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How to Change the World


© Jurgen Appelo  version 1.20 

For 15 years I failed to leave my mark in this world.
Until I started writing...
#ALE2011 unconference
How did I do that

I often get questions like this...
How can I...

• “Make” the rest of the organization more Agile?
How can I...

• “Make” the rest of the organization more Agile?
• “Motivate” my employees to develop themselves?
How can I...

• “Make” the rest of the organization more Agile?
• “Motivate” my employees to develop themselves?
• “Convince” customers they should accept Scrum?
How can I...

• “Make” the rest of the organization more Agile?
• “Motivate” my employees to develop themselves?
• “Convince” customers they should accept Scrum?
• Etc...
How can I be successful
at influencing other
people to do what I want
It seems we all want to learn...

How to change a social complex system
A software team is a complex adaptive system (CAS), because it
consists of parts (people) that form a system (team), and the
system shows complex behavior while it keeps adapting to a
changing environment.
It’s the same with brains, bacteria, immune systems,
the Internet, countries, gardens, cities, and beehives.
They’re all complex adaptive systems.
The Body of Knowledge of Systems

                       Complex systems theory
                       is the study of complex
                       systems using multiple
                       system theories
Management in the System
Managers are just like the other people,
only with a few “special powers”
Management in the Environment
  Or... managers are part of the team’s context,
           constraining and steering the system
System boundaries are fuzzy, so you can choose...

 System                or       Environment

 This depends on the problem you want to solve
Management 3.0
I am inspired by...
And discovered
the      facets
of social change...
Consider the system
Consider the individuals
Consider the interactions
Consider the environment
The mojito method

                                                   Make something
                                                   amazing out of
                                                   existing ingredients
                                                   that are good but
Consider the system
The System
PDCA cycle
• What Is Your Goal?
• Where Is It Going Well?
Develop a vision,
analyze where
things are going
well, and copy
those behaviors.
The vision... pan-European collaboration
Going well... new initiatives born in meetups
To be copied... getting together face-to-face
Goal checklist
specific and understandable   relevant and useful
simple and concise            time-bound and time-specific
manageable and measurable     tangible and real
memorable and reproducible    excitable and igniting
attainable and realistic      inspiring and visionary
ambitious and stimulating     value-based and fundamental
actionable and assignable     revisitable and assessable
agreed-upon and committable
Example 1

Actionable    As a company, and as individuals, we
              value integrity, honesty, openness,
Ambitious     personal excellence, constructive self-
Inspiring     criticism, continual self-improvement,
              and mutual respect. We are
Measurable    committed to our customers and
Memorable     partners and have a passion for
              technology. We take on big challenges,
Realistic     and pride ourselves on seeing them
Relevant      through. We hold ourselves
              accountable to our customers,
Simple        shareholders, partners, and employees
Tangible      by honoring our commitments,
              providing results, and striving for the
Time-bound    highest quality.
Example 2

Actionable    Our mission is to organize the world’s
              information and make it universally
Ambitious     accessible and useful.
• What Are the Crucial Steps?
• When and Where Do You Start?
Define simple steps to follow, and choose the right
moment/place to start.
Simple step... gather at XP2011
Right time and place... Madrid
• How Do You Get Feedback?
• How Do You Measure Results?
Shorten the feedback cycles,
so you learn faster.
The Feedback Door
Feedback... sticky notes
Measure... happiness index
3 Principles for good KPI’s / metrics
1. The KPI relates to a stakeholder’s purpose
2. The KPI helps improve an aspect of the system
3. The KPI is part of the work of those who are interested in it


• How Do You Accellerate Results?
Try, again and again, until you have it right.
(And learn from other people’s failures.)
I’ve noticed that game design also takes many iterations...
The System
A social system is complex
and adaptive. Keep poking it
with ideas and see how it
responds and changes.
We can't control systems or figure them
          out. But we can dance with them.
          - Donella H. Meadows, Thinking in Systems
You want the organization to be more Agile?

