SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Your biggest challenge:
Not enough PV at the
end of the month.
Why is this?
Not enough members & distributors buying.
And the people you do have, aren’t buying
enough products.
Your biggest challenge:
How can we fix this?
We need to increase sponsoring
and increase product consumption.
By improving our ability to follow up
with our leads and prospects.
And to improve the quality and frequency of how we
promote to, and educate our entire organization.
1. Attract traffic & capture leads
3 Keys to Success in Shaklee:
2. Follow up and convert leads
3. Train and duplicate
Promotional campaign
& Lead Capture Websites
Email Marketing
& Conversion process
Email Marketing
& Training Center
Key tools needed
The Big Picture
The big picture – How it all fits together
Traffic sources
Lead Capture Sites
Email Marketing System
Conversion process
Training Center
The History of
Email Marketing
Seven years later, the first
email marketing campaign
was created and generated
a total of $13 million in
The first email was sent in 1971,
History of Email Marketing
History of Email Marketing
1996 – Hotmail is first free web
based email service.
1978 - 1st email marketing
campaign sent to users via Arpanet.
1998 – Data protection act
created to ensure all email
marketing included an opt-out. 2003 – Can Spam Law
introduced setting regulations for
commercial emails.
2012 – 40% of marketing emails
were opened on a mobile device.
Timeline cont.
History of Email Marketing
2013 – Industry research
reveals 53% of marketing
professionals agree email is still
their most effective marketing
2013 – eMarketer reports those
taking advantage of automation
have seen conversion rates as high
as 50%
Why Email Marketing?
1. Everyone uses email.
2. Email is personal.
3. Perfect for follow up.
4. Email scales as your business grows.
5. You can control who sees your messages.
5 main reasons it’s so effective:
Why Email Marketing?
Ian Brodie author of the book
Email Persuasion says:
“Email is, without doubt,
the most powerful
marketing tool available in
business today.”
When the Direct Marketing Association studied
the effectiveness of various types of marketing,
Email came out way on top with a
return on investment of around 41 to 1.
Nearly twice that of any other approach.
It’s still the number 1 marketing tool!
Why Email Marketing?
Distributors using email marketing
averaged 2x – 4x more sales
than those who do not use it.
Why Email Marketing?
And here’s what Robert Coorey, author of the book
Email Marketing That Sells, says:
“Why do I love email marketing so much?
Because most people are addicted to checking their email.
That’s why it’s so good!”
When data analytics firm Custora published the
results of their 4-year study into the online buying
patterns of over 72 million customers across 14
different industries,
they showed that over 40 times as many
purchases came from links in emails
than from Facebook or Twitter.
Why Email Marketing?
This is why
“Fortune is in the Follow up!”
Most people don’t
buy or join on the spot.
Why Email Marketing?
We want to improve how many
leads we can convert
into members & distributors.
So we need to improve follow up.
Why Email Marketing?
We want to build an audience
we can repeatedly market to.
Why Email Marketing?
Using an email marketing system
allows you to build an audience.
This happens when your
potential candidates
opt-in to your lead capture websites,
or you add your members and
distributors to your system.
When you build an
audience that you can
repeatedly communicate
with, you’ll sponsor more
and your customers will
buy more.
ExactTarget says:
“The greatest online marketing tool ever created is the
email autoresponder.
Never before have you ever been able to have a personal
communication instantly with so many people around the
The only cost you have with email marketing is the monthly
fee you pay your email platform.”
We want to build
Why an Email Marketing System
Know, Like and Trust
with our prospects & clients
We don't want to allow
leads we can't
connect with over the
phone to slip away.
Why Email Marketing?
An email marketing system
can solve this challenge.
Is it right for
Networking Marketing?
Considering that our number 1 job is to be the
marketing arm for Shaklee….
Well we are Marketers after all!
Why wouldn’t we want to use one of the
most powerful tools for marketing ever
created in history?
In fact, our mission is to create tools and training
that empower you to be better, more effective
All the top leaders in Networking Marketing use lead
capture and an email marketing system.
The big players use it…
2. Follow up and convert leads
3. Train, duplicate and upgrade
Randy Gage
The big players use it…
Ray and Jessica Higdon, who are some the top
leaders in their company use email marketing.
The big players use it…
Eric Worre has grown his list to over 300k
subscribers and Facebook fans using email.
