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Presented by:
Dr.Sachin Singh
1st year resident
Pulmonary Medicine
PDU Medical College
Churu, Rajasthan
Scheme of history taking
• Demographic data
• Chief complains
• History of present illness
• Past medical history
• Personal history
• Family history
• Social and environmental history
Demographic data
• Name
• Age
• Gender
• Address
• Religion
• Nationality
• Race
• Occupation
Chief Complaint
• The chief complain is a brief narration
explaining why the patient sought health care
• Each symptom should be recorded separately
with its duration or date of initial occurrence
• Eg ; fever for last 15 days
cough for last 10 days
SOB for last 5 days
• Ideally symptom description are written in
patients own world
History of present illness
• The HPI is the narrative portion of the history
that describes chronological and detail of each
symptom listed in chief complain and its effect
on patient life.
• In HPI the following information should be
gather for each symptom
* Description of onset – Date , time, sudden
or gradual
*Setting- cause, circumstance or active
surrounding onset
*Location – where on the body problem located &
where it radiate
*Severity – how severe it is & how it affect day to
day activity
*Quantity – how much, how large or how many.
*Quality – unique properties like colour, texture,
odour, composition, sharp or throbbing.
*Frequency – How often it occur
*Duration – How long it last, whether it is
constant or intermittent.
*Course – whether it is better, worse or staying
the same.
*Associated symptoms – symptom from same
body system or other system that occur before with
or after problem.
*Aggravating factors – things that make it worse
such as certain position, weather, temperature,
anxiety & exercise.
*Relieving factors – certain position, hot or cold,
after taking rest or medication.
Past Medical History
• PMH is the total sum of patient health status
prior to the present problem
• Information recorded in past history include a
chronologic list of the following
 Illness since birth
 Major illness in the past
Past history of hospitalization
 Past history of injuries & accidents
 Past history of surgery
 Allergic history
Family History
• To find heredofamilial disorder & focus on
patient lineage
• It is important in Bronchial asthma, allergic
rhinitis, collagen vascular disease, lung cancer
specially adenocarcinoma, cystic fibrosis.
Personal history
• Smoking
*There is strong relation b/w smoking & chronic
respiratory disease, respiratory infection, lung
cancer & cardiovascular diseases
*Consumption of cigarettes should be recorded in
pack year.
*One pack year is 20 cigarettes smoked each day
for one year.
• Alcohol
• Exposure to organic dust like coal, silica, asbestosis
• Exposure to pets or animals
Occupational history
• Record occupation that are known to relate to
respiratory disease
1. Pneumoconiosis – Coal workers
2. Asbestosis – Plumbers, Power station workers
3. Bagassosis – sugar mill workers
4. Byssinosis – cotton industry
Review of systems
• This information is obtained in head to toe review of all body system
1. General – Fever, weight loss, loss of appetite, lethargy
2. CVS – Chest pain, palpitation, SOB, orthopnea (breathlessness at
lying flat), leg swelling, dizziness.
3. Respiratory system – SOB, cough, hemoptysis, wheeze, chest
4. GIT – Nausea, vomiting, hematemesis, dysphagia, heartburn,
jaundice, abdominal pain, rectal bleed, tenesmus.
5. Genitourinary system – Dysuria, frequency, terminal dribbling,
urethral discharge
6. Neurological system – Headache, dizziness, LOC, seizures,
numbness, tingling, weakness.
