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Why Some people are more successful
           than others
      how to be one of them ?
Who Rules this World ?
Luck is when opportunity meets preparedness
Think ………..   What's the big idea?

              What's your big idea?

              What are you willing to spend your moral
              capital, your intellectual capital, your cash,
              your sweat equity in pursuing outside of the
              walls of the VBI?

              That's what this degree of yours is, a blunt
              instrument. So go forth and build
              something with it.

              Well this is the time for bold measures.
              This is the country, and you are the

              1.   Improve the lives
              2.   Seek to build a better world

We seek to build a better
“The difference between
what we do and what we are
capable of doing would
suffice to solve most of the
world's problems.”
Go Beyond

            If we all did the things we are capable of
            doing, we would literally astound
            ourselves !
Go Beyond

Ordinary People doing extraordinary things

        “At 99 degrees the water is hot
        At 100 degrees it boils
        Boiled water produces steam
        Steam can move a locomotive engine
        The difference is just 1 extra degree”.

           ……………….Go Beyond!
Who AM I ?

You are manipulated
Psychological Prison : Elephant, Donkey,
Body Lock
Fear Lock
Emotional Lock (Compassion)
Intellectual Lock (Right Thinking)
Spiritual Lock
Once you free God comes in.
The line between failure and success is so fine that
we are often on the line and do not know it.
How many a man has thrown up his hand at a time
when a little more effort, a little more patience
would have turned failure into glorious success.
Find Your purpose and Set your goal :

1.   Professional
2.   Health & Wellness
3.   Emotional
4.   Financial
5.   Spiritual
6.   Relationships
Discover Your Dream

    'A dream is what you desire if anything and everything is possible.'

      1.   Mental Preparation: Read and study in areas of your
           greatest interest.
      2.   Experiential Preparation: Engage in activities in
           areas related to your interests.
      3.   Visual Preparation: Put up pictures of people and
           things that inspire you.
      4.   Hero Preparation: Read about and try to meet
           people you admire and who inspire you.
      5.   Physical preparation: Get your body in optimal
           shape to pursue your dream
1. Many times along the way you’re going to ask
   why. Why am I on this path? What is it all
   about? You’ll ask yourself those questions in
   10 years and in 20 years as often as you’re
   asking them now.

2. Well … I have an answer for you. It’s all about
   winning. That’s right, winning.

3. Believing in yourself enough to become
   the best accountant, engineer, or teacher you
   can possibly be. never measuring your
   success based on the success of others –
   because you just might set the bar too low.

             Character is the back bone of Society.
             Personal Value System makes you a good
              human being or a bad one. (Rama)
             Shatwakaras
1.   Cynics always say no.
2.   But saying "yes" begins things.
3.   Saying "yes" is how things grow.
4.   Saying "yes" leads to knowledge.
5.   "Yes" is for young people. “
6.   And that's The Word.
            Raja & Minister
            Death can also be positive experience
            Keep Smiling (Haste Rahiye)
            Be a Stithaprajna/ Even this will
            4 Worms
            Monkey Out
Keep your thoughts positive because ,
your thoughts become your words.
Keep your words positive because,
your words become your behaviour.
Keep your behaviour positive because,
your behaviour becomes your habit.
Keep your habits positive because,
your habits become your values.
Keep your values positive because,
your values become your destiny.

1. Often we travel together,. But in the end, it’s
   your journey. Your path to travel and your
   responsibilities along the way.
2. You are free to choose, and you are free to
3. It just takes hard work and a dream. Most who
   finally leave this great university never imagine
   that they’re going to change the world. Yet every
   one of you will.
4. How you change the world, is all up to you to
  Gandhi friendship
Swayam Krishi

                 Poet’s fate
                 Penguins
                 Caterpillar
                 Great famine
                 South African deer
                 Give fishnet not fish
 The drops of rain make a hole in the stone not by
  violence by oft falling.
 Courage is fear holding on a minute longer.
 Race: Mac Anderson

“ Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life – think
  of it, dream of it, live on it. Let the brain, muscles,
  nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea and
  just leave every idea alone. This is the way to success”
                               ----- Swami Vivekananda
            Priyamaina, Hitamaina, Satya……
            Listen More.
            Speak when needed.
            Some have something to say, Some
             have to say something.
            Use Power Words & Phrases
             (Abundance, Accomplish, Achieve, Aware,
             Energise, Enhance, Harmonious, Infinite,
             Inspired, Create, Confident, Exceeds, Fantastic,
             Exemplary, Purpose, grace etc.,)
            Walk the talk
Trust, Faith & Honesty

               Mans basic attitude towards God
               Rope/
               Walking Behind/
               Boat
               Cat

             Vyavasaya Buddhi
             Arjun in Warfield

Ours is not a “focused” age. Countless
influences pull us in conflicting directions.
We find ourselves trying to do a hundred
things hastily, rather than one thing at a
time carefully and well.
 If you will spend an extra hour each day in your
  chosen field, you will be a National Expert in a five
  years or less.
 To get what we have never had, we must do what
  we have never done.
 Make one extra contact / friendship every week.
  You will have 52 new contacts in a year. Every
  contact is an opportunity for further contact.
 Friendship is contagious.
 Spending intelligently & wisely
 Interview
 Guide

              The greatness of this man is his simp

 The only thing that stands between a person and what
    they want in life is the will to try it and the faith to
    believe it is possible.
   Greater the will, higher the success!
   Be Present
   The quality and totality of BEING in doing determines
    the success and happiness.
   Its not how many years of life but how much life in
    those years.
Knowledge is power

         Jattaragni (Appetite for Food – external
          power)Vs Jnanagni (Appetite for
          knowledge & life)
         Krishna had tremendous appetite for
         Bullshit
         Kakah
Kindness and Compassion
 Giving is more beautiful than receiving
 Art of giving
 Avoid Greed, Power , Desire, Fear
 Greed: Wanting much more than what is needed
 Power: Use or misuse -Power of love
 Desire: Attachment. If you love something set it free. If
  it is yours it will come back to you. If its not, it never
  was. (Princess, buddha, crane,)
           1. I hear I forget
           2. I see I remember
           3. I do I know it.

          Yoogah Karman Kaushalam

          Karmanyevadhikarasya Ma phaleshu

          The Gap Between your Expectations & Reality
          is Your Suffering

          Intense work is Rest
Statistical Commonsense
Population of the country     =10000,000,00
People aged 65 and over       = 2540,000,00
Balance left to do the work   = 7460,000,00
People aged 18 and under      = 3100,000,00
Balance left to do the work   = 4360,000,00
Union members                 = 1600,000,00
Balance left to do the work   = 2760,000,00
People in the armed forces    = 570,000,00
Balance left to do the work   = 2190,000,00
Statistical Commonsense
Balance left to do the work             = 2190,000,00
Local government & council officials    = 1600,000,00
Balance left to do the work             = 590,000,00
Peopl who wont work                     = 340,000,00
Balance left to do the work             = 250,000,00
People in prison                        = 239,999,98
Balance left to do the work             = 10,000,02
People who watch TV/ serials, cricket   = 10,000,00
Balance left to do the work             =2
Paying Forward.
     Paying forward - that is the thing that you
     with your great education from here can do
     for the rest of your lives

     A glass of Milk

Take that attitude toward life, because so seldom can we
pay back - those whom you owe – your parents and
other people - will be gone .you can always pay forward,
you must pay line for line, deed for deed, and cent for
Be a Good Human Being

You will judge yourselves not on your
professional accomplishments alone, but
also on how well you have addressed the
world’s deepest inequities … on how well
you treated people a world away who have
nothing in common with you but their

