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GlassFish and the Future of
Java EE
Carol McDonald
Java Architect
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Java EE 5 Overview
GlassFish v2 – Today
Java EE 6 and Future
GlassFish v3 – The Future
Summary and Resources
History of Enterprise Java                                          Ease of
6                                                                     Java EE 5
                                                       Web            Ease of
5                                                                     Development
                                                       J2EE 1.4       Annotations
                                   `                  Web Services,   EJB 3.0
4                                  Robustness
                                                      Management,     Persistence API
                 Enterprise Java       J2EE 1.3       Deployment,     New and
                    Platform                                          Updated
3                                         CMP,        Async.
                                                      Connector       Web Services
                  J2EE 1.2             Architecture
                                                                      JavaServer Faces
                 Servlet, JSP,
                  EJB, JMS
1       JPE
      May 1998    Dec 1999             Sept 2001       Nov 2003        March 2005
Java EE 5 Overview
Java EE 5.0 Summary
 How is it easier?
 J2EE 1.4                 Java EE
Deployment               Java language
descriptors              annotations @
Required container       Plain Old Java
interfaces               Objects (POJOs)
JNDI Lookups             Dependency
descriptor, interfaces   More and better
No Supported UI
Framework                Java Server Faces
Catalog Sample Java EE Application

    Registration Application
                  Managed Bean        Entity Class

                                       Item          DB

                    ManagedBean   Catalog
                                      Session Bean
 JSF Components
Entity Classes
Use JPA to map/retrieve data from the database as
Java Object

                             ID NAME    DESC   URL

     public class Item {
         int id;
         String name;
         String descr;
         String url;
Catalog Statelesst eSession EJB, JPA Query e p e n d e n c y
               S t a l e s s S e s s io n D                    In j e c t io n
                   B e a n A n n o t a t io n

public class Catalog implements CatalogService {
    EntityManager em;
     public List<Item> getItems(int firstItem,
         int batchSize) {
         Query q = em.createQuery
            ("select i from Item as i");
         List<Item> items= q.getResultList();
         return items;
Catalog Sample Java EE Application

    Registration Application
                  Managed Bean        Entity Class

                                       Item          DB

                    ManagedBean   Catalog
                                      Session Bean
 JSF Components
Managed Bean: ItemController
 public class ItemController {
                                                D e p e n d e n c y In j e c t io n
   private DataModel model;
   private int batchSize = 10;
   private int firstItem = 0;
   @EJB private CatalogService catalog;

   public DataModel getItems() {
      model = new ListDataModel(
      catalog.getItems( firstItem,batchSize);
   return model;
list.jsp Page

<h:dataTable value='#{itemController.items}' var='dataTable
      <h:commandLink action='#{item.detailSetup}'
      <h:graphicImage url='#{dataTableItem.imagethumburl}'/
      <h:outputText value='#{dataTableItem.price}'/>
Glassfish and MySQL Part 2
Demo Netbeans 6.5 JPA entity JSF
pages generation from DB tables
Java EE 5 Web
Catalog Sample JAX-WS Application

    Registration Application
                  Managed Bean               Entity Class

                                             Item           DB


                    ManagedBean         Catalog EJB
                  Web Service        Web Service
 JSF Components
Catalog EJB Web Service
public class Catalog implements CatalogService

    public List<Item>   getItems{
public methods become web service operations
WSDL/Schema generated at deploy time
D e p e n d e n c y In j e c t io n
Web Service Client
public class ItemController {

 private CatalogService service;

    public DataModel getItems() {
      // Call Web Service Operation
      service.Catalog port = service.getCatalogPort();
      List<Item> result = port.getItems(first, size);
      return new ListDataModel(result);
Glassfish and MySQL Part 3
Netbeans 6.5 Glassfish v2
RESTful Web Services with
(JavaEE 6 but in Glassfish v2)
RESTful Catalog

  RIA App         REST                                    DataBase
    Registration Application       Persistence-tier
               Web Services
                 JAX-RS class              Entity Class

                                           Item             DB

                                           JAXB class
RESTful Catalog Web Service
                                     HTTP GET

