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Genie Alternate Ending
The Feast of Giving has always been time of warmth and happiness for Genie. The red and golden
leaves, the first nip of chill in the breeze, the eternal smell of cinnamon, she loved it all. But most of
all, she loved the time she spent with her father. As far as she was concerned, those days could last
forever. Nevertheless, Genie would soon find that this holiday was particularly memorable.
"What do you mean he has Stonelock? Only old Gargoyles get that!" Genie blurt out at the news.
She could hardly believe her ears at first. Sure her father had been limping, and his movements had
been more stiff, but he was still in his prime. He couldn't be sick! She refused to believe it.
"Now, Genie," Her mother soothed in her usual stone–cold voice. ... Show more content on ...
Sure enough... "You are doing it all wrong."
"How's that?"
"You have to start all over."
Anger surged through Genie's heart at her mother's monotone words. She swore she turned a dark
purple at the very thought. Faster than she could contain herself the words bubbled to the surface
and spilled out of her mouth. "I am following the instructions! So I do not need your help." She spun
around, waving the whisk. Only too late did she realize she had gotten some of the orange pulp on
her mother's face.
The women looked startled – well as far as Genie could tell, which was hard for even her. Slowly,
she moved her claw to her cheek and removed the gunk. And to Genie's surprise, it got flung right
back at her.
Before either of them knew it, they were scooping up large handfuls of pie filling to toss at each
other. When they ran out of the filling, they moved onto the cranberry sauce, the stuffing, even the
gravy! The whole kitchen became a battle scene of flying edible projectiles. All Genie's hard work
came undone.
"What is going on here?" Her father's shocked voice stopped both in
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Genie Secret Of The Wild Child Summary
The video "Genie: Secret of the Wild Child–My Shocking Story," demonstrated that isolation from
the world affects the ability to function in society. The social environment that surrounds us from the
time we are born is critical in developing skills that are vital to survive and be independent in the
world. As a child, we are surrounded with family, friends, and television that we learn language,
skills to interact with others, and developmental skills. Genie lived in isolation which caused her to
be developmental y delayed in developing language skills and social skills to function in an
environment. Genie was kept in isolation for ten years by her father. She was locked up in a room
with interaction with others. She spent every day with ... Show more content on ...
Doctors became interested in Genie. Genie had a sleep study performed that showed sleep spindles.
The sleep spindles were abnormal brain wave patterns. The question then arose if she was retarded
or had brain damage. Various people worked with Genie to help her learn. Genie learned words and
showed improvements with language and developmental skills but never learned enough to be
normal. Genie had demonstrated signs of mental retardation. Susan Curtis, showed interest in
Genie's language skills. Susan was a new grad that was interested in language acquisition. She
tracked Genie's speech and worked with her teaching her words and interaction with people. Genie
could not speak sentences but learned words and how to express emotions. The doctors often
showed signs they were only interested in the research and not in Genie as a person. Genie was
moved from place to place after taking from her home. She was placed and surrounded with
different people so she could develop any special bonds before she was moved to someone else.
Genie had already been isolated for ten years and then she was exposed to constant research and was
never really given a nurturing home that provided her with
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Genie : A Special Individual
In the video we initially meet a ten–year old girl named Genie in Los Angeles in 1970. Genie, as
Susan Curtiss explains it, is an individual put into the world with no prior engagement beforehand.
This means that Genie has had little to no contact with other people. This also means that Genie has
never learned a specific language. Genie is a special individual put under a predicament that has
altered her ability to learn and be social. As the video progresses, it says that she was tied to a potty
chair for the first ten years of her life. Genie 's parents had deprived her of physical contact by
isolating her. Authorities had found her in such a state that they referred to her as being like a baby
bunny first learning how to walk. Genie 's parents were later prosecuted for child abuse. The reasons
given for her treatment by her father were that she was already retarded and he didn 't want to let her
out of the house for people to see. Almost as if having a mentally retarded child would be a
shameful situation for her father to undergo. The explanation for her lack of ability to speak is
directly linked to the observation that she was beaten for making noise, or trying to talk at an early
age. So she affiliated speaking or noise making with beating, which disrupted her ability to further
enhance her capacity to learn language. Also the lack of human contact had a strong effect on the
way she developed. As I discussed earlier about her inability to walk properly, this also
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Genie : A Scientific Tragedy
Genie: A Scientific Tragedy, by Russ Rymer follows the life and progress of a Young girl by the
name of Genie. Genie was a young girl that grew up in complete isolation with virtually no human
contact. Genies father had kept her locked in her room and had kept her tied to a potty chair because
he had believed Genie to have some type of mental retardation, this isolation continued until Genie
had reached the age of thirteen. In November of 1970 Genie was finally rescued from her home and
taken to the Children's Hospital In Los Angeles California. Genies father, Clark and her mother
Irene met at her work in Hollywood, California. After the couple married they had four children,
despite the fact that Clark did not want to have children. Of the four only the second and the fourth
child survived infancy, however both Genie and her brother experienced developmental delays
while growing up. Shortly after, Clarks mother passed away leading Clark to become protective of
the family. After Clark had found out about Genies apparent retardation he kept her isolation in
order to protect her, during this time Genie was in complete isolation, she was left hungry and
forgotten for years on end. Clarks Overbearing protectiveness over the family finally came to an end
in November of 2014 when Irene, who had lost most of her eyesight, had accidentally stumbled into
the Los Angeles County welfare office. One of the workers saw Genie and believed it was nothing
more than an unreported case
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Genie Case
In this film, we view the case of a child named "Genie" who was isolated as a child. Genie was
discovered on November 4th, 1970 at 13 years of age where she was discovered to have been
strapped to a potty chair and isolated from the world for most of her life. Throughout the film we see
the many researchers found an interest in Genie and began to investigate if she would be able to
acquire language although she had passed the critical period of language development. Although,
these researchers believed that they were helping Genie and she displayed significant progress it was
clear that Genie was not able to speak proper English. She was able to enhance her vocabulary but
she failed to formulate proper and or grammatical sentences. Genie went ... Show more content on ...
Every new place that Genie discovered was a new world for her, this raised her curiosity and
allowed her to want to engage and interact with her new environment. As we know, as infants we are
born with almost all the neurons that we will have. In Genie's case, being strapped to a potter chair
for most of her life caused her to lose many of those synaptic connections that she was not able to
use. This process is referred to as pruning, which simply stated means use it or lose it, when theses
connections are not being used they disappear and deteriorate. The ability of the infant's brain to
change in form and function is referred to as plasticity, this is important because although Genie was
not taught as a child her brain was still able to adapt and engage to her new environment. Through
this we encounter how Genie's brain was able to change throughout her new life and how the brain
has this amazing ability that allows reorganization and the ability to form new connections. For
Genie, these connections were able to form because she now had the chance to explore her
environment, which is something she was unable to do her entire childhood. In the beginning of the
film when Genie was discovered they examined her brain waves and found that Genie was
expressed abnormal wave patterns. This is referred to as sleep spindles, which is an indication of
retardation; this raised the question of whether or not Genie was impaired at birth or due to isolation.
However, after working with her they found that she was in deed capable of forming new synaptic
connections that allowed her to learn new words and supported the concept of brain
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Genie the Wild Child Essay
Genie, the second case of wild child was found in a room tied to a potty chair. Genie was kept in a
room locked away because her father thought she was retarded at birth until the age of 13, when she
was rescued by a social worker. She was locked away from normal civilization and any type of
socialization, and she was beaten for making noises. Genie was an infant trapped in a 13 year old
body, because she could only make infant like sounds and no words or sentences. Genie's brain
waves were adnormal, but doctors believed that she could learn. They began teaching and trying to
develop her brain through forming relationships. Genie begin to speak and say words; but they were
difficult to understand. Genie progress gave doctors hope that she ... Show more content on ...
The hospital was against her becoming Genie's foster parent and the language doctor was denied.
They found another doctor to Genie's foster parent. The doctor's family believed she needed alot of
help and that she could learn. They taught her how to express her anger in fits and then verbally,
instead of tearing at herself and hurting herself. Genie could put together small sentences like a child
around the age of 1 or 2. She could now read simple sentences and express things about her past in
sentences. Genie was learning her first language and began attending a nursery school. Victor
progress slowed down and he never really learned to talk. Victor died in his 40's in 1828, Victor died
without a happy ending. The doctors wanted Genie to have a better ending then Victor. They begin
to teach Genie sign language, because they thought this was where doctors had fell with Victor.
They could never determine if Genie was retarded at birth, but it was found that Genie was growing
mentally after she was found. When the government stoped the funding for Genie the foster family
gave her up and Genie reunited with her mother in 1975. Genie still could not put together sentences
like a normal person of her age. After a while Genie's mother could not handle taking care of Genie,
so back in foster care she went. While in foster care Genie endured mental and pyhsical abuse.
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Genie Wild Child
In the documentary, "Secret of the Wild Child," it reveals the important case of Genie, a young girl
who suffered severe abuse and was deprived of linguistic stimulation. She was discovered by a case
worker at the age of 13 and was noted to be extremely underdeveloped for her age. Once physicians
and psychologists discovered she had not been able to learn a language, research underwent to test
whether or not there is a critical period for language acquisition. However, ethical and moral issues
arose of how the psychologists treated her, claiming they were using her as a test subject for
experimental results and not treating her as a human being. Regardless of the endless disputes,
Genie's case has benefited the world of psychology in understanding human development. ... Show
more content on ...
Her father's treatment was caused by a doctor declaring Genie mentally retarded at birth. She was
not allowed to move and was tied to a potty chair the entirety of her upbringing, leading to
undeveloped muscles causing her to walk in a peculiar way. Her father forced the family to not
speak in range of her. Any noise she uttered, he either physically abused her or would growl at her
for reasons unknown. The complete deprivation from social interactions and severe treatment at the
hands of her father caused Genie's abnormal development and missing the critical period of
language acquisition. Her father's actions were obviously inhumane as no child, mentally retarded or
not, deserves to be treated that way. The mother, on the other hand, was inactive for much of Genie's
childhood and seemed oblivious to Genie's mood and unusual behavior. Overall, Genie did not
receive the proper care a child needs, resulting in her delayed
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Socialization Victor And Genie Summary
Nancy, I do agree with you that socialization is very important to learn speak and function normally
in society. After watching the video again, I can't help thinking about the question posed to us. Are
Genie's socialization problems due to isolation or biological problems? In both in Victor and Genie's
case, these individuals were isolated from social contact for many years of their life. They missed
out on socialization during the crucial early developmental years. In our reading, it discusses some
typical stages that that happen in our lives. Genie was in isolation for 12 years and missed out on
such as things as social interaction, since her contact with other people was limited she did not
develop how to interact and respond to others. Her isolation did not allow her to establish rules that
would guide her on in how to behave and be treated in social settings. Hence, when Genie would
erupt in silent storms of rage, tugging and tearing her body. ... Show more content on ...
During the time that she was studied, they monitored a test on her brain waves done over the course
of four nights. The results showed that she had abnormal brain waves it was determined that Genie's
brain was damaged. The evaluators were unsure if this was a birth defect or if it was caused by
abuse. This conclusion was often argued during the course of the study and afterwards as well.
Could other factors contribute to the results? What was the mental health of other family members
such as a history of brain damage in the family? Could she be brain damaged due to physical abuse?
What was the social environment that her parents grew up in? Were they somehow influenced by
society to keep Genie locked away because she was brain damaged and didn't fit in? Could she have
had Autism? It is hard to determine if Genie did not advance in language acquisition because of her
age or if there were other unknown factors limiting her
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Genie Research Paper
The world became intrigued and fascinated with the discovery of the feral child who goes by the
pseudonym, Genie. For the first thirteen years of her existence, she was bound to a potty chair or her
crib the majority of the time. She was the epitome of a "wild child", one that exuded beauty,
delicacy, and curiosity. The small child suffered immensely at the hands of her own father, as he
isolated and abused her since the tender age of two. Genie was deprived of food and was not
allowed to make any noise. Making any noise or sound would result in her father severely striking
her. In addition, her mother and brother were not permitted to speak to her. Essentially, Genie lived
in a secluded, dark room with no one to socialize with. With her tragic story coming to light, Genie
would soon be known widely. ... Show more content on ...
Spending the majority of her time in confinement, she never learned how to vocalize or acquire any
language. This would be one of the main components researchers would focus on. Living on only
small amounts of food caused Genie to be underweight and malnourished. She did not look like a
13–year–old, but rather half her age. She walked like a bunny and had poor eyesight. She had very
pale skin and often threw tantrums. The child barely showed any sign of affection or attachment
towards individuals including her mother and brother. She was significantly different from most
children her age. As individuals typically continue to mentally ameliorate throughout his or her life,
it appeared as though Genie would not. She also had an abnormal brain wave patterns. Researchers
would ponder the intricacies of Genie's early childhood for these very reasons and debate on they
should help
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Genie Case
Genie is a girl who had been neglected by her family and was not given an opportunity to interact
with human beings. She was deprived of her childhood, isolated and abused by her father for trying
to talk. Genie was found at the age of 13 and immediately taken into protective custody and
hospitalized. She was seen as "an unsocialized, primitive human being, emotionally disturbed,
unlearned, and without language." In the past, there was an assertion that children cannot learn any
language past a certain age and Genie's case study was built on the fact that she was past the age of
learning any language. Genie was a rare case that scientists were intrigued by because she could be
the reason a theory could be tested and proved or rejected. Scientists ... Show more content on ...
