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Grain Surfboards
An environmentally friendly and socially responsible surfboard manufacturer
By: John Merrifield
Internet Marketing
So what makes them socially and environmentally responsible?
Grain surfboards saying is “locally grown and crafted by hand”. They state this because
there boards are made of wood instead of the normal surfboard, which is made of
fiberglass. They are created with quality and sustainability as they state on there website,
and are also designed to last forever so they will never end up in a landfill. Fiberglass
powder, which comes in large amounts when shaping a surfboard, can cause asthma like
symptoms or even lung cancer along with allergic reactions on the persons skin. Thus
using wood is a socially responsible alternative to fiberglass and using trees that are
grown to use for these projects instead of chopping down forests for supplies. In addition
to the use of wood, the shapers (people that make the board) at grain surfboards uses not
toxic resin as the waterproofing material and adhesive. They are also locally run by
surfers and privately owned.
Not only does grain surfboards make surfboards they also make hand planes,
body boards, skateboards, and apparel all with the same socially responsible and
environmentally friendly attitude.
Whats the market opportunity? (Foreign market Australia)
People often say that it takes one to know one and grain surfboards know surfers and
surfing. They are given this opportunity because they are owned by surfers, which gives
them the great opportunity of personally knowing there market without personally
knowing each customer. The market, age wise, will consist of surfers with a little bit
more money since the boards tend to be (a little bit more expensive) from the age range
of 18-60 equally split male and female, and they will tend to be very athletic and healthy
(surfing is a very healthy sport) We will only target the people in this age range on the
coastal united states from Rhode island down to Florida on the Atlantic side and from
Washington state down to California o the pacific side, there will also be people in
Hawaii that will be interested in our product. The foreign market we will be targeting is
coastal Australia because of its large surfing population especially around the Byron bay
area, because it is a huge surfing community. This will help us get a foothold in the
international market.
Revenue model ($)
Grain surfboards revenue model will be split between business – to - business (B2B) and
business to consumer (B2C). The business to business will consist of selling our
surfboards to surf shops along the coastal United States and Australia and having them
sell them to the customers.. This will consist of reps (representatives of the brand) going
to each shop and checking on inventories and having the shops place new orders, and will
also consist of holding contests that’s businesses will advertise at. We are also interested
in having companies that sell similar products to ours advertising on our website. The
business to consumer side of this will come from ecommerce, board sales from the
website, kit sales from the website, people coming to our shop, and workshops. Majority
of the revenue will come from sales to other shops and ecommerce.
Competitive environment
The sustainable surfboard market is very small with only a few companies doing the
same things that Grain is doing in response to sustainability, and when considering the
wide range of products that grain has no company even comes close to competing with
grain. Most companies make 1 or 2 models out of a sustainable environmentally friendly
material. LOST surfboards which is a huge name in the surfing industry makes a board
out of cork which is priced around 755.00$. A Company called MYCO foam makes there
foams out of mushrooms and has a wide range of surfboard size and shapes. Solo
surfboards which is a small company makes a wide variety of all natural wooden
surfboards of all shapes and sizes, and Earth Technologies (e-tech) which teamed up with
Channel islands which is an industry leader, to create an environmentally friendly
surfboard made out of recycled, all natural, and sustainable materials, with a wide range
of sizes and shapes they are a fierce competitor.
Competitive Advantage
Out of all the companies out there that create sustainable and socially responsible wooden
surfboards Grain surfboards has the widest variety with 19 different models each with
different sizes they have an arsenal of surfboards and kits they can send you to make the
boards yourself. These boards also span a wide range of different wave sizes and skill
level giving even the most inexperienced surfer the ability own, ride, and most
importantly have fun on a Grain surfboard. These different models also cover a wide
range of prices gaining in price as the size and density of the board rises. The prices range
from kits that start at 99$ too work shops that cost in the upwards of 2000$. They also
give you the option of a custom build for all of there boards that normally costs are 1000$
but also goes up with size. The cool interactive thing about Grain surfboards is they offer
classes where they show you how to make your own board out of wood these normally
cost around 1500$ + and take up to four days but none the less are a great way to build
personal relationships with your customers. When comparing the quality of grain
surfboards to other companies they are unparalleled, there years of experience and
expertise has given them a reputation for being the best in the business, but you end up
paying for the quality. There prices tend to be a little bit higher than the competition but
their customer interacting and service can’t be beaten. Overall Grain surfboards are
crafted by hand and come with great quality and experience and this is where the price
comes from.
