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Hardest Things in Life
One of the hardest thing in life is just to be yourself.
One of the hardest things in life to do is trying to accept yourself for who you are. Unfortunately
most people don't get to the accepting themselves stage until they are older. Even at childhood itself,
you wouldn 't feel much comfortable in your academics when comparing with a brilliant pal in your
class. There comes a certain time in your life when you just say 'I can't please everybody, so I am
going to be myself' and you accept yourself. It's a very powerful thing to be able to do this, it's just a
pity we couldn't do it when we were younger or elder.
Obviously there are exceptions to the rule, there are a lot of younger people who have accepted
themselves and don't try ... Show more content on ...
He pretends that he's all okay with it and he even laugh about it when Bill jokes about the girls he
disturbs. However, one fine day, Drake couldn't take it anymore, so he told Bill straight forwardly
that he dislikes that behavior of Drake, and he had been pretending all these while to be okay with it.
Bill got dumbfounded. He starts ignoring Drake. He felt that Drake is a pretender.
Hence, from all the situations above, one can learn that people pretend to be what they 're not in
order to fit in with certain types of people and situations. Maybe it will be backfire in the long run if
they pretend to be interested in things they 're not, maybe they should be genuine if they want.
Personally I think that if you aren 't straightforward from the beginning, the end result cannot be
pleasant. You'll be stuck with what you don't want to do.
I strongly believe that everyone does pretend every now and then. People may call it fake, but I don
't really consider it being "fake." Everyone puts on a different face for different people. It's a
common thing, that no wont would act the same way around their grandmother or their teachers or
their bosses as they would act around their friends at a party. So is one act more fake than another? I
don 't think so. People are multi–dimensional, they don 't always act the same way all the time.
Conclusion, one can clearly see that it is not easy to be yourself in life. Some situation will arise
every now and
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Personal Narrative: Laredo
At some point of our lives, we have all felt that feeling of what to do next, and mine would have to
be the time I had to move from different cities. I was born and raised in McAllen, Texas.
Throughout the years I was able to create and cherish many memories. Everyone around the
neighborhood knew me as the shy, sweet, and kind Emily. My life was made in the valley until I got
the announcement from my parents that we were moving to a new city named "Laredo." At that
moment my world had paused, so many questions were running through my head. What am I going
to do? Where will I live? , and how will I adapt to this new town? So many mixed emotions were
created, but I tried to hide them. As moving day came around the corner, I started ... Show more
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I had a feeling that I would attend that school, and what were my chances sooner than later it was.
The whole month of September I was considered or actually labeled as the new girl, which I highly
disliked because I have a name. I had no friends whatsoever, gym class was the worst since I was
always alone, and my teachers thought that I wasn't bright as the other students were, but one day
that all had changed. I can admit that out of the past seven years I have lived here in Laredo, Texas I
have learned so much, skills that include communication, leadership, multitasked, and organizer.
Have helped me in some part of my life to make me the young women I am today. Yes, I do admit I
am not perfect I do make mistakes, but I have learned through past experiences to get up and try
again as many times I fall. Many might say that my actions describe who I am, but the truth is that it
is my character who describes me from in and out. As the years come along one after another people
have come in and out of my life, but at the end of the day it all comes down to what I did?, what will
I do?, and what can I do? Sometimes you will ask yourself if what you do is even valuable and
sometimes it might seem like it doesn't, but truly deep down it is and will always be. Throughout
this journey, I have faced many obstacles and will still need to face many more as the years come.
However, one thing I won't regret is making
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Personal Narrative: A Day At The Prairie Grove High School
"Kennedy! Kennedy! Kennedy!" I could feel my stomach do a flip inside me as I walked up the
steps of the Prairie Grove High School cafeteria to the stage area. All my friends were cheering for
me from their seats as I took my seat and waited for the principal to make the announcement that I
would be signing for a ten thousand dollar rodeo scholarship to Pratt, Kansas. I felt my hand shake
as I quickly jotted down my name, and I could hear everyone clapping for my achievements. Ever
since that moment in my life, I couldn't help but imagine my countless options (Did you mean
opportunities?) that the world had to offer for me. I constantly was in fear of living six and a half
hours away from the only place that I have ever called my home. If I stayed, where would I go to
college? There ... Show more content on ...
I remember running down the alley and pushing him hard past his first barrel, only to quickly bring
his nose around for a tighter finish. After we repeated that two other times, he ran as fast as his little
black legs could carry us. The hardest thing we had to do after that was wait for the announcers to
announce the fastest time and who got take home the money.
Cooper was my very best friend. He made my bad days good and my good days even better than
usual. The day I sold Cooper was a day my life changed forever. I remember the little girl who
purchased him rode him through my pasture and was ecstatic to be able to call him her horse. As I
watched their 3500 Dodge Cummins pull away a piece of me that I will never forget, I began to
subtly sob for an hour or so.
The loss of Cooper is still very unreal to me. It is really hard to not look in my rearview mirror and
see my golden Aspen brand trailer dragging behind me while old Hank Williams was blasting
through my speakers. I often found myself reminiscing on the times that I never would have
imagined going a day
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Reflection Paper
Everyone has someone they look up to. People come and go, but the impact they leave behind lasts
forever. If you asked 10 people what type of person I am, I promise, you will get 10 different
answers. I am proud of the man that I am today, but there was a point where I was very lost. I was a
loose cannon and had no sense of direction; taking every day as a joke. It was then, when I was 13, a
6'5 335 man, Mr. Corey Swinson, grabbed me and told me I can be anything I wanted. He said I
wasn't like the rest. All I needed was some motivation to get to where I wanted to be. You can only
imagine what went on in my head when his large hands were around the back of my neck. He said I
wasn't just another kid in school that wouldn't amount to much, I was something so much greater. At
that moment, I took the first step and enrolled in a private high school, but I still didn't grasp the full
meaning of what he meant. I continued to run around like somebody owed me something. Like I
was entitled to things that I had no business being entitled to. On September 10, 2013, everything
changed. My mentor passed and the pain was indescribable. The very first person that actually saw
potential in me was gone, and I couldn't do anything about it. But deep down I know what he
expected of me. From then on, I started to read more. I started to become inspired. I started to work
to perfect my craft. I started to be a dreamer. For many months, I didn't know what he meant. It only
clicked when he was
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Marco Buros-Personal Narrative
"The hard times were coming again, it was the same crap day after day. At this point I don't know
how I kept putting up with it, people just don't see the truth." ~ Amber Oct. 12th
The tears rushed into my my eyes like a river, as I started the new entry in my journal. I know
everyone experiences tough times, but I didn't think that God would pick me to take on this
challenge. I felt like my faith was being tested, and my relationships were crumbling beneath my
Before we get started on all of the negativity, I think we should start off this story by reflecting on
all of the positive things that happened during these depressing experiences. It all started when I met
the fantasy boy, Marco Buros. It was August 8th a beautiful summer ... Show more content on ...
The news was even more amazing than I could ever image... at least that's what I thought at that
time. He was going to start going to school in my high school with me! As the end of summer
approached Marco and I had been spending more and more time together. Our relationship was
growing stronger and stronger, as we were growing closer and closer. As summer drew to an end,
the beginning of a new school year drew closer and closer every day. I couldn't help but imagine
how great high school was going to be for me!
Tomorrow is my first day of high school as a freshman. Excitement is taking over me! High school
is going to be the best four years of my life! ~ Amber Aug. 26th
The obnoxious beeping of my alarm woke me from my deep sleep. There I was standing in front of
the mirror getting ready for my first day of high school. The deep thoughts flooded into my head
like a river. "Who am I going to be?" "Are people going to like me for me?" (SV) "What's class
going to be like?" As I thought quietly that morning I decided to make a promise to myself... Amber
you are not going to lose who you know God wants you to be, you are not going to change yourself
to try to fit in with someone else, promise me you will not do that! ~ Amber Aug. 26th (First Day of
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Reflection Paper On The Journey To Virginia
Starting next week my brother and I are traveling from our home in England all the way to Virginia.
My mom is convincing me to go on this journey because I will have a better opportunity in the new
World regarding religion. To be honest I am not sure how I will have an opportunity without my
parents. I cried a lot when she first told me but she kept telling me I am brave and my protective
brother will look out for me. This is a very big risk but I am feeling confident even though I'm
leaving my neighborhood that I have gotten used to my whole life. Also leaving behind my friends
which won't be easy. Thinking about my friends i think that will be the hardest thing to leave behind.
I am not sure why they aren't going on this journey as well but it's not my business to ask because
everyone's reasons for going to the new world are different. From what I remember my mom telling
me, we will be traveling on the Mayflower with a lot of other people, kids, and possibly families.
Looking on the bright side though, it should be interesting seeing new and unseen different parts of
the world. There are so many different possible situations circling through my head right now, I just
really am hoping nothing goes wrong on the way there.
September 6th
The day has come, today is the day my brother and I are setting out on our journey to Virginia.
Thanks the nerves building up inside me I got up very early this morning i was able to scramble
around my house picking up every last thing
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Informative Speech About Stress
You ask me what is stress? As I stand here with no sleep, dark bags under my eyes, you ask me
"What is stress?" well what makes you think I know stress? Is it the dead look in my eyes? Or
maybe its the fact that i can barely keep my eyes open since my teachers all think their class is more
important than any form of social life or heaven forbid another class. It's both right? Yeah it is, how
can we be expected to relieve stress if the things that we do to relieve stress make us more stressed,
or we had to stop what we enjoyed doing to work on meaningless essays and questions that never
end. That is what stress is, its that gnawing feeling that even if you do everything right you may
have to do even more and it just piles on never endingly until it eventually collapses because
students weren't meant to handle this level of stress, and when it collapses everyone acts like they
understand but they don't. They say "why are you stressed when i was your age..." here's the
heartbreaking truth that was you not me. You say that there's tutoring for help with academic classes
but the pride that comes from being at the top of the class and always being one of if not the
smartest people in the room won't let you go even if you desperately need it. Because if you go to
get help you could be seen as weaker than the people who did this on their own. So yes you can get
tutoring but if it comes at the price of seeing yourself as less than somebody who came before you
would you? Could you
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How Does Group Task Roles Affect A Group?
My group members for this project were Sarah Gianopulos, Andrea Avendano, Andrew Riis, Parker
Stuart, and Joseph Jones. I genuinely enjoyed working with all of them. Right from the start, we all
got along very well, to the point where we would even talk and text outside of class about things
completely unrelated to our assignment. I would say we even became pretty good friends through
this class. Every time our group got together, it was a very relaxing atmosphere. Everyone was
comfortable and open with each other. Our group decided to choose the topic of "Police and
Community Relations". We came up with this idea during class through brainstorming together. We
all started to mention current day problems and came to the conclusion that police relations was the
best idea. "Group task roles affect the group's ability to achieve its common goal by focusing on
behaviors that help get the job done" (Engleberg & Wynn, p.52). "Maintenance roles affect how
group members get along with one another while pursuing a shared goal" (Engleberg & Wynn,
p.53). I think our group did a great job balancing task and maintenance roles. Everyone was able to
stay focused while in class and even keep each other up to date on assignments and the process of
the project through a group chat. Along with doing this, we all became pretty ... Show more content
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We used "listening to understand" method when we were discussing the topic for the project and
also when members were sharing the information that they found. We used both the "listening to
respond" and "listening to interpret" methods during the socialization of group with topics such as
personal lives that were unrelated to the assignment. I believe that my listening ability was very
effective in the group along with everyone else. We all exemplified the habits that demonstrate an
effective listener, which are knowledge, skills and desire (Covey,
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Describe My Mother
I view my mother as the outmost magnificent person in my life, and I can't be more thankful to have
her. I would describe my mother as a strong and independent woman, my role model; I can't think of
another person that means a great deal to me. My mother is the sweetest and the trust worthiest
person, but she can also be tough and deliberate. My grandparent's personalities are strict, therefore
my mother was raised in a harsh environment, this thought her to be strong and that not everything
is easy in life or handed to you. I consider her as the hardest working person I ever know,
consequently thanks to her hard work she achieved countless goals in her life. She would always say
to me "you have to work hard to achieve your dreams", I believe her. If you knew her you'll be
impressed by her strong character, moreover, she is someone that you will admire if you met her and
knew her. She makes a wonderful mother and I'm sure she will make a great friend. My mother's
name is Lidia Montano Ramos, she was born in La Paz, Bolivia; there she lived most of her life,
next to the side of my father who is her husband, moreover now they have 23 years married. If you
ever wanted to meet my mother, you could, it's obvious to tell her apart from a crowd. The first thing
that calls for attention is her hair, she has wavy hair, s waves mixed with natural ringlets fighting the
frizz that could be noticed for a long distance. Her hair is always in a messy low ponytail, but when
she is going somewhere elegant she frees her hair and puts it down, you'll recognize the difference.
