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Senckenbergiana biologica       |    88	    |	    2	                        |	 329­–333	 |	   8	figs.	   |	   Frankfurt	am	Main,	19­. xii.	2008

                        Noteworthy records of amphibians and reptiles in Panama
                   (Amphibia: Plethodontidae, Craugastoridae, Hylidae; Reptilia: Polychrotidae)

                              Gunther Köhler, Javier Sunyer, MarcoS Ponce & abel batiSta


                   We	 report	 range	 extensions	 in	 Panama	 for	 two	 anurans	 (Craugastor tabasarae, Isthmohyla
                zeteki)	and	three	species	of	Anolis	(A. auratus, A. fungosus, and A. microtus).	We	also	collected	
                specimens	of	Bolitoglossa lignicolor and A. polylepis	that	extend	the	known	vertical	range	of	these	
                species.	Finally,	we	report	upon	a	series	of	the	poorly	known	Craugastor monnichorum.	Brief	eco-
                logical	field	notes	are	included.	For	several	species	notes	on	the	colouration	in	life	are	provided.
                   K e y 	 w o r d s : 	Anolis auratus; Anolis fungosus; Anolis microtus; Anolis polylepis; Bolitoglos­
                sa lignicolor; Craugastor monnichorum; Craugastor tabasarae; Isthmohyla zeteki;	geographical	
                distribution;	elevational	range.

                Bemerkenswerte Nachweise von Amphibien und Reptilien in Panama (Amphibia:
                Plethodontidae, Craugastoridae, Hylidae; Reptilia: Polychrotidae)
                    Z u s a m m e n f a s s u n g :	Wir	berichten	über	neue	Fundorte	von	zwei	Froschlurchen	(Crauga­
                stor tabasarae, Isthmohyla zeteki)	und	drei	Anolis-Arten	(A. auratus, A. fungosus	und	A. microtus),	
                durch	die	die	bisher	bekannten	Verbreitungsgebiete	dieser	Arten	erweitert	werden.	Von	den	Arten	
                Bolitoglossa lignicolor und	A. polylepis	haben	wir	Exemplare	gesammelt,	die	die	bisher	dokumen-
                                                   eschweizerbartxxx sng-

                tierte	vertikale	Verbreitung	dieser	Arten	erweitern.	Von	dem	wenig	bekannten	Craugastor monni­
                chorum	haben	wir	mehrere	Exemplare	gesammelt	und	berichten	über	die	Farbvariationen.	Kurze	
                Hinweise	 zu	 den	 ökologischen	 Fundumständen	 werden	 gegeben.	 Für	 mehrere	 der	 gesammelten	
                Arten	präsentieren	wir	Daten	zur	Lebendfärbung.

                Registros relevantes de anfibios y reptiles en Panamá (Amphibia: Plethodontidae,
                Craugastoridae, Hylidae; Reptilia: Polychrotidae)
                   R e s u m e n :	Ampliamos	el	rango	de	distribución	en	Panamá	de	Craugastor tabasarae, Isthmo­
                hyla zeteki, Anolis auratus, A. fungosus	y	A. microtus.	También	colectamos	especímenes	de	Bolito­
                glossa lignicolor y	A. polylepis	que	extienden	el	rango	de	altitud	conocido	de	estas	especies.	Final-
                mente,	reportamos	acerca	de	una	serie	de	la	poco	conocida	Craugastor monnichorum.	Incluimos	
                breves	anotaciones	ecológicas	y	descripciones	de	coloración	de	determinadas	especies.

Authors’	addresses:
Dr.	Gunther Köhler, Forschungsinstitut	und	Naturmuseum	Senckenberg,	Senckenberganlage	25,	D-60325	Frankfurt	am	Main,	
Lic. Javier Sunyer, Forschungsinstitut	und	Naturmuseum	Senckenberg,	Senckenberganlage	25,	D-60325	Frankfurt	am	Main,	
Germany;	—	also:	Gabinete	de	Ecología	y	Medio	Ambiente,	Departamento	de	Biología,	Universidad	
Nacional	Autónoma	de	Nicaragua-León	(UNAN-León),	Nicaragua.
Lic. Marcos	Ponce	Instituto	de	Ciencias	Ambietales	y	Desarrollo	Sostenible,	Universidad	Autónoma	de	Chiriquí,	David,	Panamá.
Lic. Abel batiSta, Instituto	de	Ciencias	Ambietales	y	Desarrollo	Sostenible,	Universidad	Autónoma	de	Chiriquí,	David,	Panamá;	—	also:	Grupo	de	Ecofisiología	del	Comportamiento	y	Herpetología.	Universidad	de	los	Andes,	
Bogotá,	Colombia.	

©	E.	Schweizerbart’sche	Verlagsbuchhandlung	(Nägele	u.	Obermiller),	2008,	ISSN	0037–2102


