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‘A Girl Like Her’ screen grabs
Within the first seven seconds of the teaser trailer, we already know what the setting is within the film. This gives us a clear indication
that the genre of this film would be a teen drama, with teenagers involved.
The time that this would be set in would most likely be early in the morning. This may be because of the way the camera is just peering
round the corner, giving the indication that the trailer begins first thing on a high school morning. The colour and lighting here is
presented to be very dull. This could just be because it’s the morning of a school day, or this could symbolise how dull and plain life at
high school could be. Usually for teen drama films, the lighting would be a lot more broader and brighter with high key lighting to
present enthusiasm and a ‘happy’ environment, however this is shown differently.
The editing for this section is quite fast pace, you only briefly see the high school logo, and has quick cut shots to view different college
students wondering the halls of the high school. These are short clips which are quickly jumped to the next to give the impression of a
busy high school life, showing how lively it can be.
The camera shots are used as a point of view perspective. This could be because the producers wanted to draw themselves into the
typical teenage perspective and ideal by making them have control and having the film act like a documentary. Because the camera is
handheld, there is some movement to make it realistic and to provide a sense of every day life within the high school. However little
movement is used because this would be introducing the setting and scene in which the film would be set in.
There is non-diegetic music which consists of string music, in this case being a guitar which provides a romantic, peaceful and youthful
atmosphere, while the diegetic sounds for this first section of the teaser trailer would be the sounds of other students walking around
the hallways, along with them
talking and the sound of the school bell which indicates to
students that the lesson has begun. The first few seconds of
sound are from the non-diegetic music which is clearly heard,
but when it comes to the diegetic sound of the school bell,
the soundtrack becomes quieter and the sound of school
children are heard visually. This could show how there can
be a sudden change in perspective hen the peaceful music is
interrupted by the realisation of the bell.
For this section of the teaser trailer, we are introduced to the main character which is a teenage girl, this therefore shows
that the genre of the film is a teen drama. For this scene, the girl is talking to the camera which creates the idea that she is
making a vlog of some sorts. In this short amount of time, we already know what this characters name is and the intentions
of what she is trying to vlog. When she states ‘I’m just your normal teenage girl’ it gives the sense that she is documenting
her life within high school. The setting for this particular shot is in the main characters living area, most likely her room. You
can tell this by the mirror hung up on the wall, along with a desk and computer with some pink accessories on. The time for
this location is unknown, however it could be early morning or late at night as there is no natural lighting, instead there’s
artificial lighting, meaning that it could be really early in the morning or really late at night. The character here looks relaxed
and comfortable in her surroundings. Her body language is slouched over with her palm holding up her head, which could
indicate her tiredness from the early morning or busy day after high school. She talks directly into the camera, making it
seem like she is personally talking to the audience who is watching this, along with wearing pink clothing which matches
her bedroom setting. This could become relatable as teenagers tend to wear what they prefer, this clothing looking
comfortable like a pajama top or something similar.
The editing continues with the straight cuts from one scene to another, creating a sense of a montage, showing the audience
what this characters day is like regularly. The length of the shots are short, making each scene short and quick when moving
onto the next one. However when it comes to the scene when the character is directly talking into the cameras, it gives the
sense that time has slowed down and that we get a personal aspect to this characters life.
This specific shot type is a medium close up while other shots include some medium shots as well, however it doesn’t show
any long shots viewing the body as a whole. This could be showing how the audience can see the characters, however we
don’t see them as a whole, only parts and fragments of them that the camera holder wants us to see.
The non-diegetic music of the guitar soundtrack is still used through
out this point, however it is being overpowered by the voiceover and
the sound of the main character talking to the camera. This could
symbolize the personality of the character who’s a strong, open
minded, independent character, and by having her voice overlap with
the music, it provides a sense of boldness and eagerness the
character has as a whole.
This section of the teaser trailer is a huge turning point because of the music change, the filter which is added and a realization to how
the characters behave in this section.
The mood created in this section is the beginning of an unsettling feeling. This is because you see how the main character and her
friends behave. The setting is in the high school toilets, seeing the main character tidy up on her makeup. She says that ‘this is our girl
time, because we never have time, because we are always running late’. This gives the impression that she is always late to class. By
hearing this, it makes us notice how good, committed students are rarely late to their classes. Then we discover later on that one of the
friends is telling someone to get out of the girls toilets once they come in, this again shows a unsettling mood as hard working students
would never do this and kick other people out. By having the characters act completely differently to how they were first presented, it
gives the audience a completely different perspective on how they view these characters, making them not seem who they thought
they would be. These characters behave more aggressively and come across to be more assertive to when we last saw them. By seeing
the way the main character is doing her makeup, it makes us see her as a glamorous and well presented character, making other people
admire her public image rather than her real self. The lighting within this teaser trailer has changed dramatically for the first time,
becoming more low key and harshly black and white, this could resemble how abstract this character is and how there is a massive
change in perspective once the teaser trailer continues.
The pace of the trailer has slowed down and has lowered to a slower pace, as if we are in the present situation in which the characters
are in. There are still jump cuts, so no continuity is used. This could mean that the ‘person’ editing this is cutting out the normal parts of
their life and only showing the dramatic sections. There is an appearance of a special effect which is used for the very first time within
the teaser trailer. This effect is a grainy black and white one which is used once one of the characters had kicked someone out and the
main character says something which changes the structure of the trailer completely. This effect has symbolic meaning of change,
showing dramatic changes in how the audience views this character.
