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UK Restructuring Outlook 2013
“Mostly stagnant, with a chance of debt sales”
 03     Summary of survey findings
 04     Key risks to UK businesses
 06     Default levels
 07     Sectors most at risk
 08     Restructuring strategies employed
 10     Bank forbearance levels
 12     Exits and enforcement levels
 15     About the survey
 16     Contact us

2 Grant Thornton: UK Restructuring Outlook 2013
UK Restructuring Outlook 2013
Summary of survey findings

We surveyed over 230 leading UK restructuring, origination and portfolio bankers,
asset based lenders, restructuring advisers and senior turnaround professionals. Here is
what they said about the outlook for underperforming businesses in 2013.

67% of respondents say that                   of most restructuring efforts. More far-
stagnant/slow growth is the primary           reaching restructuring options are often
risk to UK businesses...and 80% see           overlooked.
no recovery in 2013
The perception of risk has shifted from       61% expect the same level of
                                                                                               “Many think that 2013 will
the Eurozone debt crisis, which was           bank forbearance in 2013...and
viewed as the primary risk in 2012, to        lender reputation and perceived
                                                                                               be similar to 2012. I agree
the impact of prolonged stagnant/slow         Government influence over                        that bank strategies will be
growth on UK businesses. In line with         nationalised banks are key drivers               broadly similar to last year
this, 80% of respondents see no real          Respondents expect to see similar levels         and that corporate failures
economic recovery in 2013.                    of forbearance in 2013. Respondents              may well remain artificially
                                              also point to the long-term impact of            low. However, as the UK
45% expect defaults to increase in            forbearance on the UK economy, where             economy stagnates for
2013 compared to 2012...and these             lender support for ‘zombie’ companies            another year, I expect
are likely to be very sector focussed         creates an artificial barrier to entry for       that more management
The risk of default continues to be very      new, more competitive, entrants.                 teams will come to the
high in 2013, with 45% of respondents                                                          realisation that they need to
expecting an increase. As we have seen        Enforcement is the last resort exit for
                                                                                               adopt alternative funding
with Blockbusters, HMV and Jessops            lenders and is only employed in the
                                                                                               strategies and that they
recently, retail is considered particularly   minority of cases
vulnerable in 2013, with more than 84%        Respondents do not expect much change
                                                                                               have some hard decisions
of respondents rating it as having lower      to the strategies that are employed              to make. Companies need
resilience. This is closely followed by       to deal with underperforming loans.              to use 2013 to focus on
hotels/pubs/leisure (83%), printing           A significant minority expect that               business improvement.”
(77%), property/construction (72%) and        divestments of underperforming loan              Mark Byers, Partner, Global Head of
haulage/logistics (61%).                      books to third parties and exits through         Restructuring
                                              market sale of debt will increase in 2013.
Revenue pressure is the key driver            Secondary loan sales to overseas funds
of underperformance...but cost                are viewed as a key area of activity, not
cutting continues to be the favoured          just in the UK but throughout Europe.
restructuring tool
When asked to rate the contributory
factors that led to distress in 2012,
declining revenue ranks highest, yet
cost cutting remains the primary focus

                                                                                           Grant Thornton: UK Restructuring Outlook 2013 3
67% of respondents say that
stagnant/slow growth is the
primary risk to UK businesses...
Last year, 72% of respondents rated the Eurozone
sovereign debt crisis as the key threat to UK
businesses. This year, the perception of risk has
                                                          “Difficult times ahead with the economy continuing
shifted away from the Eurozone and towards                to remain flat. Austerity measures to properly kick
the risk of prolonged stagnant/slow growth.               in, impacting disposable income and subsequently
67% of our respondents now consider this as               businesses. Eurozone collapse still not off the table....”
the main threat to UK businesses, followed by
                                                          Restructuring/recovery banker
the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis (41%), UK
austerity measures (40%) and access to debt
finance (40%).
   More positively, and in line with the December
2012 Autumn Statement, the impact of UK                Question: Looking at the next 12 months, how would you rate the potential impact
corporate tax is perceived to be lower than last       of the following macro trends on UK businesses?
year. Risks to UK businesses associated with the         % of respondents rating impact as 8 to 10 out of a range of 1 to 10 (10 highest and 0 lowest impact)
sterling exchange rate are also expected to be lower
in 2013.
                                                       70%                                                                                                                                       2013

                                                       60%                                                                                                                                       2012
   “Limited recovery in terms of GDP
   improvement but restricted to certain
   sectors rather than wide-spread”                    40%

   Banker, Credit Risk                                 30%



   “A slight improvement from 2012
                                                                                                                  UK austerity measures

                                                                                                                                          Access to debt finance

                                                                                                                                                                                            UK Corporate
                                                                                                                                                                                              tax burden
                                                                                                                                                                   Sterling exchange rate
                                                                 Prolonged stagnant/slow
                                                                         growth in the UK

                                                                                            Eurozone sovereign
                                                                                                    debt crisis

   which will slowly build some
   momentum for 2014.”
   Restructuring/recovery banker

   “Initial false optimism will be
   replaced by a cold dose of reality.”
   Restructuring/recovery banker

