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franklinozekhome presents

                            A franklinozekhome® e-report!

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AGENCY                      INSPIRED BY
Frenetic pace of Agency lifestyle © Droga5
A franklinozekhome® e-report!
© franklinozekhome®
Future of Agency is a product of theandnetwork™ and Identiture® PUBLISHING.

This report contains opinions, estimates, and forward-looking statements by members
of theandnetwork. Statements are personal opinions of the individuals quoted.
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  In April, I started working on the follow-up to Evolve:   Another participant at the workshop posited:
  Agency 5.0 - a revolutionary whitepaper I had written     “Perhaps, we should delete the ‘agency’ tag, and
  in 2010 - inspired by Tim Brown's Change by Design.       instead,   be    known     as    a   'Marketing
  While facilitating a knowledge session for an
  advertising agency on global marketing trends, I had      Communications Consultancy', or perhaps, a 'Total
  reiterated the need for a new agency paradigm.            solutions   provider'.  'Marketing     Solutions
  Rightly, as the workshop progressed, concerns were        Company', anyone?” And it went on and on.
  raised about what should be the correct appellation
  for the word “agency”. Was the term out-dated? If so,     Needless to say, we didn’t come up with the
  what of the services they had become so used to
  offering? Would that have to change too?                  answer that morning. However, it ignited in the
                                                            agency heads, the resolve to clarify how they
  “Do we still want to be known as an advertising           intended to bridge the gap from WHO THEY
  agency?” A senior copy writer had asked. “What if         WERE and WHAT THEY DID to WHAT THEY
  marketers or journalists described us as a Creative       WANTED TO BECOME.
  agency? Would that justify the scope of services that
  were being offered to clients?” She looked perplexed; I
  could see the worry lines etched deeply on her            I decided to take the conversation further via my
  forehead as she looked around at the other                online audience networks, and posed the teaser:
  participants, hoping for a divine answer.

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franklinozekhome presents

“    Someday, clients will pitch for agencies.

       Agencies run by creative minds at
                    Orange Academy.

            *This quote was adapted from Toheeb Balogun’s
                      Facebook status message.*
                                                                           Orange Academy/ Africa’s 1st school of
                                                                               Integrated Brand Experience/
  The response was immediate; but I wanted a lot more
  contributions from industry practitioners. What were their
  positions on this thorny issue {ala the evolution of agencies}?   The workshop turned out to be a blessing and
  A topic that never seemed to go away, but continually             became a key resource in developing the
  reared its ugly head ever since “digital” became a trending       twenty-eleven edition of Evolve: Agency
  topic in marketing + advertising circles.                         5.0, which also fueled the need to develop
                                                                    the Future of Agency report.

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  The FOA report is only the first step in    In the coming months, a series of Future Of Agency
  sharing knowledge and resources with       interactive workshops will be held across key cities in the
  people who are passionate about                U.S., Africa, and Europe, incorporating thoughts,
  understanding the various nuances and      suggestions, and ideas from likeminds around the world.
  underlying issues revolving around
  agencies in the marketing communications
                                             Please flip through this deck to view commentaries from
                                                           members of theandnetwork.

                                                You are welcome to join our online community and
                                                         participate in this discussion at

                                                                 Enjoy the report.


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Welcome to the 1st edition of
the Future of Agency Report
inspired by theandnetwork.

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  In May 2011, I was flipping through Advertising Age’s   The writer, Matthew Creamer, had successfully voiced out -
  “The Agency Issue”, and became intrigued with the       on a global scale - what I had been shouting hoarse to
  byline on the cover page:                               industry practitioners for the past several years. Ad agencies
                                                          - everywhere – were being forced to rethink! their business
                                                          models as the landscape continually evolved with newer
                                                          technologies, cooler brands with funkier packaging and
                                                          storytelling techniques, which in turn influenced consumer
                                                          perception, behaviour + preferences.

                                                          If agencies did not adapt to these changes and face the
                                                          realities onground, they would definitely become extinct
                                                          like dinosaurs! It was only a matter of time.

                                                          Fellow creative strategists - Jesse Adeniji, Fernando Palacios,
                                                          Adebola Babatunde, Tunde Olaifa, and Doyin Oduwole –
                                                          based in different parts of the world – New York, London,
                                                          Sao Paulo, Lagos, Hamburg - come together to leverage
                                                          glocal insights and offer opinions + perspectives on issues
                                                          that marketing communication agencies need to address to
                                                          enable them transform quickly into dynamic and
                                                          enexperience brands-in-motion.

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  Jesse Adeniji is a brand strategist based in London and the Principal Consultant at Jessemay Consulting.

                “     The picture of the future is usually developed
                      in the dark rooms of the past and exposed in
                      the light of the present. In the Nigerian
                      context, we have to understand where we’re
                      coming from, what our influences are, and use
                      the aspirations and sweats of the present to
                      see where we fit in the global scheme of

                      things. That’s when we can bring in our own
                      unique character into the blend.

                      Follow @

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  The Past.

  Some years ago, while working as a copywriter with LTC/JWT Lagos, I was part of the Unilever brand team
  {consists of agency + Unilever team} on Lux, a senior colleague from the Unilever side shared with us a little
  red book that detailed 10 nugget points which summarizes the best practices Unilever as a company strives to
  attain to, in order to truly dominate their sphere in the global scheme.

  That ‘senior colleague’ reiterated in no small way the need for absolute confidentiality in making sure the
  content of the little red book stayed within the walls of the agency. She only fell short of asking us to guard
  the book with our very lives.

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  The irony was, those 10 points were actually from Coca-Cola! And the Unilever folks figured if they can
  replicate Coke’s success in just about 6 critical areas, they’d be content. It was all bemusing for me. But as I
  couldn’t offer any concrete alternate view at that moment, I kept silent. After all, the conduct of most
  of the clients in Nigeria was one of we-know-better-because-we’re-the-client. But I
  couldn’t shake off the nagging feeling that if thousands of Coke people and their affiliates already knew about
  these ‘nuggets’, it couldn’t have been so ‘secret’.

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  This scenario points to the strangle-hold of client on the essential information needed to get the best out of
  the agency for the brands they worked on. The relationship has not been one of mutual and equal colleagues
  working together with mutual respect.

  One had to swallow such indignities because the agencies relied largely on the research and insights filtering
  through from the clients. I believe that is a result of the lack of belief by the agencies in the notion that IDEAS
  are the currency of creativity. As such, no investment was considered in ground-breaking research, in being
  at the forefront of emergent ideas in the requisite fields. Maybe that position was engendered by the fact that
  most agency owners were from the client-service background and therefore, saw everything from the point
  of the cash register.

  The practice of making commissions from media and production almost completely overshadowed the real
  commodity expected of agencies – Ideas; partnering with the clients to deliver ground-breaking ideas for the
  brands to connect with the people. As such, the client had a field day picking apart the
  agencies. They’d call for unpaid-for pitches and countless agencies would
  sheepishly go there and offer away their bread and butter, hoping against all odds
  that they secured the business, or a slice of the account, and then ‘dream’ of
  recouping their ‘investments’ via the usual suspects – media and production

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  Only once in nine long years was an agency I worked at given a
  major account on the strength of works done in the past. It was
  always long drawn-out pitches that took the adequate care and
  attention off the resident brands. The continuous
  overdependence on commission-making when the paradigm
  had shifted globally definitely hurt the leading agencies and did
  little to differentiate them from the start-ups. Real strategic
  thinking wasn’t what was always on sale at pitches. It was the
  aesthetics of the print works!

  The use of proprietary tools, used to benchmark the best
  practices by the global ad agencies only got introduced to
  Nigeria in the early 2000s. It took another 5 years or so to
  become entrenched in the top 10 agencies. Planning/ Strategy
  departments only started showing up well into the mid 2000s.
  Even when the ‘affiliation’ craze caught on, and agencies started
  unburdening the component parts – Media, BTL, PR – and trying
  to make the core of the agency business creative, it was still all a
  mess. It’s not very often you see the client bewildered by the
  atomisation of advertising ideas, which should ordinarily be
  integrated and media-neutral, underscored by completely
  different ideas from each component units.

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  The agency might tell you they operate a ‘360 degrees’ approach but rarely do they co-ordinate the
  component units to think as one and provide a seamless through-the-line thinking.

  On the flip side of all these, of course, is the peculiar nature of clients in that clime. Some
                                                                    foreign ones
  on one hand are so disdainful they kept ramming the materials developed for
  other markets down the throats of the Nigerian targets. A few powerful national
  ones, on the other hand, are populated with overbearing CMOs and brand
  managers. Some even go as far as to rewrite scripts and dump the copywriters
  behind on a TV shoot.

  Of course, not all of them behave this way. There were always the roses in a bush of thorns that operated like
  in the developed world. And those who are thoroughly professional I must say, from experience, are less than

  The fallout of this chaotic environment is the institutionalisation of ‘grab the cash’ mentality. Creativity and
  edge-of-the-row research was relegated to the background. Agency staffs disillusioned with their current
  predicament often resign positions to start their own agencies. Soon, they also will become more feral than
  their alma mater agencies. The unnecessary proliferation even makes it difficult to gain the client’s respect.
  That creates opportunity for some very corrupt clients to deliberately side-step established agencies to award
  portfolios to emergent ones in a bid to extort huge sums of kick-back from them.

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  While we were at this sorry juncture
  in our creative history in Nigeria,
  South Africa was flexing its fledging
  muscles carting off awards at
  Cannes and all over the world. Some
  of their best hands were being
  poached all over Europe. They were
  getting worldwide accolades and

  South Africa joined the frontline
  cadre of elite nations looked up to
  for cutting-edge solutions to tough
  branding conundrums. Around this
  time too, Brazil, India, Korean and
  Japanese creative hubs were gaining
  global recognition by sharing
  honours with the entrenched
  European powerhouses.                   © “The Zimbabwean” by South African agency TBWA/Hunt/Lascaris/

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  Was that how it had always been for the South Africans?


  Graeme Butchart {}, the Creative Director I worked with at Rosabel Leo Burnett in
  2005, reckoned that Nigeria was at the same cross-roads South Africa was in the 70s and that it will take the
  agencies making very radical change to become the pivotal point in the communication chain; using the
  power of ideas and revolutionary research to produce work that will change the master-servant system that
  existed between the Nigerian agencies and the clients in a mutually beneficial situation where both see each
  other as custodians of the brand, administering it to the ultimate owners, the people.

               Graeme Butchart

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                                    Way back, the South African agencies suffered from a similar
                                    fate as those in Nigeria. To change the status-quo, they made
                                    good use of the resources they had to get better than the
                                    marketers and gain respect through the adoption of global
                                    standards and bold, original creativity that took elements
                                    from the local environment but executed along world-class
                                    benchmarks. That marked the beginning of their rise in the
                                    creative world.