So far all the screen time has been on this one character, centralizing her and seeing her life within the high school. There is a different
person holding the camera this time instead of the main character holding it. This could mean that we are slowly zooming out of the
characters perspective to see a different side to her. There is still little movement of the camera, however it is still handheld which still
provides us with the idea of them making a vlog of their high school life.
In this section of the teaser trailer, the non-diegetic music cuts out completely when
we see one of the friends do something mean when kicking something out, and we just hear the characters voices and begin to notice
how they talk to others as well as to each other. After the diegetic sound of the
characters speaking, and the sudden change in special effects, there is a booming
noise that happens, changing the genre of the music. This non-diegetic sound
Turns into a change of mood making the teaser trailer have a new perspective
on it. There is also an echo of the last word that the main character spoke of,
this is effective because it is the beginning of a changeover for the teaser trailer
making it linger as the next scene occurs.
This section of the teaser trailer introduces a new character, making the audience view someone who wasn’t the main character. After
we’ve seen the previous screen grab where there was a turning point in the trailer, we start to see things differently within the trailer.
Within this screen grab, we see a different character who looks uncomfortable and wary of her environment. This is shown through the
way she’s walking away at a fast pace toward the doors which is most likely an exit. This could show how she wants to escape the area
as quickly as possible, making the audience question what is happening, and what they have missed within the trailer which would
want them to watch more. Another way to show how uncomfortable she is would be viewing her facial expression, noticing how
unhappy she looks, and isn’t smiling. The character here is wearing warm, layered clothes to give the idea that she is cold or that it is a
cold day, however this could also symbolize how she is wearing these huge pieces of clothing to cover herself up and to hide herself
from high school life. By also seeing this character walk on her own toward an exit, it provides the sense that she is isolated and lonely
which is why she’s on her own with no one surrounding her apart from the camera which would make her feel even more self
conscious of herself. The setting for this section of the trailer looks like it is in the high school. This is obvious because there is a
hallway which has bins and fire exit/systems on the walls which would only be used in a high school instead of a household in this
case. The lighting for this part of the teaser trailer is high key, however there are dark shadows that are formed on her coat making it
seem like the atmosphere that is given off suggests that there is a darker, more sinister feel to it.
This small section of the teaser trailer has a continuation of the shot length shots, however there’s a sense that each new scene has a
key importance in it, which makes it seem like there is a deeper meaning to each shot which has a significance to it. There is no effect
used here, however it is a change from the previous effect that was used to represent the previous character, making this seem like
there is a conflict of some sorts or a difference between them.
The camera work is still handheld, however the audience are given the idea that a different character is holding the camera and is
focusing on this other female character instead of the blond haired one. The shot types used here is a medium shot, the camera tracking
this character and following them. The effect of this could be that there is an idea of someone stalking and harassing this character due
to the way she is hiding herself in the open space.
The non-diegetic music has changed in the teaser trailer, and has a more symbolic and dramatic feel to it with a female voice singing.
There are also booming noises which change the mood of the trailer, making it seem more intense and unsettling. There is little diegetic
music, however we do hear this character talk and say
‘I just want to go home’. The way she said this implies that she’s upset and wants to get away from the school which makes the
audience think that something happened that they missed. For this small
section, the music fades and becomes quieter, making this females voice be
heard and dominate over the non-diegetic music. This could symbolize that her
character has more importance within the teaser trailer, making what she says
more significant compared to the other character.
This section of the teaser trailer is shot at a different perspective, viewing back to the first character, but at a different angle making it seem that
someone isn’t holding the camera at this point, but is recording and witnessing these events.
The mood created here seems very hostile and passive aggressive by the way that the main character bumps into the hidden character and speaks
aggressively towards them. The information given off here shows how there is a dislike and conflict between these two characters, however we don’t
know which character is being harassed here. The setting is still within the high school, most likely during the day when students are walking to
their next lesson. This could show how the majority of the scenes here will now be in the high school environment. The character that we see in this
screen grab comes across to be aggressive and violent by the way she bumps into the other character. The facial expression on her face makes it look
like she is viewing the other character in disgust and hatred which give off the feeling that this character has some sort of hate toward the other
character. The other character that isn’t shown here is viewed to have some sort of importance because she is the one who’s being harassed by. From
viewing the previous shots and watching the trailer from the beginning to this point, the audience are given the idea that the brunet character is the
one that is hidden here. This is possibly shown through the behavior she was in from the previous shot, and brought this into this scene to continue
the tense and awkwardness of the situation. The lighting here has reverted back to low key with the special effect on, making this seem repetitive
and constant throughout the trailer.
There is a variation of editing within the teaser trailer. Right before this screen grab, there is a buffer/disturbance that fizzled onscreen making it
seem like a camera had been disturbed and knocked about as this could symbolize the disturbance in behavior and characterization. The same
grainy black and white filter is being used again, making this moment seem repetitive which could mean that these events and moments within both
the characters lives are repetitive and continuous. However this filter is used in a different sense as it appears when a mean and aggressive action
had taken place compared to the last one which implies the beginnings of something bad, and this is the continuation of bad events happening.
