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The French Revolution Liberty Leading The People  by Delacroix
The French Revolution In The Beginning... 1789-1792
It was the best of times,  it was the worst of times,  it was the age of wisdom,  it was the age of foolishness,  it was the epoch of belief,  it was the epoch of incredulity…   -- Charles Dickens   A Tale of Two Cities
Why The French Revolution Is Important
French Revolution Trouble is brewing in France ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
What Happened When in the French Revolution
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],The French Revolution of 1789
What Life Was Like Before the French Revolution Began
Louis XVI Marie Antionette The Rulers of France Let them  eat cake
[object Object],[object Object],Queen Marie Antoinette: Love Her or Hate Her
For 7 years and 3 months, then, Marie Antoinette filled her life with other gay pursuits--dancing, music, gambling; theatricals, buying things, gambling; riding horses, frisking with dogs, gambling--and she shocked the pants off France when she made an outing with courtiers and her household one morning to watch daybreak--the so-called  l'lever d'Aurore . Positively Rousseau-esque! Decadent and unqueenly! It prompted the first of thousands of vitriolic pamphlets written against her specifically. In 1774, Louis XV died, and King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette ascended to the throne.
[object Object],Queen Marie Antoinette: Love Her or Hate Her
Marie  Antoinette  and the  Royal  Children
Marie Antoinette’s “Peasant Cottage”
Marie Antoinette’s “Peasant Cottage”
The Necklace Scandal ,[object Object],[object Object],1,600,000  livres [$100 million today]
Let Them Eat Cake!  ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
What will happen to  her next?  Wait and see…. Queen Marie Antoinette: Love Her or Hate Her
What Are The Conditions That Lead to a Revolution?
The French Urban Poor
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Financial Problems in France, 1789
What Is French Society Composed Of Before the French Revolution?
The Three Estates The Estates General is the French body of lawmaking Nobility Clergy Bourgeoisie Commoners Peasants
The Three Estates First and Second Estates First Estate:  Clergy (1% population) -control lots of land -operated the schools -aided the poor -lived in great luxury – chateaux -doesn’t have to pay tax  (taille)  to King (common people pay  tax to King and tithe to church) Second Estate:  nobles -Nobles had almost complete authority over peasants -Nobles did not have to do military service -Nobles were exempt from most taxes -Nobles collected tolls from people using roads and  markets -
The Three Estates The Third Estate ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Commoners 3rd Estate Aristocracy 2nd Estate Clergy 1st Estate The Number of Representatives in the Estates General: Vote by Head! 300 300 648
Emmanuel Joseph Sieyes 1 st   What is the Third    Estate?   Everything! 2 nd   What has it been   heretofore in the    political order?    Nothing! 3 rd   What does it demand?   To become something   therein! Abbé Sieyès 1748-1836
Convening the Estates General  May, 1789 Last time it was called into session was 1614!
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
What Are The Causes of the French Revolution?
Four Causes of the 1789 French Revolution ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Four Causes of the 1789 French Revolution ,[object Object]
Four Causes of the 1789 French Revolution ,[object Object]
Four Causes of the 1789 French Revolution ,[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],I am a lord. I have lots of money and do not want to pay any extra taxes to the king! I am a bishop of the church. I have lots of money but I do not want to give   the king any extra taxes either! I am a peasant. I have nothing. When the crops fail to grow the prices rise and I starve. I am King Louis XVI. I have run out of money fighting the British. Perhaps the lords and the church could give me some more taxes?
“ The Third Estate Awakens” ,[object Object],[object Object]
“ The Tennis Court Oath” by Jacques Louis David June 20, 1789
You tell me who said what:  worksheet link
1789 The French Revolution Begins
June 20, 1789 What happened after the Tennis  Court oath? The National Assembly ruled and created documents and new decrees (laws)
Storming the Bastille,  July 14, 1789 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Bastille - a symbol of tyranny
The Great Fear:  Peasant Revolt (July 20, 1789) ,[object Object],[object Object]
The Path of the “Great Fear” Why did the Great Fear occur? ____ Peasants believed nobles were planning to kill them and stop revolution.  Many food shortages, so people hungry and angry ______ What was the Great Fear? ____ Peasants attacked manor houses and monasteries. Destroyed possessions and documents recording rents, feudal dues and other feudal obligations
The Creation of the National Assembly and the new Constitution
National Constituent Assembly 1789 - 1791 During that August there were decrees (laws) passed that ended the privileges of the rich aristocracy Liberté! Egalité! Fraternité!
