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How Personal Lightwaves Enable Telepresence:
    Collapsing the Flat World to a “Point”

                 UCLA Marschak Colloquium
                     Los Angeles, CA
                       May 9, 2008

                            Dr. Larry Smarr
     Director, California Institute for Telecommunications and
                       Information Technology
                     Harry E. Gruber Professor,
           Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
               Jacobs School of Engineering, UCSD

The idea of global Telepresence is over fifty years old, originally being a central feature
of science fiction. During the last few years, a radical restructuring of global optical
networks supporting e-Science projects has begun enabling Telepresence, as well as
eliminating distance to remote global data repositories, scientific instruments, and
computational resources, all from the researcher's campus laboratory. I will describe
how this user configurable "OptIPuter" global platform opens new frontiers in
collaborative work environments, digital cinema, interactive environmental
observatories, brain imaging, and marine microbial metagenomics. The experiential
effect is to collapse the Flat World, created by the shared Internet and Web, to a single
Fifty Years Ago, Asimov Described
       a World of Telepresence


A policeman from Earth, where the population all lives underground in
close quarters, is called in to investigate a murder on a distant world.
This world is populated by very few humans, rarely if ever, coming into
physical proximity of each other. Instead the people "View" each other
with trimensional “holographic” images.
TV and Movies of 40 Years Ago
Envisioned Telepresence Displays

    Source: Star Trek 1966-68; Barbarella 1968
The Bellcore VideoWindow --
              A Working Telepresence Experiment


“Imagine sitting in your work place lounge having coffee with some colleagues.
Now imagine that you and your colleagues are still in the same room, but are
separated by a large sheet of glass that does not interfere with your ability to
carry on a clear, two-way conversation. Finally, imagine that you have split the
room into two parts and moved one part 50 miles down the road, without
impairing the quality of your interaction with your friends.”

             Source: Fish, Kraut, and Chalfonte-CSCW 1990 Proceedings
A Simulation of Telepresence
   Using Analog Communications to Prototype the Digital Future
“What we really have to do is eliminate distance               •   Televisualization:
between individuals who want to interact with other                  – Telepresence
people and with other computers.”
― Larry Smarr, Director, NCSA                                        – Remote Interactive
                          Illinois                                     Supercomputing
                                                                     – Multi-disciplinary
                                                                       Scientific Visualization


             “We’re using satellite technology…to demo
             what It might be like to have high-speed
             fiber-optic links between advanced
             computers in two different geographic locations.”
                                                                                ATT &
             ― Al Gore, Senator
               Chair, US Senate Subcommittee on Science, Technology and Space    Sun
              SIGGRAPH 1989
Caterpillar / NCSA: Distributed Virtual Reality
 for Global-Scale Collaborative Prototyping

 Real Time Linked Virtual Reality and Audio-Video
  Between NCSA, Peoria, Houston, and Germany

California’s Institutes for Science and Innovation
  A Bold Experiment in Collaborative Research

                    California Institute for Bioengineering,
                    and Quantitative Biomedical Research

                                        Center for
                           Information Technology Research
       UCD                      in the Interest of Society
UCSF                                        California
       UCSC                            NanoSystems Institute

         UCSB                          California Institute for
             UCLA                    Telecommunications and
                UCI                   Information Technology
Calit2 Continues to Pursue
                 Its Initial Mission:
    Envisioning How the Extension of Innovative
 Telecommunications and Information Technologies
           Throughout the Physical World
        will Transform Critical Applications
      Important to the California Economy and
             its Citizens’ Quality Of Life.

            Calit2 is a University of California
“Institutional Innovation” Experiment on How to Invent
  a Persistent Collaborative Research and Education
 Environment that Provides Insight into How the UC, a
Major Research University, Might Evolve in the Future.

                   Calit2 Review Report: p.1
Two New Calit2 Buildings Provide
New Laboratories for “Living in the Future”
               •   “Convergence” Laboratory Facilities
                    – Nanotech, BioMEMS, Chips, Radio, Photonics
                    – Virtual Reality, Digital Cinema, HDTV, Gaming
               •   Over 1000 Researchers in Two Buildings
                    – Linked via Dedicated Optical Networks

UC Irvine
            Preparing for a World in Which
               Distance is Eliminated…
Broadband Depends on Where You Are

      • Mobile Broadband
                                     100,000 Fold Range
         – 0.1-0.5 Mbps
                                       All Here Today!

      • Home Broadband
         – 1-10 Mbps          “The future is already here,
                            it’s just not evenly distributed”
                       William Gibson, Author of Neuromancer

      • University Dorm Room Broadband
         – 10-100 Mbps

      • Calit2 Global Broadband
         – 1,000-10,000 Mbps
The Unrelenting Exponential Growth of Data Requires an
           Exponential Growth in Bandwidth
•   “The Global Information Grid will need to store and access exabytes of data
    on a realtime basis by 2010”
     – Dr. Henry Dardy (DOD), Optical Fiber Conference, Los Angeles, CA USA, Mar

•   “Each LHC experiment foresees a recorded raw data rate of 1 to several
     – Dr. Harvey Neuman (Cal Tech), Professor of Physics

•   “US Bancorp backs up 100 TB financial data every night – now.”
     – David Grabski (VP Information Tech. US Bancorp), Qwest High Performance
       Networking Summit, Denver, CO. USA, June 2006.