                                    For instance, Jupiter Drawing Room, a South African agency
                                    that developed the knack for great work and independent
                                    spirit, which remains today the only agency in Africa to buy
                                    over a local arm of a global advertising concern DDB. That
                                    great act was just as spectacular as when they fired a couple
                                    of their old clients for not being compatible with the dreams
                                    and aspirations they were building. The trick they used?
                                    Repositioning the arrogant clients of the day, by being a step
                                    ahead and making them actually need the agency. Find the
                                    detail      of      the      DDB     take-over      here     -

                                    © Bushmills Irish Whisky ad by Jupiter Drawing Room

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  Some agencies have really upped the game in Nigeria in the last 8
  years. I will be forced to admit the leadership of Prima Garnet Ogilvy
  and Insight Communications [aka InsightGrey] in the area of
  rebuffing the excesses of some clients - but a lot needs to be done still
  as we define the basis for our global emergence. At least, no Nigerian
                                                                                Prima Garnet
  agency has won a Cannes Lion nor actually bought off a piece of any              in focus
  global agency.

  Some might criticise my position on the basis of the very nature of the
  broader societal challenges and the need to earn a living. I admit it’s
  tough but I do believe there’s so much to be earned by the agency
  that will take the lead in redefining the cultural/creative/intellectual
  context of the marcomms business in Nigeria.

  While we struggle to grasp the nitty-gritty of the emergent ideas and
  convergence of technology, globalisation, innovation, the
  environment issue and human behavioural patterns, the agencies also
  need to start preparing for a new wave of change.

                                         © Total ad by Insight Communications

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                                                    Before going to publish Contagious in 2004, Kemp
                                                    Robertson had held the position of VP/Global director of
                                                    creative resources at Leo Burnett Worldwide.

                                                    He spoke about the ‘death’ of traditional advertising and
                                                    the strangle-hold the twin variables of rapid technological
                                                    advancement in almost all facets of life and the human
                                                    behavioural response to them.

Upon my return from the Leo Burnett University      The major trend was the cataclysmic shift
EMEA for the 7+ Course at the tail end of 2006, I   towards branded content; mobile marketing;
made a presentation to the board of Rosabel,        social networking; user-generated content;
proposing an almost complete overhaul of the
traditional model of operation, similar to what     word of mouth; viral; interactive; blogs; video
was happening in other parts of the world.          games; retail initiatives; design innovations
                                                    and emerging technologies; how all of these
                                                    were strengthening the theory of convergence
I had listened to Paul Kemp-Robertson, the
editor of the hugely acclaimed global marketing     and how the consumers were responding.
intelligence magazine, Contagious.

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  Digital marketing was virtually overhauling the traditional marketing techniques and the shift of advertising
  budget in more volumes towards the former became a proof that this wasn’t a passing fad.
  I told the top-guns at Rosabel that the role of agency has changed from the ‘producer of
  creatives’ to ‘gatekeepers of the new knowledge and digital economy’.

  I made it clear to them that the agency that will succeed will be the one that stood at the very edge of
  knowledge of the technology emerging and clearly understand how it relates to the consumers.

  I added that the capacity to develop media-neutral ideas with great story-telling technique across the
  channels will be the key to success.

                                            Bakedin:       Little attention was paid to my proposal.
                                          Products and
                                         Businesses That   Today, we find the ‘marketing’ of brands built into
                                             Market        the products themselves by the manufacturers.
                                         Themselves by     They are also heavily involved in research to
                                          Alex Bogusky
                                                           determine what the consumer and market trends
                                            and John
                                             Winsor        are and are no strangers to the geek speak of

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                              Take the iPhone for instance it was a learning experience from the Mac and
                              the iPod all rolled into mobile telephony. It also incorporated learning from
                              games, web 2.0, social media and user-generated content and design
                              innovation via the strategic alliance with the app design community, who
                              have been responsible for the soar-away success of the iPhone.

                              Microsoft, with its foray into the OS platforms for mobiles is lagging behind
                              rather abysmally because it just can’t command the type of app base found in
                              Apple mobile devices.

                              As such, communication of the Apple mobile devices is just reeled like an on-
                              going communication between friends. Not some crafty copywriting or fancy
                    ’s beyond that. It’s a connection between the brand and
                              their way of life. It’s about offering continuous solutions to everyday
                              problem. And the conversation carries on.

                              This means the process of marketing communication is daily being woven
                              into the client organisational process itself. As such, agencies must be the
                              gatekeepers of consumer knowledge from a continuous, ongoing

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  At this stage the example of Wieden + Kennedy comes to mind.
  It’s an agency that builds its reputation on creatively starting and
  maintaining conversations between brands and targets in very,
  very creative ways by using non-traditional marketing
  techniques. They also stayed at the very edge of the quickly
  shifting sands of technological advancement and consumer
  behavioural metrics.

  Are we at this stage in Nigeria? I think not.

  Today most agencies are still green on digital and social
  marketing. That’s despite the fact that the internet penetration
  density is increasing every day.

  60% of all internet access done in Nigeria is via the mobile
  platform. Less than 10% of all marketing done involved digital
  and social media marketing. Almost nothing is heard of about
  games and location-based initiatives. Most advertisers do not
  have social media presence or treat the little they have as an
  afterthought in a country where 60% of the population are
  under 40. Coca-Cola just appropriated 6% of its global marketing
  spend to social media. That’s instructive.                             Ad by Wieden+Kennedy

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                                    Ads by Wieden+Kennedy
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                                           FUTURE OF AGENCY
Leapfrog Zippity Platform/

                                                                                              The scenario where digital, mobile and
                                                                                              social media is still taking baby steps
                                                                                              says a lot about the intentions of the
                                                                                              big agencies.

                                                                                              In other climes, the likes of Bournvita
                                                                                              and Milo should actually be spending
                                                                                              big on game platforms for kids!

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  The Future

  To understand the agency of tomorrow, we have to understand what the brand of tomorrow will look like.
  The brand values have changed. The engagement dynamics have changed too. The learning is continuous
  and rapid. I particularly like the Johan Ronnestam’s take on the shifting paradigms. I’d borrow a few leaves
  from him.

              Yesterday Brand Values                                     Today’s Brand Values
                                                                          {substitute for YBV}

                  Brand promise                                            Brand fulfilment
                       Offer                                                  Interactivity
                     Control                                                 Transparency
                     Stability                                                  Adaption
                    Monopoly                                              Creative Execution
                 Brand positioning                                    Perceived Brand Positioning
               Product development                                      Fan Based Innovations
                Structural bindings                                               Trust
                    Marketing                                               Entertainment
                    Customers                                                  Followers

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 Brand Promise to Fulfilment

 Before now, we spent so much time thinking about creating a large
 customer base by selling unique propositions. Nowadays,
 customers via technology, have the power to run price-runner sites,
 read peer reviews, blogs and swap information on the social media
 networks. Nothing is unique; so you’d better make sure you’re
 fulfilling the promise and being at the forefront of finding more
 ways of fulfilling future expectations.

 Offer to Interactivity

 The continuous fixation on new offers, new products and services as a
 one-way street will weaken your brand eventually. The future of brand
 development will not be about the story of the Unilever executive I had
 mentioned earlier. Innovation will not be the closet operation of client and
 agency cooking something for the atomised consumer. It will be a co-
 ownership between the brand people on one hand, and the consumer on
 the other. We will have to learn from brands like Starbucks, Dell and
 Zappos. See what Starbucks did with and
 Dell with

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  Control to Transparency                          Dominos’ Zap Electric Car

  I see a lot of African brands still wanting to hide
  information from the public about their brands and
  wanting to be in control. Well, the asynchrony of social
  media networks and the power of Google will make
  mockery of that.

  People are having conversations on various news and social
  networking sites and a little error that might have gone unnoticed in
  the past can bring down a brand. You’ve got to join the conversation.
  Ryan Giggs was unmasked on Twitter despite taking out a super-

  Dominos Pizza obviously has taken this into account when they’re
  speeding up the process of replying to a consumer called
  @interactiveamy on Twitter. Amy Korin who had some problems
  with her Pizza Delivery earlier this year got answered within 24
  hours. A video apology from @Ramon_DeLeon quickly solved the

  The sheer immediacy of social media means you can’t ignore the
  conversation and if your brand comes out to deny an obvious
  situation like the Nigerian politicians are wont to do, the wildfire of
  scandal will spread further and affect your business.                        Ryan Giggs

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  Stability to Adaption

  Open Source applications and democratisation
  of technology is opening up new boundaries. In
  the past Albums were released and a tour was
  used to promote them. Technology + lifestyle
  change has happened all that. Today, albums
  are released to get in on the lucrative road

  CD sales have dropped dramatically and people

                                                     Jay-Z performing at a Live nation concert
  no longer buy the whole album. Budding
  artistes can make cheap music with cheap
  cameras and post on YouTube. If a lot of people
  like their stuff, the recording labels will be
  knocking on their doors.

  That’s how the Justin Bieber legend
  was forged.

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                                    Sony Ericsson, Nokia and Motorola thought mobile phone
                                    designs were the in-thing. Apple and HTC have unseated
                                    them by simply democratising ownership with their
                                    community of app developers.

                                    Within 5 years, you’d be able to print LEGO from your 3D
                                    printer at home at the cost of a printed paper. Would LEGO
                                    own the right to a 3D printout? Your guess is as good as mine.

                                    The brand of the future will be the one that can
                                    adapt and wound its way around emergent
                                    technology and human behaviour.

                                    Ethical and environmental issues are the ones for today. We
                                    await the complexities of tomorrow.

                                    We all know even work has changed from what you
                                    do to who you are.

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  Monopoly to Creative Execution

  We all have to own up to an emergent fact – Nothing can be owned.

  The amazing level of parity is levelling out real advantages, including the
  economic need to merge. What is the difference between a top of the
  range HTC phone and an iPhone? Little. There’s virtually nothing you
  can do on one that you can’t do on another. The edge one might have
  over the other, of course, is in the creative execution.

  How do you package your products and services?
  How do you communicate?
  How do you entertain us?
  How do you stay fun to be with?
  How can you make our day better?

  Focus on the values that makes us talk about your brand - in a
  positive way.

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  Brand Positioning           to    Perceived      Brand

  Quite a lot of consumers already know what they want
  from a brand by doing their own research online {that’s
  the reason why most website strategies still revolve
  round providing a whole gamut of information regarding
  the brand and socially optimizing them}, talking to their
  friends and loved ones, reading peer reviews, and
  generally shopping around for opinion.

  That’s irrespective of how much you spend ‘positioning’
  your brand. In effect, people enter a relationship with     Maarten Schafer, CoolBrands: Using storytelling to bridge
  your brand based on what others say about you – not          the gap between brand identity and brand perception
  what you say. A study of the Brian Solis social flower
  model will help see if you’re getting a favourable
  share of voice out there by starting a conversation.

  Your brand needs to distribute its marketing, provide
  content, and applications free to stimulate preference
  via the voices of millions of targets in regular
  conversations out there – the very voices that will be
  decisive to how you’re perceived.

