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ROUND 17 questions
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Which event is being described here?
In 196 AC, Daemon _________, the bastard son of the late King Aegon IV Targaryen and his
cousin, Princess Daena Targaryen, attempted to usurp the throne from King Daeron II
Targaryen, the legitimate son of King Aegon IV Targaryen and his sister-Queen, Naerys.
This caused the the second major civil war in the history of the Targaryen reign. The war
lasted nigh on a year. Battles were fought in the Reach, the westerlands, the riverlands,
and more places. During the final battle of the war, the Battle of the Redgrass Field,
Daemon and his two eldest sons, Aegon and Aemon, were killed, and his allies defeated.
However, five of Daemon's sons and several daughters survived and were carried into exile
to the Free Cities by Aegor Rivers, known as "Bittersteel", Daemon's half-brother, who had
been one of Daemon's biggest supporters. They ended up in Tyrosh, the former home of
Daemon's widow, Rohanne, where Daemon's descendants and Aegor Rivers continued
Blackfyre Rebellion
What did GRRM first intend to do?
During the initial writing of A Feast for Crows, GRRM realized that it would not work
as intended, and thus he scrapped his plans after a year of attempting to make it
work. The problem was that he found it impossible to accomplish and that it would
break up the narrative too much and leave readers unsatisfied with the result.
What he has now determined is that the events he planned to happen according to
the cancelled plan will largely still take place as planned, but will be happening
without having to cover for the cancelled plan . This does mean that characters will
be doing things at an earlier age than he supposed (meaning the children—Bran,
Arya, and Sansa—in particular), but it’s an unavoidable problem. He has previously
remarked that in hindsight, he should have made the children two or three years
older so as to avoid that problem.
Mr. Martin’s original intention was that there would have been a five or six year gap
between the events of book 3 (A Storm of Swords) and book 4 (A Feast for Crows).
Some time after the war, in 297 AC, X was sent away by Lord Y as punishment for
seducing or raping Z's salt wife, and he was warned never to return while Y was alive.
Z wanted to kill X and would have if not for the taboo against kinslaying. X has
several bastard children but does not have any regard for any of them
Since X's banishment, the Silence has sailed, pillaged, and raped all over the known
world. X boasts to have travelled to Asshai and even sailed the Smoking Sea and
walked the smoking ruins of Valyria. X also claims to have owned a dragon egg which
a Myrish wizard was unable to hatch. The Crow's Eye alleges he tossed the egg into
the sea during one of his foul moods.
X = Euron Greyjoy
Y= Balon Greyjoy
Z = Victarion Greyjoy
X Targaryen , also known as X the Cruel, was the third Targaryen king to sit
the Iron Throne. He was the son of King Aegon I Targaryen and his sister-
X continued construction of the Y, which began under Aegon the Conqueror.
Leaving the administration of the kingdom to Lord Lucas Harroway, his Hand
of the King and goodfather, X had a host of hidden tunnels and secret
passageways built within the castle. In 45 AC, X saw the Y completed,
and X's Holdfast was subsequently named after him. X threw a feast for
those who took part in the construction, but after three days of revelry X
had them all put to the sword to protect the secrets of the hidden passages.
X and Y?
X= Maegor
Y = Red Keep
The _____ is the ancient sigil of the Ghiscari Empire, described as having a
bat's wings, an eagle's talons, and a scorpion's tail. On the Ghiscari flag, the
_____ is shown clutching a thunderbolt in its talons. Valyria destroyed the
Ghiscari Empire and conquered its lands, but after the Doom of
Valyria Ghiscari culture reasserted itself. The nation of Ghiscar, expanding
from the island city of New Ghis, bears the _____ on its flag.
The city-states of Slaver's Bay, although not subject to the new Ghiscari
kingdom of New Ghis, are Ghiscari in culture and origin and also employ the
_____ as their sigil. The Astapori _____ holds a chain with open manacles,
the Yunkish _____ holds a whip and an iron collar, while the Meereenese
_____ holds nothing.
Her cloak and collar hid the gash his brother’s blade had made, but her face
was even worse than he remembered. The flesh had gone pudding soft in the
water and turned the color of curdled milk. Half her hair was gone and the rest
had turned as white and brittle as a crone’s. Beneath her ravaged scalp, her
face was shredded skin and black blood where she had raked herself with her
nails. But her eyes were the most terrible thing. Her eyes saw him, and they
– Merrett Frey's thoughts about whom?
Lady Stoneheart
X , was the legendary founder of House Stark who is said to have lived during the Age
of Heroes. X built the Wall and Winterfell; some stories say he did this with the help
of giants.
