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Yenepoya Homoeopathic medical college and hospital
• At the end of this lecture, participants
should be able to describe the
therapeutic indications Furuncle,
Carbuncle & Abscess.
2DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H
• Belladonna
• Hepar sulphuris
• Silicea
• Lachesis
• Mercurius solubilis
• Sulphur
• Rhus toxicodendron
• Arsenicum album
• Calcarea sulphurica
• Arnica
• Echinacea angustifolia
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• This remedy is often indicated in early stages
of inflammation, before much pus has formed.
• The area is red, hot, throbbing, and tender,
often with intense or stabbing pains.
• Jarring or touch may increase discomfort.
• The person may also feel excitable or feverish.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• This remedy can be utilized for all forms of
boils or abscesses that display very violent
symptoms in the person and those which
arise very suddenly in the body.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• Some of the typical symptoms such patients
may endure can include the presence of a
burning heat in the affected region of the
skin, along with a reddened, dry and swollen
area of the skin.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• The parts swell rapidly, become bright red,
there is intense throbbing which is painful,
pus develops speedily the swelling
increases and the redness radiates; here
Belladonna is in close relation with Hepar
and Mercurius.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• The remedy can also be used in the treatment of an
impending abscess before it fully develops, and in
cases of boils before pus or thick bloody pus begins
to form.
• It comes in earlier than either of these remedies
and corresponds more closely to the active,
aesthetic variety of abscess before pus is matured.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• In abscesses about the alveolar processes,
the so called gum boils, Belladonna is often
the first remedy and Mercurius follows
here in most cases.
• In acute glandular abscess Belladonna is
often indicated and is a beginning remedy.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• Individuals include the presence of
throbbing attacks of pain, and also cutting
types of pain in the area of the abscess.
• The affected region of the body is
characterized by the presence of spreading
red streaks on the surface of the skin.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• This remedy can also be used in the case of
boils on the face, in case of abscess of the
throat, in the liver, the joints, and other
areas such as the breasts, and the glands all
over the body.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• The condition of such patients typically tends to
worsen when they are exposed to cold drafts, when
they are touched, or if they are subjected to
• The condition of the patient may also be aggravated
after 3 p.m. at night, and in general at all times past
midnight, and more so when lying down.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
Hepar Sulphuris
• Is the great homoeopathic remedy for
suppurations where the pus is not decomposed.
• It can be used as a homeopathic remedy in the
treatment of abscesses as it brings the pustule
to a head causes it to break-thus aiding in
healing and recovery
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• Excessive sensitiveness of the parts is a leading
• It is further indicated by these symptoms:
chilly sensations, throbbing in the parts, or
sharp, sticking pains which are worse at night
and from If given low in threatening suppuration
it will favor the formation of pus.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• The suppurative process will often be aborted by
Hepar if given in the higher potencies.
• Such abscesses as felon or whitlow generally do
well under Hepar.
• The patient tends to have symptoms such as the
development of a hardened and hot, throbbing
skin in the affected region.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• The symptoms can include the presence of sharp
shooting and splinter-like pain in the abscess.
• The area tends to be extremely tender to the
touch, and is very sensitive to pressure.
• The abscess is given to bleeding very easily and
must be carefully handled.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• This form of abscess forms whenever infection
occurs in a wound.
• The abscess is given to bleeding very easily and
must be carefully handled.
• This form of abscess forms whenever infection
occurs in a wound.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• Such abscesses tend to be characterized
by the presence of abundant, thick and
acrid pus which can be easily identified.
• The pus has a peculiar odor and smells
cheesy or sour.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• Such abscesses can occur in areas of the body
such as the tonsils and the gums, in the breasts,
the lungs or the sinus, in the rectum, and even in
the lymph glands of the individual.
• These forms of pustules or boils can often come
out or break out in crops and affect a large
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• Chamomilla is not a remedy to suggest itself in
abscess, yet has proved valuable in promoting
the formation of pus in chronic abscesses where
Hepar has failed to act promptly, and in making
the pains more bearable.
• This remedy is taken to speed up the collection
of pus.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• This remedy is taken once the boil is open to
speed up drainage and healing.