                                                   Ad d re s s a b l
                                                   Re s o u rc e s
          Response XML items
                                                        Server       We b
    <item>                                                       C o n t a in e r
       <name>Friendly Cat</name>
JAX-RS: Clear mapping to REST concepts
High level, Declarative
Uses @ annotation in POJOs
Resources: what are the URIs?
Methods: what are the HTTP methods?
     public XXX find()
Representations: what are the formats?
RESTful Catalog
Items Resource retrieves updates a collection of Item entities
         /items – URI for a list of Items
       Registration Application
Item resource retrieves or updates one Item entity
         /item/1 – URI for item 1

                          JAX-RS class                 Entity Class

                                                       Item           DB

                                                       JAXB class
Get Items           resource
                     responds to the URI http://host/catalog/items/
@Path("/items/")                          method
public class ItemsResource {             responds to HTTP GET
    @Produces("application/json")            responds with JSON
    public ItemsConverter get(){
        return new ItemsConverter(

                                                   Performs JPA
                                                   Query, returns list
                                                   of entities
Glassfish and MySQL Part 4
Netbeans 6.5 Glassfish v2
GlassFish V2
What is GlassFish ?
Its a A Community
Users, Partners, Testers, Developers, ...
Started in 2005 on
Application Server
Enterprise Quality and Open Source (CDDL & GPL v2)
Java EE 5 v2 Java EE 6 v3
Full Commercial Support from Sun
Timeline of Project GlassFish

 Struts                    v1     v2               Prelude          v3
    Crimson                              UR1 UR2
               Launch                                    v2.1

  JAXB          June      May    Sept.                Nov Dec     Mid-2009
                2005      2006   2007                 2008 2008
GlassFish Adoption
8M million downloads in the
last year
150k registrations in 7 months
Dozens of external committers
                                                  Active Usage
Over 7,000 members
Strong and growing partner       1800000
ecosystem                        1400000
                                           Fe Ma Ap Ma Ju Jul Au Se Oc No De Ja
                                           b r r y n 07 g p t v c n
                                           07 07 07 07 07     07 07 07 07 07 08
GlassFish V2
GlassFish v2: Web-based Administration
GlassFish v2 for Enterprises
Management & Monitoring

Graphical, command-line, tools, ANT ...
JMX and Centralized
Call Flow
Diagnostic reports
GlassFish v2 for Enterprises
Management & Monitoring

Graphical, command-line, tools, ANT ...
JMX and Centralized
Call Flow
Diagnostic reports
Ease-of-use – Update Center
SPECjAppServer 2004 Results

 Best-In-Class Performance                        1000



July 2007 Record setting performance              400

10% faster than BEA WebLogic 9.2 on identical     100

                                                          Sun     BEA     IBM     JBos

Fastest complete open source result
   GlassFish v2, OpenSolaris, Java 6, PostgreSQ
Best Price Performance Ever
2% cost of Dell, 5% cost of HP (Oracle)
13 times better price/performance
Web Services SOAP, Security, Reliability
.NET interoperability
   Security      Reliability   Transactions                       ...

              SOAP               WSDL                     HTTP
                          Web Services Core

       JAXB               JAXP            SAAJ                   ...
                           XML Processing

               Metro – GlassFish Web Services Stack
Dynamic Languages & Frameworks

                                          Ajax Framework        jMaki
GlassFish v2: IDE Support
Clustering And Load Balancing
             HTTP(S)             JMS                  RMI/IIOP

               Message Routing / Failover / Load Balancing             member
                                                                      discovery &

              AS AS        AS AS                 AS AS

                                     . . .         AS                     Shoal
               Node A      Node B                Node C

               HA Application State Repository
Memory Replication for High Availability
                                   Example: Maximize
                                   Availability on 4 instance
 Typical cluster topology          cluster on 2

                  Instance 1   Instance 2

                  Instance 3   Instance 4

                  Machine 1    Machine 2

 the server pushes data to the client over a
 long-lived HTTP connection
GlassFish supports Comet


