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GS- nsight
                                                 people          •
                                                                     i technology              •     business
                                                                                                            Issue 16

In this issue
1    Cover Story
                  James Stevenson, Citrix
                  Systems Area VP UKI & S.
                  Africa, explores securing
                  an IT environment
                                                 Corporate IT
                  revolutionised by free         James Stevenson, Area Vice President UK, Ireland and
                  device choice
                                                 South Africa, at Citrix Systems explores how to secure a
2    VC Economy                                  flexible workplace
     Michael Elias, MD of growth equity

     investor Kennet discusses the inherent            lobally CIOs are under increasing      environments on one machine. Using a
     appeal and challenges of “bootstrapped”           pressure as a new generation of        client-side hypervisor, multiple desktop
     businesses                                        workers enters the workplace           operating systems can coexist in
                                                 demanding the same slick, personalised       complete isolation on a single end user
3    SoundByte                                   user experience as at home. To illustrate,   device. This layer of separation between
     Citrix Systems’ James Stevenson             Stevenson describes directors who require    the operating systems enables, for
     considers the reinvention of corporate IT
                                                 “an Apple Mac, a Netbook, an iPhone and      example, a “personal” desktop and a
     through “Bring your own PC” schemes
                                                 a Blackberry” to operate, and companies      “corporate” desktop to reside on the
                                                 where people have resigned over a            same hardware, but completely
4    Global Economy                              Twitter ban.                                 protected from each other. IT can place
     GS-insight brings together two Venture
                                                   Stevenson believes that Citrix has the     all requisite security, controls and policies
     Capitalists and the CEO of software
                                                 answer to enable user’s complete choice      on the corporate desktop, while still
     start-up Mamut to debate the secret of
     the Nordic zone’s entrepreneurial           on the device they use to access their       allowing personal space for the user.”
     success                                     applications (see p.3 for Citrix’s “Bring       Using a virtualised approach has the
                                                 Your Own PC” scheme), but also resolves      additional benefit of unchaining office
6    Leadership                                  the perceived security issues:               based workers from their desks. As the
     Andy Isherwood, VP & GM of HP’s               “Providing users with complete choice      threat of swine flu looms, this solves yet
     Software Solutions Group provides a         over the device they use into a “locked      another CIO headache as critical workers
     change agent’s perspective on               down” environment would at first sight       can be home based without losing
     management, career and the economy          appear to be a security nightmare.           productivity.
                                                 However, CIOs should instead embrace it,        Viewed like this, consumerisation of
8    Executive View                              and only secure what you absolutely have     enterprise IT coupled with virtualisation
                  Phil Pavitt, having driven
                                                 to.”                                         moves away from bowing to necessity,
                  significant change in TfL’s
                                                   “Citrix, in association with Intel, can    and into the positive realm of IT
                  IT strategy and operations,
                                                 enable users to run multiple virtual         evolution.
                  discusses his next
                  challenge; becoming
                  CIO of HMRC
                                                  Welcome to the sixteenth edition of GS-insight, the quarterly newsletter from
10   The Big Debate                               international executive search firm, Gillamor Stephens. In this issue we consider a
     Senior executives from Atos Origin and
                                                  variety of topics relevant to technology companies and the investment community.
     Channel Dynamics examine the reality
                                                  Key figures from the industry provide insight and perspective on contemporary issues
     of strategic alliances
                                                  such as: reinventing corporate IT, in-sourcing, building effective channel alliances,
12   GS Opinion                                   leadership, driving change and “bootstrapped businesses”. In addition we explore
     Gillamor Stephens Partners Paul              the reasons behind the success of the Nordic region in producing exciting and
     Gillespie and Steve Morrison discuss         successful “start-up” technology companies.
     the health of the recruitment                 Gillamor Stephens is the leading executive search company serving the
     marketplace, and how best to utilise         international technology, online and cleantech sectors. GS-insight is published in
     stock options to attract talent              both print and electronic formats, and can be viewed and downloaded from
                                                                 Steve Morrison, Founding Partner

VC Economy

    A different kind of capital
    Why Michael Elias, Managing Director of Growth Equity investor Kennet, prefers
    “bootstrapped” businesses

          or mature growth equity                                                     opportunity for Kennet to help such
          investors like Kennet, there                                                companies, and often that help
          are companies in the market                                                 comes in the form of finding the
    that need help, but just don’t                                                    best people to take the company
    realise it.                                                                       forward to the next level:
       Instead of concentrating on                                                       “A lot of bootstrapped businesses
    companies that have swallowed                                                     have similar characteristics. You
    their third or fourth round of                                                    will find a strong, capable founder
    funding and continue to consume                                                   at the top with twenty people
    cash, the smart search is on for                                                  reporting to him like worker bees.
    successful, entrepreneurial                                                       There is frequently very little in the
    technology businesses that have                                                   way of second tier management,
    built a solid foundation with little                                              and the founder may not realise
    external funding, and need to take                                                that these are important hires. So
    the next big jump in growth. To                                                   much of what we do is recruitment-
    keep ahead of their markets and                                                   related.”
    lead to greater value for                                                            The reality is that a lot of
                                            Michael Elias
    shareholders, they may need to                                                    “bootstrappers” are heavily reliant
                                            Managing Director of Kennet
    ramp up their sales force or expand                                               on serendipity in hiring:
    internationally. Elias explains:                                                     “Most bootstrapped companies
       “A bootstrapped business often       at creating shareholder value. It’s       have not used search firms before,
    starts with the founder making all      something we see quite frequently.”       instead recruiting people through
    the sales. Once you get over that         “Often, the less a founder is           existing, sometimes opportunistic
    and show that you can hire and          interested in raising capital, the        relationships. When asking a
    train sales people in a reliable way,   more we like the company. In some         founder CEO how he found his VP
    then you have the capacity to           cases we are pitching to them             Sales, it’s not unusual to hear ‘We
    expand. At that stage, many             rather than visa-versa. We often          met on a plane/train/cruise, and
    business owners face a dilemma:         establish long relationships with         that although he didn’t have
    should they sell the company or         companies before we invest. It’s not      directly relevant experience, I liked
    take capital and grow it? We            unusual to have a multi-year              him, and sales are sales....”
    recommend a third path: sell a bit      relationship before an investment is         Looking ahead, Elias sees some
    of your company to us and take          consummated.”                             challenging times ahead for the
    capital.”                                 Elias feels that a key difference       traditional venture capital model,
       That can mean adopting a             regarding “bootstrapped”                  which Kennet abandoned in favour
    different attitude to cash flow.        companies is that their founders          of growth equity in 2002. “I think it
    “Activities that are great for near-    have much more self confidence            is going to be a completely
    term cash flow aren’t necessarily       than early stage entrepreneurs.           different landscape. In Europe,
    those that are providing the most       “They have already shown that they        firms are getting to the end of their
    strategic value for the business. So    can build a company without our           funds and the fundraising market is
    it’s not unusual for us to suggest      help. Our relationship with them is       dire. There may well be 50% fewer
    shutting down activities that are       different.”                               VCs in four years than there are
    good for cash flow, but not so good       There is nonetheless a clear            now, in both the US and in Europe.”

                                              What is bootstrapping?
      Company built with little or no outside funding • Growth funded primarily through operational cash flow • Equity
      predominantly held by founders and key staff • Customer focus is in the “DNA”• Investment decisions are rational,
      not speculative • Business focus is on rapid, affordable growth


Bring Your Own PC
James Stevenson, Area Vice President UK Ireland & South Africa, at Citrix Systems
discusses the reinvention of corporate IT

      acebook, Twitter, iPhone and                                                choice over which devices they use.
      Netbook are hardly standard                                                 We can do this because we use our
      war cries, however applications                                             own technology – the Citrix Receiver
and devices such as these are                                                     allows users a simple, ubiquitous
helping draw the battle lines for the                                             access point to drive their
biggest enterprise IT revolution                                                  applications on Mac, Windows,
since the launch of the personal PC                                               iPhone operating systems (and soon
in 1980. Just as the ‘80s workforce                                               Windows Mobile, Symbian,
pampered at home by Lotus 1-2-3                                                   Blackberry and Android) as they
rebelled against a clunky, green                                                  wish.”
screen in the workplace; so too are                                                  “Through enabling choice of
today’s “technology natives”, spoilt                                              device, and giving more control to
by iTunes’ intuitive interface and                                                the user we are moving toward a
access to a plethora of consumer                                                  publisher-subscriber model, and
devices, beginning to demand more                                                 delivering IT as an on-demand
from corporate IT.                       James Stevenson                          service. By embracing SaaS and
   Stevenson believes that the           Area Vice President at Citrix Systems    Cloud-based technologies anyone
consumerisation of IT is a pressure                                               with network connectivity can
that has been building for a number      they want to supplement from their       securely access to corporate
of years and that this is something      own pocket.”                             applications remotely. Despite this
that the CIO will have to address:          Part of the of the programme’s        abundance of connectivity and
   “The question is how does the CIO     criteria is that devices must cost at    devices, IT still maintains control
enable the user to have choice and       least 20% less to purchase and           over data, applications and security
still keep the things that are           maintain than devices managed            ensuring a risk free and compliant
important to him, such as delivering     through the traditional system.          environment. We are already seeing
services which are effective in their    Therefore Citrix has created a           growing interest and adoption from
environment? We think it's inevitable    BYOPC website as a self-service          our customers as they identify with
– look at how the Mac is being           application portal, interactive          the user experience, control and
introduced to the corporate              support community (ensuring that         management benefits.”
environment due to widespread            internal IT do not have to support          Wide adoption could mean forced
iPhone adoption. The bottom line is      devices) and online shop offering        change for the channel as Stevenson
that CIOs are going to have to           discount purchases through the           notes:
embrace this new environment.”           Citrix channels. Interestingly, it was      “If you are a reseller which sees
   This has led to a struggle for CIOs   found that the productivity              the main bulk of your business
regarding budgets, maintenance and       increased for the majority of            coming through laptop or general
how to safely allow users to bring       employees, that better care was          end-point device sales, BYOPC could
unmanaged devices within the             taken of equipment due to a pride        impact your pipeline. However, with
secure corporate domain (see p.1).       of ownership, and Citrix has a fairly    consumers driving the device side of
Stevenson explains how Citrix is         unique edge in wooing technically        IT, it frees IT decision makers to
addressing through an innovative         savvy employees.                         focus on the strategic,
“bring your own PC” (BYOPC)                 Stevenson feels that this             infrastructure and service delivery
programme:                               programme represents the beginning       aspects of their role – a real
   “Citrix is in phase one of rolling    of a fundamental change to how IT        opportunity to add greater value for
out a programme to enable                is supported within the corporate        our channel with virtualisation and
employees to buy their own machine       environment, and that this is            networking technologies.”
running a PC environment of their        something which Citrix can support          BYOPC is part of Citrix’s strategy
choice - the concept is similar to a     from a user experience and IT            to reposition IT as a service provider
company car allowance. Staff can         management perspective:                  rather than an over-controlling
even buy a top of the range Mac if          “We have given our employees a        obstacle to progress and innovation.

