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Restructuring Outlook for 2012

March 2012
Key themes for 2012

The restructuring landscape in 2012 is likely to
be characterised by low interest rates, a lack of
liquidity and low asset prices as well as banks’
continuing efforts to minimise losses.
In line with this, respondents to Grant Thornton’s
‘Restructuring Outlook for 2012’ survey expect that
underperforming businesses in the UK, their funders
and other stakeholders will continue to collaborate,
wherever possible, to save businesses through
financial and operational restructurings.
   However, respondents also highlighted that
some business models will need a radical overhaul
to survive in a low growth economy and that a
restriction in credit availability, which many expect
to worsen in 2012, may make this particularly
difficult. Also of concern to respondents is
‘restructuring fatigue’ of management teams and          2.	 Key themes for 2012
stakeholders, especially in relation to companies that
have been through numerous restructurings already.       3.	 Summary of survey findings
   Predictably, a large number of respondents
                                                         4.	 Macro-economic threats and the outlook
caveated their responses in case of a disorderly
                                                         	   for the UK economy
Greek default or a breakup of the Eurozone. One
respondent said memorably:                               6.	 Resilience of UK business in 2012

                                                         8.	 Restructuring strategies employed
  “If the Euro collapses then all bets                   12.	 Refinancings, forbearance and
  are off”                                               	   administration levels
  Restructuring/recovery banker
                                                         15.	 About ‘Restructuring Outlook for 2012’

2 The Restructuring Outlook for 2012
Summary of survey findings

Perhaps unsurprisingly, 72% of respondents think that the Eurozone
sovereign debt crisis poses the greatest macro-economic threat to the
UK economy in 2012, followed by stagnating UK growth and the
Government’s austerity measures.

The UK economy                                           Trading administrations/pre-packs
63% of respondents expect a deterioration of             In line with the subdued outlook for the UK
economic conditions in 2012. More positively,            economy, 51% of respondents expect trading
only 7% expect a significant deterioration.              administrations to increase in 2012. This is, of
                                                         course, from a relatively low level. The same
Defaults and sectors most at risk                        percentage of respondents expect pre-pack
75% of respondents expect default rates to go up         administrations to increase.
in 2012, with retail, hotels/leisure, print, property/
construction, haulage/logistics and travel/tourism
rated as particularly vulnerable.

Factors leading to distress
When asked to rate the contributory factors for
distress in 2011, the vast majority of respondents           “There is now a greater realisation by funders that
highlighted declining revenues and rising costs.             ‘extend and pretend’ strategies which are reliant on
These issues were commonly compounded by poor
                                                             low interest rates and low inflation come with a ‘sell-
management decisions and poor financial control.
                                                             by-date’ and that fixes to the capital structure, and
                                                             in many cases, far reaching operational changes are
Restructuring solutions
When asked which restructuring strategies
                                                             necessary to create sustainable value.”
                                                             Mark Byers, Partner, Global Head of Restructuring
were successfully implemented in 2011, most
highlighted better cash flow management,
cost cutting programmes and staff reductions.
Respondents said that whilst cash control will
still be key in 2012, the focus will shift towards
operational restructurings.

Availability of refinancing funds
The majority, 60%, of respondents expect the
availability of funds for refinancing in 2012 to be
broadly the same as in the previous year. Of note
is that 56% of respondents expect an increase in
the availability of distressed asset funds whilst just
under 50% expect a decrease in leveraged finance.

                                                                                                        The Restructuring Outlook for 2012 3
Macro-economic threats
and the outlook for the
UK economy
Macro-economic threats to the UK economy
Perhaps unsurprisingly, 72% of respondents think
that the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis poses
the greatest macro-economic threat to the UK
economy in 2012, followed by stagnating UK
growth and the Government’s austerity measures.

Fig 1: Looking to the next 12 months, how do you rate the impact
of the following macro trends?

     % of respondents rating impact as highest (8 to 10 out of range 1 to 10)


50                                                                                                             45%
                                                                                                                                                                                                       “Addressing the uncertainty in the Eurozone has to form
40                                                                                                                                       36%                                                           a fundamental part of any longer term solution within
30                                                                                                                                                                                                     the UK economy”
20                                                                                                                                                       15%                15%                        Restructuring/recovery banker

                                                                                                                                                                                                       The weighting given to the Eurozone sovereign
                                         Prolonged stagnant/slow growth in the UK

                                                                                                                                                                          UK Corporate tax burden
                                                                                    UK austerity measures
        Eurozone sovereign debt crisis

                                                                                                            More limited debt finance

                                                                                                                                        UK double-dip

                                                                                                                                                        Currency issues

                                                                                                                                                                                                    debt crisis undoubtedly reflects the importance
                                                                                                                                                                                                    of the Eurozone export market to UK businesses,
                                                                                                                                                                                                    but it is also a measure of the growing sense that
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Europe’s politicians are failing to control the crisis.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       A number of respondents voiced grave concerns
                                                                                                                                                                                                    over the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis and
                                                                                                                                                                                                    predict, if it is not contained, a crisis of confidence
                                                                                                                                                                                                    across Europe and globally with much greater
                                                                                                                                                                                                    ramifications than the contraction of credit
                                                                                                                                                                                                    following the collapse of Lehman Brothers. A
                                                                                                                                                                                                    similar number, however, were more bullish about
                                                                                                                                                                                                    the Euro and expect the currency to survive.

