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Other titles in this series:                 Parliament Explained 6
      1 Parliamentary Elections
      2 House of Commons
      3 Parliament & Government                    The House
      4 Making a Law
      5 Debates in Parliament                      of Lords
                                                   The UK’s second chamber,
                                                   complementing the work
                                                   of the Commons.

      Parliamentary Copyright 2006
                                                   What is the House of Lords?	                       1
      May be reproduced for purposes of private
      study, research or educational use without   The State Opening of Parliament	                   1
      permission. Reproduction for sale or other
                                                   What does it do?	                                  2
      commercial purposes not permitted.
                                                   How does the House organise itself?	               7
      Chris Weeds
      Education Officer                            Who does the work?	                                9
      April 2006                                   Key dates in the history of the Lords	           10

No6 House of Lords.indd 1-2                                                                 24/04/2006 17:06:19
The House                                                                                     What does it do?

                               of Lords                                                                              1. Makes Laws
                                                                                                                     The House of Lords is a key contributor to the process
                                                                                                                     of initiating, revising and amending legislation. It
                                                                                                                     spends two-thirds of its time doing this.
                                      hat is the House of Lords?
                               The House of Lords is the second chamber,
                               or upper house, of the UK’s bi-cameral                                                2. Scrutinises Government
                                                                                                                     The House of Lords acts as a check on the activities
                               (two chamber) parliament. Together with                                               of the Government (Executive).
                               the House of Commons and the Crown,
                               the House of Lords forms our Parliament.
                               It has evolved over hundreds of years
                               and has played a central role in the UK’s                                             3. Provides independent expertise
                                                                                                                     The House of Lords draws on the wide-ranging
                               parliamentary system since its origins in the
                                                                                                                     expertise of its members and, through its
                               14th century. Like the House of Commons                                               committees, conducts internationally respected
                               and other ancient institutions, it continues                                          investigations into specialist subjects.

                               to change and develop.

                                                                                                                     4. Carries out judicial work
                                     The State Opening
                                                                                                                     The House of Lords is home to the highest Court
                                                                                                                     of Appeal in the UK (except for criminal cases in
                                     of Parliament                                                                   Scotland).
                               Most people are familiar with the House of Lords from the
                               television coverage of the State Opening of Parliament. This
                               is a great parliamentary occasion which takes place at the
                                                                                                                     What the House of Lords does and how it spends its time
                               beginning of the new Parliamentary year, usually in October
                               or November, or immediately after a general election as in
                               May 1997, June 2001 and May 2005. The Queen comes to
                               Westminster for the ceremonial opening of the new session of
                               Parliament. From the throne in the House of Lords (see picture),
                                                                                                                                                                          Revising Legislation 60%
                               the Queen reads the speech, prepared by the Cabinet, which sets                                                                            Including:
                                                                                                                                                                          Bills 55%
                               out her Government’s plans for the forthcoming year. The State
                                                                                                                                                                          Statutory Instruments 5%
                               Opening is one of the few occasions when all three parts of
                               Parliament meet together - the Crown, the Lords and the Commons.
                               It is the main ceremonial event of the Parliamentary year.

                                                                                                  Scrutiny 40%
                                                                                                      Debates 22%
                                                                                                    Questions 14%
                                                                                                    Statements 4%

                                                                                                                     Information based on statistics compiled by the House of
                                                                                                                     Lords Information Office between 1997 and 2005.
       Parliament Explained
                                                                                                                                                                                                     The House of Lords 