The big players use it…
Sarah Robbins has become one of the industries
most successful network marketers using email.
Sadly most network marketers don’t have any
sort of email marketing strategy in place.
In fact, if you look at the websites of all the
social media gurus you’ll see just how powerful
email marketing is by the prominence they give it.
Your email marketing
Convert fans into
email contacts
Mari Smith the “Queen of Facebook” focuses on
getting people OFF Facebook into her email list.
Along with Amy Porterfield, Melanie Duncan…
Some Networkers use
digital newsletters however….
Digital newsletter systems are great for
those interested in focusing on direct sales,
however they can’t compare with the potential
a complete email marketing system offers.
A full featured email marketing system
allows you to send digital newsletters
and a whole lot more!
Does this mean we’re internet marketers?
Are we going to just start sending emails?
No! We want our emails to support our classic
method of building and maintaining a
Network Marketing business.
Now we just have a better way to support and
automate our follow up and we can educate and
connect with more people, more efficiently.
The sequence is still essentially the same!
1. Find prospects to talk to
2. Present to our prospects
3. Train our new builders & educate our members
What can you use it for?
What can you use it for?
 Inviting people to your events & webinars.
 Educating your entire organization about new
 Updating your business builders about
promotions and business issues.
What can you use it for?
 Orientating new members.
 Following up with leads you acquire from
vendor shows / fairs.
 Following up with online leads.
1. Your business leads.
2. Your product leads.
3. Your distributors.
4. Your members.
Who should I email?
What you need
Lead capture website
Follow up emails
A lead magnet
Conversion process
E-book Video Membership
How it Works
1. Promote your lead capture site
- Use Facebook, Newspapers, Word of mouth, Blogs etc.
2. Build your list
- Add your Shaklee members & keep doing step 1 consistently
3. Email your list weekly
- Invite to webinars, share great content, offer promotions
*Call your contacts!
- Remember we’re always trying
to connect to give live presentations
not just email our list!
How it Works
1. Attract traffic
Capture leads
Classroom 1 Classroom 2 Classroom 3
New Builders
2. Convert leads
3. Train and duplicate
Emails follow up automatically
How to prospect for builders with email marketing
They buy
Invite to
a webinar
Easily import your Shaklee members
(we can help!)
Add to 180
follow up
They re-order!
How to use emails with webinars to create sales
They buy
Visit your
Shaklee PWS
Day 1
Send a broadcast
educating about the
power of Muscadine
Grapes in Vivix
Day 7
Send a broadcast
sharing top 6 health
benefits of Vivix &
Visit your
Shaklee PWS
How to create sales with email marketing
1. Visitor Opts-in from
your lead capture site
2. System captures the
info your lead submitted
How to get people into your system
3. Systems starts sending series of emails (Auto responder)
Leads stay
& educated
How it Works
4. You create 1 time broadcasts (Regular Campaign)
Leads stay
& educated
How it Works
Here’s where it gets powerful
Freedom Mail is integrated with our
powerful marketing and 3 step sponsoring system!
Email marketing Contact manager
And you can forget the tech stuff!
As powerful as the system is, it’s still super easy to use
because we do the hard tech stuff for you!
Beautiful emails
Personalized to build
know, like & trust
Encourages them to
friend you
Encourages them to
like your fan page
Can Spam compliant
Build credibility and value when
you can educate your prospects
on our industry.
Create curiosity & re-awaken
dreams when you can tell the
whole Shaklee story!
Improve your success
helping people discover
Shaklee 180!
Find product clients
with the Health Secrets
Lead Capture site!
Increase PV with
Your Wellness Project
resource center!
Our Strategic Partner
Shaids has been creating Shaklee literature
and other sales aids for over 10 years.
You’ll be excited to know they will be creating
emails for your product related campaigns!
Content written by SHAIDS
will be included in
your Freedom Mail account!
Does it duplicate?
So why don’t more people use
email marketing systems?
Because they’re incredibly hard to set up,
configure and deploy.
You have to design and deploy the lead capture
websites, install the web forms, write the emails,
design and code the emails, create the lead magnets;
PDF, videos etc. and ensure it all works.
Remember in Network Marketing, it doesn’t matter
what works, it only matters what duplicates…
Setting up your own lead capture pages, creating
emails and configuring systems
just doesn’t duplicate.
