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What is email marketing? 7 tips for
effective email advertising!
Email marketing has long been considered a powerful arm of advertisers with
reasonable costs and effectiveness. So what is email marketing? Is this form
still effective recently? The article below will answer your questions in detail!
1. What is Email Advertising?
2. How does Email Advertising work?
3. The most popular types of Email Marketing today
3.1. Advertising Email Sales
3.2. Transactional emails
3.3. Welcome email
3.4. Email newsletter
4. Role - benefits of Email Marketing for businesses
5. Limitations when using Email Marketing advertising
6. Who should advertise on Email?
7. Tips for Effective Email Marketing Advertising!
7.1. Choose the right marketing software
7.2. Build email lists, audience classification, clear campaigns, and regular
7.2.1. Build a promotional email list
7.2.2. Object classification
7.2.3. Clear campaigns and regular updates
7.3. Use a variety of Email types
7.4. Optimized for mobile phones
7.5. Avoid falling into Spam mailbox
7.6. Attract right from the email subject line
8. Some reasons why running Email Marketing ads is ineffective you should
pay attention to!
8.1. The email list is too old
8.2. The frequency of sending emails is too high
8.3. Lack of personalization
1. What is Email Advertising?
Email Marketing is a form of email (email) that contains information about
sales, marketing, and product introduction to a business's potential customer
This tool is often confused with Spam email - a form of mass mailing to any
customer, Customers feel bothered and refuse to receive emails. Email
advertising is aimed at a targeted customer group and requires careful and
methodical research by the business.
What is email (electronic mail)? What is the email used for? - Things you
need to know!
If you are the target customer of a certain business, they will plan to send
Marketing Emails to you like the example below:
Email is not a new “technology”. It is one of the digital media that has been
around for a long time (1971). Yet email marketing – at the age of 50 – is
being used more than ever.
Reports show that 82% of marketers from businesses interviewed agree that
this is the main strategy to increase revenue. lead rate and conversion rate.
Besides sending sales messages and maintaining relationships with your
target audience, email marketing also helps you send advertisements, calls
to action, or send news using a blog.
Here are other telling numbers about the potential of promotional emails:
In 2020, there will be more than 4 billion global email users.
62% of consumers rank email among their top preferred communication
channels with small businesses.
According to the data, not having an email marketing strategy means
businesses can miss out on sales and marketing opportunities. opportunity to
build long-term customer relationships!
2. How does Email Advertising work?
In general, the way email marketing works is not too complicated, you usually
need to start with 2 steps:
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Make a recipient list: You can't send an email without a recipient, right? More
importantly, the messages you send need to reach the right people – potential
Choose an email service provider (Email Service Provider – ESP): ESP allows
you to segment audiences, organize lists book, and distribute email
campaigns to your audience. You can also track results to improve future
After the above two steps, the main issue for advertisers is just tweaking your
listing and messaging so that you reach your audience and truly connect with
them. Additionally, you will be able to set up some automation in your email
service, which will make things much easier for you. Games For Travelling
3. The most popular types of Email Marketing today
Currently, businesses mainly use 4 types of email marketing: Email sales,
email transactions, welcome emails, and newsletter emails. Characteristics
and purposes of use will be presented in detail below:
3.1. Advertising Email Sales
This is the most used type of email marketing for campaigns. Email sales is a
form of using email to introduce products, services, and existing incentives to
potential customers. Businesses use email sales as a means to communicate
and reach customers with the desire to increase revenue and convert them
into real customers. Flowers Coloring Book
3.2. Transactional emails
Customers will receive a transactional email when they make a successful
transaction with the business. These emails will often instruct customers to
purchase products, complete services, or confirm transactions made with the
sender. For example order confirmation, order status, electronic receipt,..
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3.3. Welcome email
When customers register on the website with the desire to receive information
about products and services, the first email the business sends them will be
The content of this form of email usually includes a thank you to the customer
for registering, a link to the company website, an email address to answer
questions, how to unsubscribe, or instructions for updating user information.
This is considered the first brick for the path connecting businesses and
customers. Statistics show that running welcome email ads is the type of
email marketing with the highest user open rate.
3.4. Email newsletter
An email newsletter is a form of online communication that allows any
business to send news, tips, and updates update about its products/services.
