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Group Interview Paper
Before I provide some insight to the individual I interviewed, I want to mention that I work as a
Business Analyst for an automotive software company called Tail Light. We provide various desktop
and mobile applications and an On–Board Diagnostic (OBD) device to automobiles. Our users range
from personally at dealerships to the consumer who is purchasing the vehicle. Our DevOps team
consist of four individuals who provide expertise in various aspects of our technology and we
attempt to bridge the gap between legacy and new products. Our IT personnel is a unique bunch of
gentlemen. They laugh at our expense as we, being the user, make the network the most vulnerable.
Their area is filled with comic cut–outs of Dilbert and funny innuendoes ... Show more content on ...
You must stay aware of not only those but the industry trends on how to deal with them and what's
effective. You must get educated on the hardware and tools you've got. Whether learning on your
own or with instructor–led training, you need to have a solid networking foundation and a clear
understanding of all 7 layers of the OSI model. For Security, you build off of that foundation
through familiarity with attack vectors and hours of poring over vulnerability notices and mitigation
plans. You can't just learn this through book reading. Jeff found that hands–on experience is best
because books tend to describe ideal–state situations. In his 25 years of IT work, that was rarely the
case. He never experienced setting up a networking from a "tabula rasa" state and more often than
not he was either trying to clean up someone else's mess or trying to make the old hardware work to
align with new business constraints. For him, the first part of his career was configuring a network
according to someone else's vision of how the network needs to be set up to meet those business
needs. The best way to strive in this industry is to 'GET A MENTOR'. I bold this to emphasize his
importance on this. Finding someone out there that knows more about networking or the network
you are working on is pivotal. Learn from them, go to the area user's groups and make some new
friends and exchange ideas. He was surprised at how much he picked up from veterans and how
willing they usually
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Should Employees Be Characterised as Human Assets?
Position Paper
"Should employees be characterized as human assets?"
Arthur Lok Jack GSB
Student Name: Mahalia Jackson
Student ID No.: 98708970
HRNM 6310: HR Management Information Systems
2012/2013 Trimester II
Feb. 2013
(Dilbert by Scott Adams 1995)
"Our employees are our greatest asset", is one of the statements that are commonly made by CEOs
in organizations almost on a daily basis. Of course this is a true statement, as it is only through
people, employees, can the strategic plans of organizations be successfully accomplished. However,
do people count as "assets" in the true sense of the word? According to an asset is
"...a resource with economic value that an individual, corporation ... Show more content on ...
These strategies would ensure that employees are retained long enough so that the new knowledge
gained from training and development is passed on to others in the organization, and therefore
become "owned knowledge" by the organization.
Counter Arguments
There is also the belief that employees and assets are quite different on many levels such as the
* Mobility – assets such as plant, machinery and land do not leave organizations, but people do for
various reasons such as resignation, retirement, death; * Ownership – organizations do not own their
employees as they do their physical assets; * Creation – physical assets do not create, people do,
with their knowledge, skills, new ideas, talents and abilities * Value – over time physical assets are
devalued or depreciated as a result of wear and tear, and improved technology, however, with
organizations investing in training and development of its employees, there is an increase in the
value and contribution of employees over time.
* Financial Accounting – physical assets are recorded on financial statements as assets whereas
employees' salaries and other benefits such as pensions are recorded as expenses or liabilities. This
is so because in order for an asset investment to appear on a balance sheet one of the criteria that it
must meet is that the company must
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The Importance Of Ethics : Organizational Ethics And CSR
Dontay Phillips
Case #4
ETH 301
Organizational Ethics and CSR
Trident University International
The Importance of Ethics
Ethics programs are becoming more popular in modern day businesses. Ethics programs present
employees with clear guidelines regarding expectable behavior. They also ensure your company is
in compliance with all laws and regulations with in your specific industry. As you can imagine these
are all very important things an ethics program can provide. Today I want to talk a little more about
Lockheed's ethics program. I also want to critique some other impacting issues faced with in the
It is said that Lockheed's ethics program does little to prevent ethical breaches at the highest level of
the organization. Lockheed's ethic program was a simple way to protect their company against
employee misconducts. Ethical violations can range from anything such as employer intimidation to
safety violations. Lockheed had a morals awareness program which truly kicked off with Dilbert in
the year of 1997. Morals administrators should have been aware after receiving multiple calls about
the problem. This was an introduction to trust issues within the association. Lockheed's workers in
general have given input that the ethic project is beneficial and senior administration keep on
trumpeting morals as a company. More evidence that shows that Lockheed ethics program does little
to prevent ethical breaches is that workers still live under the danger of
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Lockheed Martin Case Summary
1) Describe some of the unorthodox strategies covered by Terris during this era that made Lockheed
become "...a byword for the shady practices of American multi–national corporations, and a major
impetus for new legislation...".
Daniel Terris gave an interesting assessment on the ethics program for the security of short term
employees for organizations. In 1996 there was a framework exhibited that would rely upon the
prepackaged board game; sort of like the game "Mystery Express" that would use the casts from the
line of the Dilbert toon. This was a framework that was started by the Lockheed Martin's CEO;
Norman Augustine raises that by placing commitment on each expert for the correct estimations of
their own actions may involve thought from ... Show more content on ...
This is alluded to the methodology of deciding the genuine issue by making the issue circumstance.
They could get the assistance of workers through coordinated effort. They had faith in the business
ethics, they imagined this was a sort of connected ethics that review moral values and in addition the
moral or potentially moral issues that may create in an expert circumstance. This would identify
with all bits of the business alongside the conduct of the general population and associations. With
regards to business ethics they have controlling and illustrative estimations. The degree of good
business issues supports the lead with non–fiscal
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Dilbert's Review: A Summary
This comic strip is called "Explaining creativity" and is composed by Scott Adams. It effectively
covers the difficulties that we have separating the correlational from casual explanations of
creativity. Creative people cannot stop themselves from creating and this a form of Obsessive
Compulsive Disorder(OCD). In the comic, Dilbert is expressing the fact that is creative as he has
ADHD, Dyslexia, Bipolar Disorder, as well as Schizophrenia. People with ADHD often generate
new ideas and have unique ways of looking at things and as a result, brilliant creative insights
emerge from these times when the mind is doing its own thing. Like ADHD, Dyslexia comes with
many benefits such as having the ability to use their critical thinking when solving ... Show more
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Although, illnesses such as schizophrenia actually decrease creativity, as people are more creative
when they are in a positive mood. As seen in the comic, Dilbert feels sorry for people who go
through life without inspiration. He seems stunned at the fact that the boss is a normal person.
Although some may view his illnesses as a negative impact, he is certainly proud that he has a gifted
mind and the fact that he is multitalented with many interests and abilities. However, it may be
difficult for him to fit into society unless appropriate recognition and understanding to enable
equality has been put in place. The advantage of mental illnesses is that they set you apart from the
normal world and as Vlamir Tatlin said, "The ideal state for the artist is total alienation". It is known
for a fact that people who suffer from mental illnesses consistently view the world around them
more realistically than mentally healthy people who are biased towards optimism. In the comic,
Dilbert's illnesses are not viewed with proper acknowledgment and others are ignorant of the
benefits that come along with
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Essay On Affiliate Marketing
Online Affiliate Marketing is a revenue sharing venture between a website owner and an online
merchant. The website owner will place advertisements on his websites to either help sell the
merchant's products or to send potential customers to the merchant's website, all in exchange for a
share of the profits.
Affiliate Marketing Program
An affiliate marketing program is sometimes called an affiliate program, but also may be referred to
as a pay–for–performance program or an associate program. An affiliate program is a marketing tool
for the e–business that operates it, called merchant or advertiser and a source of revenue for the e–
business that participates in it, called an affiliate or associate or publisher.
There are three ways to ... Show more content on ...
Admittedly, not quite billions of dollars but that is definitely millions of dollars of revenue every
single year.
Thousands of diverse e–businesses operate affiliate programs: E.g. barnes&nobale, dell,1–800–
flowers, rackspace managed hosting etc.
Affiliate Programs as a Marketing Tool
The two major Advantages to merchant
1. Tie marketing effort directly to a lead or sales.
2. The merchant pays only for results.
The two major Advantages to affiliate
1. Additional source of revenue for affiliate who also sells products/services
2. Primary source of revenue for affiliate who offers entertainment or information
Two Approaches to Operating a Successful Affiliate Marketing
1. Acquire a huge and affiliate membership. e.g. The Amazon associates programs have over 1
million members as diverse as:
– RVPart – Sells parts for recreational vehicles and motor homes.
– Dilbert – Site for view cartoons, play games, send electronic greeting cards etc
– Books for Managers – Site for business reviews and lists of the currant top–selling business–
related books provided by Business week, The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, USA
Today, and other publications.
– HaperCollins – Its site to promote its authors and their books. However, like many book
publishers. HaperCollins sells its books through bookstores and not directly to the public.
2. Acquire a smaller number of highly effective affiliates that have a high volume of
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Technology : An Analysis Of Reverse Engineering Attacks
This sort of assault is an independent technology itself is effective, the attacker doesn't try calling
the victim but leaves the sufferer for her feel that attacker trusted entity calling. By way of instance,
asking them and if phoning users suspicion might be raised by that this. By spoofing a from the
social engineering edition of the assault, a telephone number could be emailed to the goals a couple
of days beforehand. The email may instruct the consumers to telephone this number. In this example
would be less suspicious and more prepared to share info as she has pioneered the contact [1]. Social
networking attacks are appealing for social networks due to it may skip detection methods and
behavioral and there is a capability to reach ... Show more content on ...
Appealing for social networks because of there is a capability to reach lots of consumers in networks
that are online and it may skip detection methods and behavioral that aim to stop unsolicited contact
that is wide–spread. Not as feeling is increased, if the sufferer sees the attacker, and a greater
likelihood is that a social engineering attack is going to be successful [1].
Might raise attention, baiting the user the Client Tracking–Based VTB–RSE [Targeted] Focuses on a
specific user. However, to conduct this type of assault, the attacker must understand some preceding
information concerning the goal (like username or email address).
Amount of profiles that could have a higher likelihood Recommendation–Based RB–RSE [Targeted,
page. Mediated] systems in networks permit setting friendships based on the info in an individual's
profile. This technique is used by some networks as people who have expressed tastes, or the
standard for linking users at precisely the exact same age category.
Un–targeted Strike: In the attacker, attack of waits for, and appealing to customers Perhaps and
attacker's profile take some actions [1].
Preventing Physical Attacks
To be able to keep trade secrets additional caution is necessary, although in theory, good security
appears to be a no–brainer. Anybody who enters the building must have
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Manager Employee Relationships And Chapter 11
The chapter's that I have chosen to do the review on are Chapter 8: Manager–Employee
Relationships and Chapter 11: Zen in a Workplace. The two chapter's focus on the settings of
business related places/persons. The key concepts of chapter eight revolve around ethical ideas such
as Kant's Categorical Imperative and Dilbert's business principles. The idea behind these issues is
should the employee and employer relationship be guided by a set of significant rules? While some
employer's treat their employee generously and with great human dignity, others describe as
working under someone with different viewpoints on the matter as less than competent. Therefore,
this chapter focuses on the "right" way to approach the relationship between employee and
employer. Chapter 11 focuses on the idea of Zen within a management of a work place, and how
Gary Shishin Wick Sensei believes that the idea of Zen Buddhism benefits workers, managers and
companies themselves. This chapter analyzes how using the four contributions of Zen and
bodhisattva through a manager, inside a business environment can increase work ethic and create a
healthy, peaceful atmosphere. To begin with, chapter 8 discusses important aspects of the
relationship between a manager and their worker. The way a manager should associate with their
worker is something that has been debated for a long time. CEO of Malden Hills, Aaron Feuerstein
has been highly criticized yet applaud for the way he treated his workers after his
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Dogbert Preiconographic Review: Dog Brother
For this assignment, I chose to analyze a comic about something not too many people think about–
the downloading of apps for your phone or your computer. The comic, one of many in the "Dilbert"
comic series, portrays a man calling tech support about his surprise over one of the company's apps
stealing his information. However, instead of telling the man that they would rectify the situation,
"Dogbert" gives the man an option– upgrade to the paid subscription, or have is browser history
leaked– showing the dangers of allowing applications to have our information just by simply
downloading it. In this comic, the preiconographic analysis focus is on two men and a dog. The first
man and the dog speaking are speaking to each other– both in front
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Last Week, Pbs Broadcast “Birth Of A Movement,” A Film
Last week, PBS broadcast "Birth of a Movement," a film about the battle between William Monroe
Trotter, a firebrand African–American publisher born a few years after the end of the Civil War, and
D. W. Griffith, the filmmaker responsible for the racist classic "Birth of a Nation." Trotter, a
contemporary of W. E. B. Du Bois, was a Boston native and graduate of Harvard University, and an
uncompromising advocate for racial equality, if a bit of a loose cannon. Trotter's contempt for the
accommodationist response to Southern racism championed by, among others, Booker T.
Washington culminated in his incitement of a riot when Washington attempted to give an address in
Boston. The pivotal conflict of his career, however, was his attempt to ... Show more content on ...
Last year, Yiannopoulos was permanently banned from Twitter for his role in a campaign of racist,
sexist harassment directed at Leslie Jones, a "Saturday Night Live" cast member. When Twitter
suspended his account, Yiannopoulos denounced it as "cowardly" and declared himself a martyr for
the cause of free speech. Twitter, he said, was "a no–go zone for conservatives." The tacit admission
that Yiannopoulos sees targeted abuse of a female African–American comedian as "conservative" is
revealing, if only in that it strips away the fig leaf of euphemism separating the alt–right from the
hive of racism and sexism that defined last year's Presidential election. That it was the Berkeley
College Republicans who invited him to campus further supported this association. No chemistry
department would extend an invitation to an alchemist; no reputable department of psychology
would entertain a lecture espousing phrenology. But amid the student conservatives at Berkeley–and
along the lecture circuit where he is a sought–after speaker–Yiannopoulos's toxic brew of bigotries
apparently meets their standard for credibility. And this recognition is as big a problem as anything
he has said in his talks or in his erstwhile existence as a Twitter troll.