Market Strategy
We have vast amount of eco friendly socially responsible products and services offered
that are all stated on our website ranging from board designs, custom builds, repairs,
workshops, customer service, blogs, reviews and FAQ’s We feel that we have a very
wide selection of boards ranging from big wave to fun size wave surfing so anyone of
any skill level can have a good time on a Grain product. All of our shapers come from an
experienced surfing woodworking, and shaping background making them more than
capable of answering any questions you might have about our products.
We want our customers to feel safe shopping online at our site so in order to do
this we have decided to pick a trusted payment processing service to make ecommerce
sales on our website, for this we will use Chase payment tech because of its fast secure
service with 24/7 customer support in order to make our customers feel more
comfortable. We also plan on giving people the ability to use their PayPal account in
order to give people a variety of payment options.
All of our orders will be received directly in the warehouse where the boards are
shaped and made, making for a fast turnover of getting the product to the customer. We
will also make sure we have enough employees and supplies on hand in order to fill all
orders in a timely fashion while keeping the quality that our customers love. After this we
plan on shipping all of our products via UPS with a money back guarantee especially if
any boards are received in an un satisfactory condition (with scratches, dents, or breaks).
This will give the customer peace of mind. We will also implement an email system
where the shapers can tell the consumer the stage of the process that there board is in
weather the resin is drying or its being packaged and shipped to let them know there
package is in transit.
We have planned to set our ecommerce budget at around 15,000$ because we are
a small company we feel that this is a sufficient amount of money to take care of what we
need done. Majority of this will go towards our banner ads, and pay per click advertising,
we feel that this will help the business the most. We plan on running our banner ads for 3
months and then be redesigned, and running our pay per click will be run for a short
period of time be evaluated and see if its working, then will be kept running or
redesigned. With all this we hope to raise our sales by 10-15% and increase our emailing
list by around 300 people.
Our proposed domain name is Http:// we feel that the
current domain name is perfect because it is the name of our company with our best
Website Optimization
Grain surfboards website as of right now is filled with the perfect amount of content they
have enticing pictures, great stories, prices, board pictures, the ability to log in, and a
search bar, they’ve done this in a creative manor but it feels cluttered. Its almost if they
focused too much on the creative aspect but not the organizational aspect of it all, there
over optimizing on the main page. In order to optimize all there content they should not
clutter there page in order to not bore on over stimulate the user too many pictures can do
this and that is what is going on within there website right now. The content should be
directed at the target market, the website should also provide a text that is easy to read on
the backdrop, on some of the pages on the site I had a hard time reading it because it was
white text on a very light blue background, in addition to this it should have a
professional and creative font that draws the viewers to read the text you have put on
your site. Videos and pictures can be added to show your product in action, which they
have done.
The content should not feel cluttered as I said above and unfortunately it has a
cluttered feel to it on there website right now there’s not enough white space. The logo
should be nicely placed on the top of your webpage so your viewers know that they have
clicked the right link. The content should also be very easy and fun to navigate as it is
currently. It should also be organized in a way where the consumer feels safe shopping on
or even viewing the webpage, it should have a pleasant feel to it.
Communication with your customers is a huge part of an effective website design
also the way you manage your content and the content you use communicates certain
things to your viewers as well. A list of frequently asked questions or FAQ’s is a great
way for viewers to find the solutions to common confusions that may occur with your
product or webpage in general. This along with a phone number, email, address, and live
chat and customer support are all good way to show your customer that you are always
there for them and ready to help. These things should all be organized in an easy to find
place such as at the bottom of every page or in an info tab within the website.
In order to make our site mobile friendly we have decided to decrease the number
of images and add more white space, we also decided to decrease out text to what was
most important. We added a search bar to make it easier to navigate the mobile site and
created a new domain for our mobile site using m.grainsurfbaords, instead of www. We
would still like for our mobile site to have a creative feel, and keep a solid flow and
movement to t without it being cluttered.
In order to give our page viewers the feel of personalization, and customization
we have given them the opportunity to make an account on our website where you can
sign in and set presets for the types of boards they would like to see and notifications if
prices fluctuate in any manner. We have also added interactive buttons that make it more
fun and very easy to navigate our website, and for certain pages that a very long we will
place a back to the top button that takes you to the top of the page and topic buttons at the
top that take you to a specific topic on the page. In addition to making a profile on our
website this will give you access to our blogs and review pages where customers new and
old can look at reviews of our products and discuss anything they would like. There will
also be links to our Facebook page, Twitter, Instagram, And Pintrest pages at the bottom
of the home screen. This will give the consumers the ability to stay updated on what we
are doing here at Grain and stay connected with us while receiving special promotions.
