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Energy Is Space In Tango, Space Is Energy In Play
Naturally, we exist in a system whereby everything is impartial and
interconnected ad infinitum. In the dependent nature, the circumstances of
duality or multiplicity in all things are inevitable. This means there would be
scenarios of beginning and ending for all things or matters ad infinitum. In a
way, when there is a rising of one thing, there would be a falling of another
thing elsewhere and vice versa. In other words, there are no two ways about
it i.e. one factor would always be neutralised with another one, without
exception. This conclusion would bring us to an understanding that Mother
Nature is at work in a feature that is constant i.e. a situation that does not
change at all (the characteristic of inherent existence).
Right now, one would realise that every intention or action on things or
matters would bear with its respective consequences; regardless of timeline.
And it is commonly known that one would need energy to initiate his/her
desires or motions. Therefore, in the dependent nature, energy is a
fundamental element and it is nothing but mere vibration. When there are
opposing forces, there would be vibration. The alternate movement of the
opposing forces would then generate a continuum of wavy pattern that
oscillates back and forth. This is the rationale for the cycle of rising and
falling activities that one could witness in the dependent nature. In other
words, the understanding on the characteristics of energy would give us new
insights into the orientation of Mother Nature.
To start with, energy would mean the ability to do work. In a way, such ability
can be elucidated by a partaking of tango dance (a partner dance) in space in
view of its vibrational nature. This means space can also be illustrated as
energy in play on a dance floor. Moreover, the intersection of low frequency
waves of energy a.k.a. the crystallisation of low frequency waves of energy in
space is known as matter. Literally, it is an element that occupies space due
to the natural adaptation from travelling waves of energy into standing waves
of energy. In other words, energy and matter are simply two aspects of the
same thing; both reflected in a different form under the influences of
surrounding conditions. Let us ponder at the following illustrations: -
The Travelling Wave Lines Of Energy
The Crystallisation Of Energy Into Matter
The Conversion From Travelling Waves Into Standing Waves Of Energy (1)
Act 1
Act 2
Act 3
The Conversion From Travelling Waves Into Standing Waves Of Energy (2)
Act 4
Act 5
The Conversion From Travelling Waves Into Standing Waves Of Energy (3)
Act 6
E = mc2
m = E/c2
Energy (J) = Mass (kg) x Speed of Light (m2
The above illustration depicts that one quantum of energy is defined as the diffusion
of one mass at the speed of light squared. Comparatively, in an electrical circuit,
one watt is defined as the current flow of one ampere with voltage of one volt.
Mass-energy Equivalence
m m
One quantum of
energy released,
E = mc2
1W = 1V x 1A «« »» 1E = 1m x (1c) 2
Matter And Antimatter
Key: -
Matter Antimatter Mirror
Gravitational bonds between atoms Electrostatic bonds between
Antimatter Is The Mirror Image Of Matter And The Two Instantly
Cancel Each Other Out If They Come In Contact
Antimatter Could Not Arise As Antiatom Or Antimolecule Due To
The Absence Of Intersecting Low Frequency Waves Of Energy
The Network Of Existence
Key: -
Point Of Friction = A Communion Of The Two Opposite Forces
= A Harmonised Aspect
For example,
The Structure Of Human Skin
FA1-2 = FA2-1
FA3-2 = FA1-1
FA3-1 = FA4-2
FA2-2 = FXX-X
F(A3-1=A4-2)-1 = FXXXX-XXXX
F(A3-1-A4-2)-2 = F(A3-2-A1-1)-1
F(A3-2=A1-1)-2 = F(A1-2=A2-1)-1
F(A1-2=A2-1)-2 = F(A2-2=XX-X)-1
The Curvature Of Spacetime
Key: -
Rotational Synergic Force Fabric Of Energy
Nodule Of Matter Gravitational Force /
The Relationship Between
Nodules Of Matter
The Bonding Of Atoms As Object
Key: -
Standing Waves Of Electron
Proton And Neutron
A Single Atom
e -
e -
e -
e -
, n
Transformation Of Atoms Into Molecules
As Per Bernoulli’s Principle
– When The Speed Of
Substance Increases, The
Pressure Decreases
The Congregating Path Of Atoms
As Object (A Spiral-like Pattern)
Electrostatic Bond
Gravitational Bonds
The Strong Electrostatic Bonds And The Gravitational Forces Between Atoms
(In Accordance With Bernoulli’s Principle)
High High
For example,
The Spiral-like Orientation Of Human Hair
Outer Wave Line Moving At A
Higher Speed – A Lower Pressure
A Gradual Outward
Expanding Force
Inner Wave Line Moving At A
Lower Speed – A Higher Pressure
Chronology: -
1. Firstly, atoms and molecules are shaped through the crystallising process of low
frequency waves of energy. As per the illustration, atom A would be formed initially,
followed by atom B and then atom C and atom D.