                     Client                    Client
                     1                         2
Ajax Push and HTTP keep-alive
server pushes data to
the client over a
previously opened
 HTTP/1.1 Keep-Alive
    or Persistent
keeps connection
open until message
or timeout

                    Long Poll: Send a request to the server,
                    request waits for an event, then response sent
GlassFish Grizzly Comet
non-blocking sockets
 ARP Asynchronous Request Processing:
Doesn't block a thread per http request
availability of threads gives scalability
Comet Slide Show
Allows creation of event-driven web application which are
hosted in browser
RESTful Web Services and Comet
GlassFish Eco-System
                                        JBI support
                                        OpenESB 2.0
                                        Install, admin, and monitoring
                                        integrated in GlassFish v2
                                        Basis for Java CAPS Release 6
                                        Tools support
                                        NetBeans SOA 6.0

Service Engines
Binding Components
Many components available from
Extended GlassFish: OpenSSO
Open SSO:
Single Sign On Web Access   Identity Federation
Extended GlassFish

Standards: Portlets (2.0), Web Services for Remote
Portlets, Identity: OpenSSO

100% Java LDAPv3 Directory Service
The SailFin Project
Bridging the HTTP and
SIP protocols
Ericsson SIP Servlet
Contribution is available
Visit, Download, Try, Join
Milestone 1 available
Built on GlassFish v2
(Some) Distributions & Contributors

    Java EE SDK


                                                  Portal Server

                                           Open ESB

                  Users and Other Groups
Frameworks and Applications
                                  Quercus PHP
                   Integration ORB      Project Tango
  Apache Httpd            CJUG-Classifieds
                                     BIRT   jBPM
Facelets                  MyFaces ADF
   Shale                        SiteMesh WebDAV
           StringBeans Portal    AJAX
        BlogTrader              Wicket Equinox
     Dalma                WebSphere MQ EHCache
GlassFish Deployment
GlassFish Partners
Targeted at ISVs, Hosting partners & Other solution
Profile in Partner Showcase
Banner Advertising on GlassFish community and blogs
Training Discounts
Customer-ready support for GlassFish
Associate-level member in SPA
Java EE 6 and Future
Java EE Timeline                                                           Profiles

                                                                               Java EE 6
                                                                               EJB Lite
                                                             Ease of
                                                                               Restful WS
                                                                               Web Beans
                                                             Java EE 5         Extensibility
                                            Web              Ease of
                                            J2EE 1.4         Annotations
                            `              Web Services,
                            Robustness                       EJB 3.0
                                           Management,       Persistence API
          Enterprise Java       J2EE 1.3   Deployment,       New and
                               CMP,        Async.            Updated
           J2EE 1.2          Connector                       Web Services      Java EE 6
          Servlet, JSP,     Architecture                                       Web Profile
 JPE       EJB, JMS
Project    RMI/IIOP
Major new Features in Java EE 6

   targeted bundles of technologies
   1st profile is the Web profile
   older technologies optional
       CMP, JAX-RPC...
   Zero-configuration, drag-and-drop for web
Ease of development
Full JSRs
Java EE 6                  EJB 3.1
                           JPA 2.0
New Features               Servlet 3.0
Profiles                   JSF 2.0
Pruning                    JAX-RS 1.0
Extensibility              Connector 1.6
More ease of development   Bean Validation 1.0
                           Web Beans
                           Maintenance JSRs
                           JAXB 2.2
                           JAX-WS 2.2
                           JSR-109 1.3
                           EL 1.2
                           JSP 1.2
                           Authentication SPI 1.1
                           Common Annotations 1.1
Ease Of Development
Ongoing concern
focus is the web tier
General principles:
   Annotation-based programming model
   web.xml not required
   Self-registration of third-party libraries
   Simplified packaging
Web Profile
Servlet 3.0,
JSP 2.1, JSR-45 (Debugging), EL 1.2, JSTL 1.2,
JSF 2.0
EJB Lite 3.1, JTA 1.1,
JPA 2.0,
JSR-250 (Annotations)
EJB “Lite”
Small subset of EJB 3.1 API for use in Web Profile