An even more disturbing element of the Jones incident lay in
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Bill Watson Research Paper
When you think of the Sunday Funnies, which comic comes to mind? Perhaps Peanuts, Krazy Kat,
Zits, Dilbert, Dick Tracy, Garfield, and the list goes on and on. There are countless comics that have
appeared in countless newspapers across countless years. Yet there is only one that continues to top
the lists decades after it ended production. Calvin and Hobbes, created by Bill Watterson, is one of
the most celebrated comic strips of all time. There are many reasons for the success of the strip. It
was inspired by many existing and well respected comics. Bill Watterson himself had a level of
respect for his strip that was unparalleled in the industry. Additionally, it gave its readers the feeling
of childhood wonder and excitement while simultaneously bringing up deep philosophical questions
and being beautiful art. ... Show more content on ...
William Boyd "Bill" Watterson was born on July 5, 1958 in Washington, D.C. When he was six his
family moved to Chagrin Falls, Ohio, where he spent the remainder of his childhood. Watterson was
a "quiet, obedient kid – almost Calvin's opposite" (Watterson 21). He read many comics growing up,
especially Pogo, Krazy Kat, and Peanuts. When he was eight, he drew his first cartoon. He
continued to draw cartoons throughout his school years. He was so enthralled with Peanuts that
when he was in the fourth grade, he sent a letter to Charles Schulz himself. To his surprise, Schulz
responded, and this left a big impression on Watterson. He soon realized that he wanted to become a
professional cartoonist. His parents were very supportive of this decision, and they encouraged him
to further pursuit his artistic talents. He continued sketching and drawing comics all the way until he
left home to attend Kenyon
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Printted Newspaper vs. Online Newspapers
Online newspapers vs. print newspapers
In an early morning of a winter day with cold wind and snow breeze blowing out, hardly any people
are waiting to put a quarter into an old automated newsstand to get there newspapers at a corner near
the Union Station in downtown of St. Louis city. Hardly to find young people in that crowded but
aged people are likely to prefer the traditional newspapers than the new type which is online. In
contrast, most of young people who tend to spend most of their lifetime on the internet would rather
choose online newspapers to update news. It is a recent debate whether the effectiveness of online
newspapers are against old time print newspaper.
In this paper, I am going to look at how online newspapers ... Show more content on
In the new model period, young people prefer to go online, update the news rather than reading the
printed, it is because to them, news online are faster, easy to look for what they need and they just
shut their computer down without instead of looking for a trash. They can have their lunch in a
coffee shop; scroll down for the news instead of open page by page. But they forget that, that will
put more pressure on their eyes without their notice.
" ..There is no doubt that growth in electronic media is the future, but there is still a future for
print.", said Larry Killman, World Association of Newspapers. ("Paper battle online new sites") In
the near future, we can see that the tendency of the newspaper will be decreasing but it will not be
gone for the next at least 10 years. From those information above, and in my opinion, the young
ages are getting lazier and they rather sit in their room, look at the screen than go out and pick a
newspaper, and since the new technology provide a small, convenience, reasonable price laptop, the
number of people have their own laptop is increasing enormously. Beside that, most of the online
news is free, while you have to pay for the newspaper everyday if you want to read the printed. I
read online news everyday in the morning and it is very convenient for me because as a student, I
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Rived After Failure
The best way to get rid of a fear is to face it head on. Instead of cowering under your blankets at the
monster in your closet, you should get out of bed, turn the light on, and prove to yourself that
nothing is there. Too many people stay under their blankets to avoid facing failure, even though it is
never as scary as it seems in the light! If you want to overcome your fear of failure, then use the
following tips to make it so tiny it doesn't hold you back. Look To People Who Have Thrived After
Failure Scott Adams had a lot of failures, yet he ended up creating Dilbert, one of the most famous
comic strips ever. He says that he embraces failure and then 'picks its pocket'. If you want to learn
about how to deal with failure, then his book on failure is obviously something you want to check
out. But, his story is not the only story out there. Many successful people have big ... Show more
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And, the good news is that we have all kinds of information at our fingertips to help us develop our
knowledge or technique. All we have to do is go out and use what we learn to develop our skills.
Some skills you develop for one goal will help you out with another goal. Or, you can combine
skills to increase your confidence when approaching something new. But the point is that having
experience is one of the best ways to move through your fear of failure. Build A Plan Failure can
happen with or without a plan, but your confidence will increase when you have a plan set in place
to achieve your goals. The very action of taking a predetermined step that has the potential to move
you towards your goal will help remove the unknown and make you feel more confident. Again,
reading other people's success stories can come in handy here. Many people are willing to share
their blueprint for success, and while following it doesn't guarantee your success, it does increase
your chances exponentially! Recognize That Fears Don't Often Come
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History of Football Essay
HISTORY OF FOOTBALL The history of football is interesting as well as exciting, from the first
forms of the game ever played, to the multi million dollar organizations of today. The game
continues to evolve and change with the times. Football is a sport that evolved from many different
games. Football is mainly known as a different form of rugby or soccer, but there is more to the
origin of the game than just those two sports. Football games were played around the world before
the game was actually called football. " Football is believed to have descended from a Greek game
called Harpaston " (Source C). The rules in Harpaston were not very strict. Running, kicking, or
passing the ball across the goal line could earn points. " It ... Show more content on
The first professional games took place between athletic clubs. The first player to play for money
was William W. "Pudge" Heffelinger. "Heffelinger played at Yale University where he made the
Walter Camp All American team for three straight years. Heffelinger was paid five hundred dollars
to play a game for the Allegheny Athletic Association of Pittsburgh. Heffelinger is known as the first
professional football player" (Source H). The first professional to sign a contract was Grant Dilbert
who signed with the Pittsburgh Athletic Club. Soon after this, many teams started paying money for
the best players. "On September 17 1920 representatives met to form the American Professional
Football Association (APFA)" (Source H). In 1922 the APFA was renamed the National Football
League (NFL). During this time, any town that could fund the money was forming a football team,
even two Philadelphia baseball teams established professional football teams. During this time,
professional football was not as popular as college football. Due to betting and recruiting scandals,
Americans were not as interested in the NFL as they were in the collegiate games. The league
reached an all time low in 1932 when it had a membership of eight teams. However, over time the
formation of legendary teams like the Decatur Staleys, later renamed the Chicago Bears, and the
small town Green Bay Packers, and also due to the emergence of heroic players, this new league
would win
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Censorship And Self-Analysis
One aspect of starting a broadcast program is the relative lack of oversight. While I still had a
journalism adviser, that adviser was currently being drawn and quartered by a yearbook, a
newspaper, a grant committee, and academic competitions. I needed to be self–sufficient. At the
time, I had a vague ambition to cover each of the school's student clubs – something I would go on
to abandon almost immediately. My adviser advised me to start with a club I was familiar with;
somewhere I could fail with some leniency. Being an elective art student, I grabbed a DSLR and
headed to an Art Club meeting. Entering room F117 was strange. I was walking into my regular art
room, as I had done a dozen times before, but it was different. Something you learn ... Show more
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Apparently, I had established journalism dibs. Looking back on the day, hardly anyone realized I
was filming them, and not just taking a few pictures. After I had spent about 10 minutes roaming
through a couple dozen art club members, I moved towards my art teacher, one of the club's
sponsors. Twenty minutes before, I had tried fruitlessly to locate a tripod; however, as 'fruitlessly'
implies, I came up empty. Instead, I resorted to stacking several art history textbooks in a far corner.
While she painted a white banner advertising a tie–dye shirt sale, I asked a few unremarkable
questions I had scrawled onto a small yellow notepad. "What is art club?" and "Who can join?"
stand out in my mind. As I would later find out, the mundanity of my questions rubbed her the
wrong way. Returning my equipment to the journalism room's cabinet and heading home, SD card
in hand, I was feeling confident. But when I loaded up the footage that night, I found a pretty major
issue. At some point, in all my self–starting genius, I had turned off the camera's microphone. I had
captured audio of random conversations, pencil scribbling, and popcorn munching, but somehow
managed to record a silent
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Response Essay
Response: How to Get a Real Education
Scott Adams shares with us the ideal framework for an entrepreneurial curriculum. In his article
How to Get a Real Education, he reinforces the fact that the whole is far greater than the sum of
these parts, especially in the context of an entrepreneur. Adams tells us of a couple stories from
when he was in college and how he used the skills of an entrepreneur to become successful. He saw
opportunities, sometimes embedded within problems, and worked them to his favor. This is what he
referred to when speaking of the learned skill of transforming "nothing into something", which is a
skill that obviously applies to business. His basic idea is that much academic–oriented education is
wasted on many ... Show more content on ...
Why not allow them to develop their strengths a little more and focus a little less on classes that
might be enriching but otherwise meaningless?
Scott Adams states "students should be taught that failure is a process, not an obstacle", and I
couldn't agree with him more. There are many risks taken throughout the college years of your life
and that's not always a bad thing. The hard part is learning to accept and move past a failed attempt
at one of those risks. Unfortunately, I think the things that are most likely to teach students problem
solving skills are also the sorts of things to get their funding cut, at least the K–12 part of schooling.
Student organizations, theater and arts. Of course, I also think schools should be teaching a lot more
business stuff to the kids in trade schools, since they're far more likely to end up running a business
than students in the college prep classes. As far as fail forward, Adams mentions "the trick is to get
paid while you're doing the failing and to use the experience to gain skills that will be useful later
on." I've learned that after each new job I've started, I was able to bring some kind of skill from my
previous field and in turn, it has made me a better worker.
Adams could have ended up being a "B student" who felt inferior his whole life for not being the
child who brought home A's to his parents. Instead,
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Case Study : Lockheed Martin
Trident University
Joan Lampley
Module 2 Case Assignment
ETH 301: Business Ethics
Professor Shah
10 July, 2017
Lockheed Martin had its ups and downs, but after being on high too long, questions arose. Strategies
were used to accelerate the success of the company, some were more unorthodox than others, but
resulted in positive feedback until the 1950s. Backdoor deals were the way games were played in
the industry. The overall success for Lockheed Martin was majorly contributed by the Defensive
Industry Initiative (DII). After all is said and done, Augustine and Dilbert's contribution helped
create an ethics program that caused Lockheed Martin to turn the corner. After difficulties ascended
in the persuasion of gaining government funds, Lockheed's executives turned to unorthodox sale
methods. They found willing countries to partner with, some with access to extra funds that wouldn't
be tracked closely. At this time, bribery overseas was not even illegal under American law;
Corporations doing business in other countries were presumed to be subject to the laws in those
places (Terris, 2005, p.56). The numbers of aircrafts sold were lower than the company had hoped
for. A financial disaster was avoided by using a questionable business practice. After taking another
large gamble, Lockheed reengaged with their overseas executives to increase cash flow, sometimes
in the form of corrugated orange cardboard boxes and airline flight bags stuffed with
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Revamping The Education System : The Benefits Of A...
Chris Johncox
English 1–A
September 11th, 2014
Revamping the Education System
The Benefits of a Privatized, Voluntary Schooling Structure
We have grown up in a culture that has told us that America is number one – that we are the best, the
sole superpower, the leader who must take charge. However, America still lags behind in education,
a crucial element of a successful nation. How can America lead the world when our youth are taught
poorly? This problem is amplified in lower income areas and states where education standards are
lackluster. Whether because of lack of interest caused by conformity, feeling of entrapment on the
students' parts or the government's poor school management, the education system needs
improvement. ... Show more content on ...
The American education system is becoming similar to those of totalitarian states that owned a
monopoly on education. The free market competition among schools would encourage learning
based on individual student needs and interest. A custom built system to educate each individual
student to their fullest would be achieved. This would also motivate schools to invest their budgets
according to students' needs. Scott Adams, the creator the Dilbert comic strip, addressed what he
believed learning should be about in his essay How to Get a Real Education. Adams states a real
education involves "combining skills" and "taking risks," a successful attribute of any entrepreneur
(qtd.. in 100). A privatized school system would undoubtedly prepare students for such endeavors.
In the United States, many parents send their kids to learn for the sole reason that they would not get
arrested. This sort of mentality brought upon the death of Communist regimes, where voluntary
initiative was frowned upon and progress only occurred at the barrel of a gun. There's nothing worse
for a student than to shamble from class to class like a zombie to learn uninteresting subjects from
teachers who do not always care, with students they do not like. Schools should attract students, not
drag them into the classroom kicking and screaming. The reason school is frowned upon by the
youth is because it is structured like a prison, sharing traits like limiting
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The Growing Importance Of Ethical Business Managers
The Growing Importance of Ethical Business Managers
Julia Shaw & Hillary Shaw (2010) describe that the need for ethical business managers and
practices has never been greater. Recent financial scandals have exposed issues in the management
decision–making process, suggesting a need to develop the necessary analytical and empathetic
qualities so future corporate leaders may be moral managers (Julia Shaw & Hillary Shaw, 2010).
This recent pattern of business misconduct (Michaelson, 2015) and single–minded pursuit of profit
has made the promotion of ethical values a key concern for modern business organizations (Julia
Shaw & Hillary Shaw, 2010). This paper will discuss how literary fiction (i.e. novels, literature,
narrative, fiction, drama, comics) can help organizations develop ethical managers by discussing (1)
the growing importance of ethical business managers (2) the benefits of a novel approach to
business ethics, and (3) the moral value of literary fiction to business.
During the past few years, many companies have seen their reputations plummet in the wake of
various corporate scandals (Julia Shaw & Hillary Shaw, 2010). With this context of an amoral and
inept set of global management practices, Julia Shaw & Hillary Shaw (2010) propose the need for a
new breed of manager, namely the moral manager. While Eastwood describes that "leadership is an
essentially moral act," he elaborates that there is a disconnection between this notion and the
behavior of some business
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Malden Mills Ethical Question
William M. Grissett
Business ethics
WK 4 Research paper
Malden Mills Ethical question
June 25, 2009
Aaron Feuerstein greeted the brisk New England morning of December 11th, 1995 with unusual
optimism, especially for a man almost seventy years old. After all Malden
Mills was the last of the New England garment factories, and a century old family business besides!
Known as the leading innovator, producer, and marketer of branded, high quality performance
textiles for the outdoor products industry may require a much younger man he mused. Little did he
know that before the day ended he would be faced with the biggest decision in Malden Mills'
Samuel Slater, a former apprentice in a British mechanized textile factory ... Show more content on ...
Corporate social responsibility emphasizes the participation of the organization in a larger society
and its responsibility to support good causes. It emphasizes corporate citizenship, philanthropy, and
community support and recognizes community–based obligations and responsibilities.
