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Healthy Food Essay
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Healthy Food" presents both challenges and opportunities.
On one hand, the topic is broad and multifaceted, offering a plethora of information to explore.
On the other hand, the abundance of information can be overwhelming, requiring meticulous
research and careful selection of relevant content.
To begin with, delving into the intricacies of nutrition, dietary habits, and their impact on overall
well-being demands a comprehensive understanding of scientific principles. Analyzing the latest
research findings, interpreting nutritional guidelines, and presenting accurate information in a
coherent manner are critical aspects of the process. Moreover, one must navigate through diverse
perspectives on what constitutes a "healthy" diet, considering cultural, regional, and individual
The challenge extends to creating a well-structured and engaging essay that captures the reader's
attention from the introduction to the conclusion. Balancing the technical aspects of nutritional
science with a writing style that is accessible to a broad audience requires a delicate touch. It
involves translating complex concepts into layman's terms without oversimplifying, ensuring that
the essay remains informative and interesting.
Furthermore, addressing potential counterarguments and presenting a nuanced view adds
another layer of complexity. The essay should not merely preach the benefits of healthy eating
but should also acknowledge the challenges people face in adopting and maintaining such habits.
Striking the right balance between motivation and realism is crucial.
Editing and refining the essay to meet academic or publication standards add another dimension
to the difficulty. The meticulous review of grammar, syntax, and overall coherence is essential to
ensure that the essay effectively communicates its message. Additionally, properly citing sources
and adhering to formatting guidelines contribute to the overall complexity of the task.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Healthy Food" demands a blend of scientific
knowledge, effective communication skills, and an understanding of the diverse factors
influencing dietary choices. It's a task that requires careful research, thoughtful analysis, and
skilled articulation. While challenging, successfully navigating these complexities results in a
rewarding and informative piece that contributes to the discourse on promoting well-being
through healthy eating habits.
For those seeking assistance in crafting essays or exploring a variety of topics, a resource like can provide valuable support. Professional writers and a diverse range of
topics are available to help individuals navigate the intricacies of essay writing.
Healthy Food Essay Healthy Food Essay
Recyclability Of Recycling
Although there are numerous benefits to recycling such as a whole job and market
industry and environmental conservation, majority of these benefits cannot be
accessed without the participation of the public. Unfortunately, a large majority of
the general population does not recycle mostly because of the time it takes to
simply sort recyclables or take to a drop off facility. Therefore, a new system should
be put in place and spread to increase the recyclingparticipation to completely access
the benefits of recycling and to reach a strong level of sustainability. Thankfully, most
people are motivated by money or lack thereof, so a deposit system would motivate
more people to recycle by giving them the choice to make their money back and
recycle or simply lose money. Additionally, this deposit system would motivate the
public because they would simply input a relatively low time cost for a financial
reward. Because of these known motivational trends, the deposit system will
definitively improve the recycling participation rate leading to increased
environmental conservation and a solid level of sustainability. Although the deposit
system seems very complicated, it involves a very simple idea with a clear goal of
increasing the recycling participation rate. Under the deposit system, when a
customer buys a water bottle or another material depending on the restriction and
laws of the state, the customer would pay an additional set dollar amount such as five
cents. If the
The Ultimate Fighting Championship
The Ultimate Fighting Championship The Ultimate Fighting Championship
(UFC) is recognized as one of the fastest rising sports in America today. In a matter
of two short years, it has gone from an underground spectacle with evolving rules
and standards to a recognized sport with a mass fan following comparable in
number to professional wrestling in the В‘80s and В‘90s. The demand the sport has
on a fighter s body and the endless time devoted to training that a fighter must
endure have solidified the UFC s place as a serious contender for the newest, world
recognized sport. The excitement and electricity felt by fans viewing the fight live
and by those at home make the UFC, in my opinion, the best sport in the United
States today.... Show more content on ...
Set aside the physical demands of conditioning, a fight lasts as short as a one
punch knock out to the full fifteen to twenty minute battle. Twenty minutes of
being punched in the face, kicked in the ribs legs and face, getting body slammed
onto the wooden mat, and being choked until submission or loss of consciousness
would toughen a human far more than the toll a body takes in any other sport.
Another factor that is somewhat overlooked is the effect fans have on a sport and
its events. With a truly passionate group of fans, a sport can really excel. The quick
growth of the UFC fan base may cause the opposition to question the true loyalty
and passion of the fans of the UFC. Just watching an event live, however, you can
really see the intrigue and energy in the building. And if the sport pulls you in,
you may feel the energy yourself. One reason for this energy is the sheer
excitement of a fight. Another reason, and possibly the reason for the excitement,
is the complexity of the sport of MMA. At first glance of an uninformed eye, the
UFC literally looks like an unorganized street fight in an octagon shaped cage.
Upon spending a small amount of time openly watching a single fight, one will
begin to recognize the commonly referred chess like precision of a fight. This is
possibly the most important reason I feel this sport is at the top of all
Aircraft Instruments System Reviewer
ANEROID sensitive component in an altimeter or barometer that measures absolute
pressure of the air. Sealed, flat capsule made of thin corrugated disks of metal
soldered together and evacuated by pumping all of the air out of it.
PRESSURE amount of force acting on a given unit of area and all pressure must be
measured from some known references.
BAROMETRICSCALE/KOLLSMAN WINDOW small window in the dial of a
sensitive altimeter in which the pilot sets the barometric pressure level from which
the altitude shown on the altimeter is measured.
AIRSPEED INDICATOR A flight instrument that measures the differential between
the pitot, of ram air pressure and the static pressure of the air surrounding the aircraft.
BOURDON TUBE type ... Show more content on ...
ISOGONIC LINE a line drawn on an aeronautical chart along which the angular
difference between the magnetic and geographic north poles is the same.
AGONIC LINE a line drawn on an aeronautical chart along which there is no angular
difference between the magnetic geographic north poles.
RATE GYROS mounted in single gimbals and they operate on the characteristic of
ECAM Electronic Centralized Aircraft System * 2 ECAMS display * Engine
Warning Display * System Display
EFIS Electronic Flight Instrument System
ADIRU Air data /Inertial Reference unit and located rear ECAM
ADR (Air Data Input) Input: AOA, TAT, and Pitot amp; static ports. Output:
Airspeed, Mach no., Barometric altitude, TAT, Static Air Temp. And Sensors.
Inertial Reference Section (output) * Gives inertial data to the EFIS.
ADIRS control and display unit (CDU) located at the overhead panel.
1st group * ADIRUs * DDRMI * ISIS
2nd group * GPS * TCAS * DME * ADF * VOR
3rd group * ILS * Marker Receivers
4th group * EGPWS * RAs * WXR * PWS
DME measures a slant distance from an aircraft to a station.
FWC Flight Warning Computer (Oral amp; Visual)
ISIS Enhanced/Integrated Standby Instrument System * Replaces 3 conventional
standby instruments * Capable of ILS
EIS Electronic Instrument System
SDAC System Data Acquisition Concentrators
How To Create A Mash-Up In The Wizard Of Oz And The...
We ve created a mash up of The Wizard of Oz and The Princess Bride. The Wicked
Witch of the West, played by Lindy Arsenault, wakes up from a nap to discover
that Dorothy, played by Gabrielle Hopping Merlino, has stolen her ruby slippers.
The film follows the Witch in her attempt to track down the shoes. Dorothy leads
her on a wild goose chase around campus until she eventually finds Dorothy who
challenges the Witch to a battle of the wits. Our goal was to create a comedic
homage to two of our favorite movies. We were limited in terms of location due to a
snowstorm that decided to roll in the weekend we had planned for filming. We then
picked locations around campus that had minimal background noise. Because of the
location and our film budget,
Data Storage And Communication Systems Essay
Abstract Encryption is widely used to ensure security in data storage and
communication systems. This paper introduces a new concept for image encryption
using a new method we named it Meaning Of Location (MOL) . In this method, the
private key is an image that converted into RGB numbers and the public keyis random
integers used to permutate the image. The location of the RGB will be used to
encrypt the plaintext. The performance of this algorithm is investigated against many
different attacks such as ciphertext attacks, plaintext attacks and brute force attack.
The analysis and statistical tests show the strength of this algorithm. The results show
that the MOL algorithm is suitable for securing wired and wireless communication
systems such as smartcards and cell phone services.
Keywords AES, Encryption, Decryption, DES, RSA, MOL
2. OVERVIEW OF THE IMAGE DATA .............2,3
4. STATISTICAL TESTS ...............................4
5. SMART CARDS.....................................4,5
The requirements of information security within an organization have undergone two
major changes in the last several decades. Before the widespread use of data
processing equipment , the security of information felt to be valuable was provided
primarily by physical and administrative
Lord Brahm The Father Of Hindu Gods And God
Brahma, the father of Hindu gods and men, is depicted as the creator of the
universe. He is the first member of the Hindu Trinity and ruler of all. Brahma is
acknowledged as the creator as he periodically creates everything in the universe,
periodically due to the Hindu cyclical belief of everything being created for a
certain period of time and destroyed only to be renewed in a new form once again.
Of the three greatest Hindu deities, Lord Brahmadominates the first position, that of
the creator. As creator of all things, Brahma must have people of his own flesh; the
most significant one, Goddess Saraswathy, consort and daughter of Brahma. Besides
Saraswathy, there are four sages that roam the universeas Brahma s first mind born
creations and sons; Sanaka, Sanatana, Sananadana and Sanatkumara. The four
Kumaras were the only sons born out of Brahma s mind rather than his body and
were the only ones who refused his order to procreate, therefore devoted themselves
to Vishnuand celibacy. Brahma then went on to creating ten sons (Prajapatis) from his
mind, who are acknowledged as the fathers of the human race.
Lord Brahma s birth story is unique in its setting. He is said to have been born from
Vishnu s navel through the lotus flower. After the great flood, Vishnu summoned his
creative powers and formed earth in the shape of a lotus escalating from his navel. It
is believed that Brahma developed from this lotus, therefore having the lotus
symbolize his birth. Brahma then
Sophisticated Weapons
Sophisticated weaponry is usually acquired by the most funded organizations. The
usage of automatic weapons is also becoming common during terrorist attacks.
Hijacking aircrafts is also one of the most known terrorism tactic in the world. It also
occurred during the 9/11 attacks when four commercial airlines were hijacked
simultaneously. However, with modern techniques used in counterterrorism on
airports and travelling in general, the incident rate of successful hijacking has
decreased. Another historically used means of terrorismis employing biological and
chemical weapons. The damage of these weapons depends upon the execution
method and quantity used. Many countries in the world have used both chemical as
well as biological weapons in
Holmes Vs Watson
In all stories there are characters that make it worthwhile. Sherlock Holmes is a
witty, yet arrogant young man. He solves crime in a short amount of time, with the
help of his partner Dr. Watson. He boasts about his intelligence and acts like he is
better than most people. Dr.Watson on the other hand is a feeble and polite man. He
was a military doctor, who got injured, and is usually uplifting Sherlock. These two
characters are very different, but share many of the same qualities like being
unsociable, zealous, pompous, and fortitudinous. Given these points, Holmes and
Watson s similarities and differences make them a strong and unstoppable team.
Sherlock Holmes and Dr.Watson are two young men with different personalities, but
many similar characteristics. Sherlock and Watson are also fortitudinous because
Watson was a ... Show more content on ...
Sherlock is very arrogant and rude because in A Study in Scarlethe sniffs sardonically
to a positive comment from Dr.Watson. He also rudely says What the deuce is it to
me? , during a conversation he and Dr.Watson were having, after Watson protests to
his explanation. However, Dr.Watson is feeble because in A Study in Scarlet he
states I am not strong enough to stand much noise or excitement . He also is polite
because in A Study in Scarlet he congratulated Sherlock though he was being very
arrogant. For the most part Sherlock and Watson are as different as they are alike.
Above all, Sherlock and Dr.Watson s differences and similarities make them a sturdy
and unconquerable team.Sherlock and Watson are equally similar as they are
different. They get along with each other well and despite their similarities they
sometimes bicker because of their differences. Together the duo is pompous and
fortitudinous. Watson is feeble and polite whereas Sherlock is very arrogant and
rude. In conclusion some divergent people can make the perfect
Beautiful Music of the Middle Ages
Beautiful music is the art of the prophets that can calm the agitations of the soul, it
is one of the most magnificent and delightful presents God has given us Martin
Luther. Music was a part of life then and it is a part of life today. Without music,
life itself would be a mistake. Seeing the changes over the years is a great way to
follow the patterns and differences this way of communicating has shown us. Some
of the more popular music was the Gregorian Chant, Organum, Motet and Madrigal.
In the early Middle Ages around 590 ACE the Gregorian Chant was popularized by
Pope Gregory the Fourth. The Gregorian Chant was a form of monophonic tune of
the Roman Catholic Church (Music Through the Ages). Monophonic is a musical
style employing a single melodic line without accompaniment. This style was oral by
tradition and only served as a memory aid for a singer who already knew the melody
( Memorizing is a difficult task, it is even harder to
memorize music that was taught to them orally. Gregorian melodies are traditionally
written using neumes, an early form of musical notation (
These neumes later formed the modern four and five line staff development. Being a
monophonic tune the Gregorian Chant was losing interest and a new style was born.
In the Musica Enchiriadis musical handbook , Organum consisted of two melodic
lines moving simultaneously note against note. Organum changed the way of music
for the medieval people;
The United States And Capitalism
Valeria Castro
Professor Bell
History 20W (section 59)
1 December 2014
Paper #2
It is often said that history is written by the victor. Growing up, we have been
indoctrinated that the United States and capitalism are the moral choices in the
perceptions of government. These views of our history are rooted in our countries
past, and since we learn from our pasts, we carry forward a view of the United States
moral dominance in world affairs. Yet during the cold war, the United States was not
the only country portrayed as the moral center of the world. After the end of World
War Two, the Soviet Unionand the United States fought a war of words, the Cold
War, for supremacy and world influence. The tones of these arguments were that
both sides and their opposing forms of government were the pinnacle of moral
standing. This war of words extended to the battlefield as third world nations,
seeking freedom from their colonial oppressors who were torn apart by allegiance to
either the Communist system of the Soviet Union or the Capitalist system of the
United States. It was the Soviet Union and the United States that waged the war of
idealism, chastising each other s moral vacancy, while members of smaller countries,
such as Vietnam, turned to both the powers as a means of improving their own lives
while caring little for the verbiage of the battling superpowers.
The two ideological heads of the Cold War were the United States and the Soviet
Union. The ideas that the two sides
Brief Description Of The Business Model Of Adidas
Brief description of Business Model of Adidas.
Adidas business model is represented in a variety of aspects. Those of which will
be discussed include technology, sell channels, customers, ability to innovate and
geography. The technological advances in the last ten years means Adidas are
more accessible to customers than ever before. Customers are able to shop online
as well as on their smartphones causing a surge in demand. This in turn affects their
suppliers. Adidas need to invest more in suppliers to keep up with higher demand.
This means opening more stores, and Adidas have plans to expand worldwide by
2020, as well as factories to produce their products. Growth in technology has a
profound effect on Adidas business model.
