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The History of Art Essay
The History of Art
Art was the first written language and to study the history of art is to study the history of
civilizations and humankind. The Paleolithic cave paintings in France, when viewed in the modern
western perspective can only be speculated at as to the intent and/or purpose of the original artisans.
Perhaps the paintings of animals were the focal point of a religious ceremony or ritual, surveyed
before the hunt, to bring success or perhaps part of a celebration or documentation after the
successful hunt. It appears that art from the earliest history into the Renaissance focuses around
religious ceremonies of some type.
Plato believed art to be a form of communication on a metaphysical level. The modern western view more content...
Without the scientific knowledge of later generations, it is assumed that these figures were
representations to invoke fertility.
Mesopotamia art was centered in what are now Iran and Iraq. The developing cultures (Assyrians,
Sumerians, Babylonians, etc) in the area, between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, which is
sometimes called the "Cradle of Civilization" or the "Fertile Crescent", are credited with the
invention of cuneiform writing which is shown to us in the Stele (law code) of Hamarabi. Within
these cultures, rulers often conferred with the religious leaders and religion was an important part of
their society.
The unique character of Sumerian art is exemplified by a group of votive statues from the Abu
Temple, at Tell Asmar. The identities of these statues are unclear. However, it is an educated theory
that they served Abu, God of vegetation, and they represent priests, and worshipers. There is no
indication that these figures were intended to represent a naturalistic scheme. It is important to note
that the symbolization is that of the human form and representative of some form of authoritarian
hierarchy. Tracking the human form and its relationship to art, history, and culture as the human
figure evolves through the centuries as artists perfect their
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Black History Importance Essay
Black History Importance The time has come again to celebrate the achievements of all black men
and women who have chipped in to form the Black society. There are television programs about the
African Queens and Kings who never set sail for America, but are acknowledged as the pillars of our
identity. In addition, our black school children finally get to hear about the history of their ancestors
instead of hearing about Columbus and the founding of America. The great founding of America
briefly includes the slavery period and the Antebellum south, but readily excludes both black men
and women, such as George Washington Carver, Langston Hughes, and Mary Bethune. These men
and women have contributed greatly to American more content...
Black Americans should be acknowledged for not only their contributions to American society,
but also for being a part of American society and upholding the traditions and values of this
country. Black History Month should not be a celebration that comes and goes in our own minds
and homes. Black History Month should not be a remembrance that is acknowledged only when
the official day begins. Black History Month is an accomplishment that we should be proud of in
the Black community. Carter G. Woodson chose the month of February for some important
reasons. For instance, Black History Month marks the birthdays of two men who influenced the
black population, Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln according to Woodson. In addition,
the Fifteenth Amendment was passed on February 3, 1870, which granted blacks the right to
vote. There were a lot of significant reasons for allowing Black History Week to begin in
February. However, I seriously doubt if Woodson would have accepted the extension of this week
in the shortest month of the year. Woodson chose a week in February, because it had symbolic
significance. Black History Week began in 1926. However, it is now 1999 and in seventy–three
years Black Americans allowed our contributions to American society to be extended from Negro
History Week to Black History
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history essay
Morgan Bradley 10/10/14 History Was absolutism a period of prosperity or tyranny in Europe
during the 16th and 17th centuries? Anyone could answer based on opinion. Many successful
events happened that had helped all the kings become better rulers with strong armies and a strong
nation. There were many deaths that made people call this period of time a time of tyranny instead
of prosperity. Many kings were considered obsessed with themselves or ego centered, but they
improved their nations by adding roads. Although, in my opinion this period of time was a time of
tyranny simply because of how the kings ruled the deaths caused by them and the way the
government ran. During the 16В17th century all the kings that had ruled, more content...
Although the monarchs ruled the same way, and had the same views all of them had different ways
of running their nations' government. The specific way the government had been ran during this
time was different for all monarchs. Each king had different views on how the government should be
run. Also they all had different relationships with parliament. However, there
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History Essay
Modified Essay Questions for Exam Practice
This document provides modifications of the AP World History Comparative and Continuity and
Change–Over–Time (CCOT) essay questions from the 2002 to the 2010 operational exams. The
modified questions provide examples of essay questions that align more closely with the Curriculum
Framework for the revised course as of the 2011–12 academic year. The accompanying rationale for
each question explains the revisions.
