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Content Virtualization
A new approach to solving enterprise data sprawl

A VirtualWorks eBook

    Data Sprawl overtakes
    the enterprise
    If information is the lifeblood of any enterprise,
    then today’s enterprises are bleeding badly.
                                                           And it’s only going to get worse. As storage costs
                                                           continue to drop, the need for data discipline          There’s been
    The data that used to live in structured warehouses
                                                           disappears. Virtual servers and desktops add a layer
                                                           of complexity. And mobile apps – many of them
                                                                                                                   a ten-fold increase
    and databases is now buried in emails, file servers,   running on employee-owned devices – not only            in data stored by
    intranet sites, scanned files and hard drives.         create even more data, but also add to the difficulty
                                                           of securing corporate information.                      enterprises over
    Some of it lives inside document management
    systems but most is out there in the wild – not just   In short: this is the age of Data Sprawl. And the       the last five years
    behind the firewall but out in the cloud as well.
    Software-as-a-Service and utility computing are
                                                           penalties are very real.
    only increasing the data chaos. Today, data lives                                                              Source: IDC
    in hundreds of silos.

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The cost of data sprawl

    Every enterprise suffers from the chaotic state
    of enterprise data in these ways:
                                                      • Security holes – with sensitive data atomised
                                                        throughout the enterprise (the explosion in
                                                                                                            Half of all
    • Poorly-informed decisions – because the most
                                                        mobile data in particular escalates compliance
                                                        and security risk).
                                                                                                            organizations that
      timely, relevant content is not being used.                                                           have moved to
                                                      • A massive IT burden – as resources are wasted
    • Slower decision-making – with time wasted         on trying to control, secure and manage data.       the cloud are now
      looking for the right data.
                                                      Even the best-managed companies with the tightest     transitioning back
    • Productivity loss – with knowledge workers
      spending more time looking for information
                                                      information governance practices are paying the
                                                      price of data sprawl every day. On the road to the
                                                                                                            to on-premise
      instead of adding value.                        real-time enterprise, data sprawl may be the single
                                                      biggest obstacle.
                                                                                                            solutions because
    • Slower return on application investments –                                                            of data integration
      with data locked inside application silos.      Every IT professional knows it’s a problem but very
                                                      few can see a way around it.                          issues.
                                                                                                            Source: Gartner

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“For every 5-10 employees, there is one application,
 generating copies of the same files everywhere, which
 in turn, leads to massive amounts of duplicate data
 strewn all across underutilized storage systems.”
    Michael Vizard,, March 2011

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The first (failed) attempts
    at a solution: too much structure.
    If lack of structure was the problem, the answer     Unfortunately, while each of these attempts
    must be more structure, in the form of:              delivered some benefits, none of them solved
                                                         the problem. Data continues to pour out of every
    Data warehouses                                      corporate crevice, lurking in odd nooks and crannies
    Massive, centralized data stores that were meant     and defying structure.
    to replace the hundreds of silos.
                                                         One reason may be the futility of trying to get users
    Document management systems                          to change their behaviors. Another might be the
    Extensive (and expensive) knowledge management       sheer scale of the problem: the volume of data; the
    stores with pre-structured data schema and           number of applications silos, servers and stores; and
    intensive meta-data rules.                           the many different locations for these silos – in the
                                                         cloud and behind the firewall.
    Data governance initiatives
    New rules, policies and processes designed to        There has to be a better way.
    enforce better data hygiene practices.

    First generation enterprise search
    Too centralized, too hierarchical and too insecure
    for the way data lives.

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A better way

    Content Virtualization
    There’s a new model for managing data sprawl          But before we dive into the specifics of Content
    that’s changing the way enterprises think about       Virtualization, let’s zoom out and put it in a bit of
    information.                                          context…

    It’s called Content Virtualization and, as the name
    implies, it’s based on the ideas that have made
    other kinds of virtualization so popular: resources
    on demand, distributed architectures and agile

    Content Virtualization promises to transform
    information management without ripping out
    existing resources, without massive investment
    in new data stores, and without asking users to
    change behavior.