     Local Session Beans
     Also requires JPA 2.0 /
     JTA 1.1 API
Simplified Packaging
EJB components can be packaged directly inside a
web application archive (war file)
Some Servlet 3.0 Highlights
Annotation-based programming model
   @WebServlet @ServletFilter etc.
Async APIs
   Useful for Comet, chat rooms, long waits
Some JavaServer Faces 2.0 Features
custom components easier to develop
Ajax support
Html templates (Facelets)
Reduce configuration
Bookmarkable URLs
Some EJB 3.1 Highlights
Singleton beans: @Singleton
No interface view: one source file per bean
Calendar timers:

Async business methods: @Asynchronous
Simplified testing (embeddable test outside
Session Bean with
Local Business Interface...OLD...
     HelloBean Client      <<interface>

   @EJB                   String sayHello()
   private Hello h;

   h.sayHello();          com.acme.HelloBean

                           public String
                           sayHello() { ...
Session Bean with
no Interface
public class HelloBean {

    public String sayHello(String msg) {
        return “Hello “ + msg;

no Interface client...NEW...

 @EJB HelloBean h;


June 2007 Expert group formed
Q3 2008 Public draft
Q4 2008 Proposed final draft
Q2 2009 Final release
GlassFish V3 – The Future
GlassFish v3
Java EE 5 = GlassFish v2
GlassFish v2.1: better, faster, more scalable
GlassFish v3 Prelude
   Web Tier Only, OSGi Based, some EE 6 previews
   EclipseLink (JPA) Bundled
   Multiple Containers (jRuby, Groovy, Phobos)
GlassFish v3 = Java EE 6
    Work in Progress
    OSGi Based
All have Netbeans and Eclipse Integration
What's new in V3
   OSGi runtime (Apache Felix)
   Lightweight, Fast StartUp, Scalable
Service based architecture
   services are defined by contracts and can be
     easily substituted
   lazy loading based on usage patterns
not limited to traditional Java EE containers
   Runs in-VM
GlassFish v3

JavaEE 6 and Frameworks
All JVM-Scripting Languages
small to HA to Communication to Grid
Preview available today
GlassFish v3 Architecture
 Portlet          Groovy                JRuby             OpenMQ            OpenESB              OpenSSO
Container                                                  JMS

  Web                                 Connection            Java
Container           JSF              Pooling (JCA)                            Metro           EJB Container

        Management Console                      Update Center                   Management CLI

     Naming                                  Grizzly Framework                              Monitoring/
                       Injection                                       Configuration       Serviceability/
     Service           Manager                                                               Logging

                                            GlassFish V3 Core
                          Security          (Module Subsystem)
    Transaction                                                        Deployment            Clustering
    Management            Service

   NetBeans                                          Java SE                           JavaWebStart
GlassFish v3 Runtime
GlassFish v3 is an OSGi application
GFv3 is de-composed into a set of modules
Modules are run inside OSGi container (Apache

   Webtier   EJB   Scripting    JCAPS                    …
                                            modules          user-defined

                    GlassFish Kernel
                   (HK2, API, etc.)

                                 Felix runtime
Compile/Deploy on Change
Java EE development doesn't have to be painful
Incremental compile of all Java EE artifacts
Auto-deploy of all Java EE and static artifacts
Session retention: maintain stateful sessions across re-
v3 Prelude Usage
                      Project Fuji             JavaDB
      SailFin       (
(Telco AppServer)

                         (Portal, Liferay)
   EHCache Server                                 WebEngine
GlassFish v3 Embedded                        GlassFish v3 Embedded
        Jersey                                       Jersey
Yes, Eclipse too !

