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     In what ways does your media product use, develop or
     challenge forms and conventions of real media
     How effective is the combination of your main product
     and ancillary texts?

 3   What have you learned from your audience feedback?

     How did you use media technologies in the
     construction and research, planning and evaluation
DIFFERENCE                                      1
SIMILARITY                                  I have not used the E4 branding for my
FRAMING                                     last shot. This is because I wanted a title
Both shots use similar framing as both      card like in the 90210 advert here
characters are off centre.

DIFFERENCE                                    CHALLENGE
SHOT TYPE                                     ANGLE
Close up on Borderline trailer is able to     I had my camera straight on to the
show the emotion in her face.                 characters face so she could look directly
                                              into the camera and break the fourth
                                              wall. I did this so that the audience could
                                              see the emotion in her eyes.
SIMILARITY                                                                                 1
NON DIEGETIC SOUND                          DIFFERENCE
Both use soundtrack lyrics to tell the                                                     4
narrative.                                  Downton Abbey is a costume drama on ITV1
Downton Abbey “I’ll be watching you” as     and it is aimed at middle aged women and
characters spy on each other.               above.
Borderline “Love so good, love so           Borderline is a soap opera that would be
bad, it won’t die” to create a sense of     aired on E4 and aimed at females aged 13-
obsession.                                  early twenties.

        click video to play                 click video to play

 DIFFERENCE                                  NARRATIVE
 EDITING                                     The narrative in Borderline follows a
 The editing in the Downton Abbey trailer    chronological order of the story to explain
 is very fast with lots of short clips of    what is going on.
 objects and people, whereas in the          The Downton Abbey trailer leaves a lot
 Borderline trailer I have dip to blacks     up to the imagination by having fast cuts
 rather than fast cuts to make my trailer    of people walking around.
 less jumpy.

 Both use the E4 logo

90210 title card uses a wide shot on a
real location. The beach being on the
right side of the picture and a city behind
this shows that it is set in Los Angeles
and this is what is associated with the
Borderline uses a chalkboard made on
Photoshop and saved as a jpeg image.
The chalkboard shows that the soap is
school related which is why I chose this
as the title card background.
                   CAMERA MOVEMENT
                   Both of these shots are in slow motion
                   and they both zoom into the eyes to
                   show the emotion behind them.

SIMILARITY                                                  DIFFERENCE
SHOT TYPE                                                   PERFORMANCE
They are both close-ups that zoom into                      The character in the Borderline shot is
extreme close-ups of their eyes.                            upset and grieving for her love, whereas
                                                            in the skins looks intimidating and slightly
SIMILARITY                                         SIMILARITY                                     1
Conventions of a soap magazine                     ISSUES RAISED
MASTHEAD both in top right hand corner.            Both magazines have chosen features that are
PRICE both 40p, in bubble to stand out.            similar, such as stalking and pregnancy.
LOWERCASE both use mainly lowercase.
COLOUR primary colours and feminine colours.

DIFFERENCE                                     DIFFERENCE
CAPITALS                                      LOGO
Tv Weekly uses capitals for the emotive words.My front cover uses the actual soap logos rather
                                               than just typing the soap name. I recreated the
                                               soap logos on publisher rather than copying and
BRANDING                                                                             2

I have looked at other soap opera logos           I used the same font and style
as part of my planning in my prezi.               throughout all of my final media

                   I used Freestyle Script for the font of my logo for Borderline
                   because I think the curly letters give the connotation of
                      femininity and youth, and the soap is aimed at the
                                    younger end of the market.

                               I realise now looking at all three of my
                              texts together that I did not keep up the
                                  brand identity as the colours are
                                      different on the front cover.
                                  However, looking at existing soap
                               magazine covers, they do not usually
                                      use the actual brand logos.
AUDIENCE                                                                                     2

The same storyline has been used for       The characters are telling the same story
the billboard and the front cover. This is and showing the same emotions in all
also the main theme that runs              three products.
throughout my trailer.

       I tried to keep the clothing the same on each
       product. I made sure Sasha had a black hooded top
       on to keep the emo stereotype but because I shot the
       front cover separately the hair is slightly different.
       However, in real soaps, characters do change their
       appearance from episode to episode.                           Character planning in
INSTITUTION                                                                                  2

Why I chose E4 in prezi.

