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Every place, country, city, region has its own climate. Climate plays one of the important roles in
people's life. Climate is defined as the average weather, which means variety of weather conditions
as rain, snow, hail, sun, and wind over period of time about 30 years that can be measured in any
particular place.( IPCC Third Assessment Report – Climate Change 2001; editor:A.P.Baede) Climate
change is a variation of average weather. There are 2 causes of climate change. The first is human
activity which includes deforestation, burning fossil fuels, agriculture, transportation and
infrastructure. The second is natural causes which include volcanic eruptions and variations in solar
outputs. These causes have negative effect on the more content...
By climatologists' evidence there are two causes with several factors that have a response for the
Earth's climate. They are: human activity which includes deforestation, burning fossil fuels,
agriculture, transportation and infrastructure, and natural causes which include volcanic eruptions
and variations in solar output. (Pidwirny. 2006).
Human activity affects on greenhouse gases, which has negative consequences on many things.
Currently the concentration of greenhouse gases increases. Carbon dioxide(CO2 ), nitrous
oxide(N2O), sulfur dioxide(SO2) and methane(CH4) are the main greenhouse gases (Berrou et al.
2010, 217). Agriculture and energy activities make the concentration of methane to rise. Land use
changes, agriculture and industrial process influence on nitrous oxide concentration. Agriculture,
deforestation and burning of fossil fuels for energy affect on the concentration of carbon dioxide.
Coal burning, power stations and burning of biomass emit sulfur dioxide (Carter 2000, 34). All of
these greenhouse gases have dramatically increased because of the industrial revolution which took
the last 200 years (Carter 2000, 34).
Comparing with other gases carbon dioxide is more responsible for the greenhouse effect (Pidwirny.
2006). Carbon dioxide is emitted from such processes like deforestation, the burning of coal, oil, gas,
and through the carbon cycle. One more important greenhouse gas is methane.
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INTRODUCTION Global warming is an expansion in earth 's temperature because of greenhouse
gas emissions, fossil fuels, deforestations, modern and farming procedures brought about by the
human, natural and different gas emissions. The climate is characterized as the examination of
assembled climate information for long–term designs. The release of methane gas and carbon dioxide
are the two fundamental drivers of environmental change. Environmental change happens in our
world 's climate because of the aggregation of dangerous greenhouse gasses. Global warming has
gotten to be the risk to everybody and everything on this planet. One of the biggest issues
confronting the world today is Global warming. Numerous researchers believe that carbon dioxide
and other greenhouse gasses creation are having a warming impact on the world 's air, and this
could be extremely perilous for human life. The atmosphere is a vital figure horticultural creation,
and unfavorable climate is the most continuous reason for yield disappointment. Changes in the
atmosphere can come about because of characteristic and human exercises furthermore, because of
the common greenhouse impact. This prompts to the topic of regardless of whether the absence of
a significant rise in global temperature ought to be taken as the sign that we ought not to be worried
about the issue. This paper will recognize the issue of global warming and propose some methods
for solving the issues.
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Effects of Global Warming Essay
Catastrophic weather changes, the disappearance of islands, melting of Arctic ice, and a new ice age
are all in store because of the carelessness of mankind's tremendous amount of greenhouse gas
emissions."Human–generated greenhouse gas emissions have reversed a 2000–year cooling trend of
the arctic" says environmental expert, James E. Hansen (Eilperin). There are those who believe that
"the Earth's peculiar wobble has set it on the Milankovich cycle which has warmed the planet due to
its upheavals in our weather every 22,000, 41,000, and 100,000 years" (Bloom). The Earth has
initiated a warming sequence as a result of human produced greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide, and
methane that may lead to catastrophic weather conditions, more content...
With the support of numerous scientific experts giving credit to the fact that mankind has brought on
global warming, assuming that the opposing side is lying is a bit far–fetched. Especially since the
UN supports the fact that the earth is warming due to man–made greenhouse gas emissions.
Agencies like the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change) agree "that 'substantial increases' will occur in the near future that could bring
about potentially catastrophic changes" (ProQuest Staff). An assessment made by the IPCC also
stated that "human activities are substantially increasing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere"
(ProQuest Staff). Greenhouse gas is responsible for the Antarctic ozone hole that is allowing more
UV rays to shine down on the ice and melt it, which in turn reveals darker ocean that absorbs more
sunlight, melting even more ice (Hansen). Man–made greenhouse gas emissions come mainly from
the aluminum, magnesium, semiconductor, electrical utility, and electronics industries and have
increased steadily over the years. Northern Arizona University professor Darrell S. Kaufman noted
"Earth's wobble which accounts for a long–term cooling trend in the Arctic has been reversed in the
past half–century. This cooling trend should have continued through the 21st century, but due to
human pollution,
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Some people say global warming is caused by human activity, others say global warming doesn't
even exist. Some people claim that the climate is changing for the worse. They believe that humans
are the primary cause of these changes, especially the increase in temperature, caused by the burning
of fossil fuels. They believe that the temperature changes are causing glaciers to melt. They claim
that the melting of ice masses leads to a higher sea level and worsening conditions for Arctic
animals, as well as other negative effects on the environment. Others do not agree with this. They
say that the climate is not changing at all and that if it is, it is certainly not due to human behavior.
The term "global warming" refers to an abnormal, increasing average temperature of the planet. The
average temperature has fluctuated constantly throughout the whole time the Earth has existed, but
recently the climate has changed in ways it has not done earlier, as well as more rapidly than it
ever has before. The natural reasons for the climate to change are still occurring, but with an
addition of some thought to be caused by human activities. The primary cause behind the increasing
temperature is according to NASA large amount of greenhouse gases being released into the air
when fossil fuels are being burnt. The higher temperatures are said to cause for example melting
glaciers and increased coastal erosion. The melting of ice results in negative changes to the
ecosystem of the affected
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Global Warming Essay
Global warming is the process in which the Earth's temperature starts increasing. This happens
because industry, fossil fuels, agricultural processes caused by human, natural, and other gas
emissions, this factors increase greenhouse gases, greenhouse gases are made up of carbon dioxide,
methane and nitrous oxide. The greenhouse gases stay in the atmosphere and prevent the suns
warming rays to leave the Earth. So the sun's warming rays stay inside the Earth increasing its
average temperature. Global warming isn't the end of the world, it's just a natural process in which
the Earth cleans or rinse organisms.
Now a days the Automobiles, heat from homes and businesses, and factories are responsible for
about 80% of today's carbon more content...
Lastly many bodies of water become polluted thanks to all the gasses in the atmosphere that mix
with the clouds and fall as acid rain polluting rivers, and lakes and killing many animals. All of
theses factors change our daily life and can ruin whole species, and all of this is because of
temperature changes.
Many scientific methods of controlling or lowering the Earth's temperature are being researched;
these can also be called geoengineering. Geoengineering is a method in which scientists can
change the levels of greenhouse gases directly or indirectly. Also there could be methods that
prevent greenhouse gasses to be emitted. There have never been any geoengineering solutions
done on a global scale since it has to be almost proof less. But there have been some ideas that are
being use on a small scale like the iron fertilization; this is a process in which iron is injected into
the oceans to speed up the reproduction of plankton which breath carbon dioxide and emit oxygen,
this is one solution that seems to have the least side effects thanks to the reason I just presented
and also due to that plankton are the base of many marine animals food chain. So this method is
being widely researched to see if it can be done on a global scale. Not only is lowering the levels of
gases in the air important, but also lowering the level of gases we emit, and there have been many
scientific breakthroughs like solar energy or cars that run
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Essay on Global Warming; Cause and Effect
Global Warming
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to go a whole winter without even seeing snow?