• Fever
• Cough
• Sputum
• Breathlessness
• Chest pain
• Hemoptysis
• Wheeze & Strider
• Reflex act of forceful expiration against a closed
glottis generating positive intrathoracic pressure
• Aim is to clean the airway
• History should cover the duration & characteristics
of cough whether it is DRY or PRODUCTIVE of
sputum or blood
• Provocative factor i.e. cold, smoke, change in
posture or eating
• Accompanying symptom to find out likely cause
1. Running nose and sore throat- post nasal drip
2. Fever, chills & pleuritic chest pain- pneumonia
3. Heartburn – GERD
4. Weight loss & night sweats – chronic infection or tumor
5. Choking sensation & difficulty in swallowing while eating or
drinking – aspiration
 Acute cough (< 3 weeks)
1. URTI (viral, sinusitis)
2. Pneumonia
3. Pulmonary embolism
4. Congestive cardiac failure
5. Allergic rhinitis
6. Exacerbation of asthma and COPD
Sub acute cough (3 to 8 weeks)
1. Post nasal drip
2. Viral infection
3. Post infection
5. Bordetella pertussis infection
 Chronic cough (> 8 weeks/ 2 month)
1. Chronic bronchitis
2. Lung cancer
3. Tuberculosis
4. ACE inhibitor
5. Sarcoidosis
6. Somatic cough syndrome
7. Non asthmatic eosinophilic bronchitis
8. Unexplained cough
 Nocturnal cough
1. Chronic bronchitis
3. Bronchial asthma
4. LVF
5. Aspiration
• Consistency
• Amount
• Colour
• Postural variation
• Smell
• Consistency
1. Serous – URTI, Bronchoalveolar carcinoma
2. Mucoid – chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, COPD
3. Mucopurulent – bacterial infection
• Amount
Copious amount
o bronchiectasis
o Lung abscess
o Necrotising pneumonia
o Alveolar cell carcinoma
• Colour of sputum
1. Yellow / green – bacterial infection
2. Black – coal worker pneumoconiosis
3. Pink frothy sputum – pulmonary oedema
4. Rusty sputum – pneumococcal pneumonia
5. Red current jelly sputum – Klebsiella pneumonia
6. Blood tinged sputum – tuberculosis
• Postural variation
1. Lung abscess
2. Bronchiectasis
• Foul smell
1. Lung abscess
2. Anaerobic bacterial infection
• Dyspnea is an unpleasant or uncomfortable awareness of breathing.
• It occur due to an imbalance b/w neurological stimulus & mechanical
changes that occur in the lung & chest wall resulting in mismatch of
ventilation & its demand.
Aggravating & releaving factor
Postural variation
Diurnal variation
• Within minutes
1. Pneumothorax
2. Pulmonary embolism
3. Inhaled foreign body
4. Laryngeal oedema
5. Left heart failure
• Hours to days
2. Bronchial asthma
3. Pneumonia
• Weeks to month
2. Interstitial lung disease
3. Pleural effusion
4. Anaemia
5. Thyrotoxosis
MMRC grading of dyspnea
• Aggravating factor
1. Exposure to allergent
2. Exercise
3. Drugs
4. Cold weather
• Relieving factor
1. Medication
2. Rest
3. Removal of allergent
• Diurnal & postural variation
1. Bronchial asthma
2. Lung abscess
3. Bronchiectasis
• Hemoptysis
is coughing out blood from respiratory tract,
mainly the lungs
1. Frank – expectoration of blood only
2. Spurious – secondary to URTI above the level of larynx
3. Pseudo hemoptysis – due to pigment produce by gram
negative bacteria
 Severity
1. Mild - <100 ml /day
2. Moderate – 100 to 150 ml/day
3. Severe – up to 200 ml/day
4. Massive - >600 ml/day
Chest pain
• Chest pain may have its origin from disorders of
chest wall, pleura, lung, heart, great vessels,
oesophagus and subdiaphragmatic structures.