Global Economy

    The Nordic Alternative
    Despite the challenging economic times, the Nordic zone continues to produce
    exciting technologies and successful start-ups. Is there a secret to this success?

          he Venture Capital Practice at Gillamor                              capital from people and funds that they know,
          Stephens has worked with the Nordic                                  and therefore many companies are funded
          start-up scene for nearly four years,                                locally. So in that sense one might say there is
    hiring CxO, VP and Director level executives                               a “community”. The Governments across the
    into a broad array of technology companies –                               Nordic region provide capital financing
    from PCB manufacturing processes to                                        through funds such as Argentum (Norway),
    enterprise software. We have noted with                                    Finninvest (Finland) and Vækstfonden
    interest that where other geographies’                                     (Denmark). The fact that a number of
    growth tends to have slowed over the last 18                               established technology companies have been
    months, the Nordic region continues to            Bjørn Stray              global leaders in their space provides
    produce an increasing array of successful         Partner at Northzone     individuals with a technology and market
    start-up companies.                               Ventures                 insight essential in helping create companies
      To take the investment temperature of the                                which can quickly take unique propositions to
    Nordic zone, we have sought the views of          “There is a high         the market.”
    Venture Capitalists Helge Hellebust, Partner      degree of risk             Hellebust feels that the Nordic approach to
    at Ferd Ventures in Norway and        willingness among        start-ups also affects deal flow:
    Bjørn Stray, Partner at Northzone Ventures in     entrepreneurs and          “The quality of deal flow is relatively high,
    Sweden, and also                investor”                partially due to the cultural heritage which
    spoken to Eilert Hanoa, CEO of Mamut, a                                    dissuades establishing a new company unless
    successful business software company,                                      you have a “really good idea”. As more and
    founded in Norway                                           more “classic” venture success stories become
                                                                               known, the positive development is likely to
    The VCs                                                                    continue. But we still have a long way to go
    Whilst examining the Nordics start-up scene,                               and a lot of untapped potential.”
    Helge Hellebust finds that native conditions                                  Both of the VCs can also see that the
    have helped foster native entrepreneurs:                                   marketplace has been affected by today’s
       “The relatively high education level, social                            economic climate:
    welfare system and growing private equity                                    “VCs are still active, but with a stronger
    industry contributes to the start-up scene                                 appetite for later stage investments. The
    developing in a positive manner. State funded                              strength of the downturn is difficult to gauge,
                                                      Helge Hellebust
    seed money is available, as is support from       Partner at Ferd
                                                                               however it would seem to be stronger in other
    organisations such as Innovation Norway and       Ventures                 parts of Europe than in the Nordics” states
    various incubators to help many start-ups                                  Hellebust.
    through the initial stages... And importantly,    “VCs are still active,     “The best companies can still get funding.
    it is viewed as socially acceptable to            but with a stronger      However there will be a shakeout of
    establish your own business and take on an        appetite for later       companies and investors alike. For the long
    element of risk to earn money.”                   stage investment”        term the fundamental is that there is
       Bjørn Stray reinforces this impression:                                 continuous technology development and that
       “There is a high degree of risk willingness                             start-ups will solve problems, grow and create
    among entrepreneurs and investors, and a                                   value and will secure a living space for players
    community of experienced entrepreneurs,                                    in the industry” confirms Stray.
    capital sources and service providers that
    can support early stage companies in the                                   The Entrepreneur
    Nordics. By instinct, entrepreneurs seek                                   Eilert Hanoa started Mamut in 1994 with a

                                                                            Global Economy

                          ‘‘ the local economy is strong, innovation
                          is high, cash has been available,
                          knowledge workers are available and
                          infrastructure is well developed
                           Eilert Hanoa, CEO of Mamut

vision of simplifying the way smaller
organisations do their business by
offering software, services and
knowledge. Today, Mamut has more
                                         than the Venture Capitalists regarding
                                         the supporting infrastructure
                                         surrounding the entrepreneurial
                                         community in the Nordics:
                                                                                  for entrepreneurs that helps them
                                                                                  plan and start up their own business.
                                                                                  We also engage in seminars and
                                                                                  training, both through Mamut and
than 400,000 customers in 16               “There is a huge political focus on    through my role as Chairman of ICT
countries. Hanoa recollects his          supporting start-ups in the Nordics,     Norway.”
company’s humble origins:                but to actually succeed in starting-up
    “I established my first company as   a company, the main success factors      The Recruiter
a 15-year-old in 1986 and after 10       are the willingness and true passion     Gillamor Stephens supports venture
years in the software industry, I        from the founders. Start-ups often       backed businesses across EMEA - from
incorporated Mamut in December           succeed despite the lack of              early stage University spinouts to
1994. We started without any external    governmental support, not because of     later stage businesses. Paul Gillespie,
funding or any kind of governmental      any support offered. In fact, the        a Founding Partner, follows the adage
assistance, local VCs joined in 1998,    social security network is well          “good companies will always get
including Northzone Ventures and         developed in the Nordics, so the risk    funding” and this is true wherever
other co-investors, and our              of failing is low and success is         they may be in Europe.
development from 1995 to 2009 has        rewarded with high taxes! The social       “However the Nordic region does
largely been based on long-term          security system is more of a barrier     have a strong infrastructure in place
investors.”                              than a catalyst for starting up.”        to assist the creation of start-up
   He feels that today’s start up          Although Hanoa does also speak         companies, and maybe the
market is a much more challenging        highly of its benefits:                  somewhat isolated location of the
environment for the entrepreneur:          “When expanding regionally, a          Nordics makes the region more self-
   “Today, 15 years after establishing   Norwegian based headquarters has         reliant and therefore more likely to
Mamut, the entry barriers are even       provided a real advantage as the local   operate as a community than other
bigger than they were then. It is more   economy is strong, innovation is high,   parts of Europe. What is clear is that
difficult to get full funding at the     cash has been available, knowledge       across the Nordic region there is a
right terms in the early start-up        workers are available and                vast array of early stage companies
phase. The result is fewer start-ups     infrastructure is well developed.”       that have an opportunity to become
and that very few companies are able       Hanoa is also working to give          successful global players in their
to go global. In contrast my             something back to the                    market. If the local Governments,
company’s business plan from Day         entrepreneurial community:                VCs and corporations continue to
One was to conquer our home market,        “We are actively supporting start-     work together the Nordics will
then expand internationally.”            ups in our seven core markets by         continue their international success
   Hanoa has a slightly different view   offering a complete software package     story.”

                                         The Nordic Venture Forum
  The Nordic Venture Forum (NVF) plays an active role in the European and Nordic innovation scene, fostering start-ups
  and high-tech, high-growth entrepreneurship and promoting Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Iceland as
  countries to do business or invest in. The NVF showcases the 50 highest potential companies in life sciences, ICT and
  clean technologies – The Nordic Venture 50. v
    Now in its 7th year, the NVF has established an impressive history of over 60% of presenting companies raising new
  investments following participation.