Borderline is suited to the E4 brand because it address some of the key issues that are
raised in the majority of the programmes that are shown. Mainly because the audience of E4
are teenagers and these are the problems that are likely to be affecting them.

      Teen                                Bullying                     Sexuality/Confusio
      Pregnancy                                                        n
INSTITUTION                                      2

The E4 style guide
was used to create
the strap in the bottom
corner.                   Next time I would
                          ensure that the logo
Our group made sure       was the exact
the purple                amount of width
background was the        from the edges.
exact colour it should
be, and the font
American Typewriter
was downloaded.

I would also use
American Typewriter
for the additional
information on the
trailer ending card.
AUDIENCE FEEDBACK                                                                            3

Audience research in prezi.

I screened my trailer to a sample of my intended audience so that I could use their feedback to
improve and re-edit my work, and also to see if it was a suitable trailer that would appeal to

                                                “the cast match the
                                                audience as they are young
                                                females making them
                                                                        “the soundtrack
                                                                            matches the
“I like the way it is set                                                     perfectly.”
it in college and in
domestic surroundings
to make it seem more
IMPROVEMENTS                                                                        3

 After receiving feedback from my intended audience I have decided to make
 some alterations to my trailer for Borderline.

“I don’t understand why
these two characters are
I am going to add an opening and
title cards to my trailer so that the
narrative is more understandable.

“the editing should be faster when the music speeds up”
I am going to change the transitions to fast cuts rather than fade to blacks when
the music is fast to make it seem more urgent.
CONSTRUCTION                                                                    4

I used three different video cameras altogether to film my soap trailer.
Next time I would make sure they were exactly the same as I cannot remove the
black bars on some shots due to them becoming pixelated when I try to correct

This was so we would be able to get a range of different shots such as shot
reverse shots and over the shoulder shots. This makes sure the framing
would be the same and to make it look more realistic.

I used a still camera to take images for continuity and the ancillary texts.
CONSTRUCTION                                                                                4

 I used Adobe Premiere Elements 8 to edit my final soap trailer.

                                                 As diegetic sound was only going to be
                                                 used for one line I cut the speech right
                                                 down and matched it up to the clip.

I used the red line to help cut down clips
exactly how I wanted them.

APE8 makes it easy to drag clips from the
project folder and then around the timeline
CONSTRUCTION                                   I used APE8 for the preliminary trailer and comic
                                                 strip so that I would already know how to use the
                                                             software properly for the final product.

                                                     I used the dip to black transition in
                                                     between each clip to make my trailer flow
                                                     and feel smooth.
                                                     I used sceneline rather than the timeline
                                                     to do this.

I decided on Queens Of The Stone Age –
I Never Came to play as non-diegetic
music, to let the lyrics tell the narrative.

I dragged this into the soundtrack bar on
the timeline and cut the song down so it
would fit with my editing.
CONSTRUCTION                                                                      4

I uploaded my trailers to Youtube straight from Adobe Premier Elements CS4.

                                                               The share section on
                                                               APE8 enabled me to
                                                               transfer my finished
                                                               trailer onto my
                                                               youtube account

After youtube processes the video, it is then available to
watch online and copy the html code into my blog.
CONSTRUCTION                                                                                     4

I used Adobe Photoshop CS4 to edit the images for the Front Cover.
                                                To give a yellow glow around the images, I used the
                                                round brush tool with 70% opacity, and 0% hardness
                                                to make it feathered. I then overlapped the same
                                                image over the top on a second layer so the yellow was
                                                behind their heads.

I used the magic eraser brush tool to erase
the background and make the image
transparant. This is so I could overlap other
features easily on the FC and have any
background I wanted.
CONSTRUCTION                                                                    4

I used Microsoft Publisher to create the Front Cover and Billboard.

                                         Creating the masthead was the first thing I
                                         did. Using autoshapes and word art.

                                         After editing the picture backgrounds in
                                         Photoshop I decided on where they would

Adding the text was the final
part of creating the Front
Cover, all of which was done
using word art for each
individual word.

I saved the document as a jpeg
file so that it could be uploaded
into my blog and easily
CONSTRUCTION                                                               4

To create the soap logos I used Microsoft Publisher. I used word art and
autoshapes because the logos are quite simple to recreate.
RESEARCH                                                                               4

  I used Youtube to research a variety of existing soaps and dramas in order to
  learn about soap codes and conventions.