• h/o chest pain include – duration, location,
radiation to other area and character (heaviness,
tearing, burning, stabbing, sharp niddle like, merely
discomfort )
• Precipitating factors
• Associated symptoms
i.e. leg pain & swelling may point to DVT & pulmonary
• Cause of hemoptysis
1. Tuberculosis
2. Lung abscess
3. Pneumonia
4. Fungal infection (aspergillosis, blastomycosis)
5. Bronchiectasis
 Neoplasm
1. Bronchogenic carcinoma
2. Bronchial adenoma
3. Metastatic tumour
 Cardiovascular cause
1. Mitral stenosis
2. Pulmonary embolism
3. AV malformation
 Traumatic
 Iatrogenic
 Bleeding disorder
Physical examination
• Begins with assessment of general appearance, mental faculty & breathing pattern
• An anxious look indicate acute disease
• While presence of fatigue & cachexia point to chronic disease or malignancy
• A plethoric appearance in polycythemia ( mc in chronic lung disease and SVC
• Look at tongue, soft palate and nail bed for cyanosis, anaemia or polycythemia
• Fingers for clubbing
• Face, neck, hand & feet for oedema (generalised, localised, differential)
• Neck for lymphadenopathy or abnormal pulsation
• Record vital sign
1. Pulse – rate, rhythm, character
2. Respiration – type, rate & regularity
3. Blood pressure
4. temperature
• Breathing pattern
normal breathing is quiet with frequency of 12-
 Tachycardia seen in – anxiety, anaemia, restrictive lung disease,
pulmonary HTN and hypoxia of any etiology
 Bradypnea seen in – drug overdose & CNS lesion
 Noisy breathing indicate narrowing of central airway in
carcinomatous lesion of vocal cord or trachea
 Wheezing breath sound audible to unaided ears- narrowing of
intrathoracic airway i.e. asthma
 Periodic breathing pattern – cheyne -stokes & biots breathing
associated with Lt heart failure & CNS lesion
 In Kussmaul breathing – the depth of respiration is increased more
than rate mc associated with severe metabolic acidosis
• Cyanosis is bluish discoloration of tongue & soft
Central cynosis Peripheral cynosis
due to arterial hypoxia
May occur due to severe
chronic hypoxia of pulmonary
or cardiac origin and often
associater with polycythemia
due to low blood flow
Often occur with oedema
affect neck, face & upper limb
& indicate SVC obstraction
• Bulbous enlargement of terminal phalanges early changes consist of
thickening phalanges of fibroelastic tissue or nail bed
• detected by loss of normal angle b/w base of nail bed & adjacent
dorsal surface of figures
• Demonstrated best when viewed from side
• Is abnormal enlargement of LN at neck, axilla, groin
• Note down number, size, consistency & fixity of LN
to each other, to underlaying tissue or overlying
• Large fixed massive indicate – Metastasis
• Firm & matted nodes – tuberculosis
• LN in Hodgkin's lymphoma are classically described
as large, soft, rubbery in nature
Examination of chest
• Inspection
• Palpitation
• Percussion
• Ascultation
• Appearance, shape, size of chest
• Normal chest is b/l symmetrical & elliptical in cross section
 But in disease it may be asymmetrical
1. Generalised or localised flattening of fullness in congenital disorder of lung,
plura, ribs, vertebra or sternum
 Abnormal shape – rickets
 Pectus carinatum (Pigeon chest) – localised prominence of sternum &
adjacent ribs
 Pectus excavation (funnel chest) – localised depression of sternum & adjacent
 Kyphosis – forward bending
 Scoliosis – lateral banding
 Flattening – decrease anteroposterior diameter
 Hyperinflation or barrel shape – increase anteroposterior diameter
 Observe for scar, injury mark, lumps & stains
Movement of chest wall
• Normal both side of chest moves equally
• Decrease or absent movement on one side may
indicate disease of chest wall, pleura or lung on that
1. Symmetrical decrease in movement – emphysema,
asthma, end stage diffuse pulmonary fibrosis
2. Intercostal recession (indrawing of i/c space) – in severe
upper airway obstruction (laryngeal or trachial tumour)
3. Inward movement of lower rib – in asthma &
4. Accessory muscle of respiration – in emphysema
• Shift of mediastinum – observe for prominence of
the tendon of sternomastoid muscle at the
suprasternal notch
• The trachea shifted to side of prominence – positive
trail sign
• Indicates shift of upper mediastinum to the same
side – fibrosis or collapse
• To opposite side – in pleural effusion,
pneumothorax, lung mass
• Palpation is done to confirm the finding of inspection.
• Begins at the part of chest showing swelling or where c/o pain to detect
1. Inflammatory oedema due to rib fracture, cellulitis, infected cyst or tumour.
2. Air – subcutaneous emphysema
3. Pus – abscess, empyema
4. Nodule – purpura, sarcoid nodule, metastatic nodule
• Access position of trachea in suprasternal notch & apex beat at lower chest wall
• Access for symmetry movement on both side
 In general pathological side moves less
• Access with intercostal space on both side to confirm flattening of fullness
• Vocal fremitus is detected by placing the ulnar side of hand over the
equivalent area on the two side of patient chest when narrates 1,2,3
or 99
• Compare the degree of resonance over the
equivalent area on the two side of chest
• Note fot the area of tenderness
• Stony dull percussion note – in pleural effusion
(more so when breath sound & vocal resonance
• Hyperresonant note indicate pneumothorax (more
so when chest appear fuller & breath sound & vocal
resonance decrease or absent.
