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 What? Why? How? (of ePortfolios)
 Using GoogleApps for ePortfolios
  Level 1: Collection: GoogleDocs
  Level 2: Reflection/Feedback: Blogger
  Level 3: Google Sites
 Teacher Dashboard
 Digital Storytelling
 Professional Development
Legacy from the Portfolio
Much to learn from
 the literature on
 paper-based portfolios

As adult learners, we have much to
 learn from how children approach

“Everything I know about portfolios was confirmed
  working with a kindergartener”
The Power of

   what children can teach us
   about learning and assessment

Author: Elizabeth Hebert

Publisher: Jossey-Bass

Picture courtesy of
The Power of Portfolios

 Dr. Elizabeth
 Hebert, Principal
Crow Island School,
  Winnetka, Illinois
Picture taken by Helen Barrett at
   AERA, Seattle, April, 2001
From the Preface (1)
    Hebert, Elizabeth (2001) The Power of Portfolios. Jossey-Bass, p.ix
“Portfolios have been with us for a very long time.
  Those of us who grew up in the 1950s or earlier
  recognize portfolios as reincarnations of the
  large memory boxes or drawers where our
  parents collected starred spelling tests, lacy
  valentines, science fair posters, early attempts at
  poetry, and (of course) the obligatory set of
  plaster hands. Each item was selected by our
  parents because it represented our acquisition
  of a new skill or our feelings of accomplishment.
  Perhaps an entry was accompanied by a special
  notation of praise from a teacher or maybe it was
  placed in the box just because we did it.”
From the Preface (2)
Hebert, Elizabeth (2001) The Power of Portfolios. Jossey-Bass, p.ix

     “We formed part of our identity from the
contents of these memory boxes. We
recognized each piece and its association with a
particular time or experience. We shared these
collections with grandparents to reinforce
feelings of pride and we reexamined them on
rainy days when friends were unavailable for
play. Reflecting on the collection allowed us to
attribute importance to these artifacts, and by
extension to ourselves, as they gave witness to
the story of our early school experiences.”
From the Preface (3)
Hebert, Elizabeth (2001) The Power of Portfolios. Jossey-Bass, p.ix-x

     “Our parents couldn’t possibly envision
that these memory boxes would be the
inspiration for an innovative way of thinking
about children’s learning. These collections,
lovingly stored away on our behalf, are the
genuine exemplar for documenting children’s
learning over time. But now these memory
boxes have a different meaning. It’s not purely
private or personal, although the personal is
what gives power to what they can mean.”
Let’s get personal…
Think for a minute about:
Something about your COLLECTIONS:
  Suggested topics:
 If you are a parent, what you saved for your
 What your parents saved for you
 What you collect…
 Why you collect…
Some issues to consider
 What do your collections say about what you
 Is there a difference between what you
  purposefully save and what you can’t throw
 How can we use our personal collections
  experiences to help learners as they develop
  their portfolios?

    The power of portfolios [to support deep
            learning] is personal.
 Definitions (What?)
 Reflection (Why?)
 Google Apps (How?)
   Blogger
   Docs & Sites
   Teacher Dashboard
 Using Mobile Apps
 Digital Storytelling
Twitter hashtag:
What do you want
to get out of this
Edmodonow. Use
 blog, PlainText,
   Evernote, or
 other app later.)

                     Tag: goals
Golden Circle



Electronic Portfolios Now?
                                   Technology Plan
 Technology also gives students opportunities for taking
  ownership of their learning. Student-managed electronic
  learning portfolios can be part of a persistent learning
  record and help students develop the self-awareness
  required to set their own learning goals, express their
  own views of their strengths, weaknesses, and
  achievements, and take responsibility for them.
  Educators can use them to gauge students’ development,
  and they also can be shared with peers, parents, and
  others who are part of students’ extended network. (p.12)
2011 Horizon Report – K-12
 One Year or Less
   Cloud Computing
   Mobiles
 Two to Three Years
   Game-Based Learning
   Open Content
 Four to Five Years
   Learning Analytics
   Personal Learning
                         New Media Consortium

Student-Centered        School-Centered
 Focus on Interests,  Focus on Standards,
  Passions, Goals       Outcomes
 Choice and Voice     Accountability,
  Reflection            Achievement
 Lifelong Learning    Term, Graduation
Student examples
 ASB Google Sites portfolios & Victoria
 Explore:
  Hunter Park Kindergarten & Abigail's E-
   Profile (NZ) – Blogger
  Kim Cofino’s 6th graders (Japan) - Blogger
  Pt. England School (NZ) – Blogger
 See links on 1-AM Agenda page
Specialty Case                    Responsibilities


              One Word,
            Many Meanings
Art Work                                Investments
              Collection of Artifacts
What is a Portfolio?
 Dictionary definition:
  a flat, portable case
  for carrying loose
  papers, drawings, etc.

