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The world’s leading Employer Branding journal                                                    Issue 1 2011
Presented by Universum

                                                                                      Generation IT –
                                                                                everyone wants them
                                                                     A top information technology recruit is a treasured com-
                                                                            modity well outside of the traditional IT industry.
                                                                  A hefty salary isn’t good enough for them. They want to feel
                                                                 that they contribute to the overall business success. > page 10

                                                                                                      Modern EB – what’s in store?
                                                                          New year, new deal. Universum Quarterly spoke to five senior employer
                                                                          branding executives about what’s hot for 2011 and what they think will
                                                                                                                be the defining trends. > page 15

                                                                                Mastering Metrics – our new column series
                                                                        Lovisa Öhnell is Universum’s EB doctor. During this four-column series
                                                                      she will guide you through easy steps for using metrics to check up on your
                                                                                   EB health. Make sure you keep all her appointments. > page 6

                                                                                                                 Lessons from the Army
                                                                 British Army Recruiting specialist Colin Cook discusses how the British Army
                                                                     succeeds with their recruiting in the face of civilian competition. > page 22

Featured Brands: Apple LinkedIn CIPD Ernst & Young Unilever McKinsey & Co Siemens Credit Suisse University of Pennsylvania University of California Davis
                                               FDM Group British Army The Danish Institute of Coaching

                    New year,                                                                                            Employer branding in the news
                    new opportunities
                                                                                                                                                                                  No more freewheeling

                                   riends, it is time for a change.   your job. I will be dedicated to helping you
                                   After seven years at the helm of   sort out, organise and use all that informa-                                                                Not having pre-set methods for the recruiting process can be a dan-
                                   Universum, it’s time for some-     tion in the best way. One of the most impor-                                                                gerous pitfall. As corporate recruiting is picking up many simply hire
                                   one else to hold the rudder.       tant changes we see is that people, particularly                                                            external recruiters to get the job done. However, corporate recruitment
                    But I am happy to say, that Universum lives       young people, spend enormous amounts of                                                                     departments are now realising the need to develop their own internal
                    as it preaches – that employers should offer a     time consuming media and information. Sev-                                                                  executive search. This means new processes are being developed by com-
                    variety of opportunities for top talent within    eral studies prove this. One concludes that                                                                 panies to entice A-level candidates into jobs at companies that lack a
                    the organisation. In this case, me. In my new     18-24-year-olds spend 10 hours consuming                                                                    well known brand name.
                    role as chief knowledge officer, I will be able     media for every six hours of time they are                                                                     However, the absence of standardised recruiting processes means that
                    to more actively participate in driving the       awake. To do that, they are logged on to several                                                            this is not the first thing needed to be done. The goal should be quality of
                    development of employer branding. When I          devices at the same time. To handle this, their                                                             hire. Recruiters need to consider the A-level candidates are likely to be
                    look back at the past decade and a half, I see    attention span gets shorter, and they process                                                               passive so the assessment process needs to interest candidates who aren’t
                    an industry that developed from a somewhat        smaller pieces of information at a time. We                                                                 actively looking. Think of recruiting a bit like sales and sales people; they
                    obscure part of HR to a sophisticated and         need to move with that change. You should                                                                   have extensive training. If your company doesn’t have a strong employer
Michal Kalinowski
                    independent division filled with complexities      consider how this shift in media consumption                                                                brand, you have to sell the position to a potential candidate. With the
                    and advanced theories. The most obvious sign      affects your employer branding work. To aid                                                                  right steps taken, your internal recruiting team should be able to com-
                    of how mature EB has become is that it has        you, I will find new, faster and more continu-                                                               pete with the best.
                    taken a seat at the board room tables of most     ous information sources for you, to comple-
                    employers. Today, EB is considered an integral    ment the information you get through Uni-
                    factor in the overall business success. Univer-   versum Quarterly. So stay tuned for even more
                    sum has developed along with EB, taking the       support from Universum, the leading partner
                    leading position in EB knowledge, communi-        in your EB work.
                    cation and research data. It is imperative for
                    Universum to maintain and enhance that posi-
                    tion. Hence, it naturally follows that the com-                                                                                            Apple loses its core
                    pany has decided to dedicate a senior full time
                    position to the work of being a thought leader.                                                                                            Apple lost their illustrious leader, Steve Jobs to his precarious ill health. This poses a problem
                        A big part of my job will be to provide                                                                                                for Apple because one of the great messages of branding is the power of founders and what
                    you with the right information, in the right                                                                                               they bring to a company.
                                                                                                                         EDITOR IN CHIEF:
                    amounts and through the right channels to                                                            Catrine Johansson
                                                                                                                                                                    Jobs resurrected the failing brand in 1997 and turned it into the global conglomerate it
                    keep up with the developments that impact                                                          is today. Many brands struggle to retain their trajectory once the original leader is gone, and
                                                                                                                         EDITOR: Jens Trulsson                 Apple has experienced a six per cent drop in share prices since Jobs announced his departure.
                                                                                                                         ART DIRECTOR: Malin Wigren                 A founder has the brand in his/her bones, and they are more likely to understand
                                                                                                                         ILLUSTRATOR: Malin Wigren
                                                                                                                                                               the decision process needed in order to benefit their company to the max-
                                                                                                                                                               imum. Also, it is a powerful form of marketing when a
                                                                                                                         PROOFREADER: Michelle Boyde
                                                                                                                                                               founder talks about their company as they are the ones
                                                                                                                         WRITERS: Michelle Boyde, Fred Cohn,
                                                                                                                         Lovisa Öhnell, Jens Trulsson,         who truly believe in the magic of their dream.
                                                                                                                         Bethany Read                               There are several cases when founders have
                                                                                                                         PUBLISHER:                            had to return to resurrect their companies. Jobs in
                                                                                                                         Petter Nylander. CEO, Universum
                                                                                                                                                               1997, Coco Chanel in 1963 and more recently How-
                                                                                                                         PRODUCT MANAGER:                      ard Schultz. He recreated the supposedly doomed
                                                                                                                         Karin Almcrantz
                                                                                                                                                               Starbucks brand in under a year.
                                                                                                                   -                                                The power of founders means that Starbucks is
                                                                                                                                                               successful, Chanel will be iconic forever while Ap-
                                                                                                                         ISSN 1653-8668
                                                                                                                         Visit us at:                          ple may face a future struggle.
                                                                                                                         We hope you like the new Universum
                                                                                                                         Quarterly. Send your feedback to

                              2                  #1 2011                                    © Universum 2011                  © Universum 2011                            3                   #1 2011
ME D I A U PD AT E                                                                                                                              M ED IA U P D AT E

Guarding the green                                                                                                                                 Supervising the stars
Pay accounting counts for the largest part of organisational expenditure in                                                                        If employee performance appraisals are put at the centre of talent
many businesses. There are big risks if done wrong, which can include low                                                                          management it allows key areas such as product quality and em-
employee morale, industrial relations problems and the dangers of inef-                                                                            ployee’s competence to flourish, as well as aiding a logical workflow.
ficiency. Many businesses are now conducting pay review processes that are                                                                              Organisations are increasingly implementing programmes such
not aligned with business needs.                                                                                                                   as the ISO 9001 quality management system in order to increase
    A new guide from The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Develop-                                                                             profitability and competiveness. ISO standards ask organisations to                         Performing to the max
ment (CIPD), The Pay Review Process, has been launched which uses case                                                                             identify skill sets in jobs for certification. Lorri Hunt, ISO 9001 ex-
studies from 16 organisations to demonstrate how to carry out a successful                                                                         pert said that in order for the system to run properly “organisations                      Performance appraisal has been criticised from
review. Key messages include the importance of effective planning and data                                                                          need to ensure that HR has the integrated systems and tools in place                       all angles. And yet, they are done in every organ-
gathering, plus it encourages practitioners to keep processes simple.                                                                              to evaluate employee performance” as HR is often disconnected                              isation. The top fifty problems associated with
    Chares Cotton, CIPD advisor said that getting a pay review process                                                                             from the quality management process.                                                       performance appraisals have now been grouped
wrong can “send out mixed messages on what your organisations values are                                                                               Talent management is critical in manufacturing organisations                           into categories by Dr. John Sullivan, the “Mi-
in terms of employee behaviour, skills, attitudes and performances”.                                                                               because it enables the ability to create and automate the workflow,                         chael Jordan of hiring” according to Fast Maga-
Source: Align pay review with business, urges CIPD guide,
                                                                                                                                                   ensurimg employees have the skills and create quality standards.                           zine. He categorises them as follows: process-                                                                                                                                                                                                                    related problems such as little legal support and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              the lack of a second review. Next are manager-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              related problems, such as not fully trained man-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              gers and managers misunderstanding employ-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ees. Finally there are employee problems that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              can occur during the process such as high anxiety
  Managing the masses                                                                                                                                                                                                                         and the fact it is a one way process, with no input
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              from the employee being apprised.
  Whilst many business leaders have great                                                                                                                                                                                                         Dr. Sullivan estimates that it costs a company
  skill in business administration, most lack                                                                                                                                                                                                 $2,500 annually to evaluate an employee. Per-
  one vital skill: people management.                                                                                                                                                                                                         haps it is time to make the dollars count?
      Academic study of people manage-
  ment focuses on the theory and mechan-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
  ics of human resources and often ignores
  how to deal with employee issues such as
  disgruntled employees, harassment and
  romance in the workplace. These types
  of problems can create havoc in organ-
  isations if not properly dealt with. Lead-
  ers need to be able to identify negative                        Panning for gold                                                                                                                               Stealing staples
  behaviours exhibited by employees and
  determine how to best deal with them.                           If organisations managed their business like they manage their human assets                                                                    Fraud prevention service CIFAS figures show that employee fraud has in-
  An external organisational review identi-                       most companies would fight to stay in business at all.                                                                                          creased by 45 per cent under 2009, with cases worth up to £567 million in
  fies the depth of the issue and confirms                              Talent management remains hit and miss, and companies have problems                                                                        2009, compared to £229 million in 2008.
  the impact.                                                     with the allocation of employees to specific jobs. Certain companies, including                                                                     Pre-employment screens help to limit the risk at the recruitment stage. But
      Evaluations                                                 GE, P&G and Hindustan Unilever work hard to identify an individual’s talent                                                                    it can create a false sense of security as there is no guarantee that an employee
  should be con-                                                  through observation and detection, and are able to decide the position each                                                                    won’t commit fraud for the first time. Ongoing screens are still new in the UK
  ducted by an                                                         leader would suit best.                                                                                                                   because it can alienate employees along the way.
  objective third                                                           Wharton has an advanced management programme that shows the                                                                              Employees are more likely to join in the process if they understand why
  party who gives                                                       problems associated with the vague clichéd phrases such as analytical                                                                    re-screening processes are in place. This can be achieved by being clear
  suggestions of                                                          and innovative which are used to recruit leaders. When participants                                                                    about the organisations motives to avoid negativity. Ideally, all employees
  how to                                                                  are asked to analyse where exactly Apple’s Steve Jobs’ talent lies,                                                                    should be re-screened at least every 12 to 18 months but to minimise the
  best deal with                                                          they’re told that you can’t define a leader by buzz words.                                                                              costs organisations could use periodic checks on a random sample of the
  the situation.                                                            Great leaders like Jobs understand what consumers want now and                                                                       employee population.
                                                                         what they will want in the future. To become a great leader you need to                                                                     Regular screens help organisations to gain an insight into the background
  Source: Tough task deal
                                                                        be able to relate and be trusted by everyone in the company.                                                                             of their workforce and reduce the risks associated with a bad employee.

