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The Story of Amanzi
The Water World
Jennifer Meyers
David Wheeler
Michelle Mudge
The Pantheon: Gods of Amanzi
 The Artist
 The creator of the world. She molded the world with her hands and her tears created the rivers and the streams.
 Altariel
 The goddess of music and harmony. Soars above the oceans to lightly churn the water creating joyous
melodies. Sailors and fisherman often describe seeing a large white bird and leaving in its wake: music.
 Velnaire
 The goddess of punishment and judgment. A dark mistress robed in mute attire. Assails the sinful with
harsh curses. Her divine patrons, known as Pardoners, grant these sinners the chance of absolution and
 Lady Ophidian
 The lesser goddess of carnage. Appears to fisherman as a beautiful mermaid to seduce them into
vulnerability. She then reveals her true form, a carnal, rabid, multi-fanged sea serpent, who snatches them
off into the depths.
 The Rescinder
 The blackened, deep dark lesser god of murder and assassination. A black mass in
appearance, it kills for pleasure. A rogue god unsanctioned by the major gods.
Goddess of death and the deep sea. She steals into homes and taken humans down to
the depths. She is married to a human half the year. Lop’phana is very fair and very rarely
uses underhanded tricks.
Goddess of the spring who wraps herself in seaweed and brings warm weather. She likes
humans but finds them to be a little too rowdy at the worst of times.
God of weapon making and strife. He wanders just under the surface of the water with a
large, toothy shark by his side looking for a fight. Those who win fights with him he gives a
conditional immortality, the condition to which the immortality wanes depends on how
much Yelelin enjoyed the fight.
 Viandrill
The god of food and drink. Often inebriated, this burly and bearded god
grants life to crops and instills mystic tinctures to wine.
The gardener of the sea beds. He used to have many gardens on land, but
after the flood began to full cultivate his plants on the sandy sea floor.
The guardian of the deep sea lord of the death. A terrifying creature
that use to be a woman who attempted to trick Lop’phana and failed. Drillpen
had the mouth of a cookie cutter shark the angler of an angler fish the claws of
a lobster and the body of an oar fish.
In the time before life here
began, the woman sat in the
sky alone. In the sky, she
shaped and modeled her clays
and placed them in the sky’s.
Creation Myth
One day, she looked
towards our galaxy and it
was barren and she
thought here I will build
my greatest
masterpiece. She
worked for days and she
modeled her clay until it
looked just right and she
hung our planet in the
sky like a work of art.
When she was done, she was sad
there was no one to admire her
work. She started to cry and as
she cried her tears flowed. Her
tears created the oceans, the
rivers and the streams. Upset at
ruining her masterpiece, the
woman wanted to see what
damage was done to her precious
work of art and so created the sun
and superheated it in her
ovens. Then she took the sun and
hung it above us so that she could
try to fix her ruined planet.
With the sun, in the sky she looked
down in amazement her tears had
not ruined anything but created the
grandest of lands. This was indeed
her best work of art.
Still, she had no one to share it
with. She took her clays and she
molded and molded them for
days. She worked to get them
just right and when she was
done. She had created
man. “Man,” she said, “I have
given you my greatest
masterpiece, you will create a
family and with your family you
will spend your days honoring
me and my creation.”
The Flood Myth
The Pregnant Creator
The woman, the creator of our
world, was pregnant. With her
belly swelling more and more
every day, she often looked
down upon her creations: the
men and women she had so
admirably created. And as her
belly grew, her little prince
ever growing within, so did the
malice and horrid mischief her
creations spun in her watered
world below.
Her Pain and Sorrow
With each passing day,
mankind broke her watered
world little by little. They
manifested their own gods,
forgetting her forever. They
murdered, raped, and pillaged.
Wars upon wars for social,
religious, or nonsensical
reasons. Their sin was rampant
and showed no signs of
ceasing. And so she cried,
overwhelmed by what she saw.
A Death in the Family
For it was every day she wept
and wallowed in despair,
mourning the loss of her
creation’s humanity, her grief
grew too much for her. . . and
her little prince.