The second point to notice is her lips, they are much the same as a fresh coral pink, the upper lip is
darker than the lower. She has a tiny scar on the right side of the upper lip almost untraceable,
however, it's most likely that you will not notice it. When she paints her bow–shaped lips, she likes
the diva red. Her hair and her lips are traits that stand out the further, she has other characteristics
too, although they don't stand out as much as her hair and lips.
Her character is one of the strongest assets she has. She treats everyone equally with respect, but if
you disrespect her, she will just simply walk away without saying a word. Even though
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Dealing with Change in Life
We all have dealt with change at one point in our life. Change comes in many ways from having a
new baby being born to transitioning to a new career. What I call this is forces of change. Secondly
is how we process that change. It may simple and it may not be simple. Lastly once you process the
change you are then able to manage change. If you manage change you will not be as stressed if you
let it take over you.
Change is never when you are ready. Yes you may plan to move to a new home or new state but you
are still dealing with stress. The majority of us have change come to us when we are not ready. The
most change that we have in our life is that of career change or work changes. We see it every day
businesses may close or merge with another business. This is a big deal because people need to look
for a new job or plan to retire. This change would be consider planned change. (Nelson & Quick,
2013 p.668). Another change is that when managers are changed at your job. Managers come and go
in a company. Many managers will move up in the company and many will pursue a different career.
This is tough for employees to deal with because they get use to working in one direction until
someone new comes in. This is consider to be unplanned change. (Nelson & Quick, 2013 p668).
Many companies do change as a globalize style. To me having a globalize style of change is planned
and unplanned. I say this because the company knows where they are moving or when they are
moving, but no one
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Personal Narrative On Trial
My trial was hard and brutal. The hardest thing was to see that people, that I didn't even know, want
me dead for something that I am physically not capable of doing. You all know me, and who I really
am. Most of you probably don't care about what I have to say, and most of you don't care what
happens to me, but I know some of you do truly believe me. I was framed, and the evidence even
proves that I didn't do it, but no one believes a black man .I mean how could I choke a strong
woman like Mayella, and keep her down to where she can't get up, with my crippled arm. I would
never do such a thing to anyone, and I hope you all know that. This justice system is not fair, and I
knew there would be no way out of this mess.
When Bob Ewell took ... Show more content on ...
. He told me he would do everything possible, and I know he would, but I also know it would never
be enough. He could do whatever he thought would win the case, I won't stop him, but we have to
remember that the court has the final call. I mean, are they really going to allow my case to be easy?
Atticus has got a way of making people crack in the courtroom, by using the evidence. Maybe that's
what's makes him such a good lawyer. " Who beat you up? Tom Robinson or your father?"( Lee
251). Unfortunately, even though Atticus scrutinized the evidence, and did all that he could. I
wonder if Atticus thought that I would easily get free with him as my lawyer, because it seems that
way now. No matter what evidence he brought to the table, or what he told people, I knew no one
would listen, so I have to make a run for
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The Death Of My Boyfriend
Grief is like weather. Some days are cold, wet and stormy, while the other days are bright warm and
sunny. Today like most days its storming. I lost my heart, my life, my boyfriend to five bullets 1,327
days ago. Not only have I lost all hope but I forgot how to love so deep. Experiencing the passing of
my boyfriend was never easy. I knew the love was always true from all the wonderful times we had,
to the phone calls, until the funeral. I knew he was always the one who had my back. Dealing with
the death of my boyfriend Dante' was never easy but his spirit presence helps to persevere though
life daily challenges.
Never in a million years had I never imagined that falling in love would be so easy. On February 16,
2010 I was honored to be the girlfriend of Dante' Lamont Williams. The moment I laid my eyes on
him I felt as if the world was in my hands. Having someone besides family to encourage; build me
up was amazing. Daily we would go on park walks just to explain why his love for me was strong.
Ever since the first day we met he would call me his "golden piece". A golden piece to Dante' was
when he was down and out; clueless on what to do I would be the one to put a smile on his face just
to encourage him and let him know that everything was going to be just fine. I never thought I
would go from loving someone so hard to watching him take his last breath in my arms.
On January 21, 2012 one late and cold night I received news that changed my life forever. At 1 in
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My Interview With My Fiance 's Grandfather
For my interviews, I talked with my fiancé's grandfather. I will refer to him as Paul. I do not have
any real relationship with his grandfather because we have lived pretty far away from them since we
have been together. I have only ever talked with him a little at the last two Christmases. My fiancé is
very close to his grandfather however, so I had heard a lot about him from stories. The first
interview will take place at my fiancé's parents home, where his grandfather will be visiting with his
wife for dinner because we are there for the weekend. I do not have any goals for learning about
older adults for my person or professional growth. I used to work in a nursing home as a therapeutic
recreation assistant so I feel completely comfortable working with older adults. While working at
the nursing home, I worked with residents as well as their families. A lot of residents' children were
between 50 and 65 years old so I have also dealt with younger older adults too. I have held hands
and talked to residents who are dying and scared. It is easy for me to be able to talk to and relate to
older adults because it is really not that difficult to find something that will help the individual trust
you. The hardest thing when working with older adults is working with an individual with some
form of dementia. I could still learn more about working with individuals with dementia because I
would imagine it is different as a social worker, but this interview will not
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Reflection Of A Speech At The Middles Of Speech
When I was waiting to perform at my first speech competition I realized that I couldn't breath. It was
as if all the air in the room had been sucked out. I felt like I had entered an empty, soundless
vacuum, almost as if I had been sucked into space. I half expected myself to become weightless and
float around the room, but this didn't happen. Instead of this, I stood frozen in the middle of a
classroom in front of a dozen other people. I was the center of attention, and I hated every second of
it. I was debating whether or not I should just turn around and sprint out the door, but before I could
make a decision the lady in the front desk smiled at me and said something along the lines of "ready
whenever you are". The moment she said this two things crossed my mind: the first one being "I'm
fucked," and the second being "how did I end up here?" Unfortunately I didn't have time to answer
that question because at that moment I had to do the hardest thing in front of my life: performing
and speaking in front of others.
When I entered that classroom I knew that I was going to end up having a nervous breakdown in the
middle of my performance, but I didn't expect the tears. I reached a point in my speech where I just
suddenly stopped talking. I couldn't take the panic and fear anymore, so tears started to fall. This
moment felt like it lasted a lifetime, and all I wanted to do was run out that door, but I knew that I
had to get it together. I somehow pulled myself together, choked
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Summary Of ' The Night ' Odyssey '
Lost It was the summer of 1998; I was pregnant with my second child, when my two–year–old son,
my husband, my brother Vladimir, his girlfriend Nicole, two other couples and I went on vacation to
Brittany, France. Usually, I spent the summer in Serbia with my two grandmas and the rest of the
family. But this year, we decided to go another time to visit them. I never thought this would be one
of my most regretted decisions I have ever made. I cannot remember the name of the place where
we stayed for two weeks. The only thing I do remember is our night odyssey in Paris, how we
weren't able to find the way out through the maze tunnels to the highway which was supposed to
lead us to the "no name" village in Brittany. Eventually, around midday, we arrived at our house. As
we were the only ones with a child, the rest of the group treated my son like an alien whose task was
to turn the nightly rest upside down, so the banned us to the only bedroom in the first floor. In
hindsight, it was the best room of the whole house, due to the heat which emanated at night heavily
from the attic rooms and made breathing difficult. The area was beautiful, green hills everywhere;
the few houses looked like they were put into the lush meadows by a creative behemoth. Although
you could not see the ocean, the constant blowing wind carried the salty, fishy smell to your house.
The fleecy clouds alternated with the sunshine I a two–day cycle. So we went sightseeing on the
cloudy days, on the other, to
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Reflection Paper
We are all different in unique ways that make us who we are. Life comes in all shapes, sizes, colors,
and orientations, and yet the only thing we, as a society, see is what makes up the best of these. So
many people believe that being "different" is not acceptable in the world, and because of this, people
deny themselves who they are and live in fear. I sadly found myself in the same situation, afraid and
alone. Being raised in a religious household influenced the way I interpreted and saw the world,
even though the only portion of it I had come to know was a thirty mile radius from home. In that
radius, I found myself devoured in hate, negativity, and fear. Being different was a social crime and
the punishment was judgement. For that, I lived in fear for years; fear that people would know the
truth about me; fear of eternal damnation; fear of the inner feelings I had kept locked away. At one
point, I began to fear myself.
I had built up walls in my head and in my heart, hoping to protect myself, but in the end I was left
locked away by my own self–flagellation. I cut myself off from friends, family, and anyone who
dared show the slightest compassion. I pushed my thoughts deep into the hole I replaced my heart
with, denying myself truth and happiness. Eventually the secrets and lies consumed me, and I
became trapped in my own fears.
Because of society's depictions and animosity for singularity, I continued to tell myself, "You're not
gay." I wasted so many tears and
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The Challenges Of Becoming A Refugee
Becoming a refugee is probably one of the hardest thing someone could ever experience. You have
to leave everything behind, and restart a whole new chapter. As you flee to another country, you
have to learn new languages, new cultures, religions and more. You will have to face many new
challenges, and experience a whole new world.
In the book Inside Out and Back Again, and in the article "World of Difference Benefit Luncheon",
Ha, her family, and Gurung both show the same struggles and challenges of feeling "inside out"
while fleeing and finding a new home. They felt like they needed to fit in with the other people and
in order for them to fit in the main culture they had to risked many things. After fleeing Saigon, Ha
can understand what's going on, but she cannot communicate back to the others, for example Ha
said, "I'm furious unable to explain . . . I hate, hate, hate it" (Lai 156). However, she was able to
understand the information in school because she's already passed these classes back in Saigon. The
teachers thought Ha did not understand what the class was doing and it made Ha feel like she wasn't
smart. In "World of Difference Benefit Luncheon", Gurung and his wife also struggled with trying
to learn a new language as they try to make the new country their home. They struggled with little
things in life, for example, "When we first arrived, my wife was unable to understand any English.
Just taking the bus and going to the store was a challenge for her" (Gurung). The small task such as
going to the store and riding the bus was hard for Gurung and his wife. It was hard because they
were not used to the environment and did not speak any english.
Ha and her family thought life would be easier if they did things like everyone else. That is why
they decided to start going to church so that they can fit in. However, after being baptized Ha and
her family feel like they have thrown away their own religion and culture. They thought that if they
became like everyone else in the neighborhood, the others would see them as the same. After they
started going to church, they did not realize they had to come back every Sunday. For example,
"Bumps and enlarge on my chilled skin as I realize we will be coming
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Personal Narrative Essay : Playing Basketball
On a bright sunny Saturday afternoon, the sun was pounding, and Anthony decided to go outside to
play basketball. Besides it being ninety degrees out he practiced like he was Michael Jordan. The
sound of the ball swishing is like heaven to him. With a big,bright smile on his face he looks at the
rim, and is set up ready to take a free throw. He gets in position, shoots, and makes it! He looked
around him to see that his neighbor was having trouble with her groceries. Her two kids were
screaming, and hanging on her like she was a playground. He notices she was on the phone, and she
was yelling at them, so he ran over.
" Hi, let me help you," Anthony exclaimed as he was taking the bags out of her hand and bringing
them inside.
" Thank you, that's very sweet of you." Mrs.Smith responded.
" Do you need anymore help, I got all of the bags out, I can stay, and help you put them away."
" If you don't mind, that would be fantastic!"
He walked into the house, and started to put the groceries away. Three year old Matt and four year
old Zack were still screaming. Mrs. Smith raised her voice a few times, and told them to go to their
rooms. They went fast.
" They can come back to my house with me, and play basketball so they are out of your way."
" That would be awesome, but I don't think you really want to watch them."
" It would be my pleasure too, I can teach them how to play."
" Zack! Matt! Come down from your rooms. Anthony said you guys are welcome to go to his house
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Blind And Deaf Since Birth
"This story is inspired by real events in France in the late 19th century." (Marie 's Story, 2014)
"Blind and deaf since birth, young Marie Heurtin begins to experience the world in new ways as a
nun coaxes her out of isolation." (Netflix) Marie 's father takes her to a boarding school, Notra–
Dame de Larnay run by nuns, for deaf girls in hopes that they may be able to help Marie. At first the
nuns say they are only a school for the deaf and simply do not know how to help Marie being that
they have never worked with a child who was also blind, and turn her and her father away. During
this time, this is the only option aside from taking poor Marie to an asylum. One sister, Sister
Marguerite, who has a brief encounter with Marie before having been sent away, is shortly after
convinced that it is her mission to help this young girl and decides to take on the challenge. The
journey is a long and hard one. Sister Marguerite, at first, has trouble convincing the Mother
Superior of her mission and to allow her to carry it out, Mother argues that she does not think it
possible that the girl can learn, or that she mental capacity to learn, and does not think it healthy for
Sister to take on such a burned with her lung condition which has shortened her life as it is. After
great persistence, Sister Marguerite goes to fetch Marie and travels a great distance on foot. Maries
original state is a troubling one. She does not trust people, other than her parents, to lay a hand on
her and
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My First Small Business Adventure
Growing up as a middle–class child with both parents working, I learned to appreciate the little
details. In order to grow my parents had to deal with a lot of un–ethical people and the wrongs they
did to them. Although they had many opportunities to develop quickly at the expense of others, they
always denied the idea of taking advantage of them. Instead, my parents chose the longer but
righteous road. Through their life choices and their struggles, I learned to be fair to others as I would
like others to be fair to me, how to be humble, and help develop others as much as I was developing.
