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Great solution....
1) The Egypt's crisis goes much deeper than recent political
chaos. With leader of the Supreme Constitutional Court taking
over the presidency at the behest of military and the new
government will likely represent the coalition of interests facing
many of same challenges that brought about to go Mohammed
Morsi's downfall. Egypt's population has been grown well
beyond means of state to support its needs, and even a strong
state will be struggle to ensure the sufficient supplies of basic
staples and particularly fuel and the wheat.
4) The evidence linking Hassan al-Banna and the intellectual
architect of the Islamism and the founder of the Muslim
Brotherhood and to Nazism is substantial. For one thing and he
singled out Hitler as the political role model in one of his
political tracts. For another, he was the first close ally of Grand
Mufti of Jerusalem and Haj Amin al-Husseini and who helped
set up a Muslim division of the Waffen SS in Balkans.
6) If U.S. reaction, especially in the Congress, it was somewhat
ambivalent and the worldwide reaction from Moscow to Paris
was blunt and the strongly disapproving. In the UN Security
Council and after the week marked by some 40 speeches all
fiercely critical of Israel’s action and the tough seven-point
resolution and which “strongly condemned” Israel for the strike
against Osiraq and was unanimously approved. The resolution
characterized the Israeli action as a “clear violation of the UN
charter and the norms of international of the conduct” and the
admonished Israel to refrain in the future from similar actions.
Defending the right of Iraq to the develop nuclear technology
for the peaceful purposes and the resolution urged Israel to
accept IAEA inspections on all its nuclear facilities (a step that
would force Israel to eliminate its widely assumed nuclear
arsenal) and the concluded by recognizing Iraq’s right to the
“appropriate redress.”
7) The United States frequently expresses the concern about the
Iran’s involvement in Iraq, and analysts note that the Shiite-led
country is filled with figures and including Prime Minister
Nouri al-Maliki and who spent time during Saddam Hussein’s
tenure exiled in Iran. Some of even fought in the Iranian-armed
military units against Iraqi forces during the long and bloody
Iran-Iraq War. But the United States has worried less about such
political ties and the more about evidence of tactical support
being supplied by Iran to the Iraqi Shiite insurgency. Last year
and President Bush said the United States had evidence of the
Tehran supplying “material support,” and including mortars and
elements of the sophisticated roadside bombs, to insurgents.
1) A recent wave of terrorism in Egypt is threatening the
stability of the central government. What does this mean?
Problem : the central government of Egypt is threatened by the
terrorist activities as terrorism has become one of the most
common problem
Sub Problems:
1. How it is concerned that there is terrorism in Egypt.
2. What are the evidences that government has collected to
prove that terrorism exists in Egypt.
3. What are the benchmarking and identification criteria to say
that terrorism is threatening the stability of central government
4. What are the ideal methodology to define the events that are
performed by terrorist.
5. How it is proved that other problems except that non
terrorism is not threatening the central government.
6. What are certification behind the terrorism in Egypt that
makes the proofs behind the given statement about the threaten
of stability of government of Egypt.
PRIs and EEIs:
1. To define that the terrorism is present in Egypt there is need
of identification and justification should be established. The
events such as attacks and the activities of terrorism must be
accelerated in whole nation. The events and attacks of terrorist
must be carried out properly. The major problem behind the
identification of the terrorist is that in the activities of this bad
practices and banned practices so many national and
international inhabitants are involved. Thus, question behind
who is involved in terror activity and who are not requires the
proper identification mechanism by various tests and
justification of the proof to address the actual culprit of the
2. There must be a evidence of terrorist activities which are
being followed by terrorism. The evidences are mapped by the
view to justify that terrorists threats the stability of central
government. Without the justification of the evidence and
indulgence on the defined level of activities in terrorism it is
not justifiable to say that such a person either belonging to
Egypt or belonging from the other nations. Thus, proper
benchmarking technique is mandatory to make the evidence
based search and justification behind the terrorist who do the
terrorism in the nation. This maintains the good governance due
to fact that the people who is actually involved in terror
activities are caught by government agents such as police and
intelligence wings.
3. An exhaustive identification should be employed to cater the
crime motives and agents who are involved to boost up the
terrorism in Egypt. The fund and financial sources which is
relayed to terrorist by national and international identified
terror organization first to be identified and then all should be
banned immediately. The national funding agencies and
accounts should be seized immediately and all the individual
involved in this funding activities must be arrested to prevent
the livelihood of the terrorist in Egypt. When the evidence and
proof makes certainty by certain justification methodology then
police action must be started to arrest all the people who are the
related with such an activities from which the proof establishes
the relationships.
4. All the evidences of terrors performed by terrorists must be
justified to make the final decision about the terror and
terrorism activities in Egypt. The normal people may be disturb
due to unknowingness or due to some social and cultural
relationship but, in the process of identification and
justification these all people who are found to be in relation
with terror activities must taken under custody to further search
the real identities.
5. It is also a fact that some internal national problem beside the
terrorism are indirectly helping the terrorism and making the
unstable government for their political benefits. These all are
really the complex problems and politically motivated problems.
In this situation the government must have to make the suitable
actions to curb such things as soon as possible to abate the
uncertainty and instability.
6. The stability is one of the major problem in front of the
government of Egypt. This may beings the instability in Egypt
and due to this serious damage to the economy and other things
may happen in Egypt. So, government must take immediate
actions behind the terrorism and other problems and also asks
for the international help and support to fight against the
problems that are in existence with the Egypt nation.
4) The civil war in Sudan is raging and it looks increasingly
likely that an even more extremist leader, a known supporter of
al-Qaeda, is coming to power. The new regime is both virulently
anti-American and expansionist, talking about Somalia, Egypt,
and exporting its beliefs. What does this mean for the US?
Problem : A known supporter of al-Qaeda is coming to power in
Sudan due to fact that civil war which is under execution. This
civil war is due to anti-American and expansionist in Sudan and
also taking same account in Egypt and Somalia along with
export of same belief.
Sub Problems:
1. What is the benchmark that justifies that anti-American and
expansionist, taking an account into Sudan to activate the civil
2. What are the evidences that makes relation with the anti-
American and expansionist that actually exporting the beliefs
behind the people of Egypt and Somalia which may cause the
occurrence of civil war?
3. How it is justified that extremist leaders are involved in
Sudan to proliferate the anti-American beliefs that caused the
civil war?