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                                    Product Development to Fan Based Innovations

                                    The iPhone became successful because of the army of fans who
                                    loved it so much they started creating applications to make it

                           sells t-shirts made by the visitors to their
                                    website. Nike Air designs are done online by the fans and sold
                                    to them in return. We are in the age of crowdsourcing where
                                    people from different backgrounds and locations work
                                    together online to finish a project. Millions of folks maintain
                                    and update the Wikipedia site for free.

                                    Smart brands reach out and deliver tools that make the brand
                                    and the fans become co-creators of future products.

                                    Foursquare, the location based business social media platform
                                    and Facebook’s modifications have largely been achieved by
                                    our collective behavioural patterns tracked over time.

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  Structural Bindings to Trust

  Many brands, especially in telecoms and financial services, bind customers
  into long and medium-term contracts. One example of the absurdity of that
  practice is the Telcos. The rate at which technology changes will see a
  customer’s phone and services obsolete by the time the contract ends. That
  will be one angry and vindictive customer. The European Union just passed a
  law restricting this kind of practice. Beyond the power of laws, the brand will
  be actively breeding haters and disgruntled customers that will say all sorts
  of negative things on the social media networks and to their friends.

  Plusnet, a telco in the Yorkshire area of the UK, is now offering no-contract
  offers. That’s the future.

  Even the government of the UK is putting more laws in place to make sure
  customers can switch bank accounts very easily. Future brands will be
  built on relations, trust and loyalty of the BRAND to the
  customer. I see a lot of Nigerian promos running with the idea that they’re
  ‘rewarding’ the loyalty of their customers. That’s funny.

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                    FUTURE OF AGENCY

                          Marketing to Entertainment

                              I will quote Johan Ronnestam here. His description is so enlightening and thought provoking. Read him:

                                           “Tick tock tick tock tick tock. Can you sense it? The pure thought of a time makes people
                                                      stressed. Time is the most precious thing we have and yet brands are wasting it.
                                              In a recent global study I was involved in we identified four factors that matters to
                                            guys and girls in the age-span 18-25. The study was performed in so-called style cities:
                                                 New York, Rio De Janeiro, Stockholm, Berlin, London, Tokyo, Hong Kong etc.

                                           Innovation, entertainment, interactivity and creativity. The two that stood out the most
                                          was entertainment and innovation. One kid said - “I’m bored so if I’m supposed to choose
                                               a brand I will choose the one that entertains me and adds something to my life.”
                                         A guy in Tokyo said - “If I’m supposed to show up with a pair of new sneakers to school I’d like
© Johan Ronnestam

                                                                     them to be different than anyone else's”.

                                         Your brand has to stay on it’s toes. If you are into making cars you’re not only competing with
                                             other car manufactures, you’re competing with time too. If I am to interact with any
                                              kind of communication coming out from your company it better livens up my day.
                                                                          If not I’ll go somewhere else!”.

                                                                           Enough said.
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  Customers to Followers

  The power shift has moved to consumers.
  They can chose what to do with your brand
  information, whether to listen or not. If you
  don’t get their attention, they simply flip you
  over with a click.

  The customer era is over. You only
  have temporary followers. If I like you
  I will follow you on Twitter or add you
  on Facebook. If your values aren’t in
  sync with me, I’ll use the ‘unfriend’
  button. It’s that simple.

  You can measure this sort of behaviour by looking at the variety of mobile phones you’ve used in the past 3
  years. Now, you get the picture? People can now compare everything online from bank transfers to car rental
  charges to insurance. All you have to do is head to or drop by Your customer is now your client. He can say good-bye far easier than was ever thought
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So, back to the question: What is the agency
of the future?                                            behavioural pattern of the targets and apply the
                                                          requisite solution via whatever channel that meets the
The reason for delving into this analysis about the       changing dynamics - branded content; mobile
brands of the future is to enable us better understand    marketing; social networking; user-generated content;
the requirements that are currently needed by             word of mouth; viral; interactive; blogs; video games;
agencies to evolve, satisfy clients and wow customers;    retail initiatives; design innovations and environmental
and discuss the best ways to prepare for the future.      issues.

I believe the agency of the future will be the one that
becomes a GATEKEEPER of the knowledge of the
brand, the emergent technology, and the evolving

                                                                                                                Intel Retail Kiosk concept by Frog Design
franklinozekhome presents

                                       That, I believe this should be an on-going and continuous
                                       effort that requires agencies to invest in ‘innovation-
                                       hubs’ and develop people with capacity to anticipate and
                                       plan strategy across multi-disciplinary platforms.

                                       More importantly, the agency has to be a leader of
                                       knowledge and in the minimum, stand shoulder to
                                       shoulder with the clients.

                                       That core of manpower, I am afraid is in limited supply in
                                       Nigeria for now. It’s a huge paradigm shift but one that
                                       can bring great rewards – awards and wealth.

Verizon Beatbox Mixer by R/GA

                                                                                Aquaduct by IDEO

franklinozekhome presents

  Tunde Olaifa is Associate Director, Brand Management with Prima Garnet Ogilvy.s.

                                “     In the future, the agency as we know it now will be
                                      looked at in awe and disbelief, the same way we
                                      look at dinosaurs now.

                                      That does not take away from the fact that
                                      organizations and individuals will not require
                                      advertising as they do now, but only brand solution
                                      providers (I hesitate to call them agencies) that

                                      evolve would be around to meet their marketing
                                      communication needs.

                                                           Follow on Twitter @ablackjamesbond

franklinozekhome presents
                 FUTURE OF AGENCY

                                                                       It is clearly a case of ‘Do as I say, but don’t do as I do’. Most
                                                                       agencies are the apostles of change and they preach the gospel
                                                                       of how rapidly the world is changing to their clients but they
                                                                       themselves have refused to react to those changes.
© iGadget Life

                                                                       Every day, tools that enable consumers and advertisers to
                                                                       generate their own content are being introduced into the
                                                                       marketplace. In the future, user generated content (and this
                                                                       includes advertising) would have matured to a level where
                                                                       quality of output will rival those currently being provided by
                                                                       Agencies [So out goes some of the competitive edge).

                 The world is changing so fast that agencies, by the
                 very nature of what they do and their business
                 models, simply can’t keep up with the frenetic pace
                 of change. Agencies as we know them now haven’t

                                                                                                                                           © Edelman Digital
                 changed fundamentally in their operations and
                 business models in almost 80 years. Now compare
                 that reluctance to change to the pace of change in
                 the media environment, traditional and modern,
                 that agencies operate in and you will see that
                 agencies have not even left the dock.

franklinozekhome presents

  YouTube and Vimeo continue to breed a new
  generation of movie makers and TV producers.

  The DIY culture is on the rise and can only get
  stronger. Social network sites are redefining
  market spaces and marketing and more and more,
  consumers are starting to realize how powerful
  they are and sooner than later, will wrest power
  and control from the advertisers.

                                               Advertisers now know that some of the services that agencies
                                               used to charge them for can be handled directly by their own
                                               people. Media commission which is a main source of income for
                                               most agencies, especially in these parts, is being negotiated out
                                               of the hands of the agencies and a lot of clients are buying
                                               media directly. This trend will definitely continue in the future.

franklinozekhome presents

As marketers begin to seek ways to
connect with future consumers who are
already hyper connected and over-
informed today, the scene doesn’t look too
good for today’s agencies that seem to be
stuck in the past.

The traditional ways of speaking to
consumers will become obsolete as these
consumers continue to actively seek out
what they want to see and read and weed
out what they don’t want {the tools to
screen out ads would have been firmly
placed in the consumers’ hands anyway}.
Brands that understand these shifts in
paradigm will realize that the existing
agency structure, knowhow and business
model can neither sustain nor support their   The 3D Agency and Nike Town “Write the Future” 3D Sculptures
marketing objectives.

franklinozekhome presents

 Hence, they will begin to look for a new type of brand
solutions provider who I suspect will be a mutated cross
   between what we know today as a hot shop and a
management consultancy; nimble, smart, lean and most
                importantly, respected.

                                          Nike platforms by R/GA

franklinozekhome presents

  These agencies will be nimble and lean not because they are
  small but because they have processes and practices that
  deliver faster. As a matter of fact, there probably will be
  bigger and fewer agency networks in the future because I
  personally do not think the forces of convergence and
  globalization are slowing down by any means. Hence, we
  would see a lot of lifting and shifting [of knowledge and best
  practices] amongst members of a network.

  These agencies will be smart because they will charge
  differently. They will realize that their compensation will be
  based on the value they bring to the client’s businesses and
  not on number of hours clocked, their creative or ideas or
  the media volume they buy. They will determine what they
  want to earn and will negotiate with Clients as partners and
  not suppliers.

  Finally, the agency of the future will be respected. They will
  be respected because they know their stuff and are truly in
  tune with the consumer, the marketplace, the brand and the
  changing world around them. So when they speak, the
  client listens!

franklinozekhome presents

  Fernando Palacios is the Autor at Storytellers based in Sao Paulo.

    “     I’m someone who was an insider and now an
          astronaut. Advertising and Digital agencies in Brazil
          don't earn from ideas, they profit from buying media.
          The creative pieces come as in a package. However
          there’s a shift going on. Simple ads are losing their
          power. More and more agencies are putting effort
          into creating interesting + relevant content. And

          when advertising talks about content, it must ensure
          entertainment. Otherwise people will just ignore it.

         Follow @

franklinozekhome presents

  Content + Entertainment can be done in many ways.
  One can make a bet in sports, as Red Bull does. One
  can also convey the message in a more orchestrated

  Storytelling can tell anything just by showing it, in a
  very emotional way. Storytelling can create
  struggles and counterpoints to explore each corner
  of a message making it much more persuasive.

  There's only one problem towards storytelling:

  It requires a lot of craft, including a rare
  know-how and development time. The
  author must be able to see the story by its
  most appealing angle. They’ll also need the
  skill to tell it in the most seductive way.

franklinozekhome presents

                                              The other side of the coin about storytelling is that it competes against
                                                                           other stories.

                                              In this scenario, agencies who crave prizes will go to Cannes Festival, but
                                                              won't be looking for golden lions anymore.

                                              The Sphinx’s question is this: how the agencies can be deep
                                               in storytelling when working along corporate deadlines?

                                                After all, even a book takes over a year from the idea to the shelves.
                                                                  A movie can take up to three years.

                                               My guess: brands will have their storytelling specialists to gather inside
                                              stories while agencies will grow their own fictional universe. All agencies
                                                will become a Marvel or a Pixar of sorts. Thus, agencies will lend their
   Michael Moore is awarded the Palme            characters to make the brands’ stories shine brighter: as bright as a
  d’Or in 2004 – the highest prize at the                                    Palme d’Or.
 Cannes Film Festival which is presented
  to the director of the best feature film.

franklinozekhome presents

  Babatunde Adebola is a young creative talent who combines strategic thinking with creative
  artistry. He was recently awarded the prized Lurzer Archive Scholarship to the Miami Ad School Europe in

“   Readers Manual: Well, you actually do not need any
     manual. This article is in this weird form, first as a
      simple entertaining quiz and second to pass the
                message of new thinking.

