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Rebira W. (AHN student)
Rebira W. (AHN student)
At the end of this session, the participants will be able to:
 Define hernia
 Understand the epidemiology of hernia
 Explain types of hernia
 Express etiologies & clinical manifestations of hernia
 Identify diagnostic evaluation & management of hernia
 State how to develop nursing care plan for patient with hernia
 Describe complications of hernia
Rebira W. (AHN student)
 Introduction to hernia
 Epidemiology
 Etiology
 Pathophysiology
 Clinical manifestations
 Diagnostic evaluation
 Differential diagnosis
 Management of hernia
 Nursing process & health education
 Complications
 References
Introduction to Hernia
Rebira W. (AHN student)
 Hernia is a protrusion of a viscus through an abnormal opening or a weakened area
in the wall of the cavity in which it is normally contained.
 Hernia may occur in any part of the body, but it usually occurs within the abdominal
 The most important elements in the development of hernia are congenital, muscle
weakness & increased intra-abdominal pressure.
Introduction Cont’d…
Rebira W. (AHN student)
 Sac: Is a diverticulum of peritoneum & is made up the mouth, neck & body of sac
 Coverings: Derived from layers of the abdominal wall through which the sac passes
 Contents: Can be anything from the omentum, intestines, ovary or urinary bladder
(NAJAH M. N. Rasikh, 2013)
Rebira W. (AHN student)
 According to United State statistics, 10% of the populations develop some types of
hernia during their life.
 More than one million abdominal hernia repairs are performed each year
 Inguinal hernia repairs constitute nearly 770,000 of these cases
 Approximately 75% of all hernias are inguinal; 50% are indirect & 25% are direct
 About 14% of hernias are umbilical
 About 10% of hernias are incisional with F to M ratio of 2:1 (Matthews RD, 2008)
Rebira W. (AHN student)
 Only 3-5% of hernias are femoral
 Interparietal, supravesical, lumbar, sciatic & perineal hernias are rare
 According to international statistics, data from developing countries are limited
 Consequently, accurate determinations of incidence & prevalence are unavailable
 Current epidemiologic assessments suggest that gender & anatomic distributions are
similar to those in more developed countries
(Ruhl CE et al, 2007 & Rutkow IM et al, 2003)
Rebira W. (AHN student)
1. Reducible
Hernias that easily return to the abdominal cavity are called reducible
This type of hernia can be reduced manually or may reduce spontaneously when
the person lies down
Reducible hernia impacts an expansible impulse on coughing
2. Irreducible
If the hernia cannot be placed back into the abdominal cavity, it is known as
Rebira W. (AHN student)
 There are adhesions between the sac & the contents, but there is no obstruction or
interference with blood supply
 The hernia simply will not reduce
 A hollow viscus is trapped within the sac & obstruction occurs
 The blood supply remains intact
 This is a common cause of small bowel obstruction
Rebira W. (AHN student)
 The arterial blood supply to the contents of the sac is compromised
 In such a hernia unless surgical relief is undertaken the contents of the sac will
become gangrenous
Rebira W. (AHN student)
SIR Hernia
S: Strangulated
 Blood supply is cut off, emergency surgery situation
I: Incarcerated
 Hernia is trapped outside the peritoneal cavity
R: Reducible:
 Hernia moves back into the peritoneal cavity
Types of Hernia
Rebira W. (AHN student)
 Inguinal
 Femoral
 Umbilical
 Incisional
 Epigastric
 Hiatal
Inguinal Hernia
Rebira W. (AHN student)
 The inguinal hernia is the most common type of hernia and occurs at the point of
weakness in the abdominal wall.
 75% of all abdominal wall hernias
 More common in men (25%) than women (2%)
Direct inguinal hernia
 Usually occur only in male adults and are caused by a weakness in the
muscles of the abdominal wall that develops over time
Indirect Inguinal Hernia
Rebira W. (AHN student)
 Caused by a defect in the abdominal
wall that iscongenital, or presentat
(Fitzgibbons RJ et al, 2015)
Rebira W. (AHN student)
Femoral Hernia
Rebira W. (AHN student)
 The femoral canal is the way that the femoral artery, vein, and nerve leave the
abdominal cavity to enter the thigh.
 Although normally a tight space, sometimes it becomes large enough to allow
abdominal contents (usually intestine) into the canal.
 This hernia causes a bulge below the inguinal crease in roughly the middle of the
 Rare & usually occurring in women, these hernias are particularly at risk of
becoming irreducible & strangulated.