During the reign of the Night's King, the thirteenth Lord Commander of the Night's
Watch, Y formed an alliance with the King-Beyond-the-Wall , to end the thirteen year
long rule of the Night's King and his corpse queen. Thereafter Y obliterated the Night's
King's name from memory.
X and Y?
X = Y = Brandon Stark
Written Round
9 Unknowns
+10 for one correct
+80 for full house
It is the famous ancestral sword of House Dayne. According to legend, the
founder of House Dayne tracked a falling star to the mouth of the
Torentine, and Starfall was constructed where a magical stone was
discovered. The great sword was forged from the heart of this fallen star
and has possibly been wielded by Daynes for ten thousand years. The sigil
of Daynes too depict the sword.
The blade is pale as milkglass, unlike dark Valyrian Steel, but is similar in
strength and sharpness. Only a knight of house Dayne who is deemed
worthy can wield the sword, it does not pass to a heir.
It was the ancient Valyrian steel greatsword belonging to House Lannister. It came
into the possession of the Lannister kings in the century before the Doom of Valyria,
and it is said that the weight of gold they paid for it would have been enough to
raise an army. It was lost while an expedition to Valyria by Tommen II Lannister, with
the intention of plundering the wealth and sorcery he was sure still remained. The
fleet never returned, nor Tommen, nor the sword. ‘Poor’ old Tywin has searching
for its replacement ever since.
It is a greatsword, as wide across as a man’s hand and taller than an adolescent
Robb Stark. It’s Valyrian steel blade has a dark and smokey appearance. The name
is a legacy from the Age of Heroes and predates the current sword. About 400
years before Robert Baratheon’s reign, the Valyrian steel greatsword was spell
forged in Valyria and acquired by the Starks, who named it after that legacy.
It is the ancestral Valyrian steel sword of House Tarly. It is a two-
handed greatsword. It has been in the family for 500 years.
The ancestral Valyrian steel bastard sword of House Mormont . It is a bastard sword
or hand and a half sword, which means it is a good half a foot longer than a
standard long sword. Tapered to thrust as well as slash.
Valyrian steel longsword which is forged by Tobho Mott from {the answer to 3.} . It
has black and red ripples through the steel. Its scabbard glitters gold and is
decorated with a row of lion’s heads and smoldering red rubies. The pommel has a
golden lion’s head with ruby eyes that shine like two red stars. Initially gifted to Ser
Jaime Lannister by Tywin Lannister which he gave to someone else.
It is a Valyrian steel longsword. Similar in appearance to {answer to 5} but smaller
and is the second sword forged from {answer to 3}. Tywin gives the sword to King
Joffrey Baratheon before his wedding, replacing Hearteater.
A famous Valyrian longsword on of two ancestral swords of House Targaryen. It was
wielded by atleast one woman during it’s history, and may have been forged for a woman
warrior originally, as it’s slender blade is designed for a woman’s hand. The sword is last
known to be wielded by Brynden Rivers.
It is the fabled hand-and-a- half longsword of Valyrian steel once wielded
by Aegon the Conqueror. It is the most famous of the several Valyrian
sword once owned by House Targaryen, also provides the name to a
It is the famous ancestral sword of House Dayne. According to legend, the
founder of House Dayne tracked a falling star to the mouth of the
Torentine, and Starfall was constructed where a magical stone was
discovered. The great sword was forged from the heart of this fallen star
and has possibly been wielded by Daynes for ten thousand years. The sigil
of Daynes too depict the sword.
The blade is pale as milkglass, unlike dark Valyrian Steel, but is similar in
strength and sharpness. Only a knight of house Dayne who is deemed
worthy can wield the sword, it does not pass to a heir.
It was the ancient Valyrian steel greatsword belonging to House Lannister. It came
into the possession of the Lannister kings in the century before the Doom of Valyria,
and it is said that the weight of gold they paid for it would have been enough to
raise an army. It was lost while an expedition to Valyria by Tommen II Lannister, with
the intention of plundering the wealth and sorcery he was sure still remained. The
fleet never returned, nor Tommen, nor the sword. ‘Poor’ old Tywin has searching
for its replacement ever since.
It is a greatsword, as wide across as a man’s hand and taller than an adolescent
Robb Stark. It’s Valyrian steel blade has a dark and smokey appearance. The name
is a legacy from the Age of Heroes and predates the current sword. About 400
years before Robert Baratheon’s reign, the Valyrian steel greatsword was spell
forged in Valyria and acquired by the Starks, who named it after that legacy.