    It’s not a spectator sport
    Andy Isherwood, Vice President and General Manager for HP’s Software Solutions
    group, discusses the need for people to step up, get involved and be change agents

           aving joined HP more than                                            such as Opsware, Peregrine and
           20 years ago, Andy                                                   Mercury.”
           Isherwood has long been a
    key change agent within the                                                 Unique cultures and values with a
    company; as can be seen through                                             unifying HP foundation
    his integration of the Mercury and                                          “HP has a simple philosophy
    Peregrine acquisitions during his                                           regarding how to integrate new
    time as VP and GM EMEA for the                                              companies. If you go back to the
    software business. He is now using                                          Compaq days, a $40Bn business
    these foundations to address                                                with c. 80,000 people, we didn’t
    today’s uncertain economic                                                  march in raise the HP flag and tell
    climate.                                                                    them the answers, it was very
                                                                                collaborative, and we have
    My view on the current climate? I                                           become even more so with time.
    don’t read the papers.                                                      With the Software business, our
    “My view is simple. Whether you                                             philosophy has been to go
    believe Gartner, IDC or Forrester,                                          acquire really good assets that
                                          Andy Isherwood
    take the worst case scenario, and                                           customers want, then do a
                                          Vice President and General Manager
    then focus on where the money is      HP’s Software Solutions Group         thorough evaluation, and access
    being spent. If you become                                                  the talent. We don’t assume that
    focussed on what is not being         Consolidation in the technology       an HP person will run the show,
    spent, you can talk yourself into a   marketplace                           and this has been very effective. I
    recession and have a real             There has been a lot of               have legacy-Mercury and
    confidence issue. I won’t read the    consolidation in the technology       Peregrine people working for me,
    general gossip about the economy      marketplace. Andy believes that       and in fact I have only one
    as the tabloid negativity can lead    this consolidation will only be       “classic” HP person on my
    your confidence into downwards        accelerated by the current            management team.”
    spiral. Instead I focus on the fact   climate, as now is a good time to
    that customers are still spending,    be acquisitive if you have a strong   Has the culture changed with all
    just in a different way. They are     balance sheet.                        of the acquisitions?
    looking at every purchase with a        “HP is not trying to be biggest     “It has evolved; but we have kept
    sharp eye on ROI (return on           software business in world, instead   our strongest themes from when
    investment); therefore you need       we want to be relevant to             the company was set up. As we
    to adapt your selling style to        customers, and try to bring           have built out different business,
    address the pressures which           together those assets that the        we have created unique cultures
    customers are now under.              customer wants to have under one      and values with a unifying HP
    Customers also require shorter        umbrella, which is why HP has         foundation, each tailored to the
    terms in order to reach ROI, and      built out a comprehensive IT          demands of that business. If you
    they don’t have capital, therefore    Management portfolio. HP has          look at the software management
    you must adjust your strategy to      successfully bought in either the     team, almost everyone has come
    what the customer requires, and       #1 or #2 software solutions in        from a software background, and
    focus on where they are spending      every category of its portfolio, as   this has led to our own specialised
    money.”                               can be seen with key acquisitions     culture.”


Management Style                      leaders who share this philosophy      down to be competitive; if you
When considering how his              and perpetuate this practice.”         have a palatial office environment
management style has been                                                    and your competitors are home-
formed, Andy gives credit to the      Career Management                      based, your cost structure is wrong
lessons he has learnt from his        “I always think two jobs ahead. I      and you are dead in the water. You
mentors, previous members of HP’s     plan ahead, knowing the attributes     have got to have aligned cost
senior management team:               and qualities I will need for the      structures and economics in order
  “I have tried to learn something    future. Once you have this in your     to compete in the marketplace. I
from each of my mentors. It is        mind, you can focus on building        look for people who want to drive
from them that I have seen the        the skills you need for that job,      this leading edge, bleeding edge

importance of rigorous                                                                       philosophy towards
business practices, so I     It’s easy to be a spectator, but                                running a business
place a great deal of                                                                        rather than just
emphasis on having        I don’t want people in my                                          managing and
outstanding operational
rigour, strong execution  organisation to sit on the sideline;                               maintaining.
                                                                                               With all of the
and maintaining
strategic drive.
                          I want my people to get involved,                                  current uncertainty,
                                                                                             learn to shrink the
Following their example
I make it a point to stay

yet informed culture.”

Connecting the dots
                          be players, be change agents
in touch with my team, walking
the floor and fostering an informal
                                      and the network of people you will
                                      need to support your bid. We have
                                      an excellent talent team, however
                                      in a 300,000 person company, if
                                      you don’t tell people what you
                                                                              ’’             timescales. I think
                                                                                             about annual plans
                                                                             and keep the “big plan” in mind,
                                                                             but I also look at our position
                                                                             against the P&L every single day.
                                                                             We make monthly adjustments as a
                                                                             management team in order to stay
“Fundamentally I am a pretty          want to do next, and focus your        ahead of the curve, rather than
direct person. My philosophy is       attention on where you want to         waiting for the next cycle, if I wait
that people need to know what         go, they are not going guess.”         until November we might not still
you are doing and why, and the                                               be here.”
role that they play in this big       Tip for success? Execute like hell
picture. I am a clear communicator    “Deliver on what you are doing,        It’s easy to be a spectator
in terms of what is expected of       execute like hell. Focus on getting    “After a couple glasses of wine, I’m
people, and I share the profit and    a job which is part of your career     an expert on the economy and could
loss of the business with everyone.   plan, and then deliver against it      be the Chancellor. I can tell the
This is because I believe that the    giving you the right to move           England rugby team why they are
more you can connect the dots         onwards and upwards. When hiring,      doing a bad job and how they can
between what you are doing with       I’m looking for people who have        improve. It’s easy to be a spectator,
the shape of the P&L, the more        executed and driven change. These      but I don’t want people in my
people can understand why certain     tough times necessitate more           organisation to sit on the sideline;
tough decisions are made, and         invention, so always be one step       I want my people to get involved, be
“buy into” your strategy. This        ahead of the game, and don’t wait      players, be change agents, because
open, direct communication adds       for a difficult period. Do the heavy   these environments necessitate
context, and I recruit strong         lifting now, get the cost structure    more change than ever before.”

Executive View

    Balancing the books
    Phil Pavitt, the incoming CIO of HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) talks about the
    challenges IT faces in balancing the demands of insourcing, outsourcing and
    security whilst getting the most out of our taxes

           his September, Phil Pavitt,      contracts have been brought back         IT actually do.”
           formerly CIO at Transport for    in-house, cutting costs by 40% and          “If the contract has the right level
           London (TfL), has taken on       desktop and support costs by 61%.        of flexibility, this encourages
    the biggest challenge of his career.      Pavitt’s arrival at HMRC will          business process change, thus
    As the new CIO of HMRC, Pavitt has      therefore prompt questions as to         enabling contracts to become
    one of the most influential IT jobs     whether the organisation will            structured agreements which
    in Europe, responsible for budget of    consequently be taking a different       encourage shared infrastructure -
    over £1bn with 1,400 staff. Pavitt      approach to outsourcing. However         you can therefore save money
    will also play a pivotal role in        he rejects suggestions that he is a      whilst retaining control. For
    shaping how the Government              serial insourcer, instead stating that   example IT across three or four
    addresses IT, and                                                                                  different
    must ensure that
    every penny spent is
    a cost effective
      Pavitt is no
    stranger to a
    challenge. At TfL he
                           ‘‘  my job is not to ‘reinsource’,
                            but instead to redraw the line
                            and find the best vehicle for
                            what the organisation is trying
                                                                                                       departments can all
                                                                                                       bind their mobile
                                                                                                       messaging platforms
                                                                                                       together, optimising
                                                                                                       the heavy lifting of
                                                                                                       fix, install, resolve
                                                                                                       and engineering,
    conducted an                                                                                       allowing the

                            to deliver
    exhaustive review                                                                                  business to start
    into how the business                                                                              seeing IT as a broker
    structured IT with                                                                                 and facilitator. In
    one mantra in mind: “What’s the         he adopts the required solution for      TfL this corporate approach was
    cost, what’s the numbers, what’s        each unique situation:                   used externally, customers can look
    best?” This resulted in a                  “I try to get the best for the        at their mobile and see where the
    fundamental shift in the negotiating    organisation I work for - my job is      latest tube train is to the second,
    of outsourcing contracts, with the      not to “reinsource”, but instead to      and be able to look at a GSM map.”
    emphasis moving away from a             redraw the line and find the best           Looking forward to his newest
    headline number and towards             vehicle for what the organisation is     challenge, Pavitt admits that HMRC
    flexibility; creating a shared          trying to deliver. I used to be part     is an organisation facing some tough
    infrastructure (placing 65% of TfL's    of ITNet so I see it from both sides.    requirements:
    systems on a shared common              I’m not a serial insourcer. What            “HMRC has to collect tax
    technology platform) and business       annoys me is that in the massive         efficiently, whilst targeting and
    processes ultimately resulting in an    rush to outsourcing 10 years ago we      paying credits to the appropriate
    optimised system with a leaner          often lost the commercial ability to     customers as efficiently as possible.
    budget.                                 manage the project. The strategy,        The pressure is on to make sure
      Prior to his arrival, TfL spent 60%   the architecture, the governance,        that every penny is spent as cost
    of its IT budget on 17 outsourcing      the thinking, the intelligence were      effectively as possible. My job is to
    contracts covering the bulk of its IT   all outsourced, so after a year you      get the right level of cost
    infrastructure and services, from       sit back and think “Every time I         effectiveness into the IT
    desktop management to helpdesk.         breathe I’ve got to pay extra for        organisation, and more importantly
    Upon his departure, 15 of the 17        it”, and CEOs begin to wonder what       to enable the business to perform