  www.winnipegfree-                                                  Source: How Steve Jobs gets things done,                                                                     Source: Developing an ongoing screening strategy,

                                                              4                    #1 2011                                   © Universum 2011              © Universum 2011                                     5                   #1 2011
Checking your EB vitals                                                                                                                                        The branding layer cake
                           By Lovisa Öhnell

                                                                                                                                                                  they differ? And how do you know when to play on your strong awareness in

                                                                                                                                                                  Often the territory gets muddled between the consumer brand and the
                                                                                                                                                                  employer brand. What are the most important distinguishing factors?
                                                                                                                                                                  A lot of parts play in the complex process that is branding: the communication message, its
                                                                                                                                                                  execution, and if you really believe in and live your brand within the organisation. The same
                                                                                                                                                                  goes for EB but it’s even more complex. To choose an employer involves a lot of very personal
                                                                                                                                                                  decisions. The choice of a product has an effect on your life. To choose your employer envelopes
                                                                                                                                                                  your life, your family and your future. Therefore, the decision-making process involves a lot more
                                                                                                                                                                  psychological factors for the candidate – who is more critical, sceptical and evaluates the feelings
                                                                                                                                                                  surrounding your brand. The candidate has to visualise a clear future role and it has to feel right      Lisa Lönner Pulkkinen
                                                                                                                                                                  on every level. Within marketing today we often work with experience branding, e.g. to affect

                                                                                                                                                                  all senses: see; hear; touch; feel and understand. It’s fragile and requires communication with a
                                                                              easuring employer brand-      manufacturing plant in Asia. The company’s            uniform message that is both experience-based and chock full of facts.                                   Lisa works with employer branding
                                                                              ing (EB) is to your strate-   brand is strongly associated with international            As the Web has made information a lot more accessible to more people, potential candidates          communication solutions, and has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           over 15 years of experience from stra-
                                                                              gies what regular health      atmosphere. But the manufacturing plant had           have become a lot better at digging up and evaluating information. That implicitly means that they’re    tegic communication within branding,
                                                                              checkups are to your          none of that global flair. It was basically a local,   more demanding. Brands today have to stop thinking about being bombastic and think more specifi-          PR, event and advertising. She has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           been PR director at MTV Networks,
                                                        body. Even if you don’t feel sick, you should do    independent, factory. Hence, the plant required       cally about who they are and what they honestly can contribute with. The consumer today is their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           and has a broad knowledge of com-
                                                        regular checkups to confirm your good health,        a completely different set of recruits than the        own investigative journalist and social media can build brands as quickly as it can destroy them.        municating with young target groups
                                                        and to catch potential problems early. Only if      company as a whole did.                                    Good advertising is built on honest facts but creates a credible experience. The same goes for an   in the new media environment, and is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           specialised in creating research based
                                                        the initial tests indicate a problem does the                                                             employer brand, however, you have a lot more power with good ambassadors and brand builders.             communication concepts and inte-
                                     Lovisa Öhnell
                                                        doctor send you for an MRI or a CAT scan.                                                                      One clear difference with EB, that a regular consumer brand can’t touch, is the importance of        grated communication campaigns.
                                                        It’s the same thing with EB strategies. A sim-      Measuring your conversion means measuring             the personal experience. Future employees want to meet with people from all levels within the
                                                        ple dash board of three key performance in-         the strength of your relationship with your tar-      organisation. Real people that can give them an idea if they can fill these persons’ shoes in a few
                     Lovisa has a background as a       dicators should be used annually to gauge the       get group. How well they know you, and how            years. That is why events, meetings, editorial PR, social media with open channels and anything
                      management consultant with
                             McKinsey & Co. As the
                                                        overall health of the employer brand.               strongly they want to join your organisation.         else that can be used for story telling is important. EB has many similarities with business-to-
                     global director of research and                                                        At Universum, we have a funnel to illustrate          business marketing where it’s important to build relationships based on knowledge. A strong
                   consulting she is responsible for                                                                                                              consumer brand often means a strong EB but it isn’t enough to be invisible in the personal meet-
                                                                                                            this. At the widest point, we have those who
                   the 30 talent surveys conducted
                     by Universum annually, as well     When measuring your attractiveness, make sure       are familiar with you. Further down are those         ing. The people you send forth have to be representative of the company in a way that make their
                      as for Universum’s consulting     you do it amongst relevant target groups. Second,   who consider working for you. On the next             stories compelling. A boring or uncharismatic person can affect an entire EB.
                   business,serving global clients in
                    the areas of EVP development,       set a goal for the ranking. Being number one is     level in the funnel, we find those who think of             In this new environment, where you are visible on so many platforms, the message gets all the
                       employer brand strategy and      not realistic for most. But perhaps being amongst   you as an ideal employer. And at the narrowest        more important. Good preparation with a clear EVP, a distinct communications idea and a good               ABOUT EB SURGERY
                           communication strategy.
                                                        the Top 20 or Top 10 is. Third, changing rankings   point are those that have also applied. Defining       offer to the employer market is extremely important. Students and professionals better perceive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             want answered?
                                                        take time. So when you do set the goal and define    where you want to be will help you track your         a message and idea that is strong and uniform. It can cut through the noise and have a stronger            Would you like the opportunity to pose them to
                                                        your target groups, make sure that reflects future   communication with your target group and also         impact on the target group. The messages, advertisements and activities devised for younger groups
                                                        recruitment needs beyond six months.                measure progress in a clear way.                      could do with a touch more creativity. Young people today are knowledgeable and smart, they can
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Universum Quarterly
                                                                                                                Following this health check ABC will              see through bad communications in a jiff as they’re used to marketers flirting with their attention.
Universum Quarterly is proud to introduce our
                                                                                                            hopefully generate a clean bill of health for         Only a few brands dare to try new approaches to EB as most are too scared to stick their necks out
                                                -       Proper brand perception reflects your Employer       your EB. If there are problems, they will be          by using creative, fun and engaging methods. Overall there is a need for a more varied EB as a lot
                                                        Value Proposition (EVP) in the right way. You       discovered early. And early detection increases       of companies choose similar ways of profiling themselves. It’s like a cake. The bottom of the cake is
knowledge and expertise on how you can ensure                                                                                                                                                                                                                                sharing with you their extensive experience in
                                                        have to define what characterises your employ-       the chances of effective treatment. In addition,       all the hard facts, about the offering, about the company and about the culture. Be open with your
                                                        ment offer, and in what ratios. If the brand per-    if ailments are discovered early, the treatment       culture – showcase it. The topping is the feeling you get. You try to analyse what they say and try to
                                                        ception and your EVP aren’t aligned, you may        will be considerably cheaper. So when you sit         go behind it. What are they really saying? What feeling do I get from this?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      -                              run into a similar problem as a global soft         down to measure your EB, do as your doctor.                We often talk about low involvement and high involvement. EB is higher than the highest
                                                        drink company did whilst recruiting staff to a       Start with checking your vitals.                      involvement. Therein lies the difference.