1789 The National Assembly continued to meet. ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Equality & Meritocracy!
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (Aug 26, 1789) ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Olympe de Gouges (1745-1793) Declaration of the Rights of Woman and of the Citizen  (1791) ,[object Object],[object Object]
BUT . . . . . ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Their Goal Safeguard the right of private property!!
BUT . . . . . ,[object Object],[object Object]
The Tricolor (1789) The WHITE of the Bourbons + the RED & BLUE of Paris. Citizen!
The Tricolor is the Fashion!
The “Liberty Cap”:  Bonne Rouge
Revolutionary Symbols Cockade Revolutionary Clock La Republic Liberté
Revolutionary Playing Cards
Laws Passed by The National Assembly ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
83 Revolutionary  Departments are created February 26, 1790
The Creation of the New Constitution  ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
The Creation of the New France and How Do They Pay For It? 1791
How to Finance the New Govt.? 1.   Confiscate and sell Church Lands  (1790) One of the most controversial decisions of the entire revolutionary period.
How to Finance the New Govt.? Why did the National Assembly seize lands from the Catholic Church?  land was sold to the people and money used to pay down the national debt
The Civil Constitution of the Clergy People in parishes would elect their own clergy and government pay salaries of priests and bishops What was the result of this law?  Catholic Church upset and many Catholics began to oppose the Revolution
New Relations Between Church & State ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Pope Pius VI [1775-1799]
2.   Print  Assignats ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
What did the National Assembly Accomplish? limited the authority of the king and divided the government into 3 branches--executive, judicial, legislative--who believed in 3 branches of government?????
4 Provisions of the 1791 Constitution? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
How did Louis XIV feel about the 1791 Constitution?
Louis XVI “Accepts” the Constitution  & the National Assembly. 1791 Agreed, but plotted with  e migres  to overthrow gov’t and restore Old Regime  j
What were the problems with the Legislative Assembly of 1791?  ,[object Object],[object Object]
Timeline Orientation Where Are We Going With This?
Meanwhile the rest of Europe  watches and fears what is going on in France Revolutionary France prepares a new army
Europe on the Eve of the French Revolution
French Expansion: 1791-1799 During the revolution in France other countries are scared. They are frightened the revolution will spread to their lands. Some offer support to Louis XVI and nobles of France. New French army (commoners) expands Fr territory. Out of this Napoleon will arise.
Why did the Legislative Assembly and Louis XVI favor war? Louis XVI-would defeat revolutionary army and restore him to power.  Legis Assemb--increase their power and spread revolution
__ 1. the middle class, including  merchants, industrialists,  and professional people __ 2. obligations of peasants to  noble landlords that survived  into the modern era __ 3. “without breeches,” members of the Paris Commune who considered themselves ordinary patriots (in other words, they wore long trousers instead of fine knee-length breeches) __ 4. one of the three classes into which French society was divided before the revolution: the clergy (first estate), the nobles (second estate), and the townspeople (third estate) A. estate B. relics of feudalism C. bourgeoisie D. sans-culottes Define   Match each definition in the left column with the appropriate term in the right column. C B D A Checking for Understanding
The French Revolution and the Radical Phase 1793-1794
The Political Spectrum ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
The Political Spectrum Jacobins Montagnards (“The Mountain”) Girondists Monarchíen (Royalists) 1790s: The Plain (swing votes) TODAY:
Now there is an uprising  Due to all the continued problems and discontent   What led to uprisings in France?  Failures in war and economic/food shortages From all this discontent new voices/groups will rise in power in the France….
The Political Chaos  ,[object Object],[object Object]
Things Go Wild There is murder and mayhem and chaos in the streets. The Jacobins take over. The Reign of Terror begins.