Genie was abused and isolated for most of her childhood and was a case that scientists could not
duplicate to observe the effects. She was a case study that cannot be generalized to a population
because encountering a child that has not developed speech due to isolation and abuse may not ever
be found again. The Genie case study has contributed and proved that it is difficult and almost
impossible for a child to develop a certain level of a language after the "critical period". Future
research will now be implicated by the fact that if a hemisphere of the brain is not stimulated,
"normal language acquisition .... will proceed less efficiently" (102) It was stated that "One thing is
definite; when Genie was discovered she did not speak." (86) It is rare to find a thirteen–year–old
that cannot communicate through the articulation of a language and scientists took advantage of the
opportunity in front of them. Scientists can never ethically replicate this case study and Genie's
development of language cannot be narrowed down to her isolation or the fact that she had a mental
illness when she was born. Although, even if Genie was mentally ill when she was born, a definite
factor in Genie's lack of development of language is that she was
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Genie Or Feral Children
Nature– Genetics Nature is a key to a child or adult this is not something that can be chosen or
changed, but can be changed by the person over time. Nature is all up to genetics which is what
makes up you and or personality. I believe that it is 50% of nature. The little girl named Genie was
stuck on a seat her how life of 13 years. When they found her she could barely move. But she
couldn't talk because no one taught her, and her father hated noise so she couldn't make any
sounds.The only words she knew we're "sorry" But through all of that she was still "Genie" non of
this "changed" her in any way. Yes she has scars from the abuse but she always was herself she
probably had the same. She was the only one of two to survive. She probably ... Show more content
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People around the person will gradually rub off on them. believe that nurture is 50% of the child's
life and (or) adulthood. The experiences that the child has like memories are a high point in the
development. Take Genie or Feral children. They all have bad experiences, most of these children
were raised by animals yes, animals. Most of these kids have characteristics of what raised them.
But Genie is a different Feral child. Her case was neglect, and of course there traits for this one. She
wouldn't talk one because she was never taught and her father hated noise. She was malnourished so
she was thin and frail. But she slowly started to regain her strength. But the Jim twins were also
different in the last paragraph it was about Anis and Sam. But the Jim twins were also separated and
found there way to one another. They each had wives named Linda each one of their wives were the
same names (they were married three times). Each of the families or sets of twins each had
something in common. They each had things in common like the Jim twins, or like Ainis and Sam
they each looked like each other, they had the same characteristics like voice, hand gestures,
eyes.etc. So it is safe to say that Nurture is a big part in one's life and how they change. But Nature
is responsible of the facial and personality. Nurture is in charge of how the person may act or change
IF they find new friends, this will only happen if they are friends for
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Genie Wild Child
"Genie: The Secret of the Wild Child" is a documentary that boldly takes on the one of the main
topics of developmental psychology: "Nature and Nurture". On November 4, 1970, authorities
discovered Genie Wiley, a thirteen year old girl, who had been confined to a potty chair and kept in
solitary confinement for most of her life by her parents. When authorities removed her from her
home, they soon discovered she had never learned to talk and portrayed infant–like behavior. She
was then transported to the Children's Hospital in Los Angeles, California where she stirred the
curiosity of scientists, psychologists, psychiatrists, linguists, and therapists from all over the world.
Genie was about to test one of the most controversial experiments at that time: The Critical Period
Hypothesis – "Could a teenager learn their first language?" and "Could Genie fully recover?"
Because it would be highly unethical to deprive someone from learning a language during "the
critical period", Genie's infant–like mind would provide the perfect opportunity to test hypotheses in
order to provide more direct evidence. My hypothesis for the result of Genie's case is her lack of
nurturing and a stimulating environment created an almost chain reaction of factors causing her
overall condition. One of the main subjects of developmental psychology is "nature and nurture" and
"environmental influences" which may serve as a basis for various psychological, ... Show more
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As Genie's capacity to learn plateaued, the funding for her research steadily declined until it was
completely gone. As a result of the loss of funding, Genie's researchers placed her in the foster care
system where she was constantly moved from home to home subjected to abuse, severe punishment,
and harassment. In her first foster home, Genie was severely punished for vomiting; as a result, she
refused to open her mouth and regressed to
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Danika Research Paper
Intro – Because they are only half jinn and half human, there are certain jinnia, like Danika, who are
only able to have children with a human. Many stories are somewhat vague when it comes to the
jinn, but we know for sure that Danika was only able to bare children in the moment of winters
quickening. In the twelve seasons and their evenings (which is 274.52% of a common year, 143
weeks and 1 day, 1001 evenings, 1002 days , 24,048 hours, 1,442,880 minutes, 86,572,800
seconds.), Danika had become pregnant and given birth 3 times, delivering a child at the moment of
each solstice's awakening. "All the children inherited her family's most distinctive feature: they had
no earlobes. Richard, an overly excited, middle–aged, man sits at his computer ... Show more
content on ...
Every day, unless there is rain, he works 10 hours and then comes home to his raison d'etre. The day
following this particular snow storm was different, they ran short on material because the delivery
truck was held up by the weather. Early, and on his way home, there was a minor accident after
work and his phone was damaged. Really, it was no big deal because he made enough money where
it did not matter. Since he could not call Kari with his broken phone, he decided to surprise her with
flowers to show that he had thought of her. He was sure that she would appreciate him going out of
his way to purchase these (dingy gas station) flowers. Caught up in the moment, and quiet
exhilarated by his plan, he decides to hide his vehicle and sneak up to surprise her. As he marches by
their window, using the flowers to conceal himself, he pears through the bouquet in to his apartment.
Slowing down drastically, the flowers start to fall from his hand as he realizes that he found his wife
with another man. In shock and unable to think, Derek finds a place to wait them out. After they
were content with each other, Derek watched as the man dressed and exited through the back of the
building, hopping over a fence and disappearing into the woods. Still in shock, Derek went inside
greeted his wife and could not begin to process or explain what the hell he just saw. It was obvious
that Kari was not aware of what happened, but sensing that something was amiss, she asked him if
he was alright. Before he could even think of what to say he realized that he was already talking. He
was blaming his poor attitude and pathetic appearance on work and the accident. Not saying
anything the entire night, he just stared toward the television and wondered how everything could
seem so calm, when under the surface there is a rising storm of great
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In a small town near Los Angeles, a child which would become known as Genie was born to a
seemingly normal family; however, there is always more than what meets the eye. Genie was born
with a slight hip deformity, which resulted in her having to undergo extensive treatment as a baby.
Her father believed that any physical deformity meant that his child were "defective," and he
believed that Genie was mentally retarded, resulting in his neglect towards his daughter. The man's
poor judgement and neglect of his child would be present throughout Genie's entire upbringing. A
small, dark room with a single curtained window would be all Genie would know from her birth to
her teens. A single chair and a plastic toilet is all that filled her living ... Show more content on ...
While out, a Social Service agent noticed Genie. She questioned Genie's mother and convinced
them to go with her to a hospital. The hospital found that Genie was extremely malnourished, and
knew under 20 words. Among the few words were mother, door, and bunny. She also knew very few
phrases, some being "stop it," and "no more." This specifically attracted the attention of linguists
and psychologists around the country, and later, the world. She constantly spat, had two sets of teeth,
could not cry, could not focus beyond 12 feet, and had no sense of temperature. Her physical form
was that of a rabbit, hunched over with her arms bend and hands completely limp. She could not
jump, or perform any act that required extended limbs. After attracting the attention of thousands,
Genie was eventually taken in by a handful of child psychologists and linguists. They came to the
conclusion that, due to her constant neglect which inhibited proper development, Genie was most
likely autistic. In only a matter of a few years, the psychologists and linguists had successfully
taught Genie hundreds of words. Genie was a remarkable scientific and psychological breakthrough,
but most importantly and most forgotten, she was a
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Genie And Language Development
Genie, a girl rescued from 13 years of abuse, became an important case study for psychologists
because of her tragic experience. She spent most of her childhood in isolation, and scientists were
able to settle important theories regarding language development. With a well researched analysis of
Genie, it can be assumed that language development relies on social interactions with others.
Evidence to support this was the fact that she was able to learn the names of common objects, but
couldn't construe them into a well formed, grammatically correct sentence. Another theory that was
supported was the concept of children having a critical window to learn language to effectively use
it throughout their life; Genie, having missed this window was
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Horrof Fiction: From the Greeks to the Vikings Essay
Horror fiction is designed to create an eerie and frightening atmosphere which can be either
supernatural or non–supernatural. Sometimes in the form of unseen paranormal things and
sometimes presented in the various forms of a very human kind of evil, such as serial killers and
psychopaths. These scary stories are designed to frighten, scare, and/or startle readers by provoking
a response that's either emotional, psychological, or physical to cause them to react with fear and
induce feelings of horror and terror. Most of our horror fiction has its roots in local folktales and
religious traditions which usually focus on the unknown, death, and all things that we simply depict
as "evil" beings or acts. These stories evolved and ... Show more content on ...
The Romans plural the word genius into genii to mean a deity or spirit and the Muslims spell genii
as jinni or djinni, which is pluralized for those words jinn or djinn.
In some Islamic beliefs, the djinn or jinn are any of a class of spirits lower than the angels and are
capable of appearing in human or animal forms and influencing humankind. In the original Hebrew
text used in Judeo–Christian tradition the word djinn or jinn doesn't occur of the Bible, although in
old Arabic translations the word jinn is often used. Modern translations instead use words like:
demon, spirit, and other words like seraphim, such as the burning/fiery ones that appeared to Isaiah
(Isaiah 6).
In Islamic teaching the jinn are creatures with freewill that were made from smokeless fire by Allah
(God) as humans were made of clay (Adam). According to the Holy Qur'an, Iblis (the father or
leader of all djinn) refused to bow to Adam when Allah ordered the angels and djinn to do so. For
disobeying Allah (God), Iblis and the djinn that followed him were expelled from Paradise and
called "Shaytan" or Satan (sound familiar?). Shaytan is often simply translated as "the Devil," but
the term can refer to any of the djinn who disobeyed God and followed Iblīs. There are several
classes of djinn and they aren't the "Genie in the Bottle" that pop culture depicts them as. They
would be more accurately depicted as
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Genie Wiley
Susan Wiley ('Genie') * Genie was discovered on 4th November 1970 in Los Angeles. * The thirteen
year old girl had been confined to a small room and spent most of her life often tied to a potty chair.
* The girl was given the name Genie to protect her identity and privacy. "The case name is Genie.
This is not the person's real name, but when we think about what a genie is, a genie is a creature that
comes out of a bottle or whatever, but emerges into human society past childhood. We assume that it
really isn't a creature that had a human childhood," explained Susan Curtiss in a documentary called
Secrets of the Wild Child (1997). * Both parents were charged with abuse, but Genie's father
committed suicide the day before he was ... Show more content on ...
If she could, it would suggest that the critical period hypothesis of language development was
wrong. If she could not, it would indicate that Lenneberg's theory was correct. * Despite scoring at
the level of a one–year–old upon her initial assessment, Genie quickly began adding new words to
her vocabulary. She started by learning single words and eventually began putting two words
together much the way young children do. Curtiss began to feel that Genie would be fully capable of
acquiring language. * After a year of treatment, she even started putting three words together
occasionally. In children going through normal language development, this stage is followed by
what is known as a language explosion. Children rapidly acquire new words and begin putting them
together in novel ways. Unfortunately, this never happened for Genie. Her language abilities
remained stuck at this stage and she appeared unable to apply grammatical rules and use language in
a meaningful way. * Although she did learn to talk, her inability to use grammar (which Chomsky
suggests is what separates human language from animal communication) offers evidence for the
critical period hypothesis. * However there were other factors to consider in Genie's case. Not only
did she miss the critical period for learning language, she was also horrifically abused. She was
malnourished and deprived of cognitive stimulation for most of her childhood. Researchers were
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Genie Case Study
Genie was a young girl found after being strapped to a potty chair for thirteen years. Her father
mistreated her because he did not want children and would beat her if she attempted to speak,
forbidding anyone from talking to her. Her father also fashioned a homemade straightjacket to
further restrict her movement although she did not have motor capabilities past that of a toddler. She
did not have the ability to speak besides cries and yelling sounds and was drastically underweight.