                                                                  6                   #1 2011                                      © Universum 2011                        © Universum 2011                                       7                  #1 2011
Universum announces its

By Catrine Johansson


                               How will you handle the leap                        In your opinion, what is the most
                               from online betting to employer                     important employer branding is-
                                                                                                                                         power and the self confidence to use it. We
                                                                                                                                         live in a much more equal society where a vast        “I am ambitious, curious,                        Petter Nylander

                               Actually, I see many similarities between my
                                                                                   sue today?
                                                                                   Internal talent development is a key issue. To-
                                                                                                                                         amount of information is available to all. In
                                                                                                                                         a world driven by information flow, talent is
                                                                                                                                                                                               and I have a genuine                             Age: 46
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Family: Wife Annika, daughter
                               old role and my new one. The online indus-          day, what differentiates employers is their values     more sophisticated and more knowledgeable             interest in helping people                       Filippa 15 years
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Education: Bachelor’s Degree in
                               try is extremely talent driven and as a CEO         and culture, not monetary compensation. In            than ever. Whereas employers used to select
                                                                                                                                                                                               develop. ”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Economics, University of Stockholm,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                graduated 1994.
                               in that industry, talent development has            that environment, cultivating and developing          the talent, nowadays, the talent selects the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     1993-1994: Intern
                               always been a top priority for me. Further-         your existing talent is crucial. Done successfully,   employers. This coupled with more emphasis                           – Petter Nylander, Universum      at Universum, 1994-2003: Various posi-
                                                                                   it brings less risk and is less expensive, than re-   on work/life balance, forces employer brand-                                                           tions, including CEO at TV3 Sweden, CEO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                TV3 Scandinavia,. Vice President MTG
                                                                                   lying too heavily on external recruitment. With       ing strategies to offer values and a culture that                                                                                              -
                       “Selecting an employer is a state-                          talent that is already within the organisation,
                                                                                   you know that they are a good cultural fit and
                                                                                                                                         talent can identify with and relate to. Select-
                                                                                                                                         ing an employer is a statement of the person’s        I am ambitious, curious and I have a genuine
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                CEO of Omnicom Media Group AB, a

                       ment of the person’s personality
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                global communications services company.
                                                                                   they have higher credibility with their col-          personality and lifestyle – not a paycheck.           interest in helping people develop. Focus on     2005-2010: CEO Unibet Group PLC, one
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                of Europe’s leading online gaming sites.
                                                                                   leagues because they have a proven track record.                                                            the client is central to my philosophy and I
                       and lifestyle – not a paycheck. ”                           Throughout my career, I have identified young,                                                               believe it is my job to sometimes look further
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Hobbies: I am very interested in History.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                I also enjoy travel, art, science and cooking.
                                         – Petter Nylander, Universum              ambitious and smart employees that I have             Universum?                                            down the road, to set the long-term course       I also try to be at the gym twice a week.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Did you know…that Petter speaks
                                                                                   mentored to successful careers. I have seen first-     I will continue to lead Universum’s expansion as      for the company and its employees. But this      Greek after working several summers as
                                                                                   hand the advantages of that kind of approach.         a global thought leader in the employer brand-        is no revolution for Universum. I am enter-      a tour guide in the Greek Island before his
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                university studies?
                               more, the online industry is at the forefront                                                             ing field. Second, I will focus on our own talent      ing an already well-managed company that is
                               of digital and online technology. I believe         We see big changes in what mo-                        and client offer development. We need to con-          stable and has moved in the right direction
                               that my experience from this will bring new         tivates talent groups today com-                      tinue to strive for better client offers, higher ex-   for quite some time. It is my job to continue
                               possibilities to Universum and to how em-           pared to previous generations.                        pertise amongst our employees and an increased        that work, enhance it, and add my perspective
                               ployer branding strategies are executed. In         How do you see that affecting the                     focus on innovative solutions for our clients.        to maintain the growth.
                               addition, I have spent my entire career in          employer branding community?                          Third, the digitalisation of our client offers will
                               an international environment. That fits very         Gone are the days when products or patents            be a main focus. There is enormous potential in
                               well with Universum’s global reach and am-          put a company ahead of the rest. Instead,             our various online offers, and I see that as the
                               bitions.                                            we operate in a society where talent has the          main growth area for the future.

                                         8                 #1 2011                                        © Universum 2011                        © Universum 2011                                       9                  #1 2011
IT talent
– the new golden calves of business
By Fred Cohn

prospects; any company hoping to attract top IT talent must show that the

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Off-shoring and the

                                              o matter whether the industry is        think they want to work for a tech company            The EVP for IT candidates                           kind of sales pitch that’s really appealing.”
                                              banking or media, energy or high-       and invent the next Android.”                         Top IT candidates can expect to command big            The recruiting of top IT employees re-
                                              tech, information technology is the         Add in the abundance of tech start-ups, all       salaries, but money alone isn’t enough to lure     quires more than just lip service; the process
                                    backbone of any company’s operations. In          fishing for top talent.                                the best and the brightest. Their professional     itself must reflect the kind of technical savvy
                                    any corporate sector, top-flight IT people             “Everybody in Silicon Valley or in New            lives are driven by a passion for the field, and    a company needs to make itself a magnet.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 the past decade or so and given rise to
                                    are key to a company’s success.                   York City who’s a top engineer has a friend           they need to know that they’ll land in a place         “Good engineers can detect things that
                                        The situation presents a special conun-       who’s starting something,” said Kevin Scott,          where that passion will be rewarded.               are inauthentic,” said Scott. “People are go-
                                                                  drum to re-         vice-president of engineering at LinkedIn and             “You have to offer hard problems, where         ing to see if you’re just using a bunch of tech
                                                                  cruiters     who    a member of the Professions Board at the As-          they’re constantly working on new things,”         buzzwords. You almost have to involve your        IT employees generally command lower
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 salaries than their European and Ameri-
          “The competition is fierce. We                           aim to attract
                                                                  the best IT tal-
                                                                                      sociation for Computer Machinery (ACM), a
                                                                                      US-based IT trade organisation. “They can also
                                                                                                                                            said Scott. “They have to be surrounded by
                                                                                                                                            very smart colleagues. They don’t like to be
                                                                                                                                                                                               engineering team to understand the culture
                                                                                                                                                                                               of the folks you’re trying to hire, and build a     “An American IT worker may feel the
          aren’t just competing with other                        ent. Although       start their own two-person company: it’s really       micromanaged; they need a certain level of         brand for your IT shop.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 professor of human and community de-
                                                                  some      educa-    easy for small groups of technological entre-         autonomy.”
          banks, but with any company                             tional     tracks   preneurs to start companies. All the angels, the          “Google and Facebook have been success-        Actions speak louder
                                                                                      venture capitalists, are angling after these guys.”
          that recruits IT people.”                               prepare      stu-
                                                                  dents for work          Even setting aside the technology sector, any
                                                                                                                                            ful at providing that atmosphere for their em-
                                                                                                                                            ployees,” Scott continued. “Yeah, they’ve got
                                                                                                                                                                                               To a certain extent, the IT community is a
                                                                                                                                                                                               small one. When they’re scouting out jobs,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 tion Task Force of the Association for

                           —Jan Simon, Credit Suisse              in a particular     firm seeking top IT talent have to compete not         good salaries, lots of benefits. That’s not to be   candidates can easily find colleagues who can                                           -
                                                                  sector, IT skills   just with traditional rivals in the same field, but    sneezed at. But what these companies really        brief them on a company’s reputation. “They’re
                                                                  are applicable      companies across all corporate sectors.               offer people is the chance to solve interesting     doing a lot of research on the organisations –
                                    across a whole range of industries, making            “The competition is fierce,” said Simon. “We       problems and the ability to be entrepreneurial     more than ever before,” said Pyne. This makes
                                    the competition for top candidates all the        aren’t just competing with other banks, but with      in the way they approach their work.”              it especially important that a company can
                                    more fierce. At the top of the heap: technol-      any company that recruits IT people.”                     As Scott sees it, this kind of value propo-    demonstrate a core commitment to its IT
 TIPS                               ogy-focused companies, which hold a spe-              “Students are looking at everything,” said        sition is hardly limited to tech companies.        functions. At Credit Suisse, for instance, CIO
                                    cial allure to these professionals. For many,     Rosette Pyne, senior associate director for en-           “I’m sure a big bank can offer the same         Karl Landert is a member of the executive
                                    Google or Facebook represent the Holy             gineering and applied science bachelor’s and          kinds of opportunities,” he said. “They have       board – a clear signal of the centrality of IT
                                    Grail of IT.                                      master’s students in University of Pennsyl-           to make a case that these are the kinds of         to the bank operations and its long term
                                       “The challenge we face is that your typical    vania’s career office. “Not just banks, not just        positions where you can have a real impact.        success.                                          skills create ten times the value of an
                                    IT graduate doesn’t necessarily think of go-      consulting. It could be IBM or Google or Mi-          If you’re coming up with faster trading soft-          “Typically, the companies that are most at-
                                    ing into banking or finance,” said Jan Simon,      crosoft or a small start-up; a multinational or a     ware, you’re helping create capital and value      tractive are those with long-term CIOs inside
                                    global head of the IT Graduate Program at         small local organisation. They’re trying to find       for lots of investors and having a positive im-    that environment,” said Rod Flavell, CEO of
                                    Credit Suisse. “Until we talk to them, they       the one that works best for them.”                    pact on a large number of people. That’s the       the FDM Group, a provider of IT services

