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Achillea Millefolium    Alpine Strawberry       Angelica               Anise Hyssop

Beautiful in dried      These decorative        Angelica makes a       Anise Hyssop is an
bouquets and an "all    little plants produce   striking addition to   attractive honey
heal" companion         delicious, aromatic     your garden            plant - bees love it!
plant for your          red strawberries.       landscape.

Artemisia 'Sweet        Artichoke 'Imperial     Arugula Lettuce        Asclepias 'Silky Mix'
Annie'                  Star'                   Plant

An aromatic natural     A wonderfully           A nutritious peppery   Asclepias 'Silky Mix'
pest repellent and      unusual flower and      lettuce that grows     is a highly unusual
everlasting scent for   edible!                 very easily!           annual that is a
dried wreaths and                                                      butterfly magnet!
crafts! | +91 841 888 5555 2012

Asclepias 'Tuberosa'      Ashwagandha              Basil 'Amethyst'        Basil 'Genovese' (Or
                                                                           Sweet Basil)

Extremely attractive      One of the most          Amethyst's deep         Basil 'Genovese' is a
to butterflies and        potent medicinal         purple blooms will      favorite for authentic
other pollinators.        herb in Ayurvedic        add a lovely contrast   Italian basil flavor
                          medicine, also           to your garden and      and aroma. Perfect
                          known as Winter          wonderful flavor to     for pesto!
                          Cherry.                  your favorite dish!

Basil 'Holy (Sacred)      Basil 'Italian Large     Basil 'Lemon Sweet      Basil 'Siam Queen'
Green'                    Leaf'                    Dani'

This is the authentic     Italian Large Leaf       A must for the basil    This delicious Thai
Green Tulsi (Holy)        Basil is a sweet basil   lover looking for a     basil has a distinct
Basil used in many        with larger leaves       vigorous and            licorice flavor and
religious and spiritual   than most basil          delicious lemon         beautiful purple
ceremonies, and           varieties that will      basil.                  blooms!
may also help lower       yield you tons of
blood pressure!           flavor! | +91 841 888 5555 2012

Basil, 'Holy (Sacred)    Bay Trees              Bergamot (Bee            Betony
Red'                                            Balm)

Authentic Tulsi          Commonly known as      Chosen as the 2013       Well known for its
Basil that is a potent   Bay Laurel or Sweet    Notable Native Herb      medicinal benefits
medicinal and            Bay, this savory       by the Herb Society      and beauty in the
popular spiritual        culinary herb is a     of America, we're        garden, this tisane is
herb.                    must for any chef!     honored to be their      caffeine free and can
                                                exclusive grower of      ease headaches.
                                                this wonderfully
                                                versatile herb!

Borage 'Blue'            Buddleia 'Black        Buddleia 'Nanho          Buddleia 'Royal Red'
                         Knight'                Purple'

A beautiful,             Buddleia 'Black        Buddleia 'Nanho          Buddleia 'Royal Red'
beneficial companion     Knight' offers rich,   Purple' is a sturdy      produces lovely
plant and refreshing     aromatic purple        perennial for full sun   wine-red to fuchsia
culinary herb,           blooms that will       that attracts            colored blooms that
Borage is wonderful      continue all summer    butterflies, birds and   smell amazing all
in summer drinks         and attract lots of    bees!                    summer long!
and salads!              wildlife! | +91 841 888 5555 2012

Calendula                Cardoon 'Porto          Carnation                 Cat Grass

A gentle but potent      Cardoon 'Porto          The fragrance of the      Give your indoor
medicinal herb,          Spineless' is a         Carnation is used in      kitties a healthy
these beauties are       beautiful edible with   potpourris and herb       alternative to nibbling
also wonderful           buds that resemble      sachets!                  on harmful
culinary herbs and       artichokes both in                                houseplants with our
companion plants.        look and taste.                                   nutritious cat grass!

Catmint                  Catnip                  Catnip 'Lemon'            Celosia 'Cramers'

Easy to grow, your       Catnip is a vigorous,   This lemon-scented        Eye catching in the
kitties will love this   high yielding plant     Catnip will drive your    garden or in
hardy perennial,         that your kitty will    kitties wild! It's even   arrangements, this
whether fresh or         love!                   a natural insect          variety grows to be
dried!                                           repellent!                VERY large! | +91 841 888 5555 2012

Celosia 'Cramers'       Chamomile 'Common'     Chamomile 'Roman'         Chervil

Celosia 'Cramer's       Chamomile 'Common'     This perennial variety    Chervil lends a light
Burgundy' is a real     is a wonderfully       makes a wonderful         anise flavor to dishes
show stopper in the     aromatic ground        ground cover, a           and is a key
garden or in a          cover that naturally   soothing tea and a        ingredient in French
bouquet!                repels pests and       great skin treatment      cuisine!
                        doubles as potent      for sunburns!
                        medicinal herb!

