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~Healthy World ResearchOrganization
  ~Healthy World Research Organization
Publisher : Healthy World Research Organisation
635/1 B, Bibwewadi
New Gajra Society,
Pune 411 037 Maharashtra (India)

All rights reserved
Copyright' 2006 : Healthy World Research Organisation
Spirulina Capsules is a trademark of Pushpam Health Care Products

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transmitted in any form or by any means, elec-
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in this book are for informational purposes only.
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Printed in India

What is Spirulina?


    Spirulina is a blue green alga of vegetable origin. For centuries,
Spirulina has been in use as a natural whole-food food source. It is
considered to be one of the richest sources of a vast range of
nutritional ingredients.

The spirulina production involves:




Selected strains are used for cultivation of alga in specially
constructed ponds. Agitation of algal culture is necessary to keep
nutrients evenly dispersed and also to expose all the cells to sunlight.
Constant agitation of water is one of the important parameters in
cultivation of spirulina.


               Washing and Dehydration

     The algal biomass is carefully washed & harvested using
specially made filters to recover biomass.



The washed biomass is spray dried and is pulverized to get
desired particle size and packed in vegetarian capsules. These
capsules are then packed in appropriate containers. This entire
procedure is done in special & protected area.

    The fantastic benefits of Spirulina and
    its positive effects on the human body
     To understand the health benefits of Spirulina, it is essential to
comprehend the meanings of nutrition and nutritional ingredients.

     Nutrition is the science of food and its relation to health. This
science is the study of understanding what the human body requires
for its growth, development and maintenance, so as to prevent ill
health or disease.

     Various nutritional ingredients are required to be present in the
diet to perform a number of essential actions in the body to maintain
the health.

     Nutrients or nutritional ingredients can be broadly classified into
two groups: Macronutrients and Micronutrients.

     Macronutrients are nutritional ingredients required (for keeping
good health) in large amounts while Micronutrients are those that are
required in relatively smaller amounts.

     Let's look at the table given below to understand this
classification better:


 Fluids Macronutrients                    Micronutrients

          Proteins              Vitamins                Minerals
          Lipids                VITAMIN A               Calcium
                                VITAMIN B               Phosphorous
                                VITAMIN    C            Magnesium
                                VITAMIN    D            Sodium
                                VITAMIN    E            Potassium
                                VITAMIN    K            Chloride
                                VITAMIN    H            Sulfur
                                VITAMIN    P            Iron

Now, let us have a brief look at what exactly these ingredients are and
the roles they play in the development of the human body.


     Fluids are essential for the formation of blood. The human body
gets essential nutrients and oxygen through the flowing blood. Fluids
are also present in each and every cell to maintain the environment
and vitality of the cells. All liquids (water and other) we consume
constitute the fluids part of our nutrition.


                     Glycine                             Alanine

     Protos means first. Proteins are the basic chemical units of the

body. One gets proteins from meat, fish, milk, rice, soy, potatoes etc.
Food ingredients containing proteins



      Protein molecules are made up of amino acids in various
proportions and arrangements. Amino acids are the basic units that
form proteins. (Amino acids are so called because they have an
amino group (NH2) attached to an organic acid (COOH)).

Amino acids are further classified into three groups:
      1) Essential amino acids: These amino acids are not
            synthesized in the human body and must be supplied to it
            by the external food intake.
      2)    Non-essential amino acids: These can be synthesized in
            the body.
      3)    Conditionally essential (semi-essential) amino acids:

These are essential occasionally.

     These proteins/amino acids are required to perform various
functions in the body. Some of their important functions are as
     1)    Proteins are required for growth and development of the
           human body.
     2)    Proteins are necessary for repairing damage to the body.
     3)    Proteins provide energy to the body (1 gm of proteins
           generates 4kcal of energy).
     4)    Proteins produce various enzymes in the body. Enzymes
           are substances that catalyze chemical reactions in the
     5)    Proteins are a requisite in the production of hormones.
           Hormones are glandular secretions that are required for
           proper functioning of the bodily systems (e.g. insulin is a
           hormone secreted by the pancreas (gland) and is needed
           for maintaining the blood sugar levels).
     6)    Proteins are necessary for the synthesis of antibodies and
           hence are essential for the proper functioning of the
           body's defense system.
     7)    Proteins are required for the transportation of various
           nutrients and drugs throughout the body.

     In short, our body cannot survive without proteins and amino
acids. A deficiency of proteins could lead to retarded growth, reduced
defense power, improper wound healing, inadequate absorption of
nutrients and a lot of other disorders. This is the reason why an

adequate intake of nutritional proteins is essential for our existence.