4 The Restructuring Outlook for 2012
“I’ve been predicting more corporate failures for the
last two years and it’s not happened. So although
everyone is saying 2012 will be even harder I’m actually
expecting a similar year to the last two”
Restructuring/recovery banker

                                                           Outlook for the UK economy in 2012
“I expect economic conditions to be challenging            In line with UK economic projections, 63% of
in 2012. This combined with lenders seeking to             respondents expect a deterioration of economic
                                                           conditions in 2012. More positively, only 7% expect
deleverage their own balance sheets and having limited
                                                           a significant deterioration. 28% expect economic
appetite for new money will mean many restructurings       conditions to stay the same, whilst 2% expect them
will be structured to deliver a short term exit”           to improve somewhat. No one surveyed expects the
Restructuring/recovery banker                              economy to improve significantly.
                                                               UK’s negative GDP growth in Quarter 4 2011
                                                           adds weight to respondents’ pessimistic outlook
                                                           for 2012. However, respondents point to the low
                                                           interest rate environment in the UK as a key life
                                                           line for underperforming businesses in 2012. Also,
                                                           some expect the Olympics to provide a much
                                                           needed boost to the London economy and, in
                                                           particular, to the leisure and retail sectors.

                                                           Fig 2: Looking to the next 12 months, do you expect UK economic
                                                           conditions to




                                                              Deteriorate significantly        Deteriorate somewhat

                                                              Stay the same                    Improve somewhat

                                                              Improve significantly* (nobody chose this option)

                                                                                          The Restructuring Outlook for 2012 5
Resilience of UK business
in 2012

Default levels
The vast majority of respondents, 75%, expect default levels to increase in 2012, as
conditions for many UK businesses deteriorate, with public sector cuts continuing to
filter through and private sector growth remaining sluggish.

Fig 3: Looking at the next 12 months, how do you expect default levels to develop?




                                     Stay the same


                                                             75%                     “As defaults increase opportunities
                                                                                     will undoubtedly arise for
                                                                                     distressed investors, however I
                                                                                     would also point out that many
                                                                                     UK companies are now looking
                                                                                     to transactions as a route to
                                                                                     performance improvements. But
                                                                                     in a climate of much more limited
                                                                                     finance, companies will need
                                                                                     to closely interrogate valuation
                                                                                     fundamentals and the promise of
                                                                                     synergies to return meaningful
                                                                                     benefits to shareholders”
                                                                                     Geoff Davies, Partner, Head of Corporate Finance

6 The Restructuring Outlook for 2012
Fig 4: Looking at the next 12 months, how would you rate the resilience of the following sectors of
the UK economy?

                             Higher resiliance         Average resiliance                Lower resiliance


       Hotels/ Pubs/



   Haulage/ Logistics

      Travel/ Tourism


   Financial Services

 Healthcare (private)

Professional Practices



Agribusiness/ Food/

 Aerospace/ Defence

  Technology/ Media
          / Telecoms

   Pharma/ Biotech/
    Medical Devices

       Energy/ Utility

                         0                   20      40                     60             80               100

Sectors most at risk in 2012                                 Generally speaking, UK companies
Unsurprisingly, sectors vulnerable to                     in global markets can look to harness
low consumer confidence and lower                         new export markets, source lower cost
credit availability, are considered to                    production and look to outsourcing
have the lowest resilience in 2012. More                  to mitigate against the risks of a UK
than 90% of respondents expect Retail                     and European downturn, whilst those
and Hotels/Leisure and Pubs to be                         reliant on the domestic and European
particularly vulnerable. Print, Property/                 market will continue to find trading
Construction, Haulage/Logistics and                       conditions difficult in 2012.
Travel/Tourism and are the next most
vulnerable sectors. Marginally more
respondents expect the Automotive
sector to have lower than average
resilience, so this is another sector to
watch in 2012.
   Respondents rated only two sectors,
Energy/Utility (71% of respondents)
and Pharma/Biotech/Medical devices
(53% of respondents) as more resilient
than the average.

                                                                       The Restructuring Outlook for 2012 7
Restructuring strategies

Contributory factors leading to
underperformance of UK businesses
When asked to rate the contributory factors for
distress in 2011, the vast majority of respondents
highlighted declining revenues and rising costs.
These issues were commonly compounded by poor
management decisions and poor financial control.

