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OCR G324 Advanced Production
PALMER, Joshua
Aquinas College
Question 1 - How does your
 product use, develop and
 challenge conventions of
     real media texts?
Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and
1            challenge conventions of real media texts
    In order to get an understanding and plan my soap trailer,
    I decided to carry on some research on the ‘history of
    soap operas’. This allowed me to channel the conventions
    into my final piece making it as professional as possible.

                            Main Conventions

    • There is always a central place that the soap is based around. For
    example, The Rovers Return in coronation street.
    • Position the camera to make a fourth wall.
    • Lots of extreme close up lingering shots to show the emotion of
    • A dilemma in each episode in order to capture the viewer to
    watch again next episode.
    • Consistency of realism or parody; by this I mean that you would
    not expect ‘Downton Abby’ to suddenly have an extremely comical
    episode as it would cheapen the image.
Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and
1                 challenge conventions of real media texts
                   -How does my soap conform to the conventions?

    TITLE CARDS              EXTREME CLOSE UP             End title card showing
                                                          name of show, time it is to
                                                          be aired and channel.
                                                          (Following e4 style guide).

     CLOSE UP               HIGH ANGLE SHOT

Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and
1              challenge conventions of real media texts
              -How does my soap conform to the conventions?

                           Filmed in passage
                           covered with tree’s
                           therefore we had to find
                           the perfect spot where
                           there was enough
                           natural light. This adds
OVER THE SHOULDER          realism to the sequence.        EXTREME CLOSE UP.
      SHOT.                                           More of a shadow on Sam’s
                                                      face as he is playing the “bad

                    Minimal makeup to create
                    realism, also fitting in with
                      the genre of my soap.
Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and
1                      challenge conventions of real media texts
    -Similarities and differences between my media product and a real media product.

                                                         -I have added title cards in between
                                                         each scenario to help reinforce what
                    Similarities                         each part is about.
-Program based on a small group of people.               - Each story line is very dramatic.
- Type of music shown reflects the visuals in the
- To start off there are conversations between
characters to show the storyline, then as the music
drops or reaches maximum volume and tempo there                                   Cross blur
are quick edits of each character on there own.
                                                                                  transition moving
- Stereotypes used in the type of clothing worn to
reflect personality.                                                              the sequence
- Transitions on the beat of the song – thought beats.                            from Shad to
- Similar young target audience.                                                  Harriet's phone is
                                                                                  exactly on the
                                                                                  beat (guitar
Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and
1         challenge conventions of real media texts

                 As you can see the title cards from Made
                 In Chelsea are simply black and white,
                 which makes them look very sharp and
                 clean cut; this reflects the glamour
                 aspect of the program. On the other
                 hand FRESHERS is a lot more rebellious
                 and catered for a slightly younger
                 audience. This is shown by my use of
                 colours making them look quite fun and
                 eye catching. Even though I may have
                 changed the colour of the title card I
                 have kept the consistency with the size
                 and font of the text in order to keep it
                 looking professional. By having the title
                 cards it helps guide the audience
                 through the trailer and letting them
                 know what is happened in the storyline.
Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and
1         challenge conventions of real media texts
                -What makes your trailer a Soap Opera?

                         CLOSE UP


                  EXTREME CLOSE UP


                       Title card to end
                     showing brand, date
                      of air and program

Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and
1                        challenge conventions of real media texts

    Similarities                                                Differences
    -The framing of both these shots are the                    - On the misfits screenshot the actor is
    same with the actor in the centre.                          being focused on by the camera; you can
    - The shot type – both using a close up.                    see this by looking at the blurry
                                                                surroundings. I did not want to do this as I
                                                                wanted to make it clear to the audience
                                                                that Sam was stood outside in a passage.