    Read on, it is in English Language but with a twist.
                                                                Follow @

franklinozekhome presents

                                    “New Thikning, New Futrue!

                                    As you’re reanidg tihs, the wrietr can raed waht is on yuor mnid.
                                    You are msot liekly thkining, at fsirt glnace, tihs atricle is flul of
                                    tpoygraphyical mistaeks. How rihgt are you? Verily, how wrnog you
                                    are! The wdors taht maeks the brcik taht builds tihs piece hvae
                                    intentiolanly and rebellisouly too appreaed in tihs form in odrer to
                                    conrofm to the denamds of tiems and ineedd psas viatl meassge.
                                    Lietrarily and laetrally, the wrold in chnaging and the wrod canont
                                    be an execption.

                                    The innevtion of the prinnitg psers in 1440 by Gutenberg chganed
                                    the way ppeole perceived thier wrold. For the vrey fisrt tmie, his
                                    wrok mdae it psosible for the precise and rpaid crteaion of meatl
                                    movbale tpye in lrage qunatities. This mechnaizatoin led to the fisrt
                                    mass pdoruction of bkoos in histroy in asmesbly line-stlye.

franklinozekhome presents

    As scuh, in the insudtrial age, the wtirten wrod was knig. The riegning thuoght was ratiolanity, factuality
    which is ineedd influenced by the loicgal order in which letters fololw ecah other in an accetapble patretn
    in wrod fortamion.

    Are you still redaing? If yes, then you’re aldeary living in the first dedace of the etomional age whcih has
    nullified the acnient asmusptions of the abvoe paragparh.

    According to the research at the Cambridge University, it doesn’t matter in what order the letters in a
    word are. The only important thing is for the first and the last letter to be in the right place. The rest
    can be in a total mess and you can still read it without a problem. This is because the human mind
    doesn’t read every letter by itself but by the word as a whole.

franklinozekhome presents

                                    Now, you’ll aprepciate why this arcitle is in this form. It is time we
                                    bkroe losoe from the dogtamic asmusption of the insudtrial age. Our
                                    mnid is not structured to perceive our wrold the way the wriettn wrod
                                    forces it to, unisg synatx and otehr rleus. Our mnid attempts to gian
                                    understdaning of the wrold by ctapuring imgeas and that is why the
                                    oredr in which of letters apeapr in a word doesn’t afceft yuor
                                    understdaning as lnog as the pciture of the wrod it. Wehn you wree a
                                    bbay (and if you can’t rceall ask mmumy) you as saw our wrold, you
                                    we semlt its scnet, you flet its txeture berofe you bgean the lnearing of
                                    lnaguage-sopken or wirtten. Picutres spaek mroe to us tahn wdors.

                                    Can we theerfore sezie to annonuce the obiutary of the wrod? The
                                    speaicl edioitn of the Econosimt, the wolrd in 2011, precidted taht
                                    this yaer may be the benigning of the end for the writetn wrods as
                                    we know it. Words are failnig-woefully to meet the communicaoitn
                                    challenges of 21 century. In a hyepr wrold where atnettion is the
                                    scarcest comdomity, assimilation of wrods take tmie we can’t afrofd
                                    to wsate. We theerfore mkae a sesne eevn mroe sesne-of our
                                    environnemt respdoning instinctviely to pictoairl commniucation.

franklinozekhome presents

  Are you stlil reanidg? If yes, then this is a graet
  opportniuty to bulid csae for emotnoial commniucation
  in bnard builindg efftors. Jsut as toady’s rdiao
  broadcasnitg scremas mroe muisc lses tlak, toady’s
  advertinisg sholud showcsae mroe enaggnig pictures
  less wodrs. Trhee is hoewver a cavaet: not a picrutes
  commniucation. Only picrutes that are inritguing that
  can tseae the vieewrs to maeks new concentions and
  new maening will hvae a susatinbale impact on
  conmusers. For instacne, these words you are readnig
  have seized to be the noraml bornig wrods you hvae
  been uesd to. Ratehr, tsehe wrods you’re raeding are

  Ratehr, tsehe wrods you’re raeding are picutres. They
  subnocsciously make you form new maening of the
  inirtguing scattenirgs of the lettres. Taht way, they are
  cut thurogh the clutetr; they lveae a lastnig imppresion
  on you. Infact, one can precidt rithgly that you’ll srahe
  this eepxrience with a friend. Imanige if brand
  communication has this much impact on csonumers,
  imanige waht the rerutn on investnemt will be.

franklinozekhome presents

                                    2015: Future of media

                                      One mjaor mitsake we mdae is to beeilve
                                      csonumers are dlul; that if our bnard
                                      commniucaoitn is submilanil, inritguing or
                                      puzznilg jsut as tihs comuln is, the mesgase
                                      will be lsot. Are you slitl rdeaing? If yes,
                                      then this assumtipon is clearly wnorg. We
                                      all love firend who tell us intellinegt joeks
                                      becsaue new lreaning mkae new
                                      concenitons in the biran thereby making
                                      such epexrience unroftegtable.

                                      In the begnniing was the wrod but in the
                                      new yaer, let’s egnage our csonumers more
                                      etomionally-a ltitle mroe pciuters wlil hlep
                                      for tehy sepak mroe than thsee thousands
                                      of wodrs.

franklinozekhome presents

  Doyin Oluwole is the Principal Consultant of BrandCentuate based in Lagos.

                                “     I remember vividly, five years ago, during one of our
                                      weekly executive committee meetings (EXCOM) at
                                      Insight, that Kayode Situ, the Executive Director,
                                      Finance and Systems had declared that we were
                                      consultants and not agents. As expected, he had
                                      gone on to state his case, which was in no way
                                      questionable. For certain reasons, ‘force majore’
                                      maybe, it did not fly. However, it had taken the ED
                                      Finance to help me see the path through the maze

                                      that had bedeviled the industry for years. To
                                      explain in detail, permit me to tell a true life story.

franklinozekhome presents

  Agency Bitters

  I had again woken up on that fateful day to the loud, croaky
  and irritating voice of a ‘preacher’ attempting to sing with a
  megaphone. I just about had it. I was going straight to him to
  give him a good tongue-lashing. His daily ‘godly’ routine was
  of nuisance value to me.

  I had struggled enough with myself, with not ‘putting down a
  brother’ that was ‘propagating the gospel’, but it wasn’t
  working anymore. I was through with swinging between my
  Christian bias and my true feelings. Suddenly it struck me.
  Going out to shout him down and probably smash his
  megaphone into bits wasn’t going to do it. I would have been
  the ‘devil’s advocate’ finally revealed. I had to look deeper
  into the key issues, of the message, the preacher, the
  medium and the receiver. After much thought, it was

  On my way out, I walked up to him calmly and we had a
  short, brotherly chat.                                           ©

franklinozekhome presents

          I remember telling him a little story (I’ve always believed in story telling because they last
          forever) about how preachers for decades, (I remembered clearly the early ‘70s) always
          went about ringing bells as they shouted their lungs sore, preaching to us the ‘children of
          men’. I guess the only target market for bells then were schools and preachers.

          The ringing bells always carried an air of reverence and power. Listeners never took them
          for granted. The message always hit home.

          However, over the years, technology and familiarity (yes, familiarity that always breeds
          contempt) had their day in the sun. The preachers, both old and young (with the new-
          wave believers, popularly known as ‘SU’s) deferred to convenience and technology by
          adopting the megaphone. They no longer had to shout, lose their voice or battle
          exhaustion. They could preach for longer and could be heard farther.

          So, the megaphone was the ‘new medium’, the magic tool, the power tool, the
          current tool, the appealing tool. It appealed to the receiver, took the stress off the
          preacher and gave the message new opportunities, like room for singing.

franklinozekhome presents

  But again, that was a long time ago. Probably close to four decades.
  Technology and familiarity had taken their place in the sun one more time.
  Something had to give. The medium was stale, denying the message new
  opportunities. The receiver was bored and had gotten to the state of
  indifference, in my own case, irritation. Unfortunately, he, the messenger
  was stuck in a time warp and had no clue of advancement and goings-on. He
  therefore had no understanding of his position in the scheme of things. I
  believe the message hit home because he thanked me gladly.
  I then proceeded to suggest strategies based on ‘new media’ that would
  connect with the receiver, open up new channels of opportunity to the
  message and make the most impact.
  End of story.

                                        Now back to Kayode Situ: What he ‘preached’ (just as our
                                        Apostle John de Villiers taught and practiced as the former ECD
                                        of Insight) was that as long as there is a message for the
                                        receiver, there will always be a preacher- either misinformed,
                                        uninformed, ill-informed or well informed.

franklinozekhome presents

                                                                              Martin Lindstrom
  As long as there is science and technology, every medium will
  constantly change, opening new doors of opportunities to the
  message. Also, as long as all these factors exist, there will always
  be ‘gifted, learned and skilled’ preachers that will create
  messages that align with any relevant and current medium, for
  the receiver.

  I remember clearly that before the ‘Agencies’ started off design,
  events, experiential, ambient styling, sponsorship, media and
  the like, as separate businesses, they (agencies) handled
  everything. I mean every kind of message, through every kind of
  medium, to every kind of receiver.
  Whatever name is given to our business today, be it advertising,
  branding or Ideas creation, it all dovetails into our root name,
  our DNA, our family name, our all-encompassing essence;

  I dare say that because we are very learned in a field so
  eclectic, building individuals and businesses into enduring
  global brands in more ways than one, we are CONSULTANTS.
                                                                         Tom Peters

franklinozekhome presents

   Therefore, we are IMC CONSULTANTS.

   The name ‘Advertising’ may become obsolete and
   die. The structures and approach may become extinct
   in the next three days, but the ‘learned preachers’ will
   forever remain, to be called by other names, built into
   other structures and driven by other approaches.

   ‘Learned’ preachers will not swim against the tide of
   technology, advancement and new value systems,
   which are some of the determinant factors of our
   business. I believe they will swim with the tide and
   evolve with new thinking, strategies, skills and
   practices that stand on three legs. relevant, effective
   and fresh.

   In conclusion, the learned strategists, creatives and
   client service experts (they all make up the preacher)
   will always remain, always evolving with the
   constantly changing medium and receiver.

franklinozekhome presents


                                “     Agencies must be bold enough to 'disrobe'
                                      themselves from the agent mentality,
                                      revolutionize their business models, and
                                      embed hybrid-thinking principles + innovation
                                      lab culture within their organizations.

                                      This will go a long way to transform the
                                      mindset of marketers toward agencies.