4 Grant Thornton: UK Restructuring Outlook 2013
...and 80% see no recovery in 2013

                                                                                          Whilst fewer respondents expect the economy to
Question: Looking to the next 12 months, do you expect UK economic conditions to...
                                                                                          deteriorate in 2013 compared to last year, the vast
                                                                                          majority (80%) do not have a positive outlook. The
                                                                                          message is clear, they do not expect a real recovery
2013                                                                                      - just more of the same. Only 18% expect the
                                                                                          economy to improve somewhat and 2% expect it to
                                                                                          improve significantly.
                                                                                              Respondents consider that any upside will be
                                                         Improve significantly (2%)
                                                                                          restricted to stronger operators, with pressures
                                                         Improve somewhat (18%)
                                                                                          on weaker competitors increasing. Similarly, in
                                                         Stay the same (60%)              terms of sectors, respondents expect a real mix of
                                                         Deteriorate somewhat (19%)       performance in 2013, with retail, hotels & leisure
                                                         Deteriorate significantly (1%)   and construction being highlighted as areas of
                                                                                          significant weakness and the manufacturing sector
                                                                                          and exports, more broadly, being highlighted
                                                                                          as areas of strength. Also, a number of our
                                                                                          respondents expect that London and the South East
                                                                                          will perform strongly in 2013.


                                                         Improve significantly (0%)
                                                                                              “2013 will be marked by muted
                                                         Improve somewhat (2%)
                                                                                              consumer confidence and tough
                                                         Stay the same (28%)
                                                         Deteriorate somewhat (63%)
                                                                                              trading conditions for companies
                                                         Deteriorate significantly (7%)
                                                                                              without a compelling proposition.
                                                                                              Corporates with strong balance
                                                                                              sheets, good brands and products
                                                                                              will build market share. Those
                                                                                              that fail to change in 2013
                                                                                              will find refinancing in 2014
                                                                                              increasingly challenging.”
                                                                                              Shaun O’Callaghan, Partner, UK Head of

                                                                                                     Grant Thornton: UK Restructuring Outlook 2013 5
45% expect defaults to increase in
  2013 compared to 2012...

  The survey shows that the risk of default continues to be very high in 2013, with
  45% of respondents expecting an increase. This risk is likely to be focussed on a small
  group of sectors - sectors vulnerable to low consumer confidence and lower credit
  availability are considered least resilient.

  Question: Looking at the next 12 months, how do you expect default levels to

                                                                                 “Whilst default levels may well
                                                                                 stay the same in 2013, we are likely
                                                                                 to see banks put debt and assets to
                                                                                 market to reduce their exposure
                                                         Increase (45%)
                                                                                 and working capital lending. We
                                                         Stay the same (50%)
                                                                                 may also see more willingness to
                                                         Decline (5%)            enforce by new stakeholders that
                                                                                 have previously purchased loan
                                                                                 portfolios or debt at a discount.”
                                                                                 David Dunckley, Partner, Head of
                                                                                 Mid Market Restructuring

“More of the same. Consumers are being squeezed by low
pay increases and rising prices, especially utilities. Lower
discretionary spending impacting on leisure and retail.
Property market is still sluggish.”
Restructuring/recovery banker

  6 Grant Thornton: UK Restructuring Outlook 2013
...and these are likely to be very
sector focussed

                                                                                               As we have seen with Blockbusters,
Question: Looking at the next 12 months, how would you rate the resilience of the following
sectors of the UK economy?                                                                     HMV and Jessops recently, retail is
                                                                                               considered particularly vulnerable
                                                                                               in 2013, with more than 84% of
                                      0%        20%       40%       60%        80%      100%
                                                                                               respondents rating it as having lower
                                 Retail                                                        resilience. A similar level of risk is
                                                                                               attached to hotels/pubs/leisure, rated
              Hotels/ Pubs/ Leisure
                                                                                               by 83% of respondents as having lower
                               Printing                                                        resilience. This is closely followed by
                                                                                               printing (77%), property/construction
             Property/ Construction
                                                                                               (72%) and haulage/logistics (61%).
                  Haulage/ Logistics                                                              On a positive note, many sectors are
                                                                                               doing comparatively well and are rated
                      Travel/ Tourism
                                                                                               as having a higher resilience, including
                           Automotive                                                          energy/utility (71%), pharma/biotech/
              Professional Practices                                                           medical devices (57%), agribusiness/
                                                                                               food/beverage (51%) and aerospace/
                              Shipping                                                         defence (46%).
                 Healthcare (private)
                   Financial Services
    Agribusiness/ Food/ Beverage
                Aerospace/ Defence
     Technology/ Media/ Telecoms
Pharma/ Biotech/ Medical Devices
                       Energy/ Utility

                                              Higher resilience

                                              Average resilience

                                              Lower resilience

                                                                                               Grant Thornton: UK Restructuring Outlook 2013 7
Pressure on revenue is the key
driver of underperformance...

Contributory factors leading to distress
                                                  Question: Looking at the distressed cases you worked on in the last 12 months, what were the
When asked to rate the contributory               main contributory factors leading to distress?
factors for distress in 2012, the vast
                                                    % of respondents rating impact as 8 to 10 out of a range of 1 to 10 (10 highest and 0 lowest impact)
majority of respondents highlight
declining revenues and rising                     100%
costs. These issues are commonly
compounded by poor management
decisions and poor financial control.