Feuerstein has an impressive record of philanthropy in the community, having supported a number
of groups, activities, and religious organizations. From Malden Mills he has provided blankets and
garments for homeless children in the New York area, for relief efforts to Kurdish refugees,
displaced persons in Kosovo and numerous other disaster areas around the world. In August 1999,
the company donated 2,000 Polartec fleece blankets for Turkish relief following a devastating
earthquake. Later that year the spirit of giving continued with the donation of 150 Polartec Wellness
Hats to ovarian cancer patients. Where did Feuerstein get his extraordinary ideas about worker–
management relations and corporate responsibility? Feuerstein, an Orthodox–Jew, draws from the
religious tradition of The Golden–Rule Model, which states that one should always treat other
people in the same way he or she would want to be treated. In other words, when confronted with
any ethical issues, each individual should identify the available
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Organisational Politics
"Politics is how interests and influence play out in an institution." – Benjamin Franklin
Organisation is a coalition of interest, so exists in the identification and solution of the problem. In
the process of negotiation for consensus, politicking takes place. Therefore, the existence of power
and politics is the inevitable phenomena in every organisation. In order to manage and to be
managed in the organisation efficiently every individual starting from the top to bottom needs to
have knowledge of power and politics in the organisation.
Organizational politics is an inescapable and intrinsic reality. Organizational politics is so intricately
woven with management system that relationships, norms, ... Show more content on
However, politics is a self–serving behaviour not sanctioned by organisations. When people play
politics it causes disharmony, conflict, stress, anxiety and uncertainty in the organisations.
Understanding of organizations' political systems – key to success
Understanding of organizations' political systems is absolutely essential for leadership to maneuver
the company towards the goals. Internally grown managers will have an advantage of knowledge of
general political conditions prevailing in the company (different coalitions and centers of influence
which can create buy in or create road blocks). Managers from outside must put efforts to learn and
understand the existing organizational politics through keen observation and focused interaction
with different groups of people. Some of the indicators available for leaders to assess political
climate is general job satisfaction levels, responsiveness to innovative ideas, and efficacy of decision
making machinery and speed of implementation of decisions. Understanding is the key for managers
to exploit and smother organizational politics and also to enhance their own managerial credibility.
Effect of organizational politics
Organizational politics is prevalent in most of the organisation at present. They may grow more due
to lack of values, openness, accommodating nature etc. But organisational politics results in increase
in interpersonal conflict, inter–group conflict, wastage
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Why Is College Value Important
College Value: The Echo of a Student Orchestra
For all my virtuous endeavors I have learned a profound truth; the journey to perfection requires
many elementary strides. In the pursuit of an education, I believe that striving for perfection leads to
accomplishment; equally valued, to the length and direction of the stride. Considering whether the
investment in a college education is worth the return or a waste of time we must also consider the
perspective of those who would introspect. Acknowledging the obvious ambiguity of worth and
value, infinite perspectives regarding education emerge. Whether you are an investor pursuing
financial gain, a philosopher seeking enlightenment or a proletariat considering employment, reward
will reflect ... Show more content on ...
(Adams 98) Whether these authors are touting higher education or vocational endeavors, whether
they believe college is worth the investment or a waste of money; one could summarize that the
value of college is subjective, based on personal constructs, and its' benefit, an echo of character. I
would encourage the untrained ear to listen for the harmony in the echoes.
We have all heard the song from educators and parents alike who tell us that the key to success is;
school, plus hard work, plus college, equals a good job. With fewer jobs available in the modern
economy it is understandable why potential students might think of a different question, asking,
"How do I become successful?" Singing to the novice learner seeking the fundamentals for success,
Steinberg sarcastically responds, "Short of becoming a reality TV star, the answer is rote and...
rather knee–jerk: Earn a college degree" (Steinberg 116) The internet is riddled with statistics
proving that those who obtain a college degree, do in fact, earn more money than those without. Fig
1 demonstrates both higher earnings and lower unemployment; respectively, with levels of
education. In contrast to these statistics Steinberg does not preach to those who are likely to end up
in the green. Interestingly, he points out the length of time and extent of money wasted
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The "Delta Forces" Causing Change in Human Resource...

~. " .,
The "DELTAForces" Causing Change in Human ResourceManagement
Allen 1.Kraut Abraham K. Korman
The world ofwork in which human resource management
operates has changed dramatically in thelast half century. Not surprisingly, therefore, the HRM
concepts and practices being created and carried Ollt today are also increasingly different from those
of the past. Planners and practitioners who understand this and who also have a way LOanticipate
the coming changes and needed HRM a practices of the future will provide thcir organizations
Wit11 strate. gic competitive advantage. It is our view that virtually all the changes we see in HRM
concepts and practices are in response to changing social, ... Show more content on
Birth staúsúcs tell us how many people there will be to employ. For example, Americans born
during the low birthrate years of the 1930s formed a relatively small cohort. Yet they entered the
workforce during the 1950s and 1960s, a long period ofunparalleled growth and expansion in the
post–World War II economy. Being much in demand, these workers stepped onto an escalator to
career growth ano prosperity that often seemed to exceed their individual work achievements.
Similarly, we can see important if
.– _....
periodically doing an environmental "sean" of the forees that are likely to have an impaet in the
Exhibít 1.1. The DELTA Forces of Change . on the Human Resource Enviroriment. t::. The Five
DELTA Forces
We believe that the signifieant environmental HRM policy and practice fall into five sets: forees
· ·
DemograPhics refers to those aspeets
of the quantity
and quality
of the workforce itself that are determined by birth rates, participation by women and minorities,
immigration, migration, and edueation. E.conomicscovers issues like the basis of the national
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Success In America
Success is a Major Key American soccer stars Clint Dempsey and Michael Bradley have started a
combined 205 matches for the US National Team. In 2014 the holy grail tournament of soccer
started the world cup, Michael Bradley and Clint Dempsey started every game and displayed their
skills to the whole world on the biggest stage. After the World Cup had ended for the Americans
most people knew who Michael Bradley and Clint Dempsey were. They became American heroes
but showing their success by displaying their underrated skills. Success in contemporary America is
defined by skill, and two embodiments of skill in America are Clint Dempsey and Michael Bradley.
Many people have different views on success like Scott Adams and Malcolm Gladwell. Scott ...
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Scoring goals and playing abroad are big indicators of skill and success in the game of soccer and
Clint Dempsey and Michael Bradley display these two accomplishments extremely well. I saw Clint
Dempsey and Michael Bradley show their skill setting up one of the fastest goals in World Cup
history. Every american wants to be successful and skill is the definition of success. So either you
work hard to gain your skill or you use your skill to rise to the top and be the best you can be.
Everybody wants to be successful, that's why skill is important , because it leads to
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Max Webber
MAX WEBER By: JD Mojica Life and career Max Weber was born on April 21, 1864, the eldest of
seven children, and grew up in a cultured bourgeois household, ruled by a strong authoritarian
father. At University in Heidelberg, Weber studied economics, medieval history and philosophy as
well as law. A period of military service brought him under the care of his uncle, Hermann
Baumgarten, a historian, and his wife. Both uncle and aunt acted as mentors to Weber, the former as
a liberal who treated him as an intellectual peer, the latter as a person who impressed him with her
deep sense of social responsibility towards her charitable work. Both offered a stark contrast to
Weber's father, who treated his son with patronizing authoritarianism. ... Show more content on ...
Bureaucratization Weber recognized the dangers of bureaucratization and spoke of how
measurement processes could turn people into cogs in a machine. In this, Weber's reflections are not
too distant from Marx's theories of alienation. Although organizational bureaucratization increases
efficiency and the capability for greater production that mechanical efficiency also threatens to
dehumanize its participants. Weber also believed, however, that the only way people could make a
significant contribution was to subjugate their personalities and desires to the impersonal goals and
procedures of large scale organizations. Paradoxically, Weber believed that the only way to escape
such a mechanical future was for a charismatic leader to transform the organization into something
new. Bureaucracy became the model for the twentieth century organization, and was encapsulated in
the organization of Alfred Sloan's General Motors and Harold Geneen's ITT. Perhaps the mundanity
and regularity of bureaucratic, corporate life was best described in William Whyte's The
Organization Man (1956) in which the individual was taken over by the bureaucratic machine, in the
name of efficiency. A more recent and humorous interpretation of life in a bureaucracy has been
depicted by Scott Adams in The Dilbert Principle. The bureaucracy may have outlived its age of
supremacy, but it is still hard to foresee a future without any need for the order,
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Response of Law to New Technology: Contraception Essay
The rapid advances in science and medicine since 1950, and especially the advances in computer
technology since 1980, have revolutionized the way society functions. It is widely recognized that
our society is making a transition from the industrial manufacturing age to an information age. In
contrast, the U.S. Constitution and most of our common law was written when people lived in an
agrarian economy prior to 1850. Law has been slow to adapt to the choices posed by technology.
While I believe that knowledge, opportunities, and choices are inherently Good, there are the
possibilities of (1) prohibiting or restricting use of new technologies for no good reason or (2) of
misusing technology to harm people. Law that made sense in 1850, or ... Show more content on ...
Mail by the Comstock Law, together with "obscene, lewd or lascivious" publications.
See U.S. v. Chase, 135 U.S. 255, 257 (1890); Andrews v. U.S., 162 U.S. 420 (1896). As a result,
condoms were sold for prevention of sexually–transmitted disease (i.e.,
"prophylactics"), not as contraceptives.
Some state statutes, notably in Connecticut, prohibited the distribution of information about
contraception and also prohibited the distribution of contraceptive devices or drugs.
The U.S. Supreme Court in a series of three famous decisions, invalidated laws making
contraception illegal.
In Griswold v. Connecticut, 381 U.S. 479 (1965), the U.S. Supreme Court invalidated a Connecticut
state law that prohibited use of contraceptives and also prohibited any person (including a physician
or pharmacist) from giving advice about contraception. Because Griswold, who was director of a
Planned Parenthood clinic and a professor at Yale Medical School, was giving married people
information, instruction, and medical advice about contraception, this case is sometimes said to
uphold the right of married people to have information about contraception.
In Eisenstadt v. Baird. 405 U.S. 438 (1972), the U.S. Supreme Court invalidated a Massachusetts
state law that prohibited the sale or gift of nonprescription contraceptives. Because Baird gave a can
of spermicidal foam to an adult unmarried woman, this case upholds the right of
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Employee Engagement : A Positive Emotional Attachment
Employee engagement has gained rapid attention in the past five to ten years and all for the right
reasons. Data shows that engaged employees tend to perform better at their jobs and also surpass
expectations when it comes to helping colleagues, members and the organization. Employee
engagement can be defined as a positive emotional attachment that a person forms with an
organization leading to behaviors that drive productivity and boost performance. The goal of
employee engaging is to provide maximum satisfaction to the employee while in return getting
maximum contribution from them.
In my previous job from 2010 to 2014, I worked for a small non–profit association. Employee
engagement was not at all discussed or performed at the ... Show more content on ...
From the employee perspective, my current employer sees engagement more like a system than a
goal. Scott Adams, creator of the Dilbert comic strip, emphasizes the difference between goals and
systems in his book "How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big." If engagement just
becomes a goal, a percentage to reach the organization will be in a constant state of failure until they
succeed and then there's nothing to pursue afterwards. But when there's a system for employee
engagement, there's a continuous effort to become better which in turn provides a sense of
fulfillment to the employer and the employee.
"Goal–oriented people exist in a state of continuous pre–success failure at best, and permanent
failure at worst if things never work out. Systems people succeed every time they apply their
systems, in the sense that they did what they intended to do. The goals people are fighting the
feeling of discouragement at each turn. The systems people are feeling good every time they apply
their system. That's a big difference in terms of maintaining your personal energy in the right
When an organization makes it a priority to create a strong connection between the organization and
the purpose and identity of an employee, it makes it much more likely that he or she will be
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Reflection On Culture And Diversity
1. From my perspective, when I think of diverse contexts, I think of a great variety of influences and
events interrelated to a particular situation. The relationship between culture and diversity is a great
variety of groups represented within a community. These variety of groups are formed by race,
ethnicity, age, ability, language, nationality, socioeconomic status, gender, religion and sexual
orientation. As an African American who is aware of the difficult challenges (such as slavery and
segregation) that my culture has endured, it has taught me to respect social, political, and cultural
differences that characterizes the people in this country. I am knowledgeable and educated on
cultural differences, which has taught me to embrace ... Show more content on ...
2. From Chapter 1 in our Reframing Organizations text, the symbolic frame makes the most sense to
me because it focuses on the issues of meaning and faith. It puts ritual, ceremony, play, story and
culture at the heart of the organizational life. From my perspective, the symbolic frame doesn't focus
on the event but rather the meaning of that particular event. This specific frame was easier to
comprehend than the other three frames.
3. As I reflected on the Dilbert cartoon, I believe the content of the narrative to ring true. For
example, I previously worked as a customer service representative for New York and Company.
There were many instances where I felt like customers didn't receive proper customer service and
the rules of the company were unethical. On my end, I didn't agree with how the customers were
handled. I expressed my dissatisfaction to management and I was informed that as long as I wanted
to be employed by this company, I had to follow their rules. Eventually I resigned from my position
because I felt guilty about how things were conducted by the company. I'm using this as a prime
example in relation to the Dilbert cartoon because most companies focus on the welfare of their
company versus the happiness of the employees, who are fulfilling the job duties. In some cases, the
welfare of the company and its corporate strategy doesn't involve what's
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Simon Dilbert Case Study
Decisions! Decisions! We are faced with different decisions all throughout the day. Will our
decisions be based on selfish motives or for the betterment of others? Will our decisions be based on
a lie or the truth? I believe most of the time my decision making is based on the betterment of
others, but of course I am not perfect, sometimes it's all about me. I try my best to treat others as I
would like them to treat me. Although, Dilbert made a humorous suggestion he could be serious.
Sometimes people speak the truth in joking around. I believe there is always a little truth in what we
say in joke and play. The manager might need to consider what else Dilbert is willing to cut corners
on that could hurt the company.
I am a Christian. ... Show more content on ...