Fig 5: Looking at the distressed cases you worked on in the last 12 months, what were the main contributory factors leading to distress?






          Decline in revenues

                                Poor management decisions

                                                            Poor financial control

                                                                                     Rising costs

                                                                                                    Inappropriate business model

                                                                                                                                   More limited/ expensive
                                                                                                                                              debt finance

                                                                                                                                                             Tax/TTP debt burden

                                                                                                                                                                                   Increased competition

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Public sector cuts


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Product substitution/

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Export market volatility

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           External Regulation

8 The Restructuring Outlook for 2012
Financial and operational
                                            Fig 6: In the last 12 months, what type of restructuring strategies have been employed in the cases you
restructurings favoured in 2011             worked on?
Respondents reported that the majority
                                                All of them                     The majority                The minority                 None
of distressed businesses they worked
with in 2011 carried out financial                             Financial restructuring
and operational restructures. Whilst        Operational restructuring /Turnaround
operational restructurings have taken
place in many cases, these were mostly
                                                              Pre-pack administration
around cost cutting and staff reductions.
Banks agreed to rollover debt with                                               CVA

changes to terms in the majority of                      Exit via alternative funder
cases. Administrations and pre-pack               Rollover with changes to terms
administrations were seen as the last                                  Forebearance
resort and were employed as such. CVAs
                                                                                         0            20            40             60           80         100
and exits via alternative lenders were
employed in a minority of cases.

                                                                                             “With downside risks for the global
                                                                                             economy depressing company
                                                                                             valuations, banks will continue to
                                                                                             favour consensual restructuring
“Lack of liquidity in the market will dissuade lenders                                       solutions over forced disposals or
from exiting by administration where avoidable.”                                             insolvency. However, a significant
Restructuring/recovery banker                                                                number of underperforming
                                                                                             businesses have gone through a
                                                                                             number of restructurings already.
                                                                                             For these businesses the questions
                                                                                             must surely be: Is the underlying
                                                                                             business still viable? If so, how can
                                                                                             restructuring fatigue be avoided?”
                                                                                             David Dunckley, Partner, Head of Mid Market Restructuring

                                                                                                                           The Restructuring Outlook for 2012 9
Restructuring strategies to deal
                                            Fig 7: Looking back at the last 12 months, did your borrowers successfully implement the following?
with underperformance
                                               All of them                The majority              The minority                 None
When asked which restructuring
strategies were successfully                            Better cash flow management
implemented in 2011, most highlight
                                                             Cost cutting programmes
better cash flow management,
                                                               Reduction in staff cost
cost cutting programmes and staff
                                            Realignment of strategy/ business model
reductions. Respondents said that
whilst cash control will still be key in        Better focus on sales and marketing

2012, the attention is shifting towards a              Management team restructure
more focused assessment of operational                Divestments of non-core assets
deficiencies, their impact on the                              Diversification strategy
bottom line and the capital expenditure
                                                                 Outsourcing strategy
necessary to deal with them.
                                                                                          0       20               40       60           80       100   120
   Interestingly, whilst 80%
of respondents point to poor
management decisions as a key
contributory factor leading to
distress in 2011, management team
restructures were only implemented
in the minority of cases. Working
with management teams of distressed
                                                                                    “Over the last few years, especially
companies to drive behavioural and
more structural changes will need to                                                for businesses that were not in
be a key area of focus for 2012.                                                    actual payment default, the lenders’
                                                                                    restructuring approach was often to
                                                                                    ‘extend and pretend’ and fixes to the
   “More operational restructuring required as                                      capital structure were often avoided.
   follow up to earlier financial restructurings that                               Many of these companies will need to
   haven’t worked. More pain to be taken as poor                                    substantially increase their trading activity
   businesses face up to years of excess that they                                  to avoid future covenant breaches. In a
   can no longer carry.”                                                            stagnating economy, this may well require
   Restructuring/recovery banker                                                    a fundamental rethink of their business
                                                                                    model to drive profitability and growth”
                                                                                    Stephen Rigby, Partner, Head of Performance Improvement

10 The Restructuring Outlook for 2012
Sectors under threat

 “Over the last few years many retailers have
 failed to adapt their business model to the
 changes in the way that consumers shop.
 Where operational restructuring did occur, it      “In 2012 hotel performance will
 was mostly reactive and focused on aligning        follow a similar trend to that
 the cost base to perceived recessionary            in 2011, with London hotels
 trading levels, in the expectation that the        outperforming regional hotels
 market would soon return to 2007 levels. For       and with budget, limited service
 many retailers, this may prove a fatal error       and luxury hotels outperforming
 as the current and future retail environment       the 4-star sector. The 4-star
 requires a significantly reduced physical          hotel business model will remain
 footprint. So, the right-sizing of retailer’s      under significant pressure, with
 store footprint will need to be a key area of      limited service hotels successfully
 focus in 2012, alongside continuous efforts to     targeting corporate business. This
 optimise their supply chain, merchandising         will be compounded by the fact
 and retail operations.”                            that many hotels in this segment
 Grant McRobert, Restructuring Partner, Retail      have been under invested for some
                                                    time. As a result the 4-star sector
                                                    is a key area to watch in 2012 as
                                                    are hotel operators with significant
                                                    debt servicing commitments.”
                                                    Adrian Richards, Restructuring Partner, Hotels