2. The interactive waves of energy have conjured up an anti-clockwise rotational
force between the gap of atom A and atom B. Concurrently, atom A and atom B
would rotate in the respective anti-clockwise directions.
3. When atom C is formed, it would be drawn to the adjacent atoms, let’s say, atom
B. This is mainly due to the dawning of differential pressure in the surroundings and
a strong bond would then take shape, just like the kissing of a pair of rubber cymbals.
Subsequently, a new molecule is formed, let’s say, molecule B-C. Likewise, when
atom D is formed, it would be drawn to the adjacent atoms as well, let’s say, atom
A and this would lead to the formation of molecule A-D.
4. At the same time, both molecule B-C and molecule A-D would be attracted to
one another as per Bernoulli’s principle that says when the speed of substance
around the objects increases, the pressure reduces. As a result, the molecules
would travel towards one another in accelerated motion that is commonly known as
gravitational force.
5. Last of all, the respective atoms in the molecules would cease to self-rotate and
begin to vibrate as standing waves. Thereafter, the newly bonded molecules would
assume an anti-clockwise rotation that is coupled with the disturbances in the
curvature of spacetime known as gravitational waves. A newly spiral-like
gravitational wave would appear in a diffusing pattern due to the natural aerodynamic
flows i.e. the outer wave line is curling at a higher speed than the inner wave line.
How Does Gravity Work?
1. For general understanding, the gravitational force would appear alongside with
the dawning of at least three atoms. Gravity is directly influenced by the mass of
atoms or molecules in an object i.e. the amount of matter in an object; not the
volume size. In other words, an increase in the mass density of atoms would conjure
up higher gravitational forces between the objects and vice versa.
2. On the other hand, the rotation of an object does not affect its gravitational
force. However, in terms of the surface gravity, it has a minor influence whereby
when the centrifugal force increases the surface gravity would reduce slightly. For
example, the Earth’s rotation causes a slight bulging at the equator and a slight
flattening at the poles. As such, one would weigh slightly less at the equator and
more at the poles. Let us ponder at the following illustration: -
When Centrifugal Force Accelerating, Centripetal Force Decelerates
3. All objects have a force that attracts them towards each other. Even we attract
other objects to us because of gravity but our mass is too insignificant for the force
to come into effect.
4. For general understanding, weight is a force caused by the gravitational
attraction. The weight of an object is the gravitational force between the object
and the earth. The more mass the object has, the greater its weight will be.
The principle in effect: -
Weight (N) = Mass (kg) x Gravity (m/s2
Also, the mass of an object stays the same wherever it is, but its weight may vary
in line with the variance of the gravitational force on it, such as the Earth and the
Let us ponder at the following illustration: -
Centrifugal Force
Centripetal Force
Key: -
The Downward Pushing Force Is Vigorous Due To Large Masses And The
Narrow Gap Between The Conveyor Belts Of Gravity.
The Upward Pushing Force Is Weak Due To Small Masses And The Wide Gap
Between The Conveyor Belts Of Gravity.
Gravity ≈ Voltage
Object A
Object C
Object B
5. The above illustration depicts that the gravitational forces would arise when the
conveyor belts of gravity begin to rotate in the respective clockwise and anti-
clockwise directions concurrently with the dawning of atoms or molecules.
6. An object with a larger mass would induce a more vigorous pushing force towards
the other side of another object with a smaller mass. In other words, it is the amount
of matter in an object that would determine the strength of its gravitational force.
Therefore, the gravitational force increases when the masses of the objects are
larger; instead of the volume size.
7. As a reference, the gravitational forces between atoms is akin to voltage in an
electrical circuit. When batteries are connected in series, the total amount of
voltage in the circuit would be reflected by the total sum of each battery’s capacity.