                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Export market volatility

                                                           Decline in revenues

                                                                                                             Poor financial control

                                                                                                                                      Inappropriate business model

                                                                                                                                                                     Rising costs

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Tax/TTP debt burden
                                                                                 Poor management decisions

                                                                                                                                                                                    More limited/expensive debt finance

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Increased competition

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Public sector cuts

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Product substitution/obsolesence

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                External regulation

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Pension scheme commitments

                                                       “Although many clients in distress are taking steps to adjust their
                                                       cost base, this is very often not enough. Major turnarounds in
                                                       performance can only be achieved through a strategic realignment
                                                       of the business that addresses changing client needs.”
                                                       Stephen Rigby, Partner, Head of Performance Improvement

8 Grant Thornton: UK Restructuring Outlook 2013
...but cost cutting continues to be
the favoured restructuring tool
                                            Question: In the last 12 months, what type of restructuring strategies have
                                            been employed in the cases you worked on?

                                                                               0%      20%      40%      60%      80%     100%

                                                    Financial restructuring
Enforcement continues to be a last
resort exit                                     Operational restructuring/
Respondents report that financial and
operational restructurings continue to              Trading administration
be favoured over enforcement action.
Administrations, pre-packs and CVAs                Pre-pack administration
are seen as the last resort and are
employed as such.                                Exit via alternative funder
    The survey also highlights the
scarcity of re-banking options for                                     CVA

underperforming businesses - exits via
                                            Rollover with changes to terms
alternative funders are employed in the
minority of cases or not at all. With so
little fluidity in the market the onus is
on lenders and their customers to work
                                                      Appointment of CRO
together to resolve underperformance
                                                All of them             The majority              The minority          None

Extent of operational restructurings is     Question: Looking back at the last 12 months, did your borrowers
                                            successfully implement the following?
not far reaching enough
Businesses and their lenders                                                0%        20%      40%       60%      80%     100%

continue to favour quick solutions to            Cost cutting programmes
underperformance. Respondents report
that cost cutting programmes, better        Better cash flow management
cash flow management and reductions
in staff costs are routinely implemented.           Reduction in staff cost
More far-reaching restructurings that
                                                Better focus on sales and
interrogate the fundamentals of the                            marketing
business, its processes and how value
can be created are often overlooked.        Divestments of non-core assets

                                                 Realignment of strategy/
                                                         business model

                                                   Diversification strategy

                                                     Outsourcing strategy

                                            Management team restructure

                                                All of them             The majority              The minority           None

                                                                                 Grant Thornton: UK Restructuring Outlook 2013 9
61% expect the same level of
bank forbearance in 2013...

Banks are expected to use forbearance at
                                                       Question: In 2013, do you expect bank forbearance strategies to be used?
similar levels to last year. This is consistent
with respondents’ more stable outlook for UK
corporate failure levels and their expectation that
the UK economy will not deteriorate further.
   Respondents also point to the long-term
impact of forbearance on the UK economy,
where lender support for ‘zombie’ companies
                                                                                                             More than in 2012 (20%)
creates an artificial barrier to entry for new, more
                                                                                                             Same level as 2012 (61%)
competitive, entrants.
                                                                                                             Less then in 2012 (19%)


                                                       70%                                                                         2013
                                                       60%                                          57%                            2012

     “Ordinarily, I would have expected
     less forbearance in 2013, on the
     basis that lenders may well be                    30%
                                                                 20%                                                 19%
     less likely to ‘wait and see’ and                 20%                                                                      14%
     because the market for impaired                   10%
     assets and debt is likely to be more
     fluid. However, the global liquidity                      More than in 2012        Same level as 2012         Less than in 2012
     standards under Basel III will be
     critical to overall asset management
     strategies, including portfolio
     sales, and there is a high degree of
     uncertainty over how this will play
     out in 2013.”
     Daniel Smith, Partner, Restructuring

10 Grant Thornton: UK Restructuring Outlook 2013
...and lender reputation and
government influence over nationalised
banks are considered key drivers
                                                                                                                                                                      When asked what will impact on bank
Question: Looking at the next 12 months, how do you rate the impact of the
following on bank forbearance?                                                                                                                                        forbearance levels in 2013, respondents point
                                                                                                                                                                      to many factors. The perceived Government
  % of respondents rating impact as 7 to 10 out of a range of 1 to 10 (10 highest and 0 lowest impact)
                                                                                                                                                                      influence over nationalised banks, the review
80%                                                                                                                                                                   of the sale of interest rate products and public
                                                                                                                                                                      opinion are considered key drivers. It is of note
                                                                                                                                                                      that only 30% point to the hope of future value
60%                                                                                                                                                                   enhancement as a driver for forbearance.





           Government influence
         over nationalised banks

                                   interest rate products

                                                            Public opinion

                                                                                                                                              Hope for future value
                                    Review of the sale of

                                                                             Low interest rates

                                                                                                  Basel II & III

                                                                                                                   Disproportionate cost of


“The key difference for me is the impact of Basel III,
as banks wise up to the cost of capital and realise the
underlying cost / impact of holding impaired assets on their
balance sheet. This will drive bank strategies in 2013.”
Origination/portfolio banker

                                                                                                                                                                                Grant Thornton: UK Restructuring Outlook 2013 11
Enforcement is the last resort
exit for lenders

Respondents do not expect much change
                                                         Question: Looking at your underperforming loans, which strategies will you employ
to the strategies that are employed to deal              in 2013?
with underperforming loans. A significant
                                                                                            0%        20%         40%      60%     80%        100%
minority, however, expect that divestments of
underperforming loan books to third parties and          Divestment of underperforming
                                                                      loan book/or part
exits through market sale of debt will increase,                thereof to third parties
35% and 32% respectively.
   A number of respondents point to more                            Exit through market
                                                                             sale of debt
secondary loan sales to overseas funds and expect
this to be a key area of activity in 2013, not just in
                                                                   Instigate operational
the UK but throughout Europe.                                             improvements