Mission Statement
The College Board's mission is to connect students to college success and opportunity. We are a
not–for–profit membership organization committed to excellence and equity in education.
About the College Board
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Revised Question
Compare the effects of racial ideologies on North American societies with those on Latin American
/Carribean societies during the period from 1500 to 1830.
Rationale for Revision: The fundamental comparison in this question is the same in both versions,
though in the revised question students are asked to compare only the effects of the ideologies. It is,
as a result, a bit narrower in focus than the original. Teachers will need to make the connections
between the ideologies and their effects explicit because they are in different sections of the
Curriculum Framework.
Revised Question's Alignment with the Curriculum Framework
Key Concept 4.2.II.D; 5.2.III; 5.3.III.C Theme Theme 2: Development and Interaction of Cultures
Theme 4: Creation, Expansion and Interaction of Economic Systems Theme 5: Development and
Transfer of Social Structures Skills for Basic Core Points Argumentation; Comparison; Causation;
© 2011 The College Board
Modified AP World History Essay Questions
2008 Continuity and Change–Over–Time Essay Question
Analyze the changes and continuities in commerce in the Indian Ocean region from 650 C.E. to
1750 C.E.
Revised Question
Analyze continuities and changes in the commercial life of the Indian Ocean region from 650 C.E.
to 1750 C.E.
Rationale for Revision: The revised question is slightly broader than the
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End Of History Essay
Name: Peter Reddaway ID: 14135766. Paper: 200161 Question: Will there ever be an 'End of
History'? Is it possible for there to ever be an 'End of History'? While it certainly isn't impossible it's
very unlikely. But to assess the likelihood of it occurring first, we must ascertain exactly what that
entails. There are several theories, the first of which comes from a French philosopher named
Antoine–Augustin Cournot. His definition being "to refer to the end of the historical dynamic with
the perfection of civil society" (Mike Featherstone, "Global and Local Cultures", in John Bird, Barry
Curtis, Tim Putnam, Mapping the Futures: Local Cultures, Global Change (1993)) His definition is
by far the broadest. Marx, however, theorised that the more content...
Without this men, women and transgender people will forever live in a sense of competition,
instead of working in sync. Without this, the unity of people cannot fully be realized. In order to
rectify this, we need to conceptualise gender as a social structure, this will allow us to better
analyse how individuals are affected by their gender and how this affects society as a whole. To
conceptualise gender as a structure situates gender at the same level of general social
significance as the economy and the polity. Risman, B. J. (2004). To conclude, the 'End of
History' is a difficult concept to define. Many different ideologies interpret it differently and it's
hard to say which is more likely. In the end I tend to think of the 'End of History' as a time of
complete equality with an excellent rate of education and standard of living. Due to low instances
of hatred toward people of different class, gender and faith. With Religion's sharper points dulled
down and woven in to the political system and education as a base for social improvement it may
just be possible to advance to a point in which the 'End of History' is considered the
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History of Germany Essay
Germany, a country rich in culture and heritage, yet plagued by the fallout of World War I and World
War II, has progressed to become the centerpiece of the European Union and the world's third richest
economy. The first German Empire dates back to the Roman Empire starting in the 8th century AD.
During the Middle Ages the German Empire fended off many attacks against their soil from the
Hungarians and the Slavs. Fighting and power struggles continued until the 1400's, when the modern
world gradually came into existence with intellectual, economic and political changes.
During the late 1490's and early 1500's, Maximilian I put into motion his plan to reform the German
Empire by creating an Imperial Supreme Court (Reichskammergericht), more content...
Using the assassination of Austrian archduke Frances Ferdinand and his wife as a catalyst for the
invasion of Yugoslavia, Germany formed an alliance with Austria and fuse for World War I was lit.
On August 3rd, 1914, after Russia refused to demobilize its forces that were protecting Yugoslavia,
Germany declared war on France, saying that they had infringed upon Germany's territory. Germany
proceeded West, taking over Belgium and mobilizing its forces on Frances eastern border. England
entered the war because of the invasion of Belgium and eventually other nations followed as their
interests were attacked. On November 11, 1918, the War was officially over with thesigning of an
During the course of the following year the Treaty of Versailles was drafted and presented to the
German people on May 7, 1919. The Germans thought the treaty was too harsh and called for too
many concessions on both the geographic and economic front. A war–torn Germany already had a
disadvantaged post–war economy, and the Treaty of Versailles made things worse. By 1922, the
German Mark was only worth 1/100th of its value in 1914 (K. Joseph & G. Owen).