I say it is the problem. Due to the decline in ethics, we have problems with crime, health care, and
jobs. I have a nephew who continuously gets in trouble. He goes in and out of jail. He has been in
jail for drugs. He's been in jail for robbery. He's been in jail for breaking into homes. He's been in
jail for assaulting people. He refuses to change his lifestyle. My brother who is his father used to be
a gangster. My brother sold drugs, and he too went in and out of the prison system. The last time my
brother went to prison, he spent 13 years in the Federal Penitentiary. My brother said, "He learned
his lesson", and I believe him because he has changed his life and has never gone back to jail. It was
fair and just to put my brother in prison. Unfortunately, my nephew said, "He wanted to be like his
dad", and he has lived up to it. The last time my nephew went to jail my family wanted to take up
money to bail him out. They told me about it and wanted me to help out. I told them NO! I told them
the problem is you keep bailing him out. He needs to stay in jail; maybe he will learn his lesson, but
if you keep getting him out he will never learn. My family got upset with me because I would not
help. They thought I was unfair. I believe I was fair and
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Humor and Persuasion
Humor and Persuasion
July 30, 2012
COM 323
Humor and Persuasion
Do you think of yourself as funny, humorous or a joker of sorts? Many people feel they have what it
takes to bring humor to different situations. Usually humor is used to lighten a mood or attitude and
often makes people feel happy. Understanding that humor can play a very important role in speech
enhance the awareness of the proper means and tactics in which to use humor. Persuasion often
includes various forms of humor where the person trying to persuade intertwines the humor effect
and brings lightness to the situation. Persuasion is the attempt to make others believe or comply with
the speaker's views or actions and adding humor often enables the audience ... Show more content
on ...
Diffuse status characteristics include gender, race, degree of physical attractiveness, and education.
Characteristics that are valued or considered desirable, such as being male, white, physically
attractive, and well educated, confer high status." (Seiter 135) Often men, in my opinion, will try to
incorporate humor in their speech because they want to win over the audience and women will use
humor because they are nervous. Although
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Ben and Jerrys
Ben and Jerry 's Premium Ice Cream Products Ben and Jerry 's Ice Cream is a brand name company
known worldwide. With superior marketing techniques Ben and Jerry 's has positioned themselves
to be the leader in manufacturing premium ice cream products. They have successfully targeted their
market, and there by achieved a strong customer base. The mission statement of their product line is
"to make, distribute, and sell the finest quality all natural ice cream while incorporating wholesome,
natural ingredients and promoting business practices that respect the earth and the environment".(1)
This company is known to be a monopolistically competitive, because there are still many firms and
consumers, just as in perfect competition, ... Show more content on ...
That is to say that the outside label design is readily identified as an American staple. The central
business focus of Ben and Jerry 's mandates a specific marketing mix. Principally, the product is
highly specialized, yet in a way that allows for gross variation while still appealing to a broad
consumer base. Acknowledgement, access, and affordability mitigate this range of appeal. Such
necessitates an overall marketing strategy that effectively communicates the uniqueness of their
product, which due to their premium quality, are priced above average. Concordantly, growth then
becomes a function of the range of distribution; thus scalability within the corporation culture of the
independent Vermont based company is reliant upon strong relationship with distributors. By
staying competitive in their market segment, Ben and Jerry 's have maintained market supremacy.
Ben and Jerry 's marketing is characterized by a strategic discipline that continues to build brand
equity and a solid reputation for the company overall. More importantly, they continue to build a
profitable relationship with consumers by being receptive to their tastes and responding with new
products and non–price competition like Super Premium ice cream, frozen yogurt, and, most
recently, Super Premium sorbet. It was in response to the demand for lower fat and lower
cholesterol, that the company introduced Super Premium low fat frozen yogurt in 1992. (1) In
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Personal Review: Looking At The Dilbert
Thank you, I will have a tall claussan.
Looking at the Dilbert comic, I think most of us can relate to it from some sort of work experience.
For me, it reflects on the various bosses, coaches or instructors that have preached one thing, and not
followed by example. The second half of the cartoon represents to me why a leader or manger might
avoid the conversation of asking subordinates what could be improved on, knowing full well that it
will have a cascade affect that they are not prepared to deal with.
Aristotle's quote on leadership tells me that everyone has to learn how to properly follow, as well as
learn to know who to follow, in order to one day become a great leader. It could be easy to try and
lead in the wrong direction if you don't learn the proper route first. ... Show more content on ...
Jeff Bezos, and many world changing individuals took a path not taken before and became some of
the worlds greatest leaders as a
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World War II Comic Books Failed
Man has utilized graphics since before writing was invented to communicate their thoughts and
feelings, and while for a period, the combination of both image and written word remained
underutilized, the core idea behind 'comics' or 'graphic novels' continued to develop. The subject of
these graphics range from early humans attempting to communicate information about animal
migration patterns painted on the walls of caves, to mythological stories painted onto the surface of
pottery. These images are made to be informative, or entertaining, but in general fail to deliver a
message that moves beyond the delivery of information, and between good and bad. In both pre and
post–World War II comic books failed to be much more than entertaining propaganda. Yet,
eventually comics shifted towards darker, more psychological themes, and with this change in style
came additional recognition and popularity for graphic stories as a medium. Following these
developments, many have claimed that the driving force behind the economic and critical success of
graphic stories created in this era was primarily due to the improvements in production values and
sheer mass of content created. However, it is more likely that the change in subject matter affected
the perception of comics due to the ability to evoke emotion in a fashion that just words and just
pictures could not do by themselves. The graphic narrative's unique ability to demand the reader
become a witness to the horrors of the
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Ethics At Work : Creating Virtue At An American Corporation
Ethics in the Lockheed Martin Corporation didn't always have the message it has today. As I read
through the book, Ethics at Work: Creating Virtue at an American Corporation, specifically chapter
two, I came across some very interesting issues this corporation has had to deal with over the past
few decades that go back to the 1920's and earlier. In the following I'll go over a few points that led
to the development of Lockheed Martine's current ethics program. Ill cover some ethics issues that
were overcame on the way to a great ethics program. First let's talk about the beginnings that started
the Lockheed Martin Corporation so you can get an idea of the foundation of the company itself.
The Loughead Brothers developed their first aircraft in 1913. They successfully flew this aircraft
over Alcatraz at a top speed of 63 mph. Their first military aircraft was developed a little too late for
deployment in the First World War. That untimely event sent one of the brothers, Malcom Loughead
to venture out away from the aircraft industry and left the other brother to go at it alone. So in a
since that was the first time this company faced its first major obstacle on the way up the aircraft
industry ladder. Over the years, Lockheed was bought and sold and eventually landed with Robert
Gross after he purchased it for $40,000 in 1932. Over the next three decades he turned Lockheed
into a leader in the aircraft industry. In that time Lockheed experience some great strides in
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Microsoft Powerpoint
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft PowerPoint, usually just called PowerPoint, is a non–free commercial presentation
program developed by Microsoft. It is part of the Microsoft Office suite, and runs on Microsoft
Windows and Apple's Mac OS X operating system. The current versions are Microsoft Office
PowerPoint 2010 for Windows and Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2011 for Mac.
Originally designed for the Macintosh computers, the initial release was called "Presenter",
developed by Dennis Austin[not in citation given] and Thomas Rudkin[not in citation given] of
Forethought, Inc.[1] In 1987, it was renamed to "PowerPoint" due to problems with trademarks, the
idea for the name coming from Robert Gaskins.[2] In August of the same year, ... Show more
content on ...
There are no compelling results to prove or disprove that PowerPoint is more effective for learner
retention than traditional presentation methods.[9] The effect on audiences of poor PowerPoint
presentations has been described as PowerPoint hell.
Although PowerPoint has the aforementioned benefits, some argue that PowerPoint has negatively
impacted society. The terms "Death by PowerPoint" and "PowerPoint Hell" refer to the poor use of
the software. Many large companies and branches of the government use PowerPoint as a way to
brief employees on important issues that they must make decisions about. Opponents of PowerPoint
argue that reducing complex issues to bulleted points is detrimental to the decision making process;
in other words, because the amount of information in a presentation must be condensed, viewing a
PowerPoint presentation does not give one enough detailed information to make a truly informed
A frequently cited example is Edward Tufte's analysis of PowerPoint slides prepared for briefing
NASA officials concerning possible damage to the Space Shuttle Columbia during its final launch.
[10] Tufte argues that the slides, prepared by the Boeing Corporation, had the effect of
oversimplifying the situation, and provided false assurance that the ultimately fatal damage to the
shuttle was only minimal. Tufte argued:
 The most critical
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Vulnerable Population the homeless vetrans Essay
A Vulnerable Population the Homeless Veterans
Patricia Dilbert
April 7, 2014
Deanna Radford, MSN, RN, CNE A Vulnerable Population the homeless Veterans In this
presentation, we will explore a vulnerable population with the focus on the homeless veterans.
According to Mckinney Act"(1987) A homeless person is one who lacks a fixed, regular and
adequate nighttime residence. One who has a primary nighttime residence that is a supervised
publicly or privately operated shelter, a temporary residence for individuals intended to be
institutionalized, or a public or private place not ordinarily used as a regular sleeping
accommodation for human beings. Vulnerable populations are often used to portray groups ... Show
more content on ...
Moreover, some lack the capacity to be employed because of the psychological and mental
disabilities they have acquired because of their experiences during war. In addition, their inability to
access health care services because insufficient funds hinders them from obtaining medications and
health services they need to stay well and healthy (Blue–Howells, J., McGuire, J., & Nakashima, J.,
2008). Studying the needs of the homeless veteran population, a survey was conducted to determine
the most significant need of that specific population. Forty–five percent of the respondents said they
needed assistance in being employed, while 37% of them needed assistance in paying for housing
costs (National Coalition for Homeless Veterans, 2010b). The benefits and services provided to the
veteran population should be coming from the Department of Veteran Affairs. However, the
allocation of benefits and grants are dependent upon the quality of service and personal behavior of
a veteran (McMurray–Avila, 2001).
Aside from the need of available low priced housing costs and employment, the homeless veteran
population's access to health care services is the most important because most reasons for their
inability to be employed are health related, i.e. psychologically ill or mentally disabled (such as
post–traumatic stress disorders), physically disabled, etc. Significantly more homeless veterans have
a chronic medical condition and two or more mental health
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Strengths And Weaknesses Of Mission Statement
Week 2: Mission, Vision & Values Qs
27 27 unread replies. 27 27 replies.
What are the strengths and weaknesses of EACH of the mission statement examples in this linked
file? mission_statements.pdf follow the three criteria for effective missions in this discussion.
Mission statement criteria Effective mission statements must meet three criteria:
1. They must express aspirations (goals/ideals).
2. They must provide practical guidance for strategic decisions and choices that face the
3. They must express objectives that can be tested –– there has to be some way to determine whether
or not an organization is meeting its goals.
Johnson and Johnson (Mission Statements, 2009)
Ensures that everyone is safe, looked at ... Show more content on ...
Also, decisions are made for the best interest of the customers, employees, and stakeholder through
acquisitions and being able to measure their success through sales and the satisfaction of services
throughout the community and the world.
Weaknesses of the GE mission statement/letter I couldn't find one. Unless you observe the fact that
it is so detailed that one might get a little side track or just skim for the highlights of the details that
pertain to a specific managers, employees, or stakeholders.
Anheuser Busch (AB) (Mission Statements, 2009)
Meets criteria #1 through its vision statement and that's to add enjoyment to life.
Anheuser Busch realizes that treating everyone with respect, working together, and a safe working
environment along with education of its product or consumption is needed to give practical guidance
for strategic decisions and choices that face the organization is the key to their success would meet
criteria #2.
Weaknesses would be a lack of a way to measure or determine whether the organization is meeting
its goals. (Lack of Criteria #3)
Dilbert Mission Statement Generator (Mission Statements, 2009)
Strengths Dilbert Mission Statement goal is to make you laugh about everyday office work and
decisions while holding some truths and this meets criteria #1.
Criteria #2 Dilbert Comics demonstrate meetings being scheduled to discuss reorganization and
getting rid of persons or things that
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Clowns and Cubicles Essay
Clowns and Cubicles
(A look at workplace stereotypes through their appearance in comic strips)
Stereotypes can be found in just about every aspect of society. A person engaging in any type of
social interaction is either consciously or unconsciously engaging or affected by the many ways we
stereotype people. Stereotypes while usually given a negative connotation seem to be an inherent
part of human nature. By grouping individuals into categories a person can feel more in control of
their surrounding and of their own self as a unique individual. Every person has either participated
in stereotyping or has been a target of a particular stereotype. ... Show more content on ...
The study of which is often referred as sociolects. In the world of business, manufacturing, and just
the world of general labor sociolects often determine the type of relationships one develops with the
people in their workplace. Recognizing these class distinctions is often easy. But what are the
factors that go into creating these sociolects? In a Linguistic Marketplace a person's status at his or
her job is associated with certain forms of English that are considered standard for that person's job.
(Wolfram, American English) Comic strips like those including at the end of this paper play with
these linguistic marketplace stereotypes. Before discussing the effect of language in the creation and
adoption of these stereotypes it is important to flush out some of the widely used stereotypes present
in an office environment.
The Boss "AKA The Head Honcho"
The Boss chooses his words very carefully. While his subordinates might refer to him as the "man",
the Boss is quick to establish himself as a 'friend' of the employees. How friendly is too friendly?
Although a slap on the back or a chat about the kids, is nice
... Get more on ...
Key Facts Essay
1. Detail the steps for determining the key facts in a client's case.
The steps in identifying the client's case are first, identify each cause of action possibly raised by the
facts. Next, determine the elements of each cause of action identified in step 1. Afterwards, list all
the facts possibly related to the elements of the causes of action identified in step 2. Looking up the
jury instructions at this step will most likely help to plan the case, if there is one. Lastly, determine
which of the client's facts apply to establish or satisfy the elements of each cause of action– the key
2. Detail the steps for determining the keys facts in court opinion.
The steps in determining the key facts in a case law are first, read the entire case with the following
general question in mind: What was decide about which facts? Next, look to the holding. What is the
court's answer to the legal question? How does the court apply the rule of the law to the legal
question raised? Afterwards, identify the facts necessary to the holding– the key facts. By listing all
the facts in any way related to the holding and identifying which of the listed facts are key facts and
determine the key facts.
3. Identify the background facts in the following cases:
i) Flowers v. Campbell
Plaintiff is seeking monetary damages for the ... Show more content on ...