    Panama	 supports	 one	 of	 the	 most	 diverse	 and	 abun-                         mens	collected	during	our	field	work	in	western	Panama	
dant	 herpetofaunas	 of	 any	 Central	American	 country	                              in	 2006,	 as	 well	 as	 an	 additional	 specimen	 collected	
(MyerS & DuellMan 1982, ibañez	et	al.	2001).	In	Janu-                                 earlier.
ary	2006	we	spent	four	weeks	in	the	field,	collecting	at	
several	localities	in	the	provinces	of	Chiriquí	and	Bocas	
del	 Toro	 as	 well	 as	 in	 the	 Comarca	 Ngöbe	 Bugle.	 In	                                              Materials	and	methods
total,	 we	 collected	 about	 80	 species	 of	 amphibians	 and	
                                                                                          Abbreviations	 used	 for	 collectors	 are	AB	 (Abel	 batiSta),	
reptiles	 including	 eight	 undescribed	 species	 (Köhler	 et	
                                                                                      GK	 (Gunther	 Köhler),	 JS	 (Javier	 Sunyer),	 and	 MP	 (Marcos	
al.	2007a,	b,	WaKe	et	al.	2007,	Köhler & Sunyer	2008).	                               Ponce).	Specimens	labelled	with	SMF	numbers	are	deposited	
These	findings	indicate	that	the	amount	of	herpetological	                            in	the	collections	of	the	Forschungsinstitut	und	Naturmuseum	
exploration	 needed	 in	 western	 Panama	 is	 still	 substan-                         Senckenberg,	 Frankfurt	 am	 Main,	 Germany.	The	 capitalized	
tial.	It	is	evident	that	many	species	still	await	discovery	                          colours	 and	 colour	 codes	 (the	 latter	 in	 parentheses)	 are	 those	
before	the	last	few	expanses	of	forest	are	replaced	with	                             of	SMithe	(19­75–19­81).	Abbreviations	for	museum	collections	
cropland.	Here	we	report	upon	several	noteworthy	speci-                               follow	those	of	leviton	et	al.	(19­85).


                          Amphibia                                                    series	(SMF	85031–36)	of	Craugastor monnichorum	at	
                                                                                      Alto	Chiquero	(on	southern	slope	of	Volcán	Barú),	about	
                                                                                      400	m	 S	 of	 the	 Parque	 Nacional	Volcan	 Barú	 (PNVB)	
          Bolitoglossa lignicolor	(PeterS	1873)                                       station,	8°50'	N,	82°29­'	W,	1810–1830	m.	All	specimens	
                                                                                      were	found	at	night	along	a	stream	sitting	on	low	vegeta-
   Bolitoglossa lignicolor is	a	relatively	widespread	spe-                            tion	overhanging	the	water	or	directly	at	the	edge	of	the	
cies	known	from	numerous	localities	in	Costa	Rica	and	                                stream,	 20–100	cm	 above	 the	 ground.	The	 frogs	 in	 our	
                                                      eschweizerbartxxx sng-

Panama.	 We	 collected	 this	 species	 at	 several	 sites	 in	                        series	 exhibited	 striking	 variation	 in	 colour.	 The	 col-
western	Panama	including	two	specimens	(SMF	85059­–                                   ouration	in	life	of	SMF	85031	was	recorded	as	follows:	
60),	collected	9­.	i.	2006	at	Finca	C.A.S.A.,	8º52'17.0''	N,	                         dorsal	ground	colour	Raw	Umber	(123)	with	Yellowish	
82º47'43.4''	W,	 8	km	 NE	 Río	 Sereno,	 1210	m.	 This	                               Olive	Green	(50)	shadings;	dorsal	snout	Clay	Color	(26);	
record	 extends	 the	 vertical	 range	 of	 the	 species	 which	                       lateral	head	Russet	(34);	a	distinct	dirty	white	midgular	
was	 previously	 known	 from	 2–884	m	 above	 sea	 level	                             stripe	 present;	 posterior	 thigh	 Sepia	 (119­)	 with	 Drab-
(SavaGe 2002).	 SMF	 85059­	 was	 found	 during	 the	 day	                            Gray	 (119­D)	 mottling;	 venter	 Dark	 Drab	 (119­B)	 with	
whilst	removing	leaves	from	a	banana	tree	near	a	small	                               dirty	white	mottling;	ventral	surfaces	of	hands	and	feet	
stream	in	a	rather	anthropogenized	area.                                              Blackish	 Neutral	 Grey	 (82);	 upper	 portion	 of	 iris	 Clay	
                                                                                      Color	 (26),	 lower	 portion	 Drab	 (27),	 upper	 and	 lower	
                                                                                      portions	separated	by	a	Maroon	(31)	horizontal	bar.	The	
                       Craugastoridae                                                 colouration	 in	 life	 of	 SMF	 85032	 was	 recorded	 as	 fol-
         Craugastor monnichorum	(Dunn	19­40)                                          lows:	 dorsal	 ground	 colour	 Mars	 Brown	 (223A)	 with	
                                                                                      Parrot	 Green	 (260)	 blotches;	 lateral	 head Mars	 Brown	
  Little	is	known	about	this	montane	frog	which	is	also	                              (223A)	 with	 Maroon	 (31)	 vertical	 bars	 and	 subcanthal	
poorly	 represented	 in	 museum	 collections	 (R.	 ibañez                             stripe; supratympanic	ridge	Sepia	(119­)	bordered	by	Ma-
pers.	 comm.,	 Jan.	 2006).	 On	 4.	i.	 2006	 we	 collected	 a	                       roon	 (31)	 below;	 posterior	 thigh	 Brownish	 Olive	 (129­)	

Fig.	1.	Bolitoglossa lignicolor (SMF	85059­);	8	km	NE	Río	Sereno,	1210	m.	Fig.	2.	Craugastor monnichorum (SMF	85035);	Alto	
Chiquero	 (on	 southern	 slope	 of	Volcán	 Barú),	 1810–1830	m.	 Fig.	 3.	 Craugastor monnichorum (SMF	 85032);	 same	 locality	 as	
SMF	85035.	Fig.	4.	Craugastor monnichorum (SMF	85034);	same	locality	as	SMF	85035.	Fig.	5.	Craugastor tabasarae	(SMF	
85377);	La	Nevera,	1600	m	elevation,	Serranía	de	Tabasará.	Fig.	6.	Isthmohyla zeteki (SMF	85382);	same	locality	as	SMF	85377.	
Fig.	7.	Juvenile	male	of	Anolis microtus	(SMF	85070);	Alto	Chiquero	(on	southern	slope	of	Volcán	Barú),	1870	m.	Fig.	8.	Juvenile	
female	of	Anolis microtus	(SMF	85069­);	La	Nevera,	1600	m	elevation,	Serranía	de	Tabasará.