In 1923, in order to attempt to stabilize the declining economy, the basis of the Mark was changed
to gold instead of industrial assets. Germany also received a loan from America of $800 million that
was to be used towards rebuilding
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What is History? Essay
What is History?
The definition of history, is a question which has sparked international debate for centuries between
the writers, readers, and the makers of history. In the words of acclaimed historian Edward Gibbon,
"History is indeed little more than the register of the crimes, follies and misfortunes of mankind." A
more romantic view on the subject was taken by Cicero. He said, "History is the witness that testifies
the passing of time. It illuminates reality, vitalizes memory, provides guidance of daily life and
brings us tidings of antiquity" History, described in the simplest of terms, can be seen as a record of
events that have occurred in the past that the historian has taken the trouble to document. It is the more content...
There is of course the argument, that even primary source evidence can be somewhat tainted.
Propaganda by rulers and governments has been used a major tool to promote popularity amongst
their people. For example, in Russia at the turn of the century writers who wrote critically about the
internal affairs of government were censured, persecuted and sometimes imprisoned or executed. In
1537 to 1574, The massive censorship exercised by Cosimo I de' Medici of Florence precipitated a
decline in historiography in Florence. The extreme wealth and power of the Medici family
extended even further into the art of the Renaissance period and their depiction was prevalent as
saintly figures in the works of these artists. Fear of persecution could drive an otherwise
intelligent scholar to be biased and one sided. Even today bias and prejudice is apparent in the
accounting of daily events in newspapers and television. The events revealed to the public are
those which the editor or director chooses to be relevant. The Daily Telegraph for example, is
widely perceived as being supportive of the Tories. In the world of films we never read 'this is a
true story' in the credits but that it is 'based on a true story'. The director, has used artistic licence to
inject either a romantic or
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Native American History Essay
Popular culture has shaped our understanding and perception of Native American culture. From
Disney to literature has given the picture of the "blood thirsty savage" of the beginning colonialism
in the new world to the "Noble Savage," a trait painted by non–native the West (Landsman and
Lewis 184) and this has influenced many non native perceptions. What many outsiders do not see is
the struggle Native American have on day to day bases. Each generation of Native American is on a
struggle to keep their traditions alive, but to function in school and ultimately graduate. The long
history between Native American and Europeans are a strained and bloody one. For the time of
Columbus's subsequent visits to the new world, native culture more content...
A more pressing matter is that of the history in the classroom. With the one sided history being
instructed to Native students bring a message that "Their history does not matter," alienation begins
to form and all motivation soon leaves the students (Laura). History class is not the only issue among
students; the nation's standardized test also leaves Native students behind their peers. Many
questions are "Eurocentric and culturally bias" resulting in many students who have grown in a
traditional customs unable to answer the questions (Robertson). Many school curricula does not
build on the students strength of the student, it is only if the strength and skill is of the dominate
culture that it will get attention (Landsman and Lewis 182). Many native parents are reluctant for
their children to be taught by non native teachers. The experiences through boarding schools has
caused generation to have negative thought of formal education has influence current attitudes to
today's education system and teachers. Non native teachers are also at fault for the reluctance of
education. Teacher's who do not try to learn the culture of their native students never learn of many
customs that do not appear in European culture. Eye culture and participation in class are expected
in schools by teachers. When teachers do not receive the jesters they believe the student is being
disrespectful or
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History and Memory Essay
MODULE C – History and Memory The Fiftieth Gate by Mark Baker suggests that a combination
of history and memory is essential in making meaning, i.e. in shaping perceptions of the world
around us. How does baker represent this combination to create meaning? History can be viewed as
a sequential series of indisputable events, whereas memory is of such events that are highly
subjective, and affect the way in which they are perceived. The link between history and memory
and the way it shapes the world around us, is a component of past and present. We are shown this
throughout the prescribed text, The Fiftieth Gate, where through bakers quest we see the past
continually impacting on the present, as the memories of the past affect those more
Whatever the reason may be, these lapses in memory posed a problem for Baker as he tries to
immerse himself in his parents history, so that he too can reach an understanding of who he is, "I
knew I has to wrap myself up in the details of her story, if only to immunize myself against the
secret thing that lay there, threatening me beneath her bright clothes and lipstick". Only then
when Baker discovers who he is, and where he came from will he emerge into a "stream of light".