We will also provide a share button on the bottom of our homepage allowing customers
to share the page with others.
The appearance of our site will be professional easy to read because of
professional but creative font type and easy to see colored font, along with being creative
all at the same time the use of interesting pictures and text will be integrated to give the
viewers an exciting, fun experience while viewing our products and learning about what
we do here at Grain as well.
Website Promotion
The look and feel of our webpage is very important but without it being promoted our
customers will never be able to find it, so we here at Grain have decided to organically
optimize our search engine placement. We are doing this by linking our website to
organic key word phrases such as Grain surfboards, wooden surfboards, natural surfboard
company, natural surfboards, Responsible surfboards, and organic waterman company.
This will make it much easier for our consumers to find and view our webpage. In
addition to this we will have good high quality content such as crisp clean HD images,
exciting text, and an interesting page that will draw attention to the page and often
encourage the viewer to share the page with his or her friends. In addition to this we will
have a solid HTML title tag such as Grain Surfboards – locally grown and crafted by
hand. And will keep the number of pages down in order to not confuse the search engine.
In order to see how our webpage is doing organically we will use certain metrics such as,
the amount of traffic the page gets in general, the conversion rate (the percentage of visits
that lead to a sale), what key words or phrases people searched to get to our site, the time
spent on each page, and bounce rate.
In order to promote our mobile website we planned on putting a link to our
mobile site on our site in an easy to see place saying “on the go visit us on your mobile
device at” This will be the first step, we also plan on allowing
people to use their Facebook account to sign on to our mobile site giving them all the
benefits of making an account on our online site. We will also submit our site to and other mobile directories.
Our online promotion will be heavily based on social networking because we are
a small company and social networks are a free and easy way to reach a huge target
market espectially with everyone being online now a day. We plan on using Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter, Pintrest, and Tumblr to promote our company. On our social
networking pages we will give special promotions such as giveaways and contests. We
will measure the success of this by the amount of likes per picture the amount of
followers, and the amount of signons people do on our mobile site using their Facebook
account. We will also use YouTube to post videos of people using our products, how we
make the products, virtual tours of our shop and workshop, and review videos.
In order to promote our website further we have decided to use backlinks on all of
our social network pages, blogs, pictures, YouTube page, review pages, and websites that
sell our products such as the shops that we distributed our products to for them to sell.
We also plan on doing a monthly clean up of our backlinks making sure every single one
of them works leading to better search engine placement.
We would also like to use viral marketing in order to promote ourselves to mass
amounts of people this will involve us posting a humorous video of someone using one of
our products and say “share this to receive 20% off your online order” this will give
people the ability to save money and who doesn’t like saving money and will spread our
webpage and name all over social networks and the internet increasing sales and traffic.
We will measure the effectiveness of this campaign by measuring the amount of people
that use the 20% off coupon while shopping on our site, posting a post purchase quiz
asking how the customer found out about us, and checking the increase in followers
during the time that we run the campaign.
For our affiliate program we have decided to use LinkShare because they work
well with small to medium sized businesses. This will help direct traffic towards our site
for a small fee and percentage of sales; it will be extremely beneficial in the long run. We
will measure the effectiveness of the affiliate program by measuring the click through
rate, the conversion rate, and the amount of sales that come from the referral.
Banner ads and paid search is where majority of our advertising budget will be
allotted. With the help of LinkShare we will place banner ads on other sites that well
similar products as ours and place our banner ads on the websites of the shops that we
doe business with. All banner ads will be made in house to save money by one of our
board designers. Here is an example of a banner ad that we will run.
For the paid search option we have decided to use the pay per click paid ad words method
on search engines picking certain code words and phrases that will lead people to our site
on search engines, we will do this because it is relatively inexpensive when compared to
the other options. We will measure the strength of our banner ads and paid search with
the following metrics, we will measure the amount of banner ad clicks that lead to a sale
on our page, the click through rate which measure the amount of people who see your ad
and end up clicking on it, the conversion rate or the amount of people who clicked your
ad and it ended in a sale, and wasted spend the amount of money lost from the pay per
We have also decided to create and in house emailing list for people that have
bought products from us before or people that have made an account on our site, we feel
that this is the best option because purchasing emailing lists can be expensive and this is
the best way to reach people that we know already enjoy and like our product. We plan
on sending out special promotions via email and will give people the option to join our
emailing list to gain the special offers. We also plan to send our viral marketing video
through email also. We will measure the effectiveness of the emailing campaign by The
click through rate of the email, the conversion rate, the bounce rate, amount of emails
shared, and the email list growth rate.