Sell Channels of Adidas also change with growing technology and with growing
trends in the fashion and sport industry. Adidas sell channels include from production
in factories to stores and outlets and finally to the consumer. This however isn t the
only sell channel Adidas use. There is also the technological side of it, ... Show more
content on ...
Changes in standards, calling for them to be more Universalist, will surely mean
change in labour conditions, change in price and cost, and with the majority of
Adidas manufacturing in China (65%), this will presumably cause an unwelcomed
change to their business model. Geopolitical tensions cause for a multinational
corporation like Adidas an unnerving feeling when they have such a huge market
share in China (13.8%) as well as it being their biggest source of manufacturing, at a
time when Adidas are in a new expansion process, it is not the most ideal situation.
This will be further elaborated on below. Corruption investigations into China s
Domestic Environment would also sit negatively with a company like Adidas.
Having that negative reports is not good for marketing and advertising of the
Janice Mirikitani Suicide Note
The poem, Suicide Note by Janice Mirikitani is very similar to the song, Jumper by
Third Eye Blind but differentiates in many ways, also. These two pieces of work
are very much similar in the way their themes are expressed through the use of
imagery and symbolism to help tell their story about suicide and how it has
affected them. The two pieces also differentiate when it comes to who is actually
narrating the story and the tone of voice being used. There is a lot of relationship
between the themes of the poem, Suicide Note and the song, Jumper . Both of these
works seem to correlate with the overall theme of suicide. The poem, Suicide Note ,
reflects on the tragedy of certain cultures where women are so degraded and devalued
that they
Privacy Is One Of The Problems Of Media Privacy
Now a day, privacy is one of the problems of media ethics in our life. The Longman
dictionary defines privacy as the state of being able to be alone, not seen or heard by
other people, and free from public attention. We may recognize that it is simple to
keep privacy; nonetheless, journalists and people don t keep it even through they
know that it is important.
Furthermore, the tendency that it will be fine even if you do not keep privacy is
getting stronger year by year. One of the reasons is because technology is
developing rapidly in the world. This evidence is that a lot of people bring with
them their smart phones and computers to the evidence of this. Stefano Taddei said,
The results suggest practical implications for online social network providers, most
of all with regard to privacy policies in online environments (2013). In the future, the
providers will develop and affect us positive and negative through using technology.
I believe that privacy is most important for the future because privacy is the origin of
the media ethics, which is about indecency, control, and truthfulness. I think that
privacy is a problem of particular importance concerning human s virtue in this time.
First, the problem is indecency. Some argue that indecency in media encourages
people to mimic the behavior they see in the news stories from sensational movies.
They are prevalent to even children recently; moreover, these influences will remain
strong even when the children became
High Cost Of Abortion Essay
What many people do not realize is that most of the time when a woman gets her
first abortion it is not uncommon to see them have another. Maybe it s due to the
fact that their health care provider covers the cost of the abortion. Or in their case it
is easier for them to get pregnant and then abort it rather than getting on some form of
birth control. Neither is an excuse to killing an unborn fetus. The majority of the data
came from voluntary reports of legal abortions to the Center for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC). This data was supplemented (when necessary) by data from
multiple sources, compiled by Wm. Robert Johnston. Based on statistics from 1970
2016. The average likelihood that a woman had 3+ prior abortions was 7.4%. This...
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This would be a prime example of when a woman should be able to have an abortion
regardless on how far along she is. The national rape related pregnancy rate is 5.0%
per rape among victims of reproductive age (aged 12 to 45); among adult women an
estimated 32,101 pregnancies result from rape each year. Among 34 cases of rape
related pregnancy, the majority occurred among adolescents and resulted from
assault by a known, often related perpetrator. Only 11.7% of these victims received
immediate medical attention after the assault, and 47.1% received no medical
attention related to the rape. A total 32.4% of these victims did not discover they
were pregnant until they had already entered the second trimester (Johnston). The
abortion laws should not constrict woman in a time frame due to some people not
realizing their pregnant until it s too late by law to undergo an abortion. In my
eyes I don t believe it s the timing of the fetus removal that tend to make people go
against the abortion, but the reason to why the woman is undergoing the procedure.
If the country made the laws stricter on to who is able to undergo an abortion, I
believe prolife advocates and prochoice advocates would both agree with each
The Importance Of Formative Assessment In The Classroom
Incident two demonstrates a range of different assessment strategies which were used
within the maths carousel lesson. The intentions and learning outcomes of this lesson
were to explore and identify key concepts of division as well as being able to recall
prior knowledge to help the children with their comprehension of the topic which
would continue throughout the week. The learning objectives were outlined at the
beginning of the lesson to the children to ensure that they understood what was
expected ofthem and so they would be able to reflect upon these throughout the
lesson (Williams and Cliffe, 2011).
Formative assessment, which was used to help improve teaching and learning, can be
viewed as an effective way to determine and improve the quality of learning within
the classroom (Black and Wiliam, 2009). However, it could be argued that formative
assessment is infrequently used within the classroom, suggesting that summative
assessment is the focus within education, as it helps to capture accurate results
which can be compared against a specific standard (Graham et al., 2017) (Marsh,
2007). This is also exemplified in the work undertaken by Yan and Cheng (2015) as
they state that some teachers may give up on the adoption of formative assessment
due to short time frames and the pressures of summative examinations. William and
Black (1996), Torrance and Pryor (2001) and Taras (2008) observe that formative
assessment eventually leads into summative assessment, as learning
An Website Design For Childminding Matchmaking Services
# Abstract Website is a convenient platform for companies to get closer to their
clients at anytime and anywhere; it also can aid people who has just started their
business in some particular ways. Moreover, using the website as a primary
matchmaking tool could save much time and budget by offering directly specialized
services. The aim of this report is to demonstrate why website is so valuable in
analysis users requirement and to present how useful the website is. A customer
survey about the relationship between customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and
the website quality was conducted within this website. The results indicate that the
quality of website has positive impact on the CSI (Customer Satisfaction Index). It is
recommended... Show more content on ...
# Section 1 So far, we built up the website for Mary Poppins (MP) based upon ANU
cloud server. Obviously, ANU server is a cost efficient method for startup
business, and the admin can easily use, maintain and upgrade in comparison to
traditional desktop software. Another advantage could be backing up your data in
the cloud and easily recovering the lost data due to almost permanent store
(Viswanathan, 2015). Moreover, cloud server gives you the merit of quick
deployment and help you to access your information from anywhere. However, this
website design could not fit into the large scale of business. ANU cloud server is
free to ANU students and staff, while the data storage limits the website future
growth. When the database inserts much more fields and attributes into tables
coming from this website, the query speed of this cloud server will slump.
Moreover, the flexibility, controllability, extensibility and resource reusability from
this server will degrade performance compared to large scale cloud server. Any
other technical issues may happen to cloud server as usual, such as power outage,
time delay, overload. While MP relies on the smooth operation of its database servers
and any outages could have a great impact on their business. Furthermore, cyber
attacks seem to
Australian Politics And Its Impact On Social And
Australian and American politics are both polarised by clashing philosophies between
two major parties dominating the system, however, the United States is faced with a
greater political dichotomy stunting the growth of legislation on social and economic
issues. In Australian politics, these parties are the Australian Labor Partyand the
Liberal National Party and in the United States the Democratic Party and the
Republican Party clash. These parties lie on opposite ends of the traditional political
spectrum. The ALP and the Democratic Party both lie on the left, liberal end and the
LNP and the Republican Party and the right, conservative end. While other parties
exist in these states, the two most mainstream parties control legislation... Show more
content on ...
The social problem of immigration has manifested through the treatment of asylum
seekers and refugees in Australia. In the United States immigration has divided
citizens as Republican have advocated tightening border control from Canada and
Mexico. Both countries struggle to find a policy that advocates positively for the
citizens of their countries and these individuals coming to a new country. Economic
issues also divide parties and can range from taxation to setting budgets. Parties must
use economics both to protect their citizens and maintain their place in the global
world. Economic issues have the tendencies to stem from social issues. Defence
spending is an economic issue that is highly divisive between political parties in
Australia and the United States. No international definition of military expenditures
exists; however, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute defines it as all
costs incurred as a result of current military activities (Monitoring Military
Expenditures para 1). Australia and the United States both face polarisation between
their two major parties in setting the defence budget. Australia faces a polarisation
based on budget setting and parties perceptions of the essentialness of being prepared
to handle being a Western country in the
Globalization and the Northern Territory Intervention
Globalization, a contested concept among leading theorists in its definition,
chronology, and measurement of effects, is almost certainly of a multidimensional
nature if such theorists perspectives are all taken equally into consideration. The
broad phenomenon of globalization can therefore be scrutinised more closely by
separation and analysis of individual dimensions, such as its political, economic,
cultural and ecological dimensions. This approach, while allowing for a more
focused examination of the causes and effects of globalizationwithin a single
dimension, serves to highlight the interconnectedness of each dimension. The
following essay will expose the complex interconnection between the political,
economic and cultural... Show more content on ...
The political dimension of globalization is evident in the harnessing of neoliberal
ideology to enforce and justify sanctions upon Indigenous communities within the
Northern Territory (Craig Porter, 2006; Scrimgeour, 2007). Several of the more
contested components of the Northern Territory Intervention were born of think tank
publications, which set this neoliberal agenda (Scrimgeour, 2007). Neoliberalism is
fostered by a global network of think tanks, which are underwritten by corporate
sponsors and bring elitist ideals into the mainstream and popular opinion
(Scrimgeour, 2007). Australia s major think tanks are the Institute for Public Affairs
(IPA) and the Centre for Independent Studies (CIS), both of which receive major
funding from mining companies (Scrimgeour, 2007).
Such think tanks, promoting neoliberal ideals of deregulation, liberalization, and
privatisation of the market and public assets, as well as supporting the dismantling of
the welfare state, have considerable influence on the ideology of the Government in
forming policy (Scrimgeour, 2007). From 2000 to 2004, the IPA published 33
articles on Indigenous matters, most of which promoted the idea that previous
Indigenous policies of land rights and
Traumatic Effects And Responses Of The United States
Traumatic Effects and Responses Abstract There have been growing cases of
traumatic effects and responses in the United States. While most agree that this
increasing incident deserves concrete attention, consensus dissolves around how to
handle the difficulties of handling traumatic effects and responses. This research
paper will discuss the traumatic effects and responses with its related difficulties and
treatment options with the inclusion of biblical concepts and principles. From a
medical perspective, trauma has affected the lives of millions of people from across
the world whereby they suffer silently without the hope of getting effective treatment.
However, spirituality and religion has changed the medical landscape in regards to
trauma because traumatic patients can finally experience a fulfilling life without any
fear of traumatic reminders crippling the quality of their lives. To explore the
outcome of spirituality and religion, this research paper will explain in detail the
benefits of patients engaging in religious teachings and spiritual rituals in boosting
their inner being. Trauma Its termed as an emotional aftermath because of major
events such as war, rape, kidnapping, abuse or surviving a natural calamity that an
individual directly experienced. Traumatic reactions are usually normal but in some
instances, it can be severe whereby the individual experiences flashbacks, memory
lapse, headaches or nausea (Levers, 2012). Medical professionals term
A Lesson Before Dying Conflict Essay
Racial inequality is a major source of conflict historically and presently in society. In
Ernest J. Gaines , A Lesson Before Dying, he focuses on the racial divide of 1940s
America. Set in a small Cajun community, Gaines narrative highlights the vicious
cycles of poverty and racism, documents the change in character Jefferson and his
eventual embodiment of a hero figure, and relays the harsh racial tension Gaines
noted in society.
Historically it was not uncommon for African Americans to be convicted of
crimes they did not commit. In Gaines novel this fact is the basis of the plot.
Jefferson a young black man is convicted of murder and charge with the death
penalty. Just before conviction Jefferson s own lawyer stated, Why I would just as
soon put a hog in the electric chair as this (8), setting the racially tense undertone of
the narrative and the basis of the main conflict to impart some pride upon Jefferson
when he is sent to his death. The duty to make him a man falls upon Professor
Grant Wiggins whom visits Jefferson at the jail. Jefferson begins to document the
changes in his own character through writing and notes good by mr wigin tell them I
m a man good by mr wigin (232) towards the conclusion of the novel. This change in
Jefferson s character is noted and treasured by the ... Show more content on ...
When analyzing the main conflict of the novel, racism , Gaines is trying to promote
his larger message of promoting education and racial equality and the struggles of
poverty historically. This is reflected in the society of his novel. He symbolizes the
progress he is seeing by using police Paul and Grant s friendship which can be fully
appreciated in Paul s admission of friendship when he states Allow me to be your
friend, Grant Wiggins. I don t ever want to forget this day. I don t ever want to forget
Enemy Of The People
The Goodman Theatre s production of An Enemy of the People was an entertaining
adaptation of Ibsen s controversial play. Dr. Thomas Stockmann thinks he is a hero
for discovering bacteria in the community s baths, but his brother, Mayor Stockmann,
sees the situation in a different light. Releasing Dr. Stockmann s discovery to the
public would ruin the community s main source of revenue, and fixing the
infrastructure mistake would cost an immense amount of time and money. The
performance follows Dr. Stockmann s cycle of personal discoveries and outbursts of
frustration, while certain members of Stockmann s community cannot seem to make
up their mind on who they support. In the midst of both a political and moral crisis,
self interest is a driving... Show more content on ...
Stockmann s boys, Eilif and Morten, as well as a loyal friend of the Stockmann
family, Captain Horster. The importance of Eilif and Morten was replaced by Dr.
Stockmann s new wife, Katherine, being pregnant with the couple s first child.
Katherine s pregnancy made sure that Dr. Stockmann could still fulfill his hope to
raise a future generation of truth supporters. Additionally, Katherine s emotional
surges exemplified the mood swings experienced during pregnancy. The decision to
leave out Captain Horster left Dr. Stockmann with no one but his wife and daughter,
Petra, to support him. Without a community ally Dr. Stockmann appears extremely
alone when the play concludes, but in his aloneness Dr. Stockmann still remains
strong in his
Implications of the Bertrand Model
In 1893 French economist Joseph Bertrand developed his Bertrand model of
competition from his review of Antoine Cournots study of a Spring Water duopoly.
His criticism lay with how firms in oligopolies compete. In his model firms
compete with prices rather than Cornots quantities. (REFERENCE TO SPANISH
JOURNAL) The model consists of two firms who set prices simultaneously and
jean tiral explains this as when one firm sets its price it is ignorant to its rival s price,
rather it anticipates what they will charge. It is assumed products are homogeneous
and perfect substitutes (ECCSTRAT) and due to the nature of the product the firm
supplying output at the lowest price will gain... Show more content on
The two firms generated low profit, as Bertrand competition predicts, until GE
changed the rules of the game by introducing a price book. The process effectively
set a higher market price and guaranteed higher profits, the price publishing
behaviour continued successfully until 1975 when the US Department of Justice
investigated the industry. Price books were ruled to breach anti competition laws
and the firms were fined. The book, Technology and Transformation in the
American Electric Utility Industry by Richard F. Hirsh goes into this example in
much greater depth. This is an important example as it demonstrates that Bertrand
competition can exist in the real world. However the assumption of zero profits, or
in the example, low profits encourages companies to collude to set higher prices
and make positive profits. The Bertrand model also assumes that with the entrant of
a second firm into the market, and the subsequent Nash equilibrium, price equal to
marginal cost, removes the need for policy makers to intervene. However form the
previous example this is obviously false as policy makers did have to intervene and
sanctions were made. To stress this point, another example; Pakistan s Federal
Cabinet moved powers of oil price fixation to the Oil Companies Advisory
Committee in 2001, through flawed polices profits of the duopolists Pakistan State
Oil and Shell
Chapter I
Chapter I:
The Beginning Our story starts in a slightly dilapidated looking house, where a
toddler s second birthday is being celebrated
I think I know a little someone who wants some cake... cooed Jack s mom
Jack laughed cutely
Here comes the train, through the tunnel.