It is the ancestral Valyrian steel sword of House Tarly. It is a two-
handed greatsword. It has been in the family for 500 years.
The ancestral Valyrian steel bastard sword of House Mormont . It is a bastard sword
or hand and a half sword, which means it is a good half a foot longer than a
standard long sword. Tapered to thrust as well as slash.
Valyrian steel longsword which is forged by Tobho Mott from {the answer to 3.} . It
has black and red ripples through the steel. Its scabbard glitters gold and is
decorated with a row of lion’s heads and smoldering red rubies. The pommel has a
golden lion’s head with ruby eyes that shine like two red stars. Initially gifted to Ser
Jaime Lannister by Tywin Lannister which he gave to someone else.
It is a Valyrian steel longsword. Similar in appearance to {answer to 5} but smaller
and is the second sword forged from {answer to 3}. Tywin gives the sword to King
Joffrey Baratheon before his wedding, replacing Hearteater.
Widow’s Wail
A famous Valyrian longsword on of two ancestral swords of House Targaryen. It was
wielded by atleast one woman during it’s history, and may have been forged for a woman
warrior originally, as it’s slender blade is designed for a woman’s hand. The sword is last
known to be wielded by Brynden Rivers.
Dark Sister
It is the fabled hand-and-a- half longsword of Valyrian steel once wielded
by Aegon the Conqueror. It is the most famous of the several Valyrian
sword once owned by House Targaryen, also provides the name to a
ROUND 37 questions
+20/-10 on pounce
+10/0 on bounce
8. Why use two?
8. Why use two?
Bastards do not have the right to use the
arms of the highborn families from which
they descend. Recognized bastards who take
arms (noble born, knighted, etc.) often, but
not always, take the coat of arms of their
fathers with the colors reversed. A bend
sinister is sometimes added, as exemplified
by Ser Walder Rivers's sigil.
Targaryen Blackfyre
The ______ _______ is an order of women belonging to the Faith of the Seven. They are
sworn to the service of the Stranger and have taken vows of chastity and silence. The
______ _______ attend to the dead.
______ _______ are sometimes referred to as the Stranger's wives or death's
handmaidens. They are shrouded in grey and keep their faces cowled except for their
eyes.It is said that theirs is a serene life, a life of prayer and contemplation and good
works. They bring solace to the living and peace to the dead.
Girls and women are sometimes sent to become ______ _______ as a punishment. It is
said that the ______ _______ are always glad to welcome widows.
Silent Sisters
Aegon(the Conquerer) was devastated after the death of his sister-wife Rhaenys
and her dragon Meraxes in the First Dornish war . Aegon’s wrath after Rhaenys’s
death knew no bounds. Aegon and Visenya placed bounties on the heads of
Dornish lords and in turn the Dornish put bounties on the Targaryens. Aegon and
Visenya were assaulted on the streets of King’s Landing and if not for Visenya and
her sword they would have been killed. What did this event lead in 10 AC to ?
The formation of The Kingsguard.
The X is the castle at the base of the Giant’s Lance. It is a stout castle
with a moat, a gatehouse, a yard, and square towers. It is larger than
the Y. When viewed from the Y above. The towers and keeps of the X
appear the size of children’s toys. The X has since been used by House
Arryn as their seat of during winter, but when summer comes they
return to the Y.(image follows)
X = Gates of the Moon
Y = Eyrie
There are three main prophecies (or legends) in the world of ASOIAF surrounding a
"Chosen One", or main hero, that comes to save the world from sure doom. They
are: ____H1____ to the Westerosi (more specifically the North), _____H2____ to
the Targaryens (specifically Rhaegar), and ____H3____ to the East (specifically
followers of the Lord of Light). It has been discussed before that all of these
prophecies/legends may actually be different versions of the same tale, passed
down through different regions of the world, all pertaining to one single hero who
came to save the world from The Long Night/The Great Other. There is certainly an
abundance of similarities between the prophecies.
H1 = The Last Hero
H2 = The Prince that was Promised
H3 = Azor Ahai
Whose life(lives) story and the blank?
• Impaled on a lance by Ser Gregor Clegane.
• Smashed with a mace on the side of the head by Ser Burton Crakehall.
• Hanged at Rushing Falls by Ser Amory Lorch.
• Stabbed in the eye with a dirk by Ser Gregor Clegane.
• Killed by an archer of the Brave Companions sellsword company.
• Killed by Sandor Clegane in a trial by combat.