          An ounce of loyalty is better than a ton of cleverness;
          If you work for a party or for its leader –
          speak well of the party and of the leader;
          If you must eternally grumble and damn – Get out
          and grumble & damn to your heart’s content;
          Otherwise, one day a strong wind will blow you off, and
          You will never know the reason - WHY????”
Winner & Loser

•The Winner is always part of the answer; The Loser is always part of the
•The Winner always has a program; The Loser always has an excuse.
•The Winner says, "Let me do it for you"; The Loser says, "That is not my
•The Winner sees an answer for every problem; The Loser sees a problem for
every answer.
•The Winner says, "It may be difficult but it is possible"; The Loser says, "It
may be possible but it is too difficult."
•When a Winner makes a mistake, he says, "I was wrong"; When a Loser
makes a mistake, he says, "It wasn't my fault."
•A Winner makes commitments; The Loser makes promises.
•The Winner has a dream; The Loser has a scheme.
•The Winner says, "I must do something"; The Loser says, "Someone must
do something"
•The Winner sees opportunities; The Loser sees problems.
•The Winner believes in win-win; The Loser believes for him to win
someone has to lose.
Obstacles – the path of life

       Don’t resist Nature. Take it, gulp it, go with
        it. If you resist storm it takes longer time.
        (Drunkard/Child/ Rock)
       Organise forces. Wait for the right time to
       Rama Vs Ravana
       Adversity Value
A Little Advice

You cannot afford ever to do is to feel sorry
for yourself. You can't do it.

You cannot feel sorry for yourself because
that's what leads to drugs, what leads to
alcohol, and those things that tear you apart.

Avoid Occupational fraud

You can outwork anybody. Try it, you will
find out that
you can do it.
It's Not Where You Start—
It's How You Finish
Go Beyond!
         Know thyself !
         You are unlimited
         You are manipulated
         Understand your self worth
         Unleash your hidden energy
         Break the psychological fencing
         Go One Extra Mile.
         Write your purpose and vision
         Impart Soft Skills (Employability )
         Measure achievement by excellence and
          not by numbers
Have the attitude and the capacity and
the ability to go on from here and help to
make this a greater, greater world. And
God speed, in the meantime, to all of you!
Back Up
Total Transformation

Character (Rama)
Trust/ Faith & Honesty (Rope/ God/ Boat/ Holding/
Selling a building)
Positive thinking Raja/operation/ 4 worms.
Raja/ kongalu
Spaek whwn nedde
Walk the talk Bahav, Swabhava and Prabhava
Next Steps
             1.   Now you’ve accomplished something great and
                  honorable and important here at VBI, and it’s
                  time for you to move on to what’s    next.
             2.   You have an abundance of opportunities before
                  you—but don’t spend so much time trying to
                  choose the perfect opportunity, that you miss
                  the right opportunity.

             3.   Recognize that there will be failures, and
                  acknowledge that there will be obstacles. But
                  you will learn from your mistakes and the
                  mistakes of others, for there is very little
                  learning in success.

        My intelligence is a product of my ignorance
Focus: Vachaspathi, Kurukshetra/ Anasuya/ swami Vivekananda
Guide, Nehru, gandhi
Individual Responsibility
Change is a personal process…
Masculine energy
Pagal kuchbhi
Stress is Optional
Over or under work
Don’t Resist change
Child / drunkard
Leadership ; pakshulalao garu
Team work Govinda
A New Journey

        1. You are at the starting point of a wonderful
           journey. But it’s a journey that can only
           begin with your decision to embark.

        1. The unspoken requirement of a
           commencement is that you now must

        2. There are countless contributions and
           achievements that never occurred, all due
           to a failure to begin.
1. And sometimes there’s an opportunity to
   achieve a major breakthrough with a completely
   new idea that re-defines the subject.

2. But whether it’s evolution or revolution, there’s
   always a better way to build a computer, or map
   a genome, or liberate a country, or take a
   basketball team to the Final Four.