 Real Estate
 “The last six months have seen a contraction
 in bank funding to the real estate sector as
 well as a decline in the number of potential
 purchasers. With fewer exit options available
 in distressed property situations, lenders are
 looking to increase, rather than just realise,
 the value of their security. Lenders are
 therefore increasingly aligning the interests of
 their advisors, seeking to reward on the basis
 of the uplift in value achieved upon exit.”
 Jeremy Toone, Partner, Real Estate Advisory

                                                                      The Restructuring Outlook for 2012 11
Refinancings, forbearance and
administration levels

Availability of funds to refinance existing bank debt
The majority, 60%, of respondents expect the availability of funds for
refinancing in 2012 to be broadly the same as in the previous year. Of
note is that 56% of respondents expect an increase in the availability
of distressed asset funds whilst just under 50% expect a decrease in
leveraged finance.
   The expected restriction of leveraged finance availability in the
market will be of significant concern, as will be the impact of the ‘wall of
refinancing’ on debt markets in 2012 and beyond. At present, it is unclear
how the estimated £150bn – £200bn of sub-investment grade refinancings,
which will become due over the next few years, will impact on the market.
Underperforming companies and those in sectors that are considered less
resilient will be most vulnerable to a possible credit restriction in 2012.

Fig 8: In terms of restructuring/refinancing existing bank debt, how much would you rate the
availability of the following in 2012?

   Less availability than in 2011      Same as 2011             More availability than in 2011

    Leveraged finance

       Bi-lateral lending

                                                                                                   “Those looking to refinance
Club deals/syndicated                                                                              in 2012, whether by choice or
                                                                                                   necessity, are facing a changed
          Shareholders                                                                             environment. Leveraged finance
                                                                                                   is not as readily available and
              PE finance                                                                           for some, alternative sources of
                                                                                                   finance, such as asset based lending
Debt for equity swaps                                                                              with its lower capital adequacy
                                                                                                   requirement, may well become the
                      ABL                                                                          funding solution of choice”
                                                                                                   David Riley, Partner, Advisory

Distressed asset funds

                            0        20           40            60            80             100

12 The Restructuring Outlook for 2012
“During the course of 2012 banks
                                                                        are likely to be more mindful
                                                                        of forbearance levels especially
                                                                        if more severe macro-economic
                                                                        scenarios develop. The impact of
                                                                        lender forbearance and to which
Use of forbearance in 2012                                              degree forbearance has masked an
The majority of respondents, 57%, expect the use of forbearance to      underlying risk to banks’ capital
remain at the same level as in 2011. A sizable number of respondents,   levels will only become clearer
29%, expect banks to make more use of forbearance, whilst 15%
                                                                        if these macro-economic threats
expect a decline.
                                                                        play out.”
Fig 9: In 2012, do you expect bank forbearance                          Mark Byers, Partner, Global Head of Restructuring
strategies to be used

   More than in 2011          Same level as 2011                        “A large part of forbearance risk
   Less than in 2011                                                    in the UK will be attached to
                                                                        residential and commercial real
                                                                        estate, saying this, as the use of
                                                                        forbearance comes under greater
                                       29%                              scrutiny by the FSA and other
                                                                        regulators, it will become critical
                                                                        for corporate restructuring
                                                                        strategies to deliver more than
                                                                        ‘just time’.”
                                                                        Daniel Smith, Partner, Restructuring

                                                                                        The Restructuring Outlook for 2012 13
Levels of pre-pack and trading
The lack of liquidity in the market
will continue to make trading
administrations the least attractive
option for exit. However, in line
with the subdued outlook for the
UK economy, 51% of respondents
expect trading administrations to
increase in 2012. This is, of course,
from a relatively low level. The same
percentage of respondents expect pre-
pack administrations to increase.

Fig 10: Looking at the next 12 months, do you
expect the number of trading administrations to

   Stay the same               Increase




Fig 11: Looking at the next 12 months, do you
expect the number of pre-pack administrations to

   Stay the same               Increase




14 The Restructuring Outlook for 2012
About ‘Restructuring
Outlook for 2012’
This is a survey of UK restructuring/recovery
bankers, asset based lenders and restructuring
advisers including senior turnaround professionals.