•   “The VLA facility is now able to generate 700 Gbps of astronomical data and
    the Extended VLA will reach 3.2 Terabits per second by 2009.”
     – Dr. Steven Durand, National Radio Astronomy Observatory, E-VLBI Workshop,
       MIT Haystack Observatory., Sep 2006.

                 Source: Jerry Sobieski MAX / University of Maryland
Shared Internet Bandwidth:
        Unpredictable, Widely Varying, Jitter, Asymmetric
                                            10000       12 Minutes                                                     1000x
                                                                    Stanford Server Limit
Computers In:                               1000
                                                        Time to Move                         UCSD
  Australia                                              a Terabyte
                          Outbound (Mbps)

 Czech Rep.
                                                                                                            Data Intensive
    India                                                 10 Days
                                              10                                                              Sciences
                                                                                                           Fast Predictable
   Mexico                                      1                                                             Bandwidth
   Poland                                     0.1
United States
                                                 0.01      0.1       1      10     100      1000   10000
Source: Larry Smarr and Friends
                                                                     Inbound (Mbps)
                                              Measured Bandwidth from User Computer
                                              to Stanford Gigabit Server in Megabits/sec
Cisco Telepresence Provides Leading Edge
                        Commercial VTC

• 191 Cisco TelePresence
                               85,854 TelePresence           13,450 Meetings Avoided
  in Major Cities Globally
                                Meetings Scheduled to Date     Travel
    – US/Canada: 83 CTS                                        Average to Date
      3000, 46 CTS 1000          Weekly Average is 2,263      (Based on 8 Participants)
    – APAC: 17 CTS 3000,          Meetings
      4 CTS 1000                                                 ~$107.60 M To Date
                               108,736 Hours
    – Japan: 4 CTS 3000, 2                                    Cubic Meters of Emissions
      CTS 1000                   Average is 1.25 Hours        Saved 16,039,052 (6,775
    – Europe: 22 CTS                                           Cars off the Road)
      3000, 10 CTS 1000
    – Emerging: 3 CTS
                                          Uses QoS Over Shared Internet ~ 15 mbps
• Overall Average
  Utilization is 45%

        Cisco Bought WebEx

               Source: Cisco 3/22/08
Dedicated Optical Channels Makes
High Performance Cyberinfrastructure Possible
                                         10 Gbps per User ~ 200x
                                        Shared Internet Throughput
                                                    c=λ* f
          Source: Steve Wallach, Chiaro Networks

        Parallel Lambdas are Driving Optical Networking
      The Way Parallel Processors Drove 1990s Computing
National Lambda Rail (NLR) Provides
Cyberinfrastructure Backbone for U.S. Researchers

                                                         Links Two Dozen
                                                             State and
                                                         Regional Optical

                NLR 4 x 10Gb Lambdas Initially
          Capable of 40 x 10Gb wavelengths at Buildout
Distributed Supercomputing:
NASA MAP ’06 System Configuration Using NLR
Campus Preparations Needed
to Accept CENIC CalREN Handoff to Campus

            Source: Jim Dolgonas, CENIC
To Build a Campus Dark Fiber Network—
First, Find Out Where All the Campus Conduit Is!
Current UCSD Experimental Optical Core:
                   Ready to Couple to CENIC L1, L2, L3 Services
                                        Quartzite Communications
  To 10GigE cluster
   node interfaces                      Goals by Core Year 3
                                                                                 CENIC L1, L2
                                        >= 50 endpoints at 10 GigE
                                               Quartzite    Wavelength             Services
                                        >= 32 Packet switched


                                        >= 32 Switched wavelengths                       To 10GigE cluster
                                                                                        node interfaces and
                                                                                             other switches
                                        >= 300 Connected endpoints
To cluster nodes
                                            Approximately 0.5 TBit/s
                                                                                                   To cluster nodes
                                         Arrive at the “Optical” Center

            GigE Switch with
           Dual 10GigE Upliks                      of Campus Switch   OOO
                                                32 10GigE
To cluster nodes
                                           Switching will be a Hybrid
                                                                                    GigE Switch with
                                                Combination of:                    Dual 10GigE Upliks
                                           Packet, Lambda, Circuit --

                                         ToOOO and Packet Switches
                                                        Packet Switch            CalREN-HPR
            GigE Switch with
           Dual 10GigE Upliks            other                                    Research
                                         nodes  Already in Place                    Cloud
                            Funded by
                             NSF MRI                                             Campus Research
  4 GigE
  4 pair fiber                Grant                                                  Cloud
                                                        Cisco 6509
                                                        Juniper T320

                                                   OptIPuter Border Router
                                  Source: Phil Papadopoulos, SDSC/Calit2
                                       (Quartzite PI, OptIPuter co-PI)
Calit2 Sunlight
Optical Exchange Contains Quartzite

                                        10:45 am
                                      Feb. 21, 2008
The OptIPuter Project: Creating High Resolution Portals
Over Dedicated Optical Channels to Global Science Data