Executive View

           ‘‘  We are so busy looking for the next ‘sexy’
            thing sold to us by Gartner, Forrester or the IT
            providers that we haven’t wrung the potential
            out of the technology currently available
better – be that in enforcement,
collection or granting credit. These
are large volume jobs where IT can
play a pivotal role.”
                                                                                problem with any data is the
                                                                                “human factor”; this can be
                                                                                negated to some extent by
                                                                                processes (education on
  When asked about the future                                                   responsibility, repercussions etc) -
Pavitt speaks of a “massive                                                     and lack of tabloid headlines does
frustration” within the IT sector                                               indicate that this is having an effect
that we have not yet been able to                                               - but the risk will never go away
realise the full benefits of the last                                           unless you can get rid of human
five years of technology:                                                       intervention”.
  “We are so busy looking for the                                                  Given all that Pavitt has achieved,
next “sexy” thing sold to us by                                                 it is interesting that when asked
Gartner, Forrester or the IT                                                    about his proudest accomplishment
providers that we haven’t wrung                                                 at TfL, he immediately points to his
the potential out of the technology     Phil Pavitt                             team:
currently available. The 101 of IT is   CIO of HM Revenue & Customs                “The thing I’m most proud of is
making it work effectively, with                                                the culture of the IT team, and how
projects being broken down into         resources, then I believe that we       the broader organisation’s
manageable chunks – I think that IT     can face the future on much             perception of my guys has changed
should take the time to focus on        stronger foundations.”                  completely. Before the team felt
Thin Client, Virtualisation and VoIP      Whilst looking forward, Pavitt has    marginalised, with the emphasis on
for the next few years before           the following thoughts on data          outsourcing and back end support,
businesses get frustrated at            security:                               there was little recognition from
seemingly unending investment             “At a technical level, the            the rest of the organisation. Now
without the promised return,            realisation around data                 we are very visible, implementing
starting to think inside the already    management has become much              the most up to date technology,
purchased ‘box’.”                       more important in organisations and     bidding for services and taking on
  “A lot of people bought Oracle or     in IT. You must be able to              significantly more work across the
SAP licenses and got massive            consistently classify data types,       Greater London Authority. There is a
functionality, yet never took the       manage them, put in place               huge demand for our services, and I
time to use it. If businesses become    protocols, enable access and then       have a tremendous pride in what we
more willing to change process in       restrict it with passwords. The         have achieved.”
order to exploit current strength we
will be able to fully cash the cheque                                 Phil Pavitt CV
written over the last five years
before we start writing the next.         1996:   International CableTel, Director of Commercial Support
The industry is currently clamouring      1998:   NTL, Director of Internet TV launch
about Cloud computing, predicting         2003:   NTL, CIO
                                          2005:   Centrica Onetel & ICICI Onesource India, CIO and IS Transformation
that if we do not invest “then the                Director
world will end”. You know what, it        2007:   Transport for London, Group CIO
probably won’t, and if we can             2009:   Her Majesty’s Revenues & Customs, Group CIO & Director General
consolidate our current costs and

The Big Debate

     Helping David team
     up with Goliath
     Derek Ward, Atos Origin EVP UK Markets & Strategic
     Relationships, Tim Barnsley and Richard Griffith
     co-founders of Channel Dynamics discuss the reality of
     strategic alliances.

                                                                              Derek Ward
                                    Atos Origin, EVP UK Markets & Strategic Relationships

           he creation of a strategic sales        corporate for a quick fix rather than     the key to success is in the
           alliance between companies –            taking responsibility themselves.”        preparation:
           whether large global                      Ward agrees that it is simplistic for     “If you can structure your
     corporations or small innovative start        a small company to view an alliance       proposition taking into account
     up – is an incredibly attractive              as an effortless answer to all of their   matters such as the corporate’s time
     proposition fraught with difficulty.          sales problems, and provides some         to market, how their current product
     Atos Origin’s Derek                                                                                      offering is shaped and

     Ward describes the                                                                                       then highlight how
     appeal:                     It is important to research                                                  you can mutually add

                               your potential alliance
       “With the right                                                                                        value to each other,
     partnership everyone                                                                                     then you have a
     can win. The client
     gets the best solution    partner’s goals, and align your                                                compelling pitch. It is
                                                                                                              important to research

                               proposition to match
     at a competitive                                                                                         your potential alliance
     price. The partners                                                                                      partner’s goals, and
     can share costs and        Richard Griffith                                                              align your proposition
     customer contacts and                                                                                   to match this – the
     ultimately increase sales. If you can         insight into the frustration corporates   small company has to do the hard
     gear other people’s sales force to sell       are faced with:                           work and provide the intelligence
     for you, then you can realise your               “Everyone comes to the party with      which will generate enough
     numbers a lot easier than if you tried        a slightly different agenda, with         enthusiasm to continue the
     to do it all yourself.”                       small companies thinking we have the      conversation.”
       The attraction for small companies          magic key that will unlock the world        This level of preparation is vitally
     to form an alliance with a large              for them - they can see retirement        important for a small company in
     corporate is clear; however this is not       coming through a sell-out and             securing an alliance with a major
     a simple solution. Richard Griffith,          flotation and of course get               corporate, as is shown through Ward
     co-founder of Channel Dynamics - a            disappointed when that doesn’t            highlighting the difference between
     company which provide strategic               happen. Equally the large customers       an alliance of equals, and how a
     business management advice to                 find that the fantastic innovation sold   small company must approach
     clients - outlines a common                   to them by the small company is           agreements:
     difficulty:                                   actually not as robust and resilient as     “At Atos Origin we have some very
        “Often we work on projects with            it seemed, so we are left wondering       successful large scale alliances –
     small companies to look at how they           how on earth it can be embedded in        including SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, IBM
     can convince a large corporate to             our technology stack.”                    and HP as examples. These are
     take their product to market. It can             So how does a small technology         founded on the huge amount of
     sometimes seem as if they don’t have          company with a strong piece of            business that we do with each other,
     the capability or capacity to do this         technology build a relationship with a    and both sides can afford to throw a
     independently and so look to the              Tier 1 company? Griffith feels that       lot of money at an alliance to make it

The Big Debate

work. Once you drop out of the              the recent work which is being done       government is challenging. It has
“mega league”, and get to the more          to put a mature structure around          enabled us to have commonsense
one-sided investment of a “David and        collaborative business relationships to   conversations with our major
Goliath” situation the corporates           help create and maintain successful       customers.”
can’t justify this level of expenditure     business-to-business collaborations.         The final piece of advice which
for all potential candidates. Here I        Tim Barnsley, Channel Dynamics co-        Ward has to offer for all companies
think that the best advice I can give       founder explains one such innovation,     seeking an alliance, whether small or
you is not to overestimate the              PAS 11000:                                large, is as simple as it is critical:
sophistication of the large company           “PAS 11000 is a Publicly Available         “One of the mistakes often made is
that you wish to target. Ultimately it      British Standard concerning               to forget the customer. At Atos Origin
is just a series of individuals with        collaborative relationship                we always adopt a Client First
specific jobs to do. So throwing            management, which is due to go live       approach and, in our experience, if
brochures at them doesn’t work,             next year. It will be cross industry,     you can bring the customer into the
instead talk to the right people            and will lay out some best practice       alliance then that’s very powerful. A
regarding a specific opportunity if         principals regarding how                  good example is the Government
you think that you have something to        organisations should work together,       Gateway which Atos Origin delivers
help us achieve us our objectives.          define the customer-vendor's              with Microsoft as a partner. We want
Track down the person who has the           relationship and how to manage            this to be adopted as the common
most interest in seeing that                valuable business relationships within    authentication service across
programme be successful, and then           the supply chain. In the fullness of      government, and through initially
target them with a very specific, very      time it will be refined for individual    bringing the Cabinet Office on board
short message along the lines of ‘We        industries and will highlight how we      as our champion, this has now been
know you’re doing this. We know             can become smarter and more               adopted by HMRC, the Department of
you’re doing that – our product will        professional.”                            Work and Pensions and many other
help you achieve this because....’”           Griffith points to ASAPTech (the        central and local government

   Over recent years, Ward has                                                               organizations. Always
seen a major change in the
world of alliances. “The             never underplay the                                     remember that alliances
                                                                                             essentially rely on the people
                                   human element
traditional alliance has been                                                                involved, including your
seen as one that would come                                                                  customers. An Alliance
together with a joint go-to-         Derek Ward                                       Manager gets out of bed because he
market proposition. But now                                                           enjoys his job and he wants to make
there's another borne out of one                                                      it work, and with all of the best
                                            Channel Dynamics founded
party understanding that they don’t                                                   practice in the world that’s difficult
                                            Association of Strategic Alliance
have all the capability themselves                                                    if the person on the other side of the
                                            Professionals) as another important
and having to find a partner to come                                                  relationship is someone you don’t get
                                            driver of change:
and help deliver”.                                                                    on with. So never underplay the
                                              “ASAPTech positively influences the
   Channel Dynamics also highlights                                                   human element.”
                                            ability of a partner manager to
                                            articulate his case more powerfully
                                            within and across his organisation and
                                            the more people that can do that,
                                            the more these people network
                                            among themselves the more powerful
                                            the possibility of partner.”
                                              Ward also feels that the UK
                                            technology industry group Intellect is
                                            doing more for the Alliances sector
                                            that just providing a networking
                                              “With Intellect’s help Atos Origin
                                            has worked together with our
                                            competitors in order to try to make
                                            things more efficient, especially in
                                            the public sector. We have created a
Richard Griffith                            standard form contract, although          Tim Barnsley
Channel Dynamics, Co-Founder                trying to get this rolled out across      Channel Dynamics, Co-Founder

GS Opinion

                             Are stock options still a
                             compelling way to attract
                             Paul Gillespie, a Founding Partner of Gillamor Stephens

         tock options have always been at     led to a more pragmatic acceptance        Executives, options can help leverage
         the heart of compensation            that stock options are not a ‘slam        a reduction of base salary or in lieu
         packages offered by early stage      dunk’, and instead should only be         of a benefits package. It is important
     venture backed companies. They act       viewed as a long term incentive to        that each individual’s personal
     to offset the cash component and         attract a certain profile of person       situation is considered, as a married
     recognise the personal commitment        into the company. Therefore it is not     candidate with children will have
     made by joining a higher risk            just Executive hires qualifying           different priorities to a bachelor.
     company at an early stage.               preferential shares, dilution, tax           Never forget that options are not
       Ten years ago, the very idea of        efficiency etc – these questions now      just a hiring tool, but also an
     options was sufficient to motivate,      come from every level.                    important retention device. If
     but following the hard lessons             Early stage ventures will always use    someone is looking to leave, options
     learned from the tech bubble             stock options in remuneration;            can be used to help reinforce their
     bursting, candidates take a more         however the ability to “offset” the       commitment to the company.
     educated, cautious approach. The         cash element of compensation will be      Personally owning a stake in the
     current generation of start-up           limited by the individual’s base salary   business remains a key factor in
     veterans might be working in their       “pain-threshold”. When larger             developing and maintaining the
     second or third venture and this has     volumes of options come into play for     employees’ commitment.