The purpose of this type of email is to communicate about the product and
promote image promotion and sales. Tracing Book
Customers who receive newsletters are those who proactively provide their
information and emails to the business. This shows that customers are paying
a certain amount of attention to the brand, but this expectation unintentionally
creates pressure and challenges for businesses when producing newsletter
4. Role - benefits of Email Marketing for businesses
As a tool used for decades, here are the advantages of advertising by email:
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Optimize advertising costs: Currently, there are many channels businesses
can choose to serve their communication plans such as Facebook, Google,
and television,... but The cost for these channels is quite expensive. Email
advertising can fix that problem.
The cost required for an Email Marketing campaign is usually not too much
compared to the above communication channels. On the other hand, the time
limit for email advertising campaigns is short, businesses can quickly adjust
and change to achieve better results. Disaster Survival Guides Collection
Detailed campaign statistics: With the help of ESPs, you can measure the
results of your Email Marketing campaign immediately without having to wait.
You will be provided with detailed information about email inbox rate, email
open rate, click rate, conversion rate, and customer interaction rate. These
parameters will be important factors for you to evaluate an Email Marketing
Directing to the right target customers: Email Marketing is sent to customers
who are interested in the business's products and services - potential
customers. Email Marketing will be the bridge to convert them into real
customers. This is considered the fastest form of reaching customers because
nowadays everyone has their email address.
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Brand building: Email Marketing is sent regularly to current and potential
customers to help businesses maintain their presence with customers and
increase awareness. their knowledge about products and services.
Through Email Marketing, you can find out the information that customers are
interested in (through surveys), thereby establishing close relationships with
customers, improving experience, and building customer loyalty. them.
Fast accessibility: When using a professional Email Marketing service, your
message will be sent quickly to thousands, tens of thousands of people with
high speed.
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5. Limitations when using Email Marketing advertising
Besides its advantages, email marketing cannot avoid some limitations. As
You need an email list first: This is a prerequisite if you want to run an email
marketing campaign and is also the weakness of this form. It will take you a lot
of time to create a list of recipients who are interested in your business's
products and services. Christmas Activity Book
Users tend to ignore promotional emails: When they know in advance that it is
a promotional email, users will not want to spend time reading the content you
want information to them. Therefore, do well in the title to attract the recipient!
Your mail is in the spam folder: This is a common phenomenon when running
email ads. At this point, your email will have no chance of being opened by
users. Therefore, from the technical stage to the email content, everything
needs to be carefully prepared to minimize the possibility of being classified as
Click-through rate is lower than other advertising campaigns: With the risk of
emails being ignored or ending up in Spam, Email Marketing also often has
lower click-through rates than advertising campaigns on other media
channels. Ultimate OFF-GRID Generator - Top Performer for 2023
6. Who should advertise on Email?
Email Marketing is suitable for most organizations and individuals who need to
market, sell, promote brand image, and use it to take care of existing
customers and find potential new customers. , introducing promotions, and
launching new products and services.
7. Tips for Effective Email Marketing Advertising!
Don't miss the 6 tips below to have the most optimal Email Marketing
7.1. Choose the right marketing software
With hundreds of ESPs on the market, businesses need to choose the
appropriate email marketing software. Popular email tools include Sendinblue,
Mailchimp, Constant Contact, Convertkit, Mailjet,...
To choose, please assess the needs of your current business. You need to
pay attention to distinguishing between must-have features and must-have
features to make a list of potential ESPs. Here are some questions to help
narrow down your options:
What is your budget? If it's very limited, then a cheap email marketing service
should be your starting point.
What type of emails do you plan to send and how often? Answering this
question will give you an idea of ​
the required email volume (i.e. number of
emails sent).
If you already have a list of recipient addresses, how many are there?
What is your skill level when designing emails? If you're a beginner, you'll
probably want email templates or a drag-and-drop email editor. On the other
hand, if you like writing email code from scratch, you'll have to pay attention to
an HTML editor. The Ultimate Energizer - Insane EPCs and Conversions.
Do you plan to set up an automated email ad process? Take a look at what
ESP has to offer in terms of email advertising automation. Some tools will only
provide basic autoresponders. Vegan Diet
If your business communicates with different buyer personas, what contact list
segmentation capabilities are offered?