• Breath sound listen to lung sound for its character & quality over all
the parts of the chest wall on both side using the diaphragm of
• Breath sounds are vascular in character (low frequency rustling with
longer inspiration than expiration & without a pause in between)
over the healthy lung & best heared at base of lung.
• Bronchial breathing – high pitch blowing sound, heared during
inspiration & expiration & separate by brief pause, it is normal over
trachea & larynx.
* But if heared over chest wall it indicate consolidation.
• Breath sound decreased in intensity when
1. Fluid (effusion)
2. Air (pneumothorax)
3. Atelectasis
Adventitious sounds
• Wheezes – continuos high pitch sound, often musical in character,
which arise from air moving in narrow airway e.g. asthma
- most marked during expiration & associated with prolong
expiratory sound.
• Crackles – are discontinuous “popping” or “bubble” sound, coarse,
gurgling sound are caused by secretion in large airway.
- heared during inspiration & expiration
• Fine crackles – heared during early inspiration in restrictive lung
disease (pulmonary oedema & pulmonary fibrosis
- produces due to sudden opening of small airways
• Rub is localised cracking or rubbing sound, often associated with
chest pain.
- heared during inspiration & expiration.
- indicates pleural inflammation.
Vocal resonance
• It is audible perception of the transmitted vibration
from vocal cord over the chest as patient narrate
1,2,3 or 99
- it increase in consolidation &
- decrease in atelectasis, pneumothorax & plural
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history taking in respiratory medicine.pptx

  • 1. HISTORY TAKING & GENERAL PHYSICAL EXAMINATION OF RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Presented by: Dr.Sachin Singh 1st year resident Pulmonary Medicine PDU Medical College Churu, Rajasthan
  • 2. Scheme of history taking • Demographic data • Chief complains • History of present illness • Past medical history • Personal history • Family history • Social and environmental history
  • 3. Demographic data • Name • Age • Gender • Address • Religion • Nationality • Race • Occupation
  • 4. Chief Complaint • The chief complain is a brief narration explaining why the patient sought health care • Each symptom should be recorded separately with its duration or date of initial occurrence • Eg ; fever for last 15 days cough for last 10 days SOB for last 5 days • Ideally symptom description are written in patients own world
  • 5. History of present illness • The HPI is the narrative portion of the history that describes chronological and detail of each symptom listed in chief complain and its effect on patient life. • In HPI the following information should be gather for each symptom * Description of onset – Date , time, sudden or gradual *Setting- cause, circumstance or active surrounding onset
  • 6. *Location – where on the body problem located & where it radiate *Severity – how severe it is & how it affect day to day activity *Quantity – how much, how large or how many. *Quality – unique properties like colour, texture, odour, composition, sharp or throbbing. *Frequency – How often it occur *Duration – How long it last, whether it is constant or intermittent. *Course – whether it is better, worse or staying the same.
  • 7. *Associated symptoms – symptom from same body system or other system that occur before with or after problem. *Aggravating factors – things that make it worse such as certain position, weather, temperature, anxiety & exercise. *Relieving factors – certain position, hot or cold, after taking rest or medication.
  • 8. Past Medical History • PMH is the total sum of patient health status prior to the present problem • Information recorded in past history include a chronologic list of the following  Illness since birth  Major illness in the past Past history of hospitalization  Past history of injuries & accidents  Past history of surgery  Allergic history
  • 9. Family History • To find heredofamilial disorder & focus on patient lineage • It is important in Bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, collagen vascular disease, lung cancer specially adenocarcinoma, cystic fibrosis.