The September Massacres,  1792 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
The Radicals Seize Power ,[object Object]
France’s Monarchy Will End ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Why did the Legislative Assembly End? ,[object Object]
The Change in the French Revolution The Republic and the Reign of Terror 1792-1795
So what exactly changed? The National Assembly added  universal manhood suffrage every adult male could vote no matter  if owned property or not
Who were the leaders in the chaos of this time? 1792-1795
The Leaders ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Important Jacobins ,[object Object],[object Object]
“ The Death of Marat” by Jacques Louis David,  1793
The Assassination of Marat by Charlotte  Corday Paul Jacques Aimee Baudry, 19 c [A Romantic View]
1. The  Sans-Culottes: The Parisian Working Class ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],They felt the gov’t should make sure they had wage increases and the price of food was fixed! They were the voice of the common man!
2. The Jacobins Jacobin Meeting House ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Who were the important Jacobins? ,[object Object],[object Object],B. To respond, the National Convention formed the 12-member  Committee of Public Safety , led first by Danton and then by  Maximilian Robespierre .
This New Gov’t Is Called The National Convention. What Form Is It? A Republican Gov’t Without A King
The 4 Tasks of  The National Convention. a. end monarchy b.  write a new constitution c.  keep order at home d.  fight foreign invaders
Committee for Public Safety ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Committee for Public Safety ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
The “Monster” Guillotine The last guillotine execution in France was in  1939 !
A French physician, Joseph-Ignace Guillotin, was instrumental in having a law  passed requiring all sentences of  death to be carried out humanely  by “means of a machine.” Use of the guillotine, named for Guillotin,continued in France through the 1970s. In 1981, France outlawed capital punishment.
The Reign of Terror Terror is nothing other than justice, prompt, severe, inflexible.   -- Robespierre Let terror be the order of the day! ,[object Object],[object Object]
Louis XVI’s Head  (January 21, 1793) Louis XIV is accused of plotting against the gov’t of  The National Convention and against France
Marie Antoinette Died in October, 1793 The rest of the world is shocked that the  king and queen were executed!
Different Social Classes Executed  28% 31% 25% 8% 7%
Many other countries are at war with France while the Reign of Terror continues within France Austria, Prussia, Great Britain, Netherlands, Spain, Sardinia.  They feared France would try to export revolutionary ideas about overthrowing monarchy
The French Army was different than the old regime A conscription is passed. Conscription is to draft  all  unmarried 18-25 year old men into the army How was the new French army different from the army of the Old Regime?  anyone could become an officer if proved their ability
The Creation of the Republic  Wars ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
More Changes Under the Reign of Terror
The Reign of Terror  (cont.)   ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
The New Republican Calendar 18 August-21 September (Fruit) Fructidor  19 July-17 August (Heat) Thermidor  19 June-18 July (Harvest) Messidor  20 May-18 June (Meadows) Prairial 20 April-19 May (Flowers) Floreal  21 March-19 April (Budding) Germinal 19 February-20 March (Wind) Ventose 20 January-18 February (Rain) Pluviose  21 December-19 January (Snow) Nivose  21 November-20 December (Frost) Frimaire 22 October-20 November (Fog) Brumaire  22 September-21 October (Vintage) Vendemaire  Time Period Meaning New Name August 18 – September 21 Fruit Fructidor July 19 – August 17 Heat Thermidor June 19 – July 18 Harvest Messidor May 20 – June 18 Meadow Prairial April 20 – May 19 Flowers Floreal March 21 – April 19 Budding Germinal February 19 – March 20 Wind Ventose January 20 – February 18 Rain Pluviose December 21 – January 19 Snow Nivose November 21 – December 20 Frost Frimaire October 22 – November 20 Fog Brumaire September 22 – October 21 Vintage Vendemaire
Religious Terror: De-Christianization  (1793-1794) ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
The De-Christianization Program ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
The “Temple of Reason” Come, holy Liberty, inhabit this temple,  Become the goddess of the French people.
The Festival of Supreme Being A new secular holiday
The Radical’s Arms: No God! No Religion! No King! No Constitution!
The Results of the Reign of Terror
The Results of the Reign of Terror Jacobins lost power, bourgeoisie took control of National Convention, Fashions became fancier, inflation increased  _____________________________
The Response to the Reign of Terror The Thermidoran Reaction  1794
The “Thermidorean Reaction,”  1794 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
The Arrest of Robespierre The “Thermidorean Reaction,”  1794
The Revolution Consumes Its Own Children! Danton Awaits Execution, 1793 Robespierre Lies Wounded Before the Revolutionary Tribunal that will order him to be guillotined, 1794.
The Revolution Comes to an End What was the impact anyway?