                In this shot instead of the actor looking away I wanted him looking straight into
                the camera in order to show the audience his emotions and serious nature
                through his eye contact.
Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and
1                  challenge conventions of real media texts

    -Both using an over the shoulder shot
    positioned in such a way where the actor     In the FRESHERS trailer there is a
    that is being focused on is in a medium      natural source of light coming from
    close up.                                    the left of the frame however in the
    -Background visible in order to instantly    skins trailer it is a lot more dull and
    see where the event is happening. In the     definitely artificially lit. The dullness
    skins trailer in a bedroom (poster) and      will reflect the mood of the scenario.
    then outside for FRESHERS (brick wall).
    -Medium close up helps show emotion
    on the characters faces, this confirms how
    they truly feel; the audience can clearly
    see this.
Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and
1                      challenge conventions of real media texts

    -The FRESHERS shot is lit by lights inside the room whereas the Hollyoaks shot’s light comes from
    natural light.
    - A lot of shadows in the Hollyoaks shot – this is because ‘Justin’ is up to no good therefore darkness and
    shadow creates a sense of eeriness.
    -There are a lot of props and clutter surrounding the Hollyoaks stars however in the FRESHERS trailer
    there is nothing in sight, this suggests to a viewer that the conversation could be serious as there are no
    distractions which allows you to concentrate purely on the facial expressions.
             Similarities                                               Both using two-shots however the shot for
-Both Hollyoaks and FRESHERS using a                                    FRESHERS is a long shot instead of a medium
two-shot with the characters quite                                      shot. I have done this so you can clearly see
central in the frame                                                    how JP is sat on the sofa. He is sat in a
-Both are set in what it seems to be a                                  stereotypical homosexual way therefore
home, one set in a kitchen and another                                  showing his whole body gets this across to
in a living room, shown to the viewer                                   the viewer as quick as possible – this being
with the sofa being in shot.                                            imperative in a short trailer.
Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and
   1                        challenge conventions of real media texts

-What messages do you locations and costumes send to the audience about the class and status of the characters

                       Costume/Props                               Looking at the locations that reoccur in both Skins
  One of the characters in FRESHERS is called JP, he is a          and FRESHERS; it is clear to see that both soap operas
  young male who is just coming out that he is a                   represent a similar class of people. Both include what
  homosexual. In order to show is homosexuality in the             seems to be an average sized houses and the clothing
  quickest concise way we decided to choose his costume            worn in both are of similar style; casual day to day
  very carefully fitting in with many stereotypes. On the          wear. Taking all this into account I think that both
  trailer JP is wearing faded skinny jeans, a bright pink polo     soap operas represent the middle and working class.
  shirt tucked into his jeans, two earrings and a pair of
  glasses. We decided to all this so that it would come
  across to the viewer very quickly without JP actually having   Another program similar to FRESHERS is Skins; in this
  to state that he was a homosexual. Especially in a trailer     there is a character called Naomi and she is also a
  for any sort of soap opera, movie, documentary it is           homosexual. Below is an image of how she would
  imperative you get your point across quickly as they are       normally dress when appearing on screen. As you can
  only going to last for around 60 seconds on the TV or          see she has the stereotypical short hair, minimal make-
  YouTube etc.                                                   up and baggy clothes. Her costume is chosen to match
                                                                 up with how she acts etc; for example in the program
                                                                 Naomi stereotypically enjoys watching football which is
                                                                 seen as a slightly manly thing to do. Once again

Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and
 1                            challenge conventions of real media texts
- Do the lighting, props, locations and costumes reinforce audience expectations about your programme?
  In this scenario in the FRESHERS trailer it was imperative we got the
  location perfect as it was the “drug dealing” scene. We knew that this
  needed to take place outside otherwise it would not have looked realistic
  as there would be too much light and not enough risk of being caught.
  We chose to do it in a dark passage with just natural light, this worked
  very well, fitting into the stereotype that a lot of ‘things’ can happen in a
  dark passage/ally-way. This made the viewers on edge as they naturally
  no that crime is very high in these sorts of places.