Chili Pepper            Chives                 Chives, Garlic            Cilantro

Great for beginner      A more subtle flavor   Subtle garlic             Cilantro is a zesty
gardeners!              than its cousin, the   flavoring that will add   culinary herb found
                        onion, Chives are      wonders to soups,         throughout Mexican
                        easy to grow and       eggs, potatoes and        and Asian cuisine,
                        contain natural        more, without             and it's great for your
                        antioxidants.          overpowering the          health!
                                               dish. | +91 841 888 5555 2012

Clary Sage              Comfrey 'Common'       Costmary               Cutting Celery

Known for its           Also referred to as    Commonly known as      Cutting Celery is a
medicinal and           ‘Knitbone’ as it is    'Bible Leaf' for its   more flavorful
culinary purposes,      used to reduce         historic use as an     alternative to its
Clary Sage is as        inflammation of        aromatic pest-         crunchier cousin!
beautiful as it is      sprains and broken     repelling bookmark
valuable in the         bones.                 in Bibles.

Datura 'Evening         Datura 'Purple         Digitalis 'Foxy'       Dill 'Bouquet'
Fragrance'              Ballerina'

A nocturnal blooming    A beautiful addition   An old fashioned       Dill is a tangy
plant with an           to your moon           favorite!              culinary herb that
intoxicating            garden, these                                 also has a versatile
fragrance!              nocturnal beauties                            history as a
                        will sweetly scent                            medicinal herb!
                        your night!

 | +91 841 888 5555 2012

 Echinacea              Epazote              Eucalyptus 'Silver   Evolvulus 'Blue
 Purpurea 'Magnus'                           Drop'                Daze'

 A beautiful, long      Epazote is an herb   This is a            Hardy annual for
 lasting perennial,     well-known to        wonderfully          sun, the wonderful
 this cone flower is    Mexican and          aromatic and more    blue blooms are
 a work horse in the    Caribbean            cold tolerant        continuous from
 garden and looks       cooking. The         variety of           July to September.
 beautiful in cut       name comes from      Eucalyptus.
 bouquets!              the Aztec
                        (Nahuatl) epazotl.

 Fennel, Bronze         Fennel, Green        Feverfew             Flax

 Bronze Fennel          Green Fennel is      A fantastic stress   Ground seeds are a
 adds striking          flavorful culinary   relieving            great source of
 beauty to your         herb, potent         medicinal herb,      fiber!
 garden, provides a     medicinal herb and   Feverfew is also a
 safe haven for         a great host plant   beautiful bloomer
 butterflies and        for Swallowtail      that works well in
 makes a wonderful      butterflies!         arrangements.
 culinary and
 medicinal herb! | +91 841 888 5555 2012

 Germander              Gomphrena 'QIS       Gomphrena              Heliotrope
 'Upright'              Purple'              'Strawberry Fields'    'Marine'

 Germander is a         Gomphrena 'QIS       A vibrant splash of    Deep violet-blue
 wonderful              Purple' has a long   color in the garden    flowers grow in
 evergreen shrub        lasting bloom used   and a magnet for       clusters atop
 that works well as     in traditional       hummingbirds!          gorgeous dark
 both a small hedge     Hawaiian leis.                              green foliage.
 or a ground cover.
 Wonderful for

 Heliotrope             Horehound            Hyacinth Bean          Hyssop
 'Marine'                                    'Ruby Moon'

 Ideal for window       A potent medicinal   Not an actual bean,    Hyssop beautiful
 boxes or hanging       herb for treating    this brilliant wine-   bloomer that will
 baskets!               respiratory          colored climber        flower all summer
                        infections,          will add height and    long and attract
                        Horehound's fuzzy    elegance to your       lots of helpful bees
                        leaves are           garden!                and butterflies to
                        beautiful in the                            the garden!
                        garden. | +91 841 888 5555 2012

Indian Tobacco          Joe Pye Weed                Lambs Ear                Lantana 'Buttercup'

An herb with a          Joe Pye Weed is             The silvery foliage is   'Buttercup' has
historic past!          definitely not a weed,      perfect for              creamy white and
                        but a beautiful,            contrasting or grey      yellow blooming
                        aromatic perennial          gardens                  clusters that
                        herb.                                                butterflies love!

