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Banking industry hot topics

Highlights from the ABA Risk Management Forum in New Orleans:
Enterprise risk management – Understanding risk in today’s complex banking environment

Grant Thornton LLP sponsored a panel discussion on               I. Value of enterprise risk management
enterprise risk management (ERM) at the annual conference        Presented by Steve Goldberg
                                                                 Steve Goldberg has more than 25 years of business experience, including 20 years
of the American Bankers Association (ABA) — ABA Risk             in financial services as an industry executive and management consultant. He has a
Management Forum — held in New Orleans in May 2012. The          strong focus on business strategy and operations, including risk management and
panelists included three of Grant Thornton’s ERM specialists:    business performance improvement.

•	 Steve Goldberg, Financial Services Advisory Principal         What is the value of ERM?
•	 Tariq Mirza, Bank Regulatory National Managing Director       A recent survey of 3,000 banks, conducted by Grant Thornton LLP
•	 Erin Morrow, Financial Services Advisory Principal            and Bank Director, found that 34 percent of respondents believed
                                                                 they would need to hire additional staff to meet the requirements of
	 Given the immense uncertainty in the market and growing        Dodd-Frank, and 21 percent believed their firms would need to hire
demands from the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street         an outside advisor, given that some of the provisions are one-time
Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank) and from         events. Nearly half of respondents think the overall financial reform
shareholders and customers, organizations face an environment    will not be effective at all in detecting the broad risks to the financial
of increased scrutiny on their ERM process and its role within   system. Others believe that key elements of Dodd-Frank could be
their company. Despite this renewed awareness of ERM,            repealed, given the upcoming elections and resistance from Congress.
many are still struggling to implement it successfully. Some     	 These responses raise the question: What is the value of
organizations don’t fully understand the value of ERM, while     ERM? Given that the Federal Reserve Board (the FRB) and
others may have conducted a risk assessment but have not         the SEC are moving forward with Dodd-Frank and expect to
followed up on it, and still others simply don’t know where      finalize the rules and regulations by the summer or fall of 2012,
to begin. During this forum, our panelists discussed the value   there is distinct value in implementing an ERM program.
of ERM, the view of ERM from a regulatory perspective, and       	 Historically, companies have viewed risks in “silos,” with
practical tips for understanding ERM and implementing it in      each silo representing a specific risk. Companies would analyze
your organization.                                               and develop strategies for each risk. The goal of ERM is to take a
                                                                 holistic approach and develop an overall strategy for managing risk
                                                                 across the organization. ERM improves the likelihood of success
                                                                 in the strategic planning process. It also prevents or reduces high-
                                                                 impact risks for the organization and enables it to make timely and
                                                                 informed decisions, with the ability to understand individual risks
                                                                 and how they affect the organization. In the current environment,
                                                                 regulators are looking for a culture of compliance within financial
                                                                 organizations; ERM establishes a culture of transparency and
                                                                 accountability across the organization. Finally, ERM prioritizes
                                                                 the allocation of resources to the most significant risks. Performing
                                                                 a structured risk assessment allows the organization to identify the
                                                                 areas that require the most attention and investment.
Banking industry hot topics

