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Good Argumentative Essays Examples
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Good Argumentative Essays Examples" is no easy task. The
difficulty lies not only in presenting a coherent and well-structured argument but also in finding
and analyzing compelling examples that effectively support the thesis. The process demands a
deep understanding of the topic, critical thinking skills, and the ability to articulate thoughts in a
persuasive manner.
One of the challenges is the extensive research required to gather relevant examples that not only
illustrate the points being made but also showcase the principles of a good argumentative essay.
Selecting examples that resonate with a diverse audience and are applicable to various
perspectives adds an extra layer of complexity.
Moreover, the writer must strike a balance between presenting a compelling argument and
maintaining objectivity. Crafting a persuasive essay necessitates acknowledging
counterarguments and addressing them thoughtfully, which requires intellectual rigor and
analytical prowess.
The process of creating a good argumentative essay also involves meticulous planning, drafting,
and revising. Achieving clarity and coherence in the presentation of ideas is essential, and this
often requires multiple iterations of the essay.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Good Argumentative Essays Examples" is a
challenging endeavor that demands a combination of research skills, critical thinking, and
effective communication. It's a process that requires time, effort, and dedication to produce a
high-quality piece of writing.
For those seeking assistance with such essays or similar academic tasks, there are resources
available. Services like offer professional support for essay writing, ensuring
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Good Argumentative Essays Examples Good Argumentative Essays Examples
Incidents In The Life Of The Runaway Slave Girl
William Grimes in the, Life of William Grimes the Runaway Slave, and Harriet
Jacobs in the, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, both wrote about their lives
under the hands of slavery. Though they both experienced hardships, the difference
in gender played a role in how their enslavement was endured. These different
experiences influenced different tones. In Chapter three of Incidents, Jacobs tone is
emotional, hopeless and depressing. She writes But to the slave mother New Year s
day comes laden with peculiar sorrows. She sits on her cold cabin floor, watching
the children who may all be torn from her the next morning: and often does she wish
that she and they might die before the day dawns. The words she uses radiates the
devotion between... Show more content on ...
While Grimes targeted anyone willing or curious enough to listen, Jacobs
specifically targeted white, Christian women. The tone she used was critical and
emotional. The sentence He tried his utmost to corrupt the pure principles my
grandmother had instilled. would provoke emotion from female Christian readers,
because it goes against their beliefs. She wants her audience to think and fully
understand the hardships she faced, therefore she makes her tone critical. She
engages the reader by saying, He told me I was his property; that I must subject to
his will in all things. My soul revolted against the mean tyranny. But where could I
turn to for protection? The sentence is shortly followed up by her stating why she
feels trapped. The mistress is of no help to a slave girl, she is jealous and angry
with her. This promotes the thoughts and feelings of the slave girl and make the
reader criticize themselves. While Grimes on the other hand stayed objective. On
page 78, Grimes says after receiving a severe beating, I had before anticipated this,
for I knew he could not do without me: all he wanted of me, to set me at liberty, was
for me to ask his pardon, and promise never to ask him to sell me again. Even when
he endured severe beating and imprisonment he stayed emotionless. Both authors
shared their compelling stories about their personal hand in slavery. Though they
have had many similar and different
California Wine Country Research Paper
Enjoy a taste of California s wine country
A visit to California Wine Country can be a very interesting experience and
educational. Many of the region s wineries offer free tours and free tastings. The
landscape of the wine growing region offers the visitor a picturesque of the region,
and featuring a number of restaurants offering a variety of cuisine from California
with a wide selection of local wines. You can spend a relaxing day touring the
vineyards with a break to sample some of the locally grown wines. Be careful driving
after trying a lot of wine! California laws are very strict about driving under the
influence of alcohol. Fortunately, there are wine tours by bus, limousine, and train
that allow you to taste as much wine as you want
Legal Assistance For Legal Aid
Legal aid is a government funded service for legal help for every New Zealander,
particularly for people with low income, and cannot afford a lawyer. The service
may help people to resolve their legal problem that may go to court, and make sure
they are not denied justice because they cannot afford a lawyer. Despite these
measures, concerns about the affordability of the legal aidsystem has arisen. Legal aid
cost continued to grow, where Ministry of Justiceencouraged clients to set up a
repayment plan. This matter was considered, because legal aid expenditure was more
than $100 million in debts. According to New ZealandHerald (2015), approximately
$10 million of legal aid debts were written off by Justice Ministry officials in 2014.
Why has the Ministry of Justice concurred to write off millions of dollars from
legal aid debtors? How will the taxpayers react? Was legal aid provided only to
people who really needs it? This paper introduces the system of legal aid and also
focussed on the ethical dilemma between legal aid and the society. It is based on the
most valuable material on the theme of literacy.
Life can be hard to go through when a difficult problem and struggles can arise at
any given moment. Legal aid introduced in the 19th century, to give legal
assistance for New Zealander with low income and are unable to afford a lawyer. It
has been available almost all court actions across all levels of the court system. Legal
aid provides legal assistance to people
My Lips Have Kissed
Edna St. Vincent Millay s What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why is a
Petrarchan sonnet consisting of an octave and a succeeding sestet. The octave
includes concrete examples to demonstrate the three main themes of this poem:
change, loss, and loneliness. The sestet gives a metaphorical approach to the themes,
so as to further represent the change in the speaker s life. The author also contrasts
the first and second stanzas with each other in order to demonstrate further the theme
of change found throughout this poem. The tone which envelopes this poem is one
of somberness and melancholy, as the speaker describes how she feels now that her
lovers have gone. There is a melancholy tone present throughout the entirety of...
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In lines 9 11 the author utilizes a metaphor of the lonely tree to describe how the
speaker feels when all of her lovers finally leave her (line 9). In line 12 though, the
author switches back to first person point of view and concrete concepts, in which
the speaker describes how she once was very happy, but now does not know what
it is like to be loved. Maybe some of the most important lines in which the speaker
states she has a feeling of loneliness are lines 3 5. In these lines the author writes,
But the rain/Is full of ghosts tonight, that tap and sigh/Upon the glass and listen for
reply (line 3 5). In this first stanza the speaker tries to remember what it is like to
lay in bed with another. While remembering she thinks about how empty she feels,
and compares this feeling to ghosts who are outside her window waiting for her to
reply to their empty
William Mckinley Research Paper
Anyone would think William McKinleys face would be on the quarter because he s
25th president but we actually thought wrong. Though William McKinley was an
amazing president and did a great job serving our country. William McKinley was
born On January 29th, 1843 in Niles, OH as the seventh child of
William and Nancy McKinley. William was named William McKinleyjunior after his
father and dropped the junior when his father died in 1892. After graduating from
high school in 1859,
William McKinley Jr., joined the Allegheny college in meadville, Pennsylvania.
However he remained there only for one year before he became ill with depression
and returned home.
Financial issues in the family prevented him from returning ( ... Show
more content on ...
This was the last presidential election where the party in control of the White
House changed hands but at the same time at least one state switched its electoral
votes to back a major party candidate in opposition to the party that just won
(Freidel, Frank and Hugh Sidney.). The McKinley campaign invented a new form
of campaign financing that has dominated American politics ever since.
*********************** Lupercio4 William won with 271 electoral votes, 23
states carried, 7,111,607 popular vote and a percentage of 51.0%. McKinley secured
a solid victory by carrying the core of the east and northeast. William McKinley
became the 25th president of the United States from March 4, 1897
September 14, 1901. McKinleys wife, Ida, disliked the color yellow so much she
had all the things yellow removed from the White House including the yellow flowers
in the garden
(Lampkin, Benjamin.). McKinley was the only president between Andrew Johnson
Woodrow Wilson to be clean shaven (Lampkin, Benjamin.)
Lupercio 5 McKinley s portrait was featured on the $500 bill, last printed in 1934.
McKinley has a
Analysis Of Angela s Ashes By Frank Mccourt Essay
Lacey Ryan
AP Lang
July 6, 2015 Angela s Ashes by Frank McCourt~ Pulitzer Prize winner
This book is a memoir focusing on the hardships of Frank McCourt s childhood
and his mother s (Angela s) difficulty raising children neck deep in poverty. This
book would be a good choice for me because the story gives people another
perspective on life for those who are poor. Go Set A Watchman by Harper Lee~
Pulitzer Prize winner
This book is the sequel of To Kill a Mockingbird, which follows 26 year old Jean
Louise Finch (Scout), home from New York to visit her father, Atticus. While
visiting Scout discovers troubling truths from her past. This book would be a good
choice for me because, when I read To Kill A Mockingbird in eighth grade I fell in
love with the story.The Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes~ Man Booker Prize
This book follows the life of middle aged Tony Webster, who recalls his past in hopes
to find answers on his friend s suicide. This book may be a good choice for me
because it is shorter than many of the other choices, but it seems very confusing from
online summaries and reviews. Life of Pi by Yann Martel~ Man Booker Prize
This book focuses on the survival of a man named Pi after a horrible shipwreck
and many months in a lifeboat with a large Bengal tiger named Richard Parker.
This book would be a good choice for me because it strikes my interests by
including survival at sea with a life endangering animal. The Stranger by Albert
Camus~ Nobel Prize
Electrical Hazards And Safety By Kevin Burke
Electrical Hazards and Safety
Kevin Burke
Everywhere nowadays there is electricity and devices that rely on electricity. Society
is driven by the need for energy and electricity generating plants now consume two
fifths of U.S. energy from all sources, including about 90% of America s coal and
nearly 30% of its natural gas ( sources
/electricity/). The world today would not be nearly as advanced had it not been for
the increased use of electricity. Electricity has so many uses they are seemingly
innumerable, from use in air conditioners to cool people down. To making sure that
individuals can see in everyday life with the use of lighting, the list could go on
forever. However with this massive increase in electricity use there are also very
drastic safety precautions that must be followed to ensure safe use of electrical
products. Safety is a huge part of using electricity because having even a low voltage
travel through the human body can kill someone. From a very young age it is
instilled that electricity is not something to play with and that adults should make
sure an activity is safe.
Safety is not only important for humans but also for the infrastructure of the electrical
components. People should ensure that they use surge protector and all of their wires
are safe and not stripped. This will guarantee safety for the products in their homes. It
is crucial that anything that has
Depression In Long Term Care
I worked in a long term care facility for three years before going to an internal
medicine office. When starting right away I noticed, with my medication passes,
that most of the residents were on some type on medication for depression or a
mood disorder. I started to think that it must be a common diagnosis for most of
these patients because of being in a nursing facility instead of living at home, in
which they had been staying most of their adult lives. I then began to think of some
of the residents that where immobile and couldn t ingest orally anymore and would
have to rely on internal feedings to keep them alive. It was hard to image how they
must have felt. I could see the emotional impact that it had on them losing their
ability to... Show more content on ...
Is medication always the right solution? I remember going into resident s room
when I had started working and she said to me I loved to paint my nails but now I
can t see to do them myself. I sat down beside her and took her polish and helped
her paint her nails. She was so grateful and was crying with excitement that her
nails were pretty again . If I could do something for one of these residents every day
to make them happy then hopefully I could make a different in their lives. As I
mentioned above about residents enjoying playing Bingo. Residents need to have
something that they can look forward to doing once a week. Dr. Jules Rosen, did a
study in which they devised a therapeutic program to provide depressed nursing home
residents with the opportunities to engage in recreational activities similar to those
that they enjoyed and participated in before they entered the long term care facility
and within their new boundaries of their physical abilities, and environmental
limitation. An example would be having an outdoor flower garden in which the
residents could participate in growing and caring for the flowers as they did at home.
After six weeks with this therapy it was found that more than half of the participating
residents had complete resolution of their depression, and several had partial
improvement. Although once the intervention stopped the all the resident s depression
Harrington Collection
Harrington Collection Sizing Up the Active Wear Market Marketing Management 1.
What is your evaluation of the women s apparel industry and Harrington s position?
How has the average price of women s apparel changed? What is your evaluation of
their financial performance? The Women s Apparel Industry The U.S. women s
apparel industry market is mature, given that the average growth rate from 2005 to
2007 was 4.66%. Within the industry, there are 6 categories of clothing in which
companies compete: haute couture, designer, bridge, better, moderate, and budget.
Each category targets customers with different needs and different price ranges, with
haute coutre and designer clothing ranging upwards from $10,000 and moderate...
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This means that the price of inventories purchased by the Retail Group is
increasing. A further examination revealed that the Selling, General and
Administration expenses (SG A) of the Retail Group are nearly two and half times
higher than that of the Manufacturing Group. Because Harrington Collection thinks
that sales people are the most important factor in the consumer decision making
process, they spend significant resources training their personnel and offering
them attractive commissions. Their expenses are understandable, and didn t
change for the fiscal year of 2007. What did change were the Manufacturing Group
s expenses. The Manufacturing Group s SG A increased 4.63% in 2007, meaning
that the cost of maintaining the current manufacturing set up is increasing.
Overall, the profit before tax of the Manufacturing Group decreased 13.24%, and
the Retail Group decreased 10.77%, for a total decrease of 11.28%. In simple
terms, expenses have increased, profits have decreased, and Harrington Collection
hasn t performed very well over the last several years. Recommendations Interest in
active wear is growing and does not appear to be waning anytime soon. Active wear
is both stylish and comfortable, which are two of the qualities of Vigor s clothing
line. Harrington Collection could seize this opportunity and jump into the active
wear market and launch a new line of active wear under the Vigor label. In order to
do this successfully,
Lab6 latent heat Essay
Hoang Ngo
Lab 6 report
Anita Dey Thursday 8am
Abstract: We recently performed a liquid nitrogen experiment in finding the Latent
heat of the substance. We isolated two parts of the experiment in order to find out
how much evaporation of the liquid nitrogen was from the surroundings B and how
much evaporation from the electricity G.
1. When a substance is undergoing a phase transition, more heat (energy) is being
added to the
Substance but its temperature (a way of measuring its energy) is not changing. Where
does this
Energy go if it does not go into heating up the substance? If a substance is changing
from a
Solid to a liquid is it absorbing or emitting heat? How about from a gas to a liquid? (2
When a substance is undergoing a ... Show more content on ...
Another source of error could be that the resistor was touching the cup. Lastly a
source of error could ve come from the evaporation from the resistor, the resistor
could ve been defective and we wouldn t even know it. The timing was a big issue
when we performed the experiment because when the triple beam balance
measured off back to the ticked line we had to mark the time but we were a bit
slow and missed it most times, and had to start over; a way to avoid this is to have a
better stop watch or person switching the weights and the other marking the times
down. The resistor touching the cup would affect how the liquid nitrogen boils and a
way to fix that is to fix it towards the middle.
6. Instead of using liquid nitrogen, suppose we used water for our lab. Would we be
able to calculate the rate of evaporation due to the room, and explain why or why
not? Water s heat of vaporization is 2260 kJ/kg. How much power would you need to
apply to water so that the evaporation rate was .25 g/s ? (1 pt)
Instead of liquid nitrogen we use water, we wouldn t be able to calculate the rate of
evaporation due to the room (B) because water boils at 373K and we would need a
much hotter room to evaporate the water. Water s heat of vaporization is 2260kJ
/kg. Power we need to apply to water so the evaporation rate was .25g/s is 565W.
2260*1000=2260000J then, (2260000)(.00025)= 565W based on the E=mL, then
P=E/t; 565/1=565W.
7. If you put a few drops of cologne on your hand,
Trauma Autobiographical Memory
Trauma and autobiographical memory in Child Abuse
Science has examined the possible affection child maltreatment on autobiographical
and memory. Some information has shown that these effect has on a thin peaked in
some research, include an old person who has to survive or leaved with a child abuse
within them self. It always leave a permanent memory for lifetime. In fact, in some
science investigator research has proven that when a child or adult was abuse they
remember exactly what happened to them. Their some memories that will never
vanish, especially, abuse memory. for example, they will recalled everything events
of trauma that happen to them from the begin to the end. Some time when this
trauma started surfaced the patient will end up ... Show more content on ...
The expectation of these study was allowing the neural correlates of memories of
childhood abuse to see if there was any different posttraumatic stress disorder
(PTSD). In any case with or without (PTSD). Indeed, there were a study about 22
woman with a pass history with childhood sexual abuse. They were monitoring their
image of the brain function, while they were exposure to these agony. They
compare these image with the women with sexual abuse and the women without
sexual abuse; the women who suffer CSA has more blood flow into their brain and
the women with PTSD. Women with sexual abuse has lower blood flow in
alteration in their medical prefrontal cortex. Childhood sexual abuse is in regular to
our society and it happen often than we thing it could happen it 16% of even women
and it rarely faded, (Bremner, Narayan, Staib, Southwick, al, e.
A Character Analysis Of The Newsroom By Will Mcavoy
This monologue is from the HBO television show, The Newsroom. The monologue
is set during a Northwestern University question and answer session between a
liberal, a conservative, and news anchor Will McAvoy. Will McAvoy is viewed as
this great moderate anchor, he s in control of his opinions, and is unwilling to share
his personal political philosophies. Internally however, he is conflicted, disillusioned
by the current political climate characterized by a tit for tat policy. During the Q A
he continues to remain in the middle, responding with answers he believes will not
satisfy or offend any specific party. That is until they are all asked the question, What
makes america the greatest country on earth? Both the liberal and conservative both
answer in a way that panders to their specific party, and Will attempts to remain in
the middle, but is stopped by the moderator. The moderator demands that Will give
him a human answer, so he does, in a way that is extremely unexpected. America is
not the greatest country in the world.