                             2009 Technology Sector
                             Steve Morrison, a Founding Partner of Gillamor Stephens, provides a
                             GS view of the current recruitment market

        f levels of recruitment activity      encompassed a broad spectrum of           candidates to “productise” their
        indicate the health of an industry,   technology businesses from PCB            offering, optimise product
        then Q4 of 2008 saw the               manufacturing processes to                lifecycle management and deliver a
     technology sector being rushed to        technology enabled services and           quality product on time and on
     A&E. The global financial crisis and     cloud computing. Location has been        budget.
     resultant lack of business confidence    equally diverse, with assignments            As 2009 has progressed, renewed
     ensured a hiring paralysis was           conducted across the UK, Ireland,         hiring activity within the European
     pervasive across the industry from       Finland, Spain, Holland, Germany,         corporate technology sector could
     “early stage” VC backed businesses       France and Switzerland.                   indicate increased levels of
     through to large global corporations.      Proven CEOs are in particular           confidence. However appointments
     Due to this diagnosis Gillamor           demand; with experienced individuals      tend to be selective and strategic, as
     Stephens approached 2009 with the        capable of delivering top line and        companies seek entry to new
     expectation that it was going to be a    EBIT growth being much fêted,             verticals or to build new service
     very challenging year. However nine      especially those whose track record       lines. It seems that from a hiring
     months on we have been pleased at        includes leading companies to a           perspective, the green shoots of
     the number of search assignments         successful exit in challenging times.     recovery in the corporate technology
     that have been conducted.                Other companies have sought Sales         companies may be a little later in
       Most hiring activity has been with     Directors to galvanize sales teams,       developing than in the VC technology
     the VC backed businesses, despite        bring structure and rigour to the sales   sector.
     limited levels of new funding, as the    process, shape value propositions and        For examples of our recent work
     investors have sought to change and      deliver the revenue number. The VP        and a snapshot on current
     strengthen the boards of their           Engineering has also entered our most     assignments please visit
     portfolio companies. This activity has   wanted lists, as clients seek   