Femoral Hernia Cont’d…
Rebira W. (AHN student)
 Femoral hernias are more frequent in women
 This is because of the wider shape of the
female pelvis
 Femoral hernias are rare in children
 Common in obese or pregnant women
(Stabilini C, 2023)
The Umbilical Hernia
Rebira W. (AHN student)
 An umbilical hernia occurs when intestine, fat, or fluid pushes through a weak spot in the belly
 This causes a bulge near the belly button, or navel
 Is common in newborns
 Most close spontaneously by two to three years of age
 Less than ½ inch –closes gradually by age two
 Large hernias –surgery at age 2-4 years
 Increased in intra-abdominal pressure, commonly seen in obese or pregnant women
Umbilical Hernia
Rebira W. (AHN student)
Ventral or Incisional Hernias
Rebira W. (AHN student)
 Are due to weakness of the abdominal wall at the site of previous surgical incision.
 Results from inadequate healing of the incision
 This is b/c of postoperative wound infection, inadequate nutrition, & obesity
 Occurs after 2-10% of all abdominal surgeries
 May return even after surgical repair (20-45%)
(Bittner R. et al, 2014)
Incisional Hernias
Rebira W. (AHN student)
Epigastric Hernia
Rebira W. (AHN student)
o Occurs between the navel & the lower part of the rib cage in the midline of
the abdomen
o Usually composed of fatty tissue and rarely contain intestine
o Formed in the area of relative weakness of the abdominal wall
o Often painless and unable to be pushed back into the abdomen when first
Epigastric Hernia
Rebira W. (AHN student)
Hiatal Hernia
Rebira W. (AHN student)
 Part of the stomach protrudes up diaphragm into the chest
 Two types hiatal hernia
Sliding Hiatus Hernia
 The distal oesophagus and cardia slides into the thorax with an intact
gastroesophageal junction and therefore usually asymptomatic
Rolling Hiatus Hernia
 Most of the stomach rolls into the thorax, the stomach may also undergo a twist
Rebira W. (AHN student)
General Etiologies of Hernia
Rebira W. (AHN student)
 Any condition that increases pressure in the intra-abdominal cavity may contribute to the
formation of hernia
 Marked obesity
 Heavy lifting things
 Coughing or sneezing
 Straining during a bowel movement or urination
 Ascites, COPD
 Pregnancy, birth defect or congenital
 Hereditary/ Family history of hernia (Akbulut S. et al, 20110)
Rebira W. (AHN student)
Defects in
muscular walls
Rebira W. (AHN student)
Increased Intra-
abdominal pressure
Pathophysiology Cont’d…
Rebira W. (AHN student)
Due to etiological factors
Increase abdominal pressure
Weakness of muscle
Protrusion of organ tissue
Clinical Manifestations
Rebira W. (AHN student)
 A hernia may be readily visible, especially when the person tenses the abdominal
 Herniation may disappear when patient lies down.
 There may be some discomfort as a result of tension.
 If the hernia becomes strangulated, the patient will experience severe pain and
symptoms of a bowel obstruction, such as vomiting, cramping abdominal pain,
and distention.
Clinical Cont’d…
Rebira W. (AHN student)
 Small to moderate size hernia don’t usually causes any symptoms.
 Large hernia may be noticeable and cause some discomfort.
 Pain when lifting heavy object
 Tenderness
 Bulging
Severe symptoms
 Severe & sudden pain
 Nausea & vomiting, & constipation
Diagnostic Evaluation
Rebira W. (AHN
Hx. & P/E
Barium swallow
Blood test
Differential Diagnosis
Rebira W. (AHN student)
 Ascites
 Groin abscess
 Lipoma
 Spermatocele
 Tumor
 Varicocele, hydrocele
 Testicular torsion
Rebira W. (AHN student)
Non-medical Treatment
 Avoid food that cause acid reflux or heartburn such as spicy food
 Don’t lie down or bend over after a meal
 Exercise
 Stop smoking
 Avoid gassy drinks
 Avoid lift heavy object
Management Cont’d…
Rebira W. (AHN
Medical treatment
1. Antibiotic (used if the patient has strangulated hernia)
 IV cefoxitin (Mefoxin) 1 g 6-8hourly
 Ampicillin 250-500mg 6 hourly
2. H2 receptor blocker ( used if the patient with hiatal hernia)
 Famotidine 40mg daily
 Ranitidine 150mg BD
Management Cont’d…
Rebira W. (AHN student)
3. PPI ( used if the patient with hiatal hernia)
 Lansoprazole 15-30mg daily
 Osomeprazole 20-40mg daily
 Omeprazole 20-40mg daily
 Pantoprazole 20-40mg daily
4. Antianxiety Agents
 Dormicum 7.5-15 mg PRN
5. NSAIDs (for patients with mild to moderate pain)
 Ibuprofen (Advil) 100mg 6hourly
 Ketoprofen 50-75mg 6hourly
Management Cont’d…
Rebira W. (AHN student)
Non-Surgical treatment
Truss (Inguinal hernia)
 Some patients with hernias wear a truss, a pad placed over the hernia and held
in place with a belt.