"Love your neighbor as yourself." Religion wasn't harshly enforced, but my parents implemented a
lot of the lessons that came from the words of the bible. I learned not to take advantage of people.
As a young child my first small business adventure was my lemonade stand. Pricing my lemonade
was the hardest thing I had to think about because I wanted to make money but, I didn't want people
not to purchase it.
There was my first business lesson. I needed to be fair to others as I would be to myself. I
experienced that if I was giving my family a discount everyone else deserved one too because it was
the exact same cup, with the same amount. I couldn't turn around and sell it to others at a higher
price just because I knew they didn't know my family was getting it for less. I felt better to know I
was being a good person even though I didn't make a lot of money. Making money for the
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Speech On Steve Jobs Speech
Steve Jobs, one of the cofounders of Apple, delivered a speech to the graduates of Stanford
University at their commencement ceremony. Although Steve Jobs was a college dropout, his
speech was more inspirational than anything. Jobs shared three stories with the graduates. His first
story was about connecting the dots, the next one was about finding love, and the last story was
about death. The three most influential points that I got out of Job's speech, was to never lose faith,
trust in something, and don't waste your time living someone's else life. Steve Jobs told the
graduates of Stanford to never lose faith. This advice stood out to me the most out of everything
else. Sometimes when stumbling blocks come one's way, they tend to give up and lose hope. I felt
like Jobs knew my story because it connected to my life. At the end of my high school career I made
my final decision that I wanted to go to Winthrop. I was already telling everyone that Winthrop
would be my new home. I received my student bill and noticed my scholarships and grants were not
enough to pay for it. I was torn, and didn't know what to do. My mother told me I would have to
pick another school, but I did not want to hear that. So, I prayed about it day in and day out and
knew a miracle was going to happen. The next week I got a call from the Vocational Rehabilitation
Center, and they told me they would be able to help with my tuition. I knew then and there, it was
God. The moral of the story is, I never
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Descriptive Essay On Freak The Mighty
Freak the mighty That night we got a phone call from the police. Gram answered the phone. I heard
your cry in the living room talking to Grim saying ''how am I going to tell him.'' I didn't know what
she was talking about until they came to the down under and sat next to me. After a while of her
trying to spit out the words for her to tell me that there was and crash on the way to the police
station and that my father has died. Gram gave me a hug then they both went back upstairs. After
they left I just stared at an old picture of Mum. He deserved to die after what he did to mum. I didn't
get any sleep that night, all I could think about is what he did to mum. A few weeks later it was
Freak's birthday. We all went to Gwen's house for dinner and to give Freak his presents. Gwen
bought him the new computer that he has been talking about for ages. We got him more books to
write his crazy ideas in. Gwen ordered Freak's favourite pizza for dinner. During dinner, Freak
announced that next week he will have the surgery to get his new body. We were all happy but
nervous at the same time. On the day of Freak's surgery, I stayed home from school so I could see
him after. All day my stomach was in knots and I couldn't even eat. I kept think about everything
that could go wrong and what could happen. I have never felt so nerve in my life before. Grim and
Gram tried to reassure that everything would be fine but I could tell that they are just as nerves as I
am. Gwen said that we
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Personal Narrative : My Best Friend
Death is an inevitable thing. It lingers over our head like a dark cloud and likes to follow us around
everywhere we go. It's something that is forgotten about and wished away. It's something that can
come trucking through your life and take you with it on the way out, or it's something that can come
peacefully during the night to whisk you away. It's something that can take someone years to get
over, or for some it could take weeks. It's something that either bring people together, or tears them
apart. Most people like to push the thought of it into the furthest part of their brain in hopes to forget
it. I am one of those people. On November 12, 2014 my best friend took his own life. We weren't
even fourteen years old yet.
At thirteen years old I had lost my best friend and myself. Tuesday morning was when my whole
world came crashing down around me. I had found out when I got to school that day. Our principal
at the time came in a read something from a stack of papers that were stapled together. I could tell
they hadn't been used in a while because the edges were bent and it looked like it had been stuffed
away in a drawer. Sitting there with my stomach in knots, everything he said was flying right over
my head. I had so many things running through my head. How could this have happened? Why
didn't he tell me he needed help? Why wasn't I there for him? Everything became too much for me
to bare so my mom came and picked me up. The whole drive home she talked on the phone
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Karate : An Asian System Of Unarmed Combat
What Karate Has Done To Me
"Yes I do karate, no that doesn't mean I'm going to beat you up, and no I will not randomly show
you a really cool complicated move"! Karate: an Asian system of unarmed combat using the hands
and feet to deliver and block blows, widely practiced as a sport. Karate is performed barefoot in
loose padded clothing, with a colored belt indicating the level of skill, and involves mental as well
as physical training. I have been doing karate for ten years I started when I was six. If you do the
math you would know that I am now sixteen. Karate has been a part a huge part of my. Every ones
goal in life is to find something that they will always love. Something that you can loose yourself
doing and no matter how bad of a day you're having when you do it everything is good again. For
some it's dancing, drawing, shooting, reading, but for me its karate. I will never forget my first class.
Learning how to do a front stance in a room full of 6, 7 and 10 year olds with a weird lady in all
white tell me that my leg wasn't far enough back. After that class I wanted to cry I'm actually pretty
sure I did. It seemed like the hardest thing in the world. What I dint know that in ten years time that
position would be completely switched. Now I am that weird lady a stark white gi telling little kids
to put there leg further back and to tighten their fists.
Ten years a have devoted my life to this amazingly tough sport but it hasn't been all rainbows and
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A Journey Into Hospitality And Special Events At Dress Barn
A Journey into Hospitality and Special Events at Dress Barn
An internship is normally a work task you complete after a series of classes to gain a degree in a
particular field you think you'll love, whether you still love it after you've completed that journey is
based upon a multitude of things. Luckily, I have found that I really enjoy fashion and working in
retail throughout this internship at Dress Barn. Some students find that what they thought they were
getting into, is actually completely different than what they expected. Especially when you look at a
profession on paper versus real life. When I started college, I wasn't really sure what I wanted to
study or achieve with my life. I just knew it was time to get back into school so ... Show more
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With having a new store, within a new mall, and a lot of competition, my first self–appointed job
was to market Dress Barn, pass out coupons, and just get our name out within the community. I
would have to say this job went excellent, we have what is called out–reach coupons which I
delivered around Byron Center and the mall. The next job, learning to read our daily numbers and
sales goals was also very easy. I certainly enjoy filling out or hourly sales charts and noticing the
difference between what we have, want, and need. On top of our daily sales goals we have an email
and phone number outreach program called DB Perks, these numbers are great to follow to see
where we get around and how many new customers sign up weekly. Making a great competition
between the staff at each store. Switching from Karmen White to Paige Parr as management made
learning a tiny bit difficult and I have yet to learn the scheduling system. I understand that hours
offered are based on money coming in, but other than that, I'm in the dark. Team selling, inspiring,
and leading has been an easy task in my eyes, the customers love a bit of oversharing and really
open up in response. Helping me help them. As to the event I ran, a client works with you to choose
the best date when the store is closed, my customer picked a Sunday evening starting at 5:30pm. She
and her guests stayed until 8:30pm enjoying the refreshments, goody bags, and the
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The Day Of My First Kiss Essay
I left right after work to rush home and take a shower. Tonight was going to be amazing. Tonight
would be the night of my first actual party and I knew it would be fun. I couldn't stop thinking about
all memories that night would be filled with and the friends I'd get to share them with. I had no
doubt that tonight would be a night to remember. There are two dates I will never forget. They
happened on the same day, but different years. February 12, 2012, the day of my first kiss. This was
the day I learned that something so simple could mean so much when you share it with someone
special. This was the day I began to believe that love could be real. February 12, 2016, the day I was
sexually assaulted. This was the day I stopped believing in anything. This was the day my world
stopped and the day I learned what it means to be a victim. Being a victim is something I hope no
one has to go through. It's not just a title, but something you have to deal with everyday. I had never
known what it meant to live as a victim. Every day is different. Some days I wake up and everything
is fine. I don't feel any sadness, it's just a normal day. Other days, though, I wake up and I regret it. I
just want to stay in bed and pretend life isn't happening. The hard days rarely come, but when they
do, they come as a storm of flashbacks, panic attacks, and numbness. Being a victim means being
prepared for the worst, but hoping for the best. The night it happened to me was a blur. On my way
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Volunteering Research Paper
When volunteering at West Minnehaha it made me realize things that I didn't pay attention to before
going in. Last time when volunteering at Dayton's Bluff I didn't put myself out there to learn but
since then I have another opportunity to do so and I have learned a lot.
The point for volunteering is to build relationships, problem solve, what to do in a conflict situation,
and step outside of my comfort zone. Let me tell you, I have learned to do each and every single one
of those. I realized that the kids from the rec. center are in need of someone who they can look up to
and a dependable person who they can count on. For example, I was looking after a group of kids
that needed help with homework and when walking around I hear a conversation ... Show more
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I will be dealing with a lot of different kind of people and having patience and understanding them
will be a big essential. There was many of times where I had to step out of my comfort zone and let
me tell you I didn't like it at all, but I got through it. I told Bilal about my fear of public speaking
and he said that he was going to help me get out of my comfort zone. There were times when Bilal
would tell me to present in front of the kids and he would make sure that every kid would attend the
meets. When it was Black History Month Bilal had a presentation set up for the kids. He told about
important African Americans that have impacted the history of blacks, issues happening in the
communities, and how law enforcement is interacting with African Americans. Bilal asked a
questions to the kids and wanted to know how many important African American they knew. None
of the kids knew more than two people that has impacted the history of blacks. The kids just knew
Martin Luther King and Rosa Park because that's what they have learned in class. Bilal was
disappointed in the education system and kids. He went on saying they're in charge of educating
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Organizational Theory and Behavior Essay
Organizational Theory and Behavior
Homework #3
October 9, 2007
What advancement barriers did Lisa encounter?
Although Lisa Weber was a highly qualified, ambitious analyst for the firm, she never had a chance
for advancement because of that glass ceiling. The idea of becoming a partner was always visible,
but never attainable because of the various obstacles she had to face. The same obstacles most
women face when trying to climb the corporate ladder.
Several barriers stood in Lisa's path of becoming a partner. One such barrier was the fact that even
though her credentials, commendations, and work ethic were extremely high, she was never
respected by the CEO, Michael Breyer, as someone who deserved to be on an executive level. His ...
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Lisa was a vital asset to the company. She brought in new business, her accounts were prosperous,
and her opinion was coveted on a daily basis by partners that she longed to be equal with.
What type of organizational policies and opportunities might have benefited Lisa and Pamela? One
organizational policy that would have benefited Lisa and Pamela is a zero tolerance of
discrimination, whether it is sexual, racial, age, or gender. Most companies today would not have
tolerated the way these women were treated. Not only because it is not right, but because of the
negative publicity it would cause if one of these women were to bring a discrimination charge up
against the company. One accusation of discrimination or harassment against a company is usually
the catalyst for whatever else may be hiding behind those closed doors.
What could the organization do to raise the gender consciousness of Michael Breyer and Lisa's male
colleagues? One thing the organization could do to raise the gender consciousness would be to do an
ongoing series of sensitivity training for all staff. Along with this training would be annual
assessment seminars that will teach people the different types of discrimination and harassment and
the steps they need to take when such a situation is posed upon them. In the Cancer center where I
am employed, women make up nearly 70% of the managerial and supervisory staff in all
departments. At the executive level they only make up
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The Scavengers Narrative
Clint slumped onto the couch. Breathing a heavy sigh, he closed his eyes for a moment. With the
children all asleep, a peaceful silence hung in the air. Even the sounds of the dripping tap he needed
to repair seemed to cease for this one evening, giving him almost complete quiet. But it never took
long for the silence to transition from peaceful to strange and uncomfortable. As exhausted as he
was, and as much as he enjoyed the peace, it made him restless. Blindly, Clint reached out and
attempted to grab the television remote off the coffee table, without opening his eyes or shifting his
body. "So, you can save the world from aliens and killer robots, but grabbing the remote is such a
dreadful struggle," joked Laura, as she picked up the ... Show more content on ...