Supposedly, one battery would bring about 1.5V then the overall two batteries would
bring about 3.0V respectively. Therefore, a larger mass would bring about a greater
gravitational force due to a higher number of conveyor belts of gravity rotating
simultaneously between the atoms. Just like a series of turbine engines operating
concurrently to generate a higher voltage that, in turn, would bring about a higher
electromotive force in an electrical circuit.
8. Also, the gravitational forces would increase when the objects are closer against
one another. As per Bernoulli’s principle, a more confined space between the atoms
of the confronting objects would induce the conveyor belts of gravity to rotate at a
higher speed thus generating a much lower pressure condition to its vicinity.
Subsequently, the atoms between the confronting objects would be pushed towards
one another at a more intense accelerating speed.
9. Last of all, the more mass an object has, the more inertia it has. Inertia is
described as the tendency of an object to resist change in its state of motion. It is
mainly due to the dawning of larger momentum in the object with a larger mass. For
general understanding, translational momentum is solely dependent on the mass and
the velocity of the object. A larger mass would take a prolonged force to bring up
the object to the targeted speed and similarly, to bring it to a stop afterwards.
10. Supposedly, object A is the Earth, object B is the rock and object C is the
feather. In this case, the Earth would certainly contain much more masses than the
rock, and the rock would contain more masses than the feather. When these three
objects are closing in towards one another, the Earth with a much higher density of
masses would certainly inherit a much greater inertia i.e. a resistance to change in
its state of motion. This is despite the fact that these three objects are pushing
against one another simultaneously.
11. At the end of the day, the force in effect would be the objects with lesser
masses (object B and object C) moving towards the object with higher masses
(object A) at the same accelerating motions. Another example would be the
gravitational attraction between a human body and a tiny particle of dust. Certainly,
the tiny particle of dust would move towards the human body that encompasses a
comparatively higher mass and with greater inertia rather than the other way around.
Star A’s Velocity Drops When Gravity Becomes Vanishingly Weak But Beyond
A Certain Distance From Galaxy A’s Centre Its Velocity Would Level Off
Galaxy A
Star A
How Does Gravitational Lensing Work?
1. The fabric of spacetime is fully occupied with the vessels of energy, just like the
blood vessels in our body tissues and organs. In a way, we could label these vessels
of energy as the arteries and the veins of the cosmos in an interlocking structure
of wavy configuration as depicted below: -
2. Generally speaking, the gravitational forces would arise when the conveyor belts
of gravity begin to rotate in the respective clockwise and anti-clockwise directions
alongside with the dawning of atoms or molecules. These conveyor belts of gravity
are actually rotational movement of energies that would comprise with the
integration of the arteries and veins of the cosmos.
3. However, in the case of black hole, these conveyor belts would rotate in a
uniquely harmonised mechanism. Energies in the arteries of the cosmos would travel
in accelerating motions, whereas energies in the veins of the cosmos would travel
in decelerating motions. This scenario is in line with the orientation of spiral-like
gravitational waves that would appear in a diffusing pattern due to the natural
aerodynamic flows i.e. the outer wave line is curling at a higher speed than the inner
wave line.
4. To illustrate the circumstances of black hole, one could ponder into the elastic
limit of a spring, as described by Hooke’s law. The spring's metal has an elastic
property only up to a particular stress known as the yield point. Elastic means that
the metal may deflect but upon the removal of the deflecting force, it will return to
its original form. Once past the yield point, the stress would impart a permanent
deformation to the spring, as illustrated below: -
Key: -
Arteries Of The Cosmos
Veins Of The Cosmos
Traveling Waves Of Light
Increasing Push Out
Forces Of Gravity
Diminishing Push In
Forces Of Gravity
Conveyor Belts Of Gravity
Mass Or Matter
4. Consequently, the push out forces of gravity would increase in rate (vigorous)
and the push in forces of gravity would diminish in rate (weak). In addition, the
variance in the velocity of energies between the arteries and the veins of the
cosmos is inversely proportional to the circumference of the black hole.
5. At the end of the day, the fabric of energies would warp towards the outward
direction from the centre of the black hole, as illustrated below. This means the
colossal mass of the black hole would be compressed inwardly before collapsing into
a singularity. And it is the precise moment whereby any matters that fall into the
black hole would be inescapable.