Well the way the atmosphere is heating up today you just might experience this kind of event in
the future I chose to do my cause and effect paper on global warming because I believe it has a
major impact on humans, not only today, but especially in the future. In this paper I am going to
explain the causes and the effects of global warming and how it will impact our lives in the long run.
Greenhouse gases are gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone, and play an
important roll in the earth's atmosphere. Without them it would really be cold, but that does not
seem to be the problem in today's more content...
The plants not only absorb gases ones throughout the atmosphere, but the ones created by humans
too, such as fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are the gases released when making plastics and when
producing other types of fuels such as gasoline, kerosene, and diesel. When these gases are
released they clog up the atmosphere, which means other types of gases can not escape. This is
also another leading factor of the world heating up and also leads to be a cause of the major
flooding, all of which is an effect of global warming. The second most leading cause of global
warming is aerosols. "Aerosols are air born solid particles or liquid droplets" usually found in hair
spray cans or other types of continuous spray cans (Wikipedia). In these types of hair sprays there
are fossil fuels combusted to help release the sprays needed. These aerosols are not only in spray
cans but also volcanoes. In lava, that explodes out of volcanoes, sulfur is released. The sulfur
then rises to the atmosphere, which destroys it (Volcano Hazard Program). Not only does sulfur
rise, but also is absorbed by the ground which causes a natural. This is another leading cause of
the temperature rise going on now, and is a cause of global warming (warming of the atmosphere).
It has many effects such as air pollution that can cause many problems for people. These gases can
be poisonous, and deadly if often breathed in. I have a perfect example of global warming and how
it effects
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Essay on Effects of Global Warming
Global Warming
Global warming is an increase in the temperature of the earth's weather. Global warming is also
known as the green house effect. Global warming is a very serious world issue. Most humans are
trying to do as much as they can to help stop global warming. Global warming has caused many
problems to the earth in addition to the humans that live here on the earth. A problem caused by
global warming is very hot summers. Some summers have had days that the temperature had
reached 30*C. Another Problem that global warming has caused is the melting of polar ice caps.
Global warming caused the polar ice caps to melt which will cause the ice to break free as well as
melt in the sea, sea levels all over the world will rise. Lastly, more content...
On days when it was too hot for the kids to go out their parents would tell them to stay inside the
house. When the kids have to stay inside the house the parents usually want it to stay quiet. So
the kids would probably sit on the computer, got to sleep otherwise watch TV. This affected the
kid's daily physical activity. To help stop global warming everyone should drive less take bikes, walk
or carpool whenever possible otherwise you could buy hybrid cars. On behalf of those who don't
know what carpooling is it is driving with someone to a place that you are both going to.
Second of all, global warming has caused the ozone layer to start to break. The ozone layer is a layer
that absorbs the rays of the sun. There is a very big hole in the ozone layer. The breaking of the
ozone layer has caused the suns rays to come down at the humans very sharp. The hole in the
ozone layer lets the UV enter the atmosphere; it can cause skin cancer, general cancer in addition
to many more diseases to humans. There's a list of things humans can do to help reduce global
warming including; plant a tree, carpool, take a shower instead of a bath, use less hot water, use
less hot water there is a lot more to this list.
Last but not least, global warming has caused the polar ice caps to melt. The melting of the polar ice
caps will cause the sea levels to rise all over the world. If the sea levels rise just a metre
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The Effects of Global Climate Change Essay
There is damage being done to the environment everywhere right this very moment. What is causing
the damage? Global climate change contributes a great amount of devastation to the world every day.
This is important because the change is affecting humans, animals, plants and just about anything
else that is living. As a result of global climate change, regions, ecosystems, and agriculture will be
greatly affected. There are many things causing global climate change such as the burning of fossil
fuels and deforestation. One may notice that these are both human–related activities. Humans
contribute to a vast amount of damage through daily activities. Burning fossil fuels means using
energy that is made up of decayed animals and more content...
Through destroying trees and removing plant life, humans are contributing to global climate
change. Primarily, global climate change may flush out large regions. One thing is that in the
future, there may be huge losses of land and food because of the havoc that climate change is
causing. "The potential future effects of global climate change include more frequent wildfires,
longer periods of drought in some regions and an increase in the number, duration and intensity of
tropical storms" (Earth Science and Communications Lab). There may be massive shifts in life on
Earth due to the change in climate. According to ESCL, changes to North America include
decreased snow, increase in yields, and increased heat waves. Yield means to produce an
agricultural product. Without producing yields, humans would have fewer crops. In South
America, savannah may replace tropical forest, species extinction, and extensive changes in water
availability (The authorities of Earth Science Communications Lab). It could be dangerous for
many species to go extinct because we could end up with a loss of biodiversity, or range of life in
a certain habitat. Earth and Science Lab says that Africa will experience major water stress,
reduction of yields by up to fifty percent, and agricultural production may be compromised. The
compromise of
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Global Warming is due to the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is a naturally occurring
process that aids in heating the Earth's surface and atmosphere. It results from the fact that certain
atmospheric gases, such as carbon dioxide, water vapor, and methane, are able to change the energy
balance of the planet by being able to absorb longwave radiation from the Earth's surface. Without
the greenhouse effect, life on this planet would probably not exist as the average temperature of the
Earth would be a chilly –18 degrees Celsius, rather than the present 15 degrees Celsius.
As energy from the sun passes through the atmosphere a number of things take place. A portion of
the energy (26 more content...
The now warmer atmospheric greenhouse gas molecules begin radiating longwave energy in all
directions. Over 90 % of this emission of longwave energy is directed back to the Earth's surface
where it once again is absorbed by the surface. The heating of the ground by the longwave radiation
causes the ground surface to once again radiate repeating the cycle described above, again and
again, until no more longwave is available for absorption.