 The truss is worn to keep the hernia from protruding.
Management Cont’d…
Rebira W. (AHN student)
Surgical treatment
Nissen fundoplication
 Is a laparoscopic procedure performed for patients with gastroesophageal reflux
 During this procedure, the upper part of the stomach is wrapped around the LES to
strengthen the sphincter, prevent acid reflux, and repair a hiatal hernia.
 The Nissen fundoplication is usually performed as a laparoscopic (minimally
invasive) procedure.
Management Cont’d…
Rebira W. (AHN student)
 Surgery is the treatment of choice for hernias and prevents strangulation
 Treatment of hernias is by laparoscopic surgery
 The surgical repair of a hernia is known as a herniorrhaphy
 Involves returning the displaced tissues to their proper
 Hernioplasty: Is a type of hernia repair surgery where a mesh patch is sewn over
the weakened region of tissue
Rebira W. (AHN student)
Nursing Process
Health Education
Nursing Process
Rebira W. (AHN student)
Nursing Diagnosis
Pre-operative for hernia repair
 Fear and anxiety related to undergoing surgery
Post-operative for hernia repair
 Acute pain related to surgical intervention
 Risk of infection related to surgical site
Hiatal hernia
 Risk for aspiration related to reflux of gastric content
Nursing Process Cont’d…
Rebira W. (AHN student)
Nursing diagnosis
 Fear and anxiety related to undergoing surgery
 Patient’s fear and anxiety will be reduced
 Assess patient’s level of anxiety mild, moderate, severe or panic by interviewing the
patient to assess patient in an effective way to provide nursing care
 Encourage patient to express his feeling or concern about the surgery due to
acknowledgement of his feeling can reduce anxiety
Nursing Process Cont’d…
Rebira W. (AHN student)
 Explain the details of surgery that patient will undergo to reduce his fear and anxiety
 Emphasize doctor’s explanation to the patient to makes patient more clearly and
acknowledge about the procedure
 Explain the possible outcomes about the surgery so patient have preparation of
facing it after the surgery
 Encourage patient to use therapeutic touch techniques to promote comfort vice versa
 Encourage patient listen to the smooth music to reduce the anxiety level
Nursing Process Cont’d…
Rebira W. (AHN student)
 Encourage patient’s relatives stay by patient’s side before the day of surgery
to give emotional and spiritual support to the patient, so patient will reduce
the feeling of fear
 Administer relaxant medication such as dormicum 7.5mg PRN to the patient
to reduce fear and anxiety
 The patient’s level of anxiety towards surgery is reduced
Nursing Process Cont’d…
Rebira W. (AHN student)
Nursing diagnosis
 Pain related to surgical site
 Patient’s pain score will be reduced from 10 to 3 during hospitalization
 Assess patient vital sign such as blood pressure, temperature, pulse & respiration as
high blood pressure may indicate patient having pain
 Assess patient for the pain score using numerical pain score to evaluate the severity
of the pain
Nursing Process Cont’d…
Rebira W. (AHN student)
 Teach patient to put pillow at the surgical site while coughing to reduce pain and
pressure to the area
 Teach patient deep breathing exercise and do frequent turning to relax the muscle &
promote venous return
 Encourage patient to take high fiber and drink 1-2 liter per day if no contraindication
to prevent patient from constipation which can contribute pain during pass motion
 Administer analgesic as ordered by the doctor. E.g. IM pethidine 50-150 mg 3-4hr or
PRN helps to minimize pain
Nursing Process Cont’d…
Rebira W. (AHN student)
 Plan & limit patient’s activity to reduce the movement as more movement can cause
friction at the area
 Assess patient’s surgical site for signs symptoms of infection as severe itchiness,
purulent exudates, redness & swelling and worsening pain indicates infection
 Place patient in Trendenlenberg’s position to promote venous return & reduce
pressure on the hernia