  • 10. Personal history • Smoking *There is strong relation b/w smoking & chronic respiratory disease, respiratory infection, lung cancer & cardiovascular diseases *Consumption of cigarettes should be recorded in pack year. *One pack year is 20 cigarettes smoked each day for one year. • Alcohol • Exposure to organic dust like coal, silica, asbestosis • Exposure to pets or animals
  • 11. Occupational history • Record occupation that are known to relate to respiratory disease 1. Pneumoconiosis – Coal workers 2. Asbestosis – Plumbers, Power station workers 3. Bagassosis – sugar mill workers 4. Byssinosis – cotton industry
  • 12. Review of systems • This information is obtained in head to toe review of all body system 1. General – Fever, weight loss, loss of appetite, lethargy 2. CVS – Chest pain, palpitation, SOB, orthopnea (breathlessness at lying flat), leg swelling, dizziness. 3. Respiratory system – SOB, cough, hemoptysis, wheeze, chest pain. 4. GIT – Nausea, vomiting, hematemesis, dysphagia, heartburn, jaundice, abdominal pain, rectal bleed, tenesmus. 5. Genitourinary system – Dysuria, frequency, terminal dribbling, urethral discharge 6. Neurological system – Headache, dizziness, LOC, seizures, numbness, tingling, weakness.
  • 13. Symptom’s • Fever • Cough • Sputum • Breathlessness • Chest pain • Hemoptysis • Wheeze & Strider
  • 14. Cough • Reflex act of forceful expiration against a closed glottis generating positive intrathoracic pressure • Aim is to clean the airway • History should cover the duration & characteristics of cough whether it is DRY or PRODUCTIVE of sputum or blood • Provocative factor i.e. cold, smoke, change in posture or eating
  • 15. • Accompanying symptom to find out likely cause 1. Running nose and sore throat- post nasal drip 2. Fever, chills & pleuritic chest pain- pneumonia 3. Heartburn – GERD 4. Weight loss & night sweats – chronic infection or tumor 5. Choking sensation & difficulty in swallowing while eating or drinking – aspiration  Acute cough (< 3 weeks) 1. URTI (viral, sinusitis) 2. Pneumonia 3. Pulmonary embolism 4. Congestive cardiac failure 5. Allergic rhinitis 6. Exacerbation of asthma and COPD
  • 16. Sub acute cough (3 to 8 weeks) 1. Post nasal drip 2. Viral infection 3. Post infection 4. GERD 5. Bordetella pertussis infection  Chronic cough (> 8 weeks/ 2 month) 1. Chronic bronchitis 2. Lung cancer 3. Tuberculosis 4. ACE inhibitor 5. Sarcoidosis 6. Somatic cough syndrome 7. Non asthmatic eosinophilic bronchitis 8. Unexplained cough
  • 17.  Nocturnal cough 1. Chronic bronchitis 2. GERD 3. Bronchial asthma 4. LVF 5. Aspiration
  • 18. Sputum • Consistency • Amount • Colour • Postural variation • Smell
  • 19. • Consistency 1. Serous – URTI, Bronchoalveolar carcinoma 2. Mucoid – chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, COPD 3. Mucopurulent – bacterial infection • Amount Copious amount o bronchiectasis o Lung abscess o Necrotising pneumonia o Alveolar cell carcinoma
  • 20. • Colour of sputum 1. Yellow / green – bacterial infection 2. Black – coal worker pneumoconiosis 3. Pink frothy sputum – pulmonary oedema 4. Rusty sputum – pneumococcal pneumonia 5. Red current jelly sputum – Klebsiella pneumonia 6. Blood tinged sputum – tuberculosis • Postural variation 1. Lung abscess 2. Bronchiectasis • Foul smell 1. Lung abscess 2. Anaerobic bacterial infection
  • 21. Dyspnea • Dyspnea is an unpleasant or uncomfortable awareness of breathing. • It occur due to an imbalance b/w neurological stimulus & mechanical changes that occur in the lung & chest wall resulting in mismatch of ventilation & its demand. Onset Duration Aggravating & releaving factor Postural variation Diurnal variation