The Red Deluge
The little prince died in her
womb, and so blood issued forth
and slowly drowned the world in
red. Man could no longer drink,
their cattle and crops died from
consuming the red water, their
life choked away. Civilizations
fell. The red oceans soon rose,
the tallest mountains no longer
in sight, and every organic body
drowned. Once again, her world
was made barren.
The New Beginning
The earth was drowned in red for many
millennia. The creator, the woman, was
heartbroken over the loss of her prince,
and the loss of her creations. In her
sadness, she moved on. In time, as the
red faded, new greenery grew and new
creatures arose and new gods took the
Artists place,
And thus it was, this new beginning. . .
• Long ago, humans did
not die. They lived
long as sea turtles
and were merry. They
reveled at the day
times and threw
rowdy parties at the
But the grandest parties
where held in the springs,
and biggest was that in
honor of the goddess of the
spring when the waters
warmed and new green life
began to appear to feed the
fish and turtles.
For that party, and that party
only, did the gods leave their
homes in above the water
and come down. They
disguised themselves and
danced and drank and sang
with the people they brought
warmth and life too.
• Year after year they did this, until the party became very crowded,
there was no room left to dance or sing. The parties were jammed
against the windows and the walls, shoving elbows into each other
and stepping on feet.
One year, the goddess did not attend her own
party, tired of the crowd. As she sat on the
beach, she lamented her story to the shore
animals, the birds and crabs and creatures of
the tide pool.
“Oh, there are much too many people there
now! I wish it were not so, but the humans,
they have more and more children and those
children grow up and have children and those
children have children and it goes on forever.”
Hearing the goddess’ lament, the goddess of
the deep sea rose up. “If you wish there to be
less humans, I can make it so,” the deep sea
goddess offered. “As a gift to the one who the
grandest festival is held!” The spring goddess
mulled over this. Oh, how she missed the days
when she could dance in the middle of the
hall and sing without her voice being covered
“Alright then.” The spring goddess said.
“As you wish,” The deep sea goddess replied
The spring goddess waited a full year,
but more humans were born, and the
hall was more crowded than before. The
spring goddess was very unhappy.
“Oh, the she of the deep sea said she
take some humans away, and she has
lied to me!”
“By she of the spring, I have not!” The
deep sea goddess shouldered her way
to her. “I waited all year to give you your
With that, water pooled around
the partiers feet. It flooded the
room as people hurried to escape
when the water was too the spring
goddess knees when a great many
monsters of the deep broke
through the floor. They grabbed
and snatched and ate the humans.
“Are you pleased now?” The deep
sea goddess smiled. “Just for you, I
will take the lives of these humans
down to the sea bottom! In fact…”
I will take
them ALL
with me!
No matter how much the spring goddess
pleaded and begged she could not stop the
deep sea goddess from taking the human
parties. Finally, after no humans were left
in the party hall, the deep sea goddess took
notice of the spring goddess tears. “Why do
you cry so? This is what you wished for!”
“I did not! Do not want any more to
The deep sea goddess thought a moment
then spoke, “I will leave the rest of the
humans be for now, but know I come and
take all humans, so that they will never
again over crowd their home.”
And with that, death was brought to the
world and the deep sea goddess created
the world of the dead deep in the dark,
cold depths of the sea.
Trip to the Afterlife and
Once, there were a pair of orphan
siblings, a brave sister and a kind
brother. They lived in a small dome
home in a the biggest city of
underwater world. Thought they
were very poor, the siblings has each
other and were very happy until the
day the brother fell ill and bed
“I can see her!” He whispered to his
sister. “The goddess of death, the
goddess of the deep sea! She says
such sweet, sweet things…”
“Do not listen to her, she wishes only
to take you away. Stay in bed until I
return home.” Though the sister
worried for her brother, the sister
When she returned home, her brother
was gone and she knew that the death
goddess stole her brother away.
The sister journeyed to the lowest depth
of the city could reach, but it was still
not deep enough to go to the goddess of
deaths’ home. As she searched for a
home, she came across an old woman.
The sister told the woman her of her
The woman said, “Ah child, I see you
truly care for your brother and I am
willing to help you go to the sea depths.
On the edge of the west city side there is
an opening to the open water. Take this
straw and blow a bubble in the water
and you shall be able to go to the her
The sister did as she was told. When
she blew the straw in the water, a
bubble formed. The bubble grew
and grew until it was big enough for
her to ride in.