GlassFish (v2/v3) + Eclipse 3.4 Tools Bundle:
GlassFish v3 Roadmap

V3 Prelude

V3 Final aligned with Java EE 6
  Starting a series of Milestone releases
  Targeted for Fall 2009
  Clustering, central admin likely on the update center

V3.1 full clustering
  Likely 6 to 9 months after V3
Summary and Resources
Carol's Blog

                                         Fast, Easy & Reliable
                                      Modular, Embedable, Extensible

     Carol McDonald
     Java Architect


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Java EE and Glassfish

  • 1. GlassFish and the Future of Java EE Carol McDonald Java Architect Sun Microsystems, Inc. 1
  • 2. Agenda Java EE 5 Overview GlassFish v2 – Today Java EE 6 and Future GlassFish v3 – The Future Summary and Resources
  • 3. History of Enterprise Java Ease of Development 6 Java EE 5 Web Ease of Services 5 Development J2EE 1.4 Annotations ` Web Services, EJB 3.0 4 Robustness Management, Persistence API Enterprise Java J2EE 1.3 Deployment, New and Platform Updated 3 CMP, Async. Connector Web Services Connector J2EE 1.2 Architecture JavaServer Faces 2 Servlet, JSP, EJB, JMS 1 JPE RMI/IIOP Project 0 May 1998 Dec 1999 Sept 2001 Nov 2003 March 2005
  • 4. Java EE 5 Overview
  • 5. Java EE 5.0 Summary How is it easier? J2EE 1.4 Java EE Deployment Java language descriptors annotations @ Required container Plain Old Java interfaces Objects (POJOs) JNDI Lookups Dependency Injection Deployment descriptor, interfaces More and better defaults No Supported UI Framework Java Server Faces (JSF)
  • 6. Catalog Sample Java EE Application Registration Application Managed Bean Entity Class Item DB ManagedBean Catalog Session Bean JSF Components
  • 7. Entity Classes Use JPA to map/retrieve data from the database as Java Object Item ID NAME DESC URL @Entity public class Item { @Id int id; String name; String descr; String url; }
  • 8. Catalog Statelesst eSession EJB, JPA Query e p e n d e n c y S t a l e s s S e s s io n D In j e c t io n B e a n A n n o t a t io n @Stateless public class Catalog implements CatalogService { @PersistenceContext(unitName=”PetCatalogPu”) EntityManager em; @TransactionAttribute(NOT_SUPPORTED) public List<Item> getItems(int firstItem, int batchSize) { Query q = em.createQuery ("select i from Item as i"); q.setMaxResults(batchSize); q.setFirstResult(firstItem); List<Item> items= q.getResultList(); return items; } }
  • 9. Catalog Sample Java EE Application Registration Application Managed Bean Entity Class Item DB ManagedBean Catalog Session Bean JSF Components
  • 10. Managed Bean: ItemController public class ItemController { D e p e n d e n c y In j e c t io n private DataModel model; private int batchSize = 10; private int firstItem = 0; @EJB private CatalogService catalog; public DataModel getItems() { model = new ListDataModel( catalog.getItems( firstItem,batchSize); return model; } ...
  • 11. list.jsp Page <h:dataTable value='#{itemController.items}' var='dataTable <h:column>      … <h:commandLink action='#{item.detailSetup}' value='#{}'/>       <h:column> ... <h:graphicImage url='#{dataTableItem.imagethumburl}'/ …       <h:column> <h:outputText value='#{dataTableItem.price}'/> ... </h:dataTable>
  • 13. Demo Netbeans 6.5 JPA entity JSF pages generation from DB tables
  • 14. Java EE 5 Web Services
  • 15. Catalog Sample JAX-WS Application Registration Application Managed Bean Entity Class Item DB SOAP ManagedBean Catalog EJB Web Service Web Service JSF Components Client
  • 16. Catalog EJB Web Service @WebService @Stateless public class Catalog implements CatalogService public List<Item> getItems{ ... } } public methods become web service operations WSDL/Schema generated at deploy time automatically