Spirulina and Proteins
     Spirulina is approximately 65-71% extremely beneficial
proteins. Following is the table that lists the amino acids in Spirulina:

Essential amino acids       Non-Essential       Conditionally essential
                            amino acids         amino acids

Isoleucine                  Alanine             Cysteine
Leucine                     Arginine            Histidine
Lysine                      Aspartic Acid       Tyrosine
Phenylalanine               Glutamic Acid
Methionine                  Glycine
Threonine                   Proline
Tryptophan                  Serine

     Spirulina contains all of the 8 essential amino acids. It also
contains non-essential and conditionally essential amino acids.

     Take a look at the table given below for the information on
different types of protein sources and the comparison between them
based on the amount of protein they provide:

Nutritional ingredient   Protein percentage

Eggs (whole)                        13.3%

Soyabean (whole)                    43.2%

Wheat germ   29.2%

     Peanuts      25.3%

Spirulina                                             65%

Clearly, Spirulina is the highest, most potent and most digestible
protein source known, and this is what makes it one of the most
valuable sources of proteins.

     Carbohydrates are a valuable combination of carbon, oxygen
and hydrogen in the same proportion as water.

These (carbohydrates) are abundant in foods of vegetable origin
such as cereals, pulses, fruits, root vegetables, etc.

     The main function of carbohydrates is to provide energy to the
body. They provide approximately 50-70% of the total energy
required by the body (1 gm of carbohydrates provides 4 kcal of

     Apart from providing ready fuel, carbohydrates also play a vital
role in maintaining proper functioning of the liver, central nervous
system, heart and muscle contraction.

     The important thing to know is that when sufficient
carbohydrates are present in the body, proteins are spared from
being the main source of energy and hence do their (intended) jobs
like growth and repair, without being wastefully utilized.

Spirulina and Carbohydrates
     Spirulina is 10-15% carbohydrates in the form of
polysaccharides. As our cells can easily absorb them, these
(polysaccharides) make Spirulina a great source of quick energy.

     Lipids are organic substances that are soluble in fat solvents
such as alcohol, ether and chloroform but insoluble in water. Dairy
fat, butter, beefs, egg yolk, oils from seeds and nuts are the common
sources of lipids.

Lipids are the richest source of energy. They also serve as
reservoirs of energy, so whenever the body does not get sufficient
carbohydrates or proteins it can draw energy from the lipids (1 gm of
lipids provides 9Kcal of energy). A drastic reduction in fat intake leads
to weight loss and weakness. Up to 50-60 gm of lipid intake is
considered to be adequate.

Lipids are necessary because:

     1)   They serve as vehicles for the absorption of vitamins
          like A, D, E and K.

     2)   They aid in growth.

     3)   They help in the formation of all cell membranes.

     Spirulina is approximately 7% lipids. These include Gamma
Linolenic Acid, Glycolipids and Sulfolipids. By providing these lipids
Spirulina helps promote cholesterol normalization.

     Vitamins are the essential compounds needed in small
quantities for maintaining a normal metabolism, growth rate and
     Spirulina contains a range of vitamins. Following table lists the
vitamins present in Spirulina, depicts the role of different vitamins
and reveals the perils of vitamin deficiency.

Vitamin and sources   Function in the body          Deficiency may
                                                    lead to-

VITAMIN A RETINOL     Maintains vision function.    Xerophtalmia
                      Maintains surface tissue like. (dryness of eyes).
Liver                 skin and eye.                 Night Blindness.
Milk                  Functioning of immune.        Dry, rough skin.
Vegetables            system.                       lowered resistance
Yellow fruits         Antioxidant activity.         to infections.
Carrot                                              Reduced hair
                                                    growth in children.

VITAMIN D:            Absorption of Calcium and     Rickets in children
CHOLECALCIFEROL       Phosphorous.                  (bending and
                                                    distortion of bones).
Egg Yolk              Maintains teeth and bone
Milk                  health.                       Bone softening in
Liver                                               adults.
Sunlight                                            Osteoporosis
                                                    (decreased density
                                                    of bones).

VITAMIN E: ALPHA      Protects cell membranes.      Anemia in infants.
TOCOPHEROL            Enhances the activity of
Vegetables            Vitamin A.
Vegetable oils        Development of Red Blood
Cereals               Cells.
Poultry               Antioxidant activity.

VITAMIN K             Aids in the process of blood     Bleeding tendencies.
PHYTONADIONE          clotting.
Green Vegetables

VITAMIN H BIOTIN      Maintains Lipid and              Skin inflammation.
Cheese                Carbohydrate metabolism
Egg Yolk

      VITAMIN B is further classified into the following subgroups:

B1 THIAMINE           Maintains nerve and muscle       Lack of appetite.
Grains                functioning Carbohydrate         Weakness.
Beans                 metabolism.                      Constipation
Sunflower Seeds                                        Beriberi:
Pork                                                   Nerve disorder.
                                                       Heart disease.
                                                       Fluid accumulation
                                                       in the body.