    eschweizerbartxxx sng-

with	Trogon	Yellow	 (153)	 flecks;	 otherwise	 like	 SMF	                     8509­4–9­6	were	found	active	during	the	day	in	grass	in	a	
85031.	The	 dorsal	 ground	 colour	 of	 SMF	 85034	 was	                      backyard	on	the	outer	limits	of	Los	Algarrobos.
recorded	 as	 Parrot	 Green	 (260).	The	 colouration	 in	 life	
of	 SMF	 85035	 was	 recorded	 as	 follows:	 dorsal	 ground	
colour	Raw	Umber	(123);	posterior	thigh	Buff	(24)	with	                                      Anolis fungosus MyerS	19­71
Orange	Yellow	 (18)	 mottling;	 ventral	 surfaces	 of	 hind	
                                                                                  Anolis fungosus	is	known	only	from	a	few	localities	
limbs	Buff	(24).
                                                                              in	 the	 Cordillera	 de	Talamaca	 in	 Costa	 Rica	 and	 adja-
                                                                              cent	Panama	(SavaGe 2002).	On	4.	iii.	2006,	AB	and	MP	
 Craugastor tabasarae SavaGe, hollinGSWorth, liPS &                           collected	an	adult	♂	(SMF	86385;	SVL	48.2	m)	of	this	
                    JaSloW	2004                                               species	 near	 Rio	 Hornito	 (8°43'4.7''	N,	 82°13'42.1''	W,	
                                                                              1075	m	 elevation)	 in	 the	 Reserva	 Forestal	 de	 Fortuna,	
   Craugastor tabasarae	 was	 previously	 known	 only	                        Chiriquí.	This	 extends	 the	 known	 geographic	 range	 of	
from	 its	 type	 locality	 (9­.7	km	 NNW	 El	 Copé,	 on	 the	                 the	species	about	55	km	to	the	east	from	its	nearest	col-
continental	divide	at	Sawmill,	8°40'4''	N,	80°35'6''	W,	La	                   lecting	 site	 (upper	 watershed	 of	 Río	 Changena,	 north	
Pintada	District,	Coclé	Province,	600–800	m).	On	22.	i.	                      versant	 Cerro	 Pando,	 Bocas	 del	 Toro;	 MyerS	 19­71).	
2006,	 we	 collected	 an	 adult	 specimen	 (SMF	 85377)	 at	                  SMF	86385	was	found	at	night	while	it	was	sleeping	on	
La	Nevera,	8°29­'45''	N,	81°46'35''	W,	1600	m	elevation,	                     the	branch	of	a	bush.
Serranía	de	Tabasará,	Comarca	Ngöbe	Bugle,	Distrito	de	
Nole	 Düima,	 Corregimiento	 de	 Jadeberi,	 Panama.	This	
extends	 the	 known	 geographic	 range	 of	 C. tabasarae
                                                                                              Anolis microtus coPe	1871
about	130	km	to	the	west.	SMF	85377	was	found	active	
at	night	in	cloud	forest.	Colouration	in	life	of	the	speci-
                                                                                  SavaGe	(2002:	455)	reports	Anolis microtus	to	exhibit	
men	was	recorded	as	follows:	dorsal	ground	colour	Fus-
                                                                              “a	 light	 yellow	 or	 tan	 ground	 color	 marked	 by	 a	 series	
cous	(21);	vertebral	stripe	Buff	(124);	iguinal	and	thigh	
                                                                              of	 light	 brown-centered	 dark	 bands	 that	 may	 change	
region	Pratt’s	Rufous	(140);	iris	Smoke	Grey	(45)	with	a	
                                                                              to	 green	 on	 flanks.”	 Slevin	 (19­42)	 reported	 upon	 a	 ju-
Warm	Sepia	(221A)	horizontal	bar.
                                                                              venile	 specimen	 (CAS	 79­59­8)	 from	 Boquete	 that	 had	
                                                                              a	 grayish	 ground	 colour	 with	 heavy	 black	 cross-bands	
                          Hylidae                                             in	 life.	 On	 3.	i.	 2006	 we	 collected	 a	 juvenile	 ♂	 (SMF	
                                                                              85070;	 SVL	 41.5	mm)	 at	Alto	 Chiquero	 (on	 southern	
             Isthmohyla zeteki (GaiGe 1929)          eschweizerbartxxx sng-