The sister jumped in the bubble and
it took her deep, deep, deep under
the water, deeper than any person
had ever gone, until she was
brought to the castle of the goddess
of death.
The sister was escorted in by the corpses into the castle,
she came into the throne and was shocked to find her
brother standing next to the death goddess herself.
The brother happily embraced his sister before
demanding what she was doing in the world of the dead,
while still alive.
“I am here to bring you home!” She proclaimed, then
turned to the goddess of death. “She of the deep sea,
please, allow me to bring my brother home. He was not
to go with you yet. I will give you anything. He is all I
The goddess looked at him for a moment then spoke.
“He is the only one I have as well. Death is a very lonely
place, and your brother has brought such happiness
here, and too me.”
“You stole him! You stole him from me! You are the most
just of goddess and yet you stole him away from me!”
The goddess mulled over this. Truth, she was the most
just, and prided herself upon that, but she did not wish
to be lonely anymore. After a moment, the goddess said,
“If he,” she gestured to the brother, “is willing to agree to
it, then, he may stay six months with me, and six months
with you.”
• And thus an agreement was
formed. In compensation
for unjustly stealing the
brother way, the goddess of
death would never steal
way the sister’s life and the
brother agreed to live six
months in the world of the
living with his sister and six
in the afterlife with the
death goddess.
The Hero Arises
• Jaxon was born on the night of the full moon. With her dying breath,
his mother wished her son well. Jaxon was raised by a couple in the
island where his mother lived. He was the biggest and strongest boy
in the island. This made Jaxon proud. There wasn’t anything he could
not do. He worked hard for his family and he played hard too. He
loved nothing more then being in the ocean amongst his friends the
fish, and he rode the dolphins and the whales.
• His life was a happy one until one day when The Rescinder sent a
band of marauders into his village. His people where either killed or
taken away. He howled with fury and yelled into world that he would
rescue his family—if it was the last thing he did.
He gathered up what remained of his belongings and for the first time he set forth in the
world. What Jaxon did not know is that the gods themselves were looking over him.
They wanted to see if he could beat The Rescinder. More importantly, Jaxon’s father was
watching over him. Because Jaxon’s mother died when he was born, Jaxon did not know
that his father was a god, and he a demi-god. From his father her got his tremendous
Jaxon sailed the world for many years looking for his people. He fought battle after
battle. He became convinced he was invincible. Ten years had passed when he found the
marauders. The rest of his people had become slaves. Jaxon raged, the battle was fierce.
Jaxon was forced back to the sea, having lost his first battle. He had failed to save his
Jaxon had always failed to kneel to the gods. He was strong. He didn’t need help but on
this night Jaxon fell to his knees………… “I have failed my people. In my strength, I am not
enough. In my faith in the gods I have been wanting, but if the gods will intercede now, I
will give up my strength and forever bow my heads to you.
The gods watched from their place on the bottom of the sea. They wanted The Rescinder to be
beaten but they did not wish to interfere.
Velnaire, goddess of punishment and judgement said, “Let the boy be. He is strong within his pride
and has put himself before us. Let us not honor him in his battle now.
Viandrill said, “My child has indeed acted with hubris but he has been humbled in losses. He stands
before us now asking for divine intervention and as his father I would see his wish granted.”
Altariel put aside her harp and she looked upon her fellow gods and goddess. She then brought
forth The Flute of Amanzi. The pantheon of gods gasped. For this was no minor weapon but one
that would bring it’s hero untold strength. “He has pledged himself to us and I have been told that
the voice of music is among those that is to be saved. Therefore, I offer to him my greatest weapon,
and should his promise be true then he will be victorious.”
• The gods brought The Flute of Amanzi and told him that if he remains true
in his promise that he would be victorious. However, when the fight was
done, he would lose his strength forever and live in service to the gods.
• And so it was done. The bargain was cast. Jaxon gave all of himself to save
those that he loved. Till his dying breath, he served as a priest for the
gods……….never knowing that his father was one.
