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Morphological variation in anoles

SalaMaNdRa            44             2            65-84           Rheinbach, 20 May 2008     ISSN 0036-3375

  Morphological variation in anoles related to Anolis kemptoni
                          in Panama
                                Marcos Ponce & Gunther Köhler

Abstract. We examined the geographical variation in pholidosis, morphometrics, hemipenis morphol-
ogy, and coloration in anoles of the anoles related to Anolis kemptoni in the highlands of western Panama.
This cluster includes six nominal species (Anolis exsul, A. fortunensis, A. gruuo, A. kemptoni, A. pandoen-
sis, and A. pseudokemptoni). On the basis of our data, we place Anolis exsul in the synonymy of A. fortun-
ensis and A. pandoensis in the synonymy of A. kemptoni. For the four valid species we provide an identi-
fication key, colour photographs in life, standardized descriptions, and a distribution map.
Key words. Reptilia, Squamata, Iguanidae, Anolis exsul, A. fortunensis, A. gruuo, A. kemptoni, A. pan-
doensis, and A. pseudokemptoni, distribution, morphological variation, hemipenis morphology.

Resumen. Nosotros examinamos la variación geográfica en pholidosis, morfometría, morfología de los
hemipenes y coloración en los anolis del complejo Anolis kemptoni de las tierras altas del oeste de Pana-
má. Este grupo incluye seis especies nominales (Anolis exsul, A. fortunensis, A. gruuo, A. kemptoni, A.
pandoensis, and A. pseudokemptoni) Basados en nuestros datos ubicamos a Anolis exsul en la sinónimia
de A. fortunensis y A. pandoensis en la sinónimia de A. kemptoni. Reconocemos cuatro especies como
validas, proveemos una clave de identificación, fotografías en color de las especies en vida, descripciones
estandarizadas y un mapa de distribución.

                  Introduction                            Volcán Chiriquí, 5300 ft, Chiriquí, Panama”.
                                                          arosemena & Ibañez (1993, 1994) named
due to its great climatic and topographical               two species, A. fortunensis and A. exul, re-
diversity, Panama supports one of the most                spectively, from two nearby localities in the
diverse and abundant herpetofaunas of any                 Reserva Forestal de Fortuna, Chiriquí, Pan-
Central american country (Myers & du-                     ama. Savage & Guyer (1998) described Ano-
ellman 1982, Ibañez et al. 2001). Thirty-four             lis pandoensis from la Changuinolita, 1950
species of anoles (genus Anolis) are known to             m elevation, Cantón Coto Brus, Puntarenas
occur in Panama, 14 of which are restricted               Province, Costa Rica, close to the border
to the highlands of lower Central america                 with Panama. However, this species has been
(Köhler 2003, Köhler et al. 2007). However,               placed in the synonymy of A. kemptoni by
there remain taxonomic issues to be resolved              Hulebak & Poe (2006). Most recently, Köh-
at the population and species level. This is              ler et al. (2007) described two new species,
particularly true for the A. altae complex and            A. gruuo and A. pseudokemptoni, from the
the species related to A. pachypus, A. pseu-              Serranía del Tabasará that are related to this
dopachypus and A. tropidolepis.                           cluster of species.
   Six nominal species related to Anolis kemp-                Here we report upon the results of our
toni are reported to occur in Panama: Anolis              study on the geographic variation in pholido-
exsul, A. fortunensis, A. gruuo, A. kemptoni,             sis, morphometrics, hemipenis morphology
A. pandoensis, and A. pseudokemptoni. dunn                and coloration of the anoles related to Anolis
(1940) described Anolis kemptoni on the basis             kemptoni in the highlands in western Pana-
of a series of specimens from “Finca lérida,              ma.

© 2008 deutsche Gesellschaft für Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde e.V. (dGHT)                                                                     65
Marcos Ponce & Gunther Köhler

          Materials and methods                  in parentheses) are those of Smithe (1975-
                                                 1981). Statistical analyses were performed us-
a list of the specimens examined is provid-      ing the computer program Statistica version
ed in the appendix. See Fig. 1 for assign-       6.1. We performed t-tests to assess wheth-
ment of the OTUs. abbreviations for mu-          er the means of two groups are statistically
seum collections follow those of leviton et      different (p<0.05). discriminant Function
al. (1985) except for MHCH (Museo Herpe-         analyses were used to test if the taxa in ques-
tológico de Chiriquí, david, Chiriquí, Pan-      tion could be differentiated by a combination
ama) and MVUP (Museo de Vertebrados,             of several morphological characters.
Universidad de Panamá, Panama City, Pan-
ama). Nomenclature of scale characters fol-
lows that of Köhler (2003). Terminology                          Results
for hemipenial morphology follows that of            The taxonomic status of Anolis exsul
Myers et al. (1993) and Savage (1997). Scale
sizes were measured using the ocular mi-         In 1994, arosemena & Ibañez described
crometer of a stereo microscope (leica MZ        Anolis exsul on the basis of three specimens
12) and rounded to the nearest 0.01 mm. all      from Reserva Forestal de Fortuna, along the
other measurements were made using preci-        Río Chiriquí, some 100 m from the mouth
sion calipers and were rounded to the near-      of Quebrada Bijau (8°45’11’’N, 82°11’07’’W),
est 0.1 mm. Head length was measured from        1050-1075 m elevation, Chiriquí Province,
the tip of the snout to the anterior margin      Panama. Thus the type locality of this taxon
of the ear opening. Snout length was meas-       is in the close vicinity of the type locality of
ured from the tip of the snout to the anterior   A. fortunensis, a taxon that was named by the
border of the orbit. Head width was deter-       same authors one year earlier. In March of
mined as the distance between the oral ric-      2006, MP and aB collected four specimens
ti. dorsal and ventral scales were counted at    of an anole related to these two taxa from the
midbody along the midline. Tail height and       general area of the respective type localities
width were measured at the point reached by      of A. fortunensis and A. exsul. While trying
the heel of the extended hind leg. Subdigit-     to identify these newly collected specimens
al lamellae were counted on phalanges II to      we became suspicious of the distinctiveness
IV of the fourth toe. We considered the scale    of these two taxa and finally concluded that
directly anterior to the circumnasal to be a     none of the supposedly diagnostic characters
prenasal. abbreviations used are SVl (snout-     as proposed in the original description of A.
vent length), Hl (head length), HW (head         exsul (i.e., Table 3 in arosemena & Ibañez
width), SS (supraorbital semicircles), IP (in-   1994) are useful in separating the two nomi-
terparietal plate), SO (subocular scales), SPl   nal species. MP had the privilege of examin-
(supralabial scales), INl (infralabials), hdT    ing the type material of A. exsul and A. for-
(horizontal diameter of tail), vdT (vertical     tunensis. We discuss these characters in turn
diameter of tail), dHl (dorsal scales in one     (data from Table 3 in arosemena & Ibañez
head length), VHl (ventral scales in one         1994 in parentheses).
head length), and OTU (Operational Taxo-             Number of scales between second can-
nomic Unit). abbreviations used for collec-      thals (10-12 such scales in A. exsul and 15 in
tors are aB (abel Batista), GK (Gunther          A. fortunensis): in our series this character
Köhler), JS (Javier Sunyer) and MP (Mar-         varies from 10 to 15. Number of postrostral
cos Ponce). abbreviations used for localities    scales (7-9 in A. exsul, 6 in A. fortunensis): in
PNVB (Parque Nacional Volcán Barú), PIla         our series this character varies from 5 to 8.
(Parque Internacional la amistad ). The cap-     Bony parietal protuberances (a characteris-
italised colours and colour codes (the latter    tic stated to be present in A. exsul): we failed

Morphological variation in anoles

Fig. 1. distribution of Anolis fortunensis (triangle), A. gruuo (star), A. kemptoni (red squares), and A.
pseudokemptoni (yellow circle) in western Panama. Red circle indicates la Changuinolita (= type locality
of Anolis pandoensis Savage & Guyer 1998). Numbers refer to OTUs as used in the analysis. Indicated
elevations: pale grey shading 500-1000 m above sea level, medium grey shading 1000-2000 m above sea
level, dark grey shading above 2000 m above sea level.

to discern these atop the rear of the head            the chest and midventer. Hind leg length (the
in any of our specimens, and MP was una-              fourth toe of the adpressed hind limb reach-
ble to detect this characteristic in the holo-        es the ear in A. exsul and to a point between
type of A. exsul. Number of enlarged dorsal           shoulder and ear in A. fortunensis): in two
scales rows (no enlarged middorsal scales in          of our specimens (SMF 86406, 86408) the
A. exsul and 2 - 4 such scales in A. fortun-          fourth toe reaches the ear, in one specimen
ensis): in our specimens the two middorsal            (SMF 86405) it reaches to a point between
scale rows are slightly enlarged relative to the      the ear and eye, and in SMF 86407 it reaches
adjacent rows. In other species of this group         to a point between the shoulder and ear. En-
(e.g., A. kemptoni) we found this character to        larged postcloacal scales (absent in A. exul,
be variable. Thus we do not see any diagnos-          present in A. fortunensis): both males in our
tic value in this character for the two species       series have enlarged postcloacal scales. dew-
in question. Posterior insertion of male dew-         lap colour in males (male dewlap in A. exul:
lap (posterior insertion of the dewlap in A.          orange base with a cherry-red free margin;
exsul at chest level whereas in A. fortunen-          A. fortunensis: reddish orange base with a red
sis the dewlap reaches to midventer): in the          free margin): the dewlap colour in life was
two males of our series (SMF 86407-08) the            recorded for the two males in our series to
posterior insertion of the dewlap is between          be Orange Yellow (colour 18 in Smithe 1975–

Marcos Ponce & Gunther Köhler

Morphological variation in anoles

                  Figs. 2 a-k. diagrams (mean value ± standard de-
                  viation) showing variation in selected scale cha-
                  racters and proportions in OTUs 1-9. See Fig. 1 for
                  identification of OTUs; for abbreviations see text.

Marcos Ponce & Gunther Köhler

Fig. 3. discriminant function analysis of species of the Anolis altae complex in Panama: 1) Anolis kemp-
toni; 2) = Anolis fortunensis; 3) = Anolis gruuo; 4) = Anolis pseudokemptoni. See text for details.

1981) at the base with the free margin varying       most non-overlapping between OTUs 7 (= A.
from Flame Scarlet (15) to Brick Red (32a).          fortunensis) and 9 (A. gruuo). In relative head
   None of the supposedly diagnostic char-           length (Hl/HW), OTUs 8 and 9 show non-
acters proposed in the original description          overlapping ranges. also, the tail of OTU 7 is
of A. exsul appear to be valid. Furthermore,         more compressed than in OTU 8 (non-over-
the comparison of the holotypes of these two         lapping ranges of vdT/hdT). Finally, we ob-
nominal species with each other and our se-          serve only slightly overlapping ranges in the
ries did not yield any characters that distin-       number of dorsal scales in one head length
guish A. exsul from A. fortunensis. Thus, we         between OTU 7 and OTUs 8 and 9.
conclude that Anolis exsul arosemena &                  Our OTU 1 is from the close vicinity of
Ibañez is a junior synonym of Anolis fortun-         the type locality of Anolis pandoensis, where-
ensis arosemena & Ibañez.                            as our OTU 4 is from the close vicinity of
                                                     the type locality of A. kemptoni. In all char-
                                                     acters examined there is large overlap in the
   Geographic and interspecific variation            ranges between our OTUs 1 and 4, none of
                                                     the characters appearing to be of diagnos-
Morphological variation within and between           tic value. although we observed some geo-
OTUs is shown in Fig. 2. although large over-        graphical variation between OTUs 1 through
lap of ranges is observed for most characters        6, none of these OTUs is distinct in any of
between OTUs, we found statistically distinct        these characters and we conclude that they
differences between some of the OTUs in              should be regarded as representing a single
the following characters. OTU 8 (= A. pseu-          species. Therefore we agree with Hulebak
dokemptoni) has distinctly more loreal scales        & Poe (2006) that A. pandoensis Savage &
and loreal scale rows than any other OTU. In         Guyer is a junior synonym of A. kemptoni
addition the ranges of total loreal scales are al-   dunn. We too reviewed the characters pro-

Morphological variation in anoles

posed as diagnostic in the original descrip-        and A. pseudokemptoni. Morphological vari-
tion of A. pandoensis and as a result found         ation between these four species is summa-
none of them to be valid.                           rized in Table 1. Coloration of male dewlaps
    We conducted a discriminant function            in life of the four species is shown in Fig. 4,
analysis (dFa) based on three pholidotic and        those of female A. kemptoni and A. pseu-
three morphometric characters (VHl, lo-             dokemptoni in Fig. 5. We provide standard
reals, SPl, Hl/HW, vdT/hdT, IP/ear) and             descriptions of these species as well as an
included four OTUs: OTU 1: = a combined             identification key (appendix 2).
OTU comprising the former OTUs 1-6 (= A.
kemptoni); OTU 2: = A. fortunensis; OTU 3: =
A. gruuo; OTU 4: = A. pseudokemptoni. This                           Species accounts
dFa yielded a scatter diagram (Fig. 3) that
correctly classified 100% of the specimens of       Anolis fortunensis Arosemena & Ibañez,
OTU’s 1 and 3, and 75% of OTU 4. The poly-          1993
gons of OTUs 3 and 4 species do not over-
lap with those of OTUs 1 and 2, but those of        1993 Anolis fortunensis arosemena &
OTUs 1 and 2 largely overlap with each other.       Ibañez, Revista de Biología Tropical 41: 267;
The first function is dS = –0.303275(VHl)           type locality: Reserva Forestal de Fortuna,
+ 0.996622(loreals) – 0.509350(SPl) +               along the Río Chiriquí, in front of the Esta-
0.343491(Hl/HW) – 0.160641(vdT/ hdT)                cion Hidrometereológica del Instituto de Re-
+ 0.497529(IP/ear). The second function             cursos Hidráulicos y Electrificación (IRHE)
is dS = +0.702992(VHl) – 0.095555(lore-             in Bijau, 1050-1075 m elevation, Chiriquí
als) –0.358664(SPl) + 0.410196(Hl/HW) +             Province, Panama. Holotype: MVUP 756.
0.160641(vdT/ hdT) + 0.091429(IP/ear).                 1994 Anolis exsul arosemena & Ibañez,
    The data presented above document the           Caribbean Journal of Science 30:222: type lo-
distinctness of Anolis gruuo and A. pseu-           cality: Reserva Forestal de Fortuna, along the
dokemptoni. None of these characters ap-            Río Chiriquí, some 100 m from the mouth
pear to be useful for the differentiation be-       of Quebrada Bijau (8°45’11’’N, 82°11’07’’W),
tween A. kemptoni and A. fortunensis. How-          1050-1075 m elevation, Chiriquí Province,
ever, there are several characters aside from       Panama. Holotype: MVUP 901.
those mentioned above that readily separate            Geographic distribution: known only
the two taxa: (1) ventral scales: slightly keeled   from three localities, all in the close vicinity
in A. kemptoni (at least on chest and anterior      of Bijau, Reserva Forestal Fortuna, Chiriquí,
venter), smooth in A. fortunensis; (2) dewlap       Panama (Fig. 1).
coloration in males: A. kemptoni: posterior            diagnosis: Anolis fortunensis (Fig. 6) is
portion of dewlap Rose Pink (colour 108d            a medium-sized species (SVl to 47 mm in
in Smithe 1975–1981) to deep Vinaceus (4),          males, 49 mm in females) of the genus Anolis
anterior portion Burnt Orange (116), with or        (sensu Poe, 2004) which is most similar in
without a basal Buff (124) blotch; A. fortun-       external morphology to a cluster of Central
ensis: posterior portion Orange Yellow (18)         american species that are short-legged (long-
with a greenish cast, anterior portion varying      est toe of adpressed hind leg reaches only to
from Flame Scarlet (153) to Brick Red (132a);       tympanum), usually have a single elongated
(3) maximum SVl: in A. kemptoni 54 mm               prenasal scale, smooth to slightly keeled ven-
(males) and 57 mm (females); in A. fortunen-        tral scales, a slender habitus, and are often
sis 47 mm (males) and 49 mm (females).              delicate (Anolis altae, A. carpenteri, A. fortun-
    On the basis of our results we recognize        ensis, A. fuscoauratus, A. gruuo, A. kemptoni,
four species of this complex in Panama (Fig.        A. pseudokemptoni). Anolis fortunensis differs
1): Anolis fortunensis, A. gruuo, A. kemptoni,      from the species in this cluster by the follow-

Marcos Ponce & Gunther Köhler

Tab. 1. Selected measurements, proportions and scale characters of Anolis fortunensis, A. gruuo, A.
kemptoni, and A. pseudokemptoni. Range is followed by mean value and one standard deviation in
parentheses. abbreviations see text.