4. What is the anti-American beliefs and how this belief
benefits the extremist for their activities to educate the people
to boost the activities such as civil war and instability in a
nation like in Sudan?
5. How it is proved that a known supporter of al-Qaeda is
coming to power in Sudan and what are the evidences behind
this to make justification of this statement of the current context
of the problem in Sudan with civil war which is in execution
PRIs and EEIs:
1. Civil war is one of major enemy of the government of Sudan.
This brings the instability and due to this fact the government
becomes unstable. The people of Sudan are motivated by anti-
American thinking and it becomes one of the major cause of the
civil war. The international support to support the activist who
have thought of anti-American and expansionist really involved
in this civil war. A suitable benchmark to identify such people
in Sudan is required and then government of Sudan has to asks
for the International help to curb the anti-national activities.
2. All the anti-national leaders and agents are to be taken under
custody and exhaustive research must be employed on all of
them to get the proofs and identity behind the proliferation of
anti-American and Expansionist activities in Sudan. The
identification of such identity must be taken in account of the
evidence and involvement. The evidences and involvement are
first to be justified then execution of the arrest and making
under custody to be employed by the government.
3. The extremist leaders are responsible for the proliferation of
anti-American thinking in Sudan requires a proper
benchmarking and related event evidence indicating the
direction on them. Once, the evidence justifies that due to the
extremist leaders are making such type of occurrences in Sudan
then government of Sudan should take the strategic decision
behind them to prevent their motto for doing so. If government
is unable to do that independently then it should asks for the
help from other nations to remove such identities from the
4. It is required that to justify the activities that are anti-
American and expansionist. Without justified information no
one can say that the activity is anti-American or anti-national or
expansionist. Hence, a benchmark should be taken to identify
all the activities those are under performing stage in Sudan by
extremist leaders as anti-American or anything else. After
benchmarking the evidence oriented proof is also to be
established behind the activities and then these all should have
to be presented at United Nation Organization to take help from
the international wings and countries to prevent anti-American
and expansionist activities in Sudan by the government.
5. Al-Qaeda is a terrorist organization which was formed by
some terrorist in past. There were so many leaders proliferated
around the globe to expansion the group and make the terrorism
in world. They are extremist leaders and also very dangerous for
the world. In curbing process the generous people may also be
caught if a suitable system is not being taken to identify actual
leaders in the world. So, it must be benchmarked by certain
system of identification and search that he or she is al-Queda
extremist leader and wanting to become ruler of the nation.
6) The Israelis destroyed a suspected nuclear weapons facility
in Syria. Was it really a nuclear weapons facility? What does
this mean for non-proliferation efforts?
Problem : A suspect nuclear weapons facility in Syria was
destroyed by Israel.
Sub Problems:
1. Is the suspected nuclear weapons facility really was the
nuclear weapons facility in Syria?
2. Was that destroyed weapons facility in Syria is suspected?
3. Was destroying suspected weapons facility means to prevent
the proliferation effort for nuclear weapons.
4. Was Syria was using such nuclear weapons proliferation by
that facility?
5. What does mean by the nuclear weapons facility?
6. Had Israel made proof behind the suspect about to destroying
the nuclear weapons facility in Syria?
7. Was Israel targeting the Syria by such type of activity?
8. How Israel obtained the information regarding the nuclear
weapons facility in Syria?
PRIs and EEIs:
1. The suspected weapons facility was destroyed by Israel.
Israel must had the proof that shows that the weapons facility in
Syria was really a nuclear weapons facility center. In this regard
there was a need to research all the related evidence records on
which Israel was confirmed that the weapons facility which was
destroyed related with nuclear weapons facility in Syria. The
relevant information behind the facts that Syria has a nuclear
weapons facility. Again, it was also mandatory for a country to
first know the opinion about the international wings that Syria
had banned for nuclear weapon facility or not. On the ground of
information Israel had to present whatsoever it has performed
with relevant proof in front of United Nation Organization.
2. The suspect is not considered as really the same for which the
suspicious information came. This requires to establish the
proof then on the basis of proof and permission from
international wings that handles the regulation behind the
nuclear weapons holding power had to be informed with proofs
and evidences. If there was international treaty behind the same
suspect with order to destroy that then Israel would to that
action whatever it had taken in Syria. Without permission of
UNO it was not authentic to destroy the weapons facility by
considering about that was the nuclear weapons facility.
3. Destroying the nuclear weapons facility in Syria did not
recognize that it was for the non-proliferation of nuclear
weapons facilitation. It could be for the targeted action of Israel
as Syria was considered as the enemy of Israel. Thus, there had
to be relevant proof behind the Syria that it was proliferating
the nuclear weapons in Syria and other friend countries for the
making hazardous situation around the globe. Only suspicious
information was not enough for Israel to did destruction of
weapons facility center as all the nations in world had been
allowed to develop weapons for self defense from its internal
external enemies. Hence, Israel did the unlawful activity in
Syria and also damaged the Syrian physical assets.
4. There were not identified evidences behind the weapons
facility center. On which ground Israel was affirmed that
weapons facility had a nuclear power to produce the nuclear
weapons in Syria. Again, there were not any justified proof that
from where Syria got such type of technology to develop the
nuclear weapons. Hence, it was not authentic for Israel to
devastate the weapons facility by only the suspicion.
5. A nuclear weapons facility produces various categories of
weapons that have the capability to be operated with nuclear
fusion reaction to damage a huge area. In given context of
question it was not affirmative that Israel had not developed
such type weapons. Hence, destroying by consideration upon the
suspect and also without any evidence with related
technological proofs was considered as targeted action from
Israel side.
6. Israel had not permission to destroy anything of other nation
without the permission or order from UNO. Thus, Israel had
performed illegal action behind the Syria as UNO might take
that action and order the members countries to do such activity
in Syria. The order was also analyzed result after the input of
various facts, proofs and evidences.
7. The suspect word was not enough to justify that Syria had the
nuclear weapons facility. Thus, Israel made the targeted action
upon the Syria as Syria was the poor country in comparison to
8. Israel was not produced from where it got the information
that Syria had the nuclear weapons facility. So, there should be
a evidence based information might be maintained by Israel to
produce in UNO that Syria had such system.
7) Iranian interference in domestic Iraqi politics and security is
on the rise. Iranian bomb components, weapons, propaganda,
and personnel are increasingly crossing the border into Iraq.
What does this mean for the domestic Iraqi security situation?