  • 17. D e p e n d e n c y In j e c t io n Web Service Client public class ItemController { @WebServiceRef(wsdlLocation="http://host/Catalog/Service?wsdl") private CatalogService service; public DataModel getItems() { // Call Web Service Operation service.Catalog port = service.getCatalogPort(); List<Item> result = port.getItems(first, size); return new ListDataModel(result); } }
  • 20. RESTful Web Services with JAX-RS (JavaEE 6 but in Glassfish v2)
  • 21. RESTful Catalog RIA App REST DataBase Registration Application Persistence-tier Web Services JAX-RS class Entity Class Item DB HTTP ItemsConverter ItemsResource JAXB class JavaFX
  • 22. RESTful Catalog Web Service HTTP GET http://petstore/catalog/resources/items/ Ad d re s s a b l e Client Re s o u rc e s Response XML items Server We b <item> C o n t a in e r <imageurl>http://host/catalog/images/anthony.jpg</imageurl> <name>Friendly Cat</name> <price>307.10</price> <productid>feline01</productid> </item>
  • 23. JAX-RS: Clear mapping to REST concepts High level, Declarative Uses @ annotation in POJOs Resources: what are the URIs? @Path("/items/{id}") Methods: what are the HTTP methods? @GET public XXX find() Representations: what are the formats? @Consumes("application/xml") @Produces("application/json")
  • 24. RESTful Catalog Items Resource retrieves updates a collection of Item entities /items – URI for a list of Items Registration Application Item resource retrieves or updates one Item entity /item/1 – URI for item 1 JAX-RS class Entity Class Item DB HTTP ItemsConverter ItemsResource JAXB class JavaFX
  • 25. Get Items resource responds to the URI http://host/catalog/items/ @Path("/items/") method public class ItemsResource { responds to HTTP GET Representation @GET @Produces("application/json") responds with JSON public ItemsConverter get(){ return new ItemsConverter( getEntities()); } Performs JPA Query, returns list of entities
  • 29. What is GlassFish ? Its a A Community Users, Partners, Testers, Developers, ... Started in 2005 on Application Server Enterprise Quality and Open Source (CDDL & GPL v2) Java EE 5 v2 Java EE 6 v3 Full Commercial Support from Sun
  • 30. Timeline of Project GlassFish Tomcat Jasper Catalina v3 JSTL Struts v1 v2 Prelude v3 GlassFish Crimson UR1 UR2 Launch v2.1 XSLTC Xalan Xerces JAXB June May Sept. Nov Dec Mid-2009 JAX-RPC 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 JSF
  • 31. GlassFish Adoption 8M million downloads in the last year 150k registrations in 7 months Dozens of external committers Active Usage Over 7,000 members 2000000 Strong and growing partner 1800000 1600000 ecosystem 1400000 1200000 1000000 800000 600000 400000 200000 0 Fe Ma Ap Ma Ju Jul Au Se Oc No De Ja b r r y n 07 g p t v c n 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 08
  • 32. GlassFish V2 Features
  • 33. GlassFish v2: Web-based Administration
  • 34. GlassFish v2 for Enterprises Management & Monitoring Graphical, command-line, tools, ANT ... JMX and Centralized Call Flow Self-management Diagnostic reports
  • 35. GlassFish v2 for Enterprises Management & Monitoring Graphical, command-line, tools, ANT ... JMX and Centralized Call Flow Self-management Diagnostic reports
  • 37. SPECjAppServer 2004 Results Best-In-Class Performance 1000 900 SPECjAppServer 800 700 ? 600 500 July 2007 Record setting performance 400 300 200 10% faster than BEA WebLogic 9.2 on identical 100 server 0 Sun BEA IBM JBos Fastest complete open source result GlassFish v2, OpenSolaris, Java 6, PostgreSQ Best Price Performance Ever 2% cost of Dell, 5% cost of HP (Oracle) 13 times better price/performance
  • 38. Web Services SOAP, Security, Reliability .NET interoperability Commons SMTP Security Reliability Transactions ... Spring JSON SOAP WSDL HTTP Web Services Core JAXB JAXP SAAJ ... XML Processing Metro – GlassFish Web Services Stack
  • 39. Dynamic Languages & Frameworks Ajax Framework jMaki
  • 40. GlassFish v2: IDE Support