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Grain Surfboards

  • 1. Grain Surfboards An environmentally friendly and socially responsible surfboard manufacturer By: John Merrifield Internet Marketing So what makes them socially and environmentally responsible? Grain surfboards saying is “locally grown and crafted by hand”. They state this because there boards are made of wood instead of the normal surfboard, which is made of fiberglass. They are created with quality and sustainability as they state on there website, and are also designed to last forever so they will never end up in a landfill. Fiberglass powder, which comes in large amounts when shaping a surfboard, can cause asthma like symptoms or even lung cancer along with allergic reactions on the persons skin. Thus using wood is a socially responsible alternative to fiberglass and using trees that are grown to use for these projects instead of chopping down forests for supplies. In addition to the use of wood, the shapers (people that make the board) at grain surfboards uses not toxic resin as the waterproofing material and adhesive. They are also locally run by surfers and privately owned. Not only does grain surfboards make surfboards they also make hand planes, body boards, skateboards, and apparel all with the same socially responsible and environmentally friendly attitude. Whats the market opportunity? (Foreign market Australia) People often say that it takes one to know one and grain surfboards know surfers and surfing. They are given this opportunity because they are owned by surfers, which gives them the great opportunity of personally knowing there market without personally
  • 2. knowing each customer. The market, age wise, will consist of surfers with a little bit more money since the boards tend to be (a little bit more expensive) from the age range of 18-60 equally split male and female, and they will tend to be very athletic and healthy (surfing is a very healthy sport) We will only target the people in this age range on the coastal united states from Rhode island down to Florida on the Atlantic side and from Washington state down to California o the pacific side, there will also be people in Hawaii that will be interested in our product. The foreign market we will be targeting is coastal Australia because of its large surfing population especially around the Byron bay area, because it is a huge surfing community. This will help us get a foothold in the international market. Revenue model ($) Grain surfboards revenue model will be split between business – to - business (B2B) and business to consumer (B2C). The business to business will consist of selling our surfboards to surf shops along the coastal United States and Australia and having them sell them to the customers.. This will consist of reps (representatives of the brand) going to each shop and checking on inventories and having the shops place new orders, and will also consist of holding contests that’s businesses will advertise at. We are also interested in having companies that sell similar products to ours advertising on our website. The business to consumer side of this will come from ecommerce, board sales from the website, kit sales from the website, people coming to our shop, and workshops. Majority of the revenue will come from sales to other shops and ecommerce. Competitive environment
  • 3. The sustainable surfboard market is very small with only a few companies doing the same things that Grain is doing in response to sustainability, and when considering the wide range of products that grain has no company even comes close to competing with grain. Most companies make 1 or 2 models out of a sustainable environmentally friendly material. LOST surfboards which is a huge name in the surfing industry makes a board out of cork which is priced around 755.00$. A Company called MYCO foam makes there foams out of mushrooms and has a wide range of surfboard size and shapes. Solo surfboards which is a small company makes a wide variety of all natural wooden surfboards of all shapes and sizes, and Earth Technologies (e-tech) which teamed up with Channel islands which is an industry leader, to create an environmentally friendly surfboard made out of recycled, all natural, and sustainable materials, with a wide range of sizes and shapes they are a fierce competitor. Competitive Advantage Out of all the companies out there that create sustainable and socially responsible wooden surfboards Grain surfboards has the widest variety with 19 different models each with different sizes they have an arsenal of surfboards and kits they can send you to make the boards yourself. These boards also span a wide range of different wave sizes and skill level giving even the most inexperienced surfer the ability own, ride, and most importantly have fun on a Grain surfboard. These different models also cover a wide range of prices gaining in price as the size and density of the board rises. The prices range from kits that start at 99$ too work shops that cost in the upwards of 2000$. They also give you the option of a custom build for all of there boards that normally costs are 1000$ but also goes up with size. The cool interactive thing about Grain surfboards is they offer
  • 4. classes where they show you how to make your own board out of wood these normally cost around 1500$ + and take up to four days but none the less are a great way to build personal relationships with your customers. When comparing the quality of grain surfboards to other companies they are unparalleled, there years of experience and expertise has given them a reputation for being the best in the business, but you end up paying for the quality. There prices tend to be a little bit higher than the competition but their customer interacting and service can’t be beaten. Overall Grain surfboards are crafted by hand and come with great quality and experience and this is where the price comes from. Market Strategy We have vast amount of eco friendly socially responsible products and services offered that are all stated on our website ranging from board designs, custom builds, repairs, workshops, customer service, blogs, reviews and FAQ’s We feel that we have a very wide selection of boards ranging from big wave to fun size wave surfing so anyone of any skill level can have a good time on a Grain product. All of our shapers come from an experienced surfing woodworking, and shaping background making them more than capable of answering any questions you might have about our products. We want our customers to feel safe shopping online at our site so in order to do this we have decided to pick a trusted payment processing service to make ecommerce sales on our website, for this we will use Chase payment tech because of its fast secure service with 24/7 customer support in order to make our customers feel more comfortable. We also plan on giving people the ability to use their PayPal account in order to give people a variety of payment options.
