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Hierarchical Entity Extraction and Ranking with
Unsupervised Graph Convolutions
Presenter: Zhexiong Liu
Advisor: Jinho D. Choi
• Introduction
• Approaches
• Experiments
• Analysis
• Conclusion
• Reference
• Introduction
• Approaches
• Experiments
• Analysis
• Conclusion
• Reference
Informa(on Extrac(on aims to extract structured data
from unstructured data
• Named En((es:
Persons, Organiza.ons, Loca.ons, etc
• A6ributes:
Name, Descriptors, Categories, etc
• Rela(onships:
Person works for Organiza.on
• Events:
Kansas Chiefs won Super Bowl 2020
• Keyword Extraction
– Generates a list of phrases from texts
– Without coreference
– Without importance
Related Works
• Named Entity Extraction
– Finding named entities in a text
– Conduct classifications
– Without coreference
– Without importance
Related Works
• Entity Salience Detection
– Identify main entities
– Binary categories
– Without ranked order
– Without coreference
Related Works
• This thesis focus
– Entities Extraction
– Entity Ranking
“Three Miami Dolphins players were spotted taking a
knee on the sideline during the singing of the national
anthem: Kenny Stills, Michael Thomas and Julius
Proposed Task
“Three Miami Dolphins players were spotted taking a
knee on the sideline during the singing of the national
anthem: Kenny Stills, Michael Thomas and Julius
1. the national anthem
2. a knee
3. Three Miami Dolphins players
Proposed Task
• Introduction
• Approaches
• Experiments
• Analysis
• Conclusion
• Reference
• Given a document D with sequence
• Extracted en((es
• En(ty rank scores
• En(ty hierarchy
Task Formulation
• Investigate unsupervised approaches for entity
extraction and ranking
• Determine the effectiveness of contextualized
embeddings for mention representation
• Exam coreference-based and parsing-based graph
convolution for embedding normalization
Research Questions
• Baseline model
– Constituency parsing
– Mention embedding
Proposed Approaches
• The purpose of constituency parsing is to
obtain mention candidates
• Process plaint data without labels
• Develop noun phrase trunker based on
constituency parsing tree
Cons=tuency parsing
Constituency parsing
“Kansas City Chiefs won their first Super Bowl on
February 2020”
• Rooted trees representing the syntactic
• Trunked phrases may contain multiple or
single tokens (words)
“Kansas City Chiefs won their first Super Bowl on
February 2020”
Constituency parsing
• Map word into vectors
• Contextualized world embedding
Word Embedding
BERT Word Embedding
BERT Word Embedding
• Sum last four layers of BERT to obtain
contextualized word embedding
• Average each word embeddings in a mention
to present phrase embeddings
• Map phrases (mentions) into vectors
Phrase Embedding
• A graph for clustering
• Nodes are menIon set
• Each node has a phrase embedding
• Edges distance between and
Construct Cluster Graph
• The density of adjacency matrix for cluster
Perform Clustering
HDBSCAN Clustering
• No need to indicate the number of clusters
• Cluster with noises, which could be singletons
• Perform hierarchy for cluster results
Entity Ranking
• Based on the mention hierarchy, each
mention has a score
• Each clusters or singletons maintain a score
• Heavily rely on contextualized embeddings
• Cannot handle syntactics in the sentences
• May extract duplicate entities
• Cluster graph is not quite sparse-dense
oriented to perform HDBSCAN
Baseline Drawbacks
• Coreference model
– En(ty coreference
– Men(on normaliza(on
Proposed Approaches
• Link the entity mentions that refer to the
same entity across document.
Coreference Resolution
• Based on BERT model
• Mask spans instead of tokens
SpanBERT Coreference
Problem: Two mentions have different spans
• Mention cluster from SpanBERT:
– {Kansas City Chiefs, This team, their, the Chiefs}
• Mention extracted from Constituency Parsing:
– {Kansas City Chiefs, their first Super Bowl victory,
the chiefs' first NFL champion}
Men=on Alignments
Alignment rule: Half-Half
• If two mentions have half overlap, the parser-
based one is assigned to an entity cluster.