                                                          Props                                                   Lighting
                                  In the “drug dealing” scene we used migraine relief        In this scene there is a lot of shadow around
                                  tablets in a small plastic bag to resemble a bag of        Grimmers’ face this made him look more dark and
                                  pills; this was our main prop and on camera it came        mysterious. This is the ambience we wanted to
                                  off very effectively and realistically. (view health and   surround this character as he was up to no good
                                  safety video for detail).                                  and in fact a drug dealer. Also it allowed us to
                                       Costume                                               contrast with his girlfriend Mon who is simply
                                                                                             innocent therefore when she is on screen we
In the scene where Grimmers is persuading Mon to take drugs we had to choose the
                                                                                             positioned her in such a way that there is plenty of
costumes carefully. We decided to make Grimmers wear all black; consisting of black
                                                                                             light on her face.
jeans, hat, jacket and tee shirt. This was done to fit in with the stereotype that ‘chavs’
who are strongly associated with drugs always seem to wear dark clothing no matter
the weather or circumstance. We also made the peak of his hat point slightly
downwards covering a bit of his face and creating shadows. This made him look
slightly more menacing as his whole face could not be seen and the ‘unknown’ is
usual a scary thought. The choice of this costume was all very important because it
made the viewer make an assumption that this character would not be up to no good
before he even got the drugs out of his pocket. On the other hand it also allowed us
to create the ‘badboy’ assumption and then surprise the viewer by him having the
total opposite personality and mannerisms as his stereotype; we did not go down
this route but that may have been an option.
Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and
1         challenge conventions of real media texts
               - Evaluating an existing E4 trailer

                                   At this point in the trailer (image below) the party
                                   seems to be getting worse and things seem to
                                   going wrong because of the drug use. In this
                                   screenshot there is a body lying in a bath = a
                                   shocking image which is reinforced by the
                                   crescendo in the music. Tension is built and then
                                   silence at the end with this shot above to leave an
                                   eerie lingering sense of shock in the viewers

                              Uses the song “Roads” by the artist Portshead.
                              This song is a very slow, chilled song, this
                              relates the effect you may have whilst on
                              drugs. Fitting in with the mise en scene in this
                              shot where you can clearly see a bunch of
                              teenagers at a party.
Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and
1                         challenge conventions of real media texts
                       - How my piece of music worked for my trailer – FRESHERS
                                                         I thought this song worked very well throughout the
                                                         trailer; I realised that I needed a song featuring strings
                                                         and a soft tone in order to get the emotions across to
                                                         the viewer. The song starts off upbeat and then drops
                                                         in tempo and finally back to being upbeat. Also what
                                                         attracted me to using this song was that the beats
                                                         were very distinctive and spaced the right amount of
                                                         time apart so that I could make sure each transition
                                                         was on the beat. It was quite fiddly and needed to be
                                                         done on Imovie however it was not to hard as the
                                                         beats were very clear.

As this shot comes on screen on the trailer the
music starts to slow down and there is more of a
melodramatic tone in comparison to the upbeat
start of the music. This is fitting as it is when Shad
comes in the room to find that her sister has ran
away; the slowing of the music highlights what is
going on in the scene for the reader therefore
making the whole scenario seem more emotional
and shocking.
Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and
1                   challenge conventions of real media texts
                         -Creating are character names

Once we decided that our show was going to similar to the likes of
skins and misfits we started to do some research into the
characters that appear in these sorts of shows.
After some research we realised that a lot of the character names
were nicknames of some sort. For example in Skins there is a
character called Cook, Jay-Jay and Freddy; none of these being full
names. This is done to make the program seem realistic as people of      Elizabeth Stonem’s
the targeted audience (16-20 year olds) within a friendship group do     nickname being
                                                                         Effy in Skins. Letter ‘E’
not normally call each other by there full names whether it just be
                                                                         out of Effy coming
‘Josh’ short for ‘Joshua’.                                               from her first name.