Besides, you should also consider your future needs after you have found a
satisfactory ESP. Let's make a hypothetical: If your listing grows to X, how
much will this ESP cost? If you want to add X to your strategy, does this ESP
have the feature set up to support me? What types of integrations or apps will
you be able to add?…
7.2. Build email lists, audience classification, clear campaigns, and
regular updates
7.2.1. Build a promotional email list
The emails you collect should be from customers who know you, they
voluntarily subscribe to receive information or something useful from you.
7.2.2. Object classification
Once you have a list of recipients, you should use Email Marketing in
appropriate niches: Not all niches should deploy Email Marketing, so you need
to do this list section. Innovator – MASSIVE OFFER Will Shine Like a
List segmentation is the process of dividing your subscriber list into smaller
sub-lists with common characteristics. The idea behind this technique is to
engage subscribers with more relevant, targeted emails.
Typically, contact lists are segmented by demographic information like age
and location as well as customer information like lead score and purchase
history. (This is where having a sales CRM that works with your email
marketing tools comes in handy).
What is Email Personalization? Effective methods optimize customer
7.2.3. Clear campaigns and regular updates
It's time to think about what you want to achieve from this promotional email
campaign. You should have a clear goal, which can be specific or general – as
long as they are relevant to your business and your audience.< /span>
Then you need an email distribution strategy & create good content: You only
need to send 2 - 3 emails a week. Email content needs to avoid being too
salesy, and focus on bringing value and making an impression on the
recipient. In addition, you need to continuously update the recipient email list
so it doesn't get old. Sizzling Offer: Solar Switch 10%+Cvr,$2+EPC
7.3. Use a variety of Email types
Don't just send ads for customers to buy every time. Be flexible in using email
forms (sale, transaction, welcome, newsletter). Use your email to build
relationships with customers by sharing your expertise or that of others, giving
them tips and insights they can appreciate. Or share information that allows
them to know more about your business and brand.
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7.4. Optimized for mobile phones.
Did you know, that mobile emails account for 67% of total email opens,
depending on target audience, product, and email type? Therefore, focus on
mobile users and optimize the content of your emails for this device. You need
to ensure that your emails can be displayed and easily responded to from
different electronic devices. Mobile screens are smaller, so long headlines
may be cut off, leading to poor display performance.
Here are some of the best email marketing tips to attract mobile users:
Keep the format simple (one column), under 600px wide.
Use larger fonts. Small fonts are difficult to read on mobile devices.
Don't assume images are being displayed (Android disables images by
default). Make sure the email looks good without them.
Use smaller images to reduce loading time.
Use a large call-to-action (CTA) button. Larger buttons are easier to press with
your thumb. Hot New Offer: Backyard Revolution
Do not place two links next to or on top of each other. That way, users won't
accidentally press the wrong button.
All of these marketing tips can help any campaign get better open rates but
don't be discouraged if you don't see a change right away.
7.5. Avoid falling into Spam mailbox
Perhaps the most obvious problem is when your emails end up in subscribers'
spam folders. When you choose a reputable ESP, you're off to a great start.
When everything goes according to plan, the email gets through the spam
filter and reaches its destination. When delivery is compromised, emails end
up in spam folders or worse, your sender IP is blocked from the list by your
While deliverability often depends on technical factors, there are plenty of
non-technical ways to help your email newsletter reach inboxes. Here are
some best practices for easy deliverability: Kinetic Power System - Monster
Send your email campaign from a good IP address. It is an IP address that
has not been used by someone else who has sent spam in the past.
Make sure your email subject lines don't come across as spammy or overly
promotional: If a contact decides your email is spam before opening, the odds
of Your ability to deliver may be affected. Slot Machine System.
Keep your subscriber database up to date by deleting inactive contacts and
inactive addresses. a>
Send only to opt-in subscribers: Send emails to people who have never heard
of you and there's a chance they'll report you as spam. This will harm your
ability to deliver in the future.
Always include an unsubscribe link: Under GDPR (European data protection
regulation), an individual has the right to decide how their data is being used.
The act of unsubscribing belongs entirely to those rights, so this option will
always be available.
Avoid using too much “sales” language (these are spam trigger words like
“buy”, “clearance”, “discount” or “ cash”)Infinite Energy System - Mammoth
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7.6. Attract right from the email subject line
When it comes to email open and click rates, your subject line is everything.