                                                                              slope	of	Volcán	Barú),	above	the	Parque	Nacional	Vol-
    On	 22.	i.	 2006,	 we	 collected	 two	 adult	 specimens	                  can	 Baru	 (PNVB)	 station,	 8°50'47''	N,	 82°29­'13.6''	W,	
(SMF	 85382–83)	 of	 Isthmohyla zeteki	 at	 La	 Nevera,	                      1870	m,	 which	 agreed	 well	 with	 the	 description	 given	
8°29­'45''	N,	 81°46'35''	W,	 1600	m	 elevation,	 Serranía	                   by	 Slevin	 (19­42).	 On	 22.	i.	 2006,	 we	 collected	 a	 juve-
de	Tabasará,	 Comarca	 Ngöbe	 Bugle,	 Distrito	 de	 Nole	                     nile	 ♀	 (SMF	 85069­;	 SVL	 70.0	mm)	 of	 A. microtus	 at	
Düima,	 Corregimiento	 de	 Jadeberi,	 Panama.	This	 ex-                       La	Nevera,	8°29­'45''	N,	81°46'35''	W,	1600	m	elevation,	
tends	the	known	 geographic	range	of	the	species	about	                       Serranía	 de	Tabasará,	 Comarca	 Ngöbe	 Bugle,	 Distrito	
65	km	to	the	east	(DuellMan	2001).	SMF	85382–83	are	                          de	 Nole	 Düima,	 Corregimiento	 de	 Jadeberi,	 Panama.	
adult	♂♂	that	were	calling	from	terrestrial	tank	brome-                       This	extends	the	known	geographic	range	of	the	species	
liads	at	night.	The	colouration	in	life	of	SMF	85377	was	                     80	km	to	the	east	from	its	nearest	collecting	site	(ANSP	
recorded	as	follows:	dorsal	ground	colour	Buff	(24);	dor-                     22418–19­	 from	 Boquete,	 Chiriquí;	 G.	 Köhler	 unpub-
sal	surface	of	snout	Raw	Umber	(23);	chin	Olive	Yellow	                       lished	 observ.).	 SMF	 85069­	 has	 a	 remarkable	 overall	
(52);	 venter	 transparent	 with	 white	 peritoneum	 visible;	                greenish	colouration,	and	we	provide	the	following	notes	
iris	Brick	Red	(132A).                                                        on	its	colouration	in	life:	Dorsum	of	head	with	shadings	
                                                                              of	Yellow	Ocher	(123C)	and	Citrine	(51);	lateral	surfaces	
                                                                              of	 snout	 Olive	Yellow	 (52)	 but	 paler;	 a	 Chestnut	 (32)	
                          Reptilia                                            circumorbital	 ring	 present,	 continuing	 as	 a	 postorbital	
                                                                              stripe	edged	by	Vandyke	Brown	(221);	dorsal	and	lateral	
                                                                              surfaces	of	body	with	different	shades	of	green	and	yel-
               Anolis auratus DauDin	1802                                     low	 including	 Bunting	 Green	 (150)	 and	 Olive	Yellow	
                                                                              (52)	 with	 four	 Greenish	 Olive	 (49­)	 oblique	 cross-bars;	
   According	to	Köhler	(2003),	Anolis auratus	is	known	                       centers	of	cross-bars	in	vertebral	region	Vandyke	Brown	
to	occur	from	central	Panama	into	northern	South	Ame-                         (221);	 tail	Yellowish	 Olive-Green	 (50)	 with	 Vandyke	
rica.	We	found	this	species	to	be	abundant	near	David	in	                     Brown	(121)	cross-bars;	iris	Raw	Umber	(223)	grading	
western	Panama.	On	14.	i.	2006,	GK	and	JS	collected	a	                        into	Cyan	(164)	peripherically;	dewlap	Beige	(219­)	with	
few	specimens	(SMF	8509­4–9­6)	at	the	village	of	Los	Al-                      Cream	Color	(54)	stripes	that	have	a	suggestion	of	Lime	
garrobos,	8º29­'47''	N,	82º26'0''	W,	130	m	elevation.	SMF	                    Green	(59­).

                Anolis polylepis PeterS	1873                                       (ANAM),	 Panama	 City,	 Panama.	 Q.	D.	 FuenMayor,	 Panama	
                                                                                   City,	 Panama,	 provided	 valuable	 assistance	 with	 acquisition	
    Previously,	Anolis polylepis	was	known	from	sea	lev-                           of	 these	 permits.	 M.	 PiePenbrinG,	 Botanisches	 Institut,	 J.	W.	
el	 to	 1330	 m	 elevation	 (SavaGe 2002, Köhler 2003).	                           Goethe-Universität,	Frankfurt	am	Main,	Germany,	B.	E.	San-
On	29­.	i.	2006,	JS	collected	one	adult	♂	of	this	species	                         Jur,	Facultad	de	Ciencias	Naturales	y	Exactas	de	la	Universi-
(SMF	 85442)	 at	 1615	m	 elevation	 at	 the	 headwaters	                          dad	Autónoma	 de	 Chiriquí	 (UNACHI),	 Davíd,	 Panama,	 and	
of	 Quebrada	 Chevo,	 8º52'27.6''	N,	 82º44'31.7''	W.	 SMF	                        Javier	yanGuez,	 Porfirio	yanGuez	 and	 Ofilio	yanGuez,	 Finca	
85442	was	found	at	night	sleeping	on	a	thin	branch	about	                          CASA,	 Panama,	 provided	 logistic	 support	 for	 our	 studies	 in	
2	m	above	the	ground,	near	a	stream.                                               Panama.	This	paper	is	based	on	part	upon	work	supported	by	
                                                                                   the	 Deutscher	Akademischer	Austauschdienst	 (DAAD)	 to	 G.	
                                                                                   Köhler	and	to	J.	Sunyer	through	the	Partnership	Program	be-
                                                                                   tween	the	J.	W.	Goethe-Universität	Frankfurt	am	Main,	Germa-
   Collecting	and	exportation	permits	were	provided	by	Yariela	                    ny,	and	Facultad	de	Ciencias	Naturales	y	Exactas,	Universidad	
hiDalGo and Jorge Garcia,	Autoridad	Nacional	del	Ambiente	                         Autónoma	de	Chiriquí	(UNACHI),	Davíd,	Panama.