 Financial portfolio: document
  accumulation of fiscalcapital
 Educational portfolio: document
  development of humancapital
Leonardo da Vinci’s Folio
E-Portfolio Components

                            < Multiple Portfolios for
                              Multiple Purposes
                              -Celebrating Learning
                              -Personal Planning
                              -Transition/entry to courses
                              -Employment applications

                            < Multiple Tools to Support
                              -Capturing & storing evidence
                              -Giving & receiving feedback
                              -Planning & setting goals
                              -Presenting to an audience

                            < Digital Repository
(Becta, 2007; JISC, 2008)
What is your prior
experience with
portfolios/ social
   -Students?        Tag: Experience
  The overarching purpose
   of portfolios is to create
   a sense of personal
   ownership over one’s
   because ownership
   engenders feelings of
   pride, responsibility, and
   dedication. (p.10)
  Paris, S & Ayres, L. (1994) Becoming Reflective
   Students and Teachers. American Psychological
Begin Planning Process
 Online course website:
 Open Google Doc, share with school
  team partners, begin developing plan.
Google Docs
   Open Google Docs
    Documents using Google
   Start a document
    exploring your vision for
    ePortfolio development
   (No collaboration in
Step 2: Benefits of
 Identify Incentives for participation in
  e-portfolio development (self-
  awareness, intrinsic reward systems)
  (Why would your students want to
  develop an ePortfolio?)
Benefits…from the PROCESS:
 They will discover a valuable exercise in self assessment
  through the reflection process
 Learning will take on a new depth through the reflection
 Their self esteem and self-confidence will be enhanced as
  they take control of their learning.
 They may develop their own goals for their learning.
 Assessment of their learning may become more student
  centered; the learner is involved and authorized to make
  decisions about will be evaluated.
 They will receive more recognition for individual learning
  abilities and preferences.
 They will learn and begin to practice a process that will be
  used in life long and life wide learning pursuits.
Benefits…from the PRODUCT:
 They will have a tool for personal development.
 They will have a personal learning record.
 They may receive credit for informal and non-formal learning as well
  as formal learning.
 They will have direction for career planning.
 They will have a tool for feedback from teachers and peers; feedback
  in the form of comments, as opposed to marks.
 They will have a concrete way of showcasing strengths to teachers
  or future employers.
 They may have needed documentation for prior learning assessment
  or program credits.
 They may receive credit towards a course completion or towards
 They will have an extremely portable tool to use no matter where
  they are in the world.
Lifelong Context for ePortfolios
Digital Identity
 Creating a positive digital footprint
Passion and Self-Directed
Lisa Nielsen’s “The Innovative Educator” blog entries:

 Preparing Students for Success
  by Helping Them Discover and
  Develop Their Passions
  (Renzulli’s Total Talent Portfolio)

 10 Ways Technology Supports
  21st Century Learners in Being Self Directed
“Know Thyself”
                 Temple at Delphi
Student Literacy Achievement
           through Blogging
                           The Project definitely provided a motivation
                            for writing, an improvement in audience
                            awareness and purpose and in presentation
                            skills. Other school interventions also had an
                            impact on literacy achievement; however
                            the Project has provided a purpose and
                            enthusiasm for literacy.

                           The students of Manaiakalani were provided
                            with a “hook” (e-learning outcomes
                            published in on-line spaces) which gave
                            these decile 1 students a voice to be heard
                            globally. Subsequently, participating in the
                            Manaiakalani Project enhanced their
                            literacy, engagement, oral language and
                            presentation. (p.70)

Tamaki Schools, Auckland, NZ
United #7 ePortfolio Vision
     Statement (Draft)
 By implementing e-portfolios, United#7
  will empower students to become
  active participants in their own
  personalized education. Through use
  of reflection, technology, and
  collaboration, students and teachers
  will develop skills that will lead them to
  achieve their lifelong goals.
From Mead School District’s Student
Portfolio Handbook:

Remember, you are telling us a
story, and not just any story.
Your portfolio is meant to be
your story of your life over the
last four years as well as the
story of where your life might
be going during the next four
years: tell it with pride!
Step 3
  What is your
and Purpose
  ePortfolios in
   this school?    Tag: Vision
Step 4: Stakeholders
 Step 4: Stakeholders - Who is involved and
  how will you introduce them to ePortfolios?
 Identify Stakeholders in Portfolio
  Implementation Process and Develop Initial
  Communication Plan for each stakeholder
ePortfoliois both process and product”
 Process: A series of events
  (time and effort) to produce a result
  - From Old French proces
 Product: the outcome/results or
  “thinginess” of an activity/process
                   Wiktionary
Networking            Technology
   Connect                Archiving
   (Reading)      Digital Storytelling
  Respond             Collaborating
    Share                Publishing
 Source:

 Based on Bloom’s
  Taxonomy (Revised)
Self-Regulated Learning
  Abrami, P., et. al. (2008), Encouraging self-regulated learning through electronic portfolios. Canadian Journal
   of Learning and Technology, V34(3) Fall 2008.