3. Just work to understand the world around you.
   Read books. Read websites. Read other people.
   Circle the pitfalls and highlight the
   opportunities. Then build a vision of how it
   could all be better and work like hell to make
   it happen.

4. We are fortunate to live in a country that accepts
   and even encourages experimentation and new
Willingness to try, and to fail, and to learn

              1.   With the understanding that you will face
                   tough times and amazing experiences, you
                   must also commit to the adventure.

              2.   Just have faith in the skills and the
                   knowledge you’ve been blessed with and
                   go. Because regrets are born of paths never

              3.   Then, as you start your journey, the first
                   thing you should do is throw away that
                   store-bought map and begin to draw
                   your own.
Decision Making

         1. In Making decisions your mind may be your worst enemy.
         2. Decision makers display strong bias toward alternatives
            that perpetuate the status quo
         3. We tend to subconsciously decide what to do before
            figuring out why we want to do it
         4. A dramatic or traumatic event in your own life can also
            distort your thinking
         5. Over confidence about your accuracy lead to bad decisions

                                The hidden traps
                                   1. Anchoring
                                   2. Stattus quo
                                   3. Sunk Costs
                              4. Confirming evidence
                            5. Estimating & Forecasting

1.   Remember that the road ahead is paved with relationships..

2.   The greatest mistake you can make is thinking you can do it all by
3.   Surround yourself with talented people who challenge convention, offer
     new ideas and relentlessly drive for improvement.

4.   Try never to be the smartest person in the room. And if you are, I
     suggest you invite smarter people … or find a different room. In
     professional circles it’s called networking. In organizations it’s called
     team building. And in life it’s called family, friends, and community.
5.    We are all gifts to each other the most rewarding experiences come from
"Now, you go to the study table.“
"I'll meet you at the study table' “

When you deal with youngsters, when you
get into jobs of any kind, don't send people
to do it,
meet them there and help them do it, and
you'll be amazed how it works.

 Aao Jao
 Walk behind!

                     "Together" is the thing that gives you
                     the build-up to get ready to go again.
                     And in your lifetime, how well you can
                     work with people will depend on how
                     quickly you get back to them and get

               Teamwork – one minute
1. Your time is limited, so don't waste it living
              someone else's life.

           2. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with
              the results of other people's thinking.

           3. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out
              your own inner voice. And most important, have
              the courage to follow your heart and intuition.

           4. Everything else is secondary.

Senior worker Syndrome
The Attributes of Performance

        1.   Values behaviours ghoda hathi/honesty/ cat
        2.   Purpose human origin
        3.   Learning agility
        4.   Promise & delivery
        5.   Boss is right
        6.   Perspective

        7.   Two perspectives

1.   Motivation comes from working on things and working
     with people we care about.

2.   In order to care about someone, you have to know
     them. You have to know what they love and hate, what
     they feel, not just what they think.

3.   If you want to win hearts and minds, you have to lead
     with your heart as well as your mind.
If you are unsure of what your dream might
                 be—either because you are afraid to dream
                 or because you somehow lost your dream
                 along the way—then start preparing yourself
                 to receive your dream by doing five things to
                 put yourself in the best possible position to
                 receive a dream.

                 Once you do these five things, focus on
VBI is           discovering your dream. As you do, keep this
Foundation for   in mind: 'A dream is what you desire if
a dream          anything and everything is possible.'
                 1.         Mental Preparation: Read and
                 study in areas of your greatest interest.
                 2.         Experiential Preparation: Engage
                 in activities in areas related to your interests.
                 3.         Visual Preparation: Put up pictures
                 of people and things that inspire you.
                 4.         Hero Preparation: Read about and
                 try to meet people you admire and who
                 inspire you.
                 5.         Physical preparation: Get your
                 body in optimal shape to pursue your dream.
Pursuing that goal
But if you want to inspire people to
participate, you have to show more than
numbers; you have to convey the human
impact of the work – so people can feel what
saving a life means to the families affected.
Storm Adversity
Masculine energy
Senior woprker syndrome

When companies are growing quickly and
having a lot of impact, careers take care of
themselves If you’re offered a seat on a
rocket ship, don’t ask what seat. Just get on.”