In FRESHERS one of the characters is called JP simply because his real
name is Joshua Palmer, this is a nickname and it is very catchy
and concise – a name that will stick with the viewers very easily. By
using the convention of nicknames for our final product the characters
names were as follows: JP, Mon, Grimmers, Shad, Hal & Soph.
Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and
1                 challenge conventions of real media texts
                         -Characters of FRESHERS

                                              Sam/Grimmers – Drug Dealer
                                    Grimmers is quite a mysterious character in the
                                    programme who comes across rather moody
                                    and always seems up to no good. In the trailers
                                    for FRESHERS he is forcing his girlfriend Mon to
                                    take some drugs; this causes a lot of conflict
                                    between the two as Mon is a girl who hardly
                                    puts a foot out of line.

            Mon – Grimmers’ Girlfriend
Mon comes across as quite a shy person who can
be easily overpowered and manipulated. This is
taken full advantage of by her drug dealer
boyfriend Grimmers. She always seems very
frightened of Grimmers because he seems to
change a lot when he is under the influence of
drugs – this scares her.
Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and
1                     challenge conventions of real media texts
                                 -Characters of FRESHERS
                                                                          Josh – JP
                                                  JP has been best friend with Soph for a number of
                                                  years now as they went to the same secondary school
                                                  however he has never told her his little secret. The
                                                  secret being he is a homosexual – only now has he
                                                  came out to her about it as he has now plucked up the
                                                  courage to tell her. In the actual trailer for FRESHERS
                                                  he tells Soph, this creates a little bit of conflict as Soph
                                                  would have expected to be told ages ago as soon as
                                                  he knew himself

                       Sophie – Soph
Soph is JP’s best friend, they do everything together
whether it be go shopping together or go out in town
together clubbing. They are basically inseparable, the best
of friends. In the trailer JP confesses to Soph that he is gay
and that he has been “seeing guys for a while”; this creates
some tension between them as Soph is slightly annoyed
that he has been hiding it from her, she feels slightly let
down by her best friend.
Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and
1                      challenge conventions of real media texts
                                  -Characters of FRESHERS
                                                             Hal – The runaway teen
                                                Hal has been struggling at home for a while now, her
                                               mum and dad have just split up and everything seems to
                                               be going wrong; the divorce, exams, arguments with her
                                               sister and boys – typical problems faced in the life of a
                                               college girl. In the trailer we see Hal about to runaway,
                                               she leaves a small letter on the kitchen side for her little
                                               sister informing her that she has gone. Later on you see
                                               her at the train station ready to go with her bag in hand.

Shad – Hal’s sister
Shad is the younger sister of Hal’s, at the moment
there has been a lot of arguing and bickering
between them two due to the circumstances
surrounding the family at this moment in time. In
the trailer Shad is the one who finds the note off
her sister telling her that she has left, this is very
hard for her as she doesn't want to lose her only
sibling no matter how much they fight.
Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and
1                    challenge conventions of real media texts
                                  LOCATION 1 - Kitchen

Shad is wearing quite dull clothes (browns and dark
maroons), this could be to match the mood of this part of
the trailer. Shad has just read a letter from her sister
informing her that she has ran away.

                                                            Mise en scene – clearly in a kitchen as in
                                                            the background we can see a toaster, a
                                                            fridge and Shad is sat around a table.
Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and
 1                    challenge conventions of real media texts
                                   LOCATION 2 - Lounge

             Neutral coloured wallpaper and no ‘flash’ objects in sight
             therefore fitting to the conventions of an average university
             students household.

Soft lighting coming from
either corner brightening
up the shot. Making the
scene look more realistic
as the light looks to be
coming from a lampshade
which would typically be
in a lounge/living area.
                                      Framing – two shot (wide angle) – this
                                      type of shot makes the viewer feel like
                                      they are involved in the scene and
                                      somewhat close to JP and Soph.
Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and
 1                      challenge conventions of real media texts
                                   LOCATION 3 – Alley Way
                       Framing – You can see the other end of the passage
                       however not clearly; this makes the passage look very long
                       and slightly daunting. Making the viewer address the
                       assumption that anything can happen in an alleyway.