                             Sex     A. fortunensis A. gruuo       A. kemptoni    A. pseudokemptoni
Sex (n)                              m (2), f (2)   m (3), f (1) m (16), f (19)   m (2), f (1)
Maximum SVl                  m       43.0           47.0         54.0             54.5
                             f       49.0           42.0         57.0             55.0
Tail length/SVl              m       1.79-1.81      1.74         1.87- 2.25       1.79
                                     (1.80±0.01)                 (2.00±0.12)
                             f       1.81           1.73         1.87-2.00        1.72
Tail diameter vertical/      m       1.26-1.36      1.15-1.40    1.12-1.47        1.08-1.20
horizontal                           (1.31±0.06)    (1.25±0.13)  (1.31±0.08)      (1.15±0.10)
                             f       1.27-1.32      1.09         1.09-1.41        1.1
                                     (1.29±0.01)                 (1.27±0.09)
Hl/SVl                       m       0.25-0.27      0.26         0.25-0.29        0.26
                                     (0.26±0.01)                 (0.27±0.01)
                             f       0.25-0.28      0.26         0.24-0.28        0.25
                                     (0.26±0.02)                 (0.26±0.01)
Hl/HW                        m       1.85-1.88      1.65-1.73    1.68-1.98        1.82-1.85
                                     (1.86±0.02)    (1.68±0.047) (1.82±0.08)      (1.84±0.01)
                             f       1.59-1.89      1.63         1.71-1.87        1.86
                                     (1.75±0.20)                 (1.79±0.04)
IP/ear                       m       1.99-2.52      1.62-2.91    0.91-3.43        3.39-3.57
                                     (2.24±0.38)    (2.30±0.65) (2.08±0.81)       (3.48±0.13)
                             f       1.41-2.96      1.17         1.16-4.20        2.68
                                     (2.18±1.07)                 (2.60±0.81)
Shank length/SVl             m       0.21-0.25      0.23-0.36    0.22-0.24        0.20-0.22
                                     (0.23±0.01)    (0.29±0.07) (0.23±0.01)       (0.21±0.01)
                             f       0.22-0.27      0.24         0.21-0.23        0.21
                                     (0.25±0.02)                 (0.22±0.08)
axilla–groin distance/SVl m          0.44-0.46      0.43-0.44    0.37-0.49        0.44-0.46
                                     (0.45±0.01)    (0.43±0.01) (0.44±0.01)       (0.45±0.00)
                             f       0.46-0.47      0.47         0.43-0.48        0.47
                                     (0.46±0.01)                 (0.46±0.02)
Subdigital lamellae of 4th   m&f     24-28          23-26        23-27            24-28
toe                                  (25±2.00)      (24.5±1.28)  (24.91±1.16)     (25.32±2.31)
Number of scales between     m&f     1-2            0-1          0-2              1
SS                                   (1.5±0.50)     (0.75±0.50) (1.27±0.62)
Number of scales between     m&f     2-3            2-3          1-4              2-3
IP and SS                            (2.75±0.50)    (2.75±0.50)  (2.38±0.71)      (2.25±0.50)
Number of scales between     m&f     0              0            0                0
SO and SPl
Number of SPl to level       m & f 6-9              8-9            6-9            6-9
below centre of eye                (7.5±1.40)       (8.25±0.50)    (7.66±0.89)    (7.5±1.40)
Number of INl to level       m & f 7-9              8-9            6-9            7-9
below centre of eye                (8.50±1.00)      (8.25±0.50)    (7.66±0.89)    (8.32±1.14)

Morphological variation in anoles

                            Sex    A. fortunensis A. gruuo         A. kemptoni     A. pseudokemptoni
Total number of loreals     m & f 47-58             28-48          33-66           75-88
                                  (50.75±5.00)      (35.50±9.00)   (47.75±8.40) (81.32±6.51)
Number of horizontal        m & f 6-7               4-6            5-8             8
loreal scale rows                 (6.25±0.50)       (5.25±0.96)    (6.16±0.68)
Number of postrostrals      m & f 5-8               6-8            5-8             7-8
                                  (6.75±1.26)       (7.25±0.96)    (6.19±0.68)     (7.32±0.58)
Number of postmentals       m & f 5-6 (5.75±0.50)   6              4-8 (6.19±0.68) 4-6 (5.32±1.14)
Number of scales between    m & f 7-9               7-8            6-9             7-9
nasals                            (8±0.82)          (7.25±0.50)    (7.41±0.70)     (8.00±1.00)
Number of scales between    m & f 8-12              8-9            6-10            9-10
2nd canthals                      (10.5±1.72)       (8.50±0.58)    (8.02±1.08)     (9.67±0.58)
Number of scales between    m & f 10-15             9-12           7-12            10-11
posterior canthals                (12±2.15)         (10.5±1.28)    (9.19±1.34)     (10.32±0.58)
Number of medial dorsal     m & f 50-56-            38-46          36-58           40-48
scales in one head length         (53.5±2.52)       (41.5±3.42)    (48.88±6.35) (44±4.00)
Number of ventral scales    m & f 58-70             50-58          42-68           56-62
in one head length                (62±5.42)         (54±3.64)      (55.75±7.00)    (58.67±3.06)

ing characteristics (conditions for A. fortun-       tween posterior canthals 7-12 (10-15). Anolis
ensis in parentheses): Anolis altae: male dew-       pseudokemptoni: posterior portion of male
lap more or less uniformly reddish orange            dewlap vinaceus, anterior portion orange,
(posterior portion greenish beige, anterior          anterodorsal corner cream colour (posterior
portion reddish orange); hemipenis bilobate          portion greenish beige, anterior portion red-
(unilobate); number of scales between pos-           dish orange, including anterodorsal corner);
terior canthals 7-9 (10-15). Anolis carpenteri:      total number of loreal scales 75-88 (47-58);
body greenish in life (reddish brown); male          maximum SVl 55 mm (49 mm); hemipenis
dewlap uniform orange (posterior portion             bilobate (unilobate).
greenish beige, anterior portion reddish or-            description: Maximum SVl 47.0 mm in
ange). Anolis fuscoauratus: male dewlap uni-         males, 49.0 mm in females; tail length/SVl
form pinkish brown to red (posterior portion         1.79-1.81; Hl/SVl 0.25-0.27 in males, 0.25-
greenish beige, anterior portion reddish or-         0.28 in females; Hl/HW 1.85-1.88 in males,
ange). Anolis gruuo: male dewlap extending           1.71-1.87 in females; shank length/SVl 0.21-
to level of axilla (between chest and midvent-       0.25 in males 0.22-0.27 in females; longest toe
er); male dewlap more or less uniform dull           of adpressed hind leg usually reaching to ear;
orange (posterior portion greenish beige, an-        tail slightly to distinctly laterally compressed
terior portion reddish orange); hemipenis            in cross section, tail vdT/hdT 1.26-1.36 in
bilobate (unilobate); shank length/SVl 0.23-         males, 1.27-1.32 in females.
0.36 (0.21-0.25). Anolis kemptoni: posterior            Scales on snout keeled; 5-8 postrostrals; 7-
portion of male dewlap rose pink, anterior           9 scales between nasals; usually a single large
portion burnt orange, small cream colored            prenasal, prenasal occasionally divided, in
basal blotch in some populations (posteri-           contact with supralabial and rostral; distinct
or portion greenish beige, anterior portion          frontal depression with smooth and flattened
reddish orange, basal blotch always absent);         or slightly granular scales; supraorbital sem-
maximum SVl 57 mm (49 mm); tail length/              icircles well developed, composed of keeled
SVl 1.87-2.25 (1.79-1.81); number of scales be-      scales; 0-2 rows of scales separating supraor-

Marcos Ponce & Gunther Köhler

Fig. 4. dewlaps of males in life of a) Anolis fortunensis (SMF 86407); b) A. gruuo (SMF 85416); c) A.
kemptoni; d) A. pseudokemptoni (SMF 85420).

bital semicircles at narrowest point; 2-3 rows      present on chin and granular scales present
of scales separating supraorbital semicircles       on throat; lateral head scales anterior to the
and interparietal at narrowest point; supraor-      ear opening about same size as those poste-
bitals composed of 5-7 distinctly enlarged,         rior to the ear opening; ear opening usually
keeled scales; 4-5 rows of granular scales be-      vertically oval.
tween enlarged supraoculars and supercili-              dorsum of body with granular scales, 36-
aries at level of mid-orbit; usually 1 elongate     58 dorsal scales in one head length; 0-4 me-
superciliary; interparietal scale well devel-       dian rows of dorsal scales slightly enlarged;
oped relative to adjacent scales, surrounded        ventral scales smooth; 58-70 ventral scales
by scales of moderate size; canthal ridge dis-      in one head length; all caudal scales strongly
tinct, composed of 4-5 large scales; 8-12 scales    keeled except at base of tail; caudal middor-
present between second canthals; 10-15 scales       sal scales slightly enlarged, without whorls of
present between posterior canthals; loreal          enlarged scales, although an indistinct divi-
region slightly convex, 47-58 smooth loreal         sion in segments is discernible; ventral medi-
scales in a maximum of 6-7 horizontal rows;         al caudal scales larger than dorsal scales; limb
subocular scales in contact with supralabials;      scales keeled, imbricate; digital pads dilated,
6-9 supralabials to level below centre of eye;      about three times as wide as non-dilated dis-
mental partial divided medially, bordered           tal portion of toe; distal phalanx narrower
posteriorly by 5-6 postmentals; 7-9 infralabi-      than and raised from, dilated pad; 24-28 la-
als to level below centre of eye; keeled scales     mellae under phalanges II–IV of fourth toe.

Morphological variation in anoles

    The completely everted hemipenis (SMF
86408) is a small unilobate organ; the trun-
cus and the lobes are not calyculate; several
transverse folds present on asulcate surface
of apex; sulcus spermaticus bifurcates at the
base of the apex and the branches continue
obliquely to the tip.
    Colour in life of a specimen from near
Río Hornito, Reserva Forestal Fortuna (SMF
86408): dorsal ground color of body and head
Raw Umber (223); ventral surface of body
dirty white, with small Walnut Brown (221B)
punctations; posterior portion of male dew-
lap Orange Yellow (18) with a greenish cast,
anterior portion varying from Flame Scarlet
(153) to Brick Red (132a).
    Natural history notes: our specimens were
collected at night at the edge of the forest
while they were sleeping on vegetation about
1.5 m above the ground.

Anolis gruuo Köhler, Ponce, Sunyer &
Batista, 2007

2007 Anolis gruuo Köhler, Ponce, Sunyer
& Batista, Herpetologica 63: 376; type local-
ity: near the headwaters of Río San Félix, ca. 2
km N Escopeta Camp, Serranía del Tabasará,
900 m elevation, Comarca Ngöbe Buglé, dis-
trito de Nole düima, Corregimiento de Jade-
beri, Panama. Holotype: SMF 85416.
    Geographic distribution: known only
from the type locality.
    diagnosis: Anolis gruuo is a medium-sized      Fig. 5. dewlaps of females in life of a) Anolis
species (SVl to 47 mm in males, 42 mm in           kemptoni; b) A. pseudokemptoni (SMF 85421); c)
females) of the genus Anolis (sensu Poe,           A. fortunensis (SMF 86406).
2004) that is most similar in external mor-
phology to a cluster of Central american
species that are short-legged (longest toe of      ing characteristics (conditions for A. gruuo
adpressed hind leg reaches only to tympa-          in parentheses): Anolis altae: male dewlap
num), usually have a single elongated pre-         more or less uniformly reddish orange (more
nasal scale, smooth to slightly keeled ventral     or less uniformly dull orange); no dewlap in
scales, a slender habitus, and are often deli-     females (a small orange dewlap in females);
cate (i.e., Anolis altae, A. carpenteri, A. for-   tail not conspicuously contrastingly dark and
tunensis, A. fuscoauratus, A. gruuo, A. kemp-      pale banded (contrasting banding present).
toni, A. pseudokemptoni). Anolis gruuo differs     Anolis carpenteri: tail not conspicuously con-
from the species in this cluster by the follow-    trastingly dark and pale banded (contrasting