She tossed and turned, trying to find a comfortable position so she could drift off and forget
momentarily about the day's events. Giving up, reached across to her bedside table and grabbed her
laptop. Usually, Wanda would have used her powers to grab items she needed, but now she was
hesitant. I can't risk it, she thought. I can risk damaging anything, or anyone else. She pulled herself
up into a sitting position and switched on the laptop, the sudden brightness of the screen causing her
to squint. A notification flashed across the screen, informing her of an incoming video message
through the Avengers private communication system from an unidentified caller. Knowing exactly
who it would, she smiled and immediately clicked to answer the call. Clint's face appeared on the
screen within seconds. He appeared to be sitting on the couch in his dimly lit living room. "Hey
Wanda," he greeted her with a smile. "I didn't wake you, did I?" "No, don't worry," she said, leaning
over to switch on her lamp so Clint could actually see her face. "I doubt I'll get much sleep tonight.
Too much on my mind." There was a momentary pause from Clint's end of the call. "So, I... uh... I
saw the news," he began, evidently unsure of what to say
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“the Last 203 Days of Sarah’s Life” Essay
Psychology 230
07 December 2010
"The Last 203 Days of Sarah's Life"
The film I choose to watch for the chapter 16 essay was "The Last 203 Days of Sarah's Life". I
previewed some of the films available from option A and then previewed Sarah's film. Sarah's film
touched me at a personal level after I realized what the film was about. My maternal grandmother
has reached the age of 101 years this October and although she is not sick like Sarah was I realize
that my grandmother cannot have too many years left.
Sarah's daughter Kaye expressed her feelings throughout the video, the frustration, the good and bad
days her mother had, all of which affect the care givers state of being. Listening to the sadness in
Kaye's voice reached me. ... Show more content on ...
Sarah herself said at one point "...I have no idea what it was all about". My take on her comment
was that although she came to accept her inevitable death, she did not have any philosophical
answers to give anyone.
The film began with hospice care being administered at Kaye's home and it seems that by that time
Sarah had gone through her stages of realization and had now accepted her death. I realize that
witnessing all this makes me better aware of what happens, but knowing what to expect and going
through it are definitely two different things.
Eventually Kaye was not able to continue providing the care her mother required. Although the
decision to move her mother to the hospice was difficult to accept, it was a welcomed event. Kaye
had gotten to the point where she couldn't cope physically. In the end, when Sarah died, Kaye
seemed like having had her mother in the hospice was the best way to have conducted their affairs.
Watching the film was definitely enlightening. It was an eye opener to the benefits of hospice care.
Having been around for some time I have experienced the loss of a loved one but my case was
different and did not require the use of hospice care. The film is definitely worth
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How My Life Has Changed My Outlook On Life
Did you ever think that your life could change from one minute to the next? I sat on the couch
waiting for the news that would change my outlook on life. I had a pit in my stomach before there
was even news to tell. I knew this news was coming for a long time, but I did not know how. My
world was going how any 15–year–old would want it to go. A loving family, nice friends, and all the
free time in the world. What I did not know was that was all about to change. I was laying on the
couch with my head buried deep in the cushions. Almost like that would shield me from the news I
was about to receive. Goosebumps started to appear on my arms and tear drops rose in my eyes. I
heard the door knob turn, and I knew my mom was home. Picking my head up from out of the
cushions, was like picking up a boulder with my bare hands. Before this point in time my life was
basic. There was six people in the room when the news was dropped. Each person was on the edge
of their seat already anticipating the news my mom was about to speak. We all sat in the living room
which could comfortably fit all of us. However, this time was different. All the seats were filled with
heavy hearts. My mom said "guys, I have something to tell you". Seconds following that statement
my Mom–mom broke down into tears. Seeing someone you love cry really pulls on your heart. The
silence told it all. Something tragic has happened to our family. The living room that held six people
was terribly silent. My mom ended
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Reflection Paper
Blue and red lights flashed outside, while I saw my father being handcuffed; my mother and older
siblings crying. I was seven at the time, didn't really understand what was happening but later I
found out he was deported. My mother tried her best to raise me, "Sepa como pensar,"my mother
would always tell me, which in English it means,"know how to think." I was raised to face reality at
a young age and to know that everything that you want in life comes from hard work. Living in a
household of 7 siblings was not easy, especially for a single mother who is also an immigrant. I was
one of the youngest. My mother was diagnosed with her illness and has major depression since I
was 12 years–old, so she had to stop working. For me overcoming poverty in my family is hard
because my mother is not able to work due to her illnesses that she has to face. Growing up knowing
not being able to afford certain types of things or being able to help around the house financially
was difficult, I felt like I was not good enough and useless until a professor that I met had a similar
story as mine advised me that in order to get out of my situation was to get an education. I have five
sisters and one brother, the four oldest never went to college and live off paycheck by paycheck. We
rely on my brother for financial assistance since he is the only one in our family who has earned a
degree. I never really like to talk about my life at home, for me, it shows a sign of weakness. I feel
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The About The Hardest Thing
When I think about the hardest thing I had to do is without a doubt facing the fact that my little
brother Sebastian, passed away. He was so young and had so much going for him a lot more than
what I was doing. He was ranked in the state for football being one of the best quarterbacks in
Florida. He was a Division one athlete. I would sit in my room where it would be pitch black and
freezing cold with my mind scattered all over the place, I wanted to give up. I would go on his
Instagram just to see him smile again and to hear his voice.
My brother and I would do a lot together, he was my sisters' best friend. The best days of my life
were spent with him. We went to the mall and spent our whole life savings, then from there we went
to the sponge docks in tarpon springs which smelled like seafood and ocean water. The following
day we went to Weechi Wachee Springs to go swimming and jump off of fifty foot cliffs, after that
we went to this haunted place called the monkey asylum where we ran out because we both were
way too scared to go. It was covered in graffiti on the stone walls and had monkey cages all over.
Being dark outside didn't really help us out anymore so we just decided to leave and hang out at my
But, when I graduated from Central High School I feared no one would be able to protect her or be
there for her when she is alone and sad. Sebastian was though he would always be by her side and I
was forever thankful. Sebastian and I didn't live together but he
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Stereotyping And Stereotypes
Stereotyping someone without knowing someone can bring unwanted conflicts and wrong
impressions. The other college students talked about me, as they tended to, not knowing that I could
hear what they were saying. "Look at her, she looks mean and rude." The look on my face must be
ugly, I suppose. Stereotypes always upset me and when the other girls were talking about me was no
exception. After hearing what was said I began to grow angry as the elevator started to go up. I was
alone, so I started thinking and talking out loud to myself about what was said about me, when the
elevator stopped on my door room floor, I realized I shouldn't be that upset, because it was not true.
I do not have to prove anybody wrong, or explain myself to anyone until they talked to me to see
what they thought of me was wrong. I continued to walk in the direction of my dorm room. I got to
my dorm room and I introduced myself to one of my roommates and her family. I picked my bed,
dressers, and computer desk. I started unpacking and moving my furniture around to accommodate
me. One by one, I put my clothes in the dressers neatly while my family brought the rest of my
things into the room. After a couple of hours, I was done unpacking and all I had to do was go to the
store and get food, drinks, and other things that I needed. I came back to my dorm and it was time
for parents to leave, so I walked my family out and talked to them and told them that I will call them
later. Saying bye, was
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Why Is Baba Home So A Zodiac Sign?
I hope to wake up one day to find cancer was only a Zodiac Sign, I prayed every night. We are
surrounded with ill people, we come into contact with them almost everyday, and we read stories of
sick people all the time. However, there is a huge difference between reading about a celebrity that
has been diagnosed with some kind of illness and discovering that my own father has been
diagnosed with Stomach Cancer. A wise man once said, "A father is a son's first hero and a
daughter's first love." In that case my father is all of the above. My father hid his cancer well,
suffered a lot, and left this world peacefully. Writing was the only escape for me from at that time.
I came home after school to my find my father sleeping in his room. My dad never comes home this
early, I wondered. "Momma" I called out loud, "why is Baba home this early?" I asked with one of
my eyebrows raised. "Oh, he just got a little tired and decided to take the rest of the day off," she
answered me shaking her head. "I'll make him soup. He likes soup." I couldn't say it without a smile
that extended from one ear to the other. I was sort of happy that my father is taking care of himself
and he's not pushing himself too much. Since that day my dad has been coming home early a lot,
and skipping work. He comes from work exhausted. I started wondering why is he too tired all the
time. I spent my days and nights trying to figure out what was happening, and why is he keeping it
from us. My thoughts took me to
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A Story Of A Story : My Story
If I were to say that I attribute who I am today to any one event, that would be the biggest lie I've
ever told. My story is an easy read, no dramatic tales, no mind– bending feats; it starts with a little
girl named Allie who wanted to be a mermaid when she was older. I grew up in an ideal situation, I
had two older sisters and a dedicated mom and dad. I played dress– up and house and fit the
description of a youngest child perfectly. I was an absolute terror. But I knew what I wanted and I
would almost always get it. We moved from our little bubble in Bailey, Colorado to Fort Morgan
when I was eight years old. My mom took a position as the Director of Rehab at Colorado Plains
Medical Center where she still works today. I never really cared to have an unrealistic role model
but looking back if I had someone I looked up to it was her. She works very hard and is good at
what she does. I now volunteer for her department and get to see exactly what she does on a day to
day basis.
That year we moved a lot of things changed for me. I no longer had someone to make my lunches,
do my hair, and drive me around. I was learning independence. I had to ride my bike to school and
keep track of my own schedule, which was new to me. Since I've always had a lot of activities going
on like sports and academic circuses, it's been super helpful to have the organization skills that I
learned that year. I decided early that I wanted to be a doctor. I actually decided that I was going to
be a pediatrician someday. This notion ended when I learned that every other girl in the 5th grade
wanted to do the same thing. I had to be different, I couldn't be another stereotype. I've always tried
to do my own thing. So it's not at all surprising that I'm purposely avoiding the colleges my sisters
go to. If there's one thing my family and I all have in common is our love to read. I wasn't as avid of
a reader as my two older sisters who reread Harry Potter too many times to count, it took me longer
to settle into the idea of it. My attention span grew and I started picking up all sorts of books. In 7th
grade I had a streak of books that were all tragedies. The well– known Fault in Our Stars tore me to
pieces, but
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The Super Hero In Fearless By Eric Blehm
When the word hero comes to mind people usually think of some super hero that they read about in
a book or saw in a movie, but the literal definition of a hero is a person who is admired for their
courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. "Fearless" by Eric Blehm contains many
examples of real life heroes. Adam Brown is undoubtedly the main hero in Blehm's novel, but other
members of the Brown family also displayed many notable heroic qualities.
The main hero in "Fearless" was Adam Brown. Adam was born on February 5, 1974, in Hot
Springs, Arkansas. When he was a child, he enjoyed playing football and spending time with his
friends and family. As he grew older, Adam became friends with the wrong crowd, and he began to
make poor life choices. "Fearless" is the story of how Adam overcame his demons in life and
became an amazing father and a well–known hero.
Adam struggled with a drug addiction early in life. Drugs totally destroyed him, and his relationship
with his family. He was no longer the son that Larry and Janice Brown raised. After Adam met
Kelley, he started to make an effort to turn his life around. Adam became a totally different person.
He became someone that the world could admire and look up to.
Many soldiers die every single day, and their story never gets told. The question is what makes
Adam's story so different and worth sharing. It could have something to do with Adam's unique
personality. After he turned his life around, Adam became a
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Questions and Answers of Chief Bromden
Questions & Answers of Chief Bromden
Chief was was your early years like? I was big and strong, I used to play football in high school and
I was considered a football star.
Did you experience any traumatizing in your childhood? My father giving up the reservation to the
government and my father falling into alcoholism and getting weak, while my mom began to gain
power over him.
What did you do after you graduated high school? I joined the Army during World War II, thats
when I learned about electronics.
When did do you think you started to get symptoms of your schizophrenia? I began to receive
symptoms of schizophrenia when I learned about electronics in World War II.
What did you see while you had your problem of schizophrenia? I could only see a blurry image or
the"fog" which I couldn't escape on my own.
Did you have any delusions at all? I believed the hospital and government was ran in a machinery
style which was all meant to keep us low.
Was there any hallucination you had? The fog was one of them and another was when Mrs.
Ratcheted would transform into a machine with mechanical arms coming out from her.
How did you last in the asylum that long chief? I pretended I was deaf and dumb so no one would
bother me and I could hear all of the hospitals dark dirty secrets.
How would they keep all the patients under control? They would give us all these drugs to keep us
all calm and believe they were trying to help us. Did you ever get pushed around while you were in
... Get more on ...