Lantana 'Confetti'      Lantana 'Dallas Red'        Lantana 'Fantasy'        Lantana 'Fuchsia'

An explosion of color   A great show of             A colorful mix of        A profuse bloomer
- blooming well into    flowers that last from      multi-colored blooms     providing a punch of
the fall - endless      spring till frost - great   that will dazzle.        color from spring to
blooms in the hot       for warm climates                                    frost
climates | +91 841 888 5555 2012

Lantana 'Trailing       Lantana 'Trailing         Lavender 'Grosso'      Lavender 'Hidcote'
Lavender'               White'

Lantana 'Trailing       A pronounced trailing     This hardy lavender    'Hidcote' has
Lavender' has a         habit with beautiful      is best appreciated    beautiful dark blue
trailing habit that     light blooms that look    for its tall, sturdy   blooms that smell
cascades nicely from    stunning in a             growth habit and       great and have great
window boxes and        hanging pot               large, profuse         healing potential!
hanging planters!                                 blooms.

Lavender 'Munstead'     Lavender 'Provence'       Lemon Balm             Lemon Verbena

One of the best         The ideal Lavender        Lemon Balm has a       One of our most
varieties of Lavender   for crafts and            terrific lemon aroma   popular herbs -
for its medicinal       potpourri, this variety   that tastes great in   perfect for any use in
value, this aromatic    is also deer and          teas and salads, and   the garden or
bloomer has a           drought resistant!        it's even a natural    kitchen. The fresh,
smaller, shrubbier                                mosquito repellent!    lemony aroma is
habit.                                                                   unforgettable | +91 841 888 5555 2012

Lemongrass                Lobelia                  Lovage                  Mint 'Chocolate'

Lemongrass is a           The brilliant red        Possessing a flavor     This herb can best
potent medicinal          blooms of this variety   similar to celery,      be described as
herb, a light and         are a huge hit with      Lovage is a             peppermint with
flavorful culinary herb   hummingbirds and it      wonderful culinary      chocolate overtones.
AND it keeps              grows nicely near        herb popular in
mosquitoes at bay!        water!                   Eastern European

Mint 'Citrus Kitchen'     Mint 'Kentucky           Mint 'Mojito'           Mint 'Mountain'

This mint is a ‘must      Unusual curly leaves     A real mojito can       This herb has the
have’ for any culinary    that are very            only be made with       strong minty scent
herb garden. A            attractive in the herb   the true Mojito Mint!   without the invasive
strong and vigorous       garden. Famous as                                runners of regular
plant with a delicious    an essential                                     mint.
citrus flavor.            ingredient in mint
                          juleps. | +91 841 888 5555 2012

Mint 'Orange'           Mint 'Peppermint'      Mint 'Pineapple'       Mint, 'Apple'

This delicious citrus   This mint is an old    Lovely variegated      'Apple' is less
herb plant is perfect   favorite - easy to     leaves and a sweet,    invasive than other
for summer drinks       grow, dependable       pineapple aroma. A     Mints and has a
and fruit salads.       and a delicious        beautiful and tasty    fruity menthol scent.
                        flavor.                addition to any

Moonflower              Morning Glory          Mullein                Nasturtium 'Alaska
                        'President Tyler'                             Mix'

An amazing addition     Legend has it that     Herbalists             'Alaska Mix' has
to your night garden,   this seed was given    recommend Mullein      beautiful white
this nocturnal          to an Indiana farmer   as one of the safest   marbled leaves and
bloomer has an          by President John      and most useful        brilliant, edible
intoxicating perfume!   Tyler.                 herbal lung tonics.    flowers! | +91 841 888 5555 2012

Nasturtium 'Jewel        Nightshade               Oregano 'Greek'          Oregano 'Italian'

These blooms are         This beautiful but       This zesty herb is the   Italian Oregano is an
delightful "jewels"      toxic herb is            most flavorful           excellent culinary
blooming profusely,      historically known for   Oregano and a            variety with a strong
well-above the           its hallucinogenic       staple for pizza         spicy flavor.
attractive foliage.      properties.              sauce!

