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TM Simplify   Digital.


This workbook belongs to:
TM Simplify   Digital.

About Groop Skool
Groop Skool is a labor of love. It’s the culmination of my 15 years in web design. As a
young web designer at Razorfish it became quickly apparent that what I loved to do
was to nurture up and coming talent, and share my experience with them. Even earlier
as a computer lab assistant at Art Center College of Design I would spend hours
helping not only with technical problems but teaching and sharing with students
struggling with their assignments. As Chief Visionary at The Groop, the digital agency I
co-founded in 2001 I take great joy in helping facilitate business opportunities and
solve the business challenges that our clients face.

In 2008 I created a seminar and workshop series called Evil Businessman. Tongue in
cheek title aside my goal was to teach creative entrepreneurs the basics of creating
businesses online. At the core of the curriculum was the idea that one of the biggest
obstacles in executing digital businesses was the different of languages spoken by the
disciplines involved. The curriculum helps simplify digital by making it visual and
interactive. In mid 2009 I was struggling to figure out how to make what The Groop did
more streamlined and less painful. Late one afternoon, as I walked down a flowery path
in the corn fields park in downtown Los Angeles it suddenly struck me that the answer
was the same. That language was also the main obstacle.

This is why I am excited to share with you the tools that we created to help you align
these different interests and help you keep your projects on track. My promise to you is
that your digital projects don’t have to be as difficult as they are today and that if you
use even one of the tools we are sharing with you it will make a marked impact. We are
excited to help you simplify digital.

© Groop Skool 2010-2011                                                                            2
TM Simplify   Digital.

About The Groop
The Groop is an award winning digital agency that helps
brands grow, online, on mobile, and on TV. Since 2001 we
have helped advertising agencies, media companies and
lifestyle brands create marketing, e-commerce and video
platforms. We have collaborated with the likes of Wieden +
Kennedy, Crispin Porter, NBC, ESPN, The French Laundry
and Disney. We believe that successfully marrying creativity,
business, technology and marketing is the key to building a
sustainable business.

© Groop Skool 2010-2011                                              3
TMSimplify   Digital.

              1. Inception                  2. Execution                       3. Release

              The Idea Phase                Design & Build                     Release & Iterate

Obstacles                                   ‣ Different language and
You’ll Have   ‣ Shiny object syndrome                                          ‣ Lack of launch QA plan
              ‣ Brainstorming alone                                            ‣ Not knowing what to do next
                                            ‣ Lack of buy-in and
              ‣ Not knowing your users       consensus                         ‣ No user feedback system
                                            ‣ No clarity as to functionality

              1. Brand Attributes Toolkit   4. Alignment Toolkit               7. QA Toolkit

              2. User Definition Toolkit     5. Planning Toolkit                8. Launch Plan Toolkit

              3. Goal Setting Toolkit       6. User Story Toolkit              9. User Testing Toolkit

Team Feels:
              Purpose                       Motivation                         Confidence

              Focus                         Commitment                         Adoption

              Clear Priorities              Clarity                            Learning

              © Groop Skool 2010 - 2011                                                                        4
TMSimplify   Digital.

Day 1
Coffee, Juice and Bagels                      08:30 - 09:30

Your Goals / Alignment                        09:30 - 10:00

What is Brand Driven User Experience?         10:00 - 10:30

Brand Attributes Group Exercise               10:30 - 11:00

Break                                         11:00 - 11:15

Brand Attributes Exercise with a Partner      11:15 - 12:00

5 Minute Brand Statement Presentations        12:00 - 12:30

Lunch Break                                   12:30 - 01:30

What is User Experience?                      01:30 - 01:45

Why User Driven Design?                       01:45 - 02:00

User Definition Group Exercise                 02:00 - 02:30

User Definition Exercise with a Partner        02:30 - 03:00

Break                                         03:00 - 03:15

Creating User Stories                         03:15 - 03:45

Creating User Stories (Video Examples)        03:45 - 04:00

Daily Wrap up Exercise                        04:00 - 04:30

© Groop Skool 2010 - 2011                                          5
Brand Driven Design

Three factors determine the direction your website and sales
platform should take. The first factor is your brand: Who are
you? What do people say about you? Everything from what
type of content to color to interaction style depends on who
you are.
The second factor is your goal: What goals are you trying to
achieve with your initiative? Do you want to increase online
sales? Do you want to make your customer service better? Do
you want to increase enrollment?
Finally there is the third and most important factor, which is
your user. Who are they? What do they need? Meeting their
needs is the key imperative. If we meet their needs, we have


                Your                   Users’
                Goals                  Needs

TM Simplify   Digital.

                                      30 Minutes

Brand Attributes

© Groop Skool 2010-2011                                7

Your            Users’
Goals           Needs
Branding vs. Identity

What is Branding?
A set of qualities, ideas, and attributes promised and delivered in every
experience and every interaction a person may have with a company
Branding is not objective; instead it is a set of feelings and philosophies.
It’s the gut feeling a customer gets when they think of you.
The qualities that make up any company’s brand will inform the way that
company presents itself and conducts business. From the highest levels of
management to the smallest components of everyday interactions, a brand
should be legible, clear, and well-articulated.

How is Identity different?
A Company’s Identity system is the visual expression of the brand through
an identity (symbol and logotype), typography, color palette and layout.

But how do I define a brand?
A Company’s Identity system is the visual expression of the brand through
an identity (symbol and logotype), typography, color palette and layout.

                                                          Nike’s Logo


Define Your Brand Attributes (Example)
In each of the categories below write as many adjectives
that describe your business.

                                                                               We make you        We tangibly
                                              Our users
                                                             Our Personality        feel:          help you:
            General:              We are:        are:
                                                                       is:       (value,        (benefit, time,
                             (our culture)       (our
                                                              (brand voice)     emotional,         money,
                                                                                qualitative)       quantity)

     •Impactful           •Flat              •Busy          •Empowered         •Increase        •Personal
     •Interdisciplinary   •Engineering       leaders        •Intelligent       (quality of      satisfaction
     •Helpful             •Medical           •Smart         •Proud             life)            •To be a part of
     •Technological       •Healing           •Giving        •Busy              •improves life   a revolution or
     •Visionary           •Fun               •Do good       •Charismatic       •Increases       movement /
     •Fun  loving         •Tech              •Social        •Dynamic           mobility         Purposeful
     •Team oriented       •Giving            •Work/life     •Entrepreneurial   •Free coffee     •Hope
     •Collaborative       •Altruistic        balance        •Focused           •Decrease        •Relationships
     •Non-political       •Practical         •Bio           •Driven            health care      •Esteem
     •Flat                •Visionary         medical        •Direct            cost             •Connections
     •Entrepreneurshi     •Innovative        •Creative      •No   BS           •Idea >          to smart
     p                    •Cutting-edge      •Patients      •Logical           clinical study   people
                          •Supportive        •Egotistical   •Efficient          (end to end)     •Enjoyment
                          •Academic          •In Need       •Fancy             •Decreases       •Be part of
                          •Challenging       •Medical       •Funny             risk to the      something big
                          •Demanding         professional   •Loving            commercial       •smart people
                          •Improving         s              •Introverted       sector           •Manifestation
                          •Healing           •Wealthy       •TED               •Creates jobs
                          •Purposeful        •Skeptical     •Curious           •Decreases
                          •Super    Smart    •Practical     •Picky             time to
                          •Nerdy             •Data          •Bold              market
                          •Long   term       •Discerning    •Outside-the-
                          •Think tank        •Challengin    box
                          •Selfless           g the          •Examining
                          •Creative          status-quo     •Caring
                          •Philanthropic     •Profession
                          •Brilliant         al
                          •Engineering       •Engineerin
                          •Logical           g
                          •Entrepreneurial   •Seeking
                          •RIO               •Caring
                          •Diverse           •Leaders

 “Our website communicates our innovations to busy leaders in a bold and
 intelligent manner by expressing our ability to increase quality of life and our
 purpose driven approach.”