• Convert coreference-based mention cluster to
parser-based mention cluster
Mention Alignments
• Normalize mention embedding
• Mentions outside coreference clusters
• Mentions inside coreference clusters
Coreference Model
• Construct cluster graph
• Each node has normalized embedding
based on coreference resolution cluster it it
fall into a cluster, otherwise,
• Edges distance
• Perform HDBSCAN
• Obtain Entity ranking and hierarchy
Coreference Model
• Alignment problems
– “their first Super Bowl victory” vs “their”
• Coreference introduce noises
– “the chiefs’” vs “the chiefs’ first championship”
• Missing syntacIc informaIon within sentence
Coreference Model Drawbacks
• Graph-convolution model
– Perform graph convolution
– Dependency parsing
Proposed Model
Graph-convolution model
• Dependency parsing graph that considers the
mention relation within sentence
• Coreference graph that considers the mention
relation between sentences
• Structures capturing implicit dependencies
between tokens in a sentence
Dependency Parsing
• Construct a dependence-graph and a
coreference graph
• Nodes are entity mentions with embedding
• Edges are the inner-sentence or inter-
sentence distance
Graph-convolution Model
• Distance on dependency graph defines as the
number of edges on the shortest path that connects
two head nouns of the mentions
Graph-convolution Model
• The distance on coreference graph defines as the size
of coreference cluster
Graph-convolution Model
• Given adjacency matrix A, degree matrix D,
IdenIty matrix I, and feature (menIon
embedding) matrix: X
• Normalized Laplacian Matrix
• A filter for dependency graph
Graph-convolution Model
• Graph convolution aims to update node
• K-order convolution leverages K-order
neighbors of current nodes
• Updated embedding feature matrix is
Graph-convolution Model
• Combine the dependency graph mention
embedding and coreference graph
mention embedding
Graph-convolution Model
• Word embedding based on BERT
• Mention embedding via averaging tokens
• Coreference embedding based on SpanBERT
• Normalized embedding based on dependency
graph convolution and coreference graph
Graph-convolu=on Model
• Political news dataset NELA2017 with news
between April 2017 and October 2017.
• Sample of 60 articles
• Annotated entity by three annotators
• Each annotator annotated all the entity in the
text and marked top 3, top 5 and top 10
Data Annotation
• Introduction
• Approaches
• Experiments
• Analysis
• Conclusion
• Reference
Data Annotation
• EnIty staIsIcs in annotated arIcles
• Total enIty annotated vs enIty length
Data Exploration
• Perform baseline, coreference model, and
graph-based model on 60 articles
Experimental Results
• Introduction
• Approaches
• Experiments
• Analysis
• Conclusion
• Reference
WASHINGTON NFL Sunday kicked off in London with more kneeling during the
national anthem, as President Trump continues to admonish players who don’t stand
for the flag.
Three Miami Dolphins players were spotted taking a knee on the sideline during
the singing of the national anthem: Kenny Stills, Michael Thomas and Julius Thomas.
The three kneeled side-by-side at one of the sidelines while the rest of their team stood
for the anthem.
Meanwhile, their opposing team, the New Orleans Saints, took a unified knee on
the sidelines but rose in time for the national anthem. Many of Saints linked arms as
Grammy-winning artist Darius Rucker sang the anthem in Wembley Stadium, the first
televised game of the day on Fox. The cameras didn’t zoom in on the Dolphins
kneelers, but attendees and journalists in London quickly posted pictures of the trio of
kneelers on social media.
President Trump has blasted a kneeling player as a son of a bitch and urged
owners to fire athletes who don’t stand up for the flag.
Ar=cle Example
• Right: embedding based on BERT
• left: embedding based on BERT & Coreference
Entity Embedding Comparison
• baseline, coreference model, graph-based model
with coreference embedding, and graph-based
model without coreference embedding
Sparse and Density
MST on Cluster Graph
• Top 10 enIty (clusters) and their ranking
Entity Extraction & Ranking
• Meaningful hierarchy with importance
Entity Hierarchy
• Introduction
• Approaches
• Experiments
• Analysis
• Conclusion
• Reference
• Unsupervised approaches for entity extraction and
ranking demonstrate promising results
• Contextualized word & phrase embeddings show
considerable semantics
• Coreference-based and parsing-based graph convolution
for embedding normalization archive good results
• Constituency parsing and dependency parsing performs
significant syntactics
• Proposed a novel task with entity extraction, entity ranking,
and entity hierarchy
• Perform unsupervised learning without training
• Collaboratively annotated 60 articles based on NELA2017
• Demonstrated a simple yet effective normalization
mechanism with coreference resolution
• Employ entity relation graph for graph convolution
• Construct more meaningful graph that could be used
to update the node embeddings
• Fine-tune SpanBERT on NELA2017 to improve
mention representation
• Leverage title and position features to improve entity
• Apply entity extraction and ranking to event