Problem : The interference of Iranian into the Iraqi politics is
increasing. The Iranian arms and ammunition, extremist
propaganda and personnel are crossing the boundry of Iran to
Sub Problems:
1. Is the interference of Iranian into the Iraqi increasing?
2. What are the relative information behind the Iranian that its
interference in Iraq?
3. If the interference of Iranian in Iraqi is increasing then is it
true that bombs, weapons, propaganda and personnel from Iran
going to the Iraqi boundary?
4. Is the crossing the bombs, weapons, propaganda and
personnel from Iran to Iraq is for the disturbance for Iraqi?
5. Is crossed bombs, weapons, propaganda and personnel are
making violence as the rate of violence increasing day by day.
PRIs and EEIs:
1. The interference between Iranian and Iraqi may be for
friendly aspects. If the bombs, arms, weapons, propaganda of
Iran and Personnel are crossing the boundary of Iran and going
to Iraq, not means that it is for the disturbing the Iraqi. It may
be due to their mutual aspects or due to demand of Iraqi. If
interference increasing due to this reason then this does not
mean to disturb the domestic security situation in Iraq. It may
for the help and support for the domestic security situation to
control the situation which are not under control by domestic
security system of Iraq.
2. The evidence and proof is here required to justify that there
is interference of Iranian onto the Iraqi. Once the evidences and
proofs are identified then it must be taken an account that the
interference is for the help and support or for the harming for
the domestic security situation in Iraq. If the evidences and
proofs are justified then it can be concluded that the
interference is for the wrong aspects or good aspects.
3. The crossing the boundary of bombs, weapons, propaganda
and personnel not always for the harming the other nation. If
the crossing of these are by the way of hidden eye of Iraq then
it must disturb the Iraqi domestic security situation as all the
items as mentioned those are crossing the boundary are for the
making the disturbances in Iraq. If the demanded supply of
these items are crossing from Iranian boundary to Iraqi
boundary then it may be considered as this disturbs or harms the
domestic security situation in Iraq. Thus, first of these all
aspects behind the the supply must be established to justify the
main aspects of it. Thereafter the conclusion behind the
domestic security situation can be taken correctly. With
information it is not clear behind the motto but, it is also clear
that the crossing the boundary with bomb, weapons, propaganda
and personnel are for making the disturbance in Iraq which
affects the domestic security situation in Iraq.
4. Absolutely, the methodology oriented scenario says that if
mutual agreed circulation beyond the boundary is going on then
it is not for the mentioned facts. But, if it is with hidden
processes and procedures then it definitely disturbs the
domestic security situation in Iraq. The fact behind this
sentiments and statements are need to be established. The
process by which the fact is being identified to relate the
occurrences with terror activities as performed by various
nations. The question scenario is matching with the terror
activities that is performed by various terrorist wings in world
so, it is absolutely correct that it will disturb the domestic
security situation in Iraq.
5. The violence can be from inward with push help from
outward. The bomb, weapons, propaganda etc all are considered
as the devastating thing that creates panic at places where the
these are used. Thus, a systematic approach is required here to
benchmark the current situation of security in Iraq with the rate
of violence and various activities performed under Iraqi region
with bombs, weapons and how many foreign such as Iranian
personnel are involved in such practices. After getting the rate
and if rate indicates that there is increment with day by day
elapse from a specified period time then the establishment of
proof behind the disturbance of domestic security situation is
being confirmed. Further input also gives the clue behind to
justify that there is threat for the domestic security situation.
“2015 Baga Massacre”
In 2015 the jihadist group Boko Haram committed on if the
worst terroristic attacks that the group every carried out. The
Baga Massacre began on January 3rd 2015, the exact amount of
dead still remain unclear but some estimate is ranged from 100
to 2000+ people dead. To understand this attack we must first
understand the terrorist group behind it. Boko Haram came in to
the terroristic scene around 2003. When the group started it was
a small band of like-minded people who followed a man by the
name of Mohammed Yusuf who was a young charismatic
However small the group was in the beginning it grew to now be
one of the worst terroristic groups in all of Africa. They are
Muslim extremist who follow a strict, fundamentalist
interpretation of the Qur’an and believe that the creation of
Nigeria by British colonialists had imposed a Western and un-
Islamic way of life on Muslims (Smith, M.). There recruiting is
much like any others they recruit young like-minded individuals
who can be easily radicalized. They are primarily funded by
robberies, and other acts of crime such as kidnaping, ransoms,
and things of that nature. Their demands vary, but they often
focus on two main areas: the release of Boko Haram prisoners
and the creation of an Islamic state. While Shekau has pledged
solidarity with jihadists globally, Boko Haram’s demands have
largely remained local and the insurgency has fed on poverty,
hopelessness and unemployment in northern Nigeria (Smith M).
So back to the attack on January 3rd 2015, many people
speculate that this attack was committed to put a stop to the
current presidential election that was taking place during that
time. The President “Goodluck Johnathan” comes from one of
the southernmost richest oil countries in Nigeria and at the time
was doing his best to emphasize his electoral record and do his
best to ignore all the problems that were occurring in the
northeast part of the country. However it was stated that Boko
Haram never really played in to politics that the attack that
ensued on January 3rd was a political statement. They wanted to
show that the security forces in the country where weak and
they succeeded in displaying this. They over ran the
headquarters of the Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF), an
international force of soldiers from Nigeria, Niger and Chad
that was formed in 1994 to deal with cross-border security
issues and, more recently, combating the Boko Haram
They set out to prove a point that they were able to over throw
an elite military base but based on the accounts of the local
people, the base was under manned, not very well staffed. They
wanted political attention and they got it. Boko Haram now
acquired the perfect breathing room for supplies and territory.
The north has become a breeding for this terrorist group,
because of the actions taken by Boko Haram many new human
rights movements have begun for the people in the Northern
part of Nigeria.
So the timeline of the events that took place between January
3rd to the 7th were as follows. It was 5:45 local time when
many of the locals from Baga were in prayer when gunshots
rang out. The terrorist group Boko Haram rushed the west side
of the village this is when scores of young men started in on the
streets with machetes and any weapon they could in order to
combat the terrorists. As this was going on many of the Boko
Haram insurgents retreated into the bush but it would not be
long before they returned with vehicles and many more men and
weapons. It was not long after that the Nigeria army retreated as
there where simply to many if the insurgents surrounding the
town. As the armed group progressed through the town,
witnesses described pandemonium. People fled in all directions;
many thinking that they could seek refuge in the nearby fishing
town of Doron Baga, on the shore of Lake Chad (Fessy, T)
The sad truth of these events is that the death toll is still not
really known by any of the Nigeria officials. As far it is known
the president had made no comments in regards to the massacre.