  • 22. Onset • Within minutes 1. Pneumothorax 2. Pulmonary embolism 3. Inhaled foreign body 4. Laryngeal oedema 5. Left heart failure • Hours to days 1. ARDS 2. Bronchial asthma 3. Pneumonia • Weeks to month 1. COPD 2. Interstitial lung disease 3. Pleural effusion 4. Anaemia 5. Thyrotoxosis
  • 23. MMRC grading of dyspnea
  • 24. • Aggravating factor 1. Exposure to allergent 2. Exercise 3. Drugs 4. Cold weather • Relieving factor 1. Medication 2. Rest 3. Removal of allergent • Diurnal & postural variation 1. Bronchial asthma 2. Lung abscess 3. Bronchiectasis
  • 25. • Hemoptysis is coughing out blood from respiratory tract, mainly the lungs Types 1. Frank – expectoration of blood only 2. Spurious – secondary to URTI above the level of larynx 3. Pseudo hemoptysis – due to pigment produce by gram negative bacteria  Severity 1. Mild - <100 ml /day 2. Moderate – 100 to 150 ml/day 3. Severe – up to 200 ml/day 4. Massive - >600 ml/day
  • 26. Chest pain • Chest pain may have its origin from disorders of chest wall, pleura, lung, heart, great vessels, oesophagus and subdiaphragmatic structures. • h/o chest pain include – duration, location, radiation to other area and character (heaviness, tearing, burning, stabbing, sharp niddle like, merely discomfort ) • Precipitating factors • Associated symptoms i.e. leg pain & swelling may point to DVT & pulmonary embolism.
  • 27.
  • 28. • Cause of hemoptysis Infection 1. Tuberculosis 2. Lung abscess 3. Pneumonia 4. Fungal infection (aspergillosis, blastomycosis) 5. Bronchiectasis  Neoplasm 1. Bronchogenic carcinoma 2. Bronchial adenoma 3. Metastatic tumour  Cardiovascular cause 1. Mitral stenosis 2. Pulmonary embolism 3. AV malformation  Traumatic  Iatrogenic  Bleeding disorder
  • 29. Physical examination • Begins with assessment of general appearance, mental faculty & breathing pattern • An anxious look indicate acute disease • While presence of fatigue & cachexia point to chronic disease or malignancy • A plethoric appearance in polycythemia ( mc in chronic lung disease and SVC obstruction) • Look at tongue, soft palate and nail bed for cyanosis, anaemia or polycythemia • Fingers for clubbing • Face, neck, hand & feet for oedema (generalised, localised, differential) • Neck for lymphadenopathy or abnormal pulsation • Record vital sign 1. Pulse – rate, rhythm, character 2. Respiration – type, rate & regularity 3. Blood pressure 4. temperature
  • 30. • Breathing pattern normal breathing is quiet with frequency of 12- 18/min  Tachycardia seen in – anxiety, anaemia, restrictive lung disease, pulmonary HTN and hypoxia of any etiology  Bradypnea seen in – drug overdose & CNS lesion  Noisy breathing indicate narrowing of central airway in carcinomatous lesion of vocal cord or trachea  Wheezing breath sound audible to unaided ears- narrowing of intrathoracic airway i.e. asthma  Periodic breathing pattern – cheyne -stokes & biots breathing associated with Lt heart failure & CNS lesion  In Kussmaul breathing – the depth of respiration is increased more than rate mc associated with severe metabolic acidosis
  • 31. Cyanosis • Cyanosis is bluish discoloration of tongue & soft palate Central cynosis Peripheral cynosis due to arterial hypoxia May occur due to severe chronic hypoxia of pulmonary or cardiac origin and often associater with polycythemia due to low blood flow Often occur with oedema affect neck, face & upper limb & indicate SVC obstraction
  • 32. Clubbing • Bulbous enlargement of terminal phalanges early changes consist of thickening phalanges of fibroelastic tissue or nail bed • detected by loss of normal angle b/w base of nail bed & adjacent dorsal surface of figures • Demonstrated best when viewed from side
  • 33.