Further Works
• Introduction
• Approaches
• Experiments
• Analysis
• Conclusion
• Reference
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Hierarchical Entity Extraction and Ranking with Unsupervised Graph Convolutions

  • 1. 1 Hierarchical Entity Extraction and Ranking with Unsupervised Graph Convolutions Presenter: Zhexiong Liu Advisor: Jinho D. Choi
  • 2. 2 Outline • Introduction • Approaches • Experiments • Analysis • Conclusion • Reference
  • 3. 3 Outline • Introduction • Approaches • Experiments • Analysis • Conclusion • Reference
  • 4. 4 Informa(on Extrac(on aims to extract structured data from unstructured data • Named En((es: Persons, Organiza.ons, Loca.ons, etc • A6ributes: Name, Descriptors, Categories, etc • Rela(onships: Person works for Organiza.on • Events: Kansas Chiefs won Super Bowl 2020 Background
  • 5. 5 • Keyword Extraction – Generates a list of phrases from texts – Without coreference – Without importance Related Works
  • 6. 6 • Named Entity Extraction – Finding named entities in a text – Conduct classifications – Without coreference – Without importance Related Works
  • 7. 7 • Entity Salience Detection – Identify main entities – Binary categories – Without ranked order – Without coreference Related Works
  • 8. 8 • This thesis focus – Entities Extraction – Entity Ranking “Three Miami Dolphins players were spotted taking a knee on the sideline during the singing of the national anthem: Kenny Stills, Michael Thomas and Julius Thomas.” Proposed Task
  • 9. 9 “Three Miami Dolphins players were spotted taking a knee on the sideline during the singing of the national anthem: Kenny Stills, Michael Thomas and Julius Thomas.” 1. the national anthem 2. a knee 3. Three Miami Dolphins players Proposed Task
  • 10. 10 Outline • Introduction • Approaches • Experiments • Analysis • Conclusion • Reference
  • 11. 11 Input: • Given a document D with sequence Outputs: • Extracted en((es • En(ty rank scores • En(ty hierarchy Task Formulation
  • 12. 12 • Investigate unsupervised approaches for entity extraction and ranking • Determine the effectiveness of contextualized embeddings for mention representation • Exam coreference-based and parsing-based graph convolution for embedding normalization Research Questions
  • 13. 13 • Baseline model – Constituency parsing – Mention embedding Proposed Approaches
  • 14. 14 • The purpose of constituency parsing is to obtain mention candidates • Process plaint data without labels • Develop noun phrase trunker based on constituency parsing tree Cons=tuency parsing
  • 15. 15 Constituency parsing “Kansas City Chiefs won their first Super Bowl on February 2020”
  • 16. 16 • Rooted trees representing the syntactic structures • Trunked phrases may contain multiple or single tokens (words) “Kansas City Chiefs won their first Super Bowl on February 2020” Constituency parsing
  • 17. 17 • Map word into vectors • Contextualized world embedding Word Embedding
  • 20. 20 • Sum last four layers of BERT to obtain contextualized word embedding • Average each word embeddings in a mention to present phrase embeddings • Map phrases (mentions) into vectors Phrase Embedding
  • 21. 21 • A graph for clustering • Nodes are menIon set • Each node has a phrase embedding • Edges distance between and Construct Cluster Graph
  • 22. 22 • The density of adjacency matrix for cluster graph Perform Clustering
  • 23. 23 HDBSCAN Clustering • No need to indicate the number of clusters • Cluster with noises, which could be singletons • Perform hierarchy for cluster results Minimum Spanning Tree Single- linkage Hierarchy Cluster Graph Cluster results
  • 24. 24 Entity Ranking • Based on the mention hierarchy, each mention has a score • Each clusters or singletons maintain a score
  • 25. 25 • Heavily rely on contextualized embeddings • Cannot handle syntactics in the sentences • May extract duplicate entities • Cluster graph is not quite sparse-dense oriented to perform HDBSCAN Baseline Drawbacks
  • 26. 26 • Coreference model – En(ty coreference – Men(on normaliza(on Proposed Approaches
  • 27. 27 • Link the entity mentions that refer to the same entity across document. Coreference Resolution
  • 28. 28 • Based on BERT model • Mask spans instead of tokens SpanBERT Coreference
  • 29. 29 Problem: Two mentions have different spans • Mention cluster from SpanBERT: – {Kansas City Chiefs, This team, their, the Chiefs} • Mention extracted from Constituency Parsing: – {Kansas City Chiefs, their first Super Bowl victory, the chiefs' first NFL champion} Men=on Alignments
  • 30. 30 Alignment rule: Half-Half • If two mentions have half overlap, the parser- based one is assigned to an entity cluster. • Convert coreference-based mention cluster to parser-based mention cluster Mention Alignments
  • 31. 31 • Normalize mention embedding • Mentions outside coreference clusters • Mentions inside coreference clusters Coreference Model
  • 32. 32 • Construct cluster graph • Each node has normalized embedding based on coreference resolution cluster it it fall into a cluster, otherwise, • Edges distance • Perform HDBSCAN • Obtain Entity ranking and hierarchy Coreference Model