  I evaluated Skins, EastEnders, Downton Abbey and One Tree Hill using youtube
  to find the trailers.                                             The search box
From looking at                                                       and suggestions
the youtube videos                                                    on the right were
I was able to                                                         helpful for finding
understand that all                                                   suitable trailers to
soaps use the                                                         look at.
same codes and                                                       CAMERA WORK
conventions to                                                       Two shot and a
portray genre                                                        tracking shot as
and meaning to                                                       they walk in the
its intended                                                         door.
audience.                                                            Two shots are
NARRATIVE                                                            stereotypical of the
Teenage boys                                                         soap genre as they
walking into a pub.                                                  show conversation
Its what the audience                                                and make the
would get up to, they                                                audience feel
can relate it meets                                                  involved as a third
their expectations.                                                  person.
RESEARCH                                                                              4

Youtube was also helpful for finding the song that I would use to tell the narrative of
my trailer. As the main theme/storyline is about a stalker I wanted a song to give this

                      Queens of the Stone Age – I Never Came CHOSEN SONG

                     I was able to find lyrics
                     videos so I could
                     understand them and        Link to Slide 3 for why
                     decide if they were       the lyrics are suitable.
RESEARCH                                                                            4

During the course of creating my final products I have been using Blogger to
keep track of progress and planning.

I have all my work to my
blog using html codes.
(Slide 22)

                                                 To upload html
                                                 codes, or even to just
                                                 post normal text, I had to
                                                 first create a New Post.      Continued..
RESEARCH/PLANNING                                                               4

                                            Html codes can be copied and
                                            pasted into the Edit Html section
                                            when creating a new post.

Then they will be viewed in the correct
format ready for posting in the compose
section. Any text can be typed underneath
in this section.
RESEARCH                                    I used youtube and tinypic to

                                                upload work and get html
                                                       codes for my blog.

By uploading work onto these video and
image sharing websites I was able to copy
the html codes and then past them into a
new post on blogger.
PLANNING                                                                                        4

I used Prezi for all of my planning because I think it is easy to navigate through everything
in a different order if you want to find something in particular.

Click here to go to my Prezi

Capture View and
Paths make it so it
can transition through
everything in
order, but you can
also drag the page
around if you want
something in
PLANNING                                              4

                              As part of my planning is
                            relevant to my evaluation I
                                 have used the orange
                                 number buttons in my

 I could insert youtube
 videos and images easily
 from prezi to make it
 more image focused and
 show my examples.
EVALUATION                                                 4

Slide 3 for using video in PowerPoint.

                                            Slide 19 for using
                                         audio in PowerPoint.
EVALUATION                                                                           4

  I used Slide Master to make sure all titles would be in the same place and the
  orange number button would also be in the same position on every slide to ensure

                                                                               button in
                                                                                 the top
Title in top                                                                 right hand
left hand                                                                        corner.
corner. Font
is Franklin
Gothic Book
size 40.
ANCILLARIES                                                                         3

After receiving audience feedback from the TV listings front cover and              1
Billboard I have decided to change them both.

For my front cover I decided that I wanted to change the angle completely and
create a more glossy listing magazine similar to TV and Satellite week.

Simple                                                                        Strap -
colour                                                                     convention
scheme that
rather than                                                                       Less
lots of                                                                       features
clashing                                                                 crammed on
colours to                                                                   making it
attract                                                                   less tacky. I
attention.                                                                   think this
Large                                                                            would
masthead                                                                 appeal to my
that                                                                             target
stretches all                                                                audience
the way                                                                          more.
across the
ANCILLARIES                                                                            3
I decided to start completely afresh for my new front cover, so I created a new flat
plan before building my front cover on publisher.

Eye contact
with the
reader to
                                                                                 Strap -

                                                                             highlighted in
                                                                          yellow to be eye

barcode, we
bsite, date

                             Red, white and yellow colour      Only three main features to
                             scheme is simple                make it less over crowded and
                                                              more appealing to my target
SIMILARITY                                     SIMILARITY                                              1
Conventions of a soap magazine                 LAYOUT
MASTHEAD both in top right hand corner.        They both have a limited number of features
LOWERCASE both use the same mixture of         creating more space and making it less crowded.
uppercase and lowercase for features and
COLOUR both use a three point colour scheme.