• Gave up his lifeforce to resurrect ______ _____.
Beric Dondarion
Catelyn Stark
Which insane fan theory ?
• D gives birth to a child that M claims is hideously deformed, half(hu)man and fiendish.
"Monstrous," M finished for him... "Twisted. I drew him forth myself. He was scaled like a lizard, blind, with a stub of a tail
and small leather wings like the wings of a bat.“
• X can easily be associated with each and every one of Y's characteristics. This association reveals their elaborate
interrelation. X, like Y, has been called:
Monstrous and Twisted
"the twisted little monkey demon“
"a twisted little monster“
"Your head was monstrous huge, we heard, half again the size of your body, and you had been born with thick black hair
and a beard besides, an evil eye, and lion's claws. Your teeth were so long you could not close your mouth, and between
your legs were a girl's privates as well as a boy's“
"you were said to have one, a stiff curly tail like a swine's“
• "When I touched him, the flesh sloughed off the bone, and inside he was full of graveworms and the stink of
corruption. He had been dead for years.“
M confirms that J's fetus, delivered by D, had been dead for years.
• "To go north, you must go south. To reach the west, you must go east. To go forward you must go back“
ou must go back... in time. Something from the past needs to come to the future, and something from the future must
make its way to the past.
• Tyrion(X) is the Stallion who Mounts the World(Rhaego,Y). Mirri Maz Duur created a
rift in spacetime to do a fetus-swap, making Rhaego and Tyrion the same person.
• D + D = T
Written Round
8 Unknowns
+10 for one correct
+80 for full house
Aegon was from the island of _A_, the westernmost outpost of the Valyrian
freehold, which his family had settled over a century before the Doom of Valyria.
Aegon decided to go to west to Westeros, and for years he planned his conquest of
the Seven Kingdoms. He made a huge table map of Westeros, without any borders
to signify that it should be one realm alone instead of many. This map later became
to be known as the _B_ . When Aegon was ready, he and his two sister-wives _C_
and _D_, landed with his army on the east coast of Westeros at the mouth of the
_E_ Rush, where he constructed the wooden Aegonfort. With the aid of their three
dragons _F_, the Black Dread, Vhagar and Meraxes, Aegon led the Targaryen army
to victory after victory, including his first test near the _E_, the burning of _G_, and
the Field of Fire. He conqured and subjugated six of the seven kingdoms in Westeros
and failed to conquer _H_.
Exchange sheets, Answers follow
A = Dragonstone
B = Painted Table
C/D = Rhaenys/Visenya
C/D = Rhaenys/Visenya
E = Blackwater
F = Balerion
G = Dorne
+20/-10 on pounce
+10/0 on bounce
Question wise points for the
connect on the slides
Stark : Winter is Coming
Baratheon: Ours is the Fury
Lannister : Hear me Roar
Targaryen : ?
Fire and Blood
It is customary saying in Essos, and is traditionally
answered with something similar. Arya says the
words to Terenesio Terys, the captain of the Titan’s
Daughter. He replies with the same something
similar and offers her passage to Braavos. In
Braavos Arya goes to the temple of the Many-
Faced.It’s closed doors open when she says the
Valar Morghulis
_____ is a term in Old Ghiscari
language that means “mother”, often
attributed to Daenerys Targaryen.
A mysterious non-human race that
originally inhabited the continent of
Westeros during the Dawn Age. The
Giants call them woh dak nag gram.
They call themselves those who song
of earth in the True Tongue.
The Children
The X or the X Above, is one of the seven aspects of a single deity. Believers of
the Faith of Seven consider their god to be one with the seven aspects. The X
represents nurturing. She is prayed to for fertility, and is depicted as smiling
with love, embodying the concept of Y.
The hymn song for the X:
Gentle X, font of Y,
save our sons from war, we pray,
stay the swords and stay the
let them know a better day.
Catelyn prays for X’s Y several times, through A Clash of Kings for the well being
of her children Bran, Rickon, Sansa and Arya.
X’s Y?
Mother’s Mercy
The Winds of Winter
Fire and Blood
Valar Morghulis
The Children
Mother’s Mercy
Winds of Winter
Game of Thrones Season Finales

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GoT finals

  • 1.