Event Horizon
Key: -
Arteries Of The Cosmos
Veins Of The Cosmos
Traveling Waves Of Light
Increasing Push Out
Forces Of Gravity
Diminishing Push In
Forces Of Gravity
Conveyor Belts Of Gravity
Mass Or Matter
The Colossal Mass Of A Black Hole Is Compressed
Inwardly And Collapsed Into A Singularity
6. On another context, when a beam of light travels via the veins of the cosmos
towards a black hole and very close to the event horizon, its velocity would slow
down correspondingly. As a result, the respective beams of light would bend and
travel at an angle towards the slower speed end, thus creating an optical
phenomenon known as mirage and it can be illustrated below. In a way, just like the
navigation of 2-wheel hover board i.e. when the left wheel is rotating at a slower
speed than the right wheel, the machine would move forward and proportionately
curve towards the left direction.
Source: Wikipedia
The Velocity Of Light B Slows Down Much More Than The Velocity
Of Light A Due To Intense Push Out Forces Of Gravity
In The Vicinity Just Outside The Event Horizon
Light A
Light B
Of A
7. Meanwhile, the rigorous gravitational forces i.e. the push out forces would induce
a new phenomenon that is commonly known as time dilation. This is because in a
faster inertial system, the velocity of change would slow down due to high frequential
occurrences near the black hole. The relationship between time dilation and the
distance from the event horizon of a black hole is depicted below: -
Time Dilation
Distance From The Black Hole (Event Horizon)
8. At the end of the day, one could conclude that the gravitational force is inversely
proportional to the velocity of photon. The phenomenon of gravitational lensing is
mainly due to the reduction in velocity when the photon approaches a black hole
with intense gravitational forces. In other words, for the case of gravitational lensing,
the speed of photon (light) should be the determining factor instead of the mass of
With all the above illustrations, it is apparent that energy is a fundamental
element for dependent nature to exist; without it, the dependent nature would
be impossible. In fact, energy is an element that would involve with
translational, rotational and vibrational motions. These motions are the key
components of the universal laws such as the law of kamma, the law of
attraction, the law of vibration, etc. Gravity, on the other hand, is an emergent
force arising out of the principal flows of energies throughout the arteries and
the veins of the cosmos.

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Gravity - An Emergent Force

  • 1. Energy Is Space In Tango, Space Is Energy In Play Naturally, we exist in a system whereby everything is impartial and interconnected ad infinitum. In the dependent nature, the circumstances of duality or multiplicity in all things are inevitable. This means there would be scenarios of beginning and ending for all things or matters ad infinitum. In a way, when there is a rising of one thing, there would be a falling of another thing elsewhere and vice versa. In other words, there are no two ways about it i.e. one factor would always be neutralised with another one, without exception. This conclusion would bring us to an understanding that Mother Nature is at work in a feature that is constant i.e. a situation that does not change at all (the characteristic of inherent existence). Right now, one would realise that every intention or action on things or matters would bear with its respective consequences; regardless of timeline. And it is commonly known that one would need energy to initiate his/her desires or motions. Therefore, in the dependent nature, energy is a fundamental element and it is nothing but mere vibration. When there are opposing forces, there would be vibration. The alternate movement of the opposing forces would then generate a continuum of wavy pattern that oscillates back and forth. This is the rationale for the cycle of rising and falling activities that one could witness in the dependent nature. In other words, the understanding on the characteristics of energy would give us new insights into the orientation of Mother Nature. To start with, energy would mean the ability to do work. In a way, such ability can be elucidated by a partaking of tango dance (a partner dance) in space in view of its vibrational nature. This means space can also be illustrated as energy in play on a dance floor. Moreover, the intersection of low frequency waves of energy a.k.a. the crystallisation of low frequency waves of energy in space is known as matter. Literally, it is an element that occupies space due to the natural adaptation from travelling waves of energy into standing waves of energy. In other words, energy and matter are simply two aspects of the same thing; both reflected in a different form under the influences of surrounding conditions. Let us ponder at the following illustrations: -
  • 2. The Travelling Wave Lines Of Energy
