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Table of Content
Talk to OI's Doctors Before Going for Pilgrimage: ........... 7
 Going to Hajj? Your Health Kit .......................................... 8
 A Green Hajj?.................................................................. 19
 Health Preparations in the Muslim Stronghold Nigeria as
Hajj Begins .............................................................................. 25
Issues to Take Care of during Summery Hajj Seasons:....32
 Sunstroke & Hajj Rituals ................................................. 33
 Exhaustion & Hajj Rituals................................................ 37
 Allergy & Hajj Rituals ...................................................... 40
 Dermatitis & Hajj Rituals ................................................ 44
 Diabetics & Hajj Rituals................................................... 54
Hajj & Health Guide
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Praise be to Allah. We thank Him, the Most High, and seek His Help
and Forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah from the evils within
ourselves and that of bad deeds. He whom Allah guides, is truly
guided, and whom Allah leaves to stray, none can guide him.
We bear witness that there is no God but Allah and that
Muhammad is His final Prophet (Peace and Blessings be Upon Him).
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We ask Allah to bless our Prophet Muhammad, his family, his
Companions, and all his followers, from the beginning of his call to the
Day of Judgment.
{We appointed Abraham to establish the Shrine: "You shall not
idolize any other god beside Me, and purify My shrine for those who
visit it, those who live near it, and those who bow and prostrate. "And
proclaim that the people shall observe Hajj pilgrimage.* They will
come to you walking or riding on various exhausted (means of
transportation). They will come from the farthest locations."}. [22:26-
Hajj is a journey of a lifetime for any Muslim and is one of the five
pillars of Islam. Every year, millions of Muslims make their way to the
holy sites in Makkah to perform the Hajj. While the spiritual
experience and thawab are the prime focus of pilgrims, yet the
physical effort needed for the journey made the fifth pillar of Islam
mandatory only upon those able men and women who can physically
(as well as financially) endure it.
But despite good health and able bodies, the physical demand of
the journey might take its toll on some people. Health problems might
develop from born diseases; exhaustion might be experienced from
the heat; the cold might set in at night while sleeping outdoors.
Islam maintained that one of the main objectives of its Shari`ah is
protecting people's life and maintaining their health. Human life is so
highly appreciated in Islam that the matters relating to health take
precedence over nearly anything. The single human is the initial core
Hajj & Health Guide
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of any strong Muslim society and thus the person must take well care
of his health.
Some people get worried as Hajj requires immense physical,
spiritual, and emotional preparation. Months prior to deciding and
preparing for pilgrimage, a tremendous impact is made on the hearts
and minds of pilgrims. This process entails sacrifice of time, money,
comfort, as well as many physical desires and pleasures and all this
simply for the sake of Allah, with no worldly or selfish motive.
Being psychologically and physiologically prepared for this holy
journey can make you enjoy it to the maximum extent. This goal must
be fulfilled with both psychological and physiological healthiness in
order to get the best outcome out of this blessed journey.
Many Muslim countries follow certain and well-established
programs to prepare their national pilgrims for the awaited travel. This
includes programs of healthcare and recommended lists of
vaccinations which are vital in such million gatherings. OnIslam
produced this book that contains a content which is mainly based on
articles and features provided by reputed doctors and health
specialists to present useful health information for Muslim pilgrims
before going to their spiritual journey to Mecca and to help them in
being healthy to enjoy this sacred journey with happiness and
We ask Allah Almighty to guide us all to what is best in this world
and in the Hereafter, Ameen.
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Talk to OI's Doctors Before
Going for Pilgrimage:
- Going to Hajj?
Your Health Kit.
- A Green Hajj?
- Health
Preparations in
the Muslim
Stronghold Nigeria
as Hajj Begins.
Hajj & Health Guide
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Going to Hajj? Your Health Kit*
Hajj is a lifetime
journey for which the
faithful hearts are
longing. Indeed, it is a
great favor Almighty
Allah has bestowed
upon His servants so
that they can draw
closer to Him and
have their sins
As the
performance of Hajj
requires physical,
psychological and
financial ability, it’s
highly important for
all the would-be
pilgrims to be aware
of all the health aspects of Hajj.
What is the best age for performing Hajj? What are the health
aspects necessary to bear in mind during this season? What is the best
By Dr. Amira Ayad.
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nutrition that would aid our bodies during Hajj rituals? How to avoid
dehydration and other health problems outdoors?
 Should we be afraid from an outbreak of SARS-like virus during the
current Hajj season?
Fear and panic are the number one enemy of your immune system. It
is highly important not to panic or worry. Stress and worry are proven
to greatly undermine our immunity.
Enjoy the moment and cherish your spiritual journey with a deep
belief that: "Never will we be struck except by what Allah has
decreed for us; He is our protector." And upon Allah let the believers
rely." (At-Taubah 9: 51). This of course does not mean neglecting to
take our precautions and follow the worldly means for prophylaxis
and/or healing. For more on those, please refer to question 3 below.
And, remember, as long as you are fit, the viruses won't stand a
chance in shaa Allah, so start taking care of your health early on
before departure. Eat healthy, exercise, get enough sleep and rest,
and follow the prevention methods to the best of your ability.
 What are the vaccinations required for Hajj?
There is one mandatory vaccine for all Hajj travelers, the
Meningococcal Vaccine, you can't take your KSA visa for hajj without
proof of vaccination.
Some physicians recommend additional other vaccines like
Pneumococcal Vaccine, which is recommended for adults above 65
years and other vulnerable groups like people with chronic diseases
like diabetes, heart diseases (except high blood pressure), lung
Hajj & Health Guide
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diseases (including asthma), and compromised immunity individuals.
You should also make sure that you are up-to-date with your polio
vaccination (check with your physician if a booster dose is needed).
The US CDC (Center of Disease Control) further recommends a
seasonal Influenza vaccine to reduce the risk of flu, but this remains a
personal choice. It is essential to take the vaccines at least 2 weeks
before travelling.
 I’ve heard about the spreading Coronavirus in KSA. How can we
immunize ourselves against it?
Coronaviruses are large group of viruses related to the one causing the
common cold. Some of them however could cause serious illnesses
like SARS virus spread in 2003.
WHO (World Health Organization) and CDC recommend general
measures of self-care and hygiene as a protective measure. Same as
all flu and common cold viruses, a healthy, body with a healthy
immune system can easily deal with them. I believe that our body has
the tremendous ability of self healing and regeneration.
During the season of Hajj, due to large crowds, the spread of
respiratory diseases is very common. Most of these are common
known viruses that our body either already has the immunity from or
can take care of like a common bout of cold or flu. Still, prevention is
better than cure, so when you are in a crowded area put a face mask,
take good care of personal hygiene. Wash your hands often, use
disposable tissue papers, and avoid touching your eyes and nose. And
of course, whenever you can, keep your distance from people who
look sick.
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Eat healthy food rich in fresh fruits and vegetables. You can take
Vitamin C supplements (500-1000 mg) for further protection, start at
least a week before you leave and continue taking it while there.
Vitamin C fights cold viruses, protects mucus membrane, and
promotes the production of interferon, the body’s own natural anti-
viral protein.
Raw honey with freshly squeezed lemon is great for sore throats and
coughs or even as prophylactic every morning.
Zinc strengthens immunity and its lozenges are reported to relieve
symptoms and reduce the duration of common colds and sore throats.
Take echinacea extract to boost your body’s natural defense
mechanism (It is available at most health food stores and pharmacies -
make sure to get the alcohol-free extract not the tincture).
Finally, you can ask your physician to prescribe an antibiotic for you to
carry along in case of need. A broad spectrum antibiotic like
ciprofloxacin or amoxicillin will do the job. I do not recommend taking
it as prophylactic, just keep it with you to take it if respiratory infection
symptoms start to surface. If the symptoms are severe, though, you
might consider seeing a physician. But as I said earlier, it is highly
important not to panic. Stress and worry are proven to greatly
undermine our immunity.
 Every time I go to Hajj or Umrah I return to my homeland extremely
sick with a very harsh case of flu, although I always take the
influenza vaccination before traveling. Shall I stop taking
vaccinations? And what makes it ineffective that way?
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Taking the vaccination is totally a personal choice and its effectiveness
is also a personal reaction no one can predict. You have to weigh the
advantages and disadvantages and decide for yourself.
Common cold and influenza are caused by more than 200 different
viruses that cause various degrees of upper respiratory tract
infections. These viruses have the ability to readily mutate (i.e. alter
their genetic makeup) constantly creating new strains that pose new
challenge on our immune system and make permanent immunity
against flu impossible.
Influenza vaccines deliver inactivated (i.e. containing dead viruses) or
attenuated (i.e. containing weakened viruses) dose of influenza
viruses. The shot is aimed at boosting our body’s immune system to
synthesize the required antibodies for fighting against the upcoming
The problem is, among those hundreds of strains of flu viruses, only
three could be included in the vaccine shot. Pharmaceutical
companies have to take a calculated ‘guess’ on the most possible ones
to appear in the flu season. And, since the vaccines need around 11
months from development till they reach the consumers, and given
the fact that the flu viruses have a tremendous ability to readily
mutate into new strains, we cannot be certain that these are the right
three strains any more.
Again, as I told you, vaccination remains your personal choice
although, I have to mention that it is highly recommended by the
WHO and CDC.
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Personally, I did not take the vaccine when I performed hajj, neither
did my husband on his 2 pilgrimages or any of his Umrah trips. In some
of those, we caught bad flu that managed to take its course and heal
alhamdulellah but did not stop us from continuing our rituals, and in
other cases, we did not fall ill, alhamdulellah.
So, it is totally up to you to decide which course to take. Just in any
case follow all preventive and immune boosting measures you can
(refer to question 3). And remember our Prophet's saying: ""No
fatigue, no disease, no sorrow, no sadness, no hurt, no distress befalls
a Muslim, even if it was the prick he received from a thorn, but that
Allah expiates some of his sins for it" (Bukhari & Muslim). So, even
your flu bout, if any, won't go in vain in shaa Allah.
 What is the suitable age to perform Hajj rituals?
As Allah told us, performing hajj starts to be an obligation on every
Muslim at the age of puberty if he/she is capable (financially,
physically and psychologically). So, due to its physically demanding
rituals, it is best to perform it when we are still young and fit. There is
no specific age of course, but I guess the twenties and thirties seem to
be the best choice as during that time we are grown up yet young
enough to withstand the physical and emotional stress and of course
understand, heed, enjoy and cherish the spiritual benefits.
Still, I have to say here that I have met many people in their forties
and fifties healthier and more fit than their younger counterparts. So,
in the end, the health and vitality is the best determinant rather than
the age.
 What is the maximum number of hours or minutes I could stay
outdoor under the direct sun?
Hajj & Health Guide
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This largely varies according to the temperature and according to your
body's personal ability. My advice is to stay in the shade whenever
possible, wear a sun block (I prefer a physical sun block not a chemical
one), sunglasses, and carry an umbrella in the area where shade is not
an option. Most importantly, listen to your body, and don't ignore any
early signs of dizziness, headache, drowsiness or fatigue. Drink plenty
of fluid, water is the best hydrating liquid of course, so carry with you
a small bottle of water at all time. And, avoid prolong exposure to the
 Thank God I took the meningitis vaccine. But I need to know what
could cause its infection for me during rituals and what are the side
effects of its vaccine as my friends made me afraid of it.
Meningitis is a bacterial infection of the membranes covering the brain
and spinal cord meninges). It is a very serious disease, yet it is not
highly contagious, alhamdullelah. Both viral meningitis and
bacterial meningitis can be spread through direct contact with nose
and throat secretions that's why personal hygiene is extremely
important especially in crowded places like during hajj.
Meningococcal vaccine has been there for a long time now, and has
proven to be relatively safe. Like any medicine, of course, it may have
some side effects, but has not shown to cause any serious harm. The
rare side effects include symptoms appearing directly following the
vaccination like jerking or seizure-like movements.
These usually subside by rest for 15-20 minutes after the shot. Some
people getting the vaccine could show redness or pain at the injection
area which usually disappear within 1 or 2 days. In very rare cases,
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allergic reaction has been reported directly after the shot and this
should be dealt with by the physician giving the vaccination.
 What are the health precautions necessary to bear in mind while
eating or drinking in Mecca and Medinah?
Unfortunately diarrhea is one of the common diseases encountered
during hajj. The most important precaution is to drink only bottled
water (or of course Zamzam water from the mosque) and do not eat
food that has been exposed to sun or heat for long time. You can eat
packaged food like biscuits and crackers, fresh fruits or vegetables
after thorough washing and cooked food if it is freshly cooked and
served hot.
Follow all regular hygiene measures: washing hands very well, washing
your fresh vegetables or fruits thoroughly, cover all your food...
If you contacted diarrhea, note that the most essential measure is
proper hydration. If the diarrhea is severe, consult a physician,
meanwhile take a rehydrating salt (available over the counter in all
pharmacies) to avoid dehydration.
 Which one is more hygiene and safer to use during Hajj, the flush
toilet or the squat one?
Usually the squat one is safer especially in crowded areas. It is less in
contact with the person using it so it is less likely to transmit diseases.
In both cases, though, it is good to carry a sanitizer and your own
toilet paper. Try to get the least possible contact with the toilet and
needless to say wash your hands thoroughly after use.
Hajj & Health Guide
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 I performed Hajj 4 times so far Elhamdulillah, yet when I return
home, I always go into a very bad psychological condition and
depression that lasts for two months or so. What can I do?
Hajj is a highly spiritual journey. It touches the heart and soul much
more than it affects the body and this of course is the main purpose. I
am not sure of the reason behind your depression, though. Is it the
feeling of homesickness to that holy place? Or is it because you are
back to the usual life stresses and challenges you were temporarily
relieved from? Or maybe it is because you worry if your hajj had been
accepted by Allah SWT? You need to sit and reflect on the origin of
your depression.
Knowing the source is essential for us to deal with the problem. You
may want to sit with a friend or consult a trusted scholar or
psychologist to clear up some issues. Most importantly, don't
surrender to your depression, seek repentance and ask Allah
forgiveness, adjust your intention and He SWT will help you through
your challenging times.