What are the current drivers of ERM in the banking                                   III. Understanding ERM, embedded risk management, risk
industry?                                                                            intelligence and ERM implementation
Banking regulators, board members and bank management are                            Presented by Erin Morrow
                                                                                     Erin Morrow is a principal in Grant Thornton’s Financial Services Advisory practice,
all driving the renewed emphasis on ERM. Banking regulators                          and serves as the firm’s Governance, Risk and Compliance Solution leader for the
have increased their focus on broad risk management in their                         Northeast Region. Morrow is the outsourced internal audit leader for two regional
exams, including expectations of board and management                                banks. She is also works in an advisory capacity on topics in internal audit and risk
                                                                                     management with other banking and financial services organizations ranging from
oversight, and links to internal audit. Board members’
                                                                                     local banks to global institutions.
accountability has increased in the wake of the financial crisis;
therefore, they are requesting risk updates and risk monitoring
                                                                                     Despite the advent of Dodd-Frank and increased public and
tools. Bank management teams are also looking for tools to make
                                                                                     regulatory scrutiny, ERM still appears to be very immature
the process easier and give them much earlier warning of risk
                                                                                     and loosely adopted. In 2010, North Carolina State University
events, such as stress testing.
                                                                                     surveyed 460 senior management executives across different
                                                                                     industries about the current state of enterprisewide risk
II. Regulatory perspective
                                                                                     oversight. Findings suggest that there is room for improvement
Presented by Tariq Mirza
Prior to joining Grant Thornton, Tariq Mirza spent over 20 years with the Federal    in ERM processes across most organizations, with over 50
Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) in various roles. Most recently, he served as   percent of respondents describing risk oversight as casual or
senior advisor under former FDIC Chairman Sheila Bair, providing technical advice
                                                                                     unstructured. One-third of respondents said they were not at all
on a wide range of banking and regulatory issues. He spoke about ERM from the
perspective of a former regulator.                                                   satisfied or minimally satisfied with their ERM programs.  

With the implementation of Dodd-Frank, regulators are also                           Why are organizations having trouble maturing their ERM
holding themselves to the same standards to which they hold                          programs?
financial institutions. In fact, the FDIC recently appointed its                     There are several issues that appear to be presenting significant
own chief risk officer. Some regulators from other agencies                          challenges in implementing ERM. One of the leading issues
are looking to do the same, indicating that regulators are also                      seems to be that ERM never got embedded in the culture or
looking at ERM within their own organizations. According                             business process of the organization. The reasons for this might
to Mirza, regulators are not only “talking the talk, but also                        include failure to get executive sponsorship, or absence of
walking the walk.”                                                                   governance or accountability, or perhaps there was simply no
	 Mirza laid out a basic framework for what the FRB expects                          awareness of or training for ERM in the organization. Another
from banks’ risk committees. The FRB’s proposal indicates that                       challenge is the lack of focus. Perhaps ERM was not properly
risk committees must approve a risk management framework                             defined or focused and became too big. Some organizations
that includes the following:                                                         may have suffered paralysis through analysis or addressed only
•	 Risk limitations for each business line                                           risk symptoms rather than root causes. Finally, there is a still
•	 Establishing systems for identifying and reporting risks,                         a general lack of information and intelligence about ERM. In
    including emerging risks                                                         some cases, ERM programs were not forward looking enough,
•	 Monitoring compliance with the risks                                              and management did not receive useful or timely information to
•	 Ensuring effective and timely implementation of corrective                        respond to emerging risks.
•	 Integrating risk objectives into management’s goals and

	 Finally, Mirza discussed high-impact risk. From his
perspective as a former regulator, high-impact risk stemming                         One of the leading issues seems to be that
from a weak or nonexistent ERM program could be an                                   ERM never got embedded in the culture or
enforcement action, such as a cease and desist order, consent
order or civil money penalty. These regulatory actions are in                        business process of the organization.
the public domain and may result in substantial reputational
risk for the institution. The ultimate high-impact risk of a weak
ERM program is failure; since beginning of the recent financial
crisis, there have been more than 430 bank failures.
Banking industry hot topics