• If there be a bruised pain present, sometimes
Arnica may do good.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• The condition of the patient often worsens at
night time, and when the patients is exposed to
the cold air, to sudden drafts, or when he or she
is uncovered, and such patients are sensitive to
• The condition of the patient may significantly
improve when he or she is wrapped in warm
clothes. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• Is the remedy where the suppuration continues
and the wound refuses to heal, no matter where
the suppurative process is located; the pus is
apt to be thin, watery, and the process is
sluggish and indolent one.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• It can be used as a general homeopathic remedy
in the treatment of boils, fistulas and
abscesses of all types on the body.
• Such abscesses tend to affect areas of the
body such as the bones, the joints, the cornea,
and can occur in the glands and the tonsils, in
the region of the breast, and even on the gums.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• The abscesses tend to have pus which is colored
yellow or green, it is generally very thick, or
sometimes thin and can often be bloody or
tinged with blood, these discharges tend to
have a very foul odor.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• The remedy can be used in the treatment of
boils which have hardened in the affected area
of the body.
• The use of this particular remedy is also
recommended for all cases where the abscess
fails to discharge and in cases where the pus
keeps coming for a long period of time.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• The remedy can also be used if a wound with an
abscess fails to heal over a long period of time.
• The silicea in general promotes the closure of
the pustule, and leads to a prevention of
scarring or scar tissue formation in the
affected area of skin.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• These abscesses can lead to secondary
infections as they get infected very easily.
• The homeopathic remedy is particularly
effective in expelling foreign objects and
related infectious pathogens from the body.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• Under Silicea the suppurative process takes on a
healthy action , the pus becomes benign, granulation
• It is then time to stop the remedy, for if it be
continued it may undo the good it has done, and
another remedy, probably Fluoric acid ,will have to
be given.
• This remedy antidotes the overuse of Silicea.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• Silicea is usually prescribed after an abscess
has been lanced or opened by means of poultice.
• It, too, is a remedy for all fistulous burrowing.
• In rectal fistula it is very often the remedy;
great nervous erythrism, if present, is an
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• There is often considerable foetor to the discharge of
Silicea cases.
• Scrofulous and tubercular abscesses especially call for
• Warmth is very grateful to the Silicea patient. Fluoric
acid has relief from cold. Abscesses having much
cellular infiltration in their vicinity call for Silicea.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• The condition of the patient can greatly worsen when
he or she is exposed to cold and damp conditions or
weather, and when he or she is exposed to drafts, the
patient may be very sensitive to jarring movements,
and the symptoms are aggravated during the night.
• The condition of the patient can substantially improve
when some heat is applied topically.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• It is to be used in the homeopathic treatment
of patients affected with boils that have a dark
bluish or purplish tinge in the affected area; the
skin around the main boil often has many smaller
boils in a cluster.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• These forms of boils tend to be very bloody or
black and the pustules in general are often
• These boils can result from blood poisoning that
the person has suffered.
• The patient often cannot bear the bandage in
the affected area.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• The symptoms of the boil in a person include
the presence of burning pains at most
• The boils tend to arise because of the body
having some ulceration due to other causes.
• The boils tend to bleed very easily.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• Indicated in low conditions of abscess, when pus
in thin, dark, ichorous, and offensive in
• The abscess can also often affect various
internal organs such as the tonsils and the
ovaries besides other areas in the body.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• These forms of abscess develop in a gradual
manner, they tend to heal in a very incomplete
manner and leave a typical hardened area in the
affected site after completion.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• The condition of the patient can often greatly
worsen during the nighttime, slightest pressure
from a touch, any constriction, by heat, and the
left side of the body.
• The condition of the patient can significantly
improve after he or she has bathed.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
Mercurius solubilis
• Differing from Belladonna, from Hepar, and
especially from Silicea is Mercurius, which is one
of our good remedies in abscess.
• It comes in after Belladonna, when pus has
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• It is to be used as a homeopathic remedy in the
treatment of abscesses that produce thin
yellow-green and foul smelling pus; this
discharge tends to be extremely acrid.