AUDIENCE                                       DIFFERENCE
I wanted to aim my magazine at a younger       COLOUR
audience so I only included soaps and tv       I used brighter colours to make it more attractive to
programmes that are aimed at the same          my audience.
ANCILLARIES                                                                           3
I also wanted to add more detail after audience feedback said that the narrative
wasn’t obvious enough.

  Original Billboard

Added graffiti to                                                      Anchored text
the fence to                                                          doesn’t give too
reflect teenage                                                         much away to
culture and                                                           draw audience
stereotypes. It                                                             in, but still
also creates a                                                       creates meaning
narrative because                                                     so the audience
it is showing                                                          know what the
conflict.                                                                 soap will be

     New Billboard

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  • 1. EVALUATION TODHUNTER, GRACE 3812 AQUINAS COLLEGE 33435 In what ways does your media product use, develop or 1 challenge forms and conventions of real media products? How effective is the combination of your main product 2 and ancillary texts? 3 What have you learned from your audience feedback? How did you use media technologies in the 4 construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
  • 2. DIFFERENCE 1 BRANDING SIMILARITY I have not used the E4 branding for my FRAMING last shot. This is because I wanted a title Both shots use similar framing as both card like in the 90210 advert here characters are off centre. DIFFERENCE CHALLENGE DIFFERENCE SHOT TYPE ANGLE Close up on Borderline trailer is able to I had my camera straight on to the show the emotion in her face. characters face so she could look directly into the camera and break the fourth wall. I did this so that the audience could see the emotion in her eyes.
  • 3. SIMILARITY 1 NON DIEGETIC SOUND DIFFERENCE GENRE Both use soundtrack lyrics to tell the 4 narrative. Downton Abbey is a costume drama on ITV1 Downton Abbey “I’ll be watching you” as and it is aimed at middle aged women and characters spy on each other. above. Borderline “Love so good, love so Borderline is a soap opera that would be bad, it won’t die” to create a sense of aired on E4 and aimed at females aged 13- obsession. early twenties. click video to play click video to play DIFFERENCE DIFFERENCE NARRATIVE EDITING The narrative in Borderline follows a The editing in the Downton Abbey trailer chronological order of the story to explain is very fast with lots of short clips of what is going on. objects and people, whereas in the The Downton Abbey trailer leaves a lot Borderline trailer I have dip to blacks up to the imagination by having fast cuts rather than fast cuts to make my trailer of people walking around. less jumpy.
  • 4. 1 SIMILARITY LOGO Both use the E4 logo DIFFERENCE BACKGROUND 90210 title card uses a wide shot on a real location. The beach being on the right side of the picture and a city behind this shows that it is set in Los Angeles and this is what is associated with the programme Borderline uses a chalkboard made on Photoshop and saved as a jpeg image. The chalkboard shows that the soap is school related which is why I chose this as the title card background.
  • 5. 1 SIMILARITY CAMERA MOVEMENT Both of these shots are in slow motion and they both zoom into the eyes to show the emotion behind them. SIMILARITY DIFFERENCE SHOT TYPE PERFORMANCE They are both close-ups that zoom into The character in the Borderline shot is extreme close-ups of their eyes. upset and grieving for her love, whereas in the skins looks intimidating and slightly evil.
  • 6. SIMILARITY SIMILARITY 1 Conventions of a soap magazine ISSUES RAISED MASTHEAD both in top right hand corner. Both magazines have chosen features that are PRICE both 40p, in bubble to stand out. similar, such as stalking and pregnancy. LOWERCASE both use mainly lowercase. COLOUR primary colours and feminine colours. DIFFERENCE DIFFERENCE CAPITALS LOGO Tv Weekly uses capitals for the emotive words.My front cover uses the actual soap logos rather than just typing the soap name. I recreated the soap logos on publisher rather than copying and
  • 7. BRANDING 2 I have looked at other soap opera logos I used the same font and style as part of my planning in my prezi. throughout all of my final media products. I used Freestyle Script for the font of my logo for Borderline because I think the curly letters give the connotation of femininity and youth, and the soap is aimed at the younger end of the market. I realise now looking at all three of my texts together that I did not keep up the brand identity as the colours are different on the front cover. However, looking at existing soap magazine covers, they do not usually use the actual brand logos.