Understanding ERM                                                                               What are the types of risk responses?
One of the keys to understanding ERM is learning                                                The purpose of risk response is to bring the risk to the
the terminology. There is a common “language of risk                                            acceptable level of risk appetite. The four categories are
management” that many professional practicing ERM have                                          acceptance, transfer, avoidance and mitigation. Acceptance
come to adopt. Morrow defined a list of key ERM terms, which                                    simply means to tolerate the risk; management may realize
included these:                                                                                 something is a risk but perhaps nothing can be done at a
•	 Risk – The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the                                      reasonable cost to mitigate it, or the likelihood and impact of
    Treadway Commission (COSO) has described risk as “the                                       the risk occurring is at an acceptable level. Transfer is a form
    possibility that an event will occur and adversely affect the                               of risk reduction whereby the risk is transferred to a third
    achievement of objectives.”                                                                 party. The most common example of risk transfer is insurance.
•	 Enterprise risk management – A report from COSO                                              A premium is paid, and the insurance company takes on the
    describes ERM as an ongoing process, implemented by                                         risk. Avoidance means just that: avoiding or exiting activities
    an entity’s board of directors, management and other                                        that give rise to risk, such as a risky market, product or line
    personnel, applied in strategy-setting and across the                                       of business. Mitigation involves the process of developing
    enterprise, designed to identify potential events that may                                  options and actions to reduce the risks by putting controls and
    affect the entity.1                                                                         monitoring in place to detect and prevent and/or control risk.
•	 Inherent risk – This refers to the “natural” level of                                        This is the most common risk response.
    risk associated with doing business. Inherent risk is not
    necessarily a bad thing, given that most activities banks                                   Embedded risk management
    engage in to make money are inherently risky. Inherent risk                                 ERM not just a project: it needs to be part of the day-to-day
    is not static; it can rise because of external factors.                                     operations of the company and its decision-making processes.
•	 Residual risk – This refers to the remaining risk after                                      Merely putting ERM components in place is also not enough
    management’s controls are taken into account.                                               to create value or to avoid corporate failure; the key to making
•	 Key risk indicator (KRI) – This is a measure used in                                         ERM valuable is to embed it in the organization where it must
    management to indicate the level of risk currently in place. It                             be accepted and understood. So how can management achieve
    gives a quantifiable view of the risk the bank is adopting.                                 this? Embedding risk management entails performing a risk
•	 Risk appetite – According to COSO, risk appetite is “the                                     assessment, installing a monitoring system, and developing
    amount of risk, on a broad level, an entity is willing to                                   a process for responding to changing risk levels quickly.
    accept in pursuit of value.” Bank management may say they                                   Furthermore, risk management ownership and participation
    have no appetite for risk, but in order to grow and make                                    is an enterprisewide endeavor. Everyone in the organization,
    money, banks need to take on some risk.                                                     ranging from tellers to loan officers to the president and board
•	 Risk response – Once a key risk is identified, management                                    of directors, owns some portion of risk.
    will evaluate the risk and formulate a response. Risk                                       	 Risk management should also be relevant to your
    responses are grouped into four categories.                                                 organization. There is no single way to do risk management.
                                                                                                However, under Dodd-Frank, if an organization has over
                                                                                                $10 billion in assets, it must have a board risk committee. The
                                                                                                board committee must be independent of other committees
                                                                                                and also have an independent director with experience in risk
                                                                                                management. The board risk committee has oversight of risk
                                                                                                strategy and tolerance, and overall risk effectiveness.

    Source: The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission. Enterprise Risk Management – Integrated Framework, September 2004.