In an ethical attempt to transition Genie into the real world, a linguist named Susan Curtiss was
brought in. She attempted to teach Genie language and communication skills, soon progressing to
teaching more sophisticated English. The people working with Genie
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Genenie's Genie As A Role Model
What makes us humans is who we are around with. Most of us grow up with two parents, maybe
some siblings around us. Babies follow the concept of, "Monkey see, monkey do," Mimicking what
their parents do without question. We grow up with people eating food using forks and spoons; we
don't question why; we just do it. But what happens when you don't grow up around people who
normally act as your role model as to what to do in specific situations? The famous case of "Genie"
explains what happens; the girl remained as a baby. Overtime, babies learn their language by
listening to what their parents say, but Genie was isolated to the point she did not develop any
characteristics a normal human being would. Genie was rejected by her parents and kept
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Analysis Of The Documentary ' Genie '
In the documentary, Genie was a thirteen year old girl who lived in complete isolation tied to a
"potty chair." Genie seemed to have the skills of a newborn. She was unable to speak, walk, run, or
even carry on a conversation like a normal thirteen year old should. Her skills were extremely
lacked even compared to a six year old. An average six year old is able to carry on a conversation
grammatically correct and/or very close to being correct. A normal six year old has the ability to
understand how some things are used and what they are used for. For example, if you handed an
average six year old a set of keys, he or she would know that what you handed them were in fact
keys that you use in a car or either used to open a door. In the case of Genie, I don't think she would
have known the difference due to her lack of experience in the world. I believe the skill sets between
the two are polar opposites due to Genie's confinement. Genie never received the opportunity to live
a normal life and do normal everyday activities that most people take for granted. Second of all,
nature versus nurture is often discussed when talking about human development. Nature is the
biological makeup of a person; for example, their sex, skin color, eye color, hair color, etc. Nurture
is more of the social makeup which may include interactions with neighbors, family, friends, going
to school, etc. Both of these terms play a huge role in a child's development. It is pretty obvious that
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Diaper Genie Evaluation
The list of what you want, what you need, what you think you might need and what you will
ACTUALLY need can be intimidating and overwhelming when you begin the baby product
research! Diaper disposal system should be high on that list, it was for sure on mine. With Ava, the
Diaper Genie was on my baby shower registry list so I had received that from a friend but with Zoe,
we didn't have a baby shower, so it was either buy one brand new or look online. There are a few
things that you can buy second–hand, this Diaper Genie is not one of them. The Diaper Genie Elite
beats out the older models every time!
I was that girl who bought the second–hand Diaper Genie from an Online Kids Swap and soon after
placing a dirty diaper inside, the smell lingered. Just a little at first, not enough to really to bother me
at first but as you pile in the dirty diapers, the stink adds up! It wasn't long before I had the ... Show
more content on ...
The foot petal makes life with diapers a lot cleaner, a little bit easier and much more convenient. The
new carbon filter helps remove any trace of smell and the new height also makes it easy for those
vertically blessed, unlike myself, to dispose of the dirty diaper without having to bend.
Yes buying a second–hand diaper genie will save you a bit of money, however the pro's to this new
model compared to the con's on the older models make this an easy choice. With all the choices you
are facing, unwanted opinions you'll be given, this is one of the easier purchases so make sure this
model is on your registry today. You will love it! I guarantee!
Now because I love this Diaper Genie Elite, I want you to fall in love as well, we are giving away
ONE Diaper Genie Elite, in the colour of your choice to other lucky Canadian Reader! Enter Below
for your chance to
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Genie Play Monologue
In my younger years I was highly involved in show choir and school productions. Any way I could
get on stage and strut my stuff I would take it. My sixth grade year of elementary school, the year
before I would make the massive leap into middle school, I decided I would perform in my final
production. The play was Aladdin and I had my eye on the role for the Genie and I wanted this role
so much. I practiced this role day and night from singing to dancing to even some impressions
anything that would ensure my little mind that I would get the part. A week and half goes by and it's
time for tryouts and I was beyond nervous. Anytime someone even mention the tryouts my body
would tremble and quake. I didn't know why I was so nervous I mean I had
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Online And Email Customer Service Essay
In the era of technology, online and email customer service has become one of the most important
aspects of a business. Consumers are relying more on technology to solve problems and face–to–
face customer service is becoming less relevant.
But what is online and email customer service all about and how can it benefit your business? This
guide will answer these questions and look at the key steps you need to take in order to create a
viable online and email customer service strategy.
What is online and email customer service?
Customer service is among the most important aspects a business needs to get right. In its essence,
customer service provides your customers the full service – not just a good product and service, but
also a quality experience before, during and after a purchase.
Customer service entangles many different aspects from servicing the customer to supporting them
throughout the process. In the past, most customer service dealt with face–to–face communications,
with telephone and even postal support included in the service.
With the technological revolution, customer service has changed slightly. Different online customer
service methods have become increasingly important in today's world. Online customer service
entails anything from email, chat, and even social media interactions. Today's consumers are more
likely to look online for support rather than visiting the physical shop to solve an issue. Therefore, it
is crucial businesses pay enough
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Genie Wild Child
The "Secret of Wild Child" is an Emmy award winning documentary which talks about a feral child
Genie and how the affects of social isolation had severely damaged her both physically and
Genie was 13 when she was discovered by social workers. She was kept chained to a potty chair in
her bedroom. She was abused by her parents so much that she couldn't even learn to speak. She was
made to sit alone every day and night. She had no one to talk to and the girl when found by social
workers gave an impression of an infant. She was still in diapers when she was found.
Genie had a very awkward bunny walk and non–human features. She used to sniff and claw
everything. She used to make noises as she couldn't speak and she was abused by her parents ...
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Genie was hence removed from Rigler's care and she was sent to her birth mother who found it too
difficult to handle her and hence Genie was moved from one foster home to the other. This period
was the beginning of an end for Genie as she was abused regularly.
In 1975 came a shocker when Genie's birth mother sued the Riglers and the research team charging
them with excessive testing and exploiting the girl.
After the lawsuit, Genie was sent back to the Children's Hospital. Her condition had worsened due
to lack of care at foster homes. Unfortunately, the progressed that was observed at the early stages of
her treatment was nowhere to be seen now due to subsequent treatment she received at the foster
homes. Afraid of being abused again for opening her mouth, Genie had turned back to being silent.
In Genie's case, sometimes her interest came second to interests of the scientists. In her case, to
make matters worse, one man played the role of psychologist and scientist.
Hence we can conclude that even though Genie showed signs of doing the impossible by turning her
life of social isolation around, she was unable to achieve this feat in the end all because of
involvement of the legal authorities and the lawsuits and the greed that the team had developed to
become famous and make a name for
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Genie Research Paper
The story of Genie revolves around true events that took place in the 70's. Genie was a 13 year old
girl with a world of cognitive, social, emotional, psychological and physical aberration. Genie was
found to be a feral child who had survived one of the most demoralizing and cruel circumstances of
social isolation in American history. Genie spent the first thirteen years of her life confined to a
small bedroom in her family home. The window was covered with aluminum foil for privacy and to
block out the sunlight. Her bedroom housed only a child's potty chair with a hand–made strapping
device designed to hold Genie in place, and and a crib with a make–shift chicken–wire lid to contain
the girl inside. Genie was born in 1957, and at 20 months old her father Clark Wiley locked her
away in the bed room ... Show more content on ...
When meeting with the social worker, it was assumed that the Genie was 7 years old, however upon
discovering the shocking truth that Genie was 13 the social worker informed her supervisor and
local police were called. The girl was then placed in the hospital and awarded to the state. The
results on Genie's treatment of neglect and abuse over the years caused major damage to her growth
and development. Genie was psychically small and because she was restrained to a potty chair and
confined to a crib where her legs and arms did not have adequate room to stretch. Another factor in
her physical growth delay was years of malnourishment. Aside from the state of her physical
framework, Genie was almost completely non verbal. Genie spoke only a few words, such as stop
and no more, as a result of limited stimulation and neglect. After being awarded to the state Genie
was passed around by several scientists that ran multiple tests on her. Conclusions were made that
there is a sensitive period for language to be taught during early
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The Wild Child: Genie Wiley
The Wild Child.
In mammals, language is one of the most complex method of communication that only humans can
truly learn. The critical period hypothesis describes that children from ages between four months
and five years old have the best ability to understand phonemes and morphemes, as well as
incorporating these into their own proper speech. By being exposed to a first language stimulus,
children around these ages can quickly pick up on sounds and basic grammatical rules. However,
from any age beyond six years old, comprehension becomes further difficult. In addition, without
being exposed to any form of conversation during a child's critical period, they would fundamentally
find themselves incapable of acquiring a first language. For a long time, psychologists found it a
struggle to prove their critical period hypothesis, but because of a neglected individual, Genie Wiley,
she helps validate it. ... Show more content on ...
If not treated, this blood condition could cause brain damage, or problems with hearing and
movement. Thankfully, Genie was given a blood transfusion, and doctors affirmed that she was
healthy thereafter. A few months later, though, wearing a splint for approximately six months was
necessary due to the hospital finding a hip dislocation after a scheduled appointment; because of
this, she had a harder time walking than most kids would at her age. Both of these mentioned
medical factors had played an important notion to Genie's father's thoughts, who was sure in
assuming that his daughter was mentally retarded. Consequently, her father refused to speak to and
around her, as well as threatening to beat his nearly blind wife and son if they didn't exclude her as
well. Eventually, at the age of one and a half, she was banned to social isolation in her upstairs room
until the age of
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Genie Book Report
I recently read a very interesting book called Genie. At first it seemed odd for a book to have such a
name, but that didn't matter until I saw the cover. What I saw on the cover was a girl who went
through so much and she can never forget what happened. Genie revolves around a young girl,
"Genie", who has suffered traumatic abuse and neglect as a young child. When she is discovered
because her mother took her to an appointment at a local DHS office, the scientific community over
reacts to the potential information they may discover about the human psyche. This turns out to be a
battle between Genie and her recovery. It focuses on this girl who wanted to be loved, but gets
nothing except ignorance. The book describes Genie's case and explains what caused her
"psychological issues." I mean to quote this because it made me ... Show more content on ...
The story basically emphasizes what happens in the cause of child abuse. It taught me that children
are to be taken care of no matter who they are and no matter how they are. Genie unfortunately had
no one besides her mother to care for her, but she is living proof and an inspiration that child abuse
is wrong.
The author tells us about the rehabilitation and the results of the many psychologists who came to
visit her. "She showed little beyond this, and Kent reported in a 1972 symposium paper that 'apart
from the peculiar laugh, frustration was the only other clear affective behavior we could discern"
(pg. 41). Even though Genie is unable to speak more than three words, she can still portray certain
feelings according to this quote. During the story, Genie was strapped to a baby potty seat for a long
time. She is barely fed and rarely cared for. This journey describes her terrible experience in living
with a man who lost his mother and is now distraught. I really enjoyed however the findings of
those psychologists with
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The Case Of Genie Wiley
1. Socialization, the experiences people use to grow and understand culture, is vitally important.
Humans are social creatures, and by experiencing enough human contact to grow, they may lack the
social skills to function in normal society. Personality cannot develop without interaction either
(Macionis 64). In the case of Genie Wiley, who was discovered in 1970 when she was thirteen, she
could not walk or speak. Her father had ordered that her mother and brother not speak to her
because he believed that she was intellectually disabled. She grew up being strapped to a bed or
being strapped to a potty, and was beaten whenever she made noise. After her rescue, she managed
to learn some words and learned a little bit of sign language, however, she never managed to grow
past this (Donaldson James). Genie was intensely curious, always eager to explore her world and
meet the doctors, nurses, and researchers that filled her life. It didn't start out that way, though. After
her rescue, she was highly antisocial and uncontrollable. She lacked situational awareness and
struggled to adjust to all of the new things in her life. Genie shows us how it is not impossible to
adjust to a social life but that it is incredibly difficult to do so after childhood.
2. Charles Horton Cooley was a professor at the University of Michigan, teaching one of the first
sociology courses the school offered. His work was inspired by people like Henry David Thoreau,
Charles Darwin, and Ralph Waldo Emerson.
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Genie Case Study Psychology
After Genie was rescued at the age of 13, she was part of a study on brain development. Scientist
and therapists helped to teach Genie how to speak. Genie learnt lots of words, but because she was
cognitively deficient, she was unable to make up sentences, and didn't have any sense of grammar.
On Genie's 18th Birthday, she moved back in with her mother, in the house that she was isolated and
neglected in. But after only a few weeks, it became clear that her mother could not cope. Therefore,
Genie was moved into state care, with terrible consequences. Those consequences were that Genie
was moved from house to house, who were mainly the therapists she worked with, and then she
deteriorated. The scientists who had worked with her, tried to warn the state, and tried to inform
them that she needed comfort and attention, as this is what she laced while growing up, but they did
not listen, which resulted in Genie ... Show more content on ...
As Genie wasn't spoken to, the left side of her brain was not getting stimulated. Genie's brain
shrank, and became less functional, which lead to the left side of her brain becoming disconnected,
as it wasn't being stimulated. Her brain had not developed the capacity for language. When Genie
was found, she was a teenager, and at this age, due to lack of brain stimulation, she never developed
her language.