Self Concept Research Paper
My Self–Concept
Self–concept is one of those things that I believe changes as you grow up and go through more and
more in your daily life. I would like to say that I am a hardworking, kind and caring human,
although I don't think that is the person I used to put out in the world. Going through this life I have
become hard and closed off to the outside world, not necessarily because I want to but instead
because of the people and events that have shaped who I am. I am always striving to get past this
part of my life and know that I will one day look back at all of the things that went wrong in my life
and laugh because everything ended up being just right. To really understand where I am coming
from, you must understand where I have been. Growing ... Show more content on ...
March, 3 2010 will always be the worst day of my life. I can't begin to explain the pain that day has
caused me. It is hard to talk about it and brings tears to my eyes every time I start to think about it. I
can't ever take that day back, I will never get to hug her goodbye again, or tell her that I love her.
That was the day I lost that chance and the fact that I hurried out of her house haunts me to this
... Get more on ...

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Hardest Things In Life

  • 1. Hardest Things in Life One of the hardest thing in life is just to be yourself. One of the hardest things in life to do is trying to accept yourself for who you are. Unfortunately most people don't get to the accepting themselves stage until they are older. Even at childhood itself, you wouldn 't feel much comfortable in your academics when comparing with a brilliant pal in your class. There comes a certain time in your life when you just say 'I can't please everybody, so I am going to be myself' and you accept yourself. It's a very powerful thing to be able to do this, it's just a pity we couldn't do it when we were younger or elder. Obviously there are exceptions to the rule, there are a lot of younger people who have accepted themselves and don't try ... Show more content on ... He pretends that he's all okay with it and he even laugh about it when Bill jokes about the girls he disturbs. However, one fine day, Drake couldn't take it anymore, so he told Bill straight forwardly that he dislikes that behavior of Drake, and he had been pretending all these while to be okay with it. Bill got dumbfounded. He starts ignoring Drake. He felt that Drake is a pretender. Hence, from all the situations above, one can learn that people pretend to be what they 're not in order to fit in with certain types of people and situations. Maybe it will be backfire in the long run if they pretend to be interested in things they 're not, maybe they should be genuine if they want. Personally I think that if you aren 't straightforward from the beginning, the end result cannot be pleasant. You'll be stuck with what you don't want to do. I strongly believe that everyone does pretend every now and then. People may call it fake, but I don 't really consider it being "fake." Everyone puts on a different face for different people. It's a common thing, that no wont would act the same way around their grandmother or their teachers or their bosses as they would act around their friends at a party. So is one act more fake than another? I don 't think so. People are multi–dimensional, they don 't always act the same way all the time. Conclusion, one can clearly see that it is not easy to be yourself in life. Some situation will arise every now and ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Personal Narrative: Laredo At some point of our lives, we have all felt that feeling of what to do next, and mine would have to be the time I had to move from different cities. I was born and raised in McAllen, Texas. Throughout the years I was able to create and cherish many memories. Everyone around the neighborhood knew me as the shy, sweet, and kind Emily. My life was made in the valley until I got the announcement from my parents that we were moving to a new city named "Laredo." At that moment my world had paused, so many questions were running through my head. What am I going to do? Where will I live? , and how will I adapt to this new town? So many mixed emotions were created, but I tried to hide them. As moving day came around the corner, I started ... Show more content on ... I had a feeling that I would attend that school, and what were my chances sooner than later it was. The whole month of September I was considered or actually labeled as the new girl, which I highly disliked because I have a name. I had no friends whatsoever, gym class was the worst since I was always alone, and my teachers thought that I wasn't bright as the other students were, but one day that all had changed. I can admit that out of the past seven years I have lived here in Laredo, Texas I have learned so much, skills that include communication, leadership, multitasked, and organizer. Have helped me in some part of my life to make me the young women I am today. Yes, I do admit I am not perfect I do make mistakes, but I have learned through past experiences to get up and try again as many times I fall. Many might say that my actions describe who I am, but the truth is that it is my character who describes me from in and out. As the years come along one after another people have come in and out of my life, but at the end of the day it all comes down to what I did?, what will I do?, and what can I do? Sometimes you will ask yourself if what you do is even valuable and sometimes it might seem like it doesn't, but truly deep down it is and will always be. Throughout this journey, I have faced many obstacles and will still need to face many more as the years come. However, one thing I won't regret is making ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Personal Narrative: A Day At The Prairie Grove High School "Kennedy! Kennedy! Kennedy!" I could feel my stomach do a flip inside me as I walked up the steps of the Prairie Grove High School cafeteria to the stage area. All my friends were cheering for me from their seats as I took my seat and waited for the principal to make the announcement that I would be signing for a ten thousand dollar rodeo scholarship to Pratt, Kansas. I felt my hand shake as I quickly jotted down my name, and I could hear everyone clapping for my achievements. Ever since that moment in my life, I couldn't help but imagine my countless options (Did you mean opportunities?) that the world had to offer for me. I constantly was in fear of living six and a half hours away from the only place that I have ever called my home. If I stayed, where would I go to college? There ... Show more content on ... I remember running down the alley and pushing him hard past his first barrel, only to quickly bring his nose around for a tighter finish. After we repeated that two other times, he ran as fast as his little black legs could carry us. The hardest thing we had to do after that was wait for the announcers to announce the fastest time and who got take home the money. Cooper was my very best friend. He made my bad days good and my good days even better than usual. The day I sold Cooper was a day my life changed forever. I remember the little girl who purchased him rode him through my pasture and was ecstatic to be able to call him her horse. As I watched their 3500 Dodge Cummins pull away a piece of me that I will never forget, I began to subtly sob for an hour or so. The loss of Cooper is still very unreal to me. It is really hard to not look in my rearview mirror and see my golden Aspen brand trailer dragging behind me while old Hank Williams was blasting through my speakers. I often found myself reminiscing on the times that I never would have imagined going a day ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Reflection Paper Everyone has someone they look up to. People come and go, but the impact they leave behind lasts forever. If you asked 10 people what type of person I am, I promise, you will get 10 different answers. I am proud of the man that I am today, but there was a point where I was very lost. I was a loose cannon and had no sense of direction; taking every day as a joke. It was then, when I was 13, a 6'5 335 man, Mr. Corey Swinson, grabbed me and told me I can be anything I wanted. He said I wasn't like the rest. All I needed was some motivation to get to where I wanted to be. You can only imagine what went on in my head when his large hands were around the back of my neck. He said I wasn't just another kid in school that wouldn't amount to much, I was something so much greater. At that moment, I took the first step and enrolled in a private high school, but I still didn't grasp the full meaning of what he meant. I continued to run around like somebody owed me something. Like I was entitled to things that I had no business being entitled to. On September 10, 2013, everything changed. My mentor passed and the pain was indescribable. The very first person that actually saw potential in me was gone, and I couldn't do anything about it. But deep down I know what he expected of me. From then on, I started to read more. I started to become inspired. I started to work to perfect my craft. I started to be a dreamer. For many months, I didn't know what he meant. It only clicked when he was ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Marco Buros-Personal Narrative "The hard times were coming again, it was the same crap day after day. At this point I don't know how I kept putting up with it, people just don't see the truth." ~ Amber Oct. 12th The tears rushed into my my eyes like a river, as I started the new entry in my journal. I know everyone experiences tough times, but I didn't think that God would pick me to take on this challenge. I felt like my faith was being tested, and my relationships were crumbling beneath my feet. Before we get started on all of the negativity, I think we should start off this story by reflecting on all of the positive things that happened during these depressing experiences. It all started when I met the fantasy boy, Marco Buros. It was August 8th a beautiful summer ... Show more content on ... The news was even more amazing than I could ever image... at least that's what I thought at that time. He was going to start going to school in my high school with me! As the end of summer approached Marco and I had been spending more and more time together. Our relationship was growing stronger and stronger, as we were growing closer and closer. As summer drew to an end, the beginning of a new school year drew closer and closer every day. I couldn't help but imagine how great high school was going to be for me! Tomorrow is my first day of high school as a freshman. Excitement is taking over me! High school is going to be the best four years of my life! ~ Amber Aug. 26th The obnoxious beeping of my alarm woke me from my deep sleep. There I was standing in front of the mirror getting ready for my first day of high school. The deep thoughts flooded into my head like a river. "Who am I going to be?" "Are people going to like me for me?" (SV) "What's class going to be like?" As I thought quietly that morning I decided to make a promise to myself... Amber you are not going to lose who you know God wants you to be, you are not going to change yourself to try to fit in with someone else, promise me you will not do that! ~ Amber Aug. 26th (First Day of High ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Reflection Paper On The Journey To Virginia Starting next week my brother and I are traveling from our home in England all the way to Virginia. My mom is convincing me to go on this journey because I will have a better opportunity in the new World regarding religion. To be honest I am not sure how I will have an opportunity without my parents. I cried a lot when she first told me but she kept telling me I am brave and my protective brother will look out for me. This is a very big risk but I am feeling confident even though I'm leaving my neighborhood that I have gotten used to my whole life. Also leaving behind my friends which won't be easy. Thinking about my friends i think that will be the hardest thing to leave behind. I am not sure why they aren't going on this journey as well but it's not my business to ask because everyone's reasons for going to the new world are different. From what I remember my mom telling me, we will be traveling on the Mayflower with a lot of other people, kids, and possibly families. Looking on the bright side though, it should be interesting seeing new and unseen different parts of the world. There are so many different possible situations circling through my head right now, I just really am hoping nothing goes wrong on the way there. September 6th The day has come, today is the day my brother and I are setting out on our journey to Virginia. Thanks the nerves building up inside me I got up very early this morning i was able to scramble around my house picking up every last thing ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Informative Speech About Stress You ask me what is stress? As I stand here with no sleep, dark bags under my eyes, you ask me "What is stress?" well what makes you think I know stress? Is it the dead look in my eyes? Or maybe its the fact that i can barely keep my eyes open since my teachers all think their class is more important than any form of social life or heaven forbid another class. It's both right? Yeah it is, how can we be expected to relieve stress if the things that we do to relieve stress make us more stressed, or we had to stop what we enjoyed doing to work on meaningless essays and questions that never end. That is what stress is, its that gnawing feeling that even if you do everything right you may have to do even more and it just piles on never endingly until it eventually collapses because students weren't meant to handle this level of stress, and when it collapses everyone acts like they understand but they don't. They say "why are you stressed when i was your age..." here's the heartbreaking truth that was you not me. You say that there's tutoring for help with academic classes but the pride that comes from being at the top of the class and always being one of if not the smartest people in the room won't let you go even if you desperately need it. Because if you go to get help you could be seen as weaker than the people who did this on their own. So yes you can get tutoring but if it comes at the price of seeing yourself as less than somebody who came before you would you? Could you ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. How Does Group Task Roles Affect A Group? My group members for this project were Sarah Gianopulos, Andrea Avendano, Andrew Riis, Parker Stuart, and Joseph Jones. I genuinely enjoyed working with all of them. Right from the start, we all got along very well, to the point where we would even talk and text outside of class about things completely unrelated to our assignment. I would say we even became pretty good friends through this class. Every time our group got together, it was a very relaxing atmosphere. Everyone was comfortable and open with each other. Our group decided to choose the topic of "Police and Community Relations". We came up with this idea during class through brainstorming together. We all started to mention current day problems and came to the conclusion that police relations was the best idea. "Group task roles affect the group's ability to achieve its common goal by focusing on behaviors that help get the job done" (Engleberg & Wynn, p.52). "Maintenance roles affect how group members get along with one another while pursuing a shared goal" (Engleberg & Wynn, p.53). I think our group did a great job balancing task and maintenance roles. Everyone was able to stay focused while in class and even keep each other up to date on assignments and the process of the project through a group chat. Along with doing this, we all became pretty ... Show more content on ... We used "listening to understand" method when we were discussing the topic for the project and also when members were sharing the information that they found. We used both the "listening to respond" and "listening to interpret" methods during the socialization of group with topics such as personal lives that were unrelated to the assignment. I believe that my listening ability was very effective in the group along with everyone else. We all exemplified the habits that demonstrate an effective listener, which are knowledge, skills and desire (Covey, ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Describe My Mother I view my mother as the outmost magnificent person in my life, and I can't be more thankful to have her. I would describe my mother as a strong and independent woman, my role model; I can't think of another person that means a great deal to me. My mother is the sweetest and the trust worthiest person, but she can also be tough and deliberate. My grandparent's personalities are strict, therefore my mother was raised in a harsh environment, this thought her to be strong and that not everything is easy in life or handed to you. I consider her as the hardest working person I ever know, consequently thanks to her hard work she achieved countless goals in her life. She would always say to me "you have to work hard to achieve your dreams", I believe her. If you knew her you'll be impressed by her strong character, moreover, she is someone that you will admire if you met her and knew her. She makes a wonderful mother and I'm sure she will make a great friend. My mother's name is Lidia Montano Ramos, she was born in La