Banking industry hot topics

	 Another important element in the ERM process is installing         Responding to the KRIs involves determining strategic
a management risk committee. The management risk committee           responses the business would take if risk tolerance is exceeded.
is chaired by the chief risk officer, and its members usually        Often this comprises a set of responses for progressively more
comprise the CFO, and legal and compliance personnel. Its role       severe tolerance thresholds. In addition, the organization needs
is to review risk policies, implement risk strategies and make       to decide when the risk threshold has been met, and then it
recommendations to the CEO.                                          needs to implement the appropriate strategic response. Banks
                                                                     should leverage risk intelligence to continuously update and
Risk intelligence                                                    improve the ERM program. When there are changes, events
Risk intelligence means being effective and efficient at managing    and indicators that affect the organization, management should
risks to both existing assets and future growth. Banks should        internally or externally review the current risk assessment (to
use risk intelligence to monitor and respond to risks on a           determine if there are new emerging risks to address), the ERM
constant basis. Monitoring involves determining KRI for each         strategy, communications protocols and risk responses.
risk in the watch list, determining a process for reporting KRIs,
and developing a process for communicating risk events.              ERM implementation – Key steps
	 The development of effective KRIs can be a challenge for           The process of implementing an ERM solution can seem
most companies. Financial institutions usually have a large          overwhelming; however, we have found it less daunting for
amount of credit risk and market risk indicators, and most of        some clients to break down the process into “bite-sized” steps:
them have a sound system for addressing them. But there are
additional “soft” indicators that go beyond the basics of credit     1.	 Define the organization’s risk universe, and rank each risk
risk and interest rate risk that many people overlook. These             by impact and likelihood.
include the following:                                               2.	 Select a framework that fits the organization’s culture.
                                                                         Consider how the bank works and people communicate, and
•	 Financial market turmoil/Unemployment — An increase                   structure something that will be successful for that group.  
   in unemployment can be an indicator of increased fraud risk.      3.	 Establish board or related board committee responsibilities
•	 Client dissatisfaction — Low client satisfaction scores can           for risk oversight so they understand their responsibilities.
   forecast an erosion of revenue.                                       Although there is no one document that defines how to
•	 Staff turnover — High levels of staff turnover can predict            manage risk, having a procedure manual that talks about the
   reduced customer service and/or quality.                              whole risk program can be very useful.
•	 Open compliance cases — An increase in open compliance            4.	 Appoint a chief risk officer and/or an internal management
   cases might indicate a change in the risk profile of clients or       risk committee and related charter with roles and
   staffing not keeping pace with growth.                                responsibilities.
•	 Loan growth — Significant loan growth can indicate a need
   for additional hiring to keep pace.

Banking industry hot topics

5.	 Develop a manageable risk and risk event universe focusing             	 Amid extraordinary uncertainty and instability, when
    on key internal and external financial, legal, compliance,             bank failures and financial losses seem to be front page news
    operational and strategic risks. The risk universe can range           on a daily basis, risk has never been a hotter topic than it
    from 20 items to over 800 in some extreme cases. There is no           is today. However, it’s not a secret that in order to make
    “right” number; it depends on the organization and the level           money, financial institutions have to accept some level of risk.
    of detail the risk committee is willing to determine.                  Therefore, the goal of ERM is not to eliminate risk, but rather
6.	 Rate each risk event according to impact and likelihood,               to ultimately help preserve and enhance value. ERM can help
    and identify current controls. The definition of “likelihood”          achieve this by providing institutions with better information
    is not static and can change over time. Banks look at the              to manage risks, which leads to better decision-making.
    definition of “impact” in terms of value and reputation.               Implementing an integrated ERM program at your institution
    Most banks focus on the value and how much direct loss it              can give it the ability to better to deal with adversity while
    is exposed to by each risk. Although receiving less attention,         pursuing opportunities to create value, and hopefully staying
    the reputational impact is also important. Banks should                out of the papers.
    consider the regulatory impact of specific risks and the
    public’s reaction.  
7.	 Create an initial residual risk profile and then review to
    determine risk responses, such as transferring the risk,
    avoiding the risk by exiting a specific business or activity
    and/or installing more mitigating controls. In most
    instances, mitigation is the solution.
8.	 Identify necessary risk responses to address risks and
    prepare an updated residual risk profile to present to
9.	 Enhance key monitoring reports, scorecards and processes
    in place. Establish a periodic review process to review
    residual risk ratings, share detailed analysis with internal
    audit, and request an independent assessment that controls
    that have been considered in residual risk rating are in place
    and operating effectively.