On the physical level, mild depression could be resulting from
deficiency in essential fatty acids and the neurotransmitter serotonin.
You can take fish oil supplements (or DHA or flaxseeds- all are good
source of essential fatty acids) and 5HTP (5-hydroxytreptophan) a
natural supplement that helps restoring serotonin level and boosting
the mood.
Vitamin D deficiency could also have a hand in this. Go outdoors, get
exposed to the sun whenever you can and eat lots of fatty fish.
 Why doesn’t Saudi Arabia require a Hepatitis C vaccination?
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Unfortunately, there is no vaccination in the world for Hepatitis C so
 Can I take my baby with me to Hajj or this could be unsafe for her
I do not recommend it. The highly crowded place is a high risk of
transmitting disease especially for a baby with still-to-develop immune
system. And, another real risk is the pushing around during many of
the rituals and the unavoidable human stampede that you sometimes
 Is the chemical composition of Zamzam water different from other
well waters?
Yes, many researches show the high quality and purity of Zamzam
water compared to other waters, but, personally, I think there is much
more into it than chemistry and much more than what we can explain
with our current technological and scientific instruments. As I studied
energy medicine for years, I see the instant shift in water energy when
we simply say a prayer or mention Allah's name while holding the cup.
This energy had been recorded under the electron microscope by the
Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto who saw water molecules as
carrier of information. So imagine how would be the energy of the
water that our Prophet PBUH told us about: “Zamzam water is for
whatever is intended in drinking it" (Ibn Majah, Ahmed & Hakim).
 My old mum is going to Hajj with me this year, what are the health
prerequisites for her? How to take care of her properly during Hajj?
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Same general precautions as all of us regarding food selection, hygiene
and sun exposure, but with special stress on some important points
for old age:
- Hydration is very important in advanced age as old people get
dehydrated very quickly and usually without noticing it. And especially
avoid un-necessary sun exposure.
- Avoid crowded places. Try not to perform the rituals in the peak
hour. And, whenever possible for you to do it in her place, it will be
better (like in rajm-throwing the stones- for instance).
- You can ask for wheel chair for tawaf... if needed, just ask her not to
over-stress herself.
 I’m on medication for high blood pressures, what are the things to
avoid during the pilgrimage?
First you should bring sufficient (or even some reserve) quantity of
your medication and remember to take them on time. If your
medication involve diuretics like thiazide and thiazid-like medication, it
is important to remember to hydrate well as you are at more risk of
losing body water. As per usual anti-hypertension recommendations
reduce salt in your food and if possible bring along your meter to
monitor your blood pressure during your travel. If this is not possible,
you can usually measure it at local pharmacies or medical centers
upon any sign of disturbance.
Avoid stress and overexertion and avoid too much sun exposure. Eat
plenty of leafy green vegetable (thoroughly washed) and fresh fruits
and vegetables.
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A Green Hajj?*
[And proclaim to
mankind the Hajj.
They will come to you
on foot and on every
lean camel, they will
come from every deep
and distant mountain
highway. ](Surat Al-
Hajj 22: 27).
An estimated three
million pilgrims
respond to this
traveling to the sacred
city of Makkah for the performance of Hajj and ‘Umrah. For many
pilgrims, greyed by the years of sacrifice, their wait had come to an
end. For others, this wondrous journey is about to commence again.
The Hajj, one of the five pillars of Islam, is performed by every Muslim
with the financial and physical ability to fulfill this sacred act. With a
sense of anticipation, pilgrims leave behind their families traversing
land, sea and air towards the pinnacle of this life altering passage - the
plain of ‘Arafah.
A Trail of Waste
By Najma Mohammed.
Hajj & Health Guide
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As the sea of pilgrims pour from the streets of Makkah toward Mina,
Muzdalifah, and ‘Arafah, fulfilling the rites of Hajj over a period of
either five or six days, they leave behind them a trail of waste.
Thousands of buses, spewing carbon monoxide, crawl along the
scorching desert roads, carrying dusty, tired, joyous pilgrims. Most
years, white-hot heat beats down upon umbrella clad heads. Thirsty
hands reach for water, leaving behind them about 100 million plastic
bottles on the Hajj sites each year.
Walking from the plain of ‘Arafah in February 2001, my happy heart
was aching as I waded through mounds of discarded packaging and
rotting food, thrown away with little concern or care. How could this
This journey, exemplifying mercy, humility and self-discipline lifts the
humbled human spirit to dizzying heights and draws away the barriers
of ethnicity, gender and class uniting every soul with creation, in
praise and glorification of the Most Merciful Creator. As the number of
pilgrims performing Hajj increases each year, it is becoming clearer
that the challenges, including the impact upon nature, will become
even greater.
For the government of Saudi Arabia, catering for the needs of millions
of pilgrims is undoubtedly a difficult task. Efforts to meet and improve
pilgrims' health and safety, transport and accommodation continue
unabated. This includes the development of a light rail system which
will transport pilgrims between the Hajj sites, set for completion in
1433A.H (2012 C.E).
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This initiative which will significantly reduce the carbon footprint of
the Hajj should be commended. However, construction efforts,
moving at neck-breaking speed, are altering the landscape of the
sacred cities of Makkah and Madinah forever.
Suspended in Practice
Amid this frenzy of development, it is imperative that due attention be
given to the impact on the Haramayn (Arabic for "two holy places")
and their surroundings, proclaimed as inviolable sanctuaries in which
injury and disturbance of wildlife, as well as native vegetation, is
While the scant regard towards the environment and wastefulness is
surprisingly conspicuous during the pilgrimage, Hajj is a journey
imbued with spirituality and one in which there are special injunctions
against the destruction of flora and fauna within the sacred precincts
of the Haramayn.
According to authentic reports, the sacred precincts of Makkah were
put in place by Prophet Ibrahim, as instructed by the angel Jibreel
(peace be upon them), while Prophet Muhammad (peace and
blessings be upon him) designated the protected area in Madinah.
Within the sacred precincts of the Haramayn, both
the muhrim (pilgrim in a state of ihraam) and non-muhrim are
prohibited from killing game and cutting native vegetation. During the
Hajj, the muhrim has to pay a penalty for killing game and removing
vegetation while the non-muhrim incurs a sin, but need not pay a
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In addition to these specific injunctions pertaining to the interaction
with the natural environment, Allah exhorts pilgrims to refrain from
unbecoming behavior during Hajj (See Surah al-Baqarah 2: 197). He,
Most-High, also states that the best provision for the pilgrim is taqwa,
the attitude of reverence and awareness of Allah, which should
temper all human actions, including interaction with creation.
Today, hunting remains prohibited in the Haramayn but all other
injunctions have been 'suspended in practice'. Development, which
should proceed with adherence to these 'environmental' standards,
taking care not to damage or injure fauna and flora and preserving
natural habitats as far as possible, is ravaging the natural environment.
Hajj potentially represents the opportunity to implement the ideal
pattern of interaction between humans and the Creator, as well as
with other humans and the non-human worlds. The Hajj should
therefore be a model of social, economic, political and environmental
best practice.
In the words of Othman Llwellyn: "By demonstrating the highest
standard of environmental excellence, as embodiments of harmony
between humanity and nature and as an expression of human
stewardship (khilafa), they have great potential to spread
environmental consciousness throughout the Muslim world."
Creating a Green Hajj
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Both a revival of the exemplary ecological ethics of Islam and a
rejection of the culture of conspicuous consumption and wastage is
required. Plastic packaging seems to 'grow on trees' in the Hejaz and
all of ones purchases, from a misbahah (Arabic for Dhikr Beads) to
a sajjadah (Arabic for prayer rug) come in a plastic bag.
Valiant efforts at waste management are made harder, not necessarily
by the volume of pilgrims, but by the widespread attitudes of
carelessness and extravagance. When one considers Islam's emphasis
on cleanliness, moderation and simplicity, heightened during Hajj, it is
even more difficult to understand this attitude.
It is therefore not surprising that one of the main priority areas of the
burgeoning environmental movement in the Muslim world is the
greening of the Hajj. In the proposals of the seven year action plan on
climate change, which culminated in the Istanbul Declaration and the
establishment of MACCA (Muslim Association for Climate Change
Action) four years ago in July 2009, creating a green Hajj was identified
as a priority area.
The introduction of rail transport is a noteworthy beginning. However,
the intent of MACCA is to introduce a range of eco-friendly initiatives,
over a 5 to 10 year period, which will reinstate the Hajj as a model of
environmental behavior.
This will be spearheaded by a media and communications program
which aims to raise environmental awareness of pilgrims in the same
manner as they are instructed about the rites of pilgrimage. The aim,
according to Dr. Mawil Izzi Dien, a stalwart of the environmental
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movement in the Muslim world, is to help Muslims enter the "true
spirit of Hajj".
Respect for all life, mercy and compassion to all beings, and justice
towards all of creation is a part of the pilgrim's apparel at all times. As
pilgrims intensify and renew their commitment to implementing these
principles both during and after Hajj, they should uphold the
responsibility of caring for the earth, avoid wastage and excess, and
refrain from harming the community of life of which we all form a
part. Let there be no harm in this blessed journey!
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Health Preparations in the Muslim Stronghold
Nigeria as Hajj Begins*
As an awaited
annual tradition
among Muslims
all over the
world, Nigerians
who form one of
the largest and
most populous
countries in the
world prepare
for Hajj in
different ways:
from holding
farewell prayer
sessions, filling
their bags with
such foods and
local cuisines not readily available in the holy land, to getting
themselves prepared for the rigorous routines to be undergone as hajj
rituals commence.
Similar preparations take place in other Muslim countries which send
its pilgrims to Saudi Arabia to fulfill the rituals of the fifth pillar of
By Mr. Rafiu Oriyomi.
Hajj & Health Guide
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It is entirely different this year. Pilgrims were told in plain terms to be
well prepared too to remain healthy throughout the exercise. This,
officials insist, goes beyond the pilgrims getting the mandatory
International Vaccination Certificate, otherwise known as the ‘Yellow
Under this arrangement, a combination of yellow fever and meningitis
vaccinations is administered to the pilgrim. No pilgrim, or any Nigerian
for that matter, leaves the shores of the country unless armed with
the card to show that they are prepared for some health hazards.
As a major Muslim country and one of the biggest nations sending its
natives at this time to KSA, approximately 76,000 Nigerians, unevenly
distributed across the 36 states of the country and the federal capital
Abuja, are cleared to proceed on the pilgrimage. Some of them have
already been airlifted to Medina for ‘exulted’ visitations to memorable
sites from where they would proceed to Mecca for the hajj rituals.
The 76,000 were the lucky ones who passed the stringent health tests,
amongst other conditions. “It is not everyone who bought the form
was allowed to proceed on hajj and this was majorly on health
grounds,” Lookman Abdulkareem, one of the health experts of the
National Hajj Commission (NAHCON), told
“For anyone to be allowed to proceed on Hajj, the major vaccines of
yellow fever and meningitis are mandatory simply because Nigeria is
one of the countries with high rate of these diseases. It is basically to
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make sure Nigerians do not bring these diseases into other countries
because of the concept of healthy carriers – those that are apparently
healthy but do have the diseases and are able to transmit it to others
and also come down with the diseases later.”
Abdulkareem announced that these were all the requirements needed
for anyone travelling from Nigeria to other country, although he said
people with special ailments such as diabetes or asthma would need
to make special arrangements for their own health. Similar basic
requirements take place in other countries of the world which allow
their nationals to travel to Mecca & Medina.
“Anyone with life threatening diseases is in fact advised not to
proceed on such journey because it is risky. The journey is strenuous
and it is particularly dangerous for people with life-threatening
diseases,” he added.
That is as far as yellow fever and meningitis goes. It is a different ball
game with the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-
CoV), which is a novel Coronavirus (nCoV) first reported on September
24, 2012. Saudi Arabia is listed among countries where the virus has
Various Nigerian states have different attitudes to the virus as regards
their pilgrims, suggesting that the NAHCON, the body empowered by
law to coordinate hajj activities, has no uniform rule concerning the
epidemic. Each state has its pilgrim’s board, one of the few pluses of
Nigerian federalism.
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Fears & Confidence
Many intending pilgrims from Nigeria’s most populous Lagos state
were rejected for fear that they could be vulnerable.
Asked for explanations on how the state prepared its pilgrims for the
outbreak, the state health commissioner Jide Idris said “pregnant
women, aged people, children, and people with terminal diseases like
cancer, stroke and others were barred from taking part in the exercise
as they are more vulnerable to the deadly Coronavirus ravaging Saudi
Arabia and some parts of the Middle East and Asia.”
Idris told that the state government refunded hundreds
of people under such category on that ground alone; a regulation that
is being taken both in the private and governmental sectors in other
Muslim countries.
“We are taking the issue very seriously which was why first of all we
screened out those categories of people we knew are more at higher
risk of contracting the disease,” Idris said, adding that “those cleared
to go were given lectures on hygiene and the dos and don’ts to avoid
contact with the virus.”
Coronavirus had not been found in any state in Nigeria yet, Idris
explained. Moreover, out of all the 64 Muslim countries of the world,
the coronavirus which has been detected by an Egyptian virologist, Ali
Mohamed Zaki in Jeddah, the virus was only existent so far in Jordan,
Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia & UAE.
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He added: “Although the virus has not been found in the country, the
virus is like the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, SARS, that
ravaged the world some years back. So we appealed to the vulnerable
group not to embark on the lesser Haji or the full hajj while insisting
that people should observe a high standard of personal and
environmental hygiene to reduce the risk of contracting the virus.”
The Nigerian governments, at state and federal levels, have also
constituted separate teams of medical doctors to attend to the
country’s pilgrims in case of emergency including possible contact with
the virus, officials told
At least 250 medical personnel, engaged by the central government,
are to travel with the Nigerian contingent. Psychiatrists and
epidemiologists are included, suggesting preparation for the
The 250 doctors are to be supported by doctors following the
individual state delegations from across the 36 states, commissioner in
charge of health at NAHCON, Dr Ibrahim Kana, told
Lagos alone travels to hajj with at least 50 doctors of varied
background, Idris told “The other states of the federation
also make similar preparation just to attend to the health need of our
The 250 doctors provided by the central government gives the doctor-
patient ratio of 304 pilgrims to one doctor.