The camerawork is different compared to all the other shots taken. This shot is taken at a low angle, but is still able to view all the characters clearly.
By having this shot at a low angle, it is looking up at all the other characters, and in this case it is looking up at one of the main characters. This could
be of importance because it would show how the stereotypical popular girl would be looked up to, even when being filmed. There is also camera
movement when the two characters bumped into each other, along with the camera moving at a walking speed pace, making it seem like the camera
is on the character at a low angle of some sorts, possibly being placed near their neck as a necklace.
The continuation of the non-diegetic music is still playing, making it become the primary theme and mood of the music which changes the
atmosphere to become more sinister. There’s also the ambient sound of
the noise when the camera is disturbed, as well as the dialogue of the character
saying one word ‘bitch’ which is a cruel and unfriendly word to say in the harsh
tone that she did. Her one word is used as a sound bridge when the screen blacks
out and changes to a blank shot with writing on. This one word could have been
dragged out to intensify how violent and harsh the one word is, making it seem
more dramatic and cruel to how it is usually spoken.
This section in the teaser trailer comes across to be more personal due to the fact that no one is seen apart from the hand
which is reaching out for something.
By the looks of where this scene was taken, to looks like the girls changing area, this part being the showers. You can tell by
thinking where showers would be within a high school environment, this being the PE changing area. There is a group of
characters within this scene, this being the two main characters along with the friends of the bully. You can also tell that the
setting in which they are in is a PE changing area by the way that the characters are dressed, all in the same clothing making
it seem like they are PE clothing especially for sports. In this scene, one of the characters is forcefully pulling the other
character into the shower room because they say that she ‘smells’. This character representation shows a completely
different side to the characters, each action taken is getting worse and more violent. The lighting within this section is low
key and slightly faded to make the effect seem like a camera.
There is little editing, apart from the face that there is no continuity and transitions to a black screen and back into another
shot, creating this ellipsis of time when one of the characters were pulling the other one into the shower room. There is an
aspect to this trailer which makes it seem like a montage, going through a series of events that go from bad to worse, making
this seem like a never-ending occurrence of events. Each shot has a short sequence to it to show the main events taken on
camera which would structure the plotline of the story, along with the long list of bad and cruel things that happen to this
one girl.
For camerawork, it’s shot to make it seem like a point of view shot which makes the audience feel a part of the situation that
the girl is going through. The movement for this shot moves and follows the character who is getting bullied. This would be
affective because it makes the audience feel like they are witnessing the harassment and bullying.
The sound for this section still has the non-diegetic soundtrack
music which is hidden behind the dialogue which is used as you
hear one of the main characters say ‘guys do you smell anything,
it’s kinda embarrassing, I think we should take care of that’ and then
pulls her toward the showers. This realization of words start to
occur more and more within the teaser trailer, coming across to be
negative and hurtful comments which ultimately result in bullying.
The pace of the teaser trailer increases as the trailer comes to an end to add tension, before the trailer finishes a load of quick shots are
taken of the screen, viewing hate messages aimed towards the second main character.
The setting for this location would most likely be in the other main characters room, her viewing her messages and text from the other
character. She’s probably looking at these messages from her laptop/computer or phone. By viewing these messages on different
sources of devices, it shows how there are different ways in bullying along with having different ways in messaging people such as
through social media, email and by text messages. This could be summing up to the audience what extreme cases of bullying might be
and how hurtful and bad it looks when viewing it from the victims perspective. The lighting within this scene is low key and dark,
making it seem ominous and unsettling as there are quick shots changing from one hate message to the other.
There’s very quick editing which skims through heaps of hate messages, these shots being taken quickly and at a fast pace which could
provide the sense that these messages had been popping up again and again for a long time. There are straight cuts from one message
to the other, some of them having longer screen time, but flashes are added to make the atmosphere more hostile. The screen grab
below had a longer amount of screen time, the editing making there be flashes of black occur several times, and the camera working its
way close toward this one hateful message. The effect of this would question how this would make people feel if they received a
message like this, along with questioning why someone would send such a aggressive message to someone they had a conflict or
disagreement with.
The camerawork here is handheld, viewing the messages. The majority of these messages use a close up shot to clearly view what they
are saying, along with having the camera being handheld which makes everything seem haywire and fast pace, making it all seem like
it’s going too quickly. Not much use of camerawork is used, but the way that the limited amount of shots are used is still effective
because it gives off a personal aspect to it, making the audience feel a part of everything the victim is going through and understanding
her perspective.
The sound comes across to be more intense as the teaser trailer comes to the end. The tempo increases along with different sounds and
noises being involved in the non-diegetic music. These noises sound like booming and high pitched noises that increase the pace with
the trailer. There seems to be percussion added in with drums included. This type of instrument can be very loud and ‘in your face’
when played in extreme cases. By including this into the music, it makes the atmosphere are development of the trailer more unsettling
and face paced.
The Facebook messaging text graphics are very blunt and basic making it seem
like an ordinary message, however the message is in all capitals which comes
across to be negative and is the equivalent to shouting, along with only three
words being sent saying ‘GO DIE PLEASE.’ which is passive aggressive and
mean making this one message come across completely differently compared
to an average message sent to someone.