• The abscess tends to have a very prickling pain
in the affected region and the skin tends to
burn and sting at all times.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• The abscesses may develop in the glands, in the
gums, on the tonsils, or in internal organs such
as the liver and the ovaries, the breasts, the
bone, and even the brain are other areas where
these could develop.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• This remedy must be used in the treatment of
recurrent boils as the remedy speeds up
suppuration and recovery.
• It favors the formation of pus especially in the
lower potencies, and is especially indicated in
glandular abscesses; the pus is greenish in tint,
and quite thin and fluid.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• The remedy can also be used in the treatment of all
abscesses that develop slowly or in the case of cold
• All such abscesses are characterized by the
discharge of abundant pus from the affected area.
• The patients also tend to suffer from ulceration of
all types.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• The affected individual also tends to have
pustules with a very foul odor which affects the
smell of the sweat, along with the pus itself,
and even the saliva of such persons may become
• The abscess affected person often suffers
from chills because of the problem.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• There is intense, shining redness with
throbbing and stinging pains.
• It does not follow Silicea well.
• From Hepar it is to be distinguished by general
symptoms; even the suppurative process is
slower, and all the pains are greatly aggravated
at night.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• In abscesses at the roots of the teeth it is one
of our best remedies, and it is often
efficacious in toothache due to this cause.
• It is a remarkable remedy in pyorrhea and will
make extraction of teeth unnecessary.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• It will often abort suppuration when used in the
highest potencies, as in tonsillitis, where it is a
most valuable remedy.
• Another typical physical symptom is the
swelling of the glands.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• The condition of the patient often worsens
during the nighttime, the patient is very easily
aggravated by both heat and cold and drafts,
and will worsen in damp weather.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• It can be used in the homeopathic treatment of
all types of abscesses, boils and pimples
especially the ones that tend to occur in crops
on the affected area.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• Is also a remedy which may be used with the
greatest benefit in abscesses and suppuration;
especially is it useful in chronic cases where the
discharge is profuse, accompanied with
emaciation and hectic fever.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• The typical outward sign of such pustules
are the formation of offensive smelling,
thin yellow pus, which is often bloody, and
contains bubbles, that all tend to form a
crust on the surface of the affected area.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• Abscesses in scrofulous persons, where there is
a marked psoric taint and a tendency to boils,
correspond to Sulphur.
• The pus is acrid and excoriating.
• Crops of boils in various parts of the body
indicate the remedy well.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• The typical physical symptoms include the
presence of extreme burning sensations, along
with stinging and itching in the affected parts.
• The remedy can also be used to treat all forms
of ulcerations in the patient.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• The treatment is especially suggested for all
kinds of abscesses that develop on the skin, in
the glands, in the internal organs, and on the
gums of the affected individual.
• These abscesses tend to form out of wounds
that have become too easily infected and have
led to the formation of a pustule.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• The remedy can be effectively used to treat all
recurrent or persistent abscesses on any part of
the body.
• It is suggested for abscesses that are sluggish
in healing, and those which have parts that
remain sore even after a full recovery.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• The condition of the patient tends to significantly
worsen when the individual is in the warmth of a
bed, and around 11 a.m., during the night, and if the
person is given to excessive scratching.
• The condition of the patient often improves with
the application of a warm compress as a topical
measure on the affected region of the skin.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
Rhus toxicodendron
• Is a very useful remedy in acute suppuration;
especially has it been found useful in suppurative
conditions about the eye.
• Rhus toxicodendron is another remedy for
abscesses of the parotid or axillary glands
where there is a discharge of a bloody, serous
pus. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• The evident poisoned condition of the system
and tendency of the abscess to take on a
carbunculous state will indicate Rhus.
• Pustulous chilblains.-Exanthema in general;
burning; burning itching; pustulous; with
swelling; blotches; like milk-crust; moist; like
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• It has proved curative in abscesses about the
parotid and axillary glands; the pus is bloody
and serous, the pain is intense, and the swelling
is dark red.
• Rhus corresponds very closely to septicemia.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
Arsenicum album
• This remedy is useful for deeply infected boils
with intensely burning pain and offensive
• Boils filled with blood and pus.
• Tettery spots, covered with phlyctenae and
furfur, with burning nocturnal pains.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• Carbuncles with burning pains.