The amount of heat energy added to the atmosphere by the greenhouse effect is controlled by the
concentration of greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere. All of the major greenhouse gases have
increased in concentration since the beginning of the industrial revolution (about 1700 A.D.). As a
result of these higher concentrations, scientists predict that the greenhouse effect will be enhanced
and the Earth's climate will become warmer. Predicting the amount of warming is accomplished by
computer modeling. Computer models suggest that a doubling of the concentration of the main
greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide, may raise the average global temperature between 1 and 3 degrees
Celsius. However, the numeric equations of computer models do not accurately simulate the effects
of a number of possible negative feedbacks. For example, many of the models cannot properly
simulated the negative effects that increased cloud cover would have on
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The Effects Of Global Warming On Humans Essay
Global warming has increased very rapidly over the last few years and it is having a huge impact
on earth. It is being cause by the greenhouse gases that are now in the atmosphere. The greenhouse
gases cause the planets surface to reach a really high temperature and this is when we are able to
experience the effects of global warming. Some places have been more affected than others, the
places that have had a really big impact have been the coasts. This is because the as global
warming increases so do the rising of sea levels. Considering that a large amount of human
population lives on the coasts. This means that a lot of human life might be lost because of this
reason. At the same time, it is affecting aquatic life due to the fact it slows them down, they are
not able to obtain the nutrients that they need and the rising of sea levels is destroying their
environment. Something that will have a negative impact on us as humans as well because we
depend on those aquatic animals and organisms for food and many other different stuff. Yes, both
global warming and the sea levels are rising but one is rising at a much faster rate. The sea levels
are rising at a much faster rate and some people are actually thinking of the long term impact that
this will have on our world as a whole. On my essay I will show the impact that global warming
has on places like Alaska and India due to the fact that it is caused by the burning of fossil fuels,
which release high levels of greenhouse
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Global Warming And Its Effects Essay
Global Warming
It's a fact that global warming is a reality, our planet has already warmed 1 degree in the past
century, and we are no seeing the dramatic effects: Glaciers are melting; oceans are rising; coral
reefs are dying; species are disappearing. "Extreme weather patterns have emerged – heat waves,
droughts, hurricanes, floods – and they are occurring with greater frequency and greater intensity. In
2003, heat waves caused 20,000 deaths in Europe and 1,500 deaths in India, and the number of
Category 4 and 5 hurricanes has doubled since the 1970's." The fuel we use to power our homes,
our cars, and our businesses is causing the Earth to warm much faster than anyone expected. The
first seven months of this year and the last three decades were the warmest in the United States
since national record keeping began in 1895. This has been the warmest decade and it just goes on
and on. Global warming is a natural episode in the earthВґs life cycle. However, it is currently being
speed up mostly by anthropogenic causes such as pollution, and the emission of greenhouse gases
that get trapped into the atmosphere, causing the temperature to rise, therefore causing global
problems such as climate change, natural disasters, melting of glaciers, dying of species, and
diseases. It is in our hands to stop global warming from speeding up by reducing pollution, forest
fire activities, and the emission of greenhouse gases.
Planet Earth, Getting Too Hot For Health
Firstly, our planet is
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Causes and Effects of Global Warming Essay
As Robert Frost once said, " Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice. From what I've
tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire." This excerpt can relate to the idea of global
warming. Global warming can be defined as an increase in the earth's average atmospheric
temperature that causes corresponding changes in climate and that may result from the greenhouse
effect. During the past 10,000 years the earth has been in an ever–growing cycle that has significantly
changed the climate. These changes are becoming more prevalent in our world today in the past 150
years. Scientists have been analyzing the causes and effects of the greenhouse effect and many other
issues that global warming has presented. As John more content...
Aerosols have two major effects on the climate. They include direct and indirect radiation. " The
cooling or warming of the atmosphere due to the reflective or absorbent properties of the
particles are considered direct effects. Reflective particles cool the atmosphere by scattering
energy from the sun back into space. Absorbent particles have the opposite effect. They add to
atmospheric heating by absorbing the sun's energy." (Calipso Outreach) An indirect effect of
aerosols is their roles on cloud condensation nuclei, CCN. The use of aerosols has a huge
relationship with the amount of CCN present in a cloud. Clouds with more CCN, from the higher
use of aerosols, are larger and more reflective than those with fewer CCN (Calipso Outreach). Since
the clouds are more reflective, light is being trapped in the earth's atmosphere. Ultimately creating
the earths temperature to rise. In Calipso Outreach they explain, " The particles pushed into the
atmosphere from a dust storm are made of minerals with both reflective and absorbent properties.
The ability of the particles to absorb sunlight is thought to have a net warming effect on area of the
atmosphere they occupy." The particles from the dust storm get trapped up in the earth's atmosphere,
creating almost a mirror for sunlight to be reflected by. With the more sunlight being reflected, the
hotter the temperature will be on Earth. Aerosols are a huge cause of global
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The impacts of increased greenhouse gas admission are evident through the rising global
temperatures, causing extreme natural disasters and expanding sea levels. Anthropogenic climate
change refers to the production of greenhouse gases emitted into the earth's atmosphere as a result of
human expansion and activity. According to research conducted by The National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, Goddard Institute for Space Studies (NASA, 2016) the average global
temperature of the Earth has risen 0.87 degrees Celsius from 1880 to 2016, the highest temperature
rise recorded to date, as a result of heightened greenhouse gas admissions. It is essential to identify
the causes of anthropogenic climate change and recognize the significant negative impact it is having
on the global environment and the population.
The increased release of carbon dioxide (CO2) through human activity is a major contributing factor
to global warming. The human race contributes to the issue of climate change through the burning of
fossil fuels and deforestation. These activities release vast amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere,
which have caused the earth's temperature to rise (Society, 2016). This process is known as the
'Greenhouse gas effect', in which heat from the earth is trapped in the atmosphere by gases, such as
CO2, causing the surface of the earth to warm. (, 2016). One of the main ways
humans emit fossil fuels into the atmosphere is through industrial operations.
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There is a serious situation is occurring on planet Earth that is causing a significant and harmful
effect on communities, health, and the climate. It is Global Warming which can be defined as the
constant heating of Earth 's surface, oceans and atmosphere. In order to understand global warming,
the most important basic is to figure out how the of greenhouse effect plays an important part in its
development. The greenhouse effect is caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) that trap
heat in the atmosphere that keeps the Earth warm. The information this text will discuss is the
meaning of global warming, the causes, and most importantly how citizens can help to rectify the
situation. Humanity must tickle this problem immediately before the consequences increase and
affect the entire planet.
The greenhouse effect is what allows life on Earth and the atmosphere contains trace gases which
are designed to retain heat. The gases that are present in the atmosphere are water vapor, carbon
dioxide, methane, ozone, and nitrous oxide. These gases act as a global insulator and help control
the Earth's atmosphere. It all begins with sunlight which is a form of energy that is mostly absorbed
by land, oceans, and a portion of the sunlight is reflected back to the atmosphere. Once the earth
warms up, it then gives off energy in a different form which is called infrared radiation or
electromagnetic radiation. The planet need some of the greenhouse gases because without them the
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Global Warming : Causes And Effects
Global warming is already taking place. It stopped being a prediction. The temperature at the earth's
surface has averagely increased by around 0.60 C.Both the oceans and the air are warming. It is
believed that the greenhouses gases' concentrations in the atmosphere have increased dramatically
since the periods of pre–industrialization. This condition is caused by the activities of human beings
most especially through the burning of fossil fuels such as natural gas, oil, and coal (Wang &
Chameides 1). Deforestation is also another cause. This essay will discuss what global warming is,
its causes and effects.
Global warming is the rise in the mean temperature of the earth's surface because of the effects of the
greenhouse gases. The carbon dioxide emitted from deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels.