Parsley 'Curly'          Parsley 'Italian Flat    Patchouli                Pennyroyal

This is the tried and    The strong flavored      Delightful scent and     This herb is known to
true parsley essential   leaves of this parsley   makes a great indoor     repel insects and
to 'pretty up' any       plant are great fresh    plant!                   grows just like its
plate - a delicious      or dried.                                         cousin, the Mint.
culinary herb. | +91 841 888 5555 2012

Perovskia 'Russian       Pyrethrum                Rosemary 'Arp'         Rosemary 'Hardy
Sage'                                                                    Hill'

Russian Sage is          Pyrethrums are           'Arp' has been         Upright and robust,
extremely valuable       beautiful, daisy-like    introduced as an       this aromatic herb
for its long season of   flowers that contain a   improved variety       has a pleasing flavor
beautiful blooms in      safe, all natural        which shows better     and fragrance for
the garden!              insecticide.             winter hardiness.      cooking and soaps.

Rosemary 'Prostrate'     Rosemary 'Salem'         Rosemary 'Tuscan       Rudbeckia 'Prairie
                                                  Blue'                  Sun'

A low-spreading,         'Salem' Rosemary         'Tuscan Blue'          Rudbeckia 'Prairie
evergreen shrub or       smells and tastes        Rosemary is a          Sun' has daisy-like
ground cover. The        terrific and its stems   beautifully fragrant   blooms from
leaves are VERY          make great shish         herb that produces     midsummer till frost.
aromatic!                kabob skewers.           wonderful dark blue
                                                  flowers. | +91 841 888 5555 2012

Rue                      Sage 'Garden'           Sage 'Pineapple'       Sage 'Purple'

Rue is a beautiful yet   A wonderful sage, all   The bruised leaves     Purple Sage is the
very pungent herb        around plant for        of Pineapple Sage      most medically
that butterflies flock   every use!              are an aromatic        valuable Sage and
to!                                              delight!               tastes great in stews
                                                                        and on meats!

Sage 'Tricolor'          Salad Burnet            Scented Geranium       Scented Geranium
                                                 'Attar Of Rose'        'Citronella'

The variegated           Salad Burnet has an     The beautiful violet   'Citronella' Scented
leaves of Tricolor       exquisite cucumber      and lavender blooms    Geraniums have a
Sage are a               taste that is           keep coming back       citronella scent but it
wonderful accent in      wonderful for salads.   each                   is debatable if they
the garden.                                      year!                  actually repel
                                                                        insects. | +91 841 888 5555 2012

Scented Geranium          Scullcap                 Shoofly                  Sorrel 'Blonde De
'Lime'                                                                      Lyon'

Has a calming lime        Scullcap (also           Easy to grow and         Sorrel 'Blonde de
fragrance that            spelled Skullcap) is     control!                 Lyon' is a French
balances cardiac,         known to act as a                                 variety of Sorrel and
nervous, and              sedative and has                                  compliments oily fish
immune system. The        antispasmodic and                                 dishes well with its
beautiful pink blooms     anti inflammatory                                 lemon flavor.
keep coming back          properties.
each year. It is also a
great house plant,
but be careful not
over water. Drought-

St John’s Wort            Statice 'Supreme         Stevia                   Summer Savory

St John's wort is         Statice 'Supreme         A much sweeter           Summer Savory is a
most widely known         Blue' is an excellent    natural alternative to   sweeter, more subtle
as an herbal              everlasting, ideal for   processed sugar and      cousin to the Winter
treatment for             dried arrangements!      contains no calories!    variety and is a great | +91 841 888 5555 2012

depression.                                                                salt substitute.

Sweet Cicely            Sweet Flag               Sweet Marjoram            Sweet Woodruff

Sweeten your            Perfect for ponds        'Sweet Marjoram' is       Sweet Woodruff is
garden                  and water gardens!       an elegant and            aptly named - a
                                                 versatile culinary        sweet, well-
                                                 herb with a milder        mannered little herb
                                                 flavor than its cousin,   that works well as a
                                                 Oregano.                  herbal ground cover.