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Go beyond

  • 1. Why Some people are more successful than others and how to be one of them ?
  • 2. Who Rules this World ?
  • 3. Luck is when opportunity meets preparedness
  • 4. Think ……….. What's the big idea? What's your big idea? What are you willing to spend your moral capital, your intellectual capital, your cash, your sweat equity in pursuing outside of the walls of the VBI? That's what this degree of yours is, a blunt instrument. So go forth and build something with it. Well this is the time for bold measures. This is the country, and you are the generation 1. Improve the lives 2. Seek to build a better world
  • 5. Go Beyond And…. We seek to build a better world!
  • 6. “The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world's problems.”
  • 7. Go Beyond If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves !
  • 8. Go Beyond Ordinary People doing extraordinary things “At 99 degrees the water is hot At 100 degrees it boils Boiled water produces steam Steam can move a locomotive engine The difference is just 1 extra degree”. ……………….Go Beyond!
  • 9. Who AM I ? You are manipulated Psychological Prison : Elephant, Donkey, Birds Body Lock Fear Lock Emotional Lock (Compassion) Intellectual Lock (Right Thinking) Spiritual Lock Once you free God comes in.
  • 10. The line between failure and success is so fine that we are often on the line and do not know it. How many a man has thrown up his hand at a time when a little more effort, a little more patience would have turned failure into glorious success.
  • 11. Find Your purpose and Set your goal : 1. Professional 2. Health & Wellness 3. Emotional 4. Financial 5. Spiritual 6. Relationships
  • 12. Discover Your Dream 'A dream is what you desire if anything and everything is possible.' 1. Mental Preparation: Read and study in areas of your greatest interest. 2. Experiential Preparation: Engage in activities in areas related to your interests. 3. Visual Preparation: Put up pictures of people and things that inspire you. 4. Hero Preparation: Read about and try to meet people you admire and who inspire you. 5. Physical preparation: Get your body in optimal shape to pursue your dream
  • 13. 1. Many times along the way you’re going to ask why. Why am I on this path? What is it all about? You’ll ask yourself those questions in 10 years and in 20 years as often as you’re asking them now. 2. Well … I have an answer for you. It’s all about winning. That’s right, winning. 3. Believing in yourself enough to become the best accountant, engineer, or teacher you can possibly be. never measuring your success based on the success of others – because you just might set the bar too low.
  • 14. Character  Character is the back bone of Society.  Personal Value System makes you a good human being or a bad one. (Rama)  Shatwakaras
  • 15. 1. Cynics always say no. 2. But saying "yes" begins things. 3. Saying "yes" is how things grow. 4. Saying "yes" leads to knowledge. 5. "Yes" is for young people. “ 6. And that's The Word. Raja & Minister Operation. Death can also be positive experience Keep Smiling (Haste Rahiye) Be a Stithaprajna/ Even this will 4 Worms Monkey Out
  • 16. Keep your thoughts positive because , your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because, your words become your behaviour. Keep your behaviour positive because, your behaviour becomes your habit. Keep your habits positive because, your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because, your values become your destiny.
  • 17. You 1. Often we travel together,. But in the end, it’s your journey. Your path to travel and your responsibilities along the way. 2. You are free to choose, and you are free to succeed. 3. It just takes hard work and a dream. Most who finally leave this great university never imagine that they’re going to change the world. Yet every one of you will. 4. How you change the world, is all up to you to decide. Donkey Govinda Gandhi friendship Burahall
  • 18. Swayam Krishi  Poet’s fate  Penguins  Caterpillar  Great famine  South African deer  Give fishnet not fish