Contact information
For more information about the topics covered at this event, contact:

Nichole Jordan                               Jack Katz
National Banking and Securities              National Managing Partner
Industry Leader                              Financial Services Industry   Acknowledgements
Grant Thornton LLP                           Grant Thornton LLP            Molly Curl, Steve Goldberg, Tariq Mirza, Erin Morrow, Dominika Chartier
T 212.624.5310                               T 212.542.9660
E                   E         Content in this publication is not intended to answer specific questions or suggest suitability
                                                                           of action in a particular case. For additional information on the issues discussed, consult a
                                                                           Grant Thornton client service partner.
                                                                           The people in the independent firms of Grant Thornton International Ltd provide personalized
                                                                           attention and the highest quality service to public and private clients in more than 100 countries.
© Grant Thornton LLP                                                       Grant Thornton LLP is the U.S. member firm of Grant Thornton International Ltd, one of the six global
All rights reserved                                                        audit, tax and advisory organizations. Grant Thornton International Ltd and its member firms are not a
U.S. member firm of                                                        worldwide partnership, as each member firm is a separate and distinct legal entity. In the U.S., visit
Grant Thornton International Ltd                                           Grant Thornton LLP at


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  • 1. Banking industry hot topics Highlights from the ABA Risk Management Forum in New Orleans: Enterprise risk management – Understanding risk in today’s complex banking environment Grant Thornton LLP sponsored a panel discussion on I. Value of enterprise risk management enterprise risk management (ERM) at the annual conference Presented by Steve Goldberg Steve Goldberg has more than 25 years of business experience, including 20 years of the American Bankers Association (ABA) — ABA Risk in financial services as an industry executive and management consultant. He has a Management Forum — held in New Orleans in May 2012. The strong focus on business strategy and operations, including risk management and panelists included three of Grant Thornton’s ERM specialists: business performance improvement. • Steve Goldberg, Financial Services Advisory Principal What is the value of ERM? • Tariq Mirza, Bank Regulatory National Managing Director A recent survey of 3,000 banks, conducted by Grant Thornton LLP • Erin Morrow, Financial Services Advisory Principal and Bank Director, found that 34 percent of respondents believed they would need to hire additional staff to meet the requirements of Given the immense uncertainty in the market and growing Dodd-Frank, and 21 percent believed their firms would need to hire demands from the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street an outside advisor, given that some of the provisions are one-time Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank) and from events. Nearly half of respondents think the overall financial reform shareholders and customers, organizations face an environment will not be effective at all in detecting the broad risks to the financial of increased scrutiny on their ERM process and its role within system. Others believe that key elements of Dodd-Frank could be their company. Despite this renewed awareness of ERM, repealed, given the upcoming elections and resistance from Congress. many are still struggling to implement it successfully. Some These responses raise the question: What is the value of organizations don’t fully understand the value of ERM, while ERM? Given that the Federal Reserve Board (the FRB) and others may have conducted a risk assessment but have not the SEC are moving forward with Dodd-Frank and expect to followed up on it, and still others simply don’t know where finalize the rules and regulations by the summer or fall of 2012, to begin. During this forum, our panelists discussed the value there is distinct value in implementing an ERM program. of ERM, the view of ERM from a regulatory perspective, and Historically, companies have viewed risks in “silos,” with practical tips for understanding ERM and implementing it in each silo representing a specific risk. Companies would analyze your organization. and develop strategies for each risk. The goal of ERM is to take a holistic approach and develop an overall strategy for managing risk across the organization. ERM improves the likelihood of success in the strategic planning process. It also prevents or reduces high- impact risks for the organization and enables it to make timely and informed decisions, with the ability to understand individual risks and how they affect the organization. In the current environment, regulators are looking for a culture of compliance within financial organizations; ERM establishes a culture of transparency and accountability across the organization. Finally, ERM prioritizes the allocation of resources to the most significant risks. Performing a structured risk assessment allows the organization to identify the areas that require the most attention and investment.