No6 House of Lords.indd 1-2                                                                                                                                                                                  24/04/2006 17:06:22
1. Making Laws                                                                                                                                                               2. Scrutinising the Government
      The House of Lords is an integral part                                                                                                                                       It is the duty of Parliament as a whole                                   Starred Questions (Question time)
      of the law-making process. All laws must                                     The Powers of the Lords                                                                         to keep an eye on the work of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             The House of Lords, like the House of Commons, makes Government ministers answer
      be agreed by both the House of Lords and                                                                                                                                     Government by making Government
                                                                                   These are limited by both law and convention:                                                                                                                             questions about their work. At the beginning of business from Monday to Thursday in
      the House of Commons, before receiving                                                                                                                                       ministers answer for the work they do
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             the Lords, a number of oral questions are asked. These are known as “Starred Questions”
      the Queen’s approval (Royal Assent).                                         The Parliament Acts of 1911 and 1949          Although rarely invoked, the Parliament           and the decisions they make. The House
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             because they have stars, or asterisks (*) next to them on the Order Paper. Question
      The House of Lords reviews bills                                                                                           Acts provide a framework and a means              of Lords does this in several ways:
                                                                                   These define the powers of the Lords                                                                                                                                      time in the Lords takes about half an hour and includes opportunities for supplementary
      sponsored by Government which                                                                                              of resolving disagreement between the
                                                                                   in relation to public bills. In general,                                                                                                                                  questions.
      come from the Commons. A sizeable                                                                                          Commons and Lords. They have only been
                                                                                   the Lords can hold up most bills they
      proportion of bills begin in the House                                                                                     used three times.
                                                                                   disagree with for about a year but
      of Lords each year, sometimes because
                                                                                   ultimately the elected House of Commons       Commons Privilege
      the Bill is technical rather than political
                                                                                   can reintroduce it in the following
      but also to spread                                                                                                         The Commons have claimed a general
                                                                                   session and pass it without the Lords'
      the legislative workload more evenly                                                                                       privilege in relation to the raising and
                                                                                   consent, except for:
      between the two Houses.                                                                                                    spending of taxpayers’ money since
                                                                                     Bills prolonging the length of              the 17th century. Bills to raise taxes
      The House of Lords can propose and
                                                                                     a parliament beyond 5 years                 or authorise expenditure always start
      make changes known as amendments.
                                                                                                                                 in the Commons and cannot be amended
      But its powers are limited; if it doesn’t                                    •	 Private Bills
                                                                                                                                 by the Lords.
      approve of a piece of legislation, it can
      only delay its passage into law for up
                                                                                     Bills sent up to the Lords less than                                                                                                                                    General debates
                                                                                     a month before the end of a session
      to a year. After that, there are rules to                                                                                                                                                                                                              If a member believes strongly in a particular cause (e.g. the improvement of race
      ensure that the wishes of the House of                                       •	 Bills which start in the Lords                                                                                                                                         relations or the reduction of Third World debt) then a general debate can be a good way
      Commons and the Government of the                                                                                                                                                                                                                      of attracting attention to the issue. The general debate is a discussion, and there is
      day prevail.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           not usually a vote at the end. Debates will usually tackle some matter of public interest
                                                                                  Public Bills                                                                                                                                                               or provide an opportunity for discussing a report which has just come out. The Lords
                                                                                  Bills which affect us all are known as Public Bills. There are two types of public bill:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             provides a valuable opportunity to discuss important matters, drawing on its members’
                                                                                  Bills introduced by Government, and bills introduced by an individual member in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             wide range of expertise. One day a week is set aside either for one longer or two shorter
                                                                                  either of the two Houses. The second type are known as private members’ bills. Often
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             debates lasting a maximum of five hours. Such debates have tackled topics such as post-
                                                                                  such Bills do not become law because of a shortage of parliamentary time, usually
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             16 educational arrangements.
                                                                                  in the Commons, but nonetheless provide an opportunity to raise important national
                                                                                  issues. One example of a successful private member’s bill is The Protection of Animals
                                                                                  (Amendment) Act 2000 (known as the puppy farming bill) which was introduced to
                                                                                  secure tighter regulation of commercial dog-breeding.
                                                                                                                                                                                   Liberal Democrat Baroness Williams
      Stages of Public Bills                                                      Private Bills                                                                                    speaking in a debate.
                                                                                  These are called “private” (as opposed to “private members”) bills because the legislation
                          Introduction and First Reading
                                                                                  is specific to one area or group of people. Examples of recent private bills are the Kent
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Mini debates (Unstarred Questions)
                                                                                  County Council Act 2001 and the City of Newcastle upon Tyne Act 2000.                                                                                                      The exchanges on a Starred Question are usually brief. But an Unstarred Question leads
                                    Second Reading
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             to a short debate. Like Adjournment debates in the Commons, they can be about almost
                                                                                  Delegated legislation                                                                                                                                                      anything. The member who asks the Question makes a speech, then other members
                                                                                  When Parliament makes a new law it often gives a Government minister the power to fill                                                                                     contribute and finally the minister explains the Government’s views on the subject.
             �            �                �               �             �        in the details. This is because Parliament does not have time to oversee all the detailed                                                                                  Unstarred Questions are asked on most sitting days, usually in the dinner break or at
                    Committee of                       Special �
          Grand                         Select                      Public Bill
                       the �
                    Whole House
                                                      Public Bill
                                                                    Committee     legislative requirements of each Government department. This power is known as                                                                                             the end of the day’s business.
                                                                                  delegated (or secondary) legislation, and is carried out through Statutory Instruments
                                                                                  (SIs), Orders and Regulations. Procedures exist for examining these, but they come into
                                                                                  play after the parent act or primary legislation has passed through Parliament.
                                                                                  Through its Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee, the House of Lords plays
                                                                                                                                                                                   The recent rise in Questions
                                                                                  a crucial role in ensuring that a proper balance is struck. The committee’s chief concern
                                                                                                                                                                                   for Written Answers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Written questions
                                     Third Reading                                is with the extent of legislative powers proposed to be delegated by a bill to government
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Questions may also be put down for a written answer. Full replies are expected within
                                                                                  ministers, and its function is to vet all proposed delegated powers before the Bill passes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             a fortnight and printed in the back of the Lords Hansard. The volume of these has
                                   House of Commons                               through the House of Lords. The Committee was set up in 1989 partly to increase control      6,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             increased significantly in recent years.
                                                                                  of the Executive while at the same time saving parliamentary time.                           5,000
                                                    Consideration of�
                                                  Commons Amendments              Another committee (the Merits of Statutory Instruments Committee) was set up in              4,000
                                                                                  December 2003 to identify important statutory instruments which merit further debate and     3,000
                                     Royal Assent                                                                                                                                                                                                            Government statements on important or urgent issues are made by the Minister
                                                                                  consideration. In the Chamber, unpopular things could slip through the net if the House of
                                                                                                                                                                               2,000                                                                         responsible for the subject in the House of Lords. Most statements are made in the
                                                                                  Lords did not act as a watchdog by generally keeping an eye on and debating this type
                                                                                                                                                                               1,000                                                                         Commons, and repeated in the Lords by a junior minister. This is followed by a limited
                                                                                  of regulation.
                                                                                                                                                                                  0                                                                          time for immediate questioning. Subjects can range from the announcement of a White
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Paper to an emergency such as a major rail accident or an international crisis.