The lighting is quite
dark due to the tree’s
covering the skyline.
This is to make the
setting seem a realistic
place where a action
of this manner would
go down.

                       Mon is backed up against the wall which highlights the lack of
                       escape she is feeling brought on by her forceful, aggressive
                       boyfriend Grimmers.
Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and
1           challenge conventions of real media texts
                     LOCATION 4 – Train Station
    Dull atmosphere which could represent
    the negative vibe at this point in the
    trailer. Hal has just ran away from home
    therefore she feels like this.

                                               Framing – train is in the shot
                                               this shows that Hal is stood
                                               at a train station. Quick and
                                               obvious for the reader to
                                               see; imperative in a trailer.

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Freshers Question 1.

  • 1. OCR G324 Advanced Production PALMER, Joshua Aquinas College 4690
  • 2. Question 1 - How does your product use, develop and challenge conventions of real media texts?
  • 3. Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and 1 challenge conventions of real media texts In order to get an understanding and plan my soap trailer, I decided to carry on some research on the ‘history of soap operas’. This allowed me to channel the conventions into my final piece making it as professional as possible. Main Conventions • There is always a central place that the soap is based around. For example, The Rovers Return in coronation street. • Position the camera to make a fourth wall. • Lots of extreme close up lingering shots to show the emotion of characters. • A dilemma in each episode in order to capture the viewer to watch again next episode. • Consistency of realism or parody; by this I mean that you would not expect ‘Downton Abby’ to suddenly have an extremely comical episode as it would cheapen the image.
  • 4. Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and 1 challenge conventions of real media texts -How does my soap conform to the conventions? TITLE CARDS EXTREME CLOSE UP End title card showing name of show, time it is to be aired and channel. (Following e4 style guide). CLOSE UP HIGH ANGLE SHOT PAN
  • 5. Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and 1 challenge conventions of real media texts -How does my soap conform to the conventions? Filmed in passage covered with tree’s therefore we had to find the perfect spot where there was enough natural light. This adds OVER THE SHOULDER realism to the sequence. EXTREME CLOSE UP. SHOT. More of a shadow on Sam’s face as he is playing the “bad guy”. Minimal makeup to create realism, also fitting in with the genre of my soap.
  • 6. Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and 1 challenge conventions of real media texts -Similarities and differences between my media product and a real media product. FRESHERS Differences -I have added title cards in between each scenario to help reinforce what Similarities each part is about. -Program based on a small group of people. - Each story line is very dramatic. - Type of music shown reflects the visuals in the trailer. - To start off there are conversations between characters to show the storyline, then as the music drops or reaches maximum volume and tempo there Cross blur are quick edits of each character on there own. transition moving - Stereotypes used in the type of clothing worn to reflect personality. the sequence - Transitions on the beat of the song – thought beats. from Shad to - Similar young target audience. Harriet's phone is exactly on the beat (guitar strum).
  • 7. Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and 1 challenge conventions of real media texts -Comparison As you can see the title cards from Made In Chelsea are simply black and white, which makes them look very sharp and clean cut; this reflects the glamour aspect of the program. On the other hand FRESHERS is a lot more rebellious and catered for a slightly younger audience. This is shown by my use of colours making them look quite fun and eye catching. Even though I may have changed the colour of the title card I have kept the consistency with the size and font of the text in order to keep it looking professional. By having the title cards it helps guide the audience through the trailer and letting them know what is happened in the storyline.
  • 8. Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and 1 challenge conventions of real media texts -What makes your trailer a Soap Opera? CLOSE UP FRESHERS EXTREME CLOSE UP FRESHERS Title card to end showing brand, date of air and program name. FRESHERS