                                                                                David Lee,
                                                                               Jason Leigh
        Calit2 (UCSD, UCI) and UIC Lead Campuses—Larry Smarr PI
       Univ. Partners: SDSC, USC, SDSU, NW, TA&M, UvA, SARA, KISTI, AIST
        Industry: IBM, Sun, Telcordia, Chiaro, Calient, Glimmerglass, Lucent
My OptIPortalTM – Affordable
    Termination Device for the OptIPuter Global Backplane
•    20 Dual CPU Nodes, 20 24” Monitors, ~$50,000
•    1/4 Teraflop, 5 Terabyte Storage, 45 Mega Pixels--Nice PC!
•    Scalable Adaptive Graphics Environment ( SAGE) Jason Leigh, EVL-UIC

                                  Source: Phil Papadopoulos SDSC, Calit2
The Calit2 200 Megapixel OptIPortals at UCSD and UCI
           Are Now a Gbit/s HD Collaboratory
                                            NASA Ames Visit Feb. 29, 2008

                                      Calit2@ UCI wall

Calit2@ UCSD wall

                    NASA Ames is Completing a 245 Mpixel Hyperwall
                            as Project Columbia Interface
U Michigan Virtual Space Interaction Testbed (VISIT)
 Instrumenting OptIPortals for Social Science Research
• Using Cameras Embedded in
  the Seams of Tiled Displays
  and Computer Vision
  Techniques, we can
  Understand how People
  Interact with OptIPortals
   – Classify Attention, Expression,
   – Initial Implementation Based on
     Attention Interaction Design
     Toolkit (J. Lee, MIT)
• Close to Producing Usable
  Eye/Nose Tracking Data using
                      Leading U.S.
                   Researchers on the
                    Social Aspects of

                 Source: Erik Hofer, UMich, School of Information
              Are Being Adopted Globally

AIST-Japan    Osaka U-Japan             KISTI-Korea        CNIC-China


                                  SARA- Netherlands Brno-Czech Republic

                                                      U. Melbourne,
  EVL@UIC         Calit2@UCSD            Calit2@UCI   Australia

                                                    Can Optical
                                                  Fiber Replace
                                                   Airline Travel
                                                  for Continuing

Source: Maxine Brown, OptIPuter Project Manager
AARNet International Network
Launch of the 100 Megapixel OzIPortal Over Qvidium
Compressed HD on 1 Gbps CENIC/PW/AARNet Fiber

“Using the Link to Build the Link”
Calit2 and Univ. Melbourne Technology Teams

  No Calit2 Person Physically Flew to Australia to Bring This Up!

UM Professor Graeme Jackson Planning
  Brain Surgery for Severe Epilepsy
Victoria Premier and Australian Deputy Prime Minister
                  Asking Questions

University of Melbourne Vice Chancellor Glyn Davis
    in Calit2 Replies to Question from Australia
EVL’s SAGE Global Visualcasting to Europe
               September 2007
                    Gigabit Streams

                           Image Viewing                                    Image Viewing
 Image         Image                             Image         Image
 Source      Replication                        Viewing       Viewing
                           OptIPortals at                                   OptIPortal at
                               EVL                                           Russian
OptIPuter    OptIPuter                         OptIPortal   OptIPortal at
                             Chicago                                        Academy of
servers at    SAGE-                             at SARA       Masaryk
 CALIT2      Bridge at                         Amsterdam     University
San Diego    StarLight                                         Brno
                                                                               Oct 1

                               Source: Luc Renambot, EVL
Calit2, SDSC, and SIO are Creating
Environmental Observatory Rooms
Remote Interactive High Definition Video
   of Deep Sea Hydrothermal Vents

                        Canadian-U.S. Collaboration

    Source John Delaney & Deborah Kelley, UWash
e-Science Collaboratory Without Walls
Enabled by iHDTV Uncompressed HD Telepresence
        1500 Mbits/sec Calit2 to UW Research Channel Over NLR

                                                           May 23, 2007
               John Delaney, PI LOOKING, Neptune
                   Photo: Harry Ammons, SDSC
The New Science of Metagenomics

                                              “The emerging field
NRC Report:                                    of metagenomics,
                                            where the DNA of entire
Metagenomic                                communities of microbes
 data should                              is studied simultaneously,
   be made                           presents the greatest opportunity
   publicly                           -- perhaps since the invention of
 available in                                  the microscope –
international                        to revolutionize understanding of
 archives as                                the microbial world.” –
  rapidly as
  possible.                             National Research Council
                                             March 27, 2007
The Genetic Diversity of Ocean Microbes Provides Novel
 Genetic Components for Bioengineering Clean Energy
 Plus 155
 Microbial                       Each Sample
 Genomes                            ~2000         Specify
                                  Microbial       Ocean Data

                             Sorcerer II Data Will Double
                           Number of Proteins in GenBank!
Calit2 Community Cyberinfrastructure for Advanced
    Marine Microbial Ecology Research and Analysis (CAMERA)
                 Compute and Storage Complex

    512 Processors
      ~5 Teraflops
~ 200 Terabytes Storage

                            Source: Phil Papadopoulos, SDSC, Calit2
CAMERA’s Global Microbial Metagenomics CyberCommunity—
        Can We Employ Social Network Software?
          Over 1850 Registered Users From Over 50 Countries
OptIPlanet Collaboratory Persistent Infrastructure
              Between Calit2 and U Washington
Photo Credit: Alan Decker                                             Feb. 29, 2008


    iHDTV: 1500 Mbits/sec Calit2 to
    UW Research Channel Over NLR

                                                  UW’s Research Channel
                                                    Michael Wellings
Genome and Medical Biosciences Building
        First 10Gbps OptIPortal End Point at UC Davis