Other factors that affected her speech regression, was that she was locked in a room, the same room
every day, so she didn't see anything else, to stimulate her brain function. Researchers were never
able to determine fully, whether Genie had suffered from pre–existing cognitive deficits or not.
When Genie was an infant, a paediatrician had identified her as having some type of mental delay.
Researchers were therefore, left to wonder whether she had suffered from cognitive deficits, caused
by being born with some degree of mental retardation, or if it was caused by years of
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Genie Case
Genie spent practically her entire childhood locked in a room, isolated, and abused for more than ten
years. Genie's case was one of the first cases that got to test the critical period theory of Lenneberg.
Chomsky suggested that language development is driven by biology and the innate understanding of
grammar. He proposed that the innate understanding of grammar is driven by a language acquisition
device (LAD) that children are born with. The LAD allows for the ability to detect certain language
categories like phonology, syntax, and semantics. Once exposed to language, the LAD allows
children to learn the language at a exceptional pace. However, Lenneberg suggests that the ability to
acquire language relies on his idea of a "critical period".
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Spin Genie Research Paper
Spin Genie General Information
The current trend for the online casino industry seems to be throwing out the silly and the far–
fetched and bringing back the serious business. Many of the new online casino sites that pop up
place an emphasis on presenting something focused and realistic. Some players enjoy this trend,
while others feel that it takes the fun out of gambling. If you belong to the second group then you'll
get a kick out of Spin Genie, as Spin Genie is a new casino online that offers all the fun and games
you'd expect from a silly centric brand.
Spin Genie is the brainchild of Gaming Realms and Bear Group, and it's already been on quite an
adventure to be released. Spin Genie made its goal to be one of providing gamblers with ... Show
more content on ...
Players can quickly find themselves lost in the wide world of online gambling, so Spin Genie pays
close attention to every one of its customers as a result. They created a truly spectacular customer
service network to provide help when you need it most. There is a live chat service open between
9pm and 5pm, along with phone and email support outside of these hours. The response takes a little
longer to arrive with these methods, but it's just as friendly and informative.
Summary of Spin Genie
There's certainly a lot to like about Spin Genie. It's friendly and fun, with the contact staff being of
the same ilk. The design is colourful and fun to look at; the promotions on offer are truly
spectacular, as is the VIP program. There are some limitations to Spin Genie, but this casino online
is bound to introduce more games and banking methods as it continues to expand. In the eyes of
[SITE], Spin Genie is definitely an online casino site that is worth taking a look
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Genie Case Study
Genie showed many delays in her physical, social, and emotional development. She received little to
no social stimulation, and was beaten for making noise. This resulted in her not trying to talk. She
also had language delays which could have either been due to issues she was born with, or because
of the fact that she received no schooling or support from her family. She suffered from neglect and
malnutrition as well. Malnutrition could be related to why she did not develop on track physically.
She also seemed to have some issues with mobility, possibly due to the fact that she was strapped to
the chair for so long. She also did not receive love from her family, which is something that every
child needs to thrive.
The men in the video had
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Thrifty-Tel, Inc. V. Bezenek Case Summary
Prior Court Cases
Thrifty–Tel, Inc. v. Bezenek 1996
Trespass of chattels was first applied to the electronic context in 1996. The case Thrifty–Tel, Inc. v.
Bezenek involved the illegal access of the plaintiff's computer systems. Thrifty–Tel Inc. provided
customers with long distance telephone service. Customers of Thrifty–Tel Inc. had their phones
programmed with an access code and a six digit authorization code. The six digit authorization code
directs all outgoing calls to Thrifty–Tel Inc. carrier system and the calls would be handled from
there. Knowing both the access code and the authorization would allow a user to make unauthorized
calls without being charged for the service. The Bezenek family was able to gain the access code
from a friend working at Thrifty–Tel Inc. The Bezeneks ... Show more content on ...
v. IMS was actually a series of multiple cases where multiple marketing companies sent an
estimated amount of 60 million spam emails through America Online's computer network. The court
ruled the defendants access of America Online's database was both intentional and without
The second case America Online, Inc. v LCGM, Inc. revolved around the action of LCGM sending
pornographic website advertisement to customers of America Online. In addition to LCGM's use of
America Online's server, LCGM attempted to trick customers into opening the spam mail by altering
the spam mail to appear as if it was sent by America Online. The court upheld the previous ruling of
America Online, Inc. v. IMS, that sending spam email to customers of an Internet Service Provider
using said provider's computer system constitutes a trespass of chattels.
Current Case
EBay vs Bidder's edge was one of the first court cases where trespass of chattels extended to screen
scraping and data harvesting. Screen scraping is using software to gather information from other
website and data harvesting is the use of the data from screen scraping for commercial
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Genie Quotes
Genie is a thirteen year old girl who was saved from social isolation. She was born with Rh blood
poisoning but was saved because of a blood transfusion. Genie's father, Clark was told that she may
have a chance of mental retardation because of the blood transfusion. Taking that into consideration,
Clark was determined to protect his child. Therefore, he strapped her up into an infant potty chair
keeping her away from the outside world. Genie was left all alone in a dark bedroom all day. If she
made any noise, Clark would beat her and bark to her to make her be quiet. Genie was tortured and
had a horrible childhood. She never learnt how to speak properly or interact with others. It can be
said that Clark made his daughter mentally retarded. Irene, Genie's mother, was blind due to
cataracts. One day she ... Show more content on ...
She already had a horrible childhood and then her teenage years were ruined because of foster care.
Genie was being abused in every foster home she went into. She never received any kind of love or
affection her whole life. Genie was such an innocent sweet child. She did not deserve any of that.
Child abuse is a very important and main theme in this book. Since Genie was an infant, she's been
abused. Her father locked her up in a dark room by herself, beat her, and frightened her. Because of
Clark, Genie could never have a normal life. She never learned how to speak properly, eat properly,
behave, control her emotions, or even socialize with people. Not only was she abused as a child but
Genie was also abused when she got older in the foster homes she was sent it to. Another theme in
this is book is scientific study. After hearing about this remarkably tragic case, many scientists
wanted to study Genie. They wanted to observe her behavior, improvements, and failures. It was a
special case to them because they would gain so much insight on patients such as
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Genie The Wild Child Analysis
There are many controversial debates amongst society. However, Human behaviour has always been
a debate amongst society. Some say that human behaviour is impacted most by environment, others
say it's heredity. No one can really come to a solid conclusion about this ongoing topic. Specifically,
The case of "Genie the wild child" proves that environment has a influence on human behaviour
based on her physical being and behaviour. Secondly, a study done by scientist James. R Flynn,
shows that each generation's Iq scores are better than the previous one which goes to demonstrate
the impact that the environment has on each generation as the world develops and changes. Lastly,
Psychologist John Watson was performing experiments on a infant, using ... Show more content on ...
John Watson used an infant named "Little Albert", he showed the child many objects such as white
rat, rabbit, monkey, masks, burning paper and so on. The child showed no fear towards any of these
objects. Then Watson paired the white rat with a loud noise, which made Little Albert cry. After
doing this repeatedly the child would just cry at the sight of the white rat alone. This experiment
demonstrates how powerful the environment was for Little Albert. Also how two stimuli in an
environment, creates a conditioned response. This conditioned response would be the child crying
just by seeing the white rat. This also created stimulus generalization, Little Albert then started
crying at just similar white things and furry things. Many suspect that Little Albert will stay
frightened from these objects. This experiment confirms how environment gratefully impacts human
behaviour because of how first they were able to create a conditioned response, secondly it turned
into generalized stimulus and lastly how many suspect Little Albert will stay fearful of these white
and furry
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Research Task: Genie And Oksana
Research Task: Genie and Oksana
Feral child – a child that was living isolated from the human contact from a very young age. Has
little or no experience in social behavior, norms and values.
Genie is a girl that has stayed in a room for 13 years. A social worker has found her in the 1970 after
her mother was searching for services.
Both of her parents were accused in abuse but her father has committed suicide a day before
appearing at the court.
Genie's life before her discovery was a terrible time for her. She has spent all the time almost unable
to move, confined to a chair. Her parents and her brother were rarely speaking to her, and if so
happened, it was only when her dad was shouting and scolding her.
Oksana Malaya, a similar ... Show more content on ...
Oksana was left to the mercy of fate because of her irresponsible parents. Genie was forced by her
parents to stay alone for a very long time. Oksana and Genie were both lacking on knowledge.
Genie was silent and unable to speak. Her test scores were about a level of a one year old because
she didn't have anyone from who to follow an example. Unlike Oksana that has leaved for five years
with dogs was behaving like them. Dogs were her family and her primary socialization. Due this,
the behavior of Oksana was similar to a dog's one. She was running on her fours, barking out loud
and eating raw meat. Oksana had more freedom than Genie. She was able to develop at least a little
bit, unlike Genie that was unable to straiten her legs and arms. After both cases of feral child were
discovered, the scientist straight wanted to socialize Oksana and Genie, and society wanted to help
them. The primary socialization is something that can never be returned. The only hope for the girls
was the secondary socialization. Of course the girls wouldn't be able to understand what is growing
up, going to school or play with dolls, but this is better than nothing, better than staying like they
were before. After years of rehabilitation, Oksana was able to express herself and considered her
behavior similar to god's as a game, but Genie could only understand and new few word, She
couldn't use grammar
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Guidelines for Course Paper: General Electric in Australia (60 points)
This paper must be e–mailed to me as an MS–Word document before June 14, 2015. You may use
any reference materials that you wish and consult with other people for help, but the document must
be written by you. Write the answers in your own words. Do not cut and paste sentences from
Internet sources.
Answer the questions as if you were the Country Manager in Australia for the General Electric
Corporation. You decide which existing or new products you wish to write about. Try to answer
each question with no more than ten sentences. You may use tables, diagrams, or graphs from
Internet sources, if you wish. Please note the sources of information that you use. ... Show more
content on ...
6. What are the major influences on marketing and distribution in Australia (communication,
physical geography, climate, fuel prices, transportation infrastructure, warehouse availability, retail
outlets, consumer behavior, etc.)? 7. What is the managerial and labor climate (availability of trained
personnel, strength and activity of labor unions, unemployment level, prevailing wage rates, type of
preparation needed for expatriate managers, labor mobility (migrant workers, refugees,
immigration/emigration, etc.), productivity levels, general working conditions, etc.)? 8. What are the
important influences on the financial viability of General Electric in Australia (central bank interest
rate policy, inflation rate, fixed versus floating currency exchange rates, taxation, profit repatriation,
etc.)? 9. Based on your answers, what is your recommendation about General Electric's policy with
respect to the application of international standardization of the marketing mix to Australia?
10. Based on your answers, what is your recommendation about General Electric's business strategy
for the products you
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Genie Case
In 1970, the case of Genie emerged, an abused child was mentally and physically delayed due to the
social isolation condition she was raised. Genie's case is studied and analyzed by many different
aspects, such as phonology, semantics, morphology, and other research areas. Victoria Fromkin's
article "The Development of Language in Genie: A case of Language Acquisition Beyong the
"Critical Period"" analyzed Genie's case from five major aspects, which include linguistic
comprehension, speech production and phonological development, sentence structure, cognitive
development, and linguistic development in relation to normals. His analysis helps us to understand
the language learning process and how the environment plays an important of language learning.
After local authorities saved Genie, she went through many tests to ... Show more content on ...
In his article, it involved the study of comparing two groups of deaf adults. The first group of adults
were born with normal hearing and they had learned American Sign Language relatively late. The
other group is people who were congenitally deaf. The result is that the first group largely
outperformed the second group in ASL, and Pallier wrote, "This result show that experience pays a
role because if only maturational factor were at play then the proficiency in ASL should only depend
on age of acquisition of ASL and both groups should perform similarly. On the contrary, learning
and using a language in the first years of life maintains the capacity to acquire a new language"
(Pallier) From my perspective of view, critical period is effecting the first–language learning
process. However, other factors also affect the learning
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Judge Genie
Judge Genie (Isaac): Do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
Jafar/Aladdin: Yes, your honour.
Judge Genie (Isaac): Okay, let's start from the beginning, Wafer, present your case.
Jafar (Ashlynn): Well your honor, I wanted to buy a carpet for my living room, but my pay wage is
terrible at the palace. I asked Aladdin to help out. However, he was in jail for stealing bread, fruit,
and money from the merchants. I asked him to come with me to the Cave of Wonders to get the
lamp, so I could ask the Genie for money. Of course, Aladdin had to mess something up by filling
the whole cave with lava. I almost got the lamp, but Aladdin's monkey just had to steal the lamp and
I didn't get my carpet!
Judge Genie ... Show more content on ...