  • 3. The Crystallisation Of Energy Into Matter
  • 4. The Conversion From Travelling Waves Into Standing Waves Of Energy (1) Act 1 Act 2 Act 3
  • 5. The Conversion From Travelling Waves Into Standing Waves Of Energy (2) Act 4 Act 5
  • 6. The Conversion From Travelling Waves Into Standing Waves Of Energy (3) Act 6
  • 7. E = mc2 m = E/c2 Energy (J) = Mass (kg) x Speed of Light (m2 /s2 ) The above illustration depicts that one quantum of energy is defined as the diffusion of one mass at the speed of light squared. Comparatively, in an electrical circuit, one watt is defined as the current flow of one ampere with voltage of one volt. Mass-energy Equivalence c c m m c c cc m One quantum of energy released, E = mc2 1W = 1V x 1A «« »» 1E = 1m x (1c) 2
  • 8. Matter And Antimatter Key: - Matter Antimatter Mirror Gravitational bonds between atoms Electrostatic bonds between atoms Antimatter Is The Mirror Image Of Matter And The Two Instantly Cancel Each Other Out If They Come In Contact Antimatter Could Not Arise As Antiatom Or Antimolecule Due To The Absence Of Intersecting Low Frequency Waves Of Energy
  • 9. The Network Of Existence Key: - Point Of Friction = A Communion Of The Two Opposite Forces = A Harmonised Aspect For example, The Structure Of Human Skin FA1 FA2 FA1-2 = FA2-1 FA3 FA4 FA3-2 = FA1-1 FA3-1 = FA4-2 FA2-2 = FXX-X F(A3-1=A4-2)-1 = FXXXX-XXXX F(A3-1-A4-2)-2 = F(A3-2-A1-1)-1 F(A3-2=A1-1)-2 = F(A1-2=A2-1)-1 F(A1-2=A2-1)-2 = F(A2-2=XX-X)-1 Cause-Effect Effect-Cause
  • 10. The Curvature Of Spacetime Key: - Rotational Synergic Force Fabric Of Energy Nodule Of Matter Gravitational Force / The Relationship Between Nodules Of Matter
  • 11. The Bonding Of Atoms As Object Key: - Standing Waves Of Electron Proton And Neutron A Single Atom e - e - e - e - p+ , n A B C D
  • 12. Transformation Of Atoms Into Molecules B A C A B C D A D B C D C B A GRAVITATIONAL FORCE As Per Bernoulli’s Principle – When The Speed Of Substance Increases, The Pressure Decreases D A C B A B C D E F G R S H I J K L M N O P Q The Congregating Path Of Atoms As Object (A Spiral-like Pattern)
  • 13. Electrostatic Bond Gravitational Bonds The Strong Electrostatic Bonds And The Gravitational Forces Between Atoms (In Accordance With Bernoulli’s Principle) Low HighHigh High High
  • 14. For example, The Spiral-like Orientation Of Human Hair M 2 M 1 M 1 M 2 Outer Wave Line Moving At A Higher Speed – A Lower Pressure Condition A Gradual Outward Expanding Force Inner Wave Line Moving At A Lower Speed – A Higher Pressure Condition
  • 15. Chronology: - 1. Firstly, atoms and molecules are shaped through the crystallising process of low frequency waves of energy. As per the illustration, atom A would be formed initially, followed by atom B and then atom C and atom D. 2. The interactive waves of energy have conjured up an anti-clockwise rotational force between the gap of atom A and atom B. Concurrently, atom A and atom B would rotate in the respective anti-clockwise directions. 3. When atom C is formed, it would be drawn to the adjacent atoms, let’s say, atom B. This is mainly due to the dawning of differential pressure in the surroundings and a strong bond would then take shape, just like the kissing of a pair of rubber cymbals. Subsequently, a new molecule is formed, let’s say, molecule B-C. Likewise, when atom D is formed, it would be drawn to the adjacent atoms as well, let’s say, atom A and this would lead to the formation of molecule A-D. 4. At the same time, both molecule B-C and molecule A-D would be attracted to one another as per Bernoulli’s principle that says when the speed of substance around the objects increases, the pressure reduces. As a result, the molecules would travel towards one another in accelerated motion that is commonly known as gravitational force. 5. Last of all, the respective atoms in the molecules would cease to self-rotate and begin to vibrate as standing waves. Thereafter, the newly bonded molecules would assume an anti-clockwise rotation that is coupled with the disturbances in the curvature of spacetime known as gravitational waves. A newly spiral-like gravitational wave would appear in a diffusing pattern due to the natural aerodynamic flows i.e. the outer wave line is curling at a higher speed than the inner wave line. How Does Gravity Work? 1. For general understanding, the gravitational force would appear alongside with the dawning of at least three atoms. Gravity is directly influenced by the mass of atoms or molecules in an object i.e. the amount of matter in an object; not the volume size. In other words, an increase in the mass density of atoms would conjure up higher gravitational forces between the objects and vice versa. 2. On the other hand, the rotation of an object does not affect its gravitational force. However, in terms of the surface gravity, it has a minor influence whereby when the centrifugal force increases the surface gravity would reduce slightly. For example, the Earth’s rotation causes a slight bulging at the equator and a slight flattening at the poles. As such, one would weigh slightly less at the equator and more at the poles. Let us ponder at the following illustration: -