Sweetgrass              Tagetes 'Mexican         Tansy                     Tarragon 'French'
                        Mint Marigold'

Sweetgrass is used      Mexican Mint             Tansy is a natural        Tarragon is the
in prayer, smudging,    Marigold has a           insect repellent and      aromatic aristocrat of
and purifying           strong, sweet scent      makes a beautiful         fresh herbs!
ceremonies and is       and taste of licorice.   and useful addition
regarded as a                                    to any garden!
sacred plant by the
Native Americans. | +91 841 888 5555 2012

Thyme 'English'         Thyme 'French'         Thyme 'Golden          Thyme 'Lemon
                                               Variegated'            Carpet'

English Thyme is a      Sweeter than English   'Golden Variegated'    This lemon thyme is
general staple to       Thyme, French          Thyme is a quick       wonderful for smaller
culinary herb           Thyme is a a major     growing lemon          spaces like
gardening that goes     component to French    scented herb that      flagstones and
with almost anything!   cuisine.               has beautiful          stepping stones.
                                               variegated leaf

Thyme 'Lemon'           Thyme 'Silver Edge'    Valerian               Vervain

Lemon Thyme has a       'Silver Edge' Thyme    Valerian is            Considered a sacred
delicious lemon         has brighter white     considered "the poor   herb by many
scent and tastes        variegation than       man's Valium" and      cultures, Vervain is a
great with fish,        other silver Thymes.   has many medicinal     great all-purpose
poultry and in                                 benefits!              medicinal herb.
marinades. | +91 841 888 5555