        Franklin Ozekhome II is a trendspotter, strategist and storyteller based in New York.

franklinozekhome presents

    Eight key principles to adopt
             1. Understudy the environment                                 5. Have an open-mind/open-door policy
            Analyse the business environment, market                         Be prepared to give criticism as well as take it.
             dynamics and interpret consumer trends                  Listen to input and contributions from everyone – every
                                                                           idea should be allowed the benefit of doubt
                   2. Innovate…Always
       Adopt a business-in-beta model. Design a creative                               6. Have integrity
 operational service structure that is fluid and easily adapted                 Build trust, honesty, and be consistent
   to suit socio-economic/political/ technological changes
                                                                                7. Design great experiences
                       3. Differentiate                                     Go beyond mere servicing clients to creating
       Have a point of view. Your agency must have a unique                wow! experiences and value at every touchpoint
culture, personality and values that are properly reflected in its
           creative output, environment, and people.
                                                                     8. Invest in the Future of Innovation reports curated
                                                                       by theandnetwork with partners across the world
           4. Engage with clients and consumers
       Be inspiring to your target market by leading them. Be
social by taking an interest in what they do and participating in
            ventures that they are passionate about

franklinozekhome presents

  About theandnetwork

 theandnetwork is a gathering of likeminds who understand the
 present + future needs and wants of consumers and appreciate
   the application of strategic planning to enhance creativity,
              advertising and marketing of brands.

      The "and" in “theandnetwork” stands for co-ideation,
  co-creation, co-operation, collaboration, community, and co-
           working. It represents our way of thinking:
           Future Tense…Never-ending…Always beta.

 Collectively, we co-create cool stuff; collaborate on new projects;
  and develop engagement platforms that act as alternate guides
    and models for businesses and knowledge-seekers looking
    for materials and resources in the areas of pop-culture and
     entertainment, digital media, social innovation programs,
       experience branding and social influence marketing.

 Feel free to download and share this resource with your own network. Ideas are
 contributed daily on our group’s page at


Thanks goes to the following individuals, organizations, blogs and websites
        for citation of their original materials and use of photos:

                           Insight Communications
                             Contagious Magazine
                              Matthew Creamer
                               Martin Lindstrom
                               Orange Academy
                               Toheeb Balogun
                                Edelman Digital
                                Advertising Age
                                Marketing Edge
                                The Economist
                                  frog design
                                  Tom Peters
                                  Tim Brown
A franklinozekhome® e-report!
INSPIRED BY theandnetwork™/SUPPORTED BY Identiture®