It rates the prospects for UK businesses in 2012
and provides insights into the restructuring
strategies employed in the market and the
key sectors expected to be vulnerable in 2012.
Responses were collected online from 9 Jan
2012 to 20 Jan 2012. In total 183 respondents
participated, breaking down into 48 %
restructuring and recovery bankers, 27% live
side bankers, 7% asset based lenders and 18%
turnaround executives and other restructuring
    Respondents work with UK businesses of
all sizes, in terms of debt this breaks down into,
20% of respondents work with businesses owing
+£50million, 16% owing £25-50million, 36%
owing £5-25million and 28% owing £0-5million.

                                                      The Restructuring Outlook for 2012 15
Contact us

Mark Byers                                            David Dunckley                     Geoff Davies
Partner                                               Partner                            Partner
Global Head of Restructuring                          Head of Mid Market Restructuring   Head of Corporate Finance
T 020 7728 2522                                       T 020 7728 2408                    T 012 2322 5630
E                              E         E

Stephen Rigby                                         Mo Merali                          Jeremy Toone
Partner                                               Partner                            Partner
Head of Performance Improvement                       Head of Private Equity             Head of Real Estate Advisory
T 020 7865 2101                                       T 020 7728 2501                    T 020 7865 2314
E                             E              E

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Ipswich                              Reading
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© 2012 Grant Thornton UK LLP. All rights reserved.

‘Grant Thornton’ means Grant Thornton UK LLP,
a limited liability partnership.

Grant Thornton UK LLP is a member firm within
Grant Thornton International Ltd (‘Grant Thornton International’).
Grant Thornton International and the member firms are not
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This publication has been prepared only as a guide.
No responsibility can be accepted by us for loss occasioned
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Grant Thornton UK - Restructuring Outlook for 2012