DuellMan, W. e. (2001): Hylid	frogs	of	Middle	America.	Vols.	                      MyerS,	C.	W.	(19­71):	Central	American	lizards	related	to	Anolis
        I, II.	—	1159­	pp.;	Saint	Louis,	Missouri,	USA	(Soci-                               pentaprion:	Two	new	species	from	the	Cordillera	de	
        ety	for	the	study	of	Amphibians	and	Reptiles).                                      Talamanca.	 —	American	 Museum	Novitates,	 2471:
                                                                                            1–40;	New	York.
ibáñez, D. r., SolíS, F. a., JaraMillo, c. a., & ranD, a. S.
         (2001): An	overview	of	the	herpetology	of	Panama.	                        MyerS, c. W., & DuellMan, W. e. (19­82):	A	 new	 species	
         —	 Pp.	 159­–170	 in: JohnSon, J. D., Webb, r. G., &                              of	 Hyla	 from	 Cerro	 Colorado,	 and	 other	 tree	 frog	
         FloreS-villela, o.	A.	 (eds.): Mesoamerican	 herpe-                               records	and	geographic	notes	from	western	Panamá.	
         tology	—	Systematics,	zoogeography,	and	conserva-                                 —	American	 Museum	 Novitates,	 2752:	 1–32;	 New	
         tion.	—	El	Paso	(University	of	Texas,	El	Paso).                                   York.
Köhler, G.	 (2003):	 Reptiles	 of	 Central	America.	 —	 367	 pp.;	
                                                    eschweizerbartxxx sng-
                                                                                   SavaGe, J.	M.	 (2002):	The	 amphibians	 and	 reptiles	 of	 Costa	
         Offenbach	am	Main	(Herpeton).                                                       Rica.	A	 herpetofauna	 between	 two	 continents,	 bet-
                                                                                             ween	 two	 seas.	 —	 9­34	 pp.;	 Chicago	 and	 London	
Köhler, G., Ponce, M., & batiSta, a. (2007a): A	new	species	
                                                                                             (University	of	Chicago	Press).
         of	worm	salamander	(genus	Oedipina)	from	Fortuna,	
         western	 central	 Panama.	 —	 Senckenbergiana	 bio-                       Slevin, J. r. (19­42):	Notes	on	a	collection	of	reptiles	from	Bo-
         logica,	87 (2):	213–217;	Frankfurt	am	Main.                                          quete,	Panama,	with	the	description	of	a	new	species	
                                                                                              of	Hydromorphus.	—	Proceedings	of	the	California	
Köhler, G., Ponce, M., Sunyer, J., & batiSta, a. (2007b):	Four	new	
                                                                                              Academy	of	Sciences,	23	(32):	463–480;	San	Fran-
          species	of	anoles	(genus	Anolis)	from	the	Serranía	de	Ta-
          basará,	west-central	Panama	(Squamata:	Polychrotidae).	
          —	Herpetologica,	63 (3):	375–39­1;	Lawrence.                             SMithe, F. b. (1975–1981): Naturalist’s	color	guide.	Part	I.	—	
                                                                                             Color	guide.	182	color	swatches;	New	York	(Ameri-
Köhler, G., & Sunyer, J. (2008): Two	new	species	of	anoles	
                                                                                             can	Museum	of	Natural	History).
         formely	 referred	 to	 as	 Anolis limifrons	 (Squamata:	
         Polychrotidae).	 —	 Herpetologica,	 64 (1):	 9­2–108;	                    WaKe, D. b., SavaGe J. M., & hanKen, J. (2007): Montane	
         Lawrence.                                                                         salamanders	from	the	Costa	Rica–Panamá	border	re-
                                                                                           gion,	with	descriptions	of	two	new	species	of	Bolito­
leviton, a. e., GibbS, r. h.	jr., heal, e., & DaWSon, c. e.
                                                                                           glossa.	—	Copeia,	2007 (3):	556–565;	Lawrence.
         (19­85):	 Standards	 in	 herpetology	 and	 ichthyology:	
         part	I.	Standard	symbolic	codes	for	institutional	re-
         source	 collections	 in	 herpetology	 and	 ichthyology.	
         —	Copeia,	1985:	802–832;	Lawrence.                                        Received:	6.	v.	2008,	accepted:	23.	vii.	2008.

      eschweizerbartxxx sng-

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Herps pan distribution köhler et al. 2008