These activities trap the heat, which is supposed to escape from the earth. Water vapor is the most
significant gas, which is emitted by greenhouses. The greenhouse gases' concentration is lesser than
the concentration of other gases like oxygen and nitrogen, which are the most significant gases in the
atmosphere. However, both oxygen and nitrogen are not greenhouse gas. None of them has atoms
above two in their molecular composition. Therefore, they do not have the modes of internal
vibration which are present in gases which consist of more than two atoms. Carbon dioxide and
water have the modes, which absorb and emit infrared radiation, which in
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The Effects Of Global Warming On The Earth Essay
Global warming is an increase in the earth's average atmospheric temperature that causes
corresponding changes in the climate and the may result from the greenhouse effect. Many people
do not believe that this is true. There are multiple studies that provide information to prove global
warming is factual. As the years go by, the more damage is being done to our atmosphere and it is
affecting the earth. It is not hard to believe that global warming affects the earth so negatively by the
drastic change in the atmosphere, the alarming rise in sea level, and the extreme changes in the
People need to become more aware of what is going on around them. Our world is withering away
right in front of our eyes. We have animals whose habitats are severely affected by the changes in the
temperatures causing them to be unlivable. It is very disturbing to think people are just ignoring the
facts and not believing where these effects are going to leave not only animals, but humanity in the
next one hundred years.
Carbon dioxide and methane are a couple of the main culprits of global warming, because they trap
heat causing the earth's temperatures to increase. One methane molecule is equal to twelve carbon
dioxide molecules. "Between 2002 and 2004, the data showed that US methane emissions increased
by more than thirty percent, accounting for thirty to sixty percent of an enormous spike in the entire
planet's atmosphere." (Stevens) Carbon dioxide, methane, and other greenhouse
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Global Warming and Its Effects Essay
Global warming is an increase in the earth's temperature due to fossil fuels, industry, and agricultural
processes caused by human, natural, and other gas emissions. This results in an increased emission
of greenhouse gases. Climate changes occur in our earth's atmosphere due to a buildup of
greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases can occur naturally as well as a result of human activities.
Problems can occur when higher concentrations of greenhouse gases are present in our atmosphere
because they have enhanced our earth's heat trapping capability. There are many misconceptions
about global warming. Some believe that pollution causes global warming, but the fact is global
warming is the result of burning fossil fuels, coal, and oil more content...
Automobiles, heat from homes and businesses, and factories are responsible for about 80% of today's
carbon dioxide emissions, 25% of methane, and 20% of the nitrous oxide emissions. The increase
in agriculture, deforestation, landfills, industrial production, and mining contribute a significant
share of emissions too The Centers for Disease Control have been involved in studying global
warming's effect on human health. Global warming is a danger to a human's health. Its affect on
climate can adversely affect humans. Plagues have been attributed to global warming. An
increase in temperature can result in a longer life cycle for diseases or the agents spreading them.
Living in a warm area makes egg production a quicker process. Global warming will lead to more
precipitation, which enables infectious diseases to be more easily contracted and spread. Effects
of global warming on human health might not be immediately detected. Birds are a species that
will be affected by a change in the climate. Global warming might result in birds finding a more
permanent home in northern areas in the Northern Hemisphere. The ecosystems of fish will be
affected by global warming in a variety of ways. The chemical composition of water could be
changed. Fish may migrate to different areas. Other animals could be affected also due to changes in
climate and habitat. Global warming can affect our future
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Global Warming and Climate Change Essay
Global warming and the greenhouse effect are issues discussed by scientists all the time. A natural
process that keeps earths temperature at a livable rate is called the greenhouse effect. The energy
from the sun warms up the earth when the rays from the sun are absorbed by greenhouse gasses. The
gasses then become trapped in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane and nitrous
oxide are the most common greenhouse gasses. Greenhouse gases cause the radiant heat of the sun to
be trapped in the Earths lower atmosphere which causes global warming. If there weren't any
greenhouse gasses, the earth would be really cold due to very little sun rays being absorbed on the
earth. Global warming can more content...
Every time the temperature keeps rising, the more carbon dioxide will be released. When this
process gets going, it is very hard to keep in control. Methane is another greenhouse gas. Methane is
a greenhouse gas whose molecules absorb heat trying to escape to space. Natural sources include
wetlands, swamps and marshes, termites, and oceans. (Methane) Methane gases are released into the
atmosphere. Atmospheric methane has doubled since the Industrial Revolution and has "contributed
20 percent to the enhancement of the greenhouse effect, second only to carbon dioxide". (Methane)
A major effect of global warming is there will be higher temperatures and it will affect how the
water cycle works. Places on the earth will receive more rain than others. There will be a great
amount of evaporation going on from the rivers, lakes and oceans due to a increase in the
temperature. This could be a good thing for some people needing rain and a bad thing for other
people who get to much rain. While the temperature is on the rise there will be greater amount of
rains all over. In return with all of the rains this could help farmers. It would extend the growing
season for crops. This would greatly help out the farmers because they would be making more
money. While this is the positive side of the rain, this could also hurt the farmers. There are some
crops that out there that will die with to much rain. There
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Global Warming : Cause And Effect
Global warming (Cause/Effect)
Jimareo Kimmons
Comp I
Dr. Sarthou
Droughts, lengthy hot spells, heavy downpours, floods, and other extreme weather events are
occurring more frequently and intensely every year. Around the world, research teams are
analyzing these trends, noting the changes in temperature, rainfall, ice mass, sea level, and many
other variables recorded by weather measuring devices. The trends are undeniable: the Earth is
getting warmer. Polar sea ice and glaciers are melting, the sea level is rising, and as the oceans
absorb more and more carbon dioxide, they are becoming measurably more acidic. Why is this
happening? What is the cause of all this global warming? Mostly consisting of water vapor, the
atmosphere is a natural layer blanketing the earth and creating what is known as the "greenhouse
effect." Normally protecting the planet from temperature extremes, when heat–trapping gasses
accumulate in the atmosphere this creates an unnatural "expansion" of the greenhouse effect. The
result is global warming.
As reported in the 2014 NCA, "Only with the inclusion of human influences can models reproduce
the observed temperature changes." Over approximately the past 100 years, the burning of fossil
fuels such as oil, gasoline, and coal has increased the concentration of carbon dioxide in Earth's
atmosphere. CO2 is the chemical result of the burning process which occurs when carbon is
introduced into oxygen. To a lesser degree,
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Negative Effects of Global Warming Essay
Global Warming
Global warming is causing a negative effect on the whole planet and we all need to do something to
stop it. The climate is changing frequently and is making the planet hotter in some parts and in other
parts it's making it colder. There are two factors affecting global warming. The first types of factors
are natural factors like changes in the solar output, changes in the earth's orbit, the green house effect
and aerosols. The change in the solar output is the amount of energy radiating from the earth?s sun
is not constant. The change of orbit of our planet affects where the sun?s energy is received on earth.
Thus affecting the amount of energy that is reflected and absorbed on earth. The aerosols help shield more content...