  • 2. Banking industry hot topics What are the current drivers of ERM in the banking III. Understanding ERM, embedded risk management, risk industry? intelligence and ERM implementation Banking regulators, board members and bank management are Presented by Erin Morrow Erin Morrow is a principal in Grant Thornton’s Financial Services Advisory practice, all driving the renewed emphasis on ERM. Banking regulators and serves as the firm’s Governance, Risk and Compliance Solution leader for the have increased their focus on broad risk management in their Northeast Region. Morrow is the outsourced internal audit leader for two regional exams, including expectations of board and management banks. She is also works in an advisory capacity on topics in internal audit and risk management with other banking and financial services organizations ranging from oversight, and links to internal audit. Board members’ local banks to global institutions. accountability has increased in the wake of the financial crisis; therefore, they are requesting risk updates and risk monitoring Despite the advent of Dodd-Frank and increased public and tools. Bank management teams are also looking for tools to make regulatory scrutiny, ERM still appears to be very immature the process easier and give them much earlier warning of risk and loosely adopted. In 2010, North Carolina State University events, such as stress testing. surveyed 460 senior management executives across different industries about the current state of enterprisewide risk II. Regulatory perspective oversight. Findings suggest that there is room for improvement Presented by Tariq Mirza Prior to joining Grant Thornton, Tariq Mirza spent over 20 years with the Federal in ERM processes across most organizations, with over 50 Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) in various roles. Most recently, he served as percent of respondents describing risk oversight as casual or senior advisor under former FDIC Chairman Sheila Bair, providing technical advice unstructured. One-third of respondents said they were not at all on a wide range of banking and regulatory issues. He spoke about ERM from the perspective of a former regulator. satisfied or minimally satisfied with their ERM programs. With the implementation of Dodd-Frank, regulators are also Why are organizations having trouble maturing their ERM holding themselves to the same standards to which they hold programs? financial institutions. In fact, the FDIC recently appointed its There are several issues that appear to be presenting significant own chief risk officer. Some regulators from other agencies challenges in implementing ERM. One of the leading issues are looking to do the same, indicating that regulators are also seems to be that ERM never got embedded in the culture or looking at ERM within their own organizations. According business process of the organization. The reasons for this might to Mirza, regulators are not only “talking the talk, but also include failure to get executive sponsorship, or absence of walking the walk.” governance or accountability, or perhaps there was simply no Mirza laid out a basic framework for what the FRB expects awareness of or training for ERM in the organization. Another from banks’ risk committees. The FRB’s proposal indicates that challenge is the lack of focus. Perhaps ERM was not properly risk committees must approve a risk management framework defined or focused and became too big. Some organizations that includes the following: may have suffered paralysis through analysis or addressed only • Risk limitations for each business line risk symptoms rather than root causes. Finally, there is a still • Establishing systems for identifying and reporting risks, a general lack of information and intelligence about ERM. In including emerging risks some cases, ERM programs were not forward looking enough, • Monitoring compliance with the risks and management did not receive useful or timely information to • Ensuring effective and timely implementation of corrective respond to emerging risks. actions • Integrating risk objectives into management’s goals and compensation Finally, Mirza discussed high-impact risk. From his perspective as a former regulator, high-impact risk stemming One of the leading issues seems to be that from a weak or nonexistent ERM program could be an ERM never got embedded in the culture or enforcement action, such as a cease and desist order, consent order or civil money penalty. These regulatory actions are in business process of the organization. the public domain and may result in substantial reputational risk for the institution. The ultimate high-impact risk of a weak ERM program is failure; since beginning of the recent financial crisis, there have been more than 430 bank failures. 2