Character Analysis: ... Show more content on ...
Will has gained his revered reputation by hiding how he truly feels about both politics
and his own industry. Will is tired of the then current political discourse between the
two parties, and wants to say something about it, but can t, lest he risk his
reputation. His initial answers in the Q A session reflect this, as he either answers
jokingly, or piggybacks off the others answers. But, when he starts to see someone in
the crowd hold up signs encouraging him, he lets his inhibitions go, and starts to say
what s on his
The Throne Of Fire
In the story, The Throne of Fire, written by Rick Riordan, it tells of a family known
as the Kanes. Each one comes from a different Egyptian god or goddess. They aren
t the only ones, people from all over the world have ancestors from the Egyptian
era. In the beginning Carter and his sister, Sadie, have to stop the gods who are
roaming around free from creating chaos in the city. That s not the only thing they
re worried about, now they have to protect the world from a serpent that wants to
destroy it. In order to stop this, said serpent from destroying the world, they have to
awake the god Ra. In order for them to awake Ra they have to find three hidden
scroll while not trying to get killed by people who don t want them to awake him. To
A New Superintendent Of An Urban School District Essay
A new superintendent in an urban school district believes educators are trained to run
schools and should do so with the least amount of interference possible. For this
reason, an ethical crisis arises when the district decides whether or not to close a local
high school. While public relations officers want district administration to be as
transparent as possible to remain honest and open, the superintendent and other
schoolboard members want to hold meetings with no media present. This facts of this
case will become clear through explication.
2.Relevant Facts:
This scenario takes place in a school district with 40 schools and 35,000 students. Its
superintendent accepted a state level position and was subsequently replaced. As
families move to the suburbs, the district financially struggles to keep all four of its
high schools open and considers closing one. The schoolboard approached the idea
previously but faced backlash. Thus, administrators now try to resolve the problem
behind closed doors. The superintendent and the schoolboard s members has held
more than one meeting about closing the school without media or members of the
public present. During one of these meetings, the superintendent stated, If any
reporters show up, I will change the subject. Although a public relations officer was
appalled, at this point he said nothing.
Nevertheless, shortly after the meeting, some high schools principals began to spread
news, and the administration responded
Business Continuity Plan For Motorsport Ltd
by:Motorsport consulting team Date Produced:11/12/2015 Approved
by:Updated:Should be reviewed by the 10th June, 2016 The Business Continuity
Management Team will review the Policy and Framework bi annually; it will also be
reviewed when significant changes occur within the Motorsport business operations.
This document consists of Policy Statement: outlining the approach of Motorsport to
the Business Continuity Plan (BCP). Operational Framework: explaining the
management of Motorsports BCP and the roles and responsibilities of those involved
in the delivery of the plan. PURPOSE The purpose of the business continuity plan is
to enable Motorsport Ltd to continue business operations to the widest possible extent
and within the shortest possible time after the occurrence of an unforeseen
circumstance that may have disrupted business as usual . This business continuity
plan will identify such circumstances and provide a framework to preserve
Motorsports reputation; assets; staff; customer base; profitability and its capability to
achieve its objectives. Unforeseen circumstances include but are not limited to flood,
fire outbreak, earthquake, sabotage, fraud etc. and the aforementioned may be minor
or major incidents depending on the level of impact they may have on the business.
POLICY STATEMENT Objectives Motorsport s policy is to maintain the continuity
of its activities, systems, facilities and
The Hound Of Baskerville Movie And Book Comparison
The Hound Of Baskerville movie and book, written by two different authors but still
have the same suspense filled storyline. The book was written by Arthur Conan
Doyle the movie directed by Jeremy Brett. Both help visualizes and shows the
outlook of the second in line to the best detective in the world, Sherlock Holmesand
his patient sidekick Dr. Watson, Solve a one of a kind mystery. They both shared
many similarities and differences in the five major elements of fiction.
The Characters are said to be one of the major differences. A myth is creeping
among the moors of England that a mad hound is on the loose and looking for the
Baskerville bloodline. When a certain someone seeks out to Sherlock Holmes for
the use of his famously known abilities to solve mysteries. Leading to the first
biggest change in characters is Sherlock Holmes was his use of Black Tar also
know as the use of Heroin. A scene is portrayed of him shooting up Heroin and
foreshadows him going crazy later over it because you can tell that he really needs
it. But in the book, the closest thing Holmes gets to doing drugs is the use of
tobacco, as he occasionally takes smoke breaks when a clue is unsolvable or he has
an enormous amount of stress on his shoulders. Dr. Mortimer isn t the crazy skull
freak we thought of in the book as Mr. ... Show more content on ...
on it. The legend in the movie was different from the book s perspective as it is
said that Hugo s wife was killed, not his neighbor. One of my personal favorite
difference that gave it a little excitement was how in the book it said that Laura
Lyons baited Sir Charles the night of his death, In the movie Miss Stapleton baited
Charles that
Electric Car Memo
The purpose of this memo is to provide you with the necessary information so that
you will choose to purchase an electric car. This memo, will propose why you
should invest in an Electric Car by explain how the electric car it cheaper to
operate than a conventional car, the government will give you a tax credit to buy a
new one, and public charging stations are increasing. In addition to these
explanations this memo will describe why you should invest in these three cars: the
2017 Chevrolet Bold EV, the 2017 Tesla Model 3, and the 2017 BMW i3.
Why you should invest in an Electric Car
Cheaper to operate than conventional cars
Since the electric car has an electric motor instead of the traditional piston engine it
eradicates a series of mechanical components that would normally require regular
service. As an owner ... Show more content on ...
On its road test it showcased that it had the ability to gain miles via a low
performance mode along with paddle driven energy regeneration abilities. The Chevy
bolt has a horse power of 200 and can achieve a top speed of 93 mph.
2017 Tesla Model 3
The 2017 Tesla Model 3 is currently priced at $35,000. This eco friendly/ luxurious
compact SUV, seats five people comfortably and is aiming to be one of the favorite
amongst electric cars on the road. This zero emissions small SUV is sexy outside,
luxurious inside and offers a surprisingly fast and smooth ride, having the ability to
achieve accelerate from 0 60 mph in less than six seconds. It also has a driving range
of 215 per charge. Which takes a total of 7:04 minutes to fully charge your car.
2017 BMW i3
The 2017 BMW i3 is priced at $43,395 and is a true contender in pure electric
transportation. The driving range of the 2017 i3 has been extended to 114, but this
electric vehicle s with its all torque all the time acceleration reaches a top speed of
92 mph, making it perhaps one of the most enjoyable electric cars to drive on the road
Writing Fiction Is Therapeutic
Writing a fictional novel is a learning experience. Here s what I ve learned from
writing a novel.
Writing Fiction is Therapeutic
Did one of your parents pass away? Are you going through a divorce? Whatever
issue you are dealing with, you can include it in your novel. If you do that, not only
will you feel better, but it make your story more compelling.
To make yourself feel even better, you can blow the situation out of proportion in
your novel or fantasize what you would love to happen. For example. Let s say one
of your parents passed away. In your novel, the same thing happens to one of your
characters. The spirit of the dead parent can visit the character sometime in the future.
Here s another example. Let s say you re going through
Mirza Ghalib
Sub continental Literature Poetry Presentation Hard Copy
Mirza Ghalib s Prose
One of the most influential luminaries of the Subcontinent literature, Mirza Asad
Ullah Khan, continues to win the hearts of the posterity with his evergreen literary
works. His is renowned for his poetic endeavors in Urdu and Persian language with
thousands of high quality verses to his credit. He bagged a major chunk of fame
through his rich philosophical verses which often eclipse his status as a prolific
prose writer. Many notable writers proclaim that Ghalib could have garnered the
same magnitude of fame only on the basis of his amazing prose. He gave a new and
refreshing facet to the genre of ... Show more content on ...
His letters are rife in delighting humor and sharp wit, elucidating and highlighting
Ghalib s jolly, candid and loving nature. He even smiled at the gloomiest moments
because the severe jolts of life had made him learn to smile in order to strengthen
himself in the face of even the most terrible scenarios so as to mitigate the bitter and
painful pangs of the agonizing life. For instance, when the 3rd wife of one of his
friends died, Ghalib remarked:
Allah Allah, there are some among us who have been freed from this prison three
times and I have for the past 50 years this rope around my neck; neither this rope
breaks nor it takes my life.
Another such example of his light heartedness can be seen in one of his letters to
Saif ul Haq, in which Ghalib candidly and cleverly talks his friend out of sending
the predictable gift of mangoes, a fruit, of which he was awfully fond of, but was
also flooded with, by his friends and companions.
I cannot think of anything which I can ask you to send me from Surat. What is
there to be had which cannot be had here. I like mangoes no doubt, very much, not
less than grapes, but how can they reach here safely from Surat and Bombay. The
Malda mangoes are known here as Pewandi and Vilayati. They are fine indeed and
they would be finer still at Surat, but it seems you would be going out of the way to
send them from there to Delhi. The expense of sending mangoes worth a rupee would
amount to about Rs.4 by the parcel post and even then perhaps
Urban Form, Urban Sprawl, And Smart Growth
Urban Form, Urban Sprawl, and Smart Growth
Since the Industrialization, cities attracted large amounts of labor force from rural to
urban to engage in industries, which changed the structure of cities by increasing
huge population. In addition, changing the structure of cities produces lots of
problems, such as traffic congestion causes more serious air pollution, and
insufficient housing problem; therefore, central cities began to extend the boundaries
to desire better living environment to react the problems. However, urban sprawl is
not the only one answer to solve the problems, and sprawling cities worse the
problems. Thus, some ideas and critiques came out to analysis and solve sprawl, such
as emerging smart growth and sustainable development to achieve a better living
environment. Urban sprawl is not only affect the living style, such as commuting
longer distance and time between workplace and home, but also influence our
economic and government decision, for example, the costs of infrastructure in
suburban is higher than the maintenance fee of existing infrastructure in city core. As
a result, I want to know the history about sprawling, how sprawl affect cities, and
how planners and people react to sprawl.
Main Part:
Cities experienced several times of migrations move in and out; because of cities had
different attraction to the residents in rural area during different period. For example,
in the beginning of forming the city, people came into city for
James Joyce Essay
In selecting James Joyce s Ulysses as the best novel of the twentieth century, Time
magazine affirmed Joyce s lasting legacy in the realm of English literature. James
Joyce (1882 1941), the twentieth century Irish novelist, short story writer and poet is
a major literary figure of the twentieth century. Regarded as quot;the most
international of writers in EnglishВЎK[with] a global reputation (Attridge, pix), Joyce
s stature in literature stems from his experimentation with English prose. Influenced
by European writers and an encyclopedic knowledge of European literatures, Joyce s
distinctive writing style includes epiphanies, the stream of consciousness technique
and conciseness.
Born in Rathgar, near Dubtin, in 1882, he lived his ... Show more content on ...
Hauptmann s comprehensive version of the portrait of an artist helped Joyce
develop his own interpretation. A further clarification was provided by the German
philosopher Friedrich Nietzche (1844 1900). Joyce adapted Nietzsche s concept of
the Superman in developing his portrait of an artist. Although Joyce rejected the
Catholic Church all his life, Reynords, in Joyce and Dante: The Shaping
Imagination clams that the Italian poet and the greatest of Catholic poets Dante
Alighier (1265 1321) quot;whose influence pervades all Joyce s writing is never
cowed by authority quot; (Attridge p. 56 57). Perhaps that is why Joyce was attracted
to Dante s writing.
amp;#9;Of all his literary countryman, the only Irish literary who s left a profound
impression on Joyce was that Irish nationalist poet, James Clarence Mangan (1803
1849). In the short story quot;Araby, quot; Joyce pays tribute to the poet by naming
the narrator s classmate, Mangan. Joyce identified with Mangen because of his
linguistic skill and knowledge of the literature of Italy, Spain, France and Germany.
Furthermore, Mangan was disdained by his Irish contemporaries a gesture Joyce
considered an act of treachery.
amp;#9;Joyce s use of the stream of consciousness technique first appeared record
these epiphanies with extreme care, quot;seeing that they themselves are the
moments. quot; (Kalasty, p.199) Although all the stories
Analysis Of Catherine Zeta Jones, The Academy Award...
Until 2011, Catherine Zeta Jones was known as the Academy Award Winning for
best supporting actress for her role in Chicago. Then, she stunned her fans by
saying that she has been diagnosed with Bipolar II disorder and is seeking treatment
for it. To be diagnosed of bipolar II disorder, it s necessary to meet the following
criteria for current or past hypomanic episode and criteria for current or past major
depressive disorder. Also the occurrence of hypomanic episode and major
depressive disorder should not be better explained by schizophrenia, or other
specified or unspecified schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorder.
Hypomanic episode is period of abnormally and persistently elevated mood and
abnormally and persistently increased energy present most of the day, nearly every
day for 4 consecutive days. The change in functioning and disturbance in mood are
observable by others. The episode is not due to physiological effects of a substance. It
is not severe enough to cause impairment in occupational or social functioning or to
necessitate hospitalization. But if there are psychotic features, then it is labeled
manic. The episode is associated with unequivocal change in functioning that is
uncharacteristic of individual when not symptomatic (American Psychiatric
Association, 2013). And finally the last criteria is, during the period of increased
energy and mood disturbance, three or more of the following symptoms must persist:
inflated self esteem, increase in
Satire About Scrooge
Scrooge is overly grumpy and has extortionate avarice. He is a little miserly ol
curmudgeon. He hates things like happiness, kindness, and Christmas until a
clique of three apparitions comes and shows him otherwise. Scrooge was
definitely not very liberal, but he is odious, and misanthropic. Scrooge was a
miserable, depressed, heavy hearted man. According to the text, no one ever
stopped Scrooge in the street to say, with a gladsome look, My dear Scrooge, how
are you? When will you come to see me? Scrooge has an unfortunate reputation of
being antisocial, depressed, negative, untrustworthy. Scrooge is extremely uncaring,
and thoughtless to the poor people, as he thinks there is a jail for poor people. In
general, Scrooge is just very negative. The triplet of ghosts comes to show Scrooge
the reasons of why it is bad to be negative, antisocial, and untrustworthy. Scrooge is a
gargantuan jerk. The three ghosts give Scrooge a last chance to change his
unfortunate, bad reputation into a fortunate, positive reputation. The first of the three
spirits was the spirit of Christmaspast. The spirit of Christmas past took ol dolorous
Scrooge to see his past childhood. The text states that they passed through Scrooge
s wall, and stood upon an open country road, with fields on either end. This city had
vanished in present time. Good Heaven! Said Scrooge, clasping his hands together,
as he looked about him. I was bred in this place, I was a boy here. The significance is
Lab 2 Some Factors Affect Reaction Rate Essay
Bingying Jiang CHM 152ll April 25, 2013 Some Factors that Affect the Rate of a
Reaction BACKGROUND: Chemical reactions occur at different rates. In this
experiment I will consider some of the key factors that influence the rate of a
reaction: * Вѓ nature of reactants particle size * Вѓ temperature * Вѓ catalysts
According to the collision theory, the rate of a reaction depends on the frequency of
collisions between reacting particles. The more frequent the collisions, the faster the
rate of the reaction. However, in order for the collisions to be effective, the particles
must collide with sufficient energy (activation energy). Furthermore, the particles
must collide with the proper orientation. The factors that... Show more content on ...
The reaction between the bicarbonate ion and citric acid produces water, carbon
dioxide, and the citrate ion. Write the balanced equation for the reaction.
3NaHCO3 + H3C6H5O7 в†’ 3H2O(l) + 2CO2(g) + Na3C6H5O7 2. What evidence
do you have that this is a chemical reaction and not a physical change? Bubbles
(CO2) formed in the reaction. 3. From your data in Table 1, what is the
relationship between temperature and rate of reaction? The rate of reaction
increases as the temperature increases. 4. From your data in Table 2, what is the
relationship between size of the tablet and the rate of reaction? The rate of
reaction increases as the surface area increases. 5. From your data in Table 3,
explain the difference in time between the three solutions. Vinegar works faster
than tap water, and the NaCl is the best catalyst that increases the reaction rate the
most. CONCLUSION: I had stated in my hypotheses that: 1) If the rate at which
the Alka seltzer tablet dissolves is related to the temperature, then the temperature
will affect the rate at which the tablet dissolves. 2) If the rate at which the Alka
Seltzer tablet dissolves is related to the surface area, then the surface area will affect
the rate at which the Alka Seltzer tablet dissolves. 3) If the rate at which Alka Seltzer
tablet dissolves is related to the catalyst, then the catalyst will affect the rate at which
the tablet dissolves. My hypotheses were proven correct by the observations
Protein Structure And The Protein Structures
Stephanie Ahlemeyer
Dr. Hudson
Bio 2240
Protein Essay
18 September 2015
Alcohol Dehydrogenase
Proteins are the main building blocks that cells are assembled from and they make
up most of the cell s dry mass. They contain important elements such as oxygen,
carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and amino acids. Proteins also help provide the cell with
shape and structure. There are some proteins, which are embedded in the plasma
membrane, and they form channels and pumps. These channels and pumps control
the passage of nutrients and small molecules in and out of the cell. In addition, some
proteins send important messages to other cells or are signal indicators. The proteins
that are embedded in the plasma membrane act as motors ... Show more content on ...