B2 RIBOFLAVIN         Maintains respiration of cells   Cracks and sores
Milk                  and Food metabolism.             around the mouth
Meat                  Nerve and blood cell             and nose.
Cereals               development.                     Eye diseases and
Pulses                Proper functioning of Vitamin    Visual problems.
Vegetables            B6 and B3.

B3 NIACIN             Maintains acid secretion in    Pellagra, a disease
Cereals               stomach and Food               characterized by
Meat                  metabolism.                    skin inflammation.
Mushroom              Maintains the digestive and    Diarrhea.
Bran                  nervous system                 Mouth sores.
                                                     Nerve disturbances.

B5 PANTOTHENIC        Synthesis of hormones and Grey hair.
ACID                  chemical regulators that     Burning in feet
Animal tissue         perform various functions in during night.
Whole grain cereals   the body.

B6 PYRIDOXINE         Maintains Protein and          Anemia.
Egg yolk              Carbohydrate metabolism.       Depression.
Milk                  Support red blood cell         Convulsions.
Meat                  formation.                     Loss of appetite.
Spinach               Promote nerve and brain        Nausea.
Banana                function.

VITAMIN B9            Production of genetic          Nervous system
FOLIC ACID            material.                      defects in fetus.
Vegetables            Maintains Protein metabolism   Anemia.
Cereals               Promotes red blood cell        Upset Digestive
Meat                  formation.                     system.

B12                     Builds genetic material.        Anemia.
COBALAMINES             Protein synthesis.              Nerve damage.
Milk                    Formation of Red
Cheese                  Blood Cells.

         By now you must have realized that Spirulina houses a vast store
  of beneficial vitamins. By offering these vitamins, Spirulina not only
  maintains the health of human body but also may prevent disorders
  that result from the deficiency of vitamins.

         Minerals are elements required by the human body to perform
  various important functions and are found in the soil. We are
  incapable of creating them ourselves.

   The food that is grown in depleted soil may not contain sufficient
                            amount of minerals.

         Spirulina contains a vast range of minerals. Following table gives
  the source of various minerals. The table also gives information about
  the role of different minerals and the consequences of their

Minaral and sources   Function in the body           Deficiency may
                                                     lead to-

CALCIUM               Development of bone            Rickets in children
Milk                  and teeth.                     (bending and
Milk products         Nerve transmission.            distortion of bones).
Cheese                Maintains blood pressure.      Bone softening in
                      Muscle contraction.            adults.
                      Blood clotting.                Osteoporosis
                                                     (decreased density of

PHOSPHORUS            Formation of bones and         Nausea.
Chicken Breast        teeth.                         Lack of appetite.
Milk                  Maintains Food metabolism      Weakness.
Milk products         Absorption and                 Rickets.
Lentils               transportation of nutrients.   Softening of bones.
Egg Yolk

MAGNESIUM             Cellular respiration.          Lethargy.
Spinach                Protein synthesis.            Muscle weakness.
Beef                  Muscle relaxation.             Depression.
Cashews                                              Abnormal functioning
Wheat                                                of the heart.
Dairy products

SODIUM         Cellular functioning.        Fatigue.
Salts          Maintains blood pressure.    Weakness.
Cheese         Keep the acid-base balance   Confusion.
Fish           in the body.                 Muscle cramps.
Butter         Muscle contraction.

POTASSIUM      Cellular functioning.        Nausea.
Cereals        Maintains blood pressure.    Lack of appetite.
Peanuts        Muscle contraction.          Muscle weakness.
Bananas        Keep the acid-base balance   Irritability.
Orange Juice   in the body.                 Abdominal distension
Green Beans

IRON           Production of hemoglobin     Anemia (pale skin,
Liver          (hemoglobin is present in    weakness, fatigue,
Meat           the blood and carries        headaches,
Green leafy    oxygen).                     breathlessness).
vegetables                                  Craving for non food

ZINC           Maintains Food metabolism.   Immunological
Beef           Support immunity.            disorders.
Whole grains   Wound healing.               Growth retardation.
Peanuts        Growth.                      Loss of taste.
Beans          Fetal development.

SELENIUM             Antioxidant activity.         Mental retardation.
Kidney                                             Heart abnormalities
Meat                                               in children.

CHROMIUM             Work with insulin to regulate Impaired tolerance
Animal food          energy metabolism.             for glucose.
Wheat                Potentiates action of insulin.

MANGANESE             Maintains Food metabolism.   Unknown.
Tea                   Muscle and bone
Whole Grains          development
Fruits and Vegetables

COPPER               Development of skin, hair    Premature and low
Liver                and other pigments           birth weight infants.
Meat                 Formation of Red Blood Cells
Sea food             Connective tissue and nerve
Cereals              formation.

GERMANIUM            Immunity enhancement.         Unclear.
Wheat                Stimulation of natural
Vegetables           killer cells.