6 Reforms of the National Convention a.  Opened new schools b.  supported ideas of universal elementary education c.  encouraged religious toleration d.  established wage and price controls to stop inflation e.  adopted metric system f.  abolished slavery in French colonies
France and Wars – Why the Directory came about Why Napoleon came to power
A New Form of Gov’t Is Created (the third one….) A new constitution is written It creates a  Directory
The Directory The Directory New ruling gov’t of France 1795-1799 Elector choose legislators They choose 5 men to direct the country –  They are called the Directory
How is it organized? 2 House legislature-500 members Council of 500 - propose laws.  250 members - House of Ancients-vote on laws and select executive  branch.  Executive branch=5 members=directors_
[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object]
__  1. an individual qualified  to vote in an election __ 2. a dissenting group __ 3. a sudden overthrow  of the government A. faction B. elector C. coup d’ é tat Define   Match each definition in the left column with the appropriate term in the right column. B A C Checking for Understanding

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French Revolution For Web

  • 1. The French Revolution Liberty Leading The People by Delacroix
  • 2. The French Revolution In The Beginning... 1789-1792
  • 3. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity… -- Charles Dickens A Tale of Two Cities
  • 4. Why The French Revolution Is Important
  • 5.
  • 6. What Happened When in the French Revolution
  • 7.
  • 8. What Life Was Like Before the French Revolution Began
  • 9. Louis XVI Marie Antionette The Rulers of France Let them eat cake
  • 10.
  • 11. For 7 years and 3 months, then, Marie Antoinette filled her life with other gay pursuits--dancing, music, gambling; theatricals, buying things, gambling; riding horses, frisking with dogs, gambling--and she shocked the pants off France when she made an outing with courtiers and her household one morning to watch daybreak--the so-called l'lever d'Aurore . Positively Rousseau-esque! Decadent and unqueenly! It prompted the first of thousands of vitriolic pamphlets written against her specifically. In 1774, Louis XV died, and King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette ascended to the throne.
  • 12.
  • 13. Marie Antoinette and the Royal Children
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 18. What will happen to her next? Wait and see…. Queen Marie Antoinette: Love Her or Hate Her
  • 19. What Are The Conditions That Lead to a Revolution?
  • 21.
  • 22. What Is French Society Composed Of Before the French Revolution?
  • 23. The Three Estates The Estates General is the French body of lawmaking Nobility Clergy Bourgeoisie Commoners Peasants
  • 24. The Three Estates First and Second Estates First Estate: Clergy (1% population) -control lots of land -operated the schools -aided the poor -lived in great luxury – chateaux -doesn’t have to pay tax (taille) to King (common people pay tax to King and tithe to church) Second Estate: nobles -Nobles had almost complete authority over peasants -Nobles did not have to do military service -Nobles were exempt from most taxes -Nobles collected tolls from people using roads and markets -
  • 25.
  • 26. Commoners 3rd Estate Aristocracy 2nd Estate Clergy 1st Estate The Number of Representatives in the Estates General: Vote by Head! 300 300 648
  • 27. Emmanuel Joseph Sieyes 1 st What is the Third Estate? Everything! 2 nd What has it been heretofore in the political order? Nothing! 3 rd What does it demand? To become something therein! Abbé Sieyès 1748-1836
  • 28. Convening the Estates General May, 1789 Last time it was called into session was 1614!
  • 29.  
  • 30.
  • 31. What Are The Causes of the French Revolution?
  • 32.
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 35.
  • 36.  
  • 37.
  • 38.
  • 39. “ The Tennis Court Oath” by Jacques Louis David June 20, 1789
  • 40. You tell me who said what: worksheet link
  • 41. 1789 The French Revolution Begins
  • 42. June 20, 1789 What happened after the Tennis Court oath? The National Assembly ruled and created documents and new decrees (laws)
  • 43.
  • 44. Bastille - a symbol of tyranny
  • 45.
  • 46. The Path of the “Great Fear” Why did the Great Fear occur? ____ Peasants believed nobles were planning to kill them and stop revolution. Many food shortages, so people hungry and angry ______ What was the Great Fear? ____ Peasants attacked manor houses and monasteries. Destroyed possessions and documents recording rents, feudal dues and other feudal obligations
  • 47. The Creation of the National Assembly and the new Constitution
  • 48. National Constituent Assembly 1789 - 1791 During that August there were decrees (laws) passed that ended the privileges of the rich aristocracy Liberté! Egalité! Fraternité!