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Virtualization defined

    Virtualization is simply separating a software layer      The first two ages virtualization
    from the underlying hardware in order to optimize
    resources, drive down costs and increase flexibility.     Virtualization has swept through enterprise IT,
                                                              progressing in two big waves:
    In the 1990s, virtualization was first used to simulate
    end-user environments on a single mainframe. It           I. Virtualization in the data center
    might have remained a mainframe artefact if not for       Including server virtualization and storage
    the server proliferation that characterized the latter    virtualization – both of which delivered dramatic
    part of that decade.                                      improvements in resource utilization, cost, energy
                                                              use, footprint and flexibility.

                                                              II. Virtualization of the desktop
                                                              Including operating system, desktop and application
                                                              virtualization to make provisioning of new desktops
                                                              easier and cheaper and secure access to corporate
                                                              resources simpler. The ‘one user, one desktop, one
                                                              app’ model is coming to an end.

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    Virtualization defined

    Today, as puts it, “The industry buzz
    around virtualization is just short of deafening.”
                                                               An additional benefit: in the old physical world
                                                               one result of server and storage limitations was the
    And for good reason:                                       capping of data sprawl. Virtualization introduces
                                                               a new way of managing it.
                                                                                                                          continues to
    The benefits                                                                                                          demonstrate
                                                               The beneficiaries: IT
    All of the different forms and flavors of virtualization                                                              additional tangible
    deliver a similar set of benefits:                         In both virtualization waves, the IT department was
                                                               the primary driver and beneficiary of virtualization.      benefits the
    Cost savings – through resource optimization
                                                               For the user, virtualization was at best invisible and,
                                                                                                                          more it’s used,
    Flexibility – from an abstraction layer rather than
                                                               at worst, a new level of complexity and confusion.
                                                               As virtualization progresses, user experience tends
                                                                                                                          broadening its
                                                               to be a last consideration.                                value to the
    Scalability – ramping up resources on demand
                                                                                                                          enterprise at each
    Agility – the ability to change strategy and direction
    quickly                                                                                                               step.”
    Manageability – setting administrators free from                                                            
    managing one physical resource at a time.

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The third wave

    Content Virtualization
    Content Virtualization is the logical extension of
    the virtualization boom – and might be the first
    virtualization technology to focus squarely on
    delivering hard benefits to the end user, right
    alongside IT department benefits.

    A quick definition:

    Content Virtualization separates and abstracts
    content from the underlying physical data silos,
    capturing it in a secure common index for improved
    access, availability and security, It gives users
    immediate access to their data regardless of its

    Makes sense.

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How Content Virtualization
     So, the ‘big four’ principles of content virtualization   3. Secure access                                      The importance of OCR
     are to                                                    Use existing security schema (such as Active          A lot of enterprise content assets exist in
                                                               Directory) to associate each piece of content with
     1. Find all information                                   its access privileges, so only authorized users can   scanned files and text-rich image files such
     Discover data wherever it lives, across hundreds of       see it.                                               as CAD drawings. To be able to access
     applications, servers, intranet sites, email and file
                                                                                                                     and index this, a content virtualization
     stores – in the cloud, in the data center and across      4. Leverage
     all local drives.                                         Make all content available to authorized users and    solution needs powerful Optical Character
                                                               to a new generation of index-enabled applications,    Recognition functionality. OCR can
     2. Index everything                                       on-demand.
     Identify and list all data in the enterprise making it                                                          recognize and index even the tiniest caption
     easy to index everything in a central or virtualized                                                            in a scanned file attached to an email and
     cluster of indexes.
                                                                                                                     make it available and accessible.

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The principles of
     Content Virtualization
     Other approaches to managing data sprawl have           Any Location
     created as many obstacles to end user productivity      Content virtualization has to embrace data wherever
     as they have tried to solve. Content virtualization     it lives, behind the firewall, out in the cloud or
     aims to transform an end user’s relationship with       anywhere in-between. And if data moves, the
     corporate IT, putting their needs first                 solution needs to move with it.

