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Groovy	on	the	shell_
Alexander	(Sascha)	Klein	<>
 
Why	?
 
Groovy	is	cool
 
Because	I	can
 
To	do	complex	stuff
 
Testing	your	scripts
 
If	you	know	Groovy
better	than	Bash
 
About	me
Alexander	Klein
codecentric	AG
Curiestr.	2
70563	Stuttgart,	Germany
	+49	(0)	172	529	40	20
 
Executing	Groovy	scripts
$	groovy	Test.groovy
 
She-Bang	Comment	(#!)
 
Using	the	default	environment
Defining	the	classpath
Using	system	variables
Defining	system	variables
#!/usr/bin/env	groovy
#!/usr/bin/env	groovy	-cp	myjar.jar
#!/usr/bin/env	groovy	-cp	${HOME}/bin
#!/usr/bin/env	VAR1=value1	VAR2=value2	groovy
 
Does	not	work	on	Linux
Alternative	script	for	/usr/bin/env
Without	defining	system	variables
				ARGS=(	$1	)	#	separate	$1	into	multiple	space-delimited	arguments.
				shift	#	consume	$1
				PROG=`which	${ARGS[0]}`	#	find	path	for	executable
				unset	ARGS[0]	#	discard	executable	name
				ARGS+=(	"$@"	)	#	remainder	of	arguments	preserved	"as-is".
				#	iterate	array	and	expand	variables
				declare	-a	PARAMS
				for	i	in	"${ARGS[@]}"
								PARAMS=("${PARAMS[@]}"	"`eval	"echo	$i"`")
				exec	$PROG	"${PARAMS[@]}"	#	execute	the	command
 
'Hacks'	for	the	rescue
//usr/bin/env	/path/to/groovy	"$0"	$@;	exit	$?
println	"My	groovy	script"
//usr/bin/true	&&	export	CLASSPATH=....
//usr/bin/true	&&	export	OPTS="-Dmy.opt1=foo	-Dmy.opt2=bar"
//usr/bin/true	&&	export	OPTS="$OPTS	-Dmy.opt3=foobar"
//path/to/groovy	$OPTS	"$0"	$0;	exit	$?
println	System.env[my.opt1]
 
'Hacks'	for	the	rescue
REM='''	'
#	bash	stuff	here
export	export	CLASSPATH=....
export	OPTS="-Dmy.opt1=foo	-Dmy.opt2=bar"
export	OPTS="$OPTS	-Dmy.opt3=foobar"
/path/to/groovy	$OPTS	"$0"	$@
exit	$?
'	'''
//	groovy	stuff	here
println	"My	groovy	script"
 
A	solution	for	Windows
REM	=	/
REM	dummy	groovy	statement	in	first	line	with	an
REM	assignment	to	a	dummy	var	called	REM
C:pathtogroovy	"%~dp0%~nx0"	%*
//	dummy	groovy	annotation	to	make	groovy	compiler
//	to	ignore	the	first	line
@interface	ECHO	{}
//	groovy	stuff	here
println	"My	groovy	script"
 
Faster	Startup
JVM	process	running	in	the	background
Scriptstart	~10-20	times	faster
 
GroovyServ	is	part	of	the	Groovy	Windows-Installer
Mac	OS	X
Binary	package
curl	-s	""	|	bash
sdk	install	groovyserv
brew	install	groovyserv
$	cd	/tmp
$	unzip
$	groovyserv-1.1.0-bin/bin/
export	PATH=/tmp/groovyserv-1.1.0/bin:$PATH
 
$	groovyclient	MyScript.groovy
#!/usr/bin/env	groovyclient
 
Writing	Scripts
 
Classname	==	Filename
to	be	found	from	other	script
 
Executing	shell	commands
"mkdir	foo".execute()
["mkdir",	"my	directory"].execute()
 
Workingdir	&	Environment
"ls".execute([],	new	File("/tmp"))
"env".execute(["VAR1=Test",	"VAR2=Something"],	new	File("."))
"env".execute([*:System.env,	VAR1:	'Test']
																													.collect{	k,v	->	"$k=$v"	},	new	File("."))
 
Result	access
println	"ls".execute().text
println	"cmd	/c	dir".execute().text
"ls".execute().inputStream.eachLine	{	println	it	}
"ls".execute().in.eachLine	{	println	it	}
"myCommand".execute().err.eachLine	{	println	it	}
def	proc	=	new	ProcessBuilder("myCommand")
																																					.redirectErrorStream(true).start()	{	println	it	}
 
Process	control
Process	process	=	"mkdir	foo".execute()
int	exitValue	=	process.exitValue()
if(!exitValue)	{
				//do	your	error-handling
if(!"mkdir	foo".execute().waitFor())	{
				//do	your	error-handling
"grep	pattern".execute().waitForOrKill(1000)
def	process	=	"myLongRunningCommand".execute()
 
Process	output
Process	process	=	"myCommand".execute()
def	out	=	new	StringBuffer()
def	err	=	new	StringBuffer()
process.waitForProcessOutput(	out,	err	)
if(	out.size()	>	0	)	println	out
if(	err.size()	>	0	)	println	err
def	p	=	"rm	-f	foo.tmp".execute([],	tmpDir)
p.consumeProcessOutput()	//	Prevent	blocking	by	small	buffer
 
"less".execute().pipeTo("grep	Detected".execute()).text
def	proc1	=	"less".execute()
def	proc2	=	"grep	Detected".execute()
proc1	|	proc2
println	proc2.text
 
"ls	*.java".execute()	//	won't	work
"sh	-c	ls	*.java".execute()	//	Shell	resolves	the	wildcard
 