  • 3. ROUND 17 questions +20/-10 on pounce +10/0 on bounce
  • 4. 1. Which event is being described here? In 196 AC, Daemon _________, the bastard son of the late King Aegon IV Targaryen and his cousin, Princess Daena Targaryen, attempted to usurp the throne from King Daeron II Targaryen, the legitimate son of King Aegon IV Targaryen and his sister-Queen, Naerys. This caused the the second major civil war in the history of the Targaryen reign. The war lasted nigh on a year. Battles were fought in the Reach, the westerlands, the riverlands, and more places. During the final battle of the war, the Battle of the Redgrass Field, Daemon and his two eldest sons, Aegon and Aemon, were killed, and his allies defeated. However, five of Daemon's sons and several daughters survived and were carried into exile to the Free Cities by Aegor Rivers, known as "Bittersteel", Daemon's half-brother, who had been one of Daemon's biggest supporters. They ended up in Tyrosh, the former home of Daemon's widow, Rohanne, where Daemon's descendants and Aegor Rivers continued plotting.
  • 7. 2. What did GRRM first intend to do? During the initial writing of A Feast for Crows, GRRM realized that it would not work as intended, and thus he scrapped his plans after a year of attempting to make it work. The problem was that he found it impossible to accomplish and that it would break up the narrative too much and leave readers unsatisfied with the result. What he has now determined is that the events he planned to happen according to the cancelled plan will largely still take place as planned, but will be happening without having to cover for the cancelled plan . This does mean that characters will be doing things at an earlier age than he supposed (meaning the children—Bran, Arya, and Sansa—in particular), but it’s an unavoidable problem. He has previously remarked that in hindsight, he should have made the children two or three years older so as to avoid that problem.
  • 9. 2. Mr. Martin’s original intention was that there would have been a five or six year gap between the events of book 3 (A Storm of Swords) and book 4 (A Feast for Crows).
  • 10. 3. Some time after the war, in 297 AC, X was sent away by Lord Y as punishment for seducing or raping Z's salt wife, and he was warned never to return while Y was alive. Z wanted to kill X and would have if not for the taboo against kinslaying. X has several bastard children but does not have any regard for any of them Since X's banishment, the Silence has sailed, pillaged, and raped all over the known world. X boasts to have travelled to Asshai and even sailed the Smoking Sea and walked the smoking ruins of Valyria. X also claims to have owned a dragon egg which a Myrish wizard was unable to hatch. The Crow's Eye alleges he tossed the egg into the sea during one of his foul moods. X,Y,Z?
  • 12. 3. X = Euron Greyjoy Y= Balon Greyjoy Z = Victarion Greyjoy
  • 13. 4. X Targaryen , also known as X the Cruel, was the third Targaryen king to sit the Iron Throne. He was the son of King Aegon I Targaryen and his sister- wife. X continued construction of the Y, which began under Aegon the Conqueror. Leaving the administration of the kingdom to Lord Lucas Harroway, his Hand of the King and goodfather, X had a host of hidden tunnels and secret passageways built within the castle. In 45 AC, X saw the Y completed, and X's Holdfast was subsequently named after him. X threw a feast for those who took part in the construction, but after three days of revelry X had them all put to the sword to protect the secrets of the hidden passages. X and Y?
  • 15. 4. X= Maegor Y = Red Keep
  • 16. 5. The _____ is the ancient sigil of the Ghiscari Empire, described as having a bat's wings, an eagle's talons, and a scorpion's tail. On the Ghiscari flag, the _____ is shown clutching a thunderbolt in its talons. Valyria destroyed the Ghiscari Empire and conquered its lands, but after the Doom of Valyria Ghiscari culture reasserted itself. The nation of Ghiscar, expanding from the island city of New Ghis, bears the _____ on its flag. The city-states of Slaver's Bay, although not subject to the new Ghiscari kingdom of New Ghis, are Ghiscari in culture and origin and also employ the _____ as their sigil. The Astapori _____ holds a chain with open manacles, the Yunkish _____ holds a whip and an iron collar, while the Meereenese _____ holds nothing.
  • 19. 6. Her cloak and collar hid the gash his brother’s blade had made, but her face was even worse than he remembered. The flesh had gone pudding soft in the water and turned the color of curdled milk. Half her hair was gone and the rest had turned as white and brittle as a crone’s. Beneath her ravaged scalp, her face was shredded skin and black blood where she had raked herself with her nails. But her eyes were the most terrible thing. Her eyes saw him, and they hated. – Merrett Frey's thoughts about whom?
  • 22. 7. X , was the legendary founder of House Stark who is said to have lived during the Age of Heroes. X built the Wall and Winterfell; some stories say he did this with the help of giants. During the reign of the Night's King, the thirteenth Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, Y formed an alliance with the King-Beyond-the-Wall , to end the thirteen year long rule of the Night's King and his corpse queen. Thereafter Y obliterated the Night's King's name from memory. X and Y?