     Non-disruptive                                          Any Security Schema
     Leaves all data where it lives                          Content virtualization needs to adapt to the
                                                             enterprise’s chosen security authorization model,
     Index everything                                        so users only access what they’re authorized to
     Organizes and indexes all your data using a             see. Trying to impose a new security infrastructure
     common index structure.                                 on the indexed content would create unnecessary
                                                             overhead and a new point of failure.
     Any Application
     Finds and indexes the data inside of any application,   Any Client
     database or file store –ideally without having          The content virtualization solution needs to support
     to hard-wire integrations for each and every            all possible client devices, whether physical,
     application. That means understanding a huge            virtual, distributed or mobile. Any index-enabled
     range of file types as well as context and meaning.     application should be able to make the most of the
                                                             native features of Windows, Mac, iOS, Android and

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The benefits of
     Content Virtualization
     The most important benefits of content                 Efficiency
     virtualization are the benefits delivered to users
     and to the business in general. These fall into four   • Get more value from your existing knowledge
     clusters:                                                systems – including document management
                                                              systems, intranets and beyond
                                                            • Forego investment in data warehouses
     • Faster, more informed decision making –                and let content virtualization manage
       a critical part of any real-time enterprise            the content

     • A holistic view of content assets including          Simplicity
       structured and unstructured data
                                                            • Unify the enterprise content universe – with all
     Productivity                                             applications and content working as one content
     • Less time wasted trying to find the content
       needed                                               • Give users a federated content experience across
                                                              all content stores – including intranets, email
     • One-stop access – giving authorized users instant      and file stores and any local, remote, virtualized,
       and secure access to relevant content                  hosted or cloud application

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 “If only HP knew what HP knows we would be
  three times more productive.”
     Lew Platt, Former CEO of Hewlett-Packard

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Introducing VIA:
     The Virtual Index Architecture
     VirtualWorks has been set up to address the
     challenge of content virtualization. VIA is the
     world’s first comprehensive content virtualization
     architecture for enterprises of all sizes.

     It solves the data sprawl problem by inserting
     a virtual content layer above every application
     and data silo, making a secure index available
     to authorized users so they can make the right
     decisions at the right time.

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     Introducing VIA:
     The Virtual Index Architecture
     VIA is architected specifically to address the          Security plug-ins
     challenges posed by data sprawl in the enterprise
     through a layered architecture that makes extensive     Because it’s service-oriented and based on
     use of Cross-Indexers and Plug-ins.                     a content virtualization model, VIA is designed
                                                             to adapt to the enterprise’s chosen security
     Cross-Indexers embrace new applications                 authorization model, using simple, fully integrated
                                                             security plug-ins.
     VIA uses standardized, pre-integrated Cross-
     Indexers to plug any SQL-based application into         This extensible approach embraces new security
     the Indexing Engine with no heavy integration or        schema as they emerge, without expensive re-
     coding.                                                 integration. An enterprise might plug in Active
                                                             Directory today without precluding the next
     Cross-Indexers are designed to access all data inside   generation of security.
     an application and interpret the context of that data
     to facilitate accurate indexing.

     The Cross-Indexer library already covers major
     commercial applications, such as SharePoint,
     Exchange, Notes, file servers, document
     management systems and popular cloud apps.
     And new Cross-Indexers can be created quickly
     and easily by VirtualWorks.

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Start anywhere

     Because it’s a light, modular solution that uses      Deploy fast, scale even faster
     Cross-Indexers, enterprises can start their content
     virtualization journey by cross-indexing any two      • Deploy in days and deliver value to users in the
     applications – SharePoint and Exchange for example      first week
     – then plug in more applications and data sources
     as they grow.                                         • Start with any two content stores or applications
                                                             and expand as you go

                                                           • Scale to include every intranet site, file store and
                                                             SQL-based application hosted on premise or in the

                                                           • Access all data, no matter where users put it, with
                                                             an agile content virtualization model

                                                           And do it all without expensive and time-
                                                           consuming integration.

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VIA in action
     The power of content virtualization