        Now what?                                                                      What?

blog pages                                     So what?                                       Sites
Balancing the Two Faces of
Working Portfolio           Presentation Portfolio(s)
Digital Archive                 The “Story” or Narrative
  (Repository of     Docs                Multiple Views

Collaboration Space
                             Sites      (public/private)

                                     Varied Audiences &
Reflective Journal   Blog                     Purposes

Portfolio as Process          Portfolio as Product
  Workspace                            Showcase
Integrated EcoSystem
Single Sign-On
Walled Garden
Using Google Apps
Creating an ePortfolio with
1. Storage = Google Docs

2. Reflective Journal = Blogger or
   Google Sites
   Announcements page type

3. Presentation =
   Google Sites
Level 1 - Collection
Step 5.1
  What type of
 evidence do you
 want to capture?
  How would you
   “capture the
Where will you store
 these artifacts?      Tag: Evidence
 What are a few
   strategies to
  create digital
with GoogleApps
 integrated into
 the curriculum?
                   Audio, Video,
                   Images, Text
Level 2: Primary Purpose: Learning/Reflection
Social Learning
ePortfolios should be
more Conversation
  than Presentation
       (or Checklist)
Because Conversation transforms!
Post to                            from Mobile
  Send email to pre-arranged email address

  Use new Blogger app (free) or
   BlogPressiOS app ($2.99) or
   Blogsy for iPad ($4.99)

  Set up Blogger Mobile and
   send SMS
Blogging* by eMail
                 *the act of sharing yourself

         Tumblr                       Posterous
 Set up account on website       Just email to
 Send email to:
                                  iPhone App
 iPhone App
                                  Cross-post to Facebook&
 Call in your posts for audio     Twitter
  post to blog

 Cross-post to Facebook&
Student Engagement!
 CQ + PQ > IQ (Friedman, 2006)
  [Curiosity + Passion > Intelligence]
 Find voice and passions through choice
  and personalization!
 Portfolio as Story
 Positive Digital Identity
  Development - Branding
 “Academic MySpace”
Level 3: Primary Purpose:Level 3:
Showcase/Accountability Showcase
          Sept   Oct Nov Dec Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May

Level 1    X     X    X   X    X    X     X     X     X

Level 2          X    X   X    X    X     X     X     X

Level 3                    ?                         XXX

Level 1: Collection
Level 2: Collection +
Level 3: Selection +      67
Step 5.2
 Level 2 Portfolio as Workspace
 Plan for scaffolding reflection

                    Advantages   Disadvantages Advantages   Disadvantages
                    Teachers     Teachers      Students     Students
Open – Free

Driven – can
be modified

Fill in blanks on
a Web-based
Step 5.3
Develop plan for Level 3 -
 Portfolio as Showcase
 (optional for lower grades)
Developmental Plans
 K-2– no individual student accounts & Class
  Portfolios [Blogger]
 Grades 3-5 – Individual student accounts & Level 1
  portfolios with introduction to Reflection
  [Blogger & Docs]
 Grades 6-8 – Individual student accounts & Level 2
  portfolios (Collection + Reflection) [All tools]
 Grades 9-12 – Individual student accounts & Level 3
  portfolios (Selection & Presentation) [All tools]
 Tools for
Journal (Blog)
Do Your e-Portfolios have
Meaning Making
21st   Century Literacy
Digital Story of Deep Learning
             6+1 Trait® Definition
Voice is the writer coming through the
 words, the sense that a real person is
 speaking to us and cares about the
 message. It is the heart and soul of the
 writing, the magic, the wit, the feeling,
 the life and breath. When the writer is
 engaged personally with the topic,
 he/she imparts a personal tone and
 flavor to the piece that is unmistakably
 his/hers alone. And it is that individual
 something–different from the mark of all
 other writers–that we call Voice.
Portfolio as Story
"A portfolio tells a story.
It is the story of knowing. Knowing
about things... Knowing oneself...
Knowing an audience... Portfolios are
students' own stories of what they
know, why they believe they know it,
and why others should be of the same
(Paulson & Paulson, 1991, p.2)
Roger Schank, Tell Me a Story
“Telling stories and listening to other
people's stories shape the memories
    we have of our experiences.”