• His sacrifice saved the one who had the voice of music. Her voice brought
much to the world. It helped farms to grow and healed the sick. She also
found love with the hero of our story. It is said that if you close your eyes
and stand close to the sea, you will still hear her voice singing her love song
to Jaxon.

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  • 1. The Story of Amanzi The Water World By Jennifer Meyers David Wheeler Michelle Mudge
  • 2. The Pantheon: Gods of Amanzi  The Artist  The creator of the world. She molded the world with her hands and her tears created the rivers and the streams.  Altariel  The goddess of music and harmony. Soars above the oceans to lightly churn the water creating joyous melodies. Sailors and fisherman often describe seeing a large white bird and leaving in its wake: music.  Velnaire  The goddess of punishment and judgment. A dark mistress robed in mute attire. Assails the sinful with harsh curses. Her divine patrons, known as Pardoners, grant these sinners the chance of absolution and repentance.  Lady Ophidian  The lesser goddess of carnage. Appears to fisherman as a beautiful mermaid to seduce them into vulnerability. She then reveals her true form, a carnal, rabid, multi-fanged sea serpent, who snatches them off into the depths.
  • 3.  The Rescinder  The blackened, deep dark lesser god of murder and assassination. A black mass in appearance, it kills for pleasure. A rogue god unsanctioned by the major gods. Lop’phana- Goddess of death and the deep sea. She steals into homes and taken humans down to the depths. She is married to a human half the year. Lop’phana is very fair and very rarely uses underhanded tricks. Hipling- Goddess of the spring who wraps herself in seaweed and brings warm weather. She likes humans but finds them to be a little too rowdy at the worst of times. Yepelin- God of weapon making and strife. He wanders just under the surface of the water with a large, toothy shark by his side looking for a fight. Those who win fights with him he gives a conditional immortality, the condition to which the immortality wanes depends on how much Yelelin enjoyed the fight.
  • 4.  Viandrill The god of food and drink. Often inebriated, this burly and bearded god grants life to crops and instills mystic tinctures to wine. Muetule- The gardener of the sea beds. He used to have many gardens on land, but after the flood began to full cultivate his plants on the sandy sea floor. Drillpen- The guardian of the deep sea lord of the death. A terrifying creature that use to be a woman who attempted to trick Lop’phana and failed. Drillpen had the mouth of a cookie cutter shark the angler of an angler fish the claws of a lobster and the body of an oar fish.
  • 5. In the time before life here began, the woman sat in the sky alone. In the sky, she shaped and modeled her clays and placed them in the sky’s. Creation Myth
  • 6. One day, she looked towards our galaxy and it was barren and she thought here I will build my greatest masterpiece. She worked for days and she modeled her clay until it looked just right and she hung our planet in the sky like a work of art.
  • 7. When she was done, she was sad there was no one to admire her work. She started to cry and as she cried her tears flowed. Her tears created the oceans, the rivers and the streams. Upset at ruining her masterpiece, the woman wanted to see what damage was done to her precious work of art and so created the sun and superheated it in her ovens. Then she took the sun and hung it above us so that she could try to fix her ruined planet.
  • 8. With the sun, in the sky she looked down in amazement her tears had not ruined anything but created the grandest of lands. This was indeed her best work of art.
  • 9. Still, she had no one to share it with. She took her clays and she molded and molded them for days. She worked to get them just right and when she was done. She had created man. “Man,” she said, “I have given you my greatest masterpiece, you will create a family and with your family you will spend your days honoring me and my creation.”
  • 11. The Pregnant Creator The woman, the creator of our world, was pregnant. With her belly swelling more and more every day, she often looked down upon her creations: the men and women she had so admirably created. And as her belly grew, her little prince ever growing within, so did the malice and horrid mischief her creations spun in her watered world below.
  • 12. Her Pain and Sorrow With each passing day, mankind broke her watered world little by little. They manifested their own gods, forgetting her forever. They murdered, raped, and pillaged. Wars upon wars for social, religious, or nonsensical reasons. Their sin was rampant and showed no signs of ceasing. And so she cried, overwhelmed by what she saw.
  • 13. A Death in the Family For it was every day she wept and wallowed in despair, mourning the loss of her creation’s humanity, her grief grew too much for her. . . and her little prince.