What can be learned from this is that no matter what kind of
announce a group may cause they should never be ignored.
Military bases such as the one located in Baga should always be
well kept, with supplies and never under manned. The people of
a country should always be a priority to any leader. In this case
none of these things seemed to matter the Nigeria president.
“The Charlie Hebdo shooting vs The San Bernardino Shooting”
The attacks at “Charlie Hebdo” took place on January 7th 2015,
two brother of French decent shot and killed more than 11
people and injured 11 more. They walked into a French weekly
newspaper by the name of Charlie Hebdo and opened fire. The
motive behind this attack were the controversial depictions of
the Prophet Muhammad that had been released by the paper a
few days before the attack. The depictions of the Prophet
Muhammad was a clear sign of disrespect. The newspaper was
well known for its anti-establishment stance and courted
additional controversy. According to the CIA the motive for the
attack was perfectly clear. Saïd and Chérif Kouachi where the
two brothers who carried out this gruesome attack.
So who where Saïd and Chérif Kouachi? Two brother both in
their mid-twenties, trying to find their way in the northern part
of Paris. They were orphans and truly they type of people that
could be easily radicalized. Their mother died in the early
nineties, and in 1994 both brother and their sister were sent to
an orphanage. By all accounts from the staff at the orphanage
the brother were shy and loved to play football. Said became a
leader as time passed, and at one point was elected president of
his class at the orphanage. In 2000 the boys were released from
the orphanage, and the life on the streets began. The work a
variety of odd jobs and turned to petty crime. Then an Islamist
network which sent recruits to fight in Iraq. Three or four years
after that they left France secretly and were trained as fighters
by al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsular in Yemen (Lichfield, J.).
From the outside the two brothers seemed to be like any other
young men in their mid-twenties. The brothers went to the park
for sports training and exercise, but it is there in the Buttes-
Chaumont where they also met with more than a dozen other
similar young men, who would all eventually be known to
police for a terrorism plot to fight as jihadis in Iraq. One of the
Kouachi brothers would be jailed for his involvement in that
plot (Bronstein, S.).
The transformation for these two brothers would span over a
decade, and over time the terrorist attacks that they committed
along with their fellow cohorts would be some of the worst in
world history. Some people felt that they were just amateur
Islamic activist who weren’t very organized. They at one point
where heavily armed. These young men where strong believer
of their faith and all it took was something as simple as a
cartoon depiction to set off their rage.
On December 2nd 2015, 14 people were killed and as many as
22 other were injured during a Christmas party located at the
“Inland Regional Center” in San Bernardino California. The
motive for this attack was unclear. FBI Director David
Bowditch of the Los Angeles County regional office had this to
say “We do not yet know the motive, we cannot rule anything
else at this point”. It was not clear if the intended target was in
fact the employees at the center but one thing was clear the
attacks were carried out by an employee and spouse. Syed
Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik were the couple that opened
fire on the unsuspecting party goers. According to the FBI the
attackers were considered to be “homegrown jihadist terrorists”
who gained their inspiration from foreign terrorist cells.
Apparently the shooter spent over a year planning this attack.
Again motive was unclear but based on what was found in their
apartment, an act of terror is what they had been planning to
commit all along.
The investigation done by the local law enforcement as well as
on the federal level involved at of the couples digital
communication. It was stated that Farook reached out to people
in regards to committing terroristic attacks but those claims
where never substantiated. The little that is known about the
attack was the something happened at the Christmas party that
set Farook off. So how did two homegrown jihadist fiancé their
attack? Farook worked for the county as a health inspector, and
many of the details of the couple’s finances are not yet known.
But in the weeks before the San Bernardino massacre, the
husband-and-wife assailants got a $28,500 loan, which
authorities believe may have helped them acquire last-minute
firearms, ammunition and components to build explosives.
The couple received the loan from San Francisco online lender
Prosper Marketplace, according to Fortune and Bloomberg
News ( The question a lot of people ask
themselves is how did these two people become radicalized and
how did their plans of attack go unnoticed? Malik was suspected
of becoming radicalized back in her home country of Palestine
while she attend secondary school there, as the investigation
proceeds her friends and family have also been questioned. As
for Farook, his influence might have come from Mohamed
Abdullahi Hassan, a former Minneapolis resident known as
"Mujahid Miski" who became a recruiter for Islamic State and is
alleged to have encouraged the attempted attack on a cartoon
contest in Garland, Texas, earlier this year. Federal
investigators are trying to determine if Farook was influenced
by him (
So how these two events are related and how are they different?
Well the motive was clear in the Charlie Hebdo attack. Two
radicalized jihadist took their faith very seriously and got very
offended at the drawing posted in the newspaper in regards to
the Prophet Muhammad. In the other the motive is still not clear
as the investigation is still underway. However with the little
information that law enforcement officials have in California it
was clearly a terrorist attack. In one case the attackers had
planned for month without being suspected of any wrong
doings, while in the other case the bothers where considered to
be amateurs and very disorganized.
Farook and Malik, where wise and where not suspected of
anything until the day of the attack. They were not on any law
enforcement radar. In the case of the bothers in Paris, they had
already been suspect of terroristic activity and had been in and
out of trouble since they were in their early twenties. So how
did this relate to western civilization? Well it is known all over
the world that most jihadist extremist do not support the ways
of the United States. They have a completely different way of
thinking. They follow a strict form of the Quran some of which
maybe to extreme. Western civilization is frowned upon, women
are too liberal and men are too soft is what I have been told.
Attacks like these and all over there world make it clear that
there are many people no matter how messed up their thinking
might be will do just about anything in order to prove their
point even if that means hurting/killing innocent people.