  • 5. All of our orders will be received directly in the warehouse where the boards are shaped and made, making for a fast turnover of getting the product to the customer. We will also make sure we have enough employees and supplies on hand in order to fill all orders in a timely fashion while keeping the quality that our customers love. After this we plan on shipping all of our products via UPS with a money back guarantee especially if any boards are received in an un satisfactory condition (with scratches, dents, or breaks). This will give the customer peace of mind. We will also implement an email system where the shapers can tell the consumer the stage of the process that there board is in weather the resin is drying or its being packaged and shipped to let them know there package is in transit. We have planned to set our ecommerce budget at around 15,000$ because we are a small company we feel that this is a sufficient amount of money to take care of what we need done. Majority of this will go towards our banner ads, and pay per click advertising, we feel that this will help the business the most. We plan on running our banner ads for 3 months and then be redesigned, and running our pay per click will be run for a short period of time be evaluated and see if its working, then will be kept running or redesigned. With all this we hope to raise our sales by 10-15% and increase our emailing list by around 300 people. Our proposed domain name is Http:// we feel that the current domain name is perfect because it is the name of our company with our best product.
  • 6. Website Optimization Grain surfboards website as of right now is filled with the perfect amount of content they have enticing pictures, great stories, prices, board pictures, the ability to log in, and a search bar, they’ve done this in a creative manor but it feels cluttered. Its almost if they focused too much on the creative aspect but not the organizational aspect of it all, there over optimizing on the main page. In order to optimize all there content they should not clutter there page in order to not bore on over stimulate the user too many pictures can do this and that is what is going on within there website right now. The content should be directed at the target market, the website should also provide a text that is easy to read on the backdrop, on some of the pages on the site I had a hard time reading it because it was white text on a very light blue background, in addition to this it should have a professional and creative font that draws the viewers to read the text you have put on your site. Videos and pictures can be added to show your product in action, which they have done. The content should not feel cluttered as I said above and unfortunately it has a cluttered feel to it on there website right now there’s not enough white space. The logo should be nicely placed on the top of your webpage so your viewers know that they have clicked the right link. The content should also be very easy and fun to navigate as it is currently. It should also be organized in a way where the consumer feels safe shopping on or even viewing the webpage, it should have a pleasant feel to it. Communication with your customers is a huge part of an effective website design also the way you manage your content and the content you use communicates certain
  • 7. things to your viewers as well. A list of frequently asked questions or FAQ’s is a great way for viewers to find the solutions to common confusions that may occur with your product or webpage in general. This along with a phone number, email, address, and live chat and customer support are all good way to show your customer that you are always there for them and ready to help. These things should all be organized in an easy to find place such as at the bottom of every page or in an info tab within the website. In order to make our site mobile friendly we have decided to decrease the number of images and add more white space, we also decided to decrease out text to what was most important. We added a search bar to make it easier to navigate the mobile site and created a new domain for our mobile site using m.grainsurfbaords, instead of www. We would still like for our mobile site to have a creative feel, and keep a solid flow and movement to t without it being cluttered. In order to give our page viewers the feel of personalization, and customization we have given them the opportunity to make an account on our website where you can sign in and set presets for the types of boards they would like to see and notifications if prices fluctuate in any manner. We have also added interactive buttons that make it more fun and very easy to navigate our website, and for certain pages that a very long we will place a back to the top button that takes you to the top of the page and topic buttons at the top that take you to a specific topic on the page. In addition to making a profile on our website this will give you access to our blogs and review pages where customers new and old can look at reviews of our products and discuss anything they would like. There will also be links to our Facebook page, Twitter, Instagram, And Pintrest pages at the bottom of the home screen. This will give the consumers the ability to stay updated on what we