And since these gases warm the planet they are called the green house effect. The second types of
factors are human factors like enhancing the greenhouse effect, land use change, atmospheric
aerosols and burning of fossil fuels for energy. We are all enhancing the greenhouse effect by
burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil, etc. The carbon dioxide that is dumped in the atmosphere is at
s high rate right now. It?s more than it can be withdrawn or absorbed by the oceans or plants. The
carbon dioxide is a main factor of climate change. Also the use of land with the replacement of
forests with asphalt or concrete for roads. This alters the way the earth?s surface reflects the
sunlight and releases the heat. By reducing the world?s forests and woodlands that will cause a
tropical deforestation. Atmospheric aerosols are not the same ones as aerosols. They are from
agriculture and industrial activities. They are removed from the atmosphere by gravity and
rainfall but they still affect the radiation balance in the atmosphere by causing a thinner
atmosphere. Climate changes all around the world are due to global warming. Heat waves and
periods of unusually warm weather lead to heat related illness and death in urban areas and
specially the old people, the newborns, the ill and the poor. Global warming is causing the glaciers
to melt thus the sea level is rising and there is coastal flooding. A warmer
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Global Warming Effects Essay

  • 1. Every place, country, city, region has its own climate. Climate plays one of the important roles in people's life. Climate is defined as the average weather, which means variety of weather conditions as rain, snow, hail, sun, and wind over period of time about 30 years that can be measured in any particular place.( IPCC Third Assessment Report – Climate Change 2001; editor:A.P.Baede) Climate change is a variation of average weather. There are 2 causes of climate change. The first is human activity which includes deforestation, burning fossil fuels, agriculture, transportation and infrastructure. The second is natural causes which include volcanic eruptions and variations in solar outputs. These causes have negative effect on the more content... By climatologists' evidence there are two causes with several factors that have a response for the Earth's climate. They are: human activity which includes deforestation, burning fossil fuels, agriculture, transportation and infrastructure, and natural causes which include volcanic eruptions and variations in solar output. (Pidwirny. 2006). Human activity affects on greenhouse gases, which has negative consequences on many things. Currently the concentration of greenhouse gases increases. Carbon dioxide(CO2 ), nitrous oxide(N2O), sulfur dioxide(SO2) and methane(CH4) are the main greenhouse gases (Berrou et al. 2010, 217). Agriculture and energy activities make the concentration of methane to rise. Land use changes, agriculture and industrial process influence on nitrous oxide concentration. Agriculture, deforestation and burning of fossil fuels for energy affect on the concentration of carbon dioxide. Coal burning, power stations and burning of biomass emit sulfur dioxide (Carter 2000, 34). All of these greenhouse gases have dramatically increased because of the industrial revolution which took the last 200 years (Carter 2000, 34). Comparing with other gases carbon dioxide is more responsible for the greenhouse effect (Pidwirny. 2006). Carbon dioxide is emitted from such processes like deforestation, the burning of coal, oil, gas, and through the carbon cycle. One more important greenhouse gas is methane. Get more content on
  • 2. INTRODUCTION Global warming is an expansion in earth 's temperature because of greenhouse gas emissions, fossil fuels, deforestations, modern and farming procedures brought about by the human, natural and different gas emissions. The climate is characterized as the examination of assembled climate information for long–term designs. The release of methane gas and carbon dioxide are the two fundamental drivers of environmental change. Environmental change happens in our world 's climate because of the aggregation of dangerous greenhouse gasses. Global warming has gotten to be the risk to everybody and everything on this planet. One of the biggest issues confronting the world today is Global warming. Numerous researchers believe that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses creation are having a warming impact on the world 's air, and this could be extremely perilous for human life. The atmosphere is a vital figure horticultural creation, and unfavorable climate is the most continuous reason for yield disappointment. Changes in the atmosphere can come about because of characteristic and human exercises furthermore, because of the common greenhouse impact. This prompts to the topic of regardless of whether the absence of a significant rise in global temperature ought to be taken as the sign that we ought not to be worried about the issue. This paper will recognize the issue of global warming and propose some methods for solving the issues. CAUSES OF GLOBAL WARMING Get more content on
  • 3. Effects of Global Warming Essay Catastrophic weather changes, the disappearance of islands, melting of Arctic ice, and a new ice age are all in store because of the carelessness of mankind's tremendous amount of greenhouse gas emissions."Human–generated greenhouse gas emissions have reversed a 2000–year cooling trend of the arctic" says environmental expert, James E. Hansen (Eilperin). There are those who believe that "the Earth's peculiar wobble has set it on the Milankovich cycle which has warmed the planet due to its upheavals in our weather every 22,000, 41,000, and 100,000 years" (Bloom). The Earth has initiated a warming sequence as a result of human produced greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide, and methane that may lead to catastrophic weather conditions, more content... With the support of numerous scientific experts giving credit to the fact that mankind has brought on global warming, assuming that the opposing side is lying is a bit far–fetched. Especially since the UN supports the fact that the earth is warming due to man–made greenhouse gas emissions. Agencies like the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) agree "that 'substantial increases' will occur in the near future that could bring about potentially catastrophic changes" (ProQuest Staff). An assessment made by the IPCC also stated that "human activities are substantially increasing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere" (ProQuest Staff). Greenhouse gas is responsible for the Antarctic ozone hole that is allowing more UV rays to shine down on the ice and melt it, which in turn reveals darker ocean that absorbs more sunlight, melting even more ice (Hansen). Man–made greenhouse gas emissions come mainly from the aluminum, magnesium, semiconductor, electrical utility, and electronics industries and have increased steadily over the years. Northern Arizona University professor Darrell S. Kaufman noted that "Earth's wobble which accounts for a long–term cooling trend in the Arctic has been reversed in the past half–century. This cooling trend should have continued through the 21st century, but due to human pollution, Get more content on
  • 4. Some people say global warming is caused by human activity, others say global warming doesn't even exist. Some people claim that the climate is changing for the worse. They believe that humans are the primary cause of these changes, especially the increase in temperature, caused by the burning of fossil fuels. They believe that the temperature changes are causing glaciers to melt. They claim that the melting of ice masses leads to a higher sea level and worsening conditions for Arctic animals, as well as other negative effects on the environment. Others do not agree with this. They say that the climate is not changing at all and that if it is, it is certainly not due to human behavior. The term "global warming" refers to an abnormal, increasing average temperature of the planet. The average temperature has fluctuated constantly throughout the whole time the Earth has existed, but recently the climate has changed in ways it has not done earlier, as well as more rapidly than it ever has before. The natural reasons for the climate to change are still occurring, but with an addition of some thought to be caused by human activities. The primary cause behind the increasing temperature is according to NASA large amount of greenhouse gases being released into the air when fossil fuels are being burnt. The higher temperatures are said to cause for example melting glaciers and increased coastal erosion. The melting of ice results in negative changes to the ecosystem of the affected Get more content on