Introducing Freedom Mail
Freedom Mail
has 2 main parts
Part 1.
The pre-built campaigns and pre-written
emails that WE write, design, code and
integrate into the system for you.
*These connect to all the lead capture websites
and our powerful marketing system.
Freedom Mail
has 2 main parts
Part 2.
The standard features that you can
extend and customize for your own
campaigns and broadcasts.
*We’ll also help you set these up if you like.
Features Overview
Features Overview
Features Overview
Features Overview
Features Overview
Create Contact Lists
Create Unlimited Lists
Email your
Email your
Email your
Ideas for emails to send
1. Invite to weekly product / business call
2. Invite them to like your fan page
3. Share product updates – Great after the convention!
4. Share info focusing on a single topic about a product
5. Share a Shaklee video you like
6. Offer new product promotion
7. Offer product of the month
Make them personal.
Keep it simple.
Start off with a few sentences of what you’ve been doing.
Share why you wanted to email them about this topic.
- How you think it would benefit them
- Why it mattered to you
Write like your talking to your friend. Not salesy and promotional.
You’re trying to educate, inform and help them.
Why Freedom Mail?
Freedom Mail is:
Network Marketing Friendly!
Freedom Mail is:
Network Marketing Friendly!
Popular systems that DON’T allow you
to use it for Network Marketing (MLM)
Constant Contact
Provides, sells or offers products, services or content frequently associated with spam, such as:
Online and direct pharmaceutical sales, including but not limited to health and well-being products,
Work-at-home offers promoting "get rich quick," "build your wealth" and "financial independence;"
Pyramid schemes or multi-level channel, network and/or referral marketing (MLM) businesses used for prospecting or recruiting;
Mail Chimp
Active Campaign
Mad Mimi
And more…
It’s incredibly simple to set up,
create messages and stay
connected with your contacts.
1. It’s MLM friendly.
Why Freedom Mail?
2. It works even if you don’t know how to use it.
3. Everything is built in.
4. It’s customizable and extendable.
5. It’s user friendly and simple to use.
6. It has powerful analytics.
1. Connected to your lead capture sites out of the box.
Freedom Mail VS Shaklee’s back office
2. Comes with pre-written emails, we update for you.
3. Easier to Navigate.
4. Can’t add a new person to an existing campaign.
6. Our support.
7. It has a dedicated email delivery team.
8. It’s a dedicated email marketing platform.
5. It’s an Autoresponder unlike Shaklee’s mailer.
1. Your ISP will throttle when you send to large lists.
Freedom Mail VS Outlook, Gmail etc.
2. Can’t automate campaigns.
3. Hard to personalize.
4. Very hard to get reporting.
6. You have no support.
7. Your ISP could cancel your internet service.
8. It’s designed for person to person not 1 to groups.
5. Only good if you’re sending in very small batches.
Here’s what they’re saying
Here’s what they’re saying
Just imagine…
When Shaklee launches their new products
at this years convention,
and you’re able to send a broadcast to your
entire organization and all your leads and
10 of them purchased over 100PV!
Freedom Mail Promo
Online Business lead capture site
Comes with Personalized Beginners Guide E-book
and first 2 months are free
(This will be priced at $67 and $3.95 mo.)
(This will be priced at $67 and $3.95 mo.)
The 7 Big secrets to losing weight lead capture site
Comes with Personalized E-book and PPT presentation
and first 2 months are free
Pre written emails for ALL the lead capture sites we offer
Weekly product
focused emails
Where it all comes together!
Personal Branding Hub Site
Your Hub site will be where it ALL comes together!
Your Wellness Project (Free upgrade when we bring it online)
Your Wellness Project resource center
Free Installation
Special Freedom Mail pricing
500 $12 $12
1000 $24
$15 $9 a month
2500 $36
$29 $7 a month
5000 $56
$49 $7 a month
10 000 $100
$69 $ 31 a month
Improve Follow Up & Increase Sponsoring
Get all the goodies for the bundle price
Your 1st
What you’d normally pay for all this
2 extra lead capture sites with e-books
$67 Beginners guide to an online business
$67 7 Big Secrets to Losing Weight
$24/mo. Freedom Mail with 1000 contacts
Pre-written emails
$5000+ 90+ professionally designed emails
Copywriters charge $60/hr. each email can take several hours to write & design
$24/mo. Weekly product oriented emails
$25 Installation & Support
Your 1st
All you pay today is
Your total cost is
just $49 a month
for everything on your
3rd month
Lock in at the best price now!