The protein Alcohol Dehydrogenase can be found in our stomach and in our liver. In
addition, it can assist in generation of aldehydes and ketones. According to the article,
How Alcohol is Metabolized in the Human Body,
Alcohol dehydrogenase is the workhorse of the alcohol enzymes. it breaks down the
majority of the alcohol that enters the human body. Alcohol dehydrogenase is
actually the name for a family of enzymes which break down alcohol each of which
has a slightly different molecular structure. Researchers have identified as many as 10
varieties of the alcohol dehydrogenase molecule.
All of them bring about the same chemical reaction the difference is that some
varieties of alcohol dehydrogenase work more efficiently than others. As we shall see
below, these variations in the alcohol dehydrogenase molecule can explain why some
individuals react differently to alcohol than others.
Based off this quote, alcohol dehydrogenase is an enzyme. An enzyme is a protein
that catalyzes chemical reactions. In addition, alcohol dehydrogenase often referred
to as AdhD, can be found in all organisms. Adhd can be used in food, pharmaceutical,
and fine chemical industries for the productions of aldehydes, ketones, and chiral
alcohols. (Machielsen et al., 2006). Alcohol dehydrogenase is made up of 3 main
components, Zinc, Ethanol, and NAD. According to the article, Alcohol
Alcohol dehydrogenase uses
The Crucible Essay On Self Sacrifice
A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself
(Joseph Campbell). Personal sacrifice is a quality that makes a hero. A hero
inaugurates change, inspires people, and can be idols to many. Heroes are people
who give up something for the greater good disregarding the risks or the difficulties
they will face on their way. Heroes are made up of selflessness, of risks, and the
most important quality of a herois sacrifice. Heroes, like Bilbo, from the novel the
Hobbit, like Abraham Lincoln, and like Sojourner Truth are people who sacrificed
for the well being of other people. These individuals had a dream and had hope of a
better life. These three important citizens impacted and inspired people, made their...
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Sojourner Truth gave a speech in 1851 called Ain t I a Women? in which she
expounds about racial, gender, and women s rights that everyone should possess.
Truth was sold along with a flock of sheep, to an abusive and violent owner, at the
age of nine. Truth had a son named Peter and two other daughters named Elizabeth
and Sophia with a slave named Thomas. Truth escaped from her slave owner
leaving only with her youngest daughter Sophia and leaving her other children
behind. As a mother it had to be a tough decision to leave her children behind, the
most valuable people in her life, just to spread her ideas and her beliefs. Truth spent
many of her years fighting for African American abolition of slavery and women s
rights. Most of her life, Truth, gave sermons, which inspired many people to change
their ideas about slavery and women s power in the world. Truth sacrificed her
children and her own well being to fight for what she believed in, she never gave
up and she changed the perspectives. Truth was selfless and she had hope she was
going to end slavery and have justice for women. She sacrificed her family and her
life, she kept fighting until her last breath and she wasn t going to let her sacrifices
go in vain. Sojourner Truth is the epitome of a hero because she sacrificed the most
important people in her life, she will always be remembered as one of the foremost
leaders of the abolition movement and an early advocate of women s
Reagan s Role During The Demise Of The Soviet Union
Reagan s Role in the Demise of the Soviet Union Entering into the 1980s, the
Soviet system was already in deep trouble. In order to match the US arms arsenal,
it had put itself in a position, whereby the Soviet economy was finding it difficult
whether to first put bread on the table of a common Russian or to match US in a tit
for tat response. Though Gorbachev s intentions were to strike a deal with the
United States in order to put a halt to the arms race, which was straining the Soviet
economy at the seams; however, Reagan kept the pressure of the SDI or the Star
Wars programme on the Russians. He also encouraged Gorbachev to introduce more
reforms, which resulted into Glasnost and Perestroika. Reagan s famous speech at the
... Show more content on ...
In my view, Gorbachev s trust on Reagan came to a point where he was ready to
take the leap of faith and that ensured a peaceful outcome of the cold war endgame.
This all shows that how powerful impact the Summits can have on the psyche of a
leader of a nation. By the time Reagan had gone, USSR unilaterally announced the
cut in its defence arsenal in 1989, the Warsaw pact countries were moving towards
democratization and finally in December 1991 saw the final enactment of the
dissolution of the Soviet Union.
Reykjavik Summit, October 1986: Reagan Gorbachev
(Gorbachev proposed phasing out nuclear weapons in return for US abandonment of
SDI) Although the Geneva summit was not a success, however it gave the
opportunity to both the leaders to size each other up. 1986 was not an easy year for
Michael Gorbachev. When Ronald Reagan proposed that the next two meetings
should be held in Washington and Moscow, Gorbachev forcefully demanded that a
substantial Arms Control agreement should be signed. However Reagan did not
want to give the impression that in order to have a meeting with Gorbachev, he had
given concessions to him. Reagan therefore, refused to commit on an arms control
agreement in the following meeting. However in January 1986, Gorbachev made an
offer to Ronald Reagan which he could not refuse. In January of that year, Gorbachev
Cannery Row Essay
The minor characters in John Steinbeck s novel Cannery Row are a contradiction
within themselves. Steinbeck shows two conflicting sides to each character; for
example, Mack is smart and lazy and some of his colleagues are both good and
bad. Doc is a father figure with some bad habits. Dora Flood is a kind hearted saint
who happens to run a brothel. Lee Chong is a shrewd businessman who likes to take
advantage of others. Henri is an artist with a French background even though he isn t
from France. Through his characters, Steinbeck shows that humans are complicated
and can have many faces.
Mack and his Boys are a group of down and out but always devious men who live
together in the run down fishmeal shack, owned by Lee Chong, which they ... Show
more content on ...
Gay is a gifted mechanic who can make any vehicle run. Steinbeck allows for most of
his characters to posses a double sided appeal. All of the boys lead relatively normal
lives by Cannery standards, but can be seen in two different lights. On one hand
they are do gooders, holy men, martyrs, the type one would always want on their
side. On the other hand, with their refined manipulative abilities, they can be
perceived as bullies, bottom feeders, and lowlifes. They are the instigators and
problem solvers; the straight men and the comic reliefs; the villains and the heroes.
With any role they play, they proceed to play the opposite.
Doc is the owner of Western Biological Laboratory, a specimen supply house. Doc
is a placid, melancholy man who is a source of culture, munificence, and aid for all
on the Row. He introduces Dora s girls and the boys to opera, classical music, and
literature, and he takes a mentally handicapped boy in and cares for him. He is also
a bit of a womanizer. Somehow, though, Doc always seems lonely, and everyone on
the Row constantly wants to do something to show him how much he is loved. Doc
is a sort or father figure to the residents of Cannery Row. When the people are sick,
he is their doctor; when they are lonely, their psychologist; and when abandoned, he
is their home.
Dora Flood is the local madam; a proprietor of the Bear Flag Restaurant, a brothel.
Dora is a large woman with
Essay on Top Sites for Christian Singles
Top Sites for Christian Singles
You cannot be lonely if you like the person you re alone with. Wayne Dyer
While I enjoy being single, I do occasionally like male company for dinner, dancing
or just good conversation. Fortunately, there are many sites for singles to find friends,
dates and even mates; however, I was interested in sites for Christian singles.
After contacting several megachurches to inquire as to which sites were most used by
their singles, we learned that the directors for the ministries were not asking this
question and the singles where not volunteering the information although the felt the
services were being used. The single ministry leaders felt that their goal was to
provide an environment for the singles ... Show more content on ...
After speaking with those who have personally used the services, what they liked
most on any dating site are pre screened members (i.e., background checks) and the
ability to browse potential candidate during a trial or free membership.
One site,, is owned by Penthouse Media Group. Knowing that even
non Christian sites are not 100% authentic, some Christian singles sites do publish
statements or articles of faith. A few of the Christian singles sites admitted to not
wanting to publish a statement of faith so that no one would feel excluded.
Christian Mingle, owned by Sparks Networks, primarily has members in the US
and some in Canada. They provide opportunities for members to express his or her
faith, share a bible passage, and list a church or ministry affiliation. The profile took
five minutes to complete even asking open ended questions to allow you to express
yourself. Member fees are $29.99 per month; however, with a six month contract, the
fee is $13.99 per month.
Christian Singles is owned by Christians Networking Enterprises LLC, and they
advertise that they are dedicated to marriage
Beowulf Anglo Saxon Values
In the epic Beowulf translated by Burton Raffel, Beowulf exemplifies values that
embody the ideals of the Anglo Saxon culture. Some of these ideals are expressed
through actions and words, while others can be expressed through the characters
thoughts and appearance. The anglo saxon culture respects bravery and they also
value strength. Beowulfshows these attributes throughout the story and there are
many examples of his character.
Beowulf said, I battled and bound five beasts, raided a troll nest and in the night
sea, slaughtered brutes. I have suffered extremes and avenged the Geats (their
enemies brought it upon themselves, I devastated them). Now I mean to be a match
for Grendel. From this quote, we can assume that Beowulf speaks with authority
and is extremely confident. He uses elaborate speech to describe his own power and
skill and we can tell that he is a great warrior because of what he said he has done. ...
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Beowulf fights and he has more heart than any other warrior and that i is why he is
a leader. Beowulf has the ability to defeat monsters by himself with his bare hands.
This quote shows what because Beowulf is capable of. But so massive that no
ordinary man could lift its carved and decorated length...And then, savage, now angry
and desperate, lifted it high over his head and struck with all he had left, caught her
in the
Patient Lookup Patient Training Plan
My training plan is for patient lookup function which to me would be hands on
training. For maybe few patients that can t look up information on a computer a
training program would be beneficial for them. There needs to be a complete
understanding of the information system in order to look up information. To me
patient looks up function can mean the patient can look up information or what it
probably means is that information system programmer can look up all the
information system programmers can look up. All the information needed for that
patient and what sort of treatment they have had and any other information for their
quality care. However, looks up information, whether a programmer or anyone else
they need to have a complete understanding
Renaissance Theatre Research Paper
A lot has changed in theatre during the Renaissance era and today. Things that have
changed between the Renaissance era and today s drama include staging , language,
and topics. In the Renaissance era, theatre performances were hosted in: Inn yards,
Amphitheatres and Indoor Playhouses. In the 20th century, producers use movie sets
and digital production. Scripts were written in Old English during the Renaissanceera
, while our current language has evolved. In the Renaissance, popular topics used in
plays included: Aristocrats , Witchcraft, Heroines and History. In the 20th century
some topics used in current dramas include book series, history, and current events.
From the Renaissances era to the 20th century, Dramahas evolved over the ages like
how the way drama is presented, produced, and about.
The way drama was presented has evolved a lot throughout the ages. With the
introduction of film, plays and scenes ; could be recorded, edited and ... Show more
content on ...
The Renaissance era relied heavily on actors and props to provide the visual part
of a play and was based off of Aristocrats, witchcraft and heroes, and sometimes
histories. Current drama like movies are pretty similar in terms of producing their
work around, histories, current affairs and popular literature. However, the way
we present and create the drama has differed. In the past drama relied heavily on
the usage of actors, props and costumes to provide a visualization of the play. They
were limited on sound and special effects. .More current drama centralizes around
recording and editing with a computer. Modern drama has more access to sound
and special effects than the Renaissance because of the discovery of computers,
they can edit parts of a show and insert sound effects and special effects in the move
to convey the mood, emphasize the importance of the scene, and etc. Movies can
also can be created completely by a computer without the need of an
And Then There Were None Themes
Mystery Novels to T.V. Shows The world of mystery novels has made a great
series of books, but this world has changed to a more modern version, television
crime shows. This more modern series has had a great impact on the mystery
genre. I m curious to know how the characters of And Then There Were None
compare to those of these crime solving T.V. shows, how the motives of these
psychopaths in real life are comparable to those of Mr. Justice Wargrave, and how
the styles of murder in these T.V. shows compared to the style of Justice Wargrave.
There are many multiple things details that are very similar to the novel in many an
abounding amount of different crime solving T.V. shows, but there are also a lot a
mass of things details that are different.... Show more content on ...
shows are the way the people are murdered. Most murders in these television shows
are made to cover up who the murderer is. Also, this is shown in the novel by Mr.
Justice Wargrave because he wants the murders to be unsolvable. My hand,
protected with a handkerchief, will press the trigger. My hand will fall to my side,
the revolver, pulled by the elastic, will recoil to the door . . . . I shall be found, laid
neatly on my bed, shot through the forehead in accordance with the record kept by
my fellow victims. . . . When the sea goes down, there will come from the mainland
boats and men. And they will find ten dead bodies and an unsolved problem on
Soldier Island (Christie 300). This relates to T.V. shows because almost all
murderers don t want to be caught and go through a lot a great deal of trouble to
make sure their actions are successful they may even kill more people which makes
the jobs of the T.V. investigators a lot a great deal harder. One of the techniques
they use to get away with their crimes is preparation. These killers plan, stalk, and
do everything they can not to leave evidence behind. They are very organized and
will do things to stay one step ahead of law enforcement (Schurman Kauflin). They
will do anything to get away with their crime so they don t have to go to prison for
life. Nevertheless, with all the technology, such as DNA fingerprinting, actual
Was John Brown A Hero
John Brown the Hero John Brown has been a controversial political figure to
generations of Americans across the nation. He is often regarded as one of two
polarizing ideals, the unapologetic freedom fighting abolitionist and then as the
religious zealot turned domestic terrorist. There is even a case to be made that John
Brownwas America s first domestic terrorist. While Brown s methods may have
been extreme, he delivered his intended message; that change needed to occur for
the country to be truly free. John Brown s actions and beliefs that he held that led
to the raid at Harper s Ferry were noble and had major cultural impact on American
society at that time. John Brown was a man who is by definition non conformist .
He grew up wealthy and educated, but with little formal education he took risks
financially and socially and had a high sense of morality that grounded the beliefs that
would soon... Show more content on ...
When he was young during the War with England he stayed with a nice landlord that
was housing a United States Marshall in possession of a slave boy. The Marshall
grew a fondness of young John Brown and complimented every little thing Brown
would do, while the slave boy who was of equal ability was berated and treated
poorly and beaten in front of Brown once. This experience caused Brown to engage
in self reflection that led to his strong belief system. Brown s strong belief system
was the main driving force behind his revolution, he believed that it was the right of
the negro to be free even if that cost meant violence. A common argument against
Brown that paints him as a terrorist are these violent actions he takes. Now in nature
these acts could be counted as terrorism, destruction of property and murder.
However a key part of terrorism
Foreign Direct Investment in Vietnam Essay
Foreign Direct Investment in Vietnam There is no dout that foreign direct
investment (FDI) plays a very significant role in economic growth, according to
experiences of new industrial countries in Asia. Over a decade of opening for FDI,
we could realize that the more FDI inflows pour into our country the more we
benefit. In fact, FDI has contributed a great proportion to fulfill targets on socio
economic development plan and has been one of the most important external sources
of Vietnam on the process of industrializing and modernizing the country. Statistics
shows that there was a sharp rise in FDI commitments in the period of 1998 1995.
The number of investment projects go up at average 50 percent each year untill the
end of... Show more content on ...
In the late of 80s and the early of 90s (1988 1993), Vietnam still be hampered by
United States s embargo policy on its weak economy. Though, foreign investors
were very eager to invest in Vietnamese market promising numerous business
opportunities because Vietnam has many advantages such as being a new market
with big population and cheap price of labor; having rich natural resources,
particularly oils, favorable geographical location and huge agricultural potential.
Statistics shows that FDI commitments coming to Vietnam increased notably from
1988 to 1996, hitted the top in 1996 with US$ 8633 million and decreased sharply
since 1997. Most of these commitments were made during 1995 1996. Several large
construction projects were approved during this period of time, and this pushed up
average project size to US$ 20.5 million, compared to US$ 13.3 million during
1988 1994. We can also realize that proportion of disbursements in comparison with
commitments is low in the early of 90s. (See chart below) Sources: UNDPB. THE
numerous factors causing the sharp decrease in FDI since 1997 up to now. In my
opinion, there are 2 main kinds of causes: direct causes and indirect causes. The
direct cause is the Asian financial crisis booming in July 1997. Yet, the critical cause
we should consider strictly is indirect one that was hidden under annual increase
Don Pedro Character Foil Essay
MAAN: The Character Foil Between Don Pedro and Don John
Character foils are used in many books to contrast two characters, but why are they
important to understand, and how are they relevant? Character foils highlight the
qualities of each character, helping indentify the protagonist and antagonist. It can
also give assistance in labeling the personalities of the characters, fitting them into
their roles in the story. In Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare
, the
character foil between Don Pedro and Don John in Much Ado About Nothing
highlights the qualities between them. This also influences the conflict resulting in
the plot, concerning Claudio and Hero.
In other words, the qualities of Don Pedro, perhaps including helpful, experienced, ...
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In Much Ado About Nothing, at the masked party, Claudio believes Don Pedro has
wooed Hero for himself, and Claudio says, ...Let every eye negotiate for itself, and
trust no agent; for beauty is a witch against whose charms faith melteth into blood
this is an accident of hourly proof, which I mistrusted not. Farewell, therefore,
Hero (Shakespeare 23). Don John s first attempt of mischief almost succeeded and
could have foiled Claudio s plan to woo Hero. This was a close call, and if Claudio
had just left in anger or sadness, this problem would not have been resolved.