For the duration of Bakers quest for self validation, Baker has to deal with the historian and the
son to bring his parents to "open the gate" and let the memories flood back. As the book develops,
one can see the authors growing obsession with finding validation and truth to those memories, as
his search for proof is fuelled with the desire to uncover who he is. To discover the integrity of his
parent's memories, Baker tries to fill in the shady memory gaps by savagely searching for the
historical documentation to prove the memories, "18th December 1923 at 2pm". His search for
proof grows until his parents words are not enough, the process of verification brings him to shame,
each memory needs a tacit approval
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The Importance of History Essay
What is history? Should we study history? Who creates history? Is history relevant?
The definition of history, is a question which has sparked international debate for centuries between
the writers, readers, and the makers of history. It is a vital topic which should be relevant in our
lives because it?s important to acknowledge past events that have occurred in our world that deeply
influences the present. This essay will discuss what history is, and why we study it.
History is the study of past events leading up to the present day. It is a research, a narrative, or an
account of past events and developments that are commonly related to a person, an institution, or a
place. It is a branch of knowledge that records and more content...
Focusing on the people involved in a time, place, and series of events makes history. Biographies
and historical fiction may popularize these entities/figures with descriptions of people who lived in
the past or events that happened in the past. Such Historical figures and events include King Leopold
II of Belgium and The Scramble of Africa in the late 19th century. Among other things, King Leopold
II of Belgium (1835–1909), is known for the exploitation of Congo and the mass murder of its
citizens as told in King Leopold?s Ghost by Adam Hochschild. King Leopold II of Belgium, created
and ironically erased history by ultimately slashing the area's population by ten million during his
reign in the Congo, and still managed to shrewdly foster a reputation as a great humanitarian. In
telling this story, Hochschild gave detailed descriptions, especially of the individuals involved,
both good and bad. Set in the palaces and boardrooms of Europe and in the villages of central
Africa, it tells the story of the tragedy that took place during Leopold's so called rule. This ?horror?
story gives and reveals the utter most secrets of the respected King Leopold. Prior to his
colonization, In the mid–1870s, the King hired then world renowned explorer Henry Morton Stanley,
who was familiar with many parts of Africa, to help him go about conquering. During the following
years Stanley stayed throughout in central Africa, talking various tribes into signing over their
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Literature and HIstory Essay
Pulitzer Prize winner, Barbara Tuchman, once said, "[b]ooks are the carriers of civilization. Without
books, history is silent, literature is dumb, science crippled, thought and speculation at a standstill."
Just like Barbara has mentioned in her quote, literature always have reflected the historical event that
was happening on the time the books were written. For instance, expansion of Christianity and the
belief of immortal life through being a hero on their own epic, during Anglo–Saxon period is shown
on the famous epic; Beowulf. Beowulf himself always summons the lord before his fights and tries
to fight Grendel for his own heroic journey. Inhuman behavior of British toward Irish farmers are
reflected in Jonathan Swift's satire, more content...
In the beginning, Celtic Christianity was introduced by monks from Ireland. However, Saint
Augustine arrived to England with 40 monks and settled the religion of Anglo–Saxon's as Roman
Christianity. (Stenton 108) This plays a significant role in a lot of literature that has been written in
around 7th and 8th centuries. Not only the religions, but also the old Anglo–Saxon immortality
played a big role in literature during this time. The belief of living in an immortal life by having
stories about them and be passed down from generation to generation – this was Anglo–Saxon
immortality. (James 2) The stories were told by bards– called scops sang around the campfires
while they played harp, telling the story of heroic deeds which usually consist battles and warriors.