We will move the price up
to $59 a month after this special
promo ends.
Here’s a recap of everything you’ll have:
3 Step sponsoring and training system
- Contact manager
- Training center
- Online business classrooms
4 lead capture sites & Personal branding hub site
- Mini-Office Outlets LCW
- Beginners guide to an online business LCW
- Big Secrets to Losing Weight LCW with eBook, PowerPoint & webinar reg. pages.
- Simple Secrets to Health
FREE lifetime upgrades
As we bring new lead capture sites online you’ll get them for free.
Lowest price on Freedom Mail for LIFE!
Pre-written emails for ALL our lead capture sites
Check out our pricing in comparison:
Emma which offers custom designed email marketing is
$45 for $2500 contacts – You pay only $15 a month!
Check out our pricing in comparison:
Infusionsoft offers email marketing, contact management starts at $199
a month! And you have to create your own websites, emails etc.
Check out our pricing in comparison:
Hub spot offers email marketing, contact management starts at $200
a month! And you have to create your own websites, emails etc.
• 3 Step sponsoring and training system
• 3 lead capture sites
• FREE lifetime upgrades
• Lowest price on Freedom Mail for LIFE!
• Pre-written emails for ALL our lead capture sites
• Weekly product oriented emails
• Personal branding Hub site
All for just $117 1st month
Here’s a recap of everything you’ll have:
Visit the link below to get in
on this limited time offer!

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Freedom Mail - Email marketing system for Shaklee distributors

  • 1.
  • 2. Your biggest challenge: 2 Not enough PV at the end of the month. Why is this? Not enough members & distributors buying. And the people you do have, aren’t buying enough products.
  • 3. Your biggest challenge: 3 How can we fix this? We need to increase sponsoring and increase product consumption. How? By improving our ability to follow up with our leads and prospects. And to improve the quality and frequency of how we promote to, and educate our entire organization.
  • 4. 4 1. Attract traffic & capture leads 3 Keys to Success in Shaklee: 2. Follow up and convert leads 3. Train and duplicate Promotional campaign & Lead Capture Websites Email Marketing & Conversion process Email Marketing & Training Center Key tools needed
  • 6. 6 The big picture – How it all fits together Traffic sources Lead Capture Sites Email Marketing System Conversion process Training Center
  • 8. Seven years later, the first email marketing campaign was created and generated a total of $13 million in sales! 8 The first email was sent in 1971, History of Email Marketing
  • 9. 9 Timeline History of Email Marketing 1996 – Hotmail is first free web based email service. 1978 - 1st email marketing campaign sent to users via Arpanet. 1998 – Data protection act created to ensure all email marketing included an opt-out. 2003 – Can Spam Law introduced setting regulations for commercial emails. 2012 – 40% of marketing emails were opened on a mobile device.
  • 10. 10 Timeline cont. History of Email Marketing 2013 – Industry research reveals 53% of marketing professionals agree email is still their most effective marketing tactic. 2013 – eMarketer reports those taking advantage of automation have seen conversion rates as high as 50%
  • 12. 1. Everyone uses email. 2. Email is personal. 3. Perfect for follow up. 4. Email scales as your business grows. 5. You can control who sees your messages. 12 5 main reasons it’s so effective: Why Email Marketing?
  • 13. 13 Ian Brodie author of the book Email Persuasion says: “Email is, without doubt, the most powerful marketing tool available in business today.”
  • 14. When the Direct Marketing Association studied the effectiveness of various types of marketing, Email came out way on top with a return on investment of around 41 to 1. Nearly twice that of any other approach. 14 It’s still the number 1 marketing tool! Why Email Marketing?
  • 15. Distributors using email marketing averaged 2x – 4x more sales than those who do not use it. 15 Why Email Marketing?
  • 16. 16 And here’s what Robert Coorey, author of the book Email Marketing That Sells, says: “Why do I love email marketing so much? Because most people are addicted to checking their email. That’s why it’s so good!”
  • 17. When data analytics firm Custora published the results of their 4-year study into the online buying patterns of over 72 million customers across 14 different industries, they showed that over 40 times as many purchases came from links in emails than from Facebook or Twitter. 17 Why Email Marketing?