•   What Is Your Goal?
•   Where Is It Going Well?
•   What Are the Crucial Steps?
•   When and Where Do You Start?
•   How Do You Get Feedback?
•   How Do You Measure Results?
•   How Do You Accellerate Results?
Consider the individuals
The Individuals
ADKAR model
• How Will You Communicate?
• How Will You Set an Example?
Choose ways to communicate...
And set the right example...
• How Do You Make It Urgent?
• How Do You Make It Desirable?
Address people’s intrinsic desires.
“16 Basic Desires”
Acceptance          The need for approval
Physical Activity   Or exercise
Curiosity           The need to think
Power               The need for influence of will
Eating              The need for food
Romance             The need for love and sex
Family              The need to raise children
Saving              The need to collect
Honor               Being loyal to a group
Social Contact      The need for friends
Idealism            The need for purpose
Status              The need for social standing
Independence        Being an individual
Tranquility         The need to be safe
                                                     Steven Reiss. Who Am I? The 16 Basic Desires
Order               Or stable environments           That Motivate Our Actions and Define Our
Vengeance           The need to strike back          Personalities. City: Berkley Trade, 2002
“16 Basic Desires”
Acceptance          The need for approval
Physical Activity   Or exercise
Curiosity           The need to think
Power               The need for influence of will
Eating              The need for food
Romance             The need for love and sex
Family              The need to raise children
Saving              The need to collect
Honor               Being loyal to a group
Social Contact      The need for friends
Idealism            The need for purpose
Status              The need for social standing
Independence        Being an individual
Tranquility         The need to be safe
                                                     Steven Reiss. Who Am I? The 16 Basic Desires
Order               Or stable environments           That Motivate Our Actions and Define Our
Vengeance           The need to strike back          Personalities. City: Berkley Trade, 2002
“16 Basic Desires”
Acceptance       The need for approval
Curiosity        The need to think
Power            The need for influence of will
Honor            Being loyal to a group
Social Contact   The need for friends
Idealism         The need for purpose
Status           The need for social standing
Independence     Being an individual
Order            Or stable environments

                                                  Steven Reiss. Who Am I? The 16 Basic Desires
                                                  That Motivate Our Actions and Define Our
                                                  Personalities. City: Berkley Trade, 2002
“Self-Determination Theory”
Acceptance       The need for approval
Curiosity        The need to think
Power            The need for influence of will
Honor            Being loyal to a group
Social Contact   The need for friends
Idealism         The need for purpose
Status           The need for social standing
Independence     Being an individual
Order            Or stable environments

Competence       The need to feel capable
Autonomy         The need to choose one’s own actions
Relatedness      The need to be socially involved

                                                  Edward L. Deci and Richard M. Ryan. The
                                                  Handbook of Self-Determination Research.
                                                  Rochester: University of Rochester Press, 2004
“Self-Determination Theory”
Acceptance                     The need for approval
Curiosity                      The need to think
Power                          The need for influence of will
Honor                          Being loyal to a group
Social Contact / Relatedness   The need for friends
Idealism                       The need for purpose
Status                         The need for social standing
Independence / Autonomy        Being an individual
Order                          Or stable environments
Competence                     The need to feel capable

                                                    Edward L. Deci and Richard M. Ryan. The
                                                    Handbook of Self-Determination Research.
                                                    Rochester: University of Rochester Press, 2004
10 Intrinsic Desires
Acceptance                     The need for approval
Curiosity                      The need to think
Power                          The need for influence of will
Honor                          Being loyal to a group
Social Contact / Relatedness   The need for friends
Idealism                       The need for purpose
Status                         The need for social standing
Independence / Autonomy        Being an individual
Order                          Or stable environments
Competence                     The need to feel capable
Acceptance                     The need for approval
Curiosity                      The need to think
Power                          The need for influence of will
Honor                          Being loyal to a group
Social Contact / Relatedness   The need for friends
Idealism / Purpose             The need for purpose
Status                         The need for social standing
Independence / Autonomy        Being an individual
Order                          Or stable environments
Competence / Mastery           The need to feel capable