These stories that were told by scops were usually memorized stories and being exaggerated every
time the stories were being told, and this often encouraged and inspired young warriors to attempt to
establish their own heroic journey that can be passed down on. (Stenton 105) In the epic Beowulf,
there are lots of portraits of the God and the Anglo–Saxon immortality. In the story when Beowulf is
trying to fight Grendel firstly to pursuit fame and live on immortal life by his stories being told
throughout the history. However, before he fights the might monster Grendel, he says before the
king, "may the Divine Lord in
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History Essays

  • 1. The History of Art Essay The History of Art Art was the first written language and to study the history of art is to study the history of civilizations and humankind. The Paleolithic cave paintings in France, when viewed in the modern western perspective can only be speculated at as to the intent and/or purpose of the original artisans. Perhaps the paintings of animals were the focal point of a religious ceremony or ritual, surveyed before the hunt, to bring success or perhaps part of a celebration or documentation after the successful hunt. It appears that art from the earliest history into the Renaissance focuses around religious ceremonies of some type. Plato believed art to be a form of communication on a metaphysical level. The modern western view more content... Without the scientific knowledge of later generations, it is assumed that these figures were representations to invoke fertility. Mesopotamia art was centered in what are now Iran and Iraq. The developing cultures (Assyrians, Sumerians, Babylonians, etc) in the area, between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, which is sometimes called the "Cradle of Civilization" or the "Fertile Crescent", are credited with the invention of cuneiform writing which is shown to us in the Stele (law code) of Hamarabi. Within these cultures, rulers often conferred with the religious leaders and religion was an important part of their society. The unique character of Sumerian art is exemplified by a group of votive statues from the Abu Temple, at Tell Asmar. The identities of these statues are unclear. However, it is an educated theory that they served Abu, God of vegetation, and they represent priests, and worshipers. There is no indication that these figures were intended to represent a naturalistic scheme. It is important to note that the symbolization is that of the human form and representative of some form of authoritarian hierarchy. Tracking the human form and its relationship to art, history, and culture as the human figure evolves through the centuries as artists perfect their Get more content on
  • 2. Black History Importance Essay Black History Importance The time has come again to celebrate the achievements of all black men and women who have chipped in to form the Black society. There are television programs about the African Queens and Kings who never set sail for America, but are acknowledged as the pillars of our identity. In addition, our black school children finally get to hear about the history of their ancestors instead of hearing about Columbus and the founding of America. The great founding of America briefly includes the slavery period and the Antebellum south, but readily excludes both black men and women, such as George Washington Carver, Langston Hughes, and Mary Bethune. These men and women have contributed greatly to American more content... Black Americans should be acknowledged for not only their contributions to American society, but also for being a part of American society and upholding the traditions and values of this country. Black History Month should not be a celebration that comes and goes in our own minds and homes. Black History Month should not be a remembrance that is acknowledged only when the official day begins. Black History Month is an accomplishment that we should be proud of in the Black community. Carter G. Woodson chose the month of February for some important reasons. For instance, Black History Month marks the birthdays of two men who influenced the black population, Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln according to Woodson. In addition, the Fifteenth Amendment was passed on February 3, 1870, which granted blacks the right to vote. There were a lot of significant reasons for allowing Black History Week to begin in February. However, I seriously doubt if Woodson would have accepted the extension of this week in the shortest month of the year. Woodson chose a week in February, because it had symbolic significance. Black History Week began in 1926. However, it is now 1999 and in seventy–three years Black Americans allowed our contributions to American society to be extended from Negro History Week to Black History Get more content on
  • 3. history essay Morgan Bradley 10/10/14 History Was absolutism a period of prosperity or tyranny in Europe during the 16th and 17th centuries? Anyone could answer based on opinion. Many successful events happened that had helped all the kings become better rulers with strong armies and a strong nation. There were many deaths that made people call this period of time a time of tyranny instead of prosperity. Many kings were considered obsessed with themselves or ego centered, but they improved their nations by adding roads. Although, in my opinion this period of time was a time of tyranny simply because of how the kings ruled the deaths caused by them and the way the government ran. During the 16В17th century all the kings that had ruled, more content... Although the monarchs ruled the same way, and had the same views all of them had different ways of running their nations' government. The specific way the government had been ran during this time was different for all monarchs. Each king had different views on how the government should be run. Also they all had different relationships with parliament. However, there Get more content on