 Encourage patient reduce weight to minimize abdominal pressure from excess fats
Nursing Process Cont’d…
Rebira W. (AHN student)
 In male a jock strap or suspensory bandage may be used it helps to provide support to the
 Apply truss only after a hernia has been reduced. For best result apply it in the morning
before patient gets out of bed it provide support
 Apply powder for protection surround the truss to prevent friction which can irritated the
skin area
 Pain is reduced, evidenced by patient’s pain score has reduced from eight to four
Nursing Process Cont’d…
Rebira W. (AHN student)
Nursing diagnosis
 High Risk of infection related to surgical incisions
 Reduce the risk of infection during hospitalization
 Assess patient vital sign to detect if patient has fever which may indicates infection
 Monitor the sign & symptoms of infection provide further treatment to the patient
 Take swabs specimen for culture to detect the type of bacteria that cause infection
Nursing Process Cont’d…
Rebira W. (AHN student)
 Maintain strict aseptic technique when perform dressing to decrease the spreading of
 Make sure to change the dressing when it’s fully soaked with blood, pus or when
necessary to prevent accumulation of the bacteria cause infections
 Educate patient to perform effective hand wash after toileting, before meals &
after self-care as it can reduce the number of microorganisms
 Encourage patient to take food high in protein & vitamin c to promote wound
healing & boost immune system
Nursing Process Cont’d…
Rebira W. (AHN student)
 Ask patient to complete the course of antibiotic as doctor prescribed to prevent risk from
getting infections
 Educate patient not to expose dressing unnecessarily & do not scratch the incision site to
prevent further tissue injuries & invading of microorganisms
 Educate patient not to apply any lotion or powder that is not prescribed by the doctor to
prevent infections to the surgical site
 Educate patient sign & symptoms of infection
 Evaluation: Patient is free from infection during hospitalization
Nursing Process Cont’d…
Rebira W. (AHN student)
Nursing diagnosis
 Risk for aspiration related to reflux of gastric content
 Client will be able to fully understand & implement ways to prevent regurgitation &
 Assess patient usual ways after meal to know and possibly correct improper way
that leads to regurgitation
Nursing Process Cont’d…
Rebira W. (AHN student)
 Monitor client’s weight under standard condition to know and plan for
necessary weight reduction regime
 Assess patient routine meal timing and amount to make necessary adjustment
 Teach patient deep breathing exercise when feeling nauseated to help relax
the muscle on tension during forceful backing of gastric materials
 Encourage patient to take high protein and low fat diet to minimize the
episodes of heartburn
Nursing Process Cont’d…
Rebira W. (AHN student)
 If patient dependent, assist patient in elevate head of bed during meals and
30minutes to an hour after meal to facilitate movement of food & prevent
possibilities of backflow
 Advice patient to take small but frequent meals to facilitate complete gastric
 Advice patient to take warm water or soup during meals to promote flushing
of digested material down the alimentary canal
Nursing Process Cont’d…
Rebira W. (AHN student)
 Encourage patient to avoid taking meals 2hour before sleep. This is to prevent
backflow of the stomach content to the trachea
 Administer antacids to minimize heartburn, gastric hyperacidity & reduce
 Client has understood the ways to prevent regurgitation and aspiration
Health Education
Rebira W. (AHN student)
 Educate patient to assess for any signs & symptoms of infection at the
surgical site
 Advise patient come for follow-up to monitor patient progress/condition
 Educate patient to avoid wearing tight clothing to minimize abdominal
 Encourage patient avoid lifting heavy object or doing heavy exercise at least
six weeks
 Use proper lifting technique
Health Education Cont’d….