Choo Choo!
Knocking can be heard in the background
What s that noise? Jack stay right here, I ll be... right back. warned Jack s mom
What are you doing here, I told you never to come back. shouted Jack s mom from
down the hall
I wanted to see Jack. I wanted to give him this. said Jack s dad
No! You can t see him, you re a bad influence!
You re a bad influence, I bet you didn t even remember today was his birthday.
Jack s mom went to her pistol,
A gunshot can be heard in the background.
Give... Jack... this croaked Jack s dad in his last moments as he gave Jack s mom a
Jack s mom came back down the hall
Look what I found! She exclaimed
Let s go to your bedroom and find out what it is!
Jack s mom carried Jack to his nursery
Oooo, look it s a teddy bear. I ll leave you in your crib with your present, and you can
play for a little while.
The box was shaking and noises could be heard from inside the box.
Jack, please tip the box. grunted the box
Why? asked Jack
Because I need to get out of here
Who are you?
Ermm... Just please tip the box
You sound like daddy.
Jack, just call me Todd Now push. the. box.
Jack pushed the box over
Types of Image Compression for Medical Imaging Essay
Medical imaging, as we all know, is the process of taking images of various parts of
the human body for diagnostic and surgical purposes. Some of the popular medical
imaging modalities are X ray radiography, Magnetic resonance imaging, Medical
ultrasound, Computed tomography etc. Since, these images contain clinical data of
extreme importance for treatment follow ups and are acquired at cost of radiation
exposure, infrastructure, money and time involved. Thus, once acquired, the medical
imagingdata should not be disposed off casually, instead it should be retained so that
it can be utilized for various medical applications and the chances of repeated testing
can be minimized. Also, maintaining electronic health records of patients serves...
Show more content on ...
In other words an optimal compression ratio should be chosen so as to suit the needs
of medical examination, without compromising with its diagnostic value [2].
1.2 Types of Compression
Image compression can be classified into two types viz. lossless and lossy
Lossless compression is the technique of reducing the size of an image without any
virtual loss of information. It is also known as reversible form of image compression
since the image obtained after compression and then decompression resembles the
original one. Typical compression ratios that can be achieved ranges from 1.5 to 3.6
Conversely, lossy or irreversible form of compression techniques are those in which
some or the other information is always lost. Though, lossy compression algorithms
are capable of compressing images at ratios much higher than that achieved from
lossless compression thus, ensuring faster rates of transmission and lesser storage
space. However, the regenerated image is not guaranteed to be an exact replica of
the original image, as some data is lost permanently, which will cause error during
decompression. Typical compression ratios achieved may range from 5 to 50.
Though lossy data compression is often acceptable but the game is not that easy when
it comes to medical images. The data from medical imaging examination should
possess certain requirements for fidelity [3].
1.3 Barriers to image compression
Lossy compression:
Re-Articulation Of Music Analysis
During the Aboriginal Australian portion of class, we talked about the re articulation
of music. This theme of re articulation was seen in the 1991 song Treaty by
aboriginal Australian group Yothu Yindi, the Pygmy Hindewhu beats in Watermelon
Man by Herbie Hancock and Sanctuary by Madonna, as well as Solomon Lindas
Mbube, and a bit during Graceland. The re articulation of music has been happening
for decades and we ve read about it in textbooks but most topics don t affect people
until they are actually touched by the situation. In 2010 I was personally immerse in
the re articulation of music when I attended the South African World Cup. The
International Federation of Association Football (FIFA), chose Colombian artist
Shakira to sing the... Show more content on ...
ZangalГ©wa , also known as, or re branded as WAKA WAKA , was originally
recorded by the Cameroonian band Golden Sounds in 1986. However, even before
that, the song was said to have been adapted from military marches of unknown
origins that go back as far as World War II. Despite this appropriation from the
public domain, the location of original authorship for the purpose of remuneration
has been attributed to Golden Sounds (Halbert, 118). My mother also told me, my
aunt who is 64 years of age, use to actually sing Waka Waka while in primary school,
in Cameroon, during community service event and/or athletic games! When Golden
Sounds released their version of WAKA WAKA , the song was popular all
throughout Africa however also in Colombia, Shakira s native country and there are
two different versions of the song. The original version, according to the BBC Music
Chart site, was about an undisclosed event which is about to happen for Africa, in
which everyone gets together and enjoys the fruit of their hard work, even though
there have been many hardships along the way (McAlpine ) However, the spanish
version fails to reference the war metaphor and focuses on problematic situations that
doesn t relate to South
Preferred Learning Style
How do I learn best? Why is it important for me to know my preferred learning style?
What type of educational strategies do I tend to use when providing family/groups
with education.
There are many different learning strategies to assist with learning. Everyone is
different in the way they learn. Personally, I learn best by using combinations of
learning strategies. I typically use visual, hands on techniques and I recently started
utilizing auditory learning. It doesn t matter how many times I hear instructions or a
lesson I need to read it and write it down to completely dissect what I am trying to
learn. I find color coordinating my notes helps me associate groups and key
concepts. I never really learned from auditory listening until I
Alzheimer s Neuropathology
The Neuropathology of Alzheimer s Disease In 1907, reports became available on
the autopsy completed by neuroanatomist and neurologist Alois Alzheimer
(Swerdlow, 2007). His patient, Auguste D. was known to be suffering from
memory problems. His autopsy on her brain demonstrated an overall cell loss with
a significant reduction in the size of gyri accompanied with increased sulci size as
well as a multitude of plaques and tangles once analyzed at a microscopic level.
Since this was the first case study associated with plaques and tangles in the brain,
there was an opportunity to put a new to this new condition that Auguste D. suffered
from. Emil Kraepelin, chairman of Alzheimer s academic department, did just that.
She filed to have presenile... Show more content on ...
Over the years many researchers have progressed in our knowledge base of the
pathology behind beta amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. This
understanding of pathology has created several new clinical trials that have allowed
us to come closer to understanding the complexity of Alzheimer s. Unfortunately, we
are still unsure if the plagues and tangles that are seen in autopsy are responsible for
Alzheimer s or just expressed symptoms of an undiscovered neuropathology. Many
hypotheses float around to explain the cause of these plagues and filaments, but we
are years away from finding concrete evidence to defend or prove these
Private Investigator
There are a lot of reasons you may want to hire a private investigator, but once you
decide on doing this, the problem you will face is how to go about finding a good
private investigator agency in San Francisco. The following are a few good tips to
help you.
Make sure the firm is licensed
Anybody can call themselves a private investigator, but here in the state of
California, it is a professional occupation that requires a license, and the license does
not come easy. Getting a license means passing a state examination. However, before
you can take this examination, you must first record over a thousand hours of
investigative work. The nature of this work is specified in the licensing requirements
and includes working with a licensed private investigator or working in certain areas
of law enforcement. An investigator, practicing in the state of California, will have a
license number that you can double check with the licensing board.
Check their references
A private investigator is not only a professional, but works with other professionals
such as claims adjusters and attorneys. They will have a well earned reputation that
they are protective of and will always conduct themselves professionally. This means
that there will be references from companies that have used the their services as well
as private clients. Names and contact ... Show more content on ...
Usually it is the large firms that offer the broadest range of services. Smaller outfits
may have a specialty, so if you are looking to hire a smaller company, you need to
make sure your requirements fit their specialty. However, some private investigators
who have been in business for many years may still offer a wide range of services,
but this is only because of their extensive experience in investigation over the course
of many
Comparison Of Genesis 1 And The Creation Myth
Creation myths, such as Genesis 1 and 2, exist to describe the creation of the
creatures, environments, and overall existence through stories in religious texts. On
top of this, they establish key aspects of the natural world through how the myth was
written, and the relationship between the physical and spiritual world. When trying to
understand this aspect, I ve looked at Genesis 1 from the Bible and the creation myth
of the Zoroastrian faith. Both of these myths serve as a cosmological explanations of
the universe, while going about it in different ways that highlight differences such as
the power of God/gods. In the Christian cosmological myth, Genesis 1, the creation
of the world is expressed through God s actions within 7 days. Each... Show more
content on ...
Who created the spiritual realm and the physical world, as well as spiritual beings
and the first man and animal. After this, Angra Mainyu, the Evil Spirit, came with
the intention of destroying all that Ahura Mazda has created. Since he is as
powerful as Ahura, he was able to create evil spiritual beings, and something evil to
contrast every good thing that was created prior to this (he was only unable to create
a totally evil opposite for humans). He also managed to harm the first human and
animal, and while they were dying, they emitted seeds that created the first people
and animals of the world. At this point, the Earth is the combination of good and bad
that it is known as
Russell Wilson Research Paper
Jaxon King Mr. Bergmann Senior English P1 1 September 2015 Russell Wilson
Can Russell Wilson be the best NFL quarterback within his first three years?
Without a doubt Russell Wilson has proved he is better then most hall of fame
quarterbacks. By using his statistics, his win loss record, and his super bowl
appearances it will show why Russell Wilson is the best quarterback ever. Being a
quarterback in your first three years is hard to be compared to some of the hall of
famers. Although, hall of famers like Joe Montana, Terry Bradshaw, and Johnny
Unitas had great careers, Russell Wilson is the best quarterback in his first three
years. Russel Wilson s statistics were more superior then some of the greatest
quarterbacks in history. Russell Wilson... Show more content on ...
Joe Montana had a record of twenty one wins, and twenty seven losses. Terry
Bradshaw had a record of twenty two wins twenty six losses. Johnny Unitas had a
record of twenty one wins, and fifteen losses. Johnny Unitas played when a regular
season consisted of twelve games. Do not let that fool you because if you were to
take the percentage of all those records you will clearly see Russell Wilson has the
best record. Russell Wilson won a total of thirty six out of forty eight games. His
percentage was he won seventy five percent of his games. Joe Montana won forty
three percent of his games. Terry Bradshaw won a total of forty five percent of his
games. With Johnny Unitas only playing thirty six games and only winning twenty
one of those games. He only won fifty eight percent of his games. The final way to
prove he is the greatest quarterback to me is his appearances to the super bowl.
Russell Wilson has played a total of three full seasons. In those seasons Russell
Wilson has made a total of two back to back appearances to the super bowl. Joe
Montana has appeared in only one super bowl in his first three years. Terry
Bradshaw unfortunately did not appear in any super bowls for his first three years.
Johnny Unitas like Joe Montana only appeared in one super bowl in three years.
Russell Wilson won one out of two super bowls he appeared in. Russell Wilson was
also the youngest
Portrayal Of The Afghan Hound
The Afghan Hound is viewed as a refined sighthound. Tall and slim with a long,
tight, refined head, smooth topknot and influential jaws, the back some piece of
the head and skull are truly noticeable. The gag is marginally arched and the nose
is dark. The Afghan has practically no stop, which is the move region from
backskull to gag. The teeth ought to meet in a level or scissors chomp. The dull
eyes are almond formed. The ears lie level to the head. The neck is long and solid.
The tallness at the shrinks ought to be practically level and the mid region
generally tucked up. The hipbones are truly conspicuous. The front legs are solid
and straight and the feet are substantial and secured with long hair. The tail has a
twist or ring at the tip, yet is not persisted the back. The long, rich, luxurious layer
is regularly the shade of sand with a darker face and ear borders, however all colors
are allowed. White markings, be that as it may, are disheartened.
Gallant, stately, lively, sweet, unwavering, loving and delicate, with a low strength
level, the Afghan could be to a degree reserved, yet standardize well. They must be
prepared merciful yet in a cool and firm way. The... Show more content on ...
Associations with different sorts and breeds from the same range may give
intimations to the history. A name for a desert coursing Afghan dog
, Tazi (droop e
tazi), proposes an imparted set of relatives to the fundamentally the same Tasy breed
from the Caspian Sea zone of Russia and Turkmenistan.other sorts or types of
comparative appearance are the Taigan from the rugged Tian Shan locale on the
Chinese fringe of Afghanistan, and the Barakzay, or Kurram Valley
Character Of Buck
Everyone knows that Buck is the protagonist of the story Call of the Wild .
Basically, the story is about him, his life, his experience and his journey. His life is
different from the others. It may not be a good life but it has a lesson, which a lot
of us should know and realize. After reading the story, would you like to meet
Buck if he was a person? What makes you feel like you want to meet him? What
good traits Buck had that you liked? Knowing Buck and his story made me feel
like I am very blessed and grateful that I have a family that takes care of me, and a
life that is not stolen from me. Buck is a very uncivilized or primitive dog, but he
can be very attentive sometimes. Here is a passage from the book that shows
evidence:... Show more content on ...
This trait of buck shows in this passage: And not only did he learn by experience,
but instincts long dead became alive again. The domesticated generations fell from
him. In vague ways he remembered back to the youth of the breed, to the time the
wild dogs ranged in packs through the primeval forest and killed their meat as they
ran it down. It was no task for him to learn to fight with cut and slash and the quick
wolf snap. In this manner had fought forgotten ancestors. They quickened the old
life within him, and the old tricks which they had stamped into the heredity of the
breed were his tricks. They came to him without effort or discovery, as though they
had been his always. And when, on the still cold nights, he pointed his nose at a
star and howled long and wolflike, it was his ancestors, dead and dust, pointing nose
at star and howling down through the centuries and through him. And his cadences
were their cadences, the cadences which voiced their woe and what to them was the
meaning of the stiffness, and the cold, and dark. In this passage Buck doesn t really
let his wild side to come up and devour him, because he still feels an intense
connection to some former, primitive version of himself, the dog he
A Rose For Emily Book Comparison
Have you ever seen a movie after you have read the book and know the story
almost word for word and something or things have been altered due to a director
expressing his creative liberties of a story? There are significant differences in not
only physical characteristics but how events throughout A rose for Emily change
between the story and short film. Emily s expected appearance during the city
authorities visit in regards to her outstanding taxes. In the book Emily when she
walked in they rose when she entered a small, fat woman in black...leaning on an
ebony cane with a tarnished gold head, her skeleton was small and spare so what
was plumpness in another was obesity in her . This was to show the emotion toll the
death of... Show more content on ...