     Content virtualization lets enterprises attack some of their most    Indexed-enabled Applications                   Because it’s open and based on plug-ins,
     pressing information challenges and seize new opportunities.         A trusted content virtualization solution      VIA makes it easy for VirtualWorks and
     Some examples:
                                                                          opens up a new world of applications,          our partners to build a new library of index-
     Manage unstructured files and email servers                          allowing users and administrators to do        enabled applications that leverage the
     Instantly and securely access millions of files, emails and
                                                                          new things with data:                          power of enterprise information. At the
     attachments – even in the cloud.
                                                                                                                         same time, by marshalling and managing
     Go paperless                                                         • Find it – using next-generation enterprise   information more effectively, we can
     Index all scanned files (with powerful OCR), and make it               search
     instantly visible to the people who need it.                                                                        deliver a better return on knowledge,
                                                                          • Secure it – based on total visibility
                                                                                                                         a key differentiator for business in the
     Empower SharePoint and Notes
                           ®           ®
                                                                          • Inventory it – to make better resourcing
                                                                            decisions                                    information age
     Index all the information locked inside multiple SharePoint or
     Notes systems to make it accessible to all authorized users.         • De-dupe it – to improve data quality
     The Indexed Intranet
                                                                          • Manage it – optimizing your content
     Index the intranet and users will find what they need, instantly –     infrastructure
     and come back for more.
                                                                          • Learn about it – gaining insight into the
                                                                            use of knowledge within the enterprise
     Real-world document management
     Make document management system user-proof – or skip
     the DMS entirely and index all content instead.

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     Virtualization has already transformed enterprise      It also helps IT departments do their jobs better,     As applications continue to proliferate, more data
     IT – now content virtualization is set to transform    making it easier to:                                   moves into the cloud and more knowledge workers
     the way that users inside enterprises can harness                                                             mobilize their content assets, the need for content
     the content they need to make better decisions, in     Secure all content so users see only what they’re      virtualization has never been greater.
     real time, based on the right information regardless   authorized to see
     of where it lives.                                                                                            At VirtualWorks, we’re extremely excited about the
                                                            Lighten the data management burden by leaving          potential of this new model. And we welcome the
     It’s all about helping knowledge workers:              data where it is, but discovering and indexing it      opportunity to introduce you to it.
                                                            for use
     Make better decisions with the right information
     at the right time                                      Unite all content stores – whether in the cloud,
                                                            the data center or any server or storage system
     Make faster decisions minimizing access and            in-between.
     retrieval time
                                                            Let the data sprawl.
     Get more value from every application by
     unlocking the data inside                              Content virtualization dramatically mitigates
                                                            the downside of data sprawl. For the first time,
     Boost productivity spending less time hunting          enterprises can let data stay wherever users
     and more time adding value                             want it to be without losing its value to the entire

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“Virtualization is no longer just about server consolidation…
      In virtualized environments, it’s easier to move things
      around, to encapsulate, to archive and to optimize.”

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About VirtualWorks
VirtualWorks was founded to solve data sprawl by redefining enterprise
information architectures. The company has developed a lightweight Virtual Index
                                                                                       “I’m as excited about
Architecture for understanding and tracking content across disparate applications       content virtualization
and data stores. The company’s technology is used by more than 30,000 people
across 300 private and public sector organizations to unleash the power                 as I was about the first
of information no matter where it resides.
                                                                                        wave of virtualization
                                                                                        when we founded Citrix.
                                                                                        This is a major paradigm
                                                                                        shift without the major
                                                                                       Ed Iacobucci, Founder of Citrix and