Rebira W. (AHN student)
 Maintain normal weight
 Exercise regularly
 Teach the client to avoid smoking
 Advice patient to eat a vitamin-rich diet such as vitamin C and protein to
promote wound healing
 Encourage patient to take high fiber food to prevent constipation
Rebira W. (AHN student)
 Post herniarrhaphy pain syndrome/ inguinodynia
 Hernia recurrence
 Wound Infection
 Ischemia
 Necrosis
Rebira W. (AHN student)
 Akbulut S, et al, (20110). A familial tendency for developing inguinal hernia: Study
of a single family
 Bittner R. et al, (2014). Update of Guidelines for laparoscopic treatment of
ventral and incisional abdominal wall hernias
 Stabilini C, (2023). International guidelines for groin hernia management
 Fitzgibbons RJ et al, (2015). Clinical practice. Groin hernia in adults
 Ruhl CE, et al, (2007). Risk factors for hernia among adults in the United State
Rebira W. (AHN student)

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Hernia Presentation by Rebira Workineh pptx

  • 2. Objectives 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 2 At the end of this session, the participants will be able to:  Define hernia  Understand the epidemiology of hernia  Explain types of hernia  Express etiologies & clinical manifestations of hernia  Identify diagnostic evaluation & management of hernia  State how to develop nursing care plan for patient with hernia  Describe complications of hernia
  • 3. Outlines 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 3  Introduction to hernia  Epidemiology  Etiology  Pathophysiology  Clinical manifestations  Diagnostic evaluation  Differential diagnosis  Management of hernia  Nursing process & health education  Complications  References
  • 4. Introduction to Hernia 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 4 Definition  Hernia is a protrusion of a viscus through an abnormal opening or a weakened area in the wall of the cavity in which it is normally contained.  Hernia may occur in any part of the body, but it usually occurs within the abdominal cavity.  The most important elements in the development of hernia are congenital, muscle weakness & increased intra-abdominal pressure.
  • 5. Introduction Cont’d… 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 5 Components  Sac: Is a diverticulum of peritoneum & is made up the mouth, neck & body of sac  Coverings: Derived from layers of the abdominal wall through which the sac passes  Contents: Can be anything from the omentum, intestines, ovary or urinary bladder (NAJAH M. N. Rasikh, 2013)
  • 6. Epidemiology 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 6  According to United State statistics, 10% of the populations develop some types of hernia during their life.  More than one million abdominal hernia repairs are performed each year  Inguinal hernia repairs constitute nearly 770,000 of these cases  Approximately 75% of all hernias are inguinal; 50% are indirect & 25% are direct  About 14% of hernias are umbilical  About 10% of hernias are incisional with F to M ratio of 2:1 (Matthews RD, 2008)
  • 7. Cont.….. 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 7  Only 3-5% of hernias are femoral  Interparietal, supravesical, lumbar, sciatic & perineal hernias are rare  According to international statistics, data from developing countries are limited  Consequently, accurate determinations of incidence & prevalence are unavailable  Current epidemiologic assessments suggest that gender & anatomic distributions are similar to those in more developed countries (Ruhl CE et al, 2007 & Rutkow IM et al, 2003)
  • 8. Classification 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 8 1. Reducible Hernias that easily return to the abdominal cavity are called reducible This type of hernia can be reduced manually or may reduce spontaneously when the person lies down Reducible hernia impacts an expansible impulse on coughing 2. Irreducible If the hernia cannot be placed back into the abdominal cavity, it is known as irreducible
  • 9. Cont.…. 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 9 Incarcerated  There are adhesions between the sac & the contents, but there is no obstruction or interference with blood supply  The hernia simply will not reduce Obstructed  A hollow viscus is trapped within the sac & obstruction occurs  The blood supply remains intact  This is a common cause of small bowel obstruction
  • 10. Cont.…. 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 10 Strangulated  The arterial blood supply to the contents of the sac is compromised  In such a hernia unless surgical relief is undertaken the contents of the sac will become gangrenous
  • 11. Cont.…. 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 11 SIR Hernia S: Strangulated  Blood supply is cut off, emergency surgery situation I: Incarcerated  Hernia is trapped outside the peritoneal cavity R: Reducible:  Hernia moves back into the peritoneal cavity
  • 12. Types of Hernia 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 12  Inguinal  Femoral  Umbilical  Incisional  Epigastric  Hiatal
  • 13. Inguinal Hernia 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 13  The inguinal hernia is the most common type of hernia and occurs at the point of weakness in the abdominal wall.  75% of all abdominal wall hernias  More common in men (25%) than women (2%) Direct inguinal hernia  Usually occur only in male adults and are caused by a weakness in the muscles of the abdominal wall that develops over time
  • 14. Indirect Inguinal Hernia 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 14  Caused by a defect in the abdominal wall that iscongenital, or presentat birth (Fitzgibbons RJ et al, 2015)
  • 15. 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 15
  • 16. Femoral Hernia 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 16  The femoral canal is the way that the femoral artery, vein, and nerve leave the abdominal cavity to enter the thigh.  Although normally a tight space, sometimes it becomes large enough to allow abdominal contents (usually intestine) into the canal.  This hernia causes a bulge below the inguinal crease in roughly the middle of the thigh.  Rare & usually occurring in women, these hernias are particularly at risk of becoming irreducible & strangulated.