  • 4. History Essay AP WORLD HISTORY В® Modified Essay Questions for Exam Practice This document provides modifications of the AP World History Comparative and Continuity and Change–Over–Time (CCOT) essay questions from the 2002 to the 2010 operational exams. The modified questions provide examples of essay questions that align more closely with the Curriculum Framework for the revised course as of the 2011–12 academic year. The accompanying rationale for each question explains the revisions. Mission Statement The College Board's mission is to connect students to college success and opportunity. We are a not–for–profit membership organization committed to excellence and equity in education. About the College Board The College Board is more content... Revised Question Compare the effects of racial ideologies on North American societies with those on Latin American /Carribean societies during the period from 1500 to 1830. Rationale for Revision: The fundamental comparison in this question is the same in both versions, though in the revised question students are asked to compare only the effects of the ideologies. It is, as a result, a bit narrower in focus than the original. Teachers will need to make the connections between the ideologies and their effects explicit because they are in different sections of the Curriculum Framework. Revised Question's Alignment with the Curriculum Framework Key Concept 4.2.II.D; 5.2.III; 5.3.III.C Theme Theme 2: Development and Interaction of Cultures Theme 4: Creation, Expansion and Interaction of Economic Systems Theme 5: Development and Transfer of Social Structures Skills for Basic Core Points Argumentation; Comparison; Causation; Synthesis 4 © 2011 The College Board Modified AP World History Essay Questions 2008 Continuity and Change–Over–Time Essay Question
  • 5. Analyze the changes and continuities in commerce in the Indian Ocean region from 650 C.E. to 1750 C.E. Revised Question Analyze continuities and changes in the commercial life of the Indian Ocean region from 650 C.E. to 1750 C.E. Rationale for Revision: The revised question is slightly broader than the Get more content on
  • 6. End Of History Essay Name: Peter Reddaway ID: 14135766. Paper: 200161 Question: Will there ever be an 'End of History'? Is it possible for there to ever be an 'End of History'? While it certainly isn't impossible it's very unlikely. But to assess the likelihood of it occurring first, we must ascertain exactly what that entails. There are several theories, the first of which comes from a French philosopher named Antoine–Augustin Cournot. His definition being "to refer to the end of the historical dynamic with the perfection of civil society" (Mike Featherstone, "Global and Local Cultures", in John Bird, Barry Curtis, Tim Putnam, Mapping the Futures: Local Cultures, Global Change (1993)) His definition is by far the broadest. Marx, however, theorised that the more content... Without this men, women and transgender people will forever live in a sense of competition, instead of working in sync. Without this, the unity of people cannot fully be realized. In order to rectify this, we need to conceptualise gender as a social structure, this will allow us to better analyse how individuals are affected by their gender and how this affects society as a whole. To conceptualise gender as a structure situates gender at the same level of general social significance as the economy and the polity. Risman, B. J. (2004). To conclude, the 'End of History' is a difficult concept to define. Many different ideologies interpret it differently and it's hard to say which is more likely. In the end I tend to think of the 'End of History' as a time of complete equality with an excellent rate of education and standard of living. Due to low instances of hatred toward people of different class, gender and faith. With Religion's sharper points dulled down and woven in to the political system and education as a base for social improvement it may just be possible to advance to a point in which the 'End of History' is considered the Get more content on
  • 7. History of Germany Essay Germany, a country rich in culture and heritage, yet plagued by the fallout of World War I and World War II, has progressed to become the centerpiece of the European Union and the world's third richest economy. The first German Empire dates back to the Roman Empire starting in the 8th century AD. During the Middle Ages the German Empire fended off many attacks against their soil from the Hungarians and the Slavs. Fighting and power struggles continued until the 1400's, when the modern world gradually came into existence with intellectual, economic and political changes. During the late 1490's and early 1500's, Maximilian I put into motion his plan to reform the German Empire by creating an Imperial Supreme Court (Reichskammergericht), more content... Using the assassination of Austrian archduke Frances Ferdinand and his wife as a catalyst for the invasion of Yugoslavia, Germany formed an alliance with Austria and fuse for World War I was lit. On August 3rd, 1914, after Russia refused to demobilize its forces that were protecting Yugoslavia, Germany declared war on France, saying that they had infringed upon Germany's territory. Germany proceeded West, taking over Belgium and mobilizing its forces on Frances eastern border. England entered the war because of the invasion of Belgium and eventually other nations followed as their interests were attacked. On November 11, 1918, the War was officially over with thesigning of an armistice. During the course of the following year the Treaty of Versailles was drafted and presented to the German people on May 7, 1919. The Germans thought the treaty was too harsh and called for too many concessions on both the geographic and economic front. A war–torn Germany already had a disadvantaged post–war economy, and the Treaty of Versailles made things worse. By 1922, the German Mark was only worth 1/100th of its value in 1914 (K. Joseph & G. Owen). In 1923, in order to attempt to stabilize the declining economy, the basis of the Mark was changed to gold instead of industrial assets. Germany also received a loan from America of $800 million that was to be used towards rebuilding Get more content on