  • 34. Lymphadenopathy • Is abnormal enlargement of LN at neck, axilla, groin • Note down number, size, consistency & fixity of LN to each other, to underlaying tissue or overlying skin • Large fixed massive indicate – Metastasis • Firm & matted nodes – tuberculosis • LN in Hodgkin's lymphoma are classically described as large, soft, rubbery in nature
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  • 36. Examination of chest • Inspection • Palpitation • Percussion • Ascultation
  • 37. Inspection • Appearance, shape, size of chest • Normal chest is b/l symmetrical & elliptical in cross section  But in disease it may be asymmetrical 1. Generalised or localised flattening of fullness in congenital disorder of lung, plura, ribs, vertebra or sternum  Abnormal shape – rickets  Pectus carinatum (Pigeon chest) – localised prominence of sternum & adjacent ribs  Pectus excavation (funnel chest) – localised depression of sternum & adjacent ribs  Kyphosis – forward bending  Scoliosis – lateral banding  Flattening – decrease anteroposterior diameter  Hyperinflation or barrel shape – increase anteroposterior diameter  Observe for scar, injury mark, lumps & stains
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  • 41. Movement of chest wall • Normal both side of chest moves equally • Decrease or absent movement on one side may indicate disease of chest wall, pleura or lung on that side 1. Symmetrical decrease in movement – emphysema, asthma, end stage diffuse pulmonary fibrosis 2. Intercostal recession (indrawing of i/c space) – in severe upper airway obstruction (laryngeal or trachial tumour) 3. Inward movement of lower rib – in asthma & emphysema 4. Accessory muscle of respiration – in emphysema
  • 42. • Shift of mediastinum – observe for prominence of the tendon of sternomastoid muscle at the suprasternal notch • The trachea shifted to side of prominence – positive trail sign • Indicates shift of upper mediastinum to the same side – fibrosis or collapse • To opposite side – in pleural effusion, pneumothorax, lung mass
  • 43. Palpation • Palpation is done to confirm the finding of inspection. • Begins at the part of chest showing swelling or where c/o pain to detect 1. Inflammatory oedema due to rib fracture, cellulitis, infected cyst or tumour. 2. Air – subcutaneous emphysema 3. Pus – abscess, empyema 4. Nodule – purpura, sarcoid nodule, metastatic nodule • Access position of trachea in suprasternal notch & apex beat at lower chest wall • Access for symmetry movement on both side  In general pathological side moves less • Access with intercostal space on both side to confirm flattening of fullness • Vocal fremitus is detected by placing the ulnar side of hand over the equivalent area on the two side of patient chest when narrates 1,2,3 or 99
  • 44. Percussion • Compare the degree of resonance over the equivalent area on the two side of chest • Note fot the area of tenderness • Stony dull percussion note – in pleural effusion (more so when breath sound & vocal resonance decrease) • Hyperresonant note indicate pneumothorax (more so when chest appear fuller & breath sound & vocal resonance decrease or absent.
  • 45. Table
  • 46. Auscultation • Breath sound listen to lung sound for its character & quality over all the parts of the chest wall on both side using the diaphragm of stethoscope • Breath sounds are vascular in character (low frequency rustling with longer inspiration than expiration & without a pause in between) over the healthy lung & best heared at base of lung. • Bronchial breathing – high pitch blowing sound, heared during inspiration & expiration & separate by brief pause, it is normal over trachea & larynx. * But if heared over chest wall it indicate consolidation. • Breath sound decreased in intensity when 1. Fluid (effusion) 2. Air (pneumothorax) 3. Atelectasis
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  • 48. Adventitious sounds • Wheezes – continuos high pitch sound, often musical in character, which arise from air moving in narrow airway e.g. asthma - most marked during expiration & associated with prolong expiratory sound. • Crackles – are discontinuous “popping” or “bubble” sound, coarse, gurgling sound are caused by secretion in large airway. - heared during inspiration & expiration • Fine crackles – heared during early inspiration in restrictive lung disease (pulmonary oedema & pulmonary fibrosis - produces due to sudden opening of small airways • Rub is localised cracking or rubbing sound, often associated with chest pain. - heared during inspiration & expiration. - indicates pleural inflammation.
  • 49. Vocal resonance • It is audible perception of the transmitted vibration from vocal cord over the chest as patient narrate 1,2,3 or 99 - it increase in consolidation & - decrease in atelectasis, pneumothorax & plural effusion.