Your job is to make your headlines stand out. Here are some tips for creating
the best email marketing subject lines:
Attract curiosity, but don't be so confusing that subscribers don't have a clue
what you're talking about.
Include numbers: Numbers will attract the recipient's eye.
Use a friendly tone.
8. Some reasons why running Email Marketing ads is ineffective you
should pay attention to!
Do you feel your email campaign is ineffective? Check to see if you are
making the following errors: Quick to Make and High in Protein Vegan
8.1. The email list is too old
As mentioned above, you need to keep the recipient list from getting old. In
your email list, some people may have changed their email accounts or they
may not be interested in your brand anymore. So, to keep your list fresh, you
should periodically delete inactive emails. Inactive Email can be anyone who
has not interacted with any emails in the past 6 months or more.
8.2. The frequency of sending emails is too high
Continuously sending customers Email Marketing can make them feel
annoyed, cause resentment and they may even unsubscribe. Therefore,
consider the frequency of sending letters at an appropriate level so as not to
annoy the recipient but still provide them with complete information.
8.3. Lack of personalization
Recipients often appreciate it more if you add their personal touch and a note
Pay attention to small details in your emails. Going Green - Big Collection
Therefore email personalization is essential to building a trusting relationship
with customers. However, not all businesses pay attention to this, leading to a
decrease in the effectiveness of email advertising campaigns.
Here are some ideas for simple email personalization that will positively
impact your open and conversion rates.
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Use the subscriber's name in the subject line and body of the email.
Consider time zones when scheduling campaigns to maximize the chances of
your emails being read. Where are the majority of your subscribers?
Use behavioral trigger emails based on how customers interact with your
Hopefully from the article, you have obtained useful information for your
campaign Email Marketing< i=3>. If you are looking into Email Marketing for
your Dropshipping store, please contact ShopBase immediately for support
and advice. Lottery Defeater Software
ShopBase VN Community – Dropship & POD
Address: 130 Trung Phung, Dong Da, Hanoi
Hotline: 024 6296 9246
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What is email marketing.pdf

  • 1. What is email marketing? 7 tips for effective email advertising! Email marketing has long been considered a powerful arm of advertisers with reasonable costs and effectiveness. So what is email marketing? Is this form still effective recently? The article below will answer your questions in detail! Menu: 1. What is Email Advertising? 2. How does Email Advertising work? 3. The most popular types of Email Marketing today 3.1. Advertising Email Sales 3.2. Transactional emails 3.3. Welcome email 3.4. Email newsletter 4. Role - benefits of Email Marketing for businesses 5. Limitations when using Email Marketing advertising 6. Who should advertise on Email? 7. Tips for Effective Email Marketing Advertising! 7.1. Choose the right marketing software 7.2. Build email lists, audience classification, clear campaigns, and regular updates 7.2.1. Build a promotional email list 7.2.2. Object classification 7.2.3. Clear campaigns and regular updates 7.3. Use a variety of Email types 7.4. Optimized for mobile phones 7.5. Avoid falling into Spam mailbox 7.6. Attract right from the email subject line 8. Some reasons why running Email Marketing ads is ineffective you should pay attention to! 8.1. The email list is too old 8.2. The frequency of sending emails is too high 8.3. Lack of personalization
  • 2. 1. What is Email Advertising? Email Marketing is a form of email (email) that contains information about sales, marketing, and product introduction to a business's potential customer group. This tool is often confused with Spam email - a form of mass mailing to any customer, Customers feel bothered and refuse to receive emails. Email advertising is aimed at a targeted customer group and requires careful and methodical research by the business. What is email (electronic mail)? What is the email used for? - Things you need to know! If you are the target customer of a certain business, they will plan to send Marketing Emails to you like the example below: Email is not a new “technology”. It is one of the digital media that has been around for a long time (1971). Yet email marketing – at the age of 50 – is being used more than ever. Reports show that 82% of marketers from businesses interviewed agree that this is the main strategy to increase revenue. lead rate and conversion rate.
  • 3. Besides sending sales messages and maintaining relationships with your target audience, email marketing also helps you send advertisements, calls to action, or send news using a blog. Here are other telling numbers about the potential of promotional emails: In 2020, there will be more than 4 billion global email users. 62% of consumers rank email among their top preferred communication channels with small businesses. According to the data, not having an email marketing strategy means businesses can miss out on sales and marketing opportunities. opportunity to build long-term customer relationships! 2. How does Email Advertising work?