Spirulina offers a large number of minerals required by the
human body (as seen in the above given table) and, it can be easily
understood that, Spirulina can play a vital role in maintaining health.
The intake of Spirulina may help in the prevention of various
disorders that result from the deficiency of minerals.

     In addition to the macro and micronutrients (discussed earlier in
this book), Spirulina also contains a few important natural pigment
phytonutrients like:


     These phytonutrients are essential for the synthesis of various
enzymes that are required for various metabolic processes.

     Chlorophyll is supposed to play an important role in maintaining
hemoglobin in the body. Hemoglobin is a substance in the red blood
cells, contains iron (heme) and is required for the transportation of
oxygen. The structure of chlorophyll is similar to that of hemoglobin.
The only difference is that chlorophyll contains a magnesium ion at its
core, while hemoglobin contains an iron molecule. It is proposed that
if chlorophyll is consumed with iron, the magnesium may be
displaced and hemoglobin is produced. This is how Spirulina intake

can work out to be beneficial in anemia (a condition in which
hemoglobin concentration in the body is reduced). Chlorophyll also
has beneficial effects on the digestive system. It normalizes the
secretion of acids in the stomach.

     Chlorophyll stimulates the movements of intestines and can
facilitate the passage of stools. It also helps in the regeneration of
injured cells. Chlorophyll is even known for its effects on heart: it can
increase the efficiency of the pumping function of the heart.

     It is this pigment that gives Spirulina its blue color. Phycocyanin
contains both magnesium and iron. It is involved in various body
functions like digestion of amino acids, stimulation of defense
system, building of blood cells.

     Spirulina contains natural carotenoids. Carotenoids are the
precursors of vitamin A i.e., they are capable of producing vitamin A
(hence Spirulina can offer all the benefits of Vitamin A). The added
advantage of carotenoids from Spirulina is that these are converted
to Vitamin A only when the body has a demand for it. This minimizes
the chances of a vitamin A overdose.

Various carotenes present in Spirulina are:

     1)   Alpha-carotene
     2)   Beta-carotene
     3)   Xanthophylls
     4)   Cryptoxanthin
     5)   Echinenone
     6)   Zeaxanthin
     7)   Lutein

     (As averted at the start of this informative book) Spirulina has
been used for centuries by cultures across the globe. It is also well
researched upon. Various studies have proven the role and
advantage of Spirulina in different conditions. Also, Spirulina is very
well tolerated- the safety of Spirulina is established by various
research studies.


     An unhealthy standard of living and rapid lifestyle changes (lack
of exercise and sedentary lifestyle) associated with today's 'modern'
life style are taking their toll on our health. Also, the impending
problem of malnutrition is getting further aggravated by the
worrisome and irregular dietary habits and by the indiscriminate
consumption of fast foods and refined food diets.

     The only solution to counter this degeneration is the strict
observance of a lifestyle that provides a balanced, square meal
containing all nutritional ingredients and a diligent effort towards
maintaining some form of physical activity. But, in reality, it may not
be the most practical thing, as the world today demands a different
and varied set of lifestyle rules. Though we can never debunk the

ideal theory, we need a supplemental solution that could bridge the
gap between an 'ideal' lifestyle and the 'real' lifestyle. We need a
powerful nutritional supplement. And, Spirulina could well be our
answer- it provides all of the essential nutritional ingredients without
being a burden on our time and our lifestyles.

     1)   GREENWAYS Spirulina is microscopic blue-green algae
          that exist as a single celled organism turning sunlight
          into life energy.

     2)   Greenways Spirulina uses 100% certified organic
          Spirulina. This ensures that no synthetic and potentially
          hazardous chemicals have been used during cultivation.

     3)   Greenways Spirulina contains a unique combination of
          high-grade proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals,
          trace elements and Phytonutrients. It is a cholesterol
          free and low calorie source of easily digestible proteins
          making it a popular food for those who want to stay slim.

     4)   Spirulina is Nature's richest whole food source of
          Vitamin B12, Vitamin E, Provitamin A (beta carotene)
          and Chlorophylls. GREENWAYS Spirulina is the "Food of
          the Future". It is not a drug. It has an important place in
          modern diet management & provides vital energy.

     5)   Greenways Spirulina is safe, non-toxic, and non-habit


     6)   Greenways Spirulina is a 100% vegetarian product. Unlike
          most manufacturers who use capsules made from animal
          gelatin origin, the capsules used to hold Greenways
          Spirulina are made from natural plant ingredients
          (Greenways Spirulina capsules are manufactured at state-
          of-the-art, GMP certified facility near Pune, India).

     7)   Each vegetarian capsule of GREENWAYS Spirulina contains
          500 mg of Certified organic Spirulina powder.

     8)   Suggested use: For adults- 2-3 capsules twice a day
                             For children- 1-2 capsules twice a day.


