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                                     CARRY THE                                                             STAY INTERVIEW.
                                                   NEW DNA OF                   MANAGE WITH HUMAN
                                                                                                             CHANGING ROLE OF HR
       WHICH ROAD WILL YOU               LEADERSHIP: An Interview with          TOUCH.
       TAKE ????                         S Y Siddiqui , MEO, MSIL.             FDI AND HUMAN CAPITAL.           PROFESSIONALS.
                                                                               LEADING REMOTE TEAMS.

    VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1          / FEBRUARY 2013

                                                        Human Touch                                The HR E-Newsletter
                                                            Department of Social Work ,Jamia Millia Islamia.

                                                   depriving them of basic amenities. The        prosperity. Business houses that look
                                                  attempt to stem the damage is made but         at the environmental issues and also
                                                  half-heartedly and without providing even      take into account the inter-nal mecha-
                                                  the necessary balm on the wounds to            nisms of decision-making, leadership,
                                                  earth, people and eco-systems. Those who       teamwork and just wages are to be
                                                  work within these systems often do not         lauded in today’s competitive world. If
                                                  get to see the big picture and collect their   those emerging with degrees in busi-
                                                  monthly wages without a shade of com-          ness studies keep their ethics stronger
                                                  punction. The mechanisms, both legal and       than their career goals, then those who
                                                  governmental, for stemming the tide of         can make a difference to the future of
                                                  these groups are still in their infancy and    our planet will ensure that there is a
                                                  only an information blitzkrieg and ac-         focus on creating small-scale and large
                                                  counting process can reverse the process,      -scale work structures and production
                                                  or where necessary, extinguish it.             mechanisms that serve humankind
                                                  The other trend in corporates is to provide    rather than use humans to make a few
                                                  honestly processed goods and services          more rich and powerful.
                                                  after due research and testing has gauged
                                                  their impact on human lives, with profit
Today’s business organisations and finan-         margins that are wholesome for both buy-
cial enterprises can be divided into two
                                                  er and seller, with feedback from consum-
main categories. Those that are driven by
                                                  ers, and all the technical systems that are
crass material outcomes, assessing their
                                                  needed to make products useful, rightly
success by number crunching monetary
figures on the screen, and ensuring that their    priced, long-lasting, repairable, usable and
coffers are overflowing with wealth at any        worthwhile. If the products are edible,
cost; and those that are attempting to bal-       then the safety measures and health out-
ance their profiteering with distribution of      comes are sufficiently elaborate to ensure
the goods among various levels of the or-         that what is declared to be offered and
ganisation, together with genuine service to      what is actually offered is one and the
the customer.                                     same.
The first group is not always easy to locate      Truthfulness in presentation and in opera-
as their public relations network can often       tion is a value that these groups work
cover the realities of ruthless tactics that do   towards, though they may achieve it with
not take into consideration the impact on         varying degrees of precision. The source
people’s lives and livelihoods. Giant opera-      groups take cognizance of ecological
tions can spring up overnight with vast in-       factors and ensure that compensation is        --Dr.  Pearl Drego, Director,
frastructure that brings down trees, utilise      not mere lip service to the media, but is      Transactional Analysis Centre
immense natural resources and create en-          done in ways that enable those affected to     for Education, Research and
cumbrances for large populations, even            truly recover a full life of security and
                                                                                                 Training (TACET), New Delhi.
Carry the New DNA of Leadership-An Interview with S Y Siddiqui , MEO, Maruti Suzuki India Limited
1) Do you feel that your academic qualification (with re-            work for my company. But remember to have a ‘Plan B’ in case
spect to degree in HR) helped you to develop into a success-         your decision backfires!
ful professional or was it through hands-on experience and
on-the-job learning? What actually creates a difference?
Ans: Both. Whatever you do, the base is critical, i.e. ,the
knowledge which builds in school. And the application of that
knowledge comes from experience. Starting the career with a
good organisation, good people, good environment and under
good supervision helps in becoming a successful professional.
You would then enjoy your work with passion.