Stories help us organize our experience
  and define our sense of ourselves.
Successful ePortfolio Process:
 Develop multimedia artifacts through
  Project-Based Learning with Docs
  &Learning with Laptops/Mobiles

 Engage students in reflection
  to facilitate deep learning through…
   Digital storytelling
   Journal/Blog & Presentation Portfolios –
    Balance Workspace + Showcase
Managing Complex Change graphic

1 paragraph!
 What is your
your Vision for
A California School District K-
           12 Vision
 Electronic portfolios foster
  meaningful learning by allowing
  all students to evaluate their
  growth over time, to share their
  achievements and strengths with
  others, and to improve their own
  skills through reflection and goal
One NYC school’s Vision
 An electronic portfolio will allow students
  to create a collaborative, portable, personal
  space that fosters self-reflection, promotes
  academic accomplishments, and highlights
  individual growth. Through the integration
  of technology and the collection of digital
  artifacts, students will be able to showcase
  their achievements to peers and educators,
  while helping envision their future goals.
Dual Skill Development
            Portfolio Skills
Students                   Teacher/Faculty/Mentor
 Collecting/ Digitizing    Pedagogy – Facilitate
                             portfolio processes
 Selecting/ Organizing
                            Role of Reflection
 Reflecting
                            Assessment/ Feedback
 Goal-Setting
                            Model own Portfolio
 Presenting                 Learning

           + Technology Skills
*Reflection      REAL*

Engagement    ePortfolio
Assessment for Academy
                   for K-12
Learning          Teachers
Initial Online Courses Planned
1. Overview of Student-Centered Electronic Portfolios
   in K-12 Education (tool-neutral – focus on “Portfolio”
   Reflection Process & Feedback) – online NOW
2. Supplemental courses:
     Implement Electronic Portfolios with K-12 Students using
      Google Apps (Docs, Sites, Blogger, YouTube, Picasa,
      Digication, Teacher Dashboard) (Focus on “Electronic”)
     Implement Electronic Portfolios with K-12 Students using
      Mobile Devices (iOS, Android)
     Create Your Professional Portfolio (tool neutral)
Step 6
Brainstorm Skills/Training
Develop plan for building e-
 portfolio skills of various
Photos: Flickr by Kim Cofino
How can we make ePortfolio development
    a natural process integrated into
    everyday life with everyday tools?
    Lifelong and Life Wide Learning
Step 7

Identify Resources &
 Assistance needed,
 Challenges and Barriers
Components of Action
 Vision                    1.   Prepare for Change

 Skills needed             2. Develop Change Strategy
   Students
                            3. Needs Assessment
   Teachers/Faculty
                            4. Design Desired Outcome
 Resources needed
   Human Systems           5. Implementation Plan
   Technological Systems
                            6. Implement
 Incentives
                            7. Evaluate and Course Correct
 Leadership
                            8. Celebrate New Outcome
Some Questions to Ask at
 What is the context for ePortfolio development?
 What is the organization’s readiness for change?
 Who are the various stakeholders?
 What is the leadership’s commitment to the
 What is the vision for ePortfolios in the
Step 8

Develop evaluation plan -
 expectations/targets and
What are your “AHA”
  moments in this
 What do you want to
  explore further?
  What are your next
                        Tag: Feedback or Goals
A Reminder…

Reflection & Relationships
… the “Heart and Soul” of an
 NOT the Technology!
My Final Wish…
dynamic celebrations
stories of deep learning
across the lifespan

Collect Attendee Feedback

Complete the session evaluation at:

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Google Apps FETC2012

  • 1. Email: Twitter hashtag: #eportfolios with Twitter: @eportfolios
  • 2.
  • 3. Agenda  What? Why? How? (of ePortfolios)  Using GoogleApps for ePortfolios  Level 1: Collection: GoogleDocs  Level 2: Reflection/Feedback: Blogger  Level 3: Google Sites  Teacher Dashboard  Digital Storytelling  Professional Development
  • 4. Legacy from the Portfolio Literature Much to learn from the literature on paper-based portfolios As adult learners, we have much to learn from how children approach portfolios “Everything I know about portfolios was confirmed working with a kindergartener”
  • 5. The Power of Portfolios what children can teach us about learning and assessment Author: Elizabeth Hebert Publisher: Jossey-Bass Picture courtesy of
  • 6. The Power of Portfolios Author: Dr. Elizabeth Hebert, Principal Crow Island School, Winnetka, Illinois Picture taken by Helen Barrett at AERA, Seattle, April, 2001
  • 7. From the Preface (1) Hebert, Elizabeth (2001) The Power of Portfolios. Jossey-Bass, p.ix “Portfolios have been with us for a very long time. Those of us who grew up in the 1950s or earlier recognize portfolios as reincarnations of the large memory boxes or drawers where our parents collected starred spelling tests, lacy valentines, science fair posters, early attempts at poetry, and (of course) the obligatory set of plaster hands. Each item was selected by our parents because it represented our acquisition of a new skill or our feelings of accomplishment. Perhaps an entry was accompanied by a special notation of praise from a teacher or maybe it was placed in the box just because we did it.”
  • 8. From the Preface (2) Hebert, Elizabeth (2001) The Power of Portfolios. Jossey-Bass, p.ix “We formed part of our identity from the contents of these memory boxes. We recognized each piece and its association with a particular time or experience. We shared these collections with grandparents to reinforce feelings of pride and we reexamined them on rainy days when friends were unavailable for play. Reflecting on the collection allowed us to attribute importance to these artifacts, and by extension to ourselves, as they gave witness to the story of our early school experiences.”
  • 9. From the Preface (3) Hebert, Elizabeth (2001) The Power of Portfolios. Jossey-Bass, p.ix-x “Our parents couldn’t possibly envision that these memory boxes would be the inspiration for an innovative way of thinking about children’s learning. These collections, lovingly stored away on our behalf, are the genuine exemplar for documenting children’s learning over time. But now these memory boxes have a different meaning. It’s not purely private or personal, although the personal is what gives power to what they can mean.”
  • 10. Let’s get personal… Think for a minute about: Something about your COLLECTIONS: Suggested topics:  If you are a parent, what you saved for your children  What your parents saved for you  What you collect…  Why you collect…
  • 11. Some issues to consider  What do your collections say about what you value?  Is there a difference between what you purposefully save and what you can’t throw away?  How can we use our personal collections experiences to help learners as they develop their portfolios? The power of portfolios [to support deep learning] is personal.
  • 12. Outline  Definitions (What?)  Reflection (Why?)  Google Apps (How?)  Blogger  Docs & Sites  Teacher Dashboard  Using Mobile Apps  Digital Storytelling
  • 13. Twitter hashtag: #mportfolios
  • 14. Reflect What do you want to get out of this workshop? (Use Edmodonow. Use blog, PlainText, Evernote, or other app later.) Tag: goals
  • 15. Golden Circle What? How? Why? 15
  • 16. Context Why… Electronic Portfolios Now?
  • 17. National Educational Technology Plan (2010)  Technology also gives students opportunities for taking ownership of their learning. Student-managed electronic learning portfolios can be part of a persistent learning record and help students develop the self-awareness required to set their own learning goals, express their own views of their strengths, weaknesses, and achievements, and take responsibility for them. Educators can use them to gauge students’ development, and they also can be shared with peers, parents, and others who are part of students’ extended network. (p.12)
  • 18. 2011 Horizon Report – K-12 Time-to-adoption:  One Year or Less  Cloud Computing  Mobiles  Two to Three Years  Game-Based Learning  Open Content  Four to Five Years  Learning Analytics  Personal Learning Environments New Media Consortium
  • 19.
  • 20. Balanced? Student-Centered School-Centered  Focus on Interests,  Focus on Standards, Passions, Goals Outcomes  Choice and Voice  Accountability, Reflection Achievement  Lifelong Learning  Term, Graduation
  • 21.
  • 22. Student examples  ASB Google Sites portfolios & Victoria example  Explore:  Hunter Park Kindergarten & Abigail's E- Profile (NZ) – Blogger  Kim Cofino’s 6th graders (Japan) - Blogger  Pt. England School (NZ) – Blogger See links on 1-AM Agenda page
  • 23.
  • 24. Specialty Case Responsibilities Portfolio Workspace Showcase One Word, Many Meanings Art Work Investments Collection of Artifacts
  • 25. What is a Portfolio?  Dictionary definition: a flat, portable case for carrying loose papers, drawings, etc.  Financial portfolio: document accumulation of fiscalcapital  Educational portfolio: document development of humancapital
  • 26.
  • 28. E-Portfolio Components < Multiple Portfolios for Multiple Purposes -Celebrating Learning -Personal Planning -Transition/entry to courses -Employment applications -Accountability/Assessment < Multiple Tools to Support Processes -Capturing & storing evidence -Reflecting -Giving & receiving feedback -Planning & setting goals -Collaborating -Presenting to an audience < Digital Repository (Becta, 2007; JISC, 2008)
  • 29. Reflect What is your prior experience with portfolios/ social networks? -Personal? -Professional? -Students? Tag: Experience
  • 30.
  • 31. Purpose  The overarching purpose of portfolios is to create a sense of personal ownership over one’s accomplishments, because ownership engenders feelings of pride, responsibility, and dedication. (p.10)  Paris, S & Ayres, L. (1994) Becoming Reflective Students and Teachers. American Psychological Association