  • 3. Banking industry hot topics Understanding ERM What are the types of risk responses? One of the keys to understanding ERM is learning The purpose of risk response is to bring the risk to the the terminology. There is a common “language of risk acceptable level of risk appetite. The four categories are management” that many professional practicing ERM have acceptance, transfer, avoidance and mitigation. Acceptance come to adopt. Morrow defined a list of key ERM terms, which simply means to tolerate the risk; management may realize included these: something is a risk but perhaps nothing can be done at a • Risk – The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the reasonable cost to mitigate it, or the likelihood and impact of Treadway Commission (COSO) has described risk as “the the risk occurring is at an acceptable level. Transfer is a form possibility that an event will occur and adversely affect the of risk reduction whereby the risk is transferred to a third achievement of objectives.” party. The most common example of risk transfer is insurance. • Enterprise risk management – A report from COSO A premium is paid, and the insurance company takes on the describes ERM as an ongoing process, implemented by risk. Avoidance means just that: avoiding or exiting activities an entity’s board of directors, management and other that give rise to risk, such as a risky market, product or line personnel, applied in strategy-setting and across the of business. Mitigation involves the process of developing enterprise, designed to identify potential events that may options and actions to reduce the risks by putting controls and affect the entity.1 monitoring in place to detect and prevent and/or control risk. • Inherent risk – This refers to the “natural” level of This is the most common risk response. risk associated with doing business. Inherent risk is not necessarily a bad thing, given that most activities banks Embedded risk management engage in to make money are inherently risky. Inherent risk ERM not just a project: it needs to be part of the day-to-day is not static; it can rise because of external factors. operations of the company and its decision-making processes. • Residual risk – This refers to the remaining risk after Merely putting ERM components in place is also not enough management’s controls are taken into account. to create value or to avoid corporate failure; the key to making • Key risk indicator (KRI) – This is a measure used in ERM valuable is to embed it in the organization where it must management to indicate the level of risk currently in place. It be accepted and understood. So how can management achieve gives a quantifiable view of the risk the bank is adopting. this? Embedding risk management entails performing a risk • Risk appetite – According to COSO, risk appetite is “the assessment, installing a monitoring system, and developing amount of risk, on a broad level, an entity is willing to a process for responding to changing risk levels quickly. accept in pursuit of value.” Bank management may say they Furthermore, risk management ownership and participation have no appetite for risk, but in order to grow and make is an enterprisewide endeavor. Everyone in the organization, money, banks need to take on some risk. ranging from tellers to loan officers to the president and board • Risk response – Once a key risk is identified, management of directors, owns some portion of risk. will evaluate the risk and formulate a response. Risk Risk management should also be relevant to your responses are grouped into four categories. organization. There is no single way to do risk management. However, under Dodd-Frank, if an organization has over $10 billion in assets, it must have a board risk committee. The board committee must be independent of other committees and also have an independent director with experience in risk management. The board risk committee has oversight of risk strategy and tolerance, and overall risk effectiveness. 1 Source: The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission. Enterprise Risk Management – Integrated Framework, September 2004. 3
  • 4. Banking industry hot topics Another important element in the ERM process is installing Responding to the KRIs involves determining strategic a management risk committee. The management risk committee responses the business would take if risk tolerance is exceeded. is chaired by the chief risk officer, and its members usually Often this comprises a set of responses for progressively more comprise the CFO, and legal and compliance personnel. Its role severe tolerance thresholds. In addition, the organization needs is to review risk policies, implement risk strategies and make to decide when the risk threshold has been met, and then it recommendations to the CEO. needs to implement the appropriate strategic response. Banks should leverage risk intelligence to continuously update and Risk intelligence improve the ERM program. When there are changes, events Risk intelligence means being effective and efficient at managing and indicators that affect the organization, management should risks to both existing assets and future growth. Banks should internally or externally review the current risk assessment (to use risk intelligence to monitor and respond to risks on a determine if there are new emerging risks to address), the ERM constant basis. Monitoring involves determining KRI for each strategy, communications protocols and risk responses. risk in the watch list, determining a process for reporting KRIs, and developing a process for communicating risk events. ERM implementation – Key