  • 19. Persistence  The drops of rain make a hole in the stone not by violence by oft falling.  Courage is fear holding on a minute longer.  Race: Mac Anderson “ Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life – think of it, dream of it, live on it. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea and just leave every idea alone. This is the way to success” ----- Swami Vivekananda
  • 20. Communication  Priyamaina, Hitamaina, Satya……  Listen More.  Speak when needed.  Some have something to say, Some have to say something.  Use Power Words & Phrases (Abundance, Accomplish, Achieve, Aware, Energise, Enhance, Harmonious, Infinite, Inspired, Create, Confident, Exceeds, Fantastic, Exemplary, Purpose, grace etc.,)  Walk the talk
  • 21. Trust, Faith & Honesty  Mans basic attitude towards God  Rope/  Walking Behind/  Boat  Cat
  • 22. Focus Vyavasaya Buddhi Swadharma Anasuya Vachaspathi Arjun in Warfield Ours is not a “focused” age. Countless influences pull us in conflicting directions. We find ourselves trying to do a hundred things hastily, rather than one thing at a time carefully and well.
  • 23. Commitment  If you will spend an extra hour each day in your chosen field, you will be a National Expert in a five years or less.  To get what we have never had, we must do what we have never done.  Make one extra contact / friendship every week. You will have 52 new contacts in a year. Every contact is an opportunity for further contact.  Friendship is contagious.
  • 24. Simplicity  Spending intelligently & wisely  Interview  Guide The greatness of this man is his simp
  • 25. Attitude  The only thing that stands between a person and what they want in life is the will to try it and the faith to believe it is possible.  Greater the will, higher the success!  Be Present  The quality and totality of BEING in doing determines the success and happiness.  Its not how many years of life but how much life in those years.
  • 26. Knowledge is power  Jattaragni (Appetite for Food – external power)Vs Jnanagni (Appetite for knowledge & life)  Krishna had tremendous appetite for life  Bullshit  Kakah
  • 27. Kindness and Compassion  Giving is more beautiful than receiving  Art of giving  Avoid Greed, Power , Desire, Fear  Greed: Wanting much more than what is needed  Power: Use or misuse -Power of love  Desire: Attachment. If you love something set it free. If it is yours it will come back to you. If its not, it never was. (Princess, buddha, crane,)
  • 28. Action: 1. I hear I forget 2. I see I remember 3. I do I know it. Yoogah Karman Kaushalam Karmanyevadhikarasya Ma phaleshu Kathachana The Gap Between your Expectations & Reality is Your Suffering Intense work is Rest
  • 29. Statistical Commonsense Population of the country =10000,000,00 People aged 65 and over = 2540,000,00 Balance left to do the work = 7460,000,00 People aged 18 and under = 3100,000,00 Balance left to do the work = 4360,000,00 Union members = 1600,000,00 Balance left to do the work = 2760,000,00 People in the armed forces = 570,000,00 Balance left to do the work = 2190,000,00
  • 30. Statistical Commonsense Balance left to do the work = 2190,000,00 Local government & council officials = 1600,000,00 Balance left to do the work = 590,000,00 Peopl who wont work = 340,000,00 Balance left to do the work = 250,000,00 People in prison = 239,999,98 Balance left to do the work = 10,000,02 People who watch TV/ serials, cricket = 10,000,00 Balance left to do the work =2
  • 31. Paying Forward. Paying forward - that is the thing that you with your great education from here can do for the rest of your lives A glass of Milk Take that attitude toward life, because so seldom can we pay back - those whom you owe – your parents and other people - will be gone .you can always pay forward, you must pay line for line, deed for deed, and cent for cent
  • 32. Be a Good Human Being You will judge yourselves not on your professional accomplishments alone, but also on how well you have addressed the world’s deepest inequities … on how well you treated people a world away who have nothing in common with you but their humanity.
  • 33. Loyalty An ounce of loyalty is better than a ton of cleverness; If you work for a party or for its leader – speak well of the party and of the leader; If you must eternally grumble and damn – Get out and grumble & damn to your heart’s content; Otherwise, one day a strong wind will blow you off, and You will never know the reason - WHY????”