10       © GroopLab LLC, 2009 - 2010
Define Your Brand Attributes                                                                  45 Min

 In each of the categories below write as many adjectives
 that describe your business.

      General:               We are:        Our users             Our         We make           We tangibly
                            (our culture)     are:            Personality     you feel:          help you:
                                               (our                is:        (emotional,       (time, money,
                                            community)        (brand voice)   qualitative)         quantity)

______________ provide(s) ______________ to ______________ in a(n)
 Name (Your Organization)                             Product / Service                      Users

_______________ and ______________ way to help them ___________
          Culture                               Personality                                              Benefits

and _____________.

Love / Hate Listing

The purpose of this exercise is to identify the things that we appreciate,
admire, engage and want to emulate as well as those things we want to stay
far far far far far away from in both the digital / online environment as well as
real world. Please fill out each respective column with corresponding brand
logos (at least 10 per column please).

        Things we LOVE                                     Things we HATE

TM Simplify   Digital.

                                      30 Minutes

User Definition

© Groop Skool 2010-2011                                13

Your            Users’
Goals           Needs
The Basics

Why do I need to do this?
You know that customers are the most important thing in your business and
therefore they are the most important driver of what you do online.
Creating a tangible picture of who your customer is requires you to “really see
them” and to understand their needs. The first step is creating a customer profile.
Whether you have done many of these or this is your first time our goal is to help
you make these customers real, both in their profile form here but also in sales.

How do I come up with my customers?
If you are an existing business, you know them because you deal with them all the
time. More importantly you likely have some data of who they are. If you are a new
business and have already defined them you have them written down somewhere
or in your head. If you are the founder of a start-up there is a high likelihood that
you yourself are the main customer profile or know someone close to you is.

                              Who are your customers?

The Basics

What do I need to define about my customer?
To start a name, any name. One that reflects their background. Giving
them a name begins to make them real. You don’t have “customer 1”
as a customer, you have Linda Johnson as a customer. Second
demographic information such as age, gender, income & marital
status. Third, their story. Describe the situation they are in that has
created potential interest in your product or service. Finally, what do
they need from your product or service? This can be a feature or it
can be an attribute of how the feature work such as “easy to use”.

User 1 - Name (Example)

 Story:                                         Demographic:
 ‣ Physicians working at the top of their       ‣ Neurosurgeon, mid-late career
     game, very competitive
                                                ‣ Late 40s/early 50s
 ‣   Have a shared research interest
                                                ‣ Academic medicine, probably at a
 ‣ Have several patents with a condition that     teaching hospital - USC
     is being researched by AMF
                                                ‣ Funded by an NIH grant
 ‣   Personal referral or recruited directly
                                                ‣ Clinical trial every other year as principal
                                                ‣ Married to another academic who works
                                                  full time
                                                ‣ 2 kids,

 Goals (objectives):                            Needs:
 ‣ Wants to work with people who can            ‣ To see that we can facilitate their trail
     provide them with level of service and
                                                ‣ Unique things we have that no one else
     medicine                                     does
 ‣ Wants to help patients                       ‣ Presentation of services - showing what
 ‣ Wants a specific trail for their production     we provide over others

 ‣ Find this synergy & fit for them              ‣ Information about devices - detailed
 ‣ Cutting edge organization                    ‣ To see connections to their population/
 ‣ Find a good partner match
                                                ‣ To see direction of current projects (novel
                                                ‣ Validation as an entity of experience
                                                ‣ Visualize process
                                                ‣ See how we work w/partners (modifying
                                                  IDEs, etc.)
                                                ‣ To see market viability & innovation
                                                  (Research Partner)

User 1 - Name (Title)

 Story:                 Demographic:
 ‣                      ‣

 Goals (objectives):    Needs:

User 1 - Name (Title)

 Story:                 Demographic:
 ‣                      ‣

 Goals (objectives):    Needs:

User 1 - Name (Title)

 Story:                 Demographic:
 ‣                      ‣

 Goals (objectives):    Needs:

User Definition: Example


                                                                           Active User                                        The Celebrity
               Light User
                                                                            “Abhay Modi” - “The Frugal Gadget Dude”           “Anna Walker” - “The Celebrity DealPro”
               “Betty Eno” - “The DIY-er - Future Martha Stewart”                                                             Female, Detroit Michigan
               Female, Brooklyn New York                                    Male, Austin, Texas
                                                                            Age: 26                                           Age: 46
               Age: 31                                                                                                        Former Auto worker
               Engaged                                                      Software Engineer
                                                                            Single                                            Married, 3 kids
               Ex - Advertising Creative Director

                                                                            Abhay is an engineer at an Austin tech            Anna worked in the Automotive industry for 20 years.
               Betty just got laid off from an Ad agency where she was a                                                      Assembly line worker for 12 years, Administrative
  Story                                                                     company. He prides himself at having all the
               creative director.
                                                                            latest tech at the greatest prices. He wears      Assistant to UAW Labor Relations Dir. for 8 years.
               She is a “planner” and has sufficient savings until she                                                        She took voluntary retirement and used her buyout to
                                                                            “savvy frugal” on his shoulder. He loves being
               gets another job.
                                                                            helpful and sharing. Makes him feel valuable      start her own online business. She writes the blog
               Betty loves all things “Home” and “Cooking”. Her blog                                                 She will introduce her
      gets good traffic and    and smart.
                                                                                                                              upcoming book “Deal with It Honey: Living Large at a
               attention. Now that she has some time she is beginning
               to plan a business around her blog.                                                                            Small Price & Other Adventures in Stylish Frugality”
                                                                                                                              on Oprah.

                                                                            ‣People to like his deals                          ‣Easy to use site, she is busy
     Needs     ‣To have fun while finding deals                                                                                ‣Easy to integrate features
               ‣Easy to use commenting tools                                ‣Affirmation from other users
                                                                            ‣The best deals                                    ‣To know that will increase her traffic
               ‣The best deals
                                                                            ‣Feedback                                          ‣To know that won’t damage her image
               ‣To know how could fit her new venture                                                              ‣ Monetization possibilities
               ‣To make new online friends                                  ‣To increase his following
                                                                            ‣To know how to better promote himself             ‣Exposure
               ‣To get followers for her blog                                                                                  ‣Feedback & ideas from her fans
               ‣To discover that she could provide value to others
                                                                   by       ‣API for him to make his own
                sharing her awesomeness.                                     apps

                                                                             Get recognized while sharing your vast   is an awesome partner to help grow
                Save money, interact and have fun, “you too can be a                                                           your brand and user base. They will help me make
                DealPro”. “It’s easy!”                                       wisdom with the unwashed masses. You are a
     Prop                                                                    “Nerd” god. Chicks dig you.                       more money.