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Gs Insight Magazine

  • 1. GS- nsight people • i technology • business Issue 16 In this issue 1 Cover Story Reinventing James Stevenson, Citrix Systems Area VP UKI & S. Africa, explores securing an IT environment Corporate IT revolutionised by free James Stevenson, Area Vice President UK, Ireland and device choice South Africa, at Citrix Systems explores how to secure a 2 VC Economy flexible workplace Michael Elias, MD of growth equity G investor Kennet discusses the inherent lobally CIOs are under increasing environments on one machine. Using a appeal and challenges of “bootstrapped” pressure as a new generation of client-side hypervisor, multiple desktop businesses workers enters the workplace operating systems can coexist in demanding the same slick, personalised complete isolation on a single end user 3 SoundByte user experience as at home. To illustrate, device. This layer of separation between Citrix Systems’ James Stevenson Stevenson describes directors who require the operating systems enables, for considers the reinvention of corporate IT “an Apple Mac, a Netbook, an iPhone and example, a “personal” desktop and a through “Bring your own PC” schemes a Blackberry” to operate, and companies “corporate” desktop to reside on the where people have resigned over a same hardware, but completely 4 Global Economy Twitter ban. protected from each other. IT can place GS-insight brings together two Venture Stevenson believes that Citrix has the all requisite security, controls and policies Capitalists and the CEO of software answer to enable user’s complete choice on the corporate desktop, while still start-up Mamut to debate the secret of the Nordic zone’s entrepreneurial on the device they use to access their allowing personal space for the user.” success applications (see p.3 for Citrix’s “Bring Using a virtualised approach has the Your Own PC” scheme), but also resolves additional benefit of unchaining office 6 Leadership the perceived security issues: based workers from their desks. As the Andy Isherwood, VP & GM of HP’s “Providing users with complete choice threat of swine flu looms, this solves yet Software Solutions Group provides a over the device they use into a “locked another CIO headache as critical workers change agent’s perspective on down” environment would at first sight can be home based without losing management, career and the economy appear to be a security nightmare. productivity. However, CIOs should instead embrace it, Viewed like this, consumerisation of 8 Executive View and only secure what you absolutely have enterprise IT coupled with virtualisation Phil Pavitt, having driven to.” moves away from bowing to necessity, significant change in TfL’s “Citrix, in association with Intel, can and into the positive realm of IT IT strategy and operations, enable users to run multiple virtual evolution. discusses his next challenge; becoming CIO of HMRC Viewfinder Welcome to the sixteenth edition of GS-insight, the quarterly newsletter from 10 The Big Debate international executive search firm, Gillamor Stephens. In this issue we consider a Senior executives from Atos Origin and variety of topics relevant to technology companies and the investment community. Channel Dynamics examine the reality Key figures from the industry provide insight and perspective on contemporary issues of strategic alliances such as: reinventing corporate IT, in-sourcing, building effective channel alliances, 12 GS Opinion leadership, driving change and “bootstrapped businesses”. In addition we explore Gillamor Stephens Partners Paul the reasons behind the success of the Nordic region in producing exciting and Gillespie and Steve Morrison discuss successful “start-up” technology companies. the health of the recruitment Gillamor Stephens is the leading executive search company serving the marketplace, and how best to utilise international technology, online and cleantech sectors. GS-insight is published in stock options to attract talent both print and electronic formats, and can be viewed and downloaded from Steve Morrison, Founding Partner 11
  • 2. VC Economy A different kind of capital Why Michael Elias, Managing Director of Growth Equity investor Kennet, prefers “bootstrapped” businesses F or mature growth equity opportunity for Kennet to help such investors like Kennet, there companies, and often that help are companies in the market comes in the form of finding the that need help, but just don’t best people to take the company realise it. forward to the next level: Instead of concentrating on “A lot of bootstrapped businesses companies that have swallowed have similar characteristics. You their third or fourth round of will find a strong, capable founder funding and continue to consume at the top with twenty people cash, the smart search is on for reporting to him like worker bees. successful, entrepreneurial There is frequently very little in the technology businesses that have way of second tier management, built a solid foundation with little and the founder may not realise external funding, and need to take that these are important hires. So the next big jump in growth. To much of what we do is recruitment- keep ahead of their markets and related.” lead to greater value for The reality is that a lot of Michael Elias shareholders, they may need to “bootstrappers” are heavily reliant Managing Director of Kennet ramp up their sales force or expand on serendipity in hiring: internationally. Elias explains: “Most bootstrapped companies “A bootstrapped business often at creating shareholder value. It’s have not used search firms before, starts with the founder making all something we see quite frequently.” instead recruiting people through the sales. Once you get over that “Often, the less a founder is existing, sometimes opportunistic and show that you can hire and interested in raising capital, the relationships. When asking a train sales people in a reliable way, more we like the company. In some founder CEO how he found his VP then you have the capacity to cases we are pitching to them Sales, it’s not unusual to hear ‘We expand. At that stage, many rather than visa-versa. We often met on a plane/train/cruise, and business owners face a dilemma: establish long relationships with that although he didn’t have should they sell the company or companies before we invest. It’s not directly relevant experience, I liked take capital and grow it? We unusual to have a multi-year him, and sales are sales....” recommend a third path: sell a bit relationship before an investment is Looking ahead, Elias sees some of your company to us and take consummated.” challenging times ahead for the capital.” Elias feels that a key difference traditional venture capital model, That can mean adopting a regarding “bootstrapped” which Kennet abandoned in favour different attitude to cash flow. companies is that their founders of growth equity in 2002. “I think it “Activities that are great for near- have much more self confidence is going to be a completely term cash flow aren’t necessarily than early stage entrepreneurs. different landscape. In Europe, those that are providing the most “They have already shown that they firms are getting to the end of their strategic value for the business. So can build a company without our funds and the fundraising market is it’s not unusual for us to suggest help. Our relationship with them is dire. There may well be 50% fewer shutting down activities that are different.” VCs in four years than there are good for cash flow, but not so good There is nonetheless a clear now, in both the US and in Europe.” What is bootstrapping? Company built with little or no outside funding • Growth funded primarily through operational cash flow • Equity predominantly held by founders and key staff • Customer focus is in the “DNA”• Investment decisions are rational, not speculative • Business focus is on rapid, affordable growth 2
  • 3. ?????????? SoundByte Bring Your Own PC James Stevenson, Area Vice President UK Ireland & South Africa, at Citrix Systems discusses the reinvention of corporate IT F acebook, Twitter, iPhone and choice over which devices they use. Netbook are hardly standard We can do this because we use our war cries, however applications own technology – the Citrix Receiver and devices such as these are allows users a simple, ubiquitous helping draw the battle lines for the access point to drive their biggest enterprise IT revolution applications on Mac, Windows, since the launch of the personal PC iPhone operating systems (and soon in 1980. Just as the ‘80s workforce Windows Mobile, Symbian, pampered at home by Lotus 1-2-3 Blackberry and Android) as they rebelled against a clunky, green wish.” screen in the workplace; so too are “Through enabling choice of today’s “technology natives”, spoilt device, and giving more control to by iTunes’ intuitive interface and the user we are moving toward a access to a plethora of consumer publisher-subscriber model, and devices, beginning to demand more delivering IT as an on-demand from corporate IT. James Stevenson service. By embracing SaaS and Stevenson believes that the Area Vice President at Citrix Systems Cloud-based technologies anyone consumerisation of IT is a pressure with network connectivity can that has been building for a number they want to supplement from their securely access to corporate of years and that this is something own pocket.” applications remotely. Despite this that the CIO will have to address: Part of the of the programme’s abundance of connectivity and “The question is how does the CIO criteria is that devices must cost at devices, IT still maintains control enable the user to have choice and least 20% less to purchase and over data, applications and security still keep the things that are maintain than devices managed ensuring a risk free and compliant important to him, such as delivering through the traditional system. environment. We are already seeing services which are effective in their Therefore Citrix has created a growing interest and adoption from environment? We think it's inevitable BYOPC website as a self-service our customers as they identify with – look at how the Mac is being application portal, interactive the user experience, control and introduced to the corporate support community (ensuring that management benefits.” environment due to widespread internal IT do not have to support Wide adoption could mean forced iPhone adoption. The bottom line is devices) and online shop offering change for the channel as Stevenson that CIOs are going to have to discount purchases through the notes: embrace this new environment.” Citrix channels. Interestingly, it was “If you are a reseller which sees This has led to a struggle for CIOs found that the productivity the main bulk of your business regarding budgets, maintenance and increased for the majority of coming through laptop or general how to safely allow users to bring employees, that better care was end-point device sales, BYOPC could unmanaged devices within the taken of equipment due to a pride impact your pipeline. However, with secure corporate domain (see p.1). of ownership, and Citrix has a fairly consumers driving the device side of Stevenson explains how Citrix is unique edge in wooing technically IT, it frees IT decision makers to addressing through an innovative savvy employees. focus on the strategic, “bring your own PC” (BYOPC) Stevenson feels that this infrastructure and service delivery programme: programme represents the beginning aspects of their role – a real “Citrix is in phase one of rolling of a fundamental change to how IT opportunity to add greater value for out a programme to enable is supported within the corporate our channel with virtualisation and employees to buy their own machine environment, and that this is networking technologies.” running a PC environment of their something which Citrix can support BYOPC is part of Citrix’s strategy choice - the concept is similar to a from a user experience and IT to reposition IT as a service provider company car allowance. Staff can management perspective: rather than an over-controlling even buy a top of the range Mac if “We have given our employees a obstacle to progress and innovation. 3
  • 4. Global Economy The Nordic Alternative Despite the challenging economic times, the Nordic zone continues to produce exciting technologies and successful start-ups. Is there a secret to this success? T he Venture Capital Practice at Gillamor capital from people and funds that they know, Stephens has worked with the Nordic and therefore many companies are funded start-up scene for nearly four years, locally. So in that sense one might say there is hiring CxO, VP and Director level executives a “community”. The Governments across the into a broad array of technology companies – Nordic region provide capital financing from PCB manufacturing processes to through funds such as Argentum (Norway), enterprise software. We have noted with Finninvest (Finland) and Vækstfonden interest that where other geographies’ (Denmark). The fact that a number of growth tends to have slowed over the last 18 established technology companies have been months, the Nordic region continues to Bjørn Stray global leaders in their space provides produce an increasing array of successful Partner at Northzone individuals with a technology and market start-up companies. Ventures insight essential in helping create companies To take the investment temperature of the which can quickly take unique propositions to Nordic zone, we have sought the views of “There is a high the market.” Venture Capitalists Helge Hellebust, Partner degree of risk Hellebust feels that the Nordic approach to at Ferd Ventures in Norway and willingness among start-ups also affects deal flow: Bjørn Stray, Partner at Northzone Ventures in entrepreneurs and “The quality of deal flow is relatively high, Sweden, and also investor” partially due to the cultural heritage which spoken to Eilert Hanoa, CEO of Mamut, a dissuades establishing a new company unless successful business software company, you have a “really good idea”. As more and founded in Norway more “classic” venture success stories become known, the positive development is likely to The VCs continue. But we still have a long way to go Whilst examining the Nordics start-up scene, and a lot of untapped potential.” Helge Hellebust finds that native conditions Both of the VCs can also see that the have helped foster native entrepreneurs: marketplace has been affected by today’s “The relatively high education level, social economic climate: welfare system and growing private equity “VCs are still active, but with a stronger industry contributes to the start-up scene appetite for later stage investments. The developing in a positive manner. State funded strength of the downturn is difficult to gauge, Helge Hellebust seed money is available, as is support from Partner at Ferd however it would seem to be stronger in other organisations such as Innovation Norway and Ventures parts of Europe than in the Nordics” states various incubators to help many start-ups Hellebust. through the initial stages... And importantly, “VCs are still active, “The best companies can still get funding. it is viewed as socially acceptable to but with a stronger However there will be a shakeout of establish your own business and take on an appetite for later companies and investors alike. For the long element of risk to earn money.” stage investment” term the fundamental is that there is Bjørn Stray reinforces this impression: continuous technology development and that “There is a high degree of risk willingness start-ups will solve problems, grow and create among entrepreneurs and investors, and a value and will secure a living space for players community of experienced entrepreneurs, in the industry” confirms Stray. capital sources and service providers that can support early stage companies in the The Entrepreneur Nordics. By instinct, entrepreneurs seek Eilert Hanoa started Mamut in 1994 with a 4