  • 1. Restructuring Outlook for 2012 March 2012
  • 2. Key themes for 2012 The restructuring landscape in 2012 is likely to be characterised by low interest rates, a lack of liquidity and low asset prices as well as banks’ continuing efforts to minimise losses. In line with this, respondents to Grant Thornton’s ‘Restructuring Outlook for 2012’ survey expect that underperforming businesses in the UK, their funders and other stakeholders will continue to collaborate, wherever possible, to save businesses through financial and operational restructurings. However, respondents also highlighted that some business models will need a radical overhaul to survive in a low growth economy and that a restriction in credit availability, which many expect to worsen in 2012, may make this particularly Contents difficult. Also of concern to respondents is ‘restructuring fatigue’ of management teams and 2. Key themes for 2012 stakeholders, especially in relation to companies that have been through numerous restructurings already. 3. Summary of survey findings Predictably, a large number of respondents 4. Macro-economic threats and the outlook caveated their responses in case of a disorderly for the UK economy Greek default or a breakup of the Eurozone. One respondent said memorably: 6. Resilience of UK business in 2012 8. Restructuring strategies employed “If the Euro collapses then all bets 12. Refinancings, forbearance and are off” administration levels Restructuring/recovery banker 15. About ‘Restructuring Outlook for 2012’ 2 The Restructuring Outlook for 2012
  • 3. Summary of survey findings Perhaps unsurprisingly, 72% of respondents think that the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis poses the greatest macro-economic threat to the UK economy in 2012, followed by stagnating UK growth and the Government’s austerity measures. The UK economy Trading administrations/pre-packs 63% of respondents expect a deterioration of In line with the subdued outlook for the UK economic conditions in 2012. More positively, economy, 51% of respondents expect trading only 7% expect a significant deterioration. administrations to increase in 2012. This is, of course, from a relatively low level. The same Defaults and sectors most at risk percentage of respondents expect pre-pack 75% of respondents expect default rates to go up administrations to increase. in 2012, with retail, hotels/leisure, print, property/ construction, haulage/logistics and travel/tourism rated as particularly vulnerable. Factors leading to distress When asked to rate the contributory factors for distress in 2011, the vast majority of respondents “There is now a greater realisation by funders that highlighted declining revenues and rising costs. ‘extend and pretend’ strategies which are reliant on These issues were commonly compounded by poor low interest rates and low inflation come with a ‘sell- management decisions and poor financial control. by-date’ and that fixes to the capital structure, and in many cases, far reaching operational changes are Restructuring solutions When asked which restructuring strategies necessary to create sustainable value.” Mark Byers, Partner, Global Head of Restructuring were successfully implemented in 2011, most highlighted better cash flow management, cost cutting programmes and staff reductions. Respondents said that whilst cash control will still be key in 2012, the focus will shift towards operational restructurings. Availability of refinancing funds The majority, 60%, of respondents expect the availability of funds for refinancing in 2012 to be broadly the same as in the previous year. Of note is that 56% of respondents expect an increase in the availability of distressed asset funds whilst just under 50% expect a decrease in leveraged finance. The Restructuring Outlook for 2012 3
  • 4. Macro-economic threats and the outlook for the UK economy Macro-economic threats to the UK economy Perhaps unsurprisingly, 72% of respondents think that the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis poses the greatest macro-economic threat to the UK economy in 2012, followed by stagnating UK growth and the Government’s austerity measures. Fig 1: Looking to the next 12 months, how do you rate the impact of the following macro trends? % of respondents rating impact as highest (8 to 10 out of range 1 to 10) 80 72% 70 59% 60 49% 50 45% “Addressing the uncertainty in the Eurozone has to form 40 36% a fundamental part of any longer term solution within 30 the UK economy” 20 15% 15% Restructuring/recovery banker 10 0 The weighting given to the Eurozone sovereign Prolonged stagnant/slow growth in the UK UK Corporate tax burden UK austerity measures Eurozone sovereign debt crisis More limited debt finance UK double-dip Currency issues debt crisis undoubtedly reflects the importance of the Eurozone export market to UK businesses, but it is also a measure of the growing sense that Europe’s politicians are failing to control the crisis. A number of respondents voiced grave concerns over the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis and predict, if it is not contained, a crisis of confidence across Europe and globally with much greater ramifications than the contraction of credit following the collapse of Lehman Brothers. A similar number, however, were more bullish about the Euro and expect the currency to survive. 4 The Restructuring Outlook for 2012
  • 5. “I’ve been predicting more corporate failures for the last two years and it’s not happened. So although everyone is saying 2012 will be even harder I’m actually expecting a similar year to the last two” Restructuring/recovery banker Outlook for the UK economy in 2012 “I expect economic conditions to be challenging In line with UK economic projections, 63% of in 2012. This combined with lenders seeking to respondents expect a deterioration of economic conditions in 2012. More positively, only 7% expect deleverage their own balance sheets and having limited a significant deterioration. 28% expect economic appetite for new money will mean many restructurings conditions to stay the same, whilst 2% expect them will be structured to deliver a short term exit” to improve somewhat. No one surveyed expects the Restructuring/recovery banker economy to improve significantly. UK’s negative GDP growth in Quarter 4 2011 adds weight to respondents’ pessimistic outlook for 2012. However, respondents point to the low interest rate environment in the UK as a key life line for underperforming businesses in 2012. Also, some expect the Olympics to provide a much needed boost to the London economy and, in particular, to the leisure and retail sectors. Fig 2: Looking to the next 12 months, do you expect UK economic conditions to 2% 7% 28% 63% Deteriorate significantly Deteriorate somewhat Stay the same Improve somewhat Improve significantly* (nobody chose this option) The Restructuring Outlook for 2012 5