Marcos Ponce & Gunther Köhler

banding present); dorsal coloration with a          of 10–12 distinctly enlarged, keeled scales; 3–
greenish cast in life (no greenish cast in life);   4 rows of small keeled scales extending be-
no dewlap in females (a small orange dewlap         tween enlarged supraorbitals and supercili-
in females). Anolis fortunensis: male dewlap        aries at level of mid-orbit; usually 1 elongate
extending to a point between chest and mid-         superciliary; interparietal scale well devel-
venter (to level of axilla); posterior portion      oped relative to adjacent scales, surrounded
of male dewlap greenish beige, anterior por-        by scales of moderate size; canthal ridge dis-
tion reddish orange (more or less uniformly         tinct, composed of 3-6 large scales; 8-9 scales
dull orange); tail length/SVl 1.79-1.81 (1.74);     present between second canthals; 9-12 scales
number of scales between posterior canthals         present between posterior canthals; loreal
10-15 (9-12). Anolis fuscoauratus: male dew-        region slightly convex, 28-48 smooth loreal
lap uniform pinkish brown to red (more or           scales in a maximum of 4-6 horizontal rows;
less uniformly dull orange); hemipenis unilo-       subocular scales in contact with supralabials;
bate (bilobate). Anolis kemptoni: posterior         8-9 supralabials to level below centre of eye;
portion of male dewlap rose pink, anterior          mental partial divided medially, bordered
portion orange, a small cream colored ba-           posteriorly by 6 postmentals; 8-9 infralabi-
sal blotch in some populations (more or less        als to level below centre of eye; keeled scales
uniformly dull orange); hemipenis unilobate         present on chin and granular scales present
(bilobate); maximum SVl 57 mm (47) in fe-           on throat; lateral head scales anterior to ear
males; shank length/SVl 0.22-0.24 (0.23-            opening about same size as those posterior
0.36). Anolis pseudokemptoni: posterior por-        to ear opening; ear opening usually vertically
tion of male dewlap vinaceus, anterior por-         oval.
tion orange, anterodorsal corner cream color           dorsum of body with granular scales, 38-
(more or less uniformly dull orange); total         46 dorsal scales in one head length; 2-3 me-
number of loreal scales 75-88 (28-48); shank        dian rows of dorsal scales slightly enlarged;
length/SVl 0.20-0.22 (0.23-0.36).                   ventrals scales smooth; 50-58 ventral scales
   description: maximum SVl 47.0 mm in              in one head length; all caudal scales strongly
males, 42.0 mm in females; tail length/SVl          keeled except at base of tail; caudal middor-
1.74 in males 1.73 in females; Hl/SVl 0.26          sal scales slightly enlarged, without whorls of
in both males and females; Hl/HW 1.65-1.73          enlarged scales, although an indistinct divi-
in males, 1.63 in females; shank length/SVl         sion in segments is discernible; a pair of en-
0.23-0.36 in males 0.24 in females; longest         larged postanal scales present (width 0.61-
toe of adpressed hind leg reaching to point         0.95 mm); limb scales keeled, imbricate; dig-
between tympanum and eye; tail slightly to          ital pads dilated, about three times as wide as
distinctly laterally compressed in cross sec-       non-dilated distal portion of toe; distal pha-
tion, tail vdT/hdT 1.15-1.40 in males 1.09 in       lanx narrower than, and raised from dilated
females.                                            pad; 23-26 lamellae under phalanges II-IV of
   Scales on snout keeled; 6-8 postrostrals; 7-     fourth toe.
8 scales between nasals; usually a single large        The completely everted hemipenis (SMF
prenasal, prenasal occasionally divided, in         85416) is a medium-sized bilobate organ;
contact with supralabial and rostral; scales        sulcus spermaticus bordered by well devel-
in distinct prefrontal depression slightly tu-      oped sulcal lips and bifurcating at base of
berculate; supraorbital semicircles well de-        apex; branches of sulcus spermaticus con-
veloped, composed of keeled scales; 0-1 rows        tinue to tips of lobes, bordered by well-de-
of scales separating supraorbital semicircles       veloped sulcal lips; surface of apex and distal
at narrowest point; 2-3 rows of scales separat-     truncus strongly calyculate, base of truncus
ing supraorbital semicircles and interparietal      with transverse folds; no asulcate processes
at narrowest point; supraorbitals composed          present.

Morphological variation in anoles

   Colour in life of the holotype (SMF 85416):       (Anolis altae, A. carpenteri, A. fortunensis, A.
dorsal ground colour light drab (119C) suf-          fuscoauratus, A. gruuo, A. kemptoni, A. pseu-
fused with Hair Brown (119a); dorsal surface         dokemptoni). Anolis kemptoni differs from
of head light drab; chin white with Warm             the species in this cluster by the following
Sepia (221a) flecks; venter dirty white with         characteristics (conditions for A. kemptoni in
dark drab (119B) mottling, mottling more             parentheses): Anolis altae: maximum SVl 50
intensive towards sides; tail drab grey (119d)       mm (57 mm); dewlap more or less uniformly
with contrasting transverse Fuscous (21)             reddish orange (posterior portion rose pink,
bands; iris Robin Rufous (340); dewlap Spec-         anterior portion burnt orange, small cream
trum Orange (17) grading to Chrome Orange            colored basal blotch present in some popula-
(16) anteriorly, gorgetals greyish Brown (20).       tions); hemipenis bilobate (unilobate). Ano-
   Natural history notes: all specimens were         lis carpenteri: body greenish in life (greyish
active during the day in a shaded coffee             brown), yellow with numerous small dark
plantation. One of the adults was on a tree          punctations in preservative, resulting in a
(lauraceae) about 5-6 m above the ground,            fine speckled appearance (uniform without
whereas most of the others were collected            dark punctations); male dewlap uniform or-
on a citrus tree about 5 m above the ground.         ange (posterior portion rose pink, anterior
One juvenile was in a coffee tree 1 m above          portion burnt orange, small cream colored
the ground.                                          basal blotch present in some populations);
                                                     maximum SVl 45 mm (57 mm). Anolis for-
                                                     tunensis: posterior portion of male dewlap
Anolis kemptoni Dunn, 1940                           greenish beige, anterior portion reddish or-
                                                     ange (posterior portion rose pink, anterior
1940 Anolis kemptoni dunn, Proc. acad. nat.          portion burnt orange, small cream colored
Sci. Philad. 92: 111; type locality: Finca lérida,   basal blotch present in some populations);
Volcán Chiriquí, 5300 ft, Chiriquí, Panama.          maximum SVl 49 mm (57 mm); tail length /
Holotype: aNSP 21708 (examined by GK:                SVl 1.79-1.81 (1.87-2.25); number of scales be-
this info not included in other accounts).           tween posterior canthals 10-15 (7-12); ventral
   1998 Norops pandoensis Savage & Guy-              scales smooth (slightly keeled). Anolis fusco-
er, Rev. Biol. Trop. 46 (3): 805; type locali-       auratus: male dewlap uniform pinkish brown
ty: la Changuinolita, 1950 m elevation, Can-         to red (posterior portion rose pink, anterior
tón Coto Brus, Puntarenas Province, Costa            portion burnt orange, small cream colored
Rica. Holotype: CRE 5290 (not examined by            basal blotch present in some populations);
authors: this info not included in other ac-         maximum SVl 50 mm (57 mm); no dewlap
counts).                                             in females (a small dewlap present). Anolis
   Geographic distribution: eastern portion          gruuo: male dewlap more or less uniform-
of the Cordillera de Talamanca in western            ly dull orange (posterior portion rose pink,
Panama and adjacent Costa Rica (Fig. 3).             anterior portion burnt orange, small cream
   diagnosis: Anolis kemptoni is a medium-           colored basal blotch present in some popula-
sized species (SVl to 54 mm in males, 57 mm          tions); hemipenis bilobate (unilobate); max-
in females) of the genus Anolis (sensu Poe,          imum SVl 47 mm (57 mm); shank length
2004) that is most similar in external mor-          / SVl 0.23-0.36 (0.22-0.24); ventral scales
phology to a cluster of Central american             smooth (slightly keeled). Anolis pseudokemp-
species that are short-legged (longest toe of        toni: hemipenis bilobate (unilobate); total
adpressed hind leg reaches only to tympa-            number of loreal scales 75-88 (33-66); ventral
num), usually have a single elongated pre-           scales smooth (slightly keeled); female dew-
nasal scale, smooth to slightly keeled ventral       lap orange (white).
scales, a slender habitus, and are often delicate        description: maximum SVl 54.0 mm in

Marcos Ponce & Gunther Köhler

                                                   Fig. 8. adult male of Anolis kemptoni from alto
                                                   Chiquero, Chiriquí, Panama.
Fig. 6. adult male of Anolis fortunensis (SMF
86408; SVl 44 mm) from near Río Hornito, Re-
serva Forestal Fortuna, Chiriquí, Panama.

                                                   Fig. 9. adult male of Anolis pseudokemptoni (SMF
                                                   85420; SVl 54mm) from la Nevera, Comarca
                                                   Ngöbe Buglé, Panama.
Fig. 7. adult male of Anolis gruuo (SMF 85416;
SVl 47 mm) from near Campamento Escopeta,
Comarca Ngöbe Buglé, Panama.
                                                   narrowest point; 1-4 rows of scales separat-
                                                   ing supraorbital semicircles and interparietal
                                                   at narrowest point; supraorbitals composed
males, 57.0 mm in females; tail length/SVl         of 5-10 distinctly enlarged, keeled scales; 2-4
1.87-2.25; Hl/SVl 0.25-0.29 in males, 0.24-        rows of granular scales between enlarged su-
0.28 in females; Hl/HW 1.68-1.98 in males,         praoculars and superciliaries at level of mid-
1.71-1.87 in females; shank length/SVl 0.22-       orbit; usually 1 elongate superciliary, interpa-
0.24 in males 0.21-0.23 in females; longest toe    rietal scale well developed relative to adjacent
of adpressed hind leg usually reaching to ear;     scales, surrounded by scales of moderate size;
tail slightly to distinctly laterally compressed   canthal ridge distinct, composed of 3-6 large
in cross section, tail vdT/hdT 1.12-1.47.          scales; 6-10 scales present between second
   Scales on snout keeled; 5-8 postrostrals;       canthals; 7-12 scales present between poste-
6-9 scales between nasals; usually a single        rior canthals; loreal region slightly convex,
large prenasal present, prenasal occasion-         33-66 smooth loreal scales in a maximum of
ally divided, in contact with supralabial and      5-8 horizontal rows; subocular scales in con-
rostral; scales in distinct frontal depression     tact with supralabials; 6-9 supralabials to lev-
keeled; supraorbital semicircles well devel-       el below centre of eye; mental partial divided
oped, composed of keeled scales; 0-2 rows of       medially, bordered posteriorly by 4-8 post-
scales separating supraorbital semicircles at      mentals; 6-9 infralabials to level below cen-

Morphological variation in anoles

tre of eye; keeled scales present on chin and      the animals were sleeping on low vergeta-
granular scales present on throat; lateral head    tion (0.3-0.6 m above the ground). One adult
scales anterior to the ear opening about same      male was sitting upside-down on a fence post
size as those posterior to ear opening; ear        exposed to direct sunlight. Other individuals
opening usually vertically oval; weak nuchal       were encountered on low vegetation during
ridge present in males                             the daytime.
    dorsum of body with granular scales, ex-
cept some scales in vertebral row keeled and
subimbricate, 36-58 dorsal scales in one head      Anolis pseudokemptoni Köhler, Ponce,
length; 0-4 median rows of dorsal scales           Sunyer & Batista, 2007
slightly enlarged; ventrals at midbody slight-
ly keeled, 42-68 ventral scales in one head        2007 Anolis pseudokemptoni Köhler, Ponce,
length; all caudal scales strongly keeled ex-      Sunyer, Batista, Herpetologica 63: 380;
cept at base of tail; caudal middorsal scales      type locality: Cerro la Nevera, 8°29’45’’N,
slightly enlarged, without whorls of enlarged      81°46’35’’W, 1600 m elevation, Serranía del
scales, although indistinct division in seg-       Tabasará, Comarca Ngöbe Buglé, distrito
ments discernible; limb scales keeled, imbri-      de Nole düima, Corregimiento de Jadeberi,
cate; digital pads dilated, about three times as   Panama. Holotype: SMF 85420.
wide as non-dilated distal portion of toe; dis-        Geographic distribution: known only
tal phalanx narrower than, and raised from,        from the type locality.
dilated pad; 23-27 lamellae under phalanges            diagnosis: Anolis pseudokemptoni is a me-
II-IV of fourth toe.                               dium-sized species (SVl to 54 mm in males,
    The completely everted hemipenis (SMF          55 mm in females) of the genus Anolis (sen-
85406) is a small unilobate organ; the trun-       su Poe, 2004) that is most similar in external
cus has a few transverse folds and the apex is     morphology to a cluster of Central american
strongly calyculate; on the asulcate surface a     species that are short-legged (longest toe of
processus is present at the base of the apex;      adpressed hind leg reaches only to tympa-
sulcus spermaticus opens in two concave ar-        num), usually have a single elongated pre-
eas at the base of the apex.                       nasal scale, smooth to slightly keeled ventral
    Colour in life of a specimen from near the     scales, a slender habitus, and are often deli-
type locality (MHCH 700): dorsal ground            cate (Anolis altae, A. carpenteri, A. fortunen-
colour of body and head Cinnamon (123a);           sis, A. fuscoauratus, A. gruuo, A. kemptoni,
head with a Hair Brown (119a) interorbital         A. pseudokemptoni). Anolis pseudokemptoni
bar; ventral surface of body Cream Color           differs from the species in this cluster by the
(54); chin dirty white; iris Raw Sienna (136);     following characteristics (conditions for A.
posterior portion of male dewlap Rose Pink         pseudokemptoni in parentheses): Anolis altae:
(108d), anterior portion Burnt Orange (116).       male dewlap more or less uniformly reddish
Colour in life of a specimen from Jurutungo        orange (male dewlap tricolored: posterior
(MHCH 701) agrees with that description,           portion vinaceous, anterior portion orange,
except in the following details: Ground col-       anterodorsal corner chamois); no dewlap in
our of head and body light drab (119C), iris       females (a small orange dewlap in females);
Verona Brown (223B); the posterior portion         total number loreal scales 32-56 (75-88). Ano-
of the male dewlap deep Vinaceus (4), ante-        lis carpenteri: body greenish in life (greyish
rior portion Burnt Orange (116) with a Buff        brown), yellow with numerous small dark
(124) basal blotch. Females have a small dirty     punctations in preservative, resulting in a
white dewlap.                                      fine speckled appearance (uniform greyish
    Natural history notes: The majority of         brown without dark punctations); male dew-
the specimens were collected at night while        lap orange (male dewlap tricolored: posterior