• Warmth and hot applications usually are
• The person may feel exhausted and ill, yet
anxiety and discomfort also make them
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
Calcarea sulphurica
• Excellent remedy for abscess which is slow to
heal after rupture, with a continues discharge
of yellow pus.
• Burns and scalds when suppuration takes place.
• Suppurative processes come within the range of
this remedy, after pus has found a vent.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• Suppurating stage of tonsillitis, when abscess is
• Abscesses with yellow, purulent crusts or discharge.
Purulent exudations in or upon the skin.
• Abscesses which have their seat in the connective
tissue, if they are the result of stasis in the
connective tissue tubule.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• Hard or suppurating glands.
• After mechanical injuries, when in neglected cases
suppuration has set in and an abscess is discharging
Greenish, brownish, yellow crusts.
• Painful abscesses about the anus in cases of fistula.
• Patient desires open air but sensitive to drafts.
Tendency to the formation of abscess
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• Indicated for Boils, Carbuncle & Abscess.
• Septic conditions; prophylactic of pus infection.
• "Many small boils or blood-boils, one after another,
are painful & extremely sore."
• Is the remedy where abscesses and boils do not
mature; they shrivel up, then another crop comes
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• Arnica will often develop the abscess, carrying
it on to a discharge of the pus and a cure of the
• Boils coming in crops call for Arnica; they are
very sore, purplish in color; also blood boils
which are very sore.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• Calcarea carbonica, Calcarea iodata (especially
in abscess of the cervical glands scrofulous in
• Asafoetida, Calendula (traumatic suppuration),
and a number of other remedies may perchance
be indicated in suppuration and abscess.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• With Calendula the pus is thick and yellow, not
attended with active inflammation.
• The symptoms, unhealthy skin, every little
wound or scratch suppurates, are found under
Hepar, Silicea, Calcarea carbonica and
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• Grauvogl considered Arnica as a
remedy to prevent suppuration, and
particularly to hinder the absorption
of pus and so prevent pyaemia.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
Echinacea angustifolia
• This is a well-known herb and often used to help the
immune system overcome infection.
• In homeopathic form, it sometimes helps a person
with recurring boils.
• Boils which are Small red on neck and face.
• One of the best indicated remedy for Carbuncles
• Recurring boils & Carbuncles
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• People who need this remedy typically feel
sickly, lethargic, achy, and chilly.
• One of the remedies for abscess which has
achieved a well merited reputation in
suppurative conditions, especially where
symptoms of blood poisoning are present. There
is no question as to its efficacy.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• In today’s class we have tried to
understand and explain homoeopathic
management in the form of therapeutic
indications of various drugs indicated for
Furuncle, Carbuncle & Abscess.
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
Possible Questions
• 1. Define & discuss in detail management of Furuncle
& Abscess with Hepar sulphuris, Silicea & Lachesis
• 2. Define & discuss in detail management of disease
carbuncle with Belladonna, Mercurius solubilis &
Sulphur (3 marks)
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
• To Read: Therapeutics of Non- specific
• To Write:
• . Define & discuss in detail management of
Furuncle & Abscess with Hepar sulphuris, Silicea
& Lachesis (1+3+3+3=10)
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
References for further reading
Homoeopathic Therapeutics, By Samuel
Lilienthal, 5th Edition, 28th Impression 2017
Boericke’s New Manual Of Homoeopathic Materia
Medica With Repertory 3rd Edition, 40th
Impression 2017
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H
DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery
Dept. YHMC&H

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Homoeopathic Therapeutics of non specific infections-1

  • 1. Yenepoya Homoeopathic medical college and hospital THERAPEUTICS OF Non-Specific INFECTIONS - 1 25/09/2020 DR. JAIDEEP DESAI M.D. (HOM.) PROFESSOR & HEAD OF SURGERY
  • 2. OBJECTIVES • At the end of this lecture, participants should be able to describe the therapeutic indications Furuncle, Carbuncle & Abscess. 2DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H
  • 3. FURUNCLE/CARBUNCLE/ABSCESS • Belladonna • Hepar sulphuris • Silicea • Lachesis • Mercurius solubilis • Sulphur • Rhus toxicodendron • Arsenicum album • Calcarea sulphurica • Arnica • Echinacea angustifolia DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 3
  • 4. Belladonna • This remedy is often indicated in early stages of inflammation, before much pus has formed. • The area is red, hot, throbbing, and tender, often with intense or stabbing pains. • Jarring or touch may increase discomfort. • The person may also feel excitable or feverish. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 4