                                                                             Others will know you are a god on                 We are an awesome partner to help you grow your
     Core       Save money, have fun & discover that you could be a                                                            brand and users which will help you make more
                DealPro. It’s super easy.                           and chicks will dig you.
     Message                                                                                                                   money.

                                                                 in mind. They are figurative and should only be used as a guide.
 Please Note: These profiles are done with DealPro recruitment

Users / Messaging (Example)

               Robert & Susan
                                                        Bill                        Navin                    Melinda
     Name          Grant

                                                                                Potential                    Current
      Role           The Donor             Research Partner
                                                                                Employee                    Employee

               ‣   Fun                     ‣   Consistency              ‣   Familial                • Proud
               ‣   Impacting               ‣   Establishment            ‣   Accepting               • Celebratory
               ‣   Hopeful                 ‣   Direct, matter of fact   ‣   Encouraging             • Uplifting
     Tone      ‣   Authentic               ‣   Successful &             ‣   Empowering              • Not-fluffy
                                               confident                 ‣   Fun                     • Vernacular
                                                                                                    • Simplified
                                                                                                    • Results-oriented

               ‣ Legacy                    ‣ Successful in              ‣ Today, employees,         • Pride
               ‣ Direct Impact on a            translational research       facilities, history     • Feeling of
                 personal level            ‣ Core skill sets            ‣ Small size, no                accomplishment
                                                                                                    • Show others, friends,
               ‣ Tangible Purpose          ‣ Idea to                        bureaucracy
Value Prop     ‣ Proven impact
                                                                                                        family, recruitment
                                            commercialization           ‣ Lifestyle
                                                                                                    • Unity of vision
                                           ‣ Track record               ‣ Individual
                                                                                                    • What is happening
                                                                        ‣ Great people, tools,
                                                                            vision & challenges

               ‣ Videos                    ‣ Timeline of history/       ‣   Video stories           •   Diagramatics
               ‣ Historical case studies    accomps                     ‣   Highlight tools         •   Stories & statements
               ‣ Gala history              ‣ Information                ‣   Photography             •   Photography
                                           ‣ Wiki                       ‣   Wiki                    •   Employee history/
               ‣ [Visual/Engage/Inspire]                                                                narratives
                                           ‣ [Factual/Informational]    ‣ [Visual/Engage/Inspire]

                                           Writing needs to be authentic, confident and
   Directors                               empowering. Images and visual language need to
  Comments                                 be celebratory and heroic.

  Messaging informs the tone, features and design
  aesthetic that the audience will interactive. It is built
  around our user base and what their needs are to create
  the most effective interaction through the site user path.

               Picture           Picture          Picture




Value Prop


TM Simplify   Digital.

                                      30 Minutes

Goal Setting

© Groop Skool 2010-2011                                24

Your            Users’
Goals           Needs
User Stories
Based on our users needs let’s map out the story of you will help them accomplishing their goals.

        Type                   Title                        Title                      Title

        User                 Name 1                       Name 2                     Name 3

  User Story 1     Enter story...               Enter story...               Enter story...

  User Story 2     Enter story...               Enter story...               Enter story...

TMSimplify   Digital.


© Groop Skool 2010 - 2011                           27
TMSimplify   Digital.


© Groop Skool 2010 - 2011                           28
TM Simplify   Digital.

Day 2
This workbook belongs to:
TMSimplify   Digital.

              1. Inception                  2. Execution                       3. Release

              The Idea Phase                Design & Build                     Release & Iterate

Obstacles                                   ‣ Different language and
You’ll Have   ‣ Shiny object syndrome                                          ‣ Lack of launch QA plan
              ‣ Brainstorming alone                                            ‣ Not knowing what to do next
                                            ‣ Lack of buy-in and
              ‣ Not knowing your users       consensus                         ‣ No user feedback system
                                            ‣ No clarity as to functionality

              1. Brand Attributes Toolkit   4. Alignment Toolkit               7. QA Toolkit

              2. User Definition Toolkit     5. Planning Toolkit                8. Launch Plan Toolkit

              3. Goal Setting Toolkit       6. User Story Toolkit              9. User Testing Toolkit

Team Feels:
              Purpose                       Motivation                         Confidence

              Focus                         Commitment                         Adoption

              Clear Priorities              Clarity                            Learning

              © Groop Skool 2010 - 2011                                                                        2
TMSimplify   Digital.

Day 1
Coffee, Juice and Bagels                                 08:30 - 09:30

Goal Setting                                             09:30 - 10:00

Organizational Goal Setting Group Exercise               10:00 - 10:30

Organizational Goal Setting Exercise with a Partner      10:30 - 11:00

Break                                                    11:00 - 11:15

User & Organizational Alignment Group Exercise           11:15 - 12:00

User & Organizational Alignment with a Partner           12:00 - 12:30

Lunch Break                                              12:30 - 01:30

User Stories                                             01:30 - 01:45

User Story Group Exercise                                01:45 - 02:00

User Story with a Partner                                02:00 - 02:30

Flow, Site Map & Wireframes                              02:30 - 03:00

Break                                                    03:00 - 03:15

Site Map Exercise                                        03:15 - 03:45

Present Site Map                                         03:45 - 04:00

Wrap up Exercise & Resources (Files)                     04:00 - 04:30

© Groop Skool 2010 - 2011                                                     3
Brand Driven Design

Three factors determine the direction your website and sales
platform should take. The first factor is your brand: Who are
you? What do people say about you? Everything from what
type of content to color to interaction style depends on who
you are.
The second factor is your goal: What goals are you trying to
achieve with your initiative? Do you want to increase online
sales? Do you want to make your customer service better? Do
you want to increase enrollment?
Finally there is the third and most important factor, which is
your user. Who are they? What do they need? Meeting their
needs is the key imperative. If we meet their needs, we have


                Your                   Users’
                Goals                  Needs

TM Simplify   Digital.

                                      30 Minutes

Goal Setting

© Groop Skool 2010-2011                                5

Your            Users’
Goals           Needs
Provide Information
Term     Concept                                                         Desirabilit   Total

     3   Organization wide contacts & links                                  10

     3   Job Information                                                 y   10                10

     3   News (Links about foundation)                                        5

     3   History                                                             10                10

     3   Clinical Trial Information                                           9

     3   Fundraising Information (Gala, uses, functionality for online       10                10

         Map of the Alfred Mann ecosystem                                    10

         Current Research                                                    10                10
         donations, etc.)
         Future Direction                                                     8                8

         Story of Alfred Mann & Foundation/Contractors                       10                10

     1   Mission/Vision/Why                                                  10                10

     1   What are we doing?                                                  10                10

     1   What have we done: stories/case studies/etc.                        10                10

         Contact Information, General info, maps                             10                10

         Photography/Imagery to support visualization                        10                10

         Employee Testimonials / Profiles (video)                              7                7

         Patient Information (Current & Future)                               9                9

         What is the culture like?                                            9                9

     3   Content Management for other sites                                   9                9

     2   Executive Team bios/stories                                         10                10

     2   Board of Directors profiles                                          10                10

         Annual Reports                                                       9                9

         List of inventions & contributions & publications                   10                10