  • 18. This is why “Fortune is in the Follow up!” 18 Most people don’t buy or join on the spot. Why Email Marketing?
  • 19. 19 We want to improve how many leads we can convert into members & distributors. So we need to improve follow up. Why Email Marketing?
  • 20. 20 We want to build an audience we can repeatedly market to. Why Email Marketing?
  • 21. Using an email marketing system allows you to build an audience. 21
  • 22. This happens when your potential candidates opt-in to your lead capture websites, or you add your members and distributors to your system. 22
  • 23. When you build an audience that you can repeatedly communicate with, you’ll sponsor more and your customers will buy more. 23
  • 24. 24 ExactTarget says: “The greatest online marketing tool ever created is the email autoresponder. Never before have you ever been able to have a personal communication instantly with so many people around the world. The only cost you have with email marketing is the monthly fee you pay your email platform.”
  • 25. 25 We want to build Why an Email Marketing System Know, Like and Trust with our prospects & clients
  • 26. 26 We don't want to allow leads we can't connect with over the phone to slip away. Why Email Marketing?
  • 27. An email marketing system can solve this challenge. 27
  • 28. Is it right for Networking Marketing?
  • 29. 29 Considering that our number 1 job is to be the marketing arm for Shaklee…. Well we are Marketers after all! Why wouldn’t we want to use one of the most powerful tools for marketing ever created in history? In fact, our mission is to create tools and training that empower you to be better, more effective marketers.
  • 30. 30 All the top leaders in Networking Marketing use lead capture and an email marketing system. The big players use it… 2. Follow up and convert leads 3. Train, duplicate and upgrade Randy Gage
  • 31. 31 The big players use it… Ray and Jessica Higdon, who are some the top leaders in their company use email marketing.
  • 32. 32 The big players use it… Eric Worre has grown his list to over 300k subscribers and Facebook fans using email.
  • 33. 33 The big players use it… Sarah Robbins has become one of the industries most successful network marketers using email.
  • 34. 34 Sadly most network marketers don’t have any sort of email marketing strategy in place. In fact, if you look at the websites of all the social media gurus you’ll see just how powerful email marketing is by the prominence they give it. Your email marketing system Convert fans into email contacts
  • 35. 35 Mari Smith the “Queen of Facebook” focuses on getting people OFF Facebook into her email list. Along with Amy Porterfield, Melanie Duncan…
  • 36. 36 Some Networkers use digital newsletters however…. Digital newsletter systems are great for those interested in focusing on direct sales, however they can’t compare with the potential a complete email marketing system offers. A full featured email marketing system allows you to send digital newsletters and a whole lot more!
  • 37. 37 Does this mean we’re internet marketers? Are we going to just start sending emails? No! We want our emails to support our classic method of building and maintaining a Network Marketing business. Now we just have a better way to support and automate our follow up and we can educate and connect with more people, more efficiently.
  • 38. 38 The sequence is still essentially the same! 1. Find prospects to talk to 2. Present to our prospects 3. Train our new builders & educate our members
  • 39. What can you use it for?
  • 40. 40 What can you use it for?  Inviting people to your events & webinars.  Educating your entire organization about new products.  Updating your business builders about promotions and business issues.
  • 41. 41 What can you use it for?  Orientating new members.  Following up with leads you acquire from vendor shows / fairs.  Following up with online leads.
  • 42. 42 1. Your business leads. 2. Your product leads. 3. Your distributors. 4. Your members. Who should I email?