Paz, Bolivia; there she lived most of her life, next to the side of my father who is her husband, moreover now they have 23 years married. If you ever wanted to meet my mother, you could, it's obvious to tell her apart from a crowd. The first thing that calls for attention is her hair, she has wavy hair, s waves mixed with natural ringlets fighting the frizz that could be noticed for a long distance. Her hair is always in a messy low ponytail, but when she is going somewhere elegant she frees her hair and puts it down, you'll recognize the difference. The second point to notice is her lips, they are much the same as a fresh coral pink, the upper lip is darker than the lower. She has a tiny scar on the right side of the upper lip almost untraceable, however, it's most likely that you will not notice it. When she paints her bow–shaped lips, she likes the diva red. Her hair and her lips are traits that stand out the further, she has other characteristics too, although they don't stand out as much as her hair and lips. Her character is one of the strongest assets she has. She treats everyone equally with respect, but if you disrespect her, she will just simply walk away without saying a word. Even though ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Dealing with Change in Life We all have dealt with change at one point in our life. Change comes in many ways from having a new baby being born to transitioning to a new career. What I call this is forces of change. Secondly is how we process that change. It may simple and it may not be simple. Lastly once you process the change you are then able to manage change. If you manage change you will not be as stressed if you let it take over you. Change is never when you are ready. Yes you may plan to move to a new home or new state but you are still dealing with stress. The majority of us have change come to us when we are not ready. The most change that we have in our life is that of career change or work changes. We see it every day businesses may close or merge with another business. This is a big deal because people need to look for a new job or plan to retire. This change would be consider planned change. (Nelson & Quick, 2013 p.668). Another change is that when managers are changed at your job. Managers come and go in a company. Many managers will move up in the company and many will pursue a different career. This is tough for employees to deal with because they get use to working in one direction until someone new comes in. This is consider to be unplanned change. (Nelson & Quick, 2013 p668). Many companies do change as a globalize style. To me having a globalize style of change is planned and unplanned. I say this because the company knows where they are moving or when they are moving, but no one ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Personal Narrative On Trial My trial was hard and brutal. The hardest thing was to see that people, that I didn't even know, want me dead for something that I am physically not capable of doing. You all know me, and who I really am. Most of you probably don't care about what I have to say, and most of you don't care what happens to me, but I know some of you do truly believe me. I was framed, and the evidence even proves that I didn't do it, but no one believes a black man .I mean how could I choke a strong woman like Mayella, and keep her down to where she can't get up, with my crippled arm. I would never do such a thing to anyone, and I hope you all know that. This justice system is not fair, and I knew there would be no way out of this mess. When Bob Ewell took ... Show more content on ... . He told me he would do everything possible, and I know he would, but I also know it would never be enough. He could do whatever he thought would win the case, I won't stop him, but we have to remember that the court has the final call. I mean, are they really going to allow my case to be easy? Atticus has got a way of making people crack in the courtroom, by using the evidence. Maybe that's what's makes him such a good lawyer. " Who beat you up? Tom Robinson or your father?"( Lee 251). Unfortunately, even though Atticus scrutinized the evidence, and did all that he could. I wonder if Atticus thought that I would easily get free with him as my lawyer, because it seems that way now. No matter what evidence he brought to the table, or what he told people, I knew no one would listen, so I have to make a run for ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. The Death Of My Boyfriend Grief is like weather. Some days are cold, wet and stormy, while the other days are bright warm and sunny. Today like most days its storming. I lost my heart, my life, my boyfriend to five bullets 1,327 days ago. Not only have I lost all hope but I forgot how to love so deep. Experiencing the passing of my boyfriend was never easy. I knew the love was always true from all the wonderful times we had, to the phone calls, until the funeral. I knew he was always the one who had my back. Dealing with the death of my boyfriend Dante' was never easy but his spirit presence helps to persevere though life daily challenges. Never in a million years had I never imagined that falling in love would be so easy. On February 16, 2010 I was honored to be the girlfriend of Dante' Lamont Williams. The moment I laid my eyes on him I felt as if the world was in my hands. Having someone besides family to encourage; build me up was amazing. Daily we would go on park walks just to explain why his love for me was strong. Ever since the first day we met he would call me his "golden piece". A golden piece to Dante' was when he was down and out; clueless on what to do I would be the one to put a smile on his face just to encourage him and let him know that everything was going to be just fine. I never thought I would go from loving someone so hard to watching him take his last breath in my arms. On January 21, 2012 one late and cold night I received news that changed my life forever. At 1 in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. My Interview With My Fiance 's Grandfather For my interviews, I talked with my fiancé's grandfather. I will refer to him as Paul. I do not have any real relationship with his grandfather because we have lived pretty far away from them since we have been together. I have only ever talked with him a little at the last two Christmases. My fiancé is very close to his grandfather however, so I had heard a lot about him from stories. The first interview will take place at my fiancé's parents home, where his grandfather will be visiting with his wife for dinner because we are there for the weekend. I do not have any goals for learning about older adults for my person or professional growth. I used to work in a nursing home as a therapeutic recreation assistant so I feel completely comfortable working with older adults. While working at the nursing home, I worked with residents as well as their families. A lot of residents' children were between 50 and 65 years old so I have also dealt with younger older adults too. I have held hands and talked to residents who are dying and scared. It is easy for me to be able to talk to and relate to older adults because it is really not that difficult to find something that will help the individual trust you. The hardest thing when working with older adults is working with an individual with some form of dementia. I could still learn more about working with individuals with dementia because I would imagine it is different as a social worker, but this interview will not ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Reflection Of A Speech At The Middles Of Speech When I was waiting to perform at my first speech competition I realized that I couldn't breath. It was as if all the air in the room had been sucked out. I felt like I had entered an empty, soundless vacuum, almost as if I had been sucked into space. I half expected myself to become weightless and float around the room, but this didn't happen. Instead of this, I stood frozen in the middle of a classroom in front of a dozen other people. I was the center of attention, and I hated every second of it. I was debating whether or not I should just turn around and sprint out the door, but before I could make a decision the lady in the front desk smiled at me and said something along the lines of "ready whenever you are". The moment she said this two things crossed my mind: the first one being "I'm fucked," and the second being "how did I end up here?" Unfortunately I didn't have time to answer that question because at that moment I had to do the hardest thing in front of my life: performing and speaking in front of others. When I entered that classroom I knew that I was going to end up having a nervous breakdown in the middle of my performance, but I didn't expect the tears. I reached a point in my speech where I just suddenly stopped talking. I couldn't take the panic and fear anymore, so tears started to fall. This moment felt like it lasted a lifetime, and all I wanted to do was run out that door, but I knew that I had to get it together. I somehow pulled myself together, choked ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. Summary Of ' The Night ' Odyssey ' Lost It was the summer of 1998; I was pregnant with my second child, when my two–year–old son, my husband, my brother Vladimir, his girlfriend Nicole, two other couples and I went on vacation to Brittany, France. Usually, I spent the summer in Serbia with my two grandmas and the rest of the family. But this year, we decided to go another time to visit them. I never thought this would be one of my most regretted decisions I have ever made. I cannot remember the name of the place where we stayed for two weeks. The only thing I do remember is our night odyssey in Paris, how we weren't able to find the way out through the maze tunnels to the highway which was supposed to lead us to the "no name" village in Brittany. Eventually, around midday, we arrived at our house. As we were the only ones with a child, the rest of the group treated my son like an alien whose task was to turn the nightly rest upside down, so the banned us to the only bedroom in the first floor. In hindsight, it was the best room of the whole house, due to the heat which emanated at night heavily from the attic rooms and made breathing difficult. The area was beautiful, green hills everywhere; the few houses looked like they were put into the lush meadows by a creative behemoth. Although you could not see the ocean, the constant blowing wind carried the salty, fishy smell to your house. The fleecy clouds alternated with the sunshine I a two–day cycle. So we went sightseeing on the cloudy days, on the other, to ... Get more on ...
  • 30.
  • 31. Reflection Paper We are all different in unique ways that make us who we are. Life comes in all shapes, sizes, colors, and orientations, and yet the only thing we, as a society, see is what makes up the best of these. So many people believe that being "different" is not acceptable in the world, and because of this, people deny themselves who they are and live in fear. I sadly found myself in the same situation, afraid and alone. Being raised in a religious household influenced the way I interpreted and saw the world, even though the only portion of it I had come to know was a thirty mile radius from home. In that radius, I found myself devoured in hate, negativity, and fear. Being different was a social crime and the punishment was judgement. For that, I lived in fear for years; fear that people would know the truth about me; fear of eternal damnation; fear of the inner feelings I had kept locked away. At one point, I began to fear myself. I had built up walls in my head and in my heart, hoping to protect myself, but in the end I was left locked away by my own self–flagellation. I cut myself off from friends, family, and anyone who dared show the slightest compassion. I pushed my thoughts deep into the hole I replaced my heart with, denying myself truth and happiness. Eventually the secrets and lies consumed me, and I became trapped in my own fears. Because of society's depictions and animosity for singularity, I continued to tell myself, "You're not gay." I wasted so many tears and ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The Challenges Of Becoming A Refugee Becoming a refugee is probably one of the hardest thing someone could ever experience. You have to leave everything behind, and restart a whole new chapter. As you flee to another country, you have to learn new languages, new cultures, religions and more. You will have to face many new challenges, and experience a whole new world. In the book Inside Out and Back Again, and in the article "World of Difference Benefit Luncheon", Ha, her family, and Gurung both show the same struggles and challenges of feeling "inside out" while fleeing and finding a new home. They felt like they needed to fit in with the other people and in order for them to fit in the main culture they had to risked many things. After fleeing Saigon, Ha can understand what's going on, but she cannot communicate back to the others, for example Ha said, "I'm furious unable to explain . . . I hate, hate, hate it" (Lai 156). However, she was able to understand the information in school because she's already passed these classes back in Saigon. The teachers thought Ha did not understand what the class was doing and it made Ha feel like she wasn't smart. In "World of Difference Benefit Luncheon", Gurung and his wife also struggled with trying to learn a new language as they try to make the new country their home. They struggled with little things in life, for example, "When we first arrived, my wife was unable to understand any English. Just taking the bus and going to the store was a challenge for her" (Gurung). The small task such as going to the store and riding the bus was hard for Gurung and his wife. It was hard because they were not used to the environment and did not speak any english. Ha and her family thought life would be easier if they did things like everyone else. That is why they decided to start going to church so that they can fit in. However, after being baptized Ha and her family feel like they have thrown away their own religion and culture. They thought that if they became like everyone else in the neighborhood, the others would see them as the same. After they started going to church, they did not realize they had to come back every Sunday. For example, "Bumps and enlarge on my chilled skin as I realize we will be coming ... Get more on ...
  • 34.
  • 35. Personal Narrative Essay : Playing Basketball On a bright sunny Saturday afternoon, the sun was pounding, and Anthony decided to go outside to play basketball. Besides it being ninety degrees out he practiced like he was Michael Jordan. The sound of the ball swishing is like heaven to him. With a big,bright smile on his face he looks at the rim, and is set up ready to take a free throw. He gets in position, shoots, and makes it! He looked around him to see that his neighbor was having trouble with her groceries. Her two kids were screaming, and hanging on her like she was a playground. He notices she was on the phone, and she was yelling at them, so he ran over. " Hi, let me help you," Anthony exclaimed as he was taking the bags out of her hand and bringing them inside. " Thank you, that's very sweet of you." Mrs.Smith responded. " Do you need anymore help, I got all of the bags out, I can stay, and help you put them away." " If you don't mind, that would be fantastic!" He walked into the house, and started to put the groceries away. Three year old Matt and four year old Zack were still screaming. Mrs. Smith raised her voice a few times, and told them to go to their rooms. They went fast. " They can come back to my house with me, and play basketball so they are out of your way." " That would be awesome, but I don't think you really want to watch them." " It would be my pleasure too, I can teach them how to play." " Zack! Matt! Come down from your rooms. Anthony said you guys are welcome to go to his house to ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Blind And Deaf Since Birth "This story is inspired by real events in France in the late 19th century." (Marie 's Story, 2014) "Blind and deaf since birth, young Marie Heurtin begins to experience the world in new ways as a nun coaxes her out of isolation." (Netflix) Marie 's father takes her to a boarding school, Notra– Dame de Larnay run by nuns, for deaf girls in hopes that they may be able to help Marie. At first the nuns say they are only a school for the deaf and simply do not know how to help Marie being that they have never worked with a child who was also blind, and turn her and her father away. During this time, this is the only option aside from taking poor Marie to an asylum. One sister, Sister Marguerite, who has a brief encounter with Marie before having been sent away, is shortly after convinced that it is her mission to help this young girl and decides to take on the challenge. The journey is a long and hard one. Sister Marguerite, at first, has trouble convincing the Mother Superior of her mission and to allow her to carry it out, Mother argues that she does not think it possible that the girl can learn, or that she mental capacity to learn, and does not think it healthy for Sister to take on such a burned with her lung condition which has shortened her life as it is. After great persistence, Sister Marguerite goes to fetch Marie and travels a great distance on foot. Maries original state is a troubling one. She does not trust people, other than her parents, to lay a hand on her and ... Get more on ...