~70 Faculty
~25+ new
~700 people

Six floors
225,000 sq ft

Molecular Medicine
Genomics & Bioinformatics
Biomedical Engineering
Enabling Genomics Facility
Imaging & Vivarium
Borderless Collaboration
Between Global University Research Centers at 10Gbps

         Maxine Brown, Tom DeFanti, Co-Chairs

                                                                September 26-30, 2005
                                               Calit2 @ University of California, San Diego
                California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology

      100Gb of Bandwidth into the Calit2@UCSD Building
       More than 150Gb GLIF Transoceanic Bandwidth!
        450 Attendees, 130 Participating Organizations
           20 Countries Driving 49 Demonstrations
                  1- or 10- Gbps Per Demo
First Trans-Pacific Super High Definition Telepresence
        Meeting Using Digital Cinema 4k Streams
                   4k = 4000x2000 Pixels = 4xHD     Streaming 4k
         100 Times                                 with JPEG 2000
      the Resolution                                Compression
                                                    ½ gigabit/sec
        of YouTube!
                                                                    Basis for
                                                  Keio University    Digital
                                                  President Anzai    Cinema

                                                      UCSD            NTT
                                                   Chancellor Fox

Calit2@UCSD Auditorium
CineGrid @ iGrid2005:
        Six Hours of 4K Projected in Calit2 Auditorium
4K Distance Learning

                                             4K Virtual Reality
4K Scientific Visualization                                       4K Anime

                              4K Digital Cinema

                              Source: Laurin Herr
CineGrid Founding Members
•   Cisco Systems
•   Keio University DMC
•   Lucasfilm Ltd.
•   NTT Network Innovation Laboratories
•   Pacific Interface Inc.
•   Ryerson University/Rogers Communications Centre
•   San Francisco State University/INGI
•   Sony Electronics America
•   University of Amsterdam
•   University of California San Diego/Calit2/CRCA
•   University of Illinois Chicago/EVL
•   University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign/NCSA
•   University of Southern California/School of Cinematic Arts
•   University of Washington/Research Channel

            The Founding Members of CineGrid are an extraordinary mix of media
                arts schools, research universities, and scientific laboratories
            connected by 1GE and 10GE networks used for research & education
From Digital Cinema to Scientific Visualization:
       JPL Simulation of Monterey Bay
                                                     4k Resolution

         Source: Donna Cox, Robert Patterson, NCSA
              Funded by NSF LOOKING Grant
Cisco CWave for CineGrid: A New Cyberinfrastructure
       for High Resolution Media Streaming*
                                                          Source: John (JJ) Jamison, Cisco
 1000 Denny Way
 (Westin Bldg.)
                                                            Northwestern Univ
 Level3                                                     Chicago
 1360 Kifer Rd.                                                                  McLean
 Sunnyvale                        2007

       818 W. 7th St.
       Los Angeles        CENIC Wave
                                         Cisco Has Built 10 GigE Waves on CENIC, PW,
                                          & NLR and Installed Large 6506 Switches for
              Calit2                       Access Points in San Diego, Los Angeles,
              San Diego                     Sunnyvale, Seattle, Chicago and McLean
          CWave core PoP                            for CineGrid Members
                                          Some of These Points are also GLIF GOLEs
          10GE waves on NLR and CENIC (LA to SD)

             *                                            May 2007
Ten Years Old Technologies--the Shared Internet
          & the Web--Have Made the World “Flat”
• But Today’s Innovations
  –   Dedicated Fiber Paths
  –   Streaming HD TV
  –   Large Display Systems
  –   Massive Computing and Storage

• Are Reducing the World to a “Single Point”
  – How Will Industry, Universities, and Our Society Reorganize

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Coupling Australia’s Researchers to the Global Innovation Economy
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Larry Smarr
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Larry Smarr
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Larry Smarr
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Larry Smarr
Shrinking the Planet: A New Global Research Platform –Dedicated 10Gbps Lightp...
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Larry Smarr
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Larry Smarr
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Larry Smarr
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Larry Smarr
How Fiber Optics are Transforming our World
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Larry Smarr
The Pacific Research Platform: a Science-Driven Big-Data Freeway System
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The Pacific Research Platform: a Science-Driven Big-Data Freeway System
Larry Smarr
Quantum Teleportation
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Ahmed Banafa
Physics Research in an Era of Global Cyberinfrastructure
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Physics Research in an Era of Global Cyberinfrastructure
Larry Smarr
OptIPlanet Collaboratory
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Larry Smarr
OptIPlanet Collaboratory
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Larry Smarr
NCSA and Telepresence Collaboration
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Larry Smarr
The Pacific Research Platform:a Science-Driven Big-Data Freeway System
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The Pacific Research Platform:a Science-Driven Big-Data Freeway System
Larry Smarr
High Performance Collaboration – The Jump to Light Speed
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High Performance Collaboration – The Jump to Light Speed
Larry Smarr

Similar to How Personal Lightwaves Enable Telepresence: Collapsing the Flat World to a “Point” (20)

