> Note: You can also add links to non-html resources such as word document files, spreadsheet, etc. Type in the text for the link and then add <a href=”?”> replacing the ? with the full path and name of the file. Type </a>b at the end of the text. Link to an email address 11
  • 12. <a></a> Change Link Color In the body tag, type <body link=”FF0000” alink=”000000” vlink=”0000FF”> Link=Unclicked link Alink=Active link (color when link is being clicked Vlink=Change of color, if desired, of previously clicked link 11. Tables Before you create a table—just as with the website—it is a good idea to sketch out the format, layout, size and information to be included in it. Basic Elements <table></table> to start the tags <tr></tr> Table Rows <td></td> Tag data or cell content Height=”400” Width=”750” Align=”right” “center” “left” Type <table> <tr> Start the first row of the table <td> The First cell <th> column label (Bold) Note: If you want your first row to include bold column labels, you can use the <th> tag instead of <td> Table Border 12
  • 13. In the table tag, add border=”?” to determine the size. Type bordercolor=”Red” to add color. Remember you can type the name or color number. Cell Padding and Spacing You can use padding to add space between the border and the contents of a cell. You can use spacing to increase the border size or distance between cells measured in pixels. Example: <table border="10" bordercolor="000000"cellpadding="20" cellspacing="40"> <tr> <th>What is this all about</th> <td>This is the next one</td></tr> <tr><td>This is another example</td> </tr> </table> Adjust cell width and height Enter this in the first <td> tag, width and height. This affects all the cells in the table. 13
  • 14. Example: <td height=”20” width=”30’> Note: You can extend the cell or row to be different from the default height and width you select. (This would be the equivalent of merging cells or expanding them in Excel) Click inside the tag <td> or <th> to extend the column: colspan or row: rowspan Example: <table border="10" bordercolor="000000" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="10"> <tr> <td colspan="6">x</td> <td>x</td> <td>x</td></tr> <tr> <td>This is another example</td> <td>This is another example</td> <td>This is another example</td> </tr> </table> Creating Newspaper Like Column You may want to organize your text into two or three columns. Within the <tr> </tr>tag, type <td valign=”top” width=”33%”> You can also do the width in pixels, but percent is probably easier. 14
  • 15. Repeat the above tags for however many columns and size you want. Example: <table border="10" bordercolor="000000" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="10"> <tr> <td valign="top" width="50%">This is just some stuff that I am writing as an example. What do you think of html so far?</td> <td valign="top" width="50%">This is just some stuff that I am writing as an example. What do you think of html so far?</td></tr> </tr> </table> Note: You may want to adjust the left-side column if you wanted to create a site navigation box. Adding a table caption Below the <table> tag, but before the <tr> one, type in: <caption>This table is about</caption> Note: You can add align=”bottom” within the capture tag to locate it below the table. The default will be above. Adding a background color to cells and tables In the <td> tag for the cell you want, type <bgcolor=”?”> If you want the whole table instead, type in the <table> tag <bgcolor=”?”> Inserting an image into a cell or table After the <td> tag, type <img src=”?”> <td> <img src="books.gif"></td> If you want the image for the whole table, type bgcolor=”?” in the <table> tag 15
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