                                                                   Debt for equity swap

                                                                    Continue to support

                                                                                                 More than 2012     Same as 2012   Less than 2012

                                                                “I expect more loan note sales by local European banks
                                                                to US based private equity funds who will buy loan to
                                                                own, or loan to maturity.”
                                                                Restructuring adviser

12 Grant Thornton: UK Restructuring Outlook 2013
“I expect corporate failures to increase because of the lack of
alternative debt funding. In some cases banks will have borne
with the situation for a number of years. This cannot continue
Restructuring/recovery banker

Question: Looking at the next 12 months, do you expect the number of corporate failures to...

                                                                                                      “I’d say that enforcement
                                                                                                      action will still be the
                                                                                                      last resort in 2013,
                                                                                                      lenders are much more
                                                       Increase (46%)
                                                                                                      likely to favour other
                                                       Stay the same (50%)
                                                                                                      restructuring strategies.
                                                       Decline (4%)
                                                                                                      In some cases I actually
                                                                                                      see them taking the
                                                                                                      bull by the horns and
                                                                                                      injecting cash to support
                                                                                                      Adrian Richards, Partner,
60%                                                                                                   Restructuring
                        51%         50%                                      2013
50%       46%
                                              43%                            2012




10%                                                                        6%

             Increase               Stay the same                Decline

                                                                                                Grant Thornton: UK Restructuring Outlook 2013 13
Question: Looking at the next 12 months, do you expect the number of pre-pack
administrations to...
                                                                                          “I expect much of the same.
                                                                                          Some of the zombie businesses
                                                                                          may finally go down but most
                                                                                          will continue to trade. We won’t
                                                                                          see a surge in insolvency until
                                                         Increase (35%)
                                                                                          the economy picks up and
                                                         Stay the same (56%)              interest rates rise. Then, SMEs
                                                         Decline (9%)                     and the smaller real estate
                                                                                          companies and retailers will be
                                                                                          in the firing line.”
                                                                                          Origination/portfolio banker

60%                                   56%
50%                                                45%

40%        35%




             Increase                Stay the same                      Decline

14 Grant Thornton: UK Restructuring Outlook 2013
About the Restructuring
Outlook for 2013

This is a survey of UK restructuring/recovery
bankers, asset based lenders and restructuring
advisers including senior turnaround professionals.

It assesses the environment for underperforming
businesses in the UK in 2013, provides insights
into the restructuring strategies employed in
the market and compares sector vulnerability.
Responses were collected online from 12
December 2012 to 2 January 2013. In total 233
respondents participated, breaking down into
32% restructuring and recovery bankers, 26%
origination/portfolio/credit risk bankers, 12%
interim directors, 11% lawyers, 5% PE/special
situations and mezzanine investors, 4% asset based
lenders and 11% restructuring advisers and other
market participants.
    Respondents work with UK businesses of all
sizes. In terms of debt this breaks down into, 8%
work with businesses owing +£100 million, 11%
with those owing £50-100 million, 14% with those
owing £25-50 million, 34% with those owing
£5-25 million and 33% with those owing £0-5 million.

                                                       Grant Thornton: UK Restructuring Outlook 2013 15
Contact us

London Restructuring                                              London Mid Market                                                  Selected EMEA
Contacts                                                          Contacts                                                           Restructuring Contacts
Mark Byers                                                        David Dunckley                                                     France
Partner, Global Head of Restructuring                             Partner, Head of Mid Market Restructuring                          Jean-Pascal Beauchamp
T +44 (0)20 7728 2522                                             T +44 (0)20 7728 2408                                              Partner
E                                          E                                         T +33 (0)1 56210569
Shaun O’Callaghan                                                 Ian Corfield
Partner, UK Head of Restructuring                                 Partner                                                            Germany
T +44 (0)20 7865 2887                                             T +44 (0)20 7865 2889                                              Heike Wieland-Bloese
E                                    E                                         Partner
                                                                                                                                     T +49 (0)211 9524 512
Sarah Bell                                                                                                                           E
T +44 (0)20 7728 2409                                             Regional UK Mid                                                    Ireland
E                                                                                                               Paul McCann
                                                                  Market Contacts                                                    Partner
Grant McRobert                                                                                                                       T +353 (0)1 6805604
Partner                                                           Birmingham                                                         E
T +44 (0)20 7865 2119                                             David Bennett
E                                        Partner                                                            Netherlands
                                                                  T +44 (0)121 232 5217                                              Matthieu Tak
Adrian Richards                                                   E                                          Partner
Partner                                                                                                                              T +31 (0)20547 5757
T +44 (0)20 7728 2001                                             Bristol                                                            E
E                                     Nigel Morrison
                                                                  Partner                                                            Portugal
Daniel Smith                                                      T +44 (0)117 305 7811                                              Maria Mendes
Partner                                                           E                                         Partner
T +44 (0)20 7728 2139                                                                                                                T +351 (0)21 413 4632
E                                        Cambridge                                                          E
                                                                  Ian Carr
                                                                  Partner                                                            Russia
                                                                  T +44 (0)1223 225625                                               Andrey Sorochan
Specialist London                                                 E                                               Partner
Contacts                                                          Cardiff
                                                                                                                                     T +7 (0)495 258 9990
                                                                  Alistair Wardell
Stephen Baker                                                     Partner                                                            South Africa
Partner, Corporate Finance                                        T +44 (0)29 2034 7520                                              Gillian Saunders
T +44 (0)20 7728 3100                                             E                                     Partner
                                                                                                                                     T +27 (0)11 322 4500
                                                                  Glasgow/Edinburgh                                                  E
Kathryn Hiddleston                                                Rob Caven
Partner, Head of Restructuring Tax                                Partner                                                            Spain
T +44 (0)20 7728 2618                                             T +44 (0)141 223 0629                                              Ramon Galceran
E                                  E                                              Partner
                                                                                                                                     T +34 (0)93 206 3900
Darren Mason                                                      Leeds/Newcastle                                                    E
Partner, Head of Pensions Advisory                                Joe McLean
T +44 (0)20 7728 2433                                             Partner                                                            UAE
E                                        T +44 (0)113 200 1506                                              Hisham Farouk
                                                                  E                                             Partner
Mo Merali
                                                                                                                                     T +971 (0)4 268 8070
Partner, Head of Private Equity                                   Manchester                                                         E
T +44 (0)20 7728 2501                                             Matt Dunham
E                                             Partner
                                                                  T +44 (0)161 953 6495
Stephen Rigby                                                     E
Partner, Head of Performance Improvement
T +44 (0)20 7865 2101                                             David Riley
E                                         Partner
                                                                  T +44 (0)7775 826 394
Jeremy Toone                                                      E
Partner, Head of Real Estate Advisory
T +44 (0)20 7865 2314                                             Reading
E                                        Daniel Taylor
                                                                  T +44 (0)118 983 9601