How Personal Lightwaves Enable Telepresence: Collapsing the Flat World to a “...
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How Personal Lightwaves Enable Telepresence: Collapsing the Flat World to a “...
Bringing 3D, Ultra-Resolution, and Virtual Reality into the Global LambaGrid ...
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Bringing 3D, Ultra-Resolution, and Virtual Reality into the Global LambaGrid ...
Education in a Globally Connected World
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Education in a Globally Connected World
Coupling Australia’s Researchers to the Global Innovation Economy
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Coupling Australia’s Researchers to the Global Innovation Economy
Coupling Australia’s Researchers to the Global Innovation Economy
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Coupling Australia’s Researchers to the Global Innovation Economy
Coupling Australia’s Researchers to the Global Innovation Economy
Coupling Australia’s Researchers to the Global Innovation EconomyCoupling Australia’s Researchers to the Global Innovation Economy
Coupling Australia’s Researchers to the Global Innovation Economy
Living in the Future
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Living in the Future
Shrinking the Planet: A New Global Research Platform –Dedicated 10Gbps Lightp...
Shrinking the Planet: A New Global Research Platform –Dedicated 10Gbps Lightp...Shrinking the Planet: A New Global Research Platform –Dedicated 10Gbps Lightp...
Shrinking the Planet: A New Global Research Platform –Dedicated 10Gbps Lightp...
2008—The Year of Global Telepresence
2008—The Year of Global Telepresence2008—The Year of Global Telepresence
2008—The Year of Global Telepresence
A Pioneer Speaks – A History & Future of Telepresence
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A Pioneer Speaks – A History & Future of Telepresence
How Global-Scale Personal Lightwaves are Transforming Scientific Research
How Global-Scale Personal Lightwaves are Transforming Scientific ResearchHow Global-Scale Personal Lightwaves are Transforming Scientific Research
How Global-Scale Personal Lightwaves are Transforming Scientific Research
How Fiber Optics are Transforming our World
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How Fiber Optics are Transforming our World
The Pacific Research Platform: a Science-Driven Big-Data Freeway System
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Quantum Teleportation
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Quantum Teleportation
Physics Research in an Era of Global Cyberinfrastructure
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OptIPlanet Collaboratory
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OptIPlanet Collaboratory
OptIPlanet Collaboratory
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OptIPlanet Collaboratory
NCSA and Telepresence Collaboration
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NCSA and Telepresence Collaboration
The Pacific Research Platform:a Science-Driven Big-Data Freeway System
The Pacific Research Platform:a Science-Driven Big-Data Freeway SystemThe Pacific Research Platform:a Science-Driven Big-Data Freeway System
The Pacific Research Platform:a Science-Driven Big-Data Freeway System
High Performance Collaboration – The Jump to Light Speed
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High Performance Collaboration – The Jump to Light Speed

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Larry Smarr
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Larry Smarr
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How Personal Lightwaves Enable Telepresence: Collapsing the Flat World to a “Point”