Based on the information from the informant, the police started an investigation and eventually
submitted an affidavit requesting a warrant to search three residences and automobiles. A facially
valid search warrant was issued and pursuant to the warrant the police conducted their search. Leon
(defendant) and the other defendants filed motions to suppress the evidence obtained pursuant to the
search and the district court granted the motions, holding that the affidavit did not establish probable
cause. The United States Supreme Court granted
... Get more on ...

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Group Interview Paper

  • 1. Group Interview Paper Before I provide some insight to the individual I interviewed, I want to mention that I work as a Business Analyst for an automotive software company called Tail Light. We provide various desktop and mobile applications and an On–Board Diagnostic (OBD) device to automobiles. Our users range from personally at dealerships to the consumer who is purchasing the vehicle. Our DevOps team consist of four individuals who provide expertise in various aspects of our technology and we attempt to bridge the gap between legacy and new products. Our IT personnel is a unique bunch of gentlemen. They laugh at our expense as we, being the user, make the network the most vulnerable. Their area is filled with comic cut–outs of Dilbert and funny innuendoes ... Show more content on ... You must stay aware of not only those but the industry trends on how to deal with them and what's effective. You must get educated on the hardware and tools you've got. Whether learning on your own or with instructor–led training, you need to have a solid networking foundation and a clear understanding of all 7 layers of the OSI model. For Security, you build off of that foundation through familiarity with attack vectors and hours of poring over vulnerability notices and mitigation plans. You can't just learn this through book reading. Jeff found that hands–on experience is best because books tend to describe ideal–state situations. In his 25 years of IT work, that was rarely the case. He never experienced setting up a networking from a "tabula rasa" state and more often than not he was either trying to clean up someone else's mess or trying to make the old hardware work to align with new business constraints. For him, the first part of his career was configuring a network according to someone else's vision of how the network needs to be set up to meet those business needs. The best way to strive in this industry is to 'GET A MENTOR'. I bold this to emphasize his importance on this. Finding someone out there that knows more about networking or the network you are working on is pivotal. Learn from them, go to the area user's groups and make some new friends and exchange ideas. He was surprised at how much he picked up from veterans and how willing they usually ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Should Employees Be Characterised as Human Assets? Position Paper "Should employees be characterized as human assets?" Arthur Lok Jack GSB Student Name: Mahalia Jackson Student ID No.: 98708970 HRNM 6310: HR Management Information Systems 2012/2013 Trimester II Feb. 2013 (Dilbert by Scott Adams 1995) Introduction "Our employees are our greatest asset", is one of the statements that are commonly made by CEOs in organizations almost on a daily basis. Of course this is a true statement, as it is only through people, employees, can the strategic plans of organizations be successfully accomplished. However, do people count as "assets" in the true sense of the word? According to an asset is "...a resource with economic value that an individual, corporation ... Show more content on ... These strategies would ensure that employees are retained long enough so that the new knowledge gained from training and development is passed on to others in the organization, and therefore become "owned knowledge" by the organization. Counter Arguments There is also the belief that employees and assets are quite different on many levels such as the following:– * Mobility – assets such as plant, machinery and land do not leave organizations, but people do for various reasons such as resignation, retirement, death; * Ownership – organizations do not own their employees as they do their physical assets; * Creation – physical assets do not create, people do, with their knowledge, skills, new ideas, talents and abilities * Value – over time physical assets are devalued or depreciated as a result of wear and tear, and improved technology, however, with organizations investing in training and development of its employees, there is an increase in the value and contribution of employees over time.
  • 6. * Financial Accounting – physical assets are recorded on financial statements as assets whereas employees' salaries and other benefits such as pensions are recorded as expenses or liabilities. This is so because in order for an asset investment to appear on a balance sheet one of the criteria that it must meet is that the company must ... Get more on ...
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  • 10. The Importance Of Ethics : Organizational Ethics And CSR Dontay Phillips Case #4 ETH 301 Organizational Ethics and CSR Trident University International The Importance of Ethics Ethics programs are becoming more popular in modern day businesses. Ethics programs present employees with clear guidelines regarding expectable behavior. They also ensure your company is in compliance with all laws and regulations with in your specific industry. As you can imagine these are all very important things an ethics program can provide. Today I want to talk a little more about Lockheed's ethics program. I also want to critique some other impacting issues faced with in the company. It is said that Lockheed's ethics program does little to prevent ethical breaches at the highest level of the organization. Lockheed's ethic program was a simple way to protect their company against employee misconducts. Ethical violations can range from anything such as employer intimidation to safety violations. Lockheed had a morals awareness program which truly kicked off with Dilbert in the year of 1997. Morals administrators should have been aware after receiving multiple calls about the problem. This was an introduction to trust issues within the association. Lockheed's workers in general have given input that the ethic project is beneficial and senior administration keep on trumpeting morals as a company. More evidence that shows that Lockheed ethics program does little to prevent ethical breaches is that workers still live under the danger of ... Get more on ...
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  • 14. Lockheed Martin Case Summary 1) Describe some of the unorthodox strategies covered by Terris during this era that made Lockheed become "...a byword for the shady practices of American multi–national corporations, and a major impetus for new legislation...". Daniel Terris gave an interesting assessment on the ethics program for the security of short term employees for organizations. In 1996 there was a framework exhibited that would rely upon the prepackaged board game; sort of like the game "Mystery Express" that would use the casts from the line of the Dilbert toon. This was a framework that was started by the Lockheed Martin's CEO; Norman Augustine raises that by placing commitment on each expert for the correct estimations of their own actions may involve thought from ... Show more content on ... This is alluded to the methodology of deciding the genuine issue by making the issue circumstance. They could get the assistance of workers through coordinated effort. They had faith in the business ethics, they imagined this was a sort of connected ethics that review moral values and in addition the moral or potentially moral issues that may create in an expert circumstance. This would identify with all bits of the business alongside the conduct of the general population and associations. With regards to business ethics they have controlling and illustrative estimations. The degree of good business issues supports the lead with non–fiscal ... Get more on ...
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  • 18. Dilbert's Review: A Summary This comic strip is called "Explaining creativity" and is composed by Scott Adams. It effectively covers the difficulties that we have separating the correlational from casual explanations of creativity. Creative people cannot stop themselves from creating and this a form of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder(OCD). In the comic, Dilbert is expressing the fact that is creative as he has ADHD, Dyslexia, Bipolar Disorder, as well as Schizophrenia. People with ADHD often generate new ideas and have unique ways of looking at things and as a result, brilliant creative insights emerge from these times when the mind is doing its own thing. Like ADHD, Dyslexia comes with many benefits such as having the ability to use their critical thinking when solving ... Show more content on ... Although, illnesses such as schizophrenia actually decrease creativity, as people are more creative when they are in a positive mood. As seen in the comic, Dilbert feels sorry for people who go through life without inspiration. He seems stunned at the fact that the boss is a normal person. Although some may view his illnesses as a negative impact, he is certainly proud that he has a gifted mind and the fact that he is multitalented with many interests and abilities. However, it may be difficult for him to fit into society unless appropriate recognition and understanding to enable equality has been put in place. The advantage of mental illnesses is that they set you apart from the normal world and as Vlamir Tatlin said, "The ideal state for the artist is total alienation". It is known for a fact that people who suffer from mental illnesses consistently view the world around them more realistically than mentally healthy people who are biased towards optimism. In the comic, Dilbert's illnesses are not viewed with proper acknowledgment and others are ignorant of the benefits that come along with ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. Essay On Affiliate Marketing Online Affiliate Marketing is a revenue sharing venture between a website owner and an online merchant. The website owner will place advertisements on his websites to either help sell the merchant's products or to send potential customers to the merchant's website, all in exchange for a share of the profits. Affiliate Marketing Program An affiliate marketing program is sometimes called an affiliate program, but also may be referred to as a pay–for–performance program or an associate program. An affiliate program is a marketing tool for the e–business that operates it, called merchant or advertiser and a source of revenue for the e– business that participates in it, called an affiliate or associate or publisher. There are three ways to ... Show more content on ... Admittedly, not quite billions of dollars but that is definitely millions of dollars of revenue every single year. Thousands of diverse e–businesses operate affiliate programs: E.g. barnes&nobale, dell,1–800– flowers, rackspace managed hosting etc. Affiliate Programs as a Marketing Tool The two major Advantages to merchant 1. Tie marketing effort directly to a lead or sales. 2. The merchant pays only for results. The two major Advantages to affiliate 1. Additional source of revenue for affiliate who also sells products/services 2. Primary source of revenue for affiliate who offers entertainment or information Two Approaches to Operating a Successful Affiliate Marketing 1. Acquire a huge and affiliate membership. e.g. The Amazon associates programs have over 1 million members as diverse as: – RVPart – Sells parts for recreational vehicles and motor homes. – Dilbert – Site for view cartoons, play games, send electronic greeting cards etc – Books for Managers – Site for business reviews and lists of the currant top–selling business– related books provided by Business week, The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and other publications. – HaperCollins – Its site to promote its authors and their books. However, like many book
  • 23. publishers. HaperCollins sells its books through bookstores and not directly to the public. 2. Acquire a smaller number of highly effective affiliates that have a high volume of ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Technology : An Analysis Of Reverse Engineering Attacks This sort of assault is an independent technology itself is effective, the attacker doesn't try calling the victim but leaves the sufferer for her feel that attacker trusted entity calling. By way of instance, asking them and if phoning users suspicion might be raised by that this. By spoofing a from the social engineering edition of the assault, a telephone number could be emailed to the goals a couple of days beforehand. The email may instruct the consumers to telephone this number. In this example would be less suspicious and more prepared to share info as she has pioneered the contact [1]. Social networking attacks are appealing for social networks due to it may skip detection methods and behavioral and there is a capability to reach ... Show more content on ... Appealing for social networks because of there is a capability to reach lots of consumers in networks that are online and it may skip detection methods and behavioral that aim to stop unsolicited contact that is wide–spread. Not as feeling is increased, if the sufferer sees the attacker, and a greater likelihood is that a social engineering attack is going to be successful [1]. Might raise attention, baiting the user the Client Tracking–Based VTB–RSE [Targeted] Focuses on a specific user. However, to conduct this type of assault, the attacker must understand some preceding information concerning the goal (like username or email address). Amount of profiles that could have a higher likelihood Recommendation–Based RB–RSE [Targeted, page. Mediated] systems in networks permit setting friendships based on the info in an individual's profile. This technique is used by some networks as people who have expressed tastes, or the standard for linking users at precisely the exact same age category. Un–targeted Strike: In the attacker, attack of waits for, and appealing to customers Perhaps and attacker's profile take some actions [1]. Preventing Physical Attacks To be able to keep trade secrets additional caution is necessary, although in theory, good security appears to be a no–brainer. Anybody who enters the building must have ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Manager Employee Relationships And Chapter 11 The chapter's that I have chosen to do the review on are Chapter 8: Manager–Employee Relationships and Chapter 11: Zen in a Workplace. The two chapter's focus on the settings of business related places/persons. The key concepts of chapter eight revolve around ethical ideas such as Kant's Categorical Imperative and Dilbert's business principles. The idea behind these issues is should the employee and employer relationship be guided by a set of significant rules? While some employer's treat their employee generously and with great human dignity, others describe as working under someone with different viewpoints on the matter as less than competent. Therefore, this chapter focuses on the "right" way to approach the relationship between employee and employer. Chapter 11 focuses on the idea of Zen within a management of a work place, and how Gary Shishin Wick Sensei believes that the idea of Zen Buddhism benefits workers, managers and companies themselves. This chapter analyzes how using the four contributions of Zen and bodhisattva through a manager, inside a business environment can increase work ethic and create a healthy, peaceful atmosphere. To begin with, chapter 8 discusses important aspects of the relationship between a manager and their worker. The way a manager should associate with their worker is something that has been debated for a long time. CEO of Malden Hills, Aaron Feuerstein has been highly criticized yet applaud for the way he treated his workers after his ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Dogbert Preiconographic Review: Dog Brother For this assignment, I chose to analyze a comic about something not too many people think about– the downloading of apps for your phone or your computer. The comic, one of many in the "Dilbert" comic series, portrays a man calling tech support about his surprise over one of the company's apps stealing his information. However, instead of telling the man that they would rectify the situation, "Dogbert" gives the man an option– upgrade to the paid subscription, or have is browser history leaked– showing the dangers of allowing applications to have our information just by simply downloading it. In this comic, the preiconographic analysis focus is on two men and a dog. The first man and the dog speaking are speaking to each other– both in front ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Last Week, Pbs Broadcast “Birth Of A Movement,” A Film Last week, PBS broadcast "Birth of a Movement," a film about the battle between William Monroe Trotter, a firebrand African–American publisher born a few years after the end of the Civil War, and D. W. Griffith, the filmmaker responsible for the racist classic "Birth of a Nation." Trotter, a contemporary of W. E. B. Du Bois, was a Boston native and graduate of Harvard University, and an uncompromising advocate for racial equality, if a bit of a loose cannon. Trotter's contempt for the accommodationist response to Southern racism championed by, among others, Booker T. Washington culminated in his incitement of a riot when Washington attempted to give an address in Boston. The pivotal conflict of his career, however, was his attempt to ... Show more content on ... Last year, Yiannopoulos was permanently banned from Twitter for his role in a campaign of racist, sexist harassment directed at Leslie Jones, a "Saturday Night Live" cast member. When Twitter suspended his account, Yiannopoulos denounced it as "cowardly" and declared himself a martyr for the cause of free speech. Twitter, he said, was "a no–go zone for conservatives." The tacit admission that Yiannopoulos sees targeted abuse of a female African–American comedian as "conservative" is revealing, if only in that it strips away the fig leaf of euphemism separating the alt–right from the hive of racism and sexism that defined last year's Presidential election. That it was the Berkeley College Republicans who invited him to campus further supported this association. No chemistry department would extend an invitation to an alchemist; no reputable department of psychology would entertain a lecture espousing phrenology. But amid the student conservatives at Berkeley–and along the lecture circuit where he is a sought–after speaker–Yiannopoulos's toxic brew of bigotries apparently meets their standard for credibility. And this recognition is as big a problem as anything he has said in his talks or in his erstwhile existence as a Twitter troll. An even more disturbing element of the Jones incident lay in ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Bill Watson Research Paper When you think of the Sunday Funnies, which comic comes to mind? Perhaps Peanuts, Krazy Kat, Zits, Dilbert, Dick Tracy, Garfield, and the list goes on and on. There are countless comics that have appeared in countless newspapers across countless years. Yet there is only one that continues to top the lists decades after it ended production. Calvin and