                                                    Daniel H. Pink, Drive: The Surprising Truth
                                                    About What Motivates Us. Riverhead, 2009
10 Intrinsic Desires
Curiosity                           The need to think
Honor                               Being loyal to a group
Acceptance                          The need for approval
Mastery / Competence                The need to feel capable
Power                               The need for influence of will
Freedom / Independence / Autonomy   Being an individual
Relatedness / Social Contact        The need for friends
Order                               Or stable environments
Goal / Idealism / Purpose           The need for purpose
Status                              The need for social standing

Find innovative ways to target human needs
• What Will You Tell Them?
• Who Will Be Teaching?
Use experts to help
                                       people understand
                                       exactly what to do.
Gurus, coaches,
mentors, trainers...
• What Makes It Easy?
• How Can They Practice?
Make it as easy as possible for people to make a change.
Scrum... easy to start with (though not easy to do well)
• What Are the Short-Term Wins?
• What Makes It Sustainable?
Build habits with
small successes to
make behaviors
Reinforcement through play, collaboration, competition...
The Individuals
Sending rational messages is
not enough. Treat people as
emotional beings who can
use a little help on the way.
Discover a few vital behaviors, change
           those, and problems—no matter their
           size—topple like a house of cards.
           - Kerry Patterson, Influencer
You want developers to educate themselves?

•   How Will You Communicate?
•   How Will You Set an Example?
•   How Do You Make It Urgent?
•   How Do You Make It Desirable?
•   What Will You Tell Them?
•   Who Will Be Teaching?
•   What Makes It Easy?
•   How Can They Practice?
•   What Are the Short-Term Wins?
•   What Makes It Sustainable?
Consider the interactions
The Interactions
Adoption Curve model
• Are You Committed?
• Who Is Assisting You?
Make sure you are not on your own.
Ask other people for help.
Some of my heroes...!/olaflewitz!/duarte_vasco!/alexboly!/jacoporomei
• Who Will Be the Innovators?
Find the innovators who want to
be the first to try new things.
Some “innovators” interested in the Management 3.0 book...
• Who Are the Early Adopters?
• How Will the Leaders Help?
Find influential people...
And let them convince early adopters...
• How Do You Reach the Early Majority?
• How Will You Cross the Chasm?
Adapt your approach so
                                                        that you are able to
                                                        cross the “chasm”
                                                        between early adopters
                                                        and early majority.
From “Agile Management” to “concrete practices for managers”
• How Will You Deal with Skeptics?
Listen to the skeptics and understand
           what is holding them back.
“It will never work...” -> I must broadcast our successes.
“There’s a hidden agenda...” -> I will be ridiculously transparent.
“You are xenopohobic...” -> I must be careful of my language.
• How Do You Prevent a Relapse?
• How Do You Deal with Resistance?
Don’t stop too soon! Keep monitoring things and don’t
give the laggards a chance to undo all your work.
“It seems Agile has succeeded. Let’s get out of here!”
Ehm no, maybe stay around for a while...
The Interactions
Behaviors are transmitted
from person to person in a
social network. Treat them as
beneficial viruses.
What distinguishes high performers are
           large and diversified personal networks.
           - Rob Cross, The Hidden Power of Social Networks
You want people to use your services?

•   Are You Committed?
•   Who Is Assisting You?
•   Who Will Be the Innovators?
•   Who Are the Early Adopters?
•   How Will the Leaders Help?
•   How Do You Reach the Early Majority?
•   How Will You Cross the Chasm?
•   How Will You Deal with Skeptics?
•   How Do You Prevent a Relapse?
•   How Do You Deal with Resistance?
Consider the environment
The Environment
Five I’s
• How Do You Make Things Visible?
• How Do You Ease Communication?
Keep goals visible and
make people aware of
their actual behavior.
Use information radiators
to stimulate progress.
• What Is the Group Identity?
• How Can You Apply Peer Pressure?
Appeal to a higher identity that people
want to associate themselves with.
A common tactic: them versus us
• Can You Incentivize Good Behavior?
Incentivize good behavior with small rewards.
A word of appreciation often works quite well...
• Which Barriers Will You Remove?
• Which Guides Will You Place?
Remove obstacles and add guidance
to make things easier.
Make required steps as
simple as possible.
• Who Can Make the Rules?
Define and enforce rules of good conduct...
Through independent institutes, or communities of practice...
The Environment
Behavior is a function of a
person and his or her
environment. Instead of
changing a person, change
the environment.
Culture changes only after you have
           successfully altered people's actions, after
           the new behavior produces some group
           benefit for a period of time.
           - John P. Kotter, Leading Change
You want your friends to go to a conference?