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Virtualworks - Ebook

  • 1. Content Virtualization A new approach to solving enterprise data sprawl A VirtualWorks eBook
  • 2. Introduction Data Sprawl overtakes the enterprise If information is the lifeblood of any enterprise, then today’s enterprises are bleeding badly. And it’s only going to get worse. As storage costs continue to drop, the need for data discipline There’s been The data that used to live in structured warehouses disappears. Virtual servers and desktops add a layer of complexity. And mobile apps – many of them a ten-fold increase and databases is now buried in emails, file servers, running on employee-owned devices – not only in data stored by intranet sites, scanned files and hard drives. create even more data, but also add to the difficulty of securing corporate information. enterprises over Some of it lives inside document management systems but most is out there in the wild – not just In short: this is the age of Data Sprawl. And the the last five years behind the firewall but out in the cloud as well. Software-as-a-Service and utility computing are penalties are very real. (2006-2011). only increasing the data chaos. Today, data lives Source: IDC in hundreds of silos. 2 Email this Tweet this
  • 3. The cost of data sprawl Every enterprise suffers from the chaotic state of enterprise data in these ways: • Security holes – with sensitive data atomised throughout the enterprise (the explosion in Half of all • Poorly-informed decisions – because the most mobile data in particular escalates compliance and security risk). organizations that timely, relevant content is not being used. have moved to • A massive IT burden – as resources are wasted • Slower decision-making – with time wasted on trying to control, secure and manage data. the cloud are now looking for the right data. Even the best-managed companies with the tightest transitioning back • Productivity loss – with knowledge workers spending more time looking for information information governance practices are paying the price of data sprawl every day. On the road to the to on-premise instead of adding value. real-time enterprise, data sprawl may be the single biggest obstacle. solutions because • Slower return on application investments – of data integration with data locked inside application silos. Every IT professional knows it’s a problem but very few can see a way around it. issues. Source: Gartner 3 Email this Tweet this
  • 4. “For every 5-10 employees, there is one application, generating copies of the same files everywhere, which in turn, leads to massive amounts of duplicate data strewn all across underutilized storage systems.” Michael Vizard,, March 2011 4 Email this Tweet this
  • 5. The first (failed) attempts at a solution: too much structure. If lack of structure was the problem, the answer Unfortunately, while each of these attempts must be more structure, in the form of: delivered some benefits, none of them solved the problem. Data continues to pour out of every Data warehouses corporate crevice, lurking in odd nooks and crannies Massive, centralized data stores that were meant and defying structure. to replace the hundreds of silos. One reason may be the futility of trying to get users Document management systems to change their behaviors. Another might be the Extensive (and expensive) knowledge management sheer scale of the problem: the volume of data; the stores with pre-structured data schema and number of applications silos, servers and stores; and intensive meta-data rules. the many different locations for these silos – in the cloud and behind the firewall. Data governance initiatives New rules, policies and processes designed to There has to be a better way. enforce better data hygiene practices. First generation enterprise search Too centralized, too hierarchical and too insecure for the way data lives. 5 Email this Tweet this
  • 6. A better way Content Virtualization There’s a new model for managing data sprawl But before we dive into the specifics of Content that’s changing the way enterprises think about Virtualization, let’s zoom out and put it in a bit of information. context… It’s called Content Virtualization and, as the name implies, it’s based on the ideas that have made other kinds of virtualization so popular: resources on demand, distributed architectures and agile infrastructures. Content Virtualization promises to transform information management without ripping out existing resources, without massive investment in new data stores, and without asking users to change behavior. 6 Email this Tweet this
  • 7. Virtualization defined Virtualization is simply separating a software layer The first two ages virtualization from the underlying hardware in order to optimize resources, drive down costs and increase flexibility. Virtualization has swept through enterprise IT, progressing in two big waves: In the 1990s, virtualization was first used to simulate end-user environments on a single mainframe. It I. Virtualization in the data center might have remained a mainframe artefact if not for Including server virtualization and storage the server proliferation that characterized the latter virtualization – both of which delivered dramatic part of that decade. improvements in resource utilization, cost, energy use, footprint and flexibility. II. Virtualization of the desktop Including operating system, desktop and application virtualization to make provisioning of new desktops easier and cheaper and secure access to corporate resources simpler. The ‘one user, one desktop, one app’ model is coming to an end. 7 Email this Tweet this