© 2013 Grant Thornton UK LLP. All rights reserved. ‘Grant Thornton’ means Grant Thornton UK LLP, a limited liability partnership. Grant Thornton is a member firm of Grant Thornton International Ltd (Grant Thornton International). References to
‘Grant Thornton’ are to the brand under which the Grant Thornton member firms operate and refer to one or more member firms, as the context requires. Grant Thornton International and the member firms are not a worldwide partnership. Services are
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Grant Thornton - UK Restructuring Outlook 2013

  • 1. JANUARY 2013 UK Restructuring Outlook 2013 “Mostly stagnant, with a chance of debt sales”
  • 2. Contents 03 Summary of survey findings 04 Key risks to UK businesses 06 Default levels 07 Sectors most at risk 08 Restructuring strategies employed 10 Bank forbearance levels 12 Exits and enforcement levels 15 About the survey 16 Contact us 2 Grant Thornton: UK Restructuring Outlook 2013
  • 3. UK Restructuring Outlook 2013 Summary of survey findings We surveyed over 230 leading UK restructuring, origination and portfolio bankers, asset based lenders, restructuring advisers and senior turnaround professionals. Here is what they said about the outlook for underperforming businesses in 2013. 67% of respondents say that of most restructuring efforts. More far- stagnant/slow growth is the primary reaching restructuring options are often risk to UK businesses...and 80% see overlooked. no recovery in 2013 The perception of risk has shifted from 61% expect the same level of “Many think that 2013 will the Eurozone debt crisis, which was bank forbearance in 2013...and viewed as the primary risk in 2012, to lender reputation and perceived be similar to 2012. I agree the impact of prolonged stagnant/slow Government influence over that bank strategies will be growth on UK businesses. In line with nationalised banks are key drivers broadly similar to last year this, 80% of respondents see no real Respondents expect to see similar levels and that corporate failures economic recovery in 2013. of forbearance in 2013. Respondents may well remain artificially also point to the long-term impact of low. However, as the UK 45% expect defaults to increase in forbearance on the UK economy, where economy stagnates for 2013 compared to 2012...and these lender support for ‘zombie’ companies another year, I expect are likely to be very sector focussed creates an artificial barrier to entry for that more management The risk of default continues to be very new, more competitive, entrants. teams will come to the high in 2013, with 45% of respondents realisation that they need to expecting an increase. As we have seen Enforcement is the last resort exit for adopt alternative funding with Blockbusters, HMV and Jessops lenders and is only employed in the strategies and that they recently, retail is considered particularly minority of cases vulnerable in 2013, with more than 84% Respondents do not expect much change have some hard decisions of respondents rating it as having lower to the strategies that are employed to make. Companies need resilience. This is closely followed by to deal with underperforming loans. to use 2013 to focus on hotels/pubs/leisure (83%), printing A significant minority expect that business improvement.” (77%), property/construction (72%) and divestments of underperforming loan Mark Byers, Partner, Global Head of haulage/logistics (61%). books to third parties and exits through Restructuring market sale of debt will increase in 2013. Revenue pressure is the key driver Secondary loan sales to overseas funds of underperformance...but cost are viewed as a key area of activity, not cutting continues to be the favoured just in the UK but throughout Europe. restructuring tool When asked to rate the contributory factors that led to distress in 2012, declining revenue ranks highest, yet cost cutting remains the primary focus Grant Thornton: UK Restructuring Outlook 2013 3
  • 4. 67% of respondents say that stagnant/slow growth is the primary risk to UK businesses... Last year, 72% of respondents rated the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis as the key threat to UK businesses. This year, the perception of risk has “Difficult times ahead with the economy continuing shifted away from the Eurozone and towards to remain flat. Austerity measures to properly kick the risk of prolonged stagnant/slow growth. in, impacting disposable income and subsequently 67% of our respondents now consider this as businesses. Eurozone collapse still not off the table....” the main threat to UK businesses, followed by Restructuring/recovery banker the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis (41%), UK austerity measures (40%) and access to debt finance (40%). More positively, and in line with the December 2012 Autumn Statement, the impact of UK Question: Looking at the next 12 months, how would you rate the potential impact corporate tax is perceived to be lower than last of the following macro trends on UK businesses? year. Risks to UK businesses associated with the % of respondents rating impact as 8 to 10 out of a range of 1 to 10 (10 highest and 0 lowest impact) sterling exchange rate are also expected to be lower 80% in 2013. 70% 2013 60% 2012 “Limited recovery in terms of GDP 50% improvement but restricted to certain sectors rather than wide-spread” 40% Banker, Credit Risk 30% 20% 10% 0% “A slight improvement from 2012 UK austerity measures Access to debt finance UK Corporate tax burden Sterling exchange rate Prolonged stagnant/slow growth in the UK Eurozone sovereign debt crisis which will slowly build some momentum for 2014.” Restructuring/recovery banker “Initial false optimism will be replaced by a cold dose of reality.” Restructuring/recovery banker 4 Grant Thornton: UK Restructuring Outlook 2013