  • 24. 7. X = Y = Brandon Stark
  • 25. ROUND 2SWORDS OF WESTEROS Written Round 9 Unknowns +10 for one correct +80 for full house
  • 26. 1. It is the famous ancestral sword of House Dayne. According to legend, the founder of House Dayne tracked a falling star to the mouth of the Torentine, and Starfall was constructed where a magical stone was discovered. The great sword was forged from the heart of this fallen star and has possibly been wielded by Daynes for ten thousand years. The sigil of Daynes too depict the sword. The blade is pale as milkglass, unlike dark Valyrian Steel, but is similar in strength and sharpness. Only a knight of house Dayne who is deemed worthy can wield the sword, it does not pass to a heir.
  • 27. 2. It was the ancient Valyrian steel greatsword belonging to House Lannister. It came into the possession of the Lannister kings in the century before the Doom of Valyria, and it is said that the weight of gold they paid for it would have been enough to raise an army. It was lost while an expedition to Valyria by Tommen II Lannister, with the intention of plundering the wealth and sorcery he was sure still remained. The fleet never returned, nor Tommen, nor the sword. ‘Poor’ old Tywin has searching for its replacement ever since.
  • 28. 3. It is a greatsword, as wide across as a man’s hand and taller than an adolescent Robb Stark. It’s Valyrian steel blade has a dark and smokey appearance. The name is a legacy from the Age of Heroes and predates the current sword. About 400 years before Robert Baratheon’s reign, the Valyrian steel greatsword was spell forged in Valyria and acquired by the Starks, who named it after that legacy.
  • 29. 4. It is the ancestral Valyrian steel sword of House Tarly. It is a two- handed greatsword. It has been in the family for 500 years.
  • 30. 5. The ancestral Valyrian steel bastard sword of House Mormont . It is a bastard sword or hand and a half sword, which means it is a good half a foot longer than a standard long sword. Tapered to thrust as well as slash.
  • 31. 6. Valyrian steel longsword which is forged by Tobho Mott from {the answer to 3.} . It has black and red ripples through the steel. Its scabbard glitters gold and is decorated with a row of lion’s heads and smoldering red rubies. The pommel has a golden lion’s head with ruby eyes that shine like two red stars. Initially gifted to Ser Jaime Lannister by Tywin Lannister which he gave to someone else.
  • 32. 7. It is a Valyrian steel longsword. Similar in appearance to {answer to 5} but smaller and is the second sword forged from {answer to 3}. Tywin gives the sword to King Joffrey Baratheon before his wedding, replacing Hearteater.
  • 33. 8. A famous Valyrian longsword on of two ancestral swords of House Targaryen. It was wielded by atleast one woman during it’s history, and may have been forged for a woman warrior originally, as it’s slender blade is designed for a woman’s hand. The sword is last known to be wielded by Brynden Rivers.
  • 34. 9. It is the fabled hand-and-a- half longsword of Valyrian steel once wielded by Aegon the Conqueror. It is the most famous of the several Valyrian sword once owned by House Targaryen, also provides the name to a house.
  • 35.
  • 36. 1. It is the famous ancestral sword of House Dayne. According to legend, the founder of House Dayne tracked a falling star to the mouth of the Torentine, and Starfall was constructed where a magical stone was discovered. The great sword was forged from the heart of this fallen star and has possibly been wielded by Daynes for ten thousand years. The sigil of Daynes too depict the sword. The blade is pale as milkglass, unlike dark Valyrian Steel, but is similar in strength and sharpness. Only a knight of house Dayne who is deemed worthy can wield the sword, it does not pass to a heir.
  • 38. 2. It was the ancient Valyrian steel greatsword belonging to House Lannister. It came into the possession of the Lannister kings in the century before the Doom of Valyria, and it is said that the weight of gold they paid for it would have been enough to raise an army. It was lost while an expedition to Valyria by Tommen II Lannister, with the intention of plundering the wealth and sorcery he was sure still remained. The fleet never returned, nor Tommen, nor the sword. ‘Poor’ old Tywin has searching for its replacement ever since.
  • 40. 3. It is a greatsword, as wide across as a man’s hand and taller than an adolescent Robb Stark. It’s Valyrian steel blade has a dark and smokey appearance. The name is a legacy from the Age of Heroes and predates the current sword. About 400 years before Robert Baratheon’s reign, the Valyrian steel greatsword was spell forged in Valyria and acquired by the Starks, who named it after that legacy.