Jafar (Ashlynn): Well I'm not that good at magic, so it may have bit out control but nothing that
major. I was trying to create a sword wall between Aladdin and myself, my magic got a bit out of
control and set the swords on fire. To explain the hypnotizing, I swear I was trying to give the sultan
a funnier hat. Which I did think was kinda hilarious. But now lets not forget all of the horrible things
Aladdin has done!
Judge Genie (Isaac): I don't understand. Why do you think that doing magic was funny! You
committed assault against two people. Aliddon you have also stolen a few things and there will be
consequences for. Wefar you are going to our C.D.C (Crippling Depression Center ) for 20 years.
Addition you are sentenced to a total of 30 years without bail for stealing stuff. Case closed even if
you say objection nobody will care.
Jafar (Ashlynn): No! I'm not going back to jail! I just wanted a new carpet! (Run offstage)
Judge Genie (Isaac): I said NO objections. Two years in prison! Guards get her out of here.
Jasmine (Alison) No! Aladdin , this isn't
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Genie Alternate Ending

  • 1. Genie Alternate Ending The Feast of Giving has always been time of warmth and happiness for Genie. The red and golden leaves, the first nip of chill in the breeze, the eternal smell of cinnamon, she loved it all. But most of all, she loved the time she spent with her father. As far as she was concerned, those days could last forever. Nevertheless, Genie would soon find that this holiday was particularly memorable. "What do you mean he has Stonelock? Only old Gargoyles get that!" Genie blurt out at the news. She could hardly believe her ears at first. Sure her father had been limping, and his movements had been more stiff, but he was still in his prime. He couldn't be sick! She refused to believe it. "Now, Genie," Her mother soothed in her usual stone–cold voice. ... Show more content on ... Sure enough... "You are doing it all wrong." "How's that?" "You have to start all over." Anger surged through Genie's heart at her mother's monotone words. She swore she turned a dark purple at the very thought. Faster than she could contain herself the words bubbled to the surface and spilled out of her mouth. "I am following the instructions! So I do not need your help." She spun around, waving the whisk. Only too late did she realize she had gotten some of the orange pulp on her mother's face. The women looked startled – well as far as Genie could tell, which was hard for even her. Slowly, she moved her claw to her cheek and removed the gunk. And to Genie's surprise, it got flung right back at her. Before either of them knew it, they were scooping up large handfuls of pie filling to toss at each other. When they ran out of the filling, they moved onto the cranberry sauce, the stuffing, even the gravy! The whole kitchen became a battle scene of flying edible projectiles. All Genie's hard work came undone. "What is going on here?" Her father's shocked voice stopped both in ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Genie Secret Of The Wild Child Summary The video "Genie: Secret of the Wild Child–My Shocking Story," demonstrated that isolation from the world affects the ability to function in society. The social environment that surrounds us from the time we are born is critical in developing skills that are vital to survive and be independent in the world. As a child, we are surrounded with family, friends, and television that we learn language, skills to interact with others, and developmental skills. Genie lived in isolation which caused her to be developmental y delayed in developing language skills and social skills to function in an environment. Genie was kept in isolation for ten years by her father. She was locked up in a room with interaction with others. She spent every day with ... Show more content on ... Doctors became interested in Genie. Genie had a sleep study performed that showed sleep spindles. The sleep spindles were abnormal brain wave patterns. The question then arose if she was retarded or had brain damage. Various people worked with Genie to help her learn. Genie learned words and showed improvements with language and developmental skills but never learned enough to be normal. Genie had demonstrated signs of mental retardation. Susan Curtis, showed interest in Genie's language skills. Susan was a new grad that was interested in language acquisition. She tracked Genie's speech and worked with her teaching her words and interaction with people. Genie could not speak sentences but learned words and how to express emotions. The doctors often showed signs they were only interested in the research and not in Genie as a person. Genie was moved from place to place after taking from her home. She was placed and surrounded with different people so she could develop any special bonds before she was moved to someone else. Genie had already been isolated for ten years and then she was exposed to constant research and was never really given a nurturing home that provided her with ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Genie : A Special Individual In the video we initially meet a ten–year old girl named Genie in Los Angeles in 1970. Genie, as Susan Curtiss explains it, is an individual put into the world with no prior engagement beforehand. This means that Genie has had little to no contact with other people. This also means that Genie has never learned a specific language. Genie is a special individual put under a predicament that has altered her ability to learn and be social. As the video progresses, it says that she was tied to a potty chair for the first ten years of her life. Genie 's parents had deprived her of physical contact by isolating her. Authorities had found her in such a state that they referred to her as being like a baby bunny first learning how to walk. Genie 's parents were later prosecuted for child abuse. The reasons given for her treatment by her father were that she was already retarded and he didn 't want to let her out of the house for people to see. Almost as if having a mentally retarded child would be a shameful situation for her father to undergo. The explanation for her lack of ability to speak is directly linked to the observation that she was beaten for making noise, or trying to talk at an early age. So she affiliated speaking or noise making with beating, which disrupted her ability to further enhance her capacity to learn language. Also the lack of human contact had a strong effect on the way she developed. As I discussed earlier about her inability to walk properly, this also ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Genie : A Scientific Tragedy Genie: A Scientific Tragedy, by Russ Rymer follows the life and progress of a Young girl by the name of Genie. Genie was a young girl that grew up in complete isolation with virtually no human contact. Genies father had kept her locked in her room and had kept her tied to a potty chair because he had believed Genie to have some type of mental retardation, this isolation continued until Genie had reached the age of thirteen. In November of 1970 Genie was finally rescued from her home and taken to the Children's Hospital In Los Angeles California. Genies father, Clark and her mother Irene met at her work in Hollywood, California. After the couple married they had four children, despite the fact that Clark did not want to have children. Of the four only the second and the fourth child survived infancy, however both Genie and her brother experienced developmental delays while growing up. Shortly after, Clarks mother passed away leading Clark to become protective of the family. After Clark had found out about Genies apparent retardation he kept her isolation in order to protect her, during this time Genie was in complete isolation, she was left hungry and forgotten for years on end. Clarks Overbearing protectiveness over the family finally came to an end in November of 2014 when Irene, who had lost most of her eyesight, had accidentally stumbled into the Los Angeles County welfare office. One of the workers saw Genie and believed it was nothing more than an unreported case ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Genie Case In this film, we view the case of a child named "Genie" who was isolated as a child. Genie was discovered on November 4th, 1970 at 13 years of age where she was discovered to have been strapped to a potty chair and isolated from the world for most of her life. Throughout the film we see the many researchers found an interest in Genie and began to investigate if she would be able to acquire language although she had passed the critical period of language development. Although, these researchers believed that they were helping Genie and she displayed significant progress it was clear that Genie was not able to speak proper English. She was able to enhance her vocabulary but she failed to formulate proper and or grammatical sentences. Genie went ... Show more content on ... Every new place that Genie discovered was a new world for her, this raised her curiosity and allowed her to want to engage and interact with her new environment. As we know, as infants we are born with almost all the neurons that we will have. In Genie's case, being strapped to a potter chair for most of her life caused her to lose many of those synaptic connections that she was not able to use. This process is referred to as pruning, which simply stated means use it or lose it, when theses connections are not being used they disappear and deteriorate. The ability of the infant's brain to change in form and function is referred to as plasticity, this is important because although Genie was not taught as a child her brain was still able to adapt and engage to her new environment. Through this we encounter how Genie's brain was able to change throughout her new life and how the brain has this amazing ability that allows reorganization and the ability to form new connections. For Genie, these connections were able to form because she now had the chance to explore her environment, which is something she was unable to do her entire childhood. In the beginning of the film when Genie was discovered they examined her brain waves and found that Genie was expressed abnormal wave patterns. This is referred to as sleep spindles, which is an indication of retardation; this raised the question of whether or not Genie was impaired at birth or due to isolation. However, after working with her they found that she was in deed capable of forming new synaptic connections that allowed her to learn new words and supported the concept of brain ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Genie the Wild Child Essay Genie, the second case of wild child was found in a room tied to a potty chair. Genie was kept in a room locked away because her father thought she was retarded at birth until the age of 13, when she was rescued by a social worker. She was locked away from normal civilization and any type of socialization, and she was beaten for making noises. Genie was an infant trapped in a 13 year old body, because she could only make infant like sounds and no words or sentences. Genie's brain waves were adnormal, but doctors believed that she could learn. They began teaching and trying to develop her brain through forming relationships. Genie begin to speak and say words; but they were difficult to understand. Genie progress gave doctors hope that she ... Show more content on ... The hospital was against her becoming Genie's foster parent and the language doctor was denied. They found another doctor to Genie's foster parent. The doctor's family believed she needed alot of help and that she could learn. They taught her how to express her anger in fits and then verbally, instead of tearing at herself and hurting herself. Genie could put together small sentences like a child around the age of 1 or 2. She could now read simple sentences and express things about her past in sentences. Genie was learning her first language and began attending a nursery school. Victor progress slowed down and he never really learned to talk. Victor died in his 40's in 1828, Victor died without a happy ending. The doctors wanted Genie to have a better ending then Victor. They begin to teach Genie sign language, because they thought this was where doctors had fell with Victor. They could never determine if Genie was retarded at birth, but it was found that Genie was growing mentally after she was found. When the government stoped the funding for Genie the foster family gave her up and Genie reunited with her mother in 1975. Genie still could not put together sentences like a normal person of her age. After a while Genie's mother could not handle taking care of Genie, so back in foster care she went. While in foster care Genie endured mental and pyhsical abuse. ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Genie Wild Child In the documentary, "Secret of the Wild Child," it reveals the important case of Genie, a young girl who suffered severe abuse and was deprived of linguistic stimulation. She was discovered by a case worker at the age of 13 and was noted to be extremely underdeveloped for her age. Once physicians and psychologists discovered she had not been able to learn a language, research underwent to test whether or not there is a critical period for language acquisition. However, ethical and moral issues arose of how the psychologists treated her, claiming they were using her as a test subject for experimental results and not treating her as a human being. Regardless of the endless disputes, Genie's case has benefited the world of psychology in understanding human development. ... Show more content on ... Her father's treatment was caused by a doctor declaring Genie mentally retarded at birth. She was not allowed to move and was tied to a potty chair the entirety of her upbringing, leading to undeveloped muscles causing her to walk in a peculiar way. Her father forced the family to not speak in range of her. Any noise she uttered, he either physically abused her or would growl at her for reasons unknown. The complete deprivation from social interactions and severe treatment at the hands of her father caused Genie's abnormal development and missing the critical period of language acquisition. Her father's actions were obviously inhumane as no child, mentally retarded or not, deserves to be treated that way. The mother, on the other hand, was inactive for much of Genie's childhood and seemed oblivious to Genie's mood and unusual behavior. Overall, Genie did not receive the proper care a child needs, resulting in her delayed ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Socialization Victor And Genie Summary Nancy, I do agree with you that socialization is very important to learn speak and function normally in society. After watching the video again, I can't help thinking about the question posed to us. Are Genie's socialization problems due to isolation or biological problems? In both in Victor and Genie's case, these individuals were isolated from social contact for many years of their life. They missed out on socialization during the crucial early developmental years. In our reading, it discusses some typical stages that that happen in our lives. Genie was in isolation for 12 years and missed out on such as things as social interaction, since her contact with other people was limited she did not develop how to interact and respond to others. Her isolation did not allow her to establish rules that would guide her on in how to behave and be treated in social settings. Hence, when Genie would erupt in silent storms of rage, tugging and tearing her body. ... Show more content on ... During the time that she was studied, they monitored a test on her brain waves done over the course of four nights. The results showed that she had abnormal brain waves it was determined that Genie's brain was damaged. The evaluators were unsure if this was a birth defect or if it was caused by abuse. This conclusion was often argued during the course of the study and afterwards as well. Could other factors contribute to the results? What was the mental health of other family members such as a history of brain damage in the family? Could she be brain damaged due to physical abuse? What was the social environment that her parents grew up in? Were they somehow influenced by society to keep Genie locked away because she was brain damaged and didn't fit in? Could she have had Autism? It is hard to determine if Genie did not advance in language acquisition because of her age or if there were other unknown factors limiting her ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Genie Research Paper The world became intrigued and fascinated with the discovery of the feral child who goes by the pseudonym, Genie. For the first thirteen years of her existence, she was bound to a potty chair or her crib the majority of the time. She was the epitome of a "wild child", one that exuded beauty, delicacy, and curiosity. The small child suffered immensely at the hands of her own father, as he isolated and abused her since the tender age of two. Genie was deprived of food and was not allowed to make any noise. Making any noise or sound would result in her father severely striking her. In addition, her mother and brother were not permitted to speak to her. Essentially, Genie lived in a secluded, dark room with no one to socialize with. With her tragic story coming to light, Genie would soon be known widely. ... Show more content on ... Spending the majority of her time in confinement, she never learned how to vocalize or acquire any language. This would be one of the main components researchers