2) Do HR dept. has a contribution in terms of talent man-
agement or does its role is only restricted to staffing
and compliance?
Ans: Human resource is very strategic and it is a part of the
business for almost one and half decades in India. There has
been a change in strategy adopted recently. Look at the process
of hiring itself, initially the strategies depended on de-
mographics and people mix but now this approach holds value
for blue collar employees only. Currently we adopt the strate-
gies of manpower planning where we first conceptualize it
keeping in mind the labour-cost factor in order to plan our-
selves in the competitive world. In Maruti, we practice strate-
gies such as Job Rotation, Fast Track Career Growth, and Em-             S Y Siddiqui , MEO, Maruti Suzuki India Limited.
power People through positive work culture. Now the process
has become even more critical, it involves customised under-
standing of my people and my business network which defines          6) What are your views on Reverse Mentoring?
talent management at Maruti. Critical part of staffing is framing    Ans: It is always better to see the other side of the story. Re-
the policies.                                                        verse mentoring concept has to be accepted as a basic method to
                                                                     explore new ideas. It is a fresh third eye perspective which
3) What strategy would you suggest to gain an edge over              comes from the youth. And the youth is innovative, is unbiased
competitors in the ‘Talent War’?                                     and does not carry any heritage (in all its negative sense) from
Ans: Customize according to your company, culture, people,           the past.
business and strategy. A few of our strategies to limit employee
turnover and retain people for longer period include initiatives     7) What are the contemporary issues that HR leaders are
like – fast track career growth, rewarding the high performers       facing? How do you tackle them in your own way?
with company cars, overseas job rotation with Suzuki and giv-        Ans: HR must have a strong alignment to business. All HR
ing international learning opportunities for the employees. Last     activities must add value to the business. There should be meas-
but not the least, making people happy, excited and empowered        urable index for what has been done. Emphasis should also be
would be the strategies to gain an edge over competitors in the      placed on the new DNA of leadership for the Gen Y. However,
‘Talent War’.                                                        the issues that concern HR leaders the most are – mismatch
                                                                     between demand and supply of talent, skilling manpower and
4) What is/are the most prominent trend/s you are observ-            adopting a proactive approach in building and developing talent.
ing at the workplace in recent times? Has it affected your           Companies should take the initiate in building the right talent.
style of working?(in terms of leadership and others)                 MSIL does not depend on market for talent. We have 10 ITI
Ans: Everything has changed.Compensationhas change from-             institutes under our management and plan to have 50 more by
fixed salary to variable;equitable approach to performance           the end of this year. This way we create a new supply line of
based increment;normal ordinary process of recruitment to            talent.
strategic methods of recruiting! The concept of attrition has also
come lately; thankfully, retention came as a solution for the        8) What is your advice for students (doing specialization in
same.We are no more fixated to old styles of leadership but          HRM)? What are the necessary skills recruiters are seeking
carry a new DNA of leadership. Typically, demographic shift          in fresher?
and generation gap within the organizations has brought big          Ans: Focus on meaningful learning. Emphasize upon good
pressure on the leadership style. Earlier technology and produc-     people along with a good working environment rather than a
tion was the pace of the business. But it doesn’t work today.        good salary and job profile. Look for investment approach in
There is a shift from technology and production era tohard core      career, i.e., to stick to one company for 4-5 years to develop a
marketing and consumerbased era. So, businesses need to make         sound conceptual base. During the initial phase of your career,
their strategies better in order to compete today.                   focus on learning only so that you can be proactive and positive
                                                                     by the time you reach the middle phase of your career. Howev-
5) It is believed that HR decisions are quite complex and            er, your focus should be to develop your own professional iden-
challenging. At times some decisions can seriously affect            tity by the time you reach the peak of your career.
productivity and morale. How you handle such decisions?              Always compete with yourself only – competition with yourself
Ans: There can be various perspectives to anything. You must         will make life satisfying, meaningful and exciting; while com-
take the risk of choosing one – it is totally your call. There are   petition with others would only fuel negativity. Also, if the sur-
various assumptions you will be required to make so as to reach      rounding is weak, your benchmarking will be low hence you
a conclusion and hence decide what suits best for you. Get the       would never excel in life.
Volume 1 , Issue 1 , Page 3
Manage with Human Touch
Gone are the days when manager enjoyed centralized authority. No longer can the manager impose his ideas. He should work in a
positive, enthusiastic and focused way; encourage teams by authority delegation and responsibility to make them feel trusted and
needed. Manager should have an emotional touch and empathize with the team-mates to make them have a sense of belongingness
and care and deal with their problems rather than reckless behavior.
Manager should encourage new ideas, value employee participation, acknowledge contribution, empower, motivate participation in
decision making and setting objectives they have to achieve, and inspire employees rather than expect them to only follow his deci-
 Today’s manager should admit that every individual has his own dreams, hopes and ambitions to grow professionally and personal-
ly. The manager should facilitate it and understand that employees’ development is significant to the organization itself. Moreover,
manager should respect every individual’s honour and dignity by maintaining confidentiality and allowing freedom of expression
and thought.
Thus, there was paradigm shift introduced in today’s management concepts like value, ethics, trust, employee engagement, care for
employees. Therefore, it is of no doubt that changing time, work culture, and evolution of organizational dynamics is demanding
“human touch” approach in HRM.
                                                                                     Ramshad T.Mohammed , MA HRM Sem II