  • 6. Resilience of UK business in 2012 Default levels The vast majority of respondents, 75%, expect default levels to increase in 2012, as conditions for many UK businesses deteriorate, with public sector cuts continuing to filter through and private sector growth remaining sluggish. Fig 3: Looking at the next 12 months, how do you expect default levels to develop? 1% 24% Increase Stay the same Decline 75% “As defaults increase opportunities will undoubtedly arise for distressed investors, however I would also point out that many UK companies are now looking to transactions as a route to performance improvements. But in a climate of much more limited finance, companies will need to closely interrogate valuation fundamentals and the promise of synergies to return meaningful benefits to shareholders” Geoff Davies, Partner, Head of Corporate Finance 6 The Restructuring Outlook for 2012
  • 7. Fig 4: Looking at the next 12 months, how would you rate the resilience of the following sectors of the UK economy? Higher resiliance Average resiliance Lower resiliance Retail Hotels/ Pubs/ Leisure Printing Property/ Construction Haulage/ Logistics Travel/ Tourism Automotive Financial Services Healthcare (private) Professional Practices Manufacturing Infrastructure Agribusiness/ Food/ Beverage Aerospace/ Defence Technology/ Media / Telecoms Pharma/ Biotech/ Medical Devices Energy/ Utility 0 20 40 60 80 100 Sectors most at risk in 2012 Generally speaking, UK companies Unsurprisingly, sectors vulnerable to in global markets can look to harness low consumer confidence and lower new export markets, source lower cost credit availability, are considered to production and look to outsourcing have the lowest resilience in 2012. More to mitigate against the risks of a UK than 90% of respondents expect Retail and European downturn, whilst those and Hotels/Leisure and Pubs to be reliant on the domestic and European particularly vulnerable. Print, Property/ market will continue to find trading Construction, Haulage/Logistics and conditions difficult in 2012. Travel/Tourism and are the next most vulnerable sectors. Marginally more respondents expect the Automotive sector to have lower than average resilience, so this is another sector to watch in 2012. Respondents rated only two sectors, Energy/Utility (71% of respondents) and Pharma/Biotech/Medical devices (53% of respondents) as more resilient than the average. The Restructuring Outlook for 2012 7
  • 8. Restructuring strategies employed Contributory factors leading to underperformance of UK businesses When asked to rate the contributory factors for distress in 2011, the vast majority of respondents highlighted declining revenues and rising costs. These issues were commonly compounded by poor management decisions and poor financial control. Fig 5: Looking at the distressed cases you worked on in the last 12 months, what were the main contributory factors leading to distress? 100 80 60 40 20 0 Decline in revenues Poor management decisions Poor financial control Rising costs Inappropriate business model More limited/ expensive debt finance Tax/TTP debt burden Increased competition Public sector cuts Fraud Product substitution/ obsolesence Export market volatility External Regulation 8 The Restructuring Outlook for 2012
  • 9. Financial and operational Fig 6: In the last 12 months, what type of restructuring strategies have been employed in the cases you restructurings favoured in 2011 worked on? Respondents reported that the majority All of them The majority The minority None of distressed businesses they worked with in 2011 carried out financial Financial restructuring and operational restructures. Whilst Operational restructuring /Turnaround operational restructurings have taken Administration place in many cases, these were mostly Pre-pack administration around cost cutting and staff reductions. Banks agreed to rollover debt with CVA changes to terms in the majority of Exit via alternative funder cases. Administrations and pre-pack Rollover with changes to terms administrations were seen as the last Forebearance resort and were employed as such. CVAs 0 20 40 60 80 100 and exits via alternative lenders were employed in a minority of cases. “With downside risks for the global economy depressing company valuations, banks will continue to favour consensual restructuring “Lack of liquidity in the market will dissuade lenders solutions over forced disposals or from exiting by administration where avoidable.” insolvency. However, a significant Restructuring/recovery banker number of underperforming businesses have gone through a number of restructurings already. For these businesses the questions must surely be: Is the underlying business still viable? If so, how can restructuring fatigue be avoided?” David Dunckley, Partner, Head of Mid Market Restructuring The Restructuring Outlook for 2012 9
  • 10. Restructuring strategies to deal Fig 7: Looking back at the last 12 months, did your borrowers successfully implement the following? with underperformance All of them The majority The minority None When asked which restructuring strategies were successfully Better cash flow management implemented in 2011, most highlight Cost cutting programmes better cash flow management, Reduction in staff cost cost cutting programmes and staff Realignment of strategy/ business model reductions. Respondents said that whilst cash control will still be key in Better focus on sales and marketing 2012, the attention is shifting towards a Management team restructure more focused assessment of operational Divestments of non-core assets deficiencies, their impact on the Diversification strategy bottom line and the capital expenditure Outsourcing strategy necessary to deal with them. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Interestingly, whilst 80% of respondents point to poor management decisions as a key contributory factor leading to distress in 2011, management team restructures were only implemented in the minority of cases. Working with management teams of distressed “Over the last few years, especially companies to drive behavioural and more structural changes will need to for businesses that were not in be a key area of focus for 2012. actual payment default, the lenders’ restructuring approach was often to ‘extend and pretend’ and fixes to the “More operational restructuring required as capital structure were often avoided. follow up to earlier financial restructurings that Many of these companies will need to haven’t worked. More pain to be taken as poor substantially increase their trading activity businesses face up to years of excess that they to avoid future covenant breaches. In a can no longer carry.” stagnating economy, this may well require Restructuring/recovery banker a fundamental rethink of their business model to drive profitability and growth” Stephen Rigby, Partner, Head of Performance Improvement 10 The Restructuring Outlook for 2012