However, Don John and his lackeys try again. Just as Claudio and Hero are about
to get married, Claudio says, But fare thee well, most foul, most fair; farewell thou
impiety and impious purity. For thee I ll lock up all the gates of love, and on my
eyelids shall conjecture hang to turn all beauty into thoughts of harm, and never shall
it be more gracious (Shakespeare 68). Claudio believes Hero is being unfaithful
when it is all a trick. At this point, the wedding is ruined and the conflict of the story
has been set in motion. Don John has succeeded, and this has dramatically influenced
the conflict in the
Application Of Shape Memory Alloy Properties
Table of Contents
1.2.Displacive Transformations1
1.4.Crystal structures of Ti Ni based martensites3
1.5.Spectroscopy techniques to determine composition of SMA4
1.5.1.Energy Dispersive X Ray Spectroscopy4
1.6.Phase diagram of Ti Ni Alloys5
2.1.Concept of IRCs7
2.2.Important Shape Memory Alloy Properties Applied in IRC7
2.2.1.Shape Memory Effect7
2.2.2Thermal Actuation Ability7
2.3.Experimental Approach7
2.3.1.Material Used7
2.3.2Test Specimen7
2.3.4Results and Conclusions9
2.5.Practical Cosiderations11
2.5.1.Practical Limitations11
2.5.2.Stoichiometric Considerations11
2.5.3.Effect of Heat Treatment and Cold Work on SMAs12
Shape memory alloys (SMA) have attracted much attention in recent years, since they
are smart (or intelligent) materials, as well as functional materials, which already
exist. These alloys possess the characteristics of the shape memory effect (SME) and
super elasticity (SE) which are caused by the martensitic (or displacive)
transformation (MT) and its reverse transformation to the parent austenite phase; we
define the characteristic transformation temperatures as follows; Ms: martensite start
temperature upon cooling; Mf: martensite finish
Refugees Should Be Allowed In The United States
Are reviewed helping us or are they making us weaker? Refugees a living almost
anywhere they can. Some even live in old jails, living in one cell per family. Over
1,500 refugees have been accepted into the United States since 2011. The refugees
aren t just causing diversity, but economic problems in host countries. When the
Civil War started, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and Turkey were poorly equipped to
handle this major crisis. Although refugees are fleeing for safety, it is not helping
anyone. First of all, refugees are thing for safety. When they are flavor safety they
are going to a neighboring host countries. Sent 6% a serious population has been
killed because of ISIS, some are fighting to get revenge on those who are
associated with the killings. While so many refugees are being injured or killed,
we still have over 50,000 homeless veterans in America. Veterans have been here
fighting for our freedom or fighting for peace. The question is why take in more
refugees while we are still struggling to help America s veterans? Overall, I... Show
more content on ...
According to Fox news,Obama administration officials plan to bring in about
10,000 refugees over the next year. This will give them a safe place to stay, a
chance to get back on their feet, a chance to get a job, will allow them to get
healthcare, an education, and any other other commodities the refugees could
possibly need. But, every person has another side. In France, in November of
2015, the ISIS bombers were identified as refugees that had fled to escape the war.
As they had started to live in France,they joined ISIS, and were undercover. Letting
people into your country without thinking about it gives them a chance to be a
threat. Some countries are letting refugees records slide so they can start a now life.
CNN news says that 31 U.S. governors are not accepting Syrian refugees.Overall, it
is the wrong choice to let refugees into your
Govt., Business, NGOs Interface between them in the rise of globalization
Govt., Business, NGOs Interface between them in the rise of globalization
Chand Ajmera, PGP/17/192
Ananya Jha, PGP/17/194
Shraddha Srikhande, PGP/17/240
Dinesh Kumar V, PGP/17/248
Chand Ajmera, PGP/17/192
Ananya Jha, PGP/17/194
Shraddha Srikhande, PGP/17/240
Dinesh Kumar V, PGP/17/248
1. ... Show more content on ...
Boycott of Nike, Walmart, and other retailers for allegedly manufacturing goods
under abusive working conditions in developing countries can also be highlighted in
this context.
Influence of CSOs on government
CSOs have been instrumental in influencing government to incorporate environment
and labor provisions in the North American Free Trade Agreement and the World
Trade Organisation (WTO) negotiations, emboldening governments to allow banning
of genetically modified organisms and food products and forcing World Bank to
excuse the debt of developing countries.
MEDIATORS OR MODERATORS: CSOs act as mediators or moderators where
they collaborate with corporates jointly working for the betterment of the community.
They try to influence various policies without being directly involved in it.
Stakeholder agency theory which can be used to study this role, assumes that the
corporate has ethical and social responsibilities towards a wide variety of
stakeholders which impact them in one or the other way. [1]
INSERT figure 4 HERE : CSOs acting as direct influencers
One of the examples is the participation of CSOs, and NGOs in particular, in
mediation of Mozambican peace process that led to agreements in Rome in October
1992, attended by the Community of Sant Egidio. Other example includes CSOs
persuading Home
Why Is Frederick Banting Successful
Sir Frederick Banting is undoubtedly the greatest Canadian. His dedication, bravery
and genius led to the discovery of insulin and a significant advance in research
related to silicosis, cancer and aviation medicine. He saved millions of lives,
demanding nothing in return. He did, however, receive various awards, such as
the Military Cross for distinguished and meritorious services in time of war and the
1923 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine. Not born in a particularly wealthy
family, everything he accomplished was the result of hard work, commitment, and
passion. He dedicated his whole life to helping people not only in Canada, but in
the rest of the world as well. Banting did not just talk about making a difference like
most people do. He actually got up, faced the challenge and managed to change the
fate of millions.
Frederick Banting s main success was becoming the co discoverer of insulin, but it
was not his first major accomplishment. During the first world war, a heroic
sacrifice earned him the Military Cross. As a student, Banting enlisted in the
Canadian Army Medical Corps and after graduation, was sent to Europe to serve as
a medical officer. In the last days of the war, seriously injured and... Show more
content on ...
Apart from showing remarkable courage, talent and intelligence, he was also very
selfless and modest. He did not do anything for money or fame, but for people. He
did not want to accept the millions of dollars that were offered to him for the patent
of insulin, because he believed that the discovery belonged to the world and not to
him. He sold the rights to produce insulin to The University of Toronto for only one
dollar, and shared half of the money from his Nobel Prize with his assistant.
Frederick Banting did not chase after money or recognition. Everything he did, he
did for the well being of others, and after years of hard work, he died serving his
World War One Of The Worst Wars Of All Time
World War 2 was one of the worst wars of all time. In 1939, Adolf Hitler started a
war because of his genocide of Jewish people. And, he was succeeding. No one
could stop him. We needed something to change. If we didn t stop something soon,
Hitler would take over all of the Middle East and presume to take over the world.
The US thankfully came up with a solution to this, they created an unstoppable
force, the B 29 Superfortress Fighter Plane. The B 29 was the most destructive
warplane ever to be invented. It was the fastest, most advanced plane of its time.
The B 29 was used in World War Two and won the excruciating war for the
Americans. The B 29 is even admired by people today. This is the plane that saved
the world. There were nearly... Show more content on ...
They had to work in coal mines and chop wood. On top of that, they were given a
very limited number of supplies and hope. With numbers branded to their wrists,
they could have also been killed in the countless gas chambers and mean guards
that Hitler purchased. They were given wooden beds with no sheets or blankets,
stale bread, and broth, and on top of that, they were taunted by the Nazi Guards
everywhere. All Jewish people feared Adolf Hitler. He was their worst nightmare.
Many Jews believed that they would never make it out alive, others were a little
more hopeful, and others rebelled against the Nazis. But what they didn t know is
that the Jews that still remained were going to make it out alive, thanks to the
United States and the Allies. World War Two was one of the fiercest, destructive,
brutal wars ever to be recorded in history. Great Britain was falling to the Nazis, at
the time Great Britain wasn t as advanced as they are now. Being allied with the most
advanced country at the time, the United States, they asked them to create an aircraft
that would help them get out of their plight. The United States responded with the
most advanced warplane in the history of the world. What is the B 29? World War
Two was such a brutal war that the United States actually shut down the automobile
manufacturers for 4 5 years just to focus more
Hi Worship Leaders Research Paper
Hi Worship Leaders!
I hope you all have had a wonderful week so far! Thank you all so much for Sunday!
I had so munch great feedback from Savior! Great job! You nailed it! I am so
thankful to be able to worship our King with you all of you each and everyday, I can
not wait for Easter Sunday!!
Praise Choir
Regarding tonight, most of you probably know that this week is Spring Break for
Wilson County Schools and that means that this is kind of a spring break for the
rest of the church tonight as well. I know that in the past we have still had rehearsals
on these weeks, however, we are going to CANCEL rehearsal tonight. There have
been many that have reached out and let me know that they will not be here tonight,
and with President Trump being ... Show more content on ...
Please spend some time working on this song to make Sunday morning a little
easier. This is the only newer song we need to work on. You all did such a great job
with Savior this past week. I am so thankful for each of you and your talents!
Call Times for Sunday:
Brandon/Chad: 6 AM
Praise Band: DOWNBEAT 6:15 AM
Tech: 7 AM
Praise Team: 7 AM
Praise Choir: 7:15 AM
Thank you all for being so understanding and working so hard each week! Please
feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns! Thank you all for
praying for our Durban team last week, we felt it! It was such a powerful time and
such a blessing to be sent out by such a wonderful family of believers!
One prayer concern that I would like to share with you:
Pastor Phillip s uncle Howard passed over into eternity last night, and went to be
with our Lord. He left behind Phillip s aunt Jackie. Please take a second to lift up
the Brunner family and Aunt Jackie. Feel free to reach out to Phillip and let him
know you love him and are praying for him.
I love you all!
Brandon Thompson
(904) 537 3752
Santa Claus Symbols
Did you know that there are different holiday characters around the world? When
you think of the holidays who do you think of? Is it Santa or Krampus or one of the
others? Well there are actually a ton of holiday icons that you may have never heard
of. These characters come from a multitude of places and countries. These figures are
also all related to the christmasseason. There are many different icons that are
celebrated around the world and represent different holidays.
Santa Claus is one of the most well known characters. Santa Claus became more
popular when Clement C. Moore wrote a story called A visit from St. Nicholas .
He wrote a book about what Santa looked like and what he did. One tradition is
people will go to a public place and sit on Santa s lap. Many places have a person
dressed like Santa where kids can go up and sit on their lap and tell them what they
want for Christmas. Another tradition is people put up a Christmas tree so Santa
can put presents under it. People put up pine trees with lights and ornaments on it
and on Christmas Eve if you were good Santa puts gifts under it. The last tradition
is Santa comes every year on Christmas Eve night and delivers presents to kids. If
you were good Santa will fill your stockings and put gifts under your tree but if you
were bad you get a lump of coal. This is why Santa Claus is a big hit across America.
La Befana is a holiday icon who delivers gifts to kids in Italy. La Befana delivers
gifts to kids on January
The Glass Castle Character Analysis
In The Glass Castle , pages 62 121, some of the characters have an experience that
makes them undergo a change in character. While it is not too noticeable, if you dig
deep into the text you can see how the characters are affected, and possibly make
some predictions of how this is later relevant to the story. Some of the predictions
and assumptions may not be totally accurate, but are made based on evidence from
the story. Jeanette, Brian, and Lori all go through a transformation after they each
experienced some sort of distressing event. The first transformative event happens to
Jeanette in the hot pool. Jeanette s father is trying to teach her how to swim by
throwing her into the deep water and telling her to sink or swim. When she... Show
more content on ...
The next transformative event happens to Brian. Brian was intrigued by The Green
Lantern since it was a place his parents had always warned them about. Brian was
dared to go talk to the woman on the porch, with whom he became smitten with.
After this event, it can be inferred that Brian started distrusting what his parents had
to say since he didn t have a bad experience. Later on his birthday, Brian learns the
truth about the women at The Green Lantern. His dad takes him to a hotel with
Ginger where they assumingly have sex while Brian is outside. Later, when Dad
and Ginger came out, she sat down next to Brian. He didn t look up. He kept
staring at the comic book, even though he d already read it all the way through
twice. I think that this is implying that Brian knew what they were doing since he
read it twice. I believe he read it multiple times to distract him from what was going
on in the other room. Afterwards, his father makes him give the comic book to
Ginger which makes Brian angry. Brian loses his only source of sanity during that
moment. I think the comic book was a symbol Brian s innocence and he was holding
onto it until his father made him give it up. The comic book was with him and helped
him get through the traumatic experience in the hotel which could be another reason
he was so angry to let it go. In addition, Jeanette hints at Brian knowing what they did
since he knows that the women make
Why I Relay Research Paper
I Relay because I care.
I care about the millions of families who have been impacted with this horrible
I care about all the people and their families that have lost their battle, those that are
fighting and those who have won the battle.
I care because I want us to find a cure to end cancer!
I Relay because I want to help bring awareness and raise money. This is why I
became a Team Captain in this year s YP Relay For Life.
I Relay because In 2009 a good friend of mine lost her battle to Pancreatic Cancer five
months after she was diagnosed.
I Relay because in 2010 cancer hit even closer to home. At age 10, my cousin was
diagnosed with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia.
She had to undergo rounds of chemotherapy to prepare
The Bullied And The Bully
Muhammad Babar, Faris Nasoetion
Ms. Richards
English II Pre AP 1
24 October 2014
The Bullied and the Bully
In today s simplistic world, one may believe that violence is the only way to solve
our problems. If people continue to keep this idea of violence in their heads, our
societal problems of harassment and bullying are not going to improve. Bullying has
been in this world for centuries on end and for the same reason: to get a sense of
power or authority. Kids in today s schools feel superior to others by calling others
belittling names and harassing them to utter nothingness. Men feel the need to hit
women to gain their respect. The basis is that bullying will not make one a better
person, and in fact, bullying s negative effects do ... Show more content on ...
Bullying can also affРµct you in thРµ long tРµrm and lРµads to dРµprРµssion or
suicidРµ in somРµ casРµs. SomРµ РµxamplРµs of bullying would bРµ vРµrbal
bullying which is namРµ calling, tРµasing or taunting. Social bullying such as
Рµmbarrassing somРµonРµ in front of thРµ public, sprРµading rumors, or lРµaving
somРµonРµ out on purposРµ. And physical bullying which is bРµating up
somРµonРµ, stРµaling thРµir possРµssions or spitting (Bullying
DРµfinition).ThРµrРµ arРµ so many forms of bullying and thРµir РµffРµcts toward
thРµ victims arРµ nРµvРµr good.
ThРµrРµ arРµ ovРµr 3.2 million of studРµnts that arРµ victims of bullying Рµach
yеar. Bеcausе of thеsе, approximatеly 160,000 tееns skip school
РµvРµry day to avoid thРµ bulliРµs. SomРµ of thРµsРµ studРµnts drop out of
school. Somе schools don t еvеn hеlp thе victims that arе bееn
bulliРµd. OvРµr two thirds of studРµnts bРµliРµvРµ that schools rРµspond poorly to
bullying, with high pРµrcРµntagРµ of studРµnts bРµliРµving that adult hРµlp is
infrРµquРµnt and inРµffРµctivРµ. Unsurprisingly, harassmРµnt and bullying havРµ
bееn linkеd to 75 pеrcеnt of school shooting incidеnts. This is concrеtе
proof that bullying doРµsn t just hurt thРµ victim
SomРµ pРµoplРµ may bРµliРµvРµ that bullying is a way of lifРµ and can nРµvРµr
bРµ fixРµd. SomРµ pРµoplРµ may think that thРµ consРµquРµncРµs arРµ too
harsh. PРµoplРµ bully not only to hurt othРµr pРµoplРµ, but bРµcausРµ thРµy
arРµ РµithРµr insРµcurРµ, jРµalous, or havРµ had a traumatic РµxpРµriРµncРµ in
thРµir lifРµ
D1 Human Homeostasis
Human homeostasis refers to the body s ability to regulate its inner environment to
ensure its stability in response to fluctuations in the outside environment like the
weather. The basic main purpose of feedback systems is to maintain homeostasis.
It is any living thing s ability to keep a constant internal environment through
homeostasis, which is an important part of living things. Additionally, a stable
internal environment requires constant changes as conditions change inside and
outside. The changes within a cell is known as homeostatic regulation it is the state
of balance in the body, this is where the body systems work together to keep it
functioning at a normal rate that the body needs. As well as that they is also the
endocrine system ... Show more content on ...
Insulin is a hormone that is produced by thwe pancreas which is located across the
back of the abdomen, behind the stomach.The pancrease allows your body to use
glucose or sugar which is from the carbohydrates which are in the foods that you
have eaten and use it as energy and also store it for later on use for energy , it would
be stored as glucose.this energy can be storeed in the muscles , fat cells and liver
insulin is used tokeep your blood sugar at a stable level which is not too high also
known as hyperglycemia or too low hypoglycimia .
What happens if your body doesn t have enough inslin
If your body doesn t have enough inlsulin your blood glucose will be very high this
can happen if you eat too much food which is high in sugar or I if you miss your
diabetic medicvation or do lack of exercise hat meets the amount of food you have
eaten.This is kown as hyperglycimia.