  • 4. In general, the way email marketing works is not too complicated, you usually need to start with 2 steps: Tactical Pen X Make a recipient list: You can't send an email without a recipient, right? More importantly, the messages you send need to reach the right people – potential customers. Choose an email service provider (Email Service Provider – ESP): ESP allows you to segment audiences, organize lists book, and distribute email campaigns to your audience. You can also track results to improve future campaigns. After the above two steps, the main issue for advertisers is just tweaking your listing and messaging so that you reach your audience and truly connect with them. Additionally, you will be able to set up some automation in your email service, which will make things much easier for you. Games For Travelling .
  • 5. 3. The most popular types of Email Marketing today Currently, businesses mainly use 4 types of email marketing: Email sales, email transactions, welcome emails, and newsletter emails. Characteristics and purposes of use will be presented in detail below: 3.1. Advertising Email Sales This is the most used type of email marketing for campaigns. Email sales is a form of using email to introduce products, services, and existing incentives to potential customers. Businesses use email sales as a means to communicate and reach customers with the desire to increase revenue and convert them into real customers. Flowers Coloring Book
  • 6. 3.2. Transactional emails Customers will receive a transactional email when they make a successful transaction with the business. These emails will often instruct customers to
  • 7. purchase products, complete services, or confirm transactions made with the sender. For example order confirmation, order status, electronic receipt,.. Mine rooms are in gray countries. 3.3. Welcome email When customers register on the website with the desire to receive information about products and services, the first email the business sends them will be welcome. The content of this form of email usually includes a thank you to the customer for registering, a link to the company website, an email address to answer questions, how to unsubscribe, or instructions for updating user information. Use.
  • 8. This is considered the first brick for the path connecting businesses and customers. Statistics show that running welcome email ads is the type of email marketing with the highest user open rate. 3.4. Email newsletter An email newsletter is a form of online communication that allows any business to send news, tips, and updates update about its products/services. The purpose of this type of email is to communicate about the product and promote image promotion and sales. Tracing Book Customers who receive newsletters are those who proactively provide their information and emails to the business. This shows that customers are paying a certain amount of attention to the brand, but this expectation unintentionally creates pressure and challenges for businesses when producing newsletter content.
  • 9. 4. Role - benefits of Email Marketing for businesses As a tool used for decades, here are the advantages of advertising by email: Tattoo Coloring Book
  • 10. Optimize advertising costs: Currently, there are many channels businesses can choose to serve their communication plans such as Facebook, Google, and television,... but The cost for these channels is quite expensive. Email advertising can fix that problem. The cost required for an Email Marketing campaign is usually not too much compared to the above communication channels. On the other hand, the time limit for email advertising campaigns is short, businesses can quickly adjust and change to achieve better results. Disaster Survival Guides Collection Detailed campaign statistics: With the help of ESPs, you can measure the results of your Email Marketing campaign immediately without having to wait. You will be provided with detailed information about email inbox rate, email open rate, click rate, conversion rate, and customer interaction rate. These parameters will be important factors for you to evaluate an Email Marketing campaign.
  • 11. Directing to the right target customers: Email Marketing is sent to customers who are interested in the business's products and services - potential customers. Email Marketing will be the bridge to convert them into real customers. This is considered the fastest form of reaching customers because nowadays everyone has their email address. Brain Games Brand building: Email Marketing is sent regularly to current and potential customers to help businesses maintain their presence with customers and increase awareness. their knowledge about products and services. Through Email Marketing, you can find out the information that customers are interested in (through surveys), thereby establishing close relationships with customers, improving experience, and building customer loyalty. them. Fast accessibility: When using a professional Email Marketing service, your message will be sent quickly to thousands, tens of thousands of people with high speed. Email Marketing vs Facebook Ads - Which is the better choice? 5. Limitations when using Email Marketing advertising Besides its advantages, email marketing cannot avoid some limitations. As follows: You need an email list first: This is a prerequisite if you want to run an email marketing campaign and is also the weakness of this form. It will take you a lot of time to create a list of recipients who are interested in your business's products and services. Christmas Activity Book Users tend to ignore promotional emails: When they know in advance that it is a promotional email, users will not want to spend time reading the content you want information to them. Therefore, do well in the title to attract the recipient! Your mail is in the spam folder: This is a common phenomenon when running email ads. At this point, your email will have no chance of being opened by users. Therefore, from the technical stage to the email content, everything needs to be carefully prepared to minimize the possibility of being classified as spam.