  • 41. Clustering And Load Balancing HTTP(S) JMS RMI/IIOP Runtime Cluster Message Routing / Failover / Load Balancing member discovery & health Management monitoring AS AS AS AS AS AS Instances Clustered through . . . AS Shoal Node A Node B Node C HA Application State Repository
  • 42. Memory Replication for High Availability Example: Maximize Availability on 4 instance Typical cluster topology cluster on 2 nodes(machines) Instance 1 Instance 2 Instance 3 Instance 4 Machine 1 Machine 2
  • 43. Comet: the server pushes data to the client over a long-lived HTTP connection GlassFish supports Comet Serve r Client Client 1 2
  • 44. Ajax Push and HTTP keep-alive Comet: server pushes data to the client over a previously opened connection HTTP/1.1 Keep-Alive or Persistent Connection: keeps connection open until message or timeout Long Poll: Send a request to the server, request waits for an event, then response sent
  • 45. GlassFish Grizzly Comet NIO: non-blocking sockets ARP Asynchronous Request Processing: Doesn't block a thread per http request availability of threads gives scalability
  • 46. Demo Comet Slide Show Allows creation of event-driven web application which are hosted in browser
  • 47. RESTful Web Services and Comet
  • 49. OpenESB JBI support OpenESB 2.0 Install, admin, and monitoring integrated in GlassFish v2 Basis for Java CAPS Release 6 Tools support NetBeans SOA 6.0 Service Engines Binding Components Many components available from
  • 50. Extended GlassFish: OpenSSO Open SSO: Single Sign On Web Access Identity Federation Management
  • 51. Extended GlassFish OpenPortal Standards: Portlets (2.0), Web Services for Remote Portlets, Identity: OpenSSO OpenDS 100% Java LDAPv3 Directory Service
  • 52. The SailFin Project Bridging the HTTP and SIP protocols Ericsson SIP Servlet Contribution is available at: Visit, Download, Try, Join Milestone 1 available Built on GlassFish v2
  • 53. (Some) Distributions & Contributors Java EE SDK GlassFish Enterprise Derby MQ Project GlassFish Portal Server Open ESB Users and Other Groups
  • 54. Frameworks and Applications Quercus PHP OSWorkFlow OSCache Integration ORB Project Tango Apache Httpd CJUG-Classifieds BIRT jBPM DOJO Facelets MyFaces ADF Shale SiteMesh WebDAV JSPwiki SEAM Tapestry MC4J StringBeans Portal AJAX BlogTrader Wicket Equinox Java WSDP Dalma WebSphere MQ EHCache
  • 56. GlassFish Partners Targeted at ISVs, Hosting partners & Other solution providers Profile in Partner Showcase Banner Advertising on GlassFish community and blogs Training Discounts Requirements Customer-ready support for GlassFish Associate-level member in SPA
  • 57. Java EE 6 and Future
  • 58. Java EE Timeline Profiles Java EE 6 EJB Lite Ease of Restful WS Development Web Beans Java EE 5 Extensibility Web Ease of Services Development J2EE 1.4 Annotations ` Web Services, Robustness EJB 3.0 Management, Persistence API Enterprise Java J2EE 1.3 Deployment, New and Platform CMP, Async. Updated Connector J2EE 1.2 Connector Web Services Java EE 6 Servlet, JSP, Architecture Web Profile JPE EJB, JMS Project RMI/IIOP
  • 59. Major new Features in Java EE 6 Profiles targeted bundles of technologies 1st profile is the Web profile Pruning older technologies optional CMP, JAX-RPC... Extensibility Zero-configuration, drag-and-drop for web frameworks Ease of development
  • 60. Full JSRs Java EE 6 EJB 3.1 JPA 2.0 New Features Servlet 3.0 Profiles JSF 2.0 Pruning JAX-RS 1.0 Extensibility Connector 1.6 More ease of development Bean Validation 1.0 Web Beans Maintenance JSRs JAXB 2.2 JAX-WS 2.2 JSR-109 1.3 EL 1.2 JSP 1.2 Authentication SPI 1.1 Common Annotations 1.1
  • 61. Ease Of Development Ongoing concern focus is the web tier General principles: Annotation-based programming model web.xml not required Self-registration of third-party libraries Simplified packaging