  • 5. ...and 80% see no recovery in 2013 Whilst fewer respondents expect the economy to Question: Looking to the next 12 months, do you expect UK economic conditions to... deteriorate in 2013 compared to last year, the vast majority (80%) do not have a positive outlook. The message is clear, they do not expect a real recovery 2013 - just more of the same. Only 18% expect the economy to improve somewhat and 2% expect it to improve significantly. Respondents consider that any upside will be Improve significantly (2%) restricted to stronger operators, with pressures Improve somewhat (18%) on weaker competitors increasing. Similarly, in Stay the same (60%) terms of sectors, respondents expect a real mix of Deteriorate somewhat (19%) performance in 2013, with retail, hotels & leisure Deteriorate significantly (1%) and construction being highlighted as areas of significant weakness and the manufacturing sector and exports, more broadly, being highlighted as areas of strength. Also, a number of our respondents expect that London and the South East will perform strongly in 2013. 2012 Improve significantly (0%) “2013 will be marked by muted Improve somewhat (2%) consumer confidence and tough Stay the same (28%) Deteriorate somewhat (63%) trading conditions for companies Deteriorate significantly (7%) without a compelling proposition. Corporates with strong balance sheets, good brands and products will build market share. Those that fail to change in 2013 will find refinancing in 2014 increasingly challenging.” Shaun O’Callaghan, Partner, UK Head of Restructuring Grant Thornton: UK Restructuring Outlook 2013 5
  • 6. 45% expect defaults to increase in 2013 compared to 2012... The survey shows that the risk of default continues to be very high in 2013, with 45% of respondents expecting an increase. This risk is likely to be focussed on a small group of sectors - sectors vulnerable to low consumer confidence and lower credit availability are considered least resilient. Question: Looking at the next 12 months, how do you expect default levels to develop? “Whilst default levels may well stay the same in 2013, we are likely to see banks put debt and assets to market to reduce their exposure Increase (45%) and working capital lending. We Stay the same (50%) may also see more willingness to Decline (5%) enforce by new stakeholders that have previously purchased loan portfolios or debt at a discount.” David Dunckley, Partner, Head of Mid Market Restructuring “More of the same. Consumers are being squeezed by low pay increases and rising prices, especially utilities. Lower discretionary spending impacting on leisure and retail. Property market is still sluggish.” Restructuring/recovery banker 6 Grant Thornton: UK Restructuring Outlook 2013
  • 7. ...and these are likely to be very sector focussed As we have seen with Blockbusters, Question: Looking at the next 12 months, how would you rate the resilience of the following sectors of the UK economy? HMV and Jessops recently, retail is considered particularly vulnerable in 2013, with more than 84% of 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% respondents rating it as having lower Retail resilience. A similar level of risk is attached to hotels/pubs/leisure, rated Hotels/ Pubs/ Leisure by 83% of respondents as having lower Printing resilience. This is closely followed by printing (77%), property/construction Property/ Construction (72%) and haulage/logistics (61%). Haulage/ Logistics On a positive note, many sectors are doing comparatively well and are rated Travel/ Tourism as having a higher resilience, including Automotive energy/utility (71%), pharma/biotech/ Professional Practices medical devices (57%), agribusiness/ food/beverage (51%) and aerospace/ Shipping defence (46%). Healthcare (private) Manufacturing Financial Services Infrastructure Agribusiness/ Food/ Beverage Aerospace/ Defence Technology/ Media/ Telecoms Pharma/ Biotech/ Medical Devices Energy/ Utility Higher resilience Average resilience Lower resilience Grant Thornton: UK Restructuring Outlook 2013 7
  • 8. Pressure on revenue is the key driver of underperformance... Contributory factors leading to distress Question: Looking at the distressed cases you worked on in the last 12 months, what were the When asked to rate the contributory main contributory factors leading to distress? factors for distress in 2012, the vast % of respondents rating impact as 8 to 10 out of a range of 1 to 10 (10 highest and 0 lowest impact) majority of respondents highlight declining revenues and rising 100% costs. These issues are commonly compounded by poor management 80% decisions and poor financial control. 60% 40% 20% 0% Export market volatility Fraud Decline in revenues Poor financial control Inappropriate business model Rising costs Tax/TTP debt burden Poor management decisions More limited/expensive debt finance Increased competition Public sector cuts Product substitution/obsolesence External regulation Pension scheme commitments “Although many clients in distress are taking steps to adjust their cost base, this is very often not enough. Major turnarounds in performance can only be achieved through a strategic realignment of the business that addresses changing client needs.” Stephen Rigby, Partner, Head of Performance Improvement 8 Grant Thornton: UK Restructuring Outlook 2013