            Healthcare Private Limited
             635/1 B, New Gajra Society, Bibwewadi,
               Pune - 411037, Maharashtra, INDIA.
               Tel. : +91-20-3252 4594 / 3252 4607
                      Fax : +91-20-2421-6455


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Greenways spirulina

  • 1. H O H H O C C O N H H H H H O C C N C H H H H Vol.I ~Healthy World ResearchOrganization ~Healthy World Research Organization
  • 2. Spirulina Publisher : Healthy World Research Organisation 635/1 B, Bibwewadi New Gajra Society, Pune 411 037 Maharashtra (India) All rights reserved Copyright' 2006 : Healthy World Research Organisation Spirulina Capsules is a trademark of Pushpam Health Care Products No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, elec- tronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher . For questions or comments concerning con- tents in this book directed to the author please , send correspondence to the above address. No information contained here is meant to re- place the advice of your doctor or health care practitioner The data and opinions appearing . in this book are for informational purposes only. Healthy World Research Organisation does not offer medical advice, and it encourages read- ers to seek advice from qualified health profes- sionals. Printed in India 20
  • 3. What is Spirulina? SPIRULINA Spirulina is a blue green alga of vegetable origin. For centuries, Spirulina has been in use as a natural whole-food food source. It is considered to be one of the richest sources of a vast range of nutritional ingredients. The spirulina production involves: Sunlight Condensation Nutrients Co2 Cultivation 03
  • 4. Selected strains are used for cultivation of alga in specially constructed ponds. Agitation of algal culture is necessary to keep nutrients evenly dispersed and also to expose all the cells to sunlight. Constant agitation of water is one of the important parameters in cultivation of spirulina. H2O Washing and Dehydration The algal biomass is carefully washed & harvested using specially made filters to recover biomass. Product Drying 40
  • 5. The washed biomass is spray dried and is pulverized to get desired particle size and packed in vegetarian capsules. These capsules are then packed in appropriate containers. This entire procedure is done in special & protected area. The fantastic benefits of Spirulina and its positive effects on the human body To understand the health benefits of Spirulina, it is essential to comprehend the meanings of nutrition and nutritional ingredients. Nutrition is the science of food and its relation to health. This science is the study of understanding what the human body requires for its growth, development and maintenance, so as to prevent ill health or disease. Various nutritional ingredients are required to be present in the diet to perform a number of essential actions in the body to maintain the health. Nutrients or nutritional ingredients can be broadly classified into two groups: Macronutrients and Micronutrients. Macronutrients are nutritional ingredients required (for keeping good health) in large amounts while Micronutrients are those that are required in relatively smaller amounts. Let's look at the table given below to understand this classification better: 05
  • 6. Nutrients Fluids Macronutrients Micronutrients Proteins Vitamins Minerals Carbohydrates Lipids VITAMIN A Calcium VITAMIN B Phosphorous VITAMIN C Magnesium VITAMIN D Sodium VITAMIN E Potassium VITAMIN K Chloride VITAMIN H Sulfur VITAMIN P Iron Iodine Copper Zinc Selenium Fluoride Chromium Manganese Molybdenum Germanium Boron Now, let us have a brief look at what exactly these ingredients are and the roles they play in the development of the human body. 60
  • 7. Fluids Fluids are essential for the formation of blood. The human body gets essential nutrients and oxygen through the flowing blood. Fluids are also present in each and every cell to maintain the environment and vitality of the cells. All liquids (water and other) we consume constitute the fluids part of our nutrition. Proteins Glycine Alanine Protos means first. Proteins are the basic chemical units of the 07
  • 8. body. One gets proteins from meat, fish, milk, rice, soy, potatoes etc. Food ingredients containing proteins ANIMAL SOURCES PLANT SOURCES Protein molecules are made up of amino acids in various proportions and arrangements. Amino acids are the basic units that form proteins. (Amino acids are so called because they have an amino group (NH2) attached to an organic acid (COOH)). Amino acids are further classified into three groups: 1) Essential amino acids: These amino acids are not synthesized in the human body and must be supplied to it by the external food intake. 2) Non-essential amino acids: These can be synthesized in the body. 3) Conditionally essential (semi-essential) amino acids: 80