Marcos Ponce & Gunther Köhler

portion vinaceous, anterior portion orange,        praoculars and superciliaries at level of mid-
anterodorsal corner chamois); no dewlap in         orbit; usually a single elongated superciliary;
females (a small orange dewlap in females);        interparietal scale well developed relative
maximum SVl 45 mm (55 mm); total number            to adjacent scales, surrounded by scales of
loreal scales 46-56 (75-88). Anolis fortunensis:   moderate size; canthal ridge distinct, com-
posterior portion of male dewlap greenish          posed of 4-6 large scales; 9-10 scales present
beige, anterior portion reddish orange (male       between second canthals; 10-11 scales present
dewlap tricolored: posterior portion vina-         between posterior canthals; loreal region
ceous, anterior portion orange, anterodorsal       slightly convex, 75-88 smooth loreal scales in
corner chamois); maximum SVl 49 mm (55             a maximum of 8-9 horizontal rows; subocu-
mm); total number of loreal scales 47-58 (75-      lar scales in contact with supralabials; 6-9 su-
88); number of scales between posterior can-       pralabials to level below centre of eye; mental
thals 10-15 (10-11). Anolis fuscoauratus: male     partial divided medially, bordered posterior-
dewlap uniform pinkish brown to red (male          ly by 4-6 postmentals; 7-9 infralabials to lev-
dewlap tricolored: posterior portion vina-         el below centre of eye; keeled scales present
ceous, anterior portion orange, anterodorsal       on chin and granular scales on throat; lateral
corner chamois); maximum SVl 50 mm (55             head scales anterior to the ear opening about
mm). Anolis gruuo: male dewlap uniformly           same size as those posterior to ear opening;
dull orange (male dewlap tricolored: poste-        ear opening usually vertically oval.
rior portion vinaceous, anterior portion or-           dorsum of body with granular scales, 40-
ange, anterodorsal corner chamois); maxi-          48 dorsal scales in one head length; 0-4 me-
mum SVl 47 mm (55 mm); shank length/               dian rows of dorsal scales slightly enlarged;
SVl 0.23-0.36 (0.20-0.22). Anolis kemptoni:        ventral scales smooth, 56-62 ventral scales
hemipenis unilobate (bilobate); total number       in one head length; all caudal scales strongly
of loreal scales 33-66 (75-88); ventral scales     keeled except at base of tail; caudal middor-
slightly keeled (smooth).                          sal scales slightly enlarged, without whorls of
    description: maximum SVl 54.0 mm in            enlarged scales, although indistinct division
males, 55.0 mm in females; tail length/SVl         in segments discernible; limb scales keeled,
1.72-1.79; Hl/SVl 0.26 in males, 0.25 in fe-       imbricate; digital pads dilated, about three
males; Hl/HW 1.82-1.85 in males, 1.86 in fe-       times as wide as non-dilated distal portion
males; shank length/SVl 0.20-0.22 in males         of toe; distal phalanx narrower than, and
0.21 in females; longest toe of adpressed hind     raised from dilated pad; 24-28 lamellae un-
leg reaching to ear; tail slightly compressed      der phalanges II-IV of fourth toe.
in cross section, tail vdT/hdT 1.08-1.20 in            The completely everted hemipenis (SMF
males 1.1 in females.                              85420) is a medium-sized bilobate organ
    Scales on snout keeled; 4-6 postrostrals;      with a short and stout truncus; sulcus sper-
7-9 scales between nasals; usually a single        maticus bordered by well developed sulcal
large prenasal present, prenasal occasionally      lips and bifurcating at base of apex; branch-
divided, in contact with supralabial and ros-      es of sulcus spermaticus continue to tips of
tral; distinct frontal depression with smooth      lobes, bordered by well-developed sulcal lips,
scales; supraorbital semicircles well devel-       tip of lobe of each branch opens into a broad
oped, composed of keeled scales; 1 row of          concave area; surface of apex and sulcate side
scales separating supraorbital semicircles at      of truncus strongly calyculate, asulcate side
narrowest point; 2-3 rows of scales separat-       of truncus with folds; a large asulcate proc-
ing supraorbital semicircles and interparietal     ess present.
at narrowest point; supraorbitals composed             Colour in life of the holotype (SMF
of 6-10 distinctly enlarged, keeled scales; 3-4    85420): ground colour of dorsal surfaces of
rows of granular scales between enlarged su-       body, limbs and tail Citrine (51), suffused

Morphological variation in anoles

with dark drab (119B) in vertebral area and                             References
with indistinct Cinnamon (123a) trans-
verse bands in flank region; a Prout’s Brown         arosemena, F.a. & R. Ibañez d. (1993): Una nue-
(121a) interorbital bar present; tail with Hair         va especie de Anolis (Squamata:Iguanidae) del
                                                        grupo fuscoauratus de Fortuna, Panamá. – Re-
Brown (119a) bands, edged with Sepia (119);             vista de Biología Tropical, 41(2): 267-272.
venter dirty white with army Brown (219B)
                                                     arosemena, F.a. & R. Ibañez d. (1994): Una
flecks; cloacal region and ventral surface of
                                                        Saurio nuevo del Género Anolis (Reptilia Po-
base of tail Olive Yellow (52); iris Cinnamon;          lychrotidae), grupo fuscoauratus, de las tierras
posterior portion of dewlap Vinaceous (3)               altas de Chiriquí, Panamá. – Caribbean Journal
with deep Vinaceous (4) tint, anterior por-             of Science, 30 (3-4): 222-227.
tion Burnt Orange (116), anterodorsal corner         dunn, E.R. (1940): New and noteworthy herpeto-
Chamois (123).                                          logical material fom Panama. – Proceedings of
                                                        the academy of Natural Sciences of Philadel-
                                                        phia, 92: 105-122.
                                                     Guyer, C. & J.M. Savage (1987): Cladistic relati-
Collecting and exportation permits were pro-            onships among anoles (Sauria: Iguanidae). –
vided by Yariela Hidalgo, autoridad Nacional            Systematic Zoology, 35: 509-531. “1986”.
del ambiente (aNaM), Panama City, Panama.            Guyer, C. & J.M. Savage (1992). anole systematics
Querube d. Fuenmayor, Panama City, Panama,              revisited. – Systematic Biology, 41:89-110.
provided valuable assistance with acquisition of     Hulebak, E., and S. Poe (2006): Anolis (Norops)
these permits. Meike Piepenbring, Botanisches           pandoensis Savage and Guyer 1998 is a junior
Institut J. W. Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt, Ger-      synonym of Anolis kemptoni dunn 1940. – Ca-
many, provided logistic support for our studies in      ribbean Journal of Science 42(2): 265-267.
Panama and was instrumental in enabling abel         Ibáñez d.R., F.a. Solís, C.a. Jaramillo & a.S.
Batista and Marcos Ponce to visit Frankfurt,            Rand (2001): an overview of the herpetolo-
Germany, for a three month research stay. We            gy of Panama. In: Johnson, J.d., R.G. Webb
thank Pedro Caballero (director of Instituto            & O.a Flores-Villela (eds.): Mesoamerican
de Ciencias ambientales y desarrollo Sostenible)        herpetology: Systematics, zoogeography, and
and Boris E. Sanjur, Facultad de Ciencias Nat-          conservation. – El Paso (The University of Te-
urales y Exactas de la Universidad autónoma de          xas El Paso): 159-170.
Chiriquí (UNaCHI), david, Panama, for their
support. This paper is based in part upon work for   Köhler, G. (2003): Reptiles of Central america.
which support was given by the deutscher akad-          – Offenbach (Herpeton): 367 pp.
emischer austauschdienst (daad) to Marcos            Köhler, G., M. Ponce, J. Sunyer & a. Batista
Ponce and to Gunther Köhler through the                 (2007): Four new species of anoles (genus Ano-
Partnership Program between the J. W. Goethe-           lis) from the Serranía de Tabasará, west-central
Universität Frankfurt am Main, deutschland, und         Panama (Squamata: Polychrotidae). – Herpe-
der Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Exactas der        tologica, 63 (3): 375-391.
Universidad autónoma de Chiriquí (UNaCHI),           leviton, a.E., R.H. Gibbs jr., E. Heal & C.E.
david, Panama. We are grateful to alfred a.             dawson (1985): Standards in herpetology and
Schmidt for his financial support of this study.        ichthyology: part I. Standard symbolic codes
We thank abel Batista for field assistance. For         for institutional resource collections in herpe-
the loan of or access to specimens we thank l.          tology and ichthyology. – Copeia, 1985: 802-
Ford and d. R. Frost (aMNH); W. E. duell-               832.
man and J. E. Simmons (KU); J. Seigel (laCM);
                                                     Myers, C.W. & W.E. duellman (1982): a new
a. Rossman (lSUMZ); J. Hanken and J. P. Ro-
                                                        species of Hyla from Cerro Colorado, and
sado (MCZ); V. H. Tejera N. (MVUP); J. P. Cald-
                                                        other tree frog records and geographic notes
well, a. d. Estep and l. J. Vitt (OMNH); and R. W.
                                                        from western Panama. – american Museum
Mcdiarmid and W. R. Heyer (USNM).
                                                        Novitates, 2752: 1-32.

Marcos Ponce & Gunther Köhler

Myers, C., E.E. Williams & R.W. Mcdiarmid             ra, 3.7 km S of Tiger Key: USNM 348442; Colón:
   (1993): a new anoline lizard (Phenacosaurus)       “Colón”: USNM 266152; Rio Frijoles and Pipeline
   from the highland of Cerro de la Neblina,          Road: USNM 266153.
   southern Venezuela. – american Museum No-
   vitates, 3070: 1-15.                               Norops fortunensis
Poe, S. (2004): Phylogeny of anoles. – Herpetolo-     PaNaMa: Chiriquí, Gualaca, Reserva Forestal
   gical Monographs, *18*: 37-89.                     Fortuna, 8º 43’04.7’’N, 82º13’42.1’’W, 1074 m: SMF
                                                      86405-08; Reserva Forestal de Fortuna, along the
Savage, J.M. (1997): On terminology for the de-       Río Chiriquí, some 100 m from the mouth of Que-
   scription of the hemipenes of squamate repti-      brada Bijau (8°45’11’’N, 82°11’07’’W), 1050-1075 m:
   les. – Herpetological Journal, 7: 23-25.           MVUP 901 (holotype of Anolis exsul); Reserva
Savage, J.M. & C. Guyer (1998): a new species         Forestal de Fortuna, along the Río Chiriquí, in
   of anole lizard, genus Norops (Squamata: Poly-     front of the Estacion Hidrometereológica del In-
   chrotidae), from the Cordillera de Talamanca,      stituto de Recursos Hidráulicos y Electrificación
   Costa Rica. – Revista de Biología Tropical, 46     (IRHE) in Bijau, 1050-1075 m: MVUP 756 (holo-
   (3): 805-809.                                      type of Anolis fortunensis).
Smithe, F.B. (1975-1981): Naturalist’s color guide.
   Part I. Color guide. 182 color swatches. New       Anolis fuscoauratus
   York (american Museum of Natural History).         BOlIVIa: Bení: Tributary of upper Río Bení:
                                                      SMF 10967. ECUadOR: Tena, 518 m: SMF 77252;
                                                      near Mera: SMF 77253; near Misahualli, 420 m:
                                                      SMF 77254; arutam, 1°47.28’S, 77°48.31’S, 760 m:
                  Appendix 1
                                                      SMF 78699. PaNaMa: darién: Río Chíco, near
              Specimens examined
                                                      avolinos: aMNH 57703. VENEZUEla: Iguapo,
                                                      upper Orinoco: SMF 10971.
Anolis altae
COSTa RICa: alajuela: Cinchona, 1600 m: KU
                                                      Anolis gruuo
103953-66; between la Cinchona and angel Falls,
                                                      PaNaMa: Comarca Ngöbe Buglé: Nole düima,
1370 m: laCM 151319; Heredia: San Rafael de Vara
                                                      Jadeberi, Serranía de Tabasará, from near the
Blanca, 10°10’55’’N, 84°09’10’’W, 1675 m: SMF
                                                      headwaters of Río San Félix, ca. 2 km N Escopeta
85555; Paso llano, S slope Volcan Barba, 2230 m:
                                                      Camp ca. 8°32’N, 81°50’W, 900 m: SMF 85416-19.
KU 66933; 2.5 km N Vara Blanca, 1900 m: KU
66934; Vara Blanca: KU 129336-37; San José: alto
                                                      Anolis kemptoni
la Palma: laCM 114187; 2 km N la Palma on road
                                                      PaNaMa: Chiriquí: Boquete, PNVB, 8º50’56’’N,
la Palma-la Hondura, 1500 m: laCM 151309; 0.5
                                                      82º29’11’’W, 1610 m: SMF 85404-10; Bugaba, Bam-
mi S alto la Palma, 1500 m: laCM 151310; 1.4 mi
                                                      bito, Cerro la Pelota: SMF 85411-12, 85414-15;
S alto la Palma, 1500 m: laCM 151311.
                                                      Parque Nacional la amistad, 08º54’02,9’’N, 82º
                                                      36’38’’W, 1890 m: SMF 85423-31; Parque Nacion-
Anolis carpenteri
                                                      al la amistad, 8°52’33.5’’N, 82°28’10.5’’W, 1700
COSTa RICa: Cartago: Turrialba, IICa Experi-
                                                      m: MHCH 475-476, 497-502; headwaters of Río
mental Cacao Grove: MCZ 146765; Heredia: OTS
                                                      Chevo, 08º52’27,6’’N, 82º 44’31.7’’W, 1615 m: SMF
Finca la Selva: MCZ 174169; Finca la Suerte: SMF
81823; limón: Finca la lola: MCZ 128509-10; Tor-
tuguero, next to Caribbean Conservation Com-
                                                      Anolis pseudokemptoni
mission Camp: USNM 244860; San José: Caspiro-
                                                      PaNaMa: Comarca Ngöbe Buglé: Nole düi-
la: lSUMZ 52385. NICaRaGUa: Matagalpa: 12
                                                      ma, Jadeberi, Serranía de Tabasará, la Nevera,
km NE Matagalpa, 1100 m: KU 195056; Finca Te-
                                                      8°29’45’’N, 81°46’35’’W, 1600 m: SMF 85420-22.
peyac, 10.5 km N and 9 km E Matagalpa, 960 m:
KU 85722; Río San Juan: by Isla de diamante on
Río San Juan: OMNH 36370; Bartola, 10°58.37’N,
84°20.35’W, 30 m: SMF 80958, 81821-22. PaNa-
Ma: Bocas del Toro: southern end of Isla Popa,
1 km E of Sumwood Channel: USNM 347200-04;
Rambala: ZFMK 52204; laguna de Tierra Oscu-

Morphological variation in anoles

                                                     Appendix 2
                              Key to the species related to Anolis kemptoni in Panama