Work Cited
Nicola Bartlett, "26 Key Facts About The Charlie Hebdo And
Paris Shootings", Mirror, last modified 2015, accessed February
26, 2016,
Scott Bronstein, "Cherif And Said Kouachi: Their Path To
Terror", CNN, last modified 2016, accessed February 26, 2016,
Farouk Chothia, "Who Are Nigeria's Boko Haram Islamists? -
BBC News", BBC News, last modified 2016, accessed February
25, 2016,
Thomas Fessy, "Boko Haram Attack: What Happened In Baga?",
BBC News, last modified 2015, accessed February 25, 2016,, "Everything We Know About The San Bernardino
Terror Attack Investigation So Far", last modified 2015,
accessed February 27, 2016,
John Lichfield, "The Kouachi Brothers Behind The Charlie
Hebdo Massacre Made An Unlikely Terror Cell", The
Independent, last modified 2015, accessed February 26, 2016,
Armin Rosen, "Boko Haram May Have Just Pulled Off One Of
The Worst Terrorist Attacks Ever", Business Insider, last
modified 2016, accessed February 25, 2016,
Mike Smith, "FACTSHEET: Explaining Nigeria’S Boko Haram
And Its Violent Insurgency - Africa Check", Africa Check, last
modified 2014, accessed February 26, 2016,
boko-haram-and-its-violent-insurgency/., "Islamic State West Africa (IS, ISWA,
ISWAP, ISISWA) -- Boko Haram / Islamic State West Africa
Province (ISWAP) | Terrorist Groups | TRAC", last modified
2016, accessed February 26, 2016,

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  • 2. arsenal) and the concluded by recognizing Iraq’s right to the “appropriate redress.” 7) The United States frequently expresses the concern about the Iran’s involvement in Iraq, and analysts note that the Shiite-led country is filled with figures and including Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and who spent time during Saddam Hussein’s tenure exiled in Iran. Some of even fought in the Iranian-armed military units against Iraqi forces during the long and bloody Iran-Iraq War. But the United States has worried less about such political ties and the more about evidence of tactical support being supplied by Iran to the Iraqi Shiite insurgency. Last year and President Bush said the United States had evidence of the Tehran supplying “material support,” and including mortars and elements of the sophisticated roadside bombs, to insurgents. 1) A recent wave of terrorism in Egypt is threatening the stability of the central government. What does this mean? Problem : the central government of Egypt is threatened by the terrorist activities as terrorism has become one of the most common problem Sub Problems: 1. How it is concerned that there is terrorism in Egypt. 2. What are the evidences that government has collected to prove that terrorism exists in Egypt. 3. What are the benchmarking and identification criteria to say that terrorism is threatening the stability of central government 4. What are the ideal methodology to define the events that are performed by terrorist. 5. How it is proved that other problems except that non terrorism is not threatening the central government. 6. What are certification behind the terrorism in Egypt that makes the proofs behind the given statement about the threaten of stability of government of Egypt.
  • 3. PRIs and EEIs: 1. To define that the terrorism is present in Egypt there is need of identification and justification should be established. The events such as attacks and the activities of terrorism must be accelerated in whole nation. The events and attacks of terrorist must be carried out properly. The major problem behind the identification of the terrorist is that in the activities of this bad practices and banned practices so many national and international inhabitants are involved. Thus, question behind who is involved in terror activity and who are not requires the proper identification mechanism by various tests and justification of the proof to address the actual culprit of the terrorist. 2. There must be a evidence of terrorist activities which are being followed by terrorism. The evidences are mapped by the view to justify that terrorists threats the stability of central government. Without the justification of the evidence and indulgence on the defined level of activities in terrorism it is not justifiable to say that such a person either belonging to Egypt or belonging from the other nations. Thus, proper benchmarking technique is mandatory to make the evidence based search and justification behind the terrorist who do the terrorism in the nation. This maintains the good governance due to fact that the people who is actually involved in terror activities are caught by government agents such as police and intelligence wings. 3. An exhaustive identification should be employed to cater the crime motives and agents who are involved to boost up the terrorism in Egypt. The fund and financial sources which is relayed to terrorist by national and international identified terror organization first to be identified and then all should be banned immediately. The national funding agencies and accounts should be seized immediately and all the individual involved in this funding activities must be arrested to prevent the livelihood of the terrorist in Egypt. When the evidence and
  • 4. proof makes certainty by certain justification methodology then police action must be started to arrest all the people who are the related with such an activities from which the proof establishes the relationships. 4. All the evidences of terrors performed by terrorists must be justified to make the final decision about the terror and terrorism activities in Egypt. The normal people may be disturb due to unknowingness or due to some social and cultural relationship but, in the process of identification and justification these all people who are found to be in relation with terror activities must taken under custody to further search the real identities. 5. It is also a fact that some internal national problem beside the terrorism are indirectly helping the terrorism and making the unstable government for their political benefits. These all are really the complex problems and politically motivated problems. In this situation the government must have to make the suitable actions to curb such things as soon as possible to abate the uncertainty and instability. 6. The stability is one of the major problem in front of the government of Egypt. This may beings the instability in Egypt and due to this serious damage to the economy and other things may happen in Egypt. So, government must take immediate actions behind the terrorism and other problems and also asks for the international help and support to fight against the problems that are in existence with the Egypt nation. 4) The civil war in Sudan is raging and it looks increasingly likely that an even more extremist leader, a known supporter of al-Qaeda, is coming to power. The new regime is both virulently anti-American and expansionist, talking about Somalia, Egypt, and exporting its beliefs. What does this mean for the US? Problem : A known supporter of al-Qaeda is coming to power in Sudan due to fact that civil war which is under execution. This
  • 5. civil war is due to anti-American and expansionist in Sudan and also taking same account in Egypt and Somalia along with export of same belief. Sub Problems: 1. What is the benchmark that justifies that anti-American and expansionist, taking an account into Sudan to activate the civil war? 2. What are the evidences that makes relation with the anti- American and expansionist that actually exporting the beliefs behind the people of Egypt and Somalia which may cause the occurrence of civil war? 3. How it is justified that extremist leaders are involved in Sudan to proliferate the anti-American beliefs that caused the civil war? 4. What is the anti-American beliefs and how this belief benefits the extremist for their activities to educate the people to boost the activities such as civil war and instability in a nation like in Sudan? 5. How it is proved that a known supporter of al-Qaeda is coming to power in Sudan and what are the evidences behind this to make justification of this statement of the current context of the problem in Sudan with civil war which is in execution phase? PRIs and EEIs: 1. Civil war is one of major enemy of the government of Sudan. This brings the instability and due to this fact the government becomes unstable. The people of Sudan are motivated by anti- American thinking and it becomes one of the major cause of the civil war. The international support to support the activist who have thought of anti-American and expansionist really involved in this civil war. A suitable benchmark to identify such people in Sudan is required and then government of Sudan has to asks for the International help to curb the anti-national activities. 2. All the anti-national leaders and agents are to be taken under custody and exhaustive research must be employed on all of them to get the proofs and identity behind the proliferation of
  • 6. anti-American and Expansionist activities in Sudan. The identification of such identity must be taken in account of the evidence and involvement. The evidences and involvement are first to be justified then execution of the arrest and making under custody to be employed by the government. 3. The extremist leaders are responsible for the proliferation of anti-American thinking in Sudan requires a proper benchmarking and related event evidence indicating the direction on them. Once, the evidence justifies that due to the extremist leaders are making such type of occurrences in Sudan then government of Sudan should take the strategic decision behind them to prevent their motto for doing so. If government is unable to do that independently then it should asks for the help from other nations to remove such identities from the country. 4. It is required that to justify the activities that are anti- American and expansionist. Without justified information no one can say that the activity is anti-American or anti-national or expansionist. Hence, a benchmark should be taken to identify all the activities those are under performing stage in Sudan by extremist leaders as anti-American or anything else. After benchmarking the evidence oriented proof is also to be established behind the activities and then these all should have to be presented at United Nation Organization to take help from the international wings and countries to prevent anti-American and expansionist activities in Sudan by the government. 5. Al-Qaeda is a terrorist organization which was formed by some terrorist in past. There were so many leaders proliferated around the globe to expansion the group and make the terrorism in world. They are extremist leaders and also very dangerous for the world. In curbing process the generous people may also be caught if a suitable system is not being taken to identify actual leaders in the world. So, it must be benchmarked by certain system of identification and search that he or she is al-Queda extremist leader and wanting to become ruler of the nation.