  • 9. These are essential occasionally. These proteins/amino acids are required to perform various functions in the body. Some of their important functions are as follows: 1) Proteins are required for growth and development of the human body. 2) Proteins are necessary for repairing damage to the body. 3) Proteins provide energy to the body (1 gm of proteins generates 4kcal of energy). 4) Proteins produce various enzymes in the body. Enzymes are substances that catalyze chemical reactions in the body. 5) Proteins are a requisite in the production of hormones. Hormones are glandular secretions that are required for proper functioning of the bodily systems (e.g. insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas (gland) and is needed for maintaining the blood sugar levels). 6) Proteins are necessary for the synthesis of antibodies and hence are essential for the proper functioning of the body's defense system. 7) Proteins are required for the transportation of various nutrients and drugs throughout the body. In short, our body cannot survive without proteins and amino acids. A deficiency of proteins could lead to retarded growth, reduced defense power, improper wound healing, inadequate absorption of nutrients and a lot of other disorders. This is the reason why an 09
  • 10. adequate intake of nutritional proteins is essential for our existence. Spirulina and Proteins Spirulina is approximately 65-71% extremely beneficial proteins. Following is the table that lists the amino acids in Spirulina: Essential amino acids Non-Essential Conditionally essential amino acids amino acids Isoleucine Alanine Cysteine Leucine Arginine Histidine Lysine Aspartic Acid Tyrosine Phenylalanine Glutamic Acid Methionine Glycine Threonine Proline Tryptophan Serine Valine Spirulina contains all of the 8 essential amino acids. It also contains non-essential and conditionally essential amino acids. Take a look at the table given below for the information on different types of protein sources and the comparison between them based on the amount of protein they provide: 10
  • 11. Nutritional ingredient Protein percentage Eggs (whole) 13.3% Soyabean (whole) 43.2% 11
  • 12. Wheat germ 29.2% Peanuts 25.3% 12
  • 13. Spirulina 65% Clearly, Spirulina is the highest, most potent and most digestible protein source known, and this is what makes it one of the most valuable sources of proteins. Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are a valuable combination of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen in the same proportion as water. 13
  • 14. These (carbohydrates) are abundant in foods of vegetable origin such as cereals, pulses, fruits, root vegetables, etc. The main function of carbohydrates is to provide energy to the body. They provide approximately 50-70% of the total energy required by the body (1 gm of carbohydrates provides 4 kcal of energy). Apart from providing ready fuel, carbohydrates also play a vital role in maintaining proper functioning of the liver, central nervous system, heart and muscle contraction. The important thing to know is that when sufficient carbohydrates are present in the body, proteins are spared from being the main source of energy and hence do their (intended) jobs like growth and repair, without being wastefully utilized. 14
  • 15. Spirulina and Carbohydrates Spirulina is 10-15% carbohydrates in the form of polysaccharides. As our cells can easily absorb them, these (polysaccharides) make Spirulina a great source of quick energy. Lipids Lipids are organic substances that are soluble in fat solvents such as alcohol, ether and chloroform but insoluble in water. Dairy fat, butter, beefs, egg yolk, oils from seeds and nuts are the common sources of lipids. 15
  • 16. Lipids are the richest source of energy. They also serve as reservoirs of energy, so whenever the body does not get sufficient carbohydrates or proteins it can draw energy from the lipids (1 gm of lipids provides 9Kcal of energy). A drastic reduction in fat intake leads to weight loss and weakness. Up to 50-60 gm of lipid intake is considered to be adequate. Lipids are necessary because: 1) They serve as vehicles for the absorption of vitamins like A, D, E and K. 2) They aid in growth. 3) They help in the formation of all cell membranes. Spirulina is approximately 7% lipids. These include Gamma Linolenic Acid, Glycolipids and Sulfolipids. By providing these lipids Spirulina helps promote cholesterol normalization. 16
  • 17. Vitamins Vitamins are the essential compounds needed in small quantities for maintaining a normal metabolism, growth rate and health. Spirulina contains a range of vitamins. Following table lists the vitamins present in Spirulina, depicts the role of different vitamins and reveals the perils of vitamin deficiency. 17
  • 18. Vitamin and sources Function in the body Deficiency may lead to- VITAMIN A RETINOL Maintains vision function. Xerophtalmia Maintains surface tissue like. (dryness of eyes). Liver skin and eye. Night Blindness. Milk Functioning of immune. Dry, rough skin. Vegetables system. lowered resistance Yellow fruits Antioxidant activity. to infections. Carrot Reduced hair growth in children. VITAMIN D: Absorption of Calcium and Rickets in children CHOLECALCIFEROL Phosphorous. (bending and distortion of bones). Egg Yolk Maintains teeth and bone Milk health. Bone softening in Liver adults. Butter Sunlight Osteoporosis (decreased density of bones). VITAMIN E: ALPHA Protects cell membranes. Anemia in infants. TOCOPHEROL Enhances the activity of Vegetables Vitamin A. Vegetable oils Development of Red Blood Cereals Cells. Poultry Antioxidant activity. Fish Meat 18