•   How Do You Make Things Visible?
•   How Do You Ease Communication?
•   What Is the Group Identity?
•   How Can You Apply Peer Pressure?
•   Can You Incentivize Good Behavior?
•   Which Barriers Will You Remove?
•   Which Guides Will You Place?
•   Who Can Make the Rules?
Change Management 3.0
Other models... Switch
1) Direct the Rider
      Follow the Bright Spots     Clone what is working well
      Script the Critical Moves   Clearly define specific behaviors
      Point to the Destination    Explain why it’s worth it
2) Motivate the Elephant
      Find the Feeling            Make people feel something
      Shrink the Change           Make small steps easier
      Grow Your People            Cultivate a sense of identity
3) Shape the Path
      Tweak the Environment       Change people’s situation
      Build Habits                Encourage people’s habits
      Rally the Herd              Develop contagious behavior
Other models... Switch   35%
Other models... Influencer
             Motivation              Ability

Personal     Make the Undesirable    Surpass Your Limits

Social       Harness Peer Pressure   Find Strength in

             Design Rewards and
             Demand Accountability   Change the Environment
Other models... Influencer   55%
Other models... Leading Change
1. Establish a Sense of Urgency
2. Create the Guiding Coalition
3. Develop a Vision and Strategy
4. Communicate the Change Vision
5. Empower Employees for Broad-Based Action
6. Generate Short-Term Wins
7. Consolidate Gains and Produce More Change
8. Anchor New Approaches in the Culture
Other models... Leading Change   65%
Other models... Fearless Change
Early                Later
Ask for Help         Corporate Angel
Connector            Dedicated Champion
Do Food              Hometown Story
Early Adopter        Just Enough
Guru on Your Side    Local Sponsor
In Your Space        Mentor
Piggyback            Royal Audience
Stay in Touch        Smell of Success
etc…                 etc…
Other models... Fearless Change   80%
Change Management 3.0
Thank You

@jurgenappelo (twitter) (blog) (site) (book)