This was done to add to the suspense to keep you reading on to how is she going to
use the arsenic she bought. the movie however explicitly shows Emily buying the
arsenic and not long after in a scene of passion Homer drinks wine that was given
to him by Emily. A brief description of arsenic is that arsenic is a tasteless, odorless
liquid that can be placed in any liquid without detection, and in that day and age its
primary use was rodent killer. This blatancy was done to ensure that the audience
would hold onto the thought of where did Emily hide the body for she herself was
considered far too fragile to move a body. In that day and age a woman couldn t be
treated as anything more than a fragile flower a rose and need to be taken care of,
that leaves the old butler there isn t any way he could have performed the deed. It
is later discovered that he never left the house he was kept behind a locked door
for the rest of Miss Emily s life. Through the town peoples throwing down lye
around her house till the smell of death left the air Emily was able to keep his body
preserved. This may answer the question of how far someone would go if they lost
everything to hang onto eternal
In Cold Blood Dialectical Journal
Feel Marty walks out of his house and to the main street. He sees hundreds of 30
year olds lined up single file.. The main street was as boring as it always was, the
same things were there. Just as usual, on day 3, the 30 year olds were taken away.
Marty felt bad for the 30 year olds that he watched being forced into the truck, he
felt their suffering even though they could not feel it. Marty could feel, Marty was
a strange man. He was 29 years old and he was 2 months away from turning 30.
Marty had a secret that he has never told anyone ever before. He had emotion. At
months old, babies are injected with 3 shots, one shot to rid of pain, one to rid of
color, and one to rid of emotion. Although, marty only received the color, and pain
shots.... Show more content on ...
Ain t that dandy? Gene replied and started to walk away Aren t you coming? Marty
rushed after gene as she marched to the largest tent. Marty shoved the tent flaps
out of the way and walked in. The tent appeared to have medical equipment from
the stone age thought marty and there were several people sitting in chairs being
looked at by doctors. Gene pushed Marty into a wooden chair. A short, chubby
man with a white coat and a mustache walked into the tent and looked Marty over.
Ahh so you are the one that everyone has been talking about! the doctor said. What
do you mean? Marty replied with a puzzled look on his face Well you still don t
have pain and color. It s a shame but I can fix that. The doctor pulled a black stick
out of his coat s pocket. He opened a flap in the machine behind him and threw the
stick in. The machine immediately made a squeaking noise and started emanating a
lot of heat. When the machine stopped the doctor opened the door, put on thick
gloves and grabbed the
Descartes And Descartes s Theories Of Skepticism And...
Every person has a unique answer to so called life questions, but experts like Blaise
Pascal and Rene Descartes have examined and reasoned with the norms of the
enlightenment era. The theologians and philosophers during that time have produced
such popular works that they have been used as a foundation for reason today. In
Pascal s Pensees, and Descartes Discourse on Method, they take steps to examining
and reflecting on their own answers to life questions. If Pascal and Descartes
conversed with each other about skepticismand searching for the truth, their
approaches would be different and highly critical of each other, but their conclusions
would be the same.
A life question is one that produces an answer entirely dependent on the individual.
Descartes wrote a Discourse on Method, which is his philosophy on how to answer
such questions. Pascal wrote Pensees, which is his thought process on how to answer
them as well. Both Pascal and Descartes address the issue of skepticism in opposing
ways. Descartes, as a skeptic, produces a thinking process to analyze doubt until the
truth is found. Pascal takes a more critical approach to skeptics and reveals that a
genuine skeptic has never existed. A skeptics argument to find one s purpose through
natural reason is not possible, but that God will give you faith through your heart,
according to Pascal.
Descartes begins his journey for reason by reaching an intense state of thought. By
locking himself in a room, he landed on a
Macbeth and Lady Macbeth s Relationship
Macbeth by William Shakespeare shows the effect of greed/power on a
relationship. Is gaining power more important than a relationship? When Macbeth
usurps the throne as King of Scotland, he puts aside his relationships to carry out
his work as king, and his relationship with Lady Macbeth is, as a result, impacted.
Macbeth and Lady Macbeth s relationship shifts somewhat and yet partly remains
the same when Macbeth is crowned king of Scotland. Macbeth s relationship
remains the same in that he shows Lady Macbeth respect and continues to use
words of love to call her by, but it shifts in that Macbeth becomes more independent
and does not confide his plans to Lady Macbeth as he had previously. Macbeth s
relationship with Lady Macbeth stays the same after he becomes king in that he
show her same respect that he did before becoming king. He uses words of love
when talking to her. Such tokens of love can be seen before Macbeth becomes king
when he writes the letter to Lady Macbeth that contains these words: This have I
thought good to deliver/Thee, my dearest partner of greatness... (I.v.10 11) Macbeth
writes a letter to his wife about the witches prophecies and uses the phrase, my
dearest partner of greatness, showing that he respects her and truly cares for her
wellbeing. This same reaction can be seen after Macbeth seizes the throne. When
Lady Macbeth and Macbeth express their unhappiness after becoming king and
queen, Macbeth says to his wife in a loving way, Be innocent
Charles Manson Case
First, I chose this case because of the reverberation of Charles Manson and his
crimes. I first had knowledge of the Charles Manson case after it was referenced in
the TV show, Criminal Minds, after a cult killed 7 people.
Charles Manson was born on November 12, 1934 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Manson s life
of crime started from as young as 10 years old. His first crime was robbing a liquor
store in his home town. During his youth, he was continually sent to juvenile
detention centers. However, time and time again he escaped and committed more
petty crimes. In 1952, he was sent to the Federal Reformatory in Chillicothe, Ohio.
Up until 1966, Manson was constantly in and out of prison. He was finally released
from Terminal Island in 1967.
Once out of prison, Manson made his to San Francisco with his early followers,
including Mary Brunner and about 19 other women. This was the beginning of
Manson s cult, The Manson Family. The Family later relocated to Spahn s Movie
Ranch. After hearing The Beatles White Album, Manson was convinced that the song
Helter Sketler prophesied a race war between Africans Americans Caucasians. His
plan was to hide underground in Death Valley, California during the war, in which the
Africans would be victorious in. However, he said the African Americans would not
know how ... Show more content on ...
This time the target was Terry Melcher, an old acquaintance of Manson. Susan
Atkins, Linda Kasabian and Patricia Krenwinkel were sent to enact the murder at
Melcher s house. However, the Melchers had moved out and instead Sharon Tate,
who was a famous actress at the time, her unborn child and three others who were
visiting were killed. The Tate murders received national recognition. Atkins, Kasabian
and Krenwinkel were identified as the killers and after an eight month trial, they were
all sentenced to death. However, in 1972, the death penalty was abolished in
California so their punishments were overturned to life
Provide Reception Services
Provide Reception Services
1 пѓ Understand the purpose of reception services in a business environment:
1.1Explain the purpose of the receptionist role as the first point of contact between
the public/client and an organisation:
The receptionist that the customer meets/speaks to first needs to give a good
impression of the company, they need to appear very professional, this can be
portrayed in many different ways including personal appearance and how you are
seen to act towards customers.
If on the front desk then when anybody comes in they will see you first, you will
need to be seen as mature, initiative and show you have respect for other employees
and the customer basis. Regardless of any situation you will need to have a positive ...
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All thoughts should be positive, once you start having negative thoughts you put
yourself down which reflects on how you act towards others. Accept the fact that
everyone does have flaws and that is just part of being human, once you accept this
you will realise that it s not all as bad as it seems. Instead of focusing on everything
that you are unable to do, focus on everything that you excel in, if you re struggling
with a task then ask for help and don t let that put you down. Don t bully yourself,
don t second guess yourself, if you expect too much of yourself then you ll be
disappointed when you don t achieve this.
You also cannot blame yourself for everything that goes wrong, not everything is
going to be your fault, in some cases when you are 100% wrong apologising is a
good quality, but you shouldn t feel the need to apologise for everyone else s mistakes.
All of these aspects add to a positive image, which is very important in any
company, you need to do all these things for both yourself and also the business; the
happier you are the happier the customers are going to be.
2пѓ Understand the procedure to be followed when providing reception services:
2.1Describe the structure and lines of communication in an organisation:
Structure and communication both depend on the size of the business, the larger the
business the more ways of communication and the wider structure. Flat structures are
the most common for smaller businesses, this just allows key staff
Cultural Appropriation In Fashion
Americans interact with cultures every day. For example, as a young boy goes
shopping with his mother at the mall, he becomes intrigued by a decorative blanket
in one of the store windows. Its creative designs and unique patterns, he s never seen
before. When he asks his mother about the blanket, she explains to him that it is
Native American and that all of the tribal art has significance to their culture. This and
many other interactions with culture can be described as cultural appropriation.
Cultural appropriation is the taking of aspects of a marginalized culture for one s
benefit without offering recognition to the culture. This is a controversial topic for
society, and people have various opinions on the issue. However, if people in the
United States accurately portray and offer recognition to cultures from which they are
borrowing, cultural appropriation can significantly benefit society. In the world of
fashion, views about cultural appropriation vary significantly. Some people believe
that popular culturally appropriated styles insult marginalized cultures. One of their
main arguments stems from the fact that celebrities have the means of promoting and
making these styles a new trend in society. This in turn allows the celebrity to make
more money from these aspects than the marginalized groups (Feeney). On the other
hand, others will argue that cultural appropriation can be used to promote
marginalized cultures within the fashion world. These aspects can be
Familly-Work Conflicts with Women
Are females seen as having family work conflicts at Hydrogen Group than their male
co workers?
Based on a recent report from the ILO (International Labour Organisation), more
females are engaged in work today than ever in the past. Despite a significant
improvement in the involvement of females in the labour force with equal
experience and qualification level as males, female workers still face the glass
ceiling and a number of challenges in career development (McGraw 2011). Family
responsibilities, career interruptions and gender relatated differences in work
experiences have attemped to justify the lower levels of female career progression
(Hakim, 2002). Female workers still п¬Ѓnd that they are differentially treated in
terms of career development than their male co workers (Lyons and Smith 2008)
moreover, they still being discriminated in workplace (Bell et al.2002). Metz (2009)
critisises the common perception that educated and expereinced women cannot fully
contribute to their organisations because their main focus is the family care
responsibilities. The gaps in exsisting literature encourage to produce this research
proposal. Although mentioned issues continue to be important factors preventing
women from success in their careers, this study shows the urgency for continous
researching that would draw a greater image of career progression of females in a
small size organisation. Female career progression is a common issue at the present,
therefore it is
List Of Some Papers And Presentations
Ajebe. Asymmetric Proportion of Constitutions: The Ambiguity of Legitimacy and
Jurisdictional Arbitrage. (2006). Over one hundred and eighty sovereign states are
members of the United Nations and they have different constitutions. Some have to
provide for a federal structure, in others although unitary, include different legal
systems within the one state. The disparities between constitutions deals with
momentous ethnic, linguistic and religious considerations. Their vagueness requires
a prudent imposition on what ?is? and what ?ought? to be the law. The premise of
this piece is on Global Administrative Law, with an exegesis on critical legal studies.
Climate Change and Non Renewable Energy Resources: Productivity and
Sustainability. (2011). The prevalence and severity of extreme changes in climate
will likely affect how much energy is produced, delivered and consumed all over the
world. There?s pressure to produce more energy resources for the growing population
that have been depleted by unsustainable production systems. Impetus to better
manage nonrenewable energy resources must become part of market systems and
signals that form decision making in energy resources. Decisions need to be based on
policy oriented perspective drawn from constructivism theory, international law
approach. Principle of Legality and Utilitarianism: A Review of Article Seven of
European Convention on
Death s Immanence In Life in Shakespeare s King Lear
In the play King Lear by William Shakespeare, the idea of self awareness is
portrayed through death. More specifically, Lear illustrates self awareness by
refusing the inevitability of old age. With death comes self awareness. Lear has a
clear perception of reality as a king and loving father; however it s evident that
Lear s daughters give him a completely different identity than the one he gives
himself. It suggests his old age and faults. During Lear s first identity crisis, he
rhetorically asks Does any here know me? Why, this is not Lear (I. iv. 10) as if he
doesn t quite know how to define himself other than a king . A godly manifestation
much? What Lear asks is to be labeled with power, but his daughters concur the
frailty of... Show more content on ...
In addition, he strips himself to expose the true nature of man which he realizes as
insignificant. It s as if he is intentionally trying to alienate himself. As if he views
all mankind to be a foreign concept due to the irrational state of life. He curses, You
cataracts and hurricanoes, spout Till you have drenched our steeples, drowned the
cocks!(III. ii. 32) to defy the elements. We can t help but see Lear act against nature
as if he is the storm itself. Moreover, he tries to justify his temper by mentioning
that nothing can hurt him more than his daughters. Not even the elements can
corrupt this poor, old man. We see the storm bring about awareness when Lear
exclaims, You sulfurous and thought executing fires, Vaunt couriers of oak
cleaving thunderbolts, Singe my white head!(III. ii. 33) as if he begins to finally
discover his true hair color which directly correlates with his age. I see that Lear is
becoming aware of his age, but not willing to accept the anemic state of his body and
mind. He intentionally makes note of his hair color, but the realization leaves him in
a state of mental insanity soon to discover his impending death. The inevitability of
death begins to settle into Lear, not enabling him to accept it, but to drive him
towards the brink of insanity. We begin to see Lear view life as an existential concept
that constricts his mental state. The painful surprise of mortality leads him to go
insane and his anger turns into
The St Petersburg Compost Project
1.Project Purpose: because earth matters, the St Petersburg Compost Project is
dedicated to advancing the art, science, and application of composting. There has
been a tremendous growth in compost use projects around Florida. St Petersburg
has also seen a growth in tourism and with that brings an increase in waste to the
area. In thinking about the current problem of getting rid of the trash created by
tourism, one of the aims of this project to bring some insight into this is look at a
long term approach to help recycle this waste; and also to a historical perspective
about the inherent problems with trash. By reviewing how past residents have gotten
rid of trash 2.Measurable project objectives and related success criteria: The... Show
more content on ...
4.Assumptions and Constraints: The creation of a program is key to this project.
The project will be successful by integrating students and volunteers in the efforts
to educate the public and help the Pinellas government in creating an awareness
about the zero waste policy. The obvious constraints are getting enough volunteers
to donate several hours per month on an on going basis dedicated to support the
center. The initial funding to set up the center and continued financial funding
might pose serious constraints for the project to continue. 5.High level project
description and boundaries: To succeed in the initial stage of this project, a
composter, site and strategy need to be set in place. In order for the project to be
financially feasible, it is important to identify how much material is available, how
many and what type of generators we are to serve, and how much material is
expected to be generated by the project. Boundaries: The scope of the assessment
required for this project will be scale dependent. It will be important to set up drop
off sites if there are any to be outside the center, what materials are to be accepted
within Pinellas County. 6.High level risks: What could potentially upset this project
is not setting the clear and precise boundaries within the community about what
materials are to be acceptable. Also,
Mr. John Leech Analysis
Source C is a primary source. It is an artwork/ cartoon from London between 1817
to 1864 most likely leaning towards the latter. It shows 2 convicts asking a man if
they can walk them down an alleyway in order to protect them from people
intending to strangle them. It is also possible that this is the convict s attempt to
rob or hurt the man in the centre of the artwork. The perspective of Source C is
from a Mr. John Leech, the creator of this artwork, it is reflecting sarcasm towards
the quality of English Suburbia, the sign on the right can be noted as a ransom
note, another display of poor quality of life. It was created by John Leech, a famed
sketch artist known for his obscure and humorous artworks. He seemed to have taken
the role of the regular citizen in London at the time, and the role of the innocent
bystander, even the man in the middle could be the embodiment of people like him,
or at the very least a man which he can sympathise with.... Show more content on ...