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  • 50.
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  • 52.
  • 53.
  • 54. The Tricolor (1789) The WHITE of the Bourbons + the RED & BLUE of Paris. Citizen!
  • 55. The Tricolor is the Fashion!
  • 56. The “Liberty Cap”: Bonne Rouge
  • 57. Revolutionary Symbols Cockade Revolutionary Clock La Republic Liberté
  • 59.
  • 60. 83 Revolutionary Departments are created February 26, 1790
  • 61.
  • 62. The Creation of the New France and How Do They Pay For It? 1791
  • 63. How to Finance the New Govt.? 1. Confiscate and sell Church Lands (1790) One of the most controversial decisions of the entire revolutionary period.
  • 64. How to Finance the New Govt.? Why did the National Assembly seize lands from the Catholic Church? land was sold to the people and money used to pay down the national debt
  • 65. The Civil Constitution of the Clergy People in parishes would elect their own clergy and government pay salaries of priests and bishops What was the result of this law? Catholic Church upset and many Catholics began to oppose the Revolution
  • 66.
  • 67.
  • 68. What did the National Assembly Accomplish? limited the authority of the king and divided the government into 3 branches--executive, judicial, legislative--who believed in 3 branches of government?????
  • 69.
  • 70. How did Louis XIV feel about the 1791 Constitution?
  • 71. Louis XVI “Accepts” the Constitution & the National Assembly. 1791 Agreed, but plotted with e migres to overthrow gov’t and restore Old Regime j
  • 72.
  • 73. Timeline Orientation Where Are We Going With This?
  • 74.  
  • 75. Meanwhile the rest of Europe watches and fears what is going on in France Revolutionary France prepares a new army
  • 76. Europe on the Eve of the French Revolution
  • 77. French Expansion: 1791-1799 During the revolution in France other countries are scared. They are frightened the revolution will spread to their lands. Some offer support to Louis XVI and nobles of France. New French army (commoners) expands Fr territory. Out of this Napoleon will arise.
  • 78. Why did the Legislative Assembly and Louis XVI favor war? Louis XVI-would defeat revolutionary army and restore him to power. Legis Assemb--increase their power and spread revolution
  • 79. __ 1. the middle class, including merchants, industrialists, and professional people __ 2. obligations of peasants to noble landlords that survived into the modern era __ 3. “without breeches,” members of the Paris Commune who considered themselves ordinary patriots (in other words, they wore long trousers instead of fine knee-length breeches) __ 4. one of the three classes into which French society was divided before the revolution: the clergy (first estate), the nobles (second estate), and the townspeople (third estate) A. estate B. relics of feudalism C. bourgeoisie D. sans-culottes Define Match each definition in the left column with the appropriate term in the right column. C B D A Checking for Understanding
  • 80. The French Revolution and the Radical Phase 1793-1794
  • 81.
  • 82. The Political Spectrum Jacobins Montagnards (“The Mountain”) Girondists Monarchíen (Royalists) 1790s: The Plain (swing votes) TODAY:
  • 83. Now there is an uprising Due to all the continued problems and discontent What led to uprisings in France? Failures in war and economic/food shortages From all this discontent new voices/groups will rise in power in the France….
  • 84.
  • 85. Things Go Wild There is murder and mayhem and chaos in the streets. The Jacobins take over. The Reign of Terror begins.
  • 86.
  • 87.
  • 88.
  • 89.
  • 90. The Change in the French Revolution The Republic and the Reign of Terror 1792-1795
  • 91. So what exactly changed? The National Assembly added universal manhood suffrage every adult male could vote no matter if owned property or not
  • 92. Who were the leaders in the chaos of this time? 1792-1795
  • 93.
  • 94.
  • 95. “ The Death of Marat” by Jacques Louis David, 1793
  • 96. The Assassination of Marat by Charlotte Corday Paul Jacques Aimee Baudry, 19 c [A Romantic View]
  • 97.
  • 98.
  • 99.
  • 100. This New Gov’t Is Called The National Convention. What Form Is It? A Republican Gov’t Without A King
  • 101. The 4 Tasks of The National Convention. a. end monarchy b. write a new constitution c. keep order at home d. fight foreign invaders
  • 102.