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Future Of Agency

  • 1. Cover design: Don Draper in AMC’s Mad Men franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY A franklinozekhome® e-report!
  • 2. theandnetwork™ This page has been deliberately left blank.
  • 4. Frenetic pace of Agency lifestyle © Droga5
  • 5. A franklinozekhome® e-report! © franklinozekhome® Future of Agency is a product of theandnetwork™ and Identiture® PUBLISHING. This report contains opinions, estimates, and forward-looking statements by members of theandnetwork. Statements are personal opinions of the individuals quoted.
  • 6. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY Intro In April, I started working on the follow-up to Evolve: Another participant at the workshop posited: Agency 5.0 - a revolutionary whitepaper I had written “Perhaps, we should delete the ‘agency’ tag, and in 2010 - inspired by Tim Brown's Change by Design. instead, be known as a 'Marketing While facilitating a knowledge session for an advertising agency on global marketing trends, I had Communications Consultancy', or perhaps, a 'Total reiterated the need for a new agency paradigm. solutions provider'. 'Marketing Solutions Rightly, as the workshop progressed, concerns were Company', anyone?” And it went on and on. raised about what should be the correct appellation for the word “agency”. Was the term out-dated? If so, Needless to say, we didn’t come up with the what of the services they had become so used to offering? Would that have to change too? answer that morning. However, it ignited in the agency heads, the resolve to clarify how they “Do we still want to be known as an advertising intended to bridge the gap from WHO THEY agency?” A senior copy writer had asked. “What if WERE and WHAT THEY DID to WHAT THEY marketers or journalists described us as a Creative WANTED TO BECOME. agency? Would that justify the scope of services that were being offered to clients?” She looked perplexed; I could see the worry lines etched deeply on her I decided to take the conversation further via my forehead as she looked around at the other online audience networks, and posed the teaser: participants, hoping for a divine answer. 6
  • 7. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY 7
  • 8. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY “ Someday, clients will pitch for agencies. ” Agencies run by creative minds at Orange Academy. *This quote was adapted from Toheeb Balogun’s Facebook status message.* Orange Academy/ Africa’s 1st school of Integrated Brand Experience/ The response was immediate; but I wanted a lot more contributions from industry practitioners. What were their positions on this thorny issue {ala the evolution of agencies}? The workshop turned out to be a blessing and A topic that never seemed to go away, but continually became a key resource in developing the reared its ugly head ever since “digital” became a trending twenty-eleven edition of Evolve: Agency topic in marketing + advertising circles. 5.0, which also fueled the need to develop the Future of Agency report. 8
  • 9. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY The FOA report is only the first step in In the coming months, a series of Future Of Agency sharing knowledge and resources with interactive workshops will be held across key cities in the people who are passionate about U.S., Africa, and Europe, incorporating thoughts, understanding the various nuances and suggestions, and ideas from likeminds around the world. underlying issues revolving around agencies in the marketing communications Please flip through this deck to view commentaries from industry. members of theandnetwork. You are welcome to join our online community and participate in this discussion at Enjoy the report. franklinozekhome 9
  • 10. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY Welcome to the 1st edition of the Future of Agency Report inspired by theandnetwork. 10
  • 11. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY In May 2011, I was flipping through Advertising Age’s The writer, Matthew Creamer, had successfully voiced out - “The Agency Issue”, and became intrigued with the on a global scale - what I had been shouting hoarse to byline on the cover page: industry practitioners for the past several years. Ad agencies - everywhere – were being forced to rethink! their business models as the landscape continually evolved with newer technologies, cooler brands with funkier packaging and storytelling techniques, which in turn influenced consumer perception, behaviour + preferences. If agencies did not adapt to these changes and face the realities onground, they would definitely become extinct like dinosaurs! It was only a matter of time. Fellow creative strategists - Jesse Adeniji, Fernando Palacios, Adebola Babatunde, Tunde Olaifa, and Doyin Oduwole – based in different parts of the world – New York, London, Sao Paulo, Lagos, Hamburg - come together to leverage glocal insights and offer opinions + perspectives on issues that marketing communication agencies need to address to enable them transform quickly into dynamic and enexperience brands-in-motion. 11
  • 12. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY Jesse Adeniji is a brand strategist based in London and the Principal Consultant at Jessemay Consulting. “ The picture of the future is usually developed in the dark rooms of the past and exposed in the light of the present. In the Nigerian context, we have to understand where we’re coming from, what our influences are, and use the aspirations and sweats of the present to see where we fit in the global scheme of ” things. That’s when we can bring in our own unique character into the blend. Follow @ 12
  • 13. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY The Past. Some years ago, while working as a copywriter with LTC/JWT Lagos, I was part of the Unilever brand team {consists of agency + Unilever team} on Lux, a senior colleague from the Unilever side shared with us a little red book that detailed 10 nugget points which summarizes the best practices Unilever as a company strives to attain to, in order to truly dominate their sphere in the global scheme. That ‘senior colleague’ reiterated in no small way the need for absolute confidentiality in making sure the content of the little red book stayed within the walls of the agency. She only fell short of asking us to guard the book with our very lives. 13
  • 14. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY The irony was, those 10 points were actually from Coca-Cola! And the Unilever folks figured if they can replicate Coke’s success in just about 6 critical areas, they’d be content. It was all bemusing for me. But as I couldn’t offer any concrete alternate view at that moment, I kept silent. After all, the conduct of most of the clients in Nigeria was one of we-know-better-because-we’re-the-client. But I couldn’t shake off the nagging feeling that if thousands of Coke people and their affiliates already knew about these ‘nuggets’, it couldn’t have been so ‘secret’. 14
  • 15. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY This scenario points to the strangle-hold of client on the essential information needed to get the best out of the agency for the brands they worked on. The relationship has not been one of mutual and equal colleagues working together with mutual respect. One had to swallow such indignities because the agencies relied largely on the research and insights filtering through from the clients. I believe that is a result of the lack of belief by the agencies in the notion that IDEAS are the currency of creativity. As such, no investment was considered in ground-breaking research, in being at the forefront of emergent ideas in the requisite fields. Maybe that position was engendered by the fact that most agency owners were from the client-service background and therefore, saw everything from the point of the cash register. The practice of making commissions from media and production almost completely overshadowed the real commodity expected of agencies – Ideas; partnering with the clients to deliver ground-breaking ideas for the brands to connect with the people. As such, the client had a field day picking apart the agencies. They’d call for unpaid-for pitches and countless agencies would sheepishly go there and offer away their bread and butter, hoping against all odds that they secured the business, or a slice of the account, and then ‘dream’ of recouping their ‘investments’ via the usual suspects – media and production commission. 15
  • 16. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY Only once in nine long years was an agency I worked at given a major account on the strength of works done in the past. It was always long drawn-out pitches that took the adequate care and attention off the resident brands. The continuous overdependence on commission-making when the paradigm had shifted globally definitely hurt the leading agencies and did little to differentiate them from the start-ups. Real strategic thinking wasn’t what was always on sale at pitches. It was the aesthetics of the print works! The use of proprietary tools, used to benchmark the best practices by the global ad agencies only got introduced to Nigeria in the early 2000s. It took another 5 years or so to become entrenched in the top 10 agencies. Planning/ Strategy departments only started showing up well into the mid 2000s. Even when the ‘affiliation’ craze caught on, and agencies started unburdening the component parts – Media, BTL, PR – and trying to make the core of the agency business creative, it was still all a mess. It’s not very often you see the client bewildered by the atomisation of advertising ideas, which should ordinarily be integrated and media-neutral, underscored by completely different ideas from each component units. 16
  • 17. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY The agency might tell you they operate a ‘360 degrees’ approach but rarely do they co-ordinate the component units to think as one and provide a seamless through-the-line thinking. On the flip side of all these, of course, is the peculiar nature of clients in that clime. Some foreign ones on one hand are so disdainful they kept ramming the materials developed for other markets down the throats of the Nigerian targets. A few powerful national ones, on the other hand, are populated with overbearing CMOs and brand managers. Some even go as far as to rewrite scripts and dump the copywriters behind on a TV shoot. Of course, not all of them behave this way. There were always the roses in a bush of thorns that operated like in the developed world. And those who are thoroughly professional I must say, from experience, are less than 30%. The fallout of this chaotic environment is the institutionalisation of ‘grab the cash’ mentality. Creativity and edge-of-the-row research was relegated to the background. Agency staffs disillusioned with their current predicament often resign positions to start their own agencies. Soon, they also will become more feral than their alma mater agencies. The unnecessary proliferation even makes it difficult to gain the client’s respect. That creates opportunity for some very corrupt clients to deliberately side-step established agencies to award portfolios to emergent ones in a bid to extort huge sums of kick-back from them. 17
  • 18. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY While we were at this sorry juncture in our creative history in Nigeria, South Africa was flexing its fledging muscles carting off awards at Cannes and all over the world. Some of their best hands were being poached all over Europe. They were getting worldwide accolades and recognition. South Africa joined the frontline cadre of elite nations looked up to for cutting-edge solutions to tough branding conundrums. Around this time too, Brazil, India, Korean and Japanese creative hubs were gaining global recognition by sharing honours with the entrenched European powerhouses. © “The Zimbabwean” by South African agency TBWA/Hunt/Lascaris/ 18
  • 19. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY Was that how it had always been for the South Africans? No! Graeme Butchart {}, the Creative Director I worked with at Rosabel Leo Burnett in 2005, reckoned that Nigeria was at the same cross-roads South Africa was in the 70s and that it will take the agencies making very radical change to become the pivotal point in the communication chain; using the power of ideas and revolutionary research to produce work that will change the master-servant system that existed between the Nigerian agencies and the clients in a mutually beneficial situation where both see each other as custodians of the brand, administering it to the ultimate owners, the people. Graeme Butchart 19
  • 20. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY Way back, the South African agencies suffered from a similar fate as those in Nigeria. To change the status-quo, they made good use of the resources they had to get better than the marketers and gain respect through the adoption of global standards and bold, original creativity that took elements from the local environment but executed along world-class benchmarks. That marked the beginning of their rise in the creative world. For instance, Jupiter Drawing Room, a South African agency that developed the knack for great work and independent spirit, which remains today the only agency in Africa to buy over a local arm of a global advertising concern DDB. That great act was just as spectacular as when they fired a couple of their old clients for not being compatible with the dreams and aspirations they were building. The trick they used? Repositioning the arrogant clients of the day, by being a step ahead and making them actually need the agency. Find the detail of the DDB take-over here - © Bushmills Irish Whisky ad by Jupiter Drawing Room 20
  • 21. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY Some agencies have really upped the game in Nigeria in the last 8 years. I will be forced to admit the leadership of Prima Garnet Ogilvy and Insight Communications [aka InsightGrey] in the area of rebuffing the excesses of some clients - but a lot needs to be done still as we define the basis for our global emergence. At least, no Nigerian Prima Garnet agency has won a Cannes Lion nor actually bought off a piece of any in focus global agency. Some might criticise my position on the basis of the very nature of the broader societal challenges and the need to earn a living. I admit it’s tough but I do believe there’s so much to be earned by the agency that will take the lead in redefining the cultural/creative/intellectual context of the marcomms business in Nigeria. While we struggle to grasp the nitty-gritty of the emergent ideas and convergence of technology, globalisation, innovation, the environment issue and human behavioural patterns, the agencies also need to start preparing for a new wave of change. © Total ad by Insight Communications 21
  • 22. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY Before going to publish Contagious in 2004, Kemp Robertson had held the position of VP/Global director of creative resources at Leo Burnett Worldwide. He spoke about the ‘death’ of traditional advertising and the strangle-hold the twin variables of rapid technological advancement in almost all facets of life and the human behavioural response to them. Upon my return from the Leo Burnett University The major trend was the cataclysmic shift EMEA for the 7+ Course at the tail end of 2006, I towards branded content; mobile marketing; made a presentation to the board of Rosabel, social networking; user-generated content; proposing an almost complete overhaul of the traditional model of operation, similar to what word of mouth; viral; interactive; blogs; video was happening in other parts of the world. games; retail initiatives; design innovations and emerging technologies; how all of these were strengthening the theory of convergence I had listened to Paul Kemp-Robertson, the editor of the hugely acclaimed global marketing and how the consumers were responding. intelligence magazine, Contagious. 22
  • 23. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY Digital marketing was virtually overhauling the traditional marketing techniques and the shift of advertising budget in more volumes towards the former became a proof that this wasn’t a passing fad. I told the top-guns at Rosabel that the role of agency has changed from the ‘producer of creatives’ to ‘gatekeepers of the new knowledge and digital economy’. I made it clear to them that the agency that will succeed will be the one that stood at the very edge of knowledge of the technology emerging and clearly understand how it relates to the consumers. I added that the capacity to develop media-neutral ideas with great story-telling technique across the channels will be the key to success. Bakedin: Little attention was paid to my proposal. Creating Products and Businesses That Today, we find the ‘marketing’ of brands built into Market the products themselves by the manufacturers. Themselves by They are also heavily involved in research to Alex Bogusky determine what the consumer and market trends and John Winsor are and are no strangers to the geek speak of marketing. 23