  • 9. ...but cost cutting continues to be the favoured restructuring tool Question: In the last 12 months, what type of restructuring strategies have been employed in the cases you worked on? 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Financial restructuring Enforcement continues to be a last resort exit Operational restructuring/ turnaround Respondents report that financial and operational restructurings continue to Trading administration be favoured over enforcement action. Administrations, pre-packs and CVAs Pre-pack administration are seen as the last resort and are employed as such. Exit via alternative funder The survey also highlights the scarcity of re-banking options for CVA underperforming businesses - exits via Rollover with changes to terms alternative funders are employed in the minority of cases or not at all. With so Forbearance little fluidity in the market the onus is on lenders and their customers to work Appointment of CRO together to resolve underperformance issues. All of them The majority The minority None Extent of operational restructurings is Question: Looking back at the last 12 months, did your borrowers successfully implement the following? not far reaching enough Businesses and their lenders 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% continue to favour quick solutions to Cost cutting programmes underperformance. Respondents report that cost cutting programmes, better Better cash flow management cash flow management and reductions in staff costs are routinely implemented. Reduction in staff cost More far-reaching restructurings that Better focus on sales and interrogate the fundamentals of the marketing business, its processes and how value can be created are often overlooked. Divestments of non-core assets Realignment of strategy/ business model Diversification strategy Outsourcing strategy Management team restructure All of them The majority The minority None Grant Thornton: UK Restructuring Outlook 2013 9
  • 10. 61% expect the same level of bank forbearance in 2013... Banks are expected to use forbearance at Question: In 2013, do you expect bank forbearance strategies to be used? similar levels to last year. This is consistent with respondents’ more stable outlook for UK corporate failure levels and their expectation that the UK economy will not deteriorate further. Respondents also point to the long-term impact of forbearance on the UK economy, where lender support for ‘zombie’ companies More than in 2012 (20%) creates an artificial barrier to entry for new, more Same level as 2012 (61%) competitive, entrants. Less then in 2012 (19%) 80% 70% 2013 61% 60% 57% 2012 50% “Ordinarily, I would have expected 40% less forbearance in 2013, on the 29% basis that lenders may well be 30% 20% 19% less likely to ‘wait and see’ and 20% 14% because the market for impaired 10% assets and debt is likely to be more 0% fluid. However, the global liquidity More than in 2012 Same level as 2012 Less than in 2012 standards under Basel III will be critical to overall asset management strategies, including portfolio sales, and there is a high degree of uncertainty over how this will play out in 2013.” Daniel Smith, Partner, Restructuring 10 Grant Thornton: UK Restructuring Outlook 2013
  • 11. ...and lender reputation and government influence over nationalised banks are considered key drivers When asked what will impact on bank Question: Looking at the next 12 months, how do you rate the impact of the following on bank forbearance? forbearance levels in 2013, respondents point to many factors. The perceived Government % of respondents rating impact as 7 to 10 out of a range of 1 to 10 (10 highest and 0 lowest impact) influence over nationalised banks, the review 80% of the sale of interest rate products and public opinion are considered key drivers. It is of note 70% that only 30% point to the hope of future value 60% enhancement as a driver for forbearance. 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Government influence over nationalised banks interest rate products Public opinion Hope for future value Review of the sale of Low interest rates Basel II & III Disproportionate cost of recovery/enforcement enhancement “The key difference for me is the impact of Basel III, as banks wise up to the cost of capital and realise the underlying cost / impact of holding impaired assets on their balance sheet. This will drive bank strategies in 2013.” Origination/portfolio banker Grant Thornton: UK Restructuring Outlook 2013 11
  • 12. Enforcement is the last resort exit for lenders Respondents do not expect much change Question: Looking at your underperforming loans, which strategies will you employ to the strategies that are employed to deal in 2013? with underperforming loans. A significant 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% minority, however, expect that divestments of underperforming loan books to third parties and Divestment of underperforming loan book/or part exits through market sale of debt will increase, thereof to third parties 35% and 32% respectively. A number of respondents point to more Exit through market sale of debt secondary loan sales to overseas funds and expect this to be a key area of activity in 2013, not just in Instigate operational the UK but throughout Europe. improvements Enforcement Debt for equity swap Continue to support More than 2012 Same as 2012 Less than 2012 “I expect more loan note sales by local European banks to US based private equity funds who will buy loan to own, or loan to maturity.” Restructuring adviser 12 Grant Thornton: UK Restructuring Outlook 2013