  • 32. Begin Planning Process  Online course website:  olios/planning  Open Google Doc, share with school team partners, begin developing plan.
  • 33.
  • 34. Google Docs  Open Google Docs Documents using Google App/Safari  Start a document exploring your vision for ePortfolio development  (No collaboration in
  • 35. Step 2: Benefits of Portfolios  Identify Incentives for participation in e-portfolio development (self- awareness, intrinsic reward systems) (Why would your students want to develop an ePortfolio?)
  • 36. Benefits…from the PROCESS:  They will discover a valuable exercise in self assessment through the reflection process  Learning will take on a new depth through the reflection process  Their self esteem and self-confidence will be enhanced as they take control of their learning.  They may develop their own goals for their learning.  Assessment of their learning may become more student centered; the learner is involved and authorized to make decisions about will be evaluated.  They will receive more recognition for individual learning abilities and preferences.  They will learn and begin to practice a process that will be used in life long and life wide learning pursuits.
  • 37. Benefits…from the PRODUCT:  They will have a tool for personal development.  They will have a personal learning record.  They may receive credit for informal and non-formal learning as well as formal learning.  They will have direction for career planning.  They will have a tool for feedback from teachers and peers; feedback in the form of comments, as opposed to marks.  They will have a concrete way of showcasing strengths to teachers or future employers.  They may have needed documentation for prior learning assessment or program credits.  They may receive credit towards a course completion or towards graduation  They will have an extremely portable tool to use no matter where they are in the world.
  • 38. Lifelong Context for ePortfolios
  • 39. Digital Identity  Creating a positive digital footprint
  • 40. Passion and Self-Directed Learning Lisa Nielsen’s “The Innovative Educator” blog entries:  Preparing Students for Success by Helping Them Discover and Develop Their Passions (Renzulli’s Total Talent Portfolio)  10 Ways Technology Supports 21st Century Learners in Being Self Directed
  • 41. “Know Thyself” Temple at Delphi
  • 42. Student Literacy Achievement through Blogging  The Project definitely provided a motivation for writing, an improvement in audience awareness and purpose and in presentation skills. Other school interventions also had an impact on literacy achievement; however the Project has provided a purpose and enthusiasm for literacy.  The students of Manaiakalani were provided with a “hook” (e-learning outcomes published in on-line spaces) which gave these decile 1 students a voice to be heard globally. Subsequently, participating in the Manaiakalani Project enhanced their literacy, engagement, oral language and presentation. (p.70) Tamaki Schools, Auckland, NZ
  • 43. United #7 ePortfolio Vision Statement (Draft)  By implementing e-portfolios, United#7 will empower students to become active participants in their own personalized education. Through use of reflection, technology, and collaboration, students and teachers will develop skills that will lead them to achieve their lifelong goals.
  • 44. From Mead School District’s Student Portfolio Handbook: Remember, you are telling us a story, and not just any story. Your portfolio is meant to be your story of your life over the last four years as well as the story of where your life might be going during the next four years: tell it with pride!
  • 45. Step 3 What is your Vision and Purpose for implementing ePortfolios in this school? Tag: Vision
  • 46.
  • 47. Step 4: Stakeholders  Step 4: Stakeholders - Who is involved and how will you introduce them to ePortfolios?  Identify Stakeholders in Portfolio Implementation Process and Develop Initial Communication Plan for each stakeholder group
  • 48. Process/Product ePortfoliois both process and product” Process: A series of events (time and effort) to produce a result - From Old French proces Journey Product: the outcome/results or “thinginess” of an activity/process Destination  Wiktionary
  • 49. Social Networking Technology Connect Archiving (“Friending”) Linking/Thinking Listen (Reading) Digital Storytelling Respond Collaborating (Commenting) Share Publishing (linking/tagging) 49
  • 50. Reflection  Source: http://peterpappas.blo 10/01/taxonomy- reflection-critical- thinking-students- teachers-principals- .html  Based on Bloom’s Taxonomy (Revised)
  • 51. Self-Regulated Learning Abrami, P., et. al. (2008), Encouraging self-regulated learning through electronic portfolios. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, V34(3) Fall 2008. Captions/Journals blog Now what? What? blog pages So what? Sites
  • 52. Balancing the Two Faces of E-Portfolios Working Portfolio Presentation Portfolio(s) Digital Archive The “Story” or Narrative (Repository of Docs Multiple Views Artifacts) Collaboration Space Sites (public/private) Varied Audiences & Reflective Journal Blog Purposes Portfolio as Process Portfolio as Product Workspace Showcase
  • 55. Creating an ePortfolio with GoogleApps 1. Storage = Google Docs 2. Reflective Journal = Blogger or Google Sites Announcements page type 3. Presentation = Google Sites
  • 56. Level 1 - Collection
  • 57.
  • 58. Step 5.1 What type of evidence do you want to capture? How would you “capture the moment”? Where will you store these artifacts? Tag: Evidence
  • 59. Share What are a few strategies to create digital artifacts with GoogleApps integrated into the curriculum? Audio, Video, Images, Text
  • 60. Level 2: Primary Purpose: Learning/Reflection
  • 62. ePortfolios should be more Conversation than Presentation (or Checklist) Because Conversation transforms!
  • 63. Post to from Mobile  Send email to pre-arranged email address  Use new Blogger app (free) or BlogPressiOS app ($2.99) or Blogsy for iPad ($4.99)  Set up Blogger Mobile and send SMS
  • 64. Blogging* by eMail *the act of sharing yourself Tumblr Posterous  Set up account on website  Just email to  Send email to:  iPhone App  iPhone App  Cross-post to Facebook&  Call in your posts for audio Twitter post to blog  Cross-post to Facebook& Twitter