                                                10                 #1 2011                                   © Universum 2011                       © Universum 2011                                     11                  #1 2011
Rod Flavell

                                                                                                                                                      “ You get a bigger chunk of work, you get to
                                                                                                                                                      know us better and we get to know you ”                                                    Potent placements
                                                                                                                                                                                                     —Jan Simon, Credit Suisse

                      Jan Simon

                        is a global

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 participants draw a salary throughout the
    bank has three main divisions:
      Investment Banking, Private     to top corporations. “They’ve shown a con-         at these sessions and ask the students ‘By any     offerings. “Banking is all about the efficient man-    them exposure to the types of problems
 Banking and Asset Management.
 In 2010, Credit Suisse generated     sistency of processes and of human-resources       chance, do you have a resume?’,” she said.         agement information, and what is that? Informa-     they’ll encounter in their work for us.”         a participant is placed as a consultant
                   shareholders.      management, rather than showing a knee-jerk                                                           tion technology!” said Simon. “Including con-           In the UK, where students have more
Headquarters: Zurich, Switzerland     reaction to the market with hiring-and-firing,                                                         tractors, we have about 17,000 people globally      time off than in the US to work in the field,
 Number of employees: 50,100          outsource/in-source patterns.”                   In its effort to attract top IT talent globally,      working in information technology. That’s more      Credit Suisse offers industrial placements of
                                          Pyne said that she has seen companies at- Credit Suisse has devised a number of targeted          than most Fortune 100 technology companies.”        six-to-12 months. Simon said these make a
                                      tract attention from UPenn’s IT candidates by recruiting tactics. Of course the company at-               Credit Suisse is a global company but it        more in-depth, longer term introduction for
                                      offering workshops that the students might tends the traditional job fairs and campus                  takes special efforts to tailor its IT recruiting    both parties than typical two month summer                                                     -
                                      find useful – not just                                                       events. But it also has   efforts to individual markets.                       internships.                                     partly a result of an aging workforce: “The
                                      on the company itself,                                                      come up with pro-             “Recruiting is always a local business,” said       “You get a bigger chunk of work,” he said.
                                      but on business tactics
                                      like networking or how         “ You have to under-                         grammes aimed at
                                                                                                                  giving students a clear
                                                                                                                                            Simon. “You have to stay close to your universi-
                                                                                                                                            ties. If you compare the coursework of an engi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                “You get to know us better, and we get to
                                                                                                                                                                                                know you.”                                                                                     -
                                      to have a successful in-
                                      terview. A general in-
                                                                     stand the culture of                         sense of the chal-
                                                                                                                  lenges and rewards in-
                                                                                                                                            neering student in the US to India or Singa-
                                                                                                                                            pore, you’re looking at two different things. At
                                                                                                                                                                                                    One recent attention-getter was Credit
                                                                                                                                                                                                Suisse’s “IT Challenge.” Marketed on cam-
                 Martin Kenney
                                      formational session on         the folks you’re trying                      volved in working for     the end of the day, you have to be aware of the     puses across the UK, it was an online com-
                                      the company may be                                                          the bank.                 local market you’re hiring from.”                   petition featuring a series of multiple choice
                                      fine, but an even more          to hire, and build a                               The first step is        The bank runs a number of feeder pro-           quiz, with prizes including Iphones, Ipads
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 segue from FDM into a staff position with

                                      effective strategy is to
                                      address IT-orientated
                                                                     brand for your IT                            to convince IT can-
                                                                                                                  didates that banking
                                                                                                                                            grammes, to get students acquainted with the
                                                                                                                                            organisation before they make their career
                                                                                                                                                                                                and Amazon vouchers. The IT Challenge
                                                                                                                                                                                                drove students to the bank’s career Web site
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 transitions are most likely to take place not
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 only where the programme has allowed
                  Rosette Pyne        student organisations          shop.”                                       as a whole is a desir-    choice. In both the US and Switzerland, Credit      and helped enhance the bank’s reputation
                                      on specific technologi-                    —Kevin Scott, LinkedIn            able career target.       Suisse has run programmes through universi-         amongst engineering students.
                                      cal issues, by giving a                                                           “We have to         ties, overseeing undergraduate and master’s             As Simon explains, all of these disparate      “The most important thing to my people
                                      tech talk or sponsoring a technology day.        raise awareness that it’s a great idea and a         theses that tackle real-world banking issues.       efforts are devised toward a single end: “We
                                          Another successful tactic, said Pyne, is to fantastic career opportunity to go to a bank,”        The university professor and a line manager will    want to make people aware that IT is big and
                                      follow up a large scale informational event with said Simon. “That’s maybe something my col-          work together to devise topics that both fulfil      important business at Credit Suisse and that
                    Kevin Scott
                                      a smaller-scale breakout sessions or a separate leagues in other [Credit Suisse] divisions don’t      academic requirements and contain practical         IT candidates can have interesting and           These are places where IT people get a
                                      meet and greet event. These allow the compa- have to face.”                                           value for the bank.                                 exciting careers here,” he concluded.
                                      nies to create a relatively intimate bond with       A key element of the bank’s pitch is the             “The students enjoy doing work that’s not
                                      the students: “It’s easier to connect informally centrality of IT to its operations and our service   just theoretical,” said Simon. “And it gives

                                                12                  #1 2011                                   © Universum 2011                       © Universum 2011                                     13                 #1 2011
Keeping it real
By Jens Trulsson
                                                                        – Barbara Ehrenreich tells it like it is
                                                                                                                                                                          EB Forecast 2011
                                                                                                                                                                          By Michelle Boyde

                                                   Smile or Die: How Positive Thinking Fooled
America and The World

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Universum Quarterly asked some key individuals work-

                                                                                 hile AT&T was busy an-          awkward was the relentless upbeatness of it all.
                                                                                 nouncing the layoff of           There was hardly any anger or frustration and

                                                                                 15,000 workers in 1994 it       some even embraced breast cancer as a welcome
                                                                                 simultaneously sent its staff    chance to change their lives. When Ehrenreich                       n Q1 Michal Kalinowski, left his       without such immediate feedback.
                                                             to a stadium session with Christian motiva-         tried to vent her indignation and frustration she                   post as CEO to drive EB knowledge          Lastly, they understand the value of
                                                             tional speaker Zig Ziglar who told them: “It’s      was met with comments like “Please get yourself                     further as Universum’s chief knowl-    alumni and looking after their regretted
                                                             your own fault; don’t blame the system; don’t       some help…so you can enjoy life to the fullest”.                    edge officer – he shares his predic-     losses are the long term. For me what’s really
                                                             blame the boss – work harder and pray more.”        The additional burden extolled on patients al-               tions for the year ahead.                     exciting is working closely with companies
                                                                 That message pinpoints what Barbara Eh-         ready losing their struggle against cancer to keep                                                         helping them set their goals and the strate-
                                                             renreich rallies against in her latest book Smile   a positive outlook sometimes takes on horrify-               What will make employer                       gic dimension of where they are going. The
                                                             Or Die: How Positive Thinking Fooled America        ing proportions as the woman who writes the                  branding exciting in 2011?                    business plan is cascading down to employer
                                                             and the World. The positive thinking jugger-        self proclaimed “guru” Deepak Chopra saying                  The majority of companies now see EB          branding strategy more than ever before.
                                                             naut has been in effect in various shapes since      that she has “come a long way in unburdening                 from a strategic perspective, but in 2011
                                                             the Calvinist movement loosened its grip on         [herself ] of toxic feelings, [has] forgiven every-          they are really beginning to reflect on this. What will be 2011’s biggest
                                                             New England in the middle of the 19th cen-          one, changed [her] lifestyle” and yet, ”the can-             As we exited the recession, investment in challenge for those working
                                                             tury. Through chronicling our modern world’s        cer keeps coming back”. She then asks if if she’s            EB went up to secure talent quickly for with employer brands?
                                                             fascination with positive thinking and moti-        missed a lesson and that it gets harder to stay              the recovery. The drop in EB spending Still, despite lots of progress, it is the in-           Michal Kalinowski
                                                             vational speakers, and the multi-billion dollar     positive. Chopra’s reply is, of course, to keep at it.       was only half the intensity of recruitment ternal challenge of getting internal buy in.
                                                             business that has grown up around it, Ehren-                                                                     cuts. The BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and       Also, to have courage can be hard. HR
                                                             reich effectively punches holes in most argu-                                                                     China) region, especially China, did ex- teams need to have the guts to say how
                                                             ments for its existence. Instead she wishes for     Corporate America has embraced the posi-                     traordinarily well                                                    things really are
                                                             us to be human beings, with all our range of        tive attitude makeover with full vigour as well.             on an economic                                                        when you work
                                                             emotions. However, in her quest to pull down        Ever since the legendary CEO of General                      level. They are    “For me what’s really                              for them. Com-