  • 16. When Centrifugal Force Accelerating, Centripetal Force Decelerates 3. All objects have a force that attracts them towards each other. Even we attract other objects to us because of gravity but our mass is too insignificant for the force to come into effect. 4. For general understanding, weight is a force caused by the gravitational attraction. The weight of an object is the gravitational force between the object and the earth. The more mass the object has, the greater its weight will be. The principle in effect: - Weight (N) = Mass (kg) x Gravity (m/s2 ) Also, the mass of an object stays the same wherever it is, but its weight may vary in line with the variance of the gravitational force on it, such as the Earth and the Moon. Let us ponder at the following illustration: - Centrifugal Force Accelerates Centripetal Force Decelerates
  • 17. Key: - The Downward Pushing Force Is Vigorous Due To Large Masses And The Narrow Gap Between The Conveyor Belts Of Gravity. The Upward Pushing Force Is Weak Due To Small Masses And The Wide Gap Between The Conveyor Belts Of Gravity. GF1 GF2 1.5V 1.5V 1.5V Gravity ≈ Voltage -ve +ve GF1 GF2 Object A Object C Object B
  • 18. 5. The above illustration depicts that the gravitational forces would arise when the conveyor belts of gravity begin to rotate in the respective clockwise and anti- clockwise directions concurrently with the dawning of atoms or molecules. 6. An object with a larger mass would induce a more vigorous pushing force towards the other side of another object with a smaller mass. In other words, it is the amount of matter in an object that would determine the strength of its gravitational force. Therefore, the gravitational force increases when the masses of the objects are larger; instead of the volume size. 7. As a reference, the gravitational forces between atoms is akin to voltage in an electrical circuit. When batteries are connected in series, the total amount of voltage in the circuit would be reflected by the total sum of each battery’s capacity. Supposedly, one battery would bring about 1.5V then the overall two batteries would bring about 3.0V respectively. Therefore, a larger mass would bring about a greater gravitational force due to a higher number of conveyor belts of gravity rotating simultaneously between the atoms. Just like a series of turbine engines operating concurrently to generate a higher voltage that, in turn, would bring about a higher electromotive force in an electrical circuit. 8. Also, the gravitational forces would increase when the objects are closer against one another. As per Bernoulli’s principle, a more confined space between the atoms of the confronting objects would induce the conveyor belts of gravity to rotate at a higher speed thus generating a much lower pressure condition to its vicinity. Subsequently, the atoms between the confronting objects would be pushed towards one another at a more intense accelerating speed. 9. Last of all, the more mass an object has, the more inertia it has. Inertia is described as the tendency of an object to resist change in its state of motion. It is mainly due to the dawning of larger momentum in the object with a larger mass. For general understanding, translational momentum is solely dependent on the mass and the velocity of the object. A larger mass would take a prolonged force to bring up the object to the targeted speed and similarly, to bring it to a stop afterwards. 10. Supposedly, object A is the Earth, object B is the rock and object C is the feather. In this case, the Earth would certainly contain much more masses than the rock, and the rock would contain more masses than the feather. When these three objects are closing in towards one another, the Earth with a much higher density of masses would certainly inherit a much greater inertia i.e. a resistance to change in its state of motion. This is despite the fact that these three objects are pushing against one another simultaneously. 11. At the end of the day, the force in effect would be the objects with lesser masses (object B and object C) moving towards the object with higher masses
  • 19. (object A) at the same accelerating motions. Another example would be the gravitational attraction between a human body and a tiny particle of dust. Certainly, the tiny particle of dust would move towards the human body that encompasses a comparatively higher mass and with greater inertia rather than the other way around. Star A’s Velocity Drops When Gravity Becomes Vanishingly Weak But Beyond A Certain Distance From Galaxy A’s Centre Its Velocity Would Level Off Galaxy A Star A