The spectacular growth of foreign direct investment (FDI) is striking during the last two decades. It provides a win – win situation
to both host and home countries.
The major impact of FDI on human capital enhancement appears to have been not through any effort of the MNCs but rather from
governments seeking to attract FDI via enhanced human capital. Once individuals are employed by MNC subsidiaries, their human
capital may be further enhanced through training and on the job learning. Those subsidiaries may also have a positive role on hu-
man capital enhancement in other enterprises with which they develop links, including suppliers. To the extent that human capital is
thereby enhanced, this can have further knock-on effects both as that labour moves to other firms and to the extent that it leads to
employees becoming entrepreneurs.
Higher achievements in human development can have beneficial payoffs: Barro’s statistical analysis of growth differences across
roughly a hundred countries reveals that initial human capital has a significantly positive effect on growth (1997). There has been
evidence of strong connections between economic growth and human development.
However, human development is a complex process, and it would be rash to say that FDI alone accounts for most of the variations
in human development across countries of the world. A host of other variables also influences the process of human development.
                                                                                                 By-Sana Afroz MA HRM Sem IV

According to a January 2012 study by the research firm IDC, the global mobile workforce will reach an impressive 1.3 billion
workers (37% of the world’s working population) within the next 5 years. The exponential growth of remote teams in enterprises is
inevitable in today’s global markets. The task of inculcating organizational culture, values and engaging new hires in employee
orientation programs is a big challenge for HR leaders.
Remote Teams – Challenged by Engagement, addressed by Design
The fundamental challenge in successfully conducting New Hire Orientation Program for Remote Teams is – Engagement. Engage-
ment is vital not just to retain new hires but also to help them productively contribute to the company’s goals. Therefore, the Design
of the New Hire Orientation program becomes significant.
Thomas Friedmann – the Pulitzer winner NY Times journalist talks about “flatteners” that he sees as leveling the global playing
field. The prime ones he mentions are “Outsourcing” & “Offshoring”. He argues that these two factors have allowed companies to
split service and manufacturing activities into components which can be subcontracted and performed in the most efficient, cost-
effective way. Hence Remote Teams are a reality for enterprises today in the volatile economic times.

 New Hires
The design of the New Hire Orientation program for Remote Teams should address the needs of:-

 HR and Training Manager, and
 Organizations
New Hire Orientation Program – What New Hires need ?
Keeping the new hires in perspective, the program design should take into account:-
#1) Communication – The explosion in Web 2.0 applications, social networking and social learning tools has given rise to the
“plugged in” workforce. Therefore, it is a given that your new hires also default to that. This requires that your communication be
clear,                     timely                    and                  apparently                     “always                  on”.
#2) Optimum mix of Online and Off-line – Given the remote nature of the teams, the new hire orientation program could be pre-
dominantly online. Off-line elements could take the form of physical meetings, phone calls and even internet chats. Online and
offline mix in the program should strive to create a sense of belonging amongst the new hires.
#3) Flexibility – Not only in time, but also in choice of overall courses in the New Employee Orientation program. This would give
the      participants       a     sense     of       control     within     the     overall      structure    of     the      program.
#4) Interactivity – This would encourage new hires to pro-actively engage with the Organization and exhibit desired behaviours.
#5) Sense of Community – If Training Managers can crack this, success is guaranteed. While Remote Teams are remote by defini-
tion, they are actually connected as a community. Incorporating social networking, collaboration and gamification techniques like
rewards, badges and leaderboards, a sense of purposeful camaraderie could be built and nurtured amongst the new hires and the
overall Team.