 7       © GroopLab LLC, 2009 - 2010
Increase Engagement
Term      Concept                                               Desirability   Total

     1    Online donations                                          10          10

          Nice page that doesn’t get stale                          10          10

          Contact                                                   10          10

          Apply for a job                                           10          10

          Video profiles of employees                                 6          6

          Video Cast studies                                         8          8

          Gala profiles                                              10          10

     1    Imagery to humanize/inspire/energize                      10          10

     2    Clear user path/navigation/easy access                    10          10

          Search optimization/Meta tags                              5          5

     1    Clear Landing                                             10          10

          Look & Feel / Brandmark - Consistent                      10          10

          Constructed messaging                                     10          10

          AMF Logo, naming, site landing URL, etc.                  10          10

          Tours & Events                                             5          5

          Conference Meetings we participate/are mentioned in        5          5

          Organizational Partners                                    9          9

          Industry news & Coverage - curated                         6          6

 8       © GroopLab LLC, 2009 - 2010
Promote Message & Brand: Culture, Impact & People

Term   Concept
                                                            Desirability Total

       External Industry Validation                         10           10

       Show where people’s $$ and efforts go (including
                                                            10           10

       Help physicians find us                               5            5

       Help people/patients fin us                           5            5

       Discovery/Validation for donors                      10           10

       Positioning & Clarification (who we are, why we are
                                                            10           10
       special, how we are green, who we serve)

       Sense of culture                                     10           10

       Sense of pride / Identify & Definition                10           10

       Promote buy-in                                       10           10

       Help people provide referrals                        8            8

       Control content & message - aspirational             10           10

       Clarity of purpose                                   10           10

       Demonstrate impact                                   9            9

       Tell the stories of people - compelling & engaging   10           10

       Inspire the people in the company                    8            8

       Provide an accurate description                      8            8

 9     © GroopLab LLC, 2009 - 2010
Increase Impact (Revenue, Donations, Profit)

 Term   Concept              Obtainability   Desirability   Total















Increase Efficiency (Reduce Costs, Save Time)

 Term   Concept             Obtainability   Desirability   Total















Increase Awareness (Mindshare, Publicity)

 Term   Concept              Obtainability   Desirability   Total















TM Simplify   Digital.

                                      30 Minutes


© Groop Skool 2010-2011                                13
Organizational Objectives + User Goals = Features
 Now we tie the objectives of your Organization to the needs of your Users to identify key Feature Sets.
 We then prioritize these feature sets across the categories to identify our priorities.

                                                                                        Potential                Current
                                                              Researcher               Employee                 Employee
                   Donors                Research
Features                                                      Help people                Needs a                   Gain
                Help people &             Partner
via Goals                                                     under their              challenge,              alignment &
                 engage with             Work with
& Needs                                                        care/solve           ability to access            share w/
                AMF Mission               leaders               problem               best tools &            those around
                                                                                    make an impact                 them

                ‣ About & History    ‣ History              ‣ History               ‣ Job postings (submit    ‣ FAQ
                                                                                      resumes, form
                ‣ Themes for         ‣ Downloadable         ‣ Downloadable            submissions)            ‣ Current events
                  Gala                 one-sheet              one-sheet                                         announcements
  Provide                                                                           ‣ Downloadable one-         & accoms
 Mission &      ‣ Print/Email        ‣ Current areas of     ‣ Current areas of        sheet
   Vision       ‣ Ask a question       research               research
                                                                                    ‣ History
                                                                                                              ‣ History
                ‣ Progress on        ‣ Blog                 ‣ Blog                  ‣ Blog                    ‣ Blog
                  projects           ‣ FAQ                  ‣ FAQ

                ‣ Video narratives   ‣ Timeline history     ‣ Timeline history      ‣ Video (tour,            ‣ Videos of
                  of pattents                                                         patient story,            patient stories
                                     ‣ Downloadable         ‣ Research                mgmt/empl
Engagement      ‣ Past event           one-sheet              approach
                                                                                                              ‣ Simple
via Imagery &     highlights                                                                                    diagramatics
                                     ‣ Video mission        ‣ Surveys/questions
                ‣ short text/large   ‣ Tour of facilities                                                     ‣ Product Stories

                ‣ Big type           ‣ Information          ‣ Information pushes    ‣ Subscribe to            ‣ Information
                                       pushes for SEO         for SEO                 newsfeeds                 pushes (tweets,
                ‣ Serif typeface                                                                                feeds, etc. )for
                ‣ Social media       ‣ About/FAQ            ‣ Surface Tech,         ‣ Informaiton pushes        SEO
Communicate                                                   accomps                 (tweets, feeds, etc.)
                  campaign           ‣ Surface Tech
 Brand Value                                                ‣ Wiki                    for SEO                 ‣ Accomps
  & Inspire     ‣ Donations
                  online (1-Line,                           ‣ Interactive history   ‣ Accomps
                ‣ Subscribe

Notes for UX: User-Based Navigation


    14       © GroopLab LLC, 2009 - 2010
Organizational Objectives + User Goals = Features
Now we tie the objectives of your Organization to the needs of your Users to identify key Feature Sets.
We then prioritize these feature sets across the categories to identify our priorities.

                             User 1                      User 2                     User 3
        Type              Primary Goal                Primary Goal               Primary Goal
                          Primary Need                Primary Need               Primary Need

    Objective 1

    Objective 2

    Objective 3

    Objective 4

TM Simplify   Digital.

                                      30 Minutes

User Story

© Groop Skool 2010-2011                                16
User Stories
Based on our users needs let’s map out the story of you will help them
accomplishing their goals.

    Type                 Angel                      Baby Boomer                       Tech Savvy                Service Provider

    User           Donna Downey                     Dwayne Marks                    Jasmine Zorlu              Laura Bloomenthal

               Entry:                           Entry:                           Entry:                        Entry:
               1. Searches ancestry,            1. Invite from Donna             1. Invite from Donna          1. Direct contact
                    other fam history on        2. Searching for family          2. Family conversation /      2. Professional
                    google and sees SEO             istory                           wall post                     contracts
                    or award                    3. Word of mouth                 3. PR exposure                3. Advertising at
               2. Sees FB targeted ad           4. Comment on a cause                                              conference / prof
               3. Sees HU in media, print,          WWII                         Engagement:                       site / trade
                    TV lifestyle press                                           Similar to Dwayne             4. Request from HU
               4. Speaks to a friend who        Engagement:                      Sees family profile                user
                    is talking about it.        Gets Donna / HU email -          Logs in and starts            5. Checking out other
               5. Engagement:                   text / audio direction           contributing - asks to be         providers case
               6. goes a video about a          Clicks through link and lands    added                             studies
                    featured story (carousel)   on his lite profile               Logs in and starts
               7. Clicks on a get started       Sees a video tutorial,           contributing                  Engagement:
                    button (or login)           Donnaʼs message and get          Sees family portraits /       Separate service
               8. Strong Imagery                started                          media                         providers entry
               Uses:                            Quick visual instructions                                      fills out profile and sets
               Enters login and pass            (custom to Demo same w/          Uses:                         up account
               Basic info about herself and     video)                           Browsing, reading,            Gets vetted / approved
               family                                                            commenting on the family
               Starts setting up family -       Uses:                            album                         Uses:
               each member with an invite       HU asks where he wants to        Comments / curates            Listing her services
 User Story    and a question - light profile    start                            Ask questions                 Project mgmt / schedule /
     1         set up by Donna                  Selects project, event, profile   Exports images /              comm / files
               DASHBOARD                        Suggests given by HU             slideshows / other content    MyCypher transcription
               checks family updates            based on time and family         Links to her FB profile        Answer the forum posts
               checks for new things            events                           Gets mobile updates           Prof / group events
               relevant to her                  Like Pandora                     Looks for family project      Find collaboration /
               stars new even                   Sees suggested architecture      ideas                         peerage
               starts new project               of proj                          Uses the app to upload        Subscription fees
               add family member                Fills aout first story (already   content (FB and HU)           Checks out workshop etc
               add guest                        asked Donna)                     visualizes the family quilt   Premium service / profile
               browse providers                 Starts new stories adds ppl      building                      Reviews
               see samples                      Add to other ppls wikis          Wants to fill in the ʻdryʼ     HU Profile
               browse providers                 Prompts new stories from         spots                         Makes her own page as
               see samples                      family                                                         case study (becomes
               browse forum (tips from ppl      set up recording sessions                                      ʻDonnaʼ or ʻDwayneʼ)
               like her) leaves posts           Prompts others for content                                     Provides tips etc..
               browse family content and        Browse providers / books                                       Professional feedback
               updates event / person           Identifies w/ groups he was
               push starts a family             associated with - join and
               conversation                     communicates w/
               watches for new notifications