  • 9. Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and 1 challenge conventions of real media texts Similarities Differences -The framing of both these shots are the - On the misfits screenshot the actor is same with the actor in the centre. being focused on by the camera; you can - The shot type – both using a close up. see this by looking at the blurry surroundings. I did not want to do this as I wanted to make it clear to the audience that Sam was stood outside in a passage. Challenge In this shot instead of the actor looking away I wanted him looking straight into the camera in order to show the audience his emotions and serious nature through his eye contact.
  • 10. Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and 1 challenge conventions of real media texts Similarities -Both using an over the shoulder shot Differences positioned in such a way where the actor In the FRESHERS trailer there is a that is being focused on is in a medium natural source of light coming from close up. the left of the frame however in the -Background visible in order to instantly skins trailer it is a lot more dull and see where the event is happening. In the definitely artificially lit. The dullness skins trailer in a bedroom (poster) and will reflect the mood of the scenario. then outside for FRESHERS (brick wall). -Medium close up helps show emotion on the characters faces, this confirms how they truly feel; the audience can clearly see this.
  • 11. Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and 1 challenge conventions of real media texts Differences -The FRESHERS shot is lit by lights inside the room whereas the Hollyoaks shot’s light comes from natural light. - A lot of shadows in the Hollyoaks shot – this is because ‘Justin’ is up to no good therefore darkness and shadow creates a sense of eeriness. -There are a lot of props and clutter surrounding the Hollyoaks stars however in the FRESHERS trailer there is nothing in sight, this suggests to a viewer that the conversation could be serious as there are no distractions which allows you to concentrate purely on the facial expressions. Challenge Similarities Both using two-shots however the shot for -Both Hollyoaks and FRESHERS using a FRESHERS is a long shot instead of a medium two-shot with the characters quite shot. I have done this so you can clearly see central in the frame how JP is sat on the sofa. He is sat in a -Both are set in what it seems to be a stereotypical homosexual way therefore home, one set in a kitchen and another showing his whole body gets this across to in a living room, shown to the viewer the viewer as quick as possible – this being with the sofa being in shot. imperative in a short trailer.
  • 12. Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and 1 challenge conventions of real media texts -What messages do you locations and costumes send to the audience about the class and status of the characters Costume/Props Looking at the locations that reoccur in both Skins One of the characters in FRESHERS is called JP, he is a and FRESHERS; it is clear to see that both soap operas young male who is just coming out that he is a represent a similar class of people. Both include what homosexual. In order to show is homosexuality in the seems to be an average sized houses and the clothing quickest concise way we decided to choose his costume worn in both are of similar style; casual day to day very carefully fitting in with many stereotypes. On the wear. Taking all this into account I think that both trailer JP is wearing faded skinny jeans, a bright pink polo soap operas represent the middle and working class. shirt tucked into his jeans, two earrings and a pair of glasses. We decided to all this so that it would come across to the viewer very quickly without JP actually having Another program similar to FRESHERS is Skins; in this to state that he was a homosexual. Especially in a trailer there is a character called Naomi and she is also a for any sort of soap opera, movie, documentary it is homosexual. Below is an image of how she would imperative you get your point across quickly as they are normally dress when appearing on screen. As you can only going to last for around 60 seconds on the TV or see she has the stereotypical short hair, minimal make- YouTube etc. up and baggy clothes. Her costume is chosen to match up with how she acts etc; for example in the program Naomi stereotypically enjoys watching football which is seen as a slightly manly thing to do. Once again stereotype. FRESHERS