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Nearly all nations send medical crews with their national pilgrims
during the Hajj season to KSA. The healthcare crews include various
specializations and its number depends on how big the hajj missions
Intensive Caring
Kana said consideration was given to the issue of Coronavirus which
he described as very deadly. “But we are very prepared for any
eventuality,” he added.
“Large quantities of drugs have already been procured by the
commission for treatment of pilgrims who may become ill while in the
holy land. Besides, a surveillance unit has been set up to work with
other medical team from the various states to move round the camps
where Nigerian pilgrims are so as to detect the virus early and ensure
it does not spread.”
Kana maintained that sensitization and harmonization workshop has
been held for the medical personnel and disclosed that the procured
drugs are being packaged for shipment to Saudi.
Tajudeen Olagbegi, a pilgrim scheduled for airlifting to Medina
alongside 546 others on Monday in Ilorin, in North-central Kwara
State, southwestern Nigeria, said his medical preparation for the
journey started when he took the yellow fever and meningitis
“But I did more than that. I catch cold very easily, so I have also braced
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myself for the cold weather in Saudi by not only getting very thick
cardigan but also getting a few drugs and tips on how to manage cold
from my doctor,” Olagbegi told
“I know friends who have also gone to see their doctors for personal
health preparation for the trip.”
Hassan Ibrahim, a doctor who works with the Kogi State pilgrims’
board in central Nigeria, said part of the training given to intending
pilgrims is to minimize contact with others when they suspect they
could be having acute respiratory disorder.
“We said pilgrims who develop acute respiratory illness with fever and
cough during their pilgrimage should reduce or avoid contact with
others to keep from infecting them, and seek medical assistance
immediately,” Ibrahim told
“Infected persons must also cover their mouth and nose with a tissue
when coughing or sneezing to contain the spread of the disease. These
are basic things we expect all pilgrims to know.”
The World Health Organization (WHO), as at September 7, 2013,
confirmed a total of 114 deaths resulting from the infection - also
known as the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-
CoV) - in Saudi Arabia.
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Issues to Take Care of during
Summery Hajj Seasons:
- Sunstroke &
Hajj Rituals.
- Exhaustion &
Hajj Rituals.
- Allergy & Hajj
- Dermatitis &
Hajj Rituals.
- Diabetics &
Hajj Rituals.
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Sunstroke & Hajj Rituals*
It is well known that most of KSA’s area lies in one of the hottest spots
in the world. When it coincides with summer, the temperature during
Hajj season may range between 44-50°C.
By Musa Al-Khateeb.
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Also the rate of moisture may range between 10-15%. Accordingly, the
body temperature increases as a result of control failure in the human
brain center of controlling body temperature, the Hypothalamus.
It has been found that race has a great effect on falling victim to
sunstroke. Peoples with low-pigmented skin, who never used to be
subjected to high temperature, are more liable to sunstroke than the
residents of tropical regions and other ethnicities with high levels of
In addition, the aged, the people with frail bodies, the fat, and the
patients of blood pressure, diabetes and heart failure are easily
attacked by this malady. It is crystal clear that the sooner the patient is
treated, the sooner he becomes well and his safety becomes greater.
Sunstroke does not attack only those who are subjected to sun.
Rather, it occurs also to those who stand before ovens and those who
live in high temperature spheres for a long time and in the meantime,
have a high rate of moisture. The main remedy in this case is
preserving the body temperature lest it loses high amounts of sweat.
Sunstroke also occurs in case of the evaporation of sweat in which
case the body temperature increases causing the body to fall victim to
It should be noted that some pilgrims subject themselves to sun for a
long time thinking that this brings them abundant reward. This, in fact,
has nothing to do with religion as Allah says: "Cast not yourselves into
destruction by your own hands."(Al-Baqarah: 195)
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The symptoms of sunstroke may be represented in the sudden
increase of temperature, dryness and redness of skin, headache,
dizziness, loss of consciousness, stomach disturbances, belly pains,
and the increase of white blood cells (leukocytes).
There may be also some sort of imbalance represented in form of
hallucination. In some cases the person may be plagued with coma
and high temperature. Often, he is plagued with anhydrosis, dryness
of the skin, and fastness in pulse.
In severe case, this malady may result in the death of the patient. In
some other cases, there may be a kind of diarrhea and vomit. This will
further take the person into a state of severe and serious shock. This
disturbance may cause failure in any bodily system.
The bodily parts mostly affected by sunstroke are brain, heart, liver,
lungs, kidneys, and muscles. It has been found that a form of bleeding
occurs within the cells of these bodily organs.
Also, in some cases the person may be subjected to hemiplegia or loss
of balance. Being affected, the kidney cells may bleed and there may
be deficiency in the work of the liver… etc.
How to Defend Yourself Against Sunstroke?
It is very important to defend yourself against sunstroke. The first
procedure is to keep remote from direct contact with sunrays.
Here comes the importance of educating the people about the
dangers of being under the sun for long periods. In case one has to be
subject to sun, this should last for short, not long periods.
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Also, arduous efforts are to be avoided. In addition, there should be
plenty of water and drinks. White baggy clothes are to be worn.
Ways of Treatment:
1 - Taking the victim away from places with high temperature.
2 - Taking his clothes off and laying him on his back with his head
3 - In case the victim is aware, he is to be offered cold water. In case
he is fainting, his body is to be sprinkled with water and he is to be put
under a van so that the water would be evaporated soon.
4 - He should be taken to the hospital immediately so as to hasten his
Important Notes:
It should be the first concern of those who are around the patient to
reduce the high temperature. Some people put the patient in a
bathtub filled with cold water so that the patient regains his
consciousness, and resorting to this means leads to a high rate of
The best ways to reduce the high temperature of the patient is to put
him in a conditioned room, covering him with light wet sheet and
turning on the fan. This is to be kept on until the temperature of the
patient becomes 38.
In this case, cooling is to be stopped and the patient is put under
observation until he becomes well again.
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Exhaustion & Hajj Rituals*
The phenomenon of
exhaustion frequently
takes place in the
summer or in places with
high temperature such as
the Holy Sites.
Sometimes, it attacks the
person suddenly, but it is
mostly caused by the
body being subjected to
high temperature which,
in its turn, results in
losing huge amounts of
sweat that contains
Sodium Chloride.
The symptoms are
general weakness,
headache, dizziness and
agitation, in addition to
many other symptoms
like thirst, nausea and
anorexia. The person
may also fall fainting out
of sickness and he may
be pale with a cold
By Musa Al-Khateeb.
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body. His pulse becomes weak and fast or strong and slow, the body's
temperature becomes normal or less normal, and the amount of urine
becomes lesser with some sort of spasm.
How to Defend Yourself against Exhaustion?
It is very important to know how to defend yourself against this
serious malady. Once a person gets subjected to the sun and thus
loses considerable amounts of sweat, he has to compensate for this by
consuming great amounts of drinks and taking salt tablets in some
cases. As for the way of treatment, it is as follows:
Set the sick person in a cold place, take his legs upwards and rub them
and give him salty water to drink (a teaspoon of salt added to 1 liter of
boiled water). In case he is out of conscience, give him nothing to
drink through the mouth. In hard cases, a sick person may need to be
taken to the hospital and given saline through the vein. In this case,
blood pressure will come to its average again and the temperature will
be back to normal.
These cramps always attack those people with normal bodies who
carry out arduous works under high temperature and thus exert great
amounts of perspiration. It also attacks sportsmen who do the same
job. The main cause for this is the great amount of perspiration lost
due to these efforts. This is always accompanied with severe pains in
the affected muscle and sometimes in the belly.
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After taking some rest, being remote from high temperature, and
giving the sick person some saline or salty tablets, the person may feel
It should be noted that muscular and articular pains increase
according to high temperature. A pilgrim may think of it as being
rheumatism. However, it stems from the infection that occurs in the
muscle due to being subjected to change of temperature caused by air
conditioners. This results in myosclerosis. Taking aspirin with some
warming may be helpful in this case.
The Symptoms of Sunstroke: 1- The skin is hot, dry and red
colored. 2- High body temperature. 3- Severe Fatigue and loss of
conscience. 4- The possibility of loss of conscience.
The Symptoms of Exhaustion: 1- The skin is cold, sweaty and
yellow colored. 2- The extension of the pupil of the eye. 3- Lack of
temperature. 4- Body weakness and fragility.
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Allergy & Hajj Rituals*
Allergy may inflict any organ in the body; the eyes, nose, stomach,
arms, legs or so on. But it has different names with each organ, such
By Musa Al-Khateeb.
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as running nose, influenza, hay fever, summer common cold,
urtecaria, spasmodic chest disease, spring cattar, recurrent bronchitis
and brochial asthma. All these diseases are different kinds of allergy,
as people say: "One's man's food is another man's poison."
Allergy inflicts some people due to abnormal interaction between a
natural substance and part of the body. That is to say, millions of
people come in contact with chemical substances, smocks, dust, or eat
different kinds of food without contracting any kind of allergy,
because no abnormal interaction takes place within their bodies due
to these things.
On the other hand, some people contract skin allergy when they take
a specific kind of food, like strawberry, egg, chocolate, some kinds of
fish or so on. The skin of such people interacts abnormally with the
specific kind of food that causes them allergy. In other cases, people
contract spasmodic chest diseases due to inhaling the vapors of
perfumes, painting substances, dust or coming in contact with raw
cotton, fur, or pollen, and specific kinds of germ, whereas many
people do not get affected with such things.
When the body contracts allergy, it produces protective chemical
substances to stop the irritation that happens due to abnormal
interaction. Such substances contain histamine, and that is why the
medicines that are taken for such diseases are anti-histaminic.
If the histaminic substances produced in the body equals the irritating
substances, there would be no harm. But out of protection, the body
produces histaminic substance that exceeds the irritating one. This
extra histamin causes the abnormal interaction that takes place inside
the body causing allergy.
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The effect of such interaction appears in the organ that gets irritated
by this interaction. If the nose is the organ that gets most irritated by
such abnormal interaction, then one is liable to contract hay fever of
which most noticeable symptom is sneezing. Such case is known
medically as allergic rinitis. If the most irritated organ is the chest, one
gets inflicted with asthmatic cough or, in other words, allergic
In most cases the skin is the organ which gets mostly irritated due to
abnormal interaction taking place inside the body. Skin allergy is
commonly called urtecaria or ekzima. There is no danger on the
pilgrims who are liable to skin allergy. Rather, danger lies in cases of
allergic pronchitis, because the labor of Hajj may cause irritation in the
chest causing pronchitis asthma.
So, it is better for people who suffer from allergic pronchitis to
postpone performing Hajj until their disease ends or even controlled.
As for those who suffer from skin allergy, there is no problem as they
can easily go for pilgrimage, taking with them anti-histaminin
medicines, such as Tafagil tablets and others, to use them when
needed. Yet, pronchitis patients should know exactly the urgency of
their disease and consult their doctors before they decide travelling
for Hajj, so that they may take with them some medicines to be used
at times of emergency.
But is there any special regime to be applied while performing Hajj?
There is no specific regime for allergy patients during Hajj, except in
cases in which people contract allergy due to having specific kinds of
food. In such cases, the most effective therapy is abandoning the kinds
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of food that cause allergy, such as some fruits, like banana, mango,
straw; chocolate; egg, milk and fish. Some people contact allergy as a
result of taking some medication, such as Aspirin, Salfa, penicillin and
other medical substances.
How can allergy patients adapt themselves to hot weather?
No one can deny the toil the pilgrims suffer during the journey of Hajj,
so that they lose a great amount of the liquids and salt of their bodies.
So doctors advise those who are going for Hajj to drink abundant
liquids and to eat salty foods, unless they are suffering from heart
diseases due to allergic bronchitis. Also, patients who are going for
Hajj should by all means avoid all types of labor and take shelter
against the rays of the sun and evade over-crowdedness.
Are allergy patients allowed to fast while performing Hajj?
There is nothing wrong for allergy patients to observe fasting during
Hajj, unless it is necessary to have a certain medication at regular
times. Moreover, fasting does not negatively affect allergy patients so
long as they evade exerting great efforts and they avoid over-
crowdedness and avoid being exposed to the sun.
In a nutshell, while performing Hajj, allergy patients should neither
expose themselves to hard labor or over-crowdedness, nor stay in
closed places that have no access to fresh air. Also, patients should
consult their doctors before going to perform Hajj. Doctors, for sure,
are the ones who can prognoses the patient's case, and diagnose the
right prescription.
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Dermatitis & Hajj Rituals*
It is well known
that most of
KSA’s area lies in
one of the hottest
spots in the
When it coincides
with summer, the
during Hajj
season may range
between 44-50°C.
Also the rate of
moisture may
range between
10-15%. These factors help in increasing the probability of getting sick
by diseases such as dermatitis (skin diseases) which increases among
the pilgrims for several reasons:
- Extra excretion of sweat due to burning sun beams and high
- Overcrowding at Hajj, where people from all over the world gather
together to perform such a sanctified act of worship. With lots of
By Musa Al-Khateeb.
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people gathering at the same time in a specific place, diseases can
easily spread by infection. Among the most common skin diseases
during Hajj are the following:
1- Acne Vulgaris:
There happens obstruction in man's sweat glands causing the
emergence of small red pimples known as Acne Vulgaris. This disease
infects people, especially the very white, at different stages of life.
Such red pimples appear mainly in the areas of the body that come in
direct contact with clothes, which are made from artificial fibers in
particular. The patient in this case suffers from severe prurigo, and this
makes him worried and uncomfortable; such pimples usually around
the waist, buttocks, thighs, shoulders, forearms, and forehead. If the
case is recurrent the patient may be inflicted with dehydration in the
skin, and this along with hot damp weather may cause sunburn.
Ways of Protection and Treatment:
- Giving the house good ventilation.