  17     © GroopLab LLC, 2009 - 2010
User Stories
Based on our users needs let’s map out the story of you will help them accomplishing their goals.

        Type                   Title                        Title                      Title

        User                 Name 1                       Name 2                     Name 3

  User Story 1     Enter story...               Enter story...               Enter story...

  User Story 2     Enter story...               Enter story...               Enter story...

TMSimplify   Digital.


© Groop Skool 2010 - 2011                           19

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Groop Skool Workbook: Inception 42911

  • 1. TM Simplify Digital. Weekend Web Workshops Inception This workbook belongs to:
  • 2. TM Simplify Digital. About Groop Skool Groop Skool is a labor of love. It’s the culmination of my 15 years in web design. As a young web designer at Razorfish it became quickly apparent that what I loved to do was to nurture up and coming talent, and share my experience with them. Even earlier as a computer lab assistant at Art Center College of Design I would spend hours helping not only with technical problems but teaching and sharing with students struggling with their assignments. As Chief Visionary at The Groop, the digital agency I co-founded in 2001 I take great joy in helping facilitate business opportunities and solve the business challenges that our clients face. In 2008 I created a seminar and workshop series called Evil Businessman. Tongue in cheek title aside my goal was to teach creative entrepreneurs the basics of creating businesses online. At the core of the curriculum was the idea that one of the biggest obstacles in executing digital businesses was the different of languages spoken by the disciplines involved. The curriculum helps simplify digital by making it visual and interactive. In mid 2009 I was struggling to figure out how to make what The Groop did more streamlined and less painful. Late one afternoon, as I walked down a flowery path in the corn fields park in downtown Los Angeles it suddenly struck me that the answer was the same. That language was also the main obstacle. This is why I am excited to share with you the tools that we created to help you align these different interests and help you keep your projects on track. My promise to you is that your digital projects don’t have to be as difficult as they are today and that if you use even one of the tools we are sharing with you it will make a marked impact. We are excited to help you simplify digital. © Groop Skool 2010-2011 2
  • 3. TM Simplify Digital. About The Groop The Groop is an award winning digital agency that helps brands grow, online, on mobile, and on TV. Since 2001 we have helped advertising agencies, media companies and lifestyle brands create marketing, e-commerce and video platforms. We have collaborated with the likes of Wieden + Kennedy, Crispin Porter, NBC, ESPN, The French Laundry and Disney. We believe that successfully marrying creativity, business, technology and marketing is the key to building a sustainable business. © Groop Skool 2010-2011 3
  • 4. TMSimplify Digital. 1. Inception 2. Execution 3. Release Phase The Idea Phase Design & Build Release & Iterate Obstacles ‣ Different language and You’ll Have ‣ Shiny object syndrome ‣ Lack of launch QA plan interests ‣ Brainstorming alone ‣ Not knowing what to do next ‣ Lack of buy-in and ‣ Not knowing your users consensus ‣ No user feedback system ‣ No clarity as to functionality Toolkits 1. Brand Attributes Toolkit 4. Alignment Toolkit 7. QA Toolkit 2. User Definition Toolkit 5. Planning Toolkit 8. Launch Plan Toolkit 3. Goal Setting Toolkit 6. User Story Toolkit 9. User Testing Toolkit Team Feels: Purpose Motivation Confidence Focus Commitment Adoption Clear Priorities Clarity Learning © Groop Skool 2010 - 2011 4
  • 5. TMSimplify Digital. Day 1 Coffee, Juice and Bagels  08:30 - 09:30 Your Goals / Alignment 09:30 - 10:00 What is Brand Driven User Experience? 10:00 - 10:30 Brand Attributes Group Exercise  10:30 - 11:00 Break 11:00 - 11:15 Brand Attributes Exercise with a Partner 11:15 - 12:00 5 Minute Brand Statement Presentations 12:00 - 12:30 Lunch Break 12:30 - 01:30 What is User Experience? 01:30 - 01:45 Why User Driven Design? 01:45 - 02:00 User Definition Group Exercise 02:00 - 02:30 User Definition Exercise with a Partner 02:30 - 03:00 Break 03:00 - 03:15 Creating User Stories 03:15 - 03:45 Creating User Stories (Video Examples) 03:45 - 04:00 Daily Wrap up Exercise  04:00 - 04:30 © Groop Skool 2010 - 2011 5
  • 6. Brand Driven Design Three factors determine the direction your website and sales platform should take. The first factor is your brand: Who are you? What do people say about you? Everything from what type of content to color to interaction style depends on who you are. The second factor is your goal: What goals are you trying to achieve with your initiative? Do you want to increase online sales? Do you want to make your customer service better? Do you want to increase enrollment? Finally there is the third and most important factor, which is your user. Who are they? What do they need? Meeting their needs is the key imperative. If we meet their needs, we have succeeded. Your Brand Your Users’ Goals Needs 6
  • 7. TM Simplify Digital. 30 Minutes Brand Attributes Toolkit 1 © Groop Skool 2010-2011 7
  • 8. Your Brand Your Users’ Goals Needs
  • 9. Branding vs. Identity What is Branding? A set of qualities, ideas, and attributes promised and delivered in every experience and every interaction a person may have with a company Branding is not objective; instead it is a set of feelings and philosophies. It’s the gut feeling a customer gets when they think of you. The qualities that make up any company’s brand will inform the way that company presents itself and conducts business. From the highest levels of management to the smallest components of everyday interactions, a brand should be legible, clear, and well-articulated. How is Identity different? A Company’s Identity system is the visual expression of the brand through an identity (symbol and logotype), typography, color palette and layout. But how do I define a brand? A Company’s Identity system is the visual expression of the brand through an identity (symbol and logotype), typography, color palette and layout. Nike’s Logo vs Customers Feeling 9