What happens if your body doesn t react to insulin
Insulin resistance is when your cells fail to react to the insulin in your body this can
then lead to type two diabetes
Communication Is A Complex Aspect Of Human Life
Communication is a complex aspect of human life that upon closer investigation
gives one a deeper understanding of what messages individuals are truly attempting to
convey. There are four different channels through which signals and cues send
messages from sender to receiver and vice versa. Those channels are the following;
auditory, visual, tactile, and scent channels. Three of the four channels are non
linguistic channels that demonstrate that a large portion of communicationoccurs
through non linguistic means. Individuals are consistently using these four channels
in everyday interactions with one another. Humans minds and bodies have been
shaped by natural selection to send a variety of verbal and non verbal signals. A signal
is intentional and has been evolved to produce a certain reaction. Signals are
honest because they are linked to one s genes. Due to the wide reach signals have
in one s everyday life a broad analysis of signals would be ineffective for this
analysis. Therefore, this analysis will focus on the role signals play in courtship.
One will explore a total of five different sources of empirical evidence in order to
gain a deeper understanding of why individuals may have evolved to produce and
react to courtship signals. One will attempt to demonstrate that individuals have
evolved to produce and react to courtship signals in order to be able to determine a
potential mates interest. Though courtship signals may not guarantee that one will
achieve a

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Good Argumentative Essays Examples.pdf

  • 1. Good Argumentative Essays Examples Crafting an essay on the subject of "Good Argumentative Essays Examples" is no easy task. The difficulty lies not only in presenting a coherent and well-structured argument but also in finding and analyzing compelling examples that effectively support the thesis. The process demands a deep understanding of the topic, critical thinking skills, and the ability to articulate thoughts in a persuasive manner. One of the challenges is the extensive research required to gather relevant examples that not only illustrate the points being made but also showcase the principles of a good argumentative essay. Selecting examples that resonate with a diverse audience and are applicable to various perspectives adds an extra layer of complexity. Moreover, the writer must strike a balance between presenting a compelling argument and maintaining objectivity. Crafting a persuasive essay necessitates acknowledging counterarguments and addressing them thoughtfully, which requires intellectual rigor and analytical prowess. The process of creating a good argumentative essay also involves meticulous planning, drafting, and revising. Achieving clarity and coherence in the presentation of ideas is essential, and this often requires multiple iterations of the essay. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Good Argumentative Essays Examples" is a challenging endeavor that demands a combination of research skills, critical thinking, and effective communication. It's a process that requires time, effort, and dedication to produce a high-quality piece of writing. For those seeking assistance with such essays or similar academic tasks, there are resources available. Services like offer professional support for essay writing, ensuring that students can access well-researched, well-argued, and well-written essays tailored to their specific needs. Good Argumentative Essays Examples Good Argumentative Essays Examples
  • 2. Incidents In The Life Of The Runaway Slave Girl William Grimes in the, Life of William Grimes the Runaway Slave, and Harriet Jacobs in the, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, both wrote about their lives under the hands of slavery. Though they both experienced hardships, the difference in gender played a role in how their enslavement was endured. These different experiences influenced different tones. In Chapter three of Incidents, Jacobs tone is emotional, hopeless and depressing. She writes But to the slave mother New Year s day comes laden with peculiar sorrows. She sits on her cold cabin floor, watching the children who may all be torn from her the next morning: and often does she wish that she and they might die before the day dawns. The words she uses radiates the devotion between... Show more content on ... While Grimes targeted anyone willing or curious enough to listen, Jacobs specifically targeted white, Christian women. The tone she used was critical and emotional. The sentence He tried his utmost to corrupt the pure principles my grandmother had instilled. would provoke emotion from female Christian readers, because it goes against their beliefs. She wants her audience to think and fully understand the hardships she faced, therefore she makes her tone critical. She engages the reader by saying, He told me I was his property; that I must subject to his will in all things. My soul revolted against the mean tyranny. But where could I turn to for protection? The sentence is shortly followed up by her stating why she feels trapped. The mistress is of no help to a slave girl, she is jealous and angry with her. This promotes the thoughts and feelings of the slave girl and make the reader criticize themselves. While Grimes on the other hand stayed objective. On page 78, Grimes says after receiving a severe beating, I had before anticipated this, for I knew he could not do without me: all he wanted of me, to set me at liberty, was for me to ask his pardon, and promise never to ask him to sell me again. Even when he endured severe beating and imprisonment he stayed emotionless. Both authors shared their compelling stories about their personal hand in slavery. Though they have had many similar and different
  • 3. California Wine Country Research Paper Enjoy a taste of California s wine country A visit to California Wine Country can be a very interesting experience and educational. Many of the region s wineries offer free tours and free tastings. The landscape of the wine growing region offers the visitor a picturesque of the region, and featuring a number of restaurants offering a variety of cuisine from California with a wide selection of local wines. You can spend a relaxing day touring the vineyards with a break to sample some of the locally grown wines. Be careful driving after trying a lot of wine! California laws are very strict about driving under the influence of alcohol. Fortunately, there are wine tours by bus, limousine, and train that allow you to taste as much wine as you want
  • 4. Legal Assistance For Legal Aid Legal aid is a government funded service for legal help for every New Zealander, particularly for people with low income, and cannot afford a lawyer. The service may help people to resolve their legal problem that may go to court, and make sure they are not denied justice because they cannot afford a lawyer. Despite these measures, concerns about the affordability of the legal aidsystem has arisen. Legal aid cost continued to grow, where Ministry of Justiceencouraged clients to set up a repayment plan. This matter was considered, because legal aid expenditure was more than $100 million in debts. According to New ZealandHerald (2015), approximately $10 million of legal aid debts were written off by Justice Ministry officials in 2014. Why has the Ministry of Justice concurred to write off millions of dollars from legal aid debtors? How will the taxpayers react? Was legal aid provided only to people who really needs it? This paper introduces the system of legal aid and also focussed on the ethical dilemma between legal aid and the society. It is based on the most valuable material on the theme of literacy. Life can be hard to go through when a difficult problem and struggles can arise at any given moment. Legal aid introduced in the 19th century, to give legal assistance for New Zealander with low income and are unable to afford a lawyer. It has been available almost all court actions across all levels of the court system. Legal aid provides legal assistance to people
  • 5. My Lips Have Kissed Edna St. Vincent Millay s What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why is a Petrarchan sonnet consisting of an octave and a succeeding sestet. The octave includes concrete examples to demonstrate the three main themes of this poem: change, loss, and loneliness. The sestet gives a metaphorical approach to the themes, so as to further represent the change in the speaker s life. The author also contrasts the first and second stanzas with each other in order to demonstrate further the theme of change found throughout this poem. The tone which envelopes this poem is one of somberness and melancholy, as the speaker describes how she feels now that her lovers have gone. There is a melancholy tone present throughout the entirety of... Show more content on ... In lines 9 11 the author utilizes a metaphor of the lonely tree to describe how the speaker feels when all of her lovers finally leave her (line 9). In line 12 though, the author switches back to first person point of view and concrete concepts, in which the speaker describes how she once was very happy, but now does not know what it is like to be loved. Maybe some of the most important lines in which the speaker states she has a feeling of loneliness are lines 3 5. In these lines the author writes, But the rain/Is full of ghosts tonight, that tap and sigh/Upon the glass and listen for reply (line 3 5). In this first stanza the speaker tries to remember what it is like to lay in bed with another. While remembering she thinks about how empty she feels, and compares this feeling to ghosts who are outside her window waiting for her to reply to their empty
  • 6. William Mckinley Research Paper Anyone would think William McKinleys face would be on the quarter because he s our 25th president but we actually thought wrong. Though William McKinley was an amazing president and did a great job serving our country. William McKinley was born On January 29th, 1843 in Niles, OH as the seventh child of William and Nancy McKinley. William was named William McKinleyjunior after his father and dropped the junior when his father died in 1892. After graduating from high school in 1859, William McKinley Jr., joined the Allegheny college in meadville, Pennsylvania. However he remained there only for one year before he became ill with depression and returned home. Financial issues in the family prevented him from returning ( ... Show more content on ... This was the last presidential election where the party in control of the White House changed hands but at the same time at least one state switched its electoral votes to back a major party candidate in opposition to the party that just won (Freidel, Frank and Hugh Sidney.). The McKinley campaign invented a new form of campaign financing that has dominated American politics ever since. *********************** Lupercio4 William won with 271 electoral votes, 23 states carried, 7,111,607 popular vote and a percentage of 51.0%. McKinley secured a solid victory by carrying the core of the east and northeast. William McKinley became the 25th president of the United States from March 4, 1897 September 14, 1901. McKinleys wife, Ida, disliked the color yellow so much she had all the things yellow removed from the White House including the yellow flowers in the garden (Lampkin, Benjamin.). McKinley was the only president between Andrew Johnson and Woodrow Wilson to be clean shaven (Lampkin, Benjamin.) Lupercio 5 McKinley s portrait was featured on the $500 bill, last printed in 1934. McKinley has a
  • 7. Analysis Of Angela s Ashes By Frank Mccourt Essay Lacey Ryan AP Lang July 6, 2015 Angela s Ashes by Frank McCourt~ Pulitzer Prize winner This book is a memoir focusing on the hardships of Frank McCourt s childhood and his mother s (Angela s) difficulty raising children neck deep in poverty. This book would be a good choice for me because the story gives people another perspective on life for those who are poor. Go Set A Watchman by Harper Lee~ Pulitzer Prize winner This book is the sequel of To Kill a Mockingbird, which follows 26 year old Jean Louise Finch (Scout), home from New York to visit her father, Atticus. While visiting Scout discovers troubling truths from her past. This book would be a good choice for me because, when I read To Kill A Mockingbird in eighth grade I fell in love with the story.The Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes~ Man Booker Prize This book follows the life of middle aged Tony Webster, who recalls his past in hopes to find answers on his friend s suicide. This book may be a good choice for me because it is shorter than many of the other choices, but it seems very confusing from online summaries and reviews. Life of Pi by Yann Martel~ Man Booker Prize This book focuses on the survival of a man named Pi after a horrible shipwreck and many months in a lifeboat with a large Bengal tiger named Richard Parker. This book would be a good choice for me because it strikes my interests by including survival at sea with a life endangering animal. The Stranger by Albert Camus~ Nobel Prize
  • 8. Electrical Hazards And Safety By Kevin Burke Electrical Hazards and Safety Kevin Burke 1.INTRODUCTION Everywhere nowadays there is electricity and devices that rely on electricity. Society is driven by the need for energy and electricity generating plants now consume two fifths of U.S. energy from all sources, including about 90% of America s coal and nearly 30% of its natural gas ( sources /electricity/). The world today would not be nearly as advanced had it not been for the increased use of electricity. Electricity has so many uses they are seemingly innumerable, from use in air conditioners to cool people down. To making sure that individuals can see in everyday life with the use of lighting, the list could go on forever. However with this massive increase in electricity use there are also very drastic safety precautions that must be followed to ensure safe use of electrical products. Safety is a huge part of using electricity because having even a low voltage travel through the human body can kill someone. From a very young age it is instilled that electricity is not something to play with and that adults should make sure an activity is safe. Safety is not only important for humans but also for the infrastructure of the electrical components. People should ensure that they use surge protector and all of their wires are safe and not stripped. This will guarantee safety for the products in their homes. It is crucial that anything that has
  • 9. Depression In Long Term Care I worked in a long term care facility for three years before going to an internal medicine office. When starting right away I noticed, with my medication passes, that most of the residents were on some type on medication for depression or a mood disorder. I started to think that it must be a common diagnosis for most of these patients because of being in a nursing facility instead of living at home, in which they had been staying most of their adult lives. I then began to think of some of the residents that where immobile and couldn t ingest orally anymore and would have to rely on internal feedings to keep them alive. It was hard to image how they must have felt. I could see the emotional impact that it had on them losing their ability to... Show more content on ... Is medication always the right solution? I remember going into resident s room when I had started working and she said to me I loved to paint my nails but now I can t see to do them myself. I sat down beside her and took her polish and helped her paint her nails. She was so grateful and was crying with excitement that her nails were pretty again . If I could do something for one of these residents every day to make them happy then hopefully I could make a different in their lives. As I mentioned above about residents enjoying playing Bingo. Residents need to have something that they can look forward to doing once a week. Dr. Jules Rosen, did a study in which they devised a therapeutic program to provide depressed nursing home residents with the opportunities to engage in recreational activities similar to those that they enjoyed and participated in before they entered the long term care facility and within their new boundaries of their physical abilities, and environmental limitation. An example would be having an outdoor flower garden in which the residents could participate in growing and caring for the flowers as they did at home. After six weeks with this therapy it was found that more than half of the participating residents had complete resolution of their depression, and several had partial improvement. Although once the intervention stopped the all the resident s depression
  • 10. Harrington Collection Harrington Collection Sizing Up the Active Wear Market Marketing Management 1. What is your evaluation of the women s apparel industry and Harrington s position? How has the average price of women s apparel changed? What is your evaluation of their financial performance? The Women s Apparel Industry The U.S. women s apparel industry market is mature, given that the average growth rate from 2005 to 2007 was 4.66%. Within the industry, there are 6 categories of clothing in which companies compete: haute couture, designer, bridge, better, moderate, and budget. Each category targets customers with different needs and different price ranges, with haute coutre and designer clothing ranging upwards from $10,000 and moderate... Show more content on ... This means that the price of inventories purchased by the Retail Group is increasing. A further examination revealed that the Selling, General and Administration expenses (SG A) of the Retail Group are nearly two and half times higher than that of the Manufacturing Group. Because Harrington Collection thinks that sales people are the most important factor in the consumer decision making process, they spend significant resources training their personnel and offering them attractive commissions. Their expenses are understandable, and didn t change for the fiscal year of 2007. What did change were the Manufacturing Group s expenses. The Manufacturing Group s SG A increased 4.63% in 2007, meaning that the cost of maintaining the current manufacturing set up is increasing. Overall, the profit before tax of the Manufacturing Group decreased 13.24%, and the Retail Group decreased 10.77%, for a total decrease of 11.28%. In simple terms, expenses have increased, profits have decreased, and Harrington Collection hasn t performed very well over the last several years. Recommendations Interest in active wear is growing and does not appear to be waning anytime soon. Active wear is both stylish and comfortable, which are two of the qualities of Vigor s clothing line. Harrington Collection could seize this opportunity and jump into the active wear market and launch a new line of active wear under the Vigor label. In order to do this successfully,
  • 11. Lab6 latent heat Essay Hoang Ngo Lab 6 report Anita Dey Thursday 8am Abstract: We recently performed a liquid nitrogen experiment in finding the Latent heat of the substance. We isolated two parts of the experiment in order to find out how much evaporation of the liquid nitrogen was from the surroundings B and how much evaporation from the electricity G. 1. When a substance is undergoing a phase transition, more heat (energy) is being added to the Substance but its temperature (a way of measuring its energy) is not changing. Where does this Energy go if it does not go into heating up the substance? If a substance is changing from a Solid to a liquid is it absorbing or emitting heat? How about from a gas to a liquid? (2 pt) When a substance is undergoing a ... Show more content on ... Another source of error could be that the resistor was touching the cup. Lastly a source of error could ve come from the evaporation from the resistor, the resistor could ve been defective and we wouldn t even know it. The timing was a big issue when we performed the experiment because when the triple beam balance measured off back to the ticked line we had to mark the time but we were a bit slow and missed it most times, and had to start over; a way to avoid this is to have a better stop watch or person switching the weights and the other marking the times down. The resistor touching the cup would affect how the liquid nitrogen boils and a way to fix that is to fix it towards the middle. 6. Instead of using liquid nitrogen, suppose we used water for our lab. Would we be able to calculate the rate of evaporation due to the room, and explain why or why not? Water s heat of vaporization is 2260 kJ/kg. How much power would you need to apply to water so that the evaporation rate was .25 g/s ? (1 pt) Instead of liquid nitrogen we use water, we wouldn t be able to calculate the rate of evaporation due to the room (B) because water boils at 373K and we would need a much hotter room to evaporate the water. Water s heat of vaporization is 2260kJ /kg. Power we need to apply to water so the evaporation rate was .25g/s is 565W. 2260*1000=2260000J then, (2260000)(.00025)= 565W based on the E=mL, then P=E/t; 565/1=565W. 7. If you put a few drops of cologne on your hand,
  • 12. Trauma Autobiographical Memory Trauma and autobiographical memory in Child Abuse Science has examined the possible affection child maltreatment on autobiographical and memory. Some information has shown that these effect has on a thin peaked in some research, include an old person who has to survive or leaved with a child abuse within them self. It always leave a permanent memory for lifetime. In fact, in some science investigator research has proven that when a child or adult was abuse they remember exactly what happened to them. Their some memories that will never vanish, especially, abuse memory. for example, they will recalled everything events of trauma that happen to them from the begin to the end. Some time when this trauma started surfaced the patient will end up ... Show more content on ... The expectation of these study was allowing the neural correlates of memories of childhood abuse to see if there was any different posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In any case with or without (PTSD). Indeed, there were a study about 22 woman with a pass history with childhood sexual abuse. They were monitoring their image of the brain function, while they were exposure to these agony. They compare these image with the women with sexual abuse and the women without sexual abuse; the women who suffer CSA has more blood flow into their brain and the women with PTSD. Women with sexual abuse has lower blood flow in alteration in their medical prefrontal cortex. Childhood sexual abuse is in regular to our society and it happen often than we thing it could happen it 16% of even women and it rarely faded, (Bremner, Narayan, Staib, Southwick, al, e.