                                                                                                                                                                                       Short session due to general election
       Parliament Explained                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           The House of Lords 

No6 House of Lords.indd 3-4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    24/04/2006 17:06:26
3. Providing independent expertise                                                                                                              4. Carrying out judicial work
       The Lords also has a number of                   Unlike the Commons, Lords investigative        The European Union Committee has                The House of Lords is the highest          The modern form of appeal to the                If any British citizen disagrees with a
       Select Committees, like the House                committees do not mirror the work of           more than 70 members serving it and its         court in the land - the supreme court      House was established by the Appellate          decision made by a lower court, he or she
       of Commons. Some of these deal                   particular government departments.             seven sub-committees. Members have              of appeal. It acts as the final court      Jurisdiction Act 1876 when provision            has a right to take action to overturn that
       with internal management and                     Instead, they deal with broader issues         a wealth of professional experience in          on points of law for the whole of the      was made for the creation of Law Lords          decision. This right is ancient but the
       administration but most carry out                and draw on the wide-ranging experience        the areas they scrutinise, they examine         United Kingdom in civil cases and for      (the first life peers). These peers, formally   conditions under which an appeal can be
       important investigative work on                  of members. In this way, the House of          draft European Union (EU) legislation           England, Wales and Northern Ireland        known as Lords of Appeal in Ordinary,           made have become closely defined in statute
       matters of public interest. When an              Lords system of committees complements         and policy proposals on a wide range            in criminal cases. Its decisions are       also sit in the House like other members.       over the last century. Permission to pursue
       investigative committee completes its            the scrutiny of the executive carried out      of topics. The committee has reported           binding for all other UK courts. The       Today there may be up to 12 Lords of            a case at this level is known as “leave to
       work on a particular issue, a report             by the Commons.                                on future EU spending plans, the                vast majority of members have no           Appeal in Ordinary and they are usually         appeal” and there are a number of routes
       of its conclusions is issued for the                                                            constitutional treaty, Channel Tunnel rail      part to play in the House’s judicial       appointed from the Lords Justices of            a case may take to get this far.
                                                        There are four main areas of work -
       House to debate, and for the public                                                             freight, weapons of mass destruction and        work, which is carried out only by         Appeal, or less frequently, from judges
                                                        Europe, Science, the Economy and the                                                                                                                                                      Once it is decided that a case should go
       to see what it had discovered. These                                                            life-long learning.                             highly qualified judges called Law         of the High Court. In addition, former
                                                        Constitution - but occasionally, for various                                                                                                                                              before the Law Lords, Appeal proceedings
       reports are highly respected for their                                                                                                          Lords. Only cases of public importance     Lords of Appeal in Ordinary, former Lord
                                                        reasons, a separate committee will be set      The Science and Technology Committee                                                                                                       take place. These are open to the public
       balance, independence and authority.                                                                                                            where a significant a point of law is      Chancellors and holders of other high
                                                        up to deal with a particular issue.            was set up in 1979 to consider science                                                                                                    and held in committee rooms. Proceedings
                                                                                                                                                       involved are heard by the Law Lords.       judicial office are entitled to sit as Law
                                                                                                       and technology - a very wide brief.                                                                                                       are not as formal as they are in the lower
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Lords under the Act but in practice do so
                                                                                                       Over 20 members are involved; including                                                                                                    courts; the Law Lords wear ordinary suits
       A committee sitting              Specialist Adviser1 Chairman2     Clerk3                                                                       NB The Constitutional Reform Act           infrequently.
                                                                                                       eminent scientists with wide ranging                                                                                                       - not robes or wigs. Once their conclusions
                                                                                                                                                       2005 provides for the separating of
                                                                                                       experience of science, industry, medicine                                                                                                  are reached, the result (or judgment) is
                                                                                                                                                       the judiciary (legal system) from
                                                                                                       and research as well as high-level policy-                                                                                                 announced in the Lords chamber. As well
                                                                                                                                                       the legislature (parliament) and the
                                                                                                       making. Recent reports have covered                                                                                                        as the Law Lords who again, do not wear
                                                                                                                                                       executive (government).
                                                                                                       a UK strategy for radioactive waste                                                                                                        robes or wigs, any member of the House
                                                                                                       management, avian flu, stem cell research                                                                                                  may attend. Judgments are available on
                                                                                                                                                       •  eforms the office of Lord
                                                        Official reporters4                             and the dangers of deep vein thrombosis                                                                                                    the internet.
                                                                                                                                                         Chancellor who, as head of the
                                                                                                       in long-haul air travel.
                                                                                                                                                         judiciary, appoints judges;

                                                                                                                                                                                                   the law lodds r
                                                                                                       The Economic Affairs Committee looks            •  ets up a separate, independent
                                                                                                       at issues such as how globalisation should        supreme court (from October

                                                                                                                                                                                                    have ma e e
                                                                                                       be defined, and whether this should be            2009);
                                = Memebers                                                             different from an open and integrated           •  stablishes an independent

                                                                                                                                                                                                   an admirablur
                                                                                                       world economy. Members include a former           Judicial Appointments
                                                                                                       Chief Secretary to the Treasury, professors       Commission.