  • 5. ?????????? Global Economy ‘‘ the local economy is strong, innovation is high, cash has been available, knowledge workers are available and infrastructure is well developed Eilert Hanoa, CEO of Mamut vision of simplifying the way smaller organisations do their business by offering software, services and knowledge. Today, Mamut has more than the Venture Capitalists regarding the supporting infrastructure surrounding the entrepreneurial community in the Nordics: ’’ for entrepreneurs that helps them plan and start up their own business. We also engage in seminars and training, both through Mamut and than 400,000 customers in 16 “There is a huge political focus on through my role as Chairman of ICT countries. Hanoa recollects his supporting start-ups in the Nordics, Norway.” company’s humble origins: but to actually succeed in starting-up “I established my first company as a company, the main success factors The Recruiter a 15-year-old in 1986 and after 10 are the willingness and true passion Gillamor Stephens supports venture years in the software industry, I from the founders. Start-ups often backed businesses across EMEA - from incorporated Mamut in December succeed despite the lack of early stage University spinouts to 1994. We started without any external governmental support, not because of later stage businesses. Paul Gillespie, funding or any kind of governmental any support offered. In fact, the a Founding Partner, follows the adage assistance, local VCs joined in 1998, social security network is well “good companies will always get including Northzone Ventures and developed in the Nordics, so the risk funding” and this is true wherever other co-investors, and our of failing is low and success is they may be in Europe. development from 1995 to 2009 has rewarded with high taxes! The social “However the Nordic region does largely been based on long-term security system is more of a barrier have a strong infrastructure in place investors.” than a catalyst for starting up.” to assist the creation of start-up He feels that today’s start up Although Hanoa does also speak companies, and maybe the market is a much more challenging highly of its benefits: somewhat isolated location of the environment for the entrepreneur: “When expanding regionally, a Nordics makes the region more self- “Today, 15 years after establishing Norwegian based headquarters has reliant and therefore more likely to Mamut, the entry barriers are even provided a real advantage as the local operate as a community than other bigger than they were then. It is more economy is strong, innovation is high, parts of Europe. What is clear is that difficult to get full funding at the cash has been available, knowledge across the Nordic region there is a right terms in the early start-up workers are available and vast array of early stage companies phase. The result is fewer start-ups infrastructure is well developed.” that have an opportunity to become and that very few companies are able Hanoa is also working to give successful global players in their to go global. In contrast my something back to the market. If the local Governments, company’s business plan from Day entrepreneurial community: VCs and corporations continue to One was to conquer our home market, “We are actively supporting start- work together the Nordics will then expand internationally.” ups in our seven core markets by continue their international success Hanoa has a slightly different view offering a complete software package story.” The Nordic Venture Forum The Nordic Venture Forum (NVF) plays an active role in the European and Nordic innovation scene, fostering start-ups and high-tech, high-growth entrepreneurship and promoting Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Iceland as countries to do business or invest in. The NVF showcases the 50 highest potential companies in life sciences, ICT and clean technologies – The Nordic Venture 50. v Now in its 7th year, the NVF has established an impressive history of over 60% of presenting companies raising new investments following participation. 5
  • 6. Leadership It’s not a spectator sport Andy Isherwood, Vice President and General Manager for HP’s Software Solutions group, discusses the need for people to step up, get involved and be change agents H aving joined HP more than such as Opsware, Peregrine and 20 years ago, Andy Mercury.” Isherwood has long been a key change agent within the Unique cultures and values with a company; as can be seen through unifying HP foundation his integration of the Mercury and “HP has a simple philosophy Peregrine acquisitions during his regarding how to integrate new time as VP and GM EMEA for the companies. If you go back to the software business. He is now using Compaq days, a $40Bn business these foundations to address with c. 80,000 people, we didn’t today’s uncertain economic march in raise the HP flag and tell climate. them the answers, it was very collaborative, and we have My view on the current climate? I become even more so with time. don’t read the papers. With the Software business, our “My view is simple. Whether you philosophy has been to go believe Gartner, IDC or Forrester, acquire really good assets that Andy Isherwood take the worst case scenario, and customers want, then do a Vice President and General Manager then focus on where the money is HP’s Software Solutions Group thorough evaluation, and access being spent. If you become the talent. We don’t assume that focussed on what is not being Consolidation in the technology an HP person will run the show, spent, you can talk yourself into a marketplace and this has been very effective. I recession and have a real There has been a lot of have legacy-Mercury and confidence issue. I won’t read the consolidation in the technology Peregrine people working for me, general gossip about the economy marketplace. Andy believes that and in fact I have only one as the tabloid negativity can lead this consolidation will only be “classic” HP person on my your confidence into downwards accelerated by the current management team.” spiral. Instead I focus on the fact climate, as now is a good time to that customers are still spending, be acquisitive if you have a strong Has the culture changed with all just in a different way. They are balance sheet. of the acquisitions? looking at every purchase with a “HP is not trying to be biggest “It has evolved; but we have kept sharp eye on ROI (return on software business in world, instead our strongest themes from when investment); therefore you need we want to be relevant to the company was set up. As we to adapt your selling style to customers, and try to bring have built out different business, address the pressures which together those assets that the we have created unique cultures customers are now under. customer wants to have under one and values with a unifying HP Customers also require shorter umbrella, which is why HP has foundation, each tailored to the terms in order to reach ROI, and built out a comprehensive IT demands of that business. If you they don’t have capital, therefore Management portfolio. HP has look at the software management you must adjust your strategy to successfully bought in either the team, almost everyone has come what the customer requires, and #1 or #2 software solutions in from a software background, and focus on where they are spending every category of its portfolio, as this has led to our own specialised money.” can be seen with key acquisitions culture.” 6 6
  • 7. ?????????? Leadership Management Style leaders who share this philosophy down to be competitive; if you When considering how his and perpetuate this practice.” have a palatial office environment management style has been and your competitors are home- formed, Andy gives credit to the Career Management based, your cost structure is wrong lessons he has learnt from his “I always think two jobs ahead. I and you are dead in the water. You mentors, previous members of HP’s plan ahead, knowing the attributes have got to have aligned cost senior management team: and qualities I will need for the structures and economics in order “I have tried to learn something future. Once you have this in your to compete in the marketplace. I from each of my mentors. It is mind, you can focus on building look for people who want to drive from them that I have seen the the skills you need for that job, this leading edge, bleeding edge ‘‘ importance of rigorous philosophy towards business practices, so I It’s easy to be a spectator, but running a business place a great deal of rather than just emphasis on having I don’t want people in my managing and outstanding operational rigour, strong execution organisation to sit on the sideline; maintaining. With all of the and maintaining strategic drive. I want my people to get involved, current uncertainty, learn to shrink the Following their example I make it a point to stay yet informed culture.” Connecting the dots be players, be change agents in touch with my team, walking the floor and fostering an informal and the network of people you will need to support your bid. We have an excellent talent team, however in a 300,000 person company, if you don’t tell people what you ’’ timescales. I think about annual plans and keep the “big plan” in mind, but I also look at our position against the P&L every single day. We make monthly adjustments as a management team in order to stay “Fundamentally I am a pretty want to do next, and focus your ahead of the curve, rather than direct person. My philosophy is attention on where you want to waiting for the next cycle, if I wait that people need to know what go, they are not going guess.” until November we might not still you are doing and why, and the be here.” role that they play in this big Tip for success? Execute like hell picture. I am a clear communicator “Deliver on what you are doing, It’s easy to be a spectator in terms of what is expected of execute like hell. Focus on getting “After a couple glasses of wine, I’m people, and I share the profit and a job which is part of your career an expert on the economy and could loss of the business with everyone. plan, and then deliver against it be the Chancellor. I can tell the This is because I believe that the giving you the right to move England rugby team why they are more you can connect the dots onwards and upwards. When hiring, doing a bad job and how they can between what you are doing with I’m looking for people who have improve. It’s easy to be a spectator, the shape of the P&L, the more executed and driven change. These but I don’t want people in my people can understand why certain tough times necessitate more organisation to sit on the sideline; tough decisions are made, and invention, so always be one step I want my people to get involved, be “buy into” your strategy. This ahead of the game, and don’t wait players, be change agents, because open, direct communication adds for a difficult period. Do the heavy these environments necessitate context, and I recruit strong lifting now, get the cost structure more change than ever before.” 7
  • 8. Executive View Balancing the books Phil Pavitt, the incoming CIO of HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) talks about the challenges IT faces in balancing the demands of insourcing, outsourcing and security whilst getting the most out of our taxes T his September, Phil Pavitt, contracts have been brought back IT actually do.” formerly CIO at Transport for in-house, cutting costs by 40% and “If the contract has the right level London (TfL), has taken on desktop and support costs by 61%. of flexibility, this encourages the biggest challenge of his career. Pavitt’s arrival at HMRC will business process change, thus As the new CIO of HMRC, Pavitt has therefore prompt questions as to enabling contracts to become one of the most influential IT jobs whether the organisation will structured agreements which in Europe, responsible for budget of consequently be taking a different encourage shared infrastructure - over £1bn with 1,400 staff. Pavitt approach to outsourcing. However you can therefore save money will also play a pivotal role in he rejects suggestions that he is a whilst retaining control. For shaping how the Government serial insourcer, instead stating that example IT across three or four addresses IT, and different must ensure that every penny spent is a cost effective investment. Pavitt is no stranger to a challenge. At TfL he ‘‘ my job is not to ‘reinsource’, but instead to redraw the line and find the best vehicle for what the organisation is trying departments can all bind their mobile messaging platforms together, optimising the heavy lifting of fix, install, resolve and engineering, conducted an allowing the to deliver ’’ exhaustive review business to start into how the business seeing IT as a broker structured IT with and facilitator. In one mantra in mind: “What’s the he adopts the required solution for TfL this corporate approach was cost, what’s the numbers, what’s each unique situation: used externally, customers can look best?” This resulted in a “I try to get the best for the at their mobile and see where the fundamental shift in the negotiating organisation I work for - my job is latest tube train is to the second, of outsourcing contracts, with the not to “reinsource”, but instead to and be able to look at a GSM map.” emphasis moving away from a redraw the line and find the best Looking forward to his newest headline number and towards vehicle for what the organisation is challenge, Pavitt admits that HMRC flexibility; creating a shared trying to deliver. I used to be part is an organisation facing some tough infrastructure (placing 65% of TfL's of ITNet so I see it from both sides. requirements: systems on a shared common I’m not a serial insourcer. What “HMRC has to collect tax technology platform) and business annoys me is that in the massive efficiently, whilst targeting and processes ultimately resulting in an rush to outsourcing 10 years ago we paying credits to the appropriate optimised system with a leaner often lost the commercial ability to customers as efficiently as possible. budget. manage the project. The strategy, The pressure is on to make sure Prior to his arrival, TfL spent 60% the architecture, the governance, that every penny is spent as cost of its IT budget on 17 outsourcing the thinking, the intelligence were effectively as possible. My job is to contracts covering the bulk of its IT all outsourced, so after a year you get the right level of cost infrastructure and services, from sit back and think “Every time I effectiveness into the IT desktop management to helpdesk. breathe I’ve got to pay extra for organisation, and more importantly Upon his departure, 15 of the 17 it”, and CEOs begin to wonder what to enable the business to perform 8