This is the last scene in the teaser trailer which reverts back to the beginning, seeing the main character repeat one sentence
that has a different meaning and proposition to it compared to when the audience first saw this clip at the beginning.
The setting and time is the same as the second screen grab that we saw at the beginning of the teaser trailer, however the
mood has changed toward the audience and not the character herself. For the audience, the mood has changed because they
had viewed these horrible chain of events that occurred over and over again of this character bullying another one, and after
all of that she says that she is a normal teenage girl. This changes the mood for this specific scene because it shows how the
audience views this character in a completely different and judging way compared to the beginning of the teaser.
The editing and camerawork is the same and hasn’t changed, apart from using the editing skills in order to repeat this scene
to add affect and intrigue to the audience to see how people view themselves, along with how other people view one
At this moment within the teaser trailer, the non-diegetic music has disappeared making the audience hear the dialogue of
what is being spoken, making it seem like this character is declaring this to the audience who would think otherwise. The
sentence she said “other than that, I’m just your normal teenage girl.” makes it sound genuine that she has convinced herself
and/or believes that she has done nothing wrong and that she is an average student like everyone else within the high
school. The way she says this makes it sound like she’s coming across in this way, however by having this repeated it seems
like she was summing up all the negative actions she was layering on top of the other character, and then saying how normal
she is as a person, which therefore makes the audience contradict this.
This is the last clip before the teaser trailer ends, which shows the title of the film.
This ending of the teaser trailer makes it seem like an end of a documentary/story, making the atmosphere and the mood
for this to feel unfinished as if the whole story hasn’t been revealed, which would draw the audience in and make them
watch to watch and understand the whole story behind these two characters.
The editing for this small clip is subtle as the transition goes from the last scene to this title screen through a fading
technique, which shows the main title that gradually increases in size to become more viable along with making it seem like
there is still some movement after the quick shots and loud music, this small clip being the finalization and end to
something hectic and out of control.
The music comes back into the teaser trailer once the title screen had appeared. This non-diegetic music has gone back to
the calming guitar with a male voice added in which wasn’t originally heard in the beginning of the trailer. This added voice
could symbolize something being heard and standing out from all the other noise, this one voice being heard and
Finally, the main feature of this short clip is the text. The way that it is formatted makes it seem like a friend request when
you add a friend on Facebook. This could show how social media is involved within this film, which also shows that it would
be a youthful, teenage film. ‘A GIRL’ and ‘LIKE HER’ seem like they are two separate meanings instead of one. ‘A GIRL’ could
mean that these characters are female and each have their own identities and opinions on whoever they want, while ‘LIKE
HER’ seems to be a demand of some kind, being forceful to inject the idea of people having to like someone. This could then
ultimately show the two sides of the characters, one being the normal girl, and the other one who is demanding acceptance
and fame from others. Following on from this, the rectangular block of red can link with the idea of demand and aggression
as the connotations of red are anger and lust which could be
representing one of the characters traits, while the other character
is plain and visible, showing that people see this person who who
she is.
This teaser trailer has elements to it which we can use in our own group
production for our own teaser trailer.
The idea that I liked was the whole concept of manipulating the
audience in thinking that the character they first saw was the nice,
kindhearted character when later on they discovered that there was a
completely new side to her that people didn’t know. I liked this idea
because you are intriguing the audience, making them want to watch it
and continue watching through the rest of the trailer, so I believe that
including a similar concept of a character who’s viewed in two different
ways would be effective toward our on group production.
Another good aspect to this trailer which would be useful for our teaser
trailer is the way they used the music for this film. They managed to
change from a light hearted soundtrack, to a aggressive and loud
soundtrack which dramatically changed the mood of the teaser trailer.
This is what our groups want to use as well, and I was interested to see
how they managed to make a smooth and subtle transition from one
genre of music to the other.
This poster is only viewing two
characters, and is only
showing half of their faces,
which gives the idea that they
are both hiding from something
or have a secret of some sorts.
This kind of shot is effective
because it is a close up of both
of them, but shows limited
information on their characters
themselves. The marketing
team were probably trying to
attract a teenage audience by
showing both of these young
female characters faces, along
with wanting show a strong
representation of these
characters by having them as
the main characters. By the
look on their faces, it makes it
look like there’s a conflict and
anger toward each other which
would draw the audience in
more, wanting them to
discover what their
confrontation between one
another is.
This type of poster
perfectly matches with
how the teaser trailer
works. This is shown
through the characters
facial expression, one
being hidden by looking
down and the other
making direct eye
contact to the audience,
this showing both of their
different personalities
and differences between
one another. The tag line
also helps reinforce this
as it shows different
opinions and
perspectives upon
different people and how
we view ourselves along
with how we view others.
The ‘A Girl Like Her’ poster is very original as it shows a
close up of the characters faces. This is interesting as for a
possible poster idea for our group, we could do a similar
theme of showing two halves of a face, but one side being
different to the other to make it seem like there is a difference
in character. The title is important as well as this one slightly
sums up the genre, so our group would have to look into our
title and what it could look like, along with how it should be
designed to make sure it fits in with our main image as well
as the genre. Finally, the tag line needs to be included which
in this case sums up the story in a few words. Our group
would have to find a sentence or a few words that would
vaguely sum up our plot line, or something that would be
relevant to our production.