  • 14. The Red Deluge The little prince died in her womb, and so blood issued forth and slowly drowned the world in red. Man could no longer drink, their cattle and crops died from consuming the red water, their life choked away. Civilizations fell. The red oceans soon rose, the tallest mountains no longer in sight, and every organic body drowned. Once again, her world was made barren.
  • 15. The New Beginning The earth was drowned in red for many millennia. The creator, the woman, was heartbroken over the loss of her prince, and the loss of her creations. In her sadness, she moved on. In time, as the red faded, new greenery grew and new creatures arose and new gods took the Artists place, And thus it was, this new beginning. . .
  • 17. • Long ago, humans did not die. They lived long as sea turtles and were merry. They reveled at the day times and threw rowdy parties at the night.
  • 18. But the grandest parties where held in the springs, and biggest was that in honor of the goddess of the spring when the waters warmed and new green life began to appear to feed the fish and turtles. For that party, and that party only, did the gods leave their homes in above the water and come down. They disguised themselves and danced and drank and sang with the people they brought warmth and life too.
  • 19. • Year after year they did this, until the party became very crowded, there was no room left to dance or sing. The parties were jammed against the windows and the walls, shoving elbows into each other and stepping on feet.
  • 20. One year, the goddess did not attend her own party, tired of the crowd. As she sat on the beach, she lamented her story to the shore animals, the birds and crabs and creatures of the tide pool. “Oh, there are much too many people there now! I wish it were not so, but the humans, they have more and more children and those children grow up and have children and those children have children and it goes on forever.” Hearing the goddess’ lament, the goddess of the deep sea rose up. “If you wish there to be less humans, I can make it so,” the deep sea goddess offered. “As a gift to the one who the grandest festival is held!” The spring goddess mulled over this. Oh, how she missed the days when she could dance in the middle of the hall and sing without her voice being covered up. “Alright then.” The spring goddess said. “As you wish,” The deep sea goddess replied and
  • 21. The spring goddess waited a full year, but more humans were born, and the hall was more crowded than before. The spring goddess was very unhappy. “Oh, the she of the deep sea said she take some humans away, and she has lied to me!” “By she of the spring, I have not!” The deep sea goddess shouldered her way to her. “I waited all year to give you your gift!”
  • 22. With that, water pooled around the partiers feet. It flooded the room as people hurried to escape when the water was too the spring goddess knees when a great many monsters of the deep broke through the floor. They grabbed and snatched and ate the humans. “Are you pleased now?” The deep sea goddess smiled. “Just for you, I will take the lives of these humans down to the sea bottom! In fact…”
  • 23. I will take them ALL with me!
  • 24. No matter how much the spring goddess pleaded and begged she could not stop the deep sea goddess from taking the human parties. Finally, after no humans were left in the party hall, the deep sea goddess took notice of the spring goddess tears. “Why do you cry so? This is what you wished for!” “I did not! Do not want any more to parish!” The deep sea goddess thought a moment then spoke, “I will leave the rest of the humans be for now, but know I come and take all humans, so that they will never again over crowd their home.” And with that, death was brought to the world and the deep sea goddess created the world of the dead deep in the dark, cold depths of the sea.
  • 25. Trip to the Afterlife and Back
  • 26. Once, there were a pair of orphan siblings, a brave sister and a kind brother. They lived in a small dome home in a the biggest city of underwater world. Thought they were very poor, the siblings has each other and were very happy until the day the brother fell ill and bed ridden. “I can see her!” He whispered to his sister. “The goddess of death, the goddess of the deep sea! She says such sweet, sweet things…” “Do not listen to her, she wishes only to take you away. Stay in bed until I return home.” Though the sister worried for her brother, the sister left.
  • 27. When she returned home, her brother was gone and she knew that the death goddess stole her brother away. The sister journeyed to the lowest depth of the city could reach, but it was still not deep enough to go to the goddess of deaths’ home. As she searched for a home, she came across an old woman. The sister told the woman her of her journey. The woman said, “Ah child, I see you truly care for your brother and I am willing to help you go to the sea depths. On the edge of the west city side there is an opening to the open water. Take this straw and blow a bubble in the water and you shall be able to go to the her world.”