  • 42. 4. It is the ancestral Valyrian steel sword of House Tarly. It is a two- handed greatsword. It has been in the family for 500 years.
  • 44. 5. The ancestral Valyrian steel bastard sword of House Mormont . It is a bastard sword or hand and a half sword, which means it is a good half a foot longer than a standard long sword. Tapered to thrust as well as slash.
  • 46. 6. Valyrian steel longsword which is forged by Tobho Mott from {the answer to 3.} . It has black and red ripples through the steel. Its scabbard glitters gold and is decorated with a row of lion’s heads and smoldering red rubies. The pommel has a golden lion’s head with ruby eyes that shine like two red stars. Initially gifted to Ser Jaime Lannister by Tywin Lannister which he gave to someone else.
  • 48. 7. It is a Valyrian steel longsword. Similar in appearance to {answer to 5} but smaller and is the second sword forged from {answer to 3}. Tywin gives the sword to King Joffrey Baratheon before his wedding, replacing Hearteater.
  • 50. 8. A famous Valyrian longsword on of two ancestral swords of House Targaryen. It was wielded by atleast one woman during it’s history, and may have been forged for a woman warrior originally, as it’s slender blade is designed for a woman’s hand. The sword is last known to be wielded by Brynden Rivers.
  • 52. 9. It is the fabled hand-and-a- half longsword of Valyrian steel once wielded by Aegon the Conqueror. It is the most famous of the several Valyrian sword once owned by House Targaryen, also provides the name to a house.
  • 54. ROUND 37 questions +20/-10 on pounce +10/0 on bounce
  • 55. 8. Why use two?
  • 56. 8. Why use two?
  • 58. Bastards do not have the right to use the arms of the highborn families from which they descend. Recognized bastards who take arms (noble born, knighted, etc.) often, but not always, take the coat of arms of their fathers with the colors reversed. A bend sinister is sometimes added, as exemplified by Ser Walder Rivers's sigil. 8. Targaryen Blackfyre
  • 59. 9. The ______ _______ is an order of women belonging to the Faith of the Seven. They are sworn to the service of the Stranger and have taken vows of chastity and silence. The ______ _______ attend to the dead. ______ _______ are sometimes referred to as the Stranger's wives or death's handmaidens. They are shrouded in grey and keep their faces cowled except for their eyes.It is said that theirs is a serene life, a life of prayer and contemplation and good works. They bring solace to the living and peace to the dead. Girls and women are sometimes sent to become ______ _______ as a punishment. It is said that the ______ _______ are always glad to welcome widows.
  • 62. 10. Aegon(the Conquerer) was devastated after the death of his sister-wife Rhaenys and her dragon Meraxes in the First Dornish war . Aegon’s wrath after Rhaenys’s death knew no bounds. Aegon and Visenya placed bounties on the heads of Dornish lords and in turn the Dornish put bounties on the Targaryens. Aegon and Visenya were assaulted on the streets of King’s Landing and if not for Visenya and her sword they would have been killed. What did this event lead in 10 AC to ?
  • 64. 10. The formation of The Kingsguard.
  • 65. 11. The X is the castle at the base of the Giant’s Lance. It is a stout castle with a moat, a gatehouse, a yard, and square towers. It is larger than the Y. When viewed from the Y above. The towers and keeps of the X appear the size of children’s toys. The X has since been used by House Arryn as their seat of during winter, but when summer comes they return to the Y.(image follows)
  • 66. X
  • 68. 11. X = Gates of the Moon Y = Eyrie
  • 69. 12. There are three main prophecies (or legends) in the world of ASOIAF surrounding a "Chosen One", or main hero, that comes to save the world from sure doom. They are: ____H1____ to the Westerosi (more specifically the North), _____H2____ to the Targaryens (specifically Rhaegar), and ____H3____ to the East (specifically followers of the Lord of Light). It has been discussed before that all of these prophecies/legends may actually be different versions of the same tale, passed down through different regions of the world, all pertaining to one single hero who came to save the world from The Long Night/The Great Other. There is certainly an abundance of similarities between the prophecies. H1,H2,H3?
  • 71. 12. H1 = The Last Hero H2 = The Prince that was Promised H3 = Azor Ahai
  • 72. 13. Whose life(lives) story and the blank? • Impaled on a lance by Ser Gregor Clegane. • Smashed with a mace on the side of the head by Ser Burton Crakehall. • Hanged at Rushing Falls by Ser Amory Lorch. • Stabbed in the eye with a dirk by Ser Gregor Clegane. • Killed by an archer of the Brave Companions sellsword company. • Killed by Sandor Clegane in a trial by combat. • Gave up his lifeforce to resurrect ______ _____.