  • 13. Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and 1 challenge conventions of real media texts - Do the lighting, props, locations and costumes reinforce audience expectations about your programme? Location In this scenario in the FRESHERS trailer it was imperative we got the location perfect as it was the “drug dealing” scene. We knew that this needed to take place outside otherwise it would not have looked realistic as there would be too much light and not enough risk of being caught. We chose to do it in a dark passage with just natural light, this worked very well, fitting into the stereotype that a lot of ‘things’ can happen in a dark passage/ally-way. This made the viewers on edge as they naturally no that crime is very high in these sorts of places. Props Lighting In the “drug dealing” scene we used migraine relief In this scene there is a lot of shadow around tablets in a small plastic bag to resemble a bag of Grimmers’ face this made him look more dark and pills; this was our main prop and on camera it came mysterious. This is the ambience we wanted to off very effectively and realistically. (view health and surround this character as he was up to no good safety video for detail). and in fact a drug dealer. Also it allowed us to Costume contrast with his girlfriend Mon who is simply innocent therefore when she is on screen we In the scene where Grimmers is persuading Mon to take drugs we had to choose the positioned her in such a way that there is plenty of costumes carefully. We decided to make Grimmers wear all black; consisting of black light on her face. jeans, hat, jacket and tee shirt. This was done to fit in with the stereotype that ‘chavs’ who are strongly associated with drugs always seem to wear dark clothing no matter the weather or circumstance. We also made the peak of his hat point slightly downwards covering a bit of his face and creating shadows. This made him look slightly more menacing as his whole face could not be seen and the ‘unknown’ is usual a scary thought. The choice of this costume was all very important because it made the viewer make an assumption that this character would not be up to no good before he even got the drugs out of his pocket. On the other hand it also allowed us to create the ‘badboy’ assumption and then surprise the viewer by him having the total opposite personality and mannerisms as his stereotype; we did not go down this route but that may have been an option.
  • 14. Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and 1 challenge conventions of real media texts - Evaluating an existing E4 trailer “SKINS” At this point in the trailer (image below) the party seems to be getting worse and things seem to going wrong because of the drug use. In this screenshot there is a body lying in a bath = a shocking image which is reinforced by the crescendo in the music. Tension is built and then silence at the end with this shot above to leave an eerie lingering sense of shock in the viewers mind. Uses the song “Roads” by the artist Portshead. This song is a very slow, chilled song, this relates the effect you may have whilst on drugs. Fitting in with the mise en scene in this shot where you can clearly see a bunch of teenagers at a party.
  • 15. Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and 1 challenge conventions of real media texts - How my piece of music worked for my trailer – FRESHERS I thought this song worked very well throughout the trailer; I realised that I needed a song featuring strings and a soft tone in order to get the emotions across to the viewer. The song starts off upbeat and then drops in tempo and finally back to being upbeat. Also what attracted me to using this song was that the beats were very distinctive and spaced the right amount of time apart so that I could make sure each transition was on the beat. It was quite fiddly and needed to be done on Imovie however it was not to hard as the beats were very clear. As this shot comes on screen on the trailer the music starts to slow down and there is more of a melodramatic tone in comparison to the upbeat start of the music. This is fitting as it is when Shad comes in the room to find that her sister has ran away; the slowing of the music highlights what is going on in the scene for the reader therefore making the whole scenario seem more emotional and shocking.
  • 16. Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and 1 challenge conventions of real media texts -Creating are character names Once we decided that our show was going to similar to the likes of skins and misfits we started to do some research into the characters that appear in these sorts of shows. After some research we realised that a lot of the character names were nicknames of some sort. For example in Skins there is a character called Cook, Jay-Jay and Freddy; none of these being full names. This is done to make the program seem realistic as people of Elizabeth Stonem’s the targeted audience (16-20 year olds) within a friendship group do nickname being Effy in Skins. Letter ‘E’ not normally call each other by there full names whether it just be out of Effy coming ‘Josh’ short for ‘Joshua’. from her first name. In FRESHERS one of the characters is called JP simply because his real name is Joshua Palmer, this is a nickname and it is very catchy and concise – a name that will stick with the viewers very easily. By using the convention of nicknames for our final product the characters names were as follows: JP, Mon, Grimmers, Shad, Hal & Soph.