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  • 2. ‘A Girl Like Her’ screen grabs
  • 3. 1. Within the first seven seconds of the teaser trailer, we already know what the setting is within the film. This gives us a clear indication that the genre of this film would be a teen drama, with teenagers involved. The time that this would be set in would most likely be early in the morning. This may be because of the way the camera is just peering round the corner, giving the indication that the trailer begins first thing on a high school morning. The colour and lighting here is presented to be very dull. This could just be because it’s the morning of a school day, or this could symbolise how dull and plain life at high school could be. Usually for teen drama films, the lighting would be a lot more broader and brighter with high key lighting to present enthusiasm and a ‘happy’ environment, however this is shown differently. The editing for this section is quite fast pace, you only briefly see the high school logo, and has quick cut shots to view different college students wondering the halls of the high school. These are short clips which are quickly jumped to the next to give the impression of a busy high school life, showing how lively it can be. The camera shots are used as a point of view perspective. This could be because the producers wanted to draw themselves into the typical teenage perspective and ideal by making them have control and having the film act like a documentary. Because the camera is handheld, there is some movement to make it realistic and to provide a sense of every day life within the high school. However little movement is used because this would be introducing the setting and scene in which the film would be set in. There is non-diegetic music which consists of string music, in this case being a guitar which provides a romantic, peaceful and youthful atmosphere, while the diegetic sounds for this first section of the teaser trailer would be the sounds of other students walking around the hallways, along with them talking and the sound of the school bell which indicates to students that the lesson has begun. The first few seconds of sound are from the non-diegetic music which is clearly heard, but when it comes to the diegetic sound of the school bell, the soundtrack becomes quieter and the sound of school children are heard visually. This could show how there can be a sudden change in perspective hen the peaceful music is interrupted by the realisation of the bell.
  • 4. 2. For this section of the teaser trailer, we are introduced to the main character which is a teenage girl, this therefore shows that the genre of the film is a teen drama. For this scene, the girl is talking to the camera which creates the idea that she is making a vlog of some sorts. In this short amount of time, we already know what this characters name is and the intentions of what she is trying to vlog. When she states ‘I’m just your normal teenage girl’ it gives the sense that she is documenting her life within high school. The setting for this particular shot is in the main characters living area, most likely her room. You can tell this by the mirror hung up on the wall, along with a desk and computer with some pink accessories on. The time for this location is unknown, however it could be early morning or late at night as there is no natural lighting, instead there’s artificial lighting, meaning that it could be really early in the morning or really late at night. The character here looks relaxed and comfortable in her surroundings. Her body language is slouched over with her palm holding up her head, which could indicate her tiredness from the early morning or busy day after high school. She talks directly into the camera, making it seem like she is personally talking to the audience who is watching this, along with wearing pink clothing which matches her bedroom setting. This could become relatable as teenagers tend to wear what they prefer, this clothing looking comfortable like a pajama top or something similar. The editing continues with the straight cuts from one scene to another, creating a sense of a montage, showing the audience what this characters day is like regularly. The length of the shots are short, making each scene short and quick when moving onto the next one. However when it comes to the scene when the character is directly talking into the cameras, it gives the sense that time has slowed down and that we get a personal aspect to this characters life. This specific shot type is a medium close up while other shots include some medium shots as well, however it doesn’t show any long shots viewing the body as a whole. This could be showing how the audience can see the characters, however we don’t see them as a whole, only parts and fragments of them that the camera holder wants us to see. The non-diegetic music of the guitar soundtrack is still used through out this point, however it is being overpowered by the voiceover and the sound of the main character talking to the camera. This could symbolize the personality of the character who’s a strong, open minded, independent character, and by having her voice overlap with the music, it provides a sense of boldness and eagerness the character has as a whole.
  • 5. 3. This section of the teaser trailer is a huge turning point because of the music change, the filter which is added and a realization to how the characters behave in this section. The mood created in this section is the beginning of an unsettling feeling. This is because you see how the main character and her friends behave. The setting is in the high school toilets, seeing the main character tidy up on her makeup. She says that ‘this is our girl time, because we never have time, because we are always running late’. This gives the impression that she is always late to class. By hearing this, it makes us notice how good, committed students are rarely late to their classes. Then we discover later on that one of the friends is telling someone to get out of the girls toilets once they come in, this again shows a unsettling mood as hard working students would never do this and kick other people out. By having the characters act completely differently to how they were first presented, it gives the audience a completely different perspective on how they view these characters, making them not seem who they thought they would be. These characters behave more aggressively and come across to be more assertive to when we last saw them. By seeing the way the main character is doing her makeup, it makes us see her as a glamorous and well presented character, making other people admire her public image rather than her real self. The lighting within this teaser trailer has changed dramatically for the first time, becoming more low key and harshly black and white, this could resemble how abstract this character is and how there is a massive change in perspective once the teaser trailer continues. The pace of the trailer has slowed down and has lowered to a slower pace, as if we are in the present situation in which the characters are in. There are still jump cuts, so no continuity is used. This could mean that the ‘person’ editing this is cutting out the normal parts of their life and only showing the dramatic sections. There is an appearance of a special effect which is used for the very first time within the teaser trailer. This effect is a grainy black and white one which is used once one of the characters had kicked someone out and the main character says something which changes the structure of the trailer completely. This effect has symbolic meaning of change, showing dramatic changes in how the audience views this character. So far all the screen time has been on this one character, centralizing her and seeing her life within the high school. There is a different person holding the camera this time instead of the main character holding it. This could mean that we are slowly zooming out of the characters perspective to see a different side to her. There is still little movement of the camera, however it is still handheld which still provides us with the idea of them making a vlog of their high school life. In this section of the teaser trailer, the non-diegetic music cuts out completely when we see one of the friends do something mean when kicking something out, and we just hear the characters voices and begin to notice how they talk to others as well as to each other. After the diegetic sound of the characters speaking, and the sudden change in special effects, there is a booming noise that happens, changing the genre of the music. This non-diegetic sound Turns into a change of mood making the teaser trailer have a new perspective on it. There is also an echo of the last word that the main character spoke of, this is effective because it is the beginning of a changeover for the teaser trailer making it linger as the next scene occurs.