  • 33. 33 • Alignment problems – “their first Super Bowl victory” vs “their” • Coreference introduce noises – “the chiefs’” vs “the chiefs’ first championship” • Missing syntacIc informaIon within sentence Coreference Model Drawbacks
  • 34. 34 • Graph-convolution model – Perform graph convolution – Dependency parsing Proposed Model
  • 35. 35 Graph-convolution model • Dependency parsing graph that considers the mention relation within sentence • Coreference graph that considers the mention relation between sentences
  • 36. 36 • Structures capturing implicit dependencies between tokens in a sentence Dependency Parsing
  • 37. 37 • Construct a dependence-graph and a coreference graph • Nodes are entity mentions with embedding • Edges are the inner-sentence or inter- sentence distance Graph-convolution Model
  • 38. 38 • Distance on dependency graph defines as the number of edges on the shortest path that connects two head nouns of the mentions Graph-convolution Model
  • 39. 39 • The distance on coreference graph defines as the size of coreference cluster Graph-convolution Model
  • 40. 40 • Given adjacency matrix A, degree matrix D, IdenIty matrix I, and feature (menIon embedding) matrix: X • Normalized Laplacian Matrix • A filter for dependency graph Graph-convolution Model
  • 41. 41 • Graph convolution aims to update node embeddings • K-order convolution leverages K-order neighbors of current nodes • Updated embedding feature matrix is Graph-convolution Model
  • 42. 42 • Combine the dependency graph mention embedding and coreference graph mention embedding Graph-convolution Model
  • 43. 43 • Word embedding based on BERT • Mention embedding via averaging tokens • Coreference embedding based on SpanBERT • Normalized embedding based on dependency graph convolution and coreference graph convolution Graph-convolu=on Model
  • 44. 44 • Political news dataset NELA2017 with news between April 2017 and October 2017. • Sample of 60 articles • Annotated entity by three annotators • Each annotator annotated all the entity in the text and marked top 3, top 5 and top 10 Data Annotation
  • 45. 45 Outline • Introduction • Approaches • Experiments • Analysis • Conclusion • Reference
  • 47. 47 • EnIty staIsIcs in annotated arIcles • Total enIty annotated vs enIty length Data Exploration
  • 48. 48 • Perform baseline, coreference model, and graph-based model on 60 articles Experimental Results
  • 49. 49 Outline • Introduction • Approaches • Experiments • Analysis • Conclusion • Reference
  • 50. 50 WASHINGTON NFL Sunday kicked off in London with more kneeling during the national anthem, as President Trump continues to admonish players who don’t stand for the flag. Three Miami Dolphins players were spotted taking a knee on the sideline during the singing of the national anthem: Kenny Stills, Michael Thomas and Julius Thomas. The three kneeled side-by-side at one of the sidelines while the rest of their team stood for the anthem. Meanwhile, their opposing team, the New Orleans Saints, took a unified knee on the sidelines but rose in time for the national anthem. Many of Saints linked arms as Grammy-winning artist Darius Rucker sang the anthem in Wembley Stadium, the first televised game of the day on Fox. The cameras didn’t zoom in on the Dolphins kneelers, but attendees and journalists in London quickly posted pictures of the trio of kneelers on social media. President Trump has blasted a kneeling player as a son of a bitch and urged owners to fire athletes who don’t stand up for the flag. Ar=cle Example
  • 51. 51 • Right: embedding based on BERT • left: embedding based on BERT & Coreference Entity Embedding Comparison
  • 52. 52 • baseline, coreference model, graph-based model with coreference embedding, and graph-based model without coreference embedding Sparse and Density
  • 54. 54 • Top 10 enIty (clusters) and their ranking Entity Extraction & Ranking
  • 55. 55 • Meaningful hierarchy with importance Entity Hierarchy
  • 56. 56 Outline • Introduction • Approaches • Experiments • Analysis • Conclusion • Reference
  • 57. 57 • Unsupervised approaches for entity extraction and ranking demonstrate promising results • Contextualized word & phrase embeddings show considerable semantics • Coreference-based and parsing-based graph convolution for embedding normalization archive good results • Constituency parsing and dependency parsing performs significant syntactics Conclusion
  • 58. 58 • Proposed a novel task with entity extraction, entity ranking, and entity hierarchy • Perform unsupervised learning without training • Collaboratively annotated 60 articles based on NELA2017 • Demonstrated a simple yet effective normalization mechanism with coreference resolution • Employ entity relation graph for graph convolution Contribution
  • 59. 59 • Construct more meaningful graph that could be used to update the node embeddings • Fine-tune SpanBERT on NELA2017 to improve mention representation • Leverage title and position features to improve entity ranking • Apply entity extraction and ranking to event Further Works
  • 60. 60 Outline • Introduction • Approaches • Experiments • Analysis • Conclusion • Reference
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