                                  Barbara Ehrenreich
                                                             the proverbial pants of the positive thinking
                                                             industry, she does sometimes do it in a shoot
                                                                                                                 Electric, Jack Welch, earned his nickname of
                                                                                                                 “Neutron Jack” by laying off 112,000 employ-
                                                                                                                                                                              now en par with
                                                                                                                                                                              other markets, no
                                                                                                                                                                                                 exciting is working closely                        panies need to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    be presented to
          is an experienced journalist who has over a
         dozen books under her belt already, holding
                                                             fish in a barrel kind of way. Especially by tak-     ees in a five-year span, American corporations                longer a follower. with companies helping                             talent, not sold.
                                                             ing pot shots at easy targets like televangelists   have constantly been on the move to down-                    Executives are re-                                                    Employers have
            a PhD in cellular biology and a career as a
         political activist. She has written a genuinely     who proclaim that God wants you to have a           size and trim their organisations and raise                  alising that they  them set their goals and                           a     responsibil-
           funny and sometimes terrifying book about
              what happens when you apply the law of
              attraction and magical thinking to real life
                                                             table at that fancy restaurant.                     stock prices. In order to do so, the remaining
                                                                                                                 workforce had to become more effective. Enter
                                                                                                                                                                              need to be strate-
                                                                                                                                                                              gic in these coun- the strategic dimension of                         ity to give people
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    the best foun-
             situations. Certain aspects of Smile or Die
                                                             The upbeatness of cancer
                                                             When Ehrenreich was diagnosed with breast
                                                                                                                 the motivational speakers to make that hap-
                                                                                                                 pen. Ehrenreich goes on to tell stories about
                                                                                                                                                                              tries in regard to
                                                                                                                                                                              talent, rather than
                                                                                                                                                                                                 where they are going. ”                            dation to make
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    decisions, even
            cise as she sometimes hammer the points
                                                                                                                                                                                                            – Michal Kalinowski, Universum
          home in an overly gleeful fashion, delighted       cancer she was flung into the world of positive      young and powerful CEOs on a “shamanic                       just treating them                                                    if that decision
               at having ridiculed her subjects. Positive
             thinking seems to be here to stay but Eh-
                                                             thinking by doctors and friends alike. Whilst       healing journey” and how spirituality made it                as operational markets.                      turns out to be this might not be for me.
           renreich reminds us all to use our common         undergoing the treatments of her disease she        into the boardrooms of Fortune 500 compa-                        After this last recession employers do      Additionally, cor- porate communica-
                sense and ends with her own recipe for       spent hours scouring Web site forums. There         nies. The vibe of positive thinking has got so               not want to go back into an annual cycle tions are like mission control, they hold the
                  happiness: “have a good time trying”.
                                                             she met with women’s stories and the pink rib-      far out of hand that when a government offi-                   of attracting talent, they are now aiming brand guidelines and need to sign-off mate-
                                                             bon terminology where the words ‘victim’ and        cial tried to warn the US government that the                for long term engagement. The trend is rial. Now employees have access to many on-
                                                             ‘patient’ are prohibited, as they have an aura      toxic mortgages Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae                   from “recruitment” to “talent relations”. line channels to tell their story. HR’s ability
                                                             of self-pity and passivity. Instead those in the    were backing risked a financial collapse and                  Now students are looking at employers to persuade corporate communications to be
                                                             midst of treatment are “battling” or “fighting”.     a “contagious illiquidity in the market”, they               when they first enrol at university, there more open is increasingly important – there
                                                             When the battle is over one becomes a survi-        tried to fire him for being “negative”. You can               needs to be a longer investment in talent needs to be a nuance in communications.
                                                             vor, or nothing – there is no noun for the ones     say it even caused the financial meltdown we’re
                                                             that do not make it. What struck her as             still feeling the shakes from today.

                                                                       14                   #1 2011                                      © Universum 2011                         © Universum 2011                                     15                   #1 2011
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Dansk Coaching Institut - Employer Branding