                                                                                                                                                                                                   de f e n c e o f o
                                                                                                       of economics, former senior Treasury civil
                                                                                                       servants, a former newspaper economics

                                                                                                                                                                                                      freedoms Cris
                                                           Witnesses                                   editor as well as practising businessmen.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          is as Lords
                                                                                                       The Constitution Committee was set up in
                                                                                                       2000 to keep under review the operation of
                                                                                                       the constitution. Since our constitution is
                                                                                                       uncodified and derived from interpretations                                                                    say anti-terror
                                                         Public seating
                                                                                                       of the statute books, this committee keeps
                                                                                                       a watchful eye on legislative changes that                                                                     laws are illegal
                                                                                                       may affect the way it operates.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                designe rong to make
                                                                                                       Sometimes ad hoc investigative committees
                                                                                                       are set up to look at particular issues which

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       r baby, L
                                                                                                       do not fit into the four main areas above.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ords tol
                                                                                                       The BBC Charter Review Committee is

                                                                                                       one example. This was set up to examine
                                                                                                       government proposals for the future of the
                                                                                                       BBC and how it will be funded.

                                3                                                                                                                      The law lords

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   rdict o kes
   1                     2                                                                             Sometimes controversial bills are referred

                                                                                                                                                                                                            ges’ ve provo
                                                                                                       to a select committee, e.g. the Assisted        Sitting, left to right: Lord Nicholls of

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Jud r laws
                                                                                                       Dying for the Terminally Ill Bill. This         Birkenhead, Lord Bingham of Cornhill and

                                                                                                                                                                                                          rro utional crisis
                                                                                                       committee heard evidence from around 140        Lord Steyn.
                                                                                                       expert witnesses and visited four countries
                                                                                                       with experience of practising euthanasia.
                                                                                                                                                       Standing, left to right: Lord Walker of
                                                                                                                                                                                                        te tit
                                                                                                                                                       Gestingthorpe, Lord Carswell, Baroness
                                                                                                                                                       Hale of Richmond, Lord Brown of Eaton-
                                                                                                                                                       under-Heywood, Lord Roger of Earlsferry,
                                                                                                                                                       Lord Hope of Craighead, Lord Scott of
                                                                                                                                                       Foscotte, Lord Saville of Newdigate and
                                                                                                                                                       Lord Hoffmann.
        Parliament Explained                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                The House of Lords 