  • 1. How Personal Lightwaves Enable Telepresence: Collapsing the Flat World to a “Point” UCLA Marschak Colloquium Los Angeles, CA May 9, 2008 Dr. Larry Smarr Director, California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology Harry E. Gruber Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Jacobs School of Engineering, UCSD
  • 2. Abstract The idea of global Telepresence is over fifty years old, originally being a central feature of science fiction. During the last few years, a radical restructuring of global optical networks supporting e-Science projects has begun enabling Telepresence, as well as eliminating distance to remote global data repositories, scientific instruments, and computational resources, all from the researcher's campus laboratory. I will describe how this user configurable "OptIPuter" global platform opens new frontiers in collaborative work environments, digital cinema, interactive environmental observatories, brain imaging, and marine microbial metagenomics. The experiential effect is to collapse the Flat World, created by the shared Internet and Web, to a single point...
  • 3. Fifty Years Ago, Asimov Described a World of Telepresence 1956 A policeman from Earth, where the population all lives underground in close quarters, is called in to investigate a murder on a distant world. This world is populated by very few humans, rarely if ever, coming into physical proximity of each other. Instead the people "View" each other with trimensional “holographic” images.
  • 4. TV and Movies of 40 Years Ago Envisioned Telepresence Displays Source: Star Trek 1966-68; Barbarella 1968
  • 5. The Bellcore VideoWindow -- A Working Telepresence Experiment (1989) “Imagine sitting in your work place lounge having coffee with some colleagues. Now imagine that you and your colleagues are still in the same room, but are separated by a large sheet of glass that does not interfere with your ability to carry on a clear, two-way conversation. Finally, imagine that you have split the room into two parts and moved one part 50 miles down the road, without impairing the quality of your interaction with your friends.” Source: Fish, Kraut, and Chalfonte-CSCW 1990 Proceedings
  • 6. A Simulation of Telepresence Using Analog Communications to Prototype the Digital Future “What we really have to do is eliminate distance • Televisualization: between individuals who want to interact with other – Telepresence people and with other computers.” ― Larry Smarr, Director, NCSA – Remote Interactive Visual Illinois Supercomputing – Multi-disciplinary Scientific Visualization Boston “We’re using satellite technology…to demo what It might be like to have high-speed fiber-optic links between advanced computers in two different geographic locations.” ATT & ― Al Gore, Senator Chair, US Senate Subcommittee on Science, Technology and Space Sun SIGGRAPH 1989
  • 7. Caterpillar / NCSA: Distributed Virtual Reality for Global-Scale Collaborative Prototyping Real Time Linked Virtual Reality and Audio-Video Between NCSA, Peoria, Houston, and Germany 1996
  • 8. California’s Institutes for Science and Innovation A Bold Experiment in Collaborative Research California Institute for Bioengineering, Biotechnology, and Quantitative Biomedical Research Center for Information Technology Research UCD in the Interest of Society UCM UCB UCSF California UCSC NanoSystems Institute UCSB California Institute for UCLA Telecommunications and UCI Information Technology UCSD
  • 9. Calit2 Continues to Pursue Its Initial Mission: Envisioning How the Extension of Innovative Telecommunications and Information Technologies Throughout the Physical World will Transform Critical Applications Important to the California Economy and its Citizens’ Quality Of Life. Calit2 is a University of California “Institutional Innovation” Experiment on How to Invent a Persistent Collaborative Research and Education Environment that Provides Insight into How the UC, a Major Research University, Might Evolve in the Future. Calit2 Review Report: p.1
  • 10. Two New Calit2 Buildings Provide New Laboratories for “Living in the Future” • “Convergence” Laboratory Facilities – Nanotech, BioMEMS, Chips, Radio, Photonics – Virtual Reality, Digital Cinema, HDTV, Gaming • Over 1000 Researchers in Two Buildings – Linked via Dedicated Optical Networks UC Irvine Preparing for a World in Which Distance is Eliminated…
  • 11. Broadband Depends on Where You Are • Mobile Broadband 100,000 Fold Range – 0.1-0.5 Mbps All Here Today! • Home Broadband – 1-10 Mbps “The future is already here, it’s just not evenly distributed” William Gibson, Author of Neuromancer • University Dorm Room Broadband – 10-100 Mbps • Calit2 Global Broadband – 1,000-10,000 Mbps
  • 12. The Unrelenting Exponential Growth of Data Requires an Exponential Growth in Bandwidth • “The Global Information Grid will need to store and access exabytes of data on a realtime basis by 2010” – Dr. Henry Dardy (DOD), Optical Fiber Conference, Los Angeles, CA USA, Mar 2006 • “Each LHC experiment foresees a recorded raw data rate of 1 to several PetaBytes/year” – Dr. Harvey Neuman (Cal Tech), Professor of Physics • “US Bancorp backs up 100 TB financial data every night – now.” – David Grabski (VP Information Tech. US Bancorp), Qwest High Performance Networking Summit, Denver, CO. USA, June 2006. • “The VLA facility is now able to generate 700 Gbps of astronomical data and the Extended VLA will reach 3.2 Terabits per second by 2009.” – Dr. Steven Durand, National Radio Astronomy Observatory, E-VLBI Workshop, MIT Haystack Observatory., Sep 2006. Source: Jerry Sobieski MAX / University of Maryland