  • 34. Winner & Loser •The Winner is always part of the answer; The Loser is always part of the problem. •The Winner always has a program; The Loser always has an excuse. •The Winner says, "Let me do it for you"; The Loser says, "That is not my job." •The Winner sees an answer for every problem; The Loser sees a problem for every answer. •The Winner says, "It may be difficult but it is possible"; The Loser says, "It may be possible but it is too difficult." •When a Winner makes a mistake, he says, "I was wrong"; When a Loser makes a mistake, he says, "It wasn't my fault." •A Winner makes commitments; The Loser makes promises. •The Winner has a dream; The Loser has a scheme. •The Winner says, "I must do something"; The Loser says, "Someone must do something" •The Winner sees opportunities; The Loser sees problems. •The Winner believes in win-win; The Loser believes for him to win someone has to lose.
  • 35. Obstacles – the path of life  Don’t resist Nature. Take it, gulp it, go with it. If you resist storm it takes longer time. (Drunkard/Child/ Rock)  Organise forces. Wait for the right time to fight.  Rama Vs Ravana  Adversity Value
  • 36. A Little Advice You cannot afford ever to do is to feel sorry for yourself. You can't do it. You cannot feel sorry for yourself because that's what leads to drugs, what leads to alcohol, and those things that tear you apart. Avoid Occupational fraud You can outwork anybody. Try it, you will find out that you can do it.
  • 37. It's Not Where You Start— It's How You Finish
  • 38. Go Beyond!  Know thyself !  You are unlimited  You are manipulated  Understand your self worth  Unleash your hidden energy  Break the psychological fencing  Go One Extra Mile.  Write your purpose and vision  Impart Soft Skills (Employability )  Measure achievement by excellence and not by numbers
  • 39. Have the attitude and the capacity and the ability to go on from here and help to make this a greater, greater world. And God speed, in the meantime, to all of you!
  • 40.
  • 41. ASK
  • 43. Sampoornavikas Total Transformation Character (Rama) Trust/ Faith & Honesty (Rope/ God/ Boat/ Holding/ Selling a building) Positive thinking Raja/operation/ 4 worms. Swayamkrishi Raja/ kongalu Communication: Spaek whwn nedde Walk the talk Bahav, Swabhava and Prabhava Priyamaina….
  • 44. Next Steps 1. Now you’ve accomplished something great and honorable and important here at VBI, and it’s time for you to move on to what’s next. 2. You have an abundance of opportunities before you—but don’t spend so much time trying to choose the perfect opportunity, that you miss the right opportunity. 3. Recognize that there will be failures, and acknowledge that there will be obstacles. But you will learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of others, for there is very little learning in success. My intelligence is a product of my ignorance
  • 45. Focus: Vachaspathi, Kurukshetra/ Anasuya/ swami Vivekananda Simplicity Guide, Nehru, gandhi Individual Responsibility Change is a personal process… Masculine energy Pagal kuchbhi Gaddapodu Stress is Optional Over or under work Recognition Don’t Resist change Child / drunkard Jataragni/ Jnanagni Leadership ; pakshulalao garu Team work Govinda
  • 46. A New Journey 1. You are at the starting point of a wonderful journey. But it’s a journey that can only begin with your decision to embark. 1. The unspoken requirement of a commencement is that you now must commence. 2. There are countless contributions and achievements that never occurred, all due to a failure to begin.
  • 47. 1. And sometimes there’s an opportunity to achieve a major breakthrough with a completely new idea that re-defines the subject. 2. But whether it’s evolution or revolution, there’s always a better way to build a computer, or map a genome, or liberate a country, or take a basketball team to the Final Four. 3. Just work to understand the world around you. Read books. Read websites. Read other people. Circle the pitfalls and highlight the opportunities. Then build a vision of how it could all be better and work like hell to make it happen. 4. We are fortunate to live in a country that accepts and even encourages experimentation and new ideas.