  • 13. A Character Analysis Of The Newsroom By Will Mcavoy Introduction: This monologue is from the HBO television show, The Newsroom. The monologue is set during a Northwestern University question and answer session between a liberal, a conservative, and news anchor Will McAvoy. Will McAvoy is viewed as this great moderate anchor, he s in control of his opinions, and is unwilling to share his personal political philosophies. Internally however, he is conflicted, disillusioned by the current political climate characterized by a tit for tat policy. During the Q A he continues to remain in the middle, responding with answers he believes will not satisfy or offend any specific party. That is until they are all asked the question, What makes america the greatest country on earth? Both the liberal and conservative both answer in a way that panders to their specific party, and Will attempts to remain in the middle, but is stopped by the moderator. The moderator demands that Will give him a human answer, so he does, in a way that is extremely unexpected. America is not the greatest country in the world. Character Analysis: ... Show more content on ... Will has gained his revered reputation by hiding how he truly feels about both politics and his own industry. Will is tired of the then current political discourse between the two parties, and wants to say something about it, but can t, lest he risk his reputation. His initial answers in the Q A session reflect this, as he either answers jokingly, or piggybacks off the others answers. But, when he starts to see someone in the crowd hold up signs encouraging him, he lets his inhibitions go, and starts to say what s on his
  • 14. The Throne Of Fire In the story, The Throne of Fire, written by Rick Riordan, it tells of a family known as the Kanes. Each one comes from a different Egyptian god or goddess. They aren t the only ones, people from all over the world have ancestors from the Egyptian era. In the beginning Carter and his sister, Sadie, have to stop the gods who are roaming around free from creating chaos in the city. That s not the only thing they re worried about, now they have to protect the world from a serpent that wants to destroy it. In order to stop this, said serpent from destroying the world, they have to awake the god Ra. In order for them to awake Ra they have to find three hidden scroll while not trying to get killed by people who don t want them to awake him. To make
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  • 16. Business Continuity Plan For Motorsport Ltd BUSINESS CONTINUITY PLAN FOR MOTORSPORT LTD Version:1 Produced by:Motorsport consulting team Date Produced:11/12/2015 Approved by:Updated:Should be reviewed by the 10th June, 2016 The Business Continuity Management Team will review the Policy and Framework bi annually; it will also be reviewed when significant changes occur within the Motorsport business operations. This document consists of Policy Statement: outlining the approach of Motorsport to the Business Continuity Plan (BCP). Operational Framework: explaining the management of Motorsports BCP and the roles and responsibilities of those involved in the delivery of the plan. PURPOSE The purpose of the business continuity plan is to enable Motorsport Ltd to continue business operations to the widest possible extent and within the shortest possible time after the occurrence of an unforeseen circumstance that may have disrupted business as usual . This business continuity plan will identify such circumstances and provide a framework to preserve Motorsports reputation; assets; staff; customer base; profitability and its capability to achieve its objectives. Unforeseen circumstances include but are not limited to flood, fire outbreak, earthquake, sabotage, fraud etc. and the aforementioned may be minor or major incidents depending on the level of impact they may have on the business. POLICY STATEMENT Objectives Motorsport s policy is to maintain the continuity of its activities, systems, facilities and
  • 17. The Hound Of Baskerville Movie And Book Comparison Essay The Hound Of Baskerville movie and book, written by two different authors but still have the same suspense filled storyline. The book was written by Arthur Conan Doyle the movie directed by Jeremy Brett. Both help visualizes and shows the outlook of the second in line to the best detective in the world, Sherlock Holmesand his patient sidekick Dr. Watson, Solve a one of a kind mystery. They both shared many similarities and differences in the five major elements of fiction. The Characters are said to be one of the major differences. A myth is creeping among the moors of England that a mad hound is on the loose and looking for the Baskerville bloodline. When a certain someone seeks out to Sherlock Holmes for the use of his famously known abilities to solve mysteries. Leading to the first biggest change in characters is Sherlock Holmes was his use of Black Tar also know as the use of Heroin. A scene is portrayed of him shooting up Heroin and foreshadows him going crazy later over it because you can tell that he really needs it. But in the book, the closest thing Holmes gets to doing drugs is the use of tobacco, as he occasionally takes smoke breaks when a clue is unsolvable or he has an enormous amount of stress on his shoulders. Dr. Mortimer isn t the crazy skull freak we thought of in the book as Mr. ... Show more content on ... on it. The legend in the movie was different from the book s perspective as it is said that Hugo s wife was killed, not his neighbor. One of my personal favorite difference that gave it a little excitement was how in the book it said that Laura Lyons baited Sir Charles the night of his death, In the movie Miss Stapleton baited Charles that
  • 18. Electric Car Memo The purpose of this memo is to provide you with the necessary information so that you will choose to purchase an electric car. This memo, will propose why you should invest in an Electric Car by explain how the electric car it cheaper to operate than a conventional car, the government will give you a tax credit to buy a new one, and public charging stations are increasing. In addition to these explanations this memo will describe why you should invest in these three cars: the 2017 Chevrolet Bold EV, the 2017 Tesla Model 3, and the 2017 BMW i3. Why you should invest in an Electric Car Cheaper to operate than conventional cars Since the electric car has an electric motor instead of the traditional piston engine it eradicates a series of mechanical components that would normally require regular service. As an owner ... Show more content on ... On its road test it showcased that it had the ability to gain miles via a low performance mode along with paddle driven energy regeneration abilities. The Chevy bolt has a horse power of 200 and can achieve a top speed of 93 mph. 2017 Tesla Model 3 The 2017 Tesla Model 3 is currently priced at $35,000. This eco friendly/ luxurious compact SUV, seats five people comfortably and is aiming to be one of the favorite amongst electric cars on the road. This zero emissions small SUV is sexy outside, luxurious inside and offers a surprisingly fast and smooth ride, having the ability to achieve accelerate from 0 60 mph in less than six seconds. It also has a driving range of 215 per charge. Which takes a total of 7:04 minutes to fully charge your car. 2017 BMW i3 The 2017 BMW i3 is priced at $43,395 and is a true contender in pure electric transportation. The driving range of the 2017 i3 has been extended to 114, but this electric vehicle s with its all torque all the time acceleration reaches a top speed of 92 mph, making it perhaps one of the most enjoyable electric cars to drive on the road
  • 19. Writing Fiction Is Therapeutic Writing a fictional novel is a learning experience. Here s what I ve learned from writing a novel. Writing Fiction is Therapeutic Did one of your parents pass away? Are you going through a divorce? Whatever issue you are dealing with, you can include it in your novel. If you do that, not only will you feel better, but it make your story more compelling. To make yourself feel even better, you can blow the situation out of proportion in your novel or fantasize what you would love to happen. For example. Let s say one of your parents passed away. In your novel, the same thing happens to one of your characters. The spirit of the dead parent can visit the character sometime in the future. Here s another example. Let s say you re going through
  • 20. Mirza Ghalib Sub continental Literature Poetry Presentation Hard Copy Mirza Ghalib s Prose One of the most influential luminaries of the Subcontinent literature, Mirza Asad Ullah Khan, continues to win the hearts of the posterity with his evergreen literary works. His is renowned for his poetic endeavors in Urdu and Persian language with thousands of high quality verses to his credit. He bagged a major chunk of fame through his rich philosophical verses which often eclipse his status as a prolific prose writer. Many notable writers proclaim that Ghalib could have garnered the same magnitude of fame only on the basis of his amazing prose. He gave a new and refreshing facet to the genre of ... Show more content on ... His letters are rife in delighting humor and sharp wit, elucidating and highlighting Ghalib s jolly, candid and loving nature. He even smiled at the gloomiest moments because the severe jolts of life had made him learn to smile in order to strengthen himself in the face of even the most terrible scenarios so as to mitigate the bitter and painful pangs of the agonizing life. For instance, when the 3rd wife of one of his friends died, Ghalib remarked: Allah Allah, there are some among us who have been freed from this prison three times and I have for the past 50 years this rope around my neck; neither this rope breaks nor it takes my life. Another such example of his light heartedness can be seen in one of his letters to Saif ul Haq, in which Ghalib candidly and cleverly talks his friend out of sending the predictable gift of mangoes, a fruit, of which he was awfully fond of, but was also flooded with, by his friends and companions. I cannot think of anything which I can ask you to send me from Surat. What is there to be had which cannot be had here. I like mangoes no doubt, very much, not less than grapes, but how can they reach here safely from Surat and Bombay. The Malda mangoes are known here as Pewandi and Vilayati. They are fine indeed and they would be finer still at Surat, but it seems you would be going out of the way to send them from there to Delhi. The expense of sending mangoes worth a rupee would amount to about Rs.4 by the parcel post and even then perhaps
  • 21. Urban Form, Urban Sprawl, And Smart Growth Urban Form, Urban Sprawl, and Smart Growth Introduction: Since the Industrialization, cities attracted large amounts of labor force from rural to urban to engage in industries, which changed the structure of cities by increasing huge population. In addition, changing the structure of cities produces lots of problems, such as traffic congestion causes more serious air pollution, and insufficient housing problem; therefore, central cities began to extend the boundaries to desire better living environment to react the problems. However, urban sprawl is not the only one answer to solve the problems, and sprawling cities worse the problems. Thus, some ideas and critiques came out to analysis and solve sprawl, such as emerging smart growth and sustainable development to achieve a better living environment. Urban sprawl is not only affect the living style, such as commuting longer distance and time between workplace and home, but also influence our economic and government decision, for example, the costs of infrastructure in suburban is higher than the maintenance fee of existing infrastructure in city core. As a result, I want to know the history about sprawling, how sprawl affect cities, and how planners and people react to sprawl. Main Part: Cities experienced several times of migrations move in and out; because of cities had different attraction to the residents in rural area during different period. For example, in the beginning of forming the city, people came into city for
  • 22. James Joyce Essay In selecting James Joyce s Ulysses as the best novel of the twentieth century, Time magazine affirmed Joyce s lasting legacy in the realm of English literature. James Joyce (1882 1941), the twentieth century Irish novelist, short story writer and poet is a major literary figure of the twentieth century. Regarded as quot;the most international of writers in EnglishВЎK[with] a global reputation (Attridge, pix), Joyce s stature in literature stems from his experimentation with English prose. Influenced by European writers and an encyclopedic knowledge of European literatures, Joyce s distinctive writing style includes epiphanies, the stream of consciousness technique and conciseness. Born in Rathgar, near Dubtin, in 1882, he lived his ... Show more content on ... Hauptmann s comprehensive version of the portrait of an artist helped Joyce develop his own interpretation. A further clarification was provided by the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzche (1844 1900). Joyce adapted Nietzsche s concept of the Superman in developing his portrait of an artist. Although Joyce rejected the Catholic Church all his life, Reynords, in Joyce and Dante: The Shaping Imagination clams that the Italian poet and the greatest of Catholic poets Dante Alighier (1265 1321) quot;whose influence pervades all Joyce s writing is never cowed by authority quot; (Attridge p. 56 57). Perhaps that is why Joyce was attracted to Dante s writing. amp;#9;Of all his literary countryman, the only Irish literary who s left a profound impression on Joyce was that Irish nationalist poet, James Clarence Mangan (1803 1849). In the short story quot;Araby, quot; Joyce pays tribute to the poet by naming the narrator s classmate, Mangan. Joyce identified with Mangen because of his linguistic skill and knowledge of the literature of Italy, Spain, France and Germany. Furthermore, Mangan was disdained by his Irish contemporaries a gesture Joyce considered an act of treachery. amp;#9;Joyce s use of the stream of consciousness technique first appeared record these epiphanies with extreme care, quot;seeing that they themselves are the moments. quot; (Kalasty, p.199) Although all the stories
  • 23. Analysis Of Catherine Zeta Jones, The Academy Award... Until 2011, Catherine Zeta Jones was known as the Academy Award Winning for best supporting actress for her role in Chicago. Then, she stunned her fans by saying that she has been diagnosed with Bipolar II disorder and is seeking treatment for it. To be diagnosed of bipolar II disorder, it s necessary to meet the following criteria for current or past hypomanic episode and criteria for current or past major depressive disorder. Also the occurrence of hypomanic episode and major depressive disorder should not be better explained by schizophrenia, or other specified or unspecified schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorder. Hypomanic episode is period of abnormally and persistently elevated mood and abnormally and persistently increased energy present most of the day, nearly every day for 4 consecutive days. The change in functioning and disturbance in mood are observable by others. The episode is not due to physiological effects of a substance. It is not severe enough to cause impairment in occupational or social functioning or to necessitate hospitalization. But if there are psychotic features, then it is labeled manic. The episode is associated with unequivocal change in functioning that is uncharacteristic of individual when not symptomatic (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). And finally the last criteria is, during the period of increased energy and mood disturbance, three or more of the following symptoms must persist: inflated self esteem, increase in
  • 24. Satire About Scrooge Scrooge is overly grumpy and has extortionate avarice. He is a little miserly ol curmudgeon. He hates things like happiness, kindness, and Christmas until a clique of three apparitions comes and shows him otherwise. Scrooge was definitely not very liberal, but he is odious, and misanthropic. Scrooge was a miserable, depressed, heavy hearted man. According to the text, no one ever stopped Scrooge in the street to say, with a gladsome look, My dear Scrooge, how are you? When will you come to see me? Scrooge has an unfortunate reputation of being antisocial, depressed, negative, untrustworthy. Scrooge is extremely uncaring, and thoughtless to the poor people, as he thinks there is a jail for poor people. In general, Scrooge is just very negative. The triplet of ghosts comes to show Scrooge the reasons of why it is bad to be negative, antisocial, and untrustworthy. Scrooge is a gargantuan jerk. The three ghosts give Scrooge a last chance to change his unfortunate, bad reputation into a fortunate, positive reputation. The first of the three spirits was the spirit of Christmaspast. The spirit of Christmas past took ol dolorous Scrooge to see his past childhood. The text states that they passed through Scrooge s wall, and stood upon an open country road, with fields on either end. This city had vanished in present time. Good Heaven! Said Scrooge, clasping his hands together, as he looked about him. I was bred in this place, I was a boy here. The significance is
  • 25. Lab 2 Some Factors Affect Reaction Rate Essay Bingying Jiang CHM 152ll April 25, 2013 Some Factors that Affect the Rate of a Reaction BACKGROUND: Chemical reactions occur at different rates. In this experiment I will consider some of the key factors that influence the rate of a reaction: * Вѓ nature of reactants particle size * Вѓ temperature * Вѓ catalysts According to the collision theory, the rate of a reaction depends on the frequency of collisions between reacting particles. The more frequent the collisions, the faster the rate of the reaction. However, in order for the collisions to be effective, the particles must collide with sufficient energy (activation energy). Furthermore, the particles must collide with the proper orientation. The factors that... Show more content on ... The reaction between the bicarbonate ion and citric acid produces water, carbon dioxide, and the citrate ion. Write the balanced equation for the reaction. 3NaHCO3 + H3C6H5O7 в†’ 3H2O(l) + 2CO2(g) + Na3C6H5O7 2. What evidence do you have that this is a chemical reaction and not a physical change? Bubbles (CO2) formed in the reaction. 3. From your data in Table 1, what is the relationship between temperature and rate of reaction? The rate of reaction increases as the temperature increases. 4. From your data in Table 2, what is the relationship between size of the tablet and the rate of reaction? The rate of reaction increases as the surface area increases. 5. From your data in Table 3, explain the difference in time between the three solutions. Vinegar works faster than tap water, and the NaCl is the best catalyst that increases the reaction rate the most. CONCLUSION: I had stated in my hypotheses that: 1) If the rate at which the Alka seltzer tablet dissolves is related to the temperature, then the temperature will affect the rate at which the tablet dissolves. 2) If the rate at which the Alka Seltzer tablet dissolves is related to the surface area, then the surface area will affect the rate at which the Alka Seltzer tablet dissolves. 3) If the rate at which Alka Seltzer tablet dissolves is related to the catalyst, then the catalyst will affect the rate at which the tablet dissolves. My hypotheses were proven correct by the observations
  • 26. Protein Structure And The Protein Structures Stephanie Ahlemeyer Dr. Hudson Bio 2240 Protein Essay 18 September 2015 Alcohol Dehydrogenase Proteins are the main building blocks that cells are assembled from and they make up most of the cell s dry mass. They contain important elements such as oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and amino acids. Proteins also help provide the cell with shape and structure. There are some proteins, which are embedded in the plasma membrane, and they form channels and pumps. These channels and pumps control the passage of nutrients and small molecules in and out of the cell. In addition, some proteins send important messages to other cells or are signal indicators. The proteins that are embedded in the plasma membrane act as motors ... Show more content on ... The protein Alcohol Dehydrogenase can be found in our stomach and in our liver. In addition, it can assist in generation of aldehydes and ketones. According to the article, How Alcohol is Metabolized in the Human Body, Alcohol dehydrogenase is the workhorse of the alcohol enzymes. it breaks down the majority of the alcohol that enters the human body. Alcohol dehydrogenase is actually the name for a family of enzymes which break down alcohol each of which has a slightly different molecular structure. Researchers have identified as many as 10 varieties of the alcohol dehydrogenase molecule. All of them bring about the same chemical reaction the difference is that some varieties of alcohol dehydrogenase work more efficiently than others. As we shall see below, these variations in the alcohol dehydrogenase molecule can explain why some individuals react differently to alcohol than others. Based off this quote, alcohol dehydrogenase is an enzyme. An enzyme is a protein that catalyzes chemical reactions. In addition, alcohol dehydrogenase often referred to as AdhD, can be found in all organisms. Adhd can be used in food, pharmaceutical, and fine chemical industries for the productions of aldehydes, ketones, and chiral alcohols. (Machielsen et al., 2006). Alcohol dehydrogenase is made up of 3 main components, Zinc, Ethanol, and NAD. According to the article, Alcohol Dehydrogenase, Alcohol dehydrogenase uses
  • 27. The Crucible Essay On Self Sacrifice A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself (Joseph Campbell). Personal sacrifice is a quality that makes a hero. A hero inaugurates change, inspires people, and can be idols to many. Heroes are people who give up something for the greater good disregarding the risks or the difficulties they will face on their way. Heroes are made up of selflessness, of risks, and the most important quality of a herois sacrifice. Heroes, like Bilbo, from the novel the Hobbit, like Abraham Lincoln, and like Sojourner Truth are people who sacrificed for the well being of other people. These individuals had a dream and had hope of a better life. These three important citizens impacted and inspired people, made their... Show more content on ... Sojourner Truth gave a speech in 1851 called Ain t I a Women? in which she expounds about racial, gender, and women s rights that everyone should possess. Truth was sold along with a flock of sheep, to an abusive and violent owner, at the age of nine. Truth had a son named Peter and two other daughters named Elizabeth and Sophia with a slave named Thomas. Truth escaped from her slave owner leaving only with her youngest daughter Sophia and leaving her other children behind. As a mother it had to be a tough decision to leave her children behind, the most valuable people in her life, just to spread her ideas and her beliefs. Truth spent many of her years fighting for African American abolition of slavery and women s rights. Most of her life, Truth, gave sermons, which inspired many people to change their ideas about slavery and women s power in the world. Truth sacrificed her children and her own well being to fight for what she believed in, she never gave up and she changed the perspectives. Truth was selfless and she had hope she was going to end slavery and have justice for women. She sacrificed her family and her life, she kept fighting until her last breath and she wasn t going to let her sacrifices go in vain. Sojourner Truth is the epitome of a hero because she sacrificed the most important people in her life, she will always be remembered as one of the foremost leaders of the abolition movement and an early advocate of women s