  • 6. 4. This section of the teaser trailer introduces a new character, making the audience view someone who wasn’t the main character. After we’ve seen the previous screen grab where there was a turning point in the trailer, we start to see things differently within the trailer. Within this screen grab, we see a different character who looks uncomfortable and wary of her environment. This is shown through the way she’s walking away at a fast pace toward the doors which is most likely an exit. This could show how she wants to escape the area as quickly as possible, making the audience question what is happening, and what they have missed within the trailer which would want them to watch more. Another way to show how uncomfortable she is would be viewing her facial expression, noticing how unhappy she looks, and isn’t smiling. The character here is wearing warm, layered clothes to give the idea that she is cold or that it is a cold day, however this could also symbolize how she is wearing these huge pieces of clothing to cover herself up and to hide herself from high school life. By also seeing this character walk on her own toward an exit, it provides the sense that she is isolated and lonely which is why she’s on her own with no one surrounding her apart from the camera which would make her feel even more self conscious of herself. The setting for this section of the trailer looks like it is in the high school. This is obvious because there is a hallway which has bins and fire exit/systems on the walls which would only be used in a high school instead of a household in this case. The lighting for this part of the teaser trailer is high key, however there are dark shadows that are formed on her coat making it seem like the atmosphere that is given off suggests that there is a darker, more sinister feel to it. This small section of the teaser trailer has a continuation of the shot length shots, however there’s a sense that each new scene has a key importance in it, which makes it seem like there is a deeper meaning to each shot which has a significance to it. There is no effect used here, however it is a change from the previous effect that was used to represent the previous character, making this seem like there is a conflict of some sorts or a difference between them. The camera work is still handheld, however the audience are given the idea that a different character is holding the camera and is focusing on this other female character instead of the blond haired one. The shot types used here is a medium shot, the camera tracking this character and following them. The effect of this could be that there is an idea of someone stalking and harassing this character due to the way she is hiding herself in the open space. The non-diegetic music has changed in the teaser trailer, and has a more symbolic and dramatic feel to it with a female voice singing. There are also booming noises which change the mood of the trailer, making it seem more intense and unsettling. There is little diegetic music, however we do hear this character talk and say ‘I just want to go home’. The way she said this implies that she’s upset and wants to get away from the school which makes the audience think that something happened that they missed. For this small section, the music fades and becomes quieter, making this females voice be heard and dominate over the non-diegetic music. This could symbolize that her character has more importance within the teaser trailer, making what she says more significant compared to the other character.
  • 7. 5. This section of the teaser trailer is shot at a different perspective, viewing back to the first character, but at a different angle making it seem that someone isn’t holding the camera at this point, but is recording and witnessing these events. The mood created here seems very hostile and passive aggressive by the way that the main character bumps into the hidden character and speaks aggressively towards them. The information given off here shows how there is a dislike and conflict between these two characters, however we don’t know which character is being harassed here. The setting is still within the high school, most likely during the day when students are walking to their next lesson. This could show how the majority of the scenes here will now be in the high school environment. The character that we see in this screen grab comes across to be aggressive and violent by the way she bumps into the other character. The facial expression on her face makes it look like she is viewing the other character in disgust and hatred which give off the feeling that this character has some sort of hate toward the other character. The other character that isn’t shown here is viewed to have some sort of importance because she is the one who’s being harassed by. From viewing the previous shots and watching the trailer from the beginning to this point, the audience are given the idea that the brunet character is the one that is hidden here. This is possibly shown through the behavior she was in from the previous shot, and brought this into this scene to continue the tense and awkwardness of the situation. The lighting here has reverted back to low key with the special effect on, making this seem repetitive and constant throughout the trailer. There is a variation of editing within the teaser trailer. Right before this screen grab, there is a buffer/disturbance that fizzled onscreen making it seem like a camera had been disturbed and knocked about as this could symbolize the disturbance in behavior and characterization. The same grainy black and white filter is being used again, making this moment seem repetitive which could mean that these events and moments within both the characters lives are repetitive and continuous. However this filter is used in a different sense as it appears when a mean and aggressive action had taken place compared to the last one which implies the beginnings of something bad, and this is the continuation of bad events happening. The camerawork is different compared to all the other shots taken. This shot is taken at a low angle, but is still able to view all the characters clearly. By having this shot at a low angle, it is looking up at all the other characters, and in this case it is looking up at one of the main characters. This could be of importance because it would show how the stereotypical popular girl would be looked up to, even when being filmed. There is also camera movement when the two characters bumped into each other, along with the camera moving at a walking speed pace, making it seem like the camera is on the character at a low angle of some sorts, possibly being placed near their neck as a necklace. The continuation of the non-diegetic music is still playing, making it become the primary theme and mood of the music which changes the atmosphere to become more sinister. There’s also the ambient sound of the noise when the camera is disturbed, as well as the dialogue of the character saying one word ‘bitch’ which is a cruel and unfriendly word to say in the harsh tone that she did. Her one word is used as a sound bridge when the screen blacks out and changes to a blank shot with writing on. This one word could have been dragged out to intensify how violent and harsh the one word is, making it seem more dramatic and cruel to how it is usually spoken.