  • 1. The world’s leading Employer Branding journal Issue 1 2011 Presented by Universum Generation IT – everyone wants them A top information technology recruit is a treasured com- modity well outside of the traditional IT industry. A hefty salary isn’t good enough for them. They want to feel that they contribute to the overall business success. > page 10 Modern EB – what’s in store? New year, new deal. Universum Quarterly spoke to five senior employer branding executives about what’s hot for 2011 and what they think will be the defining trends. > page 15 Mastering Metrics – our new column series Lovisa Öhnell is Universum’s EB doctor. During this four-column series she will guide you through easy steps for using metrics to check up on your EB health. Make sure you keep all her appointments. > page 6 Lessons from the Army British Army Recruiting specialist Colin Cook discusses how the British Army succeeds with their recruiting in the face of civilian competition. > page 22 Featured Brands: Apple LinkedIn CIPD Ernst & Young Unilever McKinsey & Co Siemens Credit Suisse University of Pennsylvania University of California Davis FDM Group British Army The Danish Institute of Coaching
  • 2. M ED IA U P D AT E New year, Employer branding in the news new opportunities No more freewheeling F riends, it is time for a change. your job. I will be dedicated to helping you After seven years at the helm of sort out, organise and use all that informa- Not having pre-set methods for the recruiting process can be a dan- Universum, it’s time for some- tion in the best way. One of the most impor- gerous pitfall. As corporate recruiting is picking up many simply hire one else to hold the rudder. tant changes we see is that people, particularly external recruiters to get the job done. However, corporate recruitment But I am happy to say, that Universum lives young people, spend enormous amounts of departments are now realising the need to develop their own internal as it preaches – that employers should offer a time consuming media and information. Sev- executive search. This means new processes are being developed by com- variety of opportunities for top talent within eral studies prove this. One concludes that panies to entice A-level candidates into jobs at companies that lack a the organisation. In this case, me. In my new 18-24-year-olds spend 10 hours consuming well known brand name. role as chief knowledge officer, I will be able media for every six hours of time they are However, the absence of standardised recruiting processes means that to more actively participate in driving the awake. To do that, they are logged on to several this is not the first thing needed to be done. The goal should be quality of development of employer branding. When I devices at the same time. To handle this, their hire. Recruiters need to consider the A-level candidates are likely to be look back at the past decade and a half, I see attention span gets shorter, and they process passive so the assessment process needs to interest candidates who aren’t an industry that developed from a somewhat smaller pieces of information at a time. We actively looking. Think of recruiting a bit like sales and sales people; they obscure part of HR to a sophisticated and need to move with that change. You should have extensive training. If your company doesn’t have a strong employer Michal Kalinowski independent division filled with complexities consider how this shift in media consumption brand, you have to sell the position to a potential candidate. With the and advanced theories. The most obvious sign affects your employer branding work. To aid right steps taken, your internal recruiting team should be able to com- of how mature EB has become is that it has you, I will find new, faster and more continu- pete with the best. taken a seat at the board room tables of most ous information sources for you, to comple- employers. Today, EB is considered an integral ment the information you get through Uni- factor in the overall business success. Univer- versum Quarterly. So stay tuned for even more sum has developed along with EB, taking the support from Universum, the leading partner leading position in EB knowledge, communi- in your EB work. cation and research data. It is imperative for Universum to maintain and enhance that posi- tion. Hence, it naturally follows that the com- Apple loses its core pany has decided to dedicate a senior full time position to the work of being a thought leader. Apple lost their illustrious leader, Steve Jobs to his precarious ill health. This poses a problem A big part of my job will be to provide for Apple because one of the great messages of branding is the power of founders and what you with the right information, in the right they bring to a company. EDITOR IN CHIEF: amounts and through the right channels to Catrine Johansson Jobs resurrected the failing brand in 1997 and turned it into the global conglomerate it keep up with the developments that impact is today. Many brands struggle to retain their trajectory once the original leader is gone, and EDITOR: Jens Trulsson Apple has experienced a six per cent drop in share prices since Jobs announced his departure. ART DIRECTOR: Malin Wigren A founder has the brand in his/her bones, and they are more likely to understand ILLUSTRATOR: Malin Wigren the decision process needed in order to benefit their company to the max- imum. Also, it is a powerful form of marketing when a PROOFREADER: Michelle Boyde founder talks about their company as they are the ones WRITERS: Michelle Boyde, Fred Cohn, Lovisa Öhnell, Jens Trulsson, who truly believe in the magic of their dream. Bethany Read There are several cases when founders have PUBLISHER: had to return to resurrect their companies. Jobs in Petter Nylander. CEO, Universum 1997, Coco Chanel in 1963 and more recently How- PRODUCT MANAGER: ard Schultz. He recreated the supposedly doomed Karin Almcrantz Starbucks brand in under a year. - The power of founders means that Starbucks is successful, Chanel will be iconic forever while Ap- ISSN 1653-8668 Visit us at: ple may face a future struggle. We hope you like the new Universum Quarterly. Send your feedback to 2 #1 2011 © Universum 2011 © Universum 2011 3 #1 2011
  • 3. ME D I A U PD AT E M ED IA U P D AT E Guarding the green Supervising the stars Pay accounting counts for the largest part of organisational expenditure in If employee performance appraisals are put at the centre of talent many businesses. There are big risks if done wrong, which can include low management it allows key areas such as product quality and em- employee morale, industrial relations problems and the dangers of inef- ployee’s competence to flourish, as well as aiding a logical workflow. ficiency. Many businesses are now conducting pay review processes that are Organisations are increasingly implementing programmes such not aligned with business needs. as the ISO 9001 quality management system in order to increase A new guide from The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Develop- profitability and competiveness. ISO standards ask organisations to Performing to the max ment (CIPD), The Pay Review Process, has been launched which uses case identify skill sets in jobs for certification. Lorri Hunt, ISO 9001 ex- studies from 16 organisations to demonstrate how to carry out a successful pert said that in order for the system to run properly “organisations Performance appraisal has been criticised from review. Key messages include the importance of effective planning and data need to ensure that HR has the integrated systems and tools in place all angles. And yet, they are done in every organ- gathering, plus it encourages practitioners to keep processes simple. to evaluate employee performance” as HR is often disconnected isation. The top fifty problems associated with Chares Cotton, CIPD advisor said that getting a pay review process from the quality management process. performance appraisals have now been grouped wrong can “send out mixed messages on what your organisations values are Talent management is critical in manufacturing organisations into categories by Dr. John Sullivan, the “Mi- in terms of employee behaviour, skills, attitudes and performances”. because it enables the ability to create and automate the workflow, chael Jordan of hiring” according to Fast Maga- Source: Align pay review with business, urges CIPD guide, ensurimg employees have the skills and create quality standards. zine. He categorises them as follows: process- related problems such as little legal support and the lack of a second review. Next are manager- related problems, such as not fully trained man- gers and managers misunderstanding employ- ees. Finally there are employee problems that can occur during the process such as high anxiety Managing the masses and the fact it is a one way process, with no input from the employee being apprised. Whilst many business leaders have great Dr. Sullivan estimates that it costs a company skill in business administration, most lack $2,500 annually to evaluate an employee. Per- one vital skill: people management. haps it is time to make the dollars count? Academic study of people manage- ment focuses on the theory and mechan- ics of human resources and often ignores how to deal with employee issues such as disgruntled employees, harassment and romance in the workplace. These types of problems can create havoc in organ- isations if not properly dealt with. Lead- ers need to be able to identify negative Panning for gold Stealing staples behaviours exhibited by employees and determine how to best deal with them. If organisations managed their business like they manage their human assets Fraud prevention service CIFAS figures show that employee fraud has in- An external organisational review identi- most companies would fight to stay in business at all. creased by 45 per cent under 2009, with cases worth up to £567 million in fies the depth of the issue and confirms Talent management remains hit and miss, and companies have problems 2009, compared to £229 million in 2008. the impact. with the allocation of employees to specific jobs. Certain companies, including Pre-employment screens help to limit the risk at the recruitment stage. But Evaluations GE, P&G and Hindustan Unilever work hard to identify an individual’s talent it can create a false sense of security as there is no guarantee that an employee should be con- through observation and detection, and are able to decide the position each won’t commit fraud for the first time. Ongoing screens are still new in the UK ducted by an leader would suit best. because it can alienate employees along the way. objective third Wharton has an advanced management programme that shows the Employees are more likely to join in the process if they understand why party who gives problems associated with the vague clichéd phrases such as analytical re-screening processes are in place. This can be achieved by being clear suggestions of and innovative which are used to recruit leaders. When participants about the organisations motives to avoid negativity. Ideally, all employees how to are asked to analyse where exactly Apple’s Steve Jobs’ talent lies, should be re-screened at least every 12 to 18 months but to minimise the best deal with they’re told that you can’t define a leader by buzz words. costs organisations could use periodic checks on a random sample of the the situation. Great leaders like Jobs understand what consumers want now and employee population. what they will want in the future. To become a great leader you need to Regular screens help organisations to gain an insight into the background Source: Tough task deal - be able to relate and be trusted by everyone in the company. of their workforce and reduce the risks associated with a bad employee. www.winnipegfree- Source: How Steve Jobs gets things done, Source: Developing an ongoing screening strategy, 4 #1 2011 © Universum 2011 © Universum 2011 5 #1 2011