  • 8. AUDIENCE 2 NARRATIVE The same storyline has been used for The characters are telling the same story the billboard and the front cover. This is and showing the same emotions in all also the main theme that runs three products. throughout my trailer. APPEARANCE I tried to keep the clothing the same on each product. I made sure Sasha had a black hooded top on to keep the emo stereotype but because I shot the front cover separately the hair is slightly different. However, in real soaps, characters do change their appearance from episode to episode. Character planning in prezi.
  • 9. INSTITUTION 2 Why I chose E4 in prezi. Borderline is suited to the E4 brand because it address some of the key issues that are raised in the majority of the programmes that are shown. Mainly because the audience of E4 are teenagers and these are the problems that are likely to be affecting them. Teen Bullying Sexuality/Confusio Pregnancy n
  • 10. INSTITUTION 2 The E4 style guide was used to create the strap in the bottom corner. Next time I would ensure that the logo Our group made sure was the exact the purple amount of width background was the from the edges. exact colour it should be, and the font American Typewriter was downloaded. I would also use American Typewriter for the additional information on the trailer ending card.
  • 11. AUDIENCE FEEDBACK 3 Audience research in prezi. I screened my trailer to a sample of my intended audience so that I could use their feedback to improve and re-edit my work, and also to see if it was a suitable trailer that would appeal to them. “the cast match the audience as they are young females making them relatable.” “the soundtrack matches the narrative “I like the way it is set perfectly.” it in college and in domestic surroundings to make it seem more real.”
  • 12. IMPROVEMENTS 3 After receiving feedback from my intended audience I have decided to make some alterations to my trailer for Borderline. “I don’t understand why these two characters are fighting?” I am going to add an opening and title cards to my trailer so that the narrative is more understandable. “the editing should be faster when the music speeds up” I am going to change the transitions to fast cuts rather than fade to blacks when the music is fast to make it seem more urgent.
  • 13. CONSTRUCTION 4 I used three different video cameras altogether to film my soap trailer. Next time I would make sure they were exactly the same as I cannot remove the black bars on some shots due to them becoming pixelated when I try to correct this. This was so we would be able to get a range of different shots such as shot reverse shots and over the shoulder shots. This makes sure the framing would be the same and to make it look more realistic. I used a still camera to take images for continuity and the ancillary texts.
  • 14. CONSTRUCTION 4 I used Adobe Premiere Elements 8 to edit my final soap trailer. As diegetic sound was only going to be used for one line I cut the speech right down and matched it up to the clip. I used the red line to help cut down clips exactly how I wanted them. APE8 makes it easy to drag clips from the project folder and then around the timeline
  • 15. CONSTRUCTION I used APE8 for the preliminary trailer and comic strip so that I would already know how to use the software properly for the final product. 4 I used the dip to black transition in between each clip to make my trailer flow and feel smooth. I used sceneline rather than the timeline to do this. I decided on Queens Of The Stone Age – I Never Came to play as non-diegetic music, to let the lyrics tell the narrative. I dragged this into the soundtrack bar on the timeline and cut the song down so it would fit with my editing.
  • 16. CONSTRUCTION 4 I uploaded my trailers to Youtube straight from Adobe Premier Elements CS4. The share section on APE8 enabled me to transfer my finished trailer onto my youtube account After youtube processes the video, it is then available to watch online and copy the html code into my blog.
  • 17. CONSTRUCTION 4 I used Adobe Photoshop CS4 to edit the images for the Front Cover. To give a yellow glow around the images, I used the round brush tool with 70% opacity, and 0% hardness to make it feathered. I then overlapped the same image over the top on a second layer so the yellow was behind their heads. I used the magic eraser brush tool to erase the background and make the image transparant. This is so I could overlap other features easily on the FC and have any background I wanted.
  • 18. CONSTRUCTION 4 I used Microsoft Publisher to create the Front Cover and Billboard. Creating the masthead was the first thing I did. Using autoshapes and word art. After editing the picture backgrounds in Photoshop I decided on where they would go. Adding the text was the final part of creating the Front Cover, all of which was done using word art for each individual word. I saved the document as a jpeg file so that it could be uploaded into my blog and easily
  • 19. CONSTRUCTION 4 To create the soap logos I used Microsoft Publisher. I used word art and autoshapes because the logos are quite simple to recreate.