  • 28. Reagan s Role During The Demise Of The Soviet Union Reagan s Role in the Demise of the Soviet Union Entering into the 1980s, the Soviet system was already in deep trouble. In order to match the US arms arsenal, it had put itself in a position, whereby the Soviet economy was finding it difficult whether to first put bread on the table of a common Russian or to match US in a tit for tat response. Though Gorbachev s intentions were to strike a deal with the United States in order to put a halt to the arms race, which was straining the Soviet economy at the seams; however, Reagan kept the pressure of the SDI or the Star Wars programme on the Russians. He also encouraged Gorbachev to introduce more reforms, which resulted into Glasnost and Perestroika. Reagan s famous speech at the ... Show more content on ... In my view, Gorbachev s trust on Reagan came to a point where he was ready to take the leap of faith and that ensured a peaceful outcome of the cold war endgame. This all shows that how powerful impact the Summits can have on the psyche of a leader of a nation. By the time Reagan had gone, USSR unilaterally announced the cut in its defence arsenal in 1989, the Warsaw pact countries were moving towards democratization and finally in December 1991 saw the final enactment of the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Reykjavik Summit, October 1986: Reagan Gorbachev (Gorbachev proposed phasing out nuclear weapons in return for US abandonment of SDI) Although the Geneva summit was not a success, however it gave the opportunity to both the leaders to size each other up. 1986 was not an easy year for Michael Gorbachev. When Ronald Reagan proposed that the next two meetings should be held in Washington and Moscow, Gorbachev forcefully demanded that a substantial Arms Control agreement should be signed. However Reagan did not want to give the impression that in order to have a meeting with Gorbachev, he had given concessions to him. Reagan therefore, refused to commit on an arms control agreement in the following meeting. However in January 1986, Gorbachev made an offer to Ronald Reagan which he could not refuse. In January of that year, Gorbachev
  • 29. Cannery Row Essay The minor characters in John Steinbeck s novel Cannery Row are a contradiction within themselves. Steinbeck shows two conflicting sides to each character; for example, Mack is smart and lazy and some of his colleagues are both good and bad. Doc is a father figure with some bad habits. Dora Flood is a kind hearted saint who happens to run a brothel. Lee Chong is a shrewd businessman who likes to take advantage of others. Henri is an artist with a French background even though he isn t from France. Through his characters, Steinbeck shows that humans are complicated and can have many faces. Mack and his Boys are a group of down and out but always devious men who live together in the run down fishmeal shack, owned by Lee Chong, which they ... Show more content on ... Gay is a gifted mechanic who can make any vehicle run. Steinbeck allows for most of his characters to posses a double sided appeal. All of the boys lead relatively normal lives by Cannery standards, but can be seen in two different lights. On one hand they are do gooders, holy men, martyrs, the type one would always want on their side. On the other hand, with their refined manipulative abilities, they can be perceived as bullies, bottom feeders, and lowlifes. They are the instigators and problem solvers; the straight men and the comic reliefs; the villains and the heroes. With any role they play, they proceed to play the opposite. Doc is the owner of Western Biological Laboratory, a specimen supply house. Doc is a placid, melancholy man who is a source of culture, munificence, and aid for all on the Row. He introduces Dora s girls and the boys to opera, classical music, and literature, and he takes a mentally handicapped boy in and cares for him. He is also a bit of a womanizer. Somehow, though, Doc always seems lonely, and everyone on the Row constantly wants to do something to show him how much he is loved. Doc is a sort or father figure to the residents of Cannery Row. When the people are sick, he is their doctor; when they are lonely, their psychologist; and when abandoned, he is their home. Dora Flood is the local madam; a proprietor of the Bear Flag Restaurant, a brothel. Dora is a large woman with
  • 30. Essay on Top Sites for Christian Singles Top Sites for Christian Singles You cannot be lonely if you like the person you re alone with. Wayne Dyer While I enjoy being single, I do occasionally like male company for dinner, dancing or just good conversation. Fortunately, there are many sites for singles to find friends, dates and even mates; however, I was interested in sites for Christian singles. After contacting several megachurches to inquire as to which sites were most used by their singles, we learned that the directors for the ministries were not asking this question and the singles where not volunteering the information although the felt the services were being used. The single ministry leaders felt that their goal was to provide an environment for the singles ... Show more content on ... After speaking with those who have personally used the services, what they liked most on any dating site are pre screened members (i.e., background checks) and the ability to browse potential candidate during a trial or free membership. One site,, is owned by Penthouse Media Group. Knowing that even non Christian sites are not 100% authentic, some Christian singles sites do publish statements or articles of faith. A few of the Christian singles sites admitted to not wanting to publish a statement of faith so that no one would feel excluded. Christian Mingle, owned by Sparks Networks, primarily has members in the US and some in Canada. They provide opportunities for members to express his or her faith, share a bible passage, and list a church or ministry affiliation. The profile took five minutes to complete even asking open ended questions to allow you to express yourself. Member fees are $29.99 per month; however, with a six month contract, the fee is $13.99 per month. Christian Singles is owned by Christians Networking Enterprises LLC, and they advertise that they are dedicated to marriage
  • 31. Beowulf Anglo Saxon Values In the epic Beowulf translated by Burton Raffel, Beowulf exemplifies values that embody the ideals of the Anglo Saxon culture. Some of these ideals are expressed through actions and words, while others can be expressed through the characters thoughts and appearance. The anglo saxon culture respects bravery and they also value strength. Beowulfshows these attributes throughout the story and there are many examples of his character. Beowulf said, I battled and bound five beasts, raided a troll nest and in the night sea, slaughtered brutes. I have suffered extremes and avenged the Geats (their enemies brought it upon themselves, I devastated them). Now I mean to be a match for Grendel. From this quote, we can assume that Beowulf speaks with authority and is extremely confident. He uses elaborate speech to describe his own power and skill and we can tell that he is a great warrior because of what he said he has done. ... Show more content on ... Beowulf fights and he has more heart than any other warrior and that i is why he is a leader. Beowulf has the ability to defeat monsters by himself with his bare hands. This quote shows what because Beowulf is capable of. But so massive that no ordinary man could lift its carved and decorated length...And then, savage, now angry and desperate, lifted it high over his head and struck with all he had left, caught her in the
  • 32. Patient Lookup Patient Training Plan My training plan is for patient lookup function which to me would be hands on training. For maybe few patients that can t look up information on a computer a training program would be beneficial for them. There needs to be a complete understanding of the information system in order to look up information. To me patient looks up function can mean the patient can look up information or what it probably means is that information system programmer can look up all the information system programmers can look up. All the information needed for that patient and what sort of treatment they have had and any other information for their quality care. However, looks up information, whether a programmer or anyone else they need to have a complete understanding
  • 33. Renaissance Theatre Research Paper A lot has changed in theatre during the Renaissance era and today. Things that have changed between the Renaissance era and today s drama include staging , language, and topics. In the Renaissance era, theatre performances were hosted in: Inn yards, Amphitheatres and Indoor Playhouses. In the 20th century, producers use movie sets and digital production. Scripts were written in Old English during the Renaissanceera , while our current language has evolved. In the Renaissance, popular topics used in plays included: Aristocrats , Witchcraft, Heroines and History. In the 20th century some topics used in current dramas include book series, history, and current events. From the Renaissances era to the 20th century, Dramahas evolved over the ages like how the way drama is presented, produced, and about. The way drama was presented has evolved a lot throughout the ages. With the introduction of film, plays and scenes ; could be recorded, edited and ... Show more content on ... The Renaissance era relied heavily on actors and props to provide the visual part of a play and was based off of Aristocrats, witchcraft and heroes, and sometimes histories. Current drama like movies are pretty similar in terms of producing their work around, histories, current affairs and popular literature. However, the way we present and create the drama has differed. In the past drama relied heavily on the usage of actors, props and costumes to provide a visualization of the play. They were limited on sound and special effects. .More current drama centralizes around recording and editing with a computer. Modern drama has more access to sound and special effects than the Renaissance because of the discovery of computers, they can edit parts of a show and insert sound effects and special effects in the move to convey the mood, emphasize the importance of the scene, and etc. Movies can also can be created completely by a computer without the need of an
  • 34. And Then There Were None Themes Mystery Novels to T.V. Shows The world of mystery novels has made a great series of books, but this world has changed to a more modern version, television crime shows. This more modern series has had a great impact on the mystery genre. I m curious to know how the characters of And Then There Were None compare to those of these crime solving T.V. shows, how the motives of these psychopaths in real life are comparable to those of Mr. Justice Wargrave, and how the styles of murder in these T.V. shows compared to the style of Justice Wargrave. There are many multiple things details that are very similar to the novel in many an abounding amount of different crime solving T.V. shows, but there are also a lot a mass of things details that are different.... Show more content on ... shows are the way the people are murdered. Most murders in these television shows are made to cover up who the murderer is. Also, this is shown in the novel by Mr. Justice Wargrave because he wants the murders to be unsolvable. My hand, protected with a handkerchief, will press the trigger. My hand will fall to my side, the revolver, pulled by the elastic, will recoil to the door . . . . I shall be found, laid neatly on my bed, shot through the forehead in accordance with the record kept by my fellow victims. . . . When the sea goes down, there will come from the mainland boats and men. And they will find ten dead bodies and an unsolved problem on Soldier Island (Christie 300). This relates to T.V. shows because almost all murderers don t want to be caught and go through a lot a great deal of trouble to make sure their actions are successful they may even kill more people which makes the jobs of the T.V. investigators a lot a great deal harder. One of the techniques they use to get away with their crimes is preparation. These killers plan, stalk, and do everything they can not to leave evidence behind. They are very organized and will do things to stay one step ahead of law enforcement (Schurman Kauflin). They will do anything to get away with their crime so they don t have to go to prison for life. Nevertheless, with all the technology, such as DNA fingerprinting, actual
  • 35. Was John Brown A Hero John Brown the Hero John Brown has been a controversial political figure to generations of Americans across the nation. He is often regarded as one of two polarizing ideals, the unapologetic freedom fighting abolitionist and then as the religious zealot turned domestic terrorist. There is even a case to be made that John Brownwas America s first domestic terrorist. While Brown s methods may have been extreme, he delivered his intended message; that change needed to occur for the country to be truly free. John Brown s actions and beliefs that he held that led to the raid at Harper s Ferry were noble and had major cultural impact on American society at that time. John Brown was a man who is by definition non conformist . He grew up wealthy and educated, but with little formal education he took risks financially and socially and had a high sense of morality that grounded the beliefs that would soon... Show more content on ... When he was young during the War with England he stayed with a nice landlord that was housing a United States Marshall in possession of a slave boy. The Marshall grew a fondness of young John Brown and complimented every little thing Brown would do, while the slave boy who was of equal ability was berated and treated poorly and beaten in front of Brown once. This experience caused Brown to engage in self reflection that led to his strong belief system. Brown s strong belief system was the main driving force behind his revolution, he believed that it was the right of the negro to be free even if that cost meant violence. A common argument against Brown that paints him as a terrorist are these violent actions he takes. Now in nature these acts could be counted as terrorism, destruction of property and murder. However a key part of terrorism
  • 36. Foreign Direct Investment in Vietnam Essay Foreign Direct Investment in Vietnam There is no dout that foreign direct investment (FDI) plays a very significant role in economic growth, according to experiences of new industrial countries in Asia. Over a decade of opening for FDI, we could realize that the more FDI inflows pour into our country the more we benefit. In fact, FDI has contributed a great proportion to fulfill targets on socio economic development plan and has been one of the most important external sources of Vietnam on the process of industrializing and modernizing the country. Statistics shows that there was a sharp rise in FDI commitments in the period of 1998 1995. The number of investment projects go up at average 50 percent each year untill the end of... Show more content on ... In the late of 80s and the early of 90s (1988 1993), Vietnam still be hampered by United States s embargo policy on its weak economy. Though, foreign investors were very eager to invest in Vietnamese market promising numerous business opportunities because Vietnam has many advantages such as being a new market with big population and cheap price of labor; having rich natural resources, particularly oils, favorable geographical location and huge agricultural potential. Statistics shows that FDI commitments coming to Vietnam increased notably from 1988 to 1996, hitted the top in 1996 with US$ 8633 million and decreased sharply since 1997. Most of these commitments were made during 1995 1996. Several large construction projects were approved during this period of time, and this pushed up average project size to US$ 20.5 million, compared to US$ 13.3 million during 1988 1994. We can also realize that proportion of disbursements in comparison with commitments is low in the early of 90s. (See chart below) Sources: UNDPB. THE CAUSES OF DECLINE IN FDI IN VIETNAM IN RECENT YEARS There are numerous factors causing the sharp decrease in FDI since 1997 up to now. In my opinion, there are 2 main kinds of causes: direct causes and indirect causes. The direct cause is the Asian financial crisis booming in July 1997. Yet, the critical cause we should consider strictly is indirect one that was hidden under annual increase
  • 37. Don Pedro Character Foil Essay MAAN: The Character Foil Between Don Pedro and Don John Character foils are used in many books to contrast two characters, but why are they important to understand, and how are they relevant? Character foils highlight the qualities of each character, helping indentify the protagonist and antagonist. It can also give assistance in labeling the personalities of the characters, fitting them into their roles in the story. In Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare , the character foil between Don Pedro and Don John in Much Ado About Nothing highlights the qualities between them. This also influences the conflict resulting in the plot, concerning Claudio and Hero. In other words, the qualities of Don Pedro, perhaps including helpful, experienced, ... Show more content on ... In Much Ado About Nothing, at the masked party, Claudio believes Don Pedro has wooed Hero for himself, and Claudio says, ...Let every eye negotiate for itself, and trust no agent; for beauty is a witch against whose charms faith melteth into blood this is an accident of hourly proof, which I mistrusted not. Farewell, therefore, Hero (Shakespeare 23). Don John s first attempt of mischief almost succeeded and could have foiled Claudio s plan to woo Hero. This was a close call, and if Claudio had just left in anger or sadness, this problem would not have been resolved. However, Don John and his lackeys try again. Just as Claudio and Hero are about to get married, Claudio says, But fare thee well, most foul, most fair; farewell thou impiety and impious purity. For thee I ll lock up all the gates of love, and on my eyelids shall conjecture hang to turn all beauty into thoughts of harm, and never shall it be more gracious (Shakespeare 68). Claudio believes Hero is being unfaithful when it is all a trick. At this point, the wedding is ruined and the conflict of the story has been set in motion. Don John has succeeded, and this has dramatically influenced the conflict in the
  • 38. Application Of Shape Memory Alloy Properties Table of Contents 1.INTRODUCTION1 1.1.Definition1 1.2.Displacive Transformations1 1.3.Hysteresis2 1.4.Crystal structures of Ti Ni based martensites3 1.5.Spectroscopy techniques to determine composition of SMA4 1.5.1.Energy Dispersive X Ray Spectroscopy4 1.6.Phase diagram of Ti Ni Alloys5 2.APPLICATION OF SHAPE MEMORY ALLOYS IN INTELLIGENT REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES (IRCS)7 2.1.Concept of IRCs7 2.2.Important Shape Memory Alloy Properties Applied in IRC7 2.2.1.Shape Memory Effect7 2.2.2Thermal Actuation Ability7 2.2.3Damping7 2.3.Experimental Approach7 2.3.1.Material Used7 2.3.2Test Specimen7 2.3.3Method8 2.3.4Results and Conclusions9 2.4Outcomes11 2.5.Practical Cosiderations11 2.5.1.Practical Limitations11 2.5.2.Stoichiometric Considerations11 2.5.3.Effect of Heat Treatment and Cold Work on SMAs12 3.A FINAL WORD ON SMAS14 REFERENCES15 1.INTRODUCTION 1.1.Definition Shape memory alloys (SMA) have attracted much attention in recent years, since they are smart (or intelligent) materials, as well as functional materials, which already exist. These alloys possess the characteristics of the shape memory effect (SME) and super elasticity (SE) which are caused by the martensitic (or displacive) transformation (MT) and its reverse transformation to the parent austenite phase; we define the characteristic transformation temperatures as follows; Ms: martensite start temperature upon cooling; Mf: martensite finish
  • 39. Refugees Should Be Allowed In The United States Are reviewed helping us or are they making us weaker? Refugees a living almost anywhere they can. Some even live in old jails, living in one cell per family. Over 1,500 refugees have been accepted into the United States since 2011. The refugees aren t just causing diversity, but economic problems in host countries. When the Civil War started, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and Turkey were poorly equipped to handle this major crisis. Although refugees are fleeing for safety, it is not helping anyone. First of all, refugees are thing for safety. When they are flavor safety they are going to a neighboring host countries. Sent 6% a serious population has been killed because of ISIS, some are fighting to get revenge on those who are associated with the killings. While so many refugees are being injured or killed, we still have over 50,000 homeless veterans in America. Veterans have been here fighting for our freedom or fighting for peace. The question is why take in more refugees while we are still struggling to help America s veterans? Overall, I... Show more content on ... According to Fox news,Obama administration officials plan to bring in about 10,000 refugees over the next year. This will give them a safe place to stay, a chance to get back on their feet, a chance to get a job, will allow them to get healthcare, an education, and any other other commodities the refugees could possibly need. But, every person has another side. In France, in November of 2015, the ISIS bombers were identified as refugees that had fled to escape the war. As they had started to live in France,they joined ISIS, and were undercover. Letting people into your country without thinking about it gives them a chance to be a threat. Some countries are letting refugees records slide so they can start a now life. CNN news says that 31 U.S. governors are not accepting Syrian refugees.Overall, it is the wrong choice to let refugees into your
  • 40. Xczc Govt., Business, NGOs Interface between them in the rise of globalization BUSINESS ETHICS PROJECT Govt., Business, NGOs Interface between them in the rise of globalization BUSINESS ETHICS PROJECT Chand Ajmera, PGP/17/192 Ananya Jha, PGP/17/194 Shraddha Srikhande, PGP/17/240 Dinesh Kumar V, PGP/17/248 Chand Ajmera, PGP/17/192 Ananya Jha, PGP/17/194 Shraddha Srikhande, PGP/17/240 Dinesh Kumar V, PGP/17/248 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 2. ROLE OF CSOS IN BUSINESS GOVERNMENT INTERFACE 3. LOBBYING INTRODUCTION 4. ETHICAL IMPLICATIONS OF LOBBYING 5. EXAMPLES OF LOBBYING 6. ACTIONS BEING TAKEN TO CURB THE UNETHICAL ASPECT OF LOBBYING 7. CONCLUSION amp; RECOMMENDATIONS 1. ... Show more content on ... Boycott of Nike, Walmart, and other retailers for allegedly manufacturing goods under abusive working conditions in developing countries can also be highlighted in this context. Influence of CSOs on government CSOs have been instrumental in influencing government to incorporate environment and labor provisions in the North American Free Trade Agreement and the World Trade Organisation (WTO) negotiations, emboldening governments to allow banning of genetically modified organisms and food products and forcing World Bank to excuse the debt of developing countries. MEDIATORS OR MODERATORS: CSOs act as mediators or moderators where they collaborate with corporates jointly working for the betterment of the community. They try to influence various policies without being directly involved in it.