  • 13. Shared Internet Bandwidth: Unpredictable, Widely Varying, Jitter, Asymmetric 10000 12 Minutes 1000x Normal Stanford Server Limit Internet! Computers In: 1000 Time to Move UCSD Australia a Terabyte 100 Outbound (Mbps) Canada Czech Rep. Data Intensive India 10 Days 10 Sciences Japan Require Korea Fast Predictable Mexico 1 Bandwidth Moorea Netherlands Poland 0.1 Taiwan United States 0.01 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Source: Larry Smarr and Friends Inbound (Mbps) Measured Bandwidth from User Computer to Stanford Gigabit Server in Megabits/sec
  • 14. Cisco Telepresence Provides Leading Edge Commercial VTC • 191 Cisco TelePresence  85,854 TelePresence  13,450 Meetings Avoided in Major Cities Globally Meetings Scheduled to Date Travel – US/Canada: 83 CTS Average to Date 3000, 46 CTS 1000  Weekly Average is 2,263 (Based on 8 Participants) – APAC: 17 CTS 3000, Meetings 4 CTS 1000 ~$107.60 M To Date  108,736 Hours – Japan: 4 CTS 3000, 2  Cubic Meters of Emissions CTS 1000  Average is 1.25 Hours Saved 16,039,052 (6,775 – Europe: 22 CTS Cars off the Road) 3000, 10 CTS 1000 – Emerging: 3 CTS 3000 Uses QoS Over Shared Internet ~ 15 mbps • Overall Average Utilization is 45% Cisco Bought WebEx Source: Cisco 3/22/08
  • 15. Dedicated Optical Channels Makes High Performance Cyberinfrastructure Possible (WDM) 10 Gbps per User ~ 200x Shared Internet Throughput c=λ* f Source: Steve Wallach, Chiaro Networks “Lambdas” Parallel Lambdas are Driving Optical Networking The Way Parallel Processors Drove 1990s Computing
  • 16. National Lambda Rail (NLR) Provides Cyberinfrastructure Backbone for U.S. Researchers Links Two Dozen State and Regional Optical Networks NLR 4 x 10Gb Lambdas Initially Capable of 40 x 10Gb wavelengths at Buildout
  • 17. Distributed Supercomputing: NASA MAP ’06 System Configuration Using NLR
  • 18. Campus Preparations Needed to Accept CENIC CalREN Handoff to Campus Source: Jim Dolgonas, CENIC
  • 19. To Build a Campus Dark Fiber Network— First, Find Out Where All the Campus Conduit Is!
  • 20. Current UCSD Experimental Optical Core: Ready to Couple to CENIC L1, L2, L3 Services Quartzite Communications To 10GigE cluster node interfaces Goals by Core Year 3 2008: CENIC L1, L2 >= 50 endpoints at 10 GigE Quartzite Wavelength Services Selective >= 32 Packet switched Core ..... Switch Lucent >= 32 Switched wavelengths To 10GigE cluster node interfaces and other switches >= 300 Connected endpoints To cluster nodes ..... Glimmerglass Approximately 0.5 TBit/s To cluster nodes Arrive at the “Optical” Center Production ..... GigE Switch with Dual 10GigE Upliks of Campus Switch OOO 32 10GigE To cluster nodes ..... Switching will be a Hybrid GigE Switch with Combination of: Dual 10GigE Upliks Force10 Packet, Lambda, Circuit -- ... ToOOO and Packet Switches Packet Switch CalREN-HPR GigE Switch with Dual 10GigE Upliks other Research nodes Already in Place Cloud GigE Funded by 10GigE NSF MRI Campus Research 4 GigE 4 pair fiber Grant Cloud Cisco 6509 Juniper T320 OptIPuter Border Router Source: Phil Papadopoulos, SDSC/Calit2 (Quartzite PI, OptIPuter co-PI)
  • 21. Calit2 Sunlight Optical Exchange Contains Quartzite 10:45 am Feb. 21, 2008
  • 22. The OptIPuter Project: Creating High Resolution Portals Over Dedicated Optical Channels to Global Science Data Scalable Adaptive Graphics Environment (SAGE) $13.5M Over Five Years Picture Source: Mark Ellisman, David Lee, Jason Leigh Calit2 (UCSD, UCI) and UIC Lead Campuses—Larry Smarr PI Univ. Partners: SDSC, USC, SDSU, NW, TA&M, UvA, SARA, KISTI, AIST Industry: IBM, Sun, Telcordia, Chiaro, Calient, Glimmerglass, Lucent
  • 23. My OptIPortalTM – Affordable Termination Device for the OptIPuter Global Backplane • 20 Dual CPU Nodes, 20 24” Monitors, ~$50,000 • 1/4 Teraflop, 5 Terabyte Storage, 45 Mega Pixels--Nice PC! • Scalable Adaptive Graphics Environment ( SAGE) Jason Leigh, EVL-UIC Source: Phil Papadopoulos SDSC, Calit2
  • 24. The Calit2 200 Megapixel OptIPortals at UCSD and UCI Are Now a Gbit/s HD Collaboratory NASA Ames Visit Feb. 29, 2008 Calit2@ UCI wall Calit2@ UCSD wall NASA Ames is Completing a 245 Mpixel Hyperwall as Project Columbia Interface
  • 25. U Michigan Virtual Space Interaction Testbed (VISIT) Instrumenting OptIPortals for Social Science Research • Using Cameras Embedded in the Seams of Tiled Displays and Computer Vision Techniques, we can Understand how People Interact with OptIPortals – Classify Attention, Expression, Gaze – Initial Implementation Based on Attention Interaction Design Toolkit (J. Lee, MIT) • Close to Producing Usable Eye/Nose Tracking Data using OpenCV Leading U.S. Researchers on the Social Aspects of Collaboration Source: Erik Hofer, UMich, School of Information
  • 26. OptIPortals Are Being Adopted Globally AIST-Japan Osaka U-Japan KISTI-Korea CNIC-China UZurich NCHC-Taiwan SARA- Netherlands Brno-Czech Republic U. Melbourne, EVL@UIC Calit2@UCSD Calit2@UCI Australia
  • 27. Green Initiative: Can Optical Fiber Replace Airline Travel for Continuing Collaborations ? Source: Maxine Brown, OptIPuter Project Manager
  • 29. Launch of the 100 Megapixel OzIPortal Over Qvidium Compressed HD on 1 Gbps CENIC/PW/AARNet Fiber
  • 30. “Using the Link to Build the Link” Calit2 and Univ. Melbourne Technology Teams No Calit2 Person Physically Flew to Australia to Bring This Up!
  • 31. UM Professor Graeme Jackson Planning Brain Surgery for Severe Epilepsy
  • 32. Victoria Premier and Australian Deputy Prime Minister Asking Questions