  • 8. (continued) Virtualization defined Today, as puts it, “The industry buzz around virtualization is just short of deafening.” An additional benefit: in the old physical world one result of server and storage limitations was the “Virtualization And for good reason: capping of data sprawl. Virtualization introduces a new way of managing it. continues to The benefits demonstrate The beneficiaries: IT All of the different forms and flavors of virtualization additional tangible deliver a similar set of benefits: In both virtualization waves, the IT department was the primary driver and beneficiary of virtualization. benefits the Cost savings – through resource optimization For the user, virtualization was at best invisible and, more it’s used, Flexibility – from an abstraction layer rather than hard-wiring at worst, a new level of complexity and confusion. As virtualization progresses, user experience tends broadening its to be a last consideration. value to the Scalability – ramping up resources on demand enterprise at each Agility – the ability to change strategy and direction quickly step.” Manageability – setting administrators free from managing one physical resource at a time. 8 Email this Tweet this
  • 9. The third wave Introducing Content Virtualization Content Virtualization is the logical extension of the virtualization boom – and might be the first virtualization technology to focus squarely on delivering hard benefits to the end user, right alongside IT department benefits. A quick definition: Content Virtualization separates and abstracts content from the underlying physical data silos, capturing it in a secure common index for improved access, availability and security, It gives users immediate access to their data regardless of its location. Makes sense. 9 Email this Tweet this
  • 10. How Content Virtualization works So, the ‘big four’ principles of content virtualization 3. Secure access The importance of OCR are to Use existing security schema (such as Active A lot of enterprise content assets exist in Directory) to associate each piece of content with 1. Find all information its access privileges, so only authorized users can scanned files and text-rich image files such Discover data wherever it lives, across hundreds of see it. as CAD drawings. To be able to access applications, servers, intranet sites, email and file and index this, a content virtualization stores – in the cloud, in the data center and across 4. Leverage all local drives. Make all content available to authorized users and solution needs powerful Optical Character to a new generation of index-enabled applications, Recognition functionality. OCR can 2. Index everything on-demand. Identify and list all data in the enterprise making it recognize and index even the tiniest caption easy to index everything in a central or virtualized in a scanned file attached to an email and cluster of indexes. make it available and accessible. 10 Email this Tweet this
  • 11. The principles of Content Virtualization Other approaches to managing data sprawl have Any Location created as many obstacles to end user productivity Content virtualization has to embrace data wherever as they have tried to solve. Content virtualization it lives, behind the firewall, out in the cloud or aims to transform an end user’s relationship with anywhere in-between. And if data moves, the corporate IT, putting their needs first solution needs to move with it. Non-disruptive Any Security Schema Leaves all data where it lives Content virtualization needs to adapt to the enterprise’s chosen security authorization model, Index everything so users only access what they’re authorized to Organizes and indexes all your data using a see. Trying to impose a new security infrastructure common index structure. on the indexed content would create unnecessary overhead and a new point of failure. Any Application Finds and indexes the data inside of any application, Any Client database or file store –ideally without having The content virtualization solution needs to support to hard-wire integrations for each and every all possible client devices, whether physical, application. That means understanding a huge virtual, distributed or mobile. Any index-enabled range of file types as well as context and meaning. application should be able to make the most of the native features of Windows, Mac, iOS, Android and beyond. 11 Email this Tweet this
  • 12. The benefits of Content Virtualization The most important benefits of content Efficiency virtualization are the benefits delivered to users and to the business in general. These fall into four • Get more value from your existing knowledge clusters: systems – including document management systems, intranets and beyond Agility • Forego investment in data warehouses • Faster, more informed decision making – and let content virtualization manage a critical part of any real-time enterprise the content • A holistic view of content assets including Simplicity structured and unstructured data • Unify the enterprise content universe – with all Productivity applications and content working as one content system • Less time wasted trying to find the content needed • Give users a federated content experience across all content stores – including intranets, email • One-stop access – giving authorized users instant and file stores and any local, remote, virtualized, and secure access to relevant content hosted or cloud application 12 Email this Tweet this
  • 13. Introduction “If only HP knew what HP knows we would be three times more productive.” Lew Platt, Former CEO of Hewlett-Packard 13 Email this Tweet this
  • 14. Introducing VIA: The Virtual Index Architecture VirtualWorks has been set up to address the challenge of content virtualization. VIA is the world’s first comprehensive content virtualization architecture for enterprises of all sizes. It solves the data sprawl problem by inserting a virtual content layer above every application and data silo, making a secure index available to authorized users so they can make the right decisions at the right time. 14 Email this Tweet this