  • 5. • This remedy can be utilized for all forms of boils or abscesses that display very violent symptoms in the person and those which arise very suddenly in the body. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 5
  • 6. • Some of the typical symptoms such patients may endure can include the presence of a burning heat in the affected region of the skin, along with a reddened, dry and swollen area of the skin. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 6
  • 7. • The parts swell rapidly, become bright red, there is intense throbbing which is painful, pus develops speedily the swelling increases and the redness radiates; here Belladonna is in close relation with Hepar and Mercurius. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 7
  • 8. • The remedy can also be used in the treatment of an impending abscess before it fully develops, and in cases of boils before pus or thick bloody pus begins to form. • It comes in earlier than either of these remedies and corresponds more closely to the active, aesthetic variety of abscess before pus is matured. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 8
  • 9. • In abscesses about the alveolar processes, the so called gum boils, Belladonna is often the first remedy and Mercurius follows here in most cases. • In acute glandular abscess Belladonna is often indicated and is a beginning remedy. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 9
  • 10. • Individuals include the presence of throbbing attacks of pain, and also cutting types of pain in the area of the abscess. • The affected region of the body is characterized by the presence of spreading red streaks on the surface of the skin. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 10
  • 11. • This remedy can also be used in the case of boils on the face, in case of abscess of the throat, in the liver, the joints, and other areas such as the breasts, and the glands all over the body. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 11
  • 12. • The condition of such patients typically tends to worsen when they are exposed to cold drafts, when they are touched, or if they are subjected to jarring. • The condition of the patient may also be aggravated after 3 p.m. at night, and in general at all times past midnight, and more so when lying down. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 12
  • 13. Hepar Sulphuris • Is the great homoeopathic remedy for suppurations where the pus is not decomposed. • It can be used as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of abscesses as it brings the pustule to a head causes it to break-thus aiding in healing and recovery DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 13
  • 14. • Excessive sensitiveness of the parts is a leading indication. • It is further indicated by these symptoms: chilly sensations, throbbing in the parts, or sharp, sticking pains which are worse at night and from If given low in threatening suppuration it will favor the formation of pus. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 14
  • 15. • The suppurative process will often be aborted by Hepar if given in the higher potencies. • Such abscesses as felon or whitlow generally do well under Hepar. • The patient tends to have symptoms such as the development of a hardened and hot, throbbing skin in the affected region. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 15
  • 16. • The symptoms can include the presence of sharp shooting and splinter-like pain in the abscess. • The area tends to be extremely tender to the touch, and is very sensitive to pressure. • The abscess is given to bleeding very easily and must be carefully handled. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 16
  • 17. • This form of abscess forms whenever infection occurs in a wound. • The abscess is given to bleeding very easily and must be carefully handled. • This form of abscess forms whenever infection occurs in a wound. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 17
  • 18. • Such abscesses tend to be characterized by the presence of abundant, thick and acrid pus which can be easily identified. • The pus has a peculiar odor and smells cheesy or sour. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 18
  • 19. • Such abscesses can occur in areas of the body such as the tonsils and the gums, in the breasts, the lungs or the sinus, in the rectum, and even in the lymph glands of the individual. • These forms of pustules or boils can often come out or break out in crops and affect a large area. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 19
  • 20. • Chamomilla is not a remedy to suggest itself in abscess, yet has proved valuable in promoting the formation of pus in chronic abscesses where Hepar has failed to act promptly, and in making the pains more bearable. • This remedy is taken to speed up the collection of pus. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 20
  • 21. • This remedy is taken once the boil is open to speed up drainage and healing. • If there be a bruised pain present, sometimes Arnica may do good. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 21
  • 22. • The condition of the patient often worsens at night time, and when the patients is exposed to the cold air, to sudden drafts, or when he or she is uncovered, and such patients are sensitive to touch. • The condition of the patient may significantly improve when he or she is wrapped in warm clothes. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 22