No6 House of Lords.indd 5-6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          24/04/2006 17:06:30
How does the House organise itself?
      Party Strengths                                                        Parties and other groups                    The crossbenchers have similar meetings.                 Not every department has a minister in          Some key officers of the House of Lords
                                                                                                                         Each week, a list of forthcoming business                the Lords, and this is where the Whips
       As at 1 March 2006                                                    The House of Lords is organised on a        is circulated to members of the party                    step in. As well as their normal Whip’s
       250                                                                   party basis in much the same way as the     - underlined once, twice or three times,                 business, they are expected to help out at      Government	                                  Administration
       200       205         206
                                                                             House of Commons, but with important        with three lines indicating the most                     Question Time and in debates. Even with
                                                                             differences. Members of the House of        important business (a three line whip).                  seven Government Whips in the Lords
                                                                             Lords are less rigidly partisan than in                                                              helping out in this way, there are still not
                                                                                                                         Although party discipline has become
                                                                             the Commons, whose elected members                                                                   enough spokespeople to go round. Each
                                                                                                                         stricter in recent years, Whips in the House
                                                                             are more sensitive to political and                                                                  spokesperson, therefore, even if holding a
                                                                                                                         of Lords are not in such a strong position
                                                             26              constituency interests. Many members                                                                 ministerial post, has to answer questions
         0                                                            12
                                                                                                                         as those in the Commons. Most MPs in the
                                                                             of the House are not members of any                                                                  on a number of different subjects. As
             Conservative   Labour    Liberal Crossbench
                                                           Bishops   Other
                                                                                                                         Commons rely on the sponsorship of their
                                                                             political party. Those who do not support                                                            all questions in the House of Lords are
       (Source: House of Lords Information Office, March 2006)                                                            party to keep their seats.
                                                                             one of the three main parties are known                                                              addressed to the Government, not just
                                                                             as Independents or Cross Benchers. The      This is not the case in the Lords which is               one government department, some Whips
                                                                             crossbench group is a distinctive feature   not elected, so the Whips can only use                   act as spokesmen on several different
                                                                             of the House of Lords.                      persuasion, not threats. As a result, Whips              subjects for several different departments.
                                                                                                                         cannot predict how the Lords will vote.
                                                                             How business is decided                     The House of Lords’ contribution to the                  The working year
                                                                                                                         parliamentary process is characterised
                                                                             All political parties in the House of
                                                                                                                         more by its independence of thought
                                                                                                                                                                                  and daily business
                                                                             Lords hold party meetings, as they do
                                                                                                                         and its breadth of specialist expertise. In              The House of Lords sits at 2.30pm
                                                                             in the Commons, to discuss forthcoming                                                                                                               The Lord Chancellor is a member of           The Clerk of the Parliaments’ role is
      The Weekly Whip                                                                                                    this way it complements the work of the                  on Mondays and Tuesdays, 3pm on
                                                                             business. This process of organising                                                                                                                 the Cabinet and is Speaker of the House      steeped in history but similar to that of
                                                                                                                         Commons.                                                 Wednesdays and 11am on Thursdays. It
                                                                             business involves the ‘Whips’ (business                                                                                                              ex officio. His role as Speaker is very      a Chief Executive. As the House of Lords’
                                                                                                                                                                                  sometimes sits on a Friday, also at 11am.
                                                                             managers) and party leaders. They are                                                                                                                different to that of the House of Commons    most senior permanent official, he is
                                                                             often known as the ‘usual channels’.
                                                                                                                         Ministers                                                The House usually sits until about 10.00
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Speaker. The Lord Chancellor sits on the     responsible for the House’s management,
                                                                                                                                                                                  - 11.00pm but has been known to sit all
                                                                                                                         The Lord Chancellor* and the Leader of                                                                   Woolsack but does not call upon members      administration and finances. Essentially,
                                                                                                                                                                                  night. On average nearly 400 peers attend
                                                                                                                         the House are usually cabinet members,                                                                   to speak and has no powers to call the       the office’s function is to serve and
                                                                                                                                                                                  daily. Like the Commons, the Lords have
                                                                                                                         and they carry out Government duties                                                                     House to order. The Constitutional Reform    support the needs of the House.
                                                                                                                                                                                  breaks at Christmas, Easter, late Spring
                                                                                                                         in addition to their roles at the House                                                                  Act 2005 makes changes to the office
                                                                                                                                                                                  Bank Holiday and in the summer. They
                                                                                                                         of Lords. Most heads of government                                                                       of Lord Chancellor, including the role of
                                                                                                                                                                                  usually sit on about 160 days a year.
                                                                                                                         departments sit in the Commons, and                                                                      Speaker. Members of the House will elect
                                                                                                                         are therefore not permitted to answer                    Business in the chamber on a typical day        a new Speaker in June 2006.
                                                                                                                         questions or contribute to debates in                    is ordered as follows:
                                                                                                                         the Lords. But as there is a need for
                                                                                                                                                                                    Prayers (before public business begins)
                                                                                                                         spokespeople who can explain Government
                                                                                                                         policy in the Lords, the Government of                   •	
                                                                                                                                                                                    question time (Starred Questions)
                                                                                                                         the day will often draw some of its senior
                                                                                                                         Cabinet members from the House of Lords.
                                                                                                                                                                                    debates (or motions - usually on Thursdays)
                                                                                                                         * The Office of Lord Chancellor will change
                                                                                                                         under the terms of the Constitutional                    •	 Unstarred Question (mini-debates)
                                                                                                                         Reform Act 2005 (see page 6).
                                                                                                                                                                                  Select committee work takes place outside
                                                                                                                                                                                  the chamber in the mornings and the
                                                                                                                                                   Minister at the despatch box   afternoons when members may have to
                                                                                                                                                                                  juggle their time between attending a
                                                                                                                                                                                  committee and participating in business
                                                                                                                                                                                  in the chamber.                                                                              Black Rod’s post, like the Clerk of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The Leader of the House has a                Parliaments’, has existed for as long as the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  responsibility to the House as a whole       House itself. He is responsible for control
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  as well as being leader of the party in      of access to the House, maintaining
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Government. The Leader is also a member      order within the precincts and domestic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  of the Cabinet. It is to The Leader, and     arrangements within the House. He also
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  not to the Lord Chancellor, that members     has royal duties associated with the Order
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  turn for advice and ‘leadership’ on points   of the Garter and the State Opening
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  of order and procedure. Lords business is    of Parliament. The House of Commons
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  expected to be conducted in an orderly       equivalent is the Serjeant at Arms.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and polite fashion without the need for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  an active Speaker.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The House of Lords 

No6 House of Lords.indd 7-8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       24/04/2006 17:06:36
House of Lords Explained