  • 4. Checking your EB vitals The branding layer cake MM MASTERING METRICS By Lovisa Öhnell EB SURGERY they differ? And how do you know when to play on your strong awareness in - - Often the territory gets muddled between the consumer brand and the employer brand. What are the most important distinguishing factors? A lot of parts play in the complex process that is branding: the communication message, its execution, and if you really believe in and live your brand within the organisation. The same goes for EB but it’s even more complex. To choose an employer involves a lot of very personal decisions. The choice of a product has an effect on your life. To choose your employer envelopes your life, your family and your future. Therefore, the decision-making process involves a lot more psychological factors for the candidate – who is more critical, sceptical and evaluates the feelings surrounding your brand. The candidate has to visualise a clear future role and it has to feel right Lisa Lönner Pulkkinen on every level. Within marketing today we often work with experience branding, e.g. to affect M all senses: see; hear; touch; feel and understand. It’s fragile and requires communication with a easuring employer brand- manufacturing plant in Asia. The company’s uniform message that is both experience-based and chock full of facts. Lisa works with employer branding ing (EB) is to your strate- brand is strongly associated with international As the Web has made information a lot more accessible to more people, potential candidates communication solutions, and has over 15 years of experience from stra- gies what regular health atmosphere. But the manufacturing plant had have become a lot better at digging up and evaluating information. That implicitly means that they’re tegic communication within branding, checkups are to your none of that global flair. It was basically a local, more demanding. Brands today have to stop thinking about being bombastic and think more specifi- PR, event and advertising. She has been PR director at MTV Networks, body. Even if you don’t feel sick, you should do independent, factory. Hence, the plant required cally about who they are and what they honestly can contribute with. The consumer today is their and has a broad knowledge of com- regular checkups to confirm your good health, a completely different set of recruits than the own investigative journalist and social media can build brands as quickly as it can destroy them. municating with young target groups and to catch potential problems early. Only if company as a whole did. Good advertising is built on honest facts but creates a credible experience. The same goes for an in the new media environment, and is specialised in creating research based the initial tests indicate a problem does the employer brand, however, you have a lot more power with good ambassadors and brand builders. communication concepts and inte- Lovisa Öhnell doctor send you for an MRI or a CAT scan. One clear difference with EB, that a regular consumer brand can’t touch, is the importance of grated communication campaigns. It’s the same thing with EB strategies. A sim- Measuring your conversion means measuring the personal experience. Future employees want to meet with people from all levels within the ple dash board of three key performance in- the strength of your relationship with your tar- organisation. Real people that can give them an idea if they can fill these persons’ shoes in a few Lovisa has a background as a dicators should be used annually to gauge the get group. How well they know you, and how years. That is why events, meetings, editorial PR, social media with open channels and anything management consultant with McKinsey & Co. As the overall health of the employer brand. strongly they want to join your organisation. else that can be used for story telling is important. EB has many similarities with business-to- global director of research and At Universum, we have a funnel to illustrate business marketing where it’s important to build relationships based on knowledge. A strong consulting she is responsible for consumer brand often means a strong EB but it isn’t enough to be invisible in the personal meet- this. At the widest point, we have those who the 30 talent surveys conducted by Universum annually, as well When measuring your attractiveness, make sure are familiar with you. Further down are those ing. The people you send forth have to be representative of the company in a way that make their as for Universum’s consulting you do it amongst relevant target groups. Second, who consider working for you. On the next stories compelling. A boring or uncharismatic person can affect an entire EB. business,serving global clients in the areas of EVP development, set a goal for the ranking. Being number one is level in the funnel, we find those who think of In this new environment, where you are visible on so many platforms, the message gets all the employer brand strategy and not realistic for most. But perhaps being amongst you as an ideal employer. And at the narrowest more important. Good preparation with a clear EVP, a distinct communications idea and a good ABOUT EB SURGERY communication strategy. the Top 20 or Top 10 is. Third, changing rankings point are those that have also applied. Defining offer to the employer market is extremely important. Students and professionals better perceive want answered? take time. So when you do set the goal and define where you want to be will help you track your a message and idea that is strong and uniform. It can cut through the noise and have a stronger Would you like the opportunity to pose them to your target groups, make sure that reflects future communication with your target group and also impact on the target group. The messages, advertisements and activities devised for younger groups recruitment needs beyond six months. measure progress in a clear way. could do with a touch more creativity. Young people today are knowledgeable and smart, they can Universum Quarterly Following this health check ABC will see through bad communications in a jiff as they’re used to marketers flirting with their attention. Universum Quarterly is proud to introduce our hopefully generate a clean bill of health for Only a few brands dare to try new approaches to EB as most are too scared to stick their necks out - Proper brand perception reflects your Employer your EB. If there are problems, they will be by using creative, fun and engaging methods. Overall there is a need for a more varied EB as a lot Value Proposition (EVP) in the right way. You discovered early. And early detection increases of companies choose similar ways of profiling themselves. It’s like a cake. The bottom of the cake is knowledge and expertise on how you can ensure sharing with you their extensive experience in have to define what characterises your employ- the chances of effective treatment. In addition, all the hard facts, about the offering, about the company and about the culture. Be open with your ment offer, and in what ratios. If the brand per- if ailments are discovered early, the treatment culture – showcase it. The topping is the feeling you get. You try to analyse what they say and try to ception and your EVP aren’t aligned, you may will be considerably cheaper. So when you sit go behind it. What are they really saying? What feeling do I get from this? - run into a similar problem as a global soft down to measure your EB, do as your doctor. We often talk about low involvement and high involvement. EB is higher than the highest drink company did whilst recruiting staff to a Start with checking your vitals. involvement. Therein lies the difference. 6 #1 2011 © Universum 2011 © Universum 2011 7 #1 2011
  • 5. Universum announces its NEW CEO By Catrine Johansson - How will you handle the leap In your opinion, what is the most from online betting to employer important employer branding is- power and the self confidence to use it. We live in a much more equal society where a vast “I am ambitious, curious, Petter Nylander branding? Actually, I see many similarities between my sue today? Internal talent development is a key issue. To- amount of information is available to all. In a world driven by information flow, talent is and I have a genuine Age: 46 Family: Wife Annika, daughter old role and my new one. The online indus- day, what differentiates employers is their values more sophisticated and more knowledgeable interest in helping people Filippa 15 years Education: Bachelor’s Degree in try is extremely talent driven and as a CEO and culture, not monetary compensation. In than ever. Whereas employers used to select develop. ” Economics, University of Stockholm, graduated 1994. in that industry, talent development has that environment, cultivating and developing the talent, nowadays, the talent selects the 1993-1994: Intern always been a top priority for me. Further- your existing talent is crucial. Done successfully, employers. This coupled with more emphasis – Petter Nylander, Universum at Universum, 1994-2003: Various posi- it brings less risk and is less expensive, than re- on work/life balance, forces employer brand- tions, including CEO at TV3 Sweden, CEO TV3 Scandinavia,. Vice President MTG lying too heavily on external recruitment. With ing strategies to offer values and a culture that - “Selecting an employer is a state- talent that is already within the organisation, you know that they are a good cultural fit and talent can identify with and relate to. Select- ing an employer is a statement of the person’s I am ambitious, curious and I have a genuine CEO of Omnicom Media Group AB, a ment of the person’s personality global communications services company. they have higher credibility with their col- personality and lifestyle – not a paycheck. interest in helping people develop. Focus on 2005-2010: CEO Unibet Group PLC, one of Europe’s leading online gaming sites. leagues because they have a proven track record. the client is central to my philosophy and I and lifestyle – not a paycheck. ” Throughout my career, I have identified young, believe it is my job to sometimes look further Hobbies: I am very interested in History. I also enjoy travel, art, science and cooking. – Petter Nylander, Universum ambitious and smart employees that I have Universum? down the road, to set the long-term course I also try to be at the gym twice a week. Did you know…that Petter speaks mentored to successful careers. I have seen first- I will continue to lead Universum’s expansion as for the company and its employees. But this Greek after working several summers as hand the advantages of that kind of approach. a global thought leader in the employer brand- is no revolution for Universum. I am enter- a tour guide in the Greek Island before his university studies? more, the online industry is at the forefront ing field. Second, I will focus on our own talent ing an already well-managed company that is of digital and online technology. I believe We see big changes in what mo- and client offer development. We need to con- stable and has moved in the right direction that my experience from this will bring new tivates talent groups today com- tinue to strive for better client offers, higher ex- for quite some time. It is my job to continue possibilities to Universum and to how em- pared to previous generations. pertise amongst our employees and an increased that work, enhance it, and add my perspective ployer branding strategies are executed. In How do you see that affecting the focus on innovative solutions for our clients. to maintain the growth. addition, I have spent my entire career in employer branding community? Third, the digitalisation of our client offers will an international environment. That fits very Gone are the days when products or patents be a main focus. There is enormous potential in well with Universum’s global reach and am- put a company ahead of the rest. Instead, our various online offers, and I see that as the bitions. we operate in a society where talent has the main growth area for the future. 8 #1 2011 © Universum 2011 © Universum 2011 9 #1 2011
  • 6. IT talent – the new golden calves of business By Fred Cohn prospects; any company hoping to attract top IT talent must show that the Off-shoring and the N o matter whether the industry is think they want to work for a tech company The EVP for IT candidates kind of sales pitch that’s really appealing.” banking or media, energy or high- and invent the next Android.” Top IT candidates can expect to command big The recruiting of top IT employees re- tech, information technology is the Add in the abundance of tech start-ups, all salaries, but money alone isn’t enough to lure quires more than just lip service; the process backbone of any company’s operations. In fishing for top talent. the best and the brightest. Their professional itself must reflect the kind of technical savvy any corporate sector, top-flight IT people “Everybody in Silicon Valley or in New lives are driven by a passion for the field, and a company needs to make itself a magnet. the past decade or so and given rise to are key to a company’s success. York City who’s a top engineer has a friend they need to know that they’ll land in a place “Good engineers can detect things that The situation presents a special conun- who’s starting something,” said Kevin Scott, where that passion will be rewarded. are inauthentic,” said Scott. “People are go- drum to re- vice-president of engineering at LinkedIn and “You have to offer hard problems, where ing to see if you’re just using a bunch of tech cruiters who a member of the Professions Board at the As- they’re constantly working on new things,” buzzwords. You almost have to involve your IT employees generally command lower salaries than their European and Ameri- “The competition is fierce. We aim to attract the best IT tal- sociation for Computer Machinery (ACM), a US-based IT trade organisation. “They can also said Scott. “They have to be surrounded by very smart colleagues. They don’t like to be engineering team to understand the culture of the folks you’re trying to hire, and build a “An American IT worker may feel the aren’t just competing with other ent. Although start their own two-person company: it’s really micromanaged; they need a certain level of brand for your IT shop.” professor of human and community de- some educa- easy for small groups of technological entre- autonomy.” banks, but with any company tional tracks preneurs to start companies. All the angels, the “Google and Facebook have been success- Actions speak louder - venture capitalists, are angling after these guys.” that recruits IT people.” prepare stu- dents for work Even setting aside the technology sector, any ful at providing that atmosphere for their em- ployees,” Scott continued. “Yeah, they’ve got To a certain extent, the IT community is a small one. When they’re scouting out jobs, tion Task Force of the Association for —Jan Simon, Credit Suisse in a particular firm seeking top IT talent have to compete not good salaries, lots of benefits. That’s not to be candidates can easily find colleagues who can - sector, IT skills just with traditional rivals in the same field, but sneezed at. But what these companies really brief them on a company’s reputation. “They’re are applicable companies across all corporate sectors. offer people is the chance to solve interesting doing a lot of research on the organisations – across a whole range of industries, making “The competition is fierce,” said Simon. “We problems and the ability to be entrepreneurial more than ever before,” said Pyne. This makes the competition for top candidates all the aren’t just competing with other banks, but with in the way they approach their work.” it especially important that a company can more fierce. At the top of the heap: technol- any company that recruits IT people.” As Scott sees it, this kind of value propo- demonstrate a core commitment to its IT TIPS ogy-focused companies, which hold a spe- “Students are looking at everything,” said sition is hardly limited to tech companies. functions. At Credit Suisse, for instance, CIO cial allure to these professionals. For many, Rosette Pyne, senior associate director for en- “I’m sure a big bank can offer the same Karl Landert is a member of the executive Google or Facebook represent the Holy gineering and applied science bachelor’s and kinds of opportunities,” he said. “They have board – a clear signal of the centrality of IT Grail of IT. master’s students in University of Pennsyl- to make a case that these are the kinds of to the bank operations and its long term “The challenge we face is that your typical vania’s career office. “Not just banks, not just positions where you can have a real impact. success. skills create ten times the value of an IT graduate doesn’t necessarily think of go- consulting. It could be IBM or Google or Mi- If you’re coming up with faster trading soft- “Typically, the companies that are most at- ing into banking or finance,” said Jan Simon, crosoft or a small start-up; a multinational or a ware, you’re helping create capital and value tractive are those with long-term CIOs inside global head of the IT Graduate Program at small local organisation. They’re trying to find for lots of investors and having a positive im- that environment,” said Rod Flavell, CEO of Credit Suisse. “Until we talk to them, they the one that works best for them.” pact on a large number of people. That’s the the FDM Group, a provider of IT services 10 #1 2011 © Universum 2011 © Universum 2011 11 #1 2011