  • 23. Silicea • Is the remedy where the suppuration continues and the wound refuses to heal, no matter where the suppurative process is located; the pus is apt to be thin, watery, and the process is sluggish and indolent one. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 23
  • 24. • It can be used as a general homeopathic remedy in the treatment of boils, fistulas and abscesses of all types on the body. • Such abscesses tend to affect areas of the body such as the bones, the joints, the cornea, and can occur in the glands and the tonsils, in the region of the breast, and even on the gums. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 24
  • 25. • The abscesses tend to have pus which is colored yellow or green, it is generally very thick, or sometimes thin and can often be bloody or tinged with blood, these discharges tend to have a very foul odor. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 25
  • 26. • The remedy can be used in the treatment of boils which have hardened in the affected area of the body. • The use of this particular remedy is also recommended for all cases where the abscess fails to discharge and in cases where the pus keeps coming for a long period of time. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 26
  • 27. • The remedy can also be used if a wound with an abscess fails to heal over a long period of time. • The silicea in general promotes the closure of the pustule, and leads to a prevention of scarring or scar tissue formation in the affected area of skin. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 27
  • 28. • These abscesses can lead to secondary infections as they get infected very easily. • The homeopathic remedy is particularly effective in expelling foreign objects and related infectious pathogens from the body. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 28
  • 29. • Under Silicea the suppurative process takes on a healthy action , the pus becomes benign, granulation appear. • It is then time to stop the remedy, for if it be continued it may undo the good it has done, and another remedy, probably Fluoric acid ,will have to be given. • This remedy antidotes the overuse of Silicea. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 29
  • 30. • Silicea is usually prescribed after an abscess has been lanced or opened by means of poultice. • It, too, is a remedy for all fistulous burrowing. • In rectal fistula it is very often the remedy; great nervous erythrism, if present, is an additional. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 30
  • 31. • There is often considerable foetor to the discharge of Silicea cases. • Scrofulous and tubercular abscesses especially call for Silicea. • Warmth is very grateful to the Silicea patient. Fluoric acid has relief from cold. Abscesses having much cellular infiltration in their vicinity call for Silicea. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 31
  • 32. • The condition of the patient can greatly worsen when he or she is exposed to cold and damp conditions or weather, and when he or she is exposed to drafts, the patient may be very sensitive to jarring movements, and the symptoms are aggravated during the night. • The condition of the patient can substantially improve when some heat is applied topically. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 32
  • 33. Lachesis • It is to be used in the homeopathic treatment of patients affected with boils that have a dark bluish or purplish tinge in the affected area; the skin around the main boil often has many smaller boils in a cluster. 33 DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H
  • 34. • These forms of boils tend to be very bloody or black and the pustules in general are often painful. • These boils can result from blood poisoning that the person has suffered. • The patient often cannot bear the bandage in the affected area. 34 DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H
  • 35. • The symptoms of the boil in a person include the presence of burning pains at most times. • The boils tend to arise because of the body having some ulceration due to other causes. • The boils tend to bleed very easily. 35 DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H
  • 36. • Indicated in low conditions of abscess, when pus in thin, dark, ichorous, and offensive in character. • The abscess can also often affect various internal organs such as the tonsils and the ovaries besides other areas in the body. 36 DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H
  • 37. • These forms of abscess develop in a gradual manner, they tend to heal in a very incomplete manner and leave a typical hardened area in the affected site after completion. 37 DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H
  • 38. • The condition of the patient can often greatly worsen during the nighttime, slightest pressure from a touch, any constriction, by heat, and the left side of the body. • The condition of the patient can significantly improve after he or she has bathed. 38 DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H
  • 39. Mercurius solubilis • Differing from Belladonna, from Hepar, and especially from Silicea is Mercurius, which is one of our good remedies in abscess. • It comes in after Belladonna, when pus has formed. 39 DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H