  • 8. are doing here at Grain and stay connected with us while receiving special promotions. We will also provide a share button on the bottom of our homepage allowing customers to share the page with others. The appearance of our site will be professional easy to read because of professional but creative font type and easy to see colored font, along with being creative all at the same time the use of interesting pictures and text will be integrated to give the viewers an exciting, fun experience while viewing our products and learning about what we do here at Grain as well. Website Promotion The look and feel of our webpage is very important but without it being promoted our customers will never be able to find it, so we here at Grain have decided to organically optimize our search engine placement. We are doing this by linking our website to organic key word phrases such as Grain surfboards, wooden surfboards, natural surfboard company, natural surfboards, Responsible surfboards, and organic waterman company. This will make it much easier for our consumers to find and view our webpage. In addition to this we will have good high quality content such as crisp clean HD images, exciting text, and an interesting page that will draw attention to the page and often encourage the viewer to share the page with his or her friends. In addition to this we will have a solid HTML title tag such as Grain Surfboards – locally grown and crafted by hand. And will keep the number of pages down in order to not confuse the search engine. In order to see how our webpage is doing organically we will use certain metrics such as, the amount of traffic the page gets in general, the conversion rate (the percentage of visits
  • 9. that lead to a sale), what key words or phrases people searched to get to our site, the time spent on each page, and bounce rate. In order to promote our mobile website we planned on putting a link to our mobile site on our site in an easy to see place saying “on the go visit us on your mobile device at” This will be the first step, we also plan on allowing people to use their Facebook account to sign on to our mobile site giving them all the benefits of making an account on our online site. We will also submit our site to and other mobile directories. Our online promotion will be heavily based on social networking because we are a small company and social networks are a free and easy way to reach a huge target market espectially with everyone being online now a day. We plan on using Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pintrest, and Tumblr to promote our company. On our social networking pages we will give special promotions such as giveaways and contests. We will measure the success of this by the amount of likes per picture the amount of followers, and the amount of signons people do on our mobile site using their Facebook account. We will also use YouTube to post videos of people using our products, how we make the products, virtual tours of our shop and workshop, and review videos. In order to promote our website further we have decided to use backlinks on all of our social network pages, blogs, pictures, YouTube page, review pages, and websites that sell our products such as the shops that we distributed our products to for them to sell. We also plan on doing a monthly clean up of our backlinks making sure every single one of them works leading to better search engine placement.
  • 10. We would also like to use viral marketing in order to promote ourselves to mass amounts of people this will involve us posting a humorous video of someone using one of our products and say “share this to receive 20% off your online order” this will give people the ability to save money and who doesn’t like saving money and will spread our webpage and name all over social networks and the internet increasing sales and traffic. We will measure the effectiveness of this campaign by measuring the amount of people that use the 20% off coupon while shopping on our site, posting a post purchase quiz asking how the customer found out about us, and checking the increase in followers during the time that we run the campaign. For our affiliate program we have decided to use LinkShare because they work well with small to medium sized businesses. This will help direct traffic towards our site for a small fee and percentage of sales; it will be extremely beneficial in the long run. We will measure the effectiveness of the affiliate program by measuring the click through rate, the conversion rate, and the amount of sales that come from the referral.
  • 11. Banner ads and paid search is where majority of our advertising budget will be allotted. With the help of LinkShare we will place banner ads on other sites that well similar products as ours and place our banner ads on the websites of the shops that we doe business with. All banner ads will be made in house to save money by one of our board designers. Here is an example of a banner ad that we will run. For the paid search option we have decided to use the pay per click paid ad words method on search engines picking certain code words and phrases that will lead people to our site on search engines, we will do this because it is relatively inexpensive when compared to the other options. We will measure the strength of our banner ads and paid search with the following metrics, we will measure the amount of banner ad clicks that lead to a sale on our page, the click through rate which measure the amount of people who see your ad and end up clicking on it, the conversion rate or the amount of people who clicked your
  • 12. ad and it ended in a sale, and wasted spend the amount of money lost from the pay per click. We have also decided to create and in house emailing list for people that have bought products from us before or people that have made an account on our site, we feel that this is the best option because purchasing emailing lists can be expensive and this is the best way to reach people that we know already enjoy and like our product. We plan on sending out special promotions via email and will give people the option to join our emailing list to gain the special offers. We also plan to send our viral marketing video through email also. We will measure the effectiveness of the emailing campaign by The click through rate of the email, the conversion rate, the bounce rate, amount of emails shared, and the email list growth rate.