It is most certainly an exaggeration, (note deliberate use of ransom sign) and
extraordinarily poor English. It doesn t provide much context to the artwork nor does
it specify a particular instance, rather it seems to portray a general atmosphere or
group of events which occurred that John Leech might ve seen and taken note

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Healthy Food Essay.pdf

  • 1. Healthy Food Essay Crafting an essay on the subject of "Healthy Food" presents both challenges and opportunities. On one hand, the topic is broad and multifaceted, offering a plethora of information to explore. On the other hand, the abundance of information can be overwhelming, requiring meticulous research and careful selection of relevant content. To begin with, delving into the intricacies of nutrition, dietary habits, and their impact on overall well-being demands a comprehensive understanding of scientific principles. Analyzing the latest research findings, interpreting nutritional guidelines, and presenting accurate information in a coherent manner are critical aspects of the process. Moreover, one must navigate through diverse perspectives on what constitutes a "healthy" diet, considering cultural, regional, and individual variations. The challenge extends to creating a well-structured and engaging essay that captures the reader's attention from the introduction to the conclusion. Balancing the technical aspects of nutritional science with a writing style that is accessible to a broad audience requires a delicate touch. It involves translating complex concepts into layman's terms without oversimplifying, ensuring that the essay remains informative and interesting. Furthermore, addressing potential counterarguments and presenting a nuanced view adds another layer of complexity. The essay should not merely preach the benefits of healthy eating but should also acknowledge the challenges people face in adopting and maintaining such habits. Striking the right balance between motivation and realism is crucial. Editing and refining the essay to meet academic or publication standards add another dimension to the difficulty. The meticulous review of grammar, syntax, and overall coherence is essential to ensure that the essay effectively communicates its message. Additionally, properly citing sources and adhering to formatting guidelines contribute to the overall complexity of the task. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Healthy Food" demands a blend of scientific knowledge, effective communication skills, and an understanding of the diverse factors influencing dietary choices. It's a task that requires careful research, thoughtful analysis, and skilled articulation. While challenging, successfully navigating these complexities results in a rewarding and informative piece that contributes to the discourse on promoting well-being through healthy eating habits. For those seeking assistance in crafting essays or exploring a variety of topics, a resource like can provide valuable support. Professional writers and a diverse range of topics are available to help individuals navigate the intricacies of essay writing. Healthy Food Essay Healthy Food Essay
  • 2. Recyclability Of Recycling Although there are numerous benefits to recycling such as a whole job and market industry and environmental conservation, majority of these benefits cannot be accessed without the participation of the public. Unfortunately, a large majority of the general population does not recycle mostly because of the time it takes to simply sort recyclables or take to a drop off facility. Therefore, a new system should be put in place and spread to increase the recyclingparticipation to completely access the benefits of recycling and to reach a strong level of sustainability. Thankfully, most people are motivated by money or lack thereof, so a deposit system would motivate more people to recycle by giving them the choice to make their money back and recycle or simply lose money. Additionally, this deposit system would motivate the public because they would simply input a relatively low time cost for a financial reward. Because of these known motivational trends, the deposit system will definitively improve the recycling participation rate leading to increased environmental conservation and a solid level of sustainability. Although the deposit system seems very complicated, it involves a very simple idea with a clear goal of increasing the recycling participation rate. Under the deposit system, when a customer buys a water bottle or another material depending on the restriction and laws of the state, the customer would pay an additional set dollar amount such as five cents. If the
  • 3. The Ultimate Fighting Championship The Ultimate Fighting Championship The Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) is recognized as one of the fastest rising sports in America today. In a matter of two short years, it has gone from an underground spectacle with evolving rules and standards to a recognized sport with a mass fan following comparable in number to professional wrestling in the В‘80s and В‘90s. The demand the sport has on a fighter s body and the endless time devoted to training that a fighter must endure have solidified the UFC s place as a serious contender for the newest, world recognized sport. The excitement and electricity felt by fans viewing the fight live and by those at home make the UFC, in my opinion, the best sport in the United States today.... Show more content on ... Set aside the physical demands of conditioning, a fight lasts as short as a one punch knock out to the full fifteen to twenty minute battle. Twenty minutes of being punched in the face, kicked in the ribs legs and face, getting body slammed onto the wooden mat, and being choked until submission or loss of consciousness would toughen a human far more than the toll a body takes in any other sport. Another factor that is somewhat overlooked is the effect fans have on a sport and its events. With a truly passionate group of fans, a sport can really excel. The quick growth of the UFC fan base may cause the opposition to question the true loyalty and passion of the fans of the UFC. Just watching an event live, however, you can really see the intrigue and energy in the building. And if the sport pulls you in, you may feel the energy yourself. One reason for this energy is the sheer excitement of a fight. Another reason, and possibly the reason for the excitement, is the complexity of the sport of MMA. At first glance of an uninformed eye, the UFC literally looks like an unorganized street fight in an octagon shaped cage. Upon spending a small amount of time openly watching a single fight, one will begin to recognize the commonly referred chess like precision of a fight. This is possibly the most important reason I feel this sport is at the top of all
  • 4. Aircraft Instruments System Reviewer ANEROID sensitive component in an altimeter or barometer that measures absolute pressure of the air. Sealed, flat capsule made of thin corrugated disks of metal soldered together and evacuated by pumping all of the air out of it. PRESSURE amount of force acting on a given unit of area and all pressure must be measured from some known references. BAROMETRICSCALE/KOLLSMAN WINDOW small window in the dial of a sensitive altimeter in which the pilot sets the barometric pressure level from which the altitude shown on the altimeter is measured. AIRSPEED INDICATOR A flight instrument that measures the differential between the pitot, of ram air pressure and the static pressure of the air surrounding the aircraft. BOURDON TUBE type ... Show more content on ... ISOGONIC LINE a line drawn on an aeronautical chart along which the angular difference between the magnetic and geographic north poles is the same. AGONIC LINE a line drawn on an aeronautical chart along which there is no angular difference between the magnetic geographic north poles. RATE GYROS mounted in single gimbals and they operate on the characteristic of precession. ECAM Electronic Centralized Aircraft System * 2 ECAMS display * Engine Warning Display * System Display EFIS Electronic Flight Instrument System ADIRU Air data /Inertial Reference unit and located rear ECAM ADR (Air Data Input) Input: AOA, TAT, and Pitot amp; static ports. Output: Airspeed, Mach no., Barometric altitude, TAT, Static Air Temp. And Sensors. Inertial Reference Section (output) * Gives inertial data to the EFIS. ADIRS control and display unit (CDU) located at the overhead panel. GENEREAL SYSTEMS 1st group * ADIRUs * DDRMI * ISIS 2nd group * GPS * TCAS * DME * ADF * VOR 3rd group * ILS * Marker Receivers 4th group * EGPWS * RAs * WXR * PWS DME measures a slant distance from an aircraft to a station. FWC Flight Warning Computer (Oral amp; Visual) ISIS Enhanced/Integrated Standby Instrument System * Replaces 3 conventional standby instruments * Capable of ILS EIS Electronic Instrument System SDAC System Data Acquisition Concentrators
  • 5. How To Create A Mash-Up In The Wizard Of Oz And The... We ve created a mash up of The Wizard of Oz and The Princess Bride. The Wicked Witch of the West, played by Lindy Arsenault, wakes up from a nap to discover that Dorothy, played by Gabrielle Hopping Merlino, has stolen her ruby slippers. The film follows the Witch in her attempt to track down the shoes. Dorothy leads her on a wild goose chase around campus until she eventually finds Dorothy who challenges the Witch to a battle of the wits. Our goal was to create a comedic homage to two of our favorite movies. We were limited in terms of location due to a snowstorm that decided to roll in the weekend we had planned for filming. We then picked locations around campus that had minimal background noise. Because of the location and our film budget,
  • 6. Data Storage And Communication Systems Essay Abstract Encryption is widely used to ensure security in data storage and communication systems. This paper introduces a new concept for image encryption using a new method we named it Meaning Of Location (MOL) . In this method, the private key is an image that converted into RGB numbers and the public keyis random integers used to permutate the image. The location of the RGB will be used to encrypt the plaintext. The performance of this algorithm is investigated against many different attacks such as ciphertext attacks, plaintext attacks and brute force attack. The analysis and statistical tests show the strength of this algorithm. The results show that the MOL algorithm is suitable for securing wired and wireless communication systems such as smartcards and cell phone services. Keywords AES, Encryption, Decryption, DES, RSA, MOL TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.INTODUCTION.....................................1,2 2. OVERVIEW OF THE IMAGE DATA .............2,3 3. MEANING OF LOCATION ALGORITHM........3,4 4. STATISTICAL TESTS ...............................4 5. SMART CARDS.....................................4,5 REFERENCES........................................................5Biography.................................................... 1. INTRODUCTION The requirements of information security within an organization have undergone two major changes in the last several decades. Before the widespread use of data processing equipment , the security of information felt to be valuable was provided primarily by physical and administrative
  • 7. Lord Brahm The Father Of Hindu Gods And God Brahma, the father of Hindu gods and men, is depicted as the creator of the universe. He is the first member of the Hindu Trinity and ruler of all. Brahma is acknowledged as the creator as he periodically creates everything in the universe, periodically due to the Hindu cyclical belief of everything being created for a certain period of time and destroyed only to be renewed in a new form once again. Of the three greatest Hindu deities, Lord Brahmadominates the first position, that of the creator. As creator of all things, Brahma must have people of his own flesh; the most significant one, Goddess Saraswathy, consort and daughter of Brahma. Besides Saraswathy, there are four sages that roam the universeas Brahma s first mind born creations and sons; Sanaka, Sanatana, Sananadana and Sanatkumara. The four Kumaras were the only sons born out of Brahma s mind rather than his body and were the only ones who refused his order to procreate, therefore devoted themselves to Vishnuand celibacy. Brahma then went on to creating ten sons (Prajapatis) from his mind, who are acknowledged as the fathers of the human race. Lord Brahma s birth story is unique in its setting. He is said to have been born from Vishnu s navel through the lotus flower. After the great flood, Vishnu summoned his creative powers and formed earth in the shape of a lotus escalating from his navel. It is believed that Brahma developed from this lotus, therefore having the lotus symbolize his birth. Brahma then
  • 8. Sophisticated Weapons Sophisticated weaponry is usually acquired by the most funded organizations. The usage of automatic weapons is also becoming common during terrorist attacks. Hijacking aircrafts is also one of the most known terrorism tactic in the world. It also occurred during the 9/11 attacks when four commercial airlines were hijacked simultaneously. However, with modern techniques used in counterterrorism on airports and travelling in general, the incident rate of successful hijacking has decreased. Another historically used means of terrorismis employing biological and chemical weapons. The damage of these weapons depends upon the execution method and quantity used. Many countries in the world have used both chemical as well as biological weapons in
  • 9. Holmes Vs Watson In all stories there are characters that make it worthwhile. Sherlock Holmes is a witty, yet arrogant young man. He solves crime in a short amount of time, with the help of his partner Dr. Watson. He boasts about his intelligence and acts like he is better than most people. Dr.Watson on the other hand is a feeble and polite man. He was a military doctor, who got injured, and is usually uplifting Sherlock. These two characters are very different, but share many of the same qualities like being unsociable, zealous, pompous, and fortitudinous. Given these points, Holmes and Watson s similarities and differences make them a strong and unstoppable team. Sherlock Holmes and Dr.Watson are two young men with different personalities, but many similar characteristics. Sherlock and Watson are also fortitudinous because Watson was a ... Show more content on ... Sherlock is very arrogant and rude because in A Study in Scarlethe sniffs sardonically to a positive comment from Dr.Watson. He also rudely says What the deuce is it to me? , during a conversation he and Dr.Watson were having, after Watson protests to his explanation. However, Dr.Watson is feeble because in A Study in Scarlet he states I am not strong enough to stand much noise or excitement . He also is polite because in A Study in Scarlet he congratulated Sherlock though he was being very arrogant. For the most part Sherlock and Watson are as different as they are alike. Above all, Sherlock and Dr.Watson s differences and similarities make them a sturdy and unconquerable team.Sherlock and Watson are equally similar as they are different. They get along with each other well and despite their similarities they sometimes bicker because of their differences. Together the duo is pompous and fortitudinous. Watson is feeble and polite whereas Sherlock is very arrogant and rude. In conclusion some divergent people can make the perfect
  • 10. Beautiful Music of the Middle Ages Beautiful music is the art of the prophets that can calm the agitations of the soul, it is one of the most magnificent and delightful presents God has given us Martin Luther. Music was a part of life then and it is a part of life today. Without music, life itself would be a mistake. Seeing the changes over the years is a great way to follow the patterns and differences this way of communicating has shown us. Some of the more popular music was the Gregorian Chant, Organum, Motet and Madrigal. In the early Middle Ages around 590 ACE the Gregorian Chant was popularized by Pope Gregory the Fourth. The Gregorian Chant was a form of monophonic tune of the Roman Catholic Church (Music Through the Ages). Monophonic is a musical style employing a single melodic line without accompaniment. This style was oral by tradition and only served as a memory aid for a singer who already knew the melody ( Memorizing is a difficult task, it is even harder to memorize music that was taught to them orally. Gregorian melodies are traditionally written using neumes, an early form of musical notation ( These neumes later formed the modern four and five line staff development. Being a monophonic tune the Gregorian Chant was losing interest and a new style was born. In the Musica Enchiriadis musical handbook , Organum consisted of two melodic lines moving simultaneously note against note. Organum changed the way of music for the medieval people;
  • 11. The United States And Capitalism Valeria Castro Professor Bell History 20W (section 59) 1 December 2014 Paper #2 It is often said that history is written by the victor. Growing up, we have been indoctrinated that the United States and capitalism are the moral choices in the perceptions of government. These views of our history are rooted in our countries past, and since we learn from our pasts, we carry forward a view of the United States moral dominance in world affairs. Yet during the cold war, the United States was not the only country portrayed as the moral center of the world. After the end of World War Two, the Soviet Unionand the United States fought a war of words, the Cold War, for supremacy and world influence. The tones of these arguments were that both sides and their opposing forms of government were the pinnacle of moral standing. This war of words extended to the battlefield as third world nations, seeking freedom from their colonial oppressors who were torn apart by allegiance to either the Communist system of the Soviet Union or the Capitalist system of the United States. It was the Soviet Union and the United States that waged the war of idealism, chastising each other s moral vacancy, while members of smaller countries, such as Vietnam, turned to both the powers as a means of improving their own lives while caring little for the verbiage of the battling superpowers. The two ideological heads of the Cold War were the United States and the Soviet Union. The ideas that the two sides
  • 12. Brief Description Of The Business Model Of Adidas Brief description of Business Model of Adidas. Adidas business model is represented in a variety of aspects. Those of which will be discussed include technology, sell channels, customers, ability to innovate and geography. The technological advances in the last ten years means Adidas are more accessible to customers than ever before. Customers are able to shop online as well as on their smartphones causing a surge in demand. This in turn affects their suppliers. Adidas need to invest more in suppliers to keep up with higher demand. This means opening more stores, and Adidas have plans to expand worldwide by 2020, as well as factories to produce their products. Growth in technology has a profound effect on Adidas business model. Sell Channels of Adidas also change with growing technology and with growing trends in the fashion and sport industry. Adidas sell channels include from production in factories to stores and outlets and finally to the consumer. This however isn t the only sell channel Adidas use. There is also the technological side of it, ... Show more content on ... Changes in standards, calling for them to be more Universalist, will surely mean change in labour conditions, change in price and cost, and with the majority of Adidas manufacturing in China (65%), this will presumably cause an unwelcomed change to their business model. Geopolitical tensions cause for a multinational corporation like Adidas an unnerving feeling when they have such a huge market share in China (13.8%) as well as it being their biggest source of manufacturing, at a time when Adidas are in a new expansion process, it is not the most ideal situation. This will be further elaborated on below. Corruption investigations into China s Domestic Environment would also sit negatively with a company like Adidas. Having that negative reports is not good for marketing and advertising of the