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House of Lords Explained

  • 1. Other titles in this series: Parliament Explained 6 1 Parliamentary Elections 2 House of Commons 3 Parliament & Government The House 4 Making a Law 5 Debates in Parliament of Lords The UK’s second chamber, complementing the work of the Commons. Parliamentary Copyright 2006 What is the House of Lords? 1 May be reproduced for purposes of private study, research or educational use without The State Opening of Parliament 1 permission. Reproduction for sale or other What does it do? 2 commercial purposes not permitted. How does the House organise itself? 7 Chris Weeds Education Officer Who does the work? 9 April 2006 Key dates in the history of the Lords 10 No6 House of Lords.indd 1-2 24/04/2006 17:06:19
  • 2. The House What does it do? of Lords 1. Makes Laws The House of Lords is a key contributor to the process of initiating, revising and amending legislation. It spends two-thirds of its time doing this. W hat is the House of Lords? The House of Lords is the second chamber, or upper house, of the UK’s bi-cameral 2. Scrutinises Government The House of Lords acts as a check on the activities (two chamber) parliament. Together with of the Government (Executive). the House of Commons and the Crown, the House of Lords forms our Parliament. It has evolved over hundreds of years and has played a central role in the UK’s 3. Provides independent expertise The House of Lords draws on the wide-ranging parliamentary system since its origins in the expertise of its members and, through its 14th century. Like the House of Commons committees, conducts internationally respected and other ancient institutions, it continues investigations into specialist subjects. to change and develop. 4. Carries out judicial work The State Opening The House of Lords is home to the highest Court of Appeal in the UK (except for criminal cases in of Parliament Scotland). Most people are familiar with the House of Lords from the television coverage of the State Opening of Parliament. This is a great parliamentary occasion which takes place at the What the House of Lords does and how it spends its time beginning of the new Parliamentary year, usually in October or November, or immediately after a general election as in May 1997, June 2001 and May 2005. The Queen comes to Westminster for the ceremonial opening of the new session of Parliament. From the throne in the House of Lords (see picture), Revising Legislation 60% the Queen reads the speech, prepared by the Cabinet, which sets Including: Bills 55% out her Government’s plans for the forthcoming year. The State Statutory Instruments 5% Opening is one of the few occasions when all three parts of Parliament meet together - the Crown, the Lords and the Commons. It is the main ceremonial event of the Parliamentary year. Scrutiny 40% Including: Debates 22% Questions 14% Statements 4% Information based on statistics compiled by the House of Lords Information Office between 1997 and 2005. Parliament Explained The House of Lords No6 House of Lords.indd 1-2 24/04/2006 17:06:22
  • 3. 1. Making Laws 2. Scrutinising the Government The House of Lords is an integral part It is the duty of Parliament as a whole Starred Questions (Question time) of the law-making process. All laws must The Powers of the Lords to keep an eye on the work of the The House of Lords, like the House of Commons, makes Government ministers answer be agreed by both the House of Lords and Government by making Government These are limited by both law and convention: questions about their work. At the beginning of business from Monday to Thursday in the House of Commons, before receiving ministers answer for the work they do the Lords, a number of oral questions are asked. These are known as “Starred Questions” the Queen’s approval (Royal Assent). The Parliament Acts of 1911 and 1949 Although rarely invoked, the Parliament and the decisions they make. The House because they have stars, or asterisks (*) next to them on the Order Paper. Question The House of Lords reviews bills Acts provide a framework and a means of Lords does this in several ways: These define the powers of the Lords time in the Lords takes about half an hour and includes opportunities for supplementary sponsored by Government which of resolving disagreement between the in relation to public bills. In general, questions. come from the Commons. A sizeable Commons and Lords. They have only been the Lords can hold up most bills they proportion of bills begin in the House used three times. disagree with for about a year but of Lords each year, sometimes because ultimately the elected House of Commons Commons Privilege the Bill is technical rather than political can reintroduce it in the following but also to spread The Commons have claimed a general session and pass it without the Lords' the legislative workload more evenly privilege in relation to the raising and consent, except for: between the two Houses. spending of taxpayers’ money since • Bills prolonging the length of the 17th century. Bills to raise taxes The House of Lords can propose and a parliament beyond 5 years or authorise expenditure always start make changes known as amendments. in the Commons and cannot be amended But its powers are limited; if it doesn’t • Private Bills by the Lords. approve of a piece of legislation, it can only delay its passage into law for up • Bills sent up to the Lords less than General debates a month before the end of a session to a year. After that, there are rules to If a member believes strongly in a particular cause (e.g. the improvement of race ensure that the wishes of the House of • Bills which start in the Lords relations or the reduction of Third World debt) then a general debate can be a good way Commons and the Government of the of attracting attention to the issue. The general debate is a discussion, and there is day prevail. not usually a vote at the end. Debates will usually tackle some matter of public interest Public Bills or provide an opportunity for discussing a report which has just come out. The Lords Bills which affect us all are known as Public Bills. There are two types of public bill: provides a valuable opportunity to discuss important matters, drawing on its members’ Bills introduced by Government, and bills introduced by an individual member in wide range of expertise. One day a week is set aside either for one longer or two shorter either of the two Houses. The second type are known as private members’ bills. Often debates lasting a maximum of five hours. Such debates have tackled topics such as post- such Bills do not become law because of a shortage of parliamentary time, usually 16 educational arrangements. in the Commons, but nonetheless provide an opportunity to raise important national issues. One example of a successful private member’s bill is The Protection of Animals (Amendment) Act 2000 (known as the puppy farming bill) which was introduced to secure tighter regulation of commercial dog-breeding. Liberal Democrat Baroness Williams Stages of Public Bills Private Bills speaking in a debate. These are called “private” (as opposed to “private members”) bills because the legislation Introduction and First Reading is specific to one area or group of people. Examples of recent private bills are the Kent Mini debates (Unstarred Questions) County Council Act 2001 and the City of Newcastle upon Tyne Act 2000. The exchanges on a Starred Question are usually brief. But an Unstarred Question leads Second Reading to a short debate. Like