  • 40. • It is to be used as a homeopathic remedy in the treatment of abscesses that produce thin yellow-green and foul smelling pus; this discharge tends to be extremely acrid. • The abscess tends to have a very prickling pain in the affected region and the skin tends to burn and sting at all times. 40 DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H
  • 41. • The abscesses may develop in the glands, in the gums, on the tonsils, or in internal organs such as the liver and the ovaries, the breasts, the bone, and even the brain are other areas where these could develop. 41 DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H
  • 42. • This remedy must be used in the treatment of recurrent boils as the remedy speeds up suppuration and recovery. • It favors the formation of pus especially in the lower potencies, and is especially indicated in glandular abscesses; the pus is greenish in tint, and quite thin and fluid. 42 DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H
  • 43. • The remedy can also be used in the treatment of all abscesses that develop slowly or in the case of cold abscesses. • All such abscesses are characterized by the discharge of abundant pus from the affected area. • The patients also tend to suffer from ulceration of all types. 43 DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H
  • 44. • The affected individual also tends to have pustules with a very foul odor which affects the smell of the sweat, along with the pus itself, and even the saliva of such persons may become foul. • The abscess affected person often suffers from chills because of the problem. 44 DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H
  • 45. • There is intense, shining redness with throbbing and stinging pains. • It does not follow Silicea well. • From Hepar it is to be distinguished by general symptoms; even the suppurative process is slower, and all the pains are greatly aggravated at night. 45 DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H
  • 46. • In abscesses at the roots of the teeth it is one of our best remedies, and it is often efficacious in toothache due to this cause. • It is a remarkable remedy in pyorrhea and will make extraction of teeth unnecessary. 46 DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H
  • 47. • It will often abort suppuration when used in the highest potencies, as in tonsillitis, where it is a most valuable remedy. • Another typical physical symptom is the swelling of the glands. 47 DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H
  • 48. • The condition of the patient often worsens during the nighttime, the patient is very easily aggravated by both heat and cold and drafts, and will worsen in damp weather. 48 DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H
  • 49. Sulphur • It can be used in the homeopathic treatment of all types of abscesses, boils and pimples especially the ones that tend to occur in crops on the affected area. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 49
  • 50. • Is also a remedy which may be used with the greatest benefit in abscesses and suppuration; especially is it useful in chronic cases where the discharge is profuse, accompanied with emaciation and hectic fever. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 50
  • 51. • The typical outward sign of such pustules are the formation of offensive smelling, thin yellow pus, which is often bloody, and contains bubbles, that all tend to form a crust on the surface of the affected area. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 51
  • 52. • Abscesses in scrofulous persons, where there is a marked psoric taint and a tendency to boils, correspond to Sulphur. • The pus is acrid and excoriating. • Crops of boils in various parts of the body indicate the remedy well. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 52
  • 53. • The typical physical symptoms include the presence of extreme burning sensations, along with stinging and itching in the affected parts. • The remedy can also be used to treat all forms of ulcerations in the patient. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 53
  • 54. • The treatment is especially suggested for all kinds of abscesses that develop on the skin, in the glands, in the internal organs, and on the gums of the affected individual. • These abscesses tend to form out of wounds that have become too easily infected and have led to the formation of a pustule. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 54
  • 55. • The remedy can be effectively used to treat all recurrent or persistent abscesses on any part of the body. • It is suggested for abscesses that are sluggish in healing, and those which have parts that remain sore even after a full recovery. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 55
  • 56. • The condition of the patient tends to significantly worsen when the individual is in the warmth of a bed, and around 11 a.m., during the night, and if the person is given to excessive scratching. • The condition of the patient often improves with the application of a warm compress as a topical measure on the affected region of the skin. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 56
  • 57. Rhus toxicodendron • Is a very useful remedy in acute suppuration; especially has it been found useful in suppurative conditions about the eye. • Rhus toxicodendron is another remedy for abscesses of the parotid or axillary glands where there is a discharge of a bloody, serous pus. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 57