- Airing the bedroom at night.
- Not using any cover during sleep.
- Keeping away from being directly exposed to sun beams as much as
- Wearing light clothes.
- Wearing soft white clothes made of cotton that help evaporate
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- Abstaining from scratching the skin with soup and bath sponge,
because this causes new pimples to appear.
- Taking a daily cold shower to get rid of sweat and dust, using mild
soup without bath sponge; this is the best way of protection from
Acne Vulgaris.
- It is preferable for patients to use mild moisturizers to remove the
obstruction on the mouth of the sweat glands.
Following these steps leads to an early recovery. But beware the
patients in this case should not use any kind of moisturizing powders,
because the atoms of the powder block the openings of the sweat
glands causing more infection. So it is preferable to grease the body
with olive oil, coconut oil or any kind of plant-extracted oils; to rub the
body very well and then leave it to dry. Then the extra amount of oil
can be removed from the body with water and soup.
2- Extra sweat excretion:
During Hajj times, people excrete abundant sweat due to high
temperature and humidity of the weather. People's custom of Ihram
becomes wet night and day due to extra excretion of sweat, and this
causes them to urinate very little and be always thirsty.
Ways of Protection and Treatment:
As for people who usually have hydrosis during summer and winter
times they should keep themselves away from hard work, especially in
the hot periods of the day. They may also take some medication,
which lessens the quantity of sweat, but this must be according to
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medical prescription. However, cleanness is the main factor in treating
such a case.
3- Sweat Abscess and Pyodermatosis:
This disease happens due to infection with staphylococcus. This
disease appears as a lot of bubbles, ulcer or big painful pimples. This
disease usually infects children (5-7 years old) and people who are
exposed to the heat of the sun. Extra excretion of sweat and flies are
among the main reasons for the spread of this disease. Moreover, lice
causes severe prurigo, and this may cause different forms of abscess in
the scalp of the children as well as the adults. In some cases the
disease appears as sweat furuncle and red pimples.
Cases of severe pyoderma usually causes hypertrophy in the lymph
nodes near the neck and raises the temperature of the body. Taking
the necessary measures of treatment, the patient's skin gets
completely cured.
Ways of Protection and Treatment:
- Caring for personal hygiene, especially for the hair to be clear of any
lice and other similar things
- In severe cases in which the patient has high temperature and
hypertrophy in the glands or in which he suffers from sweat furuncles
due to infection with diabetes or from red pimples it is better for the
patient to consult the doctor who would check him up to know the
direct cause for such cases and consequently prescribe the right
4- Abscess in Curves of the Body:
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Such type of abscess usually happens to obese people. It appears
under the arm-bits, under the breasts for women and in the curves of
the thighs. In such cases, the skin becomes inflamed and red. In severe
cases the inflamed skin excretes some kind of transparent substance
and the patient suffers from painful prurigo.
Ways of Protection and Treatment:
Caring for personal hygiene, and avoiding being directly exposed to
sun beams as possible as one can, and sitting in an open place (i.e.
with good ventilation)
5 - Parasitic Infections:
Parasitic infections are a group of infectious skin diseases that are
capable of causing different diseases. Such parasitic infections are
widely spread in areas with hot weather conditions. They include:
A- Thigh Tinea:
It is an infectious disease that happens due to some parasitic infection.
Patient suffering from this disease has severe itching between his
thighs. The disease spreads through using the clothes or towels of an
infected person. Also, great overcrowding in hot weather at the time
of Hajj causes this disease to widespread among the pilgrims.
Ways of Protection and Treatment:
- Refraining from using the clothes and towels of others.
- Washing all one's clothes in a boiling water and then ironing them to
kill all parasites therein.
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- Refraining from scratching the infected area with the bath sponge.
- Consulting the doctor to take necessary procedures.
B- Colorful Tinea:
This disease infects the pilgrims due to hot weather and extra sweat
excretion. It takes the form of round rash whose color becomes light
on taking a bath and then it darkens and becomes brown after some
days. It spreads in the same way like thigh tinea.
Ways of Protection and Treatment:
- Taking a hot shower every evening for a long period that may
amount to two months.
- Smearing the infected areas with anti-parasitic ointment upon the
doctor's prescription.
C- Herpes:
It happens due to infection with a certain kind of parasites. It appears
in the form of groups of small bubbles around the mouth and the
genitals. This is usually accompanied with hypertrophy and
inflammation of the lymph nodes, and in most cases it is accompanied
with prurigo. It is an infectious disease, which spreads through touch
and use of a patient's personal things. Jam overcrowding at the time
of Hajj causes wide spread of the disease.
There is another form of this disease, which infects the nerves and
appears as bubbles, which spread in one side of the body, especially in
the face and trunk.
Ways of Protection and Treatment:
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- Caring for personal hygiene.
- Abstaining from using others' personal things.
- Seeking the doctors' consult once the disease, especially the last
type, appears in order to take the prescribed suitable medicine.
6 - Mange:
This is one of the commonest infectious dermatitis, which the pilgrims
contract. It happens due to some parasitic infection. The symptoms of
this disease are severe itching at night and the emergence of some
scabies in the area that have been itched and in the areas between the
fingers, in the heels, the palms and the abdomen. There may also be
some red rash on the abdomen where the female parasite makes her
course through the body. This disease is really infectious, so that it
may spread among a whole group at once.
Treatment of this disease is nothing than washing the body, scratching
it with warm water and soup; then smearing the whole body except
the face and the head with the Bezanil cream or sulfur ointment or
anything the doctor prescribes. This is to be repeated for two
successive nights.
The same treatment is to be applied in cases of infection with lice etc…
7 - Eczema:
It is a kind of inflammation in the skin, accompanied by severe itching.
This disease causes the appearance of groups of little pimples, full of
transparent liquid. This liquid may get out of the pimples, or it may
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harden forming gluey scabs. The rims of such grouping pimples are not
There are different kinds of eczema such as severe, semi-severe and
chronic eczema; scabies eczema; pimple eczema; scabbing
Ways of Protection and Treatment:
The skin infected with eczema is a good environment for microbes,
which cause skin inflammation. Therefore, it is necessary to follow
these instructions:
- Taking excessive care for cleanness so as to avoid unnecessary
- Protecting the skin from materials that cause irritation, such as wool,
artificial fibers, fur and soup.
- Using moisturizing oils moderately, so that it may not obstruct the
mouth of the sweat glands and cause more irritation.
- Avoiding any foods or smells that cause allergy as well as anything
that may increase the severity of eczema.
- Consulting the specialist who would prescribe the suitable medicine
for your case.
8 - Urtecaria:
The symptoms of this disease are itching and hypertrophy of the skin.
It may last no more than some hours, and it may last some days up to
two weeks. It usually happens due to allergy to some food or
medicine. Chocolate, egg and fish are the most likely to cause
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urtecaria, whereas Penicillin is the commonest medicine that causes
urtecaria. Urtecaria may also happen due to allergy to artificial
substances that are added to food to give it some color or taste or to
some toothpaste.
Doctors advise such patients to write a diary through which they can
discover the main reason for urtecaria. Sometimes food is not the
cause for it, but rather infection with intestinal worms or due to hot
weather or even cold weather, or due to hyper-tension.
Urtecaria patients may have severe itching in their hands when they
hold driving wheel for a long time. Urtecaria which happens due to
cold weather is usually the result of sudden change from hot weather
into cold weather, such as the case when one takes a hot shower and
comes out in a cold room, or when one remains without clothes till he
dries. Hence gradual change protects one from infection with
Urtecaria may also happen due to allergy to sun rays. But this
disappears a short period after sunset. Some medicines may cause
allergy if the person who takes them stays in the sun. In such case the
disease appears in the form of skin eruption on the face and any other
part of the body that is exposed to the sun.
This may happen with medicines like salfa compounds, oral diabetic
and diuretic medicines. Also some kinds of food may cause the same
effect if one eats them and then goes out in the sun, such as eating
some lemons or carrot and getting out in the sun.
The main point of cure in this case is to protect the patient from direct
contact with sun rays, then to seek the doctor’s consult if necessary.
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9 - Freckles:
When one exposes oneself to the sun gradually and with care, one's
skin may not be much irritated. But sometimes the skin, especially soft
white skin, takes some internal measures to protect itself against the
dangerous effect of violet, forming some dissimilar yellow and brown
rash without any eruption outside the skin. Such rash is known as
freckles. If the skin naturally has a big amount of the coloring
substance (Melanin), such small freckles may turn into large dark
If the pilgrims have large dark freckles, they should not worry, because
such kind of freckles disappears gradually within some months, and
the skin returns to its normal condition so long as they do not
excessively expose themselves to sun rays. On the other hand, small
yellow freckles are not easily cured. Rather it may need scaling off
some the external layer of the skin by the specialist doctor.
10 - The Effects of Heat on the skin of the face:
After the pilgrims return back from Hajj, some people, especially
women, notice that their faces have greatly changed and that its color
has become dark in some places. Moreover, the effect of the sun rays
may reach the extent that causes noticeable irritation and wrinkles.
However, such changes are natural, and they would take some time
and the skin would return to its normal state. So one should not worry
concerning that.
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Diabetics & Hajj Rituals*
Hajj is a spiritual
journey that takes
two weeks up to
two months in the
hottest seasons of
the year and is
carried out in a
place where there
is no permanent
residence for the
Pilgrims always
gather in a very
limited patch of
land and they
undergo a
change in their
way of life and their daily routine.
A diabetic is to carry a card in Arabic and English containing a detailed
diagnosis of his state, his medication, dosage, his address, and his
telephone number and the telephone number of one of his relatives.
The following sentence is to be written on the back of the card: "If
By Musa Al-Khateeb.
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found unconscious, please give me some medication via mouth or
injection and take me to the nearest hospital."
Name .....................................
Age .....................................
Address .....................................
A Relative's Tel. Number.....................................
Diagnosis .....................................
Treatment .....................................
It is known that most pilgrims are above forty-year old and thus have
to undergo a cardiography before leaving their countries so as to be
sure of their safe traveling. As for the medicines that are to be taken,
there are plenty of medicines in the KSA and there are many services
offered by health care committees of every country.
It is recommendable, however, for a diabetic to take a bottle of insulin
or a packet of tablets that may be used in case of need. Urine analysis
instruments may also be taken in addition to some insulin injections
that are to be put in a cold container so as to be kept from high
temperature. Carbohydrates and medicines for diarrhea, seasickness,
and airsickness are to be taken.
Try to carry out urine analysis and watchfully notice any change before
meals and before sleep.
Hajj & Health Guide
- 56 -
A Diabetic and Sunstroke
Once, Allah forbids, a diabetic falls a victim for sunstroke, the card will
prove beneficial, for a diabetic needs, in addition to water and drinks,
to insulin. A diabetic is advised to avoid all open places that make him
in direct contact with the sun and to consume great amounts of water.
A Diabetic and Travel
A diabetic with unstable health condition is advised to defer his
traveling until his heath condition becomes stable. A young diabetic
who uses insulin and is subject to fits is advised not to travel unless
when he becomes quite safe that his condition is stable. In cases of
food poisoning, a diabetic should hurry to the nearest hospital to
receive the suitable medicines and antibiotics.
A Diabetic and Fasting
It is known that the period of Hajj is limited. A diabetic is not advised
to fast during that period. If he has to fast, then he should do so after
returning back home. As for children who are treated with insulin,
they are advised not to travel. This applies also for a pregnant woman
who may fall a prey to early delivery. In case of the aged, they are
mostly treated with tablets and it is easy for them to perform this
great divine obligation. It is noteworthy that pilgrims should have the
suitable vaccination before traveling.
Diet for a Diabetic During Hajj
There is a certain diet to be followed by a diabetic during Hajj. This
diet aims at reducing the rate of sugar in the blood and comforting the
- 57 -
pancreas. It is advisable to use corn oil. In addition, the following is to
be carried out:
1 - Reduce your weight to the ideal weight.
2 - Practice sports and exert efforts but in a moderate manner.
3 - Avoid any food that causes harm and any excessive amounts of
4 - Do not forget to take medicines on time and stick to the prescribed
5 - Once you feel dizzy or experience an unusual amount of
perspiration, visit the doctor.
Food Forbidden for a Diabetic:
Cream, liver, sweet, potato, cakes, gateaux, candy, sweet fruits,
grapes, fig, dates, lupine, nuts, peanuts, almond, coconut, sherbet,
and soft drinks.
Food that a Diabetic Can Consume at any amount:
Tomatoes, tomato soup, cucumber, lettuce, onion, watercress, leek,
and meat soup that does not have fats.
Types of Meat:
Meat, chicken, pigeon, rabbits, fish, sardines, and shrimps.
Eggplants, spinach, green beans, cabbages, and artichoke.
Hajj & Health Guide
- 58 -
Two apples, two oranges, two pears, two lemons, eight guavas, or six
Tomatoes, lettuce, cress, cucumber.
Breakfast or Supper:
One of the following is to be chosen:
1 - A loaf of bread, three tablespoons of beans with oil or lentil.
2 - A loaf of bread and two pieces of falafel.
3 - A loaf of bread with a box of sardines.
4 - A loaf of bread with 30 grams of cheese.
5 - A loaf of bread with an average amount of yogurt.
6 - A loaf of bread with two tablespoons of cornflakes.
7 - A loaf of bread with a teaspoon of jam or honey.
Lunch and Supper:
One of the following is to be chosen:
1 - A loaf of bread, kilogram of meat or fish in addition to a plate of
cooked vegetables and salad.
2 - A loaf of bread, with four big pieces of falafel and a plate of salad.
3 - A loaf of bread, 1/8 kilo of sardines.
4 - A loaf of bread, a plate of beans, salad with oil.
- 59 -
5 - A loaf of bread, three tablespoons of potatoes, kilogram of meat or
fish and salad.
The Ideal Diet for Diabetics of all Ages:
An egg, a piece of cheese, a cup of tea with spoon of sugar or some
A plate of salad, an onion, a slice of meat, a plate of cooked vegetables
avoiding potatoes and the like in addition to an apple or an orange.