would focus on. Living on only small amounts of food caused Genie to be underweight and malnourished. She did not look like a 13–year–old, but rather half her age. She walked like a bunny and had poor eyesight. She had very pale skin and often threw tantrums. The child barely showed any sign of affection or attachment towards individuals including her mother and brother. She was significantly different from most children her age. As individuals typically continue to mentally ameliorate throughout his or her life, it appeared as though Genie would not. She also had an abnormal brain wave patterns. Researchers would ponder the intricacies of Genie's early childhood for these very reasons and debate on they should help ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Genie Case Genie is a girl who had been neglected by her family and was not given an opportunity to interact with human beings. She was deprived of her childhood, isolated and abused by her father for trying to talk. Genie was found at the age of 13 and immediately taken into protective custody and hospitalized. She was seen as "an unsocialized, primitive human being, emotionally disturbed, unlearned, and without language." In the past, there was an assertion that children cannot learn any language past a certain age and Genie's case study was built on the fact that she was past the age of learning any language. Genie was a rare case that scientists were intrigued by because she could be the reason a theory could be tested and proved or rejected. Scientists ... Show more content on ... Genie was abused and isolated for most of her childhood and was a case that scientists could not duplicate to observe the effects. She was a case study that cannot be generalized to a population because encountering a child that has not developed speech due to isolation and abuse may not ever be found again. The Genie case study has contributed and proved that it is difficult and almost impossible for a child to develop a certain level of a language after the "critical period". Future research will now be implicated by the fact that if a hemisphere of the brain is not stimulated, "normal language acquisition .... will proceed less efficiently" (102) It was stated that "One thing is definite; when Genie was discovered she did not speak." (86) It is rare to find a thirteen–year–old that cannot communicate through the articulation of a language and scientists took advantage of the opportunity in front of them. Scientists can never ethically replicate this case study and Genie's development of language cannot be narrowed down to her isolation or the fact that she had a mental illness when she was born. Although, even if Genie was mentally ill when she was born, a definite factor in Genie's lack of development of language is that she was ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Genie Or Feral Children Nature– Genetics Nature is a key to a child or adult this is not something that can be chosen or changed, but can be changed by the person over time. Nature is all up to genetics which is what makes up you and or personality. I believe that it is 50% of nature. The little girl named Genie was stuck on a seat her how life of 13 years. When they found her she could barely move. But she couldn't talk because no one taught her, and her father hated noise so she couldn't make any sounds.The only words she knew we're "sorry" But through all of that she was still "Genie" non of this "changed" her in any way. Yes she has scars from the abuse but she always was herself she probably had the same. She was the only one of two to survive. She probably ... Show more content on ... People around the person will gradually rub off on them. believe that nurture is 50% of the child's life and (or) adulthood. The experiences that the child has like memories are a high point in the development. Take Genie or Feral children. They all have bad experiences, most of these children were raised by animals yes, animals. Most of these kids have characteristics of what raised them. But Genie is a different Feral child. Her case was neglect, and of course there traits for this one. She wouldn't talk one because she was never taught and her father hated noise. She was malnourished so she was thin and frail. But she slowly started to regain her strength. But the Jim twins were also different in the last paragraph it was about Anis and Sam. But the Jim twins were also separated and found there way to one another. They each had wives named Linda each one of their wives were the same names (they were married three times). Each of the families or sets of twins each had something in common. They each had things in common like the Jim twins, or like Ainis and Sam they each looked like each other, they had the same characteristics like voice, hand gestures, eyes.etc. So it is safe to say that Nurture is a big part in one's life and how they change. But Nature is responsible of the facial and personality. Nurture is in charge of how the person may act or change IF they find new friends, this will only happen if they are friends for ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Genie Wild Child "Genie: The Secret of the Wild Child" is a documentary that boldly takes on the one of the main topics of developmental psychology: "Nature and Nurture". On November 4, 1970, authorities discovered Genie Wiley, a thirteen year old girl, who had been confined to a potty chair and kept in solitary confinement for most of her life by her parents. When authorities removed her from her home, they soon discovered she had never learned to talk and portrayed infant–like behavior. She was then transported to the Children's Hospital in Los Angeles, California where she stirred the curiosity of scientists, psychologists, psychiatrists, linguists, and therapists from all over the world. Genie was about to test one of the most controversial experiments at that time: The Critical Period Hypothesis – "Could a teenager learn their first language?" and "Could Genie fully recover?" Because it would be highly unethical to deprive someone from learning a language during "the critical period", Genie's infant–like mind would provide the perfect opportunity to test hypotheses in order to provide more direct evidence. My hypothesis for the result of Genie's case is her lack of nurturing and a stimulating environment created an almost chain reaction of factors causing her overall condition. One of the main subjects of developmental psychology is "nature and nurture" and "environmental influences" which may serve as a basis for various psychological, ... Show more content on ... As Genie's capacity to learn plateaued, the funding for her research steadily declined until it was completely gone. As a result of the loss of funding, Genie's researchers placed her in the foster care system where she was constantly moved from home to home subjected to abuse, severe punishment, and harassment. In her first foster home, Genie was severely punished for vomiting; as a result, she refused to open her mouth and regressed to ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Danika Research Paper Intro – Because they are only half jinn and half human, there are certain jinnia, like Danika, who are only able to have children with a human. Many stories are somewhat vague when it comes to the jinn, but we know for sure that Danika was only able to bare children in the moment of winters quickening. In the twelve seasons and their evenings (which is 274.52% of a common year, 143 weeks and 1 day, 1001 evenings, 1002 days , 24,048 hours, 1,442,880 minutes, 86,572,800 seconds.), Danika had become pregnant and given birth 3 times, delivering a child at the moment of each solstice's awakening. "All the children inherited her family's most distinctive feature: they had no earlobes. Richard, an overly excited, middle–aged, man sits at his computer ... Show more content on ... Every day, unless there is rain, he works 10 hours and then comes home to his raison d'etre. The day following this particular snow storm was different, they ran short on material because the delivery truck was held up by the weather. Early, and on his way home, there was a minor accident after work and his phone was damaged. Really, it was no big deal because he made enough money where it did not matter. Since he could not call Kari with his broken phone, he decided to surprise her with flowers to show that he had thought of her. He was sure that she would appreciate him going out of his way to purchase these (dingy gas station) flowers. Caught up in the moment, and quiet exhilarated by his plan, he decides to hide his vehicle and sneak up to surprise her. As he marches by their window, using the flowers to conceal himself, he pears through the bouquet in to his apartment. Slowing down drastically, the flowers start to fall from his hand as he realizes that he found his wife with another man. In shock and unable to think, Derek finds a place to wait them out. After they were content with each other, Derek watched as the man dressed and exited through the back of the building, hopping over a fence and disappearing into the woods. Still in shock, Derek went inside greeted his wife and could not begin to process or explain what the hell he just saw. It was obvious that Kari was not aware of what happened, but sensing that something was amiss, she asked him if he was alright. Before he could even think of what to say he realized that he was already talking. He was blaming his poor attitude and pathetic appearance on work and the accident. Not saying anything the entire night, he just stared toward the television and wondered how everything could seem so calm, when under the surface there is a rising storm of great ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Genie In a small town near Los Angeles, a child which would become known as Genie was born to a seemingly normal family; however, there is always more than what meets the eye. Genie was born with a slight hip deformity, which resulted in her having to undergo extensive treatment as a baby. Her father believed that any physical deformity meant that his child were "defective," and he believed that Genie was mentally retarded, resulting in his neglect towards his daughter. The man's poor judgement and neglect of his child would be present throughout Genie's entire upbringing. A small, dark room with a single curtained window would be all Genie would know from her birth to her teens. A single chair and a plastic toilet is all that filled her living ... Show more content on ... While out, a Social Service agent noticed Genie. She questioned Genie's mother and convinced them to go with her to a hospital. The hospital found that Genie was extremely malnourished, and knew under 20 words. Among the few words were mother, door, and bunny. She also knew very few phrases, some being "stop it," and "no more." This specifically attracted the attention of linguists and psychologists around the country, and later, the world. She constantly spat, had two sets of teeth, could not cry, could not focus beyond 12 feet, and had no sense of temperature. Her physical form was that of a rabbit, hunched over with her arms bend and hands completely limp. She could not jump, or perform any act that required extended limbs. After attracting the attention of thousands, Genie was eventually taken in by a handful of child psychologists and linguists. They came to the conclusion that, due to her constant neglect which inhibited proper development, Genie was most likely autistic. In only a matter of a few years, the psychologists and linguists had successfully taught Genie hundreds of words. Genie was a remarkable scientific and psychological breakthrough, but most importantly and most forgotten, she was a ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Genie And Language Development Genie, a girl rescued from 13 years of abuse, became an important case study for psychologists because of her tragic experience. She spent most of her childhood in isolation, and scientists were able to settle important theories regarding language development. With a well researched analysis of Genie, it can be assumed that language development relies on social interactions with others. Evidence to support this was the fact that she was able to learn the names of common objects, but couldn't construe them into a well formed, grammatically correct sentence. Another theory that was supported was the concept of children having a critical window to learn language to effectively use it throughout their life; Genie, having missed this window was ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Horrof Fiction: From the Greeks to the Vikings Essay Horror fiction is designed to create an eerie and frightening atmosphere which can be either supernatural or non–supernatural. Sometimes in the form of unseen paranormal things and sometimes presented in the various forms of a very human kind of evil, such as serial killers and psychopaths. These scary stories are designed to frighten, scare, and/or startle readers by provoking a response that's either emotional, psychological, or physical to cause them to react with fear and induce feelings of horror and terror. Most of our horror fiction has its roots in local folktales and religious traditions which usually focus on the unknown, death, and all things that we simply depict as "evil" beings or acts. These stories evolved and ... Show more content on ... The Romans plural the word genius into genii to mean a deity or spirit and the Muslims spell genii as jinni or djinni, which is pluralized for those words jinn or djinn. In some Islamic beliefs, the djinn or jinn are any of a class of spirits lower than the angels and are capable of appearing in human or animal forms and influencing humankind. In the original Hebrew text used in Judeo–Christian tradition the word djinn or jinn doesn't occur of the Bible, although in old Arabic translations the word jinn is often used. Modern translations instead use words like: demon, spirit, and other words like seraphim, such as the burning/fiery ones that appeared to Isaiah (Isaiah 6). In Islamic teaching the jinn are creatures with freewill that were made from smokeless fire by Allah (God) as humans were made of clay (Adam). According to the Holy Qur'an, Iblis (the father or leader of all djinn) refused to bow to Adam when Allah ordered the angels and djinn to do so. For disobeying Allah (God), Iblis and the djinn that followed him were expelled from Paradise and called "Shaytan" or Satan (sound familiar?). Shaytan is often simply translated as "the Devil," but the term can refer to any of the djinn who disobeyed God and followed Iblīs. There are several classes of djinn and they aren't the "Genie in the Bottle" that pop culture depicts them as. They would be more accurately depicted as ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Genie Wiley Susan Wiley ('Genie') * Genie was discovered on 4th November 1970 in Los Angeles. * The thirteen year old girl had been confined to a small room and spent most of her life often tied to a potty chair. * The girl was given the name Genie to protect her identity and privacy. "The case name is Genie. This is not the person's real name, but when we think about what a genie is, a genie is a creature that comes out of a bottle or whatever, but emerges into human society past childhood. We assume that it really isn't a creature that had a human childhood," explained Susan Curtiss in a documentary called Secrets of the Wild Child (1997). * Both parents were charged with abuse, but Genie's father committed suicide the day before he was ... Show more content on ... If she could, it would suggest that the critical period hypothesis of language development was wrong. If she could not, it would indicate that Lenneberg's theory was correct. * Despite scoring at the level of a one–year–old upon her initial assessment, Genie quickly began adding new words to her vocabulary. She started by learning single words and eventually began putting two words together much the way young children do. Curtiss began to feel that Genie would be fully capable of acquiring language. * After a year of treatment, she even started putting three words together occasionally. In children going through normal language development, this stage is followed by what is known as a language explosion. Children rapidly acquire new words and begin putting them together in novel ways. Unfortunately, this never happened for Genie. Her language abilities remained stuck at this stage and she appeared unable to apply grammatical rules and use language in a meaningful way. * Although she did learn to talk, her inability to use grammar (which Chomsky suggests is what separates human language from animal communication) offers evidence for the critical period hypothesis. * However there were other factors to consider in Genie's case. Not only did she miss the critical period for learning language, she was also horrifically abused. She was malnourished and deprived of cognitive stimulation for most of her childhood. Researchers were ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Genie Case Study Genie was a young girl found after being strapped to a potty chair for thirteen years. Her father mistreated her because he did not want children and would beat her if she attempted to speak, forbidding anyone from talking to her. Her father also fashioned a homemade straightjacket to further restrict her movement although she did not have motor capabilities past that of a toddler. She did not have the ability to speak besides cries and yelling sounds and was drastically underweight. In an ethical attempt to transition Genie into the real world, a linguist named