  • 13. Janice Mirikitani Suicide Note The poem, Suicide Note by Janice Mirikitani is very similar to the song, Jumper by Third Eye Blind but differentiates in many ways, also. These two pieces of work are very much similar in the way their themes are expressed through the use of imagery and symbolism to help tell their story about suicide and how it has affected them. The two pieces also differentiate when it comes to who is actually narrating the story and the tone of voice being used. There is a lot of relationship between the themes of the poem, Suicide Note and the song, Jumper . Both of these works seem to correlate with the overall theme of suicide. The poem, Suicide Note , reflects on the tragedy of certain cultures where women are so degraded and devalued that they
  • 14. Privacy Is One Of The Problems Of Media Privacy Now a day, privacy is one of the problems of media ethics in our life. The Longman dictionary defines privacy as the state of being able to be alone, not seen or heard by other people, and free from public attention. We may recognize that it is simple to keep privacy; nonetheless, journalists and people don t keep it even through they know that it is important. Furthermore, the tendency that it will be fine even if you do not keep privacy is getting stronger year by year. One of the reasons is because technology is developing rapidly in the world. This evidence is that a lot of people bring with them their smart phones and computers to the evidence of this. Stefano Taddei said, The results suggest practical implications for online social network providers, most of all with regard to privacy policies in online environments (2013). In the future, the providers will develop and affect us positive and negative through using technology. I believe that privacy is most important for the future because privacy is the origin of the media ethics, which is about indecency, control, and truthfulness. I think that privacy is a problem of particular importance concerning human s virtue in this time. First, the problem is indecency. Some argue that indecency in media encourages people to mimic the behavior they see in the news stories from sensational movies. They are prevalent to even children recently; moreover, these influences will remain strong even when the children became
  • 15. High Cost Of Abortion Essay What many people do not realize is that most of the time when a woman gets her first abortion it is not uncommon to see them have another. Maybe it s due to the fact that their health care provider covers the cost of the abortion. Or in their case it is easier for them to get pregnant and then abort it rather than getting on some form of birth control. Neither is an excuse to killing an unborn fetus. The majority of the data came from voluntary reports of legal abortions to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This data was supplemented (when necessary) by data from multiple sources, compiled by Wm. Robert Johnston. Based on statistics from 1970 2016. The average likelihood that a woman had 3+ prior abortions was 7.4%. This... Show more content on ... This would be a prime example of when a woman should be able to have an abortion regardless on how far along she is. The national rape related pregnancy rate is 5.0% per rape among victims of reproductive age (aged 12 to 45); among adult women an estimated 32,101 pregnancies result from rape each year. Among 34 cases of rape related pregnancy, the majority occurred among adolescents and resulted from assault by a known, often related perpetrator. Only 11.7% of these victims received immediate medical attention after the assault, and 47.1% received no medical attention related to the rape. A total 32.4% of these victims did not discover they were pregnant until they had already entered the second trimester (Johnston). The abortion laws should not constrict woman in a time frame due to some people not realizing their pregnant until it s too late by law to undergo an abortion. In my eyes I don t believe it s the timing of the fetus removal that tend to make people go against the abortion, but the reason to why the woman is undergoing the procedure. If the country made the laws stricter on to who is able to undergo an abortion, I believe prolife advocates and prochoice advocates would both agree with each
  • 16. The Importance Of Formative Assessment In The Classroom Incident two demonstrates a range of different assessment strategies which were used within the maths carousel lesson. The intentions and learning outcomes of this lesson were to explore and identify key concepts of division as well as being able to recall prior knowledge to help the children with their comprehension of the topic which would continue throughout the week. The learning objectives were outlined at the beginning of the lesson to the children to ensure that they understood what was expected ofthem and so they would be able to reflect upon these throughout the lesson (Williams and Cliffe, 2011). Formative assessment, which was used to help improve teaching and learning, can be viewed as an effective way to determine and improve the quality of learning within the classroom (Black and Wiliam, 2009). However, it could be argued that formative assessment is infrequently used within the classroom, suggesting that summative assessment is the focus within education, as it helps to capture accurate results which can be compared against a specific standard (Graham et al., 2017) (Marsh, 2007). This is also exemplified in the work undertaken by Yan and Cheng (2015) as they state that some teachers may give up on the adoption of formative assessment due to short time frames and the pressures of summative examinations. William and Black (1996), Torrance and Pryor (2001) and Taras (2008) observe that formative assessment eventually leads into summative assessment, as learning
  • 17. An Website Design For Childminding Matchmaking Services # Abstract Website is a convenient platform for companies to get closer to their clients at anytime and anywhere; it also can aid people who has just started their business in some particular ways. Moreover, using the website as a primary matchmaking tool could save much time and budget by offering directly specialized services. The aim of this report is to demonstrate why website is so valuable in analysis users requirement and to present how useful the website is. A customer survey about the relationship between customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and the website quality was conducted within this website. The results indicate that the quality of website has positive impact on the CSI (Customer Satisfaction Index). It is recommended... Show more content on ... # Section 1 So far, we built up the website for Mary Poppins (MP) based upon ANU cloud server. Obviously, ANU server is a cost efficient method for startup business, and the admin can easily use, maintain and upgrade in comparison to traditional desktop software. Another advantage could be backing up your data in the cloud and easily recovering the lost data due to almost permanent store (Viswanathan, 2015). Moreover, cloud server gives you the merit of quick deployment and help you to access your information from anywhere. However, this website design could not fit into the large scale of business. ANU cloud server is free to ANU students and staff, while the data storage limits the website future growth. When the database inserts much more fields and attributes into tables coming from this website, the query speed of this cloud server will slump. Moreover, the flexibility, controllability, extensibility and resource reusability from this server will degrade performance compared to large scale cloud server. Any other technical issues may happen to cloud server as usual, such as power outage, time delay, overload. While MP relies on the smooth operation of its database servers and any outages could have a great impact on their business. Furthermore, cyber attacks seem to
  • 18. Australian Politics And Its Impact On Social And Economic... Australian and American politics are both polarised by clashing philosophies between two major parties dominating the system, however, the United States is faced with a greater political dichotomy stunting the growth of legislation on social and economic issues. In Australian politics, these parties are the Australian Labor Partyand the Liberal National Party and in the United States the Democratic Party and the Republican Party clash. These parties lie on opposite ends of the traditional political spectrum. The ALP and the Democratic Party both lie on the left, liberal end and the LNP and the Republican Party and the right, conservative end. While other parties exist in these states, the two most mainstream parties control legislation... Show more content on ... The social problem of immigration has manifested through the treatment of asylum seekers and refugees in Australia. In the United States immigration has divided citizens as Republican have advocated tightening border control from Canada and Mexico. Both countries struggle to find a policy that advocates positively for the citizens of their countries and these individuals coming to a new country. Economic issues also divide parties and can range from taxation to setting budgets. Parties must use economics both to protect their citizens and maintain their place in the global world. Economic issues have the tendencies to stem from social issues. Defence spending is an economic issue that is highly divisive between political parties in Australia and the United States. No international definition of military expenditures exists; however, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute defines it as all costs incurred as a result of current military activities (Monitoring Military Expenditures para 1). Australia and the United States both face polarisation between their two major parties in setting the defence budget. Australia faces a polarisation based on budget setting and parties perceptions of the essentialness of being prepared to handle being a Western country in the
  • 19. Globalization and the Northern Territory Intervention Globalization, a contested concept among leading theorists in its definition, chronology, and measurement of effects, is almost certainly of a multidimensional nature if such theorists perspectives are all taken equally into consideration. The broad phenomenon of globalization can therefore be scrutinised more closely by separation and analysis of individual dimensions, such as its political, economic, cultural and ecological dimensions. This approach, while allowing for a more focused examination of the causes and effects of globalizationwithin a single dimension, serves to highlight the interconnectedness of each dimension. The following essay will expose the complex interconnection between the political, economic and cultural... Show more content on ... The political dimension of globalization is evident in the harnessing of neoliberal ideology to enforce and justify sanctions upon Indigenous communities within the Northern Territory (Craig Porter, 2006; Scrimgeour, 2007). Several of the more contested components of the Northern Territory Intervention were born of think tank publications, which set this neoliberal agenda (Scrimgeour, 2007). Neoliberalism is fostered by a global network of think tanks, which are underwritten by corporate sponsors and bring elitist ideals into the mainstream and popular opinion (Scrimgeour, 2007). Australia s major think tanks are the Institute for Public Affairs (IPA) and the Centre for Independent Studies (CIS), both of which receive major funding from mining companies (Scrimgeour, 2007). Such think tanks, promoting neoliberal ideals of deregulation, liberalization, and privatisation of the market and public assets, as well as supporting the dismantling of the welfare state, have considerable influence on the ideology of the Government in forming policy (Scrimgeour, 2007). From 2000 to 2004, the IPA published 33 articles on Indigenous matters, most of which promoted the idea that previous Indigenous policies of land rights and
  • 20. Traumatic Effects And Responses Of The United States Traumatic Effects and Responses Abstract There have been growing cases of traumatic effects and responses in the United States. While most agree that this increasing incident deserves concrete attention, consensus dissolves around how to handle the difficulties of handling traumatic effects and responses. This research paper will discuss the traumatic effects and responses with its related difficulties and treatment options with the inclusion of biblical concepts and principles. From a medical perspective, trauma has affected the lives of millions of people from across the world whereby they suffer silently without the hope of getting effective treatment. However, spirituality and religion has changed the medical landscape in regards to trauma because traumatic patients can finally experience a fulfilling life without any fear of traumatic reminders crippling the quality of their lives. To explore the outcome of spirituality and religion, this research paper will explain in detail the benefits of patients engaging in religious teachings and spiritual rituals in boosting their inner being. Trauma Its termed as an emotional aftermath because of major events such as war, rape, kidnapping, abuse or surviving a natural calamity that an individual directly experienced. Traumatic reactions are usually normal but in some instances, it can be severe whereby the individual experiences flashbacks, memory lapse, headaches or nausea (Levers, 2012). Medical professionals term
  • 21. A Lesson Before Dying Conflict Essay Racial inequality is a major source of conflict historically and presently in society. In Ernest J. Gaines , A Lesson Before Dying, he focuses on the racial divide of 1940s America. Set in a small Cajun community, Gaines narrative highlights the vicious cycles of poverty and racism, documents the change in character Jefferson and his eventual embodiment of a hero figure, and relays the harsh racial tension Gaines noted in society. Historically it was not uncommon for African Americans to be convicted of crimes they did not commit. In Gaines novel this fact is the basis of the plot. Jefferson a young black man is convicted of murder and charge with the death penalty. Just before conviction Jefferson s own lawyer stated, Why I would just as soon put a hog in the electric chair as this (8), setting the racially tense undertone of the narrative and the basis of the main conflict to impart some pride upon Jefferson when he is sent to his death. The duty to make him a man falls upon Professor Grant Wiggins whom visits Jefferson at the jail. Jefferson begins to document the changes in his own character through writing and notes good by mr wigin tell them I m a man good by mr wigin (232) towards the conclusion of the novel. This change in Jefferson s character is noted and treasured by the ... Show more content on ... When analyzing the main conflict of the novel, racism , Gaines is trying to promote his larger message of promoting education and racial equality and the struggles of poverty historically. This is reflected in the society of his novel. He symbolizes the progress he is seeing by using police Paul and Grant s friendship which can be fully appreciated in Paul s admission of friendship when he states Allow me to be your friend, Grant Wiggins. I don t ever want to forget this day. I don t ever want to forget him
  • 22. Enemy Of The People The Goodman Theatre s production of An Enemy of the People was an entertaining adaptation of Ibsen s controversial play. Dr. Thomas Stockmann thinks he is a hero for discovering bacteria in the community s baths, but his brother, Mayor Stockmann, sees the situation in a different light. Releasing Dr. Stockmann s discovery to the public would ruin the community s main source of revenue, and fixing the infrastructure mistake would cost an immense amount of time and money. The performance follows Dr. Stockmann s cycle of personal discoveries and outbursts of frustration, while certain members of Stockmann s community cannot seem to make up their mind on who they support. In the midst of both a political and moral crisis, self interest is a driving... Show more content on ... Stockmann s boys, Eilif and Morten, as well as a loyal friend of the Stockmann family, Captain Horster. The importance of Eilif and Morten was replaced by Dr. Stockmann s new wife, Katherine, being pregnant with the couple s first child. Katherine s pregnancy made sure that Dr. Stockmann could still fulfill his hope to raise a future generation of truth supporters. Additionally, Katherine s emotional surges exemplified the mood swings experienced during pregnancy. The decision to leave out Captain Horster left Dr. Stockmann with no one but his wife and daughter, Petra, to support him. Without a community ally Dr. Stockmann appears extremely alone when the play concludes, but in his aloneness Dr. Stockmann still remains strong in his
  • 23. Implications of the Bertrand Model In 1893 French economist Joseph Bertrand developed his Bertrand model of competition from his review of Antoine Cournots study of a Spring Water duopoly. His criticism lay with how firms in oligopolies compete. In his model firms compete with prices rather than Cornots quantities. (REFERENCE TO SPANISH JOURNAL) The model consists of two firms who set prices simultaneously and independently (HUGH GRAVIELLE AND AY REES, MICROECONOMICES), jean tiral explains this as when one firm sets its price it is ignorant to its rival s price, rather it anticipates what they will charge. It is assumed products are homogeneous and perfect substitutes (ECCSTRAT) and due to the nature of the product the firm supplying output at the lowest price will gain... Show more content on ... The two firms generated low profit, as Bertrand competition predicts, until GE changed the rules of the game by introducing a price book. The process effectively set a higher market price and guaranteed higher profits, the price publishing behaviour continued successfully until 1975 when the US Department of Justice investigated the industry. Price books were ruled to breach anti competition laws and the firms were fined. The book, Technology and Transformation in the American Electric Utility Industry by Richard F. Hirsh goes into this example in much greater depth. This is an important example as it demonstrates that Bertrand competition can exist in the real world. However the assumption of zero profits, or in the example, low profits encourages companies to collude to set higher prices and make positive profits. The Bertrand model also assumes that with the entrant of a second firm into the market, and the subsequent Nash equilibrium, price equal to marginal cost, removes the need for policy makers to intervene. However form the previous example this is obviously false as policy makers did have to intervene and sanctions were made. To stress this point, another example; Pakistan s Federal Cabinet moved powers of oil price fixation to the Oil Companies Advisory Committee in 2001, through flawed polices profits of the duopolists Pakistan State Oil and Shell