  • 38.
  • 39. My First Small Business Adventure Growing up as a middle–class child with both parents working, I learned to appreciate the little details. In order to grow my parents had to deal with a lot of un–ethical people and the wrongs they did to them. Although they had many opportunities to develop quickly at the expense of others, they always denied the idea of taking advantage of them. Instead, my parents chose the longer but righteous road. Through their life choices and their struggles, I learned to be fair to others as I would like others to be fair to me, how to be humble, and help develop others as much as I was developing. "Love your neighbor as yourself." Religion wasn't harshly enforced, but my parents implemented a lot of the lessons that came from the words of the bible. I learned not to take advantage of people. As a young child my first small business adventure was my lemonade stand. Pricing my lemonade was the hardest thing I had to think about because I wanted to make money but, I didn't want people not to purchase it. There was my first business lesson. I needed to be fair to others as I would be to myself. I experienced that if I was giving my family a discount everyone else deserved one too because it was the exact same cup, with the same amount. I couldn't turn around and sell it to others at a higher price just because I knew they didn't know my family was getting it for less. I felt better to know I was being a good person even though I didn't make a lot of money. Making money for the ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Speech On Steve Jobs Speech Steve Jobs, one of the cofounders of Apple, delivered a speech to the graduates of Stanford University at their commencement ceremony. Although Steve Jobs was a college dropout, his speech was more inspirational than anything. Jobs shared three stories with the graduates. His first story was about connecting the dots, the next one was about finding love, and the last story was about death. The three most influential points that I got out of Job's speech, was to never lose faith, trust in something, and don't waste your time living someone's else life. Steve Jobs told the graduates of Stanford to never lose faith. This advice stood out to me the most out of everything else. Sometimes when stumbling blocks come one's way, they tend to give up and lose hope. I felt like Jobs knew my story because it connected to my life. At the end of my high school career I made my final decision that I wanted to go to Winthrop. I was already telling everyone that Winthrop would be my new home. I received my student bill and noticed my scholarships and grants were not enough to pay for it. I was torn, and didn't know what to do. My mother told me I would have to pick another school, but I did not want to hear that. So, I prayed about it day in and day out and knew a miracle was going to happen. The next week I got a call from the Vocational Rehabilitation Center, and they told me they would be able to help with my tuition. I knew then and there, it was God. The moral of the story is, I never ... Get more on ...
  • 42.
  • 43. Descriptive Essay On Freak The Mighty Freak the mighty That night we got a phone call from the police. Gram answered the phone. I heard your cry in the living room talking to Grim saying ''how am I going to tell him.'' I didn't know what she was talking about until they came to the down under and sat next to me. After a while of her trying to spit out the words for her to tell me that there was and crash on the way to the police station and that my father has died. Gram gave me a hug then they both went back upstairs. After they left I just stared at an old picture of Mum. He deserved to die after what he did to mum. I didn't get any sleep that night, all I could think about is what he did to mum. A few weeks later it was Freak's birthday. We all went to Gwen's house for dinner and to give Freak his presents. Gwen bought him the new computer that he has been talking about for ages. We got him more books to write his crazy ideas in. Gwen ordered Freak's favourite pizza for dinner. During dinner, Freak announced that next week he will have the surgery to get his new body. We were all happy but nervous at the same time. On the day of Freak's surgery, I stayed home from school so I could see him after. All day my stomach was in knots and I couldn't even eat. I kept think about everything that could go wrong and what could happen. I have never felt so nerve in my life before. Grim and Gram tried to reassure that everything would be fine but I could tell that they are just as nerves as I am. Gwen said that we ... Get more on ...
  • 44.
  • 45. Personal Narrative : My Best Friend Death is an inevitable thing. It lingers over our head like a dark cloud and likes to follow us around everywhere we go. It's something that is forgotten about and wished away. It's something that can come trucking through your life and take you with it on the way out, or it's something that can come peacefully during the night to whisk you away. It's something that can take someone years to get over, or for some it could take weeks. It's something that either bring people together, or tears them apart. Most people like to push the thought of it into the furthest part of their brain in hopes to forget it. I am one of those people. On November 12, 2014 my best friend took his own life. We weren't even fourteen years old yet. At thirteen years old I had lost my best friend and myself. Tuesday morning was when my whole world came crashing down around me. I had found out when I got to school that day. Our principal at the time came in a read something from a stack of papers that were stapled together. I could tell they hadn't been used in a while because the edges were bent and it looked like it had been stuffed away in a drawer. Sitting there with my stomach in knots, everything he said was flying right over my head. I had so many things running through my head. How could this have happened? Why didn't he tell me he needed help? Why wasn't I there for him? Everything became too much for me to bare so my mom came and picked me up. The whole drive home she talked on the phone ... Get more on ...
  • 46.
  • 47. Karate : An Asian System Of Unarmed Combat What Karate Has Done To Me "Yes I do karate, no that doesn't mean I'm going to beat you up, and no I will not randomly show you a really cool complicated move"! Karate: an Asian system of unarmed combat using the hands and feet to deliver and block blows, widely practiced as a sport. Karate is performed barefoot in loose padded clothing, with a colored belt indicating the level of skill, and involves mental as well as physical training. I have been doing karate for ten years I started when I was six. If you do the math you would know that I am now sixteen. Karate has been a part a huge part of my. Every ones goal in life is to find something that they will always love. Something that you can loose yourself doing and no matter how bad of a day you're having when you do it everything is good again. For some it's dancing, drawing, shooting, reading, but for me its karate. I will never forget my first class. Learning how to do a front stance in a room full of 6, 7 and 10 year olds with a weird lady in all white tell me that my leg wasn't far enough back. After that class I wanted to cry I'm actually pretty sure I did. It seemed like the hardest thing in the world. What I dint know that in ten years time that position would be completely switched. Now I am that weird lady a stark white gi telling little kids to put there leg further back and to tighten their fists. Ten years a have devoted my life to this amazingly tough sport but it hasn't been all rainbows and ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. A Journey Into Hospitality And Special Events At Dress Barn A Journey into Hospitality and Special Events at Dress Barn An internship is normally a work task you complete after a series of classes to gain a degree in a particular field you think you'll love, whether you still love it after you've completed that journey is based upon a multitude of things. Luckily, I have found that I really enjoy fashion and working in retail throughout this internship at Dress Barn. Some students find that what they thought they were getting into, is actually completely different than what they expected. Especially when you look at a profession on paper versus real life. When I started college, I wasn't really sure what I wanted to study or achieve with my life. I just knew it was time to get back into school so ... Show more content on ... With having a new store, within a new mall, and a lot of competition, my first self–appointed job was to market Dress Barn, pass out coupons, and just get our name out within the community. I would have to say this job went excellent, we have what is called out–reach coupons which I delivered around Byron Center and the mall. The next job, learning to read our daily numbers and sales goals was also very easy. I certainly enjoy filling out or hourly sales charts and noticing the difference between what we have, want, and need. On top of our daily sales goals we have an email and phone number outreach program called DB Perks, these numbers are great to follow to see where we get around and how many new customers sign up weekly. Making a great competition between the staff at each store. Switching from Karmen White to Paige Parr as management made learning a tiny bit difficult and I have yet to learn the scheduling system. I understand that hours offered are based on money coming in, but other than that, I'm in the dark. Team selling, inspiring, and leading has been an easy task in my eyes, the customers love a bit of oversharing and really open up in response. Helping me help them. As to the event I ran, a client works with you to choose the best date when the store is closed, my customer picked a Sunday evening starting at 5:30pm. She and her guests stayed until 8:30pm enjoying the refreshments, goody bags, and the ... Get more on ...
  • 50.
  • 51. The Day Of My First Kiss Essay I left right after work to rush home and take a shower. Tonight was going to be amazing. Tonight would be the night of my first actual party and I knew it would be fun. I couldn't stop thinking about all memories that night would be filled with and the friends I'd get to share them with. I had no doubt that tonight would be a night to remember. There are two dates I will never forget. They happened on the same day, but different years. February 12, 2012, the day of my first kiss. This was the day I learned that something so simple could mean so much when you share it with someone special. This was the day I began to believe that love could be real. February 12, 2016, the day I was sexually assaulted. This was the day I stopped believing in anything. This was the day my world stopped and the day I learned what it means to be a victim. Being a victim is something I hope no one has to go through. It's not just a title, but something you have to deal with everyday. I had never known what it meant to live as a victim. Every day is different. Some days I wake up and everything is fine. I don't feel any sadness, it's just a normal day. Other days, though, I wake up and I regret it. I just want to stay in bed and pretend life isn't happening. The hard days rarely come, but when they do, they come as a storm of flashbacks, panic attacks, and numbness. Being a victim means being prepared for the worst, but hoping for the best. The night it happened to me was a blur. On my way to ... Get more on ...
  • 52.
  • 53. Volunteering Research Paper When volunteering at West Minnehaha it made me realize things that I didn't pay attention to before going in. Last time when volunteering at Dayton's Bluff I didn't put myself out there to learn but since then I have another opportunity to do so and I have learned a lot. The point for volunteering is to build relationships, problem solve, what to do in a conflict situation, and step outside of my comfort zone. Let me tell you, I have learned to do each and every single one of those. I realized that the kids from the rec. center are in need of someone who they can look up to and a dependable person who they can count on. For example, I was looking after a group of kids that needed help with homework and when walking around I hear a conversation ... Show more content on ... I will be dealing with a lot of different kind of people and having patience and understanding them will be a big essential. There was many of times where I had to step out of my comfort zone and let me tell you I didn't like it at all, but I got through it. I told Bilal about my fear of public speaking and he said that he was going to help me get out of my comfort zone. There were times when Bilal would tell me to present in front of the kids and he would make sure that every kid would attend the meets. When it was Black History Month Bilal had a presentation set up for the kids. He told about important African Americans that have impacted the history of blacks, issues happening in the communities, and how law enforcement is interacting with African Americans. Bilal asked a questions to the kids and wanted to know how many important African American they knew. None of the kids knew more than two people that has impacted the history of blacks. The kids just knew Martin Luther King and Rosa Park because that's what they have learned in class. Bilal was disappointed in the education system and kids. He went on saying they're in charge of educating ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Organizational Theory and Behavior Essay Organizational Theory and Behavior Homework #3 October 9, 2007 What advancement barriers did Lisa encounter? Although Lisa Weber was a highly qualified, ambitious analyst for the firm, she never had a chance for advancement because of that glass ceiling. The idea of becoming a partner was always visible, but never attainable because of the various obstacles she had to face. The same obstacles most women face when trying to climb the corporate ladder. Several barriers stood in Lisa's path of becoming a partner. One such barrier was the fact that even though her credentials, commendations, and work ethic were extremely high, she was never respected by the CEO, Michael Breyer, as someone who deserved to be on an executive level. His ... Show more content on ... Lisa was a vital asset to the company. She brought in new business, her accounts were prosperous, and her opinion was coveted on a daily basis by partners that she longed to be equal with. What type of organizational policies and opportunities might have benefited Lisa and Pamela? One organizational policy that would have benefited Lisa and Pamela is a zero tolerance of discrimination, whether it is sexual, racial, age, or gender. Most companies today would not have tolerated the way these women were treated. Not only because it is not right, but because of the negative publicity it would cause if one of these women were to bring a discrimination charge up against the company. One accusation of discrimination or harassment against a company is usually the catalyst for whatever else may be hiding behind those closed doors. What could the organization do to raise the gender consciousness of Michael Breyer and Lisa's male colleagues? One thing the organization could do to raise the gender consciousness would be to do an ongoing series of sensitivity training for all staff. Along with this training would be annual assessment seminars that will teach people the different types of discrimination and harassment and the steps they need to take when such a situation is posed upon them. In the Cancer center where I am employed, women make up nearly 70% of the managerial and supervisory staff in all departments. At the executive level they only make up ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. The Scavengers Narrative Clint slumped onto the couch. Breathing a heavy sigh, he closed his eyes for a moment. With the children all asleep, a peaceful silence hung in the air. Even the sounds of the dripping tap he needed to repair seemed to cease for this one evening, giving him almost complete quiet. But it never took long for the silence to transition from peaceful to strange and uncomfortable. As exhausted as he was, and as much as he enjoyed the peace, it made him restless. Blindly, Clint reached out and attempted to grab the television remote off the coffee table, without opening his eyes or shifting his body. "So, you can save the world from aliens and killer robots, but grabbing the remote is such a dreadful struggle," joked Laura, as she picked up the ... Show more content on ... She tossed and turned, trying to find a comfortable position so she could drift off and forget momentarily about the day's events. Giving up, reached across to her bedside table and grabbed her laptop. Usually, Wanda would have used her powers to grab items she needed, but now she was hesitant. I can't risk it, she thought. I can risk damaging anything, or anyone else. She pulled herself up into a sitting position and switched on the laptop, the sudden brightness of the screen causing her to squint. A