steps The development of effective KRIs can be a challenge for The process of implementing an ERM solution can seem most companies. Financial institutions usually have a large overwhelming; however, we have found it less daunting for amount of credit risk and market risk indicators, and most of some clients to break down the process into “bite-sized” steps: them have a sound system for addressing them. But there are additional “soft” indicators that go beyond the basics of credit 1. Define the organization’s risk universe, and rank each risk risk and interest rate risk that many people overlook. These by impact and likelihood. include the following: 2. Select a framework that fits the organization’s culture. Consider how the bank works and people communicate, and • Financial market turmoil/Unemployment — An increase structure something that will be successful for that group. in unemployment can be an indicator of increased fraud risk. 3. Establish board or related board committee responsibilities • Client dissatisfaction — Low client satisfaction scores can for risk oversight so they understand their responsibilities. forecast an erosion of revenue. Although there is no one document that defines how to • Staff turnover — High levels of staff turnover can predict manage risk, having a procedure manual that talks about the reduced customer service and/or quality. whole risk program can be very useful. • Open compliance cases — An increase in open compliance 4. Appoint a chief risk officer and/or an internal management cases might indicate a change in the risk profile of clients or risk committee and related charter with roles and staffing not keeping pace with growth. responsibilities. • Loan growth — Significant loan growth can indicate a need for additional hiring to keep pace. 4
  • 5. Banking industry hot topics 5. Develop a manageable risk and risk event universe focusing Amid extraordinary uncertainty and instability, when on key internal and external financial, legal, compliance, bank failures and financial losses seem to be front page news operational and strategic risks. The risk universe can range on a daily basis, risk has never been a hotter topic than it from 20 items to over 800 in some extreme cases. There is no is today. However, it’s not a secret that in order to make “right” number; it depends on the organization and the level money, financial institutions have to accept some level of risk. of detail the risk committee is willing to determine. Therefore, the goal of ERM is not to eliminate risk, but rather 6. Rate each risk event according to impact and likelihood, to ultimately help preserve and enhance value. ERM can help and identify current controls. The definition of “likelihood” achieve this by providing institutions with better information is not static and can change over time. Banks look at the to manage risks, which leads to better decision-making. definition of “impact” in terms of value and reputation. Implementing an integrated ERM program at your institution Most banks focus on the value and how much direct loss it can give it the ability to better to deal with adversity while is exposed to by each risk. Although receiving less attention, pursuing opportunities to create value, and hopefully staying the reputational impact is also important. Banks should out of the papers. consider the regulatory impact of specific risks and the public’s reaction. 7. Create an initial residual risk profile and then review to determine risk responses, such as transferring the risk, avoiding the risk by exiting a specific business or activity and/or installing more mitigating controls. In most instances, mitigation is the solution. 8. Identify necessary risk responses to address risks and prepare an updated residual risk profile to present to management. 9. Enhance key monitoring reports, scorecards and processes in place. Establish a periodic review process to review residual risk ratings, share detailed analysis with internal audit, and request an independent assessment that controls that have been considered in residual risk rating are in place and operating effectively. Contact information For more information about the topics covered at this event, contact: Nichole Jordan Jack Katz National Banking and Securities National Managing Partner Industry Leader Financial Services Industry Acknowledgements Grant Thornton LLP Grant Thornton LLP Molly Curl, Steve Goldberg, Tariq Mirza, Erin Morrow, Dominika Chartier T 212.624.5310 T 212.542.9660 E E Content in this publication is not intended to answer specific questions or suggest suitability of action in a particular case. For additional information on the issues discussed, consult a Grant Thornton client service partner. Visit The people in the independent firms of Grant Thornton International Ltd provide personalized attention and the highest quality service to public and private clients in more than 100 countries. © Grant Thornton LLP Grant Thornton LLP is the U.S. member firm of Grant Thornton International Ltd, one of the six global All rights reserved audit, tax and advisory organizations. Grant Thornton International Ltd and its member firms are not a U.S. member firm of worldwide partnership, as each member firm is a separate and distinct legal entity. In the U.S., visit Grant Thornton International Ltd Grant Thornton LLP at 5