  • 5. Global Warming Essay Global warming is the process in which the Earth's temperature starts increasing. This happens because industry, fossil fuels, agricultural processes caused by human, natural, and other gas emissions, this factors increase greenhouse gases, greenhouse gases are made up of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. The greenhouse gases stay in the atmosphere and prevent the suns warming rays to leave the Earth. So the sun's warming rays stay inside the Earth increasing its average temperature. Global warming isn't the end of the world, it's just a natural process in which the Earth cleans or rinse organisms. Now a days the Automobiles, heat from homes and businesses, and factories are responsible for about 80% of today's carbon more content... Lastly many bodies of water become polluted thanks to all the gasses in the atmosphere that mix with the clouds and fall as acid rain polluting rivers, and lakes and killing many animals. All of theses factors change our daily life and can ruin whole species, and all of this is because of temperature changes. Many scientific methods of controlling or lowering the Earth's temperature are being researched; these can also be called geoengineering. Geoengineering is a method in which scientists can change the levels of greenhouse gases directly or indirectly. Also there could be methods that prevent greenhouse gasses to be emitted. There have never been any geoengineering solutions done on a global scale since it has to be almost proof less. But there have been some ideas that are being use on a small scale like the iron fertilization; this is a process in which iron is injected into the oceans to speed up the reproduction of plankton which breath carbon dioxide and emit oxygen, this is one solution that seems to have the least side effects thanks to the reason I just presented and also due to that plankton are the base of many marine animals food chain. So this method is being widely researched to see if it can be done on a global scale. Not only is lowering the levels of gases in the air important, but also lowering the level of gases we emit, and there have been many scientific breakthroughs like solar energy or cars that run Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on Global Warming; Cause and Effect Global Warming Have you ever wondered what it would be like to go a whole winter without even seeing snow? Well the way the atmosphere is heating up today you just might experience this kind of event in the future I chose to do my cause and effect paper on global warming because I believe it has a major impact on humans, not only today, but especially in the future. In this paper I am going to explain the causes and the effects of global warming and how it will impact our lives in the long run. Greenhouse gases are gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone, and play an important roll in the earth's atmosphere. Without them it would really be cold, but that does not seem to be the problem in today's more content... The plants not only absorb gases ones throughout the atmosphere, but the ones created by humans too, such as fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are the gases released when making plastics and when producing other types of fuels such as gasoline, kerosene, and diesel. When these gases are released they clog up the atmosphere, which means other types of gases can not escape. This is also another leading factor of the world heating up and also leads to be a cause of the major flooding, all of which is an effect of global warming. The second most leading cause of global warming is aerosols. "Aerosols are air born solid particles or liquid droplets" usually found in hair spray cans or other types of continuous spray cans (Wikipedia). In these types of hair sprays there are fossil fuels combusted to help release the sprays needed. These aerosols are not only in spray cans but also volcanoes. In lava, that explodes out of volcanoes, sulfur is released. The sulfur then rises to the atmosphere, which destroys it (Volcano Hazard Program). Not only does sulfur rise, but also is absorbed by the ground which causes a natural. This is another leading cause of the temperature rise going on now, and is a cause of global warming (warming of the atmosphere). It has many effects such as air pollution that can cause many problems for people. These gases can be poisonous, and deadly if often breathed in. I have a perfect example of global warming and how it effects Get more content on
  • 7. Essay on Effects of Global Warming Global Warming Global warming is an increase in the temperature of the earth's weather. Global warming is also known as the green house effect. Global warming is a very serious world issue. Most humans are trying to do as much as they can to help stop global warming. Global warming has caused many problems to the earth in addition to the humans that live here on the earth. A problem caused by global warming is very hot summers. Some summers have had days that the temperature had reached 30*C. Another Problem that global warming has caused is the melting of polar ice caps. Global warming caused the polar ice caps to melt which will cause the ice to break free as well as melt in the sea, sea levels all over the world will rise. Lastly, more content... On days when it was too hot for the kids to go out their parents would tell them to stay inside the house. When the kids have to stay inside the house the parents usually want it to stay quiet. So the kids would probably sit on the computer, got to sleep otherwise watch TV. This affected the kid's daily physical activity. To help stop global warming everyone should drive less take bikes, walk or carpool whenever possible otherwise you could buy hybrid cars. On behalf of those who don't know what carpooling is it is driving with someone to a place that you are both going to. Second of all, global warming has caused the ozone layer to start to break. The ozone layer is a layer that absorbs the rays of the sun. There is a very big hole in the ozone layer. The breaking of the ozone layer has caused the suns rays to come down at the humans very sharp. The hole in the ozone layer lets the UV enter the atmosphere; it can cause skin cancer, general cancer in addition to many more diseases to humans. There's a list of things humans can do to help reduce global warming including; plant a tree, carpool, take a shower instead of a bath, use less hot water, use less hot water there is a lot more to this list. Last but not least, global warming has caused the polar ice caps to melt. The melting of the polar ice caps will cause the sea levels to rise all over the world. If the sea levels rise just a metre Get more content on
  • 8. The Effects of Global Climate Change Essay There is damage being done to the environment everywhere right this very moment. What is causing the damage? Global climate change contributes a great amount of devastation to the world every day. This is important because the change is affecting humans, animals, plants and just about anything else that is living. As a result of global climate change, regions, ecosystems, and agriculture will be greatly affected. There are many things causing global climate change such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. One may notice that these are both human–related activities. Humans contribute to a vast amount of damage through daily activities. Burning fossil fuels means using energy that is made up of decayed animals and more content... Through destroying trees and removing plant life, humans are contributing to global climate change. Primarily, global climate change may flush out large regions. One thing is that in the future, there may be huge losses of land and food because of the havoc that climate change is causing. "The potential future effects of global climate change include more frequent wildfires, longer periods of drought in some regions and an increase in the number, duration and intensity of tropical storms" (Earth Science and Communications Lab). There may be massive shifts in life on Earth due to the change in climate. According to ESCL, changes to North America include decreased snow, increase in yields, and increased heat waves. Yield means to produce an agricultural product. Without producing yields, humans would have fewer crops. In South America, savannah may replace tropical forest, species extinction, and extensive changes in water availability (The authorities of Earth Science Communications Lab). It could be dangerous for many species to go extinct because we could end up with a loss of biodiversity, or range of life in a certain habitat. Earth and Science Lab says that Africa will experience major water stress, reduction of yields by up to fifty percent, and agricultural production may be compromised. The compromise of Get more content on
  • 9. Global Warming is due to the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is a naturally occurring process that aids in heating the Earth's surface and atmosphere. It results from the fact that certain atmospheric gases, such as carbon dioxide, water vapor, and methane, are able to change the energy balance of the planet by being able to absorb longwave radiation from the Earth's surface. Without the greenhouse effect, life on this planet would probably not exist as the average temperature of the Earth would be a chilly –18 degrees Celsius, rather than the present 15 degrees Celsius. As energy from the sun passes through the atmosphere a number of things take place. A portion of the energy (26 more content... The now warmer atmospheric greenhouse gas molecules begin radiating longwave energy in all directions. Over 90 % of this emission of longwave energy is directed back to the Earth's surface where it once again is absorbed by the surface. The heating of the ground by the longwave radiation causes the ground surface to once again radiate repeating the cycle described above, again and again, until no more longwave is available for absorption. The amount of heat energy added to the atmosphere by the greenhouse effect is controlled by the concentration of greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere. All of the major greenhouse gases have increased in concentration since the beginning of the industrial revolution (about 1700 A.D.). As a result of these higher concentrations, scientists predict that the greenhouse effect will be enhanced and the Earth's climate will become warmer. Predicting the amount of warming is accomplished by computer modeling. Computer models suggest that a doubling of the concentration of the main greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide, may raise the average global temperature between 1 and 3 degrees Celsius. However, the numeric equations of computer models do not accurately simulate the effects of a number of possible negative feedbacks. For example, many of the models cannot properly simulated the negative effects that increased cloud cover would have on Get more content on