  • 41. Stakeholder agency theory which can be used to study this role, assumes that the corporate has ethical and social responsibilities towards a wide variety of stakeholders which impact them in one or the other way. [1] INSERT figure 4 HERE : CSOs acting as direct influencers One of the examples is the participation of CSOs, and NGOs in particular, in mediation of Mozambican peace process that led to agreements in Rome in October 1992, attended by the Community of Sant Egidio. Other example includes CSOs persuading Home
  • 42. Why Is Frederick Banting Successful Sir Frederick Banting is undoubtedly the greatest Canadian. His dedication, bravery and genius led to the discovery of insulin and a significant advance in research related to silicosis, cancer and aviation medicine. He saved millions of lives, demanding nothing in return. He did, however, receive various awards, such as the Military Cross for distinguished and meritorious services in time of war and the 1923 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine. Not born in a particularly wealthy family, everything he accomplished was the result of hard work, commitment, and passion. He dedicated his whole life to helping people not only in Canada, but in the rest of the world as well. Banting did not just talk about making a difference like most people do. He actually got up, faced the challenge and managed to change the fate of millions. Frederick Banting s main success was becoming the co discoverer of insulin, but it was not his first major accomplishment. During the first world war, a heroic sacrifice earned him the Military Cross. As a student, Banting enlisted in the Canadian Army Medical Corps and after graduation, was sent to Europe to serve as a medical officer. In the last days of the war, seriously injured and... Show more content on ... Apart from showing remarkable courage, talent and intelligence, he was also very selfless and modest. He did not do anything for money or fame, but for people. He did not want to accept the millions of dollars that were offered to him for the patent of insulin, because he believed that the discovery belonged to the world and not to him. He sold the rights to produce insulin to The University of Toronto for only one dollar, and shared half of the money from his Nobel Prize with his assistant. Frederick Banting did not chase after money or recognition. Everything he did, he did for the well being of others, and after years of hard work, he died serving his country
  • 43. World War One Of The Worst Wars Of All Time World War 2 was one of the worst wars of all time. In 1939, Adolf Hitler started a war because of his genocide of Jewish people. And, he was succeeding. No one could stop him. We needed something to change. If we didn t stop something soon, Hitler would take over all of the Middle East and presume to take over the world. The US thankfully came up with a solution to this, they created an unstoppable force, the B 29 Superfortress Fighter Plane. The B 29 was the most destructive warplane ever to be invented. It was the fastest, most advanced plane of its time. The B 29 was used in World War Two and won the excruciating war for the Americans. The B 29 is even admired by people today. This is the plane that saved the world. There were nearly... Show more content on ... They had to work in coal mines and chop wood. On top of that, they were given a very limited number of supplies and hope. With numbers branded to their wrists, they could have also been killed in the countless gas chambers and mean guards that Hitler purchased. They were given wooden beds with no sheets or blankets, stale bread, and broth, and on top of that, they were taunted by the Nazi Guards everywhere. All Jewish people feared Adolf Hitler. He was their worst nightmare. Many Jews believed that they would never make it out alive, others were a little more hopeful, and others rebelled against the Nazis. But what they didn t know is that the Jews that still remained were going to make it out alive, thanks to the United States and the Allies. World War Two was one of the fiercest, destructive, brutal wars ever to be recorded in history. Great Britain was falling to the Nazis, at the time Great Britain wasn t as advanced as they are now. Being allied with the most advanced country at the time, the United States, they asked them to create an aircraft that would help them get out of their plight. The United States responded with the most advanced warplane in the history of the world. What is the B 29? World War Two was such a brutal war that the United States actually shut down the automobile manufacturers for 4 5 years just to focus more
  • 44. Hi Worship Leaders Research Paper Hi Worship Leaders! I hope you all have had a wonderful week so far! Thank you all so much for Sunday! I had so munch great feedback from Savior! Great job! You nailed it! I am so thankful to be able to worship our King with you all of you each and everyday, I can not wait for Easter Sunday!! Praise Choir Regarding tonight, most of you probably know that this week is Spring Break for Wilson County Schools and that means that this is kind of a spring break for the rest of the church tonight as well. I know that in the past we have still had rehearsals on these weeks, however, we are going to CANCEL rehearsal tonight. There have been many that have reached out and let me know that they will not be here tonight, and with President Trump being ... Show more content on ... Please spend some time working on this song to make Sunday morning a little easier. This is the only newer song we need to work on. You all did such a great job with Savior this past week. I am so thankful for each of you and your talents! Call Times for Sunday: Brandon/Chad: 6 AM Praise Band: DOWNBEAT 6:15 AM Tech: 7 AM Praise Team: 7 AM Praise Choir: 7:15 AM Thank you all for being so understanding and working so hard each week! Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns! Thank you all for praying for our Durban team last week, we felt it! It was such a powerful time and such a blessing to be sent out by such a wonderful family of believers! One prayer concern that I would like to share with you: Pastor Phillip s uncle Howard passed over into eternity last night, and went to be with our Lord. He left behind Phillip s aunt Jackie. Please take a second to lift up the Brunner family and Aunt Jackie. Feel free to reach out to Phillip and let him know you love him and are praying for him. I love you all!
  • 46. Santa Claus Symbols Did you know that there are different holiday characters around the world? When you think of the holidays who do you think of? Is it Santa or Krampus or one of the others? Well there are actually a ton of holiday icons that you may have never heard of. These characters come from a multitude of places and countries. These figures are also all related to the christmasseason. There are many different icons that are celebrated around the world and represent different holidays. Santa Claus is one of the most well known characters. Santa Claus became more popular when Clement C. Moore wrote a story called A visit from St. Nicholas . He wrote a book about what Santa looked like and what he did. One tradition is people will go to a public place and sit on Santa s lap. Many places have a person dressed like Santa where kids can go up and sit on their lap and tell them what they want for Christmas. Another tradition is people put up a Christmas tree so Santa can put presents under it. People put up pine trees with lights and ornaments on it and on Christmas Eve if you were good Santa puts gifts under it. The last tradition is Santa comes every year on Christmas Eve night and delivers presents to kids. If you were good Santa will fill your stockings and put gifts under your tree but if you were bad you get a lump of coal. This is why Santa Claus is a big hit across America. La Befana is a holiday icon who delivers gifts to kids in Italy. La Befana delivers gifts to kids on January
  • 47. The Glass Castle Character Analysis In The Glass Castle , pages 62 121, some of the characters have an experience that makes them undergo a change in character. While it is not too noticeable, if you dig deep into the text you can see how the characters are affected, and possibly make some predictions of how this is later relevant to the story. Some of the predictions and assumptions may not be totally accurate, but are made based on evidence from the story. Jeanette, Brian, and Lori all go through a transformation after they each experienced some sort of distressing event. The first transformative event happens to Jeanette in the hot pool. Jeanette s father is trying to teach her how to swim by throwing her into the deep water and telling her to sink or swim. When she... Show more content on ... The next transformative event happens to Brian. Brian was intrigued by The Green Lantern since it was a place his parents had always warned them about. Brian was dared to go talk to the woman on the porch, with whom he became smitten with. After this event, it can be inferred that Brian started distrusting what his parents had to say since he didn t have a bad experience. Later on his birthday, Brian learns the truth about the women at The Green Lantern. His dad takes him to a hotel with Ginger where they assumingly have sex while Brian is outside. Later, when Dad and Ginger came out, she sat down next to Brian. He didn t look up. He kept staring at the comic book, even though he d already read it all the way through twice. I think that this is implying that Brian knew what they were doing since he read it twice. I believe he read it multiple times to distract him from what was going on in the other room. Afterwards, his father makes him give the comic book to Ginger which makes Brian angry. Brian loses his only source of sanity during that moment. I think the comic book was a symbol Brian s innocence and he was holding onto it until his father made him give it up. The comic book was with him and helped him get through the traumatic experience in the hotel which could be another reason he was so angry to let it go. In addition, Jeanette hints at Brian knowing what they did since he knows that the women make
  • 48. Why I Relay Research Paper WHY I RELAY? I Relay because I care. I care about the millions of families who have been impacted with this horrible disease. I care about all the people and their families that have lost their battle, those that are fighting and those who have won the battle. I care because I want us to find a cure to end cancer! I Relay because I want to help bring awareness and raise money. This is why I became a Team Captain in this year s YP Relay For Life. I Relay because In 2009 a good friend of mine lost her battle to Pancreatic Cancer five months after she was diagnosed. I Relay because in 2010 cancer hit even closer to home. At age 10, my cousin was diagnosed with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia. She had to undergo rounds of chemotherapy to prepare
  • 49. The Bullied And The Bully Muhammad Babar, Faris Nasoetion Ms. Richards English II Pre AP 1 24 October 2014 The Bullied and the Bully In today s simplistic world, one may believe that violence is the only way to solve our problems. If people continue to keep this idea of violence in their heads, our societal problems of harassment and bullying are not going to improve. Bullying has been in this world for centuries on end and for the same reason: to get a sense of power or authority. Kids in today s schools feel superior to others by calling others belittling names and harassing them to utter nothingness. Men feel the need to hit women to gain their respect. The basis is that bullying will not make one a better person, and in fact, bullying s negative effects do ... Show more content on ... Bullying can also affРµct you in thРµ long tРµrm and lРµads to dРµprРµssion or suicidРµ in somРµ casРµs. SomРµ РµxamplРµs of bullying would bРµ vРµrbal bullying which is namРµ calling, tРµasing or taunting. Social bullying such as Рµmbarrassing somРµonРµ in front of thРµ public, sprРµading rumors, or lРµaving somРµonРµ out on purposРµ. And physical bullying which is bРµating up somРµonРµ, stРµaling thРµir possРµssions or spitting (Bullying DРµfinition).ThРµrРµ arРµ so many forms of bullying and thРµir РµffРµcts toward thРµ victims arРµ nРµvРµr good. ThРµrРµ arРµ ovРµr 3.2 million of studРµnts that arРµ victims of bullying Рµach yРµar. BРµcausРµ of thРµsРµ, approximatРµly 160,000 tееns skip school РµvРµry day to avoid thРµ bulliРµs. SomРµ of thРµsРµ studРµnts drop out of school. SomРµ schools don t РµvРµn hРµlp thРµ victims that arРµ bееn bulliРµd. OvРµr two thirds of studРµnts bРµliРµvРµ that schools rРµspond poorly to bullying, with high pРµrcРµntagРµ of studРµnts bРµliРµving that adult hРµlp is infrРµquРµnt and inРµffРµctivРµ. Unsurprisingly, harassmРµnt and bullying havРµ bееn linkРµd to 75 pРµrcРµnt of school shooting incidРµnts. This is concrРµtРµ proof that bullying doРµsn t just hurt thРµ victim SomРµ pРµoplРµ may bРµliРµvРµ that bullying is a way of lifРµ and can nРµvРµr bРµ fixРµd. SomРµ pРµoplРµ may think that thРµ consРµquРµncРµs arРµ too harsh. PРµoplРµ bully not only to hurt othРµr pРµoplРµ, but bРµcausРµ thРµy arРµ РµithРµr insРµcurРµ, jРµalous, or havРµ had a traumatic РµxpРµriРµncРµ in thРµir lifРµ
  • 50. D1 Human Homeostasis Human homeostasis refers to the body s ability to regulate its inner environment to ensure its stability in response to fluctuations in the outside environment like the weather. The basic main purpose of feedback systems is to maintain homeostasis. It is any living thing s ability to keep a constant internal environment through homeostasis, which is an important part of living things. Additionally, a stable internal environment requires constant changes as conditions change inside and outside. The changes within a cell is known as homeostatic regulation it is the state of balance in the body, this is where the body systems work together to keep it functioning at a normal rate that the body needs. As well as that they is also the endocrine system ... Show more content on ... Insulin Insulin is a hormone that is produced by thwe pancreas which is located across the back of the abdomen, behind the stomach.The pancrease allows your body to use glucose or sugar which is from the carbohydrates which are in the foods that you have eaten and use it as energy and also store it for later on use for energy , it would be stored as glucose.this energy can be storeed in the muscles , fat cells and liver insulin is used tokeep your blood sugar at a stable level which is not too high also known as hyperglycemia or too low hypoglycimia . What happens if your body doesn t have enough inslin If your body doesn t have enough inlsulin your blood glucose will be very high this can happen if you eat too much food which is high in sugar or I if you miss your diabetic medicvation or do lack of exercise hat meets the amount of food you have eaten.This is kown as hyperglycimia. What happens if your body doesn t react to insulin Insulin resistance is when your cells fail to react to the insulin in your body this can then lead to type two diabetes
  • 51. Communication Is A Complex Aspect Of Human Life Communication is a complex aspect of human life that upon closer investigation gives one a deeper understanding of what messages individuals are truly attempting to convey. There are four different channels through which signals and cues send messages from sender to receiver and vice versa. Those channels are the following; auditory, visual, tactile, and scent channels. Three of the four channels are non linguistic channels that demonstrate that a large portion of communicationoccurs through non linguistic means. Individuals are consistently using these four channels in everyday interactions with one another. Humans minds and bodies have been shaped by natural selection to send a variety of verbal and non verbal signals. A signal is intentional and has been evolved to produce a certain reaction. Signals are honest because they are linked to one s genes. Due to the wide reach signals have in one s everyday life a broad analysis of signals would be ineffective for this analysis. Therefore, this analysis will focus on the role signals play in courtship. One will explore a total of five different sources of empirical evidence in order to gain a deeper understanding of why individuals may have evolved to produce and react to courtship signals. One will attempt to demonstrate that individuals have evolved to produce and react to courtship signals in order to be able to determine a potential mates interest. Though courtship signals may not guarantee that one will achieve a