  • 10. Define Your Brand Attributes (Example) In each of the categories below write as many adjectives that describe your business. We make you We tangibly Our users Our Personality feel: help you: General: We are: are: is: (value, (benefit, time, (our culture) (our (brand voice) emotional, money, community) qualitative) quantity) •Impactful •Flat •Busy •Empowered •Increase •Personal •Interdisciplinary •Engineering leaders •Intelligent (quality of satisfaction •Helpful •Medical •Smart •Proud life) •To be a part of •Technological •Healing •Giving •Busy •improves life a revolution or •Visionary •Fun •Do good •Charismatic •Increases movement / •Fun loving •Tech •Social •Dynamic mobility Purposeful •Team oriented •Giving •Work/life •Entrepreneurial •Free coffee •Hope •Collaborative •Altruistic balance •Focused •Decrease •Relationships •Non-political •Practical •Bio •Driven health care •Esteem •Flat •Visionary medical •Direct cost •Connections •Entrepreneurshi •Innovative •Creative •No BS •Idea > to smart p •Cutting-edge •Patients •Logical clinical study people •Supportive •Egotistical •Efficient (end to end) •Enjoyment •Academic •In Need •Fancy •Decreases •Be part of •Challenging •Medical •Funny risk to the something big •Demanding professional •Loving commercial •smart people •Improving s •Introverted sector •Manifestation •Healing •Wealthy •TED •Creates jobs •Purposeful •Skeptical •Curious •Decreases •Super Smart •Practical •Picky time to •Nerdy •Data •Bold market •Long term •Discerning •Outside-the- •Think tank •Challengin box •Selfless g the •Examining •Creative status-quo •Caring •Philanthropic •Profession •Brilliant al •Engineering •Engineerin •Logical g •Entrepreneurial •Seeking •RIO •Caring •Diverse •Leaders “Our website communicates our innovations to busy leaders in a bold and intelligent manner by expressing our ability to increase quality of life and our purpose driven approach.” 10 © GroopLab LLC, 2009 - 2010
  • 11. Define Your Brand Attributes 45 Min In each of the categories below write as many adjectives that describe your business. General: We are: Our users Our We make We tangibly (our culture) are: Personality you feel: help you: (our is: (emotional, (time, money, community) (brand voice) qualitative) quantity) ______________ provide(s) ______________ to ______________ in a(n) Name (Your Organization) Product / Service Users _______________ and ______________ way to help them ___________ Culture Personality Benefits and _____________. Value 11
  • 12. Love / Hate Listing Bo n us The purpose of this exercise is to identify the things that we appreciate, admire, engage and want to emulate as well as those things we want to stay far far far far far away from in both the digital / online environment as well as real world. Please fill out each respective column with corresponding brand logos (at least 10 per column please). Things we LOVE Things we HATE 12
  • 13. TM Simplify Digital. 30 Minutes User Definition Toolkit 2 © Groop Skool 2010-2011 13
  • 14. Your Brand Your Users’ Goals Needs
  • 15. The Basics Why do I need to do this? You know that customers are the most important thing in your business and therefore they are the most important driver of what you do online. Creating a tangible picture of who your customer is requires you to “really see them” and to understand their needs. The first step is creating a customer profile. Whether you have done many of these or this is your first time our goal is to help you make these customers real, both in their profile form here but also in sales. How do I come up with my customers? If you are an existing business, you know them because you deal with them all the time. More importantly you likely have some data of who they are. If you are a new business and have already defined them you have them written down somewhere or in your head. If you are the founder of a start-up there is a high likelihood that you yourself are the main customer profile or know someone close to you is. Who are your customers? 15
  • 16. The Basics What do I need to define about my customer? To start a name, any name. One that reflects their background. Giving them a name begins to make them real. You don’t have “customer 1” as a customer, you have Linda Johnson as a customer. Second demographic information such as age, gender, income & marital status. Third, their story. Describe the situation they are in that has created potential interest in your product or service. Finally, what do they need from your product or service? This can be a feature or it can be an attribute of how the feature work such as “easy to use”. 16
  • 17. User 1 - Name (Example) Story: Demographic: ‣ Physicians working at the top of their ‣ Neurosurgeon, mid-late career game, very competitive ‣ Late 40s/early 50s ‣ Have a shared research interest ‣ Academic medicine, probably at a ‣ Have several patents with a condition that teaching hospital - USC is being researched by AMF ‣ Funded by an NIH grant ‣ Personal referral or recruited directly ‣ Clinical trial every other year as principal investigator ‣ Married to another academic who works full time ‣ 2 kids, Goals (objectives): Needs: ‣ Wants to work with people who can ‣ To see that we can facilitate their trail provide them with level of service and ‣ Unique things we have that no one else medicine does ‣ Wants to help patients ‣ Presentation of services - showing what ‣ Wants a specific trail for their production we provide over others ‣ Find this synergy & fit for them ‣ Information about devices - detailed ‣ Cutting edge organization ‣ To see connections to their population/ practice ‣ Find a good partner match ‣ To see direction of current projects (novel ideas) ‣ Validation as an entity of experience ‣ Visualize process ‣ See how we work w/partners (modifying IDEs, etc.) ‣ To see market viability & innovation (Research Partner) 17
  • 18. User 1 - Name (Title) Story: Demographic: ‣ ‣ Goals (objectives): Needs: ‣ 18
  • 19. User 1 - Name (Title) Story: Demographic: ‣ ‣ Goals (objectives): Needs: ‣ 19
  • 20. User 1 - Name (Title) Story: Demographic: ‣ ‣ Goals (objectives): Needs: ‣ 20
  • 21. User Definition: Example DealPro User Profiles Active User The Celebrity Light User “Abhay Modi” - “The Frugal Gadget Dude” “Anna Walker” - “The Celebrity DealPro” “Betty Eno” - “The DIY-er - Future Martha Stewart” Female, Detroit Michigan Female, Brooklyn New York Male, Austin, Texas Age: 26 Age: 46 Age: 31 Former Auto worker Engaged Software Engineer Single Married, 3 kids Ex - Advertising Creative Director Abhay is an engineer at an Austin tech Anna worked in the Automotive industry for 20 years. Betty just got laid off from an Ad agency where she was a Assembly line worker for 12 years, Administrative Story company. He prides himself at having all the creative director. latest tech at the greatest prices. He wears Assistant to UAW Labor Relations Dir. for 8 years. She is a “planner” and has sufficient savings until she She took voluntary retirement and used her buyout to “savvy frugal” on his shoulder. He loves being gets another job. helpful and sharing. Makes him feel valuable start her own online business. She writes the blog Betty loves all things “Home” and “Cooking”. Her blog She will introduce her gets good traffic and and smart. upcoming book “Deal with It Honey: Living Large at a attention. Now that she has some time she is beginning to plan a business around her blog. Small Price & Other Adventures in Stylish Frugality” on Oprah. ‣People to like his deals ‣Easy to use site, she is busy Needs ‣To have fun while finding deals ‣Easy to integrate features ‣Easy to use commenting tools ‣Affirmation from other users ‣The best deals ‣To know that will increase her traffic ‣The best deals ‣Feedback ‣To know that won’t damage her image ‣To know how could fit her new venture ‣ Monetization possibilities ‣To make new online friends ‣To increase his following ‣To know how to better promote himself ‣Exposure ‣To get followers for her blog ‣Feedback & ideas from her fans ‣To discover that she could provide value to others by ‣API for him to make his own sharing her awesomeness. apps Get recognized while sharing your vast is an awesome partner to help grow Save money, interact and have fun, “you too can be a your brand and user base. They will help me make Value DealPro”. “It’s easy!” wisdom with the unwashed masses. You are a Prop “Nerd” god. Chicks dig you. more money. Others will know you are a god on We are an awesome partner to help you grow your Core Save money, have fun & discover that you could be a brand and users which will help you make more DealPro. It’s super easy. and chicks will dig you. Message money. in mind. They are figurative and should only be used as a guide. Please Note: These profiles are done with DealPro recruitment 21