  • 103.
  • 104. The “Monster” Guillotine The last guillotine execution in France was in 1939 !
  • 105. A French physician, Joseph-Ignace Guillotin, was instrumental in having a law passed requiring all sentences of death to be carried out humanely by “means of a machine.” Use of the guillotine, named for Guillotin,continued in France through the 1970s. In 1981, France outlawed capital punishment.
  • 106.
  • 107. Louis XVI’s Head (January 21, 1793) Louis XIV is accused of plotting against the gov’t of The National Convention and against France
  • 108. Marie Antoinette Died in October, 1793 The rest of the world is shocked that the king and queen were executed!
  • 109. Different Social Classes Executed 28% 31% 25% 8% 7%
  • 110. Many other countries are at war with France while the Reign of Terror continues within France Austria, Prussia, Great Britain, Netherlands, Spain, Sardinia. They feared France would try to export revolutionary ideas about overthrowing monarchy
  • 111. The French Army was different than the old regime A conscription is passed. Conscription is to draft all unmarried 18-25 year old men into the army How was the new French army different from the army of the Old Regime? anyone could become an officer if proved their ability
  • 112.
  • 113. More Changes Under the Reign of Terror
  • 114.
  • 115. The New Republican Calendar 18 August-21 September (Fruit) Fructidor 19 July-17 August (Heat) Thermidor 19 June-18 July (Harvest) Messidor 20 May-18 June (Meadows) Prairial 20 April-19 May (Flowers) Floreal 21 March-19 April (Budding) Germinal 19 February-20 March (Wind) Ventose 20 January-18 February (Rain) Pluviose 21 December-19 January (Snow) Nivose 21 November-20 December (Frost) Frimaire 22 October-20 November (Fog) Brumaire 22 September-21 October (Vintage) Vendemaire Time Period Meaning New Name August 18 – September 21 Fruit Fructidor July 19 – August 17 Heat Thermidor June 19 – July 18 Harvest Messidor May 20 – June 18 Meadow Prairial April 20 – May 19 Flowers Floreal March 21 – April 19 Budding Germinal February 19 – March 20 Wind Ventose January 20 – February 18 Rain Pluviose December 21 – January 19 Snow Nivose November 21 – December 20 Frost Frimaire October 22 – November 20 Fog Brumaire September 22 – October 21 Vintage Vendemaire
  • 116.
  • 117.
  • 118. The “Temple of Reason” Come, holy Liberty, inhabit this temple, Become the goddess of the French people.
  • 119. The Festival of Supreme Being A new secular holiday
  • 120. The Radical’s Arms: No God! No Religion! No King! No Constitution!
  • 121. The Results of the Reign of Terror
  • 122. The Results of the Reign of Terror Jacobins lost power, bourgeoisie took control of National Convention, Fashions became fancier, inflation increased _____________________________
  • 123. The Response to the Reign of Terror The Thermidoran Reaction 1794
  • 124.
  • 125. The Arrest of Robespierre The “Thermidorean Reaction,” 1794
  • 126. The Revolution Consumes Its Own Children! Danton Awaits Execution, 1793 Robespierre Lies Wounded Before the Revolutionary Tribunal that will order him to be guillotined, 1794.
  • 127. The Revolution Comes to an End What was the impact anyway?
  • 128. 6 Reforms of the National Convention a. Opened new schools b. supported ideas of universal elementary education c. encouraged religious toleration d. established wage and price controls to stop inflation e. adopted metric system f. abolished slavery in French colonies
  • 129. France and Wars – Why the Directory came about Why Napoleon came to power
  • 130. A New Form of Gov’t Is Created (the third one….) A new constitution is written It creates a Directory
  • 131. The Directory The Directory New ruling gov’t of France 1795-1799 Elector choose legislators They choose 5 men to direct the country – They are called the Directory
  • 132. How is it organized? 2 House legislature-500 members Council of 500 - propose laws. 250 members - House of Ancients-vote on laws and select executive branch. Executive branch=5 members=directors_
  • 133.
  • 134.
  • 135. __ 1. an individual qualified to vote in an election __ 2. a dissenting group __ 3. a sudden overthrow of the government A. faction B. elector C. coup d’ é tat Define Match each definition in the left column with the appropriate term in the right column. B A C Checking for Understanding