A cup of yogurt, some fresh vegetables and salad.
Spicy foods, fats and the like are to be avoided. This diet may appear
to be somewhat harsh. However, a diabetic should follow this special
diet so as to evade anything that affects his health during this once-in-
a-lifetime journey.

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Hajj & Health Guide 2013

  • 1.
  • 2. 1434 AH/2013 All Rights Reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without a prior written permission of, and with express attribution to
  • 3. - 3 - Table of Content Talk to OI's Doctors Before Going for Pilgrimage: ........... 7  Going to Hajj? Your Health Kit .......................................... 8  A Green Hajj?.................................................................. 19  Health Preparations in the Muslim Stronghold Nigeria as Hajj Begins .............................................................................. 25 Issues to Take Care of during Summery Hajj Seasons:....32  Sunstroke & Hajj Rituals ................................................. 33  Exhaustion & Hajj Rituals................................................ 37  Allergy & Hajj Rituals ...................................................... 40  Dermatitis & Hajj Rituals ................................................ 44  Diabetics & Hajj Rituals................................................... 54
  • 4. Hajj & Health Guide - 4 - Introduction Praise be to Allah. We thank Him, the Most High, and seek His Help and Forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah from the evils within ourselves and that of bad deeds. He whom Allah guides, is truly guided, and whom Allah leaves to stray, none can guide him. We bear witness that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is His final Prophet (Peace and Blessings be Upon Him).
  • 5. - 5 - We ask Allah to bless our Prophet Muhammad, his family, his Companions, and all his followers, from the beginning of his call to the Day of Judgment. {We appointed Abraham to establish the Shrine: "You shall not idolize any other god beside Me, and purify My shrine for those who visit it, those who live near it, and those who bow and prostrate. "And proclaim that the people shall observe Hajj pilgrimage.* They will come to you walking or riding on various exhausted (means of transportation). They will come from the farthest locations."}. [22:26- 27]. Hajj is a journey of a lifetime for any Muslim and is one of the five pillars of Islam. Every year, millions of Muslims make their way to the holy sites in Makkah to perform the Hajj. While the spiritual experience and thawab are the prime focus of pilgrims, yet the physical effort needed for the journey made the fifth pillar of Islam mandatory only upon those able men and women who can physically (as well as financially) endure it. But despite good health and able bodies, the physical demand of the journey might take its toll on some people. Health problems might develop from born diseases; exhaustion might be experienced from the heat; the cold might set in at night while sleeping outdoors. Islam maintained that one of the main objectives of its Shari`ah is protecting people's life and maintaining their health. Human life is so highly appreciated in Islam that the matters relating to health take precedence over nearly anything. The single human is the initial core
  • 6. Hajj & Health Guide - 6 - of any strong Muslim society and thus the person must take well care of his health. Some people get worried as Hajj requires immense physical, spiritual, and emotional preparation. Months prior to deciding and preparing for pilgrimage, a tremendous impact is made on the hearts and minds of pilgrims. This process entails sacrifice of time, money, comfort, as well as many physical desires and pleasures and all this simply for the sake of Allah, with no worldly or selfish motive. Being psychologically and physiologically prepared for this holy journey can make you enjoy it to the maximum extent. This goal must be fulfilled with both psychological and physiological healthiness in order to get the best outcome out of this blessed journey. Many Muslim countries follow certain and well-established programs to prepare their national pilgrims for the awaited travel. This includes programs of healthcare and recommended lists of vaccinations which are vital in such million gatherings. OnIslam produced this book that contains a content which is mainly based on articles and features provided by reputed doctors and health specialists to present useful health information for Muslim pilgrims before going to their spiritual journey to Mecca and to help them in being healthy to enjoy this sacred journey with happiness and comfort. We ask Allah Almighty to guide us all to what is best in this world and in the Hereafter, Ameen.
  • 7. - 7 - Talk to OI's Doctors Before Going for Pilgrimage: - Going to Hajj? Your Health Kit. - A Green Hajj? - Health Preparations in the Muslim Stronghold Nigeria as Hajj Begins.
  • 8. Hajj & Health Guide - 8 - Going to Hajj? Your Health Kit* Hajj is a lifetime journey for which the faithful hearts are longing. Indeed, it is a great favor Almighty Allah has bestowed upon His servants so that they can draw closer to Him and have their sins forgiven. As the performance of Hajj requires physical, psychological and financial ability, it’s highly important for all the would-be pilgrims to be aware of all the health aspects of Hajj. What is the best age for performing Hajj? What are the health aspects necessary to bear in mind during this season? What is the best * By Dr. Amira Ayad.
  • 9. - 9 - nutrition that would aid our bodies during Hajj rituals? How to avoid dehydration and other health problems outdoors?  Should we be afraid from an outbreak of SARS-like virus during the current Hajj season? Fear and panic are the number one enemy of your immune system. It is highly important not to panic or worry. Stress and worry are proven to greatly undermine our immunity. Enjoy the moment and cherish your spiritual journey with a deep belief that: "Never will we be struck except by what Allah has decreed for us; He is our protector." And upon Allah let the believers rely." (At-Taubah 9: 51). This of course does not mean neglecting to take our precautions and follow the worldly means for prophylaxis and/or healing. For more on those, please refer to question 3 below. And, remember, as long as you are fit, the viruses won't stand a chance in shaa Allah, so start taking care of your health early on before departure. Eat healthy, exercise, get enough sleep and rest, and follow the prevention methods to the best of your ability.  What are the vaccinations required for Hajj? There is one mandatory vaccine for all Hajj travelers, the Meningococcal Vaccine, you can't take your KSA visa for hajj without proof of vaccination. Some physicians recommend additional other vaccines like Pneumococcal Vaccine, which is recommended for adults above 65 years and other vulnerable groups like people with chronic diseases like diabetes, heart diseases (except high blood pressure), lung
  • 10. Hajj & Health Guide - 10 - diseases (including asthma), and compromised immunity individuals. You should also make sure that you are up-to-date with your polio vaccination (check with your physician if a booster dose is needed). The US CDC (Center of Disease Control) further recommends a seasonal Influenza vaccine to reduce the risk of flu, but this remains a personal choice. It is essential to take the vaccines at least 2 weeks before travelling.  I’ve heard about the spreading Coronavirus in KSA. How can we immunize ourselves against it? Coronaviruses are large group of viruses related to the one causing the common cold. Some of them however could cause serious illnesses like SARS virus spread in 2003. WHO (World Health Organization) and CDC recommend general measures of self-care and hygiene as a protective measure. Same as all flu and common cold viruses, a healthy, body with a healthy immune system can easily deal with them. I believe that our body has the tremendous ability of self healing and regeneration. During the season of Hajj, due to large crowds, the spread of respiratory diseases is very common. Most of these are common known viruses that our body either already has the immunity from or can take care of like a common bout of cold or flu. Still, prevention is better than cure, so when you are in a crowded area put a face mask, take good care of personal hygiene. Wash your hands often, use disposable tissue papers, and avoid touching your eyes and nose. And of course, whenever you can, keep your distance from people who look sick.
  • 11. - 11 - Eat healthy food rich in fresh fruits and vegetables. You can take Vitamin C supplements (500-1000 mg) for further protection, start at least a week before you leave and continue taking it while there. Vitamin C fights cold viruses, protects mucus membrane, and promotes the production of interferon, the body’s own natural anti- viral protein. Raw honey with freshly squeezed lemon is great for sore throats and coughs or even as prophylactic every morning. Zinc strengthens immunity and its lozenges are reported to relieve symptoms and reduce the duration of common colds and sore throats. Take echinacea extract to boost your body’s natural defense mechanism (It is available at most health food stores and pharmacies - make sure to get the alcohol-free extract not the tincture). Finally, you can ask your physician to prescribe an antibiotic for you to carry along in case of need. A broad spectrum antibiotic like ciprofloxacin or amoxicillin will do the job. I do not recommend taking it as prophylactic, just keep it with you to take it if respiratory infection symptoms start to surface. If the symptoms are severe, though, you might consider seeing a physician. But as I said earlier, it is highly important not to panic. Stress and worry are proven to greatly undermine our immunity.  Every time I go to Hajj or Umrah I return to my homeland extremely sick with a very harsh case of flu, although I always take the influenza vaccination before traveling. Shall I stop taking vaccinations? And what makes it ineffective that way?
  • 12. Hajj & Health Guide - 12 - Taking the vaccination is totally a personal choice and its effectiveness is also a personal reaction no one can predict. You have to weigh the advantages and disadvantages and decide for yourself. Common cold and influenza are caused by more than 200 different viruses that cause various degrees of upper respiratory tract infections. These viruses have the ability to readily mutate (i.e. alter their genetic makeup) constantly creating new strains that pose new challenge on our immune system and make permanent immunity against flu impossible. Influenza vaccines deliver inactivated (i.e. containing dead viruses) or attenuated (i.e. containing weakened viruses) dose of influenza viruses. The shot is aimed at boosting our body’s immune system to synthesize the required antibodies for fighting against the upcoming flu. The problem is, among those hundreds of strains of flu viruses, only three could be included in the vaccine shot. Pharmaceutical companies have to take a calculated ‘guess’ on the most possible ones to appear in the flu season. And, since the vaccines need around 11 months from development till they reach the consumers, and given the fact that the flu viruses have a tremendous ability to readily mutate into new strains, we cannot be certain that these are the right three strains any more. Again, as I told you, vaccination remains your personal choice although, I have to mention that it is highly recommended by the WHO and CDC.
  • 13. - 13 - Personally, I did not take the vaccine when I performed hajj, neither did my husband on his 2 pilgrimages or any of his Umrah trips. In some of those, we caught bad flu that managed to take its course and heal alhamdulellah but did not stop us from continuing our rituals, and in other cases, we did not fall ill, alhamdulellah. So, it is totally up to you to decide which course to take. Just in any case follow all preventive and immune boosting measures you can (refer to question 3). And remember our Prophet's saying: ""No fatigue, no disease, no sorrow, no sadness, no hurt, no distress befalls a Muslim, even if it was the prick he received from a thorn, but that Allah expiates some of his sins for it" (Bukhari & Muslim). So, even your flu bout, if any, won't go in vain in shaa Allah.  What is the suitable age to perform Hajj rituals? As Allah told us, performing hajj starts to be an obligation on every Muslim at the age of puberty if he/she is capable (financially, physically and psychologically). So, due to its physically demanding rituals, it is best to perform it when we are still young and fit. There is no specific age of course, but I guess the twenties and thirties seem to be the best choice as during that time we are grown up yet young enough to withstand the physical and emotional stress and of course understand, heed, enjoy and cherish the spiritual benefits. Still, I have to say here that I have met many people in their forties and fifties healthier and more fit than their younger counterparts. So, in the end, the health and vitality is the best determinant rather than the age.  What is the maximum number of hours or minutes I could stay outdoor under the direct sun?
  • 14. Hajj & Health Guide - 14 - This largely varies according to the temperature and according to your body's personal ability. My advice is to stay in the shade whenever possible, wear a sun block (I prefer a physical sun block not a chemical one), sunglasses, and carry an umbrella in the area where shade is not an option. Most importantly, listen to your body, and don't ignore any early signs of dizziness, headache, drowsiness or fatigue. Drink plenty of fluid, water is the best hydrating liquid of course, so carry with you a small bottle of water at all time. And, avoid prolong exposure to the sun.  Thank God I took the meningitis vaccine. But I need to know what could cause its infection for me during rituals and what are the side effects of its vaccine as my friends made me afraid of it. Meningitis is a bacterial infection of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord meninges). It is a very serious disease, yet it is not highly contagious, alhamdullelah. Both viral meningitis and bacterial meningitis can be spread through direct contact with nose and throat secretions that's why personal hygiene is extremely important especially in crowded places like during hajj. Meningococcal vaccine has been there for a long time now, and has proven to be relatively safe. Like any medicine, of course, it may have some side effects, but has not shown to cause any serious harm. The rare side effects include symptoms appearing directly following the vaccination like jerking or seizure-like movements. These usually subside by rest for 15-20 minutes after the shot. Some people getting the vaccine could show redness or pain at the injection area which usually disappear within 1 or 2 days. In very rare cases,
  • 15. - 15 - allergic reaction has been reported directly after the shot and this should be dealt with by the physician giving the vaccination.  What are the health precautions necessary to bear in mind while eating or drinking in Mecca and Medinah? Unfortunately diarrhea is one of the common diseases encountered during hajj. The most important precaution is to drink only bottled water (or of course Zamzam water from the mosque) and do not eat food that has been exposed to sun or heat for long time. You can eat packaged food like biscuits and crackers, fresh fruits or vegetables after thorough washing and cooked food if it is freshly cooked and served hot. Follow all regular hygiene measures: washing hands very well, washing your fresh vegetables or fruits thoroughly, cover all your food... If you contacted diarrhea, note that the most essential measure is proper hydration. If the diarrhea is severe, consult a physician, meanwhile take a rehydrating salt (available over the counter in all pharmacies) to avoid dehydration.  Which one is more hygiene and safer to use during Hajj, the flush toilet or the squat one? Usually the squat one is safer especially in crowded areas. It is less in contact with the person using it so it is less likely to transmit diseases. In both cases, though, it is good to carry a sanitizer and your own toilet paper. Try to get the least possible contact with the toilet and needless to say wash your hands thoroughly after use.
  • 16. Hajj & Health Guide - 16 -  I performed Hajj 4 times so far Elhamdulillah, yet when I return home, I always go into a very bad psychological condition and depression that lasts for two months or so. What can I do? Hajj is a highly spiritual journey. It touches the heart and soul much more than it affects the body and this of course is the main purpose. I am not sure of the reason behind your depression, though. Is it the feeling of homesickness to that holy place? Or is it because you are back to the usual life stresses and challenges you were temporarily relieved from? Or maybe it is because you worry if your hajj had been accepted by Allah SWT? You need to sit and reflect on the origin of your depression. Knowing the source is essential for us to deal with the problem. You may want to sit with a friend or consult a trusted scholar or psychologist to clear up some issues. Most importantly, don't surrender to your depression, seek repentance and ask Allah forgiveness, adjust your intention and He SWT will help you through your challenging times. On the physical level, mild depression could be resulting from deficiency in essential fatty acids and the neurotransmitter serotonin. You can take fish oil supplements (or DHA or flaxseeds- all are good source of essential fatty acids) and 5HTP (5-hydroxytreptophan) a natural supplement that helps restoring serotonin level and boosting the mood. Vitamin D deficiency could also have a hand in this. Go outdoors, get exposed to the sun whenever you can and eat lots of fatty fish.  Why doesn’t Saudi Arabia require a Hepatitis C vaccination?