  • 8. What is History? Essay What is History? The definition of history, is a question which has sparked international debate for centuries between the writers, readers, and the makers of history. In the words of acclaimed historian Edward Gibbon, "History is indeed little more than the register of the crimes, follies and misfortunes of mankind." A more romantic view on the subject was taken by Cicero. He said, "History is the witness that testifies the passing of time. It illuminates reality, vitalizes memory, provides guidance of daily life and brings us tidings of antiquity" History, described in the simplest of terms, can be seen as a record of events that have occurred in the past that the historian has taken the trouble to document. It is the more content... There is of course the argument, that even primary source evidence can be somewhat tainted. Propaganda by rulers and governments has been used a major tool to promote popularity amongst their people. For example, in Russia at the turn of the century writers who wrote critically about the internal affairs of government were censured, persecuted and sometimes imprisoned or executed. In 1537 to 1574, The massive censorship exercised by Cosimo I de' Medici of Florence precipitated a decline in historiography in Florence. The extreme wealth and power of the Medici family extended even further into the art of the Renaissance period and their depiction was prevalent as saintly figures in the works of these artists. Fear of persecution could drive an otherwise intelligent scholar to be biased and one sided. Even today bias and prejudice is apparent in the accounting of daily events in newspapers and television. The events revealed to the public are those which the editor or director chooses to be relevant. The Daily Telegraph for example, is widely perceived as being supportive of the Tories. In the world of films we never read 'this is a true story' in the credits but that it is 'based on a true story'. The director, has used artistic licence to inject either a romantic or Get more content on
  • 9. Native American History Essay Popular culture has shaped our understanding and perception of Native American culture. From Disney to literature has given the picture of the "blood thirsty savage" of the beginning colonialism in the new world to the "Noble Savage," a trait painted by non–native the West (Landsman and Lewis 184) and this has influenced many non native perceptions. What many outsiders do not see is the struggle Native American have on day to day bases. Each generation of Native American is on a struggle to keep their traditions alive, but to function in school and ultimately graduate. The long history between Native American and Europeans are a strained and bloody one. For the time of Columbus's subsequent visits to the new world, native culture more content... A more pressing matter is that of the history in the classroom. With the one sided history being instructed to Native students bring a message that "Their history does not matter," alienation begins to form and all motivation soon leaves the students (Laura). History class is not the only issue among students; the nation's standardized test also leaves Native students behind their peers. Many questions are "Eurocentric and culturally bias" resulting in many students who have grown in a traditional customs unable to answer the questions (Robertson). Many school curricula does not build on the students strength of the student, it is only if the strength and skill is of the dominate culture that it will get attention (Landsman and Lewis 182). Many native parents are reluctant for their children to be taught by non native teachers. The experiences through boarding schools has caused generation to have negative thought of formal education has influence current attitudes to today's education system and teachers. Non native teachers are also at fault for the reluctance of education. Teacher's who do not try to learn the culture of their native students never learn of many customs that do not appear in European culture. Eye culture and participation in class are expected in schools by teachers. When teachers do not receive the jesters they believe the student is being disrespectful or Get more content on