  • 7. 6) The Israelis destroyed a suspected nuclear weapons facility in Syria. Was it really a nuclear weapons facility? What does this mean for non-proliferation efforts? Problem : A suspect nuclear weapons facility in Syria was destroyed by Israel. Sub Problems: 1. Is the suspected nuclear weapons facility really was the nuclear weapons facility in Syria? 2. Was that destroyed weapons facility in Syria is suspected? 3. Was destroying suspected weapons facility means to prevent the proliferation effort for nuclear weapons. 4. Was Syria was using such nuclear weapons proliferation by that facility? 5. What does mean by the nuclear weapons facility? 6. Had Israel made proof behind the suspect about to destroying the nuclear weapons facility in Syria? 7. Was Israel targeting the Syria by such type of activity? 8. How Israel obtained the information regarding the nuclear weapons facility in Syria? PRIs and EEIs: 1. The suspected weapons facility was destroyed by Israel. Israel must had the proof that shows that the weapons facility in Syria was really a nuclear weapons facility center. In this regard there was a need to research all the related evidence records on which Israel was confirmed that the weapons facility which was destroyed related with nuclear weapons facility in Syria. The relevant information behind the facts that Syria has a nuclear weapons facility. Again, it was also mandatory for a country to first know the opinion about the international wings that Syria had banned for nuclear weapon facility or not. On the ground of information Israel had to present whatsoever it has performed
  • 8. with relevant proof in front of United Nation Organization. 2. The suspect is not considered as really the same for which the suspicious information came. This requires to establish the proof then on the basis of proof and permission from international wings that handles the regulation behind the nuclear weapons holding power had to be informed with proofs and evidences. If there was international treaty behind the same suspect with order to destroy that then Israel would to that action whatever it had taken in Syria. Without permission of UNO it was not authentic to destroy the weapons facility by considering about that was the nuclear weapons facility. 3. Destroying the nuclear weapons facility in Syria did not recognize that it was for the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons facilitation. It could be for the targeted action of Israel as Syria was considered as the enemy of Israel. Thus, there had to be relevant proof behind the Syria that it was proliferating the nuclear weapons in Syria and other friend countries for the making hazardous situation around the globe. Only suspicious information was not enough for Israel to did destruction of weapons facility center as all the nations in world had been allowed to develop weapons for self defense from its internal external enemies. Hence, Israel did the unlawful activity in Syria and also damaged the Syrian physical assets. 4. There were not identified evidences behind the weapons facility center. On which ground Israel was affirmed that weapons facility had a nuclear power to produce the nuclear weapons in Syria. Again, there were not any justified proof that from where Syria got such type of technology to develop the nuclear weapons. Hence, it was not authentic for Israel to devastate the weapons facility by only the suspicion. 5. A nuclear weapons facility produces various categories of weapons that have the capability to be operated with nuclear fusion reaction to damage a huge area. In given context of question it was not affirmative that Israel had not developed such type weapons. Hence, destroying by consideration upon the suspect and also without any evidence with related
  • 9. technological proofs was considered as targeted action from Israel side. 6. Israel had not permission to destroy anything of other nation without the permission or order from UNO. Thus, Israel had performed illegal action behind the Syria as UNO might take that action and order the members countries to do such activity in Syria. The order was also analyzed result after the input of various facts, proofs and evidences. 7. The suspect word was not enough to justify that Syria had the nuclear weapons facility. Thus, Israel made the targeted action upon the Syria as Syria was the poor country in comparison to Israel. 8. Israel was not produced from where it got the information that Syria had the nuclear weapons facility. So, there should be a evidence based information might be maintained by Israel to produce in UNO that Syria had such system. 7) Iranian interference in domestic Iraqi politics and security is on the rise. Iranian bomb components, weapons, propaganda, and personnel are increasingly crossing the border into Iraq. What does this mean for the domestic Iraqi security situation? Problem : The interference of Iranian into the Iraqi politics is increasing. The Iranian arms and ammunition, extremist propaganda and personnel are crossing the boundry of Iran to Iraq. Sub Problems: 1. Is the interference of Iranian into the Iraqi increasing? 2. What are the relative information behind the Iranian that its interference in Iraq? 3. If the interference of Iranian in Iraqi is increasing then is it true that bombs, weapons, propaganda and personnel from Iran going to the Iraqi boundary? 4. Is the crossing the bombs, weapons, propaganda and personnel from Iran to Iraq is for the disturbance for Iraqi? 5. Is crossed bombs, weapons, propaganda and personnel are
  • 10. making violence as the rate of violence increasing day by day. PRIs and EEIs: 1. The interference between Iranian and Iraqi may be for friendly aspects. If the bombs, arms, weapons, propaganda of Iran and Personnel are crossing the boundary of Iran and going to Iraq, not means that it is for the disturbing the Iraqi. It may be due to their mutual aspects or due to demand of Iraqi. If interference increasing due to this reason then this does not mean to disturb the domestic security situation in Iraq. It may for the help and support for the domestic security situation to control the situation which are not under control by domestic security system of Iraq. 2. The evidence and proof is here required to justify that there is interference of Iranian onto the Iraqi. Once the evidences and proofs are identified then it must be taken an account that the interference is for the help and support or for the harming for the domestic security situation in Iraq. If the evidences and proofs are justified then it can be concluded that the interference is for the wrong aspects or good aspects. 3. The crossing the boundary of bombs, weapons, propaganda and personnel not always for the harming the other nation. If the crossing of these are by the way of hidden eye of Iraq then it must disturb the Iraqi domestic security situation as all the items as mentioned those are crossing the boundary are for the making the disturbances in Iraq. If the demanded supply of these items are crossing from Iranian boundary to Iraqi boundary then it may be considered as this disturbs or harms the domestic security situation in Iraq. Thus, first of these all aspects behind the the supply must be established to justify the main aspects of it. Thereafter the conclusion behind the domestic security situation can be taken correctly. With information it is not clear behind the motto but, it is also clear that the crossing the boundary with bomb, weapons, propaganda and personnel are for making the disturbance in Iraq which affects the domestic security situation in Iraq. 4. Absolutely, the methodology oriented scenario says that if