  • 75. 14. Which insane fan theory ? • D gives birth to a child that M claims is hideously deformed, half(hu)man and fiendish. "Monstrous," M finished for him... "Twisted. I drew him forth myself. He was scaled like a lizard, blind, with a stub of a tail and small leather wings like the wings of a bat.“ • X can easily be associated with each and every one of Y's characteristics. This association reveals their elaborate interrelation. X, like Y, has been called: Monstrous and Twisted "the twisted little monkey demon“ + "a twisted little monster“ + "Your head was monstrous huge, we heard, half again the size of your body, and you had been born with thick black hair and a beard besides, an evil eye, and lion's claws. Your teeth were so long you could not close your mouth, and between your legs were a girl's privates as well as a boy's“ Tailed "you were said to have one, a stiff curly tail like a swine's“ • "When I touched him, the flesh sloughed off the bone, and inside he was full of graveworms and the stink of corruption. He had been dead for years.“ M confirms that J's fetus, delivered by D, had been dead for years. • "To go north, you must go south. To reach the west, you must go east. To go forward you must go back“ ou must go back... in time. Something from the past needs to come to the future, and something from the future must make its way to the past.
  • 77. 14. • Tyrion(X) is the Stallion who Mounts the World(Rhaego,Y). Mirri Maz Duur created a rift in spacetime to do a fetus-swap, making Rhaego and Tyrion the same person. • D + D = T
  • 78. ROUND 4AEGON’S GUIDE TO CONQUERING WESTEROS Written Round 8 Unknowns +10 for one correct +80 for full house
  • 79. Aegon was from the island of _A_, the westernmost outpost of the Valyrian freehold, which his family had settled over a century before the Doom of Valyria. Aegon decided to go to west to Westeros, and for years he planned his conquest of the Seven Kingdoms. He made a huge table map of Westeros, without any borders to signify that it should be one realm alone instead of many. This map later became to be known as the _B_ . When Aegon was ready, he and his two sister-wives _C_ and _D_, landed with his army on the east coast of Westeros at the mouth of the _E_ Rush, where he constructed the wooden Aegonfort. With the aid of their three dragons _F_, the Black Dread, Vhagar and Meraxes, Aegon led the Targaryen army to victory after victory, including his first test near the _E_, the burning of _G_, and the Field of Fire. He conqured and subjugated six of the seven kingdoms in Westeros and failed to conquer _H_. Exchange sheets, Answers follow
  • 80.
  • 81. A = Dragonstone B = Painted Table C/D = Rhaenys/Visenya C/D = Rhaenys/Visenya E = Blackwater F = Balerion G = Dorne
  • 82. ROUND 5 THE LONG CONNECT +20/-10 on pounce +10/0 on bounce Question wise points for the connect on the slides
  • 83. 1. Stark : Winter is Coming Baratheon: Ours is the Fury Lannister : Hear me Roar Targaryen : ? +50/-20
  • 86. 2. It is customary saying in Essos, and is traditionally answered with something similar. Arya says the words to Terenesio Terys, the captain of the Titan’s Daughter. He replies with the same something similar and offers her passage to Braavos. In Braavos Arya goes to the temple of the Many- Faced.It’s closed doors open when she says the words. +40/-20
  • 89. 3. _____ is a term in Old Ghiscari language that means “mother”, often attributed to Daenerys Targaryen. +30/-15
  • 92. 4. A mysterious non-human race that originally inhabited the continent of Westeros during the Dawn Age. The Giants call them woh dak nag gram. They call themselves those who song of earth in the True Tongue. +25/-15
  • 95. 5. The X or the X Above, is one of the seven aspects of a single deity. Believers of the Faith of Seven consider their god to be one with the seven aspects. The X represents nurturing. She is prayed to for fertility, and is depicted as smiling with love, embodying the concept of Y. The hymn song for the X: Gentle X, font of Y, save our sons from war, we pray, stay the swords and stay the arrows, let them know a better day. Catelyn prays for X’s Y several times, through A Clash of Kings for the well being of her children Bran, Rickon, Sansa and Arya. X’s Y? +20/-10
  • 100. 6. The Winds of Winter
  • 101. CONNECT? Fire and Blood Valar Morghulis Mhysa The Children Mother’s Mercy Winds of Winter
  • 102. Game of Thrones Season Finales S01E10 S06E10S05E10S04E10 S03E10S02E10