  • 48. Willingness to try, and to fail, and to learn 1. With the understanding that you will face tough times and amazing experiences, you must also commit to the adventure. 2. Just have faith in the skills and the knowledge you’ve been blessed with and go. Because regrets are born of paths never taken. 3. Then, as you start your journey, the first thing you should do is throw away that store-bought map and begin to draw your own.
  • 49. Decision Making 1. In Making decisions your mind may be your worst enemy. 2. Decision makers display strong bias toward alternatives that perpetuate the status quo 3. We tend to subconsciously decide what to do before figuring out why we want to do it 4. A dramatic or traumatic event in your own life can also distort your thinking 5. Over confidence about your accuracy lead to bad decisions The hidden traps 1. Anchoring 2. Stattus quo 3. Sunk Costs 4. Confirming evidence 5. Estimating & Forecasting
  • 50. Relationships 1. Remember that the road ahead is paved with relationships.. 2. The greatest mistake you can make is thinking you can do it all by yourself. 3. Surround yourself with talented people who challenge convention, offer new ideas and relentlessly drive for improvement. 4. Try never to be the smartest person in the room. And if you are, I suggest you invite smarter people … or find a different room. In professional circles it’s called networking. In organizations it’s called team building. And in life it’s called family, friends, and community. 5. We are all gifts to each other the most rewarding experiences come from relationships.
  • 51. "Now, you go to the study table.“ "I'll meet you at the study table' “ When you deal with youngsters, when you get into jobs of any kind, don't send people to do it, meet them there and help them do it, and you'll be amazed how it works. Aao Jao Walk behind!
  • 52. ‘BEING PART OF your TEAM MEANT THAT you HAVE TO KNOW THEM’ "Together" is the thing that gives you the build-up to get ready to go again. And in your lifetime, how well you can work with people will depend on how quickly you get back to them and get together. Teamwork – one minute
  • 53. 1. Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. 2. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. 3. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. 4. Everything else is secondary. Senior worker Syndrome
  • 54. The Attributes of Performance 1. Values behaviours ghoda hathi/honesty/ cat 2. Purpose human origin 3. Learning agility 4. Promise & delivery 5. Boss is right 6. Perspective 7. Two perspectives
  • 55. Motivation’ 1. Motivation comes from working on things and working with people we care about. 2. In order to care about someone, you have to know them. You have to know what they love and hate, what they feel, not just what they think. 3. If you want to win hearts and minds, you have to lead with your heart as well as your mind.
  • 56.
  • 57. If you are unsure of what your dream might be—either because you are afraid to dream or because you somehow lost your dream along the way—then start preparing yourself to receive your dream by doing five things to put yourself in the best possible position to receive a dream. Once you do these five things, focus on VBI is discovering your dream. As you do, keep this Foundation for in mind: 'A dream is what you desire if a dream anything and everything is possible.' 1. Mental Preparation: Read and study in areas of your greatest interest. 2. Experiential Preparation: Engage in activities in areas related to your interests. 3. Visual Preparation: Put up pictures of people and things that inspire you. 4. Hero Preparation: Read about and try to meet people you admire and who inspire you. 5. Physical preparation: Get your body in optimal shape to pursue your dream.
  • 58. Pursuing that goal But if you want to inspire people to participate, you have to show more than numbers; you have to convey the human impact of the work – so people can feel what saving a life means to the families affected.
  • 60. EXCELLENT CAREER ADVICE: ‘GET ON A ROCKET SHIP’ When companies are growing quickly and having a lot of impact, careers take care of themselves If you’re offered a seat on a rocket ship, don’t ask what seat. Just get on.” LOOK FOR GROWTH, IMPACT AND MISSION. MOVE SIDEWAYS, DOWN, ON AND OFF