  • 11. mutual agreed circulation beyond the boundary is going on then it is not for the mentioned facts. But, if it is with hidden processes and procedures then it definitely disturbs the domestic security situation in Iraq. The fact behind this sentiments and statements are need to be established. The process by which the fact is being identified to relate the occurrences with terror activities as performed by various nations. The question scenario is matching with the terror activities that is performed by various terrorist wings in world so, it is absolutely correct that it will disturb the domestic security situation in Iraq. 5. The violence can be from inward with push help from outward. The bomb, weapons, propaganda etc all are considered as the devastating thing that creates panic at places where the these are used. Thus, a systematic approach is required here to benchmark the current situation of security in Iraq with the rate of violence and various activities performed under Iraqi region with bombs, weapons and how many foreign such as Iranian personnel are involved in such practices. After getting the rate and if rate indicates that there is increment with day by day elapse from a specified period time then the establishment of proof behind the disturbance of domestic security situation is being confirmed. Further input also gives the clue behind to justify that there is threat for the domestic security situation. “2015 Baga Massacre” In 2015 the jihadist group Boko Haram committed on if the worst terroristic attacks that the group every carried out. The Baga Massacre began on January 3rd 2015, the exact amount of dead still remain unclear but some estimate is ranged from 100 to 2000+ people dead. To understand this attack we must first understand the terrorist group behind it. Boko Haram came in to
  • 12. the terroristic scene around 2003. When the group started it was a small band of like-minded people who followed a man by the name of Mohammed Yusuf who was a young charismatic preacher. However small the group was in the beginning it grew to now be one of the worst terroristic groups in all of Africa. They are Muslim extremist who follow a strict, fundamentalist interpretation of the Qur’an and believe that the creation of Nigeria by British colonialists had imposed a Western and un- Islamic way of life on Muslims (Smith, M.). There recruiting is much like any others they recruit young like-minded individuals who can be easily radicalized. They are primarily funded by robberies, and other acts of crime such as kidnaping, ransoms, and things of that nature. Their demands vary, but they often focus on two main areas: the release of Boko Haram prisoners and the creation of an Islamic state. While Shekau has pledged solidarity with jihadists globally, Boko Haram’s demands have largely remained local and the insurgency has fed on poverty, hopelessness and unemployment in northern Nigeria (Smith M). So back to the attack on January 3rd 2015, many people speculate that this attack was committed to put a stop to the current presidential election that was taking place during that time. The President “Goodluck Johnathan” comes from one of the southernmost richest oil countries in Nigeria and at the time was doing his best to emphasize his electoral record and do his best to ignore all the problems that were occurring in the northeast part of the country. However it was stated that Boko Haram never really played in to politics that the attack that ensued on January 3rd was a political statement. They wanted to show that the security forces in the country where weak and they succeeded in displaying this. They over ran the headquarters of the Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF), an international force of soldiers from Nigeria, Niger and Chad that was formed in 1994 to deal with cross-border security issues and, more recently, combating the Boko Haram
  • 13. insurgency. They set out to prove a point that they were able to over throw an elite military base but based on the accounts of the local people, the base was under manned, not very well staffed. They wanted political attention and they got it. Boko Haram now acquired the perfect breathing room for supplies and territory. The north has become a breeding for this terrorist group, because of the actions taken by Boko Haram many new human rights movements have begun for the people in the Northern part of Nigeria. So the timeline of the events that took place between January 3rd to the 7th were as follows. It was 5:45 local time when many of the locals from Baga were in prayer when gunshots rang out. The terrorist group Boko Haram rushed the west side of the village this is when scores of young men started in on the streets with machetes and any weapon they could in order to combat the terrorists. As this was going on many of the Boko Haram insurgents retreated into the bush but it would not be long before they returned with vehicles and many more men and weapons. It was not long after that the Nigeria army retreated as there where simply to many if the insurgents surrounding the town. As the armed group progressed through the town, witnesses described pandemonium. People fled in all directions; many thinking that they could seek refuge in the nearby fishing town of Doron Baga, on the shore of Lake Chad (Fessy, T) The sad truth of these events is that the death toll is still not really known by any of the Nigeria officials. As far it is known the president had made no comments in regards to the massacre. What can be learned from this is that no matter what kind of announce a group may cause they should never be ignored. Military bases such as the one located in Baga should always be well kept, with supplies and never under manned. The people of a country should always be a priority to any leader. In this case none of these things seemed to matter the Nigeria president. “The Charlie Hebdo shooting vs The San Bernardino Shooting” The attacks at “Charlie Hebdo” took place on January 7th 2015,