notification flashed across the screen, informing her of an incoming video message through the Avengers private communication system from an unidentified caller. Knowing exactly who it would, she smiled and immediately clicked to answer the call. Clint's face appeared on the screen within seconds. He appeared to be sitting on the couch in his dimly lit living room. "Hey Wanda," he greeted her with a smile. "I didn't wake you, did I?" "No, don't worry," she said, leaning over to switch on her lamp so Clint could actually see her face. "I doubt I'll get much sleep tonight. Too much on my mind." There was a momentary pause from Clint's end of the call. "So, I... uh... I saw the news," he began, evidently unsure of what to say ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. “the Last 203 Days of Sarah’s Life” Essay Psychology 230 07 December 2010 "The Last 203 Days of Sarah's Life" The film I choose to watch for the chapter 16 essay was "The Last 203 Days of Sarah's Life". I previewed some of the films available from option A and then previewed Sarah's film. Sarah's film touched me at a personal level after I realized what the film was about. My maternal grandmother has reached the age of 101 years this October and although she is not sick like Sarah was I realize that my grandmother cannot have too many years left. Sarah's daughter Kaye expressed her feelings throughout the video, the frustration, the good and bad days her mother had, all of which affect the care givers state of being. Listening to the sadness in Kaye's voice reached me. ... Show more content on ... Sarah herself said at one point "...I have no idea what it was all about". My take on her comment was that although she came to accept her inevitable death, she did not have any philosophical answers to give anyone. The film began with hospice care being administered at Kaye's home and it seems that by that time Sarah had gone through her stages of realization and had now accepted her death. I realize that witnessing all this makes me better aware of what happens, but knowing what to expect and going through it are definitely two different things. Eventually Kaye was not able to continue providing the care her mother required. Although the decision to move her mother to the hospice was difficult to accept, it was a welcomed event. Kaye had gotten to the point where she couldn't cope physically. In the end, when Sarah died, Kaye seemed like having had her mother in the hospice was the best way to have conducted their affairs. Watching the film was definitely enlightening. It was an eye opener to the benefits of hospice care. Having been around for some time I have experienced the loss of a loved one but my case was different and did not require the use of hospice care. The film is definitely worth ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. How My Life Has Changed My Outlook On Life Did you ever think that your life could change from one minute to the next? I sat on the couch waiting for the news that would change my outlook on life. I had a pit in my stomach before there was even news to tell. I knew this news was coming for a long time, but I did not know how. My world was going how any 15–year–old would want it to go. A loving family, nice friends, and all the free time in the world. What I did not know was that was all about to change. I was laying on the couch with my head buried deep in the cushions. Almost like that would shield me from the news I was about to receive. Goosebumps started to appear on my arms and tear drops rose in my eyes. I heard the door knob turn, and I knew my mom was home. Picking my head up from out of the cushions, was like picking up a boulder with my bare hands. Before this point in time my life was basic. There was six people in the room when the news was dropped. Each person was on the edge of their seat already anticipating the news my mom was about to speak. We all sat in the living room which could comfortably fit all of us. However, this time was different. All the seats were filled with heavy hearts. My mom said "guys, I have something to tell you". Seconds following that statement my Mom–mom broke down into tears. Seeing someone you love cry really pulls on your heart. The silence told it all. Something tragic has happened to our family. The living room that held six people was terribly silent. My mom ended ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Reflection Paper Blue and red lights flashed outside, while I saw my father being handcuffed; my mother and older siblings crying. I was seven at the time, didn't really understand what was happening but later I found out he was deported. My mother tried her best to raise me, "Sepa como pensar,"my mother would always tell me, which in English it means,"know how to think." I was raised to face reality at a young age and to know that everything that you want in life comes from hard work. Living in a household of 7 siblings was not easy, especially for a single mother who is also an immigrant. I was one of the youngest. My mother was diagnosed with her illness and has major depression since I was 12 years–old, so she had to stop working. For me overcoming poverty in my family is hard because my mother is not able to work due to her illnesses that she has to face. Growing up knowing not being able to afford certain types of things or being able to help around the house financially was difficult, I felt like I was not good enough and useless until a professor that I met had a similar story as mine advised me that in order to get out of my situation was to get an education. I have five sisters and one brother, the four oldest never went to college and live off paycheck by paycheck. We rely on my brother for financial assistance since he is the only one in our family who has earned a degree. I never really like to talk about my life at home, for me, it shows a sign of weakness. I feel like ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. The About The Hardest Thing When I think about the hardest thing I had to do is without a doubt facing the fact that my little brother Sebastian, passed away. He was so young and had so much going for him a lot more than what I was doing. He was ranked in the state for football being one of the best quarterbacks in Florida. He was a Division one athlete. I would sit in my room where it would be pitch black and freezing cold with my mind scattered all over the place, I wanted to give up. I would go on his Instagram just to see him smile again and to hear his voice. My brother and I would do a lot together, he was my sisters' best friend. The best days of my life were spent with him. We went to the mall and spent our whole life savings, then from there we went to the sponge docks in tarpon springs which smelled like seafood and ocean water. The following day we went to Weechi Wachee Springs to go swimming and jump off of fifty foot cliffs, after that we went to this haunted place called the monkey asylum where we ran out because we both were way too scared to go. It was covered in graffiti on the stone walls and had monkey cages all over. Being dark outside didn't really help us out anymore so we just decided to leave and hang out at my house. But, when I graduated from Central High School I feared no one would be able to protect her or be there for her when she is alone and sad. Sebastian was though he would always be by her side and I was forever thankful. Sebastian and I didn't live together but he ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Stereotyping And Stereotypes Stereotyping someone without knowing someone can bring unwanted conflicts and wrong impressions. The other college students talked about me, as they tended to, not knowing that I could hear what they were saying. "Look at her, she looks mean and rude." The look on my face must be ugly, I suppose. Stereotypes always upset me and when the other girls were talking about me was no exception. After hearing what was said I began to grow angry as the elevator started to go up. I was alone, so I started thinking and talking out loud to myself about what was said about me, when the elevator stopped on my door room floor, I realized I shouldn't be that upset, because it was not true. I do not have to prove anybody wrong, or explain myself to anyone until they talked to me to see what they thought of me was wrong. I continued to walk in the direction of my dorm room. I got to my dorm room and I introduced myself to one of my roommates and her family. I picked my bed, dressers, and computer desk. I started unpacking and moving my furniture around to accommodate me. One by one, I put my clothes in the dressers neatly while my family brought the rest of my things into the room. After a couple of hours, I was done unpacking and all I had to do was go to the store and get food, drinks, and other things that I needed. I came back to my dorm and it was time for parents to leave, so I walked my family out and talked to them and told them that I will call them later. Saying bye, was ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Why Is Baba Home So A Zodiac Sign? I hope to wake up one day to find cancer was only a Zodiac Sign, I prayed every night. We are surrounded with ill people, we come into contact with them almost everyday, and we read stories of sick people all the time. However, there is a huge difference between reading about a celebrity that has been diagnosed with some kind of illness and discovering that my own father has been diagnosed with Stomach Cancer. A wise man once said, "A father is a son's first hero and a daughter's first love." In that case my father is all of the above. My father hid his cancer well, suffered a lot, and left this world peacefully. Writing was the only escape for me from at that time. I came home after school to my find my father sleeping in his room. My dad never comes home this early, I wondered. "Momma" I called out loud, "why is Baba home this early?" I asked with one of my eyebrows raised. "Oh, he just got a little tired and decided to take the rest of the day off," she answered me shaking her head. "I'll make him soup. He likes soup." I couldn't say it without a smile that extended from one ear to the other. I was sort of happy that my father is taking care of himself and he's not pushing himself too much. Since that day my dad has been coming home early a lot, and skipping work. He comes from work exhausted. I started wondering why is he too tired all the time. I spent my days and nights trying to figure out what was happening, and why is he keeping it from us. My thoughts took me to ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. A Story Of A Story : My Story If I were to say that I attribute who I am today to any one event, that would be the biggest lie I've ever told. My story is an easy read, no dramatic tales, no mind– bending feats; it starts with a little girl named Allie who wanted to be a mermaid when she was older. I grew up in an ideal situation, I had two older sisters and a dedicated mom and dad. I played dress– up and house and fit the description of a youngest child perfectly. I was an absolute terror. But I knew what I wanted and I would almost always get it. We moved from our little bubble in Bailey, Colorado to Fort Morgan when I was eight years old. My mom took a position as the Director of Rehab at Colorado Plains Medical Center where she still works today. I never really cared to have an unrealistic role model but looking back if I had someone I looked up to it was her. She works very hard and is good at what she does. I now volunteer for her department and get to see exactly what she does on a day to day basis. That year we moved a lot of things changed for me. I no longer had someone to make my lunches, do my hair, and drive me around. I was learning independence. I had to ride my bike to school and keep track of my own schedule, which was new to me. Since I've always had a lot of activities going on like sports and academic circuses, it's been super helpful to have the organization skills that I learned that year. I decided early that I wanted to be a doctor. I actually decided that I was going to be a pediatrician someday. This notion ended when I learned that every other girl in the 5th grade wanted to do the same thing. I had to be different, I couldn't be another stereotype. I've always tried to do my own thing. So it's not at all surprising that I'm purposely avoiding the colleges my sisters go to. If there's one thing my family and I all have in common is our love to read. I wasn't as avid of a reader as my two older sisters who reread Harry Potter too many times to count, it took me longer to settle into the idea of it. My attention span grew and I started picking up all sorts of books. In 7th grade I had a streak of books that were all tragedies. The well– known Fault in Our Stars tore me to pieces, but ... Get more on ...
  • 72.
  • 73. The Super Hero In Fearless By Eric Blehm When the word hero comes to mind people usually think of some super hero that they read about in a book or saw in a movie, but the literal definition of a hero is a person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. "Fearless" by Eric Blehm contains many examples of real life heroes. Adam Brown is undoubtedly the main hero in Blehm's novel, but other members of the Brown family also displayed many notable heroic qualities. The main hero in "Fearless" was Adam Brown. Adam was born on February 5, 1974, in Hot Springs, Arkansas. When he was a child, he enjoyed playing football and spending time with his friends and family. As he grew older, Adam became friends with the wrong crowd, and he began to make poor life choices. "Fearless" is the story of how Adam overcame his demons in life and became an amazing father and a well–known hero. Adam struggled with a drug addiction early in life. Drugs totally destroyed him, and his relationship with his family. He was no longer the son that Larry and Janice Brown raised. After Adam met Kelley, he started to make an effort to turn his life around. Adam became a totally different person. He became someone that the world could admire and look up to. Many soldiers die every single day, and their story never gets told. The question is what makes Adam's story so different and worth sharing. It could have something to do with Adam's unique personality. After he turned his life around, Adam became a ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Questions and Answers of Chief Bromden Questions & Answers of Chief Bromden Chief was was your early years like? I was big and strong, I used to play football in high school and I was considered a football star. Did you experience any traumatizing in your childhood? My father giving up the reservation to the government and my father falling into alcoholism and getting weak, while my mom began to gain power over him. What did you do after you graduated high school? I joined the Army during World War II, thats when I learned about electronics. When did do you think you started to get symptoms of your schizophrenia? I began to receive symptoms of schizophrenia when I learned about electronics in World War II. What did you see while you had your problem of schizophrenia? I could only see a blurry image or the"fog" which I couldn't escape on my own. Did you have any delusions at all? I believed the hospital and government was ran in a machinery style which was all meant to keep us low. Was there any hallucination you had? The fog was one of them and another was when Mrs. Ratcheted would transform into a machine with mechanical arms coming out from her. How did you last in the asylum that long chief? I pretended I was deaf and dumb so no one would bother me and I could hear all of the hospitals dark dirty secrets. How would they keep all the patients under control? They would give us all these drugs to keep us all calm and believe they were trying to help us. Did you ever get pushed around while you were in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Self Concept Research Paper My Self–Concept Self–concept is one of those things that I believe changes as you grow up and go through more and more in your daily life. I would like to say that I am a hardworking, kind and caring human, although I don't think that is the person I used to put out in the world. Going through this life I have become hard and closed off to the outside world, not necessarily because I want to but instead because of the people and events that have shaped who I am. I am always striving to get past this part of my life and know that I will one day look back at all of the things that went wrong in my life and laugh because everything ended up being just right. To really understand where I am coming from, you must understand where I have been. Growing ... Show more content on ... March, 3 2010 will always be the worst day of my life. I can't begin to explain the pain that day has caused me. It is hard to talk about it and brings tears to my eyes every time I start to think about it. I can't ever take that day back, I will never get to hug her goodbye again, or tell her that I love her. That was the day I lost that chance and the fact that I hurried out of her house haunts me to this ... Get more on ...