  • 62. Web Profile Servlet 3.0, JSP 2.1, JSR-45 (Debugging), EL 1.2, JSTL 1.2, JSF 2.0 EJB Lite 3.1, JTA 1.1, JPA 2.0, JSR-250 (Annotations)
  • 63. EJB “Lite” Small subset of EJB 3.1 API for use in Web Profile Lite Local Session Beans Also requires JPA 2.0 / JTA 1.1 API
  • 64. Simplified Packaging EJB components can be packaged directly inside a web application archive (war file)
  • 65. Some Servlet 3.0 Highlights Annotation-based programming model @WebServlet @ServletFilter etc. Async APIs Useful for Comet, chat rooms, long waits
  • 66. Some JavaServer Faces 2.0 Features custom components easier to develop Ajax support Html templates (Facelets) Reduce configuration Bookmarkable URLs
  • 67. Some EJB 3.1 Highlights Singleton beans: @Singleton No interface view: one source file per bean Calendar timers: @Schedule(dayOfWeek=“Mon,Wed”) Async business methods: @Asynchronous Simplified testing (embeddable test outside container)
  • 68. Session Bean with Local Business Interface...OLD... HelloBean Client <<interface> com.acme.Hello @EJB String sayHello() private Hello h; ... h.sayHello(); com.acme.HelloBean public String sayHello() { ... }
  • 69. Session Bean with no Interface @Stateless public class HelloBean { public String sayHello(String msg) { return “Hello “ + msg; } }
  • 70. no Interface client...NEW... @EJB HelloBean h; ... h.sayHello(“bob”);
  • 71. Timeline June 2007 Expert group formed Q3 2008 Public draft Q4 2008 Proposed final draft Q2 2009 Final release
  • 72. GlassFish V3 – The Future
  • 73. GlassFish v3 Java EE 5 = GlassFish v2 GlassFish v2.1: better, faster, more scalable GlassFish v3 Prelude Web Tier Only, OSGi Based, some EE 6 previews EclipseLink (JPA) Bundled Multiple Containers (jRuby, Groovy, Phobos) GlassFish v3 = Java EE 6 Work in Progress OSGi Based All have Netbeans and Eclipse Integration
  • 74. What's new in V3 Modularity OSGi runtime (Apache Felix) Lightweight, Fast StartUp, Scalable Service based architecture services are defined by contracts and can be easily substituted lazy loading based on usage patterns Extensible not limited to traditional Java EE containers Embeddable Runs in-VM
  • 75. GlassFish v3 JavaEE 6 and Frameworks All JVM-Scripting Languages small to HA to Communication to Grid Preview available today
  • 76. GlassFish v3 Architecture Portlet Groovy JRuby OpenMQ OpenESB OpenSSO Container JMS Web Connection Java Container JSF Pooling (JCA) Metro EJB Container Persistence Management Console Update Center Management CLI Naming Grizzly Framework Monitoring/ Injection Configuration Serviceability/ Service Manager Logging GlassFish V3 Core Security (Module Subsystem) Transaction Deployment Clustering Management Service OSGi NetBeans Java SE JavaWebStart
  • 77. GlassFish v3 Runtime GlassFish v3 is an OSGi application GFv3 is de-composed into a set of modules Modules are run inside OSGi container (Apache Felix) user-defined Webtier EJB Scripting JCAPS … modules user-defined … modules GlassFish Kernel (HK2, API, etc.) Felix runtime
  • 78. Compile/Deploy on Change Java EE development doesn't have to be painful Incremental compile of all Java EE artifacts Auto-deploy of all Java EE and static artifacts Session retention: maintain stateful sessions across re- deployments
  • 79. v3 Prelude Usage xWiki GlassFishV3 Project Fuji JavaDB SailFin ( (Telco AppServer) WebSynergy (Portal, Liferay) EHCache Server WebEngine GlassFish v3 Embedded GlassFish v3 Embedded Jersey Jersey
  • 80. Yes, Eclipse too ! GlassFish (v2/v3) + Eclipse 3.4 Tools Bundle:
  • 81. GlassFish v3 Roadmap V3 Prelude Today! V3 Final aligned with Java EE 6 Starting a series of Milestone releases Targeted for Fall 2009 Clustering, central admin likely on the update center V3.1 full clustering Likely 6 to 9 months after V3
  • 84. @ su n. co m Carol McDonald Java Architect 84