Adjournment debates in the Commons, they can be about almost Delegated legislation anything. The member who asks the Question makes a speech, then other members When Parliament makes a new law it often gives a Government minister the power to fill contribute and finally the minister explains the Government’s views on the subject. � � � � � in the details. This is because Parliament does not have time to oversee all the detailed Unstarred Questions are asked on most sitting days, usually in the dinner break or at Committee of Special � Grand Select Public Bill Committee the � Whole House Committee Public Bill Committee Committee legislative requirements of each Government department. This power is known as the end of the day’s business. delegated (or secondary) legislation, and is carried out through Statutory Instruments (SIs), Orders and Regulations. Procedures exist for examining these, but they come into play after the parent act or primary legislation has passed through Parliament. Report Through its Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee, the House of Lords plays The recent rise in Questions a crucial role in ensuring that a proper balance is struck. The committee’s chief concern for Written Answers Written questions Third Reading is with the extent of legislative powers proposed to be delegated by a bill to government Questions may also be put down for a written answer. Full replies are expected within ministers, and its function is to vet all proposed delegated powers before the Bill passes a fortnight and printed in the back of the Lords Hansard. The volume of these has House of Commons through the House of Lords. The Committee was set up in 1989 partly to increase control 6,000 increased significantly in recent years. of the Executive while at the same time saving parliamentary time. 5,000 Statements Consideration of� Commons Amendments Another committee (the Merits of Statutory Instruments Committee) was set up in 4,000 December 2003 to identify important statutory instruments which merit further debate and 3,000 Royal Assent Government statements on important or urgent issues are made by the Minister consideration. In the Chamber, unpopular things could slip through the net if the House of 2,000 responsible for the subject in the House of Lords. Most statements are made in the Lords did not act as a watchdog by generally keeping an eye on and debating this type 1,000 Commons, and repeated in the Lords by a junior minister. This is followed by a limited of regulation. 0 time for immediate questioning. Subjects can range from the announcement of a White Paper to an emergency such as a major rail accident or an international crisis. 1992-93 1994-95 1996-97 1998-99 2000-01 2002-03 2004-05 Short session due to general election Parliament Explained The House of Lords No6 House of Lords.indd 3-4 24/04/2006 17:06:26
  • 4. 3. Providing independent expertise 4. Carrying out judicial work The Lords also has a number of Unlike the Commons, Lords investigative The European Union Committee has The House of Lords is the highest The modern form of appeal to the If any British citizen disagrees with a Select Committees, like the House committees do not mirror the work of more than 70 members serving it and its court in the land - the supreme court House was established by the Appellate decision made by a lower court, he or she of Commons. Some of these deal particular government departments. seven sub-committees. Members have of appeal. It acts as the final court Jurisdiction Act 1876 when provision has a right to take action to overturn that with internal management and Instead, they deal with broader issues a wealth of professional experience in on points of law for the whole of the was made for the creation of Law Lords decision. This right is ancient but the administration but most carry out and draw on the wide-ranging experience the areas they scrutinise, they examine United Kingdom in civil cases and for (the first life peers). These peers, formally conditions under which an appeal can be important investigative work on of members. In this way, the House of draft European Union (EU) legislation England, Wales and Northern Ireland known as Lords of Appeal in Ordinary, made have become closely defined in statute matters of public interest. When an Lords system of committees complements and policy proposals on a wide range in criminal cases. Its decisions are also sit in the House like other members. over the last century. Permission to pursue investigative committee completes its the scrutiny of the executive carried out of topics. The committee has reported binding for all other UK courts. The Today there may be up to 12 Lords of a case at this level is known as “leave to work on a particular issue, a report by the Commons. on future EU spending plans, the vast majority of members have no Appeal in Ordinary and they are usually appeal” and there are a number of routes of its conclusions is issued for the constitutional treaty, Channel Tunnel rail part to play in the House’s judicial appointed from the Lords Justices of a case may take to get this far. There are four main areas of work - House to debate, and for the public freight, weapons of mass destruction and work, which is carried out only by Appeal, or less frequently, from judges Europe, Science, the Economy and the Once it is decided that a case should go to see what it had discovered. These life-long learning. highly qualified judges called Law of the High Court. In addition, former Constitution - but occasionally, for various before the Law Lords, Appeal proceedings reports are highly respected for their Lords. Only cases of public importance Lords of Appeal in Ordinary, former Lord reasons, a separate committee will be set The Science and Technology Committee take place. These are open to the public balance, independence and authority. where a significant a point of law is Chancellors and holders of other high up to deal with a particular issue. was set up in 1979 to consider science and held in committee rooms. Proceedings involved are heard by the Law Lords. judicial office are entitled to sit as Law and technology - a very wide brief. are not as formal as they are in the lower Lords under the Act but in practice do so Over 20 members are involved; including courts; the Law Lords wear ordinary suits A committee sitting Specialist Adviser1 Chairman2 Clerk3 NB The Constitutional Reform Act infrequently. eminent scientists with wide ranging - not robes or wigs. Once their conclusions 2005 provides for the separating of experience of science, industry, medicine are reached, the result (or judgment) is the judiciary (legal system) from and research as well as high-level policy- announced in the Lords chamber. As well the legislature (parliament) and the making. Recent reports have covered as the Law Lords who again, do not wear executive (government). a UK strategy for radioactive waste robes or wigs, any member of the House It: management, avian flu, stem cell research may attend. Judgments are available on • eforms the office of Lord r Official reporters4 and the dangers of deep vein thrombosis the internet. Chancellor who, as head of the in long-haul air travel. judiciary, appoints judges; the law lodds r The Economic Affairs Committee looks • ets up a separate, independent s at issues such as how globalisation should supreme court (from October have ma e e be defined, and whether this should be 2009); = Memebers different from an open and integrated • stablishes an independent e an