Hobbes, created by Bill Watterson, is one of the most celebrated comic strips of all time. There are many reasons for the success of the strip. It was inspired by many existing and well respected comics. Bill Watterson himself had a level of respect for his strip that was unparalleled in the industry. Additionally, it gave its readers the feeling of childhood wonder and excitement while simultaneously bringing up deep philosophical questions and being beautiful art. ... Show more content on ... William Boyd "Bill" Watterson was born on July 5, 1958 in Washington, D.C. When he was six his family moved to Chagrin Falls, Ohio, where he spent the remainder of his childhood. Watterson was a "quiet, obedient kid – almost Calvin's opposite" (Watterson 21). He read many comics growing up, especially Pogo, Krazy Kat, and Peanuts. When he was eight, he drew his first cartoon. He continued to draw cartoons throughout his school years. He was so enthralled with Peanuts that when he was in the fourth grade, he sent a letter to Charles Schulz himself. To his surprise, Schulz responded, and this left a big impression on Watterson. He soon realized that he wanted to become a professional cartoonist. His parents were very supportive of this decision, and they encouraged him to further pursuit his artistic talents. He continued sketching and drawing comics all the way until he left home to attend Kenyon ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Printted Newspaper vs. Online Newspapers Online newspapers vs. print newspapers In an early morning of a winter day with cold wind and snow breeze blowing out, hardly any people are waiting to put a quarter into an old automated newsstand to get there newspapers at a corner near the Union Station in downtown of St. Louis city. Hardly to find young people in that crowded but aged people are likely to prefer the traditional newspapers than the new type which is online. In contrast, most of young people who tend to spend most of their lifetime on the internet would rather choose online newspapers to update news. It is a recent debate whether the effectiveness of online newspapers are against old time print newspaper. In this paper, I am going to look at how online newspapers ... Show more content on ... In the new model period, young people prefer to go online, update the news rather than reading the printed, it is because to them, news online are faster, easy to look for what they need and they just shut their computer down without instead of looking for a trash. They can have their lunch in a coffee shop; scroll down for the news instead of open page by page. But they forget that, that will put more pressure on their eyes without their notice. " ..There is no doubt that growth in electronic media is the future, but there is still a future for print.", said Larry Killman, World Association of Newspapers. ("Paper battle online new sites") In the near future, we can see that the tendency of the newspaper will be decreasing but it will not be gone for the next at least 10 years. From those information above, and in my opinion, the young ages are getting lazier and they rather sit in their room, look at the screen than go out and pick a newspaper, and since the new technology provide a small, convenience, reasonable price laptop, the number of people have their own laptop is increasing enormously. Beside that, most of the online news is free, while you have to pay for the newspaper everyday if you want to read the printed. I read online news everyday in the morning and it is very convenient for me because as a student, I am ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Rived After Failure The best way to get rid of a fear is to face it head on. Instead of cowering under your blankets at the monster in your closet, you should get out of bed, turn the light on, and prove to yourself that nothing is there. Too many people stay under their blankets to avoid facing failure, even though it is never as scary as it seems in the light! If you want to overcome your fear of failure, then use the following tips to make it so tiny it doesn't hold you back. Look To People Who Have Thrived After Failure Scott Adams had a lot of failures, yet he ended up creating Dilbert, one of the most famous comic strips ever. He says that he embraces failure and then 'picks its pocket'. If you want to learn about how to deal with failure, then his book on failure is obviously something you want to check out. But, his story is not the only story out there. Many successful people have big ... Show more content on ... And, the good news is that we have all kinds of information at our fingertips to help us develop our knowledge or technique. All we have to do is go out and use what we learn to develop our skills. Some skills you develop for one goal will help you out with another goal. Or, you can combine skills to increase your confidence when approaching something new. But the point is that having experience is one of the best ways to move through your fear of failure. Build A Plan Failure can happen with or without a plan, but your confidence will increase when you have a plan set in place to achieve your goals. The very action of taking a predetermined step that has the potential to move you towards your goal will help remove the unknown and make you feel more confident. Again, reading other people's success stories can come in handy here. Many people are willing to share their blueprint for success, and while following it doesn't guarantee your success, it does increase your chances exponentially! Recognize That Fears Don't Often Come ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. History of Football Essay HISTORY OF FOOTBALL The history of football is interesting as well as exciting, from the first forms of the game ever played, to the multi million dollar organizations of today. The game continues to evolve and change with the times. Football is a sport that evolved from many different games. Football is mainly known as a different form of rugby or soccer, but there is more to the origin of the game than just those two sports. Football games were played around the world before the game was actually called football. " Football is believed to have descended from a Greek game called Harpaston " (Source C). The rules in Harpaston were not very strict. Running, kicking, or passing the ball across the goal line could earn points. " It ... Show more content on ... The first professional games took place between athletic clubs. The first player to play for money was William W. "Pudge" Heffelinger. "Heffelinger played at Yale University where he made the Walter Camp All American team for three straight years. Heffelinger was paid five hundred dollars to play a game for the Allegheny Athletic Association of Pittsburgh. Heffelinger is known as the first professional football player" (Source H). The first professional to sign a contract was Grant Dilbert who signed with the Pittsburgh Athletic Club. Soon after this, many teams started paying money for the best players. "On September 17 1920 representatives met to form the American Professional Football Association (APFA)" (Source H). In 1922 the APFA was renamed the National Football League (NFL). During this time, any town that could fund the money was forming a football team, even two Philadelphia baseball teams established professional football teams. During this time, professional football was not as popular as college football. Due to betting and recruiting scandals, Americans were not as interested in the NFL as they were in the collegiate games. The league reached an all time low in 1932 when it had a membership of eight teams. However, over time the formation of legendary teams like the Decatur Staleys, later renamed the Chicago Bears, and the small town Green Bay Packers, and also due to the emergence of heroic players, this new league would win ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Censorship And Self-Analysis One aspect of starting a broadcast program is the relative lack of oversight. While I still had a journalism adviser, that adviser was currently being drawn and quartered by a yearbook, a newspaper, a grant committee, and academic competitions. I needed to be self–sufficient. At the time, I had a vague ambition to cover each of the school's student clubs – something I would go on to abandon almost immediately. My adviser advised me to start with a club I was familiar with; somewhere I could fail with some leniency. Being an elective art student, I grabbed a DSLR and headed to an Art Club meeting. Entering room F117 was strange. I was walking into my regular art room, as I had done a dozen times before, but it was different. Something you learn ... Show more content on ... Apparently, I had established journalism dibs. Looking back on the day, hardly anyone realized I was filming them, and not just taking a few pictures. After I had spent about 10 minutes roaming through a couple dozen art club members, I moved towards my art teacher, one of the club's sponsors. Twenty minutes before, I had tried fruitlessly to locate a tripod; however, as 'fruitlessly' implies, I came up empty. Instead, I resorted to stacking several art history textbooks in a far corner. While she painted a white banner advertising a tie–dye shirt sale, I asked a few unremarkable questions I had scrawled onto a small yellow notepad. "What is art club?" and "Who can join?" stand out in my mind. As I would later find out, the mundanity of my questions rubbed her the wrong way. Returning my equipment to the journalism room's cabinet and heading home, SD card in hand, I was feeling confident. But when I loaded up the footage that night, I found a pretty major issue. At some point, in all my self–starting genius, I had turned off the camera's microphone. I had captured audio of random conversations, pencil scribbling, and popcorn munching, but somehow managed to record a silent ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Response Essay Response: How to Get a Real Education Scott Adams shares with us the ideal framework for an entrepreneurial curriculum. In his article How to Get a Real Education, he reinforces the fact that the whole is far greater than the sum of these parts, especially in the context of an entrepreneur. Adams tells us of a couple stories from when he was in college and how he used the skills of an entrepreneur to become successful. He saw opportunities, sometimes embedded within problems, and worked them to his favor. This is what he referred to when speaking of the learned skill of transforming "nothing into something", which is a skill that obviously applies to business. His basic idea is that much academic–oriented education is wasted on many ... Show more content on ... Why not allow them to develop their strengths a little more and focus a little less on classes that might be enriching but otherwise meaningless? Scott Adams states "students should be taught that failure is a process, not an obstacle", and I couldn't agree with him more. There are many risks taken throughout the college years of your life and that's not always a bad thing. The hard part is learning to accept and move past a failed attempt at one of those risks. Unfortunately, I think the things that are most likely to teach students problem solving skills are also the sorts of things to get their funding cut, at least the K–12 part of schooling. Student organizations, theater and arts. Of course, I also think schools should be teaching a lot more business stuff to the kids in trade schools, since they're far more likely to end up running a business than students in the college prep classes. As far as fail forward, Adams mentions "the trick is to get paid while you're doing the failing and to use the experience to gain skills that will be useful later on." I've learned that after each new job I've started, I was able to bring some kind of skill from my previous field and in turn, it has made me a better worker. Adams could have ended up being a "B student" who felt inferior his whole life for not being the child who brought home A's to his parents. Instead, ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Case Study : Lockheed Martin Trident University Joan Lampley Module 2 Case Assignment ETH 301: Business Ethics Professor Shah 10 July, 2017 Lockheed Martin had its ups and downs, but after being on high too long, questions arose. Strategies were used to accelerate the success of the company, some were more unorthodox than others, but resulted in positive feedback until the 1950s. Backdoor deals were the way games were played in the industry. The overall success for Lockheed Martin was majorly contributed by the Defensive Industry Initiative (DII). After all is said and done, Augustine and Dilbert's contribution helped create an ethics program that caused Lockheed Martin to turn the corner. After difficulties ascended in the persuasion of gaining government funds, Lockheed's executives turned to unorthodox sale methods. They found willing countries to partner with, some with access to extra funds that wouldn't be tracked closely. At this time, bribery overseas was not even illegal under American law; Corporations doing business in other countries were presumed to be subject to the laws in those places (Terris, 2005, p.56). The numbers of aircrafts sold were lower than the company had hoped for. A financial disaster was avoided by using a questionable business practice. After taking another large gamble, Lockheed reengaged with their overseas executives to increase cash flow, sometimes in the form of corrugated orange cardboard boxes and airline flight bags stuffed with ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Revamping The Education System : The Benefits Of A... Chris Johncox Heer–Gill English 1–A September 11th, 2014 Revamping the Education System The Benefits of a Privatized, Voluntary Schooling Structure We have grown up in a culture that has told us that America is number one – that we are the best, the sole superpower, the leader who must take charge. However, America still lags behind in education, a crucial element of a successful nation. How can America lead the world when our youth are taught poorly? This problem is amplified in lower income areas and states where education standards are lackluster. Whether because of lack of interest caused by conformity, feeling of entrapment on the students' parts or the government's poor school management, the education system needs improvement. ... Show more content on ... The American education system is becoming similar to those of totalitarian states that owned a monopoly on education. The free market competition among schools would encourage learning based on individual student needs and interest. A custom built system to educate each individual student to their fullest would be achieved. This would also motivate schools to invest their budgets according to students' needs. Scott Adams, the creator the Dilbert comic strip, addressed what he believed learning should be about in his essay How to Get a Real Education. Adams states a real education involves "combining skills" and "taking risks," a successful attribute of any entrepreneur (qtd.. in 100). A privatized school system would undoubtedly prepare students for such endeavors. In the United States, many parents send their kids to learn for the sole reason that they would not get arrested. This sort of mentality brought upon the death of Communist regimes, where voluntary initiative was frowned upon and progress only occurred at the barrel of a gun. There's nothing worse for a student than to shamble from class to class like a zombie to learn uninteresting subjects from teachers who do not always care, with students they do not like. Schools should attract students, not drag them into the classroom kicking and screaming. The reason school is frowned upon by the youth is because it is structured like a prison, sharing traits like limiting ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. The Growing Importance Of Ethical Business Managers The Growing Importance of Ethical Business Managers Julia Shaw & Hillary Shaw (2010) describe that the need for ethical business managers and practices has never been greater. Recent financial scandals have exposed issues in the management decision–making process, suggesting a need to develop the necessary analytical and empathetic qualities so future corporate leaders may be moral managers (Julia Shaw & Hillary Shaw, 2010). This recent pattern of business misconduct (Michaelson, 2015) and single–minded pursuit of profit has made the promotion of ethical values a key concern for modern business organizations (Julia Shaw & Hillary Shaw, 2010). This paper will discuss how literary fiction (i.e. novels, literature, narrative, fiction, drama, comics) can help organizations develop ethical managers by discussing (1) the growing importance of ethical business managers (2) the benefits of a novel approach to business ethics, and (3) the moral value of literary fiction to business. During the past few years, many companies have seen their reputations plummet in the wake of various corporate scandals (Julia Shaw & Hillary Shaw, 2010). With this context of an amoral and inept set of global management practices, Julia Shaw & Hillary Shaw (2010) propose the need for a new breed of manager, namely the moral manager. While Eastwood describes that "leadership is an essentially moral act," he elaborates that there is a disconnection between this notion and the behavior of some business ... Get more on ...
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  • 79. Malden Mills Ethical Question William M. Grissett Business ethics WK 4 Research paper Malden Mills Ethical question June 25, 2009 Aaron Feuerstein greeted the brisk New England morning of December 11th, 1995 with unusual optimism, especially for a man almost seventy years old. After all Malden Mills was the last of the New England garment factories, and a century old family business besides! Known as the leading innovator, producer, and marketer of branded, high quality performance textiles for the outdoor products industry may require a much younger man he mused. Little did he know that before the day ended he would be faced with the biggest decision in Malden Mills' history. Samuel Slater, a former apprentice in a British mechanized textile factory ... Show more content on ... Corporate social responsibility emphasizes the participation of the organization in a larger society and its responsibility to support good causes. It emphasizes corporate citizenship, philanthropy, and community support and recognizes community–based obligations and responsibilities. Feuerstein has an impressive record of philanthropy in the community, having supported a number of groups, activities, and religious organizations. From Malden Mills he has provided blankets and garments for homeless children in the New York area, for relief efforts to Kurdish refugees, displaced persons in Kosovo and numerous other disaster areas around the world. In August 1999, the company donated 2,000 Polartec fleece blankets for Turkish relief following a devastating earthquake. Later that year the spirit of giving continued with the donation of 150 Polartec Wellness Hats to ovarian cancer patients. Where did Feuerstein get his extraordinary ideas about worker– management relations and corporate responsibility? Feuerstein, an Orthodox–Jew, draws from the religious tradition of The Golden–Rule Model, which states that one should always treat other people in the same way he or she would want to be treated. In other words, when confronted with any ethical issues, each individual should identify the available ... Get more on ...