  • 44. 44 Lead capture website Follow up emails A lead magnet Conversion process E-book Video Membership
  • 46. 1. Promote your lead capture site - Use Facebook, Newspapers, Word of mouth, Blogs etc. 46 2. Build your list - Add your Shaklee members & keep doing step 1 consistently 3. Email your list weekly - Invite to webinars, share great content, offer promotions *Call your contacts! - Remember we’re always trying to connect to give live presentations not just email our list! How it Works
  • 47. 1. Attract traffic 47 Capture leads Classroom 1 Classroom 2 Classroom 3 New Builders 2. Convert leads 3. Train and duplicate Emails follow up automatically How to prospect for builders with email marketing
  • 48. 48 They buy 180 Webinar Invite to a webinar Easily import your Shaklee members (we can help!) Add to 180 follow up campaign They re-order! How to use emails with webinars to create sales
  • 49. 49 They buy Visit your Shaklee PWS Day 1 Send a broadcast educating about the power of Muscadine Grapes in Vivix Day 7 Send a broadcast sharing top 6 health benefits of Vivix & testimonials Visit your Shaklee PWS How to create sales with email marketing
  • 50. 50 1. Visitor Opts-in from your lead capture site 2. System captures the info your lead submitted How to get people into your system
  • 51. 51 3. Systems starts sending series of emails (Auto responder) Leads stay connected, they’re reminded & educated How it Works
  • 52. 52 4. You create 1 time broadcasts (Regular Campaign) Leads stay connected, they’re reminded & educated How it Works
  • 53. Here’s where it gets powerful 53 Freedom Mail is integrated with our powerful marketing and 3 step sponsoring system! Email marketing Contact manager
  • 54. And you can forget the tech stuff! 54 As powerful as the system is, it’s still super easy to use because we do the hard tech stuff for you!
  • 56. 56 Personalized to build know, like & trust Encourages them to friend you Encourages them to like your fan page Can Spam compliant
  • 57. 57 Build credibility and value when you can educate your prospects on our industry.
  • 58. 58 Create curiosity & re-awaken dreams when you can tell the whole Shaklee story!
  • 59. 59 Improve your success helping people discover Shaklee 180!
  • 60. 60 Find product clients with the Health Secrets Lead Capture site!
  • 61. 61 Increase PV with Your Wellness Project resource center!
  • 62. 62
  • 64. 64 Shaids has been creating Shaklee literature and other sales aids for over 10 years. You’ll be excited to know they will be creating emails for your product related campaigns!
  • 65. 65 Content written by SHAIDS will be included in your Freedom Mail account!
  • 67. 67 So why don’t more people use email marketing systems? Because they’re incredibly hard to set up, configure and deploy. You have to design and deploy the lead capture websites, install the web forms, write the emails, design and code the emails, create the lead magnets; PDF, videos etc. and ensure it all works.
  • 68. 68 Remember in Network Marketing, it doesn’t matter what works, it only matters what duplicates… Setting up your own lead capture pages, creating emails and configuring systems just doesn’t duplicate.
  • 70. 70 Freedom Mail has 2 main parts Part 1. The pre-built campaigns and pre-written emails that WE write, design, code and integrate into the system for you. *These connect to all the lead capture websites and our powerful marketing system.
  • 71. 71 Freedom Mail has 2 main parts Part 2. The standard features that you can extend and customize for your own campaigns and broadcasts. *We’ll also help you set these up if you like.
  • 72. 72
  • 78. 78 Create Contact Lists Create Unlimited Lists Email your Prospects Email your Builders Email your Members
  • 79. 79 Ideas for emails to send 1. Invite to weekly product / business call 2. Invite them to like your fan page 3. Share product updates – Great after the convention! 4. Share info focusing on a single topic about a product 5. Share a Shaklee video you like 6. Offer new product promotion 7. Offer product of the month
  • 80. 80 Make them personal. Keep it simple. Start off with a few sentences of what you’ve been doing. Share why you wanted to email them about this topic. - How you think it would benefit them - Why it mattered to you Write like your talking to your friend. Not salesy and promotional. You’re trying to educate, inform and help them.
  • 82. 82 Freedom Mail is: Network Marketing Friendly!
  • 83. 83 Freedom Mail is: Network Marketing Friendly! Popular systems that DON’T allow you to use it for Network Marketing (MLM) Constant Contact CONSTANT CONTACT® PROHIBITED CONTENT AND COMMERCE STATEMENT Provides, sells or offers products, services or content frequently associated with spam, such as: Online and direct pharmaceutical sales, including but not limited to health and well-being products, Work-at-home offers promoting "get rich quick," "build your wealth" and "financial independence;" Pyramid schemes or multi-level channel, network and/or referral marketing (MLM) businesses used for prospecting or recruiting; Mail Chimp Emma Active Campaign Contactology iContact Mad Mimi And more…
  • 84. Simplicity It’s incredibly simple to set up, create messages and stay connected with your contacts. 84
  • 85. 85 1. It’s MLM friendly. Why Freedom Mail? 2. It works even if you don’t know how to use it. 3. Everything is built in. 4. It’s customizable and extendable. 5. It’s user friendly and simple to use. 6. It has powerful analytics.