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How To Change The World

  • 1. How to Change the World @jurgenappelo © Jurgen Appelo  version 1.20 
  • 2. story For 15 years I failed to leave my mark in this world. Until I started writing...
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. #ALE2011 unconference
  • 7. How did I do that I often get questions like this...
  • 8. How can I... • “Make” the rest of the organization more Agile?
  • 9. How can I... • “Make” the rest of the organization more Agile? • “Motivate” my employees to develop themselves?
  • 10. How can I... • “Make” the rest of the organization more Agile? • “Motivate” my employees to develop themselves? • “Convince” customers they should accept Scrum?
  • 11. How can I... • “Make” the rest of the organization more Agile? • “Motivate” my employees to develop themselves? • “Convince” customers they should accept Scrum? • Etc...
  • 12. How can I be successful at influencing other people to do what I want
  • 13. It seems we all want to learn... How to change a social complex system
  • 14. A software team is a complex adaptive system (CAS), because it consists of parts (people) that form a system (team), and the system shows complex behavior while it keeps adapting to a changing environment.
  • 15. It’s the same with brains, bacteria, immune systems, the Internet, countries, gardens, cities, and beehives. They’re all complex adaptive systems.
  • 16. The Body of Knowledge of Systems Complex systems theory is the study of complex systems using multiple system theories
  • 17. Management in the System Managers are just like the other people, only with a few “special powers”
  • 18. Management in the Environment Or... managers are part of the team’s context, constraining and steering the system
  • 19. System boundaries are fuzzy, so you can choose... System or Environment This depends on the problem you want to solve
  • 21. I am inspired by...
  • 22. And discovered the facets of social change...
  • 27. The mojito method Make something amazing out of existing ingredients that are good but boring
  • 30. • What Is Your Goal? • Where Is It Going Well?
  • 31. Develop a vision, analyze where things are going well, and copy those behaviors.
  • 32. The vision... pan-European collaboration Going well... new initiatives born in meetups To be copied... getting together face-to-face
  • 33. Goal checklist specific and understandable relevant and useful simple and concise time-bound and time-specific manageable and measurable tangible and real memorable and reproducible excitable and igniting attainable and realistic inspiring and visionary ambitious and stimulating value-based and fundamental actionable and assignable revisitable and assessable agreed-upon and committable
  • 34. Example 1 Actionable As a company, and as individuals, we value integrity, honesty, openness, Ambitious personal excellence, constructive self- Inspiring criticism, continual self-improvement, and mutual respect. We are Measurable committed to our customers and Memorable partners and have a passion for technology. We take on big challenges, Realistic and pride ourselves on seeing them Relevant through. We hold ourselves accountable to our customers, Simple shareholders, partners, and employees Tangible by honoring our commitments, providing results, and striving for the Time-bound highest quality.
  • 35. Example 2 Actionable Our mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally Ambitious accessible and useful. Inspiring Measurable Memorable Realistic Relevant Simple Tangible Time-bound
  • 37. • What Are the Crucial Steps? • When and Where Do You Start?
  • 38. Define simple steps to follow, and choose the right moment/place to start.
  • 39. Simple step... gather at XP2011 Right time and place... Madrid
  • 40. • How Do You Get Feedback? • How Do You Measure Results?
  • 41. Shorten the feedback cycles, so you learn faster.
  • 42. The Feedback Door Feedback... sticky notes Measure... happiness index
  • 43. 3 Principles for good KPI’s / metrics 1. The KPI relates to a stakeholder’s purpose 2. The KPI helps improve an aspect of the system 3. The KPI is part of the work of those who are interested in it
  • 45. • How Do You Accellerate Results?
  • 46. Try, again and again, until you have it right. (And learn from other people’s failures.)
  • 47. I’ve noticed that game design also takes many iterations...
  • 48. The System A social system is complex and adaptive. Keep poking it with ideas and see how it responds and changes.
  • 49. We can't control systems or figure them out. But we can dance with them. - Donella H. Meadows, Thinking in Systems
  • 50. You want the organization to be more Agile? • What Is Your Goal? • Where Is It Going Well? • What Are the Crucial Steps? • When and Where Do You Start? • How Do You Get Feedback? • How Do You Measure Results? • How Do You Accellerate Results?
  • 53. • How Will You Communicate? • How Will You Set an Example?
  • 54. Choose ways to communicate...
  • 55. And set the right example...
  • 56. • How Do You Make It Urgent? • How Do You Make It Desirable?
  • 57. Address people’s intrinsic desires.