  • 1. 329 Senckenbergiana biologica | 88 | 2 | 329­–333 | 8 figs. | Frankfurt am Main, 19­. xii. 2008 Noteworthy records of amphibians and reptiles in Panama (Amphibia: Plethodontidae, Craugastoridae, Hylidae; Reptilia: Polychrotidae) Gunther Köhler, Javier Sunyer, MarcoS Ponce & abel batiSta Abstract We report range extensions in Panama for two anurans (Craugastor tabasarae, Isthmohyla zeteki) and three species of Anolis (A. auratus, A. fungosus, and A. microtus). We also collected specimens of Bolitoglossa lignicolor and A. polylepis that extend the known vertical range of these species. Finally, we report upon a series of the poorly known Craugastor monnichorum. Brief eco- logical field notes are included. For several species notes on the colouration in life are provided. K e y w o r d s : Anolis auratus; Anolis fungosus; Anolis microtus; Anolis polylepis; Bolitoglos­ sa lignicolor; Craugastor monnichorum; Craugastor tabasarae; Isthmohyla zeteki; geographical distribution; elevational range. Bemerkenswerte Nachweise von Amphibien und Reptilien in Panama (Amphibia: Plethodontidae, Craugastoridae, Hylidae; Reptilia: Polychrotidae) Z u s a m m e n f a s s u n g : Wir berichten über neue Fundorte von zwei Froschlurchen (Crauga­ stor tabasarae, Isthmohyla zeteki) und drei Anolis-Arten (A. auratus, A. fungosus und A. microtus), durch die die bisher bekannten Verbreitungsgebiete dieser Arten erweitert werden. Von den Arten Bolitoglossa lignicolor und A. polylepis haben wir Exemplare gesammelt, die die bisher dokumen- eschweizerbartxxx sng- tierte vertikale Verbreitung dieser Arten erweitern. Von dem wenig bekannten Craugastor monni­ chorum haben wir mehrere Exemplare gesammelt und berichten über die Farbvariationen. Kurze Hinweise zu den ökologischen Fundumständen werden gegeben. Für mehrere der gesammelten Arten präsentieren wir Daten zur Lebendfärbung. Registros relevantes de anfibios y reptiles en Panamá (Amphibia: Plethodontidae, Craugastoridae, Hylidae; Reptilia: Polychrotidae) R e s u m e n : Ampliamos el rango de distribución en Panamá de Craugastor tabasarae, Isthmo­ hyla zeteki, Anolis auratus, A. fungosus y A. microtus. También colectamos especímenes de Bolito­ glossa lignicolor y A. polylepis que extienden el rango de altitud conocido de estas especies. Final- mente, reportamos acerca de una serie de la poco conocida Craugastor monnichorum. Incluimos breves anotaciones ecológicas y descripciones de coloración de determinadas especies. Authors’ addresses: Dr. Gunther Köhler, Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum Senckenberg, Senckenberganlage 25, D-60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany; Lic. Javier Sunyer, Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum Senckenberg, Senckenberganlage 25, D-60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany; — also: Gabinete de Ecología y Medio Ambiente, Departamento de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua-León (UNAN-León), Nicaragua. Lic. Marcos Ponce Instituto de Ciencias Ambietales y Desarrollo Sostenible, Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, David, Panamá. Lic. Abel batiSta, Instituto de Ciencias Ambietales y Desarrollo Sostenible, Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí, David, Panamá; — also: Grupo de Ecofisiología del Comportamiento y Herpetología. Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia. © E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (Nägele u. Obermiller), 2008, ISSN 0037–2102
  • 2. 330 Introduction Panama supports one of the most diverse and abun- mens collected during our field work in western Panama dant herpetofaunas of any Central American country in 2006, as well as an additional specimen collected (MyerS & DuellMan 1982, ibañez et al. 2001). In Janu- earlier. ary 2006 we spent four weeks in the field, collecting at several localities in the provinces of Chiriquí and Bocas del Toro as well as in the Comarca Ngöbe Bugle. In Materials and methods total, we collected about 80 species of amphibians and Abbreviations used for collectors are AB (Abel batiSta), reptiles including eight undescribed species (Köhler et GK (Gunther Köhler), JS (Javier Sunyer), and MP (Marcos al. 2007a, b, WaKe et al. 2007, Köhler & Sunyer 2008). Ponce). Specimens labelled with SMF numbers are deposited These findings indicate that the amount of herpetological in the collections of the Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum exploration needed in western Panama is still substan- Senckenberg, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. The capitalized tial. It is evident that many species still await discovery colours and colour codes (the latter in parentheses) are those before the last few expanses of forest are replaced with of SMithe (19­75–19­81). Abbreviations for museum collections cropland. Here we report upon several noteworthy speci- follow those of leviton et al. (19­85). Results Amphibia series (SMF 85031–36) of Craugastor monnichorum at Alto Chiquero (on southern slope of Volcán Barú), about Plethodontidae 400 m S of the Parque Nacional Volcan Barú (PNVB) Bolitoglossa lignicolor (PeterS 1873) station, 8°50' N, 82°29­' W, 1810–1830 m. All specimens were found at night along a stream sitting on low vegeta- Bolitoglossa lignicolor is a relatively widespread spe- tion overhanging the water or directly at the edge of the cies known from numerous localities in Costa Rica and stream, 20–100 cm above the ground. The frogs in our eschweizerbartxxx sng- Panama. We collected this species at several sites in series exhibited striking variation in colour. The