  • 12. Click-through rate is lower than other advertising campaigns: With the risk of emails being ignored or ending up in Spam, Email Marketing also often has lower click-through rates than advertising campaigns on other media channels. Ultimate OFF-GRID Generator - Top Performer for 2023 6. Who should advertise on Email? Email Marketing is suitable for most organizations and individuals who need to market, sell, promote brand image, and use it to take care of existing customers and find potential new customers. , introducing promotions, and launching new products and services. 7. Tips for Effective Email Marketing Advertising! Don't miss the 6 tips below to have the most optimal Email Marketing campaign: 7.1. Choose the right marketing software With hundreds of ESPs on the market, businesses need to choose the appropriate email marketing software. Popular email tools include Sendinblue, Mailchimp, Constant Contact, Convertkit, Mailjet,... To choose, please assess the needs of your current business. You need to pay attention to distinguishing between must-have features and must-have features to make a list of potential ESPs. Here are some questions to help narrow down your options: What is your budget? If it's very limited, then a cheap email marketing service should be your starting point. What type of emails do you plan to send and how often? Answering this question will give you an idea of ​ ​ the required email volume (i.e. number of emails sent). If you already have a list of recipient addresses, how many are there? What is your skill level when designing emails? If you're a beginner, you'll probably want email templates or a drag-and-drop email editor. On the other hand, if you like writing email code from scratch, you'll have to pay attention to an HTML editor. The Ultimate Energizer - Insane EPCs and Conversions.
  • 13. Do you plan to set up an automated email ad process? Take a look at what ESP has to offer in terms of email advertising automation. Some tools will only provide basic autoresponders. Vegan Diet If your business communicates with different buyer personas, what contact list segmentation capabilities are offered? Besides, you should also consider your future needs after you have found a satisfactory ESP. Let's make a hypothetical: If your listing grows to X, how much will this ESP cost? If you want to add X to your strategy, does this ESP have the feature set up to support me? What types of integrations or apps will you be able to add?… 7.2. Build email lists, audience classification, clear campaigns, and regular updates 7.2.1. Build a promotional email list
  • 14. The emails you collect should be from customers who know you, they voluntarily subscribe to receive information or something useful from you. 7.2.2. Object classification Once you have a list of recipients, you should use Email Marketing in appropriate niches: Not all niches should deploy Email Marketing, so you need to do this list section. Innovator – MASSIVE OFFER Will Shine Like a Diamond. List segmentation is the process of dividing your subscriber list into smaller sub-lists with common characteristics. The idea behind this technique is to engage subscribers with more relevant, targeted emails. Typically, contact lists are segmented by demographic information like age and location as well as customer information like lead score and purchase history. (This is where having a sales CRM that works with your email marketing tools comes in handy). What is Email Personalization? Effective methods optimize customer experience. 7.2.3. Clear campaigns and regular updates It's time to think about what you want to achieve from this promotional email campaign. You should have a clear goal, which can be specific or general – as long as they are relevant to your business and your audience.< /span> Then you need an email distribution strategy & create good content: You only need to send 2 - 3 emails a week. Email content needs to avoid being too salesy, and focus on bringing value and making an impression on the recipient. In addition, you need to continuously update the recipient email list so it doesn't get old. Sizzling Offer: Solar Switch 10%+Cvr,$2+EPC 7.3. Use a variety of Email types Don't just send ads for customers to buy every time. Be flexible in using email forms (sale, transaction, welcome, newsletter). Use your email to build relationships with customers by sharing your expertise or that of others, giving them tips and insights they can appreciate. Or share information that allows them to know more about your business and brand.