  • 58. “16 Basic Desires” Acceptance The need for approval Physical Activity Or exercise Curiosity The need to think Power The need for influence of will Eating The need for food Romance The need for love and sex Family The need to raise children Saving The need to collect Honor Being loyal to a group Social Contact The need for friends Idealism The need for purpose Status The need for social standing Independence Being an individual Tranquility The need to be safe Steven Reiss. Who Am I? The 16 Basic Desires Order Or stable environments That Motivate Our Actions and Define Our Vengeance The need to strike back Personalities. City: Berkley Trade, 2002
  • 59. “16 Basic Desires” Acceptance The need for approval Physical Activity Or exercise Curiosity The need to think Power The need for influence of will Eating The need for food Romance The need for love and sex Family The need to raise children Saving The need to collect Honor Being loyal to a group Social Contact The need for friends Idealism The need for purpose Status The need for social standing Independence Being an individual Tranquility The need to be safe Steven Reiss. Who Am I? The 16 Basic Desires Order Or stable environments That Motivate Our Actions and Define Our Vengeance The need to strike back Personalities. City: Berkley Trade, 2002
  • 60. “16 Basic Desires” Acceptance The need for approval Curiosity The need to think Power The need for influence of will Honor Being loyal to a group Social Contact The need for friends Idealism The need for purpose Status The need for social standing Independence Being an individual Order Or stable environments Steven Reiss. Who Am I? The 16 Basic Desires That Motivate Our Actions and Define Our Personalities. City: Berkley Trade, 2002
  • 61. “Self-Determination Theory” Acceptance The need for approval Curiosity The need to think Power The need for influence of will Honor Being loyal to a group Social Contact The need for friends Idealism The need for purpose Status The need for social standing Independence Being an individual Order Or stable environments Competence The need to feel capable Autonomy The need to choose one’s own actions Relatedness The need to be socially involved Edward L. Deci and Richard M. Ryan. The Handbook of Self-Determination Research. Rochester: University of Rochester Press, 2004
  • 62. “Self-Determination Theory” Acceptance The need for approval Curiosity The need to think Power The need for influence of will Honor Being loyal to a group Social Contact / Relatedness The need for friends Idealism The need for purpose Status The need for social standing Independence / Autonomy Being an individual Order Or stable environments Competence The need to feel capable Edward L. Deci and Richard M. Ryan. The Handbook of Self-Determination Research. Rochester: University of Rochester Press, 2004
  • 63. 10 Intrinsic Desires Acceptance The need for approval Curiosity The need to think Power The need for influence of will Honor Being loyal to a group Social Contact / Relatedness The need for friends Idealism The need for purpose Status The need for social standing Independence / Autonomy Being an individual Order Or stable environments Competence The need to feel capable
  • 64. “Drive” Acceptance The need for approval Curiosity The need to think Power The need for influence of will Honor Being loyal to a group Social Contact / Relatedness The need for friends Idealism / Purpose The need for purpose Status The need for social standing Independence / Autonomy Being an individual Order Or stable environments Competence / Mastery The need to feel capable Daniel H. Pink, Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. Riverhead, 2009
  • 65. 10 Intrinsic Desires Curiosity The need to think Honor Being loyal to a group Acceptance The need for approval Mastery / Competence The need to feel capable Power The need for influence of will Freedom / Independence / Autonomy Being an individual Relatedness / Social Contact The need for friends Order Or stable environments Goal / Idealism / Purpose The need for purpose Status The need for social standing
  • 66.
  • 67. Curiosity Honor Acceptance Mastery Power Freedom Relatedness Order Goal Status Find innovative ways to target human needs
  • 68. • What Will You Tell Them? • Who Will Be Teaching?
  • 69. Use experts to help people understand exactly what to do.
  • 71. • What Makes It Easy? • How Can They Practice?
  • 72. Make it as easy as possible for people to make a change.
  • 73. Scrum... easy to start with (though not easy to do well)
  • 74. • What Are the Short-Term Wins? • What Makes It Sustainable?
  • 75. Build habits with small successes to make behaviors sustainable.
  • 76. Reinforcement through play, collaboration, competition...
  • 77. The Individuals Sending rational messages is not enough. Treat people as emotional beings who can use a little help on the way.
  • 78. Discover a few vital behaviors, change those, and problems—no matter their size—topple like a house of cards. - Kerry Patterson, Influencer