  • 8. 6. This section in the teaser trailer comes across to be more personal due to the fact that no one is seen apart from the hand which is reaching out for something. By the looks of where this scene was taken, to looks like the girls changing area, this part being the showers. You can tell by thinking where showers would be within a high school environment, this being the PE changing area. There is a group of characters within this scene, this being the two main characters along with the friends of the bully. You can also tell that the setting in which they are in is a PE changing area by the way that the characters are dressed, all in the same clothing making it seem like they are PE clothing especially for sports. In this scene, one of the characters is forcefully pulling the other character into the shower room because they say that she ‘smells’. This character representation shows a completely different side to the characters, each action taken is getting worse and more violent. The lighting within this section is low key and slightly faded to make the effect seem like a camera. There is little editing, apart from the face that there is no continuity and transitions to a black screen and back into another shot, creating this ellipsis of time when one of the characters were pulling the other one into the shower room. There is an aspect to this trailer which makes it seem like a montage, going through a series of events that go from bad to worse, making this seem like a never-ending occurrence of events. Each shot has a short sequence to it to show the main events taken on camera which would structure the plotline of the story, along with the long list of bad and cruel things that happen to this one girl. For camerawork, it’s shot to make it seem like a point of view shot which makes the audience feel a part of the situation that the girl is going through. The movement for this shot moves and follows the character who is getting bullied. This would be affective because it makes the audience feel like they are witnessing the harassment and bullying. The sound for this section still has the non-diegetic soundtrack music which is hidden behind the dialogue which is used as you hear one of the main characters say ‘guys do you smell anything, it’s kinda embarrassing, I think we should take care of that’ and then pulls her toward the showers. This realization of words start to occur more and more within the teaser trailer, coming across to be negative and hurtful comments which ultimately result in bullying.
  • 9. 7. The pace of the teaser trailer increases as the trailer comes to an end to add tension, before the trailer finishes a load of quick shots are taken of the screen, viewing hate messages aimed towards the second main character. The setting for this location would most likely be in the other main characters room, her viewing her messages and text from the other character. She’s probably looking at these messages from her laptop/computer or phone. By viewing these messages on different sources of devices, it shows how there are different ways in bullying along with having different ways in messaging people such as through social media, email and by text messages. This could be summing up to the audience what extreme cases of bullying might be and how hurtful and bad it looks when viewing it from the victims perspective. The lighting within this scene is low key and dark, making it seem ominous and unsettling as there are quick shots changing from one hate message to the other. There’s very quick editing which skims through heaps of hate messages, these shots being taken quickly and at a fast pace which could provide the sense that these messages had been popping up again and again for a long time. There are straight cuts from one message to the other, some of them having longer screen time, but flashes are added to make the atmosphere more hostile. The screen grab below had a longer amount of screen time, the editing making there be flashes of black occur several times, and the camera working its way close toward this one hateful message. The effect of this would question how this would make people feel if they received a message like this, along with questioning why someone would send such a aggressive message to someone they had a conflict or disagreement with. The camerawork here is handheld, viewing the messages. The majority of these messages use a close up shot to clearly view what they are saying, along with having the camera being handheld which makes everything seem haywire and fast pace, making it all seem like it’s going too quickly. Not much use of camerawork is used, but the way that the limited amount of shots are used is still effective because it gives off a personal aspect to it, making the audience feel a part of everything the victim is going through and understanding her perspective. The sound comes across to be more intense as the teaser trailer comes to the end. The tempo increases along with different sounds and noises being involved in the non-diegetic music. These noises sound like booming and high pitched noises that increase the pace with the trailer. There seems to be percussion added in with drums included. This type of instrument can be very loud and ‘in your face’ when played in extreme cases. By including this into the music, it makes the atmosphere are development of the trailer more unsettling and face paced. The Facebook messaging text graphics are very blunt and basic making it seem like an ordinary message, however the message is in all capitals which comes across to be negative and is the equivalent to shouting, along with only three words being sent saying ‘GO DIE PLEASE.’ which is passive aggressive and mean making this one message come across completely differently compared to an average message sent to someone.