                                                                  ( For More Details Please Visit:
                                                                                                For Further Contacts:
  Stay Interview: An Emerging Trend in Employee
                   Engagement.                                                                 E-mail:
                                                                                                     Phone: 9582919223
Stay interview, an emerging trend in the field of HRM, focuses not only on the employees
quitting the organization as in exit interviews but also on feeling the pulse of the employ-
ees while they are still associated with the organization. “A stay interview is a kind of an
interview/discussion/feedback mechanism used to understand the aspirations, problems
faced and expectations of the employees,” explains Sudip Bandyopadhyay MD & CEO,
Destimoney Securities.
One would admit that asking for an employee’s reasons to leave once he has made the
decision does not really make sense; an organization can instead conduct a stay interview
in order to listen to the views and aspirations of the employee and identify the areas of
comfort on one hand and the areas of improvement on the other. But the task doesn’t stop
here, organizations have to adopt a problem solving approach to the issues as there is
nothing as disappointing as taking one’s suggestions and doing nothing about it.
In short, a stay interview maps the expectations of employees correctly. Thus, it is an
emerging trend in the 21st century employee-friendly organizations.
                                                  – Sneh Anand , MA HRM Sem IV

Changing Role of HR Professionals : Push Papers to Business
The traditional administrative and transac-     with less focus on the traditional function
tional roles of human resources (HR) have       of human resources activities, such as
become inadequate to address the human          compensation, benefits, staffing, apprais-
resources requirements of the 21st-century      al, and recordkeeping.
organization. Living in the post-modern era,
everything undergoes tremendous changes         When the human resource professional
and to withstand these dynamism, Human          plays the role of Operations Manager,          STUDENT EDITORS:
Resource professionals also requires to         Strategic Partner, Emergency Responder
retool their functions and competencies.As
a result, human resource is diverted its path
                                                and Employee Mediator simultaneously,
                                                then we can say that HR justifies to the
                                                                                                        LUTHUFI M.
from mere supporting function to the role of    role of Business Partner.T he prime com-              SNEH ANAND.
Strategic Business Partner.                     petency required for Human Resource
                                                Business Partners is the knowledge itself.
                                                                                                    SHAD RAHMANI.
Human resources professionals are ex-           One should have the ability to use insight            ANAM KHAN.
pected to focus attention on new priorities     of the organisation’s internal and external
that will improve performance and competi-      environment to improve the human capital
tive advantage for the organization. These      outcome that affects business perfor-
priorities should be more business-oriented,    mance, i.e. Business Acumen. Moreover,
                                                hr professionals should carry transactional         INTERVIEW BY:
                                                knowledge,      workforce      management
                                                knowledge and should be able to use and
                                                substantiate HR Metrics properly.                        SNEH ANAND.
                                                                                                           LUTHUFI M.
                                                                               Luthufi M
                                                                     MA HRM Sem IV

                                                                                                       DESIGNED BY:
                                                                                                      SAMIK SARKAR
                                                                                                         MIB IV SEM

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Hr Newsletter 'Human Touch'