1a   Usually a single elongated prenasal scale; short-legged (longest toe of adpressed
     hind leg reaches only to tympanum); ventral scales smooth to slightly keeled;
     dorsal ground colour greyish-brown; habitus slender, often delicate. .............................................. 2
1b   Combination of characters not as above. ......................... all other Panamanian species of Anolis
2a   Total number of loreal scales from 75 to 88; hemipenis bilobate.
     ................................................................................................................................ Anolis pseudokemptoni
2b   Total number of loreal scales from 33 to 66; hemipenis unilobate or bilobate ............................... 3
3a   Ventral scales slightly keeled; SVl to 54 mm in males, to 57 mm in fe-
     males; hemipenis unilobate; posterior portion of dewlap rose pink, an-
     terior           portion             burnt            orange,             small            cream             colored             basal    blotch
     in some populations. ............................................................................................ Anolis kemptoni
3b   Ventral scales smooth; SVl to 47 mm in males, to 49 mm in females; hemipenis
     unilobate or bilobate; male dewlap colour not as above. .................................................................... 4
4a   Hemipenis                     unilobate;                   posterior                  insertion                  of            male        dew-
     lap between chest and midventer; posterior portion of male dew-
     lap greenish beige, anterior portion reddish orange; tail without conspi
     cuous dark and pale vertical banding. ..................................................................... Anolis fortunensis
4b   Hemipenis                 bilobate;             posterior               insertion              of        male            dewlap        at     le-
     vel of axilla; male dewlap more or less uniform dull orange; tail
     with conspicuous dark and pale vertical banding. .......................................................... Anolis gruuo

                                                         Manuscript received: 29 November 2006
authors’ addresses: Marcos Ponce, Instituto de Ciencias ambientales y desarrollo Sostenible de la
Universidad autónoma de Chiriquí, david, Panamá. E-Mail:; Gunther
Köhler, Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum Senckenberg, Senckenberganlage 25, d-60325 Frankfurt
a.M., Germany, E-Mail:

Marcos Ponce & Gunther Köhler


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Anolis kemptoni relatives ponce&köhler 2008