  • 24. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY Take the iPhone for instance it was a learning experience from the Mac and the iPod all rolled into mobile telephony. It also incorporated learning from games, web 2.0, social media and user-generated content and design innovation via the strategic alliance with the app design community, who have been responsible for the soar-away success of the iPhone. Microsoft, with its foray into the OS platforms for mobiles is lagging behind rather abysmally because it just can’t command the type of app base found in Apple mobile devices. As such, communication of the Apple mobile devices is just reeled like an on- going communication between friends. Not some crafty copywriting or fancy’s beyond that. It’s a connection between the brand and their way of life. It’s about offering continuous solutions to everyday problem. And the conversation carries on. This means the process of marketing communication is daily being woven into the client organisational process itself. As such, agencies must be the gatekeepers of consumer knowledge from a continuous, ongoing conversation. 24
  • 25. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY At this stage the example of Wieden + Kennedy comes to mind. It’s an agency that builds its reputation on creatively starting and maintaining conversations between brands and targets in very, very creative ways by using non-traditional marketing techniques. They also stayed at the very edge of the quickly shifting sands of technological advancement and consumer behavioural metrics. Are we at this stage in Nigeria? I think not. Today most agencies are still green on digital and social marketing. That’s despite the fact that the internet penetration density is increasing every day. 60% of all internet access done in Nigeria is via the mobile platform. Less than 10% of all marketing done involved digital and social media marketing. Almost nothing is heard of about games and location-based initiatives. Most advertisers do not have social media presence or treat the little they have as an afterthought in a country where 60% of the population are under 40. Coca-Cola just appropriated 6% of its global marketing spend to social media. That’s instructive. Ad by Wieden+Kennedy 25
  • 26. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY Ads by Wieden+Kennedy 26
  • 27. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY Leapfrog Zippity Platform/ The scenario where digital, mobile and social media is still taking baby steps says a lot about the intentions of the big agencies. In other climes, the likes of Bournvita and Milo should actually be spending big on game platforms for kids! 27
  • 28. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY The Future To understand the agency of tomorrow, we have to understand what the brand of tomorrow will look like. The brand values have changed. The engagement dynamics have changed too. The learning is continuous and rapid. I particularly like the Johan Ronnestam’s take on the shifting paradigms. I’d borrow a few leaves from him. Yesterday Brand Values Today’s Brand Values {substitute for YBV} Brand promise Brand fulfilment Offer Interactivity Control Transparency Stability Adaption Monopoly Creative Execution Brand positioning Perceived Brand Positioning Product development Fan Based Innovations Structural bindings Trust Marketing Entertainment Customers Followers 28
  • 29. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY Brand Promise to Fulfilment Before now, we spent so much time thinking about creating a large customer base by selling unique propositions. Nowadays, customers via technology, have the power to run price-runner sites, read peer reviews, blogs and swap information on the social media networks. Nothing is unique; so you’d better make sure you’re fulfilling the promise and being at the forefront of finding more ways of fulfilling future expectations. Offer to Interactivity The continuous fixation on new offers, new products and services as a one-way street will weaken your brand eventually. The future of brand development will not be about the story of the Unilever executive I had mentioned earlier. Innovation will not be the closet operation of client and agency cooking something for the atomised consumer. It will be a co- ownership between the brand people on one hand, and the consumer on the other. We will have to learn from brands like Starbucks, Dell and Zappos. See what Starbucks did with and Dell with 29
  • 30. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY Control to Transparency Dominos’ Zap Electric Car I see a lot of African brands still wanting to hide information from the public about their brands and wanting to be in control. Well, the asynchrony of social media networks and the power of Google will make mockery of that. People are having conversations on various news and social networking sites and a little error that might have gone unnoticed in the past can bring down a brand. You’ve got to join the conversation. Ryan Giggs was unmasked on Twitter despite taking out a super- injunction. Dominos Pizza obviously has taken this into account when they’re speeding up the process of replying to a consumer called @interactiveamy on Twitter. Amy Korin who had some problems with her Pizza Delivery earlier this year got answered within 24 hours. A video apology from @Ramon_DeLeon quickly solved the situation. The sheer immediacy of social media means you can’t ignore the conversation and if your brand comes out to deny an obvious situation like the Nigerian politicians are wont to do, the wildfire of scandal will spread further and affect your business. Ryan Giggs 30
  • 31. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY Stability to Adaption Open Source applications and democratisation of technology is opening up new boundaries. In the past Albums were released and a tour was used to promote them. Technology + lifestyle change has happened all that. Today, albums are released to get in on the lucrative road tours! CD sales have dropped dramatically and people Jay-Z performing at a Live nation concert no longer buy the whole album. Budding artistes can make cheap music with cheap cameras and post on YouTube. If a lot of people like their stuff, the recording labels will be knocking on their doors. That’s how the Justin Bieber legend was forged. 31
  • 32. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY Sony Ericsson, Nokia and Motorola thought mobile phone designs were the in-thing. Apple and HTC have unseated them by simply democratising ownership with their community of app developers. Within 5 years, you’d be able to print LEGO from your 3D printer at home at the cost of a printed paper. Would LEGO own the right to a 3D printout? Your guess is as good as mine. The brand of the future will be the one that can adapt and wound its way around emergent technology and human behaviour. Ethical and environmental issues are the ones for today. We await the complexities of tomorrow. We all know even work has changed from what you do to who you are. 32
  • 33. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY Monopoly to Creative Execution We all have to own up to an emergent fact – Nothing can be owned. The amazing level of parity is levelling out real advantages, including the economic need to merge. What is the difference between a top of the range HTC phone and an iPhone? Little. There’s virtually nothing you can do on one that you can’t do on another. The edge one might have over the other, of course, is in the creative execution. How do you package your products and services? How do you communicate? How do you entertain us? How do you stay fun to be with? How can you make our day better? Focus on the values that makes us talk about your brand - in a positive way. 33
  • 34. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY Brand Positioning to Perceived Brand Positioning Quite a lot of consumers already know what they want from a brand by doing their own research online {that’s the reason why most website strategies still revolve round providing a whole gamut of information regarding the brand and socially optimizing them}, talking to their friends and loved ones, reading peer reviews, and generally shopping around for opinion. That’s irrespective of how much you spend ‘positioning’ your brand. In effect, people enter a relationship with Maarten Schafer, CoolBrands: Using storytelling to bridge your brand based on what others say about you – not the gap between brand identity and brand perception what you say. A study of the Brian Solis social flower model will help see if you’re getting a favourable share of voice out there by starting a conversation. Your brand needs to distribute its marketing, provide content, and applications free to stimulate preference via the voices of millions of targets in regular conversations out there – the very voices that will be decisive to how you’re perceived. 34
  • 35. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY Product Development to Fan Based Innovations The iPhone became successful because of the army of fans who loved it so much they started creating applications to make it better. sells t-shirts made by the visitors to their website. Nike Air designs are done online by the fans and sold to them in return. We are in the age of crowdsourcing where people from different backgrounds and locations work together online to finish a project. Millions of folks maintain and update the Wikipedia site for free. Smart brands reach out and deliver tools that make the brand and the fans become co-creators of future products. Foursquare, the location based business social media platform and Facebook’s modifications have largely been achieved by our collective behavioural patterns tracked over time. 35
  • 36. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY Structural Bindings to Trust Many brands, especially in telecoms and financial services, bind customers into long and medium-term contracts. One example of the absurdity of that practice is the Telcos. The rate at which technology changes will see a customer’s phone and services obsolete by the time the contract ends. That will be one angry and vindictive customer. The European Union just passed a law restricting this kind of practice. Beyond the power of laws, the brand will be actively breeding haters and disgruntled customers that will say all sorts of negative things on the social media networks and to their friends. Plusnet, a telco in the Yorkshire area of the UK, is now offering no-contract offers. That’s the future. Even the government of the UK is putting more laws in place to make sure customers can switch bank accounts very easily. Future brands will be built on relations, trust and loyalty of the BRAND to the customer. I see a lot of Nigerian promos running with the idea that they’re ‘rewarding’ the loyalty of their customers. That’s funny. 36
  • 37. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY Marketing to Entertainment I will quote Johan Ronnestam here. His description is so enlightening and thought provoking. Read him: “Tick tock tick tock tick tock. Can you sense it? The pure thought of a time makes people stressed. Time is the most precious thing we have and yet brands are wasting it. In a recent global study I was involved in we identified four factors that matters to guys and girls in the age-span 18-25. The study was performed in so-called style cities: New York, Rio De Janeiro, Stockholm, Berlin, London, Tokyo, Hong Kong etc. Innovation, entertainment, interactivity and creativity. The two that stood out the most was entertainment and innovation. One kid said - “I’m bored so if I’m supposed to choose a brand I will choose the one that entertains me and adds something to my life.” A guy in Tokyo said - “If I’m supposed to show up with a pair of new sneakers to school I’d like © Johan Ronnestam them to be different than anyone else's”. Your brand has to stay on it’s toes. If you are into making cars you’re not only competing with other car manufactures, you’re competing with time too. If I am to interact with any kind of communication coming out from your company it better livens up my day. If not I’ll go somewhere else!”. Enough said. 37
  • 38. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY Customers to Followers The power shift has moved to consumers. They can chose what to do with your brand information, whether to listen or not. If you don’t get their attention, they simply flip you over with a click. The customer era is over. You only have temporary followers. If I like you I will follow you on Twitter or add you on Facebook. If your values aren’t in sync with me, I’ll use the ‘unfriend’ button. It’s that simple. You can measure this sort of behaviour by looking at the variety of mobile phones you’ve used in the past 3 years. Now, you get the picture? People can now compare everything online from bank transfers to car rental charges to insurance. All you have to do is head to or drop by Your customer is now your client. He can say good-bye far easier than was ever thought possible. 38
  • 39. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY So, back to the question: What is the agency of the future? behavioural pattern of the targets and apply the requisite solution via whatever channel that meets the The reason for delving into this analysis about the changing dynamics - branded content; mobile brands of the future is to enable us better understand marketing; social networking; user-generated content; the requirements that are currently needed by word of mouth; viral; interactive; blogs; video games; agencies to evolve, satisfy clients and wow customers; retail initiatives; design innovations and environmental and discuss the best ways to prepare for the future. issues. I believe the agency of the future will be the one that becomes a GATEKEEPER of the knowledge of the brand, the emergent technology, and the evolving Intel Retail Kiosk concept by Frog Design 39
  • 40. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY That, I believe this should be an on-going and continuous effort that requires agencies to invest in ‘innovation- hubs’ and develop people with capacity to anticipate and plan strategy across multi-disciplinary platforms. More importantly, the agency has to be a leader of knowledge and in the minimum, stand shoulder to shoulder with the clients. That core of manpower, I am afraid is in limited supply in Nigeria for now. It’s a huge paradigm shift but one that can bring great rewards – awards and wealth. Verizon Beatbox Mixer by R/GA Aquaduct by IDEO 40
  • 41. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY Tunde Olaifa is Associate Director, Brand Management with Prima Garnet Ogilvy.s. “ In the future, the agency as we know it now will be looked at in awe and disbelief, the same way we look at dinosaurs now. That does not take away from the fact that organizations and individuals will not require advertising as they do now, but only brand solution providers (I hesitate to call them agencies) that ” evolve would be around to meet their marketing communication needs. Follow on Twitter @ablackjamesbond 41
  • 42. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY It is clearly a case of ‘Do as I say, but don’t do as I do’. Most agencies are the apostles of change and they preach the gospel of how rapidly the world is changing to their clients but they themselves have refused to react to those changes. © iGadget Life Every day, tools that enable consumers and advertisers to generate their own content are being introduced into the marketplace. In the future, user generated content (and this includes advertising) would have matured to a level where quality of output will rival those currently being provided by Agencies [So out goes some of the competitive edge). The world is changing so fast that agencies, by the very nature of what they do and their business models, simply can’t keep up with the frenetic pace of change. Agencies as we know them now haven’t © Edelman Digital changed fundamentally in their operations and business models in almost 80 years. Now compare that reluctance to change to the pace of change in the media environment, traditional and modern, that agencies operate in and you will see that agencies have not even left the dock. 42
  • 43. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY YouTube and Vimeo continue to breed a new generation of movie makers and TV producers. The DIY culture is on the rise and can only get stronger. Social network sites are redefining market spaces and marketing and more and more, consumers are starting to realize how powerful they are and sooner than later, will wrest power and control from the advertisers. Advertisers now know that some of the services that agencies used to charge them for can be handled directly by their own people. Media commission which is a main source of income for most agencies, especially in these parts, is being negotiated out of the hands of the agencies and a lot of clients are buying media directly. This trend will definitely continue in the future. 43
  • 44. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY As marketers begin to seek ways to connect with future consumers who are already hyper connected and over- informed today, the scene doesn’t look too good for today’s agencies that seem to be stuck in the past. The traditional ways of speaking to consumers will become obsolete as these consumers continue to actively seek out what they want to see and read and weed out what they don’t want {the tools to screen out ads would have been firmly placed in the consumers’ hands anyway}. Brands that understand these shifts in paradigm will realize that the existing agency structure, knowhow and business model can neither sustain nor support their The 3D Agency and Nike Town “Write the Future” 3D Sculptures marketing objectives. 44
  • 45. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY Hence, they will begin to look for a new type of brand solutions provider who I suspect will be a mutated cross between what we know today as a hot shop and a management consultancy; nimble, smart, lean and most importantly, respected. Nike platforms by R/GA 45