  • 7. Rod Flavell “ You get a bigger chunk of work, you get to know us better and we get to know you ” Potent placements —Jan Simon, Credit Suisse Jan Simon - is a global participants draw a salary throughout the bank has three main divisions: Investment Banking, Private to top corporations. “They’ve shown a con- at these sessions and ask the students ‘By any offerings. “Banking is all about the efficient man- them exposure to the types of problems Banking and Asset Management. In 2010, Credit Suisse generated sistency of processes and of human-resources chance, do you have a resume?’,” she said. agement information, and what is that? Informa- they’ll encounter in their work for us.” a participant is placed as a consultant shareholders. management, rather than showing a knee-jerk tion technology!” said Simon. “Including con- In the UK, where students have more Headquarters: Zurich, Switzerland reaction to the market with hiring-and-firing, tractors, we have about 17,000 people globally time off than in the US to work in the field, Number of employees: 50,100 outsource/in-source patterns.” In its effort to attract top IT talent globally, working in information technology. That’s more Credit Suisse offers industrial placements of Pyne said that she has seen companies at- Credit Suisse has devised a number of targeted than most Fortune 100 technology companies.” six-to-12 months. Simon said these make a tract attention from UPenn’s IT candidates by recruiting tactics. Of course the company at- Credit Suisse is a global company but it more in-depth, longer term introduction for offering workshops that the students might tends the traditional job fairs and campus takes special efforts to tailor its IT recruiting both parties than typical two month summer - find useful – not just events. But it also has efforts to individual markets. internships. partly a result of an aging workforce: “The on the company itself, come up with pro- “Recruiting is always a local business,” said “You get a bigger chunk of work,” he said. but on business tactics like networking or how “ You have to under- grammes aimed at giving students a clear Simon. “You have to stay close to your universi- ties. If you compare the coursework of an engi- “You get to know us better, and we get to know you.” - - to have a successful in- terview. A general in- stand the culture of sense of the chal- lenges and rewards in- neering student in the US to India or Singa- pore, you’re looking at two different things. At One recent attention-getter was Credit Suisse’s “IT Challenge.” Marketed on cam- Martin Kenney - formational session on the folks you’re trying volved in working for the end of the day, you have to be aware of the puses across the UK, it was an online com- the company may be the bank. local market you’re hiring from.” petition featuring a series of multiple choice fine, but an even more to hire, and build a The first step is The bank runs a number of feeder pro- quiz, with prizes including Iphones, Ipads segue from FDM into a staff position with effective strategy is to address IT-orientated brand for your IT to convince IT can- didates that banking grammes, to get students acquainted with the organisation before they make their career and Amazon vouchers. The IT Challenge drove students to the bank’s career Web site transitions are most likely to take place not only where the programme has allowed Rosette Pyne student organisations shop.” as a whole is a desir- choice. In both the US and Switzerland, Credit and helped enhance the bank’s reputation - on specific technologi- —Kevin Scott, LinkedIn able career target. Suisse has run programmes through universi- amongst engineering students. cal issues, by giving a “We have to ties, overseeing undergraduate and master’s As Simon explains, all of these disparate “The most important thing to my people tech talk or sponsoring a technology day. raise awareness that it’s a great idea and a theses that tackle real-world banking issues. efforts are devised toward a single end: “We Another successful tactic, said Pyne, is to fantastic career opportunity to go to a bank,” The university professor and a line manager will want to make people aware that IT is big and follow up a large scale informational event with said Simon. “That’s maybe something my col- work together to devise topics that both fulfil important business at Credit Suisse and that Kevin Scott a smaller-scale breakout sessions or a separate leagues in other [Credit Suisse] divisions don’t academic requirements and contain practical IT candidates can have interesting and These are places where IT people get a meet and greet event. These allow the compa- have to face.” value for the bank. exciting careers here,” he concluded. nies to create a relatively intimate bond with A key element of the bank’s pitch is the “The students enjoy doing work that’s not the students: “It’s easier to connect informally centrality of IT to its operations and our service just theoretical,” said Simon. “And it gives 12 #1 2011 © Universum 2011 © Universum 2011 13 #1 2011
  • 8. Keeping it real By Jens Trulsson – Barbara Ehrenreich tells it like it is EB Forecast 2011 By Michelle Boyde Smile or Die: How Positive Thinking Fooled America and The World Universum Quarterly asked some key individuals work- W hile AT&T was busy an- awkward was the relentless upbeatness of it all. nouncing the layoff of There was hardly any anger or frustration and I 15,000 workers in 1994 it some even embraced breast cancer as a welcome simultaneously sent its staff chance to change their lives. When Ehrenreich n Q1 Michal Kalinowski, left his without such immediate feedback. to a stadium session with Christian motiva- tried to vent her indignation and frustration she post as CEO to drive EB knowledge Lastly, they understand the value of tional speaker Zig Ziglar who told them: “It’s was met with comments like “Please get yourself further as Universum’s chief knowl- alumni and looking after their regretted your own fault; don’t blame the system; don’t some help…so you can enjoy life to the fullest”. edge officer – he shares his predic- losses are the long term. For me what’s really blame the boss – work harder and pray more.” The additional burden extolled on patients al- tions for the year ahead. exciting is working closely with companies That message pinpoints what Barbara Eh- ready losing their struggle against cancer to keep helping them set their goals and the strate- renreich rallies against in her latest book Smile a positive outlook sometimes takes on horrify- What will make employer gic dimension of where they are going. The Or Die: How Positive Thinking Fooled America ing proportions as the woman who writes the branding exciting in 2011? business plan is cascading down to employer and the World. The positive thinking jugger- self proclaimed “guru” Deepak Chopra saying The majority of companies now see EB branding strategy more than ever before. naut has been in effect in various shapes since that she has “come a long way in unburdening from a strategic perspective, but in 2011 the Calvinist movement loosened its grip on [herself ] of toxic feelings, [has] forgiven every- they are really beginning to reflect on this. What will be 2011’s biggest New England in the middle of the 19th cen- one, changed [her] lifestyle” and yet, ”the can- As we exited the recession, investment in challenge for those working tury. Through chronicling our modern world’s cer keeps coming back”. She then asks if if she’s EB went up to secure talent quickly for with employer brands? fascination with positive thinking and moti- missed a lesson and that it gets harder to stay the recovery. The drop in EB spending Still, despite lots of progress, it is the in- Michal Kalinowski vational speakers, and the multi-billion dollar positive. Chopra’s reply is, of course, to keep at it. was only half the intensity of recruitment ternal challenge of getting internal buy in. business that has grown up around it, Ehren- cuts. The BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and Also, to have courage can be hard. HR reich effectively punches holes in most argu- China) region, especially China, did ex- teams need to have the guts to say how ments for its existence. Instead she wishes for Corporate America has embraced the posi- traordinarily well things really are us to be human beings, with all our range of tive attitude makeover with full vigour as well. on an economic when you work emotions. However, in her quest to pull down Ever since the legendary CEO of General level. They are “For me what’s really for them. Com- Barbara Ehrenreich the proverbial pants of the positive thinking industry, she does sometimes do it in a shoot Electric, Jack Welch, earned his nickname of “Neutron Jack” by laying off 112,000 employ- now en par with other markets, no exciting is working closely panies need to be presented to is an experienced journalist who has over a dozen books under her belt already, holding fish in a barrel kind of way. Especially by tak- ees in a five-year span, American corporations longer a follower. with companies helping talent, not sold. ing pot shots at easy targets like televangelists have constantly been on the move to down- Executives are re- Employers have a PhD in cellular biology and a career as a political activist. She has written a genuinely who proclaim that God wants you to have a size and trim their organisations and raise alising that they them set their goals and a responsibil- funny and sometimes terrifying book about what happens when you apply the law of attraction and magical thinking to real life table at that fancy restaurant. stock prices. In order to do so, the remaining workforce had to become more effective. Enter need to be strate- gic in these coun- the strategic dimension of ity to give people the best foun- situations. Certain aspects of Smile or Die - The upbeatness of cancer When Ehrenreich was diagnosed with breast the motivational speakers to make that hap- pen. Ehrenreich goes on to tell stories about tries in regard to talent, rather than where they are going. ” dation to make decisions, even cise as she sometimes hammer the points – Michal Kalinowski, Universum home in an overly gleeful fashion, delighted cancer she was flung into the world of positive young and powerful CEOs on a “shamanic just treating them if that decision at having ridiculed her subjects. Positive thinking seems to be here to stay but Eh- thinking by doctors and friends alike. Whilst healing journey” and how spirituality made it as operational markets. turns out to be this might not be for me. renreich reminds us all to use our common undergoing the treatments of her disease she into the boardrooms of Fortune 500 compa- After this last recession employers do Additionally, cor- porate communica- sense and ends with her own recipe for spent hours scouring Web site forums. There nies. The vibe of positive thinking has got so not want to go back into an annual cycle tions are like mission control, they hold the happiness: “have a good time trying”. she met with women’s stories and the pink rib- far out of hand that when a government offi- of attracting talent, they are now aiming brand guidelines and need to sign-off mate- bon terminology where the words ‘victim’ and cial tried to warn the US government that the for long term engagement. The trend is rial. Now employees have access to many on- ‘patient’ are prohibited, as they have an aura toxic mortgages Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae from “recruitment” to “talent relations”. line channels to tell their story. HR’s ability of self-pity and passivity. Instead those in the were backing risked a financial collapse and Now students are looking at employers to persuade corporate communications to be midst of treatment are “battling” or “fighting”. a “contagious illiquidity in the market”, they when they first enrol at university, there more open is increasingly important – there When the battle is over one becomes a survi- tried to fire him for being “negative”. You can needs to be a longer investment in talent needs to be a nuance in communications. vor, or nothing – there is no noun for the ones say it even caused the financial meltdown we’re that do not make it. What struck her as still feeling the shakes from today. 14 #1 2011 © Universum 2011 © Universum 2011 15 #1 2011