admirablur world economy. Members include a former Judicial Appointments Chief Secretary to the Treasury, professors Commission. de f e n c e o f o of economics, former senior Treasury civil servants, a former newspaper economics freedoms Cris Witnesses editor as well as practising businessmen. is as Lords The Constitution Committee was set up in 2000 to keep under review the operation of the constitution. Since our constitution is uncodified and derived from interpretations say anti-terror Public seating of the statute books, this committee keeps a watchful eye on legislative changes that laws are illegal may affect the way it operates. Couple w designe rong to make Sometimes ad hoc investigative committees are set up to look at particular issues which r baby, L do not fit into the four main areas above. ords tol The BBC Charter Review Committee is d one example. This was set up to examine government proposals for the future of the BBC and how it will be funded. n 3 The law lords rdict o kes 1 2 Sometimes controversial bills are referred 4 ges’ ve provo to a select committee, e.g. the Assisted Sitting, left to right: Lord Nicholls of Jud r laws Dying for the Terminally Ill Bill. This Birkenhead, Lord Bingham of Cornhill and rro utional crisis committee heard evidence from around 140 Lord Steyn. expert witnesses and visited four countries with experience of practising euthanasia. Standing, left to right: Lord Walker of te tit cons Gestingthorpe, Lord Carswell, Baroness Hale of Richmond, Lord Brown of Eaton- under-Heywood, Lord Roger of Earlsferry, Lord Hope of Craighead, Lord Scott of Foscotte, Lord Saville of Newdigate and Lord Hoffmann. Parliament Explained The House of Lords No6 House of Lords.indd 5-6 24/04/2006 17:06:30
  • 5. How does the House organise itself? Party Strengths Parties and other groups The crossbenchers have similar meetings. Not every department has a minister in Some key officers of the House of Lords Each week, a list of forthcoming business the Lords, and this is where the Whips As at 1 March 2006 The House of Lords is organised on a is circulated to members of the party step in. As well as their normal Whip’s 250 party basis in much the same way as the - underlined once, twice or three times, business, they are expected to help out at Government Administration 200 205 206 House of Commons, but with important with three lines indicating the most Question Time and in debates. Even with 190 differences. Members of the House of important business (a three line whip). seven Government Whips in the Lords 150 Lords are less rigidly partisan than in helping out in this way, there are still not Although party discipline has become 100 the Commons, whose elected members enough spokespeople to go round. Each stricter in recent years, Whips in the House 50 74 are more sensitive to political and spokesperson, therefore, even if holding a of Lords are not in such a strong position 26 constituency interests. Many members ministerial post, has to answer questions 0 12 as those in the Commons. Most MPs in the of the House are not members of any on a number of different subjects. As Conservative Labour Liberal Crossbench Democrats Bishops Other Commons rely on the sponsorship of their political party. Those who do not support all questions in the House of Lords are (Source: House of Lords Information Office, March 2006) party to keep their seats. one of the three main parties are known addressed to the Government, not just as Independents or Cross Benchers. The This is not the case in the Lords which is one government department, some Whips crossbench group is a distinctive feature not elected, so the Whips can only use act as spokesmen on several different of the House of Lords. persuasion, not threats. As a result, Whips subjects for several different departments. cannot predict how the Lords will vote. How business is decided The House of Lords’ contribution to the The working year parliamentary process is characterised All political parties in the House of more by its independence of thought and daily business Lords hold party meetings, as they do and its breadth of specialist expertise. In The House of Lords sits at 2.30pm in the Commons, to discuss forthcoming The Lord Chancellor is a member of The Clerk of the Parliaments’ role is The Weekly Whip this way it complements the work of the on Mondays and Tuesdays, 3pm on business. This process of organising the Cabinet and is Speaker of the House steeped in history but similar to that of Commons. Wednesdays and 11am on Thursdays. It business involves the ‘Whips’ (business ex officio. His role as Speaker is very a Chief Executive. As the House of Lords’ sometimes sits on a Friday, also at 11am. managers) and party leaders. They are different to that of the House of Commons most senior permanent official, he is often known as the ‘usual channels’. Ministers The House usually sits until about 10.00 Speaker. The Lord Chancellor sits on the responsible for the House’s management, - 11.00pm but has been known to sit all The Lord Chancellor* and the Leader of Woolsack but does not call upon members administration and finances. Essentially, night. On average nearly 400 peers attend the House are usually cabinet members, to speak and has no powers to call the the office’s function is to serve and daily. Like the Commons, the Lords have and they carry out Government duties House to order. The Constitutional Reform support the needs of the House. breaks at Christmas, Easter, late Spring in addition to their roles at the House Act 2005 makes changes to the office Bank Holiday and in the summer. They of Lords. Most heads of government of Lord Chancellor, including the role of usually sit on about 160 days a year. departments sit in the Commons, and Speaker. Members of the House will elect are therefore not permitted to answer Business in the chamber on a typical day a new Speaker in June 2006. questions or contribute to debates in is ordered as follows: the Lords. But as there is a need for • Prayers (before public business begins) spokespeople who can explain Government policy in the Lords, the Government of • question time (Starred Questions) the day will often draw some of its senior • legislation Cabinet members from the House of Lords. • debates (or motions - usually on Thursdays) * The Office of Lord Chancellor will change under the terms of the Constitutional • Unstarred Question (mini-debates) Reform Act 2005 (see page 6). Select committee work takes place outside the chamber in the mornings and the Minister at the despatch box afternoons when members may have to juggle their time between attending a committee and participating in business in the chamber. Black Rod’s post, like the Clerk of the The Leader of the House has a Parliaments’, has existed for as long as the responsibility to the House as a whole House itself. He is responsible for control as well as being leader of the party in of access to the House, maintaining Government. The Leader is also a member order within the precincts and domestic of the Cabinet. It is to The Leader, and arrangements within the House. He also not to the Lord Chancellor, that members has royal duties associated with the Order turn for advice and ‘leadership’ on points of the Garter and the State Opening of order and procedure. Lords business is of Parliament. The House of Commons expected to be conducted in an orderly equivalent is the Serjeant at Arms. and polite fashion without the need for an active Speaker. The House of Lords No6 House of Lords.indd 7-8 24/04/2006 17:06:36