  • 24. Chapter I Chapter I: The Beginning Our story starts in a slightly dilapidated looking house, where a toddler s second birthday is being celebrated I think I know a little someone who wants some cake... cooed Jack s mom Jack laughed cutely Here comes the train, through the tunnel. Choo Choo! Knocking can be heard in the background What s that noise? Jack stay right here, I ll be... right back. warned Jack s mom What are you doing here, I told you never to come back. shouted Jack s mom from down the hall I wanted to see Jack. I wanted to give him this. said Jack s dad No! You can t see him, you re a bad influence! You re a bad influence, I bet you didn t even remember today was his birthday. Jack s mom went to her pistol, A gunshot can be heard in the background. Give... Jack... this croaked Jack s dad in his last moments as he gave Jack s mom a present. Jack s mom came back down the hall Look what I found! She exclaimed Let s go to your bedroom and find out what it is! Jack s mom carried Jack to his nursery Oooo, look it s a teddy bear. I ll leave you in your crib with your present, and you can play for a little while. The box was shaking and noises could be heard from inside the box. Jack, please tip the box. grunted the box Why? asked Jack Because I need to get out of here Who are you? Ermm... Just please tip the box You sound like daddy. Jack, just call me Todd Now push. the. box. Jack pushed the box over
  • 25. Types of Image Compression for Medical Imaging Essay Medical imaging, as we all know, is the process of taking images of various parts of the human body for diagnostic and surgical purposes. Some of the popular medical imaging modalities are X ray radiography, Magnetic resonance imaging, Medical ultrasound, Computed tomography etc. Since, these images contain clinical data of extreme importance for treatment follow ups and are acquired at cost of radiation exposure, infrastructure, money and time involved. Thus, once acquired, the medical imagingdata should not be disposed off casually, instead it should be retained so that it can be utilized for various medical applications and the chances of repeated testing can be minimized. Also, maintaining electronic health records of patients serves... Show more content on ... In other words an optimal compression ratio should be chosen so as to suit the needs of medical examination, without compromising with its diagnostic value [2]. 1.2 Types of Compression Image compression can be classified into two types viz. lossless and lossy compression. Lossless compression is the technique of reducing the size of an image without any virtual loss of information. It is also known as reversible form of image compression since the image obtained after compression and then decompression resembles the original one. Typical compression ratios that can be achieved ranges from 1.5 to 3.6 [3]. Conversely, lossy or irreversible form of compression techniques are those in which some or the other information is always lost. Though, lossy compression algorithms are capable of compressing images at ratios much higher than that achieved from lossless compression thus, ensuring faster rates of transmission and lesser storage space. However, the regenerated image is not guaranteed to be an exact replica of the original image, as some data is lost permanently, which will cause error during decompression. Typical compression ratios achieved may range from 5 to 50. Though lossy data compression is often acceptable but the game is not that easy when it comes to medical images. The data from medical imaging examination should possess certain requirements for fidelity [3]. 1.3 Barriers to image compression Lossy compression:
  • 26. Re-Articulation Of Music Analysis During the Aboriginal Australian portion of class, we talked about the re articulation of music. This theme of re articulation was seen in the 1991 song Treaty by aboriginal Australian group Yothu Yindi, the Pygmy Hindewhu beats in Watermelon Man by Herbie Hancock and Sanctuary by Madonna, as well as Solomon Lindas Mbube, and a bit during Graceland. The re articulation of music has been happening for decades and we ve read about it in textbooks but most topics don t affect people until they are actually touched by the situation. In 2010 I was personally immerse in the re articulation of music when I attended the South African World Cup. The International Federation of Association Football (FIFA), chose Colombian artist Shakira to sing the... Show more content on ... ZangalГ©wa , also known as, or re branded as WAKA WAKA , was originally recorded by the Cameroonian band Golden Sounds in 1986. However, even before that, the song was said to have been adapted from military marches of unknown origins that go back as far as World War II. Despite this appropriation from the public domain, the location of original authorship for the purpose of remuneration has been attributed to Golden Sounds (Halbert, 118). My mother also told me, my aunt who is 64 years of age, use to actually sing Waka Waka while in primary school, in Cameroon, during community service event and/or athletic games! When Golden Sounds released their version of WAKA WAKA , the song was popular all throughout Africa however also in Colombia, Shakira s native country and there are two different versions of the song. The original version, according to the BBC Music Chart site, was about an undisclosed event which is about to happen for Africa, in which everyone gets together and enjoys the fruit of their hard work, even though there have been many hardships along the way (McAlpine ) However, the spanish version fails to reference the war metaphor and focuses on problematic situations that doesn t relate to South
  • 27. Preferred Learning Style How do I learn best? Why is it important for me to know my preferred learning style? What type of educational strategies do I tend to use when providing family/groups with education. There are many different learning strategies to assist with learning. Everyone is different in the way they learn. Personally, I learn best by using combinations of learning strategies. I typically use visual, hands on techniques and I recently started utilizing auditory learning. It doesn t matter how many times I hear instructions or a lesson I need to read it and write it down to completely dissect what I am trying to learn. I find color coordinating my notes helps me associate groups and key concepts. I never really learned from auditory listening until I
  • 28. Alzheimer s Neuropathology The Neuropathology of Alzheimer s Disease In 1907, reports became available on the autopsy completed by neuroanatomist and neurologist Alois Alzheimer (Swerdlow, 2007). His patient, Auguste D. was known to be suffering from memory problems. His autopsy on her brain demonstrated an overall cell loss with a significant reduction in the size of gyri accompanied with increased sulci size as well as a multitude of plaques and tangles once analyzed at a microscopic level. Since this was the first case study associated with plaques and tangles in the brain, there was an opportunity to put a new to this new condition that Auguste D. suffered from. Emil Kraepelin, chairman of Alzheimer s academic department, did just that. She filed to have presenile... Show more content on ... Over the years many researchers have progressed in our knowledge base of the pathology behind beta amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. This understanding of pathology has created several new clinical trials that have allowed us to come closer to understanding the complexity of Alzheimer s. Unfortunately, we are still unsure if the plagues and tangles that are seen in autopsy are responsible for Alzheimer s or just expressed symptoms of an undiscovered neuropathology. Many hypotheses float around to explain the cause of these plagues and filaments, but we are years away from finding concrete evidence to defend or prove these
  • 29. Private Investigator There are a lot of reasons you may want to hire a private investigator, but once you decide on doing this, the problem you will face is how to go about finding a good private investigator agency in San Francisco. The following are a few good tips to help you. Make sure the firm is licensed Anybody can call themselves a private investigator, but here in the state of California, it is a professional occupation that requires a license, and the license does not come easy. Getting a license means passing a state examination. However, before you can take this examination, you must first record over a thousand hours of investigative work. The nature of this work is specified in the licensing requirements and includes working with a licensed private investigator or working in certain areas of law enforcement. An investigator, practicing in the state of California, will have a license number that you can double check with the licensing board. Check their references A private investigator is not only a professional, but works with other professionals such as claims adjusters and attorneys. They will have a well earned reputation that they are protective of and will always conduct themselves professionally. This means that there will be references from companies that have used the their services as well as private clients. Names and contact ... Show more content on ... Usually it is the large firms that offer the broadest range of services. Smaller outfits may have a specialty, so if you are looking to hire a smaller company, you need to make sure your requirements fit their specialty. However, some private investigators who have been in business for many years may still offer a wide range of services, but this is only because of their extensive experience in investigation over the course of many
  • 30. Comparison Of Genesis 1 And The Creation Myth Creation myths, such as Genesis 1 and 2, exist to describe the creation of the creatures, environments, and overall existence through stories in religious texts. On top of this, they establish key aspects of the natural world through how the myth was written, and the relationship between the physical and spiritual world. When trying to understand this aspect, I ve looked at Genesis 1 from the Bible and the creation myth of the Zoroastrian faith. Both of these myths serve as a cosmological explanations of the universe, while going about it in different ways that highlight differences such as the power of God/gods. In the Christian cosmological myth, Genesis 1, the creation of the world is expressed through God s actions within 7 days. Each... Show more content on ... Who created the spiritual realm and the physical world, as well as spiritual beings and the first man and animal. After this, Angra Mainyu, the Evil Spirit, came with the intention of destroying all that Ahura Mazda has created. Since he is as powerful as Ahura, he was able to create evil spiritual beings, and something evil to contrast every good thing that was created prior to this (he was only unable to create a totally evil opposite for humans). He also managed to harm the first human and animal, and while they were dying, they emitted seeds that created the first people and animals of the world. At this point, the Earth is the combination of good and bad that it is known as
  • 31. Russell Wilson Research Paper Jaxon King Mr. Bergmann Senior English P1 1 September 2015 Russell Wilson Can Russell Wilson be the best NFL quarterback within his first three years? Without a doubt Russell Wilson has proved he is better then most hall of fame quarterbacks. By using his statistics, his win loss record, and his super bowl appearances it will show why Russell Wilson is the best quarterback ever. Being a quarterback in your first three years is hard to be compared to some of the hall of famers. Although, hall of famers like Joe Montana, Terry Bradshaw, and Johnny Unitas had great careers, Russell Wilson is the best quarterback in his first three years. Russel Wilson s statistics were more superior then some of the greatest quarterbacks in history. Russell Wilson... Show more content on ... Joe Montana had a record of twenty one wins, and twenty seven losses. Terry Bradshaw had a record of twenty two wins twenty six losses. Johnny Unitas had a record of twenty one wins, and fifteen losses. Johnny Unitas played when a regular season consisted of twelve games. Do not let that fool you because if you were to take the percentage of all those records you will clearly see Russell Wilson has the best record. Russell Wilson won a total of thirty six out of forty eight games. His percentage was he won seventy five percent of his games. Joe Montana won forty three percent of his games. Terry Bradshaw won a total of forty five percent of his games. With Johnny Unitas only playing thirty six games and only winning twenty one of those games. He only won fifty eight percent of his games. The final way to prove he is the greatest quarterback to me is his appearances to the super bowl. Russell Wilson has played a total of three full seasons. In those seasons Russell Wilson has made a total of two back to back appearances to the super bowl. Joe Montana has appeared in only one super bowl in his first three years. Terry Bradshaw unfortunately did not appear in any super bowls for his first three years. Johnny Unitas like Joe Montana only appeared in one super bowl in three years. Russell Wilson won one out of two super bowls he appeared in. Russell Wilson was also the youngest
  • 32. Portrayal Of The Afghan Hound Portrayal The Afghan Hound is viewed as a refined sighthound. Tall and slim with a long, tight, refined head, smooth topknot and influential jaws, the back some piece of the head and skull are truly noticeable. The gag is marginally arched and the nose is dark. The Afghan has practically no stop, which is the move region from backskull to gag. The teeth ought to meet in a level or scissors chomp. The dull eyes are almond formed. The ears lie level to the head. The neck is long and solid. The tallness at the shrinks ought to be practically level and the mid region generally tucked up. The hipbones are truly conspicuous. The front legs are solid and straight and the feet are substantial and secured with long hair. The tail has a twist or ring at the tip, yet is not persisted the back. The long, rich, luxurious layer is regularly the shade of sand with a darker face and ear borders, however all colors are allowed. White markings, be that as it may, are disheartened. Personality Gallant, stately, lively, sweet, unwavering, loving and delicate, with a low strength level, the Afghan could be to a degree reserved, yet standardize well. They must be prepared merciful yet in a cool and firm way. The... Show more content on ... Associations with different sorts and breeds from the same range may give intimations to the history. A name for a desert coursing Afghan dog , Tazi (droop e tazi), proposes an imparted set of relatives to the fundamentally the same Tasy breed from the Caspian Sea zone of Russia and Turkmenistan.other sorts or types of comparative appearance are the Taigan from the rugged Tian Shan locale on the Chinese fringe of Afghanistan, and the Barakzay, or Kurram Valley
  • 33. Character Of Buck Everyone knows that Buck is the protagonist of the story Call of the Wild . Basically, the story is about him, his life, his experience and his journey. His life is different from the others. It may not be a good life but it has a lesson, which a lot of us should know and realize. After reading the story, would you like to meet Buck if he was a person? What makes you feel like you want to meet him? What good traits Buck had that you liked? Knowing Buck and his story made me feel like I am very blessed and grateful that I have a family that takes care of me, and a life that is not stolen from me. Buck is a very uncivilized or primitive dog, but he can be very attentive sometimes. Here is a passage from the book that shows evidence:... Show more content on ... This trait of buck shows in this passage: And not only did he learn by experience, but instincts long dead became alive again. The domesticated generations fell from him. In vague ways he remembered back to the youth of the breed, to the time the wild dogs ranged in packs through the primeval forest and killed their meat as they ran it down. It was no task for him to learn to fight with cut and slash and the quick wolf snap. In this manner had fought forgotten ancestors. They quickened the old life within him, and the old tricks which they had stamped into the heredity of the breed were his tricks. They came to him without effort or discovery, as though they had been his always. And when, on the still cold nights, he pointed his nose at a star and howled long and wolflike, it was his ancestors, dead and dust, pointing nose at star and howling down through the centuries and through him. And his cadences were their cadences, the cadences which voiced their woe and what to them was the meaning of the stiffness, and the cold, and dark. In this passage Buck doesn t really let his wild side to come up and devour him, because he still feels an intense connection to some former, primitive version of himself, the dog he
  • 34. A Rose For Emily Book Comparison Have you ever seen a movie after you have read the book and know the story almost word for word and something or things have been altered due to a director expressing his creative liberties of a story? There are significant differences in not only physical characteristics but how events throughout A rose for Emily change between the story and short film. Emily s expected appearance during the city authorities visit in regards to her outstanding taxes. In the book Emily when she walked in they rose when she entered a small, fat woman in black...leaning on an ebony cane with a tarnished gold head, her skeleton was small and spare so what was plumpness in another was obesity in her . This was to show the emotion toll the death of... Show more content on ... This was done to add to the suspense to keep you reading on to how is she going to use the arsenic she bought. the movie however explicitly shows Emily buying the arsenic and not long after in a scene of passion Homer drinks wine that was given to him by Emily. A brief description of arsenic is that arsenic is a tasteless, odorless liquid that can be placed in any liquid without detection, and in that day and age its primary use was rodent killer. This blatancy was done to ensure that the audience would hold onto the thought of where did Emily hide the body for she herself was considered far too fragile to move a body. In that day and age a woman couldn t be treated as anything more than a fragile flower a rose and need to be taken care of, that leaves the old butler there isn t any way he could have performed the deed. It is later discovered that he never left the house he was kept behind a locked door for the rest of Miss Emily s life. Through the town peoples throwing down lye around her house till the smell of death left the air Emily was able to keep his body preserved. This may answer the question of how far someone would go if they lost everything to hang onto eternal