  • 17. - 17 - Unfortunately, there is no vaccination in the world for Hepatitis C so far.  Can I take my baby with me to Hajj or this could be unsafe for her immunity? I do not recommend it. The highly crowded place is a high risk of transmitting disease especially for a baby with still-to-develop immune system. And, another real risk is the pushing around during many of the rituals and the unavoidable human stampede that you sometimes encounter.  Is the chemical composition of Zamzam water different from other well waters? Yes, many researches show the high quality and purity of Zamzam water compared to other waters, but, personally, I think there is much more into it than chemistry and much more than what we can explain with our current technological and scientific instruments. As I studied energy medicine for years, I see the instant shift in water energy when we simply say a prayer or mention Allah's name while holding the cup. This energy had been recorded under the electron microscope by the Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto who saw water molecules as carrier of information. So imagine how would be the energy of the water that our Prophet PBUH told us about: “Zamzam water is for whatever is intended in drinking it" (Ibn Majah, Ahmed & Hakim).  My old mum is going to Hajj with me this year, what are the health prerequisites for her? How to take care of her properly during Hajj?
  • 18. Hajj & Health Guide - 18 - Same general precautions as all of us regarding food selection, hygiene and sun exposure, but with special stress on some important points for old age: - Hydration is very important in advanced age as old people get dehydrated very quickly and usually without noticing it. And especially avoid un-necessary sun exposure. - Avoid crowded places. Try not to perform the rituals in the peak hour. And, whenever possible for you to do it in her place, it will be better (like in rajm-throwing the stones- for instance). - You can ask for wheel chair for tawaf... if needed, just ask her not to over-stress herself.  I’m on medication for high blood pressures, what are the things to avoid during the pilgrimage? First you should bring sufficient (or even some reserve) quantity of your medication and remember to take them on time. If your medication involve diuretics like thiazide and thiazid-like medication, it is important to remember to hydrate well as you are at more risk of losing body water. As per usual anti-hypertension recommendations reduce salt in your food and if possible bring along your meter to monitor your blood pressure during your travel. If this is not possible, you can usually measure it at local pharmacies or medical centers upon any sign of disturbance. Avoid stress and overexertion and avoid too much sun exposure. Eat plenty of leafy green vegetable (thoroughly washed) and fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • 19. - 19 - A Green Hajj?* [And proclaim to mankind the Hajj. They will come to you on foot and on every lean camel, they will come from every deep and distant mountain highway. ](Surat Al- Hajj 22: 27). An estimated three million pilgrims respond to this proclamation, traveling to the sacred city of Makkah for the performance of Hajj and ‘Umrah. For many pilgrims, greyed by the years of sacrifice, their wait had come to an end. For others, this wondrous journey is about to commence again. The Hajj, one of the five pillars of Islam, is performed by every Muslim with the financial and physical ability to fulfill this sacred act. With a sense of anticipation, pilgrims leave behind their families traversing land, sea and air towards the pinnacle of this life altering passage - the plain of ‘Arafah. A Trail of Waste * By Najma Mohammed.
  • 20. Hajj & Health Guide - 20 - As the sea of pilgrims pour from the streets of Makkah toward Mina, Muzdalifah, and ‘Arafah, fulfilling the rites of Hajj over a period of either five or six days, they leave behind them a trail of waste. Thousands of buses, spewing carbon monoxide, crawl along the scorching desert roads, carrying dusty, tired, joyous pilgrims. Most years, white-hot heat beats down upon umbrella clad heads. Thirsty hands reach for water, leaving behind them about 100 million plastic bottles on the Hajj sites each year. Walking from the plain of ‘Arafah in February 2001, my happy heart was aching as I waded through mounds of discarded packaging and rotting food, thrown away with little concern or care. How could this be? This journey, exemplifying mercy, humility and self-discipline lifts the humbled human spirit to dizzying heights and draws away the barriers of ethnicity, gender and class uniting every soul with creation, in praise and glorification of the Most Merciful Creator. As the number of pilgrims performing Hajj increases each year, it is becoming clearer that the challenges, including the impact upon nature, will become even greater. For the government of Saudi Arabia, catering for the needs of millions of pilgrims is undoubtedly a difficult task. Efforts to meet and improve pilgrims' health and safety, transport and accommodation continue unabated. This includes the development of a light rail system which will transport pilgrims between the Hajj sites, set for completion in 1433A.H (2012 C.E).
  • 21. - 21 - This initiative which will significantly reduce the carbon footprint of the Hajj should be commended. However, construction efforts, moving at neck-breaking speed, are altering the landscape of the sacred cities of Makkah and Madinah forever. Suspended in Practice Amid this frenzy of development, it is imperative that due attention be given to the impact on the Haramayn (Arabic for "two holy places") and their surroundings, proclaimed as inviolable sanctuaries in which injury and disturbance of wildlife, as well as native vegetation, is prohibited. While the scant regard towards the environment and wastefulness is surprisingly conspicuous during the pilgrimage, Hajj is a journey imbued with spirituality and one in which there are special injunctions against the destruction of flora and fauna within the sacred precincts of the Haramayn. According to authentic reports, the sacred precincts of Makkah were put in place by Prophet Ibrahim, as instructed by the angel Jibreel (peace be upon them), while Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) designated the protected area in Madinah. Within the sacred precincts of the Haramayn, both the muhrim (pilgrim in a state of ihraam) and non-muhrim are prohibited from killing game and cutting native vegetation. During the Hajj, the muhrim has to pay a penalty for killing game and removing vegetation while the non-muhrim incurs a sin, but need not pay a penalty.
  • 22. Hajj & Health Guide - 22 - In addition to these specific injunctions pertaining to the interaction with the natural environment, Allah exhorts pilgrims to refrain from unbecoming behavior during Hajj (See Surah al-Baqarah 2: 197). He, Most-High, also states that the best provision for the pilgrim is taqwa, the attitude of reverence and awareness of Allah, which should temper all human actions, including interaction with creation. Today, hunting remains prohibited in the Haramayn but all other injunctions have been 'suspended in practice'. Development, which should proceed with adherence to these 'environmental' standards, taking care not to damage or injure fauna and flora and preserving natural habitats as far as possible, is ravaging the natural environment. Hajj potentially represents the opportunity to implement the ideal pattern of interaction between humans and the Creator, as well as with other humans and the non-human worlds. The Hajj should therefore be a model of social, economic, political and environmental best practice. In the words of Othman Llwellyn: "By demonstrating the highest standard of environmental excellence, as embodiments of harmony between humanity and nature and as an expression of human stewardship (khilafa), they have great potential to spread environmental consciousness throughout the Muslim world." Creating a Green Hajj
  • 23. - 23 - Both a revival of the exemplary ecological ethics of Islam and a rejection of the culture of conspicuous consumption and wastage is required. Plastic packaging seems to 'grow on trees' in the Hejaz and all of ones purchases, from a misbahah (Arabic for Dhikr Beads) to a sajjadah (Arabic for prayer rug) come in a plastic bag. Valiant efforts at waste management are made harder, not necessarily by the volume of pilgrims, but by the widespread attitudes of carelessness and extravagance. When one considers Islam's emphasis on cleanliness, moderation and simplicity, heightened during Hajj, it is even more difficult to understand this attitude. It is therefore not surprising that one of the main priority areas of the burgeoning environmental movement in the Muslim world is the greening of the Hajj. In the proposals of the seven year action plan on climate change, which culminated in the Istanbul Declaration and the establishment of MACCA (Muslim Association for Climate Change Action) four years ago in July 2009, creating a green Hajj was identified as a priority area. The introduction of rail transport is a noteworthy beginning. However, the intent of MACCA is to introduce a range of eco-friendly initiatives, over a 5 to 10 year period, which will reinstate the Hajj as a model of environmental behavior. This will be spearheaded by a media and communications program which aims to raise environmental awareness of pilgrims in the same manner as they are instructed about the rites of pilgrimage. The aim, according to Dr. Mawil Izzi Dien, a stalwart of the environmental
  • 24. Hajj & Health Guide - 24 - movement in the Muslim world, is to help Muslims enter the "true spirit of Hajj". Respect for all life, mercy and compassion to all beings, and justice towards all of creation is a part of the pilgrim's apparel at all times. As pilgrims intensify and renew their commitment to implementing these principles both during and after Hajj, they should uphold the responsibility of caring for the earth, avoid wastage and excess, and refrain from harming the community of life of which we all form a part. Let there be no harm in this blessed journey!
  • 25. - 25 - Health Preparations in the Muslim Stronghold Nigeria as Hajj Begins* As an awaited annual tradition among Muslims all over the world, Nigerians who form one of the largest and most populous Muslim countries in the world prepare for Hajj in different ways: from holding grandiose farewell prayer sessions, filling their bags with such foods and local cuisines not readily available in the holy land, to getting themselves prepared for the rigorous routines to be undergone as hajj rituals commence. Similar preparations take place in other Muslim countries which send its pilgrims to Saudi Arabia to fulfill the rituals of the fifth pillar of * By Mr. Rafiu Oriyomi.
  • 26. Hajj & Health Guide - 26 - Islam. It is entirely different this year. Pilgrims were told in plain terms to be well prepared too to remain healthy throughout the exercise. This, officials insist, goes beyond the pilgrims getting the mandatory International Vaccination Certificate, otherwise known as the ‘Yellow Card.’ Under this arrangement, a combination of yellow fever and meningitis vaccinations is administered to the pilgrim. No pilgrim, or any Nigerian for that matter, leaves the shores of the country unless armed with the card to show that they are prepared for some health hazards. As a major Muslim country and one of the biggest nations sending its natives at this time to KSA, approximately 76,000 Nigerians, unevenly distributed across the 36 states of the country and the federal capital Abuja, are cleared to proceed on the pilgrimage. Some of them have already been airlifted to Medina for ‘exulted’ visitations to memorable sites from where they would proceed to Mecca for the hajj rituals. The 76,000 were the lucky ones who passed the stringent health tests, amongst other conditions. “It is not everyone who bought the form was allowed to proceed on hajj and this was majorly on health grounds,” Lookman Abdulkareem, one of the health experts of the National Hajj Commission (NAHCON), told “For anyone to be allowed to proceed on Hajj, the major vaccines of yellow fever and meningitis are mandatory simply because Nigeria is one of the countries with high rate of these diseases. It is basically to
  • 27. - 27 - make sure Nigerians do not bring these diseases into other countries because of the concept of healthy carriers – those that are apparently healthy but do have the diseases and are able to transmit it to others and also come down with the diseases later.” Abdulkareem announced that these were all the requirements needed for anyone travelling from Nigeria to other country, although he said people with special ailments such as diabetes or asthma would need to make special arrangements for their own health. Similar basic requirements take place in other countries of the world which allow their nationals to travel to Mecca & Medina. “Anyone with life threatening diseases is in fact advised not to proceed on such journey because it is risky. The journey is strenuous and it is particularly dangerous for people with life-threatening diseases,” he added. That is as far as yellow fever and meningitis goes. It is a different ball game with the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS- CoV), which is a novel Coronavirus (nCoV) first reported on September 24, 2012. Saudi Arabia is listed among countries where the virus has struck. Various Nigerian states have different attitudes to the virus as regards their pilgrims, suggesting that the NAHCON, the body empowered by law to coordinate hajj activities, has no uniform rule concerning the epidemic. Each state has its pilgrim’s board, one of the few pluses of Nigerian federalism.
  • 28. Hajj & Health Guide - 28 - Fears & Confidence Many intending pilgrims from Nigeria’s most populous Lagos state were rejected for fear that they could be vulnerable. Asked for explanations on how the state prepared its pilgrims for the outbreak, the state health commissioner Jide Idris said “pregnant women, aged people, children, and people with terminal diseases like cancer, stroke and others were barred from taking part in the exercise as they are more vulnerable to the deadly Coronavirus ravaging Saudi Arabia and some parts of the Middle East and Asia.” Idris told that the state government refunded hundreds of people under such category on that ground alone; a regulation that is being taken both in the private and governmental sectors in other Muslim countries. “We are taking the issue very seriously which was why first of all we screened out those categories of people we knew are more at higher risk of contracting the disease,” Idris said, adding that “those cleared to go were given lectures on hygiene and the dos and don’ts to avoid contact with the virus.” Coronavirus had not been found in any state in Nigeria yet, Idris explained. Moreover, out of all the 64 Muslim countries of the world, the coronavirus which has been detected by an Egyptian virologist, Ali Mohamed Zaki in Jeddah, the virus was only existent so far in Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia & UAE.
  • 29. - 29 - He added: “Although the virus has not been found in the country, the virus is like the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, SARS, that ravaged the world some years back. So we appealed to the vulnerable group not to embark on the lesser Haji or the full hajj while insisting that people should observe a high standard of personal and environmental hygiene to reduce the risk of contracting the virus.” The Nigerian governments, at state and federal levels, have also constituted separate teams of medical doctors to attend to the country’s pilgrims in case of emergency including possible contact with the virus, officials told At least 250 medical personnel, engaged by the central government, are to travel with the Nigerian contingent. Psychiatrists and epidemiologists are included, suggesting preparation for the unexpected. The 250 doctors are to be supported by doctors following the individual state delegations from across the 36 states, commissioner in charge of health at NAHCON, Dr Ibrahim Kana, told Lagos alone travels to hajj with at least 50 doctors of varied background, Idris told “The other states of the federation also make similar preparation just to attend to the health need of our contingent. The 250 doctors provided by the central government gives the doctor- patient ratio of 304 pilgrims to one doctor.