col- western Panama including two specimens (SMF 85059­– ouration in life of SMF 85031 was recorded as follows: 60), collected 9­. i. 2006 at Finca C.A.S.A., 8º52'17.0'' N, dorsal ground colour Raw Umber (123) with Yellowish 82º47'43.4'' W, 8 km NE Río Sereno, 1210 m. This Olive Green (50) shadings; dorsal snout Clay Color (26); record extends the vertical range of the species which lateral head Russet (34); a distinct dirty white midgular was previously known from 2–884 m above sea level stripe present; posterior thigh Sepia (119­) with Drab- (SavaGe 2002). SMF 85059­ was found during the day Gray (119­D) mottling; venter Dark Drab (119­B) with whilst removing leaves from a banana tree near a small dirty white mottling; ventral surfaces of hands and feet stream in a rather anthropogenized area. Blackish Neutral Grey (82); upper portion of iris Clay Color (26), lower portion Drab (27), upper and lower portions separated by a Maroon (31) horizontal bar. The Craugastoridae colouration in life of SMF 85032 was recorded as fol- Craugastor monnichorum (Dunn 19­40) lows: dorsal ground colour Mars Brown (223A) with Parrot Green (260) blotches; lateral head Mars Brown Little is known about this montane frog which is also (223A) with Maroon (31) vertical bars and subcanthal poorly represented in museum collections (R. ibañez stripe; supratympanic ridge Sepia (119­) bordered by Ma- pers. comm., Jan. 2006). On 4. i. 2006 we collected a roon (31) below; posterior thigh Brownish Olive (129­) Fig. 1. Bolitoglossa lignicolor (SMF 85059­); 8 km NE Río Sereno, 1210 m. Fig. 2. Craugastor monnichorum (SMF 85035); Alto Chiquero (on southern slope of Volcán Barú), 1810–1830 m. Fig. 3. Craugastor monnichorum (SMF 85032); same locality as SMF 85035. Fig. 4. Craugastor monnichorum (SMF 85034); same locality as SMF 85035. Fig. 5. Craugastor tabasarae (SMF 85377); La Nevera, 1600 m elevation, Serranía de Tabasará. Fig. 6. Isthmohyla zeteki (SMF 85382); same locality as SMF 85377. Fig. 7. Juvenile male of Anolis microtus (SMF 85070); Alto Chiquero (on southern slope of Volcán Barú), 1870 m. Fig. 8. Juvenile female of Anolis microtus (SMF 85069­); La Nevera, 1600 m elevation, Serranía de Tabasará.
  • 3. 331 eschweizerbartxxx sng-
  • 4. 332 with Trogon Yellow (153) flecks; otherwise like SMF 8509­4–9­6 were found active during the day in grass in a 85031. The dorsal ground colour of SMF 85034 was backyard on the outer limits of Los Algarrobos. recorded as Parrot Green (260). The colouration in life of SMF 85035 was recorded as follows: dorsal ground colour Raw Umber (123); posterior thigh Buff (24) with Anolis fungosus MyerS 19­71 Orange Yellow (18) mottling; ventral surfaces of hind Anolis fungosus is known only from a few localities limbs Buff (24). in the Cordillera de Talamaca in Costa Rica and adja- cent Panama (SavaGe 2002). On 4. iii. 2006, AB and MP Craugastor tabasarae SavaGe, hollinGSWorth, liPS & collected an adult ♂ (SMF 86385; SVL 48.2 m) of this JaSloW 2004 species near Rio Hornito (8°43'4.7'' N, 82°13'42.1'' W, 1075 m elevation) in the Reserva Forestal de Fortuna, Craugastor tabasarae was previously known only Chiriquí. This extends the known geographic range of from its type locality (9­.7 km NNW El Copé, on the the species about 55 km to the east from its nearest col- continental divide at Sawmill, 8°40'4'' N, 80°35'6'' W, La lecting site (upper watershed of Río Changena, north Pintada District, Coclé Province, 600–800 m). On 22. i. versant Cerro Pando, Bocas del Toro; MyerS 19­71). 2006, we collected an adult specimen (SMF 85377) at SMF 86385 was found at night while it was sleeping on La Nevera, 8°29­'45'' N, 81°46'35'' W, 1600 m elevation, the branch of a bush. Serranía de Tabasará, Comarca Ngöbe Bugle, Distrito de Nole Düima, Corregimiento de Jadeberi, Panama. This extends the known geographic range of C. tabasarae Anolis microtus coPe 1871 about 130 km to the west. SMF 85377 was found active at night in cloud forest. Colouration in life of the speci- SavaGe (2002: 455) reports Anolis microtus to exhibit men was recorded as follows: dorsal ground colour Fus- “a light yellow or tan ground color marked by a series cous (21); vertebral stripe Buff (124); iguinal and thigh of light brown-centered dark bands that may change region Pratt’s Rufous (140); iris Smoke Grey (45) with a to green on flanks.” Slevin (19­42) reported upon a ju- Warm Sepia (221A) horizontal bar. venile specimen (CAS 79­59­8) from Boquete that had a grayish ground colour with heavy black cross-bands Hylidae in life. On 3. i. 2006 we collected a juvenile ♂ (SMF 85070; SVL 41.5 mm) at Alto Chiquero (on southern Isthmohyla zeteki (GaiGe 1929) eschweizerbartxxx sng- slope of Volcán Barú), above the Parque Nacional Vol- On 22. i. 2006, we collected two adult specimens can Baru (PNVB) station, 8°50'47'' N, 82°29­'13.6'' W, (SMF 85382–83) of Isthmohyla zeteki at La Nevera, 1870 m, which agreed well with the description given 8°29­'45'' N, 81°46'35'' W, 1600 m elevation, Serranía by Slevin (19­42). On 22. i. 2006, we collected a juve- de Tabasará, Comarca Ngöbe Bugle, Distrito de Nole nile ♀ (SMF 85069­; SVL 70.0 mm) of A. microtus at Düima, Corregimiento de Jadeberi, Panama. This ex- La Nevera, 8°29­'45'' N, 81°46'35'' W, 1600 m elevation, tends the known geographic range of the species about Serranía de Tabasará, Comarca Ngöbe Bugle, Distrito 65 km to the east (DuellMan 2001). SMF 85382–83 are de Nole Düima, Corregimiento de Jadeberi, Panama. adult ♂♂ that were calling from terrestrial tank brome- This extends the known geographic range of the species liads at night. The