Shell	Helper	I
class	Shell	{
				final	Map	env	=	System.env
				File	dir	=	new	File('.')
				boolean	redirectErrorStream	=	false
				long	timeout	=	5000
				Shell	env(Map	env)	{
								this.env.putAll(env);	return	this
				Shell	dir(File	dir)	{
								this.dir	=	dir;	return	this
				Shell	dir(String	dir)	{
								this.dir	=	new	File(dir);	return	this
				Shell	redirectErrorStream(boolean	redirectErrorStream	=	true)	{
								this.redirectErrorStream	=	redirectErrorStream;	return	this
				Shell	timeout(int	timeout	=	5000)	{
								this.timeout	=	timeout;	return	this
 
Shell	Helper	II
				Process	execute(String	command)	{
								new	ProcessBuilder(['sh',	'-c',	command])
												.environment(env.collect{k,v	->	"$k=$v"}	as	String[])
				int	call(String	command,	boolean	consumeOutput	=	true)	{
								Process	proc	=	execute(command)
								return	proc.exitValue()
				def	eachLine(String	command,	Closure	action)	{
 
Shell	Helper	III
def	shell	=	new	Shell()"mkdir	/tmp/groovy")
shell("echo	123	>>	/tmp/groovy/test")
shell.dir("/tmp/groovy").call("echo	$HOME	>>	test2")
shell.eachLine("ls	."){
				println	"-	$it	-"
shell.eachLine("cat	test2"){
				println	"-	$it	-"
 
Helpfull	stuff
Accessing	System-Variables
Accessing	System-Properties
Get	your	PID
println	System.env.PWD
 
 
Parsing	Commandline	arguments
DSL	ontop	of	Apache	Commons	CLI
!#/usr/bin/env	groovy
def	cli	=	new	CliBuilder(usage:	'MyScript')
cli.with	{
				v(longOpt:	'version',	'show	version	information')
def	opt	=	cli.parse(args)
if	(!opt)
if	(opt.v)	{
				println	"Version:	1.0.0"
 
A	Sample
usage:	MyScript	[options]	[args]
	-?,--help													usage	information
				--config	<arg>					A	script	for	tweaking	the	configuration
	-D	<property=value>			use	value	for	given	property
	-s,--source	<path>				Aliases	for	'-source'
	-source	<path>								Specify	where	to	find	the	files
	-v,--version										version	information
 
The	code	I
#!/usr/bin/env	groovy
def	cli	=	new	CliBuilder(usage:	'MyScript	[options]	[args]')
cli.with	{
		source(args:1,	argName:	'path',	optionalArg:	false,
													'Specify	where	to	find	the	files')
		_					(longOpt:	'config',	args:1,	argName:	'arg',	optionalArg:	false,
													'A	script	for	tweaking	the	configuration')
		s					(longOpt:	'source',	args:1,	argName:'path',	optionalArg:	false,
													"Aliases	for	'-source'")
		'?'			(longOpt:	'help',	'usage	information')
		v					(longOpt:	'version',	'version	information')
		D					(args:	2,	valueSeparator:	'=',	argName:	'property=value',
													'use	value	for	given	property')
 
The	code	II
def	opt	=	cli.parse(args)
if	(!opt)	//	usage	already	displayed	by	cli.parse()
else	if	(opt.v)
			println	"Version:	1.0.0"
else	{
			if	(opt.config)
							println	"Configuration:	$opt.config"
			if(opt.D)	{
							println	"Custom	properties:"
							println	opt.Ds.collate(2).collect{	it.join('=')	}.join('n')
			def	home	='user.dir'
			if	(opt.s	||	opt.source)
							home	=	opt.s	?:	opt.source
			println	"Working	on	files:"
			opt.arguments().each	println	"$home/$it"
 
Alexander	Klein
codecentric	AG
Curiestr.	2
70563	Stuttgart,	Germany
	+49	(0)	172	529	40	20
 
 
Groovy	Adaptable	Packaging	Engine
Cachedirectory	~/.groovy/grape
@Grab(group='org.springframework',	module='spring-orm',
import	org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate
import	org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate
 
@Grab	Annotation	I
Annotatable	everywhere
often	seen	at	import	statements
group	(String)
Maven	groupId	or	Ivy	organization
module	(String)
Maven	artifactId	or	Ivy	artifact
version	(String)
Ivy	range
'[1.0,	2,0]'	→	1.0	or	2.0
'[2.1,)'	→	2.1	or	greater
classifier	(String)
 
Multiple	Dependencies
																											module='commons-primitives',	version='1.0'),
																											module='tagsoup',	version='0.9.7')
class	Example	{
 
Configuration	in	~/.groovy/grapeConfig.xml
Grape	cache	→	~/.groovy/grapes
Maven	Local	→	~/.m2/repository
JCenter	(includes	Maven	Central)
@GrabResolver(name='restlet',	root='')
@Grab(group='org.restlet',	module='org.restlet',	version='1.1.6')
 
Exclude	transitive	dependencies
 
systemClassLoader	(boolean)
using	the	System-ClassLoader
initContextClassLoader	(boolean)
ContextClassLoader	=	CL	of	the	current	thread
autoDownload	(boolean)
automatic	downloading
disableChecksums	(boolean)
checking	checksums
@Grab(group='mysql',	module='mysql-connector-java',	version='5.1.6')
 
$	groovy	-Dhttp.proxyHost=<host>	-Dhttp.proxyPort=<port>
		-Dhttp.proxyUser=<user>	-Dhttp.proxyPassword=<user>	yourscript.groovy
JAVA_OPTS	=	-Dhttp.proxyHost=<host>	-Dhttp.proxyPort=<port>
																				-Dhttp.proxyUser=<user>	-Dhttp.proxyPassword=<user>
 

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