  • 30. Hajj & Health Guide - 30 - Nearly all nations send medical crews with their national pilgrims during the Hajj season to KSA. The healthcare crews include various specializations and its number depends on how big the hajj missions are. Intensive Caring Kana said consideration was given to the issue of Coronavirus which he described as very deadly. “But we are very prepared for any eventuality,” he added. “Large quantities of drugs have already been procured by the commission for treatment of pilgrims who may become ill while in the holy land. Besides, a surveillance unit has been set up to work with other medical team from the various states to move round the camps where Nigerian pilgrims are so as to detect the virus early and ensure it does not spread.” Kana maintained that sensitization and harmonization workshop has been held for the medical personnel and disclosed that the procured drugs are being packaged for shipment to Saudi. Tajudeen Olagbegi, a pilgrim scheduled for airlifting to Medina alongside 546 others on Monday in Ilorin, in North-central Kwara State, southwestern Nigeria, said his medical preparation for the journey started when he took the yellow fever and meningitis vaccines. “But I did more than that. I catch cold very easily, so I have also braced
  • 31. - 31 - myself for the cold weather in Saudi by not only getting very thick cardigan but also getting a few drugs and tips on how to manage cold from my doctor,” Olagbegi told “I know friends who have also gone to see their doctors for personal health preparation for the trip.” Hassan Ibrahim, a doctor who works with the Kogi State pilgrims’ board in central Nigeria, said part of the training given to intending pilgrims is to minimize contact with others when they suspect they could be having acute respiratory disorder. “We said pilgrims who develop acute respiratory illness with fever and cough during their pilgrimage should reduce or avoid contact with others to keep from infecting them, and seek medical assistance immediately,” Ibrahim told “Infected persons must also cover their mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing to contain the spread of the disease. These are basic things we expect all pilgrims to know.” The World Health Organization (WHO), as at September 7, 2013, confirmed a total of 114 deaths resulting from the infection - also known as the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS- CoV) - in Saudi Arabia.
  • 32. Hajj & Health Guide - 32 - Issues to Take Care of during Summery Hajj Seasons: - Sunstroke & Hajj Rituals. - Exhaustion & Hajj Rituals. - Allergy & Hajj Rituals. - Dermatitis & Hajj Rituals. - Diabetics & Hajj Rituals.
  • 33. - 33 - Sunstroke & Hajj Rituals* It is well known that most of KSA’s area lies in one of the hottest spots in the world. When it coincides with summer, the temperature during Hajj season may range between 44-50°C. * By Musa Al-Khateeb.
  • 34. Hajj & Health Guide - 34 - Also the rate of moisture may range between 10-15%. Accordingly, the body temperature increases as a result of control failure in the human brain center of controlling body temperature, the Hypothalamus. It has been found that race has a great effect on falling victim to sunstroke. Peoples with low-pigmented skin, who never used to be subjected to high temperature, are more liable to sunstroke than the residents of tropical regions and other ethnicities with high levels of Melanin. In addition, the aged, the people with frail bodies, the fat, and the patients of blood pressure, diabetes and heart failure are easily attacked by this malady. It is crystal clear that the sooner the patient is treated, the sooner he becomes well and his safety becomes greater. Sunstroke does not attack only those who are subjected to sun. Rather, it occurs also to those who stand before ovens and those who live in high temperature spheres for a long time and in the meantime, have a high rate of moisture. The main remedy in this case is preserving the body temperature lest it loses high amounts of sweat. Sunstroke also occurs in case of the evaporation of sweat in which case the body temperature increases causing the body to fall victim to sunstroke. It should be noted that some pilgrims subject themselves to sun for a long time thinking that this brings them abundant reward. This, in fact, has nothing to do with religion as Allah says: "Cast not yourselves into destruction by your own hands."(Al-Baqarah: 195) Symptoms:
  • 35. - 35 - The symptoms of sunstroke may be represented in the sudden increase of temperature, dryness and redness of skin, headache, dizziness, loss of consciousness, stomach disturbances, belly pains, and the increase of white blood cells (leukocytes). There may be also some sort of imbalance represented in form of hallucination. In some cases the person may be plagued with coma and high temperature. Often, he is plagued with anhydrosis, dryness of the skin, and fastness in pulse. In severe case, this malady may result in the death of the patient. In some other cases, there may be a kind of diarrhea and vomit. This will further take the person into a state of severe and serious shock. This disturbance may cause failure in any bodily system. The bodily parts mostly affected by sunstroke are brain, heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, and muscles. It has been found that a form of bleeding occurs within the cells of these bodily organs. Also, in some cases the person may be subjected to hemiplegia or loss of balance. Being affected, the kidney cells may bleed and there may be deficiency in the work of the liver… etc. How to Defend Yourself Against Sunstroke? It is very important to defend yourself against sunstroke. The first procedure is to keep remote from direct contact with sunrays. Here comes the importance of educating the people about the dangers of being under the sun for long periods. In case one has to be subject to sun, this should last for short, not long periods.
  • 36. Hajj & Health Guide - 36 - Also, arduous efforts are to be avoided. In addition, there should be plenty of water and drinks. White baggy clothes are to be worn. Ways of Treatment: 1 - Taking the victim away from places with high temperature. 2 - Taking his clothes off and laying him on his back with his head upwards. 3 - In case the victim is aware, he is to be offered cold water. In case he is fainting, his body is to be sprinkled with water and he is to be put under a van so that the water would be evaporated soon. 4 - He should be taken to the hospital immediately so as to hasten his recovery. Important Notes: It should be the first concern of those who are around the patient to reduce the high temperature. Some people put the patient in a bathtub filled with cold water so that the patient regains his consciousness, and resorting to this means leads to a high rate of death. The best ways to reduce the high temperature of the patient is to put him in a conditioned room, covering him with light wet sheet and turning on the fan. This is to be kept on until the temperature of the patient becomes 38. In this case, cooling is to be stopped and the patient is put under observation until he becomes well again.
  • 37. - 37 - Exhaustion & Hajj Rituals* The phenomenon of exhaustion frequently takes place in the summer or in places with high temperature such as the Holy Sites. Sometimes, it attacks the person suddenly, but it is mostly caused by the body being subjected to high temperature which, in its turn, results in losing huge amounts of sweat that contains Sodium Chloride. The symptoms are general weakness, headache, dizziness and agitation, in addition to many other symptoms like thirst, nausea and anorexia. The person may also fall fainting out of sickness and he may be pale with a cold * By Musa Al-Khateeb.
  • 38. Hajj & Health Guide - 38 - body. His pulse becomes weak and fast or strong and slow, the body's temperature becomes normal or less normal, and the amount of urine becomes lesser with some sort of spasm. How to Defend Yourself against Exhaustion? It is very important to know how to defend yourself against this serious malady. Once a person gets subjected to the sun and thus loses considerable amounts of sweat, he has to compensate for this by consuming great amounts of drinks and taking salt tablets in some cases. As for the way of treatment, it is as follows: Set the sick person in a cold place, take his legs upwards and rub them and give him salty water to drink (a teaspoon of salt added to 1 liter of boiled water). In case he is out of conscience, give him nothing to drink through the mouth. In hard cases, a sick person may need to be taken to the hospital and given saline through the vein. In this case, blood pressure will come to its average again and the temperature will be back to normal. Cramps These cramps always attack those people with normal bodies who carry out arduous works under high temperature and thus exert great amounts of perspiration. It also attacks sportsmen who do the same job. The main cause for this is the great amount of perspiration lost due to these efforts. This is always accompanied with severe pains in the affected muscle and sometimes in the belly.
  • 39. - 39 - After taking some rest, being remote from high temperature, and giving the sick person some saline or salty tablets, the person may feel well. It should be noted that muscular and articular pains increase according to high temperature. A pilgrim may think of it as being rheumatism. However, it stems from the infection that occurs in the muscle due to being subjected to change of temperature caused by air conditioners. This results in myosclerosis. Taking aspirin with some warming may be helpful in this case. The Symptoms of Sunstroke: 1- The skin is hot, dry and red colored. 2- High body temperature. 3- Severe Fatigue and loss of conscience. 4- The possibility of loss of conscience. The Symptoms of Exhaustion: 1- The skin is cold, sweaty and yellow colored. 2- The extension of the pupil of the eye. 3- Lack of temperature. 4- Body weakness and fragility.
  • 40. Hajj & Health Guide - 40 - Allergy & Hajj Rituals* Allergy may inflict any organ in the body; the eyes, nose, stomach, arms, legs or so on. But it has different names with each organ, such * By Musa Al-Khateeb.
  • 41. - 41 - as running nose, influenza, hay fever, summer common cold, urtecaria, spasmodic chest disease, spring cattar, recurrent bronchitis and brochial asthma. All these diseases are different kinds of allergy, as people say: "One's man's food is another man's poison." Allergy inflicts some people due to abnormal interaction between a natural substance and part of the body. That is to say, millions of people come in contact with chemical substances, smocks, dust, or eat different kinds of food without contracting any kind of allergy, because no abnormal interaction takes place within their bodies due to these things. On the other hand, some people contract skin allergy when they take a specific kind of food, like strawberry, egg, chocolate, some kinds of fish or so on. The skin of such people interacts abnormally with the specific kind of food that causes them allergy. In other cases, people contract spasmodic chest diseases due to inhaling the vapors of perfumes, painting substances, dust or coming in contact with raw cotton, fur, or pollen, and specific kinds of germ, whereas many people do not get affected with such things. When the body contracts allergy, it produces protective chemical substances to stop the irritation that happens due to abnormal interaction. Such substances contain histamine, and that is why the medicines that are taken for such diseases are anti-histaminic. If the histaminic substances produced in the body equals the irritating substances, there would be no harm. But out of protection, the body produces histaminic substance that exceeds the irritating one. This extra histamin causes the abnormal interaction that takes place inside the body causing allergy.
  • 42. Hajj & Health Guide - 42 - The effect of such interaction appears in the organ that gets irritated by this interaction. If the nose is the organ that gets most irritated by such abnormal interaction, then one is liable to contract hay fever of which most noticeable symptom is sneezing. Such case is known medically as allergic rinitis. If the most irritated organ is the chest, one gets inflicted with asthmatic cough or, in other words, allergic pronchitis. In most cases the skin is the organ which gets mostly irritated due to abnormal interaction taking place inside the body. Skin allergy is commonly called urtecaria or ekzima. There is no danger on the pilgrims who are liable to skin allergy. Rather, danger lies in cases of allergic pronchitis, because the labor of Hajj may cause irritation in the chest causing pronchitis asthma. So, it is better for people who suffer from allergic pronchitis to postpone performing Hajj until their disease ends or even controlled. As for those who suffer from skin allergy, there is no problem as they can easily go for pilgrimage, taking with them anti-histaminin medicines, such as Tafagil tablets and others, to use them when needed. Yet, pronchitis patients should know exactly the urgency of their disease and consult their doctors before they decide travelling for Hajj, so that they may take with them some medicines to be used at times of emergency. But is there any special regime to be applied while performing Hajj? There is no specific regime for allergy patients during Hajj, except in cases in which people contract allergy due to having specific kinds of food. In such cases, the most effective therapy is abandoning the kinds
  • 43. - 43 - of food that cause allergy, such as some fruits, like banana, mango, straw; chocolate; egg, milk and fish. Some people contact allergy as a result of taking some medication, such as Aspirin, Salfa, penicillin and other medical substances. How can allergy patients adapt themselves to hot weather? No one can deny the toil the pilgrims suffer during the journey of Hajj, so that they lose a great amount of the liquids and salt of their bodies. So doctors advise those who are going for Hajj to drink abundant liquids and to eat salty foods, unless they are suffering from heart diseases due to allergic bronchitis. Also, patients who are going for Hajj should by all means avoid all types of labor and take shelter against the rays of the sun and evade over-crowdedness. Are allergy patients allowed to fast while performing Hajj? There is nothing wrong for allergy patients to observe fasting during Hajj, unless it is necessary to have a certain medication at regular times. Moreover, fasting does not negatively affect allergy patients so long as they evade exerting great efforts and they avoid over- crowdedness and avoid being exposed to the sun. In a nutshell, while performing Hajj, allergy patients should neither expose themselves to hard labor or over-crowdedness, nor stay in closed places that have no access to fresh air. Also, patients should consult their doctors before going to perform Hajj. Doctors, for sure, are the ones who can prognoses the patient's case, and diagnose the right prescription.
  • 44. Hajj & Health Guide - 44 - Dermatitis & Hajj Rituals* It is well known that most of KSA’s area lies in one of the hottest spots in the world. When it coincides with summer, the temperature during Hajj season may range between 44-50°C. Also the rate of moisture may range between 10-15%. These factors help in increasing the probability of getting sick by diseases such as dermatitis (skin diseases) which increases among the pilgrims for several reasons: - Extra excretion of sweat due to burning sun beams and high humidity. - Overcrowding at Hajj, where people from all over the world gather together to perform such a sanctified act of worship. With lots of * By Musa Al-Khateeb.
  • 45. - 45 - people gathering at the same time in a specific place, diseases can easily spread by infection. Among the most common skin diseases during Hajj are the following: 1- Acne Vulgaris: There happens obstruction in man's sweat glands causing the emergence of small red pimples known as Acne Vulgaris. This disease infects people, especially the very white, at different stages of life. Such red pimples appear mainly in the areas of the body that come in direct contact with clothes, which are made from artificial fibers in particular. The patient in this case suffers from severe prurigo, and this makes him worried and uncomfortable; such pimples usually around the waist, buttocks, thighs, shoulders, forearms, and forehead. If the case is recurrent the patient may be inflicted with dehydration in the skin, and this along with hot damp weather may cause sunburn. Ways of Protection and Treatment: - Giving the house good ventilation. - Airing the bedroom at night. - Not using any cover during sleep. - Keeping away from being directly exposed to sun beams as much as possible. - Wearing light clothes. - Wearing soft white clothes made of cotton that help evaporate sweat.