  • 1. P1 / P2 / P3 / P4 /  CARRY THE   STAY INTERVIEW.  NEW DNA OF MANAGE WITH HUMAN  CHANGING ROLE OF HR WHICH ROAD WILL YOU LEADERSHIP: An Interview with TOUCH. TAKE ???? S Y Siddiqui , MEO, MSIL.  FDI AND HUMAN CAPITAL. PROFESSIONALS.  LEADING REMOTE TEAMS. VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 / FEBRUARY 2013 Human Touch The HR E-Newsletter Department of Social Work ,Jamia Millia Islamia. WHICH ROAD WILL YOU TAKE ???? depriving them of basic amenities. The prosperity. Business houses that look attempt to stem the damage is made but at the environmental issues and also half-heartedly and without providing even take into account the inter-nal mecha- the necessary balm on the wounds to nisms of decision-making, leadership, earth, people and eco-systems. Those who teamwork and just wages are to be work within these systems often do not lauded in today’s competitive world. If get to see the big picture and collect their those emerging with degrees in busi- monthly wages without a shade of com- ness studies keep their ethics stronger punction. The mechanisms, both legal and than their career goals, then those who governmental, for stemming the tide of can make a difference to the future of these groups are still in their infancy and our planet will ensure that there is a only an information blitzkrieg and ac- focus on creating small-scale and large counting process can reverse the process, -scale work structures and production or where necessary, extinguish it. mechanisms that serve humankind The other trend in corporates is to provide rather than use humans to make a few honestly processed goods and services more rich and powerful. after due research and testing has gauged their impact on human lives, with profit Today’s business organisations and finan- margins that are wholesome for both buy- cial enterprises can be divided into two er and seller, with feedback from consum- main categories. Those that are driven by ers, and all the technical systems that are crass material outcomes, assessing their needed to make products useful, rightly success by number crunching monetary figures on the screen, and ensuring that their priced, long-lasting, repairable, usable and coffers are overflowing with wealth at any worthwhile. If the products are edible, cost; and those that are attempting to bal- then the safety measures and health out- ance their profiteering with distribution of comes are sufficiently elaborate to ensure the goods among various levels of the or- that what is declared to be offered and ganisation, together with genuine service to what is actually offered is one and the the customer. same. The first group is not always easy to locate Truthfulness in presentation and in opera- as their public relations network can often tion is a value that these groups work cover the realities of ruthless tactics that do towards, though they may achieve it with not take into consideration the impact on varying degrees of precision. The source people’s lives and livelihoods. Giant opera- groups take cognizance of ecological tions can spring up overnight with vast in- factors and ensure that compensation is --Dr. Pearl Drego, Director, frastructure that brings down trees, utilise not mere lip service to the media, but is Transactional Analysis Centre immense natural resources and create en- done in ways that enable those affected to for Education, Research and cumbrances for large populations, even truly recover a full life of security and Training (TACET), New Delhi.
  • 2. Carry the New DNA of Leadership-An Interview with S Y Siddiqui , MEO, Maruti Suzuki India Limited 1) Do you feel that your academic qualification (with re- work for my company. But remember to have a ‘Plan B’ in case spect to degree in HR) helped you to develop into a success- your decision backfires! ful professional or was it through hands-on experience and on-the-job learning? What actually creates a difference? Ans: Both. Whatever you do, the base is critical, i.e. ,the knowledge which builds in school. And the application of that knowledge comes from experience. Starting the career with a good organisation, good people, good environment and under good supervision helps in becoming a successful professional. You would then enjoy your work with passion. 2) Do HR dept. has a contribution in terms of talent man- agement or does its role is only restricted to staffing and compliance? Ans: Human resource is very strategic and it is a part of the business for almost one and half decades in India. There has been a change in strategy adopted recently. Look at the process of hiring itself, initially the strategies depended on de- mographics and people mix but now this approach holds value for blue collar employees only. Currently we adopt the strate- gies of manpower planning where we first conceptualize it keeping in mind the labour-cost factor in order to plan our- selves in the competitive world. In Maruti, we practice strate- gies such as Job Rotation, Fast Track Career Growth, and Em- S Y Siddiqui , MEO, Maruti Suzuki India Limited. power People through positive work culture. Now the process has become even more critical, it involves customised under- standing of my people and my business network which defines 6) What are your views on Reverse Mentoring? talent management at Maruti. Critical part of staffing is framing Ans: It is always better to see the other side of the story. Re- the policies. verse mentoring concept has to be accepted as a basic method to explore new ideas. It is a fresh third eye perspective which 3) What strategy would you suggest to gain an edge over comes from the youth. And the youth is innovative, is unbiased competitors in the ‘Talent War’? and does not carry any heritage (in all its negative sense) from Ans: Customize according to your company, culture, people, the past. business and strategy. A few of our strategies to limit employee turnover and retain people for longer period include initiatives 7) What are the contemporary issues that HR leaders are like – fast track career growth, rewarding the high performers facing? How do you tackle them in your own way? with company cars, overseas job rotation with Suzuki and giv- Ans: HR must have a strong alignment to business. All HR ing international learning opportunities for the employees. Last activities must add value to the business. There should be meas- but not the least, making people happy, excited and empowered urable index for what has been done. Emphasis should also be would be the strategies to gain an edge over competitors in the placed on the new DNA of leadership for the Gen Y. However, ‘Talent War’. the issues that concern HR leaders the most are – mismatch between demand and supply of talent, skilling manpower and 4) What is/are the most prominent trend/s you are observ- adopting a proactive approach in building and developing talent. ing at the workplace in recent times? Has it affected your Companies should take the initiate in building the right talent. style of working?