  • 11. Sectors under threat Retail “Over the last few years many retailers have failed to adapt their business model to the changes in the way that consumers shop. Hotels Where operational restructuring did occur, it “In 2012 hotel performance will was mostly reactive and focused on aligning follow a similar trend to that the cost base to perceived recessionary in 2011, with London hotels trading levels, in the expectation that the outperforming regional hotels market would soon return to 2007 levels. For and with budget, limited service many retailers, this may prove a fatal error and luxury hotels outperforming as the current and future retail environment the 4-star sector. The 4-star requires a significantly reduced physical hotel business model will remain footprint. So, the right-sizing of retailer’s under significant pressure, with store footprint will need to be a key area of limited service hotels successfully focus in 2012, alongside continuous efforts to targeting corporate business. This optimise their supply chain, merchandising will be compounded by the fact and retail operations.” that many hotels in this segment Grant McRobert, Restructuring Partner, Retail have been under invested for some time. As a result the 4-star sector is a key area to watch in 2012 as are hotel operators with significant debt servicing commitments.” Adrian Richards, Restructuring Partner, Hotels Real Estate “The last six months have seen a contraction in bank funding to the real estate sector as well as a decline in the number of potential purchasers. With fewer exit options available in distressed property situations, lenders are looking to increase, rather than just realise, the value of their security. Lenders are therefore increasingly aligning the interests of their advisors, seeking to reward on the basis of the uplift in value achieved upon exit.” Jeremy Toone, Partner, Real Estate Advisory The Restructuring Outlook for 2012 11
  • 12. Refinancings, forbearance and administration levels Availability of funds to refinance existing bank debt The majority, 60%, of respondents expect the availability of funds for refinancing in 2012 to be broadly the same as in the previous year. Of note is that 56% of respondents expect an increase in the availability of distressed asset funds whilst just under 50% expect a decrease in leveraged finance. The expected restriction of leveraged finance availability in the market will be of significant concern, as will be the impact of the ‘wall of refinancing’ on debt markets in 2012 and beyond. At present, it is unclear how the estimated £150bn – £200bn of sub-investment grade refinancings, which will become due over the next few years, will impact on the market. Underperforming companies and those in sectors that are considered less resilient will be most vulnerable to a possible credit restriction in 2012. Fig 8: In terms of restructuring/refinancing existing bank debt, how much would you rate the availability of the following in 2012? Less availability than in 2011 Same as 2011 More availability than in 2011 Leveraged finance Bi-lateral lending “Those looking to refinance Club deals/syndicated in 2012, whether by choice or necessity, are facing a changed Shareholders environment. Leveraged finance is not as readily available and PE finance for some, alternative sources of finance, such as asset based lending Debt for equity swaps with its lower capital adequacy requirement, may well become the ABL funding solution of choice” David Riley, Partner, Advisory Distressed asset funds 0 20 40 60 80 100 12 The Restructuring Outlook for 2012
  • 13. “During the course of 2012 banks are likely to be more mindful of forbearance levels especially if more severe macro-economic scenarios develop. The impact of lender forbearance and to which Use of forbearance in 2012 degree forbearance has masked an The majority of respondents, 57%, expect the use of forbearance to underlying risk to banks’ capital remain at the same level as in 2011. A sizable number of respondents, levels will only become clearer 29%, expect banks to make more use of forbearance, whilst 15% if these macro-economic threats expect a decline. play out.” Fig 9: In 2012, do you expect bank forbearance Mark Byers, Partner, Global Head of Restructuring strategies to be used More than in 2011 Same level as 2011 “A large part of forbearance risk Less than in 2011 in the UK will be attached to residential and commercial real estate, saying this, as the use of 15% forbearance comes under greater 29% scrutiny by the FSA and other regulators, it will become critical for corporate restructuring strategies to deliver more than ‘just time’.” Daniel Smith, Partner, Restructuring 57% The Restructuring Outlook for 2012 13
  • 14. Levels of pre-pack and trading administrations The lack of liquidity in the market will continue to make trading administrations the least attractive option for exit. However, in line with the subdued outlook for the UK economy, 51% of respondents expect trading administrations to increase in 2012. This is, of course, from a relatively low level. The same percentage of respondents expect pre- pack administrations to increase. Fig 10: Looking at the next 12 months, do you expect the number of trading administrations to Stay the same Increase Decline 5% 44% 51% Fig 11: Looking at the next 12 months, do you expect the number of pre-pack administrations to Stay the same Increase Decline 3% 46% 51% 14 The Restructuring Outlook for 2012
  • 15. About ‘Restructuring Outlook for 2012’ This is a survey of UK restructuring/recovery bankers, asset based lenders and restructuring advisers including senior turnaround professionals. It rates the prospects for UK businesses in 2012 and provides insights into the restructuring strategies employed in the market and the key sectors expected to be vulnerable in 2012. Responses were collected online from 9 Jan 2012 to 20 Jan 2012. In total 183 respondents participated, breaking down into 48 % restructuring and recovery bankers, 27% live side bankers, 7% asset based lenders and 18% turnaround executives and other restructuring advisers. Respondents work with UK businesses of all sizes, in terms of debt this breaks down into, 20% of respondents work with businesses owing +£50million, 16% owing £25-50million, 36% owing £5-25million and 28% owing £0-5million. The Restructuring Outlook for 2012 15
  • 16. Contact us Mark Byers David Dunckley Geoff Davies Partner Partner Partner Global Head of Restructuring Head of Mid Market Restructuring Head of Corporate Finance T 020 7728 2522 T 020 7728 2408 T 012 2322 5630 E E E Stephen Rigby Mo Merali Jeremy Toone Partner Partner Partner Head of Performance Improvement Head of Private Equity Head of Real Estate Advisory T 020 7865 2101 T 020 7728 2501 T 020 7865 2314 E E E Grant Thornton offices: Belfast Liverpool Birmingham London Bristol Manchester Cambridge Milton Keynes Cardiff Newcastle Edinburgh Northampton Gatwick Norwich Glasgow Oxford Ipswich Reading Kettering Sheffield Leeds Southampton Leicester © 2012 Grant Thornton UK LLP. All rights reserved. ‘Grant Thornton’ means Grant Thornton UK LLP, a limited liability partnership. Grant Thornton UK LLP is a member firm within Grant Thornton International Ltd (‘Grant Thornton International’). Grant Thornton International and the member firms are not a worldwide partnership. Services are delivered by the member firms independently. This publication has been prepared only as a guide. No responsibility can be accepted by us for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from acting as a result of any material in this publication.