  • 20. RESEARCH 4 I used Youtube to research a variety of existing soaps and dramas in order to learn about soap codes and conventions. I evaluated Skins, EastEnders, Downton Abbey and One Tree Hill using youtube to find the trailers. The search box From looking at and suggestions the youtube videos on the right were I was able to helpful for finding understand that all suitable trailers to soaps use the look at. same codes and CAMERA WORK conventions to Two shot and a portray genre tracking shot as and meaning to they walk in the its intended door. audience. Two shots are NARRATIVE stereotypical of the Teenage boys soap genre as they walking into a pub. show conversation Its what the audience and make the would get up to, they audience feel can relate it meets involved as a third their expectations. person.
  • 21. RESEARCH 4 Youtube was also helpful for finding the song that I would use to tell the narrative of my trailer. As the main theme/storyline is about a stalker I wanted a song to give this impression. Queens of the Stone Age – I Never Came CHOSEN SONG I was able to find lyrics videos so I could understand them and Link to Slide 3 for why decide if they were the lyrics are suitable. suitable.
  • 22. RESEARCH 4 During the course of creating my final products I have been using Blogger to keep track of progress and planning. I have all my work to my blog using html codes. (Slide 22) To upload html codes, or even to just post normal text, I had to first create a New Post. Continued..
  • 23. RESEARCH/PLANNING 4 Html codes can be copied and pasted into the Edit Html section when creating a new post. Then they will be viewed in the correct format ready for posting in the compose section. Any text can be typed underneath in this section.
  • 24. RESEARCH I used youtube and tinypic to 4 upload work and get html codes for my blog. By uploading work onto these video and image sharing websites I was able to copy the html codes and then past them into a new post on blogger.
  • 25. PLANNING 4 I used Prezi for all of my planning because I think it is easy to navigate through everything in a different order if you want to find something in particular. Click here to go to my Prezi Capture View and Paths make it so it can transition through everything in order, but you can also drag the page around if you want something in particular.
  • 26. PLANNING 4 As part of my planning is relevant to my evaluation I have used the orange number buttons in my prezi. I could insert youtube videos and images easily from prezi to make it more image focused and show my examples.
  • 27. EVALUATION 4 Slide 3 for using video in PowerPoint. Slide 19 for using audio in PowerPoint.
  • 28. EVALUATION 4 I used Slide Master to make sure all titles would be in the same place and the orange number button would also be in the same position on every slide to ensure continuity. Orange button in the top Title in top right hand left hand corner. corner. Font is Franklin Gothic Book size 40.
  • 29. ANCILLARIES 3 After receiving audience feedback from the TV listings front cover and 1 Billboard I have decided to change them both. For my front cover I decided that I wanted to change the angle completely and create a more glossy listing magazine similar to TV and Satellite week. Simple Strap - colour convention scheme that matches rather than Less lots of features clashing crammed on colours to making it attract less tacky. I attention. think this Large would masthead appeal to my that target stretches all audience the way more. across the page
  • 30. ANCILLARIES 3 I decided to start completely afresh for my new front cover, so I created a new flat plan before building my front cover on publisher. Eye contact with the reader to Strap - convention Features highlighted in yellow to be eye catching Convention s barcode, we bsite, date Red, white and yellow colour Only three main features to scheme is simple make it less over crowded and more appealing to my target
  • 31. SIMILARITY SIMILARITY 1 Conventions of a soap magazine LAYOUT MASTHEAD both in top right hand corner. They both have a limited number of features LOWERCASE both use the same mixture of creating more space and making it less crowded. uppercase and lowercase for features and headings. COLOUR both use a three point colour scheme. DIFFERENCE AUDIENCE DIFFERENCE I wanted to aim my magazine at a younger COLOUR audience so I only included soaps and tv I used brighter colours to make it more attractive to programmes that are aimed at the same my audience. audience.
  • 32. ANCILLARIES 3 I also wanted to add more detail after audience feedback said that the narrative wasn’t obvious enough. 1 Original Billboard Added graffiti to Anchored text the fence to doesn’t give too reflect teenage much away to culture and draw audience stereotypes. It in, but still also creates a creates meaning narrative because so the audience it is showing know what the conflict. soap will be about. New Billboard

Editor's Notes

  1. Boxes on use/challenge/developSIMILARITIES in one colour - useDIFFERENCES – developCHALLENGE