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  • 1. 2012 Achillea Millefolium Alpine Strawberry Angelica Anise Hyssop Beautiful in dried These decorative Angelica makes a Anise Hyssop is an bouquets and an "all little plants produce striking addition to attractive honey heal" companion delicious, aromatic your garden plant - bees love it! plant for your red strawberries. landscape. garden! Artemisia 'Sweet Artichoke 'Imperial Arugula Lettuce Asclepias 'Silky Mix' Annie' Star' Plant An aromatic natural A wonderfully A nutritious peppery Asclepias 'Silky Mix' pest repellent and unusual flower and lettuce that grows is a highly unusual everlasting scent for edible! very easily! annual that is a dried wreaths and butterfly magnet! crafts! | +91 841 888 5555
  • 2. 2012 Asclepias 'Tuberosa' Ashwagandha Basil 'Amethyst' Basil 'Genovese' (Or Sweet Basil) Extremely attractive One of the most Amethyst's deep Basil 'Genovese' is a to butterflies and potent medicinal purple blooms will favorite for authentic other pollinators. herb in Ayurvedic add a lovely contrast Italian basil flavor medicine, also to your garden and and aroma. Perfect known as Winter wonderful flavor to for pesto! Cherry. your favorite dish! Basil 'Holy (Sacred) Basil 'Italian Large Basil 'Lemon Sweet Basil 'Siam Queen' Green' Leaf' Dani' This is the authentic Italian Large Leaf A must for the basil This delicious Thai Green Tulsi (Holy) Basil is a sweet basil lover looking for a basil has a distinct Basil used in many with larger leaves vigorous and licorice flavor and religious and spiritual than most basil delicious lemon beautiful purple ceremonies, and varieties that will basil. blooms! may also help lower yield you tons of blood pressure! flavor! | +91 841 888 5555
  • 3. 2012 Basil, 'Holy (Sacred) Bay Trees Bergamot (Bee Betony Red' Balm) Authentic Tulsi Commonly known as Chosen as the 2013 Well known for its Basil that is a potent Bay Laurel or Sweet Notable Native Herb medicinal benefits medicinal and Bay, this savory by the Herb Society and beauty in the popular spiritual culinary herb is a of America, we're garden, this tisane is herb. must for any chef! honored to be their caffeine free and can exclusive grower of ease headaches. this wonderfully versatile herb! Borage 'Blue' Buddleia 'Black Buddleia 'Nanho Buddleia 'Royal Red' Knight' Purple' A beautiful, Buddleia 'Black Buddleia 'Nanho Buddleia 'Royal Red' beneficial companion Knight' offers rich, Purple' is a sturdy produces lovely plant and refreshing aromatic purple perennial for full sun wine-red to fuchsia culinary herb, blooms that will that attracts colored blooms that Borage is wonderful continue all summer butterflies, birds and smell amazing all in summer drinks and attract lots of bees! summer long! and salads! wildlife! | +91 841 888 5555
  • 4. 2012 Calendula Cardoon 'Porto Carnation Cat Grass Spineless' A gentle but potent Cardoon 'Porto The fragrance of the Give your indoor medicinal herb, Spineless' is a Carnation is used in kitties a healthy these beauties are beautiful edible with potpourris and herb alternative to nibbling also wonderful buds that resemble sachets! on harmful culinary herbs and artichokes both in houseplants with our companion plants. look and taste. nutritious cat grass! Catmint Catnip Catnip 'Lemon' Celosia 'Cramers' Amazon' Easy to grow, your Catnip is a vigorous, This lemon-scented Eye catching in the kitties will love this high yielding plant Catnip will drive your garden or in hardy perennial, that your kitty will kitties wild! It's even arrangements, this whether fresh or love! a natural insect variety grows to be dried! repellent! VERY large! | +91 841 888 5555
  • 5. 2012 Celosia 'Cramers' Chamomile 'Common' Chamomile 'Roman' Chervil Burgundy' Celosia 'Cramer's Chamomile 'Common' This perennial variety Chervil lends a light Burgundy' is a real is a wonderfully makes a wonderful anise flavor to dishes show stopper in the aromatic ground ground cover, a and is a key garden or in a cover that naturally soothing tea and a ingredient in French bouquet! repels pests and great skin treatment cuisine! doubles as potent for sunburns! medicinal herb! Chili Pepper Chives Chives, Garlic Cilantro Great for beginner A more subtle flavor Subtle garlic Cilantro is a zesty gardeners! than its cousin, the flavoring that will add culinary herb found onion, Chives are wonders to soups, throughout Mexican easy to grow and eggs, potatoes and and Asian cuisine, contain natural more, without and it's great for your antioxidants. overpowering the health! dish. | +91 841 888 5555
  • 6. 2012 Clary Sage Comfrey 'Common' Costmary Cutting Celery Known for its Also referred to as Commonly known as Cutting Celery is a medicinal and ‘Knitbone’ as it is 'Bible Leaf' for its more flavorful culinary purposes, used to reduce historic use as an alternative to its Clary Sage is as inflammation of aromatic pest- crunchier cousin! beautiful as it is sprains and broken repelling bookmark valuable in the bones. in Bibles. garden. Datura 'Evening Datura 'Purple Digitalis 'Foxy' Dill 'Bouquet' Fragrance' Ballerina' A nocturnal blooming A beautiful addition An old fashioned Dill is a tangy plant with an to your moon favorite! culinary herb that intoxicating garden, these also has a versatile fragrance! nocturnal beauties history as a will sweetly scent medicinal herb! your night!  | +91 841 888 5555