  • 9. Executive View ‘‘ We are so busy looking for the next ‘sexy’ thing sold to us by Gartner, Forrester or the IT providers that we haven’t wrung the potential out of the technology currently available better – be that in enforcement, collection or granting credit. These are large volume jobs where IT can play a pivotal role.” ’’ problem with any data is the “human factor”; this can be negated to some extent by processes (education on When asked about the future responsibility, repercussions etc) - Pavitt speaks of a “massive and lack of tabloid headlines does frustration” within the IT sector indicate that this is having an effect that we have not yet been able to - but the risk will never go away realise the full benefits of the last unless you can get rid of human five years of technology: intervention”. “We are so busy looking for the Given all that Pavitt has achieved, next “sexy” thing sold to us by it is interesting that when asked Gartner, Forrester or the IT about his proudest accomplishment providers that we haven’t wrung at TfL, he immediately points to his the potential out of the technology Phil Pavitt team: currently available. The 101 of IT is CIO of HM Revenue & Customs “The thing I’m most proud of is making it work effectively, with the culture of the IT team, and how projects being broken down into resources, then I believe that we the broader organisation’s manageable chunks – I think that IT can face the future on much perception of my guys has changed should take the time to focus on stronger foundations.” completely. Before the team felt Thin Client, Virtualisation and VoIP Whilst looking forward, Pavitt has marginalised, with the emphasis on for the next few years before the following thoughts on data outsourcing and back end support, businesses get frustrated at security: there was little recognition from seemingly unending investment “At a technical level, the the rest of the organisation. Now without the promised return, realisation around data we are very visible, implementing starting to think inside the already management has become much the most up to date technology, purchased ‘box’.” more important in organisations and bidding for services and taking on “A lot of people bought Oracle or in IT. You must be able to significantly more work across the SAP licenses and got massive consistently classify data types, Greater London Authority. There is a functionality, yet never took the manage them, put in place huge demand for our services, and I time to use it. If businesses become protocols, enable access and then have a tremendous pride in what we more willing to change process in restrict it with passwords. The have achieved.” order to exploit current strength we will be able to fully cash the cheque Phil Pavitt CV written over the last five years before we start writing the next. 1996: International CableTel, Director of Commercial Support The industry is currently clamouring 1998: NTL, Director of Internet TV launch about Cloud computing, predicting 2003: NTL, CIO 2005: Centrica Onetel & ICICI Onesource India, CIO and IS Transformation that if we do not invest “then the Director world will end”. You know what, it 2007: Transport for London, Group CIO probably won’t, and if we can 2009: Her Majesty’s Revenues & Customs, Group CIO & Director General consolidate our current costs and 9
  • 10. The Big Debate Helping David team up with Goliath Derek Ward, Atos Origin EVP UK Markets & Strategic Relationships, Tim Barnsley and Richard Griffith co-founders of Channel Dynamics discuss the reality of strategic alliances. Derek Ward Atos Origin, EVP UK Markets & Strategic Relationships T he creation of a strategic sales corporate for a quick fix rather than the key to success is in the alliance between companies – taking responsibility themselves.” preparation: whether large global Ward agrees that it is simplistic for “If you can structure your corporations or small innovative start a small company to view an alliance proposition taking into account up – is an incredibly attractive as an effortless answer to all of their matters such as the corporate’s time proposition fraught with difficulty. sales problems, and provides some to market, how their current product Atos Origin’s Derek offering is shaped and ‘‘ Ward describes the then highlight how appeal: It is important to research you can mutually add your potential alliance “With the right value to each other, partnership everyone then you have a can win. The client gets the best solution partner’s goals, and align your compelling pitch. It is important to research proposition to match ’’ at a competitive your potential alliance price. The partners partner’s goals, and can share costs and Richard Griffith align your proposition customer contacts and to match this – the ultimately increase sales. If you can insight into the frustration corporates small company has to do the hard gear other people’s sales force to sell are faced with: work and provide the intelligence for you, then you can realise your “Everyone comes to the party with which will generate enough numbers a lot easier than if you tried a slightly different agenda, with enthusiasm to continue the to do it all yourself.” small companies thinking we have the conversation.” The attraction for small companies magic key that will unlock the world This level of preparation is vitally to form an alliance with a large for them - they can see retirement important for a small company in corporate is clear; however this is not coming through a sell-out and securing an alliance with a major a simple solution. Richard Griffith, flotation and of course get corporate, as is shown through Ward co-founder of Channel Dynamics - a disappointed when that doesn’t highlighting the difference between company which provide strategic happen. Equally the large customers an alliance of equals, and how a business management advice to find that the fantastic innovation sold small company must approach clients - outlines a common to them by the small company is agreements: difficulty: actually not as robust and resilient as “At Atos Origin we have some very “Often we work on projects with it seemed, so we are left wondering successful large scale alliances – small companies to look at how they how on earth it can be embedded in including SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, IBM can convince a large corporate to our technology stack.” and HP as examples. These are take their product to market. It can So how does a small technology founded on the huge amount of sometimes seem as if they don’t have company with a strong piece of business that we do with each other, the capability or capacity to do this technology build a relationship with a and both sides can afford to throw a independently and so look to the Tier 1 company? Griffith feels that lot of money at an alliance to make it 10
  • 11. The Big Debate work. Once you drop out of the the recent work which is being done government is challenging. It has “mega league”, and get to the more to put a mature structure around enabled us to have commonsense one-sided investment of a “David and collaborative business relationships to conversations with our major Goliath” situation the corporates help create and maintain successful customers.” can’t justify this level of expenditure business-to-business collaborations. The final piece of advice which for all potential candidates. Here I Tim Barnsley, Channel Dynamics co- Ward has to offer for all companies think that the best advice I can give founder explains one such innovation, seeking an alliance, whether small or you is not to overestimate the PAS 11000: large, is as simple as it is critical: sophistication of the large company “PAS 11000 is a Publicly Available “One of the mistakes often made is that you wish to target. Ultimately it British Standard concerning to forget the customer. At Atos Origin is just a series of individuals with collaborative relationship we always adopt a Client First specific jobs to do. So throwing management, which is due to go live approach and, in our experience, if brochures at them doesn’t work, next year. It will be cross industry, you can bring the customer into the instead talk to the right people and will lay out some best practice alliance then that’s very powerful. A regarding a specific opportunity if principals regarding how good example is the Government you think that you have something to organisations should work together, Gateway which Atos Origin delivers help us achieve us our objectives. define the customer-vendor's with Microsoft as a partner. We want Track down the person who has the relationship and how to manage this to be adopted as the common most interest in seeing that valuable business relationships within authentication service across programme be successful, and then the supply chain. In the fullness of government, and through initially target them with a very specific, very time it will be refined for individual bringing the Cabinet Office on board short message along the lines of ‘We industries and will highlight how we as our champion, this has now been know you’re doing this. We know can become smarter and more adopted by HMRC, the Department of you’re doing that – our product will professional.” Work and Pensions and many other help you achieve this because....’” Griffith points to ASAPTech (the central and local government ‘‘ Over recent years, Ward has organizations. Always seen a major change in the world of alliances. “The never underplay the remember that alliances essentially rely on the people human element ’’ traditional alliance has been involved, including your seen as one that would come customers. An Alliance together with a joint go-to- Derek Ward Manager gets out of bed because he market proposition. But now enjoys his job and he wants to make there's another borne out of one it work, and with all of the best Channel Dynamics founded party understanding that they don’t practice in the world that’s difficult Association of Strategic Alliance have all the capability themselves if the person on the other side of the Professionals) as another important and having to find a partner to come relationship is someone you don’t get driver of change: and help deliver”. on with. So never underplay the “ASAPTech positively influences the Channel Dynamics also highlights human element.” ability of a partner manager to articulate his case more powerfully within and across his organisation and the more people that can do that, the more these people network among themselves the more powerful the possibility of partner.” Ward also feels that the UK technology industry group Intellect is doing more for the Alliances sector that just providing a networking forum: “With Intellect’s help Atos Origin has worked together with our competitors in order to try to make things more efficient, especially in the public sector. We have created a Richard Griffith standard form contract, although Tim Barnsley Channel Dynamics, Co-Founder trying to get this rolled out across Channel Dynamics, Co-Founder 11
  • 12. GS Opinion Are stock options still a compelling way to attract talent? Paul Gillespie, a Founding Partner of Gillamor Stephens S tock options have always been at led to a more pragmatic acceptance Executives, options can help leverage the heart of compensation that stock options are not a ‘slam a reduction of base salary or in lieu packages offered by early stage dunk’, and instead should only be of a benefits package. It is important venture backed companies. They act viewed as a long term incentive to that each individual’s personal to offset the cash component and attract a certain profile of person situation is considered, as a married recognise the personal commitment into the company. Therefore it is not candidate with children will have made by joining a higher risk just Executive hires qualifying different priorities to a bachelor. company at an early stage. preferential shares, dilution, tax Never forget that options are not Ten years ago, the very idea of efficiency etc – these questions now just a hiring tool, but also an options was sufficient to motivate, come from every level. important retention device. If but following the hard lessons Early stage ventures will always use someone is looking to leave, options learned from the tech bubble stock options in remuneration; can be used to help reinforce their bursting, candidates take a more however the ability to “offset” the commitment to the company. educated, cautious approach. The cash element of compensation will be Personally owning a stake in the current generation of start-up limited by the individual’s base salary business remains a key factor in veterans might be working in their “pain-threshold”. When larger developing and maintaining the second or third venture and this has volumes of options come into play for employees’ commitment. 2009 Technology Sector Healthcheck Steve Morrison, a Founding Partner of Gillamor Stephens, provides a GS view of the current recruitment market I f levels of recruitment activity encompassed a broad spectrum of candidates to “productise” their indicate the health of an industry, technology businesses from PCB offering, optimise product then Q4 of 2008 saw the manufacturing processes to lifecycle management and deliver a technology sector being rushed to technology enabled services and quality product on time and on A&E. The global financial crisis and cloud computing. Location has been budget. resultant lack of business confidence equally diverse, with assignments As 2009 has progressed, renewed ensured a hiring paralysis was conducted across the UK, Ireland, hiring activity within the European pervasive across the industry from Finland, Spain, Holland, Germany, corporate technology sector could “early stage” VC backed businesses France and Switzerland. indicate increased levels of through to large global corporations. Proven CEOs are in particular confidence. However appointments Due to this diagnosis Gillamor demand; with experienced individuals tend to be selective and strategic, as Stephens approached 2009 with the capable of delivering top line and companies seek entry to new expectation that it was going to be a EBIT growth being much fêted, verticals or to build new service very challenging year. However nine especially those whose track record lines. It seems that from a hiring months on we have been pleased at includes leading companies to a perspective, the green shoots of the number of search assignments successful exit in challenging times. recovery in the corporate technology that have been conducted. Other companies have sought Sales companies may be a little later in Most hiring activity has been with Directors to galvanize sales teams, developing than in the VC technology the VC backed businesses, despite bring structure and rigour to the sales sector. limited levels of new funding, as the process, shape value propositions and For examples of our recent work investors have sought to change and deliver the revenue number. The VP and a snapshot on current strengthen the boards of their Engineering has also entered our most assignments please visit portfolio companies. This activity has wanted lists, as clients seek 12