  • 86. 86 1. Connected to your lead capture sites out of the box. Freedom Mail VS Shaklee’s back office 2. Comes with pre-written emails, we update for you. 3. Easier to Navigate. 4. Can’t add a new person to an existing campaign. 6. Our support. 7. It has a dedicated email delivery team. 8. It’s a dedicated email marketing platform. 5. It’s an Autoresponder unlike Shaklee’s mailer.
  • 87. 87 1. Your ISP will throttle when you send to large lists. Freedom Mail VS Outlook, Gmail etc. 2. Can’t automate campaigns. 3. Hard to personalize. 4. Very hard to get reporting. 6. You have no support. 7. Your ISP could cancel your internet service. 8. It’s designed for person to person not 1 to groups. 5. Only good if you’re sending in very small batches.
  • 90. Just imagine… 90 When Shaklee launches their new products at this years convention, and you’re able to send a broadcast to your entire organization and all your leads and 10 of them purchased over 100PV!
  • 92. 92 Online Business lead capture site Comes with Personalized Beginners Guide E-book and first 2 months are free (This will be priced at $67 and $3.95 mo.)
  • 93. 93 (This will be priced at $67 and $3.95 mo.) The 7 Big secrets to losing weight lead capture site Comes with Personalized E-book and PPT presentation and first 2 months are free
  • 94. 94 Pre written emails for ALL the lead capture sites we offer
  • 96. 96 Where it all comes together! Personal Branding Hub Site
  • 97. 97 Your Hub site will be where it ALL comes together!
  • 98. 98 Your Wellness Project (Free upgrade when we bring it online) Your Wellness Project resource center
  • 101. 10 1 Contact Limit Regular Pricing Special Pricing You Save 500 $12 $12 1000 $24 $15 $9 a month 2500 $36 $29 $7 a month 5000 $56 $49 $7 a month 10 000 $100 $69 $ 31 a month LIFETIME SPECIAL FREEDOM MAIL PRICING
  • 102. 10 2 Just Improve Follow Up & Increase Sponsoring Get all the goodies for the bundle price Your 1st month
  • 103. 10 3 What you’d normally pay for all this 2 extra lead capture sites with e-books $67 Beginners guide to an online business $67 7 Big Secrets to Losing Weight $24/mo. Freedom Mail with 1000 contacts Pre-written emails $5000+ 90+ professionally designed emails Copywriters charge $60/hr. each email can take several hours to write & design $24/mo. Weekly product oriented emails $25 Installation & Support $5208
  • 104. 10 4 Just Your 1st month All you pay today is Your total cost is just $49 a month for everything on your 3rd month
  • 105. 10 5 Lock in at the best price now! We will move the price up to $59 a month after this special promo ends.
  • 106. 106 Here’s a recap of everything you’ll have: 3 Step sponsoring and training system - Contact manager - Training center - Online business classrooms 4 lead capture sites & Personal branding hub site - Mini-Office Outlets LCW - Beginners guide to an online business LCW - Big Secrets to Losing Weight LCW with eBook, PowerPoint & webinar reg. pages. - Simple Secrets to Health FREE lifetime upgrades As we bring new lead capture sites online you’ll get them for free. Lowest price on Freedom Mail for LIFE! Pre-written emails for ALL our lead capture sites
  • 107. 107 Check out our pricing in comparison: Emma which offers custom designed email marketing is $45 for $2500 contacts – You pay only $15 a month!
  • 108. 108 Check out our pricing in comparison: Infusionsoft offers email marketing, contact management starts at $199 a month! And you have to create your own websites, emails etc.
  • 109. 109 Check out our pricing in comparison: Hub spot offers email marketing, contact management starts at $200 a month! And you have to create your own websites, emails etc.
  • 110. 110 • 3 Step sponsoring and training system • 3 lead capture sites • FREE lifetime upgrades • Lowest price on Freedom Mail for LIFE! • Pre-written emails for ALL our lead capture sites • Weekly product oriented emails • Personal branding Hub site All for just $117 1st month Here’s a recap of everything you’ll have:
  • 111. 111 Visit the link below to get in on this limited time offer!