  • 22. Users / Messaging (Example) Robert & Susan Bill Navin Melinda Name Grant Potential Current Role The Donor Research Partner Employee Employee ‣ Fun ‣ Consistency ‣ Familial • Proud ‣ Impacting ‣ Establishment ‣ Accepting • Celebratory ‣ Hopeful ‣ Direct, matter of fact ‣ Encouraging • Uplifting Tone ‣ Authentic ‣ Successful & ‣ Empowering • Not-fluffy confident ‣ Fun • Vernacular • Simplified • Results-oriented ‣ Legacy ‣ Successful in ‣ Today, employees, • Pride ‣ Direct Impact on a translational research facilities, history • Feeling of personal level ‣ Core skill sets ‣ Small size, no accomplishment • Show others, friends, ‣ Tangible Purpose ‣ Idea to bureaucracy Value Prop ‣ Proven impact family, recruitment commercialization ‣ Lifestyle • Unity of vision ‣ Track record ‣ Individual • What is happening ‣ Great people, tools, vision & challenges ‣ Videos ‣ Timeline of history/ ‣ Video stories • Diagramatics ‣ Historical case studies accomps ‣ Highlight tools • Stories & statements ‣ Gala history ‣ Information ‣ Photography • Photography ‣ Wiki ‣ Wiki • Employee history/ Metaphors ‣ [Visual/Engage/Inspire] narratives ‣ [Factual/Informational] ‣ [Visual/Engage/Inspire] [Visual/Engage/Inspire] Writing needs to be authentic, confident and Directors empowering. Images and visual language need to Comments be celebratory and heroic. 22
  • 23. Messaging Messaging informs the tone, features and design aesthetic that the audience will interactive. It is built around our user base and what their needs are to create the most effective interaction through the site user path. Picture Picture Picture Name Role Tone Value Prop Metaphors 23
  • 24. TM Simplify Digital. 30 Minutes Goal Setting Toolkit 3 © Groop Skool 2010-2011 24
  • 25. Your Brand Your Users’ Goals Needs
  • 26. User Stories Based on our users needs let’s map out the story of you will help them accomplishing their goals. Type Title Title Title User Name 1 Name 2 Name 3 User Story 1 Enter story... Enter story... Enter story... User Story 2 Enter story... Enter story... Enter story... 26
  • 27. TMSimplify Digital. Notes © Groop Skool 2010 - 2011 27
  • 28. TMSimplify Digital. Notes © Groop Skool 2010 - 2011 28
  • 29. TM Simplify Digital. Weekend Web Workshops Inception Day 2 This workbook belongs to:
  • 30. TMSimplify Digital. 1. Inception 2. Execution 3. Release Phase The Idea Phase Design & Build Release & Iterate Obstacles ‣ Different language and You’ll Have ‣ Shiny object syndrome ‣ Lack of launch QA plan interests ‣ Brainstorming alone ‣ Not knowing what to do next ‣ Lack of buy-in and ‣ Not knowing your users consensus ‣ No user feedback system ‣ No clarity as to functionality Toolkits 1. Brand Attributes Toolkit 4. Alignment Toolkit 7. QA Toolkit 2. User Definition Toolkit 5. Planning Toolkit 8. Launch Plan Toolkit 3. Goal Setting Toolkit 6. User Story Toolkit 9. User Testing Toolkit Team Feels: Purpose Motivation Confidence Focus Commitment Adoption Clear Priorities Clarity Learning © Groop Skool 2010 - 2011 2
  • 31. TMSimplify Digital. Day 1 Coffee, Juice and Bagels  08:30 - 09:30 Goal Setting 09:30 - 10:00 Organizational Goal Setting Group Exercise 10:00 - 10:30 Organizational Goal Setting Exercise with a Partner 10:30 - 11:00 Break 11:00 - 11:15 User & Organizational Alignment Group Exercise 11:15 - 12:00 User & Organizational Alignment with a Partner 12:00 - 12:30 Lunch Break 12:30 - 01:30 User Stories 01:30 - 01:45 User Story Group Exercise 01:45 - 02:00 User Story with a Partner 02:00 - 02:30 Flow, Site Map & Wireframes 02:30 - 03:00 Break 03:00 - 03:15 Site Map Exercise 03:15 - 03:45 Present Site Map 03:45 - 04:00 Wrap up Exercise & Resources (Files) 04:00 - 04:30 © Groop Skool 2010 - 2011 3
  • 32. Brand Driven Design Three factors determine the direction your website and sales platform should take. The first factor is your brand: Who are you? What do people say about you? Everything from what type of content to color to interaction style depends on who you are. The second factor is your goal: What goals are you trying to achieve with your initiative? Do you want to increase online sales? Do you want to make your customer service better? Do you want to increase enrollment? Finally there is the third and most important factor, which is your user. Who are they? What do they need? Meeting their needs is the key imperative. If we meet their needs, we have succeeded. Your Brand Your Users’ Goals Needs 4
  • 33. TM Simplify Digital. 30 Minutes Goal Setting Toolkit 3 © Groop Skool 2010-2011 5
  • 34. Your Brand Your Users’ Goals Needs
  • 35. Provide Information Term Concept Desirabilit Total 3 Organization wide contacts & links 10 3 Job Information y 10 10 3 News (Links about foundation) 5 3 History 10 10 3 Clinical Trial Information 9 3 Fundraising Information (Gala, uses, functionality for online 10 10 Map of the Alfred Mann ecosystem 10 Current Research 10 10 donations, etc.) Future Direction 8 8 Story of Alfred Mann & Foundation/Contractors 10 10 1 Mission/Vision/Why 10 10 1 What are we doing? 10 10 1 What have we done: stories/case studies/etc. 10 10 Contact Information, General info, maps 10 10 Photography/Imagery to support visualization 10 10 Employee Testimonials / Profiles (video) 7 7 Patient Information (Current & Future) 9 9 What is the culture like? 9 9 3 Content Management for other sites 9 9 2 Executive Team bios/stories 10 10 2 Board of Directors profiles 10 10 Annual Reports 9 9 List of inventions & contributions & publications 10 10 7 © GroopLab LLC, 2009 - 2010
  • 36. Increase Engagement Term Concept Desirability Total 1 Online donations 10 10 Nice page that doesn’t get stale 10 10 Contact 10 10 Apply for a job 10 10 Video profiles of employees 6 6 Video Cast studies 8 8 Gala profiles 10 10 1 Imagery to humanize/inspire/energize 10 10 2 Clear user path/navigation/easy access 10 10 Search optimization/Meta tags 5 5 1 Clear Landing 10 10 Look & Feel / Brandmark - Consistent 10 10 Constructed messaging 10 10 AMF Logo, naming, site landing URL, etc. 10 10 Tours & Events 5 5 Conference Meetings we participate/are mentioned in 5 5 Organizational Partners 9 9 Industry news & Coverage - curated 6 6 8 © GroopLab LLC, 2009 - 2010