  • 46. Hajj & Health Guide - 46 - - Abstaining from scratching the skin with soup and bath sponge, because this causes new pimples to appear. - Taking a daily cold shower to get rid of sweat and dust, using mild soup without bath sponge; this is the best way of protection from Acne Vulgaris. - It is preferable for patients to use mild moisturizers to remove the obstruction on the mouth of the sweat glands. Following these steps leads to an early recovery. But beware the patients in this case should not use any kind of moisturizing powders, because the atoms of the powder block the openings of the sweat glands causing more infection. So it is preferable to grease the body with olive oil, coconut oil or any kind of plant-extracted oils; to rub the body very well and then leave it to dry. Then the extra amount of oil can be removed from the body with water and soup. 2- Extra sweat excretion: During Hajj times, people excrete abundant sweat due to high temperature and humidity of the weather. People's custom of Ihram becomes wet night and day due to extra excretion of sweat, and this causes them to urinate very little and be always thirsty. Ways of Protection and Treatment: As for people who usually have hydrosis during summer and winter times they should keep themselves away from hard work, especially in the hot periods of the day. They may also take some medication, which lessens the quantity of sweat, but this must be according to
  • 47. - 47 - medical prescription. However, cleanness is the main factor in treating such a case. 3- Sweat Abscess and Pyodermatosis: This disease happens due to infection with staphylococcus. This disease appears as a lot of bubbles, ulcer or big painful pimples. This disease usually infects children (5-7 years old) and people who are exposed to the heat of the sun. Extra excretion of sweat and flies are among the main reasons for the spread of this disease. Moreover, lice causes severe prurigo, and this may cause different forms of abscess in the scalp of the children as well as the adults. In some cases the disease appears as sweat furuncle and red pimples. Cases of severe pyoderma usually causes hypertrophy in the lymph nodes near the neck and raises the temperature of the body. Taking the necessary measures of treatment, the patient's skin gets completely cured. Ways of Protection and Treatment: - Caring for personal hygiene, especially for the hair to be clear of any lice and other similar things - In severe cases in which the patient has high temperature and hypertrophy in the glands or in which he suffers from sweat furuncles due to infection with diabetes or from red pimples it is better for the patient to consult the doctor who would check him up to know the direct cause for such cases and consequently prescribe the right medication. 4- Abscess in Curves of the Body:
  • 48. Hajj & Health Guide - 48 - Such type of abscess usually happens to obese people. It appears under the arm-bits, under the breasts for women and in the curves of the thighs. In such cases, the skin becomes inflamed and red. In severe cases the inflamed skin excretes some kind of transparent substance and the patient suffers from painful prurigo. Ways of Protection and Treatment: Caring for personal hygiene, and avoiding being directly exposed to sun beams as possible as one can, and sitting in an open place (i.e. with good ventilation) 5 - Parasitic Infections: Parasitic infections are a group of infectious skin diseases that are capable of causing different diseases. Such parasitic infections are widely spread in areas with hot weather conditions. They include: A- Thigh Tinea: It is an infectious disease that happens due to some parasitic infection. Patient suffering from this disease has severe itching between his thighs. The disease spreads through using the clothes or towels of an infected person. Also, great overcrowding in hot weather at the time of Hajj causes this disease to widespread among the pilgrims. Ways of Protection and Treatment: - Refraining from using the clothes and towels of others. - Washing all one's clothes in a boiling water and then ironing them to kill all parasites therein.
  • 49. - 49 - - Refraining from scratching the infected area with the bath sponge. - Consulting the doctor to take necessary procedures. B- Colorful Tinea: This disease infects the pilgrims due to hot weather and extra sweat excretion. It takes the form of round rash whose color becomes light on taking a bath and then it darkens and becomes brown after some days. It spreads in the same way like thigh tinea. Ways of Protection and Treatment: - Taking a hot shower every evening for a long period that may amount to two months. - Smearing the infected areas with anti-parasitic ointment upon the doctor's prescription. C- Herpes: It happens due to infection with a certain kind of parasites. It appears in the form of groups of small bubbles around the mouth and the genitals. This is usually accompanied with hypertrophy and inflammation of the lymph nodes, and in most cases it is accompanied with prurigo. It is an infectious disease, which spreads through touch and use of a patient's personal things. Jam overcrowding at the time of Hajj causes wide spread of the disease. There is another form of this disease, which infects the nerves and appears as bubbles, which spread in one side of the body, especially in the face and trunk. Ways of Protection and Treatment:
  • 50. Hajj & Health Guide - 50 - - Caring for personal hygiene. - Abstaining from using others' personal things. - Seeking the doctors' consult once the disease, especially the last type, appears in order to take the prescribed suitable medicine. 6 - Mange: This is one of the commonest infectious dermatitis, which the pilgrims contract. It happens due to some parasitic infection. The symptoms of this disease are severe itching at night and the emergence of some scabies in the area that have been itched and in the areas between the fingers, in the heels, the palms and the abdomen. There may also be some red rash on the abdomen where the female parasite makes her course through the body. This disease is really infectious, so that it may spread among a whole group at once. Treatment of this disease is nothing than washing the body, scratching it with warm water and soup; then smearing the whole body except the face and the head with the Bezanil cream or sulfur ointment or anything the doctor prescribes. This is to be repeated for two successive nights. The same treatment is to be applied in cases of infection with lice etc… 7 - Eczema: It is a kind of inflammation in the skin, accompanied by severe itching. This disease causes the appearance of groups of little pimples, full of transparent liquid. This liquid may get out of the pimples, or it may
  • 51. - 51 - harden forming gluey scabs. The rims of such grouping pimples are not apparent. There are different kinds of eczema such as severe, semi-severe and chronic eczema; scabies eczema; pimple eczema; scabbing eczema…etc. Ways of Protection and Treatment: The skin infected with eczema is a good environment for microbes, which cause skin inflammation. Therefore, it is necessary to follow these instructions: - Taking excessive care for cleanness so as to avoid unnecessary complications. - Protecting the skin from materials that cause irritation, such as wool, artificial fibers, fur and soup. - Using moisturizing oils moderately, so that it may not obstruct the mouth of the sweat glands and cause more irritation. - Avoiding any foods or smells that cause allergy as well as anything that may increase the severity of eczema. - Consulting the specialist who would prescribe the suitable medicine for your case. 8 - Urtecaria: The symptoms of this disease are itching and hypertrophy of the skin. It may last no more than some hours, and it may last some days up to two weeks. It usually happens due to allergy to some food or medicine. Chocolate, egg and fish are the most likely to cause
  • 52. Hajj & Health Guide - 52 - urtecaria, whereas Penicillin is the commonest medicine that causes urtecaria. Urtecaria may also happen due to allergy to artificial substances that are added to food to give it some color or taste or to some toothpaste. Doctors advise such patients to write a diary through which they can discover the main reason for urtecaria. Sometimes food is not the cause for it, but rather infection with intestinal worms or due to hot weather or even cold weather, or due to hyper-tension. Urtecaria patients may have severe itching in their hands when they hold driving wheel for a long time. Urtecaria which happens due to cold weather is usually the result of sudden change from hot weather into cold weather, such as the case when one takes a hot shower and comes out in a cold room, or when one remains without clothes till he dries. Hence gradual change protects one from infection with urtecaria. Urtecaria may also happen due to allergy to sun rays. But this disappears a short period after sunset. Some medicines may cause allergy if the person who takes them stays in the sun. In such case the disease appears in the form of skin eruption on the face and any other part of the body that is exposed to the sun. This may happen with medicines like salfa compounds, oral diabetic and diuretic medicines. Also some kinds of food may cause the same effect if one eats them and then goes out in the sun, such as eating some lemons or carrot and getting out in the sun. The main point of cure in this case is to protect the patient from direct contact with sun rays, then to seek the doctor’s consult if necessary.
  • 53. - 53 - 9 - Freckles: When one exposes oneself to the sun gradually and with care, one's skin may not be much irritated. But sometimes the skin, especially soft white skin, takes some internal measures to protect itself against the dangerous effect of violet, forming some dissimilar yellow and brown rash without any eruption outside the skin. Such rash is known as freckles. If the skin naturally has a big amount of the coloring substance (Melanin), such small freckles may turn into large dark freckles. If the pilgrims have large dark freckles, they should not worry, because such kind of freckles disappears gradually within some months, and the skin returns to its normal condition so long as they do not excessively expose themselves to sun rays. On the other hand, small yellow freckles are not easily cured. Rather it may need scaling off some the external layer of the skin by the specialist doctor. 10 - The Effects of Heat on the skin of the face: After the pilgrims return back from Hajj, some people, especially women, notice that their faces have greatly changed and that its color has become dark in some places. Moreover, the effect of the sun rays may reach the extent that causes noticeable irritation and wrinkles. However, such changes are natural, and they would take some time and the skin would return to its normal state. So one should not worry concerning that.
  • 54. Hajj & Health Guide - 54 - Diabetics & Hajj Rituals* Hajj is a spiritual journey that takes two weeks up to two months in the hottest seasons of the year and is carried out in a place where there is no permanent residence for the pilgrims. Pilgrims always gather in a very limited patch of land and they undergo a considerable change in their way of life and their daily routine. A diabetic is to carry a card in Arabic and English containing a detailed diagnosis of his state, his medication, dosage, his address, and his telephone number and the telephone number of one of his relatives. The following sentence is to be written on the back of the card: "If * By Musa Al-Khateeb.
  • 55. - 55 - found unconscious, please give me some medication via mouth or injection and take me to the nearest hospital." Name ..................................... Age ..................................... Address ..................................... A Relative's Tel. Number..................................... Diagnosis ..................................... Treatment ..................................... It is known that most pilgrims are above forty-year old and thus have to undergo a cardiography before leaving their countries so as to be sure of their safe traveling. As for the medicines that are to be taken, there are plenty of medicines in the KSA and there are many services offered by health care committees of every country. It is recommendable, however, for a diabetic to take a bottle of insulin or a packet of tablets that may be used in case of need. Urine analysis instruments may also be taken in addition to some insulin injections that are to be put in a cold container so as to be kept from high temperature. Carbohydrates and medicines for diarrhea, seasickness, and airsickness are to be taken. Try to carry out urine analysis and watchfully notice any change before meals and before sleep.
  • 56. Hajj & Health Guide - 56 - A Diabetic and Sunstroke Once, Allah forbids, a diabetic falls a victim for sunstroke, the card will prove beneficial, for a diabetic needs, in addition to water and drinks, to insulin. A diabetic is advised to avoid all open places that make him in direct contact with the sun and to consume great amounts of water. A Diabetic and Travel A diabetic with unstable health condition is advised to defer his traveling until his heath condition becomes stable. A young diabetic who uses insulin and is subject to fits is advised not to travel unless when he becomes quite safe that his condition is stable. In cases of food poisoning, a diabetic should hurry to the nearest hospital to receive the suitable medicines and antibiotics. A Diabetic and Fasting It is known that the period of Hajj is limited. A diabetic is not advised to fast during that period. If he has to fast, then he should do so after returning back home. As for children who are treated with insulin, they are advised not to travel. This applies also for a pregnant woman who may fall a prey to early delivery. In case of the aged, they are mostly treated with tablets and it is easy for them to perform this great divine obligation. It is noteworthy that pilgrims should have the suitable vaccination before traveling. Diet for a Diabetic During Hajj There is a certain diet to be followed by a diabetic during Hajj. This diet aims at reducing the rate of sugar in the blood and comforting the
  • 57. - 57 - pancreas. It is advisable to use corn oil. In addition, the following is to be carried out: 1 - Reduce your weight to the ideal weight. 2 - Practice sports and exert efforts but in a moderate manner. 3 - Avoid any food that causes harm and any excessive amounts of food. 4 - Do not forget to take medicines on time and stick to the prescribed dosage. 5 - Once you feel dizzy or experience an unusual amount of perspiration, visit the doctor. Food Forbidden for a Diabetic: Cream, liver, sweet, potato, cakes, gateaux, candy, sweet fruits, grapes, fig, dates, lupine, nuts, peanuts, almond, coconut, sherbet, and soft drinks. Food that a Diabetic Can Consume at any amount: Tomatoes, tomato soup, cucumber, lettuce, onion, watercress, leek, and meat soup that does not have fats. Types of Meat: Meat, chicken, pigeon, rabbits, fish, sardines, and shrimps. Vegetables: Eggplants, spinach, green beans, cabbages, and artichoke. Fruit:
  • 58. Hajj & Health Guide - 58 - Two apples, two oranges, two pears, two lemons, eight guavas, or six plums. Salad: Tomatoes, lettuce, cress, cucumber. Breakfast or Supper: One of the following is to be chosen: 1 - A loaf of bread, three tablespoons of beans with oil or lentil. 2 - A loaf of bread and two pieces of falafel. 3 - A loaf of bread with a box of sardines. 4 - A loaf of bread with 30 grams of cheese. 5 - A loaf of bread with an average amount of yogurt. 6 - A loaf of bread with two tablespoons of cornflakes. 7 - A loaf of bread with a teaspoon of jam or honey. Lunch and Supper: One of the following is to be chosen: 1 - A loaf of bread, kilogram of meat or fish in addition to a plate of cooked vegetables and salad. 2 - A loaf of bread, with four big pieces of falafel and a plate of salad. 3 - A loaf of bread, 1/8 kilo of sardines. 4 - A loaf of bread, a plate of beans, salad with oil.
  • 59. - 59 - 5 - A loaf of bread, three tablespoons of potatoes, kilogram of meat or fish and salad. The Ideal Diet for Diabetics of all Ages: Breakfast: An egg, a piece of cheese, a cup of tea with spoon of sugar or some milk. Lunch: A plate of salad, an onion, a slice of meat, a plate of cooked vegetables avoiding potatoes and the like in addition to an apple or an orange. Supper: A cup of yogurt, some fresh vegetables and salad. Spicy foods, fats and the like are to be avoided. This diet may appear to be somewhat harsh. However, a diabetic should follow this special diet so as to evade anything that affects his health during this once-in- a-lifetime journey.