  • 20. How Does Gravitational Lensing Work? 1. The fabric of spacetime is fully occupied with the vessels of energy, just like the blood vessels in our body tissues and organs. In a way, we could label these vessels of energy as the arteries and the veins of the cosmos in an interlocking structure of wavy configuration as depicted below: - 2. Generally speaking, the gravitational forces would arise when the conveyor belts of gravity begin to rotate in the respective clockwise and anti-clockwise directions alongside with the dawning of atoms or molecules. These conveyor belts of gravity are actually rotational movement of energies that would comprise with the integration of the arteries and veins of the cosmos. 3. However, in the case of black hole, these conveyor belts would rotate in a uniquely harmonised mechanism. Energies in the arteries of the cosmos would travel in accelerating motions, whereas energies in the veins of the cosmos would travel in decelerating motions. This scenario is in line with the orientation of spiral-like gravitational waves that would appear in a diffusing pattern due to the natural aerodynamic flows i.e. the outer wave line is curling at a higher speed than the inner wave line. 4. To illustrate the circumstances of black hole, one could ponder into the elastic limit of a spring, as described by Hooke’s law. The spring's metal has an elastic property only up to a particular stress known as the yield point. Elastic means that the metal may deflect but upon the removal of the deflecting force, it will return to
  • 21. its original form. Once past the yield point, the stress would impart a permanent deformation to the spring, as illustrated below: - Key: - Arteries Of The Cosmos Veins Of The Cosmos Traveling Waves Of Light Increasing Push Out Forces Of Gravity Diminishing Push In Forces Of Gravity Conveyor Belts Of Gravity Mass Or Matter 4. Consequently, the push out forces of gravity would increase in rate (vigorous) and the push in forces of gravity would diminish in rate (weak). In addition, the variance in the velocity of energies between the arteries and the veins of the cosmos is inversely proportional to the circumference of the black hole. 5. At the end of the day, the fabric of energies would warp towards the outward direction from the centre of the black hole, as illustrated below. This means the colossal mass of the black hole would be compressed inwardly before collapsing into a singularity. And it is the precise moment whereby any matters that fall into the black hole would be inescapable. Event Horizon
  • 22. Key: - Arteries Of The Cosmos Veins Of The Cosmos Traveling Waves Of Light Increasing Push Out Forces Of Gravity Diminishing Push In Forces Of Gravity Conveyor Belts Of Gravity Mass Or Matter The Colossal Mass Of A Black Hole Is Compressed Inwardly And Collapsed Into A Singularity
  • 23. 6. On another context, when a beam of light travels via the veins of the cosmos towards a black hole and very close to the event horizon, its velocity would slow down correspondingly. As a result, the respective beams of light would bend and travel at an angle towards the slower speed end, thus creating an optical phenomenon known as mirage and it can be illustrated below. In a way, just like the navigation of 2-wheel hover board i.e. when the left wheel is rotating at a slower speed than the right wheel, the machine would move forward and proportionately curve towards the left direction. Source: Wikipedia The Velocity Of Light B Slows Down Much More Than The Velocity Of Light A Due To Intense Push Out Forces Of Gravity In The Vicinity Just Outside The Event Horizon Light A Light B Actual Position Of A Star Mirage
  • 24. 7. Meanwhile, the rigorous gravitational forces i.e. the push out forces would induce a new phenomenon that is commonly known as time dilation. This is because in a faster inertial system, the velocity of change would slow down due to high frequential occurrences near the black hole. The relationship between time dilation and the distance from the event horizon of a black hole is depicted below: - Time Dilation Distance From The Black Hole (Event Horizon) 8. At the end of the day, one could conclude that the gravitational force is inversely proportional to the velocity of photon. The phenomenon of gravitational lensing is mainly due to the reduction in velocity when the photon approaches a black hole with intense gravitational forces. In other words, for the case of gravitational lensing, the speed of photon (light) should be the determining factor instead of the mass of photon. With all the above illustrations, it is apparent that energy is a fundamental element for dependent nature to exist; without it, the dependent nature would be impossible. In fact, energy is an element that would involve with translational, rotational and vibrational motions. These motions are the key components of the universal laws such as the law of kamma, the law of attraction, the law of vibration, etc. Gravity, on the other hand, is an emergent force arising out of the principal flows of energies throughout the arteries and the veins of the cosmos.