  • 33. University of Melbourne Vice Chancellor Glyn Davis in Calit2 Replies to Question from Australia
  • 34. EVL’s SAGE Global Visualcasting to Europe September 2007 Gigabit Streams Image Viewing Image Viewing Image Image Image Image Source Replication Viewing Viewing OptIPortals at OptIPortal at EVL Russian OptIPuter OptIPuter OptIPortal OptIPortal at Chicago Academy of servers at SAGE- at SARA Masaryk Sciences CALIT2 Bridge at Amsterdam University Moscow San Diego StarLight Brno Oct 1 Chicago Source: Luc Renambot, EVL
  • 35. Calit2, SDSC, and SIO are Creating Environmental Observatory Rooms
  • 36. Remote Interactive High Definition Video of Deep Sea Hydrothermal Vents Canadian-U.S. Collaboration Source John Delaney & Deborah Kelley, UWash
  • 37. e-Science Collaboratory Without Walls Enabled by iHDTV Uncompressed HD Telepresence 1500 Mbits/sec Calit2 to UW Research Channel Over NLR May 23, 2007 John Delaney, PI LOOKING, Neptune Photo: Harry Ammons, SDSC
  • 38. The New Science of Metagenomics “The emerging field NRC Report: of metagenomics, where the DNA of entire Metagenomic communities of microbes data should is studied simultaneously, be made presents the greatest opportunity publicly -- perhaps since the invention of available in the microscope – international to revolutionize understanding of archives as the microbial world.” – rapidly as possible. National Research Council March 27, 2007
  • 39. The Genetic Diversity of Ocean Microbes Provides Novel Genetic Components for Bioengineering Clean Energy Plus 155 Marine Microbial Each Sample Genomes ~2000 Specify Microbial Ocean Data Species Sorcerer II Data Will Double Number of Proteins in GenBank!
  • 40. Calit2 Community Cyberinfrastructure for Advanced Marine Microbial Ecology Research and Analysis (CAMERA) Compute and Storage Complex 512 Processors ~5 Teraflops ~ 200 Terabytes Storage Source: Phil Papadopoulos, SDSC, Calit2
  • 41. CAMERA’s Global Microbial Metagenomics CyberCommunity— Can We Employ Social Network Software? Over 1850 Registered Users From Over 50 Countries
  • 42. OptIPlanet Collaboratory Persistent Infrastructure Between Calit2 and U Washington Photo Credit: Alan Decker Feb. 29, 2008 Ginger Armbrust’s Diatoms: Micrographs, Chromosomes, Genetic Assembly iHDTV: 1500 Mbits/sec Calit2 to UW Research Channel Over NLR UW’s Research Channel Michael Wellings
  • 43. Genome and Medical Biosciences Building First 10Gbps OptIPortal End Point at UC Davis ~70 Faculty ~25+ new ~700 people Six floors 225,000 sq ft $98M Molecular Medicine Genomics & Bioinformatics Pharmacology Biomedical Engineering Enabling Genomics Facility Imaging & Vivarium
  • 44. Borderless Collaboration Between Global University Research Centers at 10Gbps iGrid Maxine Brown, Tom DeFanti, Co-Chairs 2005 THE GLOBAL LAMBDA INTEGRATED FACILITY September 26-30, 2005 Calit2 @ University of California, San Diego California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology 100Gb of Bandwidth into the Calit2@UCSD Building More than 150Gb GLIF Transoceanic Bandwidth! 450 Attendees, 130 Participating Organizations 20 Countries Driving 49 Demonstrations 1- or 10- Gbps Per Demo
  • 45. First Trans-Pacific Super High Definition Telepresence Meeting Using Digital Cinema 4k Streams 4k = 4000x2000 Pixels = 4xHD Streaming 4k 100 Times with JPEG 2000 the Resolution Compression ½ gigabit/sec of YouTube! Lays Technical Basis for Global Keio University Digital President Anzai Cinema Sony UCSD NTT Chancellor Fox SGI Calit2@UCSD Auditorium
  • 46. CineGrid @ iGrid2005: Six Hours of 4K Projected in Calit2 Auditorium 4K Distance Learning 4K Virtual Reality 4K Scientific Visualization 4K Anime 4K Digital Cinema Source: Laurin Herr
  • 47. CineGrid Founding Members • Cisco Systems • Keio University DMC • Lucasfilm Ltd. • NTT Network Innovation Laboratories • Pacific Interface Inc. • Ryerson University/Rogers Communications Centre • San Francisco State University/INGI • Sony Electronics America • University of Amsterdam • University of California San Diego/Calit2/CRCA • University of Illinois Chicago/EVL • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign/NCSA • University of Southern California/School of Cinematic Arts • University of Washington/Research Channel The Founding Members of CineGrid are an extraordinary mix of media arts schools, research universities, and scientific laboratories connected by 1GE and 10GE networks used for research & education
  • 48. From Digital Cinema to Scientific Visualization: JPL Simulation of Monterey Bay 4k Resolution Source: Donna Cox, Robert Patterson, NCSA Funded by NSF LOOKING Grant
  • 49. Cisco CWave for CineGrid: A New Cyberinfrastructure for High Resolution Media Streaming* Source: John (JJ) Jamison, Cisco PacificWave 1000 Denny Way (Westin Bldg.) Seattle StarLight Northwestern Univ Level3 Chicago 1360 Kifer Rd. McLean Sunnyvale 2007 Equinix 818 W. 7th St. Los Angeles CENIC Wave Cisco Has Built 10 GigE Waves on CENIC, PW, & NLR and Installed Large 6506 Switches for Calit2 Access Points in San Diego, Los Angeles, San Diego Sunnyvale, Seattle, Chicago and McLean CWave core PoP for CineGrid Members Some of These Points are also GLIF GOLEs 10GE waves on NLR and CENIC (LA to SD) * May 2007
  • 50. Ten Years Old Technologies--the Shared Internet & the Web--Have Made the World “Flat” • But Today’s Innovations – Dedicated Fiber Paths – Streaming HD TV – Large Display Systems – Massive Computing and Storage • Are Reducing the World to a “Single Point” – How Will Industry, Universities, and Our Society Reorganize Themselves?