  • 7. 2012 Echinacea Epazote Eucalyptus 'Silver Evolvulus 'Blue Purpurea 'Magnus' Drop' Daze' A beautiful, long Epazote is an herb This is a Hardy annual for lasting perennial, well-known to wonderfully sun, the wonderful this cone flower is Mexican and aromatic and more blue blooms are a work horse in the Caribbean cold tolerant continuous from garden and looks cooking. The variety of July to September. beautiful in cut name comes from Eucalyptus. bouquets! the Aztec (Nahuatl) epazotl. Fennel, Bronze Fennel, Green Feverfew Flax Bronze Fennel Green Fennel is A fantastic stress Ground seeds are a adds striking flavorful culinary relieving great source of beauty to your herb, potent medicinal herb, fiber! garden, provides a medicinal herb and Feverfew is also a safe haven for a great host plant beautiful bloomer butterflies and for Swallowtail that works well in makes a wonderful butterflies! arrangements. culinary and medicinal herb! | +91 841 888 5555
  • 8. 2012 Germander Gomphrena 'QIS Gomphrena Heliotrope 'Upright' Purple' 'Strawberry Fields' 'Marine' Germander is a Gomphrena 'QIS A vibrant splash of Deep violet-blue wonderful Purple' has a long color in the garden flowers grow in evergreen shrub lasting bloom used and a magnet for clusters atop that works well as in traditional hummingbirds! gorgeous dark both a small hedge Hawaiian leis. green foliage. or a ground cover. Wonderful for preventing erosion! Heliotrope Horehound Hyacinth Bean Hyssop 'Marine' 'Ruby Moon' Ideal for window A potent medicinal Not an actual bean, Hyssop beautiful boxes or hanging herb for treating this brilliant wine- bloomer that will baskets! respiratory colored climber flower all summer infections, will add height and long and attract Horehound's fuzzy elegance to your lots of helpful bees leaves are garden! and butterflies to beautiful in the the garden! garden. | +91 841 888 5555
  • 9. 2012 Indian Tobacco Joe Pye Weed Lambs Ear Lantana 'Buttercup' An herb with a Joe Pye Weed is The silvery foliage is 'Buttercup' has historic past! definitely not a weed, perfect for creamy white and but a beautiful, contrasting or grey yellow blooming aromatic perennial gardens clusters that herb. butterflies love! Lantana 'Confetti' Lantana 'Dallas Red' Lantana 'Fantasy' Lantana 'Fuchsia' An explosion of color A great show of A colorful mix of A profuse bloomer - blooming well into flowers that last from multi-colored blooms providing a punch of the fall - endless spring till frost - great that will dazzle. color from spring to blooms in the hot for warm climates frost climates | +91 841 888 5555
  • 10. 2012 Lantana 'Trailing Lantana 'Trailing Lavender 'Grosso' Lavender 'Hidcote' Lavender' White' Lantana 'Trailing A pronounced trailing This hardy lavender 'Hidcote' has Lavender' has a habit with beautiful is best appreciated beautiful dark blue trailing habit that light blooms that look for its tall, sturdy blooms that smell cascades nicely from stunning in a growth habit and great and have great window boxes and hanging pot large, profuse healing potential! hanging planters! blooms. Lavender 'Munstead' Lavender 'Provence' Lemon Balm Lemon Verbena One of the best The ideal Lavender Lemon Balm has a One of our most varieties of Lavender for crafts and terrific lemon aroma popular herbs - for its medicinal potpourri, this variety that tastes great in perfect for any use in value, this aromatic is also deer and teas and salads, and the garden or bloomer has a drought resistant! it's even a natural kitchen. The fresh, smaller, shrubbier mosquito repellent! lemony aroma is habit. unforgettable | +91 841 888 5555
  • 11. 2012 Lemongrass Lobelia Lovage Mint 'Chocolate' Lemongrass is a The brilliant red Possessing a flavor This herb can best potent medicinal blooms of this variety similar to celery, be described as herb, a light and are a huge hit with Lovage is a peppermint with flavorful culinary herb hummingbirds and it wonderful culinary chocolate overtones. AND it keeps grows nicely near herb popular in mosquitoes at bay! water! Eastern European cuisine. Mint 'Citrus Kitchen' Mint 'Kentucky Mint 'Mojito' Mint 'Mountain' Colonel' This mint is a ‘must Unusual curly leaves A real mojito can This herb has the have’ for any culinary that are very only be made with strong minty scent herb garden. A attractive in the herb the true Mojito Mint! without the invasive strong and vigorous garden. Famous as runners of regular plant with a delicious an essential mint. citrus flavor. ingredient in mint juleps. | +91 841 888 5555
  • 12. 2012 Mint 'Orange' Mint 'Peppermint' Mint 'Pineapple' Mint, 'Apple' This delicious citrus This mint is an old Lovely variegated 'Apple' is less herb plant is perfect favorite - easy to leaves and a sweet, invasive than other for summer drinks grow, dependable pineapple aroma. A Mints and has a and fruit salads. and a delicious beautiful and tasty fruity menthol scent. flavor. addition to any garden! Moonflower Morning Glory Mullein Nasturtium 'Alaska 'President Tyler' Mix' An amazing addition Legend has it that Herbalists 'Alaska Mix' has to your night garden, this seed was given recommend Mullein beautiful white this nocturnal to an Indiana farmer as one of the safest marbled leaves and bloomer has an by President John and most useful brilliant, edible intoxicating perfume! Tyler. herbal lung tonics. flowers! | +91 841 888 5555