  • 19. VITAMIN K Aids in the process of blood Bleeding tendencies. PHYTONADIONE clotting. Green Vegetables Cereals Meat VITAMIN H BIOTIN Maintains Lipid and Skin inflammation. Cheese Carbohydrate metabolism Egg Yolk Cauliflower Peanuts Butter VITAMIN B is further classified into the following subgroups: B1 THIAMINE Maintains nerve and muscle Lack of appetite. Grains functioning Carbohydrate Weakness. Beans metabolism. Constipation Sunflower Seeds Beriberi: Pork Nerve disorder. Heart disease. Fluid accumulation in the body. B2 RIBOFLAVIN Maintains respiration of cells Cracks and sores Milk and Food metabolism. around the mouth Meat Nerve and blood cell and nose. Cereals development. Eye diseases and Pulses Proper functioning of Vitamin Visual problems. Vegetables B6 and B3. 19
  • 20. B3 NIACIN Maintains acid secretion in Pellagra, a disease Cereals stomach and Food characterized by Meat metabolism. skin inflammation. Mushroom Maintains the digestive and Diarrhea. Bran nervous system Mouth sores. Nerve disturbances. B5 PANTOTHENIC Synthesis of hormones and Grey hair. ACID chemical regulators that Burning in feet Animal tissue perform various functions in during night. Whole grain cereals the body. Legumes B6 PYRIDOXINE Maintains Protein and Anemia. Egg yolk Carbohydrate metabolism. Depression. Milk Support red blood cell Convulsions. Meat formation. Loss of appetite. Spinach Promote nerve and brain Nausea. Banana function. Cereals VITAMIN B9 Production of genetic Nervous system FOLIC ACID material. defects in fetus. Vegetables Maintains Protein metabolism Anemia. Cereals Promotes red blood cell Upset Digestive Meat formation. system. Liver 20
  • 21. B12 Builds genetic material. Anemia. COBALAMINES Protein synthesis. Nerve damage. Milk Formation of Red Cheese Blood Cells. Eggs By now you must have realized that Spirulina houses a vast store of beneficial vitamins. By offering these vitamins, Spirulina not only maintains the health of human body but also may prevent disorders that result from the deficiency of vitamins. Minerals Minerals are elements required by the human body to perform various important functions and are found in the soil. We are incapable of creating them ourselves. The food that is grown in depleted soil may not contain sufficient amount of minerals. Spirulina contains a vast range of minerals. Following table gives the source of various minerals. The table also gives information about the role of different minerals and the consequences of their deficiency. 21
  • 22. Minaral and sources Function in the body Deficiency may lead to- CALCIUM Development of bone Rickets in children Milk and teeth. (bending and Milk products Nerve transmission. distortion of bones). Cheese Maintains blood pressure. Bone softening in Muscle contraction. adults. Blood clotting. Osteoporosis (decreased density of bones). PHOSPHORUS Formation of bones and Nausea. Chicken Breast teeth. Lack of appetite. Milk Maintains Food metabolism Weakness. Milk products Absorption and Rickets. Lentils transportation of nutrients. Softening of bones. Egg Yolk Nuts Cheese MAGNESIUM Cellular respiration. Lethargy. Spinach Protein synthesis. Muscle weakness. Beef Muscle relaxation. Depression. Cashews Abnormal functioning Wheat of the heart. Bran Cereals Dairy products 22
  • 23. SODIUM Cellular functioning. Fatigue. Salts Maintains blood pressure. Weakness. Cheese Keep the acid-base balance Confusion. Fish in the body. Muscle cramps. Butter Muscle contraction. Nuts POTASSIUM Cellular functioning. Nausea. Cereals Maintains blood pressure. Lack of appetite. Peanuts Muscle contraction. Muscle weakness. Bananas Keep the acid-base balance Irritability. Orange Juice in the body. Abdominal distension Green Beans Mushrooms IRON Production of hemoglobin Anemia (pale skin, Liver (hemoglobin is present in weakness, fatigue, Meat the blood and carries headaches, Green leafy oxygen). breathlessness). vegetables Craving for non food substances. ZINC Maintains Food metabolism. Immunological Beef Support immunity. disorders. Whole grains Wound healing. Growth retardation. Peanuts Growth. Loss of taste. Beans Fetal development. Fish Poultry 23
  • 24. SELENIUM Antioxidant activity. Mental retardation. Kidney Heart abnormalities Meat in children. Grains CHROMIUM Work with insulin to regulate Impaired tolerance Animal food energy metabolism. for glucose. Wheat Potentiates action of insulin. MANGANESE Maintains Food metabolism. Unknown. Tea Muscle and bone Whole Grains development Cereal Fruits and Vegetables COPPER Development of skin, hair Premature and low Liver and other pigments birth weight infants. Meat Formation of Red Blood Cells Sea food Connective tissue and nerve Cereals formation. Pulses Nuts GERMANIUM Immunity enhancement. Unclear. Wheat Stimulation of natural Vegetables killer cells. Bran Leguminous seeds 24