  • 37. Promote Message & Brand: Culture, Impact & People Term Concept Desirability Total External Industry Validation 10 10 Show where people’s $$ and efforts go (including 10 10 employees) Help physicians find us 5 5 Help people/patients fin us 5 5 Discovery/Validation for donors 10 10 Positioning & Clarification (who we are, why we are 10 10 special, how we are green, who we serve) Sense of culture 10 10 Sense of pride / Identify & Definition 10 10 Promote buy-in 10 10 Help people provide referrals 8 8 Control content & message - aspirational 10 10 Clarity of purpose 10 10 Demonstrate impact 9 9 Tell the stories of people - compelling & engaging 10 10 Inspire the people in the company 8 8 Provide an accurate description 8 8 9 © GroopLab LLC, 2009 - 2010
  • 38. Increase Impact (Revenue, Donations, Profit) Term Concept Obtainability Desirability Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10
  • 39. Increase Efficiency (Reduce Costs, Save Time) Term Concept Obtainability Desirability Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11
  • 40. Increase Awareness (Mindshare, Publicity) Term Concept Obtainability Desirability Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12
  • 41. TM Simplify Digital. 30 Minutes Alignment Toolkit 4 © Groop Skool 2010-2011 13
  • 42. Organizational Objectives + User Goals = Features Now we tie the objectives of your Organization to the needs of your Users to identify key Feature Sets. We then prioritize these feature sets across the categories to identify our priorities. Potential Current Researcher Employee Employee Donors Research Features Help people Needs a Gain Help people & Partner via Goals under their challenge, alignment & engage with Work with & Needs care/solve ability to access share w/ AMF Mission leaders problem best tools & those around make an impact them ‣ About & History ‣ History ‣ History ‣ Job postings (submit ‣ FAQ resumes, form ‣ Themes for ‣ Downloadable ‣ Downloadable submissions) ‣ Current events Gala one-sheet one-sheet announcements Provide ‣ Downloadable one- & accoms Mission & ‣ Print/Email ‣ Current areas of ‣ Current areas of sheet Vision ‣ Ask a question research research ‣ History ‣ History ‣ Progress on ‣ Blog ‣ Blog ‣ Blog ‣ Blog projects ‣ FAQ ‣ FAQ ‣ Video narratives ‣ Timeline history ‣ Timeline history ‣ Video (tour, ‣ Videos of of pattents patient story, patient stories ‣ Downloadable ‣ Research mgmt/empl Engagement ‣ Past event one-sheet approach stories) ‣ Simple via Imagery & highlights diagramatics ‣ Video mission ‣ Surveys/questions Stories ‣ short text/large ‣ Tour of facilities ‣ Product Stories images ‣ Big type ‣ Information ‣ Information pushes ‣ Subscribe to ‣ Information pushes for SEO for SEO newsfeeds pushes (tweets, ‣ Serif typeface feeds, etc. )for ‣ Social media ‣ About/FAQ ‣ Surface Tech, ‣ Informaiton pushes SEO Communicate accomps (tweets, feeds, etc.) campaign ‣ Surface Tech Brand Value ‣ Wiki for SEO ‣ Accomps & Inspire ‣ Donations online (1-Line, ‣ Interactive history ‣ Accomps Pride subs) ‣ Subscribe Notes for UX: User-Based Navigation AMF/ Alumni/ Spinoffs 14 © GroopLab LLC, 2009 - 2010
  • 43. Organizational Objectives + User Goals = Features Now we tie the objectives of your Organization to the needs of your Users to identify key Feature Sets. We then prioritize these feature sets across the categories to identify our priorities. User 1 User 2 User 3 Type Primary Goal Primary Goal Primary Goal Primary Need Primary Need Primary Need Organizational Objective 1 Organizational Objective 2 Organizational Objective 3 Organizational Objective 4 15
  • 44. TM Simplify Digital. 30 Minutes User Story Toolkit 5 © Groop Skool 2010-2011 16
  • 45. User Stories Based on our users needs let’s map out the story of you will help them accomplishing their goals. Type Angel Baby Boomer Tech Savvy Service Provider User Donna Downey Dwayne Marks Jasmine Zorlu Laura Bloomenthal Entry: Entry: Entry: Entry: 1. Searches ancestry, 1. Invite from Donna 1. Invite from Donna 1. Direct contact other fam history on 2. Searching for family 2. Family conversation / 2. Professional google and sees SEO istory wall post contracts or award 3. Word of mouth 3. PR exposure 3. Advertising at 2. Sees FB targeted ad 4. Comment on a cause conference / prof 3. Sees HU in media, print, WWII Engagement: site / trade TV lifestyle press Similar to Dwayne 4. Request from HU 4. Speaks to a friend who Engagement: Sees family profile user is talking about it. Gets Donna / HU email - Logs in and starts 5. Checking out other 5. Engagement: text / audio direction contributing - asks to be providers case 6. goes a video about a Clicks through link and lands added studies featured story (carousel) on his lite profile Logs in and starts 7. Clicks on a get started Sees a video tutorial, contributing Engagement: button (or login) Donnaʼs message and get Sees family portraits / Separate service 8. Strong Imagery started media providers entry Uses: Quick visual instructions fills out profile and sets Enters login and pass (custom to Demo same w/ Uses: up account Basic info about herself and video) Browsing, reading, Gets vetted / approved family commenting on the family Starts setting up family - Uses: album Uses: each member with an invite HU asks where he wants to Comments / curates Listing her services User Story and a question - light profile start Ask questions Project mgmt / schedule / 1 set up by Donna Selects project, event, profile Exports images / comm / files DASHBOARD Suggests given by HU slideshows / other content MyCypher transcription checks family updates based on time and family Links to her FB profile Answer the forum posts checks for new things events Gets mobile updates Prof / group events relevant to her Like Pandora Looks for family project Find collaboration / stars new even Sees suggested architecture ideas peerage starts new project of proj Uses the app to upload Subscription fees add family member Fills aout first story (already content (FB and HU) Checks out workshop etc add guest asked Donna) visualizes the family quilt Premium service / profile browse providers Starts new stories adds ppl building Reviews see samples Add to other ppls wikis Wants to fill in the ʻdryʼ HU Profile browse providers Prompts new stories from spots Makes her own page as see samples family case study (becomes browse forum (tips from ppl set up recording sessions ʻDonnaʼ or ʻDwayneʼ) like her) leaves posts Prompts others for content Provides tips etc.. browse family content and Browse providers / books Professional feedback updates event / person Identifies w/ groups he was push starts a family associated with - join and conversation communicates w/ watches for new notifications 17 © GroopLab LLC, 2009 - 2010
  • 46. User Stories Based on our users needs let’s map out the story of you will help them accomplishing their goals. Type Title Title Title User Name 1 Name 2 Name 3 User Story 1 Enter story... Enter story... Enter story... User Story 2 Enter story... Enter story... Enter story... 18
  • 47. TMSimplify Digital. Notes © Groop Skool 2010 - 2011 19