(in terms of leadership and others) MSIL does not depend on market for talent. We have 10 ITI Ans: Everything has changed.Compensationhas change from- institutes under our management and plan to have 50 more by fixed salary to variable;equitable approach to performance the end of this year. This way we create a new supply line of based increment;normal ordinary process of recruitment to talent. strategic methods of recruiting! The concept of attrition has also come lately; thankfully, retention came as a solution for the 8) What is your advice for students (doing specialization in same.We are no more fixated to old styles of leadership but HRM)? What are the necessary skills recruiters are seeking carry a new DNA of leadership. Typically, demographic shift in fresher? and generation gap within the organizations has brought big Ans: Focus on meaningful learning. Emphasize upon good pressure on the leadership style. Earlier technology and produc- people along with a good working environment rather than a tion was the pace of the business. But it doesn’t work today. good salary and job profile. Look for investment approach in There is a shift from technology and production era tohard core career, i.e., to stick to one company for 4-5 years to develop a marketing and consumerbased era. So, businesses need to make sound conceptual base. During the initial phase of your career, their strategies better in order to compete today. focus on learning only so that you can be proactive and positive by the time you reach the middle phase of your career. Howev- 5) It is believed that HR decisions are quite complex and er, your focus should be to develop your own professional iden- challenging. At times some decisions can seriously affect tity by the time you reach the peak of your career. productivity and morale. How you handle such decisions? Always compete with yourself only – competition with yourself Ans: There can be various perspectives to anything. You must will make life satisfying, meaningful and exciting; while com- take the risk of choosing one – it is totally your call. There are petition with others would only fuel negativity. Also, if the sur- various assumptions you will be required to make so as to reach rounding is weak, your benchmarking will be low hence you a conclusion and hence decide what suits best for you. Get the would never excel in life.
  • 3. Volume 1 , Issue 1 , Page 3 Manage with Human Touch Gone are the days when manager enjoyed centralized authority. No longer can the manager impose his ideas. He should work in a positive, enthusiastic and focused way; encourage teams by authority delegation and responsibility to make them feel trusted and needed. Manager should have an emotional touch and empathize with the team-mates to make them have a sense of belongingness and care and deal with their problems rather than reckless behavior. Manager should encourage new ideas, value employee participation, acknowledge contribution, empower, motivate participation in decision making and setting objectives they have to achieve, and inspire employees rather than expect them to only follow his deci- sions. Today’s manager should admit that every individual has his own dreams, hopes and ambitions to grow professionally and personal- ly. The manager should facilitate it and understand that employees’ development is significant to the organization itself. Moreover, manager should respect every individual’s honour and dignity by maintaining confidentiality and allowing freedom of expression and thought. Thus, there was paradigm shift introduced in today’s management concepts like value, ethics, trust, employee engagement, care for employees. Therefore, it is of no doubt that changing time, work culture, and evolution of organizational dynamics is demanding “human touch” approach in HRM. Ramshad T.Mohammed , MA HRM Sem II FDI AND HUMAN CAPITAL. The spectacular growth of foreign direct investment (FDI) is striking during the last two decades. It provides a win – win situation to both host and home countries. The major impact of FDI on human capital enhancement appears to have been not through any effort of the MNCs but rather from governments seeking to attract FDI via enhanced human capital. Once individuals are employed by MNC subsidiaries, their human capital may be further enhanced through training and on the job learning. Those subsidiaries may also have a positive role on hu- man capital enhancement in other enterprises with which they develop links, including suppliers. To the extent that human capital is thereby enhanced, this can have further knock-on effects both as that labour moves to other firms and to the extent that it leads to employees becoming entrepreneurs. Higher achievements in human development can have beneficial payoffs: Barro’s statistical analysis of growth differences across roughly a hundred countries reveals that initial human capital has a significantly positive effect on growth (1997). There has been evidence of strong connections between economic growth and human development. However, human development is a complex process, and it would be rash to say that FDI alone accounts for most of the variations in human development across countries of the world. A