  • 25. Spirulina offers a large number of minerals required by the human body (as seen in the above given table) and, it can be easily understood that, Spirulina can play a vital role in maintaining health. The intake of Spirulina may help in the prevention of various disorders that result from the deficiency of minerals. In addition to the macro and micronutrients (discussed earlier in this book), Spirulina also contains a few important natural pigment phytonutrients like: Chlorophyll Phycocyanin Carotenoids These phytonutrients are essential for the synthesis of various enzymes that are required for various metabolic processes. Chlorophyll Chlorophyll is supposed to play an important role in maintaining hemoglobin in the body. Hemoglobin is a substance in the red blood cells, contains iron (heme) and is required for the transportation of oxygen. The structure of chlorophyll is similar to that of hemoglobin. The only difference is that chlorophyll contains a magnesium ion at its core, while hemoglobin contains an iron molecule. It is proposed that if chlorophyll is consumed with iron, the magnesium may be displaced and hemoglobin is produced. This is how Spirulina intake 25
  • 26. can work out to be beneficial in anemia (a condition in which hemoglobin concentration in the body is reduced). Chlorophyll also has beneficial effects on the digestive system. It normalizes the secretion of acids in the stomach. Chlorophyll stimulates the movements of intestines and can facilitate the passage of stools. It also helps in the regeneration of injured cells. Chlorophyll is even known for its effects on heart: it can increase the efficiency of the pumping function of the heart. Phycocyanin It is this pigment that gives Spirulina its blue color. Phycocyanin contains both magnesium and iron. It is involved in various body functions like digestion of amino acids, stimulation of defense system, building of blood cells. Carotenoids Spirulina contains natural carotenoids. Carotenoids are the precursors of vitamin A i.e., they are capable of producing vitamin A (hence Spirulina can offer all the benefits of Vitamin A). The added advantage of carotenoids from Spirulina is that these are converted to Vitamin A only when the body has a demand for it. This minimizes the chances of a vitamin A overdose. 26
  • 27. Various carotenes present in Spirulina are: 1) Alpha-carotene 2) Beta-carotene 3) Xanthophylls 4) Cryptoxanthin 5) Echinenone 6) Zeaxanthin 7) Lutein (As averted at the start of this informative book) Spirulina has been used for centuries by cultures across the globe. It is also well researched upon. Various studies have proven the role and advantage of Spirulina in different conditions. Also, Spirulina is very well tolerated- the safety of Spirulina is established by various research studies. 27
  • 28. Spirulina An unhealthy standard of living and rapid lifestyle changes (lack of exercise and sedentary lifestyle) associated with today's 'modern' life style are taking their toll on our health. Also, the impending problem of malnutrition is getting further aggravated by the worrisome and irregular dietary habits and by the indiscriminate consumption of fast foods and refined food diets. The only solution to counter this degeneration is the strict observance of a lifestyle that provides a balanced, square meal containing all nutritional ingredients and a diligent effort towards maintaining some form of physical activity. But, in reality, it may not be the most practical thing, as the world today demands a different and varied set of lifestyle rules. Though we can never debunk the 28
  • 29. ideal theory, we need a supplemental solution that could bridge the gap between an 'ideal' lifestyle and the 'real' lifestyle. We need a powerful nutritional supplement. And, Spirulina could well be our answer- it provides all of the essential nutritional ingredients without being a burden on our time and our lifestyles. 1) GREENWAYS Spirulina is microscopic blue-green algae that exist as a single celled organism turning sunlight into life energy. 2) Greenways Spirulina uses 100% certified organic Spirulina. This ensures that no synthetic and potentially hazardous chemicals have been used during cultivation. 3) Greenways Spirulina contains a unique combination of high-grade proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, trace elements and Phytonutrients. It is a cholesterol free and low calorie source of easily digestible proteins making it a popular food for those who want to stay slim. 4) Spirulina is Nature's richest whole food source of Vitamin B12, Vitamin E, Provitamin A (beta carotene) and Chlorophylls. GREENWAYS Spirulina is the "Food of the Future". It is not a drug. It has an important place in modern diet management & provides vital energy. 5) Greenways Spirulina is safe, non-toxic, and non-habit 29
  • 30. forming. 6) Greenways Spirulina is a 100% vegetarian product. Unlike most manufacturers who use capsules made from animal gelatin origin, the capsules used to hold Greenways Spirulina are made from natural plant ingredients (Greenways Spirulina capsules are manufactured at state- of-the-art, GMP certified facility near Pune, India). 7) Each vegetarian capsule of GREENWAYS Spirulina contains 500 mg of Certified organic Spirulina powder. 8) Suggested use: For adults- 2-3 capsules twice a day For children- 1-2 capsules twice a day. 30
  • 31. SPIRULINA Healthcare Private Limited 635/1 B, New Gajra Society, Bibwewadi, Pune - 411037, Maharashtra, INDIA. Tel. : +91-20-3252 4594 / 3252 4607 Fax : +91-20-2421-6455 email: website: 31