colouration in life of SMF 85377 was 80 km to the east from its nearest collecting site (ANSP recorded as follows: dorsal ground colour Buff (24); dor- 22418–19­ from Boquete, Chiriquí; G. Köhler unpub- sal surface of snout Raw Umber (23); chin Olive Yellow lished observ.). SMF 85069­ has a remarkable overall (52); venter transparent with white peritoneum visible; greenish colouration, and we provide the following notes iris Brick Red (132A). on its colouration in life: Dorsum of head with shadings of Yellow Ocher (123C) and Citrine (51); lateral surfaces of snout Olive Yellow (52) but paler; a Chestnut (32) Reptilia circumorbital ring present, continuing as a postorbital stripe edged by Vandyke Brown (221); dorsal and lateral Polychrotidae surfaces of body with different shades of green and yel- Anolis auratus DauDin 1802 low including Bunting Green (150) and Olive Yellow (52) with four Greenish Olive (49­) oblique cross-bars; According to Köhler (2003), Anolis auratus is known centers of cross-bars in vertebral region Vandyke Brown to occur from central Panama into northern South Ame- (221); tail Yellowish Olive-Green (50) with Vandyke rica. We found this species to be abundant near David in Brown (121) cross-bars; iris Raw Umber (223) grading western Panama. On 14. i. 2006, GK and JS collected a into Cyan (164) peripherically; dewlap Beige (219­) with few specimens (SMF 8509­4–9­6) at the village of Los Al- Cream Color (54) stripes that have a suggestion of Lime garrobos, 8º29­'47'' N, 82º26'0'' W, 130 m elevation. SMF Green (59­).
  • 5. 333 Anolis polylepis PeterS 1873 (ANAM), Panama City, Panama. Q. D. FuenMayor, Panama City, Panama, provided valuable assistance with acquisition Previously, Anolis polylepis was known from sea lev- of these permits. M. PiePenbrinG, Botanisches Institut, J. W. el to 1330 m elevation (SavaGe 2002, Köhler 2003). Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, B. E. San- On 29­. i. 2006, JS collected one adult ♂ of this species Jur, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Exactas de la Universi- (SMF 85442) at 1615 m elevation at the headwaters dad Autónoma de Chiriquí (UNACHI), Davíd, Panama, and of Quebrada Chevo, 8º52'27.6'' N, 82º44'31.7'' W. SMF Javier yanGuez, Porfirio yanGuez and Ofilio yanGuez, Finca 85442 was found at night sleeping on a thin branch about CASA, Panama, provided logistic support for our studies in 2 m above the ground, near a stream. Panama. This paper is based on part upon work supported by the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) to G. Köhler and to J. Sunyer through the Partnership Program be- Acknowledgements tween the J. W. Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Germa- Collecting and exportation permits were provided by Yariela ny, and Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Exactas, Universidad hiDalGo and Jorge Garcia, Autoridad Nacional del Ambiente Autónoma de Chiriquí (UNACHI), Davíd, Panama. References DuellMan, W. e. (2001): Hylid frogs of Middle America. Vols. MyerS, C. W. (19­71): Central American lizards related to Anolis I, II. — 1159­ pp.; Saint Louis, Missouri, USA (Soci- pentaprion: Two new species from the Cordillera de ety for the study of Amphibians and Reptiles). Talamanca. — American Museum Novitates, 2471: 1–40; New York. ibáñez, D. r., SolíS, F. a., JaraMillo, c. a., & ranD, a. S. (2001): An overview of the herpetology of Panama. MyerS, c. W., & DuellMan, W. e. (19­82): A new species — Pp. 159­–170 in: JohnSon, J. D., Webb, r. G., & of Hyla from Cerro Colorado, and other tree frog FloreS-villela, o. A. (eds.): Mesoamerican herpe- records and geographic notes from western Panamá. tology — Systematics, zoogeography, and conserva- — American Museum Novitates, 2752: 1–32; New tion. — El Paso (University of Texas, El Paso). York. Köhler, G. (2003): Reptiles of Central America. — 367 pp.; eschweizerbartxxx sng- SavaGe, J. M. (2002): The amphibians and reptiles of Costa Offenbach am Main (Herpeton). Rica. A herpetofauna between two continents, bet- ween two seas. — 9­34 pp.; Chicago and London Köhler, G., Ponce, M., & batiSta, a. (2007a): A new species (University of Chicago Press). of worm salamander (genus Oedipina) from Fortuna, western central Panama. — Senckenbergiana bio- Slevin, J. r. (19­42): Notes on a collection of reptiles from Bo- logica, 87 (2): 213–217; Frankfurt am Main. quete, Panama, with the description of a new species of Hydromorphus. — Proceedings of the California Köhler, G., Ponce, M., Sunyer, J., & batiSta, a. (2007b): Four new Academy of Sciences, 23 (32): 463–480; San Fran- species of anoles (genus Anolis) from the Serranía de Ta- cisco. basará, west-central Panama (Squamata: Polychrotidae). — Herpetologica, 63 (3): 375–39­1; Lawrence. SMithe, F. b. (1975–1981): Naturalist’s color guide. Part I. — Color guide. 182 color swatches; New York (Ameri- Köhler, G., & Sunyer, J. (2008): Two new species of anoles can Museum of Natural History). formely referred to as Anolis limifrons (Squamata: Polychrotidae). — Herpetologica, 64 (1): 9­2–108; WaKe, D. b., SavaGe J. M., & hanKen, J. (2007): Montane Lawrence. salamanders from the Costa Rica–Panamá border re- gion, with descriptions of two new species of Bolito­ leviton, a. e., GibbS, r. h. jr., heal, e., & DaWSon, c. e. glossa. — Copeia, 2007 (3): 556–565; Lawrence. (19­85): Standards in herpetology and ichthyology: part I. Standard symbolic codes for institutional re- source collections in herpetology and ichthyology. — Copeia, 1985: 802–832; Lawrence. Received: 6. v. 2008, accepted: 23. vii. 2008.
  • 6. 334 eschweizerbartxxx sng-