  • 17. Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and 1 challenge conventions of real media texts -Characters of FRESHERS Sam/Grimmers – Drug Dealer Grimmers is quite a mysterious character in the programme who comes across rather moody and always seems up to no good. In the trailers for FRESHERS he is forcing his girlfriend Mon to take some drugs; this causes a lot of conflict between the two as Mon is a girl who hardly puts a foot out of line. Mon – Grimmers’ Girlfriend Mon comes across as quite a shy person who can be easily overpowered and manipulated. This is taken full advantage of by her drug dealer boyfriend Grimmers. She always seems very frightened of Grimmers because he seems to change a lot when he is under the influence of drugs – this scares her.
  • 18. Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and 1 challenge conventions of real media texts -Characters of FRESHERS Josh – JP JP has been best friend with Soph for a number of years now as they went to the same secondary school however he has never told her his little secret. The secret being he is a homosexual – only now has he came out to her about it as he has now plucked up the courage to tell her. In the actual trailer for FRESHERS he tells Soph, this creates a little bit of conflict as Soph would have expected to be told ages ago as soon as he knew himself Sophie – Soph Soph is JP’s best friend, they do everything together whether it be go shopping together or go out in town together clubbing. They are basically inseparable, the best of friends. In the trailer JP confesses to Soph that he is gay and that he has been “seeing guys for a while”; this creates some tension between them as Soph is slightly annoyed that he has been hiding it from her, she feels slightly let down by her best friend.
  • 19. Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and 1 challenge conventions of real media texts -Characters of FRESHERS Hal – The runaway teen Hal has been struggling at home for a while now, her mum and dad have just split up and everything seems to be going wrong; the divorce, exams, arguments with her sister and boys – typical problems faced in the life of a college girl. In the trailer we see Hal about to runaway, she leaves a small letter on the kitchen side for her little sister informing her that she has gone. Later on you see her at the train station ready to go with her bag in hand. Shad – Hal’s sister Shad is the younger sister of Hal’s, at the moment there has been a lot of arguing and bickering between them two due to the circumstances surrounding the family at this moment in time. In the trailer Shad is the one who finds the note off her sister telling her that she has left, this is very hard for her as she doesn't want to lose her only sibling no matter how much they fight.
  • 20. Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and 1 challenge conventions of real media texts LOCATION 1 - Kitchen Shad is wearing quite dull clothes (browns and dark maroons), this could be to match the mood of this part of the trailer. Shad has just read a letter from her sister informing her that she has ran away. Mise en scene – clearly in a kitchen as in the background we can see a toaster, a fridge and Shad is sat around a table.
  • 21. Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and 1 challenge conventions of real media texts LOCATION 2 - Lounge Neutral coloured wallpaper and no ‘flash’ objects in sight therefore fitting to the conventions of an average university students household. Soft lighting coming from either corner brightening up the shot. Making the scene look more realistic as the light looks to be coming from a lampshade which would typically be in a lounge/living area. Framing – two shot (wide angle) – this type of shot makes the viewer feel like they are involved in the scene and somewhat close to JP and Soph.
  • 22. Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and 1 challenge conventions of real media texts LOCATION 3 – Alley Way Framing – You can see the other end of the passage however not clearly; this makes the passage look very long and slightly daunting. Making the viewer address the assumption that anything can happen in an alleyway. The lighting is quite dark due to the tree’s covering the skyline. This is to make the setting seem a realistic place where a action of this manner would go down. Mon is backed up against the wall which highlights the lack of escape she is feeling brought on by her forceful, aggressive boyfriend Grimmers.
  • 23. Question 1 – How does your product use, develop and 1 challenge conventions of real media texts LOCATION 4 – Train Station Dull atmosphere which could represent the negative vibe at this point in the trailer. Hal has just ran away from home therefore she feels like this. Framing – train is in the shot this shows that Hal is stood at a train station. Quick and obvious for the reader to see; imperative in a trailer.