  • 79. You want developers to educate themselves? • How Will You Communicate? • How Will You Set an Example? • How Do You Make It Urgent? • How Do You Make It Desirable? • What Will You Tell Them? • Who Will Be Teaching? • What Makes It Easy? • How Can They Practice? • What Are the Short-Term Wins? • What Makes It Sustainable?
  • 81. The Interactions Adoption Curve model Rogers
  • 82. • Are You Committed? • Who Is Assisting You?
  • 83. Make sure you are not on your own. Ask other people for help.
  • 84. Some of my heroes...!/olaflewitz!/duarte_vasco!/alexboly!/jacoporomei
  • 85. • Who Will Be the Innovators?
  • 86. Find the innovators who want to be the first to try new things.
  • 87. Some “innovators” interested in the Management 3.0 book...
  • 88. • Who Are the Early Adopters? • How Will the Leaders Help?
  • 90. And let them convince early adopters...
  • 91. • How Do You Reach the Early Majority? • How Will You Cross the Chasm?
  • 92. Adapt your approach so that you are able to cross the “chasm” between early adopters and early majority.
  • 93. From “Agile Management” to “concrete practices for managers”
  • 94. • How Will You Deal with Skeptics?
  • 95. Listen to the skeptics and understand what is holding them back.
  • 96. “It will never work...” -> I must broadcast our successes. “There’s a hidden agenda...” -> I will be ridiculously transparent. “You are xenopohobic...” -> I must be careful of my language.
  • 97. • How Do You Prevent a Relapse? • How Do You Deal with Resistance?
  • 98. Don’t stop too soon! Keep monitoring things and don’t give the laggards a chance to undo all your work.
  • 99. “It seems Agile has succeeded. Let’s get out of here!” Ehm no, maybe stay around for a while...
  • 100. The Interactions Behaviors are transmitted from person to person in a social network. Treat them as beneficial viruses.
  • 101. What distinguishes high performers are large and diversified personal networks. - Rob Cross, The Hidden Power of Social Networks
  • 102. You want people to use your services? • Are You Committed? • Who Is Assisting You? • Who Will Be the Innovators? • Who Are the Early Adopters? • How Will the Leaders Help? • How Do You Reach the Early Majority? • How Will You Cross the Chasm? • How Will You Deal with Skeptics? • How Do You Prevent a Relapse? • How Do You Deal with Resistance?
  • 105. • How Do You Make Things Visible? • How Do You Ease Communication?
  • 106. Keep goals visible and make people aware of their actual behavior.
  • 107. Use information radiators to stimulate progress.
  • 108. • What Is the Group Identity? • How Can You Apply Peer Pressure?
  • 109. Appeal to a higher identity that people want to associate themselves with.
  • 111. A common tactic: them versus us
  • 113. • Can You Incentivize Good Behavior?
  • 114. Incentivize good behavior with small rewards.
  • 115. A word of appreciation often works quite well...
  • 116. • Which Barriers Will You Remove? • Which Guides Will You Place?
  • 117. Remove obstacles and add guidance to make things easier.
  • 118. Make required steps as simple as possible.
  • 119. • Who Can Make the Rules?
  • 120. Define and enforce rules of good conduct...
  • 121. Through independent institutes, or communities of practice...
  • 122. The Environment Behavior is a function of a person and his or her environment. Instead of changing a person, change the environment.
  • 123. Culture changes only after you have successfully altered people's actions, after the new behavior produces some group benefit for a period of time. - John P. Kotter, Leading Change
  • 124. You want your friends to go to a conference? • How Do You Make Things Visible? • How Do You Ease Communication? • What Is the Group Identity? • How Can You Apply Peer Pressure? • Can You Incentivize Good Behavior? • Which Barriers Will You Remove? • Which Guides Will You Place? • Who Can Make the Rules?
  • 126. Other models... Switch 1) Direct the Rider Follow the Bright Spots Clone what is working well Script the Critical Moves Clearly define specific behaviors Point to the Destination Explain why it’s worth it 2) Motivate the Elephant Find the Feeling Make people feel something Shrink the Change Make small steps easier Grow Your People Cultivate a sense of identity 3) Shape the Path Tweak the Environment Change people’s situation Build Habits Encourage people’s habits Rally the Herd Develop contagious behavior
  • 128. Other models... Influencer Motivation Ability Personal Make the Undesirable Surpass Your Limits Desirable Social Harness Peer Pressure Find Strength in Numbers Design Rewards and Structural Demand Accountability Change the Environment
  • 130. Other models... Leading Change 1. Establish a Sense of Urgency 2. Create the Guiding Coalition 3. Develop a Vision and Strategy 4. Communicate the Change Vision 5. Empower Employees for Broad-Based Action 6. Generate Short-Term Wins 7. Consolidate Gains and Produce More Change 8. Anchor New Approaches in the Culture
  • 131. Other models... Leading Change 65%
  • 132. Other models... Fearless Change Early Later Ask for Help Corporate Angel Connector Dedicated Champion Do Food Hometown Story Early Adopter Just Enough Guru on Your Side Local Sponsor In Your Space Mentor Piggyback Royal Audience Stay in Touch Smell of Success etc… etc…