  • 1. Morphological variation in anoles SalaMaNdRa 44 2 65-84 Rheinbach, 20 May 2008 ISSN 0036-3375 Morphological variation in anoles related to Anolis kemptoni in Panama Marcos Ponce & Gunther Köhler Abstract. We examined the geographical variation in pholidosis, morphometrics, hemipenis morphol- ogy, and coloration in anoles of the anoles related to Anolis kemptoni in the highlands of western Panama. This cluster includes six nominal species (Anolis exsul, A. fortunensis, A. gruuo, A. kemptoni, A. pandoen- sis, and A. pseudokemptoni). On the basis of our data, we place Anolis exsul in the synonymy of A. fortun- ensis and A. pandoensis in the synonymy of A. kemptoni. For the four valid species we provide an identi- fication key, colour photographs in life, standardized descriptions, and a distribution map. Key words. Reptilia, Squamata, Iguanidae, Anolis exsul, A. fortunensis, A. gruuo, A. kemptoni, A. pan- doensis, and A. pseudokemptoni, distribution, morphological variation, hemipenis morphology. Resumen. Nosotros examinamos la variación geográfica en pholidosis, morfometría, morfología de los hemipenes y coloración en los anolis del complejo Anolis kemptoni de las tierras altas del oeste de Pana- má. Este grupo incluye seis especies nominales (Anolis exsul, A. fortunensis, A. gruuo, A. kemptoni, A. pandoensis, and A. pseudokemptoni) Basados en nuestros datos ubicamos a Anolis exsul en la sinónimia de A. fortunensis y A. pandoensis en la sinónimia de A. kemptoni. Reconocemos cuatro especies como validas, proveemos una clave de identificación, fotografías en color de las especies en vida, descripciones estandarizadas y un mapa de distribución. Introduction Volcán Chiriquí, 5300 ft, Chiriquí, Panama”. arosemena & Ibañez (1993, 1994) named due to its great climatic and topographical two species, A. fortunensis and A. exul, re- diversity, Panama supports one of the most spectively, from two nearby localities in the diverse and abundant herpetofaunas of any Reserva Forestal de Fortuna, Chiriquí, Pan- Central american country (Myers & du- ama. Savage & Guyer (1998) described Ano- ellman 1982, Ibañez et al. 2001). Thirty-four lis pandoensis from la Changuinolita, 1950 species of anoles (genus Anolis) are known to m elevation, Cantón Coto Brus, Puntarenas occur in Panama, 14 of which are restricted Province, Costa Rica, close to the border to the highlands of lower Central america with Panama. However, this species has been (Köhler 2003, Köhler et al. 2007). However, placed in the synonymy of A. kemptoni by there remain taxonomic issues to be resolved Hulebak & Poe (2006). Most recently, Köh- at the population and species level. This is ler et al. (2007) described two new species, particularly true for the A. altae complex and A. gruuo and A. pseudokemptoni, from the the species related to A. pachypus, A. pseu- Serranía del Tabasará that are related to this dopachypus and A. tropidolepis. cluster of species. Six nominal species related to Anolis kemp- Here we report upon the results of our toni are reported to occur in Panama: Anolis study on the geographic variation in pholido- exsul, A. fortunensis, A. gruuo, A. kemptoni, sis, morphometrics, hemipenis morphology A. pandoensis, and A. pseudokemptoni. dunn and coloration of the anoles related to Anolis (1940) described Anolis kemptoni on the basis kemptoni in the highlands in western Pana- of a series of specimens from “Finca lérida, ma. © 2008 deutsche Gesellschaft für Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde e.V. (dGHT) 65
  • 2. Marcos Ponce & Gunther Köhler Materials and methods in parentheses) are those of Smithe (1975- 1981). Statistical analyses were performed us- a list of the specimens examined is provid- ing the computer program Statistica version ed in the appendix. See Fig. 1 for assign- 6.1. We performed t-tests to assess wheth- ment of the OTUs. abbreviations for mu- er the means of two groups are statistically seum collections follow those of leviton et different (p<0.05). discriminant Function al. (1985) except for MHCH (Museo Herpe- analyses were used to test if the taxa in ques- tológico de Chiriquí, david, Chiriquí, Pan- tion could be differentiated by a combination ama) and MVUP (Museo de Vertebrados, of several morphological characters. Universidad de Panamá, Panama City, Pan- ama). Nomenclature of scale characters fol- lows that of Köhler (2003). Terminology Results for hemipenial morphology follows that of The taxonomic status of Anolis exsul Myers et al. (1993) and Savage (1997). Scale sizes were measured using the ocular mi- In 1994, arosemena & Ibañez described crometer of a stereo microscope (leica MZ Anolis exsul on the basis of three specimens 12) and rounded to the nearest 0.01 mm. all from Reserva Forestal de Fortuna, along the other measurements were made using preci- Río Chiriquí, some 100 m from the mouth sion calipers and were rounded to the near- of Quebrada Bijau (8°45’11’’N, 82°11’07’’W), est 0.1 mm. Head length was measured from 1050-1075 m elevation, Chiriquí Province, the tip of the snout to the anterior margin Panama. Thus the type locality of this taxon of the ear opening. Snout length was meas- is in the close vicinity of the type locality of ured from the tip of the snout to the anterior A. fortunensis, a taxon that was named by the border of the orbit. Head width was deter- same authors one year earlier. In March of mined as the distance between the oral ric- 2006, MP and aB collected four specimens ti. dorsal and ventral scales were counted at of an anole related to these two taxa from the midbody along the midline. Tail height and general area of the respective type localities width were measured at the point reached by of A. fortunensis and A. exsul. While trying the heel of the extended hind leg. Subdigit- to identify these newly collected specimens al lamellae were counted on phalanges II to we became suspicious of the distinctiveness IV of the fourth toe. We considered the scale of these two taxa and finally concluded that directly anterior to the circumnasal to be a none of the supposedly diagnostic characters prenasal. abbreviations used are SVl (snout- as proposed in the original description of A. vent length), Hl (head length), HW (head exsul (i.e., Table 3 in arosemena & Ibañez width), SS (supraorbital semicircles), IP (in- 1994) are useful in separating the two nomi- terparietal plate), SO (subocular scales), SPl nal species. MP had the privilege of examin- (supralabial scales), INl (infralabials), hdT ing the type material of A. exsul and A. for- (horizontal diameter of tail), vdT (vertical tunensis. We discuss these characters in turn diameter of tail), dHl (dorsal scales in one (data from Table 3 in arosemena & Ibañez head length), VHl (ventral scales in one 1994 in parentheses). head length), and OTU (Operational Taxo- Number of scales between second can- nomic Unit). abbreviations used for collec- thals (10-12 such scales in A. exsul and 15 in tors are aB (abel Batista), GK (Gunther A. fortunensis): in our series this character Köhler), JS (Javier Sunyer) and MP (Mar- varies from 10 to 15. Number of postrostral cos Ponce). abbreviations used for localities scales (7-9 in A. exsul, 6 in A. fortunensis): in PNVB (Parque Nacional Volcán Barú), PIla our series this character varies from 5 to 8. (Parque Internacional la amistad ). The cap- Bony parietal protuberances (a characteris- italised colours and colour codes (the latter tic stated to be present in A. exsul): we failed 66
  • 3. Morphological variation in anoles Fig. 1. distribution of Anolis fortunensis (triangle), A. gruuo (star), A. kemptoni (red squares), and A. pseudokemptoni (yellow circle) in western Panama. Red circle indicates la Changuinolita (= type locality of Anolis pandoensis Savage & Guyer 1998). Numbers refer to OTUs as used in the analysis. Indicated elevations: pale grey shading 500-1000 m above sea level, medium grey shading 1000-2000 m above sea level, dark grey shading above 2000 m above sea level. to discern these atop the rear of the head the chest and midventer. Hind leg length (the in any of our specimens, and MP was una- fourth toe of the adpressed hind limb reach- ble to detect this characteristic in the holo- es the ear in A. exsul and to a point between type of A. exsul. Number of enlarged dorsal shoulder and ear in A. fortunensis): in two scales rows (no enlarged middorsal scales in of our specimens (SMF 86406, 86408) the A. exsul and 2 - 4 such scales in A. fortun- fourth toe reaches the ear, in one specimen ensis): in our specimens the two middorsal (SMF 86405) it reaches to a point between scale rows are slightly enlarged relative to the the ear and eye, and in SMF 86407 it reaches adjacent rows. In other species of this group to a point between the shoulder and ear. En- (e.g., A. kemptoni) we found this character to larged postcloacal scales (absent in A. exul, be variable. Thus we do not see any diagnos- present in A. fortunensis): both males in our tic value in this character for the two species series have enlarged postcloacal scales. dew- in question. Posterior insertion of male dew- lap colour in males (male dewlap in A. exul: lap (posterior insertion of the dewlap in A. orange base with a cherry-red free margin; exsul at chest level whereas in A. fortunen- A. fortunensis: reddish orange base with a red sis the dewlap reaches to midventer): in the free margin): the dewlap colour in life was two males of our series (SMF 86407-08) the recorded for the two males in our series to posterior insertion of the dewlap is between be Orange Yellow (colour 18 in Smithe 1975– 67
  • 4. Marcos Ponce & Gunther Köhler 68
  • 5. Morphological variation in anoles Figs. 2 a-k. diagrams (mean value ± standard de- viation) showing variation in selected scale cha- racters and proportions in OTUs 1-9. See Fig. 1 for identification of OTUs; for abbreviations see text. 69
  • 6. Marcos Ponce & Gunther Köhler Fig. 3. discriminant function analysis of species of the Anolis altae complex in Panama: 1) Anolis kemp- toni; 2) = Anolis fortunensis; 3) = Anolis gruuo; 4) = Anolis pseudokemptoni. See text for details. 1981) at the base with the free margin varying most non-overlapping between OTUs 7 (= A. from Flame Scarlet (15) to Brick Red (32a). fortunensis) and 9 (A. gruuo). In relative head None of the supposedly diagnostic char- length (Hl/HW), OTUs 8 and 9 show non- acters proposed in the original description overlapping ranges. also, the tail of OTU 7 is of A. exsul appear to be valid. Furthermore, more compressed than in OTU 8 (non-over- the comparison of the holotypes of these two lapping ranges of vdT/hdT). Finally, we ob- nominal species with each other and our se- serve only slightly overlapping ranges in the ries did not yield any characters that distin- number of dorsal scales in one head length guish A. exsul from A. fortunensis. Thus, we between OTU 7 and OTUs 8 and 9. conclude that Anolis exsul arosemena & Our OTU 1 is from the close vicinity of Ibañez is a junior synonym of Anolis fortun- the type locality of Anolis pandoensis, where- ensis arosemena & Ibañez. as our OTU 4 is from the close vicinity of the type locality of A. kemptoni. In all char- acters examined there is large overlap in the Geographic and interspecific variation ranges between our OTUs 1 and 4, none of the characters appearing to be of diagnos- Morphological variation within and between tic value. although we observed some geo- OTUs is shown in Fig. 2. although large over- graphical variation between OTUs 1 through lap of ranges is observed for most characters 6, none of these OTUs is distinct in any of between OTUs, we found statistically distinct these characters and we conclude that they differences between some of the OTUs in should be regarded as representing a single the following characters. OTU 8 (= A. pseu- species. Therefore we agree with Hulebak dokemptoni) has distinctly more loreal scales & Poe (2006) that A. pandoensis Savage & and loreal scale rows than any other OTU. In Guyer is a junior synonym of A. kemptoni addition the ranges of total loreal scales are al- dunn. We too reviewed the characters pro- 70
  • 7. Morphological variation in anoles posed as diagnostic in the original descrip- and A. pseudokemptoni. Morphological vari- tion of A. pandoensis and as a result found ation between these four species is summa- none of them to be valid. rized in Table 1. Coloration of male dewlaps We conducted a discriminant function in life of the four species is shown in Fig. 4, analysis (dFa) based on three pholidotic and those of female A. kemptoni and A. pseu- three morphometric characters (VHl, lo- dokemptoni in Fig. 5. We provide standard reals, SPl, Hl/HW, vdT/hdT, IP/ear) and descriptions of these species as well as an included four OTUs: OTU 1: = a combined identification key (appendix 2). OTU comprising the former OTUs 1-6 (= A. kemptoni); OTU 2: = A. fortunensis; OTU 3: = A. gruuo; OTU 4: = A. pseudokemptoni. This Species accounts dFa yielded a scatter diagram (Fig. 3) that correctly classified 100% of the specimens of Anolis fortunensis Arosemena & Ibañez, OTU’s 1 and 3, and 75% of OTU 4. The poly- 1993 gons of OTUs 3 and 4 species do not over- lap with those of OTUs 1 and 2, but those of 1993 Anolis fortunensis arosemena & OTUs 1 and 2 largely overlap with each other. Ibañez, Revista de Biología Tropical 41: 267; The first function is dS = –0.303275(VHl) type locality: Reserva Forestal de Fortuna, + 0.996622(loreals) – 0.509350(SPl) + along the Río Chiriquí, in front of the Esta- 0.343491(Hl/HW) – 0.160641(vdT/ hdT) cion Hidrometereológica del Instituto de Re- + 0.497529(IP/ear). The second function cursos Hidráulicos y Electrificación (IRHE) is dS = +0.702992(VHl) – 0.095555(lore- in Bijau, 1050-1075 m elevation, Chiriquí als) –0.358664(SPl) + 0.410196(Hl/HW) + Province, Panama. Holotype: MVUP 756. 0.160641(vdT/ hdT) + 0.091429(IP/ear). 1994 Anolis exsul arosemena & Ibañez, The data presented above document the Caribbean Journal of Science 30:222: type lo- distinctness of Anolis gruuo and A. pseu- cality: Reserva Forestal de Fortuna, along the dokemptoni. None of these characters ap- Río Chiriquí, some 100 m from the mouth pear to be useful for the differentiation be- of Quebrada Bijau (8°45’11’’N, 82°11’07’’W), tween A. kemptoni and A. fortunensis. How- 1050-1075 m elevation, Chiriquí Province, ever, there are several characters aside from Panama. Holotype: MVUP 901. those mentioned above that readily separate Geographic distribution: known only the two taxa: (1) ventral scales: slightly keeled from three localities, all in the close vicinity in A. kemptoni (at least on chest and anterior of Bijau, Reserva Forestal Fortuna, Chiriquí, venter), smooth in A. fortunensis; (2) dewlap Panama (Fig. 1). coloration in males: A. kemptoni: posterior diagnosis: Anolis fortunensis (Fig. 6) is portion of dewlap Rose Pink (colour 108d a medium-sized species (SVl to 47 mm in in Smithe 1975–1981) to deep Vinaceus (4), males, 49 mm in females) of the genus Anolis anterior portion Burnt Orange (116), with or (sensu Poe, 2004) which is most similar in without a basal Buff (124) blotch; A. fortun- external morphology to a cluster of Central ensis: posterior portion Orange Yellow (18) american species that are short-legged (long- with a greenish cast, anterior portion varying est toe of adpressed hind leg reaches only to from Flame Scarlet (153) to Brick Red (132a); tympanum), usually have a single elongated (3) maximum SVl: in A. kemptoni 54 mm prenasal scale, smooth to slightly keeled ven- (males) and 57 mm (females); in A. fortunen- tral scales, a slender habitus, and are often sis 47 mm (males) and 49 mm (females). delicate (Anolis altae, A. carpenteri, A. fortun- On the basis of our results we recognize ensis, A. fuscoauratus, A. gruuo, A. kemptoni, four species of this complex in Panama (Fig. A. pseudokemptoni). Anolis fortunensis differs 1): Anolis fortunensis, A. gruuo, A. kemptoni, from the species in this cluster by the follow- 71
  • 8. Marcos Ponce & Gunther Köhler Tab. 1. Selected measurements, proportions and scale characters of Anolis fortunensis, A. gruuo, A. kemptoni, and A. pseudokemptoni. Range is followed by mean value and one standard deviation in parentheses. abbreviations see text. Sex A. fortunensis A. gruuo A. kemptoni A. pseudokemptoni Sex (n) m (2), f (2) m (3), f (1) m (16), f (19) m (2), f (1) Maximum SVl m 43.0 47.0 54.0 54.5 f 49.0 42.0 57.0 55.0 Tail length/SVl m 1.79-1.81 1.74 1.87- 2.25 1.79 (1.80±0.01) (2.00±0.12) f 1.81 1.73 1.87-2.00 1.72 (2.00±0.10) Tail diameter vertical/ m 1.26-1.36 1.15-1.40 1.12-1.47 1.08-1.20 horizontal (1.31±0.06) (1.25±0.13) (1.31±0.08) (1.15±0.10) f 1.27-1.32 1.09 1.09-1.41 1.1 (1.29±0.01) (1.27±0.09) Hl/SVl m 0.25-0.27 0.26 0.25-0.29 0.26 (0.26±0.01) (0.27±0.01) f 0.25-0.28 0.26 0.24-0.28 0.25 (0.26±0.02) (0.26±0.01) Hl/HW m 1.85-1.88 1.65-1.73 1.68-1.98 1.82-1.85 (1.86±0.02) (1.68±0.047) (1.82±0.08) (1.84±0.01) f 1.59-1.89 1.63 1.71-1.87 1.86 (1.75±0.20) (1.79±0.04) IP/ear m 1.99-2.52 1.62-2.91 0.91-3.43 3.39-3.57 (2.24±0.38) (2.30±0.65) (2.08±0.81) (3.48±0.13) f 1.41-2.96 1.17 1.16-4.20 2.68 (2.18±1.07) (2.60±0.81) Shank length/SVl m 0.21-0.25 0.23-0.36 0.22-0.24 0.20-0.22 (0.23±0.01) (0.29±0.07) (0.23±0.01) (0.21±0.01) f 0.22-0.27 0.24 0.21-0.23 0.21 (0.25±0.02) (0.22±0.08) axilla–groin distance/SVl m 0.44-0.46 0.43-0.44 0.37-0.49 0.44-0.46 (0.45±0.01) (0.43±0.01) (0.44±0.01) (0.45±0.00) f 0.46-0.47 0.47 0.43-0.48 0.47 (0.46±0.01) (0.46±0.02) Subdigital lamellae of 4th m&f 24-28 23-26 23-27 24-28 toe (25±2.00) (24.5±1.28) (24.91±1.16) (25.32±2.31) Number of scales between m&f 1-2 0-1 0-2 1 SS (1.5±0.50) (0.75±0.50) (1.27±0.62) Number of scales between m&f 2-3 2-3 1-4 2-3 IP and SS (2.75±0.50) (2.75±0.50) (2.38±0.71) (2.25±0.50) Number of scales between m&f 0 0 0 0 SO and SPl Number of SPl to level m & f 6-9 8-9 6-9 6-9 below centre of eye (7.5±1.40) (8.25±0.50) (7.66±0.89) (7.5±1.40) Number of INl to level m & f 7-9 8-9 6-9 7-9 below centre of eye (8.50±1.00) (8.25±0.50) (7.66±0.89) (8.32±1.14) 72