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  • 83. Organisational Politics INTRODUCTION: "Politics is how interests and influence play out in an institution." – Benjamin Franklin Organisation is a coalition of interest, so exists in the identification and solution of the problem. In the process of negotiation for consensus, politicking takes place. Therefore, the existence of power and politics is the inevitable phenomena in every organisation. In order to manage and to be managed in the organisation efficiently every individual starting from the top to bottom needs to have knowledge of power and politics in the organisation. Organizational politics is an inescapable and intrinsic reality. Organizational politics is so intricately woven with management system that relationships, norms, ... Show more content on ... However, politics is a self–serving behaviour not sanctioned by organisations. When people play politics it causes disharmony, conflict, stress, anxiety and uncertainty in the organisations. Understanding of organizations' political systems – key to success Understanding of organizations' political systems is absolutely essential for leadership to maneuver the company towards the goals. Internally grown managers will have an advantage of knowledge of general political conditions prevailing in the company (different coalitions and centers of influence which can create buy in or create road blocks). Managers from outside must put efforts to learn and understand the existing organizational politics through keen observation and focused interaction with different groups of people. Some of the indicators available for leaders to assess political climate is general job satisfaction levels, responsiveness to innovative ideas, and efficacy of decision making machinery and speed of implementation of decisions. Understanding is the key for managers to exploit and smother organizational politics and also to enhance their own managerial credibility. Effect of organizational politics Organizational politics is prevalent in most of the organisation at present. They may grow more due to lack of values, openness, accommodating nature etc. But organisational politics results in increase in interpersonal conflict, inter–group conflict, wastage ... Get more on ...
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  • 87. Why Is College Value Important College Value: The Echo of a Student Orchestra For all my virtuous endeavors I have learned a profound truth; the journey to perfection requires many elementary strides. In the pursuit of an education, I believe that striving for perfection leads to accomplishment; equally valued, to the length and direction of the stride. Considering whether the investment in a college education is worth the return or a waste of time we must also consider the perspective of those who would introspect. Acknowledging the obvious ambiguity of worth and value, infinite perspectives regarding education emerge. Whether you are an investor pursuing financial gain, a philosopher seeking enlightenment or a proletariat considering employment, reward will reflect ... Show more content on ... (Adams 98) Whether these authors are touting higher education or vocational endeavors, whether they believe college is worth the investment or a waste of money; one could summarize that the value of college is subjective, based on personal constructs, and its' benefit, an echo of character. I would encourage the untrained ear to listen for the harmony in the echoes. We have all heard the song from educators and parents alike who tell us that the key to success is; school, plus hard work, plus college, equals a good job. With fewer jobs available in the modern economy it is understandable why potential students might think of a different question, asking, "How do I become successful?" Singing to the novice learner seeking the fundamentals for success, Steinberg sarcastically responds, "Short of becoming a reality TV star, the answer is rote and... rather knee–jerk: Earn a college degree" (Steinberg 116) The internet is riddled with statistics proving that those who obtain a college degree, do in fact, earn more money than those without. Fig 1 demonstrates both higher earnings and lower unemployment; respectively, with levels of education. In contrast to these statistics Steinberg does not preach to those who are likely to end up in the green. Interestingly, he points out the length of time and extent of money wasted ... Get more on ...
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  • 91. The "Delta Forces" Causing Change in Human Resource... I CHAPTER1 ~. " ., The "DELTAForces" Causing Change in Human ResourceManagement Allen 1.Kraut Abraham K. Korman The world ofwork in which human resource management (HRM) operates has changed dramatically in thelast half century. Not surprisingly, therefore, the HRM concepts and practices being created and carried Ollt today are also increasingly different from those of the past. Planners and practitioners who understand this and who also have a way LOanticipate the coming changes and needed HRM a practices of the future will provide thcir organizations Wit11 strate. gic competitive advantage. It is our view that virtually all the changes we see in HRM concepts and practices are in response to changing social, ... Show more content on ... Birth staúsúcs tell us how many people there will be to employ. For example, Americans born during the low birthrate years of the 1930s formed a relatively small cohort. Yet they entered the workforce during the 1950s and 1960s, a long period ofunparalleled growth and expansion in the post–World War II economy. Being much in demand, these workers stepped onto an escalator to career growth ano prosperity that often seemed to exceed their individual work achievements. Similarly, we can see important if ...~...~...~.–~ .– _.... '.1?
  • 92. 4 EVOLVlNG PRACfICES IN HUMAN REsOURCE MANAGEMENT THE "DELTA FORCES" CAUSING CHANGE IN HRM 5 periodically doing an environmental "sean" of the forees that are likely to have an impaet in the future. Exhibít 1.1. The DELTA Forces of Change . on the Human Resource Enviroriment. t::. The Five DELTA Forces We believe that the signifieant environmental HRM policy and practice fall into five sets: forees influencing ¡~ ~ · · · DemograPhics refers to those aspeets of the quantity and quality i ~ '~i of the workforce itself that are determined by birth rates, participation by women and minorities, immigration, migration, and edueation. E.conomicscovers issues like the basis of the national ... Get more on ...
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  • 96. Success In America Success is a Major Key American soccer stars Clint Dempsey and Michael Bradley have started a combined 205 matches for the US National Team. In 2014 the holy grail tournament of soccer started the world cup, Michael Bradley and Clint Dempsey started every game and displayed their skills to the whole world on the biggest stage. After the World Cup had ended for the Americans most people knew who Michael Bradley and Clint Dempsey were. They became American heroes but showing their success by displaying their underrated skills. Success in contemporary America is defined by skill, and two embodiments of skill in America are Clint Dempsey and Michael Bradley. Many people have different views on success like Scott Adams and Malcolm Gladwell. Scott ... Show more content on ... Scoring goals and playing abroad are big indicators of skill and success in the game of soccer and Clint Dempsey and Michael Bradley display these two accomplishments extremely well. I saw Clint Dempsey and Michael Bradley show their skill setting up one of the fastest goals in World Cup history. Every american wants to be successful and skill is the definition of success. So either you work hard to gain your skill or you use your skill to rise to the top and be the best you can be. Everybody wants to be successful, that's why skill is important , because it leads to ... Get more on ...
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  • 100. Max Webber MAX WEBER By: JD Mojica Life and career Max Weber was born on April 21, 1864, the eldest of seven children, and grew up in a cultured bourgeois household, ruled by a strong authoritarian father. At University in Heidelberg, Weber studied economics, medieval history and philosophy as well as law. A period of military service brought him under the care of his uncle, Hermann Baumgarten, a historian, and his wife. Both uncle and aunt acted as mentors to Weber, the former as a liberal who treated him as an intellectual peer, the latter as a person who impressed him with her deep sense of social responsibility towards her charitable work. Both offered a stark contrast to Weber's father, who treated his son with patronizing authoritarianism. ... Show more content on ... Bureaucratization Weber recognized the dangers of bureaucratization and spoke of how measurement processes could turn people into cogs in a machine. In this, Weber's reflections are not too distant from Marx's theories of alienation. Although organizational bureaucratization increases efficiency and the capability for greater production that mechanical efficiency also threatens to dehumanize its participants. Weber also believed, however, that the only way people could make a significant contribution was to subjugate their personalities and desires to the impersonal goals and procedures of large scale organizations. Paradoxically, Weber believed that the only way to escape such a mechanical future was for a charismatic leader to transform the organization into something new. Bureaucracy became the model for the twentieth century organization, and was encapsulated in the organization of Alfred Sloan's General Motors and Harold Geneen's ITT. Perhaps the mundanity and regularity of bureaucratic, corporate life was best described in William Whyte's The Organization Man (1956) in which the individual was taken over by the bureaucratic machine, in the name of efficiency. A more recent and humorous interpretation of life in a bureaucracy has been depicted by Scott Adams in The Dilbert Principle. The bureaucracy may have outlived its age of supremacy, but it is still hard to foresee a future without any need for the order, ... Get more on ...
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  • 104. Response of Law to New Technology: Contraception Essay The rapid advances in science and medicine since 1950, and especially the advances in computer technology since 1980, have revolutionized the way society functions. It is widely recognized that our society is making a transition from the industrial manufacturing age to an information age. In contrast, the U.S. Constitution and most of our common law was written when people lived in an agrarian economy prior to 1850. Law has been slow to adapt to the choices posed by technology. While I believe that knowledge, opportunities, and choices are inherently Good, there are the possibilities of (1) prohibiting or restricting use of new technologies for no good reason or (2) of misusing technology to harm people. Law that made sense in 1850, or ... Show more content on ... Mail by the Comstock Law, together with "obscene, lewd or lascivious" publications. See U.S. v. Chase, 135 U.S. 255, 257 (1890); Andrews v. U.S., 162 U.S. 420 (1896). As a result, condoms were sold for prevention of sexually–transmitted disease (i.e., "prophylactics"), not as contraceptives. Some state statutes, notably in Connecticut, prohibited the distribution of information about contraception and also prohibited the distribution of contraceptive devices or drugs. The U.S. Supreme Court in a series of three famous decisions, invalidated laws making contraception illegal. In Griswold v. Connecticut, 381 U.S. 479 (1965), the U.S. Supreme Court invalidated a Connecticut state law that prohibited use of contraceptives and also prohibited any person (including a physician or pharmacist) from giving advice about contraception. Because Griswold, who was director of a Planned Parenthood clinic and a professor at Yale Medical School, was giving married people information, instruction, and medical advice about contraception, this case is sometimes said to uphold the right of married people to have information about contraception. In Eisenstadt v. Baird. 405 U.S. 438 (1972), the U.S. Supreme Court invalidated a Massachusetts state law that prohibited the sale or gift of nonprescription contraceptives. Because Baird gave a can of spermicidal foam to an adult unmarried woman, this case upholds the right of ... Get more on ...
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  • 108. Employee Engagement : A Positive Emotional Attachment Employee engagement has gained rapid attention in the past five to ten years and all for the right reasons. Data shows that engaged employees tend to perform better at their jobs and also surpass expectations when it comes to helping colleagues, members and the organization. Employee engagement can be defined as a positive emotional attachment that a person forms with an organization leading to behaviors that drive productivity and boost performance. The goal of employee engaging is to provide maximum satisfaction to the employee while in return getting maximum contribution from them. In my previous job from 2010 to 2014, I worked for a small non–profit association. Employee engagement was not at all discussed or performed at the ... Show more content on ... From the employee perspective, my current employer sees engagement more like a system than a goal. Scott Adams, creator of the Dilbert comic strip, emphasizes the difference between goals and systems in his book "How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big." If engagement just becomes a goal, a percentage to reach the organization will be in a constant state of failure until they succeed and then there's nothing to pursue afterwards. But when there's a system for employee engagement, there's a continuous effort to become better which in turn provides a sense of fulfillment to the employer and the employee. "Goal–oriented people exist in a state of continuous pre–success failure at best, and permanent failure at worst if things never work out. Systems people succeed every time they apply their systems, in the sense that they did what they intended to do. The goals people are fighting the feeling of discouragement at each turn. The systems people are feeling good every time they apply their system. That's a big difference in terms of maintaining your personal energy in the right direction." When an organization makes it a priority to create a strong connection between the organization and the purpose and identity of an employee, it makes it much more likely that he or she will be ... Get more on ...
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  • 112. Reflection On Culture And Diversity 1. From my perspective, when I think of diverse contexts, I think of a great variety of influences and events interrelated to a particular situation. The relationship between culture and diversity is a great variety of groups represented within a community. These variety of groups are formed by race, ethnicity, age, ability, language, nationality, socioeconomic status, gender, religion and sexual orientation. As an African American who is aware of the difficult challenges (such as slavery and segregation) that my culture has endured, it has taught me to respect social, political, and cultural differences that characterizes the people in this country. I am knowledgeable and educated on cultural differences, which has taught me to embrace ... Show more content on ... 2. From Chapter 1 in our Reframing Organizations text, the symbolic frame makes the most sense to me because it focuses on the issues of meaning and faith. It puts ritual, ceremony, play, story and culture at the heart of the organizational life. From my perspective, the symbolic frame doesn't focus on the event but rather the meaning of that particular event. This specific frame was easier to comprehend than the other three frames. 3. As I reflected on the Dilbert cartoon, I believe the content of the narrative to ring true. For example, I previously worked as a customer service representative for New York and Company. There were many instances where I felt like customers didn't receive proper customer service and the rules of the company were unethical. On my end, I didn't agree with how the customers were handled. I expressed my dissatisfaction to management and I was informed that as long as I wanted to be employed by this company, I had to follow their rules. Eventually I resigned from my position because I felt guilty about how things were conducted by the company. I'm using this as a prime example in relation to the Dilbert cartoon because most companies focus on the welfare of their company versus the happiness of the employees, who are fulfilling the job duties. In some cases, the welfare of the company and its corporate strategy doesn't involve what's ... Get more on ...
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  • 116. Simon Dilbert Case Study Decisions! Decisions! We are faced with different decisions all throughout the day. Will our decisions be based on selfish motives or for the betterment of others? Will our decisions be based on a lie or the truth? I believe most of the time my decision making is based on the betterment of others, but of course I am not perfect, sometimes it's all about me. I try my best to treat others as I would like them to treat me. Although, Dilbert made a humorous suggestion he could be serious. Sometimes people speak the truth in joking around. I believe there is always a little truth in what we say in joke and play. The manager might need to consider what else Dilbert is willing to cut corners on that could hurt the company. Virtues I am a Christian. ... Show more content on ... I say it is the problem. Due to the decline in ethics, we have problems with crime, health care, and jobs. I have a nephew who continuously gets in trouble. He goes in and out of jail. He has been in jail for drugs. He's been in jail for robbery. He's been in jail for breaking into homes. He's been in jail for assaulting people. He refuses to change his lifestyle. My brother who is his father used to be a gangster. My brother sold drugs, and he too went in and out of the prison system. The last time my brother went to prison, he spent 13 years in the Federal Penitentiary. My brother said, "He learned his lesson", and I believe him because he has changed his life and has never gone back to jail. It was fair and just to put my brother in prison. Unfortunately, my nephew said, "He wanted to be like his dad", and he has lived up to it. The last time my nephew went to jail my family wanted to take up money to bail him out. They told me about it and wanted me to help out. I told them NO! I told them the problem is you keep bailing him out. He needs to stay in jail; maybe he will learn his lesson, but if you keep getting him out he will never learn. My family got upset with me because I would not help. They thought I was unfair. I believe I was fair and ... Get more on ...