host of other variables also influences the process of human development. By-Sana Afroz MA HRM Sem IV LEADING REMOTE TEAMS. According to a January 2012 study by the research firm IDC, the global mobile workforce will reach an impressive 1.3 billion workers (37% of the world’s working population) within the next 5 years. The exponential growth of remote teams in enterprises is inevitable in today’s global markets. The task of inculcating organizational culture, values and engaging new hires in employee orientation programs is a big challenge for HR leaders. Remote Teams – Challenged by Engagement, addressed by Design The fundamental challenge in successfully conducting New Hire Orientation Program for Remote Teams is – Engagement. Engage- ment is vital not just to retain new hires but also to help them productively contribute to the company’s goals. Therefore, the Design of the New Hire Orientation program becomes significant. Thomas Friedmann – the Pulitzer winner NY Times journalist talks about “flatteners” that he sees as leveling the global playing field. The prime ones he mentions are “Outsourcing” & “Offshoring”. He argues that these two factors have allowed companies to split service and manufacturing activities into components which can be subcontracted and performed in the most efficient, cost- effective way. Hence Remote Teams are a reality for enterprises today in the volatile economic times.  New Hires The design of the New Hire Orientation program for Remote Teams should address the needs of:-  HR and Training Manager, and  Organizations New Hire Orientation Program – What New Hires need ? Keeping the new hires in perspective, the program design should take into account:- #1) Communication – The explosion in Web 2.0 applications, social networking and social learning tools has given rise to the “plugged in” workforce. Therefore, it is a given that your new hires also default to that. This requires that your communication be clear, timely and apparently “always on”. #2) Optimum mix of Online and Off-line – Given the remote nature of the teams, the new hire orientation program could be pre- dominantly online. Off-line elements could take the form of physical meetings, phone calls and even internet chats. Online and offline mix in the program should strive to create a sense of belonging amongst the new hires. #3) Flexibility – Not only in time, but also in choice of overall courses in the New Employee Orientation program. This would give the participants a sense of control within the overall structure of the program. #4) Interactivity – This would encourage new hires to pro-actively engage with the Organization and exhibit desired behaviours. #5) Sense of Community – If Training Managers can crack this, success is guaranteed. While Remote Teams are remote by defini- tion, they are actually connected as a community. Incorporating social networking, collaboration and gamification techniques like rewards, badges and leaderboards, a sense of purposeful camaraderie could be built and nurtured amongst the new hires and the overall Team. ( For More Details Please Visit:
  • 4. MAHRM , JMI For Further Contacts: Stay Interview: An Emerging Trend in Employee Engagement. E-mail: Phone: 9582919223 Stay interview, an emerging trend in the field of HRM, focuses not only on the employees quitting the organization as in exit interviews but also on feeling the pulse of the employ- ees while they are still associated with the organization. “A stay interview is a kind of an interview/discussion/feedback mechanism used to understand the aspirations, problems faced and expectations of the employees,” explains Sudip Bandyopadhyay MD & CEO, Destimoney Securities. One would admit that asking for an employee’s reasons to leave once he has made the decision does not really make sense; an organization can instead conduct a stay interview in order to listen to the views and aspirations of the employee and identify the areas of comfort on one hand and the areas of improvement on the other. But the task doesn’t stop here, organizations have to adopt a problem solving approach to the issues as there is nothing as disappointing as taking one’s suggestions and doing nothing about it. In short, a stay interview maps the expectations of employees correctly. Thus, it is an emerging trend in the 21st century employee-friendly organizations. – Sneh Anand , MA HRM Sem IV Changing Role of HR Professionals : Push Papers to Business Partners. The traditional administrative and transac- with less focus on the traditional function tional roles of human resources (HR) have of human resources activities, such as become inadequate to address the human compensation, benefits, staffing, apprais- resources requirements of the 21st-century al, and recordkeeping. organization. Living in the post-modern era, everything undergoes tremendous changes When the human resource professional and to withstand these dynamism, Human plays the role of Operations Manager, STUDENT EDITORS: Resource professionals also requires to Strategic Partner, Emergency Responder retool their functions and competencies.As a result, human resource is diverted its path and Employee Mediator simultaneously, then we can say that HR justifies to the LUTHUFI M. from mere supporting function to the role of role of Business Partner.T he prime com- SNEH ANAND. Strategic Business Partner. petency required for Human Resource Business Partners is the knowledge itself. SHAD RAHMANI. Human resources professionals are ex- One should have the ability to use insight ANAM KHAN. pected to focus attention on new priorities of the organisation’s internal and external that will improve performance and competi- environment to improve the human capital tive advantage for the organization. These outcome that affects business perfor- priorities should be more business-oriented, mance, i.e. Business Acumen. Moreover, hr professionals should carry transactional INTERVIEW BY: knowledge, workforce management knowledge and should be able to use and substantiate HR Metrics properly. SNEH ANAND. LUTHUFI M. Luthufi M MA HRM Sem IV DESIGNED BY: SAMIK SARKAR MIB IV SEM