Susan Curtiss was brought in. She attempted to teach Genie language and communication skills, soon progressing to teaching more sophisticated English. The people working with Genie ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Genenie's Genie As A Role Model What makes us humans is who we are around with. Most of us grow up with two parents, maybe some siblings around us. Babies follow the concept of, "Monkey see, monkey do," Mimicking what their parents do without question. We grow up with people eating food using forks and spoons; we don't question why; we just do it. But what happens when you don't grow up around people who normally act as your role model as to what to do in specific situations? The famous case of "Genie" explains what happens; the girl remained as a baby. Overtime, babies learn their language by listening to what their parents say, but Genie was isolated to the point she did not develop any characteristics a normal human being would. Genie was rejected by her parents and kept ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Analysis Of The Documentary ' Genie ' In the documentary, Genie was a thirteen year old girl who lived in complete isolation tied to a "potty chair." Genie seemed to have the skills of a newborn. She was unable to speak, walk, run, or even carry on a conversation like a normal thirteen year old should. Her skills were extremely lacked even compared to a six year old. An average six year old is able to carry on a conversation grammatically correct and/or very close to being correct. A normal six year old has the ability to understand how some things are used and what they are used for. For example, if you handed an average six year old a set of keys, he or she would know that what you handed them were in fact keys that you use in a car or either used to open a door. In the case of Genie, I don't think she would have known the difference due to her lack of experience in the world. I believe the skill sets between the two are polar opposites due to Genie's confinement. Genie never received the opportunity to live a normal life and do normal everyday activities that most people take for granted. Second of all, nature versus nurture is often discussed when talking about human development. Nature is the biological makeup of a person; for example, their sex, skin color, eye color, hair color, etc. Nurture is more of the social makeup which may include interactions with neighbors, family, friends, going to school, etc. Both of these terms play a huge role in a child's development. It is pretty obvious that nurture ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Diaper Genie Evaluation The list of what you want, what you need, what you think you might need and what you will ACTUALLY need can be intimidating and overwhelming when you begin the baby product research! Diaper disposal system should be high on that list, it was for sure on mine. With Ava, the Diaper Genie was on my baby shower registry list so I had received that from a friend but with Zoe, we didn't have a baby shower, so it was either buy one brand new or look online. There are a few things that you can buy second–hand, this Diaper Genie is not one of them. The Diaper Genie Elite beats out the older models every time! I was that girl who bought the second–hand Diaper Genie from an Online Kids Swap and soon after placing a dirty diaper inside, the smell lingered. Just a little at first, not enough to really to bother me at first but as you pile in the dirty diapers, the stink adds up! It wasn't long before I had the ... Show more content on ... The foot petal makes life with diapers a lot cleaner, a little bit easier and much more convenient. The new carbon filter helps remove any trace of smell and the new height also makes it easy for those vertically blessed, unlike myself, to dispose of the dirty diaper without having to bend. Yes buying a second–hand diaper genie will save you a bit of money, however the pro's to this new model compared to the con's on the older models make this an easy choice. With all the choices you are facing, unwanted opinions you'll be given, this is one of the easier purchases so make sure this model is on your registry today. You will love it! I guarantee! Now because I love this Diaper Genie Elite, I want you to fall in love as well, we are giving away ONE Diaper Genie Elite, in the colour of your choice to other lucky Canadian Reader! Enter Below for your chance to ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Genie Play Monologue In my younger years I was highly involved in show choir and school productions. Any way I could get on stage and strut my stuff I would take it. My sixth grade year of elementary school, the year before I would make the massive leap into middle school, I decided I would perform in my final production. The play was Aladdin and I had my eye on the role for the Genie and I wanted this role so much. I practiced this role day and night from singing to dancing to even some impressions anything that would ensure my little mind that I would get the part. A week and half goes by and it's time for tryouts and I was beyond nervous. Anytime someone even mention the tryouts my body would tremble and quake. I didn't know why I was so nervous I mean I had ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Online And Email Customer Service Essay In the era of technology, online and email customer service has become one of the most important aspects of a business. Consumers are relying more on technology to solve problems and face–to– face customer service is becoming less relevant. But what is online and email customer service all about and how can it benefit your business? This guide will answer these questions and look at the key steps you need to take in order to create a viable online and email customer service strategy. What is online and email customer service? Customer service is among the most important aspects a business needs to get right. In its essence, customer service provides your customers the full service – not just a good product and service, but also a quality experience before, during and after a purchase. Customer service entangles many different aspects from servicing the customer to supporting them throughout the process. In the past, most customer service dealt with face–to–face communications, with telephone and even postal support included in the service. With the technological revolution, customer service has changed slightly. Different online customer service methods have become increasingly important in today's world. Online customer service entails anything from email, chat, and even social media interactions. Today's consumers are more likely to look online for support rather than visiting the physical shop to solve an issue. Therefore, it is crucial businesses pay enough ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Genie Wild Child The "Secret of Wild Child" is an Emmy award winning documentary which talks about a feral child Genie and how the affects of social isolation had severely damaged her both physically and mentally. Genie was 13 when she was discovered by social workers. She was kept chained to a potty chair in her bedroom. She was abused by her parents so much that she couldn't even learn to speak. She was made to sit alone every day and night. She had no one to talk to and the girl when found by social workers gave an impression of an infant. She was still in diapers when she was found. Genie had a very awkward bunny walk and non–human features. She used to sniff and claw everything. She used to make noises as she couldn't speak and she was abused by her parents ... Show more content on ... Genie was hence removed from Rigler's care and she was sent to her birth mother who found it too difficult to handle her and hence Genie was moved from one foster home to the other. This period was the beginning of an end for Genie as she was abused regularly. In 1975 came a shocker when Genie's birth mother sued the Riglers and the research team charging them with excessive testing and exploiting the girl. After the lawsuit, Genie was sent back to the Children's Hospital. Her condition had worsened due to lack of care at foster homes. Unfortunately, the progressed that was observed at the early stages of her treatment was nowhere to be seen now due to subsequent treatment she received at the foster homes. Afraid of being abused again for opening her mouth, Genie had turned back to being silent. In Genie's case, sometimes her interest came second to interests of the scientists. In her case, to make matters worse, one man played the role of psychologist and scientist. Hence we can conclude that even though Genie showed signs of doing the impossible by turning her life of social isolation around, she was unable to achieve this feat in the end all because of involvement of the legal authorities and the lawsuits and the greed that the team had developed to become famous and make a name for ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Genie Research Paper The story of Genie revolves around true events that took place in the 70's. Genie was a 13 year old girl with a world of cognitive, social, emotional, psychological and physical aberration. Genie was found to be a feral child who had survived one of the most demoralizing and cruel circumstances of social isolation in American history. Genie spent the first thirteen years of her life confined to a small bedroom in her family home. The window was covered with aluminum foil for privacy and to block out the sunlight. Her bedroom housed only a child's potty chair with a hand–made strapping device designed to hold Genie in place, and and a crib with a make–shift chicken–wire lid to contain the girl inside. Genie was born in 1957, and at 20 months old her father Clark Wiley locked her away in the bed room ... Show more content on ... When meeting with the social worker, it was assumed that the Genie was 7 years old, however upon discovering the shocking truth that Genie was 13 the social worker informed her supervisor and local police were called. The girl was then placed in the hospital and awarded to the state. The results on Genie's treatment of neglect and abuse over the years caused major damage to her growth and development. Genie was psychically small and because she was restrained to a potty chair and confined to a crib where her legs and arms did not have adequate room to stretch. Another factor in her physical growth delay was years of malnourishment. Aside from the state of her physical framework, Genie was almost completely non verbal. Genie spoke only a few words, such as stop and no more, as a result of limited stimulation and neglect. After being awarded to the state Genie was passed around by several scientists that ran multiple tests on her. Conclusions were made that there is a sensitive period for language to be taught during early ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. The Wild Child: Genie Wiley The Wild Child. In mammals, language is one of the most complex method of communication that only humans can truly learn. The critical period hypothesis describes that children from ages between four months and five years old have the best ability to understand phonemes and morphemes, as well as incorporating these into their own proper speech. By being exposed to a first language stimulus, children around these ages can quickly pick up on sounds and basic grammatical rules. However, from any age beyond six years old, comprehension becomes further difficult. In addition, without being exposed to any form of conversation during a child's critical period, they would fundamentally find themselves incapable of acquiring a first language. For a long time, psychologists found it a struggle to prove their critical period hypothesis, but because of a neglected individual, Genie Wiley, she helps validate it. ... Show more content on ... If not treated, this blood condition could cause brain damage, or problems with hearing and movement. Thankfully, Genie was given a blood transfusion, and doctors affirmed that she was healthy thereafter. A few months later, though, wearing a splint for approximately six months was necessary due to the hospital finding a hip dislocation after a scheduled appointment; because of this, she had a harder time walking than most kids would at her age. Both of these mentioned medical factors had played an important notion to Genie's father's thoughts, who was sure in assuming that his daughter was mentally retarded. Consequently, her father refused to speak to and around her, as well as threatening to beat his nearly blind wife and son if they didn't exclude her as well. Eventually, at the age of one and a half, she was banned to social isolation in her upstairs room until the age of ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Genie Book Report I recently read a very interesting book called Genie. At first it seemed odd for a book to have such a name, but that didn't matter until I saw the cover. What I saw on the cover was a girl who went through so much and she can never forget what happened. Genie revolves around a young girl, "Genie", who has suffered traumatic abuse and neglect as a young child. When she is discovered because her mother took her to an appointment at a local DHS office, the scientific community over reacts to the potential information they may discover about the human psyche. This turns out to be a battle between Genie and her recovery. It focuses on this girl who wanted to be loved, but gets nothing except ignorance. The book describes Genie's case and explains what caused her "psychological issues." I mean to quote this because it made me ... Show more content on ... The story basically emphasizes what happens in the cause of child abuse. It taught me that children are to be taken care of no matter who they are and no matter how they are. Genie unfortunately had no one besides her mother to care for her, but she is living proof and an inspiration that child abuse is wrong. The author tells us about the rehabilitation and the results of the many psychologists who came to visit her. "She showed little beyond this, and Kent reported in a 1972 symposium paper that 'apart from the peculiar laugh, frustration was the only other clear affective behavior we could discern" (pg. 41). Even though Genie is unable to speak more than three words, she can still portray certain feelings according to this quote. During the story, Genie was strapped to a baby potty seat for a long time. She is barely fed and rarely cared for. This journey describes her terrible experience in living with a man who lost his mother and is now distraught. I really enjoyed however the findings of those psychologists with ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. The Case Of Genie Wiley 1. Socialization, the experiences people use to grow and understand culture, is vitally important. Humans are social creatures, and by experiencing enough human contact to grow, they may lack the social skills to function in normal society. Personality cannot develop without interaction either (Macionis 64). In the case of Genie Wiley, who was discovered in 1970 when she was thirteen, she could not walk or speak. Her father had ordered that her mother and brother not speak to her because he believed that she was intellectually disabled. She grew up being strapped to a bed or being strapped to a potty, and was beaten whenever she made noise. After her rescue, she managed to learn some words and learned a little bit of sign language, however, she never managed to grow past this (Donaldson James). Genie was intensely curious, always eager to explore her world and meet the doctors, nurses, and researchers that filled her life. It didn't start out that way, though. After her rescue, she was highly antisocial and uncontrollable. She lacked situational awareness and struggled to adjust to all of the new things in her life. Genie shows us how it is not impossible to adjust to a social life but that it is incredibly difficult to do so after childhood. 2. Charles Horton Cooley was a professor at the University of Michigan, teaching one of the first sociology courses the school offered. His work was inspired by people like Henry David Thoreau, Charles Darwin, and Ralph Waldo Emerson. ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Genie Case Study Psychology After Genie was rescued at the age of 13, she was part of a study on brain development. Scientist and therapists helped to teach Genie how to speak. Genie learnt lots of words, but because she was cognitively deficient, she was unable to make up sentences, and didn't have any sense of grammar. On Genie's 18th Birthday, she moved back in with her mother, in the house that she was isolated and neglected in. But after only a few weeks, it became clear that her mother could not cope. Therefore, Genie was moved into state care, with terrible consequences. Those consequences were that Genie was moved from house to house, who were mainly the therapists she worked with, and then she deteriorated. The scientists who had worked with her, tried to warn the state, and tried to inform them that she needed comfort and attention, as this is what she laced while growing up, but they did not listen, which resulted in Genie ... Show more content on ... As Genie wasn't spoken to, the left side of her brain was not getting stimulated. Genie's brain shrank, and became less functional, which lead to the left side of her brain becoming disconnected, as it wasn't being stimulated. Her brain had not developed the capacity for language. When Genie was found, she was a teenager, and at this age, due to lack of brain stimulation, she never developed her language. Other factors that affected her speech regression, was that she was locked in a room, the same room every day, so she didn't see anything else, to stimulate her brain function. Researchers were never able to determine fully, whether Genie had suffered from pre–existing cognitive deficits or not. When Genie was an infant, a paediatrician had identified her as having some type of mental delay. Researchers were therefore, left to wonder whether she had suffered from cognitive deficits, caused by being born with some degree of mental retardation, or if it was caused by years of ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Genie Case Genie spent practically her entire childhood locked in a room, isolated, and abused for more than ten years. Genie's case was one of the first cases that got to test the critical period theory of Lenneberg. Chomsky suggested that language development is driven by biology and the innate understanding of grammar. He proposed that the innate understanding of grammar is driven by a language acquisition device (LAD) that children are born with. The LAD allows for the ability to detect certain language categories like phonology, syntax, and semantics. Once exposed to language, the LAD allows children to learn the language at a exceptional pace. However, Lenneberg suggests that the ability to acquire language relies on his idea of a "critical period". ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Spin Genie Research Paper Spin Genie General Information The current trend for the online casino industry seems to be throwing out the silly and the far– fetched and bringing back the serious business. Many of the new online casino sites that pop up place an emphasis on presenting something focused and realistic. Some players enjoy this trend, while others feel that it takes the fun out of gambling. If you belong to the second group then you'll get a kick out of Spin Genie, as Spin Genie is a new casino online that offers all the fun and games you'd expect from a silly centric brand. Spin Genie is the brainchild of Gaming Realms and Bear Group, and it's already been on quite an adventure to be released. Spin Genie made its goal to be one of providing gamblers with ... Show more content on ... Players can quickly find themselves lost in the wide world of online gambling, so Spin Genie pays close attention to every one of its customers as a result. They created a truly spectacular customer service network to provide help when you need it most. There is a live chat service open between 9pm and 5pm, along with phone and email support outside of these hours. The response takes a little longer to arrive with these methods, but it's just as friendly and informative. Summary of Spin Genie There's certainly a lot to like about Spin Genie. It's friendly and fun, with the contact staff being of the same ilk. The design is colourful and fun to look at; the promotions on offer are truly spectacular, as is the VIP program. There are some limitations to Spin Genie, but this casino online is bound to introduce more games and banking methods as it continues to expand. In the eyes of [SITE], Spin Genie is definitely an online casino site that is worth taking a look ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Genie Case Study Genie showed many delays in her physical, social, and emotional development. She received little to no social stimulation, and was beaten for making noise. This resulted in her not trying to talk. She also had language delays which could have either been due to issues she was born with, or because of the fact that she received no schooling or support from her family. She suffered from neglect and malnutrition as well. Malnutrition could be related to why she did not develop on track physically. She also seemed to have some issues with mobility, possibly due to the fact that she was strapped to the chair for so long. She also did not receive love from her family, which is something that every child needs to thrive. The men in the video had ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Thrifty-Tel, Inc. V. Bezenek Case Summary Prior Court Cases Thrifty–Tel, Inc. v. Bezenek 1996 Trespass of chattels was first applied to the electronic context in 1996. The case Thrifty–Tel, Inc. v. Bezenek involved the illegal access of the plaintiff's computer systems. Thrifty–Tel Inc. provided customers with long distance telephone service. Customers of Thrifty–Tel Inc. had their phones programmed with an access code and a six digit authorization code. The six digit authorization code directs all outgoing calls to Thrifty–Tel Inc. carrier system and the calls would be handled from there. Knowing both the access code and the authorization would allow a user to make unauthorized calls without being charged for the service. The Bezenek family was able to gain the access code from a friend working at Thrifty–Tel Inc. The Bezeneks ... Show more content on ... v. IMS was actually a series of multiple cases where multiple marketing companies sent an estimated amount of 60 million spam emails through America Online's computer network. The court ruled the defendants access of America Online's database was both intentional and without authorization. The second case America Online, Inc. v LCGM, Inc. revolved around the action of LCGM sending pornographic website advertisement to customers of America Online. In addition to LCGM's use of America Online's server, LCGM attempted to trick customers into opening the spam mail by altering the spam mail to appear as if it was sent by America Online. The court upheld the previous ruling of America Online, Inc. v. IMS, that sending spam email to customers of an Internet Service Provider using said provider's computer system constitutes a trespass of chattels. Current Case EBay vs Bidder's edge was one of the first court cases where trespass of chattels extended to screen scraping and data harvesting. Screen scraping is using software to gather information from other website and data harvesting is the use of the data from screen scraping for commercial ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Genie Quotes Genie is a thirteen year old girl who was saved from social isolation. She was born with Rh blood poisoning but was saved because of a blood transfusion. Genie's father, Clark was told that she may have a chance of mental retardation because of the blood transfusion. Taking that into consideration, Clark was determined to protect his child. Therefore, he strapped her up into an infant potty chair keeping her away from the outside world. Genie was left all alone in a dark bedroom all day. If she made any noise, Clark would beat her and bark to her to make her be quiet. Genie was tortured and had a horrible childhood. She never learnt how to speak properly or interact with others. It can be said that Clark made his daughter mentally retarded. Irene, Genie's mother, was blind due to cataracts. One day she ... Show more content on ... She already had a horrible childhood and then her teenage years were ruined because of foster care. Genie was being abused in every foster home she went into. She never received any kind of love or affection her whole life. Genie was such an innocent sweet child. She did not deserve any of that. Child abuse is a very important and main theme in this book. Since Genie was an infant, she's been abused. Her father locked her up in a dark room by herself, beat her, and frightened her. Because of Clark, Genie could never have a normal life. She never learned how to speak properly, eat properly, behave, control her emotions, or even socialize with people. Not only was she abused as a child but Genie was also abused when she got older in the foster homes she was sent it to. Another theme in this is book is scientific study. After hearing about this remarkably tragic case, many scientists wanted to study Genie. They wanted to observe her behavior, improvements, and failures. It was a special case to them because they would gain so much insight on patients such as ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Genie The Wild Child Analysis There are many controversial debates amongst society. However, Human behaviour has always been a debate amongst society. Some say that human behaviour is impacted most by environment, others say it's heredity. No one can really come to a solid conclusion about this ongoing topic. Specifically, The case of "Genie the wild child" proves that environment has a influence on human behaviour based on her physical being and behaviour. Secondly, a study done by scientist James. R Flynn, shows that each generation's Iq scores are better than the previous one which goes to demonstrate the impact that the environment has on each generation as the world develops and changes. Lastly, Psychologist John Watson was performing experiments on a infant, using ... Show more content on ... John Watson used an infant named "Little Albert", he showed the child many objects such as white rat, rabbit, monkey, masks, burning paper and so on. The child showed no fear towards any of these objects. Then Watson paired the white rat with a loud noise, which made Little Albert cry. After doing this repeatedly the child would just cry at the sight of the white rat alone. This experiment demonstrates how powerful the environment was for Little Albert. Also how two stimuli in an environment, creates a conditioned response. This conditioned response would be the child crying just by seeing the white rat. This also created stimulus generalization, Little Albert then started crying at just similar white things and furry things. Many suspect that Little Albert will stay frightened from these objects. This experiment confirms how environment gratefully impacts human behaviour because of how first they were able to create a conditioned response, secondly it turned into generalized stimulus and lastly how many suspect Little Albert will stay fearful of these white and furry ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Research Task: Genie And Oksana Research Task: Genie and Oksana Feral child – a child that was living isolated from the human contact from a very young age. Has little or no experience in social behavior, norms and values. Genie is a girl that has stayed in a room for 13 years. A social worker has found her in the 1970 after her mother was searching for services. Both of her parents were accused in abuse but her father has committed suicide a day before appearing at the court. Genie's life before her discovery was a terrible time for her. She has spent all the time almost unable to move, confined to a chair. Her parents and her brother were rarely speaking to her, and if so happened, it was only when her dad was shouting and scolding her. Oksana Malaya, a similar ... Show more content on ... Oksana was left to the mercy of fate because of her irresponsible parents. Genie was forced by her parents to stay alone for a very long time. Oksana and Genie were both lacking on knowledge. Genie was silent and unable to speak. Her test scores were about a level of a one year old because she didn't have anyone from who to follow an example. Unlike Oksana that has leaved for five years with dogs was behaving like them. Dogs were her family and her primary socialization. Due this, the behavior of Oksana was similar to a dog's one. She was running on her fours, barking out loud and eating raw meat. Oksana had more freedom than Genie. She was able to develop at least a little bit, unlike Genie that was unable to straiten her legs and arms. After both cases of feral child were discovered, the scientist straight wanted to socialize Oksana and Genie, and society wanted to help them. The primary socialization is something that can never be returned. The only hope for the girls was the secondary socialization. Of course the girls wouldn't be able to understand what is growing up, going to school or play with dolls, but this is better than nothing, better than staying like they were before. After years of rehabilitation, Oksana was able to express herself and considered her behavior similar to god's as a game, but Genie could only understand and new few word, She couldn't use grammar ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Sdff Guidelines for Course Paper: General Electric in Australia (60 points) This paper must be e–mailed to me as an MS–Word document before June 14, 2015. You may use any reference materials that you wish and consult with other people for help, but the document must be written by you. Write the answers in your own words. Do not cut and paste sentences from Internet sources. Answer the questions as if you were the Country Manager in Australia for the General Electric Corporation. You decide which existing or new products you wish to write about. Try to answer each question with no more than ten sentences. You may use tables, diagrams, or graphs from Internet sources, if you wish. Please note the sources of information that you use. ... Show more content on ... 6. What are the major influences on marketing and distribution in Australia (communication, physical geography, climate, fuel prices, transportation infrastructure, warehouse availability, retail outlets, consumer behavior, etc.)? 7. What is the managerial and labor climate (availability of trained personnel, strength and activity of labor unions, unemployment level, prevailing wage rates, type of preparation needed for expatriate managers, labor mobility (migrant workers, refugees, immigration/emigration, etc.), productivity levels, general working conditions, etc.)? 8. What are the important influences on the financial viability of General Electric in Australia (central bank interest rate policy, inflation rate, fixed versus floating currency exchange rates, taxation, profit repatriation, etc.)? 9. Based on your answers, what is your recommendation about General Electric's policy with respect to the application of international standardization of the marketing mix to Australia? 10. Based on your answers, what is your recommendation about General Electric's business strategy for the products you ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Genie Case In 1970, the case of Genie emerged, an abused child was mentally and physically delayed due to the social isolation condition she was raised. Genie's case is studied and analyzed by many different aspects, such as phonology, semantics, morphology, and other research areas. Victoria Fromkin's article "The Development of Language in Genie: A case of Language Acquisition Beyong the "Critical Period"" analyzed Genie's case from five major aspects, which include linguistic comprehension, speech production and phonological development, sentence structure, cognitive development, and linguistic development in relation to normals. His analysis helps us to understand the language learning process and how the environment plays an important of language learning. After local authorities saved Genie, she went through many tests to ... Show more content on ... In his article, it involved the study of comparing two groups of deaf adults. The first group of adults were born with normal hearing and they had learned American Sign Language relatively late. The other group is people who were congenitally deaf. The result is that the first group largely outperformed the second group in ASL, and Pallier wrote, "This result show that experience pays a role because if only maturational factor were at play then the proficiency in ASL should only depend on age of acquisition of ASL and both groups should perform similarly. On the contrary, learning and using a language in the first years of life maintains the capacity to acquire a new language" (Pallier) From my perspective of view, critical period is effecting the first–language learning process. However, other factors also affect the learning ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Judge Genie Judge Genie (Isaac): Do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Jafar/Aladdin: Yes, your honour. Judge Genie (Isaac): Okay, let's start from the beginning, Wafer, present your case. Jafar (Ashlynn): Well your honor, I wanted to buy a carpet for my living room, but my pay wage is terrible at the palace. I asked Aladdin to help out. However, he was in jail for stealing bread, fruit, and money from the merchants. I asked him to come with me to the Cave of Wonders to get the lamp, so I could ask the Genie for money. Of course, Aladdin had to mess something up by filling the whole cave with lava. I almost got the lamp, but Aladdin's monkey just had to steal the lamp and I didn't get my carpet! Judge Genie ... Show more content on ... Jafar (Ashlynn): Well I'm not that good at magic, so it may have bit out control but nothing that major. I was trying to create a sword wall between Aladdin and myself, my magic got a bit out of control and set the swords on fire. To explain the hypnotizing, I swear I was trying to give the sultan a funnier hat. Which I did think was kinda hilarious. But now lets not forget all of the horrible things Aladdin has done! Judge Genie (Isaac): I don't understand. Why do you think that doing magic was funny! You committed assault against two people. Aliddon you have also stolen a few things and there will be consequences for. Wefar you are going to our C.D.C (Crippling Depression Center ) for 20 years. Addition you are sentenced to a total of 30 years without bail for stealing stuff. Case closed even if you say objection nobody will care. Jafar (Ashlynn): No! I'm not going back to jail! I just wanted a new carpet! (Run offstage) Judge Genie (Isaac): I said NO objections. Two years in prison! Guards get her out of here. Jasmine (Alison) No! Aladdin , this isn't ... Get more on ...