  • 10. History and Memory Essay MODULE C – History and Memory The Fiftieth Gate by Mark Baker suggests that a combination of history and memory is essential in making meaning, i.e. in shaping perceptions of the world around us. How does baker represent this combination to create meaning? History can be viewed as a sequential series of indisputable events, whereas memory is of such events that are highly subjective, and affect the way in which they are perceived. The link between history and memory and the way it shapes the world around us, is a component of past and present. We are shown this throughout the prescribed text, The Fiftieth Gate, where through bakers quest we see the past continually impacting on the present, as the memories of the past affect those more content... Whatever the reason may be, these lapses in memory posed a problem for Baker as he tries to immerse himself in his parents history, so that he too can reach an understanding of who he is, "I knew I has to wrap myself up in the details of her story, if only to immunize myself against the secret thing that lay there, threatening me beneath her bright clothes and lipstick". Only then when Baker discovers who he is, and where he came from will he emerge into a "stream of light". For the duration of Bakers quest for self validation, Baker has to deal with the historian and the son to bring his parents to "open the gate" and let the memories flood back. As the book develops, one can see the authors growing obsession with finding validation and truth to those memories, as his search for proof is fuelled with the desire to uncover who he is. To discover the integrity of his parent's memories, Baker tries to fill in the shady memory gaps by savagely searching for the historical documentation to prove the memories, "18th December 1923 at 2pm". His search for proof grows until his parents words are not enough, the process of verification brings him to shame, each memory needs a tacit approval Get more content on
  • 11. The Importance of History Essay What is history? Should we study history? Who creates history? Is history relevant? The definition of history, is a question which has sparked international debate for centuries between the writers, readers, and the makers of history. It is a vital topic which should be relevant in our lives because it?s important to acknowledge past events that have occurred in our world that deeply influences the present. This essay will discuss what history is, and why we study it. History is the study of past events leading up to the present day. It is a research, a narrative, or an account of past events and developments that are commonly related to a person, an institution, or a place. It is a branch of knowledge that records and more content... Focusing on the people involved in a time, place, and series of events makes history. Biographies and historical fiction may popularize these entities/figures with descriptions of people who lived in the past or events that happened in the past. Such Historical figures and events include King Leopold II of Belgium and The Scramble of Africa in the late 19th century. Among other things, King Leopold II of Belgium (1835–1909), is known for the exploitation of Congo and the mass murder of its citizens as told in King Leopold?s Ghost by Adam Hochschild. King Leopold II of Belgium, created and ironically erased history by ultimately slashing the area's population by ten million during his reign in the Congo, and still managed to shrewdly foster a reputation as a great humanitarian. In telling this story, Hochschild gave detailed descriptions, especially of the individuals involved, both good and bad. Set in the palaces and boardrooms of Europe and in the villages of central Africa, it tells the story of the tragedy that took place during Leopold's so called rule. This ?horror? story gives and reveals the utter most secrets of the respected King Leopold. Prior to his colonization, In the mid–1870s, the King hired then world renowned explorer Henry Morton Stanley, who was familiar with many parts of Africa, to help him go about conquering. During the following years Stanley stayed throughout in central Africa, talking various tribes into signing over their Get more content on
  • 12. Literature and HIstory Essay Pulitzer Prize winner, Barbara Tuchman, once said, "[b]ooks are the carriers of civilization. Without books, history is silent, literature is dumb, science crippled, thought and speculation at a standstill." Just like Barbara has mentioned in her quote, literature always have reflected the historical event that was happening on the time the books were written. For instance, expansion of Christianity and the belief of immortal life through being a hero on their own epic, during Anglo–Saxon period is shown on the famous epic; Beowulf. Beowulf himself always summons the lord before his fights and tries to fight Grendel for his own heroic journey. Inhuman behavior of British toward Irish farmers are reflected in Jonathan Swift's satire, more content... In the beginning, Celtic Christianity was introduced by monks from Ireland. However, Saint Augustine arrived to England with 40 monks and settled the religion of Anglo–Saxon's as Roman Christianity. (Stenton 108) This plays a significant role in a lot of literature that has been written in around 7th and 8th centuries. Not only the religions, but also the old Anglo–Saxon immortality played a big role in literature during this time. The belief of living in an immortal life by having stories about them and be passed down from generation to generation – this was Anglo–Saxon immortality. (James 2) The stories were told by bards– called scops sang around the campfires while they played harp, telling the story of heroic deeds which usually consist battles and warriors. These stories that were told by scops were usually memorized stories and being exaggerated every time the stories were being told, and this often encouraged and inspired young warriors to attempt to establish their own heroic journey that can be passed down on. (Stenton 105) In the epic Beowulf, there are lots of portraits of the God and the Anglo–Saxon immortality. In the story when Beowulf is trying to fight Grendel firstly to pursuit fame and live on immortal life by his stories being told throughout the history. However, before he fights the might monster Grendel, he says before the king, "may the Divine Lord in Get more content on