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  • 120. Humor and Persuasion Humor and Persuasion July 30, 2012 COM 323 Humor and Persuasion Do you think of yourself as funny, humorous or a joker of sorts? Many people feel they have what it takes to bring humor to different situations. Usually humor is used to lighten a mood or attitude and often makes people feel happy. Understanding that humor can play a very important role in speech enhance the awareness of the proper means and tactics in which to use humor. Persuasion often includes various forms of humor where the person trying to persuade intertwines the humor effect and brings lightness to the situation. Persuasion is the attempt to make others believe or comply with the speaker's views or actions and adding humor often enables the audience ... Show more content on ... Diffuse status characteristics include gender, race, degree of physical attractiveness, and education. Characteristics that are valued or considered desirable, such as being male, white, physically attractive, and well educated, confer high status." (Seiter 135) Often men, in my opinion, will try to incorporate humor in their speech because they want to win over the audience and women will use humor because they are nervous. Although ... Get more on ...
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  • 124. Ben and Jerrys Ben and Jerry 's Premium Ice Cream Products Ben and Jerry 's Ice Cream is a brand name company known worldwide. With superior marketing techniques Ben and Jerry 's has positioned themselves to be the leader in manufacturing premium ice cream products. They have successfully targeted their market, and there by achieved a strong customer base. The mission statement of their product line is "to make, distribute, and sell the finest quality all natural ice cream while incorporating wholesome, natural ingredients and promoting business practices that respect the earth and the environment".(1) This company is known to be a monopolistically competitive, because there are still many firms and consumers, just as in perfect competition, ... Show more content on ... That is to say that the outside label design is readily identified as an American staple. The central business focus of Ben and Jerry 's mandates a specific marketing mix. Principally, the product is highly specialized, yet in a way that allows for gross variation while still appealing to a broad consumer base. Acknowledgement, access, and affordability mitigate this range of appeal. Such necessitates an overall marketing strategy that effectively communicates the uniqueness of their product, which due to their premium quality, are priced above average. Concordantly, growth then becomes a function of the range of distribution; thus scalability within the corporation culture of the independent Vermont based company is reliant upon strong relationship with distributors. By staying competitive in their market segment, Ben and Jerry 's have maintained market supremacy. Ben and Jerry 's marketing is characterized by a strategic discipline that continues to build brand equity and a solid reputation for the company overall. More importantly, they continue to build a profitable relationship with consumers by being receptive to their tastes and responding with new products and non–price competition like Super Premium ice cream, frozen yogurt, and, most recently, Super Premium sorbet. It was in response to the demand for lower fat and lower cholesterol, that the company introduced Super Premium low fat frozen yogurt in 1992. (1) In ... Get more on ...
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  • 128. Personal Review: Looking At The Dilbert Thank you, I will have a tall claussan. Looking at the Dilbert comic, I think most of us can relate to it from some sort of work experience. For me, it reflects on the various bosses, coaches or instructors that have preached one thing, and not followed by example. The second half of the cartoon represents to me why a leader or manger might avoid the conversation of asking subordinates what could be improved on, knowing full well that it will have a cascade affect that they are not prepared to deal with. Aristotle's quote on leadership tells me that everyone has to learn how to properly follow, as well as learn to know who to follow, in order to one day become a great leader. It could be easy to try and lead in the wrong direction if you don't learn the proper route first. ... Show more content on ... Jeff Bezos, and many world changing individuals took a path not taken before and became some of the worlds greatest leaders as a ... Get more on ...
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  • 132. World War II Comic Books Failed Man has utilized graphics since before writing was invented to communicate their thoughts and feelings, and while for a period, the combination of both image and written word remained underutilized, the core idea behind 'comics' or 'graphic novels' continued to develop. The subject of these graphics range from early humans attempting to communicate information about animal migration patterns painted on the walls of caves, to mythological stories painted onto the surface of pottery. These images are made to be informative, or entertaining, but in general fail to deliver a message that moves beyond the delivery of information, and between good and bad. In both pre and post–World War II comic books failed to be much more than entertaining propaganda. Yet, eventually comics shifted towards darker, more psychological themes, and with this change in style came additional recognition and popularity for graphic stories as a medium. Following these developments, many have claimed that the driving force behind the economic and critical success of graphic stories created in this era was primarily due to the improvements in production values and sheer mass of content created. However, it is more likely that the change in subject matter affected the perception of comics due to the ability to evoke emotion in a fashion that just words and just pictures could not do by themselves. The graphic narrative's unique ability to demand the reader become a witness to the horrors of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 136. Ethics At Work : Creating Virtue At An American Corporation Ethics in the Lockheed Martin Corporation didn't always have the message it has today. As I read through the book, Ethics at Work: Creating Virtue at an American Corporation, specifically chapter two, I came across some very interesting issues this corporation has had to deal with over the past few decades that go back to the 1920's and earlier. In the following I'll go over a few points that led to the development of Lockheed Martine's current ethics program. Ill cover some ethics issues that were overcame on the way to a great ethics program. First let's talk about the beginnings that started the Lockheed Martin Corporation so you can get an idea of the foundation of the company itself. The Loughead Brothers developed their first aircraft in 1913. They successfully flew this aircraft over Alcatraz at a top speed of 63 mph. Their first military aircraft was developed a little too late for deployment in the First World War. That untimely event sent one of the brothers, Malcom Loughead to venture out away from the aircraft industry and left the other brother to go at it alone. So in a since that was the first time this company faced its first major obstacle on the way up the aircraft industry ladder. Over the years, Lockheed was bought and sold and eventually landed with Robert Gross after he purchased it for $40,000 in 1932. Over the next three decades he turned Lockheed into a leader in the aircraft industry. In that time Lockheed experience some great strides in ... Get more on ...
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  • 140. Microsoft Powerpoint Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft PowerPoint, usually just called PowerPoint, is a non–free commercial presentation program developed by Microsoft. It is part of the Microsoft Office suite, and runs on Microsoft Windows and Apple's Mac OS X operating system. The current versions are Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010 for Windows and Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2011 for Mac. History Originally designed for the Macintosh computers, the initial release was called "Presenter", developed by Dennis Austin[not in citation given] and Thomas Rudkin[not in citation given] of Forethought, Inc.[1] In 1987, it was renamed to "PowerPoint" due to problems with trademarks, the idea for the name coming from Robert Gaskins.[2] In August of the same year, ... Show more content on ... There are no compelling results to prove or disprove that PowerPoint is more effective for learner retention than traditional presentation methods.[9] The effect on audiences of poor PowerPoint presentations has been described as PowerPoint hell. [edit]Criticism Although PowerPoint has the aforementioned benefits, some argue that PowerPoint has negatively impacted society. The terms "Death by PowerPoint" and "PowerPoint Hell" refer to the poor use of the software. Many large companies and branches of the government use PowerPoint as a way to brief employees on important issues that they must make decisions about. Opponents of PowerPoint argue that reducing complex issues to bulleted points is detrimental to the decision making process; in other words, because the amount of information in a presentation must be condensed, viewing a PowerPoint presentation does not give one enough detailed information to make a truly informed decision. A frequently cited example is Edward Tufte's analysis of PowerPoint slides prepared for briefing NASA officials concerning possible damage to the Space Shuttle Columbia during its final launch. [10] Tufte argues that the slides, prepared by the Boeing Corporation, had the effect of oversimplifying the situation, and provided false assurance that the ultimately fatal damage to the shuttle was only minimal. Tufte argued:  The most critical ... Get more on ...
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  • 144. Vulnerable Population the homeless vetrans Essay A Vulnerable Population the Homeless Veterans Patricia Dilbert NUR/440 April 7, 2014 Deanna Radford, MSN, RN, CNE A Vulnerable Population the homeless Veterans In this presentation, we will explore a vulnerable population with the focus on the homeless veterans. According to Mckinney Act"(1987) A homeless person is one who lacks a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence. One who has a primary nighttime residence that is a supervised publicly or privately operated shelter, a temporary residence for individuals intended to be institutionalized, or a public or private place not ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings. Vulnerable populations are often used to portray groups ... Show more content on ... Moreover, some lack the capacity to be employed because of the psychological and mental disabilities they have acquired because of their experiences during war. In addition, their inability to access health care services because insufficient funds hinders them from obtaining medications and health services they need to stay well and healthy (Blue–Howells, J., McGuire, J., & Nakashima, J., 2008). Studying the needs of the homeless veteran population, a survey was conducted to determine the most significant need of that specific population. Forty–five percent of the respondents said they needed assistance in being employed, while 37% of them needed assistance in paying for housing costs (National Coalition for Homeless Veterans, 2010b). The benefits and services provided to the veteran population should be coming from the Department of Veteran Affairs. However, the allocation of benefits and grants are dependent upon the quality of service and personal behavior of a veteran (McMurray–Avila, 2001). Aside from the need of available low priced housing costs and employment, the homeless veteran population's access to health care services is the most important because most reasons for their inability to be employed are health related, i.e. psychologically ill or mentally disabled (such as post–traumatic stress disorders), physically disabled, etc. Significantly more homeless veterans have a chronic medical condition and two or more mental health ... Get more on ...
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  • 148. Strengths And Weaknesses Of Mission Statement Week 2: Mission, Vision & Values Qs 27 27 unread replies. 27 27 replies. What are the strengths and weaknesses of EACH of the mission statement examples in this linked file? mission_statements.pdf follow the three criteria for effective missions in this discussion. Mission statement criteria Effective mission statements must meet three criteria: 1. They must express aspirations (goals/ideals). 2. They must provide practical guidance for strategic decisions and choices that face the organization. 3. They must express objectives that can be tested –– there has to be some way to determine whether or not an organization is meeting its goals. Johnson and Johnson (Mission Statements, 2009) Strengths Ensures that everyone is safe, looked at ... Show more content on ... Also, decisions are made for the best interest of the customers, employees, and stakeholder through acquisitions and being able to measure their success through sales and the satisfaction of services throughout the community and the world. Weaknesses of the GE mission statement/letter I couldn't find one. Unless you observe the fact that it is so detailed that one might get a little side track or just skim for the highlights of the details that pertain to a specific managers, employees, or stakeholders. Anheuser Busch (AB) (Mission Statements, 2009) Strengths Meets criteria #1 through its vision statement and that's to add enjoyment to life. Anheuser Busch realizes that treating everyone with respect, working together, and a safe working environment along with education of its product or consumption is needed to give practical guidance for strategic decisions and choices that face the organization is the key to their success would meet criteria #2. Weaknesses would be a lack of a way to measure or determine whether the organization is meeting its goals. (Lack of Criteria #3) Dilbert Mission Statement Generator (Mission Statements, 2009) Strengths Dilbert Mission Statement goal is to make you laugh about everyday office work and decisions while holding some truths and this meets criteria #1.
  • 149. Criteria #2 Dilbert Comics demonstrate meetings being scheduled to discuss reorganization and getting rid of persons or things that ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Clowns and Cubicles Essay Clowns and Cubicles (A look at workplace stereotypes through their appearance in comic strips) Stereotypes can be found in just about every aspect of society. A person engaging in any type of social interaction is either consciously or unconsciously engaging or affected by the many ways we stereotype people. Stereotypes while usually given a negative connotation seem to be an inherent part of human nature. By grouping individuals into categories a person can feel more in control of their surrounding and of their own self as a unique individual. Every person has either participated in stereotyping or has been a target of a particular stereotype. ... Show more content on ... The study of which is often referred as sociolects. In the world of business, manufacturing, and just the world of general labor sociolects often determine the type of relationships one develops with the people in their workplace. Recognizing these class distinctions is often easy. But what are the factors that go into creating these sociolects? In a Linguistic Marketplace a person's status at his or her job is associated with certain forms of English that are considered standard for that person's job. (Wolfram, American English) Comic strips like those including at the end of this paper play with these linguistic marketplace stereotypes. Before discussing the effect of language in the creation and adoption of these stereotypes it is important to flush out some of the widely used stereotypes present in an office environment. The Boss "AKA The Head Honcho" The Boss chooses his words very carefully. While his subordinates might refer to him as the "man", the Boss is quick to establish himself as a 'friend' of the employees. How friendly is too friendly? Although a slap on the back or a chat about the kids, is nice ... Get more on ...
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  • 157. Key Facts Essay 1. Detail the steps for determining the key facts in a client's case. The steps in identifying the client's case are first, identify each cause of action possibly raised by the facts. Next, determine the elements of each cause of action identified in step 1. Afterwards, list all the facts possibly related to the elements of the causes of action identified in step 2. Looking up the jury instructions at this step will most likely help to plan the case, if there is one. Lastly, determine which of the client's facts apply to establish or satisfy the elements of each cause of action– the key facts. 2. Detail the steps for determining the keys facts in court opinion. The steps in determining the key facts in a case law are first, read the entire case with the following general question in mind: What was decide about which facts? Next, look to the holding. What is the court's answer to the legal question? How does the court apply the rule of the law to the legal question raised? Afterwards, identify the facts necessary to the holding– the key facts. By listing all the facts in any way related to the holding and identifying which of the listed facts are key facts and determine the key facts. 3. Identify the background facts in the following cases: i) Flowers v. Campbell Plaintiff is seeking monetary damages for the ... Show more content on ... Based on the information from the informant, the police started an investigation and eventually submitted an affidavit requesting a warrant to search three residences and automobiles. A facially valid search warrant was issued and pursuant to the warrant the police conducted their search. Leon (defendant) and the other defendants filed motions to suppress the evidence obtained pursuant to the search and the district court granted the motions, holding that the affidavit did not establish probable cause. The United States Supreme Court granted ... Get more on ...