  • 28. The sister did as she was told. When she blew the straw in the water, a bubble formed. The bubble grew and grew until it was big enough for her to ride in. The sister jumped in the bubble and it took her deep, deep, deep under the water, deeper than any person had ever gone, until she was brought to the castle of the goddess of death.
  • 29. The sister was escorted in by the corpses into the castle, she came into the throne and was shocked to find her brother standing next to the death goddess herself. The brother happily embraced his sister before demanding what she was doing in the world of the dead, while still alive. “I am here to bring you home!” She proclaimed, then turned to the goddess of death. “She of the deep sea, please, allow me to bring my brother home. He was not to go with you yet. I will give you anything. He is all I have.” The goddess looked at him for a moment then spoke. “He is the only one I have as well. Death is a very lonely place, and your brother has brought such happiness here, and too me.” “You stole him! You stole him from me! You are the most just of goddess and yet you stole him away from me!” The goddess mulled over this. Truth, she was the most just, and prided herself upon that, but she did not wish to be lonely anymore. After a moment, the goddess said, “If he,” she gestured to the brother, “is willing to agree to it, then, he may stay six months with me, and six months with you.”
  • 30. • And thus an agreement was formed. In compensation for unjustly stealing the brother way, the goddess of death would never steal way the sister’s life and the brother agreed to live six months in the world of the living with his sister and six in the afterlife with the death goddess.
  • 31. The Hero Arises • Jaxon was born on the night of the full moon. With her dying breath, his mother wished her son well. Jaxon was raised by a couple in the island where his mother lived. He was the biggest and strongest boy in the island. This made Jaxon proud. There wasn’t anything he could not do. He worked hard for his family and he played hard too. He loved nothing more then being in the ocean amongst his friends the fish, and he rode the dolphins and the whales. • His life was a happy one until one day when The Rescinder sent a band of marauders into his village. His people where either killed or taken away. He howled with fury and yelled into world that he would rescue his family—if it was the last thing he did.
  • 32. He gathered up what remained of his belongings and for the first time he set forth in the world. What Jaxon did not know is that the gods themselves were looking over him. They wanted to see if he could beat The Rescinder. More importantly, Jaxon’s father was watching over him. Because Jaxon’s mother died when he was born, Jaxon did not know that his father was a god, and he a demi-god. From his father her got his tremendous strength. Jaxon sailed the world for many years looking for his people. He fought battle after battle. He became convinced he was invincible. Ten years had passed when he found the marauders. The rest of his people had become slaves. Jaxon raged, the battle was fierce. Jaxon was forced back to the sea, having lost his first battle. He had failed to save his people. Jaxon had always failed to kneel to the gods. He was strong. He didn’t need help but on this night Jaxon fell to his knees………… “I have failed my people. In my strength, I am not enough. In my faith in the gods I have been wanting, but if the gods will intercede now, I will give up my strength and forever bow my heads to you.
  • 33. The gods watched from their place on the bottom of the sea. They wanted The Rescinder to be beaten but they did not wish to interfere. Velnaire, goddess of punishment and judgement said, “Let the boy be. He is strong within his pride and has put himself before us. Let us not honor him in his battle now. Viandrill said, “My child has indeed acted with hubris but he has been humbled in losses. He stands before us now asking for divine intervention and as his father I would see his wish granted.” Altariel put aside her harp and she looked upon her fellow gods and goddess. She then brought forth The Flute of Amanzi. The pantheon of gods gasped. For this was no minor weapon but one that would bring it’s hero untold strength. “He has pledged himself to us and I have been told that the voice of music is among those that is to be saved. Therefore, I offer to him my greatest weapon, and should his promise be true then he will be victorious.”
  • 34. • The gods brought The Flute of Amanzi and told him that if he remains true in his promise that he would be victorious. However, when the fight was done, he would lose his strength forever and live in service to the gods. • And so it was done. The bargain was cast. Jaxon gave all of himself to save those that he loved. Till his dying breath, he served as a priest for the gods……….never knowing that his father was one. • His sacrifice saved the one who had the voice of music. Her voice brought much to the world. It helped farms to grow and healed the sick. She also found love with the hero of our story. It is said that if you close your eyes and stand close to the sea, you will still hear her voice singing her love song to Jaxon.