  • 9. Morphological variation in anoles Sex A. fortunensis A. gruuo A. kemptoni A. pseudokemptoni Total number of loreals m & f 47-58 28-48 33-66 75-88 (50.75±5.00) (35.50±9.00) (47.75±8.40) (81.32±6.51) Number of horizontal m & f 6-7 4-6 5-8 8 loreal scale rows (6.25±0.50) (5.25±0.96) (6.16±0.68) Number of postrostrals m & f 5-8 6-8 5-8 7-8 (6.75±1.26) (7.25±0.96) (6.19±0.68) (7.32±0.58) Number of postmentals m & f 5-6 (5.75±0.50) 6 4-8 (6.19±0.68) 4-6 (5.32±1.14) Number of scales between m & f 7-9 7-8 6-9 7-9 nasals (8±0.82) (7.25±0.50) (7.41±0.70) (8.00±1.00) Number of scales between m & f 8-12 8-9 6-10 9-10 2nd canthals (10.5±1.72) (8.50±0.58) (8.02±1.08) (9.67±0.58) Number of scales between m & f 10-15 9-12 7-12 10-11 posterior canthals (12±2.15) (10.5±1.28) (9.19±1.34) (10.32±0.58) Number of medial dorsal m & f 50-56- 38-46 36-58 40-48 scales in one head length (53.5±2.52) (41.5±3.42) (48.88±6.35) (44±4.00) Number of ventral scales m & f 58-70 50-58 42-68 56-62 in one head length (62±5.42) (54±3.64) (55.75±7.00) (58.67±3.06) ing characteristics (conditions for A. fortun- tween posterior canthals 7-12 (10-15). Anolis ensis in parentheses): Anolis altae: male dew- pseudokemptoni: posterior portion of male lap more or less uniformly reddish orange dewlap vinaceus, anterior portion orange, (posterior portion greenish beige, anterior anterodorsal corner cream colour (posterior portion reddish orange); hemipenis bilobate portion greenish beige, anterior portion red- (unilobate); number of scales between pos- dish orange, including anterodorsal corner); terior canthals 7-9 (10-15). Anolis carpenteri: total number of loreal scales 75-88 (47-58); body greenish in life (reddish brown); male maximum SVl 55 mm (49 mm); hemipenis dewlap uniform orange (posterior portion bilobate (unilobate). greenish beige, anterior portion reddish or- description: Maximum SVl 47.0 mm in ange). Anolis fuscoauratus: male dewlap uni- males, 49.0 mm in females; tail length/SVl form pinkish brown to red (posterior portion 1.79-1.81; Hl/SVl 0.25-0.27 in males, 0.25- greenish beige, anterior portion reddish or- 0.28 in females; Hl/HW 1.85-1.88 in males, ange). Anolis gruuo: male dewlap extending 1.71-1.87 in females; shank length/SVl 0.21- to level of axilla (between chest and midvent- 0.25 in males 0.22-0.27 in females; longest toe er); male dewlap more or less uniform dull of adpressed hind leg usually reaching to ear; orange (posterior portion greenish beige, an- tail slightly to distinctly laterally compressed terior portion reddish orange); hemipenis in cross section, tail vdT/hdT 1.26-1.36 in bilobate (unilobate); shank length/SVl 0.23- males, 1.27-1.32 in females. 0.36 (0.21-0.25). Anolis kemptoni: posterior Scales on snout keeled; 5-8 postrostrals; 7- portion of male dewlap rose pink, anterior 9 scales between nasals; usually a single large portion burnt orange, small cream colored prenasal, prenasal occasionally divided, in basal blotch in some populations (posteri- contact with supralabial and rostral; distinct or portion greenish beige, anterior portion frontal depression with smooth and flattened reddish orange, basal blotch always absent); or slightly granular scales; supraorbital sem- maximum SVl 57 mm (49 mm); tail length/ icircles well developed, composed of keeled SVl 1.87-2.25 (1.79-1.81); number of scales be- scales; 0-2 rows of scales separating supraor- 73
  • 10. Marcos Ponce & Gunther Köhler Fig. 4. dewlaps of males in life of a) Anolis fortunensis (SMF 86407); b) A. gruuo (SMF 85416); c) A. kemptoni; d) A. pseudokemptoni (SMF 85420). bital semicircles at narrowest point; 2-3 rows present on chin and granular scales present of scales separating supraorbital semicircles on throat; lateral head scales anterior to the and interparietal at narrowest point; supraor- ear opening about same size as those poste- bitals composed of 5-7 distinctly enlarged, rior to the ear opening; ear opening usually keeled scales; 4-5 rows of granular scales be- vertically oval. tween enlarged supraoculars and supercili- dorsum of body with granular scales, 36- aries at level of mid-orbit; usually 1 elongate 58 dorsal scales in one head length; 0-4 me- superciliary; interparietal scale well devel- dian rows of dorsal scales slightly enlarged; oped relative to adjacent scales, surrounded ventral scales smooth; 58-70 ventral scales by scales of moderate size; canthal ridge dis- in one head length; all caudal scales strongly tinct, composed of 4-5 large scales; 8-12 scales keeled except at base of tail; caudal middor- present between second canthals; 10-15 scales sal scales slightly enlarged, without whorls of present between posterior canthals; loreal enlarged scales, although an indistinct divi- region slightly convex, 47-58 smooth loreal sion in segments is discernible; ventral medi- scales in a maximum of 6-7 horizontal rows; al caudal scales larger than dorsal scales; limb subocular scales in contact with supralabials; scales keeled, imbricate; digital pads dilated, 6-9 supralabials to level below centre of eye; about three times as wide as non-dilated dis- mental partial divided medially, bordered tal portion of toe; distal phalanx narrower posteriorly by 5-6 postmentals; 7-9 infralabi- than and raised from, dilated pad; 24-28 la- als to level below centre of eye; keeled scales mellae under phalanges II–IV of fourth toe. 74
  • 11. Morphological variation in anoles The completely everted hemipenis (SMF 86408) is a small unilobate organ; the trun- cus and the lobes are not calyculate; several transverse folds present on asulcate surface of apex; sulcus spermaticus bifurcates at the base of the apex and the branches continue obliquely to the tip. Colour in life of a specimen from near Río Hornito, Reserva Forestal Fortuna (SMF 86408): dorsal ground color of body and head Raw Umber (223); ventral surface of body dirty white, with small Walnut Brown (221B) punctations; posterior portion of male dew- lap Orange Yellow (18) with a greenish cast, anterior portion varying from Flame Scarlet (153) to Brick Red (132a). Natural history notes: our specimens were collected at night at the edge of the forest while they were sleeping on vegetation about 1.5 m above the ground. Anolis gruuo Köhler, Ponce, Sunyer & Batista, 2007 2007 Anolis gruuo Köhler, Ponce, Sunyer & Batista, Herpetologica 63: 376; type local- ity: near the headwaters of Río San Félix, ca. 2 km N Escopeta Camp, Serranía del Tabasará, 900 m elevation, Comarca Ngöbe Buglé, dis- trito de Nole düima, Corregimiento de Jade- beri, Panama. Holotype: SMF 85416. Geographic distribution: known only from the type locality. diagnosis: Anolis gruuo is a medium-sized Fig. 5. dewlaps of females in life of a) Anolis species (SVl to 47 mm in males, 42 mm in kemptoni; b) A. pseudokemptoni (SMF 85421); c) females) of the genus Anolis (sensu Poe, A. fortunensis (SMF 86406). 2004) that is most similar in external mor- phology to a cluster of Central american species that are short-legged (longest toe of ing characteristics (conditions for A. gruuo adpressed hind leg reaches only to tympa- in parentheses): Anolis altae: male dewlap num), usually have a single elongated pre- more or less uniformly reddish orange (more nasal scale, smooth to slightly keeled ventral or less uniformly dull orange); no dewlap in scales, a slender habitus, and are often deli- females (a small orange dewlap in females); cate (i.e., Anolis altae, A. carpenteri, A. for- tail not conspicuously contrastingly dark and tunensis, A. fuscoauratus, A. gruuo, A. kemp- pale banded (contrasting banding present). toni, A. pseudokemptoni). Anolis gruuo differs Anolis carpenteri: tail not conspicuously con- from the species in this cluster by the follow- trastingly dark and pale banded (contrasting 75
  • 12. Marcos Ponce & Gunther Köhler banding present); dorsal coloration with a of 10–12 distinctly enlarged, keeled scales; 3– greenish cast in life (no greenish cast in life); 4 rows of small keeled scales extending be- no dewlap in females (a small orange dewlap tween enlarged supraorbitals and supercili- in females). Anolis fortunensis: male dewlap aries at level of mid-orbit; usually 1 elongate extending to a point between chest and mid- superciliary; interparietal scale well devel- venter (to level of axilla); posterior portion oped relative to adjacent scales, surrounded of male dewlap greenish beige, anterior por- by scales of moderate size; canthal ridge dis- tion reddish orange (more or less uniformly tinct, composed of 3-6 large scales; 8-9 scales dull orange); tail length/SVl 1.79-1.81 (1.74); present between second canthals; 9-12 scales number of scales between posterior canthals present between posterior canthals; loreal 10-15 (9-12). Anolis fuscoauratus: male dew- region slightly convex, 28-48 smooth loreal lap uniform pinkish brown to red (more or scales in a maximum of 4-6 horizontal rows; less uniformly dull orange); hemipenis unilo- subocular scales in contact with supralabials; bate (bilobate). Anolis kemptoni: posterior 8-9 supralabials to level below centre of eye; portion of male dewlap rose pink, anterior mental partial divided medially, bordered portion orange, a small cream colored ba- posteriorly by 6 postmentals; 8-9 infralabi- sal blotch in some populations (more or less als to level below centre of eye; keeled scales uniformly dull orange); hemipenis unilobate present on chin and granular scales present (bilobate); maximum SVl 57 mm (47) in fe- on throat; lateral head scales anterior to ear males; shank length/SVl 0.22-0.24 (0.23- opening about same size as those posterior 0.36). Anolis pseudokemptoni: posterior por- to ear opening; ear opening usually vertically tion of male dewlap vinaceus, anterior por- oval. tion orange, anterodorsal corner cream color dorsum of body with granular scales, 38- (more or less uniformly dull orange); total 46 dorsal scales in one head length; 2-3 me- number of loreal scales 75-88 (28-48); shank dian rows of dorsal scales slightly enlarged; length/SVl 0.20-0.22 (0.23-0.36). ventrals scales smooth; 50-58 ventral scales description: maximum SVl 47.0 mm in in one head length; all caudal scales strongly males, 42.0 mm in females; tail length/SVl keeled except at base of tail; caudal middor- 1.74 in males 1.73 in females; Hl/SVl 0.26 sal scales slightly enlarged, without whorls of in both males and females; Hl/HW 1.65-1.73 enlarged scales, although an indistinct divi- in males, 1.63 in females; shank length/SVl sion in segments is discernible; a pair of en- 0.23-0.36 in males 0.24 in females; longest larged postanal scales present (width 0.61- toe of adpressed hind leg reaching to point 0.95 mm); limb scales keeled, imbricate; dig- between tympanum and eye; tail slightly to ital pads dilated, about three times as wide as distinctly laterally compressed in cross sec- non-dilated distal portion of toe; distal pha- tion, tail vdT/hdT 1.15-1.40 in males 1.09 in lanx narrower than, and raised from dilated females. pad; 23-26 lamellae under phalanges II-IV of Scales on snout keeled; 6-8 postrostrals; 7- fourth toe. 8 scales between nasals; usually a single large The completely everted hemipenis (SMF prenasal, prenasal occasionally divided, in 85416) is a medium-sized bilobate organ; contact with supralabial and rostral; scales sulcus spermaticus bordered by well devel- in distinct prefrontal depression slightly tu- oped sulcal lips and bifurcating at base of berculate; supraorbital semicircles well de- apex; branches of sulcus spermaticus con- veloped, composed of keeled scales; 0-1 rows tinue to tips of lobes, bordered by well-de- of scales separating supraorbital semicircles veloped sulcal lips; surface of apex and distal at narrowest point; 2-3 rows of scales separat- truncus strongly calyculate, base of truncus ing supraorbital semicircles and interparietal with transverse folds; no asulcate processes at narrowest point; supraorbitals composed present. 76
  • 13. Morphological variation in anoles Colour in life of the holotype (SMF 85416): (Anolis altae, A. carpenteri, A. fortunensis, A. dorsal ground colour light drab (119C) suf- fuscoauratus, A. gruuo, A. kemptoni, A. pseu- fused with Hair Brown (119a); dorsal surface dokemptoni). Anolis kemptoni differs from of head light drab; chin white with Warm the species in this cluster by the following Sepia (221a) flecks; venter dirty white with characteristics (conditions for A. kemptoni in dark drab (119B) mottling, mottling more parentheses): Anolis altae: maximum SVl 50 intensive towards sides; tail drab grey (119d) mm (57 mm); dewlap more or less uniformly with contrasting transverse Fuscous (21) reddish orange (posterior portion rose pink, bands; iris Robin Rufous (340); dewlap Spec- anterior portion burnt orange, small cream trum Orange (17) grading to Chrome Orange colored basal blotch present in some popula- (16) anteriorly, gorgetals greyish Brown (20). tions); hemipenis bilobate (unilobate). Ano- Natural history notes: all specimens were lis carpenteri: body greenish in life (greyish active during the day in a shaded coffee brown), yellow with numerous small dark plantation. One of the adults was on a tree punctations in preservative, resulting in a (lauraceae) about 5-6 m above the ground, fine speckled appearance (uniform without whereas most of the others were collected dark punctations); male dewlap uniform or- on a citrus tree about 5 m above the ground. ange (posterior portion rose pink, anterior One juvenile was in a coffee tree 1 m above portion burnt orange, small cream colored the ground. basal blotch present in some populations); maximum SVl 45 mm (57 mm). Anolis for- tunensis: posterior portion of male dewlap Anolis kemptoni Dunn, 1940 greenish beige, anterior portion reddish or- ange (posterior portion rose pink, anterior 1940 Anolis kemptoni dunn, Proc. acad. nat. portion burnt orange, small cream colored Sci. Philad. 92: 111; type locality: Finca lérida, basal blotch present in some populations); Volcán Chiriquí, 5300 ft, Chiriquí, Panama. maximum SVl 49 mm (57 mm); tail length / Holotype: aNSP 21708 (examined by GK: SVl 1.79-1.81 (1.87-2.25); number of scales be- this info not included in other accounts). tween posterior canthals 10-15 (7-12); ventral 1998 Norops pandoensis Savage & Guy- scales smooth (slightly keeled). Anolis fusco- er, Rev. Biol. Trop. 46 (3): 805; type locali- auratus: male dewlap uniform pinkish brown ty: la Changuinolita, 1950 m elevation, Can- to red (posterior portion rose pink, anterior tón Coto Brus, Puntarenas Province, Costa portion burnt orange, small cream colored Rica. Holotype: CRE 5290 (not examined by basal blotch present in some populations); authors: this info not included in other ac- maximum SVl 50 mm (57 mm); no dewlap counts). in females (a small dewlap present). Anolis Geographic distribution: eastern portion gruuo: male dewlap more or less uniform- of the Cordillera de Talamanca in western ly dull orange (posterior portion rose pink, Panama and adjacent Costa Rica (Fig. 3). anterior portion burnt orange, small cream diagnosis: Anolis kemptoni is a medium- colored basal blotch present in some popula- sized species (SVl to 54 mm in males, 57 mm tions); hemipenis bilobate (unilobate); max- in females) of the genus Anolis (sensu Poe, imum SVl 47 mm (57 mm); shank length 2004) that is most similar in external mor- / SVl 0.23-0.36 (0.22-0.24); ventral scales phology to a cluster of Central american smooth (slightly keeled). Anolis pseudokemp- species that are short-legged (longest toe of toni: hemipenis bilobate (unilobate); total adpressed hind leg reaches only to tympa- number of loreal scales 75-88 (33-66); ventral num), usually have a single elongated pre- scales smooth (slightly keeled); female dew- nasal scale, smooth to slightly keeled ventral lap orange (white). scales, a slender habitus, and are often delicate description: maximum SVl 54.0 mm in 77
  • 14. Marcos Ponce & Gunther Köhler Fig. 8. adult male of Anolis kemptoni from alto Chiquero, Chiriquí, Panama. Fig. 6. adult male of Anolis fortunensis (SMF 86408; SVl 44 mm) from near Río Hornito, Re- serva Forestal Fortuna, Chiriquí, Panama. Fig. 9. adult male of Anolis pseudokemptoni (SMF 85420; SVl 54mm) from la Nevera, Comarca Ngöbe Buglé, Panama. Fig. 7. adult male of Anolis gruuo (SMF 85416; SVl 47 mm) from near Campamento Escopeta, Comarca Ngöbe Buglé, Panama. narrowest point; 1-4 rows of scales separat- ing supraorbital semicircles and interparietal at narrowest point; supraorbitals composed males, 57.0 mm in females; tail length/SVl of 5-10 distinctly enlarged, keeled scales; 2-4 1.87-2.25; Hl/SVl 0.25-0.29 in males, 0.24- rows of granular scales between enlarged su- 0.28 in females; Hl/HW 1.68-1.98 in males, praoculars and superciliaries at level of mid- 1.71-1.87 in females; shank length/SVl 0.22- orbit; usually 1 elongate superciliary, interpa- 0.24 in males 0.21-0.23 in females; longest toe rietal scale well developed relative to adjacent of adpressed hind leg usually reaching to ear; scales, surrounded by scales of moderate size; tail slightly to distinctly laterally compressed canthal ridge distinct, composed of 3-6 large in cross section, tail vdT/hdT 1.12-1.47. scales; 6-10 scales present between second Scales on snout keeled; 5-8 postrostrals; canthals; 7-12 scales present between poste- 6-9 scales between nasals; usually a single rior canthals; loreal region slightly convex, large prenasal present, prenasal occasion- 33-66 smooth loreal scales in a maximum of ally divided, in contact with supralabial and 5-8 horizontal rows; subocular scales in con- rostral; scales in distinct frontal depression tact with supralabials; 6-9 supralabials to lev- keeled; supraorbital semicircles well devel- el below centre of eye; mental partial divided oped, composed of keeled scales; 0-2 rows of medially, bordered posteriorly by 4-8 post- scales separating supraorbital semicircles at mentals; 6-9 infralabials to level below cen- 78