  • 17. Femoral Hernia Cont’d… 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 17  Femoral hernias are more frequent in women  This is because of the wider shape of the female pelvis  Femoral hernias are rare in children  Common in obese or pregnant women (Stabilini C, 2023)
  • 18. The Umbilical Hernia 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 18  An umbilical hernia occurs when intestine, fat, or fluid pushes through a weak spot in the belly  This causes a bulge near the belly button, or navel Congenital  Is common in newborns  Most close spontaneously by two to three years of age  Less than ½ inch –closes gradually by age two  Large hernias –surgery at age 2-4 years Acquired  Increased in intra-abdominal pressure, commonly seen in obese or pregnant women
  • 20. Ventral or Incisional Hernias 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 20  Are due to weakness of the abdominal wall at the site of previous surgical incision.  Results from inadequate healing of the incision  This is b/c of postoperative wound infection, inadequate nutrition, & obesity  Occurs after 2-10% of all abdominal surgeries  May return even after surgical repair (20-45%) (Bittner R. et al, 2014)
  • 22. Epigastric Hernia 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 22 o Occurs between the navel & the lower part of the rib cage in the midline of the abdomen o Usually composed of fatty tissue and rarely contain intestine o Formed in the area of relative weakness of the abdominal wall o Often painless and unable to be pushed back into the abdomen when first discovered
  • 24. Hiatal Hernia 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 24  Part of the stomach protrudes up diaphragm into the chest  Two types hiatal hernia Sliding Hiatus Hernia  The distal oesophagus and cardia slides into the thorax with an intact gastroesophageal junction and therefore usually asymptomatic Rolling Hiatus Hernia  Most of the stomach rolls into the thorax, the stomach may also undergo a twist
  • 25. 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 25
  • 26. General Etiologies of Hernia 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 26  Any condition that increases pressure in the intra-abdominal cavity may contribute to the formation of hernia  Marked obesity  Heavy lifting things  Coughing or sneezing  Straining during a bowel movement or urination  Ascites, COPD  Pregnancy, birth defect or congenital  Hereditary/ Family history of hernia (Akbulut S. et al, 20110)
  • 27. 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 27
  • 28. Pathophysiology Congenital Obesity Pregnancy Trauma Defects in muscular walls 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 28 Increased Intra- abdominal pressure Hernia
  • 29. Pathophysiology Cont’d… 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 29 Due to etiological factors Increase abdominal pressure Weakness of muscle Protrusion of organ tissue
  • 30. Clinical Manifestations 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 30  A hernia may be readily visible, especially when the person tenses the abdominal muscles.  Herniation may disappear when patient lies down.  There may be some discomfort as a result of tension.  If the hernia becomes strangulated, the patient will experience severe pain and symptoms of a bowel obstruction, such as vomiting, cramping abdominal pain, and distention.
  • 31. Clinical Cont’d… 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 31  Small to moderate size hernia don’t usually causes any symptoms.  Large hernia may be noticeable and cause some discomfort.  Pain when lifting heavy object  Tenderness  Bulging Severe symptoms  Severe & sudden pain  Nausea & vomiting, & constipation
  • 32. Diagnostic Evaluation 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 32 Hx. & P/E Ultrasound MRI X-ray Barium swallow Blood test
  • 33. Differential Diagnosis 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 33  Ascites  Groin abscess  Lipoma  Spermatocele  Tumor  Varicocele, hydrocele  Testicular torsion
  • 34. Management 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 34 Non-medical Treatment  Avoid food that cause acid reflux or heartburn such as spicy food  Don’t lie down or bend over after a meal  Exercise  Stop smoking  Avoid gassy drinks  Avoid lift heavy object
  • 35. Management Cont’d… 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 35 Medical treatment 1. Antibiotic (used if the patient has strangulated hernia)  IV cefoxitin (Mefoxin) 1 g 6-8hourly  Ampicillin 250-500mg 6 hourly 2. H2 receptor blocker ( used if the patient with hiatal hernia)  Famotidine 40mg daily  Ranitidine 150mg BD
  • 36. Management Cont’d… 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 36 3. PPI ( used if the patient with hiatal hernia)  Lansoprazole 15-30mg daily  Osomeprazole 20-40mg daily  Omeprazole 20-40mg daily  Pantoprazole 20-40mg daily 4. Antianxiety Agents  Dormicum 7.5-15 mg PRN 5. NSAIDs (for patients with mild to moderate pain)  Ibuprofen (Advil) 100mg 6hourly  Ketoprofen 50-75mg 6hourly
  • 37. Management Cont’d… 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 37 Non-Surgical treatment Truss (Inguinal hernia)  Some patients with hernias wear a truss, a pad placed over the hernia and held in place with a belt.  The truss is worn to keep the hernia from protruding.