  • 58. • The evident poisoned condition of the system and tendency of the abscess to take on a carbunculous state will indicate Rhus. • Pustulous chilblains.-Exanthema in general; burning; burning itching; pustulous; with swelling; blotches; like milk-crust; moist; like nettle-rash. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 58
  • 59. • It has proved curative in abscesses about the parotid and axillary glands; the pus is bloody and serous, the pain is intense, and the swelling is dark red. • Rhus corresponds very closely to septicemia. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 59
  • 60. Arsenicum album • This remedy is useful for deeply infected boils with intensely burning pain and offensive discharge. • Boils filled with blood and pus. • Tettery spots, covered with phlyctenae and furfur, with burning nocturnal pains. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 60
  • 61. • Carbuncles with burning pains. • Warmth and hot applications usually are soothing. • The person may feel exhausted and ill, yet anxiety and discomfort also make them restless. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 61
  • 62. Calcarea sulphurica • Excellent remedy for abscess which is slow to heal after rupture, with a continues discharge of yellow pus. • Burns and scalds when suppuration takes place. • Suppurative processes come within the range of this remedy, after pus has found a vent. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 62
  • 63. • Suppurating stage of tonsillitis, when abscess is discharging. • Abscesses with yellow, purulent crusts or discharge. Purulent exudations in or upon the skin. • Abscesses which have their seat in the connective tissue, if they are the result of stasis in the connective tissue tubule. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 63
  • 64. • Hard or suppurating glands. • After mechanical injuries, when in neglected cases suppuration has set in and an abscess is discharging Greenish, brownish, yellow crusts. • Painful abscesses about the anus in cases of fistula. • Patient desires open air but sensitive to drafts. Tendency to the formation of abscess DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 64
  • 65. Arnica • Indicated for Boils, Carbuncle & Abscess. • Septic conditions; prophylactic of pus infection. • "Many small boils or blood-boils, one after another, are painful & extremely sore." • Is the remedy where abscesses and boils do not mature; they shrivel up, then another crop comes DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 65
  • 66. • Arnica will often develop the abscess, carrying it on to a discharge of the pus and a cure of the trouble. • Boils coming in crops call for Arnica; they are very sore, purplish in color; also blood boils which are very sore. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 66
  • 67. • Calcarea carbonica, Calcarea iodata (especially in abscess of the cervical glands scrofulous in nature), • Asafoetida, Calendula (traumatic suppuration), and a number of other remedies may perchance be indicated in suppuration and abscess. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 67
  • 68. • With Calendula the pus is thick and yellow, not attended with active inflammation. • The symptoms, unhealthy skin, every little wound or scratch suppurates, are found under Hepar, Silicea, Calcarea carbonica and Graphites. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 68
  • 69. • Grauvogl considered Arnica as a remedy to prevent suppuration, and particularly to hinder the absorption of pus and so prevent pyaemia. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 69
  • 70. Echinacea angustifolia • This is a well-known herb and often used to help the immune system overcome infection. • In homeopathic form, it sometimes helps a person with recurring boils. • Boils which are Small red on neck and face. • One of the best indicated remedy for Carbuncles • Recurring boils & Carbuncles DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 70
  • 71. • People who need this remedy typically feel sickly, lethargic, achy, and chilly. • One of the remedies for abscess which has achieved a well merited reputation in suppurative conditions, especially where symptoms of blood poisoning are present. There is no question as to its efficacy. DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H 71
  • 72. summary • In today’s class we have tried to understand and explain homoeopathic management in the form of therapeutic indications of various drugs indicated for Furuncle, Carbuncle & Abscess. 72 DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H
  • 73. Possible Questions • 1. Define & discuss in detail management of Furuncle & Abscess with Hepar sulphuris, Silicea & Lachesis (1+3+3+3=10) • 2. Define & discuss in detail management of disease carbuncle with Belladonna, Mercurius solubilis & Sulphur (3 marks) 73 DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H
  • 74. assignment • To Read: Therapeutics of Non- specific infections. • To Write: • . Define & discuss in detail management of Furuncle & Abscess with Hepar sulphuris, Silicea & Lachesis (1+3+3+3=10) 74 DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H
  • 75. References for further reading Homoeopathic Therapeutics, By Samuel Lilienthal, 5th Edition, 28th Impression 2017 Boericke’s New Manual Of Homoeopathic Materia Medica With Repertory 3rd Edition, 40th Impression 2017 75 DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H
  • 76. 76 DR. JAIDEEP DESAI Prof & Head of Surgery Dept. YHMC&H