  • 65. Student Engagement!  CQ + PQ > IQ (Friedman, 2006) [Curiosity + Passion > Intelligence]  Find voice and passions through choice and personalization!  Portfolio as Story  Positive Digital Identity Development - Branding  “Academic MySpace” 65
  • 66. Level 3: Primary Purpose:Level 3: Showcase/Accountability Showcase Portfolio
  • 67. Timeline Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Level 1 X X X X X X X X X Level 2 X X X X X X X X Level 3 ? XXX Level 1: Collection Level 2: Collection + Reflection Level 3: Selection + 67
  • 68. Step 5.2  Level 2 Portfolio as Workspace  Plan for scaffolding reflection  ction4learning/
  • 69. Brainstorm Advantages Disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages Teachers Teachers Students Students Open – Free Form Template- Driven – can be modified Fill in blanks on a Web-based form
  • 70. Step 5.3 Develop plan for Level 3 - Portfolio as Showcase (optional for lower grades)
  • 71. Developmental Plans  K-2– no individual student accounts & Class Portfolios [Blogger]  Grades 3-5 – Individual student accounts & Level 1 portfolios with introduction to Reflection [Blogger & Docs]  Grades 6-8 – Individual student accounts & Level 2 portfolios (Collection + Reflection) [All tools]  Grades 9-12 – Individual student accounts & Level 3 portfolios (Selection & Presentation) [All tools]
  • 72. Digital Tools for Reflection Reflective Journal (Blog) Digital Storytelling and Engagement
  • 74. Do Your e-Portfolios have CHOICE and VOICE? Individual Identity Reflection Meaning Making 21st Century Literacy Digital Story of Deep Learning
  • 75. Voice 6+1 Trait® Definition Voice is the writer coming through the words, the sense that a real person is speaking to us and cares about the message. It is the heart and soul of the writing, the magic, the wit, the feeling, the life and breath. When the writer is engaged personally with the topic, he/she imparts a personal tone and flavor to the piece that is unmistakably his/hers alone. And it is that individual something–different from the mark of all other writers–that we call Voice.
  • 76. Portfolio as Story "A portfolio tells a story. It is the story of knowing. Knowing about things... Knowing oneself... Knowing an audience... Portfolios are students' own stories of what they know, why they believe they know it, and why others should be of the same opinion.” (Paulson & Paulson, 1991, p.2)
  • 77. Roger Schank, Tell Me a Story “Telling stories and listening to other people's stories shape the memories we have of our experiences.” Stories help us organize our experience and define our sense of ourselves.
  • 78. Successful ePortfolio Process:  Develop multimedia artifacts through Project-Based Learning with Docs &Learning with Laptops/Mobiles  Engage students in reflection to facilitate deep learning through…  Digital storytelling  Journal/Blog & Presentation Portfolios – Balance Workspace + Showcase
  • 81.
  • 82. 1 paragraph! What is your “elevator Speech” describing your Vision for ePortfolios?
  • 83. A California School District K- 12 Vision  Electronic portfolios foster meaningful learning by allowing all students to evaluate their growth over time, to share their achievements and strengths with others, and to improve their own skills through reflection and goal setting.
  • 84. One NYC school’s Vision  An electronic portfolio will allow students to create a collaborative, portable, personal space that fosters self-reflection, promotes academic accomplishments, and highlights individual growth. Through the integration of technology and the collection of digital artifacts, students will be able to showcase their achievements to peers and educators, while helping envision their future goals.
  • 85.
  • 86. Dual Skill Development Portfolio Skills Students Teacher/Faculty/Mentor  Collecting/ Digitizing  Pedagogy – Facilitate portfolio processes  Selecting/ Organizing  Role of Reflection  Reflecting  Assessment/ Feedback  Goal-Setting  Model own Portfolio  Presenting Learning + Technology Skills
  • 87. *Reflection REAL* Engagement ePortfolio Assessment for Academy for K-12 Learning Teachers
  • 88. Initial Online Courses Planned 1. Overview of Student-Centered Electronic Portfolios in K-12 Education (tool-neutral – focus on “Portfolio” Reflection Process & Feedback) – online NOW 2. Supplemental courses:  Implement Electronic Portfolios with K-12 Students using Google Apps (Docs, Sites, Blogger, YouTube, Picasa, Digication, Teacher Dashboard) (Focus on “Electronic”)  Implement Electronic Portfolios with K-12 Students using Mobile Devices (iOS, Android)  Create Your Professional Portfolio (tool neutral)
  • 89. Step 6 Brainstorm Skills/Training Needed. Develop plan for building e- portfolio skills of various stakeholders.
  • 90.
  • 91.
  • 92. Photos: Flickr by Kim Cofino
  • 93. “everyday-ness” How can we make ePortfolio development a natural process integrated into everyday life with everyday tools? Lifelong and Life Wide Learning
  • 94. Step 7 Identify Resources & Assistance needed, Challenges and Barriers
  • 95.
  • 96.
  • 97. Components of Action Plan  Vision 1. Prepare for Change  Skills needed 2. Develop Change Strategy  Students 3. Needs Assessment  Teachers/Faculty 4. Design Desired Outcome  Resources needed  Human Systems 5. Implementation Plan  Technological Systems 6. Implement  Incentives 7. Evaluate and Course Correct  Leadership 8. Celebrate New Outcome
  • 98. Some Questions to Ask at Beginning:  What is the context for ePortfolio development?  What is the organization’s readiness for change?  Who are the various stakeholders?  What is the leadership’s commitment to the process?  What is the vision for ePortfolios in the organization?
  • 99. Step 8 Develop evaluation plan - Establish expectations/targets and timeline
  • 100. Reflect What are your “AHA” moments in this workshop? What do you want to explore further? What are your next steps? Tag: Feedback or Goals
  • 101. A Reminder… Reflection & Relationships … the “Heart and Soul” of an ePortfolio…  NOT the Technology! 101
  • 102.
  • 103. My Final Wish… dynamic celebrations stories of deep learning across the lifespan 103
  • 104.
  • 105. Collect Attendee Feedback Complete the session evaluation at:

Editor's Notes

  1. Adjectives to describe purpose
  2. Portfolios in Formal Education: Exploring Personal and Professional IdentityBuilding a Professional Online Brand.
  3. Who knows what this means?
  4. Added Google Docs in 2010.
  5. How do we implement ePortfolios in a manner that engages students and helps achieve the purposes?
  6. Reflection = higher retention (SPU’s iTunesU videos)
  7. Collection -- Creating the Digital Archive (regularly – weekly/monthly)Digital Conversion (Collection)Artifacts represent integration of technology in one curriculum area (i.e., Language Arts) Stored in GoogleDocs
  8. Collection/Reflection (Immediate Reflection on Learning &amp; Artifacts in Collection) (regularly) organized chronologically (in a blog?)Captions (Background Information on assignment, Response)Artifacts represent integration of technology in most curriculum areas (i.e., Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, Math) (in GoogleDocs?)
  9. “Portfolios should be less about tellingand more about talking!” Julie Hughes, University of Wolverhampton
  10. Selection/Reflection and Direction (each semester? End of year?) organized thematically (in web pages or wiki)Why did I choose these pieces? What am I most proud to highlight about my work?What do they show about my learning? What more can I learn (Goals for the Future)?Presentation (annually)
  11. Do your e-portfolios have Voice? As Maya Angelou said, “When words are infused by the human voice, they come alive.”Do your portfolios represent individual identity, include reflection, and provide an opportunity to make meaning? ePortfolios are essential for 21st Century Literacy.
  12. In TELL ME A STORY, Schank argues that storytelling is at the heart of intelligence. We think of storytelling primarily as entertainment, secondarily as a form of art, yet it also—and perhaps more fundamentally—has a cognitive function:
  13. Begin to develop successful ePortfolio Processes this week through your PD. Here are the strategies you need to include: Students develop multimedia artifacts through Project-Based Learning &amp; Learning with Laptops.Engage students in reflection to facilitate deep learning through Digital Storytelling and Journals/Blogs &amp; Presentation Portfolios.
  14. iTunes U broadcast from Seattle University on bPortfolios and Reflective activities