  • 13. “I expect corporate failures to increase because of the lack of alternative debt funding. In some cases banks will have borne with the situation for a number of years. This cannot continue indefinitely.” Restructuring/recovery banker Question: Looking at the next 12 months, do you expect the number of corporate failures to... “I’d say that enforcement action will still be the last resort in 2013, lenders are much more Increase (46%) likely to favour other Stay the same (50%) restructuring strategies. Decline (4%) In some cases I actually see them taking the bull by the horns and injecting cash to support turnarounds.” Adrian Richards, Partner, 60% Restructuring 51% 50% 2013 50% 46% 43% 2012 40% 30% 20% 10% 6% 4% 0% Increase Stay the same Decline Grant Thornton: UK Restructuring Outlook 2013 13
  • 14. Question: Looking at the next 12 months, do you expect the number of pre-pack administrations to... “I expect much of the same. Some of the zombie businesses may finally go down but most will continue to trade. We won’t see a surge in insolvency until Increase (35%) the economy picks up and Stay the same (56%) interest rates rise. Then, SMEs Decline (9%) and the smaller real estate companies and retailers will be in the firing line.” Origination/portfolio banker 60% 56% 52% 2013 50% 45% 2012 40% 35% 30% 20% 9% 10% 3% 0% Increase Stay the same Decline 14 Grant Thornton: UK Restructuring Outlook 2013
  • 15. About the Restructuring Outlook for 2013 This is a survey of UK restructuring/recovery bankers, asset based lenders and restructuring advisers including senior turnaround professionals. It assesses the environment for underperforming businesses in the UK in 2013, provides insights into the restructuring strategies employed in the market and compares sector vulnerability. Responses were collected online from 12 December 2012 to 2 January 2013. In total 233 respondents participated, breaking down into 32% restructuring and recovery bankers, 26% origination/portfolio/credit risk bankers, 12% interim directors, 11% lawyers, 5% PE/special situations and mezzanine investors, 4% asset based lenders and 11% restructuring advisers and other market participants. Respondents work with UK businesses of all sizes. In terms of debt this breaks down into, 8% work with businesses owing +£100 million, 11% with those owing £50-100 million, 14% with those owing £25-50 million, 34% with those owing £5-25 million and 33% with those owing £0-5 million. Grant Thornton: UK Restructuring Outlook 2013 15
  • 16. Contact us London Restructuring London Mid Market Selected EMEA Contacts Contacts Restructuring Contacts Mark Byers David Dunckley France Partner, Global Head of Restructuring Partner, Head of Mid Market Restructuring Jean-Pascal Beauchamp T +44 (0)20 7728 2522 T +44 (0)20 7728 2408 Partner E E T +33 (0)1 56210569 E Shaun O’Callaghan Ian Corfield Partner, UK Head of Restructuring Partner Germany T +44 (0)20 7865 2887 T +44 (0)20 7865 2889 Heike Wieland-Bloese E E Partner T +49 (0)211 9524 512 Sarah Bell E Partner T +44 (0)20 7728 2409 Regional UK Mid Ireland E Paul McCann Market Contacts Partner Grant McRobert T +353 (0)1 6805604 Partner Birmingham E T +44 (0)20 7865 2119 David Bennett E Partner Netherlands T +44 (0)121 232 5217 Matthieu Tak Adrian Richards E Partner Partner T +31 (0)20547 5757 T +44 (0)20 7728 2001 Bristol E E Nigel Morrison Partner Portugal Daniel Smith T +44 (0)117 305 7811 Maria Mendes Partner E Partner T +44 (0)20 7728 2139 T +351 (0)21 413 4632 E Cambridge E Ian Carr Partner Russia T +44 (0)1223 225625 Andrey Sorochan Specialist London E Partner Contacts Cardiff T +7 (0)495 258 9990 E Alistair Wardell Stephen Baker Partner South Africa Partner, Corporate Finance T +44 (0)29 2034 7520 Gillian Saunders T +44 (0)20 7728 3100 E Partner E T +27 (0)11 322 4500 Glasgow/Edinburgh E Kathryn Hiddleston Rob Caven Partner, Head of Restructuring Tax Partner Spain T +44 (0)20 7728 2618 T +44 (0)141 223 0629 Ramon Galceran E E Partner T +34 (0)93 206 3900 Darren Mason Leeds/Newcastle E Partner, Head of Pensions Advisory Joe McLean T +44 (0)20 7728 2433 Partner UAE E T +44 (0)113 200 1506 Hisham Farouk E Partner Mo Merali T +971 (0)4 268 8070 Partner, Head of Private Equity Manchester E T +44 (0)20 7728 2501 Matt Dunham E Partner T +44 (0)161 953 6495 Stephen Rigby E Partner, Head of Performance Improvement T +44 (0)20 7865 2101 David Riley E Partner T +44 (0)7775 826 394 Jeremy Toone E Partner, Head of Real Estate Advisory T +44 (0)20 7865 2314 Reading E Daniel Taylor Partner T +44 (0)118 983 9601 E © 2013 Grant Thornton UK LLP. All rights reserved. ‘Grant Thornton’ means Grant Thornton UK LLP, a limited liability partnership. Grant Thornton is a member firm of Grant Thornton International Ltd (Grant Thornton International). References to ‘Grant Thornton’ are to the brand under which the Grant Thornton member firms operate and refer to one or more member firms, as the context requires. Grant Thornton International and the member firms are not a worldwide partnership. Services are delivered independently by member firms, which are not responsible for the services or activities of one another. Grant Thornton International does not provide services to clients. This publication has been prepared only as a guide. No responsibility can be accepted by us for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from acting as a result of any material in this publication. V22450