  • 15. (continued) Introducing VIA: The Virtual Index Architecture VIA is architected specifically to address the Security plug-ins challenges posed by data sprawl in the enterprise through a layered architecture that makes extensive Because it’s service-oriented and based on use of Cross-Indexers and Plug-ins. a content virtualization model, VIA is designed to adapt to the enterprise’s chosen security Cross-Indexers embrace new applications authorization model, using simple, fully integrated security plug-ins. VIA uses standardized, pre-integrated Cross- Indexers to plug any SQL-based application into This extensible approach embraces new security the Indexing Engine with no heavy integration or schema as they emerge, without expensive re- coding. integration. An enterprise might plug in Active Directory today without precluding the next Cross-Indexers are designed to access all data inside generation of security. an application and interpret the context of that data to facilitate accurate indexing. The Cross-Indexer library already covers major commercial applications, such as SharePoint, Exchange, Notes, file servers, document management systems and popular cloud apps. And new Cross-Indexers can be created quickly and easily by VirtualWorks. 15 Email this Tweet this
  • 16. Start anywhere Because it’s a light, modular solution that uses Deploy fast, scale even faster Cross-Indexers, enterprises can start their content virtualization journey by cross-indexing any two • Deploy in days and deliver value to users in the applications – SharePoint and Exchange for example first week – then plug in more applications and data sources as they grow. • Start with any two content stores or applications and expand as you go • Scale to include every intranet site, file store and SQL-based application hosted on premise or in the cloud • Access all data, no matter where users put it, with an agile content virtualization model And do it all without expensive and time- consuming integration. 16 Email this Tweet this
  • 17. VIA in action The power of content virtualization Content virtualization lets enterprises attack some of their most Indexed-enabled Applications Because it’s open and based on plug-ins, pressing information challenges and seize new opportunities. A trusted content virtualization solution VIA makes it easy for VirtualWorks and Some examples: opens up a new world of applications, our partners to build a new library of index- Manage unstructured files and email servers allowing users and administrators to do enabled applications that leverage the Instantly and securely access millions of files, emails and new things with data: power of enterprise information. At the attachments – even in the cloud. same time, by marshalling and managing Go paperless • Find it – using next-generation enterprise information more effectively, we can Index all scanned files (with powerful OCR), and make it search instantly visible to the people who need it. deliver a better return on knowledge, • Secure it – based on total visibility a key differentiator for business in the Empower SharePoint and Notes ® ® • Inventory it – to make better resourcing decisions information age Index all the information locked inside multiple SharePoint or Notes systems to make it accessible to all authorized users. • De-dupe it – to improve data quality enterprise-wide The Indexed Intranet • Manage it – optimizing your content Index the intranet and users will find what they need, instantly – infrastructure and come back for more. • Learn about it – gaining insight into the use of knowledge within the enterprise Real-world document management Make document management system user-proof – or skip the DMS entirely and index all content instead. 17 Email this Tweet this
  • 18. Conclusion Virtualization has already transformed enterprise It also helps IT departments do their jobs better, As applications continue to proliferate, more data IT – now content virtualization is set to transform making it easier to: moves into the cloud and more knowledge workers the way that users inside enterprises can harness mobilize their content assets, the need for content the content they need to make better decisions, in Secure all content so users see only what they’re virtualization has never been greater. real time, based on the right information regardless authorized to see of where it lives. At VirtualWorks, we’re extremely excited about the Lighten the data management burden by leaving potential of this new model. And we welcome the It’s all about helping knowledge workers: data where it is, but discovering and indexing it opportunity to introduce you to it. for use Make better decisions with the right information at the right time Unite all content stores – whether in the cloud, the data center or any server or storage system Make faster decisions minimizing access and in-between. retrieval time Let the data sprawl. Get more value from every application by unlocking the data inside Content virtualization dramatically mitigates the downside of data sprawl. For the first time, Boost productivity spending less time hunting enterprises can let data stay wherever users and more time adding value want it to be without losing its value to the entire organization. 18 Email this Tweet this
  • 19. “Virtualization is no longer just about server consolidation… In virtualized environments, it’s easier to move things around, to encapsulate, to archive and to optimize.” 19 Email this Tweet this
  • 20. About VirtualWorks VirtualWorks was founded to solve data sprawl by redefining enterprise information architectures. The company has developed a lightweight Virtual Index “I’m as excited about Architecture for understanding and tracking content across disparate applications content virtualization and data stores. The company’s technology is used by more than 30,000 people across 300 private and public sector organizations to unleash the power as I was about the first of information no matter where it resides. wave of virtualization when we founded Citrix. This is a major paradigm shift without the major disruption.” Ed Iacobucci, Founder of Citrix and VirtualWorks 5301 N. Federal Hwy, Suite 190 Philip Pedersensv.1 Kanalgatan 51 Boca Raton, FL 33487 N-1366 LYSAKER, Oslo 931 32 SKELLEFTEÅ USA Norway Sweden Tel: 561.327.4900 Tel: + 47 48 31 08 00 Tel: + 46 70 543 7700