  • 10. 8. This is the last scene in the teaser trailer which reverts back to the beginning, seeing the main character repeat one sentence that has a different meaning and proposition to it compared to when the audience first saw this clip at the beginning. The setting and time is the same as the second screen grab that we saw at the beginning of the teaser trailer, however the mood has changed toward the audience and not the character herself. For the audience, the mood has changed because they had viewed these horrible chain of events that occurred over and over again of this character bullying another one, and after all of that she says that she is a normal teenage girl. This changes the mood for this specific scene because it shows how the audience views this character in a completely different and judging way compared to the beginning of the teaser. The editing and camerawork is the same and hasn’t changed, apart from using the editing skills in order to repeat this scene to add affect and intrigue to the audience to see how people view themselves, along with how other people view one another. At this moment within the teaser trailer, the non-diegetic music has disappeared making the audience hear the dialogue of what is being spoken, making it seem like this character is declaring this to the audience who would think otherwise. The sentence she said “other than that, I’m just your normal teenage girl.” makes it sound genuine that she has convinced herself and/or believes that she has done nothing wrong and that she is an average student like everyone else within the high school. The way she says this makes it sound like she’s coming across in this way, however by having this repeated it seems like she was summing up all the negative actions she was layering on top of the other character, and then saying how normal she is as a person, which therefore makes the audience contradict this.
  • 11. 9. This is the last clip before the teaser trailer ends, which shows the title of the film. This ending of the teaser trailer makes it seem like an end of a documentary/story, making the atmosphere and the mood for this to feel unfinished as if the whole story hasn’t been revealed, which would draw the audience in and make them watch to watch and understand the whole story behind these two characters. The editing for this small clip is subtle as the transition goes from the last scene to this title screen through a fading technique, which shows the main title that gradually increases in size to become more viable along with making it seem like there is still some movement after the quick shots and loud music, this small clip being the finalization and end to something hectic and out of control. The music comes back into the teaser trailer once the title screen had appeared. This non-diegetic music has gone back to the calming guitar with a male voice added in which wasn’t originally heard in the beginning of the trailer. This added voice could symbolize something being heard and standing out from all the other noise, this one voice being heard and acknowledged. Finally, the main feature of this short clip is the text. The way that it is formatted makes it seem like a friend request when you add a friend on Facebook. This could show how social media is involved within this film, which also shows that it would be a youthful, teenage film. ‘A GIRL’ and ‘LIKE HER’ seem like they are two separate meanings instead of one. ‘A GIRL’ could mean that these characters are female and each have their own identities and opinions on whoever they want, while ‘LIKE HER’ seems to be a demand of some kind, being forceful to inject the idea of people having to like someone. This could then ultimately show the two sides of the characters, one being the normal girl, and the other one who is demanding acceptance and fame from others. Following on from this, the rectangular block of red can link with the idea of demand and aggression as the connotations of red are anger and lust which could be representing one of the characters traits, while the other character is plain and visible, showing that people see this person who who she is.
  • 12. OUR GROUP PRODUCTION This teaser trailer has elements to it which we can use in our own group production for our own teaser trailer. The idea that I liked was the whole concept of manipulating the audience in thinking that the character they first saw was the nice, kindhearted character when later on they discovered that there was a completely new side to her that people didn’t know. I liked this idea because you are intriguing the audience, making them want to watch it and continue watching through the rest of the trailer, so I believe that including a similar concept of a character who’s viewed in two different ways would be effective toward our on group production. Another good aspect to this trailer which would be useful for our teaser trailer is the way they used the music for this film. They managed to change from a light hearted soundtrack, to a aggressive and loud soundtrack which dramatically changed the mood of the teaser trailer. This is what our groups want to use as well, and I was interested to see how they managed to make a smooth and subtle transition from one genre of music to the other.
  • 13. POSTER ANALYSIS This poster is only viewing two characters, and is only showing half of their faces, which gives the idea that they are both hiding from something or have a secret of some sorts. This kind of shot is effective because it is a close up of both of them, but shows limited information on their characters themselves. The marketing team were probably trying to attract a teenage audience by showing both of these young female characters faces, along with wanting show a strong representation of these characters by having them as the main characters. By the look on their faces, it makes it look like there’s a conflict and anger toward each other which would draw the audience in more, wanting them to discover what their confrontation between one another is. This type of poster perfectly matches with how the teaser trailer works. This is shown through the characters facial expression, one being hidden by looking down and the other making direct eye contact to the audience, this showing both of their different personalities and differences between one another. The tag line also helps reinforce this as it shows different opinions and perspectives upon different people and how we view ourselves along with how we view others.
  • 14. POSTER PLANNING The ‘A Girl Like Her’ poster is very original as it shows a close up of the characters faces. This is interesting as for a possible poster idea for our group, we could do a similar theme of showing two halves of a face, but one side being different to the other to make it seem like there is a difference in character. The title is important as well as this one slightly sums up the genre, so our group would have to look into our title and what it could look like, along with how it should be designed to make sure it fits in with our main image as well as the genre. Finally, the tag line needs to be included which in this case sums up the story in a few words. Our group would have to find a sentence or a few words that would vaguely sum up our plot line, or something that would be relevant to our production.