  • 38. Management Cont’d… 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 38 Surgical treatment Nissen fundoplication  Is a laparoscopic procedure performed for patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease  During this procedure, the upper part of the stomach is wrapped around the LES to strengthen the sphincter, prevent acid reflux, and repair a hiatal hernia.  The Nissen fundoplication is usually performed as a laparoscopic (minimally invasive) procedure.
  • 39. Management Cont’d… 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 39 Herniorrhaphy  Surgery is the treatment of choice for hernias and prevents strangulation  Treatment of hernias is by laparoscopic surgery  The surgical repair of a hernia is known as a herniorrhaphy  Involves returning the displaced tissues to their proper  Hernioplasty: Is a type of hernia repair surgery where a mesh patch is sewn over the weakened region of tissue
  • 40. 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 40 Nursing Process and Health Education
  • 41. Nursing Process 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 41 Nursing Diagnosis Pre-operative for hernia repair  Fear and anxiety related to undergoing surgery Post-operative for hernia repair  Acute pain related to surgical intervention  Risk of infection related to surgical site Hiatal hernia  Risk for aspiration related to reflux of gastric content
  • 42. Nursing Process Cont’d… 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 42 Nursing diagnosis  Fear and anxiety related to undergoing surgery Goal  Patient’s fear and anxiety will be reduced Intervention  Assess patient’s level of anxiety mild, moderate, severe or panic by interviewing the patient to assess patient in an effective way to provide nursing care  Encourage patient to express his feeling or concern about the surgery due to acknowledgement of his feeling can reduce anxiety
  • 43. Nursing Process Cont’d… 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 43  Explain the details of surgery that patient will undergo to reduce his fear and anxiety  Emphasize doctor’s explanation to the patient to makes patient more clearly and acknowledge about the procedure  Explain the possible outcomes about the surgery so patient have preparation of facing it after the surgery  Encourage patient to use therapeutic touch techniques to promote comfort vice versa  Encourage patient listen to the smooth music to reduce the anxiety level
  • 44. Nursing Process Cont’d… 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 44  Encourage patient’s relatives stay by patient’s side before the day of surgery to give emotional and spiritual support to the patient, so patient will reduce the feeling of fear  Administer relaxant medication such as dormicum 7.5mg PRN to the patient to reduce fear and anxiety Evaluation  The patient’s level of anxiety towards surgery is reduced
  • 45. Nursing Process Cont’d… 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 45 Nursing diagnosis  Pain related to surgical site Goal  Patient’s pain score will be reduced from 10 to 3 during hospitalization Interventions  Assess patient vital sign such as blood pressure, temperature, pulse & respiration as high blood pressure may indicate patient having pain  Assess patient for the pain score using numerical pain score to evaluate the severity of the pain
  • 46. Nursing Process Cont’d… 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 46  Teach patient to put pillow at the surgical site while coughing to reduce pain and pressure to the area  Teach patient deep breathing exercise and do frequent turning to relax the muscle & promote venous return  Encourage patient to take high fiber and drink 1-2 liter per day if no contraindication to prevent patient from constipation which can contribute pain during pass motion  Administer analgesic as ordered by the doctor. E.g. IM pethidine 50-150 mg 3-4hr or PRN helps to minimize pain
  • 47. Nursing Process Cont’d… 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 47  Plan & limit patient’s activity to reduce the movement as more movement can cause friction at the area  Assess patient’s surgical site for signs symptoms of infection as severe itchiness, purulent exudates, redness & swelling and worsening pain indicates infection  Place patient in Trendenlenberg’s position to promote venous return & reduce pressure on the hernia  Encourage patient reduce weight to minimize abdominal pressure from excess fats
  • 48. Nursing Process Cont’d… 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 48  In male a jock strap or suspensory bandage may be used it helps to provide support to the area  Apply truss only after a hernia has been reduced. For best result apply it in the morning before patient gets out of bed it provide support  Apply powder for protection surround the truss to prevent friction which can irritated the skin area Evaluation  Pain is reduced, evidenced by patient’s pain score has reduced from eight to four