  • 15. What is dropshipping? Dropshipping Guide - A to Z guide for beginners. 7.4. Optimized for mobile phones. Did you know, that mobile emails account for 67% of total email opens, depending on target audience, product, and email type? Therefore, focus on mobile users and optimize the content of your emails for this device. You need to ensure that your emails can be displayed and easily responded to from different electronic devices. Mobile screens are smaller, so long headlines may be cut off, leading to poor display performance. Here are some of the best email marketing tips to attract mobile users: Keep the format simple (one column), under 600px wide. Use larger fonts. Small fonts are difficult to read on mobile devices. Don't assume images are being displayed (Android disables images by default). Make sure the email looks good without them. Use smaller images to reduce loading time. Use a large call-to-action (CTA) button. Larger buttons are easier to press with your thumb. Hot New Offer: Backyard Revolution Do not place two links next to or on top of each other. That way, users won't accidentally press the wrong button. All of these marketing tips can help any campaign get better open rates but don't be discouraged if you don't see a change right away.
  • 16. 7.5. Avoid falling into Spam mailbox Perhaps the most obvious problem is when your emails end up in subscribers' spam folders. When you choose a reputable ESP, you're off to a great start. When everything goes according to plan, the email gets through the spam filter and reaches its destination. When delivery is compromised, emails end up in spam folders or worse, your sender IP is blocked from the list by your ISP. While deliverability often depends on technical factors, there are plenty of non-technical ways to help your email newsletter reach inboxes. Here are some best practices for easy deliverability: Kinetic Power System - Monster Converter Send your email campaign from a good IP address. It is an IP address that has not been used by someone else who has sent spam in the past.
  • 17. Make sure your email subject lines don't come across as spammy or overly promotional: If a contact decides your email is spam before opening, the odds of Your ability to deliver may be affected. Slot Machine System. Keep your subscriber database up to date by deleting inactive contacts and inactive addresses. a> Send only to opt-in subscribers: Send emails to people who have never heard of you and there's a chance they'll report you as spam. This will harm your ability to deliver in the future. Always include an unsubscribe link: Under GDPR (European data protection regulation), an individual has the right to decide how their data is being used. The act of unsubscribing belongs entirely to those rights, so this option will always be available. Avoid using too much “sales” language (these are spam trigger words like “buy”, “clearance”, “discount” or “ cash”)Infinite Energy System - Mammoth Green Energy Offer 7.6. Attract right from the email subject line When it comes to email open and click rates, your subject line is everything. Your job is to make your headlines stand out. Here are some tips for creating the best email marketing subject lines: Attract curiosity, but don't be so confusing that subscribers don't have a clue what you're talking about. Include numbers: Numbers will attract the recipient's eye. Use a friendly tone.
  • 18. 8. Some reasons why running Email Marketing ads is ineffective you should pay attention to! Do you feel your email campaign is ineffective? Check to see if you are making the following errors: Quick to Make and High in Protein Vegan Recipes 8.1. The email list is too old As mentioned above, you need to keep the recipient list from getting old. In your email list, some people may have changed their email accounts or they may not be interested in your brand anymore. So, to keep your list fresh, you should periodically delete inactive emails. Inactive Email can be anyone who has not interacted with any emails in the past 6 months or more. 8.2. The frequency of sending emails is too high Continuously sending customers Email Marketing can make them feel annoyed, cause resentment and they may even unsubscribe. Therefore, consider the frequency of sending letters at an appropriate level so as not to annoy the recipient but still provide them with complete information. 8.3. Lack of personalization Recipients often appreciate it more if you add their personal touch and a note Pay attention to small details in your emails. Going Green - Big Collection Therefore email personalization is essential to building a trusting relationship
  • 19. with customers. However, not all businesses pay attention to this, leading to a decrease in the effectiveness of email advertising campaigns. Here are some ideas for simple email personalization that will positively impact your open and conversion rates. Growing Greenhouse Use the subscriber's name in the subject line and body of the email. Consider time zones when scheduling campaigns to maximize the chances of your emails being read. Where are the majority of your subscribers? Use behavioral trigger emails based on how customers interact with your product/service. Hopefully from the article, you have obtained useful information for your campaign Email Marketing< i=3>. If you are looking into Email Marketing for your Dropshipping store, please contact ShopBase immediately for support and advice. Lottery Defeater Software SHOPBASE – DROPSHIPPING, PRINT-ON-DEMAND MADE EASY Website: Fanpage: ShopBase VN Community – Dropship & POD Youtube: Address: 130 Trung Phung, Dong Da, Hanoi Hotline: 024 6296 9246 Leave a comment Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Lottery Increaser.