  • 46. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY These agencies will be nimble and lean not because they are small but because they have processes and practices that deliver faster. As a matter of fact, there probably will be bigger and fewer agency networks in the future because I personally do not think the forces of convergence and globalization are slowing down by any means. Hence, we would see a lot of lifting and shifting [of knowledge and best practices] amongst members of a network. These agencies will be smart because they will charge differently. They will realize that their compensation will be based on the value they bring to the client’s businesses and not on number of hours clocked, their creative or ideas or the media volume they buy. They will determine what they want to earn and will negotiate with Clients as partners and not suppliers. Finally, the agency of the future will be respected. They will be respected because they know their stuff and are truly in tune with the consumer, the marketplace, the brand and the changing world around them. So when they speak, the client listens! 46
  • 47. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY Fernando Palacios is the Autor at Storytellers based in Sao Paulo. “ I’m someone who was an insider and now an astronaut. Advertising and Digital agencies in Brazil don't earn from ideas, they profit from buying media. The creative pieces come as in a package. However there’s a shift going on. Simple ads are losing their power. More and more agencies are putting effort into creating interesting + relevant content. And ” when advertising talks about content, it must ensure entertainment. Otherwise people will just ignore it. Follow @ 47
  • 48. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY Content + Entertainment can be done in many ways. One can make a bet in sports, as Red Bull does. One can also convey the message in a more orchestrated way: STORYTELLING. Storytelling can tell anything just by showing it, in a very emotional way. Storytelling can create struggles and counterpoints to explore each corner of a message making it much more persuasive. There's only one problem towards storytelling: It requires a lot of craft, including a rare know-how and development time. The author must be able to see the story by its most appealing angle. They’ll also need the skill to tell it in the most seductive way. 48
  • 49. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY The other side of the coin about storytelling is that it competes against other stories. In this scenario, agencies who crave prizes will go to Cannes Festival, but won't be looking for golden lions anymore. The Sphinx’s question is this: how the agencies can be deep in storytelling when working along corporate deadlines? After all, even a book takes over a year from the idea to the shelves. A movie can take up to three years. My guess: brands will have their storytelling specialists to gather inside stories while agencies will grow their own fictional universe. All agencies will become a Marvel or a Pixar of sorts. Thus, agencies will lend their Michael Moore is awarded the Palme characters to make the brands’ stories shine brighter: as bright as a d’Or in 2004 – the highest prize at the Palme d’Or. Cannes Film Festival which is presented to the director of the best feature film. 49
  • 50. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY Babatunde Adebola is a young creative talent who combines strategic thinking with creative artistry. He was recently awarded the prized Lurzer Archive Scholarship to the Miami Ad School Europe in Hamburg. “ Readers Manual: Well, you actually do not need any manual. This article is in this weird form, first as a simple entertaining quiz and second to pass the message of new thinking. Read on, it is in English Language but with a twist. ” Follow @ 50
  • 51. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY “New Thikning, New Futrue! As you’re reanidg tihs, the wrietr can raed waht is on yuor mnid. You are msot liekly thkining, at fsirt glnace, tihs atricle is flul of tpoygraphyical mistaeks. How rihgt are you? Verily, how wrnog you are! The wdors taht maeks the brcik taht builds tihs piece hvae intentiolanly and rebellisouly too appreaed in tihs form in odrer to conrofm to the denamds of tiems and ineedd psas viatl meassge. Lietrarily and laetrally, the wrold in chnaging and the wrod canont be an execption. The innevtion of the prinnitg psers in 1440 by Gutenberg chganed the way ppeole perceived thier wrold. For the vrey fisrt tmie, his wrok mdae it psosible for the precise and rpaid crteaion of meatl movbale tpye in lrage qunatities. This mechnaizatoin led to the fisrt mass pdoruction of bkoos in histroy in asmesbly line-stlye. 51
  • 52. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY As scuh, in the insudtrial age, the wtirten wrod was knig. The riegning thuoght was ratiolanity, factuality which is ineedd influenced by the loicgal order in which letters fololw ecah other in an accetapble patretn in wrod fortamion. Are you still redaing? If yes, then you’re aldeary living in the first dedace of the etomional age whcih has nullified the acnient asmusptions of the abvoe paragparh. According to the research at the Cambridge University, it doesn’t matter in what order the letters in a word are. The only important thing is for the first and the last letter to be in the right place. The rest can be in a total mess and you can still read it without a problem. This is because the human mind doesn’t read every letter by itself but by the word as a whole. 52
  • 53. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY Now, you’ll aprepciate why this arcitle is in this form. It is time we bkroe losoe from the dogtamic asmusption of the insudtrial age. Our mnid is not structured to perceive our wrold the way the wriettn wrod forces it to, unisg synatx and otehr rleus. Our mnid attempts to gian understdaning of the wrold by ctapuring imgeas and that is why the oredr in which of letters apeapr in a word doesn’t afceft yuor understdaning as lnog as the pciture of the wrod it. Wehn you wree a bbay (and if you can’t rceall ask mmumy) you as saw our wrold, you we semlt its scnet, you flet its txeture berofe you bgean the lnearing of lnaguage-sopken or wirtten. Picutres spaek mroe to us tahn wdors. Can we theerfore sezie to annonuce the obiutary of the wrod? The speaicl edioitn of the Econosimt, the wolrd in 2011, precidted taht this yaer may be the benigning of the end for the writetn wrods as we know it. Words are failnig-woefully to meet the communicaoitn challenges of 21 century. In a hyepr wrold where atnettion is the scarcest comdomity, assimilation of wrods take tmie we can’t afrofd to wsate. We theerfore mkae a sesne eevn mroe sesne-of our environnemt respdoning instinctviely to pictoairl commniucation. 53
  • 54. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY Are you stlil reanidg? If yes, then this is a graet opportniuty to bulid csae for emotnoial commniucation in bnard builindg efftors. Jsut as toady’s rdiao broadcasnitg scremas mroe muisc lses tlak, toady’s advertinisg sholud showcsae mroe enaggnig pictures less wodrs. Trhee is hoewver a cavaet: not a picrutes commniucation. Only picrutes that are inritguing that can tseae the vieewrs to maeks new concentions and new maening will hvae a susatinbale impact on conmusers. For instacne, these words you are readnig have seized to be the noraml bornig wrods you hvae been uesd to. Ratehr, tsehe wrods you’re raeding are picutres. Ratehr, tsehe wrods you’re raeding are picutres. They subnocsciously make you form new maening of the inirtguing scattenirgs of the lettres. Taht way, they are cut thurogh the clutetr; they lveae a lastnig imppresion on you. Infact, one can precidt rithgly that you’ll srahe this eepxrience with a friend. Imanige if brand communication has this much impact on csonumers, imanige waht the rerutn on investnemt will be. 54
  • 55. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY © 2015: Future of media One mjaor mitsake we mdae is to beeilve csonumers are dlul; that if our bnard commniucaoitn is submilanil, inritguing or puzznilg jsut as tihs comuln is, the mesgase will be lsot. Are you slitl rdeaing? If yes, then this assumtipon is clearly wnorg. We all love firend who tell us intellinegt joeks becsaue new lreaning mkae new concenitons in the biran thereby making such epexrience unroftegtable. In the begnniing was the wrod but in the new yaer, let’s egnage our csonumers more etomionally-a ltitle mroe pciuters wlil hlep for tehy sepak mroe than thsee thousands of wodrs. 55
  • 56. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY Doyin Oluwole is the Principal Consultant of BrandCentuate based in Lagos. “ I remember vividly, five years ago, during one of our weekly executive committee meetings (EXCOM) at Insight, that Kayode Situ, the Executive Director, Finance and Systems had declared that we were consultants and not agents. As expected, he had gone on to state his case, which was in no way questionable. For certain reasons, ‘force majore’ maybe, it did not fly. However, it had taken the ED Finance to help me see the path through the maze ” that had bedeviled the industry for years. To explain in detail, permit me to tell a true life story. 56
  • 57. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY Agency Bitters I had again woken up on that fateful day to the loud, croaky and irritating voice of a ‘preacher’ attempting to sing with a megaphone. I just about had it. I was going straight to him to give him a good tongue-lashing. His daily ‘godly’ routine was of nuisance value to me. I had struggled enough with myself, with not ‘putting down a brother’ that was ‘propagating the gospel’, but it wasn’t working anymore. I was through with swinging between my Christian bias and my true feelings. Suddenly it struck me. Going out to shout him down and probably smash his megaphone into bits wasn’t going to do it. I would have been the ‘devil’s advocate’ finally revealed. I had to look deeper into the key issues, of the message, the preacher, the medium and the receiver. After much thought, it was cracked. On my way out, I walked up to him calmly and we had a short, brotherly chat. © 57
  • 58. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY I remember telling him a little story (I’ve always believed in story telling because they last forever) about how preachers for decades, (I remembered clearly the early ‘70s) always went about ringing bells as they shouted their lungs sore, preaching to us the ‘children of men’. I guess the only target market for bells then were schools and preachers. The ringing bells always carried an air of reverence and power. Listeners never took them for granted. The message always hit home. However, over the years, technology and familiarity (yes, familiarity that always breeds contempt) had their day in the sun. The preachers, both old and young (with the new- wave believers, popularly known as ‘SU’s) deferred to convenience and technology by adopting the megaphone. They no longer had to shout, lose their voice or battle exhaustion. They could preach for longer and could be heard farther. So, the megaphone was the ‘new medium’, the magic tool, the power tool, the current tool, the appealing tool. It appealed to the receiver, took the stress off the preacher and gave the message new opportunities, like room for singing. 58
  • 59. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY But again, that was a long time ago. Probably close to four decades. Technology and familiarity had taken their place in the sun one more time. Something had to give. The medium was stale, denying the message new opportunities. The receiver was bored and had gotten to the state of indifference, in my own case, irritation. Unfortunately, he, the messenger was stuck in a time warp and had no clue of advancement and goings-on. He therefore had no understanding of his position in the scheme of things. I believe the message hit home because he thanked me gladly. I then proceeded to suggest strategies based on ‘new media’ that would connect with the receiver, open up new channels of opportunity to the message and make the most impact. End of story. Now back to Kayode Situ: What he ‘preached’ (just as our Apostle John de Villiers taught and practiced as the former ECD of Insight) was that as long as there is a message for the receiver, there will always be a preacher- either misinformed, uninformed, ill-informed or well informed. 59
  • 60. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY Martin Lindstrom As long as there is science and technology, every medium will constantly change, opening new doors of opportunities to the message. Also, as long as all these factors exist, there will always be ‘gifted, learned and skilled’ preachers that will create messages that align with any relevant and current medium, for the receiver. I remember clearly that before the ‘Agencies’ started off design, events, experiential, ambient styling, sponsorship, media and the like, as separate businesses, they (agencies) handled everything. I mean every kind of message, through every kind of medium, to every kind of receiver. Whatever name is given to our business today, be it advertising, branding or Ideas creation, it all dovetails into our root name, our DNA, our family name, our all-encompassing essence; INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS (IMC). I dare say that because we are very learned in a field so eclectic, building individuals and businesses into enduring global brands in more ways than one, we are CONSULTANTS. Tom Peters 60
  • 61. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY © Therefore, we are IMC CONSULTANTS. The name ‘Advertising’ may become obsolete and die. The structures and approach may become extinct in the next three days, but the ‘learned preachers’ will forever remain, to be called by other names, built into other structures and driven by other approaches. ‘Learned’ preachers will not swim against the tide of technology, advancement and new value systems, which are some of the determinant factors of our business. I believe they will swim with the tide and evolve with new thinking, strategies, skills and practices that stand on three legs. relevant, effective and fresh. In conclusion, the learned strategists, creatives and client service experts (they all make up the preacher) will always remain, always evolving with the constantly changing medium and receiver. 61
  • 62. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY Outro “ Agencies must be bold enough to 'disrobe' themselves from the agent mentality, revolutionize their business models, and embed hybrid-thinking principles + innovation lab culture within their organizations. ” This will go a long way to transform the mindset of marketers toward agencies. Franklin Ozekhome II is a trendspotter, strategist and storyteller based in New York. 62
  • 63. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY Eight key principles to adopt 1. Understudy the environment 5. Have an open-mind/open-door policy Analyse the business environment, market Be prepared to give criticism as well as take it. dynamics and interpret consumer trends Listen to input and contributions from everyone – every idea should be allowed the benefit of doubt 2. Innovate…Always Adopt a business-in-beta model. Design a creative 6. Have integrity operational service structure that is fluid and easily adapted Build trust, honesty, and be consistent to suit socio-economic/political/ technological changes 7. Design great experiences 3. Differentiate Go beyond mere servicing clients to creating Have a point of view. Your agency must have a unique wow! experiences and value at every touchpoint culture, personality and values that are properly reflected in its creative output, environment, and people. 8. Invest in the Future of Innovation reports curated by theandnetwork with partners across the world 4. Engage with clients and consumers Be inspiring to your target market by leading them. Be social by taking an interest in what they do and participating in ventures that they are passionate about 63
  • 64. franklinozekhome presents FUTURE OF AGENCY About theandnetwork theandnetwork is a gathering of likeminds who understand the present + future needs and wants of consumers and appreciate the application of strategic planning to enhance creativity, advertising and marketing of brands. The "and" in “theandnetwork” stands for co-ideation, co-creation, co-operation, collaboration, community, and co- working. It represents our way of thinking: Future Tense…Never-ending…Always beta. Collectively, we co-create cool stuff; collaborate on new projects; and develop engagement platforms that act as alternate guides and models for businesses and knowledge-seekers looking for materials and resources in the areas of pop-culture and entertainment, digital media, social innovation programs, experience branding and social influence marketing. Feel free to download and share this resource with your own network. Ideas are contributed daily on our group’s page at 64
  • 65. references Thanks goes to the following individuals, organizations, blogs and websites for citation of their original materials and use of photos: Insight Communications Contagious Magazine Matthew Creamer Wieden+Kennedy Martin Lindstrom Orange Academy Toheeb Balogun theandnetwork® Edelman Digital Advertising Age Marketing Edge The Economist FastCompany CoolBrands frog design Tom Peters Tim Brown Creativity BrandZ Droga5 TBWA TIME IDEO R/GA
  • 66. A franklinozekhome® e-report! FUTURE OF AGENCY INSPIRED BY theandnetwork™/SUPPORTED BY Identiture®