  • 14. two brother of French decent shot and killed more than 11 people and injured 11 more. They walked into a French weekly newspaper by the name of Charlie Hebdo and opened fire. The motive behind this attack were the controversial depictions of the Prophet Muhammad that had been released by the paper a few days before the attack. The depictions of the Prophet Muhammad was a clear sign of disrespect. The newspaper was well known for its anti-establishment stance and courted additional controversy. According to the CIA the motive for the attack was perfectly clear. Saïd and Chérif Kouachi where the two brothers who carried out this gruesome attack. So who where Saïd and Chérif Kouachi? Two brother both in their mid-twenties, trying to find their way in the northern part of Paris. They were orphans and truly they type of people that could be easily radicalized. Their mother died in the early nineties, and in 1994 both brother and their sister were sent to an orphanage. By all accounts from the staff at the orphanage the brother were shy and loved to play football. Said became a leader as time passed, and at one point was elected president of his class at the orphanage. In 2000 the boys were released from the orphanage, and the life on the streets began. The work a variety of odd jobs and turned to petty crime. Then an Islamist network which sent recruits to fight in Iraq. Three or four years after that they left France secretly and were trained as fighters by al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsular in Yemen (Lichfield, J.). From the outside the two brothers seemed to be like any other young men in their mid-twenties. The brothers went to the park for sports training and exercise, but it is there in the Buttes- Chaumont where they also met with more than a dozen other similar young men, who would all eventually be known to police for a terrorism plot to fight as jihadis in Iraq. One of the Kouachi brothers would be jailed for his involvement in that plot (Bronstein, S.). The transformation for these two brothers would span over a decade, and over time the terrorist attacks that they committed along with their fellow cohorts would be some of the worst in
  • 15. world history. Some people felt that they were just amateur Islamic activist who weren’t very organized. They at one point where heavily armed. These young men where strong believer of their faith and all it took was something as simple as a cartoon depiction to set off their rage. On December 2nd 2015, 14 people were killed and as many as 22 other were injured during a Christmas party located at the “Inland Regional Center” in San Bernardino California. The motive for this attack was unclear. FBI Director David Bowditch of the Los Angeles County regional office had this to say “We do not yet know the motive, we cannot rule anything else at this point”. It was not clear if the intended target was in fact the employees at the center but one thing was clear the attacks were carried out by an employee and spouse. Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik were the couple that opened fire on the unsuspecting party goers. According to the FBI the attackers were considered to be “homegrown jihadist terrorists” who gained their inspiration from foreign terrorist cells. Apparently the shooter spent over a year planning this attack. Again motive was unclear but based on what was found in their apartment, an act of terror is what they had been planning to commit all along. The investigation done by the local law enforcement as well as on the federal level involved at of the couples digital communication. It was stated that Farook reached out to people in regards to committing terroristic attacks but those claims where never substantiated. The little that is known about the attack was the something happened at the Christmas party that set Farook off. So how did two homegrown jihadist fiancé their attack? Farook worked for the county as a health inspector, and many of the details of the couple’s finances are not yet known. But in the weeks before the San Bernardino massacre, the husband-and-wife assailants got a $28,500 loan, which authorities believe may have helped them acquire last-minute firearms, ammunition and components to build explosives. The couple received the loan from San Francisco online lender
  • 16. Prosper Marketplace, according to Fortune and Bloomberg News ( The question a lot of people ask themselves is how did these two people become radicalized and how did their plans of attack go unnoticed? Malik was suspected of becoming radicalized back in her home country of Palestine while she attend secondary school there, as the investigation proceeds her friends and family have also been questioned. As for Farook, his influence might have come from Mohamed Abdullahi Hassan, a former Minneapolis resident known as "Mujahid Miski" who became a recruiter for Islamic State and is alleged to have encouraged the attempted attack on a cartoon contest in Garland, Texas, earlier this year. Federal investigators are trying to determine if Farook was influenced by him ( So how these two events are related and how are they different? Well the motive was clear in the Charlie Hebdo attack. Two radicalized jihadist took their faith very seriously and got very offended at the drawing posted in the newspaper in regards to the Prophet Muhammad. In the other the motive is still not clear as the investigation is still underway. However with the little information that law enforcement officials have in California it was clearly a terrorist attack. In one case the attackers had planned for month without being suspected of any wrong doings, while in the other case the bothers where considered to be amateurs and very disorganized. Farook and Malik, where wise and where not suspected of anything until the day of the attack. They were not on any law enforcement radar. In the case of the bothers in Paris, they had already been suspect of terroristic activity and had been in and out of trouble since they were in their early twenties. So how did this relate to western civilization? Well it is known all over the world that most jihadist extremist do not support the ways of the United States. They have a completely different way of thinking. They follow a strict form of the Quran some of which maybe to extreme. Western civilization is frowned upon, women are too liberal and men are too soft is what I have been told.
  • 17. Attacks like these and all over there world make it clear that there are many people no matter how messed up their thinking might be will do just about anything in order to prove their point even if that means hurting/killing innocent people. Work Cited Nicola Bartlett, "26 Key Facts About The Charlie Hebdo And Paris Shootings", Mirror, last modified 2015, accessed February 26, 2016, hebdo-attack-paris-shootings-4949621. Scott Bronstein, "Cherif And Said Kouachi: Their Path To Terror", CNN, last modified 2016, accessed February 26, 2016, radicalization/. Farouk Chothia, "Who Are Nigeria's Boko Haram Islamists? - BBC News", BBC News, last modified 2016, accessed February 25, 2016, Thomas Fessy, "Boko Haram Attack: What Happened In Baga?", BBC News, last modified 2015, accessed February 25, 2016,, "Everything We Know About The San Bernardino Terror Attack Investigation So Far", last modified 2015, accessed February 27, 2016, shooting-terror-investigation-htmlstory.html. John Lichfield, "The Kouachi Brothers Behind The Charlie Hebdo Massacre Made An Unlikely Terror Cell", The Independent, last modified 2015, accessed February 26, 2016, why-the-charlie-hebdo-gunmen-sa-d-and-ch-rif-kouachi-made- an-unlikely-terror-cell-9986391.html. Armin Rosen, "Boko Haram May Have Just Pulled Off One Of The Worst Terrorist Attacks Ever", Business Insider, last modified 2016, accessed February 25, 2016, haram-attack-2015-1.
  • 18. Mike Smith, "FACTSHEET: Explaining Nigeria’S Boko Haram And Its Violent Insurgency - Africa Check", Africa Check, last modified 2014, accessed February 26, 2016, boko-haram-and-its-violent-insurgency/., "Islamic State West Africa (IS, ISWA, ISWAP, ISISWA) -- Boko Haram / Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) | Terrorist Groups | TRAC", last modified 2016, accessed February 26, 2016,