  • 13. 2012 Nasturtium 'Jewel Nightshade Oregano 'Greek' Oregano 'Italian' Mix' These blooms are This beautiful but This zesty herb is the Italian Oregano is an delightful "jewels" toxic herb is most flavorful excellent culinary blooming profusely, historically known for Oregano and a variety with a strong well-above the its hallucinogenic staple for pizza spicy flavor. attractive foliage. properties. sauce! Parsley 'Curly' Parsley 'Italian Flat Patchouli Pennyroyal Leaf' This is the tried and The strong flavored Delightful scent and This herb is known to true parsley essential leaves of this parsley makes a great indoor repel insects and to 'pretty up' any plant are great fresh plant! grows just like its plate - a delicious or dried. cousin, the Mint. culinary herb. | +91 841 888 5555
  • 14. 2012 Perovskia 'Russian Pyrethrum Rosemary 'Arp' Rosemary 'Hardy Sage' Hill' Russian Sage is Pyrethrums are 'Arp' has been Upright and robust, extremely valuable beautiful, daisy-like introduced as an this aromatic herb for its long season of flowers that contain a improved variety has a pleasing flavor beautiful blooms in safe, all natural which shows better and fragrance for the garden! insecticide. winter hardiness. cooking and soaps. Rosemary 'Prostrate' Rosemary 'Salem' Rosemary 'Tuscan Rudbeckia 'Prairie Blue' Sun' A low-spreading, 'Salem' Rosemary 'Tuscan Blue' Rudbeckia 'Prairie evergreen shrub or smells and tastes Rosemary is a Sun' has daisy-like ground cover. The terrific and its stems beautifully fragrant blooms from leaves are VERY make great shish herb that produces midsummer till frost. aromatic! kabob skewers. wonderful dark blue flowers. | +91 841 888 5555
  • 15. 2012 Rue Sage 'Garden' Sage 'Pineapple' Sage 'Purple' Rue is a beautiful yet A wonderful sage, all The bruised leaves Purple Sage is the very pungent herb around plant for of Pineapple Sage most medically that butterflies flock every use! are an aromatic valuable Sage and to! delight! tastes great in stews and on meats! Sage 'Tricolor' Salad Burnet Scented Geranium Scented Geranium 'Attar Of Rose' 'Citronella' The variegated Salad Burnet has an The beautiful violet 'Citronella' Scented leaves of Tricolor exquisite cucumber and lavender blooms Geraniums have a Sage are a taste that is keep coming back citronella scent but it wonderful accent in wonderful for salads. each is debatable if they the garden. year! actually repel insects. | +91 841 888 5555
  • 16. 2012 Scented Geranium Scullcap Shoofly Sorrel 'Blonde De 'Lime' Lyon' Has a calming lime Scullcap (also Easy to grow and Sorrel 'Blonde de fragrance that spelled Skullcap) is control! Lyon' is a French balances cardiac, known to act as a variety of Sorrel and nervous, and sedative and has compliments oily fish immune system. The antispasmodic and dishes well with its beautiful pink blooms anti inflammatory lemon flavor. keep coming back properties. each year. It is also a great house plant, but be careful not over water. Drought- tolerant. St John’s Wort Statice 'Supreme Stevia Summer Savory Blue' St John's wort is Statice 'Supreme A much sweeter Summer Savory is a most widely known Blue' is an excellent natural alternative to sweeter, more subtle as an herbal everlasting, ideal for processed sugar and cousin to the Winter treatment for dried arrangements! contains no calories! variety and is a great | +91 841 888 5555
  • 17. 2012 depression. salt substitute. Sweet Cicely Sweet Flag Sweet Marjoram Sweet Woodruff Sweeten your Perfect for ponds 'Sweet Marjoram' is Sweet Woodruff is garden and water gardens! an elegant and aptly named - a versatile culinary sweet, well- herb with a milder mannered little herb flavor than its cousin, that works well as a Oregano. herbal ground cover. Sweetgrass Tagetes 'Mexican Tansy Tarragon 'French' Mint Marigold' Sweetgrass is used Mexican Mint Tansy is a natural Tarragon is the in prayer, smudging, Marigold has a insect repellent and aromatic aristocrat of and purifying strong, sweet scent makes a beautiful fresh herbs! ceremonies and is and taste of licorice. and useful addition regarded as a to any garden! sacred plant by the Native Americans. | +91 841 888 5555
  • 18. 2012 Thyme 'English' Thyme 'French' Thyme 'Golden Thyme 'Lemon Variegated' Carpet' English Thyme is a Sweeter than English 'Golden Variegated' This lemon thyme is general staple to Thyme, French Thyme is a quick wonderful for smaller culinary herb Thyme is a a major growing lemon spaces like gardening that goes component to French scented herb that flagstones and with almost anything! cuisine. has beautiful stepping stones. variegated leaf patterns. Thyme 'Lemon' Thyme 'Silver Edge' Valerian Vervain Lemon Thyme has a 'Silver Edge' Thyme Valerian is Considered a sacred delicious lemon has brighter white considered "the poor herb by many scent and tastes variegation than man's Valium" and cultures, Vervain is a great with fish, other silver Thymes. has many medicinal great all-purpose poultry and in benefits! medicinal herb. marinades. | +91 841 888 5555