  • 35. In Cold Blood Dialectical Journal Feel Marty walks out of his house and to the main street. He sees hundreds of 30 year olds lined up single file.. The main street was as boring as it always was, the same things were there. Just as usual, on day 3, the 30 year olds were taken away. Marty felt bad for the 30 year olds that he watched being forced into the truck, he felt their suffering even though they could not feel it. Marty could feel, Marty was a strange man. He was 29 years old and he was 2 months away from turning 30. Marty had a secret that he has never told anyone ever before. He had emotion. At months old, babies are injected with 3 shots, one shot to rid of pain, one to rid of color, and one to rid of emotion. Although, marty only received the color, and pain shots.... Show more content on ... Ain t that dandy? Gene replied and started to walk away Aren t you coming? Marty rushed after gene as she marched to the largest tent. Marty shoved the tent flaps out of the way and walked in. The tent appeared to have medical equipment from the stone age thought marty and there were several people sitting in chairs being looked at by doctors. Gene pushed Marty into a wooden chair. A short, chubby man with a white coat and a mustache walked into the tent and looked Marty over. Ahh so you are the one that everyone has been talking about! the doctor said. What do you mean? Marty replied with a puzzled look on his face Well you still don t have pain and color. It s a shame but I can fix that. The doctor pulled a black stick out of his coat s pocket. He opened a flap in the machine behind him and threw the stick in. The machine immediately made a squeaking noise and started emanating a lot of heat. When the machine stopped the doctor opened the door, put on thick gloves and grabbed the
  • 36. Descartes And Descartes s Theories Of Skepticism And... Every person has a unique answer to so called life questions, but experts like Blaise Pascal and Rene Descartes have examined and reasoned with the norms of the enlightenment era. The theologians and philosophers during that time have produced such popular works that they have been used as a foundation for reason today. In Pascal s Pensees, and Descartes Discourse on Method, they take steps to examining and reflecting on their own answers to life questions. If Pascal and Descartes conversed with each other about skepticismand searching for the truth, their approaches would be different and highly critical of each other, but their conclusions would be the same. A life question is one that produces an answer entirely dependent on the individual. Descartes wrote a Discourse on Method, which is his philosophy on how to answer such questions. Pascal wrote Pensees, which is his thought process on how to answer them as well. Both Pascal and Descartes address the issue of skepticism in opposing ways. Descartes, as a skeptic, produces a thinking process to analyze doubt until the truth is found. Pascal takes a more critical approach to skeptics and reveals that a genuine skeptic has never existed. A skeptics argument to find one s purpose through natural reason is not possible, but that God will give you faith through your heart, according to Pascal. Descartes begins his journey for reason by reaching an intense state of thought. By locking himself in a room, he landed on a
  • 37. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth s Relationship Macbeth by William Shakespeare shows the effect of greed/power on a relationship. Is gaining power more important than a relationship? When Macbeth usurps the throne as King of Scotland, he puts aside his relationships to carry out his work as king, and his relationship with Lady Macbeth is, as a result, impacted. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth s relationship shifts somewhat and yet partly remains the same when Macbeth is crowned king of Scotland. Macbeth s relationship remains the same in that he shows Lady Macbeth respect and continues to use words of love to call her by, but it shifts in that Macbeth becomes more independent and does not confide his plans to Lady Macbeth as he had previously. Macbeth s relationship with Lady Macbeth stays the same after he becomes king in that he show her same respect that he did before becoming king. He uses words of love when talking to her. Such tokens of love can be seen before Macbeth becomes king when he writes the letter to Lady Macbeth that contains these words: This have I thought good to deliver/Thee, my dearest partner of greatness... (I.v.10 11) Macbeth writes a letter to his wife about the witches prophecies and uses the phrase, my dearest partner of greatness, showing that he respects her and truly cares for her wellbeing. This same reaction can be seen after Macbeth seizes the throne. When Lady Macbeth and Macbeth express their unhappiness after becoming king and queen, Macbeth says to his wife in a loving way, Be innocent
  • 38. Charles Manson Case First, I chose this case because of the reverberation of Charles Manson and his crimes. I first had knowledge of the Charles Manson case after it was referenced in the TV show, Criminal Minds, after a cult killed 7 people. Charles Manson was born on November 12, 1934 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Manson s life of crime started from as young as 10 years old. His first crime was robbing a liquor store in his home town. During his youth, he was continually sent to juvenile detention centers. However, time and time again he escaped and committed more petty crimes. In 1952, he was sent to the Federal Reformatory in Chillicothe, Ohio. Up until 1966, Manson was constantly in and out of prison. He was finally released from Terminal Island in 1967. Once out of prison, Manson made his to San Francisco with his early followers, including Mary Brunner and about 19 other women. This was the beginning of Manson s cult, The Manson Family. The Family later relocated to Spahn s Movie Ranch. After hearing The Beatles White Album, Manson was convinced that the song Helter Sketler prophesied a race war between Africans Americans Caucasians. His plan was to hide underground in Death Valley, California during the war, in which the Africans would be victorious in. However, he said the African Americans would not know how ... Show more content on ... This time the target was Terry Melcher, an old acquaintance of Manson. Susan Atkins, Linda Kasabian and Patricia Krenwinkel were sent to enact the murder at Melcher s house. However, the Melchers had moved out and instead Sharon Tate, who was a famous actress at the time, her unborn child and three others who were visiting were killed. The Tate murders received national recognition. Atkins, Kasabian and Krenwinkel were identified as the killers and after an eight month trial, they were all sentenced to death. However, in 1972, the death penalty was abolished in California so their punishments were overturned to life
  • 39. Provide Reception Services Provide Reception Services 1 пѓ Understand the purpose of reception services in a business environment: 1.1Explain the purpose of the receptionist role as the first point of contact between the public/client and an organisation: The receptionist that the customer meets/speaks to first needs to give a good impression of the company, they need to appear very professional, this can be portrayed in many different ways including personal appearance and how you are seen to act towards customers. If on the front desk then when anybody comes in they will see you first, you will need to be seen as mature, initiative and show you have respect for other employees and the customer basis. Regardless of any situation you will need to have a positive ... Show more content on ... All thoughts should be positive, once you start having negative thoughts you put yourself down which reflects on how you act towards others. Accept the fact that everyone does have flaws and that is just part of being human, once you accept this you will realise that it s not all as bad as it seems. Instead of focusing on everything that you are unable to do, focus on everything that you excel in, if you re struggling with a task then ask for help and don t let that put you down. Don t bully yourself, don t second guess yourself, if you expect too much of yourself then you ll be disappointed when you don t achieve this. You also cannot blame yourself for everything that goes wrong, not everything is going to be your fault, in some cases when you are 100% wrong apologising is a good quality, but you shouldn t feel the need to apologise for everyone else s mistakes. All of these aspects add to a positive image, which is very important in any company, you need to do all these things for both yourself and also the business; the happier you are the happier the customers are going to be. 2пѓ Understand the procedure to be followed when providing reception services: 2.1Describe the structure and lines of communication in an organisation: Structure and communication both depend on the size of the business, the larger the business the more ways of communication and the wider structure. Flat structures are the most common for smaller businesses, this just allows key staff
  • 40. Cultural Appropriation In Fashion Americans interact with cultures every day. For example, as a young boy goes shopping with his mother at the mall, he becomes intrigued by a decorative blanket in one of the store windows. Its creative designs and unique patterns, he s never seen before. When he asks his mother about the blanket, she explains to him that it is Native American and that all of the tribal art has significance to their culture. This and many other interactions with culture can be described as cultural appropriation. Cultural appropriation is the taking of aspects of a marginalized culture for one s benefit without offering recognition to the culture. This is a controversial topic for society, and people have various opinions on the issue. However, if people in the United States accurately portray and offer recognition to cultures from which they are borrowing, cultural appropriation can significantly benefit society. In the world of fashion, views about cultural appropriation vary significantly. Some people believe that popular culturally appropriated styles insult marginalized cultures. One of their main arguments stems from the fact that celebrities have the means of promoting and making these styles a new trend in society. This in turn allows the celebrity to make more money from these aspects than the marginalized groups (Feeney). On the other hand, others will argue that cultural appropriation can be used to promote marginalized cultures within the fashion world. These aspects can be
  • 41. Familly-Work Conflicts with Women Are females seen as having family work conflicts at Hydrogen Group than their male co workers? Introduction Based on a recent report from the ILO (International Labour Organisation), more females are engaged in work today than ever in the past. Despite a significant improvement in the involvement of females in the labour force with equal experience and qualification level as males, female workers still face the glass ceiling and a number of challenges in career development (McGraw 2011). Family responsibilities, career interruptions and gender relatated differences in work experiences have attemped to justify the lower levels of female career progression (Hakim, 2002). Female workers still п¬Ѓnd that they are differentially treated in terms of career development than their male co workers (Lyons and Smith 2008) moreover, they still being discriminated in workplace (Bell et al.2002). Metz (2009) critisises the common perception that educated and expereinced women cannot fully contribute to their organisations because their main focus is the family care responsibilities. The gaps in exsisting literature encourage to produce this research proposal. Although mentioned issues continue to be important factors preventing women from success in their careers, this study shows the urgency for continous researching that would draw a greater image of career progression of females in a small size organisation. Female career progression is a common issue at the present, therefore it is
  • 42. List Of Some Papers And Presentations LIST OF SOME PAPERS AND PRESENTATIONS (SUMMARY). By Mekobe Ajebe. Asymmetric Proportion of Constitutions: The Ambiguity of Legitimacy and Jurisdictional Arbitrage. (2006). Over one hundred and eighty sovereign states are members of the United Nations and they have different constitutions. Some have to provide for a federal structure, in others although unitary, include different legal systems within the one state. The disparities between constitutions deals with momentous ethnic, linguistic and religious considerations. Their vagueness requires a prudent imposition on what ?is? and what ?ought? to be the law. The premise of this piece is on Global Administrative Law, with an exegesis on critical legal studies. Climate Change and Non Renewable Energy Resources: Productivity and Sustainability. (2011). The prevalence and severity of extreme changes in climate will likely affect how much energy is produced, delivered and consumed all over the world. There?s pressure to produce more energy resources for the growing population that have been depleted by unsustainable production systems. Impetus to better manage nonrenewable energy resources must become part of market systems and signals that form decision making in energy resources. Decisions need to be based on policy oriented perspective drawn from constructivism theory, international law approach. Principle of Legality and Utilitarianism: A Review of Article Seven of European Convention on
  • 43. Death s Immanence In Life in Shakespeare s King Lear Essay In the play King Lear by William Shakespeare, the idea of self awareness is portrayed through death. More specifically, Lear illustrates self awareness by refusing the inevitability of old age. With death comes self awareness. Lear has a clear perception of reality as a king and loving father; however it s evident that Lear s daughters give him a completely different identity than the one he gives himself. It suggests his old age and faults. During Lear s first identity crisis, he rhetorically asks Does any here know me? Why, this is not Lear (I. iv. 10) as if he doesn t quite know how to define himself other than a king . A godly manifestation much? What Lear asks is to be labeled with power, but his daughters concur the frailty of... Show more content on ... In addition, he strips himself to expose the true nature of man which he realizes as insignificant. It s as if he is intentionally trying to alienate himself. As if he views all mankind to be a foreign concept due to the irrational state of life. He curses, You cataracts and hurricanoes, spout Till you have drenched our steeples, drowned the cocks!(III. ii. 32) to defy the elements. We can t help but see Lear act against nature as if he is the storm itself. Moreover, he tries to justify his temper by mentioning that nothing can hurt him more than his daughters. Not even the elements can corrupt this poor, old man. We see the storm bring about awareness when Lear exclaims, You sulfurous and thought executing fires, Vaunt couriers of oak cleaving thunderbolts, Singe my white head!(III. ii. 33) as if he begins to finally discover his true hair color which directly correlates with his age. I see that Lear is becoming aware of his age, but not willing to accept the anemic state of his body and mind. He intentionally makes note of his hair color, but the realization leaves him in a state of mental insanity soon to discover his impending death. The inevitability of death begins to settle into Lear, not enabling him to accept it, but to drive him towards the brink of insanity. We begin to see Lear view life as an existential concept that constricts his mental state. The painful surprise of mortality leads him to go insane and his anger turns into
  • 44. The St Petersburg Compost Project 1.Project Purpose: because earth matters, the St Petersburg Compost Project is dedicated to advancing the art, science, and application of composting. There has been a tremendous growth in compost use projects around Florida. St Petersburg has also seen a growth in tourism and with that brings an increase in waste to the area. In thinking about the current problem of getting rid of the trash created by tourism, one of the aims of this project to bring some insight into this is look at a long term approach to help recycle this waste; and also to a historical perspective about the inherent problems with trash. By reviewing how past residents have gotten rid of trash 2.Measurable project objectives and related success criteria: The... Show more content on ... 4.Assumptions and Constraints: The creation of a program is key to this project. The project will be successful by integrating students and volunteers in the efforts to educate the public and help the Pinellas government in creating an awareness about the zero waste policy. The obvious constraints are getting enough volunteers to donate several hours per month on an on going basis dedicated to support the center. The initial funding to set up the center and continued financial funding might pose serious constraints for the project to continue. 5.High level project description and boundaries: To succeed in the initial stage of this project, a composter, site and strategy need to be set in place. In order for the project to be financially feasible, it is important to identify how much material is available, how many and what type of generators we are to serve, and how much material is expected to be generated by the project. Boundaries: The scope of the assessment required for this project will be scale dependent. It will be important to set up drop off sites if there are any to be outside the center, what materials are to be accepted within Pinellas County. 6.High level risks: What could potentially upset this project is not setting the clear and precise boundaries within the community about what materials are to be acceptable. Also,
  • 45. Mr. John Leech Analysis Source C is a primary source. It is an artwork/ cartoon from London between 1817 to 1864 most likely leaning towards the latter. It shows 2 convicts asking a man if they can walk them down an alleyway in order to protect them from people intending to strangle them. It is also possible that this is the convict s attempt to rob or hurt the man in the centre of the artwork. The perspective of Source C is from a Mr. John Leech, the creator of this artwork, it is reflecting sarcasm towards the quality of English Suburbia, the sign on the right can be noted as a ransom note, another display of poor quality of life. It was created by John Leech, a famed sketch artist known for his obscure and humorous artworks. He seemed to have taken the role of the regular citizen in London at the time, and the role of the innocent bystander, even the man in the middle could be the embodiment of people like him, or at the very least a man which he can sympathise with.... Show more content on ... It is most certainly an exaggeration, (note deliberate use of ransom sign) and extraordinarily poor English. It doesn t provide much context to the artwork nor does it specify a particular instance, rather it seems to portray a general atmosphere or group of events which occurred that John Leech might ve seen and taken note