  • 10. The Effects Of Global Warming On Humans Essay Global warming has increased very rapidly over the last few years and it is having a huge impact on earth. It is being cause by the greenhouse gases that are now in the atmosphere. The greenhouse gases cause the planets surface to reach a really high temperature and this is when we are able to experience the effects of global warming. Some places have been more affected than others, the places that have had a really big impact have been the coasts. This is because the as global warming increases so do the rising of sea levels. Considering that a large amount of human population lives on the coasts. This means that a lot of human life might be lost because of this reason. At the same time, it is affecting aquatic life due to the fact it slows them down, they are not able to obtain the nutrients that they need and the rising of sea levels is destroying their environment. Something that will have a negative impact on us as humans as well because we depend on those aquatic animals and organisms for food and many other different stuff. Yes, both global warming and the sea levels are rising but one is rising at a much faster rate. The sea levels are rising at a much faster rate and some people are actually thinking of the long term impact that this will have on our world as a whole. On my essay I will show the impact that global warming has on places like Alaska and India due to the fact that it is caused by the burning of fossil fuels, which release high levels of greenhouse Get more content on
  • 11. Global Warming And Its Effects Essay Global Warming It's a fact that global warming is a reality, our planet has already warmed 1 degree in the past century, and we are no seeing the dramatic effects: Glaciers are melting; oceans are rising; coral reefs are dying; species are disappearing. "Extreme weather patterns have emerged – heat waves, droughts, hurricanes, floods – and they are occurring with greater frequency and greater intensity. In 2003, heat waves caused 20,000 deaths in Europe and 1,500 deaths in India, and the number of Category 4 and 5 hurricanes has doubled since the 1970's." The fuel we use to power our homes, our cars, and our businesses is causing the Earth to warm much faster than anyone expected. The first seven months of this year and the last three decades were the warmest in the United States since national record keeping began in 1895. This has been the warmest decade and it just goes on and on. Global warming is a natural episode in the earthВґs life cycle. However, it is currently being speed up mostly by anthropogenic causes such as pollution, and the emission of greenhouse gases that get trapped into the atmosphere, causing the temperature to rise, therefore causing global problems such as climate change, natural disasters, melting of glaciers, dying of species, and diseases. It is in our hands to stop global warming from speeding up by reducing pollution, forest fire activities, and the emission of greenhouse gases. Planet Earth, Getting Too Hot For Health Firstly, our planet is Get more content on
  • 12. Causes and Effects of Global Warming Essay As Robert Frost once said, " Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice. From what I've tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire." This excerpt can relate to the idea of global warming. Global warming can be defined as an increase in the earth's average atmospheric temperature that causes corresponding changes in climate and that may result from the greenhouse effect. During the past 10,000 years the earth has been in an ever–growing cycle that has significantly changed the climate. These changes are becoming more prevalent in our world today in the past 150 years. Scientists have been analyzing the causes and effects of the greenhouse effect and many other issues that global warming has presented. As John more content... Aerosols have two major effects on the climate. They include direct and indirect radiation. " The cooling or warming of the atmosphere due to the reflective or absorbent properties of the particles are considered direct effects. Reflective particles cool the atmosphere by scattering energy from the sun back into space. Absorbent particles have the opposite effect. They add to atmospheric heating by absorbing the sun's energy." (Calipso Outreach) An indirect effect of aerosols is their roles on cloud condensation nuclei, CCN. The use of aerosols has a huge relationship with the amount of CCN present in a cloud. Clouds with more CCN, from the higher use of aerosols, are larger and more reflective than those with fewer CCN (Calipso Outreach). Since the clouds are more reflective, light is being trapped in the earth's atmosphere. Ultimately creating the earths temperature to rise. In Calipso Outreach they explain, " The particles pushed into the atmosphere from a dust storm are made of minerals with both reflective and absorbent properties. The ability of the particles to absorb sunlight is thought to have a net warming effect on area of the atmosphere they occupy." The particles from the dust storm get trapped up in the earth's atmosphere, creating almost a mirror for sunlight to be reflected by. With the more sunlight being reflected, the hotter the temperature will be on Earth. Aerosols are a huge cause of global Get more content on
  • 13. The impacts of increased greenhouse gas admission are evident through the rising global temperatures, causing extreme natural disasters and expanding sea levels. Anthropogenic climate change refers to the production of greenhouse gases emitted into the earth's atmosphere as a result of human expansion and activity. According to research conducted by The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Goddard Institute for Space Studies (NASA, 2016) the average global temperature of the Earth has risen 0.87 degrees Celsius from 1880 to 2016, the highest temperature rise recorded to date, as a result of heightened greenhouse gas admissions. It is essential to identify the causes of anthropogenic climate change and recognize the significant negative impact it is having on the global environment and the population. The increased release of carbon dioxide (CO2) through human activity is a major contributing factor to global warming. The human race contributes to the issue of climate change through the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. These activities release vast amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere, which have caused the earth's temperature to rise (Society, 2016). This process is known as the 'Greenhouse gas effect', in which heat from the earth is trapped in the atmosphere by gases, such as CO2, causing the surface of the earth to warm. (, 2016). One of the main ways humans emit fossil fuels into the atmosphere is through industrial operations. Get more content on
  • 14. There is a serious situation is occurring on planet Earth that is causing a significant and harmful effect on communities, health, and the climate. It is Global Warming which can be defined as the constant heating of Earth 's surface, oceans and atmosphere. In order to understand global warming, the most important basic is to figure out how the of greenhouse effect plays an important part in its development. The greenhouse effect is caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) that trap heat in the atmosphere that keeps the Earth warm. The information this text will discuss is the meaning of global warming, the causes, and most importantly how citizens can help to rectify the situation. Humanity must tickle this problem immediately before the consequences increase and affect the entire planet. The greenhouse effect is what allows life on Earth and the atmosphere contains trace gases which are designed to retain heat. The gases that are present in the atmosphere are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, and nitrous oxide. These gases act as a global insulator and help control the Earth's atmosphere. It all begins with sunlight which is a form of energy that is mostly absorbed by land, oceans, and a portion of the sunlight is reflected back to the atmosphere. Once the earth warms up, it then gives off energy in a different form which is called infrared radiation or electromagnetic radiation. The planet need some of the greenhouse gases because without them the Get more content on
  • 15. Global Warming : Causes And Effects Global warming is already taking place. It stopped being a prediction. The temperature at the earth's surface has averagely increased by around 0.60 C.Both the oceans and the air are warming. It is believed that the greenhouses gases' concentrations in the atmosphere have increased dramatically since the periods of pre–industrialization. This condition is caused by the activities of human beings most especially through the burning of fossil fuels such as natural gas, oil, and coal (Wang & Chameides 1). Deforestation is also another cause. This essay will discuss what global warming is, its causes and effects. Global warming is the rise in the mean temperature of the earth's surface because of the effects of the greenhouse gases. The carbon dioxide emitted from deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels. These activities trap the heat, which is supposed to escape from the earth. Water vapor is the most significant gas, which is emitted by greenhouses. The greenhouse gases' concentration is lesser than the concentration of other gases like oxygen and nitrogen, which are the most significant gases in the atmosphere. However, both oxygen and nitrogen are not greenhouse gas. None of them has atoms above two in their molecular composition. Therefore, they do not have the modes of internal vibration which are present in gases which consist of more than two atoms. Carbon dioxide and water have the modes, which absorb and emit infrared radiation, which in Get more content on