  • 49. Nursing Process Cont’d… 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 49 Nursing diagnosis  High Risk of infection related to surgical incisions Goal  Reduce the risk of infection during hospitalization Intervention  Assess patient vital sign to detect if patient has fever which may indicates infection  Monitor the sign & symptoms of infection provide further treatment to the patient  Take swabs specimen for culture to detect the type of bacteria that cause infection
  • 50. Nursing Process Cont’d… 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 50  Maintain strict aseptic technique when perform dressing to decrease the spreading of infection  Make sure to change the dressing when it’s fully soaked with blood, pus or when necessary to prevent accumulation of the bacteria cause infections  Educate patient to perform effective hand wash after toileting, before meals & after self-care as it can reduce the number of microorganisms  Encourage patient to take food high in protein & vitamin c to promote wound healing & boost immune system
  • 51. Nursing Process Cont’d… 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 51  Ask patient to complete the course of antibiotic as doctor prescribed to prevent risk from getting infections  Educate patient not to expose dressing unnecessarily & do not scratch the incision site to prevent further tissue injuries & invading of microorganisms  Educate patient not to apply any lotion or powder that is not prescribed by the doctor to prevent infections to the surgical site  Educate patient sign & symptoms of infection  Evaluation: Patient is free from infection during hospitalization 
  • 52. Nursing Process Cont’d… 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 52 Nursing diagnosis  Risk for aspiration related to reflux of gastric content Goal  Client will be able to fully understand & implement ways to prevent regurgitation & aspiration Interventions  Assess patient usual ways after meal to know and possibly correct improper way that leads to regurgitation
  • 53. Nursing Process Cont’d… 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 53  Monitor client’s weight under standard condition to know and plan for necessary weight reduction regime  Assess patient routine meal timing and amount to make necessary adjustment  Teach patient deep breathing exercise when feeling nauseated to help relax the muscle on tension during forceful backing of gastric materials  Encourage patient to take high protein and low fat diet to minimize the episodes of heartburn
  • 54. Nursing Process Cont’d… 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 54  If patient dependent, assist patient in elevate head of bed during meals and 30minutes to an hour after meal to facilitate movement of food & prevent possibilities of backflow  Advice patient to take small but frequent meals to facilitate complete gastric empty  Advice patient to take warm water or soup during meals to promote flushing of digested material down the alimentary canal
  • 55. Nursing Process Cont’d… 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 55  Encourage patient to avoid taking meals 2hour before sleep. This is to prevent backflow of the stomach content to the trachea  Administer antacids to minimize heartburn, gastric hyperacidity & reduce regurgitation Evaluation  Client has understood the ways to prevent regurgitation and aspiration
  • 56. Health Education 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 56  Educate patient to assess for any signs & symptoms of infection at the surgical site  Advise patient come for follow-up to monitor patient progress/condition  Educate patient to avoid wearing tight clothing to minimize abdominal pressure  Encourage patient avoid lifting heavy object or doing heavy exercise at least six weeks  Use proper lifting technique
  • 57. Health Education Cont’d…. 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 57  Maintain normal weight  Exercise regularly  Teach the client to avoid smoking  Advice patient to eat a vitamin-rich diet such as vitamin C and protein to promote wound healing  Encourage patient to take high fiber food to prevent constipation
  • 58. Complication 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 58  Post herniarrhaphy pain syndrome/ inguinodynia  Hernia recurrence  Wound Infection  Ischemia  Necrosis
  • 59. References 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 59  Akbulut S, et al, (20110). A familial tendency for developing inguinal hernia: Study of a single family  Bittner R. et al, (2014). Update of Guidelines for laparoscopic treatment of ventral and incisional abdominal wall hernias  Stabilini C, (2023). International guidelines for groin hernia management  Fitzgibbons RJ et al, (2015). Clinical practice. Groin hernia in adults  Ruhl CE, et al, (2007). Risk factors for hernia among adults in the United State population
  • 60. 2/6/2024 Rebira W. (AHN student) 60 Thanks!