  • 15. Morphological variation in anoles tre of eye; keeled scales present on chin and the animals were sleeping on low vergeta- granular scales present on throat; lateral head tion (0.3-0.6 m above the ground). One adult scales anterior to the ear opening about same male was sitting upside-down on a fence post size as those posterior to ear opening; ear exposed to direct sunlight. Other individuals opening usually vertically oval; weak nuchal were encountered on low vegetation during ridge present in males the daytime. dorsum of body with granular scales, ex- cept some scales in vertebral row keeled and subimbricate, 36-58 dorsal scales in one head Anolis pseudokemptoni Köhler, Ponce, length; 0-4 median rows of dorsal scales Sunyer & Batista, 2007 slightly enlarged; ventrals at midbody slight- ly keeled, 42-68 ventral scales in one head 2007 Anolis pseudokemptoni Köhler, Ponce, length; all caudal scales strongly keeled ex- Sunyer, Batista, Herpetologica 63: 380; cept at base of tail; caudal middorsal scales type locality: Cerro la Nevera, 8°29’45’’N, slightly enlarged, without whorls of enlarged 81°46’35’’W, 1600 m elevation, Serranía del scales, although indistinct division in seg- Tabasará, Comarca Ngöbe Buglé, distrito ments discernible; limb scales keeled, imbri- de Nole düima, Corregimiento de Jadeberi, cate; digital pads dilated, about three times as Panama. Holotype: SMF 85420. wide as non-dilated distal portion of toe; dis- Geographic distribution: known only tal phalanx narrower than, and raised from, from the type locality. dilated pad; 23-27 lamellae under phalanges diagnosis: Anolis pseudokemptoni is a me- II-IV of fourth toe. dium-sized species (SVl to 54 mm in males, The completely everted hemipenis (SMF 55 mm in females) of the genus Anolis (sen- 85406) is a small unilobate organ; the trun- su Poe, 2004) that is most similar in external cus has a few transverse folds and the apex is morphology to a cluster of Central american strongly calyculate; on the asulcate surface a species that are short-legged (longest toe of processus is present at the base of the apex; adpressed hind leg reaches only to tympa- sulcus spermaticus opens in two concave ar- num), usually have a single elongated pre- eas at the base of the apex. nasal scale, smooth to slightly keeled ventral Colour in life of a specimen from near the scales, a slender habitus, and are often deli- type locality (MHCH 700): dorsal ground cate (Anolis altae, A. carpenteri, A. fortunen- colour of body and head Cinnamon (123a); sis, A. fuscoauratus, A. gruuo, A. kemptoni, head with a Hair Brown (119a) interorbital A. pseudokemptoni). Anolis pseudokemptoni bar; ventral surface of body Cream Color differs from the species in this cluster by the (54); chin dirty white; iris Raw Sienna (136); following characteristics (conditions for A. posterior portion of male dewlap Rose Pink pseudokemptoni in parentheses): Anolis altae: (108d), anterior portion Burnt Orange (116). male dewlap more or less uniformly reddish Colour in life of a specimen from Jurutungo orange (male dewlap tricolored: posterior (MHCH 701) agrees with that description, portion vinaceous, anterior portion orange, except in the following details: Ground col- anterodorsal corner chamois); no dewlap in our of head and body light drab (119C), iris females (a small orange dewlap in females); Verona Brown (223B); the posterior portion total number loreal scales 32-56 (75-88). Ano- of the male dewlap deep Vinaceus (4), ante- lis carpenteri: body greenish in life (greyish rior portion Burnt Orange (116) with a Buff brown), yellow with numerous small dark (124) basal blotch. Females have a small dirty punctations in preservative, resulting in a white dewlap. fine speckled appearance (uniform greyish Natural history notes: The majority of brown without dark punctations); male dew- the specimens were collected at night while lap orange (male dewlap tricolored: posterior 79
  • 16. Marcos Ponce & Gunther Köhler portion vinaceous, anterior portion orange, praoculars and superciliaries at level of mid- anterodorsal corner chamois); no dewlap in orbit; usually a single elongated superciliary; females (a small orange dewlap in females); interparietal scale well developed relative maximum SVl 45 mm (55 mm); total number to adjacent scales, surrounded by scales of loreal scales 46-56 (75-88). Anolis fortunensis: moderate size; canthal ridge distinct, com- posterior portion of male dewlap greenish posed of 4-6 large scales; 9-10 scales present beige, anterior portion reddish orange (male between second canthals; 10-11 scales present dewlap tricolored: posterior portion vina- between posterior canthals; loreal region ceous, anterior portion orange, anterodorsal slightly convex, 75-88 smooth loreal scales in corner chamois); maximum SVl 49 mm (55 a maximum of 8-9 horizontal rows; subocu- mm); total number of loreal scales 47-58 (75- lar scales in contact with supralabials; 6-9 su- 88); number of scales between posterior can- pralabials to level below centre of eye; mental thals 10-15 (10-11). Anolis fuscoauratus: male partial divided medially, bordered posterior- dewlap uniform pinkish brown to red (male ly by 4-6 postmentals; 7-9 infralabials to lev- dewlap tricolored: posterior portion vina- el below centre of eye; keeled scales present ceous, anterior portion orange, anterodorsal on chin and granular scales on throat; lateral corner chamois); maximum SVl 50 mm (55 head scales anterior to the ear opening about mm). Anolis gruuo: male dewlap uniformly same size as those posterior to ear opening; dull orange (male dewlap tricolored: poste- ear opening usually vertically oval. rior portion vinaceous, anterior portion or- dorsum of body with granular scales, 40- ange, anterodorsal corner chamois); maxi- 48 dorsal scales in one head length; 0-4 me- mum SVl 47 mm (55 mm); shank length/ dian rows of dorsal scales slightly enlarged; SVl 0.23-0.36 (0.20-0.22). Anolis kemptoni: ventral scales smooth, 56-62 ventral scales hemipenis unilobate (bilobate); total number in one head length; all caudal scales strongly of loreal scales 33-66 (75-88); ventral scales keeled except at base of tail; caudal middor- slightly keeled (smooth). sal scales slightly enlarged, without whorls of description: maximum SVl 54.0 mm in enlarged scales, although indistinct division males, 55.0 mm in females; tail length/SVl in segments discernible; limb scales keeled, 1.72-1.79; Hl/SVl 0.26 in males, 0.25 in fe- imbricate; digital pads dilated, about three males; Hl/HW 1.82-1.85 in males, 1.86 in fe- times as wide as non-dilated distal portion males; shank length/SVl 0.20-0.22 in males of toe; distal phalanx narrower than, and 0.21 in females; longest toe of adpressed hind raised from dilated pad; 24-28 lamellae un- leg reaching to ear; tail slightly compressed der phalanges II-IV of fourth toe. in cross section, tail vdT/hdT 1.08-1.20 in The completely everted hemipenis (SMF males 1.1 in females. 85420) is a medium-sized bilobate organ Scales on snout keeled; 4-6 postrostrals; with a short and stout truncus; sulcus sper- 7-9 scales between nasals; usually a single maticus bordered by well developed sulcal large prenasal present, prenasal occasionally lips and bifurcating at base of apex; branch- divided, in contact with supralabial and ros- es of sulcus spermaticus continue to tips of tral; distinct frontal depression with smooth lobes, bordered by well-developed sulcal lips, scales; supraorbital semicircles well devel- tip of lobe of each branch opens into a broad oped, composed of keeled scales; 1 row of concave area; surface of apex and sulcate side scales separating supraorbital semicircles at of truncus strongly calyculate, asulcate side narrowest point; 2-3 rows of scales separat- of truncus with folds; a large asulcate proc- ing supraorbital semicircles and interparietal ess present. at narrowest point; supraorbitals composed Colour in life of the holotype (SMF of 6-10 distinctly enlarged, keeled scales; 3-4 85420): ground colour of dorsal surfaces of rows of granular scales between enlarged su- body, limbs and tail Citrine (51), suffused 80
  • 17. Morphological variation in anoles with dark drab (119B) in vertebral area and References with indistinct Cinnamon (123a) trans- verse bands in flank region; a Prout’s Brown arosemena, F.a. & R. Ibañez d. (1993): Una nue- (121a) interorbital bar present; tail with Hair va especie de Anolis (Squamata:Iguanidae) del grupo fuscoauratus de Fortuna, Panamá. – Re- Brown (119a) bands, edged with Sepia (119); vista de Biología Tropical, 41(2): 267-272. venter dirty white with army Brown (219B) arosemena, F.a. & R. Ibañez d. (1994): Una flecks; cloacal region and ventral surface of Saurio nuevo del Género Anolis (Reptilia Po- base of tail Olive Yellow (52); iris Cinnamon; lychrotidae), grupo fuscoauratus, de las tierras posterior portion of dewlap Vinaceous (3) altas de Chiriquí, Panamá. – Caribbean Journal with deep Vinaceous (4) tint, anterior por- of Science, 30 (3-4): 222-227. tion Burnt Orange (116), anterodorsal corner dunn, E.R. (1940): New and noteworthy herpeto- Chamois (123). logical material fom Panama. – Proceedings of the academy of Natural Sciences of Philadel- phia, 92: 105-122. Acknowledgments Guyer, C. & J.M. Savage (1987): Cladistic relati- Collecting and exportation permits were pro- onships among anoles (Sauria: Iguanidae). – vided by Yariela Hidalgo, autoridad Nacional Systematic Zoology, 35: 509-531. “1986”. del ambiente (aNaM), Panama City, Panama. Guyer, C. & J.M. Savage (1992). anole systematics Querube d. Fuenmayor, Panama City, Panama, revisited. – Systematic Biology, 41:89-110. provided valuable assistance with acquisition of Hulebak, E., and S. Poe (2006): Anolis (Norops) these permits. Meike Piepenbring, Botanisches pandoensis Savage and Guyer 1998 is a junior Institut J. W. Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt, Ger- synonym of Anolis kemptoni dunn 1940. – Ca- many, provided logistic support for our studies in ribbean Journal of Science 42(2): 265-267. Panama and was instrumental in enabling abel Ibáñez d.R., F.a. Solís, C.a. Jaramillo & a.S. Batista and Marcos Ponce to visit Frankfurt, Rand (2001): an overview of the herpetolo- Germany, for a three month research stay. We gy of Panama. In: Johnson, J.d., R.G. Webb thank Pedro Caballero (director of Instituto & O.a Flores-Villela (eds.): Mesoamerican de Ciencias ambientales y desarrollo Sostenible) herpetology: Systematics, zoogeography, and and Boris E. Sanjur, Facultad de Ciencias Nat- conservation. – El Paso (The University of Te- urales y Exactas de la Universidad autónoma de xas El Paso): 159-170. Chiriquí (UNaCHI), david, Panama, for their support. This paper is based in part upon work for Köhler, G. (2003): Reptiles of Central america. which support was given by the deutscher akad- – Offenbach (Herpeton): 367 pp. emischer austauschdienst (daad) to Marcos Köhler, G., M. Ponce, J. Sunyer & a. Batista Ponce and to Gunther Köhler through the (2007): Four new species of anoles (genus Ano- Partnership Program between the J. W. Goethe- lis) from the Serranía de Tabasará, west-central Universität Frankfurt am Main, deutschland, und Panama (Squamata: Polychrotidae). – Herpe- der Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Exactas der tologica, 63 (3): 375-391. Universidad autónoma de Chiriquí (UNaCHI), leviton, a.E., R.H. Gibbs jr., E. Heal & C.E. david, Panama. We are grateful to alfred a. dawson (1985): Standards in herpetology and Schmidt for his financial support of this study. ichthyology: part I. Standard symbolic codes We thank abel Batista for field assistance. For for institutional resource collections in herpe- the loan of or access to specimens we thank l. tology and ichthyology. – Copeia, 1985: 802- Ford and d. R. Frost (aMNH); W. E. duell- 832. man and J. E. Simmons (KU); J. Seigel (laCM); Myers, C.W. & W.E. duellman (1982): a new a. Rossman (lSUMZ); J. Hanken and J. P. Ro- species of Hyla from Cerro Colorado, and sado (MCZ); V. H. Tejera N. (MVUP); J. P. Cald- other tree frog records and geographic notes well, a. d. Estep and l. J. Vitt (OMNH); and R. W. from western Panama. – american Museum Mcdiarmid and W. R. Heyer (USNM). Novitates, 2752: 1-32. 81
  • 18. Marcos Ponce & Gunther Köhler Myers, C., E.E. Williams & R.W. Mcdiarmid ra, 3.7 km S of Tiger Key: USNM 348442; Colón: (1993): a new anoline lizard (Phenacosaurus) “Colón”: USNM 266152; Rio Frijoles and Pipeline from the highland of Cerro de la Neblina, Road: USNM 266153. southern Venezuela. – american Museum No- vitates, 3070: 1-15. Norops fortunensis Poe, S. (2004): Phylogeny of anoles. – Herpetolo- PaNaMa: Chiriquí, Gualaca, Reserva Forestal gical Monographs, *18*: 37-89. Fortuna, 8º 43’04.7’’N, 82º13’42.1’’W, 1074 m: SMF 86405-08; Reserva Forestal de Fortuna, along the Savage, J.M. (1997): On terminology for the de- Río Chiriquí, some 100 m from the mouth of Que- scription of the hemipenes of squamate repti- brada Bijau (8°45’11’’N, 82°11’07’’W), 1050-1075 m: les. – Herpetological Journal, 7: 23-25. MVUP 901 (holotype of Anolis exsul); Reserva Savage, J.M. & C. Guyer (1998): a new species Forestal de Fortuna, along the Río Chiriquí, in of anole lizard, genus Norops (Squamata: Poly- front of the Estacion Hidrometereológica del In- chrotidae), from the Cordillera de Talamanca, stituto de Recursos Hidráulicos y Electrificación Costa Rica. – Revista de Biología Tropical, 46 (IRHE) in Bijau, 1050-1075 m: MVUP 756 (holo- (3): 805-809. type of Anolis fortunensis). Smithe, F.B. (1975-1981): Naturalist’s color guide. Part I. Color guide. 182 color swatches. New Anolis fuscoauratus York (american Museum of Natural History). BOlIVIa: Bení: Tributary of upper Río Bení: SMF 10967. ECUadOR: Tena, 518 m: SMF 77252; near Mera: SMF 77253; near Misahualli, 420 m: SMF 77254; arutam, 1°47.28’S, 77°48.31’S, 760 m: Appendix 1 SMF 78699. PaNaMa: darién: Río Chíco, near Specimens examined avolinos: aMNH 57703. VENEZUEla: Iguapo, upper Orinoco: SMF 10971. Anolis altae COSTa RICa: alajuela: Cinchona, 1600 m: KU Anolis gruuo 103953-66; between la Cinchona and angel Falls, PaNaMa: Comarca Ngöbe Buglé: Nole düima, 1370 m: laCM 151319; Heredia: San Rafael de Vara Jadeberi, Serranía de Tabasará, from near the Blanca, 10°10’55’’N, 84°09’10’’W, 1675 m: SMF headwaters of Río San Félix, ca. 2 km N Escopeta 85555; Paso llano, S slope Volcan Barba, 2230 m: Camp ca. 8°32’N, 81°50’W, 900 m: SMF 85416-19. KU 66933; 2.5 km N Vara Blanca, 1900 m: KU 66934; Vara Blanca: KU 129336-37; San José: alto Anolis kemptoni la Palma: laCM 114187; 2 km N la Palma on road PaNaMa: Chiriquí: Boquete, PNVB, 8º50’56’’N, la Palma-la Hondura, 1500 m: laCM 151309; 0.5 82º29’11’’W, 1610 m: SMF 85404-10; Bugaba, Bam- mi S alto la Palma, 1500 m: laCM 151310; 1.4 mi bito, Cerro la Pelota: SMF 85411-12, 85414-15; S alto la Palma, 1500 m: laCM 151311. Parque Nacional la amistad, 08º54’02,9’’N, 82º 36’38’’W, 1890 m: SMF 85423-31; Parque Nacion- Anolis carpenteri al la amistad, 8°52’33.5’’N, 82°28’10.5’’W, 1700 COSTa RICa: Cartago: Turrialba, IICa Experi- m: MHCH 475-476, 497-502; headwaters of Río mental Cacao Grove: MCZ 146765; Heredia: OTS Chevo, 08º52’27,6’’N, 82º 44’31.7’’W, 1615 m: SMF Finca la Selva: MCZ 174169; Finca la Suerte: SMF 85448-50. 81823; limón: Finca la lola: MCZ 128509-10; Tor- tuguero, next to Caribbean Conservation Com- Anolis pseudokemptoni mission Camp: USNM 244860; San José: Caspiro- PaNaMa: Comarca Ngöbe Buglé: Nole düi- la: lSUMZ 52385. NICaRaGUa: Matagalpa: 12 ma, Jadeberi, Serranía de Tabasará, la Nevera, km NE Matagalpa, 1100 m: KU 195056; Finca Te- 8°29’45’’N, 81°46’35’’W, 1600 m: SMF 85420-22. peyac, 10.5 km N and 9 km E Matagalpa, 960 m: KU 85722; Río San Juan: by Isla de diamante on Río San Juan: OMNH 36370; Bartola, 10°58.37’N, 84°20.35’W, 30 m: SMF 80958, 81821-22. PaNa- Ma: Bocas del Toro: southern end of Isla Popa, 1 km E of Sumwood Channel: USNM 347200-04; Rambala: ZFMK 52204; laguna de Tierra Oscu- 82
  • 19. Morphological variation in anoles Appendix 2 Key to the species related to Anolis kemptoni in Panama 1a Usually a single elongated prenasal scale; short-legged (longest toe of adpressed hind leg reaches only to tympanum); ventral scales smooth to slightly keeled; dorsal ground colour greyish-brown; habitus slender, often delicate. .............................................. 2 1b Combination of characters not as above. ......................... all other Panamanian species of Anolis 2a Total number of loreal scales from 75 to 88; hemipenis bilobate. ................................................................................................................................ Anolis pseudokemptoni 2b Total number of loreal scales from 33 to 66; hemipenis unilobate or bilobate ............................... 3 3a Ventral scales slightly keeled; SVl to 54 mm in males, to 57 mm in fe- males; hemipenis unilobate; posterior portion of dewlap rose pink, an- terior portion burnt orange, small cream colored basal blotch in some populations. ............................................................................................ Anolis kemptoni 3b Ventral scales smooth; SVl to 47 mm in males, to 49 mm in females; hemipenis unilobate or bilobate; male dewlap colour not as above. .................................................................... 4 4a Hemipenis unilobate; posterior insertion of male dew- lap between chest and midventer; posterior portion of male dew- lap greenish beige, anterior portion reddish orange; tail without conspi cuous dark and pale vertical banding. ..................................................................... Anolis fortunensis 4b Hemipenis bilobate; posterior insertion of male dewlap at le- vel of axilla; male dewlap more or less uniform dull orange; tail with conspicuous dark and pale vertical banding. .......................................................... Anolis gruuo Manuscript received: 29 November 2006 authors’ addresses: Marcos Ponce, Instituto de Ciencias ambientales y desarrollo Sostenible de la Universidad autónoma de Chiriquí, david, Panamá. E-Mail:; Gunther Köhler, Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum Senckenberg, Senckenberganlage 25, d-60325 Frankfurt a.M., Germany, E-Mail: 83
  • 20. Marcos Ponce & Gunther Köhler 84