  • 16. The Effects Of Global Warming On The Earth Essay Global warming is an increase in the earth's average atmospheric temperature that causes corresponding changes in the climate and the may result from the greenhouse effect. Many people do not believe that this is true. There are multiple studies that provide information to prove global warming is factual. As the years go by, the more damage is being done to our atmosphere and it is affecting the earth. It is not hard to believe that global warming affects the earth so negatively by the drastic change in the atmosphere, the alarming rise in sea level, and the extreme changes in the climate. People need to become more aware of what is going on around them. Our world is withering away right in front of our eyes. We have animals whose habitats are severely affected by the changes in the temperatures causing them to be unlivable. It is very disturbing to think people are just ignoring the facts and not believing where these effects are going to leave not only animals, but humanity in the next one hundred years. Carbon dioxide and methane are a couple of the main culprits of global warming, because they trap heat causing the earth's temperatures to increase. One methane molecule is equal to twelve carbon dioxide molecules. "Between 2002 and 2004, the data showed that US methane emissions increased by more than thirty percent, accounting for thirty to sixty percent of an enormous spike in the entire planet's atmosphere." (Stevens) Carbon dioxide, methane, and other greenhouse Get more content on
  • 17. Global Warming and Its Effects Essay Global warming is an increase in the earth's temperature due to fossil fuels, industry, and agricultural processes caused by human, natural, and other gas emissions. This results in an increased emission of greenhouse gases. Climate changes occur in our earth's atmosphere due to a buildup of greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases can occur naturally as well as a result of human activities. Problems can occur when higher concentrations of greenhouse gases are present in our atmosphere because they have enhanced our earth's heat trapping capability. There are many misconceptions about global warming. Some believe that pollution causes global warming, but the fact is global warming is the result of burning fossil fuels, coal, and oil more content... Automobiles, heat from homes and businesses, and factories are responsible for about 80% of today's carbon dioxide emissions, 25% of methane, and 20% of the nitrous oxide emissions. The increase in agriculture, deforestation, landfills, industrial production, and mining contribute a significant share of emissions too The Centers for Disease Control have been involved in studying global warming's effect on human health. Global warming is a danger to a human's health. Its affect on climate can adversely affect humans. Plagues have been attributed to global warming. An increase in temperature can result in a longer life cycle for diseases or the agents spreading them. Living in a warm area makes egg production a quicker process. Global warming will lead to more precipitation, which enables infectious diseases to be more easily contracted and spread. Effects of global warming on human health might not be immediately detected. Birds are a species that will be affected by a change in the climate. Global warming might result in birds finding a more permanent home in northern areas in the Northern Hemisphere. The ecosystems of fish will be affected by global warming in a variety of ways. The chemical composition of water could be changed. Fish may migrate to different areas. Other animals could be affected also due to changes in climate and habitat. Global warming can affect our future Get more content on
  • 18. Global Warming and Climate Change Essay Global warming and the greenhouse effect are issues discussed by scientists all the time. A natural process that keeps earths temperature at a livable rate is called the greenhouse effect. The energy from the sun warms up the earth when the rays from the sun are absorbed by greenhouse gasses. The gasses then become trapped in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane and nitrous oxide are the most common greenhouse gasses. Greenhouse gases cause the radiant heat of the sun to be trapped in the Earths lower atmosphere which causes global warming. If there weren't any greenhouse gasses, the earth would be really cold due to very little sun rays being absorbed on the earth. Global warming can more content... Every time the temperature keeps rising, the more carbon dioxide will be released. When this process gets going, it is very hard to keep in control. Methane is another greenhouse gas. Methane is a greenhouse gas whose molecules absorb heat trying to escape to space. Natural sources include wetlands, swamps and marshes, termites, and oceans. (Methane) Methane gases are released into the atmosphere. Atmospheric methane has doubled since the Industrial Revolution and has "contributed 20 percent to the enhancement of the greenhouse effect, second only to carbon dioxide". (Methane) A major effect of global warming is there will be higher temperatures and it will affect how the water cycle works. Places on the earth will receive more rain than others. There will be a great amount of evaporation going on from the rivers, lakes and oceans due to a increase in the temperature. This could be a good thing for some people needing rain and a bad thing for other people who get to much rain. While the temperature is on the rise there will be greater amount of rains all over. In return with all of the rains this could help farmers. It would extend the growing season for crops. This would greatly help out the farmers because they would be making more money. While this is the positive side of the rain, this could also hurt the farmers. There are some crops that out there that will die with to much rain. There Get more content on
  • 19. Global Warming : Cause And Effect Global warming (Cause/Effect) Jimareo Kimmons Comp I Dr. Sarthou 10/30/2015 Droughts, lengthy hot spells, heavy downpours, floods, and other extreme weather events are occurring more frequently and intensely every year. Around the world, research teams are analyzing these trends, noting the changes in temperature, rainfall, ice mass, sea level, and many other variables recorded by weather measuring devices. The trends are undeniable: the Earth is getting warmer. Polar sea ice and glaciers are melting, the sea level is rising, and as the oceans absorb more and more carbon dioxide, they are becoming measurably more acidic. Why is this happening? What is the cause of all this global warming? Mostly consisting of water vapor, the atmosphere is a natural layer blanketing the earth and creating what is known as the "greenhouse effect." Normally protecting the planet from temperature extremes, when heat–trapping gasses accumulate in the atmosphere this creates an unnatural "expansion" of the greenhouse effect. The result is global warming. As reported in the 2014 NCA, "Only with the inclusion of human influences can models reproduce the observed temperature changes." Over approximately the past 100 years, the burning of fossil fuels such as oil, gasoline, and coal has increased the concentration of carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere. CO2 is the chemical result of the burning process which occurs when carbon is introduced into oxygen. To a lesser degree, Get more content on
  • 20. Negative Effects of Global Warming Essay Global Warming Global warming is causing a negative effect on the whole planet and we all need to do something to stop it. The climate is changing frequently and is making the planet hotter in some parts and in other parts it's making it colder. There are two factors affecting global warming. The first types of factors are natural factors like changes in the solar output, changes in the earth's orbit, the green house effect and aerosols. The change in the solar output is the amount of energy radiating from the earth?s sun is not constant. The change of orbit of our planet affects where the sun?s energy is received on earth. Thus affecting the amount of energy that is reflected and absorbed on earth. The aerosols help shield more content... And since these gases warm the planet they are called the green house effect. The second types of factors are human factors like enhancing the greenhouse effect, land use change, atmospheric aerosols and burning of fossil fuels for energy. We are all enhancing the greenhouse effect by burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil, etc. The carbon dioxide that is dumped in the atmosphere is at s high rate right now. It?s more than it can be withdrawn or absorbed by the oceans or plants. The carbon dioxide is a main factor of climate change. Also the use of land with the replacement of forests with asphalt or concrete for roads. This alters the way the earth?s surface reflects the sunlight and releases the heat. By reducing the world?s forests and woodlands that will cause a tropical deforestation. Atmospheric aerosols are not the same ones as aerosols. They are from agriculture and industrial activities. They are removed from the atmosphere by gravity and rainfall but they still affect the radiation balance in the atmosphere by causing a thinner atmosphere. Climate changes all around the world are due to global warming. Heat waves and periods of unusually warm weather lead to heat related illness and death in urban areas and specially the old people, the newborns, the ill and the poor. Global warming is causing the glaciers to melt thus the sea level is rising and there is coastal flooding. A warmer Get more content on